These 5 phrasal verbs are used every day by native speakers to help them catch up with friends and work out problems at home and work. Study this video and you won’t ever feel cut off in a conversation.
great tips James, but I think you should speak just a little bit slower while you’re explainin some expressions or giving examples.. Thank you very much!! I’m looking forward to the next!!
I agree with you.. he speaks too fast. He is great just that detail.
mostafa mostafa
He speaks so fast.I can’t catch some words what he said.but i’m quit confused about TURN OUT. can somebody explain this words to me ? please
For me I do understand him ^-^
Very good lesson,please do a lesson about the better way to write an e-mail. Salu2
I got 3 correct out of 10 :( I couldn’t concentrate to listen your lesson today. But I was glad to see you and Mr. E again :) And I giggled about “Mr. E and you have a problem” in the quiz. I hope to watch the video and answer the quiz again. Exactly your speaking is fast. But it is good for improving my listening. Thank you for your fun lesson, James :D
you are funny teacher like comedy actor Kevin Hart,James you should be , should be a comedian too, you have good sense of humor.
What does that mean: While I was driving home last night, I was cut off by another driver??? Is this means that this guy was stop driving due to another car went through the path?? I tried to translated this sentence by Google and it’s doesn’t make sense…
عليا الطلاق انت برنس .. by English you so amazing >> go on .. we support you
Didn’t they teach us at schools to not say that word? :P
Thank you Mr E/James. Great lesson.
Hi, James! What about a telephone conversation lesson? Phone ethics, …
P.S.:And if you can help me in learning English: my Skype is iv.annko
I am also a teacher, but it’s very hard for me to learn English by myself.
Thank you!
Great lesson!
Thank you James
Marcio R Santos
I’d like to practice my speaking with some intermediate students. If anyone is interested please email me and i’ll add you to skype o anyother VoIp application you use =)
Very good lesson, thank you James!!!
Great teaching Performance from James :)
Ciao James! It’s good to smile while you study! Thanks a lot!:)
9 out of 10! Really good… :)
Excelent lesson! I like to learn about phrasal verbs and idioms! Can you explain phrasal verbs and idioms when someone is visiting mechanical games? Thank you!
I got 8, but I don’t know how. It was difficult. :(
hi james, your teaching style is awesome,anybody can understand the explanation,keep going ,we pray for you.thanks .
“I had set up a new organisation with my top management, It worked out well and we finished early,However,it turns out, my management had forgotten to pay the loan interest in the bank,so the money transaction was cutoff,We waited without money catching up”.
what is the difference between after doing something and after having done something
I got 3 correct out of 10 again. Oh no! The quiz is difficult for me, isn’t it? I was confused. But I won’t give up. Thank you, James :)
You speak very fast and quite outspread and untidy!
Thank you James. Good lesson for me
A new Spanish word: “lunes” >Monday<
Jesús R.
After this clip I thought “hey, this is the first time I don’t understand his lesson!”
Afterwards, I did the quiz and… I got 10 out of 10… Find the mistake!
Thank’s James ;)
first time I don’t understand his lesson!”
Afterwards, I did the quiz and… I got 10 out of 10… Find the mistake!
Thank’s James ;)
Great lesson!
great lesson but :( 6/10
Many thanks for a useful lecture!
I got 8 correct out of 10. Ya~y! The score was the best in this lesson. I hope to reconfirm my English again.
Thank you James and Mr. E :)
Hello, James! Thanks a lot!
This lesson was great. I really like the way you set up information on the board. You’re always so creative. Your teaching style is unique.
Thanks James, I got 10, Please We need more examples we u explain.
amal anas
Good name is raouf.I want to learn the English language.please help me can contact me for expanding our language skills via fb.abderraouf king or skype difab213.thank you
Thanks James,
Waiting for more lessons :)
and People who are minimum intermediate level can contact me for expanding our language skills via fb ( iftixar huseynov ) or Skype ( iftixar17 ) for speaking in english or chating :)
Thanks!! Great lesson !!
