Scared of speaking English in front of people? Do you get nervous when you have to speak in class, at meetings or even social events? You are not alone. Speaking anxiety is one of the most common problems students face. This video will give you six ways to overcome speaking anxiety. I have used each of these tips myself and know that they work.
Hi Ms Emma I know you will read my comment as other student here, a suggestion for all crew of, could you make a special video at 500th video lessons as a celebration, maybe attended by all English teacher here, I think it will be fun and can’t wait for that… thanks ^_^
if it is possible..It will be great
yeah Kandya,, I think so ^_^
hey guys, i want someone to talk with h can hear and understand well but we want to practice on speaking are not,we??
abd el-salam
Thanks for sharing PresentationPrep’s website. It will be very useful in the future! Best wishes!
in inform English Speaking is pretty easier than formal one. but you tips gonna be great weapon to fill youself confidence & energy while spaeking.
Thanx Emma..
Thank you so much Emma!… I really needed it
I had these problem before
while I was speaking in the hall I felt so nervous
one of my friend told me that to improve your speaking you should speak in front of the mirror
I did that and little bit improved at that time i didn’t know these tips that you have thought
Now I am so happy for this lesson and I will try my best
Thank you so much Emma
ican talkingby english but ican not writing the letter and document
Thank you Emma! It is very useful information for us. So now speaking anxety is not a problem:)
thanx.very useful
Dear Emma, Thank you for your lesson. I have problem with listening to English conversation, like radio drama and English movies and understanding them. But I understand your lessons easily. I wanted to ask you if it is possible choose occasionally a social or scientific subject and speak about it for 15 minutes. So, I will be used to listening to native English speaker. Thank you in advance.
thank you Emma, and please teach us some ‘key expressions’ too sometimes. i think it’s really important.
thanks, take care.
I have been studying english for 6 months , I face some problem , If I want to say something I can’t express my thought directly , what do I do to improve my English ?? I hope somebody help me
I had the same problem. Fortunately, a friend of mine also needed to learn English, so we started to talk in English and correct one another. It worked. Of course, I still have a lot to improove, but I became more confident. Good luck!
Thanks for your reply , I hope I would find somebody to study together
Thanks mam Emma for such a great lesson.your lessons are always great, clear and very useful.I LIKE THEM TOO MUCH.
well, i want to ask you some questions.
2- WHAT DOES ‘Why the wealthy are laughing all
the way to the bank’ MEANS.
I know that you would answer me so THANKS IN
Hi Emma, I like your teaching, I just want to know what are ESL students?
Stands for “English as a Second Language”.
engVid Moderator
thanks a lot, i love this site, all lessons are so cool and useful!!!
Who could me explain when we say : ” I don’t have…..” and when ” I have not……..” ?
Thank’s Emma for Your Lesson
this lesson has some difficult words ,,,, I got 7/10,,,,thank you.
Thanks Emma. Very good lesson!
Way 2 go!
Dear Emma,
I’ve got a ? plz:
Is there any difference among the sentences below?!?!
1.I “have not” a question.
2.I “don’t have” any questions.
3.I “have no” question.
TX in advance,
:) fatiima!
Great lesson Emma, I love your very clear way to teach, Thanks.
Thank you, Emma! This is a very useful stuff!
Hi Teacher Emma, Thanks for marvellous class! :) I like you a lot! :)
This is the first post for me I’m very happy to be a small student in this nicely site and i would like to thank every teachers and all stuff I hope to improve My English with you , really i seen many English website but in my opinion this is the best
the meaning is clear, but a lot of unfamiliar words…
Hi Emma, thanks for this i got 7/10, not bad :)
My score quite bad.
but it is very useful.
Thank you
I don’t know what to say.
thankfull dear Emma . it was great lesson :)
Votre lecon d’aujourd’hui est très intéressante ! En effet, parfois j’ai du mal à m’exprimer sans une raison sérieuse ! Mais vous avez raison concernant l’utilité des Mantras ! (I’m sorry for writing my comment in French ! it’s just a way to thank you ! )
Hi Emma,
These tips will be quite useful. I really enjoyed them. What a great class ! I watched twice to ensure that I understood all you told.
