I’m here to help you sound smarter! In this English lesson, you’ll learn five advanced verbs that will make you sound more intellectual. These verbs are perfect for your academic essays, but you can use them in a conversation at work, or in a discussion with your friends. Check out my other lessons on nouns and adjectives to sound smarter. Take the quiz and test your understanding. Once you know these words, practice your advanced English vocabulary by writing sentences with these words in the comments!
It sure is; especially if you write academic reports. One thing is for sure, if we do not put them into use, we’ll forget them.
. . . if we do not put them (this set of verbs)
into use right away, we’ll forget them soon.
Thank you so much,You’re the best, and it’s very important and new vocab..
Would you please teach us a lesson about “Subjunctive”>>>>
Fida Hasan
hi for all
tnx a lot :)
Excellent lesson, Alex!
we can improve the language with us
thanks :)
Hanae idrissi
Very smart lesson
Really gold! Thanks
10 out of 10. That was easy to understand but I have a question. Should we use the “between” after saying differenciate or is this optional? :) Thanks
Katie Wheatley
differentiate* sorry
Katie Wheatley
Thank you!!!
I never heard about those words
that sound interesting ,, thank you Alex
Thanks Alex you taught me 5 verbs that I never heard before,and of course you taught me how to use and how to spell them.
thanks a lot…
I got 9 correct out of 10. Good for me :) I can’t differentiate between my friend’s twin daughters (maybe other twins, too) ^^; Thank you for your helpful and smart lesson :)
Thank you Alex.
I’ve got perfect score, thanks for this lesson, I’ll gonna use them for sure.
Bel Linwood
how you cloud very cleaver in english
Yeah your’re right; I AM gonna use them in my academic reports too, that’s for sure.
can i talk with you to improve our language
we can improve the language with us
Thanks, Alex.
There’s a question I want to know:
find the answer on/in the book, which one is correct?
If you can help, I’d appreciate that. :)
thx Alex, I didn’t hear any of them before ;)
Thank you very much Alex, i got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
10/10 Being ostracized is something that I’ll not feel, if I garner rich vocabulary, contemplating EngVid.com. That makes me differentiate from the others English speakers which don’t have a so rich vocabulary, as mine. Hi hi hi hi..
Jorge Pedroso
According to your grammatical mistakes it’s hard to say you have high level vocabulary. Speakers, WHO don’t have, but not WHICH. Don’t be a mushroom.
M Dzhamilya 92
the idea was make a sentence where I had to use the words “ostracized, differentiate, garner ….”, maybe you haven’t understood that, I’m sorry
Jorge Pedroso
thank you Alex I’ve got 70 correct .
100 You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks a lot:)
Thank u lots::::++++
Thanks for these useful questions and getting 100 points :)
Hi Alex, it’s interesting to see how sophisticated English words are in fact commonly used words in Italian (ostracizzare, fluttuare, contemplare for instance). I think that’s because they derive from Latin. Cheers E.
what about deutsch ? i tried to learn it but it’s too hard any suggestion
ozza adel
Aww,I got 6,not good enough for me but fun!
i need to improve my language with you
Thank you Alex
Ostracizing is easy,educating and embracing is difficult.Thanks for the new vocabulary.
Thank you ALEX
Thak’s Alex. I think you’re one of the best teachers of the site. Grettings from México
Davo Pinks
Great lesson! Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot
reham radwan
Thanks a lot. This is an interesting class.
Do you think I could be your penfriend, Ymendal?
Sergi.. I enjoy to practice english. I did not know the word “penfriend” :). Thank you :)
Pen friend means someone who you exchange letters with as a hobby , but usually have not met :) here’s my email: sergio18_06@mail.ru I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Hasta pronto.)
i want to improve my language with you skybe or some thing like that
Hi Yé! I took the liberty of making some comments on your profile text; hope you don’t mind.
“I’m Colombian. I’m very interested IN learning English well. That´s the most important (thing) for me AT this moment.”
Good luck with your English Yé.
Bye for now.
Hi Regino. Thank you very much for your comments :). I updated my profile text :).
I am lucky because finally I found this website thank you Alex
Correct me if I’m wrong, please. =)
1. They were “ostracized” of the group for their poor behavior.
2. I garner criticism for it.
3. I am contemplating your fluctuating wedding.
4. It’s easy to differentiate between one and other.
5. Her behavior fluctuates a lot.
I think you can’t say “fluctuating wedding”.
I think it is ‘to be ostracized from the group’. And there should be an article before the word other, so ‘differentiate between one and another’ would be correct.
Thanks a lot!
