Gerunds are tough — really tough. They can be hard to master, and new English speakers often wonder why they have to use one in a given situation. In this advanced grammar lesson, I cover the six ways you can use a gerund, including as a subject, object, complement, object of a preposition, and as the object of a possessive. Don’t forget to take the quiz when you’re done!
Many thanks for this video, when I try to use gerunds, the structure and way of using them is not a problem, but I always get frustrated about the “state” verbs, cannot be in progressive form, “e.g. What I hate most is wanting to agree whith you.” I think this example is not correct at all, or is? Thanks for your kind answer in advance, Greetings from Hungary , Chris
Good question Alex. You’re right, “want” is a stative VERB, so you can’t say “I’m wanting[x] to eat a banana because I’m hungry.” But remember that “wanting” can act as a noun (gerund) in which case the rule doesn’t apply. So, “Wanting to eat a banana is perfectly understandable when you’re hungry” is correct :)
Helena S
thanks for your excellent lesson, all the stuff that is given here is quite tough, but your explanations helped me to get it finally. Keep on the same way. Respect from Germany.
Good quiz but too difficult for me((((
Hi DashaDeg!
Don’t worry! And try again! I got 9 correct out of 10! But I had to watch twice to understand better the rules.
Cristiano Rodrigues
Great lesson, Alex. Thank you.
Ulisses Oliva
Really … He is a great teacher
Mukesh Kumar jalap
I really like watching all your lessons.
Thanks a lot Alex.
Thank You so much dear teacher !!
Please Can You make a lesson about “Phrases (participial, gerund and infinitive phrases) ”
Please teacher I’m begging you ^_^
Thank You again :)
Thank you,
My understanding is very poor.
I got only 50…
What’s object and subject complement Adam what does complement mean?
I think complement means “something that completes another” I may be wrong!
Waligaa wax baro
Thanks Waligaa
Alex, can you do a more in depth lesson on GERUNDS, please.
thank you sir
Thanks Alex.I love working on such prolems.It is intereting in knowing such words look easy but need tackling.6 out of 10
Waligaa wax baro
This is my worst score ever!!!!
It’s an advanced lesson. Don’t get discouraged. The most important thing is that you know how to use gerunds when you speak.
Thank you very much
A great teacher with an interesting lesson. Thank you so much Alex. Wish you all the best, teacher.
thank you Alex
Thanks !!
Thank you, Alex!
Marcio R Santos
Thank you very much. It was one of my biggest doubts about English… I’m going to continue study this lesson.
Thank you for all .Personally speaking, i m more confused than before ….;-(
Let me know why are you confusing?I may be able to help you out.
Thank you
Alex, it’s really such a good lesson but, it would be better if however you changed the style of questions. I think most of the learners do not prefer having test with identifying grammer names.As this style of questions are really good only for the people who is planning to be an instructor in the future .I might be wrong though…
I wanted to try a different approach with this one. You’re right, though. The most important thing is that you can use a gerund in a sentence. My goal is not to make my students into linguists, but into fluent English speakers.
Mikhail F.
Thank you for good lesson
Hi Alex! Good explanation. It was the first time I saw a video from you and I have to say that it was a very good lesson, thank you a lot for sharing with us your knowledge.
Kind regards,
Brian – from Peru
brian j
Very good lesson and at the same time very helpful also.
Dear sir Alex i have a problem regarding the word’Also’, i mean how do native people use it in everyday conversation?
And also
Is there any difference between following these two sentences?
1-I also wanna play cricket.
2-I wanna play cricket also.
What i think about these sentences is
First one tells – may be there are many people playing cricket and i also want to play.
Second one tells – may be many games are being played like tennis,hockey and cricket and from all of these i want to play …………………………………………. i’m very confused hope you have understood my problem.
I’m patiently waiting for you answer.
And of course,
Wish you a very-very good day!
According to grammar you can use ‘also’ after subject e.g. I also play cricket.but ‘as well’ can be used at the end.e.g.I play cricket as well.
Hope the answer of the question
thank you we evaluate your efforts
EL sayed rawacy
Many thanks. your gorgeous. I would explain yo us how to write report such as I would like to inform you that the. the job had been done
I saw jam while riding bike it is correct
I was confused about “object”or “subject.” But I like improving my English. So I hope to try the quiz later.
Thank you, Alex :)
Very good lesson and I like your simple speaking and I think it is so great for me to listen to your teaching .Thanks Alex.
Moe Ko
Very useful lesson. Dobra robota Alex. Pozdrowienia z Polski :)
first of all, thanks a lot sir for giving us a really useful lesion…….& may god bless u sir……
could you explain the different between the ” i saw jim riding his bike & i saw jim was riding his bike”?
i’m looking forward to your reply
There’s a slight difference in the implications:
if I say “I saw Jim riding his bike” I am implying that Jim normally rides his bike and I happened to see him;
if I say “I saw Jim was riding his bike” I am implying that Jim doesn’t normally (or couldn’t) ride his bike and I happened to see him.
Thanks a lot Mauro…..
Sorry Alex but at 5:15 you said “pronoun” which is clearly wrong.
Thx! Alex.
But I want to ask two questions that’re not about the lesson.
1) if we say ‘How to (do sth)….’ is there any mistake? Do the native speakers use this phrase?
2) I saw the uncountable nouns can be used as countable noun, e.g. ‘seas’ and ‘winds’, could you tell me why?
hi frnds!!!plz help me,all the videos do not run on my pc.what i should do??pla guide me if any one have its solution.thanks
yaqub khan
Hi there! Can you see any other Youtube videos, or is it just this one that won’t play?
engVid Moderator
good morning to all of you!in reference to your kind reply sir!all other videos play well on pc from youtube etc, but when i log in to engvid video lessons do not run.
yaqub khan
yes i can see videos from youtube but when i login to engvid its vidoes only do not run!thank you very much for your kind reply!!
yaqub khan
Thank you for letting me know! Just a couple questions to help me figure out what’s going wrong — what operating system and browser are you using? (If you don’t know, this site will tell you: )
engVid Moderator
good morning sir!!!i use Window 7 and chrome 28.0.1500.95.thank you very much for your kind response.
yaqub khan
I saw him riding his bike. (When I saw him, he was riding his bike so riding in the first sentence isn’t it a continuous verb? It refers to that moment when he was doing the action)
“I saw him riding his bike” – here the gerund form of the verb ride (base + ing) has the function of a verbal noun (case #4: object complement).
