Native English speakers make mistakes all the time. In this grammar lesson, I look at five common errors to watch for by native and new English speakers. Make sure you’re not learning bad English from a native speaker!
Thank you Alex! Useful lesson. I’m beginner learner yet, but I enjoyed the video.
Thanks for watching.
thank my teach
Hi Alex,
What’s the different between “I could care less” and “I couldn’t care less”?
thanks in advance.
osvaldo omati
I could care less is like you almost don’t care about it.
BUt I couldn’t care less is when you don’t care anything about it any single thing.
dear friends! Youtube has been closed here. I cannot watch any vidoe. Is there another website to watch?
Dawid copperfield
Great Lesson!
;) great!
Great lesson Alex. Can I request you to explaing about “gerund”
Saiful Anwar
That sounds like a great idea.
Thanks a lot, and could I ask you a question about #7 – some milk-> non countable but, yet still need to use “are” instead of “is”? sorry if I’ve made thought otherwise :)
We think of non-count nouns as being singular, so we should use “There is some milk.”
Thanks Alex.
Your lesson is always great!^^
I got it without confusing.
“I got it without confusion” or “I got it without getting confused” is what you’re trying to say here. :)
Wow, Alex!
“..confusion” vs “..getting confused”…
It seems to me this is a great theme for a new lesson! ;)
…If the lesson doesn’t exist yet by this time.
I guess “I have gone to Ohio 3 times” is wrong?
“I have been to Ohio 3 times” is correct?
because when you use “I have been to Ohio” I have gone there and come back.
I’ve gone to Ohio.
This means that you have gone to Ohio and you are still there.
I’m confusing,can someone explain it to me?
I think your 2 sentences are all correct . Because in lesson , our teacher used ” went ” , not ” was ” or “were ” , and he tried to correct mistake ..
By the way , this sentence ” I have been to Ohio 3 times ” . In gramma , it’s not wrong , but in meaning , it’s not smootly . I think this sentence without “3 times ” is the best .
Nobody can explain it better then you did it yourself. You are absolutely right! You can say “I’ve been to SOMEWHERE 3 times”. “I went to SOMEWHERE in 2013” is also correct but “I’ve gone to SOMEWHERE 3 times” is a big mistake. “have gone” means you are still there, you haven’t come back yet! It’s always explained in all grammar books for elementary and intermediate levels. Good luck.
Good lesson. I enjoyed it!
You got 8 correct out of 10 …. :)
nice .. Thank you very much Alex !!!
good edit video, thanks
Thank you so much. You are a good teacher.
mmmmm 6 – 10 :(
Question #7.The are some milk in the fridge,this is the correct answer because some is plural so we must use there are instead of there is.please explain if I’m wrong.
“Some” isn’t plural or singular because it isn’t a noun. “Some” is an adverb in this case — how much milk is there?. “Milk” is the noun you’re looking for in this sentence. “Milk” is like water, it’s uncountable, so you should use matching verb — “is”.
Milk is uncountable, for this reason you say there is!!
Another very useful lesson, thank you very much Alex!
Hi, Alex. How to improve my pronunciation?
try your best! i hop you do that.
Hello, Alex. I have a question. Why do we say “I haven’t read any of the letters”? Why is “I don’t have read any of the letters” wrong?
“I don’t have read” — what does this mean? xD It could be “I don’t read” — in the present tense, or “I haven’t read” — in the perfect tense — remember that “read” has all three forms the same.
hey chudika,
sorry 4 the intervention, but the first sentence u r talking about the pp that sth is already done, but ur second sentence was using don’t which it refers to the present while have refers to the pp
so it’s the same like u r saying i haven’t eating…. which it refers to the pp and the present in the sametime
Hello Alex!
as far as I know from what I learned in high school,I saw you using (gone) instead of (been)in this example: “I’ve gone to Ohio 3 times” or it should be: “I’ve been to Ohio 3 times” because you say (been) when you want to say that you have gone somewhere and come back, or to say that you have visited somewhere.
Great and not easy lesson. I’m French and I see that the froggies are not the only ones to make mistakes
I’m lucky: my best teacher (my wife a native English speaker) talks whitout mistakes. She wants to be a very exemple for me
I often use “there’s two” in speech but only when “there” and “is” are contracted. I wouldn’t say “there is two”. xD
Alex, I also have a question concerning “of” and “about”. Can we use them interchangeably? For instance: “Tell me something about/of him.”
Thank you Alex!
Sometimes I hear these mistakes and then I get confused.
And then they made an even bigger mistake, Windows 8.
Well noticed!;)
Thank you Alex! It was amazing and very easy lesson (for me). I’ve done the quiz 100% Thank you very much!
hi Alex.thank you. it is very good lesson. it surprise me.
You keep the bar raised, as always :) Alex, in my country language teachers basically ephasize on grammar. That is way, when I want to say somethig, firstly I think about the correct form, structures, order and so on… It took a while before I start talking. In my opinion, there’s no point in studying in that kind of way, if at the end of our educational path we can’t speak fluently! Maybe you have some tips or just one essential advice for those of use, who really want to tackle this ‘speaking anxiety’ and feel more confident?
People should be really glad they have you as their Teacher, you rock! There are many more mistakes they are used to making, both native and ESL students, we’re all human beings in the end!!!
Keep your excellent job up, man!
Best regards from Brazil.
I am pretty sure “I could have gone to Ohio 3 times is incorrect too”.
Wouldn’t “I’ve been to Ohio three times” suit better semantically?
Hi Alex. Can I say: I´ve gone to China 3 times?
I thought I should say : I´ve been to China 3 times.
Hey Claudio! I think what you’re saying is correct. Gone brings the idea of not having returned yet.
there is no doubt you are the best would you please say what does it mean …fool around..
That’s awesome and extremely dynamic lesson Alex!
Please, keep that style of teaching, man!
You are cool!!!
thank you so helps me to review my gramma.
Thanks Alex :)
Hello …. Can we help each other in learning English too
thanks Alex
hello sarahyi
On the first mistake -Double negatives, may I also say: I saw nothing. Is it the same I didn´t see anything ?
On the second mistake – I couldn´t care less sorry by my boring question, but it´s sounds impolite or scorful as “I don´t care”, isn´t it?