Kaique Matias
Great lesson Alex,
Thanks a lot.
most of those words are more easier to learne by spanish native speakers
very good lesson , tks
Ricky Fiebig
Thank you very mush sir for sharing this informative video with us.
Got 10/10.
I got 10 of 10. Thanks Alex for this lesson. Now I can differentiate between my last score and current score.
Thanks Alex
Great lesson. It helped me a lot to garner more information about vocabulary.
Thank you Alex.
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for your interesting and magnetic lessons.
I have one question about “differentiate” and “differ”.Do these verbs mean the same.Is there any difference?
Hello” Alex,What an excite lesson.
The weather has been fluctuating a lot this week in Sudan.
I got 7/10 … I have to study much more
we really find it difficult to know how to thank you… by the way you’re the best…alex
10/10 thanq alex you’re da best teacher
sammy navy
Great! Excellent lesson!
thanks a lot for your lessons.alex
Your lesson is clear. Thanks Alex :D
i have a question and that is what are a rambling and run-on sentences in english and tell me a little bit about syntax
thanks in advance this is mehdi from Tehran I LIKE YOUR ANSWERS :)
thanks alex
Amar Amor
As always, thanks again for such an useful lesson!
Patricia Godoy
hi thanks a lot . i am an English teacher , i learn a lot from here , i wish this was not filtered , anyway thank all . amir , from tehran , iran
Thanks Alex!!
Thank you :) I did well
Is these 5 verb real useful?Let me try it!
Many thanks to you, Alex
Awesome!This website is fantastic!Thanks for teacher Emma bring me here.I think my English will have a significant jump in the future.
Very good, thanks!!
Mauro Meda
Thank you Alex, it is very good to learn new vocabulary.
Sally S
10/10 I would like to see more advanced lessons. Thanks a lot!
thank you.
Tks so much for useful lesson Alex, I’m new member, I’ve just study english for a short time so it’s good for me.
Have a nice working day !!
thanks bro
the test is great . thanks
Excellent lesson.I liked the quiz!Thanks!
margarita rosa torres
fatima elrayess
Thanks Alex I garnered a lot as now I can differentiate between many things I felt fluctuated which to use in my sentence, you really managed to ostracize ambiguity out of my way with this very useful tip.
Motaz Hussein
thank Mr Alex for this lesson . I got 100%.
Vandy san
Thanks Alex,specially for words Ostracize and Garner
i have conteplate live my job))
I used to not be able to differentiate different and diferenciate. But now I able to do that :D
Very interesting lesson.
I got 10/10, thanks a lot Alex :D
I have garnered 5 new words from this lesson, and I conteplate that it is fine. Thank you Alex!
contemplate I meant+)
Hi Alex , I’m from Peru , I would like to take international exams such as ECCE . it would be fantastic if you give some tips and lessons about it . Thank you , God bless you .
Thanks a lots
Thakn you for this lesson!
Thank you very much.
Angela Cheng
thank u alex
i`m alex too
Thanks Alex I really love what you explain
Thanks, thats a gud one bro. learnt something new today.
What a deadly lesson..thank very much for this lesson….I’m familiar with last two words..first 3 words are new to me…ostracize something means to be condescending….Mr.Alex I saw the bedlam,gall ,quagmire lessons..very interesting….
Deepak workaholic
Excellente lesson. Thanks Mr. Alex
Soraida Patino
Thank you so much for this interesting lesson, Alex.
thanks for lesson Alex.
sir alex i like your way of teaching so i wanna download your videos but i cant download
habib ahmed
Thanks a lot Alex
it’s so hard to differentiate between love and friendship. if u dont’t contemplate seriously, u can lose the whole things, u will be ostracized and garner the bad reputation
It always make me fluctuation
This lesson was awesome I’ve never heard some of these words tho ^^ thanks Alex I really like your lessons
And just saying I’d be glad if you guys would like to talk to me so send me a mail or kik me ! Just look in my profile and feel free to contact me :)
Hello Dat frecnie gurl i want you contact and speak English and please type me your facebook acount name or skype or yahoo messenger
Great lesson! =D
Actually it was kind of easy for me because the writing and meanings are really similar in Portuguese!
Thank you very much!
thank you Alex
Thanks, Alex.
I have one question
“Thanks for all of your gifts” or
“Thanks all of your gifts” is correct?
If you can help, I’ll appreciate that. :)
Thank you sir.
thanks Alex,
Thanks you for all the gifts :sophie
That’s it
10 out of 10
thanks Alex :)
Me too :D
I have been contemplating moving to Australia.
I have garnered a lot of experience in different 4 and 5 star hotels in Dubai.
During June and July the weather fluctuates a lot in Germany.
Thank You Sir Alex
thank you so much for this rich lesson
hi thanks fo this lesson.
