What are the most common grammatical mistakes that new English learners make? It depends on the country, but regardless of where you’re from, you have probably heard others make these mistakes or you have made them yourself. In this lesson, I look at what’s wrong with saying “it’s depend,” “it depends of,” “I took a sandwich for breakfast,” “She’s learning for go to university,” “I am interesting in that,” and “Is good! Is easy! Is not a problem!” Check out the lesson, and improve your language accuracy!
That was an other lesson but I think the correct reply is ‘So have I’ because Shahriyar used present perfect, not simple past.
Nice job!
No problem
Hello ) But I have got 90 )
Onegin Evgeniy
so do i :)
:D is mine !
me 2
Waligaa wax baro
Bzzt! Incorrect! :D “It’s mine!”
I’ve got the full mark
Samar Maged
That was a very very interesting lesson. I’m excited now. Thanks a lot alex. I like your videos. You’re doing a good job.
Thank you. I’m glad you’re enjoying the videos.
I got 9 correct out of 10. But I understand the wrong answer :) Thank you, Alex. When I sometimes use “for” but I write “for +~(verb)ing” Is it OK? Or after all “or to do(or verb)” is correct? Do you understand I want to say? I’m afraid…
You can definitely use “for + verb(ing).” For example:
A pencil is used for writing.
You can also say “A pencil is used to write.”
I got it! I’m relief :) Thank you for your help :D
can I say the pencil is using for writing
and one more Question please:
we use ed for personal emotions only or also we can use it to talk about some body emotions ??
many thanxxxx Alex
So, if we use always “to” is better to dont make mistakes?! correct?
thank you alex i have got it well really thank you so much
Thanks so much my techer ^^
I got 9 correct out og 10 but I don’t know why so please tell me.
4. Which sentence is correct?
The book was so bored!
The book was so boring!
I selected the first answer but that doesn’t right, why?
In video you told “So when you feel something
internally, inside — it’s a personal feeling –you should be using an -ed adjective, not
an -ing adjective”
so where is the wrong on my choice please ? ^^
I am wating your answer my teacher!!
Thank you
Mohamed Zyada
Okay, so the subject here is the book! Can a book feel bored? No, books don’t have feelings. The book is boring you — that’s why the proper answer is “The book was so boring”. Hope this helps!
engVid Moderator
of course that is so helpful, I got it.
Thank you my teacher ^^
Mohamed Zyada
The correct answer is The book is boring, course the book make someone to bored.
yes you yourself have answered on own quetion.ed is used for personal feelings, for ex. I’m so bored today.
When you want to describe something you should use ing in the end of adjectives.For ex. The book is so interesting.
I’ve got 90 :(
Important details!
Thank you
Marcio R Santos
No problem!
Thank you so much Alex
I hope to see you in future ^_^
it is so exciting i have got 100% thanks alex for you’r efforts
80% :) thank a lot , alex :)
Great Lesson!! I got 10/10.. Can’t wait for your next lesson. :D
Thank you.Your program is really interesting!
Beny Hadinata
thanku alex
First of all many thanks. I would like to make lesson for be being how to use it in proper way
thanx Alex
Thank Alex. It’s an interesting lesson.
Thank you Alex! Your teaching is very helpful for me. I visit engvid to improve my english everyday!
Thank you Alex! Where can i find lesson about “have had”?
Really you’re so amazing teacher and the lesson is very useful for me thank you Mr.Alex for your free help!
Thank You Alex ….
Ozgul Gabbany
Fivefold thanks!
deep thanks
thank you nice vedio
nermeen j
Thanks a lot
thanks great teacher
Thank to the video, I’ve just taken a chance for grammatical review and I got 10/10 in total. Thank you very much, teacher :)
thanks alex
it is very useful lesson.
thanks alex.
wafa mohammad
Thank you!! The video was really helpful to me.
thanks alex
thank you alex
mona mat
Thanks a lot Alex.I usually watch Engvid’s videos to improve my english,then share them to my group.They’re really interesting and I am interested in them.
It´s very nice tip!!
Marcio Ap. Massarelli
thank you ^_^ i enjoined it
asma saad
You are the best, thank you very much, I really appreciate you help me, my love to all .
Hi Alex,
can I say “I have had a coffee today.”, right?
Thank you!
Andres Guarahino
Wow! I made almost all those mistakes. Everyday I am learning something new. Thanks to all engvid teachers :)
Hi Alex. It was a really interesting class. Since you´re a teacher you can see your most common mistakes. Thanks a lot for let us know how to deal with them.
I just read a comment upper: This pencil is for writting or This pencil is to write.
Could you make a class how we could use for or to before a Verb.
On the other hand I have heard thanks for being here today. I suppoused this is a verb fallowed by an ing ver. Thanks for …ing
You´re a great teacher!!
thank you so much really it’s a very good
Thank you soooo much my dear teacher. Your lessons are never boring.
Thanks, Alex!
It was useful thing to watch all common mistakes at once at the end of the lesson. It helped me to take 100%. Sorry for this broken phrase.
Henk Seed
It’s an easy way to learn and understand English
Thanks Alex. Let me tell you that your tests are always very clever and astute!
I’m sure you are a smart teacher :)
Adam, this class was great. I always do this kind of mistakes, and probably I will do it again, although I got 9 on quiz. Very important lesson, Adam! I will see the class again. Thanks a lot!
This class was made by Alex :-)
Oh, my gosh… Alex, sorry! Of course, I always knew your name. But, maybe your class was so impacting, my mind started to organize all english words including names… On the process I became a little bit confused and I changed your name… Sorry!
Thanks a lot Kroy for correcting me!! :-)
it’s fantastic! keep doing great job
Well alex ,i ‘m very confused about to and for .i heard many times people use “I m looking forward to seeing you”.is this a correct sentence?I want to know when to use “to” and when to use “for”.I hope you’ll give me answer.pls reply .
i got 10 out 10 without seeing your video.does i need to watch your video?
