Help to change our sexist language by learning 6 common idioms about people. Are you a ladies' man? A woman of your word? A man of the people? Learn the meanings of these English idioms and find out which ones you can use to describe women too! Taught by a teacher who cares about both men and women doing well in the world.
I’ve got all correct! Thank you engvid for another interesting class.
Thank you Rebecca.
Human language is sexist and it has become a way of living for most of us whether we like it or not.
For instance , the Mexican government has done practically nothing to legislate discrimination in the workplace. In other words there are few serious attempts to combat sexism in the workplace.
Unless I am very much mistaken, I am quite sure that the same happens in most English speaking countries.
Thanks for this great lesson Rebecca,you are a woman of the people.
Wow, thanks, Regino, for your compliments and also your observations in excellent English.
EXelente sir WoW
I like very much this kind of lessons!
Nine out of nine. Nice lesson, and it was pretty easy to understand. Thank you, Rebecca.
I’m a man of few words by the way. :)
Evaldo Mendes
You’re welcome. You’re also a man who speaks English well! My best wishes to you.
could we change with Bachelorette for woman
chakim hamzah
So. Good , we need more and more lessons
amir nashed 300
I got 7 correct out of 9 , thanks Rebecca
I got 100… hurrah
thaak you teacher
Good for you! All the best!
I got 8/9
Thank you Rebecca
I have a Friend who is a ladies’ man
Thank you so much Rebecca , it was useful for me
For my Companions who wants to practice his English Skills please feel freely to be in touch with me ,
My Facebook account name is “Anwar Aime Dieu” <3
I got 9/9
Thankss Rebe
Dear Rebecca,this lesson is quite useful for me.I have learned not only these 6 idioms,but also the way how to explain meaning with a completed sentence.This is very important for my English improvement.Thank you very much for this lesson!
BTW, I appreciate someone can practice English with me via Skype ( ID:jarods).
So glad to hear the lesson helped you. All the best!
great lesson
It was an excellent lesson.Thanks a lot.
thanks once again rebecca. I feel, you are a woman of your Word. aren’t you ?
That’s very kind of you. Thank you. Our word is everything, is it not? You must also be a person of your word to care about such matters. All the best.
it was good new thing for me
Hi Ms Ronnie
I want to learn eng lang from you.
i need to know the pricing please.
please do reply me asap.
Seems like most of young men are confirmed bachelors, recently :)
Well, I am not :D
Do not worry Pauletta, there are plenty more fish in the sea.
Have a great day!!!
I got 7 correct out of 9. Thank you for your interesting and useful lesson, Rebecca :)
Thanks Rebecca … idioms are interesting in english .. keep your job up and give us more and more useful lessons :)
I got 100 :), Thank you Rebecca
Deesh Pasupuleti
What a great lesson! Thank you teacher :)
Thank you it was great ! 10/10
I’ve got 9 correct out of 9, thanks a lot
Naima Hass
Thanks Rebecca:)
Hello Rebecca, I’d never heard some of this idioms before, but I have just seen,In Spanish we have some very similar expressions.
Regards from Barcelona (Spain)
Thanks ,very much
thnx alot teacher, it was a very useful lesson
Mourad adem
yeppee! 9 out of 8
thank you ,I got 8 correct out of 9.
Noor Ali
Thanks rebecca, i like the way you deliver the information
Shaimaa Gabal
Thanks Rebecca, it is a useful lesson and it is helping me a lot!
thank you rebecca .i’m so bad in english
Well, now, stay positive, my friend. You certainly said that correctly and that’s a good start! All the best to you.
Great lesson , very good explained, thanks.
Mario Jehu
Thank you
Very useful. Thanks so much.
Thank you Rebecca! I got 10! I want to be a man of my word!
Good for you! I mean, for your English and also for your character. You have my respect. All the best.
9/9 This quiz is for you Rebecca. He’s a ladies man although a confirmed bachelor. A man of his word, and a man of few words at the same time. He is man of the people, Who is he????
If you said George Clooney you wrong.
The right answer is CRISTIANO RONALDO the man of the hour.
Jorge Pedroso
Glad you’re enjoying playing with the idioms. That’s the way! My best wishes.
