Read this: After watching this video you will make less mistakes, learn farther and be the best between all your friends in English. The lesson will have a great affect on you. If you think these statements are correct, PRESS PLAY NOW and learn to fix six common mistakes in English.
Thank s
My question is that what’s the different when I said
Effect from to day
Affect our day
agany, I’ll try to answer you. Well… Effect from (weird is to-day separately, but…)”TODAY” – with this lesson, all will be better. Affect our day – if, after we study more, suddenly we met an american of our way asking for information, so we’ll reply correctly.
I think it’s easier for us Portuguese speakers, becase the meaning in Portuguese makes sense ^^
Ale Uema
from to day is wrong
but affect means the emotional influence of something ,I guess
and effect means the result of something or it’s impact :)
I hope it helps
What a nice teacher! Great Job! Way to Go!
what do you mean by way to go
It means nice job . But it’s informal .
Nice lesson James!
your teaching style is just awesome..
I love that kind of lesson. Tkanks so much :D
good… i understand well :) :)
james,I have English Exam wish me luck to pass that exam Actually it’s for joining to US army as a Translator/Interpreter Arabic-English, without you I was nothing in English James,
Good luck
you too asala, do you like to be Friend on face book?
Thanks, James!
That’s a great one. I always wonder the difference BETWEEN further and farther. Since that time, I have asked a NUMBER of my friends about that, but no one AMONG us aware of it. I’ve also had a FURTHER discussion with my teacher and It was not clearly enough for me. Then I realized that just a FEWER people know this thing.
The EFFECT of not being aware of this made me did a lot of mistakes when I’m trying to use them. But right now James, you BRING them to me. You have AFFECTED me to use them correctly, if not I can at least know about them. And There is no confusion on my mind.
Thanks. Just trying to use them as much as I can. Correct me if I makes some really bad mistakes.
It is not difficult.You must know that further & farther is connected with a distance.Farther is referred to distance which it could be measured by metre.But further is connected moral principles.So it may not confuse you.
Aqil Azeri
good maan! :))
it hepls me a lot! thanks
really you write in 3 paragraphs the six words from the lesson lol
in my opinion, you should say some of my friend instead of NUMBER
u did good with it but the end of your text.. u wrote ” correct me if I make”S” some…” and that “S” is wrong I think. I belive u know your mistake but I wanted to point it just in case if u don’t know about little gramer mistake of yours. Have good day for everyone
what a pretty teacher
I was confused but I got 9 correct out of 10. Good for me. Thank you James and Mr. E :D
James, thank you!
Thanks James , I got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Mahfuz, Plz share your skype Id.
Thanks Mr.E, I got 8 out of 10 without watching video.
Thanks James. 100%
Grateful to James, 80%
Abdul Qayum
Thanks James! Your lessons are always big challenge for my poor english. But now, I pass your test 10/10.
Thanks James, i fix my mistakes and will try to explain it to my friends.
Whoa! 100%
I don’t understand n°7: Why is “affected” the right answer?
James, thanks for this very useful lesson :)
“affected” relates to humans
Not true — “affected” relates to anything!
engVid Moderator
Ahh! Yes, now I have understood! Thanks again.
think for all….. but the telechagemen of vedio uncomplet ….sory about mistakt
oh thanks, as you are explaininng in a very easy way!
Liana Mkrtchyan
Wonderful lesson coach!
You are great teacher and intillegant coach , good luck and i am happy to be here with all
“If something(body) AFFECTS something(body), it causes an EFFECT.”
Is that right?
Cheers, me china! hahaa
You’re right!
engVid Moderator
Wow! very helpful lecture. i am very thankful to you sir.
very nice!!
I got 100! thank you James!
James is speaking more and more fast! (Sometimes it’s really hard to understand!) But it’s a good challenge for us to get what he says…
Thank you!
Thanx alot for the lesson
Thank you so much…new to me
Hi James
Subtitles are very useful for me, thank you. Useful or effective to learn English
And thanks for trying to fix my bad English
Jesús R.
thanks James so much .
I just got 100 score..
you are the best teacher in this web site.
Thanks a lot.. from Colombia
Hey James , really very useful lesson today ! Thank you so much !
70 ooh no :(
Hind kh
Well done Mr. E !! Nice Quiz!
Well done Mr. E !! Nice Quiz!
Excellent lesson! I didn’t know anything about the differences about these words. Thank you again.
thank ranni, i got 80%
talha khan
This is a really really nice! I want to learn more! :)
that was good , interesting & informative . thank you
Hi, friend
Affect our day means:
I got 8 correct out of 10. I got same mistakes… OMG
I don’t know I wonder why? :( I understand them. I was confused. “Effected” (about action) and “affected” (about emotion). “Bring” and “take,” too. I hope to try the quiz again someday :) Thank you, James and Mr. E!
Great teaching skills Mr. James. thank you for the lesson.. my english skill keep improving till now!
9/10 wooow i happy for that. thanks teacher
i am happy
Hello teacher. I got 10 and I´m very happy because you are helping me improve my skills in English.Thank you so much.
Thanks for the lesson my friend.
Thank you :)
Love it. Thank you :)
thx james
lesson is good and useful
nora ali
Thanks James….:)
You are so funny. I love you~
Thank you so much.
super :) I got 10 correct out of 10.
Dear James ,
I`m following you and Engvid since long time more than 2 years . all of you are very god and helpful . have a suggestion i wrote it before in Ronnie`s video which is create live support by Engvid to can ask , practice and communicate with each other . kindly , i hope my suggestion is good . Ho can i contact engvide teachers personally . Thanks in advance
I got 7 correct
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuu
Thanks! for enhancing my learning .
Thank you for this lesson! It was amazing!!!
U are excellent on enghlish, your way to explain is vary effect, and I got useful from what u put. Just if u explain how I can write essay in a good way.
I do not know when I use the present or past perfect, simple, perfect continue even for future.
On the writing or on the speaking
Waiting u support please.
Even when I writing eassy when I should put , or .
I needed to know the rule on a simple way I use it to do my toefl exam
thank you it really helpful :)
Hiba Aline
I got 9 scores
i swear u are the best teacher in this site u help me in my exam so thank u and everybody wish to me a good luck in other subjects and i wish for u a nice marks.
youssef ahmed
Hey, James
Your Lessons are always funny and helpful, I’ve got 100 out of 100, thank you so much for your kind explanation.
I got 70%. Thank very much James
Hello , someone could help me out with my English ? i don’t understand Jame’s lesson
qu’est ce tu ne comprends pas?
Hey there
I would like to learn English language via Skype, anyone want that add me please
Dear James i don’t understand the difference of TAKE and BRING could you explain me it?
Bring – is “trazer”
Take – is “levar”
Ps: Thank you so much James, this lesson has been so useful.