“When I saw him, he was riding his bike” – here the gerund form has the function of a continuous verb: it’s used to form the continuous tense of a verb.
sure thing . not a gerund , but present participle
Hei! Alex, I answered the first test: object of preposition. Why I am wrong? Thanks
The focus is on “Mark’s getting hired.” The gerund comes after a possessive. :) (“Mark’s…”)
Thank you, Alex!
I got 8, I’m pleased, congrats for explanation and have a good weekend.
Present continuous: I’m going to practice your lesson
Object of the preposition: I´m interested in improving my English
Object of a possessive: I like your teaching me English.
I hope this sentences will be correct
By the way…My nephew calls like you, Alex
Thank you for your teaching
Jesús R.
Your nephew is called Alex and You like his teaching. I like it too.
Or you like him teaching you.
At least , I think so.
Thank you
Jane Pagliaro
Very helpful Alex, nice one.
Thank you, Alex!! :)
u very smart dorycam
I got 80.
I don’t understand more detail about subject complement and object complement. I hope you will do it the next lesson. Thanks!
sok samrith
Adnan S
Very useful.Thanks.
Thank you Alex for helpful lesson to me.
A little difficult, but very useful. 5 correct out 10, awful ! But, I’ll continue. Thank you, Mr. Alex.
thank you adam a very useful vedio
abo abdou
I got 10 out of 10 !!!!! Great lesson, Alex. I really appreciate it !!!!!!. Please, could you show a lesson about more idioms, future perfect tense, future perfect continuous tense, the subjunctive structure, etc !!!!!!
Nice! I enjoy a lot your teaching!
hahhaah…..I got 7 out of 10,thank you Alex…
can you translate to Indonesia language ?
Hapsa Djoenaidi
9/10 Very useful lesson!
Wow! I’ve got 100%. You taught very clearly!!! Thank you very much Alex.
OH my God !!!!!
Pakpao , you are very smart . How could you do it?
thank you, Alex.
zhang fei
Thanks for sharing Alex. Now, I better understand about gerund :)
novi sari
I have no word for commenting this class! THANKS, ALEX!
Maybe, that was the most important lesson in my level… That really connected a lot points which are blank in my mind!
Thanks a lot!
great i used this page to learn and how to know the correct grammar..i need this because of my civil service examination i try my best to know all the correct of usage grammar..thanks so much…
Excellent Alex,
Please continue helping people who are learning English
Sorry Mr. Alex but I’ve got an inquiry :
In the first question of the quizz, we have (mary’s getting) as a sentence subject inversely in the passive form, because the fact of getting hired is what makes the person surprised, it is the subject (getting hired) that carries out the action to the object (I), I’d like you to more elaborate about this tricky thing and thank you.
The best axplanation
Good lesson Alex, clear as water.
thank you Mr Alex for that great effort .
but I have a problem with no sooner…..than and hardly or scarcely/hardly…when . and the problem is why do we put the auxiliary verb before the subject if we use no sooner or hardly at the beginning of the sentence ? pls waiting reply
Thank you sir for this incredible job, and may God bless you.
Thanks alex for all videos
I was wondering if you could teach us about
must have been doing and difference between
can’t have been, and also about could have
thank you
hadi faryad
Thanks for the lesson
love it very much ^_^
and I have done all the quiz
but I only get 80 ;_;(a little bit sad
I’ll study more harder!
Anna Su
Dear Alex,
You’re my role modal. I want to speak just like you as a teacher.
Wow!I got 7 correct out of 10.I still have to effort.thank you Alex
8 correct out of 10…Not bad, since it’s not an easy lesson! Thanks, dear teacher Alex!
Ammar h
so like whats a predicate?
Dear Alex, thank you this great lesson. I just realized that although I speak relatively fluently in English, I need to work a little harder on this area. By the way I am a new member, but for a week now I am totally hooked on your lessons. You are amazing!
Hi Alex, I’ve been watching your lessons for a while. This one was especially usefull because gerunds confuses me everytime I’m writing something. Writing is harder than reading, but you helped me a lot. Thanks!
Quizz is quite difficult !
Teacher , i would like you to give us more simple examples .
Thank you so much about your lessons.
Nguyen Cong
Good lesson , thank you and may Allah (SWT) bless you
thank you so much :)
Thanks Alex. You are very good teacher
– from Vietnam
Hi Sir, I really appreciate your explanation, you are good teacher. Thanks!
I got 8 correct out of 10. Anyway!
“The BEST TEACHERS teach from the HEART not from the books.”
Hi Sir, I really appreciate your teaching, you are good teacher. Thanks!
I got 8 correct out of 10. Anyway!
“The BEST TEACHERS teach from the HEART not from the books.”
Thank you very much!
Can you help me ? please
Nadine Alaoui
thanks Alex, I love your voice
Thank you very much! Thanks to your lesson I managed to get 9 from 10 points!
Alex, you´re really a terrific teacher!
I thought gerunds was difficult to understand but you have tought it in a simple and easiest way. It became so simple(of course i have to study more!) Thanks a lot for helping me!
I got 10 collet out of 10.
very nice~~ I did a good job~!!
Thank you Alex~~!! You are the best English teacher in the world~!!^^
oh my god~!!
I got 10 correct out of 10~!!!
I got 8/10.
Syafiq Imran
Ups! Just 4 of 10…Although understand quiet well where the Gerund was used and where was not.
i really love these lessons, it is really helpfull for me…. and i love Canada too… i wanna go back there soon
I like your class. your explanation is much better than my teacher. thank you!