I got 100% .. Thanks Rebecca for your exercises
Thank you Ms. Rebecca very much, I got 89%.
Abdul Qayum
I got 9/9 ..thank you Rebecca
thanks a lot to k
hello! i am men of few words and i see Rebeca is woman of people. thank you!
Thank you só much. I got 100%
Sally S
100% awesome!
Thank you. It was nice to learn from you ^_^
Alyona Vorobyova
Great lesson! Thank you!
I’m a man of few words; nevertheless, Rebecca I am quite sure you are the best teacher on this web site; your knowledge, charisma and experience, make you to be an amazing teacher.
Hey everybody, I think it’s important to be grateful and show it up with actions. There’s an old proverb : “Actions speak louder than words”.Our best way to help and say thanks, is supporting and its professional team.
Thanks so much, Rebecca and all the engVid Team for your time and your enthusiasm. All the best!
Wow, thank you kindly for your generous compliments and your wise advice to our viewers / readers. Your few words have gone a long way! My best wishes to you, my friend.
Wow…super me!!
I had 100 over 100. Thank you very much Ms.Rebecca!
Very nice class Rebecca, you can’t imagine how much you are helping us.
Thanks Rebecca.
I am looking for THALINHO the Brazilian teacher..
email me when you get my message
so cool,than you.
Hello Rebecca !
I have nothing to add to the comments above
except some notions concerning “politically correct”. They say:
instead of we should say
Thanks for your comments. Yes, we should use the politically correct terms such as businessperson, chairperson, etc. We also need to understand other terms when used by different people. That is why we teach what is commonly heard as well as what you should ideally use. My best wishes to you.
Rebecca thanks alot u are awesome
Thank you! It is always good to learn!
Mia Lee
thank you Rebecca ,very intersting
Thank you Rebecca, I got 100 and I’m james Bond too
it is a good lesson.
i got 7 correct answer.
I think it’s a little bit confusing when we have to use infinitives or (to + infinitives) after verbs. Could you help us by giving some tricks you probably know? Either you could make a lesson about this, or not; we all appreciate your time teaching us.
All the best to you!
Rebecca, could you explain what the phrase “Kick it up a notch” means?
Thanks in advance.
All the best!
very great lesson for me, an indonesian
thank you so much
Thank you, I’ll try to use this idioms in everyday life.
Thanks for the nice lesson.
thanks a lot rebecca!
I am a woman of few words…only english speaking!
I enjoyed this lesson
Rebecca, you are so amazing! Thanks a lot for your lessons.
Rebecca is the woman of the hour.
Thank you Rebecca.
9/9 Rebecca thank your every much you the best teacher
great, was useful, thanks!!!!
Thank you.
I did it! Thanks for a lesson, Rebecca :)
Thanks to all of you for your comments. I am glad that you enjoyed the lesson and that many of you tried to use the idioms right away in your comments. That’s the best way to learn. My best wishes to all of you.
Thank you Ma’m from your teaching
Mohammad Maisam
Hello Rebecca. The lesson was excellent. I have a suggestion. I wish our nice teachers in engVid could make some videos explaining about a short part of movie or a piece of news. I mean in the video, a clip is shown and a teacher pause it and explain about some idioms or words or the structure. Specially the very causal structure which are used in the movies. Or showing a piece of news and talking about that. I think this way is very fun and also practical.
I’m pleasure to meet you and your lesson.
I hope to improve my english with your help.
Than kyou
Thank you it’s useful video.
Rebecca is one of the best teachers of for me. Her pronunciation and the speed of speaking is impeccable :D !
It is true in my opinion too. Thanks!
Word “man” means human. For example – prime ministry of Germany is a man of a few words. Or I can say person of few words. Would be impolite to say woman, but she is. Firstly she is a minister after that mother, sister, wife etc. Other phrase. She is a woman of hour. !!! She is a man (human in this case) of hour.
Well, my sister is confirmed bachelor. Why not, ma’am?! I’m sure that is clear for everyone. Nobody say so! Let me be first. )) Language like sound of harp should be clear )
Harp is a sexist, is it?
Anyway thank you for your business!
Evgeniy M
the best English teacher! her accent and personality is so good.
Thank You Rebeca,you are very good teacher!
great teacher and excellent class.