Sunar Bishnu
i love it so much. Thanks Alex
Hi every body and and especially Alex!
thanks for your wonderful lesson.
Just a quick message to thank you for excellent lesson, and i have been garnering many things by this site
Thanks so useful :D
As usual loved your lesson.
monica rayel moreira
9/10… Thanks a lot Teacher Alex.
I am going to be a smart :)
Thanks Alex
Thank you Alex
Yeahhh I am happy, got 100 %. Thanks Alex.
hi alpido how are you. i dont know if you are a girl or a boy. it doesn’t matter for me. it happens that im looking for sombody to share and practice my knowledge about english idiom. if you wanna have conversation or ideas exchange i´ll be waiting for your answer. or if you know somebody else to talk i´ll be gretting with you. beacuse its very important practice but, talking with other people.
Hi, teacher,I’ve been enjoying watching your English videos. This time as usual, I’ve watched several times to make sure remembering the vocabularies that you taught. I got 100. Thanks a lot, Alex, a good teacher.
Hi, teacher,I’ve been enjoying watching your English videos. This time as usual, I’ve watched several times to make sure remembering the vocabularies that you taught. I got 100. Thanks a lot, Alex, a good teacher.
Hello Adam..
I have a question for you.
Is it correct to write a verb plus ING after the verb contemplate?
eg. I am contemplating moving to the USA – I am contemplating to move to the USA
Can you tell me which one is correct, please?
To conclude my message, I wrote these sentences, I hope they are well written…
I garnered much information the last semester at the university.
Did he garner a car?
We did not garner enough money, so we did not go to the beach.
She has been contemplating to buy a new car.
I always contemplate about the well being of my family.
She contemplates studying another language.
He already can differentiate the good and bad actions.
We cannot differentiate between a gerund and an infinitive.
She is not able to differentiate the colors blue and pink.
The weather in London fluctuates very much.
plz, respond him.
It is my question too.
Thank you teacher for this lessons.
Thanks, Alex wonderful lesson
Thanks, Alex, feel much more smarter than before;) could you set up a lesson on the using of “literally” some day?
Alex you are a good teacher. thank Alex.
Iam going to see all your lessons.
Very interesting lesson
Thanks Alex.
Yeison Sotelo
Thank you,:D
100%. Thanks teacher.
100%!! thanks Alex
100%!!! Thanks Alex..
the weather in Egypt is fluctuated.
fadel ghazy
Thank you for your classes, they are very helpful…
Waah x3 10/10
Thank you :D
what the xD
I mean 100% :3
I got 10 of 10
Thanks to you T.Alex
Your lovely and great.
Rana Sadat
10 from 1o, thx Alex!!!
Thanks!It’s the first lesson I watched!
Tiago de Souza da Silva
Thanks Alex, I’m contemplating to choose you, like the best teacher, because you garnered it. Now I can diferentiate between the other ones. 10/10 in smart verbs.
It is a very good lesson.thank you !Mr Alex
thanks you a lot. it was very informative lesson as always.
very usefull! thanks a lot!
please teacher Alex direct me how i use from your lesson!!!!
It was interesting, btw how is your polish now?
tks u so much . it’s really useful . i loved it a lot
thanx …garnered a lot from this
omer shahab
Sometimes someone is ostracize for his religion, culture, sex or origin although his haven’t had for garner this. I’ve contemplated this issue when I’ve was in different sites and the behavior of people is always fluctuating.
most of these words are new apart from contemplate!! thnx
Adolphe Mulume
thanks you
good………. helpful……
thank you dear God bless you
i got 90 out of 100
I got 100 of 100
thank you so much Alex for your nice explaining
Well, it is not difficult to choose which one out of these five verbs to use since their meanings are not any where close to one another but still quiz does help us make use of what we have garnered out of the course. Hat off for you Alex!
Excellent :))
My practice examples:
1. The Pluto is ostracized from the Solar system.
2. I garnered fund for my college fees.
3. I am contemplating for buying a new laptop.
4. I can differentiate the tastes of soups.
5. The voice clarity is fluctuating on radio.
Thanks Alex! :)10 correct out of 10. :D
Thanks ALEX for your manner of explication
I think you’re a smart teacher
I got 9/10 thnks alex
Thanks Alex .. I’ll write few sentences about these words .
1. His father told him that if he left the home , he would be ostracized forever .
2. Last year I got a job at clothes company and every month I garner high salary .
3. The situation in my country is too bad , so im contemplating traveling to a new country .
4. Many people cannot differentiate between Samsung devices.
5. In this time , temperature is fluctuating a lot .
Thank you, it was a very useful lesson. I love these kind of lessons which can expand my vocabulary with effective words. :)
Clearly. Understandable)
Iuliia Fatkhutdinova
we can improve our language with us
You have garnered a lot of respect for yourself Alex!!