Only 4 out of 10, I’m struggling
Jen Movery
Thnks, I got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
I have a questions about the Definite Article and Indefinite Article. How can I use right of those?
4 of 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I hate most…? / What I hate THE MOST…?
I thought the second one was the correct one.
I am conffused.
hi Alex!thank you so much,your lessons are the best!
I have a question for you:
There is a difference between LIKE & LOVE?
for eample:I like you VS. I love you-their meaning is the same?
I like to shoP. VS I love shop – their meaning is the same?
Robin Hood
Thank you so much Alex.
I got 9/10.
Learning with you is a pleasure.
See you next lesson.
oh no…this’s really difficult for me
but thank you!!
You’re my favourite
Hi Alex, actually I’ve been waiting for an explanation about gerund as you did in this case. But sadly I’m still a bit lost, I couldn’t recognise the difference between object and object complement, etc. Could you recommend me something….by the way I have written a couple of times to some of you and nobody answers to me…I am a very loyal student of all of you…Thanks!
Hi Alex, actually I’ve been waiting for an explanation about gerund as you did in this case. But sadly I’m still a bit lost, I couldn’t recognise the difference between object and object complement, etc. Could you recommend me something…..Thanks!
I really need to work on my studying english.
this lesson was difficult a little bit for me.
grammar always make me confused.
:( what bad result … 6/10 .. i must revise this lesson again
wooow .. 10/10 for my second attempt
Can you please explain why did you use “your” instead of “you” in a sentence “She does not like your bossing her around”.
Thank you for your lesson.
thank’s adam for this lesson
Perfect , Good job Alex :)
Islam Ahmed
I really like your lesson
I am more clear than before on the notion of gerunds. Thanks a lot.
thanks a lot for your explanation.
excuse me teacher, there are many grammar lessons I want to understand them but I didn’t find them in your website.
What shall I do?
My worst fear is drowning. I didn’t know the right answer on that. So drowning is a complement of the subject, because ‘to drown’ is used as an intransitive verb and there for must be used as a gerund?
Dear Alex, your explanation was very good and that is why I received 10/10.
Natalie Sunshine
Dear Alex, lay out print material in pdf or docx!It would be better!
What a uesful information .Thanks a lot
mohamed nader
Can you tell me what’s the difference between Subject Complement and Object Complement?
Pleaseeee i need to understand this more clearly :(
Please respond. Thank you in advance
Wow! I got 10 correct out of 10 !
I understand more clearly!
Thanks for this lesson! :D
Hi Alex,
Could you please also teach when to use “to followed by verb+ing”
The answer is how i can Pro the way of using gerund -.-,teacher. Thank!
Great lesson. Thank you from Italy
Thank you
Thank you very much.Alex, you are a great teacher. I learned so many useful things. Keep up the great job.Thanks.
Hi, I really enjoy your classes, excellent teacher.
I have got 80 in the quiz but I didn’t understand number 6. Could you help me with that?
Great Alex I’ve got 90/100
Thank you for the lesson,It is a really useful lesson to learn the basics of the subject. :)
Hi Alex,
This video is very useful, and
Could you please give us more exercise?
Thanks for your help!
Great lesson Alex, I’m learning a lot but i need to see it again and practice it.
Greetings from México
Thank you for your teaching,Alex.
I’ll keep learning English with your lesson.
You are a good teacher : )
thank Alex so much. your accent is clearly. i really like your lessons.i want to talk with everyone in skype is tunguyenprnt.i am glad to make friend everyone.
Thank you so much!
I got 80% with this quiz
Borina 2303
Thank you Alex
I am happy i find this site and your lessons, it’s great, thank you very very much and good luck!)
Lana Morgun
Thank a lot Alex. You are a professional of English
Chau Thanh Nha
Great lesson Alex.
So I can improve learning, How can I get additional material.
Thank you
Douglas Paulo
I got 9 from 10. Learning english with alex is perfect.
Awesome lesson , thank you so much ;)
Great explanation … thanks a lot
8/10 Good lesson!
Thanks Alex and I have a question about the last question in the quiz:
10. I’m sick and tired of arguing with you!
1-object complement
2-object of a possessive
3-object of a preposition ( I think this is the correct answer?)
Good explanation. Thanks
Thanks for everything!
Cong Vo
Really tough, but despite that I got 8
tks Alex
Ricky Fiebig
I know , I am not good in Grammer, 60 %. Sorry.
Don’t worry. Alex is no longer a teacher. He’s a money maker diva.
I’m sure you’re so good in grammar as all of us.
This lesson does’t have any sense at all.
I think he’s showing off for money or for egotistical reasons.
It’s life.
Great lesson, Alex, I really enjoy your teaching!
(did I get that right?)
Good evening Alex,
I have some problem regarding the use of the gerunds, the infinitives and the preposition FOR + ING. I can’t really understand when I have to use one, and when is better to use the other (overall when I’m translating). Can you perhaps help me?
I will have an important test for my graduation next month.
Thank you a lot.
First of all, I would like to thank you for the great explanation. It was nice. But, I want to ask you about the forth point. “I saw Jim riding his bike.”
I am a lil bit confused about this sentence. Is it gerund or present participle? Because the word “riding” comes after verbs of perception.
Thank you in advance
Retno Dian
it is present participle for sure .
Thanks Mr Alex…
very helpful and nice lesson…
And yet again, 10 out of 10. :) It was a great lesson. Thank you Alex for doing this. :) (Object of a preposition?)
Thank you Alex for all the great lessons, but i wonder about something you said during this lesson : “… Don’t confuse a gerunds for a continuous verb..” Is it correct to use (FOR)in this sentence? Thanks again and have a great day ahead.
Thank you!
Thank you, Alex. I got 6 of 10!!! I’m very proud; I’m improving, thanks.
Hi Adam! First of all I´d like to say you a great teacher! Could you kindly in explain why the correct asnwer is object of a possessive?
1. I was surprised by Mark’s getting hired.
Thanks in advance
Hi Adam! First of all I´d like to say you are a great teacher! Could you kindly in explain why the correct asnwer is object of a possessive?