Lucas kang
thanks alot. It was very usefull
Mohammad Maisam
Hello dear Teacher. I am an Afghan Student but now in India I want to prepare for TOEFL or IELTS. I need your Email because I have some question. thanks
looking forward to hearing from you.
Mohammad Maisam
Thank you Rebecca.The lectures in this site are very usefull for me.
I obtain the full marks
yessssssssssss I’ve got all correct
Once again, you have thought us idioms in your
polite, sensitive and totally relaxed way!
I do like your lessons, Rebecca.
It’s very important (at least for me) to feel
that you care about us and respects the fact that we are just ordinary students and need
to learn the language.
You don’t make a fool of yourself to teach us because you are not a comedian, or an entertainer. You are a PROFESSOR.Of course you need to make jokes, it’s necessary, but NOT ALL
THE TIME!!!! You have a good sense of humour and that’s what we need.
Thank you very much, Rebecca. Again!
You smile, you show you are happy
this is the first time. I got 9/9. Yes!!! Rebecca, thank you.
…and to finish the sentence,you speak clearly,
I can undestand all the words you say.
As you can see, sometimes,or rather, scarcely ever I’m a woman of “a lot” of words!
Just kidding.Bye.
:::::Dear Rebecca
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you!
thank You and all of your colleagues at EngVid!
You are the woman of the hour
Best wishes!!!
You are the woman of the hour
Dear Rebecca,
As a teacher on your website, you keep this promise : advancing students.
So I can write, you are a woman of her world.
Best regards.
thanks rebecca. you are the woman of the hour
Thank you, got 100.
thank Rebecca :) i really wanna practice Eng. please add me. my skype is daovansone :) tks!
my Quis rebecca:
You got 8 correct out of 9.
chakim hamzah
thanks! very useful lesson”
carlos 2138
Rebecca is one of the best teachers of for me too. “Her pronunciation and the speed of speaking is impeccable”- I completely agree. Thank you for the lessons,Rebecca!
very good lesson. Thank you.
its a great lesson regarding the people(idioms).
Yes I did it Thanks a lot for lesson!
thank you rebaceea for
the amazing, lesson
please please please
do more idioms!
Hi Rebecca, this is my first experience with this website.I should say that I am impressed. And I understand, eventually, I will be able to improve my English with easy thanks to you. Best my wishes.
Just great lesson!!! Thanks a lot to team you are the best!!! God Bless You All!!!
Purple Rose
Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you.
great video..thanks are a woman of few words ,but it is great words..and you are a woman of the people how follow your interested safe and good
I like the way you teach,you catch me from the first lesson I saw , thanks a lot
Thank you much Rebbeca i’m tring de improve my english;I hope one day i’llbe able to make a good presentation in my topic in english
thanks so much REbbeca for this wonderful lesson.
Mahmoud Arafa
thank you Rebecca good lesson allthough it’s forgettable
Taha inan
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Dear, Rebecca.
I think, that your lessons are the most understandable in EngVid for me, include this one.
And you said that English is quite sexist language what`s no pretty good for the political correctness. So, what if we going to use the word ‘person’ or ‘human’ or something like that instead of the ‘man’ word in the such idioms? Would been this correct for the grammar and the policy? Sincerely yours.
I sincerely hope that I will honestly believe I will try to be a man of his word all the time. Also really hope that my brother will be deleted in the list of a confirmed bachelors. Rebecca could you correct?!!! thanks a lot
Hello Rebecca!
Hi Rebecca. Happy to find a lesson on sexist language, or how language shapes our way of thinking. I think it’s wise to deconstruct our habits a bit. In France there is currently an important social debate on this subject, especially around “inclusive writing” (I do not know if I use the right word in English) ; so thanks to you and see you soon!
I only recently learned about that! Learning French in school, I always wondered why you could use “ils” but not “elles” to mean “they”.
engVid Moderator
You got 8 correct out of 9.
thanks ..
M kartal
i got 9/9
thank you so much
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca.
8/9. Thank you Rebecca.
ann ann
6/9 Thank you Rebecca
So after thís lesson i think that I’m a Ladie’s man, hjhj, thanks so much Mrs Rebecca, with my heart !
sorry, Ladies’ man, thanks !
