Having trouble writing an email? In this video, I will teach you five useful email expressions that will help you to write better emails. I will also teach some email vocabulary such as forward, attachment, and cc, along with some ways to end emails. Is it okay to use cc as a verb? Watch this class and find out!
before I listen to the lesson I must say
thank you soooooooo Much dear teacher
may allah bless you
Thanks dear teacher Emma!! I am looking forward to watching your video like others students.
God bless you
very useful!
Jun chen
oh really nice
thank you maam emma…God bless u
Hi, Emma!
I know what I’ll say is very different about the video that you have done… But, why, in English, we pronounce of eith a “”
Gustavo Menezes
We proununce “of” with the “v” sound, like “first of all”.
Gustavo Menezes
Hi Gustavo,
English can be funny sometimes. We spell words one way yet pronounce them in a different way. You are correct to note that we say “of” like ov.
I don’t know the exact reason for this. Maybe a long time ago it was pronounced of and then slowly changed to ov.
If you are unsure of pronunciation you can always check out http://www.dictionary.com. Type in a word, and you can hear it pronounced if you press the sound button. The website shows the different ways you can pronounce a word.
Hi Emma,
Thank you very much for your small-bite, but very important, courses. Your lessons are very helpful indeed! I would like to ask you whether you can share us the following lessons;
1) Further & father
2) Affect & effect
your ‘lie or lay’ lesson is superb! :)
Thanks again!
Nai Nai
hi emma,
first of all ,i’d like to thank you for the useful lessons,you’ve such a great way of teaching.
i think we say ov to “of” and we say of to “off”
that’s what a teacher has taught us in high school before
Hi Emma,
Thanks a lot for this lesson, these are really good to know.
I have a questions regarding the grammar which have been used in this lesson. Grammar doesn’t support the lesson “https://www.engvid.com/its-its/”. The way you have written “bill’s resume ane john’s resume” means resume of Bill and resume of John however lesson “It’s & Its” is making me confused. I also used to use It’s and Its the way you used however after going through “It’s & Its” lesson I have started using it differently. Please enlighten this confusion.
As per your lesson bill’s and john’s are not contraction of bill is/has and john is/has however as per the “It’s & Its” lesson It’s is the contraction of It is/has.
Hi Sunny,
The ‘s in Bill’s resume and John’s resume show that the resume belongs to Bill and John. We use ‘s here to show possession. Whose resumes are they? They are the resumes of Bill and John.
“It’s” is the contraction of “it is” or “it has”. Here is an example of it’s: It’s snowing.
We use “its” like we use “his” or “her”. Often we use “its” for animals. Here is an example: The dog licked its paws.
Let me know if there is anything more specific that you are confused with.
Hi Emma,
Thanks a lot, you people are great. Engvid Rocks. It’s such an amazing platform where everyone can discuss and clear his/her doubts with experts like you. And you people are very kind and courteous as you all reply to everyone who is seeking an answer. I do follow Engvid’s lessons whenever I have time.
Thanks again for your reply.
Forgot to say something.
Merry Christmas to you all….:)
You’r awesome teacher !
Muhammed habib
hi teacher how are you.i want to impruve my english.help me
It is quite useful! Thank you Emma
fresh look at emailing :)
warm regads from cold Siberia (right now T= -32C, freezing ((((
regards )))
I’m in Northern China right now. I too feel the cold! Best wishes!
thanks Emma was an excellent lesson
thank u Emma you are my best teacher
You look really good wiih the cloths you are wearing and the way you teach very helpful.merry crhistmas.
Cuong ta
Thank you! You’re very kind!
Emma, I’m from Brazil and I’m starting to learning English, By next july I’ll go to Canada/Vancouver, Would you suggest me any tips? I’d like to tell you that I’m completely impressed with your accent. I didn’t know that I could to understand people from the others countries. Thank you, I’m so Happy!!!
John Paiva
yeah…this is a very important lesson/video to watch, because we are dealing with emails like everyday or even more often..so thanks for teaching us Emma, i look forward to see you in another great lesson!!
“…I look forward to seeing you…” and not “….to see…” :)
Much thanks Emma. Appreciated.
Don Luckmal
Mny thankS.I would like to explaine to us how to reply.for exmple base on your request .
responed in your please inform that the jop has been complteted as the above mention.Any how your wunderful
Excellent lesson and very useful. Many thanks and looking forward to your next lesson :)
:-( I’m corrected 5/10
Keep practicing! You got half which is good. Watch the lesson again and try again! Good luck!
Great! I’m corrected 9/10.thank you so much :0
Thank you, it’s very usefull.
At the end of an email, can I write “All my best” in professional context ?
Jean Grillon
Teacher Emma, thanks a lot! I just passed the quiz 10/10. We look forward to learning more from your team. These simple expressions will bring us to the next level of our writing skills. God bless!
I look forward to reading your comments! Thank you everyone!
Hi best teacher in the world !!. please could you share a new lesson about mute consonants such as : often, know, knef, knocking, doubt, debt climb…
Hello Emma,
you are really amazing.I have one doubt could u please clarify me?…..Is there any rule for adding (ing) in the verb,if we use “look forward”.I look forward to your replay.
Thank you for your question.
We often say “look forward to __________ing.” Here are some examples:
1) I look forward to meeting you.
2) I look forward to having lunch with you.
3) I look forward to seeing you again.
We can also use “look forward to” with a noun. Here are some examples:
1) I am looking forward to Christmas.
2) I am looking forward to David’s party.
So, “looking forward to” should be followed by a verb in the gerund form (ing) or a noun.
How pleasing n profitable ur explanation is like always,dear Emma!!!
D best. :)
You mean “look farward to…”
look forward to and looking forward to – what is the difference? Or is it the same?
Hi Emma,
Thank you so much for the lesson. I’ve a confusion.
Can I write “I look forward to Christmas.” or I should write only “I look forward to + gerund. Thank you,
you amazing teacher emma
Mira Elsayed
Hi Mam Emma, thank you for the lesson you taught with regards to email..
But I wanna know what are Prefixes, Suffixes or Affixes to be use in order for us to change a certain word like from noun to adjective? or from verb to noun? thank you and God-bless.
such a good lesson. thanks a lot.
Oh, you got Miss Emma with question number 8 ?
However, Thanks for the lesson :))
I put some tricky questions in there. :)
Hi, teacher! Great lesson! And I’ve been tricked! :D
You got me *
tnx miss for these phrases very useful
and for the effort made
and work you do as well.
sorry for mistakes.
Thank you so much teacher Emma!
This video made me clear my confusion whether to use (the) in front of (attached) when i am writing an email with the attachment. Thanks a million again!
Nay Zaw Lin
Thank a lot Emma. It was excellent lesson, very clear and easy to understand
Hi Emma
Could we use ‘for’ instead of ‘to’ togerher with look forward?. i.e. I look forward for your response.
Thank you, Emma! You are a great teacher! It was a useful piece of information, because I would spend hours writing emails in English, but now I have a better understanding of how to write ’em and what expressions are better to be used. I look forward to your next lessons! Best regards!
warm wishes
thanks a lot Teacher Emma,
warm wishes <3
Thanks alot emma
You are wonderful
Thank you some much
Hello Emma, I have two questions.
1. You said that “look forward to” can be used with nouns — “I am looking forward to Christmas.” Can we change preposition “to” to “for”? — “I am looking forward for Christmas.”
2. You also said that when we use “looking forward to” with verbs, we should use -ing form of those verbs. But does it sound strange, or is it a major error when we put a base form of a verb instead? — “I look forward to meet you.” Do native speakers do it in daily speech?
howdy,, I think that ^^look forward to^^
is a phrasal verb so you can`t change the preposition
becuz it will change the whole meaning .
about your second quesation
T/Emma said that “looking forward to “ proceeded by
Noun or Gerund(ing) which gerund considering here as ^noun^
so rather than saying
I look forward to meet you .
which this sentence seems to become awkward .
you would say
I look forward to meeting you
* the gerund ^meeting^ here is noun not verb
you can also used noun after to
e.g. I look forward to the conference
I also found this from native speaker
he said that ,, look forward to + v
sounds wrong to him and it sounds like the sort of mistake that
only non-native speakers would would make
(Native speakers make plenty of mistakes, but this is not one of them.)
Very usefull lesson. I loved it. Thank you all teaachers. you all teached me a lot of english this year. MERRY CHRISTMANS TO YOU ALL AND YOUR FAMILIES.
Hi, Emma.
You’ve written résumé without any accent. To resume is a verb that means a different thing. Is it normal to omit the graphical accents in words from other languages, like this?
Thanks very much, I discovered your website some months ago, and I can say it’s the best Internet page I’ve seen so far. I’ve learnt a lot with you.
hi, Emma. thank you so much for this lesson. please, I have some questions about the words under, beneath and underneath. are they interchangeable? please, I am looking forward to your help. thanks. hugs.
Daniel C Herculano
first thing,, beneath is more`formal` than underneath .
underneath = under- used especialy to emphasize that is something covers or hides
e.g. I found the book underneath the sofa
beneath = under or in lower level
e.g He stood on the bridge , looking at the river beneath .
I loved this lesson!
The question number 8:
“8. Kind regards, regards, good regards, and sincerely are all common ways to end an email.”
is really tricky question, isn’t it… ALL.