Hi James!! Awesome lesson! You know what James I’m really interested in getting a high level in English so I want to thank you for all your lessons which are very helpful and so enjoyable…
I wish I had found this wonderful website a long time before
Best wishes,
Brian – from Peru
I’ll be waiting for your next lesson…
brian j
Hi James, It’s hard to learn those phrasal verbs in a short time, but I’d try again…thanks
Sirlei Barbosa
hi sir,
i understand but can’t follow ur words…………………video is not betweeen……
thank u…i learn lot from u sir
dhivya arul
Thanks Mr.E
nice lesson
I like your lessons, I think my understanding is getting better now.
Steven Hamilton
i can’t understand what is the meaning of “sought” and when it use . please provide a lesson on this also. Thanks james
pankaj kumar8339
Thanks Mr E. I like the way you convey your English skill to every body.
As usual, it was a great lesson. Phrasal Verbs are always obscure, but these tips helped me to cope with such difficult subject.
Thanks James!
I got 5/10. I have to try lesson and quize again (+_+)
I like your lesson and Mr.E. Thank you (^^)
i got 8 :) thank a lot James. :)
Kuldeep Sharma
James, I wander if you could teach about the different between “You and I” and “You and Me”…………..
very good!! Nice work James! It turned out that I got the last question wrong ;)
Nice my teacher James you so great and brilliant to pass information to other through you kind lesson simple ease to catch up.
Big smile I got 90/100 , so I good and improving quickly, I’m right?
Great lesson! thanks a lot!But I need more practice to remember these phrasal verbs, I got 5/10.
Hi James, this lesson is little bit difficult. I got 6/10 because I didin’t inderstand the difference betwen these expressions
thanks for good lesson but please do’nt speak quickly :(
5 from 10:(
Hi james…I didn’t go so good enough :(
thanks 70%
Abdul Qayum
I got 8 out of 10, the mistakes were the same in both answers,i I forgot that work out means(to fix a problem).
Thank you James. But … a little bit slower, please.
You are very beautiful
Sometimes i have troubels with focus, but always happy to see you and work out. English is easier with U. Today im engry cause i didnt understand everything, but it only showes me how long is my way to perfect.
James you are exhilarating;). I like the way you speak because you are for more advanced students – like me ;) if I may say so myself ;) hi hi thanks
Thank you a lot for your effort.But, the only problem that you speak a little bit fast.Can you slow down please next time!
I always try hard to catch your fast English. it’s fun, though. And I got 9 out of 10!
Thanks a lot James! You are awesome!
i would like to meet you despite this is the first time
you speak 2 fast !!
I suppose it’s right he speaks so swiftly. People in America or Great Britain don’t speak slowly, if don’t get used to hear somebody who speaks swiftly you won’t ever get used to it. It’s certainly difficult but it’s done to get us improving. Sorry for my mistakes in grammar…
Thanks James. At first, I did the quiz badly and I got a bad score, than I watched the video and I turn out the phrasal meaning, so I set up the quiz again and worked out the last score!
thank you for the lesson i like your way
i got 8 out of 10 but i don no no hwo
razan kh
Hi James..thank you very much for your explanation.I’d would like you to do a lesson related with the use of whatsoever,whoever,whichever and so on.I dont understand those expressions at all.I’ll surely get it with you thanks.
really thanks James nice lesson
Hey there, I just want to ask what does it meant by “she is a great worker. She turns out 10 videos a day.” I meant to say, I don’t get the sentence…
Now I get it the sentence… :)
i have somme probleme with the meaning of *work ou* and turns out please someone can give me somme examples.
You are the best English teacher I’ve ever heard and seen! Definitely, you are my favorite :)And I like your expression and the way of explanation. Even if you talk like a “waterfall” :)
I got 7 out of 10 )) YES ! Thanks a lot, James!
Thanks a lot James
ahmed jamal
You are the best teacher ever!! Thank you so much for your help :) God bless you and your work.
Hi James,
Thank you.Very intersting presentation.
You have fun with students, we can notice it and it is great having fun with you at the same time we improve ou english. Ah! Vino tinto is better than cerveza!
got 9 out of 10, not bad.. :)
Thank you for the great lesson!
Thanks a lot.
luckily this lesson has helped me to clear up a lots of doubts about the proper use of certain phrasal verbs…
However, some doubts still remains.
There’s no doubt whatsoever this is a great website.
Great lesson! I like learning phrasal verbs.
Great video and thanks…
ganesh balakesari
10 out of 10
and James speaking speed has been normal imho
Thanks for your lesson,James and congratulation for your spanish word “cerveza” ;)
Thanks. Great tips.