By the way, I would like to ask you to create a class about how to email for someone or for some Company properly. I have several questions about that. How start and finish a formal email. How to start and finish a informal email or letter as well.
Thank you very much for share your knowledge with us.
I like your hair and I like your lesson too :-))))))))))
you are a good teacher. Your lesson help me so much. I try to use un the future.
Thanks Enma!!
Thanks Emma for this helpful lesson !!
thank you
thank you, I´m learning English and I like your lesson.
Thanks Ms Emma. Very good lesson!!!
Nice to meet all of you.
Thank you Mrs.Enma.
How to bring Fluency in language??? Many times i fumbled in between conversation…. that makes really bad impression of mine. Would U help me out ?????
Thank you so much teacher Emma!
Thank you so much teacher Emma for your helping about english
Thanks ms. Emma :)
Thanks ms.Emma,you are good teacher,:)
Dear Emma,
I just saw a previous lesson about Lie VS Lay. Very Useful, indeed.
But in this lesson in pointed out one problem I have with articles. Especially THE.
Your exemple : I've laid dinner on the table. The dinner was laid on the table.
Why there is not THE in the First sentence??
Althought I saw others lessons about articles, countable an non countable nouns, Countries / oceans / rivers rules etc etc I still have some problem about when using THE or not.
Maybe the problem is also because I’m french and it’s difficult for us to get rid of this issue because we have articles everywhere. )
thank you so much for your good cooperation
Great job. Thanks.
thank you very much
thanks miss emma for this very important lesson
thanks for your teaching
i like this method.
please speak slowly
Tks, I enjoy watching this class.
Tks, Excellent teacher
Hello. I’m not so happy, because I made not 100%, but 70%. I’m a bit happy, ’cause it’s more than half. :) Yeah!
80% not so good
Thanks Emma
Hi Norja. Speaking for me is like cooking. It’s not always perfect, yet it can still sound very good when you relax, breathe and do your best. You just got to believe in yourself until you get it right. Thanks. Regards, Rene.
It’s great,Thanks a lot.
Hello Emma, As a French I’d like to congratulate you for your lessons. In my opinion, the most important to get a higher level is to be able to increase your confidence… The question is : How can you do that ??.. I strongly believe that doing many things at the same time (like children do actually…) : speaking, reading, watching movies (with or without subtitles) is the best way. Whatever your level, anyway, you have to keep going and as you said, you should always try to think positevely !!… Eric. I’d very happy to skype with you without bothering you of course. Let me know. All the best.
it was nice quiz
actually i learnt a lot
thank you
It was really a good lesson but bad thing is this video is not comlete.It was ended while lecture remained
Thanks a lot
#8-Your template needs to be appropriate for your situation. ) it is mean we use template all the time :)))))))))
wow. thanks Emma for this great lesson. your lessons help me to improve my english. le francais est sa deuxieme langue. et c super. je sais aussi le francais.
Thank you Emma,From Korea.
Thanks Emma
thank you teacher Emma very helpful ouiz
I liked it! It is very useful lesson. Thank you, Emma.
thaks a lot Emma. keep doing this)
I do have issue of speaking anxiety! This vedeo really helps me to know how to release the embarrassing situation. Thanks a lot!
Honestly i love your presentations especially the examples. full mark on this one as well.
thank you Emma thank you very much
Hi Emma,
I liked this lesson so much, because I’m in this situation all the time.
Thanks for this valuable tips.
thank you very much Emma,keep doing this
thank you so much but I have a problem in speaking without stops.
how I can talking with somebody without stops?
please help
thank you, emma
hello’ madam i hope u are fine? tank u verry much for teaching the English lesson.
thank you
No mistakes. 100 :D
Thank you Enma, you are terrific¡¡
Thanks, Emma!
thanks for this simple yet so useful tips! Ive learned a lot! THANKS teacher EMMA for sharing!
Thanks EMMA.
It will be benefits for me.
thanks Emma u were A GREAT HELP
Thank you, Emma. It is very very useful lesson.
Thank you Emma! Those tips are really helpful :)
where can i get lessons ?
Thanks Emma. I really love the part about the speaking template, I think is a pretty useful tools.