1. I was surprised by Mark’s getting hired.
Thanks in advance
Hello sir, i try to learn english. please take care of me.
Elvira Mariani
8 points of 10… I think it is a good score. Thank you Alex!
Thanks, Alex. Yours classes are great!!!
Cláudia Catão
it’s difficult , but it’s really helpful
u guise are realy doing a great job…..could anyone out there help me to know, formation of passive voice of infinitive and gerund…please guise help me
Jashobanta Sahu
Mike, if you can, I’d like you to clarify about this sentence “I was surprised by Mark’s getting hired” which is part of the quiz.
Why gerund is possessive complement here if we don’t have any possessive pronouns in the sentence, or do we?
One of the worst scores in my practice( I thought that I can freely do advanced tests, but that one showed me that I am wrong. The identify of grammer names is too difficult for me now :c
I have a huge doubt Alex! When do we have to use gerund or infinitive at the beginning of a sentence?
I got 9 of 10 :) good lesson and very useful!
Thank you Alex! It was an interesting class. Here, is “interesting” an object or an object complement?
Thanks Alex. I’ll apply the 6 ways you teach gerund to my pupils
Thanks Alex, very helpful your explanations.
Adriano Celin
Hi Alex,really you are very nice teacher,and your way of explanation is very helpful.
9/10 on the first attempt. Good for me. Thank you, sir Alex!
Dear sir Alex! Why the first question on the quiz has answer “Subject compliment”? And why not “object of the preposition”?
Thanks,Alex. I got 90 but I really don’t understand why 1 is object of a possessive.
Could you please explain this to me? And if possible, could you give me another example?
Thanks in advance. You’re a great teacher.
thanks ;)
Thanks,a great lesson! I’ve got 10 out of 10. I wonder whether it is possible to put gerund after the personal pronoun instead of a possessive one, e.g. “you bossing her” instead of “your bossing her”, especially in sentences with linking verbs.
Thank you so much i got 8 of 10.
I am confused, when I used gerund.
All of them are confused. This lesson doesn’t make any sense at all.
Gerund have nothing to do with this lesson.
Our friend(?) Alex has becoming in a diva. He’s no longer interested in teaching us. I think he intends to showing off. Why? Who knows?
Thank you very much for your lessions! I’ve never understand what gerunds are but now I know everything! My English level has just become a little better ;)
Oh, I made a mistake!!! LESSON!
This lesson was awesome! I learned a lot! Thank you. I love the way you explain.
Now I need to practice them!
Thank you
Thanks Alex! I learned a lot! :)
Nidia Medina
I got 10
Can I write; I’m excited to doing my homework.
can I????
that was really tough I got 8
hello alex you´re the most awesome theacher in the world i know i have problems with my english and especially in this part but now i know this gonna serve a lot
I love this lesson Alex. Now I undestand why sometimes “running” is not a verb.
Javi loves English <3
Dear Alex, in your lesson 10 common verbs using gerund is an example We miss playing with them. Does it mean to play or to have sex? Your associate Ronie says that using TO PLAY WITH SMBD is not correct. It means to have sex with smbd, it’s better to use TO HANG OUT WITH SMBD. And you further give this example. Oxford Dictionary doesn;t give the definition of the verb TO PLAY WITH as TO HAVE SEX. I am really confused in using this.So If I say MY daughter played with the them , it means She had sex .Right?
oksana karida
Thank you so much. It is really useful. I am interested in updating my English. Thanks again.
why i have to use ; i am looking forward to seeing you instead of i am looking forward to see you. may i have your explanation. please….
Thankyou Alex!
Very good lesson thank you. I just want to know what is the function of the gerund in the sentence: “I’m going to change to working part-time”
I would like to know if there is a different rule to explain a verb+ing after the preposition TO.
I would really appreciate your help!!
thank you for your lesson, it was helpful.
I got 9/10. Helpful, thank Sir!
Excellent lesson!!! I have some doubts in this one: “I was surprised by Mark’s getting hired”.Why is it a objet of a possessive?Could you explain that case , please?
very interesting, thank you!!
Thanks for this lesson. I was really confused with that. And other difficulty that I have is: When do I have to add -ed and for what words?
I learn a lot, thanks
steve harry
thank you so much, this video was very useful for me, this is my concurrent topic on my syntax classes.
Thank you very much. got 10 / 10
Thanks a lot Alex, this is my first time that i could understand about using gerund.have a nice day. lydia
I tought that I was good at grammar, after doing this quiz I realized what wrong I was …
carlos 2138
you are a very good teatcher…gerund is for me very difficult…thank a lot…
Thanks Alex, I got 90.
Pheap IR
after seeing the video 3 times, finally i get all correct!!
Thank you so much Alex
Thanks a lot for this lesson.
10 out of 10.Thank you a lot ! You have a really good skills of teaching english.
Nat Pal
quite helpful. Thank you.
Thank you Alex for this useful lesson.I have question about sentence 4 and sentence n 6
Sentence 4: the phrase “his bike” is it an object of the gerund or what it is?
Sentence 6: I do not understand that ” bossing” is object of possessive pronoun ” your”. According my modest knowledge I think that ” your bossing” is a noun phrase.” Bossing ” is a noun head and “your” is an adjective.would you please explain me because I need your explanation.I am studying grammar at university this year.. Thanks in advance
thank u alex
omar aguero
Thank u Alex you are helpful
Hi alex great lesson, but i wonder if you can help me about a pair of clauses,
1) i’m gutted about dad going away;
2) you’re upset me rejecting you;
3 ) their parents were worried about adrian’s going to school in a difeerent city.
1) what types of gerund are ? what is the rule?;
2 in the first clause: i’m gutted now because my dad went away in a early time, it refers to action in the past ,does’nt it? the same in two?
while in 3rd the past of indipendet clause is the same of the dipendent clause, isn’t it?
thank you early.
Alex, you are the best teacher! Thank you for your lessons.