James, I’m a Ma tesol student in uk, fantastic Video, well plan and humorous, because I don’t got many experiences on teaching, do you mind I copy your teaching style for practice?
hello James, I was thinking where can I leave you a mesage, and this is probably the best place, so I do so :D
Could you do a video about how to do a exercises with reading especially when we have to put T/F/ and No Info. No info. is really hard task and your way of teaching always clarifies me everything :D
Thank you so much in deep
what about “this video was BROUGHT to you by ***EngVid” ??
It is kind of going away from the speaker …
But I’ve heard this sentence at … I think you know where.
thank you really it’s very interesting for me..
Thank you very much.
It’s very interesting.
thanks mr james
your are very funny and I enjoyed your lesson. Thank you!
Hi James! After a long time I happened to stumble upon your video (this one, great and useful, as usual), and want to tell you that I am pretty sure that FURTHER can be (and is) also used about distances. ‘Further’ is a kind of universal, whereas ‘farther’ is normally used only for distances. I remember studying that difference some years ago. (And I just checked it here:
You said amount is for thing that you can’t count, but I heard a lot of people saying amount when talking about money wish can be count..
Even on Electric or phone bill they say amount
Hi teacher James, thank you for your help, I do a good job, I got 9 correct of 10
Linh Thu Tran
Now that is useful as heck! Sometimes I listen to native speakers and it just feels like “what’s wrong with you guys?! One time you say this, another time you say that!” It turns our you guys are just people, haha. Thanks James, you’re awesome! How do I attend your classes besides YouTube? *sigh*
Thanks James! Great lesson!
Leo Silva
Thx a lot James, you made me also laught :) Just 90% but I like mistakes they help me to remember it more than enything else “lol” I am looking forward to watching another lesson with you :)
thank you
very nice 90%
8o :) , good teacher
It’s a very useful lesson. I’m getting more clearly about the different means among “effect and affect”, “amount and number”, and “bring and take”. Thanks for your help.
really useful
rusul wadood
Hi and thank you. Cheers
i love the style of your teaching…thank u so much
Thanks Dear Teacher i got 100%.
thanks a lot
The lessons from professor James are fascinating! I’m grateful. James has a proper, glad style, admired for all of us, especially by me.
good lesson thanks a lot
God bless you
Sahar Amin
Sir, I don`t know what exactly is the meaning of (get a hold of or get hold of). would you be kind enough to explain it?
Sahar Amin
Thanks James! 100% :P
Good job sir james u so funny,i love it Godspeed
Many thanks
I like seem this kind of tech
Thanks teacher :)
am i start to be so stupid or what??
i actually repeated the video one more time and still not got it
the difference between further an farther ?
between bring and take??
9/10 :)
Many Thanks I appreciated your efforts
Thank you,James.Your lessons are very useful and fun.I really love it:)
thank you so much
Thanks James
James is soooo great¡¡ love him :)
Oh :( i got 5 of 10 :(((((((((((((((((( \very bad i’m sad :((( but not hopeless :D i’m going to study again :D
Never give up hope!
engVid Moderator
gooooooooooooooood i got 9/10 only 1 mistake but i am gonna correct it ;)
thank you James!
Mission accomplished! I got it! ;-)
Good job, James! Your lesson about this mistakes is very usefull!
God bless you!
Thank you i like this esson
The video doesn´t work. Coud you upload it again, please!. You´re an amazing teacher, thanks
Hi there! Could you tell me more about your problems with the video? Can you watch any other Youtube videos or videos on engVid, or is it just this one that doesn’t work?
engVid Moderator
Now it’s working, thanks, good lesson
Thank you very much. I think i can improve my english soon.
Steven Sun
I got a mistake today! Take(带走) and bring(带来):may be the difference in chinese!
That was amazing! lesson, but I gotta problem between Further and farther… Thanks for ur nice efforts
Thank you so much, I really like your lessons.
I got 90
Hello James, I would like to know, if you teach online classes to join them. Thank you!!! You guys are the best teachers on the web
Hi, James ! I share the interest with “grdsinclair”. I would also love to join such classes if they exist, of course. And… btw… you are the best teacher I’ve ever seen ! Why ? Because you are highly gifted to draw the attention of students and to make every single lesson interesting and funny !!! In contrast, teachers in Bulgaria, in my school, are teaching without any pleasure and they are like robots. :)))
Thank you .
thanks teacher ^^
Sophie Nguyen
Thanks James, I Like the way u teach and i got 9 out of 10 in the test. Thanks once again.
James you’re really motivate me to learn English thanks indeed you’re amazing.
Ammar Salih
i got 7 out of 10 and i seem to love it
Thanke you Mr
Thank you so much James. I used to think that effect means good effects and affect means bad effects.You taught me new thing. I got 9 out of 10.
thank you james your are so funny :D
thank u a lot Mr.James that was a useful lecture
Hussain gazy
thank. now I’m understand
100 marks. hahaha
you’re awesome! thanks a lot :)
dear my good teacher can you tell me more about Effect/Affect
Now, i understand the common mistakes. Thank you so much.
Hello James, good lesson.
I have a doubt: Is there a difference between “to learn farther” and “to learn further”?
Thank you for the class!
my result affect my mood LOL
Thank you for this class!
Hi James. Thanks a lot for your lesson. I got 9 right … But the time of the lesson has been full fantastic! Everytime I have a lesson with you, I appreciate your great capability as a teacher, but also your fantastic way to be as a anchor man !!
Congratulations on both the tips!
Thank you james
Great Lesson, Tanks!
Hi, I don’t understand the 4 sentence: Mr. E. moves away his lunch from the speaker, so is not “bring” correct?
further – time related
farther – distance related
10/10 great lesson thank you jimes
mess djamila
I confused that bring and take. I often have mistakes about these.
Hill John
100% on this quiz
Very useful lesson! Thank you teacher.
Hugo Goncalves
I had have really god one 70% …cheers James u are really funny
Questions #5. There are ________ people moving to Zimbabwe this year.
To my understanding ‘people’ are uncountable and I used “less”, but the correct answer is “fewer”. Can you please, explain it.
Thanks, Elena
It’s tricky, but it is countable. For instance, we ask "How MANY people are moving...", not "How much people are moving...".
Thank you!
8/10 im bad but it wasa very good lesson
sorry i meant was :)
Thank you ver much
om hanin
AJ 5
thanks alot james :)
in this lesson , i remember during my high school days, my teacher ask us to differentiate cause and effect, and now i learn that they are thesame.
8 out 10 , Okay Better ..
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot James your are the best :)
Thanks a lot , you are really the best teacher i have ever seen
thank you james (^_^)
thanks a lot james
This lesson was very good.Thank you James.
Hi James, as usual very good lesson. I never tried to find the difference between those words. Your tips and tricks are awesome. I hope it will affect me in my English speaking.
thank you james
Thank you teacher
Interesting lesson,James;Keep going,brother.