I totally agree :)
Thanks for the tutorial. You need to add a general comment box. I need to requested to any of the teachers here in this web site, to do a tutorial relate to how to growing word from the base form of the verb, per ejemple: 1) love,lover,lovely, 2) help, helper, helpful, helfuly. I am very coumfuse specialy whit words ending with ful and lly. Please.
Thank you very much
Thank you so much for all the videos, you are doing a very good job, thanks again.
best wishes,
Hi Emma,
i am look forward to learning a lot more engvid videos from u.
I am bit confuse Emma, i have list some sentence below please correct me.
A)I look forward to learning a lot more engvid videos from you.
B)I am looking forward to learn a lot more engvid videos from you.
C)I am looking forward to learning a ot more engvid videos from you.
Regards ,
Thank you very very much .. really,, good site to learning English language
:) Best Wishes ,,
Thank you, Emma. Very interesting
Thanks Emma .
Very nice and clear lesson.
Thank you Emma, it was my first lesson on the web site :)
Hi Emma,
I am not accepted EngVid English lesson class yet(I haven’t heard anything from EngVid teacher yet), but I’ve been enjoying EngVid English lesson.
Today I have 9 out of 10 from your tests.
Thank you.
Have a nice evening.
Thank you Emma.
Hello Emma,
This lesson was very useful. For another lesson could you explain the difference between this and that. I do not know the rule and when I should use this or that.
Thanks a lot for your work.
Thank you, it was a very interesting lesson
I like that explanation becouse i didn´t know those things about phrases of emails.
God bless you and your colleagues,
all of you are good teachers.
Hello Emma Thanks a lot for this information and
I have a question What the defferance between I’m looking forward to ….ing ..and I’m look forward to …..ing
this video was useful for me becouse I didn´t know those phrases of emails.
God bless you and your colleagues,
all of you are good techers.
hello Emma, thanks for the lesson and i like the way you tech, express,…..
thanks once again keep in touch
hi Emma please can you help me to learn english language
Hi Emma,
You are really good teacher, thanks for your time!
Greetings from Lima,
José Rodríguez
Hi dear Emma,
There r 2 Qs by me,plzzzz…….
1.Is there any difference in meaning btw
“I look 4ward” & “I’m looking 4ward” ?!
2.I coulden’t catch the meaning of question 9?!
Lots of tx!
howdy,, I think that ^^I look forward^^
is more formal and it used in business letter
e.g. I look forward to contacting me .
^^I`m looking forward to ^^
it used during the daily live or amongst chums
e.g I`m looking forward to watching your new lesson .
in spite of that , either can be used in either situation
the matter of what ? is the *look forward to or looking forward* must proceed by gerund(ing) or noun .
Hi there,
1rst thing 1rst,tx 4 helping.
Thus,there’s no difference in meaning;ha?!
Dear Emma, Thanks alot for this lesson. I like the way you teach and look forward to hearing more your lesson. Merry christmas to you all !!!
Quynh Hoang
Man, just 7/10…just keep studying hard. :)
Quynh Hoang
Hi Emma
I’m using “please find enclosed”.
Is “please find attached” more common in Canada or they have different meaning.
CC = carbon copy
Why “carbon”? Can you explain meaning of this word.
Is it the same like “learn by heart”?
heart and brain ???
“learn by rote”. This one is clear for me.
I’m looking forward to your answer :)
Regards :)
I’ve just forgotten this one.
“I’m looking forward to” and “I look forward to”
I’ve often seen first one.
I’m not sure if this is correct, so if it is wrong, correct me. :)
I would use “I’m looking forward to” in:
“I’m looking forward to Christmas because only a few days left to it.”
And I would use “I look forward to” in:
“Every year I look forward to Christmas.”
the ing version is less formal, you can use it when you writing to a friend.
Carbon paper is a thin sheet of paper. If you write on the first page, it will be visible on the other pages too. Carbon copy is the technique of using this kind of paper.
*carbon copying is the technique
Thank you
Polish translation of “carbon paper” doesn’t have anything to do with carbon.
Do you know something about “heart” in “learn by heart”?
I’ve never heard this expression before, but I found this:
“…It seems to be due to a mistaken analysis of anatomical functions made by the ancient Greeks.
The ancient Greeks believed that the heart, the most noticeable internal organ, was the seat of intelligence and memory, as well as emotion. This belief was passed down through the ages and became the basis for the English expression learn by heart.
Learn by heart was used by Chaucer in Troilus and Criseyde (1374), and must have been proverbial long before that.
…we have the word record, formed from the Latin re (meaning “again”) and cor (meaning “heart”), which means exactly the same as to learn by heart.”
I’m not Emma, but I can explain you the meaning of CC.
A long time ago, people used to write with typewriters, not with computers. Because of that, if you wanted one or more copies of the document, you had to make photocopies, or place in the machine several papers, with a Carbon Paper between them. This is the sense of Carbon, those papers were made of coal, but the word root belongs to latin, and in latin coal is the same as carbon. (In English, coal is the mineral, and Carbon is the chemical element). I hope this expanation will be good for you.
howdy,, for the carbon copy word
I found this : It has 2 meaning
1- a copy especially of some thing that has been typed using carbon paper*
so I guess because of this kinda carbon paper
he used this word ^ cc ^.
2- someone or something that is very similar to anther person or thing .
Thanks Emma!
I’m looking forward to new lessons from you!
Take care!
Dear EMMA,
i am nahid and i am really happy to join with you.Actually, i am new hear and i am very interested to learn your lesson.
i am forwarding to hearing from you.
Warm wishes,
Dear Emma,
how’s doing now. Hopefully you are well and i wish you all the best.I am happy to say,your email topics are very general to use everywhere.Thank you for your teaching.
i look forward to your reply.
Dear Emma u doing a good job please carry on and teach a lot god bless u
Thanks a lot!
Luong Vu Hieu
Thank you.
this is a song of melody that’s never been before.
Excellent lesson.
Thank you so much!
Dear Emma,
I often visit engvid, as I find it useful.
Regarding your this topic I have some queries….
a)I think FIND ATTACHED is not a proper expression. Instead we can use ATTACHED HEREWITH. Because we don’t have to find an attachment as it’s always at the same place in a mail.
b)While signing off is it correct to use capital letters for both words e.g.,’Kind Regards’. I think second word here doesn’t require capital letter. ‘Kind regards’ should be fine.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Kind regards,
Sai “find” isn’t always connected with “look for”. It has also other meanings. In that case meaning of this word is similar “discover” or “notice”. You can use this word olso as “consider”. For example You can say “i found Canada interesting country “. It will mean that You think Canada is interestung, not You were a pilot and You were looking for Canada :)
Find attached was my fault sir .
Thank Emma for this helpful lesson.
Warm wishes and merry Christmas.
Hello Madam,
Can we say like this
“I looking forward to meet you.”
is any mistake?
Hi Emma! You are the best! I am your fan. Are you in China? Cool! Enjoy it! It’s summer here in Brazil, and it’s really hot! (:<) Thank you for the lesson, dear…
Sally S
Thank you your interesting and a little difficult lesson :-)
very clear & very useful.
Hi Emma,
thank you for the useful lesson. For me it’s very hard to write emails to my colleagues in a short and easy way.
I wish you a merry Chrismas and a happy new year.
Hi Emma,
Thanks for your lesson. its so useful for me.
Venu gopal M
Hi emma, this is youssef new member, just to mention the lesson was wonderful and please when you have chance we need more lessons about the emails ,more expressions its really important nowdays ,
thank you ,
Is it wrong to say: “Please find the attached file/____”?
I’ve seen people use this a lot, both native and ESL speakers.
That was amazing
kind regards,
Hi my great teacher Emma ,
I am really appreciated the work you have done in every lesson. I know it took time for preparation videos, quizzes…etc. Also ,I am appreciated other teachers and Engvid ‘s team .
I have a question . Can I say “please find attached a copy of invoices ” or “copies of invoices”
I look forward to hearing the answer from you and also seeing new video. Regards -Mohanad
thank you very much.i would like to ask about the ward advice. some dictionaries say that it is singular others say there is no plural form from it. which one is right.
it is very usefull to me i don’t know how to talk to English but now i think i will learn it
9 out of 10 I am not satisfied but you are so great teacher .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Hi Emma! As ever, thanks for your useful lessons. Happy Holidays!!
I really like it! :)
Diego Furtado
thanks Emma was an excellent lesson
Thanks Miss Enma! I look foward to watching more lessons on Engvid.com.
Best regards,
are you stiil in chaina
Thanks Emma for this lesson, some time I received an email end by “I am looking forward to your reply” is it correct? And why!
Look forward to your reply :)
Best wishes,
thanks! i understood more about.i have made mistake many before.
Alex Oliveira
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the lesson. I am looking forward to listen your next lesson :)
very nice lesson
felipe victoria
Hey Emma!! Your classes blow my mind. I am always grateful. I wanted to take a lesson that is related to a relative clause in English grammar. It is really important and I really want you to teach that class !!
With your beauty and soothing voice, I might be an expert at a relative clause.
how to improve the english
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for your lesson, I also spend more then one hour to write an email…
your lesson will help me more..
Thank you.
Thank you so Emma Teacher. These are very useful expressions.
Thank you so much Emma Teacher. These are very useful things.
Dear Emma,
I’m waiting for listening you in french in your next lesson.