Hi James thanks a lot
Thanks man!
great lesson thank sir
I think it’s difficult to distinguish among these verbs but in general it’s good lesson
Thanks a lot
I just started doing the exercises and i really think that you are the best teacher , i’m having fun while learning and i don’t really know who can ask for better . thanks a lot
Great! Thank you James!You are the best!Apart from new stuff I find out on your classes, it is also a good way to improve my listening skills.
Hiss lessons are joyful. I like it.
i got six : l
I get it all. Thanks James
i remember the whole story and now all these words seem be easy to use :)
Many thanks teacher James!
James, excellent. you speak faster than the others do,However I think that is good and necessary for my ears. Thanks a lot.
10 out of 10! Nice! Thanks for the lesson and keep talking the way you do, students need that speed so they can also get used to any other native speaker talking.
The tip I give for those who have trouble understanding is: after you watch it once, do it again using the subtitles in English and then one more time without it. Good luck to you all ! :)
really helpful lesson! and i don’t think he speaks to fast. great teacher!
he speaks fast … but it as great!
Handy lesson. Thanks a lot James!
I like the way you teach! You’ve been improving my English. Thank You so much Mr James :)
You so funny & intersting to me !!
It’s a pleasure to listen to you, teacher. You bring the fun. Thanks again
Thanks a lot James, excellent class!!!
I did very well in the quiz, because as you have
so much fun doing your job,that it turns out
easier to learn.
Many thanks!
Oh,I’d like to ask you again to (if possible)
prepare a lesson using terms they when they play baseball.
I know your plate is already full, but …
Many thanks in advance.
…sorry, I meant to say : a lesson with terms
used in baseball.
I wish, I could have reversed my life for this opportunity. However it’s better to late than never. What I’m learning now it’s strengthening up my Vocabularies greatly. Thanks for your great job
Turay Steven
Thank you James
Fantastic!!! Thank u vey much :)
I didn’t understand why women cut off…. and i’m 19 years old haha…
90 is not so bad : ) thanks James..
thank you very much
I’m very bad in this quiz.. I got 5…
now I feel good it is not just about my score I’ve got 9 to 10 not just like that It just about the Phrasal verb Since I watched first time I confused with the phrasal verb TURN OUT When I heard the video 2nd time I got more clear about the phrasal verb “TURN OUT” since I had a little bit confused on it but I got much clear now thanks for Good presentation James.. .
you are just great as usual,
Love from CH
I got 9 out of 10, it turns out that 8’ve made a mistake on an quetion. But anyway, thanks james this lesson are very useful..
Great video!
Greetings from Poland =)
excellent lesson , you turns out my mood to learn..
thanks allot james.
Great lesson, thank you a lot:)
Very natural English! Subtitles needed for me, but the lesson definitely feels like the English native speakers use. I like last few sentences, it was funny!
I did not catch up all of these pharsal verbs , but I had a fun with you James :-) Thanks :-)
Thanks for this information :D got 80, It seems that I have to go in a better place where I can focus listening in what you are saying :D Thank you again!
I got 50 scores.I have to repeat watching your lecture.
nyi nyi lynn htet
Thanks James.
Yupieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. We got 100.
Thanks james.
Great lesson by a great teacher. Thanks. I got 10/10.
I watched the video twice,okay?
Outstanding lesson! Your explanation is so clear James. my result was 90, Many thanks!
You got 7 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot.
M kartal
Thanks, this time I only got 80. You turn out good videos.
Thank you James….>^^<
Day’s are TURNING OUT .I SET UP a meeting today with brother and sister that who had learn more new words.I was losing so started cheating with my mobile but I was barely close to win but I was CAUGHT UP by my sister they treated me vulgarly
From that time .I realize that I am wrong so I took oath from my self that I will WORKOUT my English and BEAT UP them in next battle field.
If found some mistake write in comment and do not belief this story .As all glitter are not gold.
Thank you Teacher so much i got 9 out of 10
Jerry Hardy
Hi. A question…It looks like its not possible to look again at the quizzes I’ve done before, to study, review or try it again…It’s not possible? Thank you…
Thank you JAMES 9/10
I got 9 out of 10. But I’m not fluent in English, in terms of speaking so I need a hand.