Alex thank you for all what did you do for me I just have a question if I played with my friend a football match and my mom wants to ask me about the match what must she say is it was your match playing good or was your match play good
That lesson makes not sense at all. It is Alex showing off.
How many native speakers would pass the quiz ?
I will tell you. A librarian who lives with a cat and a bunch of pseudo teachers, but no one of them is a WASP.
Thank you very much, I got 100 %.
Ning Archaree
Thank you Alex. It’s my first step in understanding how to use gerunds when we speak.
Hi Alex! I liked this lesson very much! 8 out of 10 there is. I coudln’t understand object or subject of complement, but I hope I will master it just for myself.
Thank you again! I like your way of teaching!
thx a was a great lesson from a great teacher.
Thanks Alex. I got 60% This is my worst score. (( I’m going to repeat it.
Hi. Thanks Sir.It was useful.
hello sir, i m iftikhar a new student of yours. i saw gerung video which i was confused to identify when and where it is used, but after seeing video now i m beable to understand.
Hi Mr. Alex. I got 9. Would you please tell me why in quesion number 1 both Mark’s & getting are boid but Object of possessive is the answer?
Are Bold. sorry .
it was awesome,i got the picture :)i tried digesting your knowledge when i understood all of them,Later i completed the quiz and i got 100 point :))
Ty for this lesson
thank you mr.Alex.I understand about possessive,complement,preposition gerunds but I guess my problem is with subject and object,I confuse them ;(
This lesson is really useful. Thanks a lot! But I have a question about sentence number four: I saw Jim riding his bike. Isn’t “riding” here a present participle?
you’re great teacher.I always enjoy your lessen.thanks alex
Dear Alex,
Could you explain me, please, whether I am right to define these gerunds as:
1). I sometimes watch reading my students. – Object complement
2). I sometimes watch my students reading. – Object of a possessive
* 1). I sometimes watch reading *OF* my students.
Hi there! Its my first time leaving a comment.
I’m from Brazil.
Sorry if I commite mistakes.
I’d really apreciate this matter.
I didn’t realize I could do this quiz!
Thanks a lot Alex.
Fatima Angelo
Thanks to you, I’m getting better and better in every day. Thanks a lot.
Every English sentence has a subject and a verb. One subject need just one verb. So if you want to follow a verb with another action, you must use a gerund or infinitive.
Take look at ‘I want go home. My brother enjoys read books.’ Are these sentences correct or incorrect? Incorrect, In each sentence one subject has two verbs. The second verb must be changed in another way. Previous example sentences have to be changed like this. I want to go home, My brother enjoys reading books. That’s why gerund and infinitive are in English.
Ebuchie Gerundii. Huyata ebanaya.
Great lesson, Alex!
Thankyou very much sir..
An amazing class and such a challenge test. Approved. I’ve felt like I was in a school class (from native speakers)
My score was 80 at my first time
steven christopher
it is very good lesson
thank you Alex
Thank you Alex. You are teaching us great and clear
Your explanation is very clearly, thanks a lot.
Brunno Braga
Great job as usual! Thank you.
Functioning as adjectives, participles modify nouns or pronouns. Yet, I’m not sure when to use present or past participles in a sentence. For example:
The burnt log fell off the fire. OR
The burning log fell off the fire.
Great lesson, Alex. Thank you.
Thank you very much
Thank you,Alex!
Thank you Alex. It’s a nice video. Gerunds really simplified for me
Thanks a lot
I can understand this grammar now
Hi Alex. It was a very interesting lesson. I’ve always considered myself like good at spanish grammar; however English grammar is a little bit different. I did five, it makes me being more causiosly in next quizzes. By the way you are one of the teachers I have seeing which responded our questions. Thanks a hundred for doing it. Congrats for that. I appreciate it. I hope you correct my syntax
ignacio MR
More cautious I meant.
ignacio MR
Dear Alex, thx so much for your lesson! It is really very useful and easy-to-understand!
I really like this lesson, thanks a lot. But I still have a question. Gerund is a noun so I can replace it in the sentence using “it” or “that”:
Running is good for your heart = It is good for your heart
He hates waking up early = He hates that
and so on…
But in the sentence: “I saw Jim riding his bike”, sounds incorrect “I saw Jim it”. For me it would be “I saw Jim doing it”. So how “riding” is this sentence is the gerund and not the verb continuous?
it is present participle .
Thanks a lot .
Thanks Alex,I like your teaching.
U did very well, thanks alex
As an assimilated person I realized how important learning language is I am really sick and tired of speaking Turkish :) thanks a lot
Very useful lesson. Thank you, Alex! My score is 100.
great job.
Nihat Yelkenci
Alex, I have a question about gerunds. It is the only way to write the sentences correctly or can I choose between gerunds and verbs in infinity form?
What I most wish is loving you
What I most wish is to love you
Are both of the sentences correct?
In the specific case of the preposition TO, can I put an ING word after the verb or it is a mistake?
I want to go to swimming in the pool
Thanks for your reply.
Its a good question: In first both are used as a subject complement and both looks good.
Second question we they is rule we can keep to before gerund if required. So the sentence is correct.
I loved the lesson
Hi, Alex
Thank you for your worthwhile video.
There is a question about
“I’m interested in …”
Why we don’t use “continuous verb” here?
like “I’m interesting in … “
thanks Alex. my score is 60
this is 2nd quiz. although that, the result did not change.
Good morning Alex I wanna know if the meaning change when I use an infinitive or gerund at the beginning of a sentence for instance Running is good for your health. And To run is good for your health.
Thank you for your helping.
Nota 7, foi bom
I got 7 out of 10
Not so bad!
Thanks sir but I have a problem in recognizing correctly…
Ram sahu
Alex, what language were you speaking?
Yuppie!!! I got ten out of ten, I very much liked it.
I meant 100 out of 100
This is great. I am a native English speaker and I am learning more than I was ever taught at school.
I’m still confused about this…
Thanks Alex for making gerunds a bit more palatable. :) However, I often find picking a gerund phrase from a participial phrase quite troubling. Could you pls help with a lesson on that? Thanks
I don’t get it.