Thank you for this great lesson Emma ^_^
I had only one wrong, and I guess it was a tricky question which is I really don’t read it in full ( Kind regards, regards, good regards, and sincerely are all common ways to end an email.) I didn’t pay attention for (good regards) =D
By the way, as we are closer to the next year, would you mind making a lesson about any thing related to the NEW YEAR and the habits that always to be made on the Eve such like celebration around the world, the firework, the concerts, kissing after 12 Am ^_^ and more important, the common vocabulary that we need to know =)
(good regards)=P
These lessons are very interesting. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the lesson, its very useble for me!
you are great job and i appreciate that alot
Thanks so much Emma. That’s very useful and great lesson.
I can’t wait to listening your next lesson.
Best regards,
Great job Emma.
Best Regards :)
I’ve always though we do not use contractions in business emails. And “warm wishes” sounds informal
Hi Emma, i am your new student from today Christmas day. So. I would warmly to say that Happy Merry Christmas N new Year 2013.
Thanks for this lesson Emma.
Happy new year fot everybody
Very useful lesson. I scored 8/10.
I really like the lesson.Best regards!
Thank you, this is very useful for my job.
Kind regards
Dear Emma,
these lessons are very useful for me and you know i am in country where need your support more, and if you don’t mind please share with me your Skyp id
Thanks indeed,
Useful information and nicely explained by Emma.
Nagana Goud
thank you very much emma
Reverend Madam,
Thanks a lot 4 ur cordial & fruitful teaching. It seems 2 me that ‘engbd’ will play a vital role in learning English. All the best!!!
With thanks
Javed Habib
Hi Emma! First of all, you are an excellent teacher. I’m writing to you from Medellin – Colombia.
I have a question related to truly yours, and the question is:
Can I use truly your like this: Truly yours Francisco or truly yours Andres. I mean, like signing or putting the name of the writer after truly yours. Thanks a lot
Dear madam I have done the test and I got eight out of ten.so I believed need a more exercise and many more knowledge to improve my email phrases. Thank u v much
Moahamed Shifaan
Thank you mam for your lesson, its great to learn corrective email phrases.
Very useful and very clear.
Baha Benotman
thank you Emma
Those expressions are really useful in email writing.
Hi Emma,
thanks for your help to learning many useful points. can you explain what’s difference between special-especial-particular-specific,?all of them have same meaning.
Hi Emma , I’m confused what’s the difference between these sentences or which one of them is correct ” Turn on\off the light ” or ” turn the light on\off ” ” turn out the lights ” please beautiful help , and you’re an amazing teacher thank you xx
I just watched the lesson , it’s very useful . thx a lot Emma .
your teaching is very excellent.everybody can understand your teaching and your quiz that are easier and do everyone.
thanks a lot
It’s very helpful
Praphulla Kumar
Hi Emma was Super very usful this video!!! Thanks a lot :-)
You are actually a good teacher.
I really like it..thank you very much Teacher :)
when I whach a video and i can answer the quiz
Very useful. Thanks a lot dear Emma. I do like your lessons and I can say without any fear to get opposition, that you’re among the best english teachers. Your lessons are so simple, explanations clear and above all, the pronounciation is perfect. I wish to learn more about how to write correctly essays and business letters. Would mind my asking you some pieces of advice or some links about? Best Wishes
Wow so nice
thank you a lot
How can I thank you emma?
Dear Emma:
thank you so much, after learn so many lessons which you put on the website, I have maken great progress.very nice, hope I can become a native speaker :)
best wishes.
Thank you so much for the lesson. It was useful. Keep up the good work.!
Gerardo Silva
i keep my husband in the loop. there’s nothing hided from me.
is the sentence correct.
thank you Emma
thank you emma i like your way carry on . and happy new year :)
I want to say thank you teacher!! I was in need of this information.
You’re to kind and your classes are great!!
Regards, from Brazil!
Thank you Emma.It is very useful
Please find attached or Please find the attached
which is correct?
Your lesson was excelent. Congratulations
Thanks for the lesson. I look forward to listening to more lessons from you!
Thank you Emma ^^
This lesson is really useful !!
i really appreciated your efforts to simplify learning English language .
may i take your facebook address?
warm wishes
very useful
thank you my great teacher Emma
Basic stuff for an email writing and very useful
hi emma, thanks for your great lecture. I have one question about the fourth sentence; if you have any questions,… I thought after any, I should use the singular noun, like if you have any question,… Isn’t it right?
hello Emma, thanks for the nice teaching I like the way you pronounce, it is very clear and obvious, in the test i scored 9 out of 10…Thanks again.
thanks Emma iam from morocco your leson is very nice my level in english very low iscored 7 out of 10 thanks again
Thank you very much Emma,
You have a very good pronunciation.
Hi Emma, I am from Brazil.I have been studing all your lessons and all of them are so helpfull to improve my English skills. Thank you very much and May God blessed all of you guys.
Thank you Emma. I look forward to watching a new lesson from you.
hi Emma i got from you
i like ur way to explain the lesson thank uuuuuuuuu
Hi Dear Emma,
Thank you very much for this lesson is very helpful,please do not hisetate to give us more lessons,and I am looking forward to watching your video
Thank you very much. I am learning a lot from engVID.com.
It’s very useful to everyone thanks really I love the helping so mucccccccccccccch and I am very helper
Wow thank you very much Emma, this is very useful :)
Thank you very much , it is very useful.
thank you
Many thanks for your useful email expressions.
I took 7 out of 10. Hope to hearing from you more about!
best wishes,
Thank you Dear, such an amazing explanation.
This is amazing!!! Thank you.
John Paiva
so good for this lesson, good luck please teacher.
can you make more lessons about TOEFL test? (coz I like your lessons)
john browdy
Awesome! Thanks a lot!
I look forward to using all of it! ;)
I could not find words, of course, to express my gratitude towards all lecturers for your loving kindness. I feel so unworthy to take it from you. I pray our God will bless you all. From Chin State, now works in UAE.
Ting Lee
Hi Emma,
You’re really a great teacher.
I look forward to listening your next lesson.
Warm wishes,
what the different between my resume and to resume in the pronunciation
is it the same ?
I have used “I look forward to see you next week” for years in New Zealand and nobody ever told me I was wrong. Thank god I watched your lesson and can correct this mistake I have been making for years.
I have a question though if you don’t mind. Is “I look forward to see you” (and any other verb in the infinitive, not only “see”) only grammatically incorrect (ie, acceptable in spoken English) or is it just wrong at all times?
Thank you in advance Emma! :)
thank u So much Emma!
Hi Emma
Thank you very much for explanation
its very useful
Thank you for your great help to improve my English
Slam IdeI
Nice lesson! All is clear! Thanks a lot!
Happy Valentine’s day ahead! :)
Regards, Olya
i am a person who always learn english from this website, all you guys product the good video, you r a great teacher , and just a questioin can i contact any teacher directly in case of I really need help concern on english
Thank you.
Dear Ronnie
I have so much confusion in tenses.what time which tense is use.
Help by easy way.
Thank you
Great lesson.
Thank you for the efforts that been put by you and other teacher in eng vid,
Can you recommend me to onlive english teaching course .
Nasser Al-Sulaiti
Thanks a lot Emma…. The lesson was so helpful..
thank you very much emma. i am haveing this lesson everyday. some english lesson are difficult to understanding. i will try to evryday join this lesson to impurove my englishi.
Hi.First of all I`d want to thanks for your smiling face.I want to say just is amazing your teaching.
Big Hugs
Every time i get 10/10 my confidence boosts up
thank you
Thank you very much for this lesson. Could you tell me please whether there are any differences between Regards and Kind Regards. Also can I use Best Regards at the end of a letter? And if so whether there are any differences between this expression and the previous ones.
Very usefull, thanks so much.
hi emma:
this quize i have a got a 5 collecut out of 10.
do you think a pass this quize.
some of this lesson is understanding but still difficult for me.
i try to understaning evey lesson by wwwengvid.com.
thanks emma.
hi Emma,
I have a question, is the article “the” is required/not before the word “attached”
Useful! Thanks Emma!
you are goooood E
mma. thanks.
Great lesson , i like it ! Thank you :)
Everyone often use email. for me , I first know about these tips.
Thank you so much Emma!
for me this lesson was very difficult
Very informative and useful.
Thanks Emma :)
Now i learnt how to write good email to my friends…Thank you Emma…..:)
Good day Emma you are always convincing .
please, is there a difference between these words
bulk mail and spam?
Hello Emma
Thanks for your teaching, i really have problem in writing section hope your lesson would useful not only for me but for all the students.
I will use these phrases in my job communications.
Great lesson,i like your style in teaching.
I look forward to hearing from you.
hi emma thank you for this great lesson.please i want to ask if we start a business mail with the “i want to clarify”.???? and please i want some lessons on how to wtite an email.thank you
Hello Emma
We often use ” Best Regards” in our company. Is that correct?
That was a very good lesson and actually useful … :) THANKS
Thank you very much , lesson is very good
Kind Regards, :):)
thanks, is very important now how I am write emails.
Hello Emma, today I did a new forward step to improve emails writing skills. Thanks a lot for all your help.
I look forward to hearing from you!!
Dennys Espinoza (Vzla)
What about saying ‘I’m addressing you …”
Hi Emma
Thank you for your helping
I confused about
“look forward to meeting you”
how we put (ing) after (to)
why the verb not infinitive?
or meeting in this sentence is (noun)?
Thank you again
You are absolutely right but this is expression. You should put the verb in “ing” form after “to”. If you don’t put it, it will sounds awkward.
what are the other situation I can use (ing) after to? are there any rules?