Thanks Alex by useful lesson!
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you, this is so useful
Thank you Alex, the lesson was terrific!!!
Can I ask you to explain the linking words? This topic is really tricky for non-native speakers. I know that a few videos about that have already been done and uploaded on EngVid, but I can’t find the basic overview of all linking words here or any mentions about some of them, though. So it will be superb if you would deepen the existing information.
I’m really looking forward to see your video(s) about that topic.
To look forward to watching (it’s in -ing form)
Thank you! I’ve never thought that -ing form is supposed to be there, but I’ll definitely remember that.
Anytime, babe.
Never forget, all three-word phrasal verbs must be followed by a verb in -ing form.
See you around…
Many Thanks Alex your lessons very good
Dziękuję Alex
Is it correct to say I should’ve came
or I should’ve come ?
Thank you Alex you’re the best x
Hi Alex! Thanks for the video, it was really useful! Now, Help me out here: Why do they make mistakes like ” I were…” instead of ” I was…” and “I wish I were…” instead of “I wish I was…”? Bye!
thank you so much!
hi! Chinsundo, how are you?
wow. i got 7 correct of 10.
i need to learn more english..
so that l can reach 10.
than you veri much..
l like this..
hi. how are you evrybady ?
I.m nice talking with you and enjoy
Thank You.
Mr. Alex, Can you explain differences of those Word between throughly, throughly, throug, though, thought and more Word. Now thanks :)
Thank you Alex. These informations are very important for us that are learning.
Was perfect class!!!!
Another amazing class. I have learned so much with you and with all the Engvid teachers. Thanks Alex se you!
Hi Alex. Talking about DOUBLE NEGATIVE. Can I say I don´t know anything. but can I say. I KNOW NOTHING?
To know nothing means to don´t know anything, right?
Yes, Claudio, you’re right, besides, it’s quite used in common speech. Remember that song from Witney Houston “I have nothing”? Quite famous!!!
Oh, I like this song! Good example, thalinho! You are an expert in English, huh? :)
Hey, Janilza, how’s everything going? Hope you’re fine. Yes, I couldn’t agree more, I miss that kind of songs singers used to sing, not anymore =/
And, no, I’m not that expert as you mentioned, I can get by though!
In case you need help I’m always here…
…and thank God we have Alex to solve our doubts, Haha, he’s terrific!
Best regars, dear
May God stay with you!
Your English is just perfect, Thalinho! Congratulations and thank you for the kind words…Best regards to you too!
Hey ma’am, we all are prefect, see you around! =)
Hi. I have a question. There is a movÃe called WE BOUGHT A ZÔO. Well. It is simple past. But I think should be We’ve BOUGHT a zôo, past perfect? Could you explain that to me?
In this case you use both of which! You are not comparing to any verbal tense!
Wow, Thalinho! I have just tried to explain that to Claudio! :) And I see I was right…The problem is that I’m not as fluent as you are!
By the way, could you please read my reply to him? Bye for now and take care..:)
Ok, Janilza, I’ll check it out, in fact, just doing… =)
100% yes,
Thanks Mr.Alex :D
thanks for your efforts
Thank you!
That´s ok , i am improving.
many thanks Alex
I need lesson about: enough, many, much , too much/ many, few, a few, a bit, a bit of, several, little, a little, a little and others in the same lesson with differences. And this lesson has been usefull, so thanks, Alex, i have got 100.
Thanks, i only got 7 correct ouof 10.
Thanks! Great Lesson!
Hi Alex,
thank you for this lesson, it’s very useful, i got 90% out 100%. however i have question : wich tense of this sentense “We should’ve gone to the concert.”? if it’s a present perfect so why don’t we say “We’ve gone to the concert.” without “to shall”? and we go happy
Excellent tips…I really appreciate your job…thanks so much
Congratulations, great class video. Thanks so much!
I can’t believe english people really do these mistakes
Thanks Alex and all the engVid teachers.
Hi Alex ..
Is it Correct to say
“I have gone to Ohio 3 times”
“I have been to Ohio 3 times” ?
I am a little bit confused now please explain!!
Thank you for the Lesson!!
Both are fine. One is the past participle of “go,” and the other of the verb “be.”
Oh, no!I’m extremely sory but Alex is not right! You can’t say “I have gone to Ohio 3 times’. It’s a big mistake! The biginers frequently make it. When you HAVE GONE somewhere it means that you still there. ‘I’ve gone to Ohio’ meams that you have gone there recently and you are still there. You should say ‘I’ve been to Ohio’ if you’ve already come back. Or ‘I went to Ohio last year’. So “I have BEEN to Ohio 3 times” is only right version.
Thank you Xana!
I have been following a Grammar Book It says the same thing about How to use “GONE & BEEN” :D
l00% correct! Thanks, Alex!
Thank you for the Lesson!Great lesson!
Hi everyone. I have a question. There is a movÃe called WE BOUGHT A ZÔO. Well. It is simple past. But I think should be We’ve BOUGHT a zôo, past perfect? Só, anybody can help me?
Hi, Claudio Santos! In my opinion it’s just a matter of context, after all it’s a title of a movie. There is no need to be too much specific… You know, I wish I could help you and give the correct answer, but I’m not so good in English…But I really think both cases are correct to be the name of that movie…
Thanks Janilza. I Think you re right. Because it is a title. If were someone talk to somebody and telling him about buying a ZOO could be : Hey John, we´ve bought a zoo!. Thanks for answer my question.
Hey, Janilza, I’m here as you requested.
Both “Simple past and Present Perfect” have their many uses, however, for now let’s check over Carlos’s sentence only, shall we?
When giving news we quite often use the present perfect to announce what has happened. In his sentence, for instance, is somehow a news or just something he wanted to tell somebody.
Look: I’ve bought a Zoo! (it has a relation to the present, you have bought in the past but you now own it)
We then switch to the simple past to give the details. For example:
– Hey, Jazilza, We’ve bought a Zoo!
– Really? Such a good news. When did you buy it?
– We bought it last month near Denver, you know I always wanted to have one!
– oh, congrats, now you have yours!