Thanks! The quiz was very easy. Would you, please explain how to use were and was when using verb and adverb?
Thanks Alex!
Very useful information for me,thanks so much:)
by the way ” for me” in this sentence is correct or no ?
it was a
great lesson thanks for you time
Anas essam
6 of 10 sorry…
Thank you Alex!
I’m really impacted by the way you’ve been teaching us!
6 of 10 ouch no !
thank you , Alex. You are a good teacher. Maybe with yourlessons , I will be better. sorry, if I have a mistake.
7 of 10 these is my note…
Alex this class was so great. I rememberd I already studied part this lesson. I”m excited about that. I’ve learned so much. thx
a nice lesson
thank you Mr Alex
Gehad khaled
Very good class. Thanks Alex.
Luiz Sabiano
i only got 6 correct. I have to review the lesson.
I did this same mistakes several time, Thank you for your teaching.
Rev. Devadasan
-Plz.whats the different between i’am glad & i am happy.
-I would like to thank every one & each of u .can they be used together in the same Sentence
Our internet speed is very slow for videos ,can you send some of them to my e-mail address if i asked for.thank you.
I’m sorry, we can’t. Try watching the video at a lower quality?
engVid Moderator
thanks alex
Oh yes. I got 90:) Thank you Mr.Alex
Thank you for the lesson.
i got 90% not bad..! :)
ha..haa..without watching the video..and i got 8 correct, before finishing the quiz i have hurried to choose, i wanted to go back to the question..but it was late..i have already chosen a wrong one..
so,thanks Alex..
to or for.. always i am confused
my grammer so bad.
fita dewi yuniar
Hello Alex. Thanks a lot for this video.
I tell my ESL students almost every day that every sentence has a subject verb and object.
With that thought and watching this video and using a decent dictionary (for the prepositions)I bet not many learners would make mistakes anymore, although now one is perfect… :)
thx :)
sorry , but i have more to lern
Thank u sir,i enjoyed ur great lesson :D
Anes Berzig
i got 10 ,Thanks for the lesson
Thanks Alex! Can I use the verb “eat” with food? -i. e. I always eat around 8!-
Is it correct??
People will understand what you’re saying, but in USA people always use “have” for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Thanks Alex.I have got 100%
I have got 70% thanks alex
thanks,Alex,i’ve got 100% this time O(∩_∩)O
Thanks Alex, I Have Got 80%
thank you teacher
You got 10 correct out of 10 … :D
I am Good !!!!!!
Thank you very much for the lesson Alex !!!!
It’s very useful …
but ..
” I use glasses for reading ” is this correct?
Can we use the pronout IT for people?
examples, please!
It takes them two hours to get there.
It is my birthday.
It is raining over all the people.
It’s my birthday.
Belated happy birthday! :)
i got 70. hope i will improve .
Hello , thank you about this movie , i’m Syrian and i want to improve my english because i’ll travel to England 2 months later , so what shall i do !? Can you tell me any advices ?
its my first attempt
sajjad ali
thanks teacher you ar’ so kind :)
hi alex, i’m still confuse with
“i take a coffee this morning”
why you put the word “had” ?
“i had a coffee this morning”
why not the “have” ?
” i have a coffee this morning”
it still make me confuse ….
It is just only a past tense. If you use ‘have’ it means that you usually drink coffee every morning.
I think ;]
I am very excited. That I found this web site.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
My answer was It is that correct?
I am stupid moron. )
Alex I don’t understand one thing:
Why it was written: I had a coffee this morning?
coffee it an uncountable noun. So why there is “a”?
I reckon that we can say: “I had a cap of coffee this evening or I had coffee this evening”
We say “I drank (some) water”, not “I drank a water”.
Explain me this please!
Nice one, thanks!
Hi Alex, thank you very much! It’s a pleasure learning English with engVid!:))
Alex, thanks a lot))
I got 8 out of 10. Any way thank you Alex.
Thanks Alex.
Ahmed Alqaisi
Wow, you are fantastic teacher, thank you
Forough kordani
Thank U mr.A.
I’ve got 100.
Please please help me to find which is correct and why:
1/ Do you think is it possible?
2/ Do you think it is possible?
Explain it ; please?
Keep smiling
Thanks alex
hay friends i have secured 100.
100 . jolly good!
Vivi Vidia
How R U T.Alex?
I need your help to explain for me which is correct; give me a long answer please:
Do you think is it possible?
Do you think it is possible?
Thank you for helping me to find out which is correct.
Keep smiling
The question pattern :
( Do you think ….etc)
I need a whole lesson about it ; especially if it contains (is / are ) ?
Thank you.!
Keep smiling
Thanks Alex, good lesson.
I got 100 :)
Thanks, it was helpful
Is it okay if someone says “I don’t feel like STANDING here??”
Yeah I had 100% :)
I would like to get the best score in all of the exams.Some of questions are easy so I can get best result easily.But some of them are considered difficult so my results are not considered deserving approval.If everyone tries to get best result they need to improve their mother language.Otherwise their got result would not be good.
Aqil Azeri
Hi Alex…
is it correct to ask someone “Are you interested in music” or I should say “Are you interesting in music”
Imtithal Saeed
I didn’t know that you were born in Poland! BTW great video :)
Excuse me;
I need the answer of my up question;
Keep smiling
Alext. thanks for teaching. could you teach about a phone? I would like to know important expressions about phone. call, bring,, and so on. I want to know them exactly. help me..
Alex..I wrote Alext..sorry.
Thanks Alex
thanks , I got 10/10
thanks.. got perfect ^_^
nice lesson for practice,wow I got 9 correct
Navin Tiwari
Thanks for gave me a lot of help in English.
Jolie Tsai
“Thanks for GIVING me . . .”
“Thanks for HLPING me out with . . .”