90 % Emma. Thanks a lot.
i love engVid
i love England + Canada + america
i love all ^____^
Thanks Emma! Great lesson Im gonna practise it! :)
Thanks it was really helpful, what about the website you mentioned at the end of the lesson?
very very good lesson thank youuuuuuu emma.
Thank you Emma XD
I believe this lecture is very important for all the people who are struggling with speaking in English.
You yourself are our Mantra XD
this is great, i am better at talking to a stranger
me, too
Thank you Emma
Thank you.
Thank Emma teacher.
Thanks a lot Emma for your wonderful recomendations
Thank you Emma, this was a good lesson!
ms.Emma Please help me in learning English, I’m not with money or amounts to taking courses in the language in Egypt
hello there here’s my skype ID we can talk together by the way am Egyptian too so we can help each-other
Thanks Emma, I wish to become an excellent speakear with you help.
thank you ms emma for this lesson
Thank you . Emma . Your lecture is very helpful to me.
I like all your classes.
thanku emma
Your template is perfect. Thanks
Hi Emma, great job! By the way, “deal with” is a phrasal verb (transitive and inseparable), isn’t? If possible make us a video about it, please. À bientôt! :-)
Thanks emma. It is useful information to presentation my opinion. I was encouraged to talk to someone not to feel embarrased.
Dear Emma, definitely I have luck with your quizes, I got 9 one more time….I made a mistake by misunderstand the question, but I love you this way of teach us this pretty language. Your speech is clear and understandable, congratulations teacher.
Thank you Emma!
Very useful tips.
thanks for good lesson. Cheer !
thanks emma :))
Hi Emma
when you talk about “ANXIETY” you’re describing my everyday’s feelings when talking English… :( Hope this will end up disappearing…
Thanks for the video!
It was really good lesson
Is it
Thanks so much
very useful Emma. i’m getting this problem. i have watched many vid of yours and i really like it. just keep up your great job work !
thank you emma
thanks !
I’m usually negative person. So I should change my mind, shouldn’t I? I used to fail Eiken’s interview and present in front of schoolmate when I was in Junior college because of anxiety. I was really nervous. So when I take any speaking test, I’ll remember your lesson. Great topic for me. Thank you, Emma :)
I wish one day i can be one of your students because you are really useful
Thanks Mam, I got 70%.
Abdul Qayum
I am a good speaker
Thank you so much Emma. I am a good speaker!!!
Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17′ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.
Very good lesson!!Tx
Hey Emma, great job! you’re so good! thanks for your effort! hugs from Costa Rica!
I m interested to do practice conversation , if any person like this matter can connect me by Skybe : jamalalotri or
Viber :00967713469861
I would like to help if you are willing to help me to send me the videos that the teachers made for us . Or you can tell me how to them . Hope to get your “yes” . Thank you .
thank u
thank you Emma
Hi Emma
Thank you so much about past simple time markers and I would like you to do the same with the present perfect
Great advices!
greetings from El Salvador!!!
Juan El Sobado
I am sorry this time I have just got 60 .I will study harder .
your lesson is very helpful… 100%
Thank you Emma….very useful!
This is very helpful teacher Emma. Thanks a lot!
Thank you Emma.
thanks one more time Emmma.
Thanks Emma! I got 100% :)
Ho Tri Thuc
Thank you Emma. Very useful quiz.
I’ll remember these tips in my next Presentation! thanks Emma! useful tips!! :)
Have a great day Emma! :P
this is my Facebook address to anyone want practice English with me
no need to find, add me on skype “skmjhon552”
My opining this lesson super
Thanks Emma,
Very good lesson And very good tips.
Thanks a lot Emma, I have many mantra in my brain now ;)
emma what a job you are amazing
Thanks for your wonderful lesson Emma!
thanks Emma , such an a very useful tips and helpful lesson
If someone wanna speak eng with me am intermediate speaker not advanced , u can add me on my skybe . Thanks :)
I whuold like to say that has meny English lessons.
Israa Salim.
Thank you,Emma
zahraa mohammed
Great english teacher. please you give me you mobile number for learning.i want to learning english to you.please mobile number give me.
I bealive I can speak English. Thank)
Maryana Keleman
hi, I’m italian and I like very much Emma’s lessons …. I can understand well what she wants to say to us.