Have you noticed that when we specify when something happened we use simple present? Because the action of buying that thing has already happened and finished that’s the difference.
* although native use simple past to give news, it’s not considered grammatically wrong. What would be wrong is use Present Prefect with an specific point in the past.
Hope it helps.
Hi. Now I can see. Sometimes we can use both, simple past and presente perfect. If I am talking to someone and I want to tell him that I bought a zoo I just say. Hi, I´ve bought a zoo. In this case I am doing a relation between past and presente, PRESENT PERFECT. In other hand I can say WE BOUGHT A ZOO as a title of a movie. The action of buying has happened, no matter when. Just happened. Thanks and sorry about my english. I ve been studying by myself. I don´t attend a regular english course.
Just say the words, Carlos!
Best regards
Jenilza, you are good AT English not IN English!
Thank you Alex for the awesome video
Our flags have many general points !!! nice to meet you !!! I’m vietnamese
Hi thanks.
Thank You Alex!
Thank you a lot!
Teacher Please! I Don’t know how can I use the word “through” It’s so difficult for me. Please explain me that. Thank you a lot.
Try this: thefreedictionary.con
Thanks. What about ”I am done”, I’ve heard it a lot and I wonder whether it is a good English or not.
#1. To be finished.
#2. To be fed up.
#3. To give up/in
Thanks. So it is a correct English.
Thanks so much!
Alex.. thanks, your lessons have been very useful to me… I wonder if you could prepare a lesson on prepositions of place. I’d really love if You were the one who made it….. greetins from Colombia….
I forgot to say, you’re such a great teacher ¡¡¡ I’m checking my account all the time just to see what you’re up to everyday……
good lesson, thank you Alex!!!! Can you help with these words (got)(get)
Abdel Said
Great video :)
Great Lesson, I got 10… yessss!!!!
I am disappointed that you are teaching double negatives as bad grammar. A double negative only makes a positive in certain mathematical formulae. There is no strictly logical sense in which doubling a negative creates a positive. It is a development of grammar, not a mistake. Why suggest otherwise? I stopped watching at that point in fear that you might go on to split infinitives!
thank you very much! Sir Alex! This video is great!
good video Alex!
chevere gordo
thx alot for the lesson
but i couldn’t be convinced with
i couldn’t care less
cause it’s double the nagetive ????
thanks for quiz Alex… it was interesting)))
hi guys could u help me please,,, what does I COULDN’t CARE LESS mean….is this like I DON’T CARE
Hello. Could you explain the difference between affect and effect?
Hi teacher Alex. Thanks for sharing this English lesson. I’m a newbie here, but I really enjoyed the lessons. Cheers.
hi Alex i’m new member , i find your lesson very interesting , i got a trouble of pronouncing word ending with ed so would you mind taking time to give video about it.., thanks alots
That’s quite interesting. i therefore just recalled some important discussion that was initiated by me with a teacher in some School in England while i was over there about three years ago. I’ve noticed that English people are mostly using Did instead of Have done even if the situation was happening just few seconds ago. They should use have gone, done instead using did, went etc.
If however you consider this topic is really important please, prepare a vidio for getting a bit more clarification on that…
Appreciating your effort and thanking you ..
thanks for the quiz…
Thank you very much.
Hi Alex, thanks for the great lesson. I was always wondering about the “Is/are – thing”, when watching TV-Shows in English. I thought, it might be some kind of slang, but now I know, that it`s just a common mistake … thanks!
thank u my best teacher Alex :)
Osman Ali Osman
Everything’s understandable! (Is it correct to say so?) Thank you, Alex!!!
Thanks you, i enjoyed the lesson.
it’s very good!
hi everybody! nice to meet you! Can you make friend with me? please, contact with me by facebook: Linh tran ( Email: or skype: ngoclinh1024. thanks.
Thank you Alex.
As far as I know, the sentence “I’ve gone to Ohio 3 times” would not be correct. I don’t find any sense on it, at least. Alex, could you please explain us its meaning and compare it with “I’ve been to Ohio 3 times” as well? Thank you!
thanks alex
Very good Alex and thanks.
Hi Alex, Thanks a lot.
It’s the first time to join this lesson. It’s terrific! I love it.
Thank you for the really interesting lesson. :)
I have a question about was/were. What do we have to use with pronoun “I”? Was or were? :)
I got 10 out of 10 after your lesson ;)
i got 10/10
What a wonderful teacher you are. It’s so delightful to listen to you! Elena:-)
Thanks Alex
Hi Alex, would be right if I say: I didn’t see a thing, instead of anything? are both correct? thank u!
Thanks.. :)
That’s why Shania Twain’s song Still The One says:
We mighta took the long way…
instead of:
We mighta taken the long way?
As a native English (UK) speaker, I must point out that the mistake “I could care less” is only made in American English. British people will always say “I couldn’t care less”. That is it is not possible for me to care less than I do = I don’t care. Whereas Americans saying “I could care less” = It is possible for me to care less than I do currently = I DO care!
British English!!! I adore it! I’m keen on British films. Thanks a lot for your comment! I wonder what you are doing here?
Good to share!
love it
Thanks a lot!
Thanks Mr. alex
Thank you Alex!…You are wonderful!
Hi, Alex. You are a very good teacher. I’m really grateful.
Thanks for your lessons. :)
I like to know why ” Oh my God! ” is an offensive term? And what is the difference between goodness , gosh and God. Are they the same? Should I capital gosh and goodness too?
Hi Alex
Fantastic lessons You show us.
I have one question to You
Do you still speak polish ?
All the best
I would like to know that as well ;)
I think he can :-)
thanks Alex ^_^
Hi Alex :)
I’m still confused about “could/couldn’t care less”
Why is No.3’s answer “couldn’t care less”?
Why is No.6’s answer “could care less”?
Should I watch this video again?
Anyway thank you :)
you are the best Mr.Alex
mahmoud fathy
I enjoyed this lesson, and thank you Alex.
9/10 Thanks! Very useful!
Wow, Thanks a lot! That was really helpful! I was so confused with double-negatives before watching this video!
thank you so much for useful lesson )) sometimes ı do some of these mistakes and this video makes me using corret sentences in speaking. ı hope ı willn’t do that mistakes again
So, basic! And that’s why it’s so helpful.