Good luck with your English Jolie. Regards
Talking about mistakes, I’ve just made nother one as usual.
Correction: “Thanks for HELPING me out with. . .”
Very helpful! Definitively I’m learning more from my mistakes.
Dear Sir,
If do i feel internally then should be using ‘ed’OR if do feel externally then use ‘ing’
Here i did feel by someone so, Can we use here ING form?
Dear Sir, please explain about WAS TO HAVE and were to have been
thanks alex
thank you very much.
Hi Alex, I have some question regarding Present Perfec and Past simple
I paid six EURO`s each. OK
I have paid six EURO`s each.????
I have paid six EURO`s each yesterday?? (yesterday)
Than´s for your answer
Christian Germany
Hi Alex, I really appreciate your explanation, you are good teacher. Thanks!
Sirlei Barbosa
Alex – great job. Thank You.
I got 90…very good.I missed the question about the book be so boring. :D
Great lesson, I got 100%.
100 =D
Thank you Alex
ahh its really disappointment for me because a lot of people in here got 100 score. ı got only 70 :(
Thanks Alex I’ve got 10/10
Hi Alex, would show me or teach me about linkers and connectors. I still have some doubts.
like how to used it and when.
I always said I am exciting. I’ll say I’m excited. Thank you very much Alex. I’m lookinng forward to next your lesson (*´▽`*)
Thank you, I am interested to learn english.
Thank you for your lessons
Just great :) I got 10\10 :D
thanks for teaching us !
Thank you very much Mr Alex.
I do not know if these sentences written very well but I want them to be in the present tense to express present time meaning. Can you help me? Thanks
I am for all the time I am speaking.
I am because so happens that I be as usual.
I am for it is obvious that I exist.
I am for everything I was before.
Continuing me to be, I was there, so I am, I exist because I’m the one who started to be, to be there someday.
I became was there sometime, but all I am because all I was the one and now all I am.
Iliescu Cornel
I would like a list of how many verbs in each group to be described “taken by verb forms to express the mood of progress of an action.” Namely the present participle and past participle
f1 ( verbal duration) – only a list of action verbs that you look like a long time , carried on without interruption or return (example : to build , to paint , whitewashed , to anoint , to wet , to live ; to lay , to study , to walk , to move , to repeat , to change , to work , to eat , to work , to neglect , to organize , to spend , to get , to judge , to reassure , to sleep , to draw , to drive , to travel , to flow , to run , to wait , to evacuate , to do , to make , to gather , to endure )
f2 ( momentary verbs ) – a list of action verbs that you look like a short or very short . ( examples : take off , to turn , to explode , to get , to get , to stop , to leave , to break , to catch , to reply , to crackle , to scream , to jump )
f3 (repeated or iterative verbs) – a list of action verbs that show that repeated once or several times. (examples: the bark (the sound of a dog that when he barks) reappeared, to restore, to Oracle (sound of a frog pond) to whine (sound of a dog when it hits the leg) to bleat (sound of a sheep) to chirp (sound repeatedly removed a sparrow) to cackle (sound of a hen) to hum (sound when you remove chewing gum) to pave, the swingarm.
f4 – a list of verbs which shows that the course of action which is the subject of the verb indicates (examples: to scar to deflate, to curl, to turn yellow, aggravate, multiply, darken, fade, sad, to enrich, to fill, to poor , to terminate, the duty, to whiten;
Iliescu Cornel
Thank you very much Mr Alex. you are gorgeous teacher
9 correct out of 10.
thanks ALEX.
I’ve got 9 out of 10, before watching your lessons. then i’ ve got 10 out of 10.
thnx again.
Thanks 80%
Abdul Qayum
Could I use .. I am going to have lunch…
Thank you. You are perfect teacher!
It’s very nice,thank you.
i got 9 out of 10 thank you
Thank you Mr. Alex I’ve got 90 :)
So sad because still I don’t know the answer of my question :*\
Keep smiling
A long time doubt cleared today….Thank you Dear Alex for you clear explanation.
Thank you,Teacher.
Commando 27/53
Wow. I’ve got 100 mark :D Thanks Mr.Alex
thanks God .. so easy lesson ,, 10/10 ;;; thank you Sir :)
Thanks Alex u are best one, i had 99%
You are the best Alex, keep on like this and i wish God Bless u and all your friends.
Hello, i got 90 without seeing your video. But i still thank you coz’ i can learn my mistake. Thanks, ya
Khansa Sofia Ghazali
It´s correct to say: “I have to use glasses for reading” or I would have to say: “I have to use glasses to read”
Thank you!
Hi Mary, I would put it this way:
A: What’s this good for?
B: For reading.
I need to wear grasses to read my assignments.
Hope it helps.
All the best with your English.
Have a great day!
I mean, if the question is: “what do you do that for?” the answer must be “I use that for…” as in “I use that for cleaning”
Thanks again!
I reviewed and tried the quiz again to improve my English. My score was perfect! Thank you again, Alex :)
Thanks Alex. Explanation is very simple and clear.
Hi Alex, whould you give me your hand, why this sentence “the book was so bored!” is wrong? as you teach us if we want to talk about internal feeling we must use “ed” not “ing”. I’ve much time to receive your answer. thank you very much.
Hi Alex, would you give me your hand, why this sentence “the book was so bored!” is wrong? as you teach us before, if we want to talk about internal feeling we must use “ed” not “ing”. I’ve much time to receive your answer. thank you very much.
thank you sir i have 80/100……….what do you think???
Thanks for the lesson..
Hello Alex,
For me English is the third language. I have noticed that you have a remarkable teaching style, and would be interested to learn about the usage of Real, Unreal and Mixed conditionals. Do you consider dealing with that in the foreseeable future ?
Best regards,
Thanks Alex. 9/10
Thank you Alex
thanks Alex
ganesh balakesari
I got 90 out of 100,
thanks a lot
Hi Alex thanks a lot.