I am contemplating to be a moderator for engVid as soon I get a job.
I will never do such a thing in my life which can get me ostracized from people’s heart.
My pronunciation keeps on fluctuating but I think by practising the tongue twisters I can stabilize it.
I can differentiate between a good teacher and an average teacher, and you’re one of the best Alex!
Please correct me if I went wrong grammatically!
Alex, I would like to thank you for all your videos cause they have helped me a lot to improve my English.
You are the best here!!!
Thank you again, Alex.
Great lesson.
Now I’m going to write my own sentences and then check them out.
Thank you very much!
i want improve my language with you
Thanks Alex now I can differentiate between smart and normal!!!
Thank u Alex,you give flattery a good name.
9 out of 10
GARNER never forget!
Thank you so much Alex..
Thanks Alex!:)
My friend has been ostracized by his government because he have done many crimes in his country .
My business is so profitable and I garner a lot of money from it
The situation in my country is too terrible , so I’m contemplating moving to Europe
These two cats are similar I have hard time to differentiate between each other .
The world climate is going to be cooler than before , so we will see alot of fluctuating in many years away until global cooling happens .
Thank you, those videos are ver very useful, you know I´ve learned a lot with them, thanks a lot Alex.
Good job Alex
thank you sir
well, not so easy as look. but i will try it again. Thank you
XD thanks a lots.
Thanks my teacher. That was a useful lesson.
Hi Alex ,thank you for the lesson!
I will definitely try to include these words in my everyday vocabulary
I have the same question as a guy above, but didn’t find the answer
So,will it be correct to use two -ing forms next to each other such as “contemplating moving” and what else cases, if they are present, should I use -ing forms next to each other in ?Thanks in advance for answering
Nat Pal
hi Nat Pal very good question, congratulations
thank you!
Thanks you sir Alex, I’ve now contemplating of studying hard the words that I garnered to differentiate them in using sentence. Because memorizing words sometimes is fluctuating depends on the memory mood. I’m shy using the vocabularies that I’ve just learned thinking to be ostracized by others if I didn’t deliver properly.
Hi. I want to thank you all the teachers in Engvid for helping me to improve my English. I think it is a difficult language but with your assistance it has been less hard. You all are too kind and generous. Best regards from Costa Rica.
Wow,very helpful and easy way to learn vocabulary.Thank you Alex this really help me looking forward from you for more Vocaubalry.
Thank you Alex, I’ve learned a lot. Wonderful!
I appreciate your great job.
Very helpful lesson
Your lessons are very useful! Thanks.
thanks, i know this words are going to help me a lot.
JoininG with uuuuuuu guys………… from Bangladesh.
Thankz all of uu the faculty of this splendiD website for learning English!!!!!!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for these valuable verbs. And, of course, you can 100 % be sure that we will incorporate these words to our everyday vocabulary. And one thing that often happens to me whenever I do shopping is at the end I cannot differentiate between two things. I don’t know what to choose. My thoughts are fluctuating.
Roya Seferova
follow your feelings..
Hi Tugay,
Thank you for your nice advice.
Kind Regards,
Roya Seferova
hi alex;i m very happy to learn this vocabulary ;i never have heard them;thanks a lot;And what could i do because i want to improve my speaking?PLEASE HELP ME.WHO WANT TO PRACTICE WHIT ME
hey guy Alex ..you are good¡¡
What is snub, Alex. I don’t understand?
Tran Thi To Uyen
Yes got a perfect score again… thanks alex, now i know what those words means. Thamks alot…
Thank you Alex.
Angela M.
Thanks a lot! The verbs ostracize,garner and fluctuate were absolutely new for me! I’ll try to incorporate them in my everyday vocabulary.
English addict
Thanks so much! You explain very well!
Gabriel Higner
Toujours le même plaisir à apprendre grâce à des leçons courtes et bien construites.
Merci Alex. Et le français, ça marche ??
ostracise is a very useful word, the insane guy is ostracised by all the staff.
thank you very much
Thank you Sir. That was something valuable I learned today.
thank you so much Alex. You are very good teacher. :))
Hi Alex please, garner my respect. My concern is that I do not use these new words actively, I will forget them. As an outcome, they will be ostracized. I contemplate substituting some analogous words in my vocabulary by these new ones. Thank you for the nice lesson. Look forward to seeing some more advanced.
kuba aka
thank’s mr:Alex…. i appreciate you
mariam mohammad
It is pleasure to have 10 correct out of 10
Thank you Alex
Thanks ….