Hi Emma,
Please don’t stand in front of what you’ve written on the board while you are talking.
Best wishes.
PS: Do I need to write “wishes” with capital?
you are very good teacher i am looking forward to you next lesson wonderful i am intersted in your lesson i wish that i can learn more from your lesson regards teather
I am addicted to your lessons Emma ;)
Thanks Emma! Very useful!
I look forward to watching videos from u
Thanks so much teacher I learned many things
rajaa abdelrazik@facebook.com
Very usefull. Thanks for all.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much! I didn’t know abot “cc” before. I will use it while writing informal letter.
:( I have a bad phone, tonight i can not see the video as well as i was thought…
Hi guys would to pratice your english with me …ok …lets do it fun..i m pancho mtz just find it on facebook..it s gonna be cool to met new people around of the world….
Sorry i forgive something…to write it well… “would you like” this is for second comment
I dont know if you can see these lines since there’s been so many comments but anyway, i still want to say thank you. Thank you a lot for all useful lessons. God bless you!
Thank you.
Hi Emma
Thank you very much I understand this lesson
I Look forward to watching much video for you
I Want To ask you that I am face a problem in English, My mother language is Arabic, and this is a very problem and difficult in English What I should do? Thank you a lot. :)
Sana Nada
Thank you so much teacher Emma..
it’s really usefull lesson
I like it!
Thanks Mam I got 70%.
Abdul Qayum
Thank you for your help
I look forward to watching next lesson.
Thanks, we need more lessons for business speaking. It’s great to have engvid.com
Thank you very much for your help,love from Turkey.With my kindest regards.
The lesson was very usfull for writing a formal letter.
Thanks Emma
Dear Emma:
As your one of the best student.I am so sorry to tell you that I have some English question want to ask. Please find atteched file on the email. Please do not wait to reply me.
Your Engvid Student
Sincerely,Best regard and Warm wish.
water meter check please
that’s good.
Dear Emma,
First of all I would like to thank you about this lesson which corrected some of my mistake which I used to type them in my business and work emails before. thanks again and kind regards,
and I got 10 correct out of 10
emma’s perfect but subtitles re very very bad
unal ozkaya
I like your way !
Muhammed habib
I look forward to learning more from you.
Hi Emma,
Pls explain the difference between looking forward to hear and look forward to hearing from u.
Excuse me Teacher, can i ask a question? I watched many video of Teacher Ronnie. And she had a lesson explained why grammar never plus “to be” before gerund. Therefore, I got a mess in this lesson. EX: I look forward to hearing from you. This sentence was formed by “to be” + “gerund”. Thank!
Thank you for this lesson, it was very useful to my next e-mails!
Thanks a lot my respectable teacher.
it was really helpful vedio.
I really appreciat your restarment.
salem farhmand
salem farhmand
I were excited and thanks Miss for your effort i really like u very much
Thanks..Emma. I got 80%.
very useful!
This lesson was great! Thank you Emma…..
Thank you!
Very useful, thanks very much Emma!
Nice lesson .. thank you emma :)
I’m looking forward to watching your new lessons
I got 10 correct out of 10 :) thank you so much.
Very useful video.
Hi Emma,
first, I’d like to thank you for your efforts…
it is the first day to me at this usefull and wonderfull site.
i’d like to ask if we should use ”don’t hesitate” or “do not hesitate” as per your 5 tips to improve your writing lesson
thanks very much :)
Thank you Madam,.,. Still more Email Expression i am Expecting from you.
Hi Emma! Thanks for your tips. In terms of register, would you say that I look forward to meeting you is formal and I look forward to meet you Informal?
Thank you so much
Thank you Emma. This lesson was very useful because I’ll stop stressing out each time that I have to write an email.
I’ve got it now
Thank you Emma
warm wishes emma
Thank you Emma
hello ,Emma , your teaching technique is worked for me ,it’s more better than other teaches as well in this entire website,i really like your smile ,it makes you prettier :-)
hello emma, it’s useful phrase for writing email. i really like this web n the theacers
Thank you Emma.
Very useful topic. thanks!
Great lesson. thanks a lot for this
Hi Emma,
In my opinion before watching this video, we can’t put verb+ing after ‘to’. If we wanna use verb+ing, then we use ‘for’ instead of ‘to’. Could you tell me further about it? Thank you very much
dear Emma ,
it is a exiting useful lessons thank you.
ahmed samy 20
Thank you so much Emma! :)
These are really helpful information!
Thanks :-)
dear Emma,thanks for your wonderful lesson.
I’ve seen a gramma using in “any”, the example is She is prettier than any other student in the class, and it said that any should been use with sigular noun.
But the sample you gave is if you have any question”s”, would it be possible that any can be added with sigular and “s”?
7/10 is it bad?
emma,thanks for your lecture
Thank You so much Dear
God Bless You
7/10 .. Thanks!
I look forward to more email expression!
Ramin M
I got 8/10.
Thank you for good and very clear expression. More so, i would like you to teach on e-mail Salutation (formal and informal), and closing email (formal and informal) even in same video still repeat email attachment thought on this one. I think if done in same single video would make it a better materials. Once again, thank you
Thank you Emma.
Ahmed Dahy
Great lesson.
thanks emma
hussien fahmy
Very very useful. Thank you.
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much i love your classroom
Thank u sooooooooooo much Emma , we appropriate ur amazing effort
thank you my teacher fot this useful lesson
You are excellent. Just added comments here to encourage you.
Thank you very much!
you are my best teacher in this site and this video is really useful
zahraa aljanabi
Thanklyou ..very good leeson
mustafa assad
I learned that I could use the following expressions when I am in expectation of an answer: “Looking forward to hering from you” (INFORMAL E-MAIL) and “I look forward to hering (to hear) from you” (FORMAL E- MAIL).
Is it correct what I learned?
Dear Emma,
I liked it.
Kind Regards,
Thank you Emma.
Thank you. I can write emails quickly now. There are typical email sentences, I have to remember these sentences. I will keep learning how to write a email!
Thanks dear Emma!! could I asked you for onther lesson?
Thank you very much teacher Emma for this intersting lesson.
thanks emma , i have really learnt alot from you
i look forward to hearing much more from you
thank you so much emma,
Redouane kaci
Dear Emma,
First, many thanks for your clear lessons.
What are the grammar rules if you want to conjugate an abbreviation, for instance CC, in a sentence. I mean the abbreviation has been promoted to a verb.
Thanh you in advance.
Tiny Vissers
thank you emma it was so useful
hawre ismail
thank you Emma
Hi emma can i say? I am looking forward to hear from you.is this sentence correct thank you
Thank you very much. One of the dest things to attract the students is choosing nice & uesful tips . What you do teacher !
sorry : best
Thanks a lot, one more expression which I think is formally used in emails:
Your reply is highly appreciate it.
Your response in this matter is appreciate it.
“Appreciate it” should be “appreciated”.
engVid Moderator
Thanks a lot for correction
Thank you for your sharing
This’s my first comment in envied :) my favourite teacher is Emma. She is very nıce and polıte. I enjoy her each lessons. Thank you Emma ! ıt was very useful :)
Hello Everybody,why i can’t open the video? can anyone can help me?thanks in advance.
Annie Zhu
Are you in China? I think you can’t open the video because of YouTube, you know what I mean.
Jun Shao
your Explanations are very clear you are really an efficient teacher
We learned a lot in your course
Your video helps me so much. I need write email almost everyday. However I did not learn about it . I look forwarding to seeing more video. Thank you
Hi Emma,
I am wondering which of the below sentences is correct:
Please find ( see ) attached an order acknowledgement for your purchase order dated…
Please find ( see ) attached order acknowledgement for your purchase order dated …..
I saw that people use both, but which is correct?
Thank you
i dont understand Emma. in this vedio you said that regards, cincerely and …..words can end an email with them but in the quiz get No .explain me please.
regards, kind regards & sincerely are using when you want to sign off your email. to end up your email, you will write I look forward to hearing from you.
Egyptian Pharaoh
i’m very satisfied to lean english on this web site,is like a true class. i like it, because is very exitating to continu. thanks for all
Hello Emma,
I am forwording thank you to you .I look forward to hearing from you.
Worm wishes,
Author Rakesh
Thank you Emma
Safa Mahmoud
The explanation is great
Thank Emma
Yeah! It was a great lesson! Thank you Emma!
it was very useful, thanks and regards!
Thank you for your video. I think it is useful.
Jun Shao
You got 9 correct out of 10.Thank you
M kartal
Thank you for this wonderful video. I’ve learned a lot. Looking forward for more of your lessons.
God bless,
I got only 5/10
hi Emma thanks for this great lecture and this time i got 80
Hi Emma I am looking forward to learn from you replying email ettiquette with vendors and I am working as a professional in Cisco. Can you please correct me.
amazing teacher
Mira Elsayed
Dear Emma,
I would like to know whether you offer mock speaking test for IELTS through Skype? If so, I’m highly interested in taking a speaking mock test with you.
I look forward to hearing from you. :)
hello ,
please help why this is not correct :
8. Kind regards, regards, good regards, and sincerely are all common ways to end an email.
“Good regards” sounds strange and is not used to end an email.
dear emma/thank you
atif ragab
Thanks for your support for improving my language skills.
Benajmin Eizadi
Thanks mam please tell me what the mean of mobilization data
Waheed Khan
Thansk Emma, this lessson was very useful!
edi wilson
edi wilson
thanks a lot, it is very useful
thanks, Emma
Dear Emma
This is a good lesson with very useful advice.
thanks from algeria
Nice class thank you !