I hope one day to meet she so we can talk about presence.
thanks for all …… it’s very important to listen, to listen … and carry out tests.
Thank you Ms. Emma. I love all of your tips :)
Thank you so much Emma. I did presentations many times and was not formed for that before.
Thank emma I like all of your lessons your lessons very helpful I understand u vrey good cz u speak very clear thank u very much
Thank you so much Emma.
Emma, you are a great teacher. Thanks a lot.
Really very useful tips
This topic is very very important.You gave a nice lecture. Also,You have given some nice tips to overcome speaking anxiety.
This will help everyone to enhance their speaking and conversation ability.Anyway, thank you very much.
Thank you Emma!!I always can not understand what somebody says when i am nervous.I can not make a perfect concentration on somebody’s talking.I feel happy to listen to your class.Go luck
god bless you ms. emma
Thank you Emma!! This topic is very important for me!!
you are an excellent teacher!!! Hugs from Brazil:)
I actually remind my self when you spoke about anxiety , I really don’t have confidence in my self to become a good English speaker , but after your lesson I am going to use mantras
very helpful lessate your effort
sorry about my mistake what I would like to say very helpful lesson , I really appreciate your efforts
Thanks so much Emma
thanks a lot for Emma????????
take a gum. it stabilize the breathing. but do not forget remove before you go in:).
What does IELTS mean please?
Emma thanks you so much, you are the best. I really can follow your lesson. Thanks
Marta Lopez
1. This is an excellent share!
2. Emma’s spoken has a little fast.
3. It is great to share
4. I got a full score in quiz :-)
5. Thank you for all your done!
Thanks Emma.
Salut Emma !
Je viens de voir en regardant ta vidéo que tu avais appris le français en 2e langue… :D
Bravo pour ce que tu fais, à toi et à toute l’équipe engvid !
Test in english :
Hi Emma ! (jusque là tout va bien !:))
I just learned when i was whatching your video that you speak french in second language.
Bravo for what you make, you and your co workers
Pas bien sûr que mon paragraphe soit en bon anglais…. Pas facile d’apprendre une langue étrangère tu es bien placée pour le savoir ! :D
Hi Emma,
I’d really like to hear you in French, just for checking if you can deal with your anxiety (sure you can!).
If you want to speak in French from time to time I am your guy ;-).
Thanks for all you do on this excellent website. All teachers are very good.
I have certainly made mistakes in this text, but I don’t care!
hi, my name is eddie & i come from Hong Kong, nice to meet all of you!
Thank you, Emma. Very useful lesson.
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson but I got 80.
Thank you emma
I got 9/10! Good lesson!
You had recommended an excellent Website!!!
Thanks Emma for your help.
Wanna knowledge
I always follow your educational movies really build up my speaking skills.
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
Thanks you teacher Emma.Your lesson is great.
Zainuddin Abdul Hadi
You got 8 correct out of 10.Thank you
M kartal
Thank you Emmna. Really appreciated your lesson, help me a lot.
Thank you Emma….very useful
Khalil alzobiry
thank Emma I think can help me, Im going to practice your tips.
miss emma the get dispair and excited are the though things that i am having a problems with. i need your help after i watched your usefulvideo i’ll try to use the template :-)
caugusto asto
thanks so much
Ahmed hassaan
thank you for these tips.
Luis Rafael
Thanks a lot Great Emma
Mohamed A.Aziz
Merci Emma. Et puisque le français est ta seconde langue, tu pourras comprendre combien j’apprécie tes leçons.
Thank you very much Mrs. Emma!
Don`t wait to be great to start but start to be great.
Thanks Emma and thanks engvid for lighting our road of the greatness
Haitham salem
Thanks Emma!!
edi wilson
Thank you very much Emma. I got two important tips from this lesson, which are mantra and automate language. Thanks!
9/10! Practice! Practice! Practice! My mantra is “The important thing need say three time!” I need to practice more and make more mistake, then I will improve my English speaking.
Jerry Gu
Thanks Emma for given to us so great advises.
Maripaz Maldonado
I was terrible in this class. I believe, I have to improve.