Why do you say “I saw Jim riding his bike” and at the same time you say: “She doesn’t like YOUR bossing her around”, instead of “She doesn’t like YOU bossing her around”?
For me, in both cases you’re using verbs (riding and bossing), so why are they different?
Leonardo Matos
Alex, I have learnt a lot with your class. However, I don’t see clearly the answer to question 4: “What I’d really suggest is looking for a new job”. According to you the correct answer is SUBJECT COMPLEMENT. Really, I see that looking for a job is the object of suggest. I’d appreciate it if you clarify it to me. Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Gustavo Perez Criollo
Hi Alex,Thanks for the lesson. Can we use gerund as an adverb?
Hi Aloex, in the sentence: Waking up late every day isn’t going to help you. Waking up is subject and going is a subject complement right?
Thanks Alex for a good lesson!
Thank you, Alex. It’s very good for me
very good lesson for me, Thanks so much Alex.
leny indah
Yup! 10 correct out of 10! So thankful of you Alex?
I am Helia
Thank you, Alex!
It was a really rewarding lesson Alex. Now many things are clearest for me!
Freddy Navas
Thank you Mr. Alex!
whaooo it is a great lesson thank you Mr. Alex.
i would like to know you
I’m sick and tired of not improving my English leavel!
Waking up early is a good for my health.
I need to work on my writing. Please help!!
I hate you talking to somebody all the time!
I’m interested in cooking in my kichen.
How are my sentences,Alex? :)
Hi Alex. Thank you very much for your inspirational lessons. Could you please explain me the difference between active adjective participles and gerund as a object complement? It looks the same for me, especially in this example: I saw Jim riding his bike. Sometimes for example I try to use a gerund, using its perfect form, but it appears that I should not. That means I don’t understand the gerund and following a verb with another verb does not always suppose using a gerund or am I wrong?
“I hate repeating myself.” – “repeating” is an object.
“What I hate most is repeating myself.” – “repeating” is a subject complement.
What the f##k?
Great teacher
Hi Alex, it’s a pleasure to watch your lessons but let me ask you, well currently I’m reviewing Gerunds in my Institute but we saw other ways to use them I wish you could explain to them if it’s possible for you to talk about passive Gerunds.
Hi Alex, I got 7 points.
Sometimes I confuse the grammatic.
Alex, Can we use with phasal verbs together? Has any differeces about it?
Thanks a lot.
Very important lesson Alex! You are a Great Teacher.
Not bad! I’ve got 7 out of 10 in your quiz. Thanks Sir!
Hello Alex
This video has been very good for me because I always had had problem with the GERUNDS. I got 9 of 10 on the Quiz! Thanks!!
Thanks for the lesson Mr. Alex
I scored 70/?
I have been struggling to understand the grammatical construction of an English sentence for almost 2 weeks.
I am looking for an English teacher who can help me.
Do you have any idea?
thanks, i achieved a great score.
i just have one doubt — that “waking up” you put, it’s gerund because of going with verb hate? [following the rules of verb to, ing] or you are putting ing for being an activity? it’s a dumb quest., but I want to make sure, thx. If smb can answer it, please do it, thx.
Really nice! thank you!
I watched this video twice on June 12, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you for your interesting lesson. It’s very easy to understand your lesson, but I still have problems with the fourth use in your video.
I’ve heard many grammar books or websites claimed this grammar point as “present participle” but not gerunds in your videos. In particular, it said we use “present participle” (or gerund in your video) when we encounter an ongoing action. Would you like to give me a more clear explanation about this? Thank you very much.
Perfect lesson, thanks a lot Alex
Yildiz Okuturlar
great job
Thank you,
My understanding is very poor.
I got only 20
“I saw him riding his bike” .
The “riding” is not a gerund but a present participle .
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Great lesson, Alex. Thank you.
Thanks! Glad you liked it.
Dear Alex,
Many thanks for this video, when I try to use gerunds, the structure and way of using them is not a problem, but I always get frustrated about the “state” verbs, cannot be in progressive form, “e.g. What I hate most is wanting to agree whith you.” I think this example is not correct at all, or is? Thanks for your kind answer in advance, Greetings from Hungary , Chris
Good question Alex. You’re right, “want” is a stative VERB, so you can’t say “I’m wanting[x] to eat a banana because I’m hungry.” But remember that “wanting” can act as a noun (gerund) in which case the rule doesn’t apply. So, “Wanting to eat a banana is perfectly understandable when you’re hungry” is correct :)
thanks for your excellent lesson, all the stuff that is given here is quite tough, but your explanations helped me to get it finally. Keep on the same way. Respect from Germany.
Good quiz but too difficult for me((((
Hi DashaDeg!
Don’t worry! And try again! I got 9 correct out of 10! But I had to watch twice to understand better the rules.
Great lesson, Alex. Thank you.
Really … He is a great teacher
I really like watching all your lessons.
Thanks a lot Alex.
Thank You so much dear teacher !!
Please Can You make a lesson about “Phrases (participial, gerund and infinitive phrases) ”
Please teacher I’m begging you ^_^
Thank You again :)
Thank you,
My understanding is very poor.
I got only 50…
What’s object and subject complement Adam what does complement mean?
I think complement means “something that completes another” I may be wrong!
Thanks Waligaa
Alex, can you do a more in depth lesson on GERUNDS, please.
thank you sir
Thanks Alex.I love working on such prolems.It is intereting in knowing such words look easy but need tackling.6 out of 10
This is my worst score ever!!!!
It’s an advanced lesson. Don’t get discouraged. The most important thing is that you know how to use gerunds when you speak.
Thank you very much
A great teacher with an interesting lesson. Thank you so much Alex. Wish you all the best, teacher.
thank you Alex
Thanks !!
Thank you, Alex!
Thank you very much. It was one of my biggest doubts about English… I’m going to continue study this lesson.
Thank you for all .Personally speaking, i m more confused than before ….;-(
Let me know why are you confusing?I may be able to help you out.