It’s a useful lesson and you’re a great teacher
take care
thank you so much MR Alex I really enjoyed and I have got 100%
got 100%
Hi Alex.Can you explain to me these two sentences?
1)what did you have for breakfast?
2)what did you had for breakfast?
Can you explain why the second sentence is incorrect?Thanks,you have been a great help.
Thanks Alex) cool lesson )
Thank you for the lesson! It was very useful!
It’s very useful alex to improve my english skills
I need someone’s help. I don’t understand when I should write “in time” and “on time”. Help me please!
It´s ok if you were excited with this hooter playing in the background… lol
Great lesson Alex
The 4th sentence was a trick, jejeje…
Thanks teacher!
can i say “She ran for catching the bus?
Hi Angie, I would put it this way:
She ran to catch the bus . . . or . . .
She ran AND caught the bus
It depends a lot on what you want to express.
Hope it helps Angie.
All the best with your English.
i got ten.
ann ann
I am excited about this site!
Thanks Alex … and thanks to this exciting site .. it is the best ever
Could I use “so as to” or “in order to” in place of “to”? And what does “It depends” mean ? Thanks a lot.
Hi Dymaxion, just writing in reply to your requests.
Both expressions have practically the same meaning:
SO AS TO: with the intention of doing something.
IN ORDER TO: with the purpose or intention of doing or achieving something.
In order to learn English, we have to use the language.
We have to use the language so as to learn it (English).
Hope it helps Dymaxion.
All the best with your English.
It’s great lesson , I liked it very much thanks Alex. Go on with your job because It’s really good.
thank you so much Mr. Alex for a good lesson, I’ve clearly understood your lecture, obviously it’ll help me to improve my writing and spoken.
thank you so much Mr. Alex for a good lesson, I’ve clearly understood your lecture,
i have got 70 i need more practicced
wilson freddy contreras flores
great class! congratulations!
so clear, easy to understand and learn . i’m loving study english here whit you.
Thank you a lot
ilse ayala
WooW that was useful for me.
Ghalib Bin Talib
WooW that was useful to* me
Ghalib Bin Talib
Thank you for lesson.
What did you have for breakfast?
What did you had for breakfast?
I am confused in those two please explain me clearly.
Thanks Alex!
Thanks Alex
thank you for this course, Tonight I’m going to bed more intelligent :-D
Thanks for this lesson Alex, I realised about my own mistakes and I’ll be careful about them next time… (do I have some mistakes here?) :)
carlos romualdo
Hi Alex sir , I like all your videos, I am begging to learn English . So please help me to how & where I start first point (subject)?
O? I’m amazed! I’ve got 10 out of 10!!! Thanks Alex!
7. Which sentence is correct?
She looks really exciting for the concert!
She looks really excited for the concert!
i selected the first option… can u tell me why the first one is incorrect….
I am haveing Suchi for dinner .
have is a stative verb,Why did you add ing to it ?
Alex, I really like ur lessons! ur pronunciation is very easy to understand and I also like the way u teach us! Thanks!
yes Alex. I got 8/10.. ya its better :)
Ruk Bella
Thank you very much for your lesson I got 9 of 10
Thanks a lot,Alex. I got a perfect score! Because your lesson was quite wonderful.
You are right! this lesson shows exactly my own mistakes, seems like made especially for me
carlos 2138
hi alex you are very good in teaching and you speak very clearly yhank you very much!!!!!!
I don’t understund why the question 6 the reply is:
Is that correct?
En English the subject is ever express, why in this question not use Is it?
I’ve never being so excited 100% Thank you Alex for all those interesting videos
Ooops … BEEN
This lesson is excellent Alex!!! Thanks a lot. Only one doubt, Are there exceptions to say for ? or at least don’t you remembert it? I only want to know if this posibility is very low that I don’t really need to care about it… Any way, you are a great teacher and many of your lessons have cleared many of my english confutions…
i’ve got 10 !!!
thanks a lot !!
wow i got 10 from 10 the video was understandable txs ALEX. i hope u will make new classes for us. and i like engvid )))))
oh ooops i have got
Thank you very much Alex. Great lesson!
EngVid is the best site to learning English. Thank you
Hi Alex,
Thank you so much for your lessons, with you english is a real pleasure !
thank´s I´ll keep it on my mind
thank you alex
I need somoane to practice with me
my skype :redouane saidi
Redouane saidi
Great ! Ive got 100, its pretty easy
very useful ! By these tests we can learn to notice small but important grammatical points more than before. Thank you very much
thank you sir Alex, I am excited about more lessons
Great lesson! Thank you so much
Got a hundred,Alex! Thank you, very much.
100;) I’ve never made this mistakes earlier
thank you
Thank you!
Thanks. I had 90%
What did you have for breakfast?
What did you had for breakfast?
I selectd second option but my answer was wrong.I selected that because it was in past tense. Now kindly understand me Alex .
Nasim Azim
Great lesson!The common mistakes are explained minutely.
Cuiping Zhang
this is really a good lesson.
this is really a good lesson.
tnx for this…
Thanks Alex. You are an excellent teacher with a beautifull pronuation. Greeting from Arge ntine!
WOW!! It was good ))
i got only 80 percent
Vibha Chourasiya
Thanks Alex.
But could you explain the difference between sentences:
I need glasses to read.
My car needs repairing.
I have learned in chapter «Gerund and Infinitive. Gerund after Verbs.» that we have to use gerund after the verb « need».
Yevgeniy S
Thank you very much, Alex! 100!!!
you are an awesome teacher Alex…thank you so much for this very interesting lesson !!!!
Hello Alex,
thanks for the lesson.
Could you tell me please is is correct to say “I visit EngVid for improving my English” instead of “I visit
EngVid to improve my English”? And what’s the difference between these sentenses if both of them are corrent?