Which one is correct ?
It’s more further to my car?
It’s more farther to my car?
thnxxxx James :))
Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17′ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.
thanks!! James.
Awesome lesson, James. Thanks =D
thank you James, you are really amazing
than q james i got 10 out of 10
wonderful teacher!
James, thank you!As usual a very good lesson!!!!
Thanks, James! I have got 100%!
My english grammer is very bad. So can i fix it and from where i can start english grammer.I have an IELTS exam on 5/4/2014. Please rply me as soon as possible.
thanks James, your lessons are awesome, you are the best teacher ever!!… I love the way you teach!! :D
Thank you, James.
Thank you so much!
I was really confused between “Effect” and “Affect”
But now i dont!!!
thank you!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
leaving a message to prove I still keep learning O(∩_∩)O~
Thanks.Very useful for me.
Hi man,last lesone you talked about relation ship,what about collegues how to distinguish between male and femal collegues at work?
thank you james.
Thanks and congratulation for your funny attitude!
Thanks James! As always you are very artistic ans positive)Give Mr. Eee my best regards as well!
Thank you so much!
Hey tanks James, but I have one doubt….
People is uncount, should be n°5. There are LESS people moving to Zimbabwe this year.
In a short time u became my fav teacher
shaki Shahinur
me to . he likes that become my favorite
me to . he likes that become my favorite teacher
I got 100% :D great video thank you very much !
thanks your lesson, i love u so much but would u mind turning up your miccro more louderly. eventhough i turned up my laptop max volume i couldn’t hear you clearly.
SG Vista
James you are incredible man, the best way to learn english is with you, you are so funny, I was watching your class and really enjoing it.
Thanks a lot !
i don have friend to speak in English so that i could not apply or practice what i learn..So please tell me how can i improve? plz plz plz help me
adhikari sonu
you are very cool teacher :) you teach in simple way like our friends do, but really very affective :) thank you so much :)
adhikari sonu
Sonu, I am Yusuf from Tajikistan, really I want to have friend who want to speake english, if you want we can talk by skype or facebook. you can find me on facebook – yusufnabotov! I’m looking forward for you!
yes..i found in fb n sent u request :)
adhikari sonu
Please I want to improve my listening skill
umran abdalla
i’m a looser!!! sorry
tere martinez
This is very effective…!!
Swati Lal
fun learning!
100 again.
90% :) thank youuu
Hhhhhmmm it is first time that I got bad result from test James, really I was listening very carefully. I got 70% from 10 question, anyway thank you very much James for lesson.
Cool lesson. :D
thanks a lot james :*
i got 9 correct out of 10…..very bad!
thanks for teaching
it was so funny
i was in ms emma’s side but now i’m in your side
Cheers! 10/10
Yeah, 10/10
i love this quiz
Hariprasad sampath
yes ^^
I take a full mark
this lesson is very useful
thank you teacher
Good feeling
Goog, explanation!
I got 100!!! ^0^*
Thank You~ James**
Thanks James and Mr.E
You lesson makes me feel English is easy and i can do it!!! 100 points again!!!! OMG ^^
I got 10 ♥
i got 9 : ) i just understand after i was wrong the quiz.I just figured out.When you leave your house you bring food with you but your food takes away from house. in quiz asks between your house and your lunch.
and what about within/ between? :-)
I got 10 out of 10. This is very helpful. I’m going to have my kids look at these videos.
Thank you very much Mr. E.
Anyone want to practice his English speaking with me, please add me in skype: jalalah
thanks it’s very helpful lesson :D but sometimes i can’t understand your lessons james :/ !!
I got 8/10.
very clear!!!! I can’t wait to learn more! Thank you, James! You let me not be afraid of learning English now! :)
I missed the fifth question… anyway
I think that “between” could be used also for more than 2
if I say : “i’m between Sara, Jessica and Mary”
am I wrong???
is “between” used when you are talking about something specific?isn’t it?
I want some one who like to speak with me on skype. If there is any one who wants to improve his speaking skills like my self pleas request me to skype
There should be more lessons like this
Really helpful lesson thank you james
This was such a fun lesson to learn. Thank you very much James.
P.S. I received a 90%
thank you,it’s really good
I am so addicted to this website.Thanks a lot.I dont remember how i got to this website now..i am really thankfull to all the lovely teachers here.i am moving to canada very soon,and finding this is going to help me a lot.Thanks sir,its great video.
Thank you very much.
How about ‘Taking me to your heart’? haha .
Thank you for your lesson .
Thaks alot
Thank you teacher, this is a useful lesson for sure.
90% thankyou
Thx a lot …ur lecture is to collect all…….
rafi ghan
thanks for lesson!!! Toy are great teacher.
I Need a speaking partner, so I could practice with. Will you be my speaking partner?
Thanks alot :) it was useful and interesting.
thanks James, I got 10/10
Got 100.. Best teacher..
Thanks James
fatma adel
Good lesson, Thanks
Thank you I like your classes. I watched every day
Thanks james.
I really appreciate
ahmed.mohammed 73
Bring me a pillow…
is this right or need to change??
Ithink it depend on if you want a pillow, or if you dont need pillow anymore. If you want, use “bring”
thank you Mr.james
80% it is not bad, thanks James :-)
Hi Mr James. Thank you for your lesson. I am looking forward to improve my English by watching all of your videos.
i did not understand what he is talking a about
waaao got 80% without seeing any lesson
Aaqib javed
a really like this lesson, I used to be confused about take and bring for me it was the same… what is difficult for me in this lesson is to pronounced Further Farther :p and now i just want to know the difference between lend and borrow. :D
Ah. .i chose wrong answer between “further” and “farther” at the last q. .:'(
thanks you, i understand very well and i do it great!!!!
Angeles DK
That’s a great, this vid gave me a grat affect to my english.
thaaanks <3
thank you james
. I got 9 out of 10.
thank you Mr.James , I learned useful lesson today :)
got it
Hi James, Thank you! … I have a question, speaking about numbers, ex: 142579 : One hundred “AND” forty two thousand, five hundred “AND” seventy nine, does the “AND” goes or not??? pls pls pls
Little mistakes that most people don’t know! Thank you so much..
Awesome teacher!
i like your teaching so much !!
Sereyvath leang
I like James very much because James is a good teacher.
I can understand all of his lessons.
Thanks to
& I also got 9 out of 10 :)
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Great lesson! Very good teacher! Thanks James! :)
Nidia Medina
Thank you very much !!! James,you are a cool teacher ! There is a smile on my face regularly,when I’m watching your vidio’s. Your lessons aren’t borring, and they are addopted for all kinds of people.I think everybody may understand what you’re talking about.