Thanks a lot emma
i hope i will be a good speaker .
I believe that you are a great English teacher Emma.
Tanks a lot.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi Ms Emma I know you will read my comment as other student here, a suggestion for all crew of, could you make a special video at 500th video lessons as a celebration, maybe attended by all English teacher here, I think it will be fun and can’t wait for that… thanks ^_^
if it is possible..It will be great
yeah Kandya,, I think so ^_^
hey guys, i want someone to talk with h can hear and understand well but we want to practice on speaking are not,we??
Thanks for sharing PresentationPrep’s website. It will be very useful in the future! Best wishes!
in inform English Speaking is pretty easier than formal one. but you tips gonna be great weapon to fill youself confidence & energy while spaeking.
Thanx Emma..
Thank you so much Emma!… I really needed it
I had these problem before
while I was speaking in the hall I felt so nervous
one of my friend told me that to improve your speaking you should speak in front of the mirror
I did that and little bit improved at that time i didn’t know these tips that you have thought
Now I am so happy for this lesson and I will try my best
Thank you so much Emma
ican talkingby english but ican not writing the letter and document
Thank you Emma! It is very useful information for us. So now speaking anxety is not a problem:)
thanx.very useful
Dear Emma, Thank you for your lesson. I have problem with listening to English conversation, like radio drama and English movies and understanding them. But I understand your lessons easily. I wanted to ask you if it is possible choose occasionally a social or scientific subject and speak about it for 15 minutes. So, I will be used to listening to native English speaker. Thank you in advance.
thank you Emma, and please teach us some ‘key expressions’ too sometimes. i think it’s really important.
thanks, take care.
I have been studying english for 6 months , I face some problem , If I want to say something I can’t express my thought directly , what do I do to improve my English ?? I hope somebody help me
I had the same problem. Fortunately, a friend of mine also needed to learn English, so we started to talk in English and correct one another. It worked. Of course, I still have a lot to improove, but I became more confident. Good luck!
Thanks for your reply , I hope I would find somebody to study together
I have this problem, too. :(
this is very difficult lesson for me.
it was very bad to quize too..
thank you very much all your
Thanks mam Emma for such a great lesson.your lessons are always great, clear and very useful.I LIKE THEM TOO MUCH.
well, i want to ask you some questions.
2- WHAT DOES ‘Why the wealthy are laughing all
the way to the bank’ MEANS.
I know that you would answer me so THANKS IN
Hi Emma, I like your teaching, I just want to know what are ESL students?
Stands for “English as a Second Language”.
thanks a lot, i love this site, all lessons are so cool and useful!!!
Who could me explain when we say : ” I don’t have…..” and when ” I have not……..” ?
Thank’s Emma for Your Lesson
this lesson has some difficult words ,,,, I got 7/10,,,,thank you.
Thanks Emma. Very good lesson!
Way 2 go!
Dear Emma,
I’ve got a ? plz:
Is there any difference among the sentences below?!?!
1.I “have not” a question.
2.I “don’t have” any questions.
3.I “have no” question.
TX in advance,
:) fatiima!
Great lesson Emma, I love your very clear way to teach, Thanks.
Thank you, Emma! This is a very useful stuff!
Hi Teacher Emma, Thanks for marvellous class! :) I like you a lot! :)
This is the first post for me I’m very happy to be a small student in this nicely site and i would like to thank every teachers and all stuff I hope to improve My English with you , really i seen many English website but in my opinion this is the best
the meaning is clear, but a lot of unfamiliar words…
Hi Emma, thanks for this i got 7/10, not bad :)
My score quite bad.
but it is very useful.
Thank you
I don’t know what to say.
thankfull dear Emma . it was great lesson :)
Votre lecon d’aujourd’hui est très intéressante ! En effet, parfois j’ai du mal à m’exprimer sans une raison sérieuse ! Mais vous avez raison concernant l’utilité des Mantras ! (I’m sorry for writing my comment in French ! it’s just a way to thank you ! )
Hi Emma,
These tips will be quite useful. I really enjoyed them. What a great class ! I watched twice to ensure that I understood all you told.
By the way, I would like to ask you to create a class about how to email for someone or for some Company properly. I have several questions about that. How start and finish a formal email. How to start and finish a informal email or letter as well.