Thanks in advance.
Rodion Zavialov
Thanks so much for the lesson, Alex
Amazing I got 100\100
Thank you Alex. I got 10 correct out of 10.
Jun Shao
I’ve got 10/10! Thank you, Alex for the class!
I think it’s right, isn’t it?
thank you
Thank you Mr. Alex!
Thanks a lot for your wonderful lesson sir!I really excited about this lesson.It’s so useful,very clear and more informative.you have really explained in a very good way.I like your lesson as always.
Thanks a lot Alex.
Hasan Soledad
wow! I got a perfect score ! thank you Sir Alex♥
Thanks dear teacher 90%
Good lesson
I watched this video twice on June 04, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Learn English for free with 2159 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks Alex. I’ve got 100% ))
so did i
……look,where r u from?………
Making mistakes should be seen as a learning tool. In my experience, the more mistakes I make, the more I learn.
Trying and learning from experience is a good approach to learning any language.
An excellent topic for an English lesson Alex.
That’s it for now, have a great day.
Thank you so much
tell me the use of in,on and at,please
Here’s a lesson on exactly that!
That was an other lesson but I think the correct reply is ‘So have I’ because Shahriyar used present perfect, not simple past.
Nice job!
No problem
Hello ) But I have got 90 )
so do i :)
:D is mine !
me 2
Bzzt! Incorrect! :D “It’s mine!”
I’ve got the full mark
That was a very very interesting lesson. I’m excited now. Thanks a lot alex. I like your videos. You’re doing a good job.
Thank you. I’m glad you’re enjoying the videos.
I got 9 correct out of 10. But I understand the wrong answer :) Thank you, Alex. When I sometimes use “for” but I write “for +~(verb)ing” Is it OK? Or after all “or to do(or verb)” is correct? Do you understand I want to say? I’m afraid…
You can definitely use “for + verb(ing).” For example:
A pencil is used for writing.
You can also say “A pencil is used to write.”
I got it! I’m relief :) Thank you for your help :D
can I say the pencil is using for writing
and one more Question please:
we use ed for personal emotions only or also we can use it to talk about some body emotions ??
many thanxxxx Alex
So, if we use always “to” is better to dont make mistakes?! correct?
thank you alex i have got it well really thank you so much
Thanks so much my techer ^^
I got 9 correct out og 10 but I don’t know why so please tell me.
4. Which sentence is correct?
The book was so bored!
The book was so boring!
I selected the first answer but that doesn’t right, why?
In video you told “So when you feel something
internally, inside — it’s a personal feeling –you should be using an -ed adjective, not
an -ing adjective”
so where is the wrong on my choice please ? ^^
I am wating your answer my teacher!!
Thank you
Okay, so the subject here is the book! Can a book feel bored? No, books don’t have feelings. The book is boring you — that’s why the proper answer is “The book was so boring”. Hope this helps!
of course that is so helpful, I got it.
Thank you my teacher ^^
The correct answer is The book is boring, course the book make someone to bored.
yes you yourself have answered on own quetion.ed is used for personal feelings, for ex. I’m so bored today.
When you want to describe something you should use ing in the end of adjectives.For ex. The book is so interesting.
I’ve got 90 :(
Important details!
Thank you
No problem!
Thank you so much Alex
I hope to see you in future ^_^
it is so exciting i have got 100% thanks alex for you’r efforts
80% :) thank a lot , alex :)
Great Lesson!! I got 10/10.. Can’t wait for your next lesson. :D
Thank you.Your program is really interesting!
thanku alex
First of all many thanks. I would like to make lesson for be being how to use it in proper way
thanx Alex
Thank Alex. It’s an interesting lesson.
Thank you Alex! Your teaching is very helpful for me. I visit engvid to improve my english everyday!
Thank you Alex! Where can i find lesson about “have had”?
Really you’re so amazing teacher and the lesson is very useful for me thank you Mr.Alex for your free help!
Thank You Alex ….
Fivefold thanks!
deep thanks
thank you nice vedio
Thanks a lot
thanks great teacher
Thank to the video, I’ve just taken a chance for grammatical review and I got 10/10 in total. Thank you very much, teacher :)
thanks alex
it is very useful lesson.
thanks alex.
Thank you!! The video was really helpful to me.
thanks alex
thank you alex
Thanks a lot Alex.I usually watch Engvid’s videos to improve my english,then share them to my group.They’re really interesting and I am interested in them.
It´s very nice tip!!
thank you ^_^ i enjoined it
You are the best, thank you very much, I really appreciate you help me, my love to all .
Hi Alex,
can I say “I have had a coffee today.”, right?
Thank you!
Wow! I made almost all those mistakes. Everyday I am learning something new. Thanks to all engvid teachers :)
Hi Alex. It was a really interesting class. Since you´re a teacher you can see your most common mistakes. Thanks a lot for let us know how to deal with them.
I just read a comment upper: This pencil is for writting or This pencil is to write.
Could you make a class how we could use for or to before a Verb.
On the other hand I have heard thanks for being here today. I suppoused this is a verb fallowed by an ing ver. Thanks for …ing
You´re a great teacher!!
thank you so much really it’s a very good
Thank you soooo much my dear teacher. Your lessons are never boring.
Thanks, Alex!
It was useful thing to watch all common mistakes at once at the end of the lesson. It helped me to take 100%. Sorry for this broken phrase.
It’s an easy way to learn and understand English
Thanks Alex. Let me tell you that your tests are always very clever and astute!
I’m sure you are a smart teacher :)
Adam, this class was great. I always do this kind of mistakes, and probably I will do it again, although I got 9 on quiz. Very important lesson, Adam! I will see the class again. Thanks a lot!
This class was made by Alex :-)
Oh, my gosh… Alex, sorry! Of course, I always knew your name. But, maybe your class was so impacting, my mind started to organize all english words including names… On the process I became a little bit confused and I changed your name… Sorry!