Teacher James,
Thank you for the lesson
Thanks James this lesson is very helpful.
thank you so much i got 90 :D
This is a nice lesson & iv learned fr it. Thanks James!☺
Nice teacher explained very helpful lesson.
hello, i am raygiver
i’m from in philippines
your are amazing sir ,the way you use to show us info is so good
got 9 before watching the video :)
Sarker Aminul
Thank you,James! i improve my English with you
Thanks James :)
Corinna Theodora
Oops, sorry, I was inattentive –
“If you think these statements are correct, PRESS PLAY NOW and learn to..”
Please don’t approve my previous comment.)
I saw this lesson twice and it is still interesting:) Thank you James you do very well, you help me a lot. Your teaching affects me very positively, I want to learn further and further. And let me say a big thank you to your colleagues too among whom you are working with.
Thank u
Thank you, James! Very interesting. I had learned a lot, as always with you, guys from EngVid! Great job, James!
thanks u.u
Hi there, I really would like to talk via Skype to learn more, please add ninguem00001 :)
Thanks james ….I got 7 on 10 :))))
Wooww.. I really love this website,
You teach so fast but I can understand.
I got perfect score :)
Video helped a lot, got 9/10.
Improvised ;)
Thanks a lot :-)
thanks a lot james
Got a 100%.
Fatme 2015
Thanks a lot that was so useful lesson!
Fatme 2015
Thanks, MR James
Thank you James.
Mounir Al-Otaibi
Thanks James. I got 100%.
I´m so delighted with your lessons.They are really “affecting” me.Thanks so much.
Thanks James, you really cool teacher :)
I need speaking partners!!!!
Very good lesson, James… Thank you.
Rafael Casafranca
Thank you for the lesson, Mr. James. This is very helpful.
thank you for this important lesson
zezo ali
10 of 10 in the quiz that native speakers usually make mistakes in !!!
Simply it means that i’m a better speaker than native speakers !!!
Mohsen Barati
very very helpful ! thanks.
Thank you.
It was very interesting.
I got 80/100.
Wooow I’m a beginner & I got 100 thank you James you are such an amazing teachear.
Ghadda Jamal
I got them all right
Thank you Mr. James.
Thanks it`s realy usefull for me
Thanks Sir
Thank you very much
Thanks, teacher :D
Thank you vet much!
James thank you so much, you are incredible.
Marta Lopez
Professor, I have a question. What is the difference between “less” and “least”? I hope you answer me ASAP. Greetings.
Thank you James, it really helps me :)
thank you James! what a useful lesson! i’ve already learn further from it!!
Nguyen Van Hau
Thanks 9/10
who is Mr.E on the white board
what is the different between hockey and kaki
One is a sport, the other is a colour (or pants of that colour).
engVid Moderator
Thanks James.
ty this help me a lot
ahmad hazim
Thank you! i am inspired by your class! very useful~ and i get 100% correct!
Yehey! I got perfect score of 100 :)
i enjoyed the lesson.Thank you :).
10/10 Thank you! Very useful to learn and confirm correctly important things!
concept is very good ! Thanks jamesh
rameshwar rao p
good lesson teacher. thanks!
Hi!! Ms james you’r great Teacher i like your method in teaching ,i got score 9 so i wrong just in Question number 4 i want just to justify me this tense . (Hey Mr. E, don’t forget to Take your lunch with you when you leave the house) why we have used TAKE thank’s a lot was very useful lesson
I was wrong in that “fewer/less thing”
but now im not, thanks!
10/10 yess thaks mr james very helpful lesson
imtasal hayee
Hi James
you are a very good teacher
Hemn geology
James, next time put some examples, it becomes easy to understand viewing than you talking.
Vivian B
Thank you very much.This lesson it helps me a lot :) have a good day !
Brigitta J
i have a question
about bring and take
what if the speaker is on the phone
then it would be correct to say: don’t forget to bring your bag with you.
someone please reply…
thanks James
I’ve got 10 score, greetings for you James from Cuenca-Ecuador. In this town there are lots of Canadiens and American Citizens because this town is very wonderful and cheap for yours.
i got 90%
thanks James ,,I’ve got 80%
wooow!! again got 10/10.
A big thank you to you Sir..
Thank for your time
Thanku very much
Ajit barnwal
Got 90 :D Thank you Teacher James :)
I hope this is will improving my english skills!
Thank you, teacher! I got a 100% on your quiz! Feels really good to know such basic mistakes. :) Keep up the good work! :)
Thank you trainer James.
you are amazing Mr. James.
Thank You.
Pooja Balani
you are the best teacher in the world.thank you
Was a good class, congrats James. Thanks a lot.
I have to practice more and more, to get acquainted with this word, and be able to use them fluency
10/10 :D
Rhythmic La La
Thanks, James!
You are the best teacher, the way you teach is really easy to understand and it helps me a lot!^^
10/10 Cool… Thanks Sir :)
Saima Shah
Nice lesson ☻
Omar Yasin
You are great James, it’s a pleasure to learn English in your classes
These are already many comments and I can only join them. Great job!
i got 8 correct out of 10. i still confused by the different between affect and effect. can anybody tells me what’s the different in simple way please. tq
wow awesome Putritherigan, the different is Verb or Noun. Affect means cause a change in (Influence); Effect happens because of a cause (Result).
9 on 10. Thank you for the quick.
Justin Dorjee
Justin Dorjee
10/10 . So interesting! Thank you.
Thank you so much… 9/10 enough for the moment still i’m learning right!!?
Ahahaha! :D I liked it.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you.
M kartal
Thanks James :)
With each yours lesson I understand more and more
Great lesson James! Thank you very much!
10/1O winner score
Thank you sir.. I got a large amount of knowledge that learned in you every lesson?. I think I am more farther away to learn english easily and need more further study.
Thx James and Mr.E, both help me understand this lesson! You are a fantastic teacher! :3
And I got 9 correct out of 10!!!
Got 80%..still confuse in fewer and less
There are ________ people moving to Zimbabwe this year.
is this question correct grammatically!
Ssentiba paul
[1] They’re many people moving to Zimbabwe this year.
[2] There are many people moving to Zimbabwe this year.
which of the above statement is right? if the’re all right why are they yet their gramatically phrased differently
Ssentiba paul
Thanks, I got 100.
got 9 over 10
karen peter
I was always scared of the grammar part. But when this kind of teaching appears, I think no one will ever scare about grammar part. Thanks, James. I like your videos. The way you talk is different from others. I really appreciate your work.
Thanks James! You are amazing!
Thanks James !
Leila 973
Hey everydoy. i did to mistake they are less and fewer :) Can anybody tell me them? i couldnt get it.
i got 9 out 10
Jerry Hardy
Thanks a lot
how to fix a broken English?
How will be correct : “The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge” or “The village is fewer than 2 miles from Stonehenge” ?
I got 9\10
I like it!
I got 10/10.
Thank you so much James!
Abdullah Alshamiri
hi James you are the best teacher..Your class is fantastic…I’m learning a lot with you.