I got 9 correct out of 10~!!
There is some milk in the fridge~~!!
I will remember~~!!
Thanks Mr. Alex, I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Brad Pitt has a new haircut!
Correct answer is: “I couldn’t care less.”
But I really wanna say: “I could care less.”…
And this is why I got 9/10… XD
Hello teacher! i’m not sure about the third mistake. Why we can’t say ” I could care less”? even so, we must say ” I couldn’t care less” .
In the first mistake you said about double negative. We don’t say “I didn’t see nothing” but we say ” I didn’t see anything”. So, what is the different between these tow? Less is the negative, but why we can use with Couldn’t ?
soth sophary
10/10 :) …. thank you Sir
Hey teacher it was really useful lesson for me:) I want to ask something you, I am preparing an exam like IELTS,TOEFL but its more simple than them.KL Kennedy Lugar YES(Youth Exchange) program.I passed general culture exam and interview.I should pass the listening exam but I don’t know how to study about that,please help me!
thanks for your assist
J’adore Alex Merci
Alex very good lesson again.
1. There are fewer members came to party than I expected.
2. I haven’t read all my emails.
I could’ve told you about this earlier.
3. Murthy brought a new shoes. I couldn’t care less
4. I don’t know anything about Stock finance.
10/10 thanks…:)
awesome! your class, thanks! I’d like about the meaning of vocabulary below. How can I use them? To announce/to declare/to pronounce/to proclaim
I likde “I couldn’t care less” a lot. Pretty cool expression to use towards friends. xD
Thanks a lot
10/10. Thanks!
Natalie Sunshine
All right, I got 10 correct out of 10..
Thanks alex, I had a doubt about the difference between fewer and less.
Thank you for this valuable lesson Alex. You are a great teacher….. may you please explain to me something you said about Abstract concepts which are not countable like love and justice ,but what is the word abstract mean ?
Bayain Alwan
Thanks Alex!
Thanks Alex, great lesson.
David Florentino
haha i got 100
how about “it don’t matter”?
I’ve heard it several times in the films or series.
Dear Maggota, the correct way is “it doesn’t matter”.( I don’t, you don’t, it doesn’t, etc).
I know that the correct form is “it doesn’t matter” but I’ve watched “True Detective” lately and in one episode main character says “It don’t matter”. It made me a little confused, that’s why I’m asking.
10/10 :D I feel excitied
Dinh Quoc Lap
Hi, Alex.First of all, Thanks for your great lessons. Is it correct to say “I’ve gone to Ohio three times”? Wouldn’t it be better to say “I’ve been to Ohio three times”?
yay! Thank you very much, these lessons of British English ARE such a whale of time!
Great lesson Alex. Can I request you to compare “bother to do” and “bother doing”?
thanks Alex >
tasneemmohsen hamoda
Hi Alex, I have a question:
If we do use the correct grammar, will all native speakers understand the correct meaning? or these 5 common mistakes are like slangs?
Many,many thanks!
Well.. Once I saw somewhere:
“There is a toilet, a bedroom, a kitchen and a living room” .. and I was wonder IF that was really correct to use “IS”, since we have a list of many things to count..
So.. What do you think, Mr. Alex?
Thank you MR. Alex
Rahaf almulla
Great lesson as usual. Thanks much!
Thanks for your lesson, this is very interesting topic.
10/10 Very useful
Thank you Alex :)
Dounia Miftah
thanks Alex I got 100%
It is very conducive for me. Thanks from Turkey – Istanbul.
Alex is my favorite teacher here.
Alex, thank you! You are the great teacher!
thanks for your examples… I used to use in negative “nothing” for example I don’t know nothing, now i learned!!!
referring to the no.4 mistake Alex mentioned.
‘ve gone to Ohio
I am learning Eng in Hong Kong, my teacher, who is non-native Eng speaker, told me if we gana say we have visited somewhere and now have backed to our initial place, we should say :
I have been to Ohio, rather than I have gone,
which means I have gone there and have still not backed, is he correct in this explanation?
Yes, he is right!
Thank you Alex;-)
Thank you Alex. I scored 100%
Imtithal Saeed
thank you
Thanks Alex, I’m confused about accountable and nonaccountable nouns :(
e.g. “There’s some milk in the fridge.”
I got 10 correct out of 10. I am so happy. Thank you. Sir.
You did a great job !
hello sir, thank you very much for the lesson. But I feel that, still a deeper explanation would do better. Thank you very much once again.
Thanks Alex,,
rolya melva
It is better to use a red pen when correcting
thank Alex, your voice are so clearly i love to hear your lession
Thank you Alex!! Useful lesson !!
Thank you sir, for teaching this important lesson.
9/10. Not bad! Thank you Alex for your lesson.Really helpful for me especially I’m not an English teacher but I teach English online.
She LAni
i want to learn english and i am at the stage 3 in story (oxford books) what is your offer to me alex. and also thanks for sharing.
There’s no end to learning English. It’s a very wonderful language and will come in handy wherever you go.
hi Alex, i am still confused with ‘double negative’.
i couldn’t care less, which means i care much, or i don’t care at all, or i just care a little bit?
Usually, i say it couldn’t be better to express it is good enough, is it correct?
good lesson
thanks alex!
cesar leal
Thank you Alex!
Thank you Mr.Alex about these notice
thank u soooooo much sir now I know how to avoid those mistakes be safe and god bless sir!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Alex
Ivan Gubanov
Thank you, Alex! I understood everything you said yesterday
It”s great lesson Sir so thank you so much .
Gud luck !!!!
RANDRIA germain
Many thanks.
Great lesson, Alex!
Thanks a lot Alex. You are a great teacher ? I Got ?!
nermin metin
Great lesson and a great teacher! Thanks a lot Alex!
Jonathas Wilhem
Thanks Alex!
Thank you very much, Alex! 100%
Thank you Alex! This lesson is really useful and interesting for me.
9/10 Thanks!
10/10, That is a kind of easing all, thanks
Alex, your lessons are so useful. I was never good in English grammar, but your explanations help me a lot!
Hah! Why you are so confident that a sentence “Brad Pitt has a new haircut” should be “could not care less”
sorry – should not be….