Thank you, Rebecca! Your videos are always usefull and helpful.
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 07Sept2021);
amazing way of learning.
8/9 Not bad for second prompt!
Thank you, Rebecca!
I watched this video twice on December 15, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of 9.
I got 9/10.
Thank you!
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. You are amazing. (Azores Islands, 19Jul2024);
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I’ve got all correct! Thank you engvid for another interesting class.
Thank you Rebecca.
Human language is sexist and it has become a way of living for most of us whether we like it or not.
For instance , the Mexican government has done practically nothing to legislate discrimination in the workplace. In other words there are few serious attempts to combat sexism in the workplace.
Unless I am very much mistaken, I am quite sure that the same happens in most English speaking countries.
Thanks for this great lesson Rebecca,you are a woman of the people.
Wow, thanks, Regino, for your compliments and also your observations in excellent English.
EXelente sir WoW
I like very much this kind of lessons!
Nine out of nine. Nice lesson, and it was pretty easy to understand. Thank you, Rebecca.
I’m a man of few words by the way. :)
You’re welcome. You’re also a man who speaks English well! My best wishes to you.
could we change with Bachelorette for woman
So. Good , we need more and more lessons
I got 7 correct out of 9 , thanks Rebecca
I got 100… hurrah
thaak you teacher
Good for you! All the best!
I got 8/9
Thank you Rebecca
I have a Friend who is a ladies’ man
Thank you so much Rebecca , it was useful for me
For my Companions who wants to practice his English Skills please feel freely to be in touch with me ,
My Facebook account name is “Anwar Aime Dieu” <3
I got 9/9
Thankss Rebe
Dear Rebecca,this lesson is quite useful for me.I have learned not only these 6 idioms,but also the way how to explain meaning with a completed sentence.This is very important for my English improvement.Thank you very much for this lesson!
BTW, I appreciate someone can practice English with me via Skype ( ID:jarods).
So glad to hear the lesson helped you. All the best!
great lesson
It was an excellent lesson.Thanks a lot.
thanks once again rebecca. I feel, you are a woman of your Word. aren’t you ?
That’s very kind of you. Thank you. Our word is everything, is it not? You must also be a person of your word to care about such matters. All the best.
it was good new thing for me
Hi Ms Ronnie
I want to learn eng lang from you.
i need to know the pricing please.
please do reply me asap.
my email is
Seems like most of young men are confirmed bachelors, recently :)
Well, I am not :D
Do not worry Pauletta, there are plenty more fish in the sea.
Have a great day!!!
I got 7 correct out of 9. Thank you for your interesting and useful lesson, Rebecca :)
Thanks Rebecca … idioms are interesting in english .. keep your job up and give us more and more useful lessons :)
I got 100 :), Thank you Rebecca
What a great lesson! Thank you teacher :)
Thank you it was great ! 10/10
I’ve got 9 correct out of 9, thanks a lot
Thanks Rebecca:)
Hello Rebecca, I’d never heard some of this idioms before, but I have just seen,In Spanish we have some very similar expressions.
Regards from Barcelona (Spain)
Thanks ,very much
thnx alot teacher, it was a very useful lesson
yeppee! 9 out of 8
thank you ,I got 8 correct out of 9.
Thanks rebecca, i like the way you deliver the information
Thanks Rebecca, it is a useful lesson and it is helping me a lot!
thank you rebecca .i’m so bad in english
Well, now, stay positive, my friend. You certainly said that correctly and that’s a good start! All the best to you.
Great lesson , very good explained, thanks.
Thank you
Very useful. Thanks so much.
Thank you Rebecca! I got 10! I want to be a man of my word!
Good for you! I mean, for your English and also for your character. You have my respect. All the best.
9/9 This quiz is for you Rebecca. He’s a ladies man although a confirmed bachelor. A man of his word, and a man of few words at the same time. He is man of the people, Who is he????
If you said George Clooney you wrong.
The right answer is CRISTIANO RONALDO the man of the hour.
Glad you’re enjoying playing with the idioms. That’s the way! My best wishes.
I got 100% .. Thanks Rebecca for your exercises
Thank you Ms. Rebecca very much, I got 89%.