Nice class thank you !
It’s helped a lot mam and very useful lesson.
6/10! I have some problems with email writing. Go over this lesson and finish the quiz again!
Jerry Gu
Thanks a lot Ms. Emma.
That was great. Tks.
I watched this video twice on April 20, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 9 correct out of 10.
90.. ^^, thanks Emma
Thanks a bunch
Thanks for your video. I look forward to hearing the new videos about that. thanks.
Amazing lesson as usual.
It’s very interesting. I need more practice, thank you.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
before I listen to the lesson I must say
thank you soooooooo Much dear teacher
may allah bless you
Thanks dear teacher Emma!! I am looking forward to watching your video like others students.
God bless you
very useful!
oh really nice
thank you maam emma…God bless u
Hi, Emma!
I know what I’ll say is very different about the video that you have done… But, why, in English, we pronounce of eith a “”
We proununce “of” with the “v” sound, like “first of all”.
Hi Gustavo,
English can be funny sometimes. We spell words one way yet pronounce them in a different way. You are correct to note that we say “of” like ov.
I don’t know the exact reason for this. Maybe a long time ago it was pronounced of and then slowly changed to ov.
If you are unsure of pronunciation you can always check out http://www.dictionary.com. Type in a word, and you can hear it pronounced if you press the sound button. The website shows the different ways you can pronounce a word.
Hi Emma,
Thank you very much for your small-bite, but very important, courses. Your lessons are very helpful indeed! I would like to ask you whether you can share us the following lessons;
1) Further & father
2) Affect & effect
your ‘lie or lay’ lesson is superb! :)
Thanks again!
hi emma,
first of all ,i’d like to thank you for the useful lessons,you’ve such a great way of teaching.
i think we say ov to “of” and we say of to “off”
that’s what a teacher has taught us in high school before
Hi Emma,
Thanks a lot for this lesson, these are really good to know.
I have a questions regarding the grammar which have been used in this lesson. Grammar doesn’t support the lesson “https://www.engvid.com/its-its/”. The way you have written “bill’s resume ane john’s resume” means resume of Bill and resume of John however lesson “It’s & Its” is making me confused. I also used to use It’s and Its the way you used however after going through “It’s & Its” lesson I have started using it differently. Please enlighten this confusion.
As per your lesson bill’s and john’s are not contraction of bill is/has and john is/has however as per the “It’s & Its” lesson It’s is the contraction of It is/has.
Hi Sunny,
The ‘s in Bill’s resume and John’s resume show that the resume belongs to Bill and John. We use ‘s here to show possession. Whose resumes are they? They are the resumes of Bill and John.
“It’s” is the contraction of “it is” or “it has”. Here is an example of it’s: It’s snowing.
We use “its” like we use “his” or “her”. Often we use “its” for animals. Here is an example: The dog licked its paws.
Let me know if there is anything more specific that you are confused with.
Hi Emma,
Thanks a lot, you people are great. Engvid Rocks. It’s such an amazing platform where everyone can discuss and clear his/her doubts with experts like you. And you people are very kind and courteous as you all reply to everyone who is seeking an answer. I do follow Engvid’s lessons whenever I have time.
Thanks again for your reply.
Forgot to say something.
Merry Christmas to you all….:)
You’r awesome teacher !
hi teacher how are you.i want to impruve my english.help me
It is quite useful! Thank you Emma
fresh look at emailing :)
warm regads from cold Siberia (right now T= -32C, freezing ((((
regards )))
I’m in Northern China right now. I too feel the cold! Best wishes!
thanks Emma was an excellent lesson
thank u Emma you are my best teacher
You look really good wiih the cloths you are wearing and the way you teach very helpful.merry crhistmas.
Thank you! You’re very kind!
Emma, I’m from Brazil and I’m starting to learning English, By next july I’ll go to Canada/Vancouver, Would you suggest me any tips? I’d like to tell you that I’m completely impressed with your accent. I didn’t know that I could to understand people from the others countries. Thank you, I’m so Happy!!!
yeah…this is a very important lesson/video to watch, because we are dealing with emails like everyday or even more often..so thanks for teaching us Emma, i look forward to see you in another great lesson!!
“…I look forward to seeing you…” and not “….to see…” :)
Much thanks Emma. Appreciated.
Mny thankS.I would like to explaine to us how to reply.for exmple base on your request .
responed in your please inform that the jop has been complteted as the above mention.Any how your wunderful
Excellent lesson and very useful. Many thanks and looking forward to your next lesson :)
:-( I’m corrected 5/10
Keep practicing! You got half which is good. Watch the lesson again and try again! Good luck!
Great! I’m corrected 9/10.thank you so much :0
Thank you, it’s very usefull.
At the end of an email, can I write “All my best” in professional context ?
Teacher Emma, thanks a lot! I just passed the quiz 10/10. We look forward to learning more from your team. These simple expressions will bring us to the next level of our writing skills. God bless!
I look forward to reading your comments! Thank you everyone!
Hi best teacher in the world !!. please could you share a new lesson about mute consonants such as : often, know, knef, knocking, doubt, debt climb…
Hello Emma,
you are really amazing.I have one doubt could u please clarify me?…..Is there any rule for adding (ing) in the verb,if we use “look forward”.I look forward to your replay.
Thank you for your question.
We often say “look forward to __________ing.” Here are some examples:
1) I look forward to meeting you.
2) I look forward to having lunch with you.
3) I look forward to seeing you again.
We can also use “look forward to” with a noun. Here are some examples:
1) I am looking forward to Christmas.
2) I am looking forward to David’s party.
So, “looking forward to” should be followed by a verb in the gerund form (ing) or a noun.
How pleasing n profitable ur explanation is like always,dear Emma!!!
D best. :)
You mean “look farward to…”
look forward to and looking forward to – what is the difference? Or is it the same?
Hi Emma,
Thank you so much for the lesson. I’ve a confusion.
Can I write “I look forward to Christmas.” or I should write only “I look forward to + gerund. Thank you,
you amazing teacher emma
Hi Mam Emma, thank you for the lesson you taught with regards to email..
But I wanna know what are Prefixes, Suffixes or Affixes to be use in order for us to change a certain word like from noun to adjective? or from verb to noun? thank you and God-bless.
such a good lesson. thanks a lot.
Oh, you got Miss Emma with question number 8 ?
However, Thanks for the lesson :))
I put some tricky questions in there. :)
Hi, teacher! Great lesson! And I’ve been tricked! :D
You got me *
tnx miss for these phrases very useful
and for the effort made
and work you do as well.
sorry for mistakes.
Thank you so much teacher Emma!
This video made me clear my confusion whether to use (the) in front of (attached) when i am writing an email with the attachment. Thanks a million again!
Thank a lot Emma. It was excellent lesson, very clear and easy to understand
Hi Emma
Could we use ‘for’ instead of ‘to’ togerher with look forward?. i.e. I look forward for your response.
Thank you, Emma! You are a great teacher! It was a useful piece of information, because I would spend hours writing emails in English, but now I have a better understanding of how to write ’em and what expressions are better to be used. I look forward to your next lessons! Best regards!
warm wishes
thanks a lot Teacher Emma,
warm wishes <3
Thanks alot emma
You are wonderful
Thank you some much
Hello Emma, I have two questions.
1. You said that “look forward to” can be used with nouns — “I am looking forward to Christmas.” Can we change preposition “to” to “for”? — “I am looking forward for Christmas.”
2. You also said that when we use “looking forward to” with verbs, we should use -ing form of those verbs. But does it sound strange, or is it a major error when we put a base form of a verb instead? — “I look forward to meet you.” Do native speakers do it in daily speech?
howdy,, I think that ^^look forward to^^
is a phrasal verb so you can`t change the preposition
becuz it will change the whole meaning .
about your second quesation
T/Emma said that “looking forward to “ proceeded by
Noun or Gerund(ing) which gerund considering here as ^noun^
so rather than saying
I look forward to meet you .
which this sentence seems to become awkward .
you would say
I look forward to meeting you
* the gerund ^meeting^ here is noun not verb
you can also used noun after to
e.g. I look forward to the conference
I also found this from native speaker
he said that ,, look forward to + v
sounds wrong to him and it sounds like the sort of mistake that
only non-native speakers would would make
(Native speakers make plenty of mistakes, but this is not one of them.)
Very usefull lesson. I loved it. Thank you all teaachers. you all teached me a lot of english this year. MERRY CHRISTMANS TO YOU ALL AND YOUR FAMILIES.
Hi, Emma.
You’ve written résumé without any accent. To resume is a verb that means a different thing. Is it normal to omit the graphical accents in words from other languages, like this?
Thanks very much, I discovered your website some months ago, and I can say it’s the best Internet page I’ve seen so far. I’ve learnt a lot with you.
hi, Emma. thank you so much for this lesson. please, I have some questions about the words under, beneath and underneath. are they interchangeable? please, I am looking forward to your help. thanks. hugs.
first thing,, beneath is more`formal` than underneath .
underneath = under- used especialy to emphasize that is something covers or hides
e.g. I found the book underneath the sofa
beneath = under or in lower level
e.g He stood on the bridge , looking at the river beneath .
I loved this lesson!
The question number 8:
“8. Kind regards, regards, good regards, and sincerely are all common ways to end an email.”
is really tricky question, isn’t it… ALL.