Alex, good morning! Thank you for teaching us. Could you explain to me why number 9 is the second alternative?
Hi Alex,
Ending a sentence with a preposition, it’s good or not !
I watched this video twice on June 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Alex! Useful lesson. I’m beginner learner yet, but I enjoyed the video.
Thanks for watching.
thank my teach
Hi Alex,
What’s the different between “I could care less” and “I couldn’t care less”?
thanks in advance.
I could care less is like you almost don’t care about it.
BUt I couldn’t care less is when you don’t care anything about it any single thing.
dear friends! Youtube has been closed here. I cannot watch any vidoe. Is there another website to watch?
Great Lesson!
;) great!
Great lesson Alex. Can I request you to explaing about “gerund”
That sounds like a great idea.
Thanks a lot, and could I ask you a question about #7 – some milk-> non countable but, yet still need to use “are” instead of “is”? sorry if I’ve made thought otherwise :)
We think of non-count nouns as being singular, so we should use “There is some milk.”
Thanks Alex.
Your lesson is always great!^^
I got it without confusing.
“I got it without confusion” or “I got it without getting confused” is what you’re trying to say here. :)
Wow, Alex!
“..confusion” vs “..getting confused”…
It seems to me this is a great theme for a new lesson! ;)
…If the lesson doesn’t exist yet by this time.
I guess “I have gone to Ohio 3 times” is wrong?
“I have been to Ohio 3 times” is correct?
because when you use “I have been to Ohio” I have gone there and come back.
I’ve gone to Ohio.
This means that you have gone to Ohio and you are still there.
I’m confusing,can someone explain it to me?
I think your 2 sentences are all correct . Because in lesson , our teacher used ” went ” , not ” was ” or “were ” , and he tried to correct mistake ..
By the way , this sentence ” I have been to Ohio 3 times ” . In gramma , it’s not wrong , but in meaning , it’s not smootly . I think this sentence without “3 times ” is the best .
Nobody can explain it better then you did it yourself. You are absolutely right! You can say “I’ve been to SOMEWHERE 3 times”. “I went to SOMEWHERE in 2013” is also correct but “I’ve gone to SOMEWHERE 3 times” is a big mistake. “have gone” means you are still there, you haven’t come back yet! It’s always explained in all grammar books for elementary and intermediate levels. Good luck.
Good lesson. I enjoyed it!
You got 8 correct out of 10 …. :)
nice .. Thank you very much Alex !!!
good edit video, thanks
Thank you so much. You are a good teacher.
mmmmm 6 – 10 :(
Question #7.The are some milk in the fridge,this is the correct answer because some is plural so we must use there are instead of there is.please explain if I’m wrong.
“Some” isn’t plural or singular because it isn’t a noun. “Some” is an adverb in this case — how much milk is there?. “Milk” is the noun you’re looking for in this sentence. “Milk” is like water, it’s uncountable, so you should use matching verb — “is”.
Milk is uncountable, for this reason you say there is!!
Another very useful lesson, thank you very much Alex!
Hi, Alex. How to improve my pronunciation?
try your best! i hop you do that.
Hello, Alex. I have a question. Why do we say “I haven’t read any of the letters”? Why is “I don’t have read any of the letters” wrong?
“I don’t have read” — what does this mean? xD It could be “I don’t read” — in the present tense, or “I haven’t read” — in the perfect tense — remember that “read” has all three forms the same.
hey chudika,
sorry 4 the intervention, but the first sentence u r talking about the pp that sth is already done, but ur second sentence was using don’t which it refers to the present while have refers to the pp
so it’s the same like u r saying i haven’t eating…. which it refers to the pp and the present in the sametime
Hello Alex!
as far as I know from what I learned in high school,I saw you using (gone) instead of (been)in this example: “I’ve gone to Ohio 3 times” or it should be: “I’ve been to Ohio 3 times” because you say (been) when you want to say that you have gone somewhere and come back, or to say that you have visited somewhere.
Great and not easy lesson. I’m French and I see that the froggies are not the only ones to make mistakes
I’m lucky: my best teacher (my wife a native English speaker) talks whitout mistakes. She wants to be a very exemple for me
I often use “there’s two” in speech but only when “there” and “is” are contracted. I wouldn’t say “there is two”. xD
Alex, I also have a question concerning “of” and “about”. Can we use them interchangeably? For instance: “Tell me something about/of him.”
Thank you Alex!
Sometimes I hear these mistakes and then I get confused.
10 out of 10, thanks Alex
BTW, even Microsoft makes mistakes with fewer and less.
Good catch! :D
And then they made an even bigger mistake, Windows 8.
Well noticed!;)
Thank you Alex! It was amazing and very easy lesson (for me). I’ve done the quiz 100% Thank you very much!
hi Alex.thank you. it is very good lesson. it surprise me.
You keep the bar raised, as always :) Alex, in my country language teachers basically ephasize on grammar. That is way, when I want to say somethig, firstly I think about the correct form, structures, order and so on… It took a while before I start talking. In my opinion, there’s no point in studying in that kind of way, if at the end of our educational path we can’t speak fluently! Maybe you have some tips or just one essential advice for those of use, who really want to tackle this ‘speaking anxiety’ and feel more confident?
People should be really glad they have you as their Teacher, you rock! There are many more mistakes they are used to making, both native and ESL students, we’re all human beings in the end!!!
Keep your excellent job up, man!
Best regards from Brazil.
I am pretty sure “I could have gone to Ohio 3 times is incorrect too”.
Wouldn’t “I’ve been to Ohio three times” suit better semantically?
Hi Alex. Can I say: I´ve gone to China 3 times?
I thought I should say : I´ve been to China 3 times.
Hey Claudio! I think what you’re saying is correct. Gone brings the idea of not having returned yet.
there is no doubt you are the best would you please say what does it mean …fool around..
That’s awesome and extremely dynamic lesson Alex!
Please, keep that style of teaching, man!
You are cool!!!
thank you so helps me to review my gramma.
Thanks Alex :)
Hello …. Can we help each other in learning English too
thanks Alex
hello sarahyi
On the first mistake -Double negatives, may I also say: I saw nothing. Is it the same I didn´t see anything ?