I got 9/9 ..thank you Rebecca
thanks a lot to k
hello! i am men of few words and i see Rebeca is woman of people. thank you!
Thank you só much. I got 100%
100% awesome!
Thank you. It was nice to learn from you ^_^
Great lesson! Thank you!
I’m a man of few words; nevertheless, Rebecca I am quite sure you are the best teacher on this web site; your knowledge, charisma and experience, make you to be an amazing teacher.
Hey everybody, I think it’s important to be grateful and show it up with actions. There’s an old proverb : “Actions speak louder than words”.Our best way to help and say thanks, is supporting and its professional team.
Thanks so much, Rebecca and all the engVid Team for your time and your enthusiasm. All the best!
Wow, thank you kindly for your generous compliments and your wise advice to our viewers / readers. Your few words have gone a long way! My best wishes to you, my friend.
Wow…super me!!
I had 100 over 100. Thank you very much Ms.Rebecca!
Very nice class Rebecca, you can’t imagine how much you are helping us.
Thanks Rebecca.
I am looking for THALINHO the Brazilian teacher..
email me when you get my message
so cool,than you.
Hello Rebecca !
I have nothing to add to the comments above
except some notions concerning “politically correct”. They say:
instead of we should say
businessman businessperson
fireman fireperson
policeman policeperson
and so on
Do you really use feminist’s terms ?
Regards !
Thanks for your comments. Yes, we should use the politically correct terms such as businessperson, chairperson, etc. We also need to understand other terms when used by different people. That is why we teach what is commonly heard as well as what you should ideally use. My best wishes to you.
Rebecca thanks alot u are awesome
Thank you! It is always good to learn!
thank you Rebecca ,very intersting
Thank you Rebecca, I got 100 and I’m james Bond too
it is a good lesson.
i got 7 correct answer.
I think it’s a little bit confusing when we have to use infinitives or (to + infinitives) after verbs. Could you help us by giving some tricks you probably know? Either you could make a lesson about this, or not; we all appreciate your time teaching us.
All the best to you!
Rebecca, could you explain what the phrase “Kick it up a notch” means?
Thanks in advance.
All the best!
very great lesson for me, an indonesian
thank you so much
Thank you, I’ll try to use this idioms in everyday life.
Thanks for the nice lesson.
thanks a lot rebecca!
I am a woman of few words…only english speaking!
I enjoyed this lesson
Rebecca, you are so amazing! Thanks a lot for your lessons.
Rebecca is the woman of the hour.
Thank you Rebecca.
9/9 Rebecca thank your every much you the best teacher
great, was useful, thanks!!!!
Thank you.
I did it! Thanks for a lesson, Rebecca :)
Thanks to all of you for your comments. I am glad that you enjoyed the lesson and that many of you tried to use the idioms right away in your comments. That’s the best way to learn. My best wishes to all of you.
Thank you Ma’m from your teaching
Hello Rebecca. The lesson was excellent. I have a suggestion. I wish our nice teachers in engVid could make some videos explaining about a short part of movie or a piece of news. I mean in the video, a clip is shown and a teacher pause it and explain about some idioms or words or the structure. Specially the very causal structure which are used in the movies. Or showing a piece of news and talking about that. I think this way is very fun and also practical.
I’m pleasure to meet you and your lesson.
I hope to improve my english with your help.
Than kyou
Thank you it’s useful video.
Rebecca is one of the best teachers of for me. Her pronunciation and the speed of speaking is impeccable :D !
It is true in my opinion too. Thanks!
Word “man” means human. For example – prime ministry of Germany is a man of a few words. Or I can say person of few words. Would be impolite to say woman, but she is. Firstly she is a minister after that mother, sister, wife etc. Other phrase. She is a woman of hour. !!! She is a man (human in this case) of hour.
Well, my sister is confirmed bachelor. Why not, ma’am?! I’m sure that is clear for everyone. Nobody say so! Let me be first. )) Language like sound of harp should be clear )
Harp is a sexist, is it?
Anyway thank you for your business!
the best English teacher! her accent and personality is so good.
Thank You Rebeca,you are very good teacher!
great teacher and excellent class.
thanks alot. It was very usefull
Hello dear Teacher. I am an Afghan Student but now in India I want to prepare for TOEFL or IELTS. I need your Email because I have some question. thanks
looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you Rebecca.The lectures in this site are very usefull for me.