Thank you
Alex, it’s really such a good lesson but, it would be better if however you changed the style of questions. I think most of the learners do not prefer having test with identifying grammer names.As this style of questions are really good only for the people who is planning to be an instructor in the future .I might be wrong though…
I wanted to try a different approach with this one. You’re right, though. The most important thing is that you can use a gerund in a sentence. My goal is not to make my students into linguists, but into fluent English speakers.
Thank you for good lesson
Hi Alex! Good explanation. It was the first time I saw a video from you and I have to say that it was a very good lesson, thank you a lot for sharing with us your knowledge.
Kind regards,
Brian – from Peru
Very good lesson and at the same time very helpful also.
Dear sir Alex i have a problem regarding the word’Also’, i mean how do native people use it in everyday conversation?
And also
Is there any difference between following these two sentences?
1-I also wanna play cricket.
2-I wanna play cricket also.
What i think about these sentences is
First one tells – may be there are many people playing cricket and i also want to play.
Second one tells – may be many games are being played like tennis,hockey and cricket and from all of these i want to play …………………………………………. i’m very confused hope you have understood my problem.
I’m patiently waiting for you answer.
And of course,
Wish you a very-very good day!
According to grammar you can use ‘also’ after subject e.g. I also play cricket.but ‘as well’ can be used at the end.e.g.I play cricket as well.
Hope the answer of the question
thank you we evaluate your efforts
EL sayed rawacy
Many thanks. your gorgeous. I would explain yo us how to write report such as I would like to inform you that the. the job had been done
I saw jam while riding bike it is correct
I was confused about “object”or “subject.” But I like improving my English. So I hope to try the quiz later.
Thank you, Alex :)
Very good lesson and I like your simple speaking and I think it is so great for me to listen to your teaching .Thanks Alex.
Very useful lesson. Dobra robota Alex. Pozdrowienia z Polski :)
first of all, thanks a lot sir for giving us a really useful lesion…….& may god bless u sir……
could you explain the different between the ” i saw jim riding his bike & i saw jim was riding his bike”?
i’m looking forward to your reply
There’s a slight difference in the implications:
if I say “I saw Jim riding his bike” I am implying that Jim normally rides his bike and I happened to see him;
if I say “I saw Jim was riding his bike” I am implying that Jim doesn’t normally (or couldn’t) ride his bike and I happened to see him.
Thanks a lot Mauro…..
Sorry Alex but at 5:15 you said “pronoun” which is clearly wrong.
Thx! Alex.
But I want to ask two questions that’re not about the lesson.
1) if we say ‘How to (do sth)….’ is there any mistake? Do the native speakers use this phrase?
2) I saw the uncountable nouns can be used as countable noun, e.g. ‘seas’ and ‘winds’, could you tell me why?
hi frnds!!!plz help me,all the videos do not run on my pc.what i should do??pla guide me if any one have its solution.thanks
Hi there! Can you see any other Youtube videos, or is it just this one that won’t play?
good morning to all of you!in reference to your kind reply sir!all other videos play well on pc from youtube etc, but when i log in to engvid video lessons do not run.
yes i can see videos from youtube but when i login to engvid its vidoes only do not run!thank you very much for your kind reply!!
Thank you for letting me know! Just a couple questions to help me figure out what’s going wrong — what operating system and browser are you using? (If you don’t know, this site will tell you: )
good morning sir!!!i use Window 7 and chrome 28.0.1500.95.thank you very much for your kind response.
I saw him riding his bike. (When I saw him, he was riding his bike so riding in the first sentence isn’t it a continuous verb? It refers to that moment when he was doing the action)
“I saw him riding his bike” – here the gerund form of the verb ride (base + ing) has the function of a verbal noun (case #4: object complement).
“When I saw him, he was riding his bike” – here the gerund form has the function of a continuous verb: it’s used to form the continuous tense of a verb.
sure thing . not a gerund , but present participle
Hei! Alex, I answered the first test: object of preposition. Why I am wrong? Thanks
The focus is on “Mark’s getting hired.” The gerund comes after a possessive. :) (“Mark’s…”)
Thank you, Alex!
I got 8, I’m pleased, congrats for explanation and have a good weekend.
Present continuous: I’m going to practice your lesson
Object of the preposition: I´m interested in improving my English
Object of a possessive: I like your teaching me English.
I hope this sentences will be correct
By the way…My nephew calls like you, Alex
Thank you for your teaching
Your nephew is called Alex and You like his teaching. I like it too.
Or you like him teaching you.
At least , I think so.
Thank you
Very helpful Alex, nice one.
Thank you, Alex!! :)
u very smart dorycam
I got 80.
I don’t understand more detail about subject complement and object complement. I hope you will do it the next lesson. Thanks!
Very useful.Thanks.
Thank you Alex for helpful lesson to me.
A little difficult, but very useful. 5 correct out 10, awful ! But, I’ll continue. Thank you, Mr. Alex.
thank you adam a very useful vedio
I got 10 out of 10 !!!!! Great lesson, Alex. I really appreciate it !!!!!!. Please, could you show a lesson about more idioms, future perfect tense, future perfect continuous tense, the subjunctive structure, etc !!!!!!
Nice! I enjoy a lot your teaching!
hahhaah…..I got 7 out of 10,thank you Alex…
can you translate to Indonesia language ?
9/10 Very useful lesson!
Wow! I’ve got 100%. You taught very clearly!!! Thank you very much Alex.
OH my God !!!!!
Pakpao , you are very smart . How could you do it?
thank you, Alex.
Thanks for sharing Alex. Now, I better understand about gerund :)
I have no word for commenting this class! THANKS, ALEX!
Maybe, that was the most important lesson in my level… That really connected a lot points which are blank in my mind!
Thanks a lot!
great i used this page to learn and how to know the correct grammar..i need this because of my civil service examination i try my best to know all the correct of usage grammar..thanks so much…
Excellent Alex,
Please continue helping people who are learning English
Sorry Mr. Alex but I’ve got an inquiry :
In the first question of the quizz, we have (mary’s getting) as a sentence subject inversely in the passive form, because the fact of getting hired is what makes the person surprised, it is the subject (getting hired) that carries out the action to the object (I), I’d like you to more elaborate about this tricky thing and thank you.