Kingsley Kunda
At first, I got 10/10 then I needed to log in, so I got 9/10 afterward lol
nice lesson even i got 8/10 ehehe only got wrong was turn out maybe i need somethings that i could understand easily that word
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
great tips James, but I think you should speak just a little bit slower while you’re explainin some expressions or giving examples.. Thank you very much!! I’m looking forward to the next!!
I agree with you.. he speaks too fast. He is great just that detail.
He speaks so fast.I can’t catch some words what he said.but i’m quit confused about TURN OUT. can somebody explain this words to me ? please
For me I do understand him ^-^
Very good lesson,please do a lesson about the better way to write an e-mail. Salu2
I got 3 correct out of 10 :( I couldn’t concentrate to listen your lesson today. But I was glad to see you and Mr. E again :) And I giggled about “Mr. E and you have a problem” in the quiz. I hope to watch the video and answer the quiz again. Exactly your speaking is fast. But it is good for improving my listening. Thank you for your fun lesson, James :D
you are funny teacher like comedy actor Kevin Hart,James you should be , should be a comedian too, you have good sense of humor.
What does that mean: While I was driving home last night, I was cut off by another driver??? Is this means that this guy was stop driving due to another car went through the path?? I tried to translated this sentence by Google and it’s doesn’t make sense…
Look here,
HOHo. Thanks
عليا الطلاق انت برنس .. by English you so amazing >> go on .. we support you
Didn’t they teach us at schools to not say that word? :P
Thank you Mr E/James. Great lesson.
Hi, James! What about a telephone conversation lesson? Phone ethics, …
P.S.:And if you can help me in learning English: my Skype is iv.annko
I am also a teacher, but it’s very hard for me to learn English by myself.
Thank you!
Great lesson!
Thank you James
I’d like to practice my speaking with some intermediate students. If anyone is interested please email me and i’ll add you to skype o anyother VoIp application you use =)
Very good lesson, thank you James!!!
Great teaching Performance from James :)
Ciao James! It’s good to smile while you study! Thanks a lot!:)
9 out of 10! Really good… :)
Excelent lesson! I like to learn about phrasal verbs and idioms! Can you explain phrasal verbs and idioms when someone is visiting mechanical games? Thank you!
I got 8, but I don’t know how. It was difficult. :(
hi james, your teaching style is awesome,anybody can understand the explanation,keep going ,we pray for you.thanks .
“I had set up a new organisation with my top management, It worked out well and we finished early,However,it turns out, my management had forgotten to pay the loan interest in the bank,so the money transaction was cutoff,We waited without money catching up”.
what is the difference between after doing something and after having done something
I got 3 correct out of 10 again. Oh no! The quiz is difficult for me, isn’t it? I was confused. But I won’t give up. Thank you, James :)
You speak very fast and quite outspread and untidy!
Thank you James. Good lesson for me
A new Spanish word: “lunes” >Monday<
After this clip I thought “hey, this is the first time I don’t understand his lesson!”
Afterwards, I did the quiz and… I got 10 out of 10… Find the mistake!
Thank’s James ;)
first time I don’t understand his lesson!”
Afterwards, I did the quiz and… I got 10 out of 10… Find the mistake!
Thank’s James ;)
Great lesson!
great lesson but :( 6/10
Many thanks for a useful lecture!
I got 8 correct out of 10. Ya~y! The score was the best in this lesson. I hope to reconfirm my English again.
Thank you James and Mr. E :)
Hello, James! Thanks a lot!
This lesson was great. I really like the way you set up information on the board. You’re always so creative. Your teaching style is unique.
Thanks James, I got 10, Please We need more examples we u explain.
Good name is raouf.I want to learn the English language.please help me can contact me for expanding our language skills via fb.abderraouf king or skype difab213.thank you
Thanks James,
Waiting for more lessons :)
and People who are minimum intermediate level can contact me for expanding our language skills via fb ( iftixar huseynov ) or Skype ( iftixar17 ) for speaking in english or chating :)
Thanks!! Great lesson !!