Thank you very much for share your knowledge with us.
I like your hair and I like your lesson too :-))))))))))
you are a good teacher. Your lesson help me so much. I try to use un the future.
Thanks Enma!!
Thanks Emma for this helpful lesson !!
thank you
thank you, I´m learning English and I like your lesson.
Thanks Ms Emma. Very good lesson!!!
Nice to meet all of you.
Thank you Mrs.Enma.
How to bring Fluency in language??? Many times i fumbled in between conversation…. that makes really bad impression of mine. Would U help me out ?????
Thank you so much teacher Emma!
Thank you so much teacher Emma for your helping about english
Thanks ms. Emma :)
Thanks ms.Emma,you are good teacher,:)
Dear Emma,
I just saw a previous lesson about Lie VS Lay. Very Useful, indeed.
But in this lesson in pointed out one problem I have with articles. Especially THE.
Your exemple :
I've laid dinner on the table.
The dinner was laid on the table.
Why there is not
in the First sentence??Althought I saw others lessons about articles, countable an non countable nouns, Countries / oceans / rivers rules etc etc I still have some problem about when using THE or not.
Maybe the problem is also because I’m french and it’s difficult for us to get rid of this issue because we have articles everywhere. )
thank you so much for your good cooperation
Great job. Thanks.
thank you very much
thanks miss emma for this very important lesson
thanks for your teaching
i like this method.
please speak slowly
Tks, I enjoy watching this class.
Tks, Excellent teacher
Hello. I’m not so happy, because I made not 100%, but 70%. I’m a bit happy, ’cause it’s more than half. :) Yeah!
80% not so good
Thanks Emma
Hi Norja. Speaking for me is like cooking. It’s not always perfect, yet it can still sound very good when you relax, breathe and do your best. You just got to believe in yourself until you get it right. Thanks. Regards, Rene.
It’s great,Thanks a lot.
Hello Emma, As a French I’d like to congratulate you for your lessons. In my opinion, the most important to get a higher level is to be able to increase your confidence… The question is : How can you do that ??.. I strongly believe that doing many things at the same time (like children do actually…) : speaking, reading, watching movies (with or without subtitles) is the best way. Whatever your level, anyway, you have to keep going and as you said, you should always try to think positevely !!… Eric. I’d very happy to skype with you without bothering you of course. Let me know. All the best.
it was nice quiz
actually i learnt a lot
thank you
It was really a good lesson but bad thing is this video is not comlete.It was ended while lecture remained
Thanks a lot
#8-Your template needs to be appropriate for your situation. ) it is mean we use template all the time :)))))))))
wow. thanks Emma for this great lesson. your lessons help me to improve my english. le francais est sa deuxieme langue. et c super. je sais aussi le francais.
Thank you Emma,From Korea.
Thanks Emma
thank you teacher Emma very helpful ouiz
I liked it! It is very useful lesson. Thank you, Emma.
thaks a lot Emma. keep doing this)
I do have issue of speaking anxiety! This vedeo really helps me to know how to release the embarrassing situation. Thanks a lot!
Honestly i love your presentations especially the examples. full mark on this one as well.
thank you Emma thank you very much
Hi Emma,
I liked this lesson so much, because I’m in this situation all the time.
Thanks for this valuable tips.
thank you very much Emma,keep doing this
thank you so much but I have a problem in speaking without stops.
how I can talking with somebody without stops?
please help
thank you, emma
hello’ madam i hope u are fine? tank u verry much for teaching the English lesson.
thank you
No mistakes. 100 :D
Thank you Enma, you are terrific¡¡
Thanks, Emma!
thanks for this simple yet so useful tips! Ive learned a lot! THANKS teacher EMMA for sharing!
Thanks EMMA.
It will be benefits for me.
thanks Emma u were A GREAT HELP
Thank you, Emma. It is very very useful lesson.
Thank you Emma! Those tips are really helpful :)
where can i get lessons ?
Thanks Emma. I really love the part about the speaking template, I think is a pretty useful tools.