I totally agree :)
Thanks for the tutorial. You need to add a general comment box. I need to requested to any of the teachers here in this web site, to do a tutorial relate to how to growing word from the base form of the verb, per ejemple: 1) love,lover,lovely, 2) help, helper, helpful, helfuly. I am very coumfuse specialy whit words ending with ful and lly. Please.
Thank you very much
Thank you so much for all the videos, you are doing a very good job, thanks again.
best wishes,
Hi Emma,
i am look forward to learning a lot more engvid videos from u.
I am bit confuse Emma, i have list some sentence below please correct me.
A)I look forward to learning a lot more engvid videos from you.
B)I am looking forward to learn a lot more engvid videos from you.
C)I am looking forward to learning a ot more engvid videos from you.
Regards ,
Thank you very very much .. really,, good site to learning English language
:) Best Wishes ,,
Thank you, Emma. Very interesting
Thanks Emma .
Very nice and clear lesson.
Thank you Emma, it was my first lesson on the web site :)
Hi Emma,
I am not accepted EngVid English lesson class yet(I haven’t heard anything from EngVid teacher yet), but I’ve been enjoying EngVid English lesson.
Today I have 9 out of 10 from your tests.
Thank you.
Have a nice evening.
Thank you Emma.
Hello Emma,
This lesson was very useful. For another lesson could you explain the difference between this and that. I do not know the rule and when I should use this or that.
Thanks a lot for your work.
Thank you, it was a very interesting lesson
I like that explanation becouse i didn´t know those things about phrases of emails.
God bless you and your colleagues,
all of you are good teachers.
Hello Emma Thanks a lot for this information and
I have a question What the defferance between I’m looking forward to ….ing ..and I’m look forward to …..ing
this video was useful for me becouse I didn´t know those phrases of emails.
God bless you and your colleagues,
all of you are good techers.
hello Emma, thanks for the lesson and i like the way you tech, express,…..
thanks once again keep in touch
hi Emma please can you help me to learn english language
Hi Emma,
You are really good teacher, thanks for your time!
Greetings from Lima,
Hi dear Emma,
There r 2 Qs by me,plzzzz…….
1.Is there any difference in meaning btw
“I look 4ward” & “I’m looking 4ward” ?!
2.I coulden’t catch the meaning of question 9?!
Lots of tx!
howdy,, I think that ^^I look forward^^
is more formal and it used in business letter
e.g. I look forward to contacting me .
^^I`m looking forward to ^^
it used during the daily live or amongst chums
e.g I`m looking forward to watching your new lesson .
in spite of that , either can be used in either situation
the matter of what ? is the *look forward to or looking forward* must proceed by gerund(ing) or noun .
Hi there,
1rst thing 1rst,tx 4 helping.
Thus,there’s no difference in meaning;ha?!
Dear Emma, Thanks alot for this lesson. I like the way you teach and look forward to hearing more your lesson. Merry christmas to you all !!!
Man, just 7/10…just keep studying hard. :)
Hi Emma
I’m using “please find enclosed”.
Is “please find attached” more common in Canada or they have different meaning.
CC = carbon copy
Why “carbon”? Can you explain meaning of this word.
Is it the same like “learn by heart”?
heart and brain ???
“learn by rote”. This one is clear for me.
I’m looking forward to your answer :)
Regards :)
I’ve just forgotten this one.
“I’m looking forward to” and “I look forward to”
I’ve often seen first one.
I’m not sure if this is correct, so if it is wrong, correct me. :)
I would use “I’m looking forward to” in:
“I’m looking forward to Christmas because only a few days left to it.”
And I would use “I look forward to” in:
“Every year I look forward to Christmas.”
the ing version is less formal, you can use it when you writing to a friend.
Carbon paper is a thin sheet of paper. If you write on the first page, it will be visible on the other pages too. Carbon copy is the technique of using this kind of paper.
*carbon copying is the technique
Thank you
Polish translation of “carbon paper” doesn’t have anything to do with carbon.
Do you know something about “heart” in “learn by heart”?
I’ve never heard this expression before, but I found this:
“…It seems to be due to a mistaken analysis of anatomical functions made by the ancient Greeks.
The ancient Greeks believed that the heart, the most noticeable internal organ, was the seat of intelligence and memory, as well as emotion. This belief was passed down through the ages and became the basis for the English expression learn by heart.
Learn by heart was used by Chaucer in Troilus and Criseyde (1374), and must have been proverbial long before that.
…we have the word record, formed from the Latin re (meaning “again”) and cor (meaning “heart”), which means exactly the same as to learn by heart.”
I’m not Emma, but I can explain you the meaning of CC.
A long time ago, people used to write with typewriters, not with computers. Because of that, if you wanted one or more copies of the document, you had to make photocopies, or place in the machine several papers, with a Carbon Paper between them. This is the sense of Carbon, those papers were made of coal, but the word root belongs to latin, and in latin coal is the same as carbon. (In English, coal is the mineral, and Carbon is the chemical element). I hope this expanation will be good for you.
howdy,, for the carbon copy word
I found this : It has 2 meaning
1- a copy especially of some thing that has been typed using carbon paper*
so I guess because of this kinda carbon paper
he used this word ^ cc ^.
2- someone or something that is very similar to anther person or thing .
Thanks Emma!
I’m looking forward to new lessons from you!
Take care!
Dear EMMA,
i am nahid and i am really happy to join with you.Actually, i am new hear and i am very interested to learn your lesson.
i am forwarding to hearing from you.
Warm wishes,
Dear Emma,
how’s doing now. Hopefully you are well and i wish you all the best.I am happy to say,your email topics are very general to use everywhere.Thank you for your teaching.
i look forward to your reply.
Dear Emma u doing a good job please carry on and teach a lot god bless u
Thanks a lot!
Thank you.
this is a song of melody that’s never been before.
Excellent lesson.
Thank you so much!
Dear Emma,
I often visit engvid, as I find it useful.
Regarding your this topic I have some queries….
a)I think FIND ATTACHED is not a proper expression. Instead we can use ATTACHED HEREWITH. Because we don’t have to find an attachment as it’s always at the same place in a mail.
b)While signing off is it correct to use capital letters for both words e.g.,’Kind Regards’. I think second word here doesn’t require capital letter. ‘Kind regards’ should be fine.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Kind regards,
Sai “find” isn’t always connected with “look for”. It has also other meanings. In that case meaning of this word is similar “discover” or “notice”. You can use this word olso as “consider”. For example You can say “i found Canada interesting country “. It will mean that You think Canada is interestung, not You were a pilot and You were looking for Canada :)
Find attached was my fault sir .
Thank Emma for this helpful lesson.
Warm wishes and merry Christmas.
Hello Madam,
Can we say like this
“I looking forward to meet you.”
is any mistake?
Hi Emma! You are the best! I am your fan. Are you in China? Cool! Enjoy it! It’s summer here in Brazil, and it’s really hot! (:<) Thank you for the lesson, dear…
Thank you your interesting and a little difficult lesson :-)
very clear & very useful.
Hi Emma,
thank you for the useful lesson. For me it’s very hard to write emails to my colleagues in a short and easy way.
I wish you a merry Chrismas and a happy new year.
Hi Emma,
Thanks for your lesson. its so useful for me.
Hi emma, this is youssef new member, just to mention the lesson was wonderful and please when you have chance we need more lessons about the emails ,more expressions its really important nowdays ,
thank you ,
Is it wrong to say: “Please find the attached file/____”?
I’ve seen people use this a lot, both native and ESL speakers.
That was amazing
kind regards,
Hi my great teacher Emma ,
I am really appreciated the work you have done in every lesson. I know it took time for preparation videos, quizzes…etc. Also ,I am appreciated other teachers and Engvid ‘s team .
I have a question . Can I say “please find attached a copy of invoices ” or “copies of invoices”
I look forward to hearing the answer from you and also seeing new video. Regards -Mohanad
thank you very much.i would like to ask about the ward advice. some dictionaries say that it is singular others say there is no plural form from it. which one is right.
it is very usefull to me i don’t know how to talk to English but now i think i will learn it
9 out of 10 I am not satisfied but you are so great teacher .
I look forward to hearing from you .
Hi Emma! As ever, thanks for your useful lessons. Happy Holidays!!
I really like it! :)
thanks Emma was an excellent lesson
Thanks Miss Enma! I look foward to watching more lessons on Engvid.com.
Best regards,
are you stiil in chaina
Thanks Emma for this lesson, some time I received an email end by “I am looking forward to your reply” is it correct? And why!
Look forward to your reply :)
Best wishes,
thanks! i understood more about.i have made mistake many before.
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the lesson. I am looking forward to listen your next lesson :)
very nice lesson
Hey Emma!! Your classes blow my mind. I am always grateful. I wanted to take a lesson that is related to a relative clause in English grammar. It is really important and I really want you to teach that class !!
With your beauty and soothing voice, I might be an expert at a relative clause.
how to improve the english
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for your lesson, I also spend more then one hour to write an email…
your lesson will help me more..
Thank you.
Thank you so Emma Teacher. These are very useful expressions.
Thank you so much Emma Teacher. These are very useful things.
Dear Emma,
I’m waiting for listening you in french in your next lesson.