Hi James!! Awesome lesson! You know what James I’m really interested in getting a high level in English so I want to thank you for all your lessons which are very helpful and so enjoyable…
I wish I had found this wonderful website a long time before
Best wishes,
Brian – from Peru
I’ll be waiting for your next lesson…
Hi James, It’s hard to learn those phrasal verbs in a short time, but I’d try again…thanks
hi sir,
i understand but can’t follow ur words…………………video is not betweeen……
thank u…i learn lot from u sir
Thanks Mr.E
nice lesson
I like your lessons, I think my understanding is getting better now.
i can’t understand what is the meaning of “sought” and when it use . please provide a lesson on this also. Thanks james
Thanks Mr E. I like the way you convey your English skill to every body.
As usual, it was a great lesson. Phrasal Verbs are always obscure, but these tips helped me to cope with such difficult subject.
Thanks James!
I got 5/10. I have to try lesson and quize again (+_+)
I like your lesson and Mr.E. Thank you (^^)
i got 8 :) thank a lot James. :)
James, I wander if you could teach about the different between “You and I” and “You and Me”…………..
very good!! Nice work James! It turned out that I got the last question wrong ;)
Nice my teacher James you so great and brilliant to pass information to other through you kind lesson simple ease to catch up.
Big smile I got 90/100 , so I good and improving quickly, I’m right?
Great lesson! thanks a lot!But I need more practice to remember these phrasal verbs, I got 5/10.
Hi James, this lesson is little bit difficult. I got 6/10 because I didin’t inderstand the difference betwen these expressions
thanks for good lesson but please do’nt speak quickly :(
5 from 10:(
Hi james…I didn’t go so good enough :(
thanks 70%
I got 8 out of 10, the mistakes were the same in both answers,i I forgot that work out means(to fix a problem).
Thank you James. But … a little bit slower, please.
You are very beautiful
Sometimes i have troubels with focus, but always happy to see you and work out. English is easier with U. Today im engry cause i didnt understand everything, but it only showes me how long is my way to perfect.
James you are exhilarating;). I like the way you speak because you are for more advanced students – like me ;) if I may say so myself ;) hi hi thanks
Thank you a lot for your effort.But, the only problem that you speak a little bit fast.Can you slow down please next time!
I always try hard to catch your fast English. it’s fun, though. And I got 9 out of 10!
Thanks a lot James! You are awesome!
i would like to meet you despite this is the first time
you speak 2 fast !!
I suppose it’s right he speaks so swiftly. People in America or Great Britain don’t speak slowly, if don’t get used to hear somebody who speaks swiftly you won’t ever get used to it. It’s certainly difficult but it’s done to get us improving. Sorry for my mistakes in grammar…
Thanks James. At first, I did the quiz badly and I got a bad score, than I watched the video and I turn out the phrasal meaning, so I set up the quiz again and worked out the last score!
thank you for the lesson i like your way
i got 8 out of 10 but i don no no hwo
Hi James..thank you very much for your explanation.I’d would like you to do a lesson related with the use of whatsoever,whoever,whichever and so on.I dont understand those expressions at all.I’ll surely get it with you thanks.
really thanks James nice lesson
Hey there, I just want to ask what does it meant by “she is a great worker. She turns out 10 videos a day.” I meant to say, I don’t get the sentence…
Now I get it the sentence… :)
i have somme probleme with the meaning of *work ou* and turns out please someone can give me somme examples.
You are the best English teacher I’ve ever heard and seen! Definitely, you are my favorite :)And I like your expression and the way of explanation. Even if you talk like a “waterfall” :)
I got 7 out of 10 )) YES ! Thanks a lot, James!
Thanks a lot James
You are the best teacher ever!! Thank you so much for your help :) God bless you and your work.
Hi James,
Thank you.Very intersting presentation.
You have fun with students, we can notice it and it is great having fun with you at the same time we improve ou english. Ah! Vino tinto is better than cerveza!
got 9 out of 10, not bad.. :)
Thank you for the great lesson!
Thanks a lot.
luckily this lesson has helped me to clear up a lots of doubts about the proper use of certain phrasal verbs…
However, some doubts still remains.
There’s no doubt whatsoever this is a great website.
Great lesson! I like learning phrasal verbs.
Great video and thanks…
10 out of 10
and James speaking speed has been normal imho
Thanks for your lesson,James and congratulation for your spanish word “cerveza” ;)
Thanks. Great tips.