90 % Emma. Thanks a lot.
i love engVid
i love England + Canada + america
i love all ^____^
Thanks Emma! Great lesson Im gonna practise it! :)
Thanks it was really helpful, what about the website you mentioned at the end of the lesson?
very very good lesson thank youuuuuuu emma.
Thank you Emma XD
I believe this lecture is very important for all the people who are struggling with speaking in English.
You yourself are our Mantra XD
this is great, i am better at talking to a stranger
me, too
Thank you Emma
Thank you.
Thank Emma teacher.
Thanks a lot Emma for your wonderful recomendations
Thank you Emma, this was a good lesson!
ms.Emma Please help me in learning English, I’m not with money or amounts to taking courses in the language in Egypt
hello there here’s my skype ID we can talk together by the way am Egyptian too so we can help each-other
Thanks Emma, I wish to become an excellent speakear with you help.
thank you ms emma for this lesson
Thank you . Emma . Your lecture is very helpful to me.
I like all your classes.
thanku emma
Your template is perfect. Thanks
Hi Emma, great job! By the way, “deal with” is a phrasal verb (transitive and inseparable), isn’t? If possible make us a video about it, please. À bientôt! :-)
Thanks emma. It is useful information to presentation my opinion. I was encouraged to talk to someone not to feel embarrased.
Dear Emma, definitely I have luck with your quizes, I got 9 one more time….I made a mistake by misunderstand the question, but I love you this way of teach us this pretty language. Your speech is clear and understandable, congratulations teacher.
Thank you Emma!
Very useful tips.
thanks for good lesson. Cheer !
thanks emma :))
Hi Emma
when you talk about “ANXIETY” you’re describing my everyday’s feelings when talking English… :( Hope this will end up disappearing…
Thanks for the video!
It was really good lesson
Is it
Thanks so much
very useful Emma. i’m getting this problem. i have watched many vid of yours and i really like it. just keep up your great job work !
thank you emma
thanks !
I’m usually negative person. So I should change my mind, shouldn’t I? I used to fail Eiken’s interview and present in front of schoolmate when I was in Junior college because of anxiety. I was really nervous. So when I take any speaking test, I’ll remember your lesson. Great topic for me. Thank you, Emma :)
me toooooooooooooooooooo
thanks for mantas “I am a good English Speaker.”
9/10 Thank you Emma!
thank you mam
very helpful,thank you Emma
_____ ___ __ ___ __ ___
||== || \/ | || \/ | ||=||
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Thank You!!!
My Score: 100
I wish one day i can be one of your students because you are really useful
Thanks Mam, I got 70%.
I am a good speaker
Thank you so much Emma. I am a good speaker!!!
Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17′ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.
Very good lesson!!Tx
Hey Emma, great job! you’re so good! thanks for your effort! hugs from Costa Rica!
I m interested to do practice conversation , if any person like this matter can connect me by Skybe : jamalalotri or
Viber :00967713469861
I would like to help if you are willing to help me to send me the videos that the teachers made for us . Or you can tell me how to them . Hope to get your “yes” . Thank you .
thank u
thank you Emma
Hi Emma
Thank you so much about past simple time markers and I would like you to do the same with the present perfect
Great advices!
greetings from El Salvador!!!
I am sorry this time I have just got 60 .I will study harder .
your lesson is very helpful… 100%
Thank you Emma….very useful!
This is very helpful teacher Emma. Thanks a lot!
Thank you Emma.
thanks one more time Emmma.
Thanks Emma! I got 100% :)
Thank you Emma. Very useful quiz.
I’ll remember these tips in my next Presentation! thanks Emma! useful tips!! :)
Have a great day Emma! :P
this is my Facebook address to anyone want practice English with me
no need to find, add me on skype “skmjhon552”
My opining this lesson super
Thanks Emma,
Very good lesson And very good tips.
Thanks a lot Emma, I have many mantra in my brain now ;)
emma what a job you are amazing
Thanks for your wonderful lesson Emma!
thanks Emma , such an a very useful tips and helpful lesson
If someone wanna speak eng with me am intermediate speaker not advanced , u can add me on my skybe . Thanks :)
I whuold like to say that has meny English lessons.
Thank you,Emma
Great english teacher. please you give me you mobile number for learning.i want to learning english to you.please mobile number give me.