On the second mistake – I couldn´t care less sorry by my boring question, but it´s sounds impolite or scorful as “I don´t care”, isn´t it?
Thanks Alex by useful lesson!
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you, this is so useful
Thank you Alex, the lesson was terrific!!!
Can I ask you to explain the linking words? This topic is really tricky for non-native speakers. I know that a few videos about that have already been done and uploaded on EngVid, but I can’t find the basic overview of all linking words here or any mentions about some of them, though. So it will be superb if you would deepen the existing information.
I’m really looking forward to see your video(s) about that topic.
To look forward to watching (it’s in -ing form)
Thank you! I’ve never thought that -ing form is supposed to be there, but I’ll definitely remember that.
Anytime, babe.
Never forget, all three-word phrasal verbs must be followed by a verb in -ing form.
See you around…
Many Thanks Alex your lessons very good
Dziękuję Alex
Is it correct to say I should’ve came
or I should’ve come ?
Thank you Alex you’re the best x
Hi Alex! Thanks for the video, it was really useful! Now, Help me out here: Why do they make mistakes like ” I were…” instead of ” I was…” and “I wish I were…” instead of “I wish I was…”? Bye!
thank you so much!
hi! Chinsundo, how are you?
wow. i got 7 correct of 10.
i need to learn more english..
so that l can reach 10.
than you veri much..
l like this..
hi. how are you evrybady ?
I.m nice talking with you and enjoy
Thank You.
Mr. Alex, Can you explain differences of those Word between throughly, throughly, throug, though, thought and more Word. Now thanks :)
Thank you Alex. These informations are very important for us that are learning.
Was perfect class!!!!
Another amazing class. I have learned so much with you and with all the Engvid teachers. Thanks Alex se you!
Hi Alex. Talking about DOUBLE NEGATIVE. Can I say I don´t know anything. but can I say. I KNOW NOTHING?
To know nothing means to don´t know anything, right?
Yes, Claudio, you’re right, besides, it’s quite used in common speech. Remember that song from Witney Houston “I have nothing”? Quite famous!!!
Oh, I like this song! Good example, thalinho! You are an expert in English, huh? :)
Hey, Janilza, how’s everything going? Hope you’re fine. Yes, I couldn’t agree more, I miss that kind of songs singers used to sing, not anymore =/
And, no, I’m not that expert as you mentioned, I can get by though!
In case you need help I’m always here…
…and thank God we have Alex to solve our doubts, Haha, he’s terrific!
Best regars, dear
May God stay with you!
Your English is just perfect, Thalinho! Congratulations and thank you for the kind words…Best regards to you too!
Hey ma’am, we all are prefect, see you around! =)
Hi. I have a question. There is a movÃe called WE BOUGHT A ZÔO. Well. It is simple past. But I think should be We’ve BOUGHT a zôo, past perfect? Could you explain that to me?
In this case you use both of which! You are not comparing to any verbal tense!
Wow, Thalinho! I have just tried to explain that to Claudio! :) And I see I was right…The problem is that I’m not as fluent as you are!
By the way, could you please read my reply to him? Bye for now and take care..:)
Ok, Janilza, I’ll check it out, in fact, just doing… =)
100% yes,
Thanks Mr.Alex :D
thanks for your efforts
Thank you!
That´s ok , i am improving.
many thanks Alex
I need lesson about: enough, many, much , too much/ many, few, a few, a bit, a bit of, several, little, a little, a little and others in the same lesson with differences. And this lesson has been usefull, so thanks, Alex, i have got 100.
Thanks, i only got 7 correct ouof 10.
Thanks! Great Lesson!
Hi Alex,
thank you for this lesson, it’s very useful, i got 90% out 100%. however i have question : wich tense of this sentense “We should’ve gone to the concert.”? if it’s a present perfect so why don’t we say “We’ve gone to the concert.” without “to shall”? and we go happy
Excellent tips…I really appreciate your job…thanks so much
Congratulations, great class video. Thanks so much!
I can’t believe english people really do these mistakes
Thanks Alex and all the engVid teachers.
Hi Alex ..
Is it Correct to say
“I have gone to Ohio 3 times”
“I have been to Ohio 3 times” ?
I am a little bit confused now please explain!!
Thank you for the Lesson!!
Both are fine. One is the past participle of “go,” and the other of the verb “be.”
Oh, no!I’m extremely sory but Alex is not right! You can’t say “I have gone to Ohio 3 times’. It’s a big mistake! The biginers frequently make it. When you HAVE GONE somewhere it means that you still there. ‘I’ve gone to Ohio’ meams that you have gone there recently and you are still there. You should say ‘I’ve been to Ohio’ if you’ve already come back. Or ‘I went to Ohio last year’. So “I have BEEN to Ohio 3 times” is only right version.
Thank you Xana!
I have been following a Grammar Book It says the same thing about How to use “GONE & BEEN” :D
l00% correct! Thanks, Alex!
Thank you for the Lesson!Great lesson!
Hi everyone. I have a question. There is a movÃe called WE BOUGHT A ZÔO. Well. It is simple past. But I think should be We’ve BOUGHT a zôo, past perfect? Só, anybody can help me?
Hi, Claudio Santos! In my opinion it’s just a matter of context, after all it’s a title of a movie. There is no need to be too much specific… You know, I wish I could help you and give the correct answer, but I’m not so good in English…But I really think both cases are correct to be the name of that movie…
Thanks Janilza. I Think you re right. Because it is a title. If were someone talk to somebody and telling him about buying a ZOO could be : Hey John, we´ve bought a zoo!. Thanks for answer my question.
Hey, Janilza, I’m here as you requested.
Both “Simple past and Present Perfect” have their many uses, however, for now let’s check over Carlos’s sentence only, shall we?
When giving news we quite often use the present perfect to announce what has happened. In his sentence, for instance, is somehow a news or just something he wanted to tell somebody.
Look: I’ve bought a Zoo! (it has a relation to the present, you have bought in the past but you now own it)
We then switch to the simple past to give the details. For example:
– Hey, Jazilza, We’ve bought a Zoo!
– Really? Such a good news. When did you buy it?