Your class have “effect” in my english….kkk
Paulo Bet
Hello< very interesting lesson .thanks
My first time to score 10/10, that’s mean I’m improving with my English, thanks sir
Sign ofcross
You are an awesome teacher.
Very interesting. thank you teacher.
Brahim Bennakhla
Thank you teacher, you help me a lot.
thank you Mr.james I got 100 from my quiz! :-)
alright .I had been working with my sister and we’ve been doing great thank you James by the way
Thank you, James.
Thanks, sir! You really helped me a lot.
Assad Ali
I got 10/10. Thank you 4 d lesson Mr. James :-)
Dzikril Hakim
08/22/2022 and Thank you Mr.James
Have a Great Day!!!!
Thanks i got 10/10, a hug from Sinaloa Mexico, Pura mayiza 🤠
JuanMan JGL
Thank you very much for the lesson. Very interesting, unusual and memorable lesson you made!!!
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank s
My question is that what’s the different when I said
Effect from to day
Affect our day
agany, I’ll try to answer you. Well… Effect from (weird is to-day separately, but…)”TODAY” – with this lesson, all will be better. Affect our day – if, after we study more, suddenly we met an american of our way asking for information, so we’ll reply correctly.
I think it’s easier for us Portuguese speakers, becase the meaning in Portuguese makes sense ^^
from to day is wrong
but affect means the emotional influence of something ,I guess
and effect means the result of something or it’s impact :)
I hope it helps
What a nice teacher! Great Job! Way to Go!
what do you mean by way to go
It means nice job . But it’s informal .
Nice lesson James!
your teaching style is just awesome..
I love that kind of lesson. Tkanks so much :D
good… i understand well :) :)
james,I have English Exam wish me luck to pass that exam Actually it’s for joining to US army as a Translator/Interpreter Arabic-English, without you I was nothing in English James,
Good luck
you too asala, do you like to be Friend on face book?
Thanks, James!
That’s a great one. I always wonder the difference BETWEEN further and farther. Since that time, I have asked a NUMBER of my friends about that, but no one AMONG us aware of it. I’ve also had a FURTHER discussion with my teacher and It was not clearly enough for me. Then I realized that just a FEWER people know this thing.
The EFFECT of not being aware of this made me did a lot of mistakes when I’m trying to use them. But right now James, you BRING them to me. You have AFFECTED me to use them correctly, if not I can at least know about them. And There is no confusion on my mind.
Thanks. Just trying to use them as much as I can. Correct me if I makes some really bad mistakes.
It is not difficult.You must know that further & farther is connected with a distance.Farther is referred to distance which it could be measured by metre.But further is connected moral principles.So it may not confuse you.
good maan! :))
it hepls me a lot! thanks
really you write in 3 paragraphs the six words from the lesson lol
in my opinion, you should say some of my friend instead of NUMBER
u did good with it but the end of your text.. u wrote ” correct me if I make”S” some…” and that “S” is wrong I think. I belive u know your mistake but I wanted to point it just in case if u don’t know about little gramer mistake of yours. Have good day for everyone
what a pretty teacher
I was confused but I got 9 correct out of 10. Good for me. Thank you James and Mr. E :D
James, thank you!
Thanks James , I got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Mahfuz, Plz share your skype Id.
Thanks Mr.E, I got 8 out of 10 without watching video.
Thanks James. 100%
Grateful to James, 80%
Thanks James! Your lessons are always big challenge for my poor english. But now, I pass your test 10/10.
Thanks James, i fix my mistakes and will try to explain it to my friends.
Whoa! 100%
I don’t understand n°7: Why is “affected” the right answer?
James, thanks for this very useful lesson :)
“affected” relates to humans
Not true — “affected” relates to anything!
Ahh! Yes, now I have understood! Thanks again.
think for all….. but the telechagemen of vedio uncomplet ….sory about mistakt
oh thanks, as you are explaininng in a very easy way!
Wonderful lesson coach!
You are great teacher and intillegant coach , good luck and i am happy to be here with all
“If something(body) AFFECTS something(body), it causes an EFFECT.”
Is that right?
Cheers, me china! hahaa
You’re right!
Wow! very helpful lecture. i am very thankful to you sir.
very nice!!
I got 100! thank you James!
James is speaking more and more fast! (Sometimes it’s really hard to understand!) But it’s a good challenge for us to get what he says…
Thank you!
Thanx alot for the lesson
Thank you so much…new to me
Hi James
Subtitles are very useful for me, thank you. Useful or effective to learn English
And thanks for trying to fix my bad English
thanks James so much .
I just got 100 score..
you are the best teacher in this web site.
Thanks a lot.. from Colombia
Hey James , really very useful lesson today ! Thank you so much !
70 ooh no :(
Well done Mr. E !! Nice Quiz!
Well done Mr. E !! Nice Quiz!
Excellent lesson! I didn’t know anything about the differences about these words. Thank you again.
thank ranni, i got 80%
This is a really really nice! I want to learn more! :)
that was good , interesting & informative . thank you
Hi, friend
Affect our day means:
I got 8 correct out of 10. I got same mistakes… OMG
I don’t know I wonder why? :( I understand them. I was confused. “Effected” (about action) and “affected” (about emotion). “Bring” and “take,” too. I hope to try the quiz again someday :) Thank you, James and Mr. E!
Great teaching skills Mr. James. thank you for the lesson.. my english skill keep improving till now!
9/10 wooow i happy for that. thanks teacher
i am happy
Hello teacher. I got 10 and I´m very happy because you are helping me improve my skills in English.Thank you so much.
Thanks for the lesson my friend.
Thank you :)
Love it. Thank you :)
thx james
lesson is good and useful
Thanks James….:)
You are so funny. I love you~
Thank you so much.
super :) I got 10 correct out of 10.
Dear James ,
I`m following you and Engvid since long time more than 2 years . all of you are very god and helpful . have a suggestion i wrote it before in Ronnie`s video which is create live support by Engvid to can ask , practice and communicate with each other . kindly , i hope my suggestion is good . Ho can i contact engvide teachers personally . Thanks in advance
I got 7 correct
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuu
Thanks! for enhancing my learning .
Thank you for this lesson! It was amazing!!!
U are excellent on enghlish, your way to explain is vary effect, and I got useful from what u put. Just if u explain how I can write essay in a good way.
I do not know when I use the present or past perfect, simple, perfect continue even for future.
On the writing or on the speaking
Waiting u support please.
Even when I writing eassy when I should put , or .
I needed to know the rule on a simple way I use it to do my toefl exam
thank you it really helpful :)
I got 9 scores
i swear u are the best teacher in this site u help me in my exam so thank u and everybody wish to me a good luck in other subjects and i wish for u a nice marks.
Hey, James
Your Lessons are always funny and helpful, I’ve got 100 out of 100, thank you so much for your kind explanation.