Thanks a lot Kroy for correcting me!! :-)
it’s fantastic! keep doing great job
Well alex ,i ‘m very confused about to and for .i heard many times people use “I m looking forward to seeing you”.is this a correct sentence?I want to know when to use “to” and when to use “for”.I hope you’ll give me answer.pls reply .
i got 10 out 10 without seeing your video.does i need to watch your video?
Thanks! The quiz was very easy. Would you, please explain how to use were and was when using verb and adverb?
Thanks Alex!
Very useful information for me,thanks so much:)
by the way ” for me” in this sentence is correct or no ?
it was a
great lesson thanks for you time
6 of 10 sorry…
Thank you Alex!
I’m really impacted by the way you’ve been teaching us!
6 of 10 ouch no !
thank you , Alex. You are a good teacher. Maybe with yourlessons , I will be better. sorry, if I have a mistake.
7 of 10 these is my note…
Alex this class was so great. I rememberd I already studied part this lesson. I”m excited about that. I’ve learned so much. thx
a nice lesson
thank you Mr Alex
Very good class. Thanks Alex.
i only got 6 correct. I have to review the lesson.
I did this same mistakes several time, Thank you for your teaching.
-Plz.whats the different between i’am glad & i am happy.
-I would like to thank every one & each of u .can they be used together in the same Sentence
Our internet speed is very slow for videos ,can you send some of them to my e-mail address if i asked for.thank you.
I’m sorry, we can’t. Try watching the video at a lower quality?
thanks alex
Oh yes. I got 90:) Thank you Mr.Alex
Thank you for the lesson.
i got 90% not bad..! :)
ha..haa..without watching the video..and i got 8 correct, before finishing the quiz i have hurried to choose, i wanted to go back to the question..but it was late..i have already chosen a wrong one..
so,thanks Alex..
to or for.. always i am confused
my grammer so bad.
Hello Alex. Thanks a lot for this video.
I tell my ESL students almost every day that every sentence has a subject verb and object.
With that thought and watching this video and using a decent dictionary (for the prepositions)I bet not many learners would make mistakes anymore, although now one is perfect… :)
thx :)
sorry , but i have more to lern
Thank u sir,i enjoyed ur great lesson :D
i got 10 ,Thanks for the lesson
Thanks Alex! Can I use the verb “eat” with food? -i. e. I always eat around 8!-
Is it correct??
People will understand what you’re saying, but in USA people always use “have” for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Thanks Alex.I have got 100%
I have got 70% thanks alex
thanks,Alex,i’ve got 100% this time O(∩_∩)O
Thanks Alex, I Have Got 80%
thank you teacher
You got 10 correct out of 10 … :D
I am Good !!!!!!
Thank you very much for the lesson Alex !!!!
It’s very useful …
but ..
” I use glasses for reading ” is this correct?
Can we use the pronout IT for people?
examples, please!
It takes them two hours to get there.
It is my birthday.
It is raining over all the people.
It’s my birthday.
Belated happy birthday! :)
i got 70. hope i will improve .
Hello , thank you about this movie , i’m Syrian and i want to improve my english because i’ll travel to England 2 months later , so what shall i do !? Can you tell me any advices ?
its my first attempt
thanks teacher you ar’ so kind :)
hi alex, i’m still confuse with
“i take a coffee this morning”
why you put the word “had” ?
“i had a coffee this morning”
why not the “have” ?
” i have a coffee this morning”
it still make me confuse ….
It is just only a past tense. If you use ‘have’ it means that you usually drink coffee every morning.
I think ;]
I am very excited. That I found this web site.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
My answer was It is that correct?
I am stupid moron. )
Alex I don’t understand one thing:
Why it was written: I had a coffee this morning?
coffee it an uncountable noun. So why there is “a”?
I reckon that we can say: “I had a cap of coffee this evening or I had coffee this evening”
We say “I drank (some) water”, not “I drank a water”.
Explain me this please!
Nice one, thanks!
Hi Alex, thank you very much! It’s a pleasure learning English with engVid!:))
Alex, thanks a lot))
I got 8 out of 10. Any way thank you Alex.
Thanks Alex.
Wow, you are fantastic teacher, thank you
Thank U mr.A.
I’ve got 100.
Please please help me to find which is correct and why:
1/ Do you think is it possible?
2/ Do you think it is possible?
Explain it ; please?
Thanks alex
hay friends i have secured 100.
100 . jolly good!
How R U T.Alex?
I need your help to explain for me which is correct; give me a long answer please:
Do you think is it possible?
Do you think it is possible?
Thank you for helping me to find out which is correct.
The question pattern :
( Do you think ….etc)
I need a whole lesson about it ; especially if it contains (is / are ) ?
Thank you.!
Thanks Alex, good lesson.
I got 100 :)
Thanks, it was helpful
Is it okay if someone says “I don’t feel like STANDING here??”
Yeah I had 100% :)
I would like to get the best score in all of the exams.Some of questions are easy so I can get best result easily.But some of them are considered difficult so my results are not considered deserving approval.If everyone tries to get best result they need to improve their mother language.Otherwise their got result would not be good.
Hi Alex…
is it correct to ask someone “Are you interested in music” or I should say “Are you interesting in music”
I didn’t know that you were born in Poland! BTW great video :)
Excuse me;
I need the answer of my up question;
Alext. thanks for teaching. could you teach about a phone? I would like to know important expressions about phone. call, bring,, and so on. I want to know them exactly. help me..
Alex..I wrote Alext..sorry.
Thanks Alex
thanks , I got 10/10
thanks.. got perfect ^_^
nice lesson for practice,wow I got 9 correct
Thanks for gave me a lot of help in English.
“Thanks for GIVING me . . .”
“Thanks for HLPING me out with . . .”
Good luck with your English Jolie. Regards
Talking about mistakes, I’ve just made nother one as usual.