– We bought it last month near Denver, you know I always wanted to have one!
– oh, congrats, now you have yours!
Have you noticed that when we specify when something happened we use simple present? Because the action of buying that thing has already happened and finished that’s the difference.
* although native use simple past to give news, it’s not considered grammatically wrong. What would be wrong is use Present Prefect with an specific point in the past.
Hope it helps.
Hi. Now I can see. Sometimes we can use both, simple past and presente perfect. If I am talking to someone and I want to tell him that I bought a zoo I just say. Hi, I´ve bought a zoo. In this case I am doing a relation between past and presente, PRESENT PERFECT. In other hand I can say WE BOUGHT A ZOO as a title of a movie. The action of buying has happened, no matter when. Just happened. Thanks and sorry about my english. I ve been studying by myself. I don´t attend a regular english course.
Just say the words, Carlos!
Best regards
Jenilza, you are good AT English not IN English!
Thank you Alex for the awesome video
Our flags have many general points !!! nice to meet you !!! I’m vietnamese
Hi thanks.
Thank You Alex!
Thank you a lot!
Teacher Please! I Don’t know how can I use the word “through” It’s so difficult for me. Please explain me that. Thank you a lot.
Try this: thefreedictionary.con
Thanks. What about ”I am done”, I’ve heard it a lot and I wonder whether it is a good English or not.
#1. To be finished.
#2. To be fed up.
#3. To give up/in
Thanks. So it is a correct English.
Thanks so much!
Alex.. thanks, your lessons have been very useful to me… I wonder if you could prepare a lesson on prepositions of place. I’d really love if You were the one who made it….. greetins from Colombia….
I forgot to say, you’re such a great teacher ¡¡¡ I’m checking my account all the time just to see what you’re up to everyday……
good lesson, thank you Alex!!!! Can you help with these words (got)(get)
Great video :)
Great Lesson, I got 10… yessss!!!!
I am disappointed that you are teaching double negatives as bad grammar. A double negative only makes a positive in certain mathematical formulae. There is no strictly logical sense in which doubling a negative creates a positive. It is a development of grammar, not a mistake. Why suggest otherwise? I stopped watching at that point in fear that you might go on to split infinitives!
thank you very much! Sir Alex! This video is great!
good video Alex!
chevere gordo
thx alot for the lesson
but i couldn’t be convinced with
i couldn’t care less
cause it’s double the nagetive ????
thanks for quiz Alex… it was interesting)))
hi guys could u help me please,,, what does I COULDN’t CARE LESS mean….is this like I DON’T CARE
Hello. Could you explain the difference between affect and effect?
Hi teacher Alex. Thanks for sharing this English lesson. I’m a newbie here, but I really enjoyed the lessons. Cheers.
hi Alex i’m new member , i find your lesson very interesting , i got a trouble of pronouncing word ending with ed so would you mind taking time to give video about it.., thanks alots
That’s quite interesting. i therefore just recalled some important discussion that was initiated by me with a teacher in some School in England while i was over there about three years ago. I’ve noticed that English people are mostly using Did instead of Have done even if the situation was happening just few seconds ago. They should use have gone, done instead using did, went etc.
If however you consider this topic is really important please, prepare a vidio for getting a bit more clarification on that…
Appreciating your effort and thanking you ..
thanks for the quiz…
Thank you very much.
Hi Alex, thanks for the great lesson. I was always wondering about the “Is/are – thing”, when watching TV-Shows in English. I thought, it might be some kind of slang, but now I know, that it`s just a common mistake … thanks!
thank u my best teacher Alex :)
Everything’s understandable! (Is it correct to say so?) Thank you, Alex!!!
Thanks you, i enjoyed the lesson.
it’s very good!
hi everybody! nice to meet you! Can you make friend with me? please, contact with me by facebook: Linh tran ( Email: or skype: ngoclinh1024. thanks.
Thank you Alex.
As far as I know, the sentence “I’ve gone to Ohio 3 times” would not be correct. I don’t find any sense on it, at least. Alex, could you please explain us its meaning and compare it with “I’ve been to Ohio 3 times” as well? Thank you!
thanks alex
Very good Alex and thanks.
Hi Alex, Thanks a lot.
It’s the first time to join this lesson. It’s terrific! I love it.
Thank you for the really interesting lesson. :)
I have a question about was/were. What do we have to use with pronoun “I”? Was or were? :)
I got 10 out of 10 after your lesson ;)
i got 10/10
What a wonderful teacher you are. It’s so delightful to listen to you! Elena:-)
Thanks Alex
Hi Alex, would be right if I say: I didn’t see a thing, instead of anything? are both correct? thank u!
Thanks.. :)
That’s why Shania Twain’s song Still The One says:
We mighta took the long way…
instead of:
We mighta taken the long way?
As a native English (UK) speaker, I must point out that the mistake “I could care less” is only made in American English. British people will always say “I couldn’t care less”. That is it is not possible for me to care less than I do = I don’t care. Whereas Americans saying “I could care less” = It is possible for me to care less than I do currently = I DO care!
British English!!! I adore it! I’m keen on British films. Thanks a lot for your comment! I wonder what you are doing here?
Good to share!
love it
Thanks a lot!
Thanks Mr. alex
Thank you Alex!…You are wonderful!
Hi, Alex. You are a very good teacher. I’m really grateful.
Thanks for your lessons. :)
I like to know why ” Oh my God! ” is an offensive term? And what is the difference between goodness , gosh and God. Are they the same? Should I capital gosh and goodness too?
Hi Alex
Fantastic lessons You show us.
I have one question to You
Do you still speak polish ?
All the best
I would like to know that as well ;)
I think he can :-)
thanks Alex ^_^
Hi Alex :)
I’m still confused about “could/couldn’t care less”
Why is No.3’s answer “couldn’t care less”?
Why is No.6’s answer “could care less”?
Should I watch this video again?
Anyway thank you :)
you are the best Mr.Alex
I enjoyed this lesson, and thank you Alex.
9/10 Thanks! Very useful!
Wow, Thanks a lot! That was really helpful! I was so confused with double-negatives before watching this video!
thank you so much for useful lesson )) sometimes ı do some of these mistakes and this video makes me using corret sentences in speaking. ı hope ı willn’t do that mistakes again
So, basic! And that’s why it’s so helpful.