Thank you for this great lesson Emma ^_^
I had only one wrong, and I guess it was a tricky question which is I really don’t read it in full ( Kind regards, regards, good regards, and sincerely are all common ways to end an email.) I didn’t pay attention for (good regards) =D
By the way, as we are closer to the next year, would you mind making a lesson about any thing related to the NEW YEAR and the habits that always to be made on the Eve such like celebration around the world, the firework, the concerts, kissing after 12 Am ^_^ and more important, the common vocabulary that we need to know =)
(good regards)=P
These lessons are very interesting. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the lesson, its very useble for me!
you are great job and i appreciate that alot
Thanks so much Emma. That’s very useful and great lesson.
I can’t wait to listening your next lesson.
Best regards,
Great job Emma.
Best Regards :)
I’ve always though we do not use contractions in business emails. And “warm wishes” sounds informal
Hi Emma, i am your new student from today Christmas day. So. I would warmly to say that Happy Merry Christmas N new Year 2013.
Thanks for this lesson Emma.
Happy new year fot everybody
Very useful lesson. I scored 8/10.
I really like the lesson.Best regards!
Thank you, this is very useful for my job.
Kind regards
Dear Emma,
these lessons are very useful for me and you know i am in country where need your support more, and if you don’t mind please share with me your Skyp id
Thanks indeed,
Useful information and nicely explained by Emma.
thank you very much emma
Reverend Madam,
Thanks a lot 4 ur cordial & fruitful teaching. It seems 2 me that ‘engbd’ will play a vital role in learning English. All the best!!!
With thanks
Javed Habib
Hi Emma! First of all, you are an excellent teacher. I’m writing to you from Medellin – Colombia.
I have a question related to truly yours, and the question is:
Can I use truly your like this: Truly yours Francisco or truly yours Andres. I mean, like signing or putting the name of the writer after truly yours. Thanks a lot
Dear madam I have done the test and I got eight out of ten.so I believed need a more exercise and many more knowledge to improve my email phrases. Thank u v much
Thank you mam for your lesson, its great to learn corrective email phrases.
Very useful and very clear.
thank you Emma
Those expressions are really useful in email writing.
Hi Emma,
thanks for your help to learning many useful points. can you explain what’s difference between special-especial-particular-specific,?all of them have same meaning.
Hi Emma , I’m confused what’s the difference between these sentences or which one of them is correct ” Turn on\off the light ” or ” turn the light on\off ” ” turn out the lights ” please beautiful help , and you’re an amazing teacher thank you xx
I just watched the lesson , it’s very useful . thx a lot Emma .
your teaching is very excellent.everybody can understand your teaching and your quiz that are easier and do everyone.
thanks a lot
It’s very helpful
Hi Emma was Super very usful this video!!! Thanks a lot :-)
You are actually a good teacher.
I really like it..thank you very much Teacher :)
when I whach a video and i can answer the quiz
Very useful. Thanks a lot dear Emma. I do like your lessons and I can say without any fear to get opposition, that you’re among the best english teachers. Your lessons are so simple, explanations clear and above all, the pronounciation is perfect. I wish to learn more about how to write correctly essays and business letters. Would mind my asking you some pieces of advice or some links about? Best Wishes
Wow so nice
thank you a lot
How can I thank you emma?
Dear Emma:
thank you so much, after learn so many lessons which you put on the website, I have maken great progress.very nice, hope I can become a native speaker :)
best wishes.
Thank you so much for the lesson. It was useful. Keep up the good work.!
i keep my husband in the loop. there’s nothing hided from me.
is the sentence correct.
thank you Emma
thank you emma i like your way carry on . and happy new year :)
I want to say thank you teacher!! I was in need of this information.
You’re to kind and your classes are great!!
Regards, from Brazil!
Thank you Emma.It is very useful
Please find attached or Please find the attached
which is correct?
Your lesson was excelent. Congratulations
Thanks for the lesson. I look forward to listening to more lessons from you!
Thank you Emma ^^
This lesson is really useful !!
i really appreciated your efforts to simplify learning English language .
may i take your facebook address?
warm wishes
very useful
thank you my great teacher Emma
Basic stuff for an email writing and very useful
hi emma, thanks for your great lecture. I have one question about the fourth sentence; if you have any questions,… I thought after any, I should use the singular noun, like if you have any question,… Isn’t it right?
hello Emma, thanks for the nice teaching I like the way you pronounce, it is very clear and obvious, in the test i scored 9 out of 10…Thanks again.
thanks Emma iam from morocco your leson is very nice my level in english very low iscored 7 out of 10 thanks again
Thank you very much Emma,
You have a very good pronunciation.
Hi Emma, I am from Brazil.I have been studing all your lessons and all of them are so helpfull to improve my English skills. Thank you very much and May God blessed all of you guys.
Thank you Emma. I look forward to watching a new lesson from you.
hi Emma i got from you
i like ur way to explain the lesson thank uuuuuuuuu
Hi Dear Emma,
Thank you very much for this lesson is very helpful,please do not hisetate to give us more lessons,and I am looking forward to watching your video
Thank you very much. I am learning a lot from engVID.com.
It’s very useful to everyone thanks really I love the helping so mucccccccccccccch and I am very helper
Wow thank you very much Emma, this is very useful :)
Thank you very much , it is very useful.
thank you
Many thanks for your useful email expressions.
I took 7 out of 10. Hope to hearing from you more about!
best wishes,
Thank you Dear, such an amazing explanation.
This is amazing!!! Thank you.
so good for this lesson, good luck please teacher.
can you make more lessons about TOEFL test? (coz I like your lessons)
Awesome! Thanks a lot!
I look forward to using all of it! ;)
I could not find words, of course, to express my gratitude towards all lecturers for your loving kindness. I feel so unworthy to take it from you. I pray our God will bless you all. From Chin State, now works in UAE.
Hi Emma,
You’re really a great teacher.
I look forward to listening your next lesson.
Warm wishes,
what the different between my resume and to resume in the pronunciation
is it the same ?
I have used “I look forward to see you next week” for years in New Zealand and nobody ever told me I was wrong. Thank god I watched your lesson and can correct this mistake I have been making for years.
I have a question though if you don’t mind. Is “I look forward to see you” (and any other verb in the infinitive, not only “see”) only grammatically incorrect (ie, acceptable in spoken English) or is it just wrong at all times?
Thank you in advance Emma! :)
thank u So much Emma!
Hi Emma
Thank you very much for explanation
its very useful
Thank you for your great help to improve my English
Nice lesson! All is clear! Thanks a lot!
Happy Valentine’s day ahead! :)
Regards, Olya
i am a person who always learn english from this website, all you guys product the good video, you r a great teacher , and just a questioin can i contact any teacher directly in case of I really need help concern on english
Thank you.
Dear Ronnie
I have so much confusion in tenses.what time which tense is use.
Help by easy way.
Thank you
Great lesson.
Thank you for the efforts that been put by you and other teacher in eng vid,
Can you recommend me to onlive english teaching course .
Nasser Al-Sulaiti
Thanks a lot Emma…. The lesson was so helpful..
thank you very much emma. i am haveing this lesson everyday. some english lesson are difficult to understanding. i will try to evryday join this lesson to impurove my englishi.
Hi.First of all I`d want to thanks for your smiling face.I want to say just is amazing your teaching.
Big Hugs
Every time i get 10/10 my confidence boosts up
thank you
Thank you very much for this lesson. Could you tell me please whether there are any differences between Regards and Kind Regards. Also can I use Best Regards at the end of a letter? And if so whether there are any differences between this expression and the previous ones.
Very usefull, thanks so much.
hi emma:
this quize i have a got a 5 collecut out of 10.
do you think a pass this quize.
some of this lesson is understanding but still difficult for me.
i try to understaning evey lesson by wwwengvid.com.
thanks emma.
hi Emma,
I have a question, is the article “the” is required/not before the word “attached”
Useful! Thanks Emma!
you are goooood E
mma. thanks.
Great lesson , i like it ! Thank you :)
Everyone often use email. for me , I first know about these tips.
Thank you so much Emma!
for me this lesson was very difficult
Very informative and useful.
Thanks Emma :)
Now i learnt how to write good email to my friends…Thank you Emma…..:)
Good day Emma you are always convincing .
please, is there a difference between these words
bulk mail and spam?
Hello Emma
Thanks for your teaching, i really have problem in writing section hope your lesson would useful not only for me but for all the students.
I will use these phrases in my job communications.
Great lesson,i like your style in teaching.
I look forward to hearing from you.
hi emma thank you for this great lesson.please i want to ask if we start a business mail with the “i want to clarify”.???? and please i want some lessons on how to wtite an email.thank you
Hello Emma
We often use ” Best Regards” in our company. Is that correct?
That was a very good lesson and actually useful … :) THANKS
Thank you very much , lesson is very good
Kind Regards, :):)
thanks, is very important now how I am write emails.
Hello Emma, today I did a new forward step to improve emails writing skills. Thanks a lot for all your help.
I look forward to hearing from you!!
What about saying ‘I’m addressing you …”
Hi Emma
Thank you for your helping
I confused about
“look forward to meeting you”
how we put (ing) after (to)
why the verb not infinitive?
or meeting in this sentence is (noun)?
Thank you again
You are absolutely right but this is expression. You should put the verb in “ing” form after “to”. If you don’t put it, it will sounds awkward.
what are the other situation I can use (ing) after to? are there any rules?
After “used to” you can put verbs in different tenses. Because in some situations “used to” is a phrase. https://www.engvid.com/english-grammar-i-used-to-im-used-to/
Hi again
what is “Wang Ming”?
It was benefit for me
Thank you very much.
Hi Emma,
Please don’t stand in front of what you’ve written on the board while you are talking.