I got 70%. Thank very much James
Hello , someone could help me out with my English ? i don’t understand Jame’s lesson
qu’est ce tu ne comprends pas?
Hey there
I would like to learn English language via Skype, anyone want that add me please
Dear James i don’t understand the difference of TAKE and BRING could you explain me it?
Bring – is “trazer”
Take – is “levar”
Ps: Thank you so much James, this lesson has been so useful.
James, I’m a Ma tesol student in uk, fantastic Video, well plan and humorous, because I don’t got many experiences on teaching, do you mind I copy your teaching style for practice?
hello James, I was thinking where can I leave you a mesage, and this is probably the best place, so I do so :D
Could you do a video about how to do a exercises with reading especially when we have to put T/F/ and No Info. No info. is really hard task and your way of teaching always clarifies me everything :D
Thank you so much in deep
what about “this video was BROUGHT to you by ***EngVid” ??
It is kind of going away from the speaker …
But I’ve heard this sentence at … I think you know where.
thank you really it’s very interesting for me..
Thank you very much.
It’s very interesting.
thanks mr james
your are very funny and I enjoyed your lesson. Thank you!
Hi James! After a long time I happened to stumble upon your video (this one, great and useful, as usual), and want to tell you that I am pretty sure that FURTHER can be (and is) also used about distances. ‘Further’ is a kind of universal, whereas ‘farther’ is normally used only for distances. I remember studying that difference some years ago. (And I just checked it here:
You said amount is for thing that you can’t count, but I heard a lot of people saying amount when talking about money wish can be count..
Even on Electric or phone bill they say amount
Hi teacher James, thank you for your help, I do a good job, I got 9 correct of 10
Now that is useful as heck! Sometimes I listen to native speakers and it just feels like “what’s wrong with you guys?! One time you say this, another time you say that!” It turns our you guys are just people, haha. Thanks James, you’re awesome! How do I attend your classes besides YouTube? *sigh*
Thanks James! Great lesson!
Thx a lot James, you made me also laught :) Just 90% but I like mistakes they help me to remember it more than enything else “lol” I am looking forward to watching another lesson with you :)
thank you
very nice 90%
8o :) , good teacher
It’s a very useful lesson. I’m getting more clearly about the different means among “effect and affect”, “amount and number”, and “bring and take”. Thanks for your help.
really useful
Hi and thank you. Cheers
i love the style of your teaching…thank u so much
Thanks Dear Teacher i got 100%.
thanks a lot
The lessons from professor James are fascinating! I’m grateful. James has a proper, glad style, admired for all of us, especially by me.
good lesson thanks a lot
God bless you
Sir, I don`t know what exactly is the meaning of (get a hold of or get hold of). would you be kind enough to explain it?
Thanks James! 100% :P
Good job sir james u so funny,i love it Godspeed
Many thanks
I like seem this kind of tech
Thanks teacher :)
am i start to be so stupid or what??
i actually repeated the video one more time and still not got it
the difference between further an farther ?
between bring and take??
9/10 :)
Many Thanks I appreciated your efforts
Thank you,James.Your lessons are very useful and fun.I really love it:)
thank you so much
Thanks James
James is soooo great¡¡ love him :)
Oh :( i got 5 of 10 :(((((((((((((((((( \very bad i’m sad :((( but not hopeless :D i’m going to study again :D
Never give up hope!
gooooooooooooooood i got 9/10 only 1 mistake but i am gonna correct it ;)
thank you James!
Mission accomplished! I got it! ;-)
Good job, James! Your lesson about this mistakes is very usefull!
God bless you!
Thank you i like this esson
The video doesn´t work. Coud you upload it again, please!. You´re an amazing teacher, thanks
Hi there! Could you tell me more about your problems with the video? Can you watch any other Youtube videos or videos on engVid, or is it just this one that doesn’t work?
Now it’s working, thanks, good lesson
Thank you very much. I think i can improve my english soon.
I got a mistake today! Take(带走) and bring(带来):may be the difference in chinese!
That was amazing! lesson, but I gotta problem between Further and farther… Thanks for ur nice efforts
Thank you so much, I really like your lessons.
I got 90
Hello James, I would like to know, if you teach online classes to join them. Thank you!!! You guys are the best teachers on the web
Hi, James ! I share the interest with “grdsinclair”. I would also love to join such classes if they exist, of course. And… btw… you are the best teacher I’ve ever seen ! Why ? Because you are highly gifted to draw the attention of students and to make every single lesson interesting and funny !!! In contrast, teachers in Bulgaria, in my school, are teaching without any pleasure and they are like robots. :)))
Thank you .
thanks teacher ^^
Thanks James, I Like the way u teach and i got 9 out of 10 in the test. Thanks once again.
James you’re really motivate me to learn English thanks indeed you’re amazing.
i got 7 out of 10 and i seem to love it
Thanke you Mr
Thank you so much James. I used to think that effect means good effects and affect means bad effects.You taught me new thing. I got 9 out of 10.
thank you james your are so funny :D
thank u a lot Mr.James that was a useful lecture
thank. now I’m understand
100 marks. hahaha
you’re awesome! thanks a lot :)
dear my good teacher can you tell me more about Effect/Affect
Now, i understand the common mistakes. Thank you so much.
Hello James, good lesson.
I have a doubt: Is there a difference between “to learn farther” and “to learn further”?
Thank you for the class!
my result affect my mood LOL
Thank you for this class!
Hi James. Thanks a lot for your lesson. I got 9 right … But the time of the lesson has been full fantastic! Everytime I have a lesson with you, I appreciate your great capability as a teacher, but also your fantastic way to be as a anchor man !!
Congratulations on both the tips!
Thank you james
Great Lesson, Tanks!
Hi, I don’t understand the 4 sentence: Mr. E. moves away his lunch from the speaker, so is not “bring” correct?
further – time related
farther – distance related
10/10 great lesson thank you jimes
I confused that bring and take. I often have mistakes about these.
100% on this quiz
Very useful lesson! Thank you teacher.
I had have really god one 70% …cheers James u are really funny
Questions #5. There are ________ people moving to Zimbabwe this year.
To my understanding ‘people’ are uncountable and I used “less”, but the correct answer is “fewer”. Can you please, explain it.
Thanks, Elena
It’s tricky, but it is countable. For instance, we ask
"How MANY people are moving..."
, not"How much people are moving..."
.Thank you!
8/10 im bad but it wasa very good lesson
sorry i meant was :)
Thank you ver much
thanks alot james :)
in this lesson , i remember during my high school days, my teacher ask us to differentiate cause and effect, and now i learn that they are thesame.
8 out 10 , Okay Better ..
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot James your are the best :)
Thanks a lot , you are really the best teacher i have ever seen
thank you james (^_^)
thanks a lot james
This lesson was very good.Thank you James.