Jonathas Wilhem
I got 9 I like teaching vocab like this
Thanks a looooooooooot
I got 9 from 10.
I was wrong with the question 7 where a person has been bored and contemplated to change his career.
I used the verb ‘fluctuate”, I don’t why. I didn’t understand the meaning of the sentence at once.
Thanks Alex I hope to garner a lot from your lessons!
I got 8 from 10.
Bahar Sadat
Thanks Alex.This is the good way to improve my sound smarter vocabulary.
S Chit Chit Win
I was ostracized by regional church community for my belief last five years ago.
S Chit Chit Win
thank you Alex
That was great. I didn’t know anything about it. I got 10
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks ALex. lesson Useful.
It sure is; especially if you write academic reports. One thing is for sure, if we do not put them into use, we’ll forget them.
. . . if we do not put them (this set of verbs)
into use right away, we’ll forget them soon.
Thank you so much,You’re the best, and it’s very important and new vocab..
Would you please teach us a lesson about “Subjunctive”>>>>
hi for all
tnx a lot :)
Excellent lesson, Alex!
we can improve the language with us
thanks :)
Very smart lesson
Really gold! Thanks
10 out of 10. That was easy to understand but I have a question. Should we use the “between” after saying differenciate or is this optional? :) Thanks
differentiate* sorry
Thank you!!!
I never heard about those words
that sound interesting ,, thank you Alex
Thanks Alex you taught me 5 verbs that I never heard before,and of course you taught me how to use and how to spell them.
thanks a lot…
I got 9 correct out of 10. Good for me :) I can’t differentiate between my friend’s twin daughters (maybe other twins, too) ^^; Thank you for your helpful and smart lesson :)
Thank you Alex.
I’ve got perfect score, thanks for this lesson, I’ll gonna use them for sure.
how you cloud very cleaver in english
Yeah your’re right; I AM gonna use them in my academic reports too, that’s for sure.
can i talk with you to improve our language
we can improve the language with us
Thanks, Alex.
There’s a question I want to know:
find the answer on/in the book, which one is correct?
If you can help, I’d appreciate that. :)
thx Alex, I didn’t hear any of them before ;)
Thank you very much Alex, i got 90%.
10/10 Being ostracized is something that I’ll not feel, if I garner rich vocabulary, contemplating EngVid.com. That makes me differentiate from the others English speakers which don’t have a so rich vocabulary, as mine. Hi hi hi hi..
According to your grammatical mistakes it’s hard to say you have high level vocabulary. Speakers, WHO don’t have, but not WHICH. Don’t be a mushroom.
the idea was make a sentence where I had to use the words “ostracized, differentiate, garner ….”, maybe you haven’t understood that, I’m sorry
thank you Alex I’ve got 70 correct .
100 You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks a lot:)
Thank u lots::::++++
Thanks for these useful questions and getting 100 points :)
Hi Alex, it’s interesting to see how sophisticated English words are in fact commonly used words in Italian (ostracizzare, fluttuare, contemplare for instance). I think that’s because they derive from Latin. Cheers E.
what about deutsch ? i tried to learn it but it’s too hard any suggestion
Aww,I got 6,not good enough for me but fun!
i need to improve my language with you
Thank you Alex
Ostracizing is easy,educating and embracing is difficult.Thanks for the new vocabulary.
Thank you ALEX
Thak’s Alex. I think you’re one of the best teachers of the site. Grettings from México
Great lesson! Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot. This is an interesting class.
Do you think I could be your penfriend, Ymendal?
Sergi.. I enjoy to practice english. I did not know the word “penfriend” :). Thank you :)
Pen friend means someone who you exchange letters with as a hobby , but usually have not met :) here’s my email: sergio18_06@mail.ru I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Hasta pronto.)
i want to improve my language with you skybe or some thing like that
Hi Yé! I took the liberty of making some comments on your profile text; hope you don’t mind.
“I’m Colombian. I’m very interested IN learning English well. That´s the most important (thing) for me AT this moment.”
Good luck with your English Yé.
Bye for now.
Hi Regino. Thank you very much for your comments :). I updated my profile text :).
I am lucky because finally I found this website thank you Alex
Correct me if I’m wrong, please. =)
1. They were “ostracized” of the group for their poor behavior.
2. I garner criticism for it.
3. I am contemplating your fluctuating wedding.
4. It’s easy to differentiate between one and other.
5. Her behavior fluctuates a lot.
I think you can’t say “fluctuating wedding”.
I think it is ‘to be ostracized from the group’. And there should be an article before the word other, so ‘differentiate between one and another’ would be correct.
Thanks a lot!
