Good writing is much simpler than most people realize. In order to improve your writing, there are certain common mistakes you should try to avoid, including wordiness, redundancy, assumptions, and more. In this writing lesson, I’ll show you examples of each mistake, and teach you how to make sure your writing is free of these.
As usual, I was able to improve my behavior and my English at the same time, thanks to you. One suggestion Adam… It would good to have, one day, a lesson on the rules of ice hockey that perhaps could interested others than me?
It’s unusual for me to get 100 marks, but I greatly pleasure to have it. In addition, I am not good at English language but I can try to understand it at low extent. Thanks to Adam for helping me to improve in English lesson we , I like how you spell your words , they sound well. But I need your support about how to write effective essay, paraphrasing and formal letter. Thank you 🙏
Renathe @12
Thanks, Renathe,
I’ll keep making these viseos. You can also check out my other channel at
Push forward brother, you do a great job.
Renathe @12
Please sir keep enlightening us
younes 120
Thanks everyone :)
You ‘ve given a different point view as a editor writer thanks alot I will taking in account when I wrote in essay thanks.
Thanks a lot.
Christopher Muzuri
I appreciate this lesson, it was very instructive.
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As usual, I was able to improve my behavior and my English at the same time, thanks to you. One suggestion Adam… It would good to have, one day, a lesson on the rules of ice hockey that perhaps could interested others than me?
Hi Beernaard,
I made a lesson about hockey:
Is this what you meant?
It’s unusual for me to get 100 marks, but I greatly pleasure to have it. In addition, I am not good at English language but I can try to understand it at low extent. Thanks to Adam for helping me to improve in English lesson we , I like how you spell your words , they sound well. But I need your support about how to write effective essay, paraphrasing and formal letter. Thank you 🙏
Thanks, Renathe,
I’ll keep making these viseos. You can also check out my other channel at
Push forward brother, you do a great job.
Please sir keep enlightening us
Thanks everyone :)
You ‘ve given a different point view as a editor writer thanks alot I will taking in account when I wrote in essay thanks.
Thanks a lot.
I appreciate this lesson, it was very instructive.