I got 9 correct out of 10~!!
There is some milk in the fridge~~!!
I will remember~~!!
Thanks Mr. Alex, I got 100%.
Brad Pitt has a new haircut!
Correct answer is: “I couldn’t care less.”
But I really wanna say: “I could care less.”…
And this is why I got 9/10… XD
Hello teacher! i’m not sure about the third mistake. Why we can’t say ” I could care less”? even so, we must say ” I couldn’t care less” .
In the first mistake you said about double negative. We don’t say “I didn’t see nothing” but we say ” I didn’t see anything”. So, what is the different between these tow? Less is the negative, but why we can use with Couldn’t ?
10/10 :) …. thank you Sir
Hey teacher it was really useful lesson for me:) I want to ask something you, I am preparing an exam like IELTS,TOEFL but its more simple than them.KL Kennedy Lugar YES(Youth Exchange) program.I passed general culture exam and interview.I should pass the listening exam but I don’t know how to study about that,please help me!
thanks for your assist
J’adore Alex Merci
Alex very good lesson again.
1. There are fewer members came to party than I expected.
2. I haven’t read all my emails.
I could’ve told you about this earlier.
3. Murthy brought a new shoes. I couldn’t care less
4. I don’t know anything about Stock finance.
10/10 thanks…:)
awesome! your class, thanks! I’d like about the meaning of vocabulary below. How can I use them? To announce/to declare/to pronounce/to proclaim
I likde “I couldn’t care less” a lot. Pretty cool expression to use towards friends. xD
Thanks a lot
10/10. Thanks!
All right, I got 10 correct out of 10..
Thanks alex, I had a doubt about the difference between fewer and less.
Thank you for this valuable lesson Alex. You are a great teacher….. may you please explain to me something you said about Abstract concepts which are not countable like love and justice ,but what is the word abstract mean ?
Thanks Alex!
Thanks Alex, great lesson.
haha i got 100
how about “it don’t matter”?
I’ve heard it several times in the films or series.
Dear Maggota, the correct way is “it doesn’t matter”.( I don’t, you don’t, it doesn’t, etc).
I know that the correct form is “it doesn’t matter” but I’ve watched “True Detective” lately and in one episode main character says “It don’t matter”. It made me a little confused, that’s why I’m asking.
10/10 :D I feel excitied
Hi, Alex.First of all, Thanks for your great lessons. Is it correct to say “I’ve gone to Ohio three times”? Wouldn’t it be better to say “I’ve been to Ohio three times”?
yay! Thank you very much, these lessons of British English ARE such a whale of time!
Great lesson Alex. Can I request you to compare “bother to do” and “bother doing”?
thanks Alex >
Hi Alex, I have a question:
If we do use the correct grammar, will all native speakers understand the correct meaning? or these 5 common mistakes are like slangs?
Many,many thanks!
Well.. Once I saw somewhere:
“There is a toilet, a bedroom, a kitchen and a living room” .. and I was wonder IF that was really correct to use “IS”, since we have a list of many things to count..
So.. What do you think, Mr. Alex?
Thank you MR. Alex
Great lesson as usual. Thanks much!
Thanks for your lesson, this is very interesting topic.
10/10 Very useful
Thank you Alex :)
thanks Alex I got 100%
It is very conducive for me. Thanks from Turkey – Istanbul.
Alex is my favorite teacher here.
Alex, thank you! You are the great teacher!
thanks for your examples… I used to use in negative “nothing” for example I don’t know nothing, now i learned!!!
referring to the no.4 mistake Alex mentioned.
‘ve gone to Ohio
I am learning Eng in Hong Kong, my teacher, who is non-native Eng speaker, told me if we gana say we have visited somewhere and now have backed to our initial place, we should say :
I have been to Ohio, rather than I have gone,
which means I have gone there and have still not backed, is he correct in this explanation?
Yes, he is right!
Thank you Alex;-)
Thank you Alex. I scored 100%
thank you
Thanks Alex, I’m confused about accountable and nonaccountable nouns :(
e.g. “There’s some milk in the fridge.”
I got 10 correct out of 10. I am so happy. Thank you. Sir.
You did a great job !
hello sir, thank you very much for the lesson. But I feel that, still a deeper explanation would do better. Thank you very much once again.
Thanks Alex,,
It is better to use a red pen when correcting
thank Alex, your voice are so clearly i love to hear your lession
Thank you Alex!! Useful lesson !!
Thank you sir, for teaching this important lesson.
9/10. Not bad! Thank you Alex for your lesson.Really helpful for me especially I’m not an English teacher but I teach English online.
i want to learn english and i am at the stage 3 in story (oxford books) what is your offer to me alex. and also thanks for sharing.
There’s no end to learning English. It’s a very wonderful language and will come in handy wherever you go.
hi Alex, i am still confused with ‘double negative’.
i couldn’t care less, which means i care much, or i don’t care at all, or i just care a little bit?
Usually, i say it couldn’t be better to express it is good enough, is it correct?
good lesson
thanks alex!
Thank you Alex!
Thank you Mr.Alex about these notice
thank u soooooo much sir now I know how to avoid those mistakes be safe and god bless sir!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Alex
Thank you, Alex! I understood everything you said yesterday
It”s great lesson Sir so thank you so much .
Gud luck !!!!
Many thanks.
Great lesson, Alex!
Thanks a lot Alex. You are a great teacher ? I Got ?!
Great lesson and a great teacher! Thanks a lot Alex!
Thanks Alex!
Thank you very much, Alex! 100%
Thank you Alex! This lesson is really useful and interesting for me.
9/10 Thanks!
10/10, That is a kind of easing all, thanks
Alex, your lessons are so useful. I was never good in English grammar, but your explanations help me a lot!
Hah! Why you are so confident that a sentence “Brad Pitt has a new haircut” should be “could not care less”
sorry – should not be….
Alex, good morning! Thank you for teaching us. Could you explain to me why number 9 is the second alternative?
Hi Alex,
Ending a sentence with a preposition, it’s good or not !
I watched this video twice on June 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you I’ve got 10/10