Great lesson Alex,
Thanks a lot.
most of those words are more easier to learne by spanish native speakers
very good lesson , tks
Thank you very mush sir for sharing this informative video with us.
Got 10/10.
I got 10 of 10. Thanks Alex for this lesson. Now I can differentiate between my last score and current score.
Thanks Alex
Great lesson. It helped me a lot to garner more information about vocabulary.
Thank you Alex.
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for your interesting and magnetic lessons.
I have one question about “differentiate” and “differ”.Do these verbs mean the same.Is there any difference?
Hello” Alex,What an excite lesson.
The weather has been fluctuating a lot this week in Sudan.
I got 7/10 … I have to study much more
we really find it difficult to know how to thank you… by the way you’re the best…alex
10/10 thanq alex you’re da best teacher
Great! Excellent lesson!
thanks a lot for your lessons.alex
Your lesson is clear. Thanks Alex :D
i have a question and that is what are a rambling and run-on sentences in english and tell me a little bit about syntax
thanks in advance this is mehdi from Tehran I LIKE YOUR ANSWERS :)
thanks alex
As always, thanks again for such an useful lesson!
hi thanks a lot . i am an English teacher , i learn a lot from here , i wish this was not filtered , anyway thank all . amir , from tehran , iran
Thanks Alex!!
Thank you :) I did well
Is these 5 verb real useful?Let me try it!
Many thanks to you, Alex
Awesome!This website is fantastic!Thanks for teacher Emma bring me here.I think my English will have a significant jump in the future.
Very good, thanks!!
Thank you Alex, it is very good to learn new vocabulary.
10/10 I would like to see more advanced lessons. Thanks a lot!
thank you.
Tks so much for useful lesson Alex, I’m new member, I’ve just study english for a short time so it’s good for me.
Have a nice working day !!
thanks bro
the test is great . thanks
Excellent lesson.I liked the quiz!Thanks!
Thanks Alex I garnered a lot as now I can differentiate between many things I felt fluctuated which to use in my sentence, you really managed to ostracize ambiguity out of my way with this very useful tip.
thank Mr Alex for this lesson . I got 100%.
Thanks Alex,specially for words Ostracize and Garner
i have conteplate live my job))
I used to not be able to differentiate different and diferenciate. But now I able to do that :D
Very interesting lesson.
I got 10/10, thanks a lot Alex :D
I have garnered 5 new words from this lesson, and I conteplate that it is fine. Thank you Alex!
contemplate I meant+)
Hi Alex , I’m from Peru , I would like to take international exams such as ECCE . it would be fantastic if you give some tips and lessons about it . Thank you , God bless you .
Thanks a lots
Thakn you for this lesson!
Thank you very much.
thank u alex
i`m alex too
Thanks Alex I really love what you explain
Thanks, thats a gud one bro. learnt something new today.
What a deadly lesson..thank very much for this lesson….I’m familiar with last two words..first 3 words are new to me…ostracize something means to be condescending….Mr.Alex I saw the bedlam,gall ,quagmire lessons..very interesting….
Excellente lesson. Thanks Mr. Alex
Thank you so much for this interesting lesson, Alex.
thanks for lesson Alex.
sir alex i like your way of teaching so i wanna download your videos but i cant download
Thanks a lot Alex
it’s so hard to differentiate between love and friendship. if u dont’t contemplate seriously, u can lose the whole things, u will be ostracized and garner the bad reputation
It always make me fluctuation
This lesson was awesome I’ve never heard some of these words tho ^^ thanks Alex I really like your lessons
And just saying I’d be glad if you guys would like to talk to me so send me a mail or kik me ! Just look in my profile and feel free to contact me :)
Hello Dat frecnie gurl i want you contact and speak English and please type me your facebook acount name or skype or yahoo messenger
Great lesson! =D
Actually it was kind of easy for me because the writing and meanings are really similar in Portuguese!
Thank you very much!
thank you Alex
Thanks, Alex.
I have one question
“Thanks for all of your gifts” or
“Thanks all of your gifts” is correct?
If you can help, I’ll appreciate that. :)
Thank you sir.
thanks Alex,
Thanks you for all the gifts :sophie
That’s it
10 out of 10
thanks Alex :)
Me too :D
I have been contemplating moving to Australia.
I have garnered a lot of experience in different 4 and 5 star hotels in Dubai.
During June and July the weather fluctuates a lot in Germany.
Thank You Sir Alex
thank you so much for this rich lesson
hi thanks fo this lesson.
i love it so much. Thanks Alex
Hi every body and and especially Alex!
thanks for your wonderful lesson.
Just a quick message to thank you for excellent lesson, and i have been garnering many things by this site
Thanks so useful :D
As usual loved your lesson.