Correction: “Thanks for HELPING me out with. . .”
Very helpful! Definitively I’m learning more from my mistakes.
Dear Sir,
If do i feel internally then should be using ‘ed’OR if do feel externally then use ‘ing’
Here i did feel by someone so, Can we use here ING form?
Dear Sir, please explain about WAS TO HAVE and were to have been
thanks alex
thank you very much.
Hi Alex, I have some question regarding Present Perfec and Past simple
I paid six EURO`s each. OK
I have paid six EURO`s each.????
I have paid six EURO`s each yesterday?? (yesterday)
Than´s for your answer
Hi Alex, I really appreciate your explanation, you are good teacher. Thanks!
Alex – great job. Thank You.
I got 90…very good.I missed the question about the book be so boring. :D
Great lesson, I got 100%.
100 =D
Thank you Alex
ahh its really disappointment for me because a lot of people in here got 100 score. ı got only 70 :(
Thanks Alex I’ve got 10/10
Hi Alex, would show me or teach me about linkers and connectors. I still have some doubts.
like how to used it and when.
I always said I am exciting. I’ll say I’m excited. Thank you very much Alex. I’m lookinng forward to next your lesson (*´▽`*)
Thank you, I am interested to learn english.
Thank you for your lessons
Just great :) I got 10\10 :D
thanks for teaching us !
Thank you very much Mr Alex.
I do not know if these sentences written very well but I want them to be in the present tense to express present time meaning. Can you help me? Thanks
I am for all the time I am speaking.
I am because so happens that I be as usual.
I am for it is obvious that I exist.
I am for everything I was before.
Continuing me to be, I was there, so I am, I exist because I’m the one who started to be, to be there someday.
I became was there sometime, but all I am because all I was the one and now all I am.
I would like a list of how many verbs in each group to be described “taken by verb forms to express the mood of progress of an action.” Namely the present participle and past participle
f1 ( verbal duration) – only a list of action verbs that you look like a long time , carried on without interruption or return (example : to build , to paint , whitewashed , to anoint , to wet , to live ; to lay , to study , to walk , to move , to repeat , to change , to work , to eat , to work , to neglect , to organize , to spend , to get , to judge , to reassure , to sleep , to draw , to drive , to travel , to flow , to run , to wait , to evacuate , to do , to make , to gather , to endure )
f2 ( momentary verbs ) – a list of action verbs that you look like a short or very short . ( examples : take off , to turn , to explode , to get , to get , to stop , to leave , to break , to catch , to reply , to crackle , to scream , to jump )
f3 (repeated or iterative verbs) – a list of action verbs that show that repeated once or several times. (examples: the bark (the sound of a dog that when he barks) reappeared, to restore, to Oracle (sound of a frog pond) to whine (sound of a dog when it hits the leg) to bleat (sound of a sheep) to chirp (sound repeatedly removed a sparrow) to cackle (sound of a hen) to hum (sound when you remove chewing gum) to pave, the swingarm.
f4 – a list of verbs which shows that the course of action which is the subject of the verb indicates (examples: to scar to deflate, to curl, to turn yellow, aggravate, multiply, darken, fade, sad, to enrich, to fill, to poor , to terminate, the duty, to whiten;
Thank you very much Mr Alex. you are gorgeous teacher
9 correct out of 10.
thanks ALEX.
I’ve got 9 out of 10, before watching your lessons. then i’ ve got 10 out of 10.
thnx again.
Thanks 80%
Could I use .. I am going to have lunch…
Thank you. You are perfect teacher!
It’s very nice,thank you.
i got 9 out of 10 thank you
Thank you Mr. Alex I’ve got 90 :)
So sad because still I don’t know the answer of my question :*\
A long time doubt cleared today….Thank you Dear Alex for you clear explanation.
Thank you,Teacher.
Wow. I’ve got 100 mark :D Thanks Mr.Alex
thanks God .. so easy lesson ,, 10/10 ;;; thank you Sir :)
Thanks Alex u are best one, i had 99%
You are the best Alex, keep on like this and i wish God Bless u and all your friends.
Hello, i got 90 without seeing your video. But i still thank you coz’ i can learn my mistake. Thanks, ya
It´s correct to say: “I have to use glasses for reading” or I would have to say: “I have to use glasses to read”
Thank you!
Hi Mary, I would put it this way:
A: What’s this good for?
B: For reading.
I need to wear grasses to read my assignments.
Hope it helps.
All the best with your English.
Have a great day!
I mean, if the question is: “what do you do that for?” the answer must be “I use that for…” as in “I use that for cleaning”
Thanks again!
I reviewed and tried the quiz again to improve my English. My score was perfect! Thank you again, Alex :)
Thanks Alex. Explanation is very simple and clear.
Hi Alex, whould you give me your hand, why this sentence “the book was so bored!” is wrong? as you teach us if we want to talk about internal feeling we must use “ed” not “ing”. I’ve much time to receive your answer. thank you very much.
Hi Alex, would you give me your hand, why this sentence “the book was so bored!” is wrong? as you teach us before, if we want to talk about internal feeling we must use “ed” not “ing”. I’ve much time to receive your answer. thank you very much.
thank you sir i have 80/100……….what do you think???
Thanks for the lesson..
Hello Alex,
For me English is the third language. I have noticed that you have a remarkable teaching style, and would be interested to learn about the usage of Real, Unreal and Mixed conditionals. Do you consider dealing with that in the foreseeable future ?
Best regards,
Thanks Alex. 9/10
Thank you Alex
thanks Alex
I got 90 out of 100,
thanks a lot
Hi Alex thanks a lot.
It’s a useful lesson and you’re a great teacher
take care
thank you so much MR Alex I really enjoyed and I have got 100%
got 100%
Hi Alex.Can you explain to me these two sentences?
1)what did you have for breakfast?
2)what did you had for breakfast?