Hi James thanks a lot
Thanks man!
great lesson thank sir
I think it’s difficult to distinguish among these verbs but in general it’s good lesson
Thanks a lot
I just started doing the exercises and i really think that you are the best teacher , i’m having fun while learning and i don’t really know who can ask for better . thanks a lot
Great! Thank you James!You are the best!Apart from new stuff I find out on your classes, it is also a good way to improve my listening skills.
Hiss lessons are joyful. I like it.
i got six : l
I get it all. Thanks James
i remember the whole story and now all these words seem be easy to use :)
Many thanks teacher James!
James, excellent. you speak faster than the others do,However I think that is good and necessary for my ears. Thanks a lot.
10 out of 10! Nice! Thanks for the lesson and keep talking the way you do, students need that speed so they can also get used to any other native speaker talking.
The tip I give for those who have trouble understanding is: after you watch it once, do it again using the subtitles in English and then one more time without it. Good luck to you all ! :)
really helpful lesson! and i don’t think he speaks to fast. great teacher!
he speaks fast … but it as great!
Handy lesson. Thanks a lot James!
I like the way you teach! You’ve been improving my English. Thank You so much Mr James :)
You so funny & intersting to me !!
It’s a pleasure to listen to you, teacher. You bring the fun. Thanks again
Thanks a lot James, excellent class!!!
I did very well in the quiz, because as you have
so much fun doing your job,that it turns out
easier to learn.
Many thanks!
Oh,I’d like to ask you again to (if possible)
prepare a lesson using terms they when they play baseball.
I know your plate is already full, but …
Many thanks in advance.
…sorry, I meant to say : a lesson with terms
used in baseball.
I wish, I could have reversed my life for this opportunity. However it’s better to late than never. What I’m learning now it’s strengthening up my Vocabularies greatly. Thanks for your great job
Thank you James
Fantastic!!! Thank u vey much :)
I didn’t understand why women cut off…. and i’m 19 years old haha…
90 is not so bad : ) thanks James..
thank you very much
I’m very bad in this quiz.. I got 5…
now I feel good it is not just about my score I’ve got 9 to 10 not just like that It just about the Phrasal verb Since I watched first time I confused with the phrasal verb TURN OUT When I heard the video 2nd time I got more clear about the phrasal verb “TURN OUT” since I had a little bit confused on it but I got much clear now thanks for Good presentation James.. .
you are just great as usual,
Love from CH
I got 9 out of 10, it turns out that 8’ve made a mistake on an quetion. But anyway, thanks james this lesson are very useful..
Great video!
Greetings from Poland =)
excellent lesson , you turns out my mood to learn..
thanks allot james.
Great lesson, thank you a lot:)
Very natural English! Subtitles needed for me, but the lesson definitely feels like the English native speakers use. I like last few sentences, it was funny!
I did not catch up all of these pharsal verbs , but I had a fun with you James :-) Thanks :-)
Thanks for this information :D got 80, It seems that I have to go in a better place where I can focus listening in what you are saying :D Thank you again!
I got 50 scores.I have to repeat watching your lecture.
Thanks James.
Yupieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. We got 100.
Thanks james.
Great lesson by a great teacher. Thanks. I got 10/10.
I watched the video twice,okay?
Outstanding lesson! Your explanation is so clear James. my result was 90, Many thanks!
You got 7 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot.
Thanks, this time I only got 80. You turn out good videos.
Thank you James….>^^<
Day’s are TURNING OUT .I SET UP a meeting today with brother and sister that who had learn more new words.I was losing so started cheating with my mobile but I was barely close to win but I was CAUGHT UP by my sister they treated me vulgarly
From that time .I realize that I am wrong so I took oath from my self that I will WORKOUT my English and BEAT UP them in next battle field.
If found some mistake write in comment and do not belief this story .As all glitter are not gold.
Thank you Teacher so much i got 9 out of 10
Hi. A question…It looks like its not possible to look again at the quizzes I’ve done before, to study, review or try it again…It’s not possible? Thank you…
Thank you JAMES 9/10
I got 9 out of 10. But I’m not fluent in English, in terms of speaking so I need a hand.
At first, I got 10/10 then I needed to log in, so I got 9/10 afterward lol
nice lesson even i got 8/10 ehehe only got wrong was turn out maybe i need somethings that i could understand easily that word