9/10… Thanks a lot Teacher Alex.
I am going to be a smart :)
Thanks Alex
Thank you Alex
Yeahhh I am happy, got 100 %. Thanks Alex.
hi alpido how are you. i dont know if you are a girl or a boy. it doesn’t matter for me. it happens that im looking for sombody to share and practice my knowledge about english idiom. if you wanna have conversation or ideas exchange i´ll be waiting for your answer. or if you know somebody else to talk i´ll be gretting with you. beacuse its very important practice but, talking with other people.
Hi, teacher,I’ve been enjoying watching your English videos. This time as usual, I’ve watched several times to make sure remembering the vocabularies that you taught. I got 100. Thanks a lot, Alex, a good teacher.
Hi, teacher,I’ve been enjoying watching your English videos. This time as usual, I’ve watched several times to make sure remembering the vocabularies that you taught. I got 100. Thanks a lot, Alex, a good teacher.
Hello Adam..
I have a question for you.
Is it correct to write a verb plus ING after the verb contemplate?
eg. I am contemplating moving to the USA – I am contemplating to move to the USA
Can you tell me which one is correct, please?
To conclude my message, I wrote these sentences, I hope they are well written…
I garnered much information the last semester at the university.
Did he garner a car?
We did not garner enough money, so we did not go to the beach.
She has been contemplating to buy a new car.
I always contemplate about the well being of my family.
She contemplates studying another language.
He already can differentiate the good and bad actions.
We cannot differentiate between a gerund and an infinitive.
She is not able to differentiate the colors blue and pink.
The weather in London fluctuates very much.
plz, respond him.
It is my question too.
Thank you teacher for this lessons.
Thanks, Alex wonderful lesson
Thanks, Alex, feel much more smarter than before;) could you set up a lesson on the using of “literally” some day?
Alex you are a good teacher. thank Alex.
Iam going to see all your lessons.
Very interesting lesson
Thanks Alex.
Thank you,:D
100%. Thanks teacher.
100%!! thanks Alex
100%!!! Thanks Alex..
the weather in Egypt is fluctuated.
Thank you for your classes, they are very helpful…
Waah x3 10/10
Thank you :D
what the xD
I mean 100% :3
I got 10 of 10
Thanks to you T.Alex
Your lovely and great.
10 from 1o, thx Alex!!!
Thanks!It’s the first lesson I watched!
Thanks Alex, I’m contemplating to choose you, like the best teacher, because you garnered it. Now I can diferentiate between the other ones. 10/10 in smart verbs.
It is a very good lesson.thank you !Mr Alex
thanks you a lot. it was very informative lesson as always.
very usefull! thanks a lot!
please teacher Alex direct me how i use from your lesson!!!!
It was interesting, btw how is your polish now?
tks u so much . it’s really useful . i loved it a lot
thanx …garnered a lot from this
Sometimes someone is ostracize for his religion, culture, sex or origin although his haven’t had for garner this. I’ve contemplated this issue when I’ve was in different sites and the behavior of people is always fluctuating.
most of these words are new apart from contemplate!! thnx
thanks you
good………. helpful……
thank you dear God bless you
i got 90 out of 100
I got 100 of 100
thank you so much Alex for your nice explaining
Well, it is not difficult to choose which one out of these five verbs to use since their meanings are not any where close to one another but still quiz does help us make use of what we have garnered out of the course. Hat off for you Alex!
Excellent :))
My practice examples:
1. The Pluto is ostracized from the Solar system.
2. I garnered fund for my college fees.
3. I am contemplating for buying a new laptop.
4. I can differentiate the tastes of soups.
5. The voice clarity is fluctuating on radio.
Thanks Alex! :)10 correct out of 10. :D
Thanks ALEX for your manner of explication
I think you’re a smart teacher
I got 9/10 thnks alex
Thanks Alex .. I’ll write few sentences about these words .
1. His father told him that if he left the home , he would be ostracized forever .
2. Last year I got a job at clothes company and every month I garner high salary .
3. The situation in my country is too bad , so im contemplating traveling to a new country .
4. Many people cannot differentiate between Samsung devices.
5. In this time , temperature is fluctuating a lot .
Thank you, it was a very useful lesson. I love these kind of lessons which can expand my vocabulary with effective words. :)
Clearly. Understandable)
we can improve our language with us
You have garnered a lot of respect for yourself Alex!!
I am contemplating to be a moderator for engVid as soon I get a job.
I will never do such a thing in my life which can get me ostracized from people’s heart.
My pronunciation keeps on fluctuating but I think by practising the tongue twisters I can stabilize it.
I can differentiate between a good teacher and an average teacher, and you’re one of the best Alex!