I obtain the full marks
yessssssssssss I’ve got all correct
Once again, you have thought us idioms in your
polite, sensitive and totally relaxed way!
I do like your lessons, Rebecca.
It’s very important (at least for me) to feel
that you care about us and respects the fact that we are just ordinary students and need
to learn the language.
You don’t make a fool of yourself to teach us because you are not a comedian, or an entertainer. You are a PROFESSOR.Of course you need to make jokes, it’s necessary, but NOT ALL
THE TIME!!!! You have a good sense of humour and that’s what we need.
Thank you very much, Rebecca. Again!
You smile, you show you are happy
this is the first time. I got 9/9. Yes!!! Rebecca, thank you.
…and to finish the sentence,you speak clearly,
I can undestand all the words you say.
As you can see, sometimes,or rather, scarcely ever I’m a woman of “a lot” of words!
Just kidding.Bye.
:::::Dear Rebecca
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you!
thank You and all of your colleagues at EngVid!
You are the woman of the hour
Best wishes!!!
You are the woman of the hour
Dear Rebecca,
As a teacher on your website, you keep this promise : advancing students.
So I can write, you are a woman of her world.
Best regards.
thanks rebecca. you are the woman of the hour
Thank you, got 100.
thank Rebecca :) i really wanna practice Eng. please add me. my skype is daovansone :) tks!
my Quis rebecca:
You got 8 correct out of 9.
thanks! very useful lesson”
Rebecca is one of the best teachers of for me too. “Her pronunciation and the speed of speaking is impeccable”- I completely agree. Thank you for the lessons,Rebecca!
very good lesson. Thank you.
its a great lesson regarding the people(idioms).
Yes I did it Thanks a lot for lesson!
thank you rebaceea for
the amazing, lesson
please please please
do more idioms!
Hi Rebecca, this is my first experience with this website.I should say that I am impressed. And I understand, eventually, I will be able to improve my English with easy thanks to you. Best my wishes.
Just great lesson!!! Thanks a lot to team you are the best!!! God Bless You All!!!
Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you.
great video..thanks are a woman of few words ,but it is great words..and you are a woman of the people how follow your interested safe and good
I like the way you teach,you catch me from the first lesson I saw , thanks a lot
Thank you much Rebbeca i’m tring de improve my english;I hope one day i’llbe able to make a good presentation in my topic in english
thanks so much REbbeca for this wonderful lesson.
thank you Rebecca good lesson allthough it’s forgettable
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Dear, Rebecca.
I think, that your lessons are the most understandable in EngVid for me, include this one.
And you said that English is quite sexist language what`s no pretty good for the political correctness. So, what if we going to use the word ‘person’ or ‘human’ or something like that instead of the ‘man’ word in the such idioms? Would been this correct for the grammar and the policy? Sincerely yours.
I sincerely hope that I will honestly believe I will try to be a man of his word all the time. Also really hope that my brother will be deleted in the list of a confirmed bachelors. Rebecca could you correct?!!! thanks a lot
Hello Rebecca!
Hi Rebecca. Happy to find a lesson on sexist language, or how language shapes our way of thinking. I think it’s wise to deconstruct our habits a bit. In France there is currently an important social debate on this subject, especially around “inclusive writing” (I do not know if I use the right word in English) ; so thanks to you and see you soon!
I only recently learned about that! Learning French in school, I always wondered why you could use “ils” but not “elles” to mean “they”.
You got 8 correct out of 9.
thanks ..
i got 9/9
thank you so much
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca.
8/9. Thank you Rebecca.
6/9 Thank you Rebecca
So after thís lesson i think that I’m a Ladie’s man, hjhj, thanks so much Mrs Rebecca, with my heart !
sorry, Ladies’ man, thanks !
Thank you, Rebecca! Your videos are always usefull and helpful.
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 07Sept2021);
amazing way of learning.
8/9 Not bad for second prompt!
Thank you, Rebecca!
I watched this video twice on December 15, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of 9.
I got 9/10.
Thank you!
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. You are amazing. (Azores Islands, 19Jul2024);