I bealive I can speak English. Thank)
hi, I’m italian and I like very much Emma’s lessons …. I can understand well what she wants to say to us.
I hope one day to meet she so we can talk about presence.
thanks for all …… it’s very important to listen, to listen … and carry out tests.
Thank you Ms. Emma. I love all of your tips :)
Thank you so much Emma. I did presentations many times and was not formed for that before.
Thank emma I like all of your lessons your lessons very helpful I understand u vrey good cz u speak very clear thank u very much
Thank you so much Emma.
Emma, you are a great teacher. Thanks a lot.
Really very useful tips
This topic is very very important.You gave a nice lecture. Also,You have given some nice tips to overcome speaking anxiety.
This will help everyone to enhance their speaking and conversation ability.Anyway, thank you very much.
Thank you Emma!!I always can not understand what somebody says when i am nervous.I can not make a perfect concentration on somebody’s talking.I feel happy to listen to your class.Go luck
god bless you ms. emma
Thank you Emma!! This topic is very important for me!!
you are an excellent teacher!!! Hugs from Brazil:)
I actually remind my self when you spoke about anxiety , I really don’t have confidence in my self to become a good English speaker , but after your lesson I am going to use mantras
very helpful lessate your effort
sorry about my mistake what I would like to say very helpful lesson , I really appreciate your efforts
Thanks so much Emma
thanks a lot for Emma????????
take a gum. it stabilize the breathing. but do not forget remove before you go in:).
What does IELTS mean please?
Emma thanks you so much, you are the best. I really can follow your lesson. Thanks
1. This is an excellent share!
2. Emma’s spoken has a little fast.
3. It is great to share
4. I got a full score in quiz :-)
5. Thank you for all your done!
Thanks Emma.
Salut Emma !
Je viens de voir en regardant ta vidéo que tu avais appris le français en 2e langue… :D
Bravo pour ce que tu fais, à toi et à toute l’équipe engvid !
Test in english :
Hi Emma ! (jusque là tout va bien !:))
I just learned when i was whatching your video that you speak french in second language.
Bravo for what you make, you and your co workers
Pas bien sûr que mon paragraphe soit en bon anglais…. Pas facile d’apprendre une langue étrangère tu es bien placée pour le savoir ! :D
Hi Emma,
I’d really like to hear you in French, just for checking if you can deal with your anxiety (sure you can!).
If you want to speak in French from time to time I am your guy ;-).
Thanks for all you do on this excellent website. All teachers are very good.
I have certainly made mistakes in this text, but I don’t care!
hi, my name is eddie & i come from Hong Kong, nice to meet all of you!
Thank you, Emma. Very useful lesson.
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson but I got 80.
Thank you emma
I got 9/10! Good lesson!
You had recommended an excellent Website!!!
Thanks Emma for your help.
I always follow your educational movies really build up my speaking skills.
Thank you Emma :)
Thanks you teacher Emma.Your lesson is great.
You got 8 correct out of 10.Thank you
Thank you Emmna. Really appreciated your lesson, help me a lot.
Thank you Emma….very useful
thank Emma I think can help me, Im going to practice your tips.
miss emma the get dispair and excited are the though things that i am having a problems with. i need your help after i watched your usefulvideo i’ll try to use the template :-)
thanks so much
thank you for these tips.
Thanks a lot Great Emma
Merci Emma. Et puisque le français est ta seconde langue, tu pourras comprendre combien j’apprécie tes leçons.
Thank you very much Mrs. Emma!
Don`t wait to be great to start but start to be great.
Thanks Emma and thanks engvid for lighting our road of the greatness
Thanks Emma!!
Thank you very much Emma. I got two important tips from this lesson, which are mantra and automate language. Thanks!
9/10! Practice! Practice! Practice! My mantra is “The important thing need say three time!” I need to practice more and make more mistake, then I will improve my English speaking.
Thanks Emma for given to us so great advises.
I was terrible in this class. I believe, I have to improve.
Thanks a lot emma
i hope i will be a good speaker .
I believe that you are a great English teacher Emma.
Tanks a lot.
Thank you Engvid thanks a lot
Thank you Emma so much usuful
Thanks a lot