Please correct me if I went wrong grammatically!
Alex, I would like to thank you for all your videos cause they have helped me a lot to improve my English.
You are the best here!!!
Thank you again, Alex.
Great lesson.
Now I’m going to write my own sentences and then check them out.
Thank you very much!
i want improve my language with you
Thanks Alex now I can differentiate between smart and normal!!!
Thank u Alex,you give flattery a good name.
9 out of 10
GARNER never forget!
Thank you so much Alex..
Thanks Alex!:)
My friend has been ostracized by his government because he have done many crimes in his country .
My business is so profitable and I garner a lot of money from it
The situation in my country is too terrible , so I’m contemplating moving to Europe
These two cats are similar I have hard time to differentiate between each other .
The world climate is going to be cooler than before , so we will see alot of fluctuating in many years away until global cooling happens .
Thank you, those videos are ver very useful, you know I´ve learned a lot with them, thanks a lot Alex.
Good job Alex
thank you sir
well, not so easy as look. but i will try it again. Thank you
XD thanks a lots.
Thanks my teacher. That was a useful lesson.
Hi Alex ,thank you for the lesson!
I will definitely try to include these words in my everyday vocabulary
I have the same question as a guy above, but didn’t find the answer
So,will it be correct to use two -ing forms next to each other such as “contemplating moving” and what else cases, if they are present, should I use -ing forms next to each other in ?Thanks in advance for answering
hi Nat Pal very good question, congratulations
thank you!
Thanks you sir Alex, I’ve now contemplating of studying hard the words that I garnered to differentiate them in using sentence. Because memorizing words sometimes is fluctuating depends on the memory mood. I’m shy using the vocabularies that I’ve just learned thinking to be ostracized by others if I didn’t deliver properly.
Hi. I want to thank you all the teachers in Engvid for helping me to improve my English. I think it is a difficult language but with your assistance it has been less hard. You all are too kind and generous. Best regards from Costa Rica.
Wow,very helpful and easy way to learn vocabulary.Thank you Alex this really help me looking forward from you for more Vocaubalry.
Thank you Alex, I’ve learned a lot. Wonderful!
I appreciate your great job.
Very helpful lesson
Your lessons are very useful! Thanks.
thanks, i know this words are going to help me a lot.
JoininG with uuuuuuu guys………… from Bangladesh.
Thankz all of uu the faculty of this splendiD website for learning English!!!!!!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for these valuable verbs. And, of course, you can 100 % be sure that we will incorporate these words to our everyday vocabulary. And one thing that often happens to me whenever I do shopping is at the end I cannot differentiate between two things. I don’t know what to choose. My thoughts are fluctuating.
follow your feelings..
Hi Tugay,
Thank you for your nice advice.
Kind Regards,
hi alex;i m very happy to learn this vocabulary ;i never have heard them;thanks a lot;And what could i do because i want to improve my speaking?PLEASE HELP ME.WHO WANT TO PRACTICE WHIT ME
hey guy Alex ..you are good¡¡
What is snub, Alex. I don’t understand?
Yes got a perfect score again… thanks alex, now i know what those words means. Thamks alot…
Thank you Alex.
Thanks a lot! The verbs ostracize,garner and fluctuate were absolutely new for me! I’ll try to incorporate them in my everyday vocabulary.
Thanks so much! You explain very well!
Toujours le même plaisir à apprendre grâce à des leçons courtes et bien construites.
Merci Alex. Et le français, ça marche ??
ostracise is a very useful word, the insane guy is ostracised by all the staff.
thank you very much
Thank you Sir. That was something valuable I learned today.
thank you so much Alex. You are very good teacher. :))
Hi Alex please, garner my respect. My concern is that I do not use these new words actively, I will forget them. As an outcome, they will be ostracized. I contemplate substituting some analogous words in my vocabulary by these new ones. Thank you for the nice lesson. Look forward to seeing some more advanced.
thank’s mr:Alex…. i appreciate you
It is pleasure to have 10 correct out of 10
Thank you Alex
Thanks ….
I got 9 I like teaching vocab like this
Thanks a looooooooooot
I got 9 from 10.
I was wrong with the question 7 where a person has been bored and contemplated to change his career.
I used the verb ‘fluctuate”, I don’t why. I didn’t understand the meaning of the sentence at once.
Thanks Alex I hope to garner a lot from your lessons!
I got 8 from 10.
Thanks Alex.This is the good way to improve my sound smarter vocabulary.
I was ostracized by regional church community for my belief last five years ago.
thank you Alex
That was great. I didn’t know anything about it. I got 10
Thanks Sir, whate a useful lesson is
good job for me , 9/10 keep going ! lol