Best wishes.
PS: Do I need to write “wishes” with capital?
you are very good teacher i am looking forward to you next lesson wonderful i am intersted in your lesson i wish that i can learn more from your lesson regards teather
I am addicted to your lessons Emma ;)
Thanks Emma! Very useful!
I look forward to watching videos from u
Thanks so much teacher I learned many things
Very usefull. Thanks for all.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much! I didn’t know abot “cc” before. I will use it while writing informal letter.
:( I have a bad phone, tonight i can not see the video as well as i was thought…
Hi guys would to pratice your english with me …ok …lets do it fun..i m pancho mtz just find it on facebook..it s gonna be cool to met new people around of the world….
Sorry i forgive something…to write it well… “would you like” this is for second comment
I dont know if you can see these lines since there’s been so many comments but anyway, i still want to say thank you. Thank you a lot for all useful lessons. God bless you!
Thank you.
Hi Emma
Thank you very much I understand this lesson
I Look forward to watching much video for you
I Want To ask you that I am face a problem in English, My mother language is Arabic, and this is a very problem and difficult in English What I should do? Thank you a lot. :)
Thank you so much teacher Emma..
it’s really usefull lesson
I like it!
Thanks Mam I got 70%.
Thank you for your help
I look forward to watching next lesson.
Thanks, we need more lessons for business speaking. It’s great to have engvid.com
Thank you very much for your help,love from Turkey.With my kindest regards.
The lesson was very usfull for writing a formal letter.
Thanks Emma
Dear Emma:
As your one of the best student.I am so sorry to tell you that I have some English question want to ask. Please find atteched file on the email. Please do not wait to reply me.
Your Engvid Student
Sincerely,Best regard and Warm wish.
that’s good.
Dear Emma,
First of all I would like to thank you about this lesson which corrected some of my mistake which I used to type them in my business and work emails before. thanks again and kind regards,
and I got 10 correct out of 10
emma’s perfect but subtitles re very very bad
I like your way !
I look forward to learning more from you.
Hi Emma,
Pls explain the difference between looking forward to hear and look forward to hearing from u.
Excuse me Teacher, can i ask a question? I watched many video of Teacher Ronnie. And she had a lesson explained why grammar never plus “to be” before gerund. Therefore, I got a mess in this lesson. EX: I look forward to hearing from you. This sentence was formed by “to be” + “gerund”. Thank!
Thank you for this lesson, it was very useful to my next e-mails!
Thanks a lot my respectable teacher.
it was really helpful vedio.
I really appreciat your restarment.
I were excited and thanks Miss for your effort i really like u very much
Thanks..Emma. I got 80%.
very useful!
This lesson was great! Thank you Emma…..
Thank you!
Very useful, thanks very much Emma!
Nice lesson .. thank you emma :)
I’m looking forward to watching your new lessons
I got 10 correct out of 10 :) thank you so much.
Very useful video.
Hi Emma,
first, I’d like to thank you for your efforts…
it is the first day to me at this usefull and wonderfull site.
i’d like to ask if we should use ”don’t hesitate” or “do not hesitate” as per your 5 tips to improve your writing lesson
thanks very much :)
Thank you Madam,.,. Still more Email Expression i am Expecting from you.
Hi Emma! Thanks for your tips. In terms of register, would you say that I look forward to meeting you is formal and I look forward to meet you Informal?
Thank you so much
Thank you Emma. This lesson was very useful because I’ll stop stressing out each time that I have to write an email.
I’ve got it now
Thank you Emma
warm wishes emma
Thank you Emma
hello ,Emma , your teaching technique is worked for me ,it’s more better than other teaches as well in this entire website,i really like your smile ,it makes you prettier :-)
hello emma, it’s useful phrase for writing email. i really like this web n the theacers
Thank you Emma.
Very useful topic. thanks!
Great lesson. thanks a lot for this
Hi Emma,
In my opinion before watching this video, we can’t put verb+ing after ‘to’. If we wanna use verb+ing, then we use ‘for’ instead of ‘to’. Could you tell me further about it? Thank you very much
Dear Emma,Great lesson
I really enjoyed it,I didn’t know that.
dear Emma ,
it is a exiting useful lessons thank you.
Thank you so much Emma! :)
These are really helpful information!
Thanks :-)
dear Emma,thanks for your wonderful lesson.
I’ve seen a gramma using in “any”, the example is She is prettier than any other student in the class, and it said that any should been use with sigular noun.
But the sample you gave is if you have any question”s”, would it be possible that any can be added with sigular and “s”?
7/10 is it bad?
emma,thanks for your lecture
Thank You so much Dear
God Bless You
7/10 .. Thanks!
I look forward to more email expression!
I got 8/10.
Thank you for good and very clear expression. More so, i would like you to teach on e-mail Salutation (formal and informal), and closing email (formal and informal) even in same video still repeat email attachment thought on this one. I think if done in same single video would make it a better materials. Once again, thank you
Thank you Emma.
Great lesson.
thanks emma
Very very useful. Thank you.
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much i love your classroom
Thank u sooooooooooo much Emma , we appropriate ur amazing effort
thank you my teacher fot this useful lesson
You are excellent. Just added comments here to encourage you.
Thank you very much!
you are my best teacher in this site and this video is really useful
Thanklyou ..very good leeson
I learned that I could use the following expressions when I am in expectation of an answer: “Looking forward to hering from you” (INFORMAL E-MAIL) and “I look forward to hering (to hear) from you” (FORMAL E- MAIL).
Is it correct what I learned?
Dear Emma,
I liked it.
Kind Regards,
Thank you Emma.
Thank you. I can write emails quickly now. There are typical email sentences, I have to remember these sentences. I will keep learning how to write a email!
Thanks dear Emma!! could I asked you for onther lesson?
Thank you very much teacher Emma for this intersting lesson.
thanks emma , i have really learnt alot from you
i look forward to hearing much more from you
thank you so much emma,
Dear Emma,
First, many thanks for your clear lessons.
What are the grammar rules if you want to conjugate an abbreviation, for instance CC, in a sentence. I mean the abbreviation has been promoted to a verb.
Thanh you in advance.
Tiny Vissers
thank you emma it was so useful
thank you Emma
Hi emma can i say? I am looking forward to hear from you.is this sentence correct thank you
Thank you very much. One of the dest things to attract the students is choosing nice & uesful tips . What you do teacher !
sorry : best
Thanks a lot, one more expression which I think is formally used in emails:
Your reply is highly appreciate it.
Your response in this matter is appreciate it.
“Appreciate it” should be “appreciated”.
Thanks a lot for correction
Thank you for your sharing
This’s my first comment in envied :) my favourite teacher is Emma. She is very nıce and polıte. I enjoy her each lessons. Thank you Emma ! ıt was very useful :)
Hello Everybody,why i can’t open the video? can anyone can help me?thanks in advance.
Are you in China? I think you can’t open the video because of YouTube, you know what I mean.
your Explanations are very clear you are really an efficient teacher
We learned a lot in your course
Your video helps me so much. I need write email almost everyday. However I did not learn about it . I look forwarding to seeing more video. Thank you
Hi Emma,
I am wondering which of the below sentences is correct:
Please find ( see ) attached an order acknowledgement for your purchase order dated…
Please find ( see ) attached order acknowledgement for your purchase order dated …..
I saw that people use both, but which is correct?
Thank you
i dont understand Emma. in this vedio you said that regards, cincerely and …..words can end an email with them but in the quiz get No .explain me please.
regards, kind regards & sincerely are using when you want to sign off your email. to end up your email, you will write I look forward to hearing from you.
i’m very satisfied to lean english on this web site,is like a true class. i like it, because is very exitating to continu. thanks for all
Hello Emma,
I am forwording thank you to you .I look forward to hearing from you.
Worm wishes,
Thank you Emma
The explanation is great
Thank Emma
Yeah! It was a great lesson! Thank you Emma!
it was very useful, thanks and regards!
Thank you for your video. I think it is useful.
You got 9 correct out of 10.Thank you
Thank you for this wonderful video. I’ve learned a lot. Looking forward for more of your lessons.
God bless,
I got only 5/10
hi Emma thanks for this great lecture and this time i got 80
Hi Emma I am looking forward to learn from you replying email ettiquette with vendors and I am working as a professional in Cisco. Can you please correct me.
amazing teacher
Dear Emma,
I would like to know whether you offer mock speaking test for IELTS through Skype? If so, I’m highly interested in taking a speaking mock test with you.
I look forward to hearing from you. :)
hello ,
please help why this is not correct :
8. Kind regards, regards, good regards, and sincerely are all common ways to end an email.
“Good regards” sounds strange and is not used to end an email.
dear emma/thank you
Thanks for your support for improving my language skills.
Thanks mam please tell me what the mean of mobilization data
Thansk Emma, this lessson was very useful!
thanks a lot, it is very useful
thanks, Emma
Dear Emma
This is a good lesson with very useful advice.
thanks from algeria
Nice class thank you !
Nice class thank you !
It’s helped a lot mam and very useful lesson.
6/10! I have some problems with email writing. Go over this lesson and finish the quiz again!
Thanks a lot Ms. Emma.
That was great. Tks.
I watched this video twice on April 20, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 9 correct out of 10.
90.. ^^, thanks Emma
Thanks a bunch
Thanks for your video. I look forward to hearing the new videos about that. thanks.
Amazing lesson as usual.
It’s very interesting. I need more practice, thank you.
Thanks Emma