Hi James, as usual very good lesson. I never tried to find the difference between those words. Your tips and tricks are awesome. I hope it will affect me in my English speaking.
thank you james
Thank you teacher
Interesting lesson,James;Keep going,brother.
Which one is correct ?
It’s more further to my car?
It’s more farther to my car?
thnxxxx James :))
Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17′ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.
thanks!! James.
Awesome lesson, James. Thanks =D
thank you James, you are really amazing
than q james i got 10 out of 10
wonderful teacher!
James, thank you!As usual a very good lesson!!!!
Thanks, James! I have got 100%!
My english grammer is very bad. So can i fix it and from where i can start english grammer.I have an IELTS exam on 5/4/2014. Please rply me as soon as possible.
thanks James, your lessons are awesome, you are the best teacher ever!!… I love the way you teach!! :D
Thank you, James.
Thank you so much!
I was really confused between “Effect” and “Affect”
But now i dont!!!
thank you!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
leaving a message to prove I still keep learning O(∩_∩)O~
Thanks.Very useful for me.
Hi man,last lesone you talked about relation ship,what about collegues how to distinguish between male and femal collegues at work?
thank you james.
Thanks and congratulation for your funny attitude!
Thanks James! As always you are very artistic ans positive)Give Mr. Eee my best regards as well!
Thank you so much!
Hey tanks James, but I have one doubt….
People is uncount, should be n°5. There are LESS people moving to Zimbabwe this year.
In a short time u became my fav teacher
me to . he likes that become my favorite
me to . he likes that become my favorite teacher
I got 100% :D great video thank you very much !
thanks your lesson, i love u so much but would u mind turning up your miccro more louderly. eventhough i turned up my laptop max volume i couldn’t hear you clearly.
James you are incredible man, the best way to learn english is with you, you are so funny, I was watching your class and really enjoing it.
Thanks a lot !
i don have friend to speak in English so that i could not apply or practice what i learn..So please tell me how can i improve? plz plz plz help me
you are very cool teacher :) you teach in simple way like our friends do, but really very affective :) thank you so much :)
Sonu, I am Yusuf from Tajikistan, really I want to have friend who want to speake english, if you want we can talk by skype or facebook. you can find me on facebook – yusufnabotov! I’m looking forward for you!
yes..i found in fb n sent u request :)
Please I want to improve my listening skill
i’m a looser!!! sorry
This is very effective…!!
fun learning!
100 again.
90% :) thank youuu
Hhhhhmmm it is first time that I got bad result from test James, really I was listening very carefully. I got 70% from 10 question, anyway thank you very much James for lesson.
Cool lesson. :D
thanks a lot james :*
i got 9 correct out of 10…..very bad!
thanks for teaching
it was so funny
i was in ms emma’s side but now i’m in your side
Cheers! 10/10
Yeah, 10/10
i love this quiz
yes ^^
I take a full mark
this lesson is very useful
thank you teacher
Goog, explanation!
I got 100!!! ^0^*
Thank You~ James**
Thanks James and Mr.E
You lesson makes me feel English is easy and i can do it!!! 100 points again!!!! OMG ^^
I got 10 ♥
i got 9 : ) i just understand after i was wrong the quiz.I just figured out.When you leave your house you bring food with you but your food takes away from house. in quiz asks between your house and your lunch.
and what about within/ between? :-)
I got 10 out of 10. This is very helpful. I’m going to have my kids look at these videos.
Thank you very much Mr. E.
Anyone want to practice his English speaking with me, please add me in skype: jalalah
thanks it’s very helpful lesson :D but sometimes i can’t understand your lessons james :/ !!
I got 8/10.
very clear!!!! I can’t wait to learn more! Thank you, James! You let me not be afraid of learning English now! :)
I missed the fifth question… anyway
I think that “between” could be used also for more than 2
if I say : “i’m between Sara, Jessica and Mary”
am I wrong???
is “between” used when you are talking about something specific?isn’t it?
I want some one who like to speak with me on skype. If there is any one who wants to improve his speaking skills like my self pleas request me to skype
There should be more lessons like this
Really helpful lesson thank you james
This was such a fun lesson to learn. Thank you very much James.
P.S. I received a 90%
thank you,it’s really good
I am so addicted to this website.Thanks a lot.I dont remember how i got to this website now..i am really thankfull to all the lovely teachers here.i am moving to canada very soon,and finding this is going to help me a lot.Thanks sir,its great video.
Thank you very much.
How about ‘Taking me to your heart’? haha .
Thank you for your lesson .
Thaks alot
Thank you teacher, this is a useful lesson for sure.
90% thankyou
Thx a lot …ur lecture is to collect all…….
thanks for lesson!!! Toy are great teacher.
I Need a speaking partner, so I could practice with. Will you be my speaking partner?
Thanks alot :) it was useful and interesting.
thanks James, I got 10/10
Got 100.. Best teacher..
Thanks James
Good lesson, Thanks
Thank you I like your classes. I watched every day
Thanks james.
I really appreciate
Bring me a pillow…
is this right or need to change??
Ithink it depend on if you want a pillow, or if you dont need pillow anymore. If you want, use “bring”
thank you Mr.james
80% it is not bad, thanks James :-)
Hi Mr James. Thank you for your lesson. I am looking forward to improve my English by watching all of your videos.
i did not understand what he is talking a about
waaao got 80% without seeing any lesson
a really like this lesson, I used to be confused about take and bring for me it was the same… what is difficult for me in this lesson is to pronounced Further Farther :p and now i just want to know the difference between lend and borrow. :D
Ah. .i chose wrong answer between “further” and “farther” at the last q. .:'(
thanks you, i understand very well and i do it great!!!!
That’s a great, this vid gave me a grat affect to my english.
thaaanks <3
thank you james
. I got 9 out of 10.
thank you Mr.James , I learned useful lesson today :)
got it
Hi James, Thank you! … I have a question, speaking about numbers, ex: 142579 : One hundred “AND” forty two thousand, five hundred “AND” seventy nine, does the “AND” goes or not??? pls pls pls
Little mistakes that most people don’t know! Thank you so much..
Awesome teacher!
i like your teaching so much !!
I like James very much because James is a good teacher.
I can understand all of his lessons.
Thanks to
& I also got 9 out of 10 :)
Thank you!
Great lesson! Very good teacher! Thanks James! :)
Thank you very much !!! James,you are a cool teacher ! There is a smile on my face regularly,when I’m watching your vidio’s. Your lessons aren’t borring, and they are addopted for all kinds of people.I think everybody may understand what you’re talking about.
Teacher James,
Thank you for the lesson
Thanks James this lesson is very helpful.
thank you so much i got 90 :D
This is a nice lesson & iv learned fr it. Thanks James!☺
Nice teacher explained very helpful lesson.
hello, i am raygiver
i’m from in philippines
your are amazing sir ,the way you use to show us info is so good
got 9 before watching the video :)
Thank you,James! i improve my English with you
Thanks James :)
Oops, sorry, I was inattentive –
“If you think these statements are correct, PRESS PLAY NOW and learn to..”