Can you explain why the second sentence is incorrect?Thanks,you have been a great help.
Thanks Alex) cool lesson )
Thank you for the lesson! It was very useful!
It’s very useful alex to improve my english skills
I need someone’s help. I don’t understand when I should write “in time” and “on time”. Help me please!
It´s ok if you were excited with this hooter playing in the background… lol
Great lesson Alex
The 4th sentence was a trick, jejeje…
Thanks teacher!
can i say “She ran for catching the bus?
Hi Angie, I would put it this way:
She ran to catch the bus . . . or . . .
She ran AND caught the bus
It depends a lot on what you want to express.
Hope it helps Angie.
All the best with your English.
i got ten.
I am excited about this site!
Thanks Alex … and thanks to this exciting site .. it is the best ever
Could I use “so as to” or “in order to” in place of “to”? And what does “It depends” mean ? Thanks a lot.
Hi Dymaxion, just writing in reply to your requests.
Both expressions have practically the same meaning:
SO AS TO: with the intention of doing something.
IN ORDER TO: with the purpose or intention of doing or achieving something.
In order to learn English, we have to use the language.
We have to use the language so as to learn it (English).
Hope it helps Dymaxion.
All the best with your English.
It’s great lesson , I liked it very much thanks Alex. Go on with your job because It’s really good.
thank you so much Mr. Alex for a good lesson, I’ve clearly understood your lecture, obviously it’ll help me to improve my writing and spoken.
thank you so much Mr. Alex for a good lesson, I’ve clearly understood your lecture,
i have got 70 i need more practicced
great class! congratulations!
so clear, easy to understand and learn . i’m loving study english here whit you.
Thank you a lot
WooW that was useful for me.
WooW that was useful to* me
Thank you for lesson.
What did you have for breakfast?
What did you had for breakfast?
I am confused in those two please explain me clearly.
Thanks Alex!
Thanks Alex
thank you for this course, Tonight I’m going to bed more intelligent :-D
Thanks for this lesson Alex, I realised about my own mistakes and I’ll be careful about them next time… (do I have some mistakes here?) :)
Hi Alex sir , I like all your videos, I am begging to learn English . So please help me to how & where I start first point (subject)?
O? I’m amazed! I’ve got 10 out of 10!!! Thanks Alex!
7. Which sentence is correct?
She looks really exciting for the concert!
She looks really excited for the concert!
i selected the first option… can u tell me why the first one is incorrect….
I am haveing Suchi for dinner .
have is a stative verb,Why did you add ing to it ?
Alex, I really like ur lessons! ur pronunciation is very easy to understand and I also like the way u teach us! Thanks!
yes Alex. I got 8/10.. ya its better :)
Thank you very much for your lesson I got 9 of 10
Thanks a lot,Alex. I got a perfect score! Because your lesson was quite wonderful.
You are right! this lesson shows exactly my own mistakes, seems like made especially for me
hi alex you are very good in teaching and you speak very clearly yhank you very much!!!!!!
I don’t understund why the question 6 the reply is:
Is that correct?
En English the subject is ever express, why in this question not use Is it?
I’ve never being so excited 100% Thank you Alex for all those interesting videos
Ooops … BEEN
This lesson is excellent Alex!!! Thanks a lot. Only one doubt, Are there exceptions to say for ? or at least don’t you remembert it? I only want to know if this posibility is very low that I don’t really need to care about it… Any way, you are a great teacher and many of your lessons have cleared many of my english confutions…
i’ve got 10 !!!
thanks a lot !!
wow i got 10 from 10 the video was understandable txs ALEX. i hope u will make new classes for us. and i like engvid )))))
oh ooops i have got
Thank you very much Alex. Great lesson!
EngVid is the best site to learning English. Thank you
Hi Alex,
Thank you so much for your lessons, with you english is a real pleasure !
thank´s I´ll keep it on my mind
thank you alex
I need somoane to practice with me
my skype :redouane saidi
Great ! Ive got 100, its pretty easy
very useful ! By these tests we can learn to notice small but important grammatical points more than before. Thank you very much
thank you sir Alex, I am excited about more lessons
Great lesson! Thank you so much
Got a hundred,Alex! Thank you, very much.
100;) I’ve never made this mistakes earlier
thank you
Thank you!
Thanks. I had 90%
What did you have for breakfast?
What did you had for breakfast?
I selectd second option but my answer was wrong.I selected that because it was in past tense. Now kindly understand me Alex .
Great lesson!The common mistakes are explained minutely.
this is really a good lesson.
this is really a good lesson.
tnx for this…
Thanks Alex. You are an excellent teacher with a beautifull pronuation. Greeting from Arge ntine!
WOW!! It was good ))
i got only 80 percent
Thanks Alex.
But could you explain the difference between sentences:
I need glasses to read.
My car needs repairing.
I have learned in chapter «Gerund and Infinitive. Gerund after Verbs.» that we have to use gerund after the verb « need».
Thank you very much, Alex! 100!!!
you are an awesome teacher Alex…thank you so much for this very interesting lesson !!!!
Hello Alex,
thanks for the lesson.
Could you tell me please is is correct to say “I visit EngVid for improving my English” instead of “I visit
EngVid to improve my English”? And what’s the difference between these sentenses if both of them are corrent?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks so much for the lesson, Alex
Amazing I got 100\100
Thank you Alex. I got 10 correct out of 10.
I’ve got 10/10! Thank you, Alex for the class!
I think it’s right, isn’t it?
thank you
Thank you Mr. Alex!
Thanks a lot for your wonderful lesson sir!I really excited about this lesson.It’s so useful,very clear and more informative.you have really explained in a very good way.I like your lesson as always.
Thanks a lot Alex.
wow! I got a perfect score ! thank you Sir Alex♥
Thanks dear teacher 90%
Good lesson
I watched this video twice on June 04, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.