Please don’t approve my previous comment.)
I saw this lesson twice and it is still interesting:) Thank you James you do very well, you help me a lot. Your teaching affects me very positively, I want to learn further and further. And let me say a big thank you to your colleagues too among whom you are working with.
Thank u
Thank you, James! Very interesting. I had learned a lot, as always with you, guys from EngVid! Great job, James!
thanks u.u
Hi there, I really would like to talk via Skype to learn more, please add ninguem00001 :)
Thanks james ….I got 7 on 10 :))))
Wooww.. I really love this website,
You teach so fast but I can understand.
I got perfect score :)
Video helped a lot, got 9/10.
Improvised ;)
Thanks a lot :-)
thanks a lot james
Got a 100%.
Thanks a lot that was so useful lesson!
Thanks, MR James
Thank you James.
Thanks James. I got 100%.
I´m so delighted with your lessons.They are really “affecting” me.Thanks so much.
Thanks James, you really cool teacher :)
I need speaking partners!!!!
Very good lesson, James… Thank you.
Thank you for the lesson, Mr. James. This is very helpful.
thank you for this important lesson
10 of 10 in the quiz that native speakers usually make mistakes in !!!
Simply it means that i’m a better speaker than native speakers !!!
very very helpful ! thanks.
Thank you.
It was very interesting.
I got 80/100.
Wooow I’m a beginner & I got 100 thank you James you are such an amazing teachear.
I got them all right
Thank you Mr. James.
Thanks it`s realy usefull for me
Thanks Sir
Thank you very much
Thanks, teacher :D
Thank you vet much!
James thank you so much, you are incredible.
Professor, I have a question. What is the difference between “less” and “least”? I hope you answer me ASAP. Greetings.
Thank you James, it really helps me :)
thank you James! what a useful lesson! i’ve already learn further from it!!
Thanks 9/10
who is Mr.E on the white board
what is the different between hockey and kaki
One is a sport, the other is a colour (or pants of that colour).
Thanks James.
ty this help me a lot
Thank you! i am inspired by your class! very useful~ and i get 100% correct!
Yehey! I got perfect score of 100 :)
i enjoyed the lesson.Thank you :).
10/10 Thank you! Very useful to learn and confirm correctly important things!
concept is very good ! Thanks jamesh
good lesson teacher. thanks!
Hi!! Ms james you’r great Teacher i like your method in teaching ,i got score 9 so i wrong just in Question number 4 i want just to justify me this tense . (Hey Mr. E, don’t forget to Take your lunch with you when you leave the house) why we have used TAKE thank’s a lot was very useful lesson
I was wrong in that “fewer/less thing”
but now im not, thanks!
10/10 yess thaks mr james very helpful lesson
Hi James
you are a very good teacher
James, next time put some examples, it becomes easy to understand viewing than you talking.
Thank you very much.This lesson it helps me a lot :) have a good day !
i have a question
about bring and take
what if the speaker is on the phone
then it would be correct to say: don’t forget to bring your bag with you.
someone please reply…
thanks James
I’ve got 10 score, greetings for you James from Cuenca-Ecuador. In this town there are lots of Canadiens and American Citizens because this town is very wonderful and cheap for yours.
i got 90%
thanks James ,,I’ve got 80%
wooow!! again got 10/10.
A big thank you to you Sir..
Thank for your time
Thanku very much
Got 90 :D Thank you Teacher James :)
I hope this is will improving my english skills!
Thank you, teacher! I got a 100% on your quiz! Feels really good to know such basic mistakes. :) Keep up the good work! :)
Thank you trainer James.
you are amazing Mr. James.
Thank You.
you are the best teacher in the world.thank you
Was a good class, congrats James. Thanks a lot.
I have to practice more and more, to get acquainted with this word, and be able to use them fluency
10/10 :D
Thanks, James!
You are the best teacher, the way you teach is really easy to understand and it helps me a lot!^^
10/10 Cool… Thanks Sir :)
Nice lesson ☻
You are great James, it’s a pleasure to learn English in your classes
These are already many comments and I can only join them. Great job!
i got 8 correct out of 10. i still confused by the different between affect and effect. can anybody tells me what’s the different in simple way please. tq
wow awesome Putritherigan, the different is Verb or Noun. Affect means cause a change in (Influence); Effect happens because of a cause (Result).
9 on 10. Thank you for the quick.
10/10 . So interesting! Thank you.
Thank you so much… 9/10 enough for the moment still i’m learning right!!?
Ahahaha! :D I liked it.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you.
Thanks James :)
With each yours lesson I understand more and more
Great lesson James! Thank you very much!
10/1O winner score
Thank you sir.. I got a large amount of knowledge that learned in you every lesson?. I think I am more farther away to learn english easily and need more further study.
Thx James and Mr.E, both help me understand this lesson! You are a fantastic teacher! :3
And I got 9 correct out of 10!!!
Got 80%..still confuse in fewer and less
There are ________ people moving to Zimbabwe this year.
is this question correct grammatically!
[1] They’re many people moving to Zimbabwe this year.
[2] There are many people moving to Zimbabwe this year.
which of the above statement is right? if the’re all right why are they yet their gramatically phrased differently
Thanks, I got 100.
got 9 over 10
I was always scared of the grammar part. But when this kind of teaching appears, I think no one will ever scare about grammar part. Thanks, James. I like your videos. The way you talk is different from others. I really appreciate your work.
Thanks James! You are amazing!
Thanks James !
Hey everydoy. i did to mistake they are less and fewer :) Can anybody tell me them? i couldnt get it.
i got 9 out 10
Thanks a lot
how to fix a broken English?
How will be correct : “The village is less than 2 miles from Stonehenge” or “The village is fewer than 2 miles from Stonehenge” ?
I got 9\10
I like it!
I got 10/10.
Thank you so much James!
hi James you are the best teacher..Your class is fantastic…I’m learning a lot with you.
Your class have “effect” in my english….kkk
Hello< very interesting lesson .thanks
My first time to score 10/10, that’s mean I’m improving with my English, thanks sir
You are an awesome teacher.
Very interesting. thank you teacher.
Thank you teacher, you help me a lot.
thank you Mr.james I got 100 from my quiz! :-)
alright .I had been working with my sister and we’ve been doing great thank you James by the way
Thank you, James.
Thanks, sir! You really helped me a lot.
I got 10/10. Thank you 4 d lesson Mr. James :-)
08/22/2022 and Thank you Mr.James
Have a Great Day!!!!
Thanks i got 10/10, a hug from Sinaloa Mexico, Pura mayiza 🤠
Thank you very much for the lesson. Very interesting, unusual and memorable lesson you made!!!
Thank you!
Thank you Mr. E. Cheers