The best axplanation
Good lesson Alex, clear as water.
thank you Mr Alex for that great effort .
but I have a problem with no sooner…..than and hardly or scarcely/hardly…when . and the problem is why do we put the auxiliary verb before the subject if we use no sooner or hardly at the beginning of the sentence ? pls waiting reply
Thank you sir for this incredible job, and may God bless you.
Thanks alex for all videos
I was wondering if you could teach us about
must have been doing and difference between
can’t have been, and also about could have
thank you
Thanks for the lesson
love it very much ^_^
and I have done all the quiz
but I only get 80 ;_;(a little bit sad
I’ll study more harder!
Dear Alex,
You’re my role modal. I want to speak just like you as a teacher.
Wow!I got 7 correct out of 10.I still have to effort.thank you Alex
8 correct out of 10…Not bad, since it’s not an easy lesson! Thanks, dear teacher Alex!
so like whats a predicate?
Dear Alex, thank you this great lesson. I just realized that although I speak relatively fluently in English, I need to work a little harder on this area. By the way I am a new member, but for a week now I am totally hooked on your lessons. You are amazing!
Hi Alex, I’ve been watching your lessons for a while. This one was especially usefull because gerunds confuses me everytime I’m writing something. Writing is harder than reading, but you helped me a lot. Thanks!
Quizz is quite difficult !
Teacher , i would like you to give us more simple examples .
Thank you so much about your lessons.
Good lesson , thank you and may Allah (SWT) bless you
thank you so much :)
Thanks Alex. You are very good teacher
– from Vietnam
Hi Sir, I really appreciate your explanation, you are good teacher. Thanks!
I got 8 correct out of 10. Anyway!
“The BEST TEACHERS teach from the HEART not from the books.”
Hi Sir, I really appreciate your teaching, you are good teacher. Thanks!
I got 8 correct out of 10. Anyway!
“The BEST TEACHERS teach from the HEART not from the books.”
Thank you very much!
Can you help me ? please
thanks Alex, I love your voice
Thank you very much! Thanks to your lesson I managed to get 9 from 10 points!
Alex, you´re really a terrific teacher!
I thought gerunds was difficult to understand but you have tought it in a simple and easiest way. It became so simple(of course i have to study more!) Thanks a lot for helping me!
I got 10 collet out of 10.
very nice~~ I did a good job~!!
Thank you Alex~~!! You are the best English teacher in the world~!!^^
oh my god~!!
I got 10 correct out of 10~!!!
I got 8/10.
Ups! Just 4 of 10…Although understand quiet well where the Gerund was used and where was not.
i really love these lessons, it is really helpfull for me…. and i love Canada too… i wanna go back there soon
I like your class. your explanation is much better than my teacher. thank you!
Only 4 out of 10, I’m struggling
Thnks, I got 90%.
I have a questions about the Definite Article and Indefinite Article. How can I use right of those?
4 of 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I hate most…? / What I hate THE MOST…?
I thought the second one was the correct one.
I am conffused.
hi Alex!thank you so much,your lessons are the best!
I have a question for you:
There is a difference between LIKE & LOVE?
for eample:I like you VS. I love you-their meaning is the same?
I like to shoP. VS I love shop – their meaning is the same?
Thank you so much Alex.
I got 9/10.
Learning with you is a pleasure.
See you next lesson.
oh no…this’s really difficult for me
but thank you!!
You’re my favourite
Hi Alex, actually I’ve been waiting for an explanation about gerund as you did in this case. But sadly I’m still a bit lost, I couldn’t recognise the difference between object and object complement, etc. Could you recommend me something….by the way I have written a couple of times to some of you and nobody answers to me…I am a very loyal student of all of you…Thanks!
Hi Alex, actually I’ve been waiting for an explanation about gerund as you did in this case. But sadly I’m still a bit lost, I couldn’t recognise the difference between object and object complement, etc. Could you recommend me something…..Thanks!
I really need to work on my studying english.
this lesson was difficult a little bit for me.
grammar always make me confused.
:( what bad result … 6/10 .. i must revise this lesson again
wooow .. 10/10 for my second attempt
Can you please explain why did you use “your” instead of “you” in a sentence “She does not like your bossing her around”.
Thank you for your lesson.
thank’s adam for this lesson
Perfect , Good job Alex :)
I really like your lesson
I am more clear than before on the notion of gerunds. Thanks a lot.
thanks a lot for your explanation.
excuse me teacher, there are many grammar lessons I want to understand them but I didn’t find them in your website.
What shall I do?
My worst fear is drowning. I didn’t know the right answer on that. So drowning is a complement of the subject, because ‘to drown’ is used as an intransitive verb and there for must be used as a gerund?
Dear Alex, your explanation was very good and that is why I received 10/10.
Dear Alex, lay out print material in pdf or docx!It would be better!
What a uesful information .Thanks a lot
Can you tell me what’s the difference between Subject Complement and Object Complement?
Pleaseeee i need to understand this more clearly :(
Please respond. Thank you in advance
Wow! I got 10 correct out of 10 !
I understand more clearly!
Thanks for this lesson! :D
Hi Alex,
Could you please also teach when to use “to followed by verb+ing”
The answer is how i can Pro the way of using gerund -.-,teacher. Thank!
Great lesson. Thank you from Italy
Thank you
Thank you very much.Alex, you are a great teacher. I learned so many useful things. Keep up the great job.Thanks.
Hi, I really enjoy your classes, excellent teacher.
I have got 80 in the quiz but I didn’t understand number 6. Could you help me with that?
Great Alex I’ve got 90/100
Thank you for the lesson,It is a really useful lesson to learn the basics of the subject. :)
Hi Alex,
This video is very useful, and
Could you please give us more exercise?
Thanks for your help!
Great lesson Alex, I’m learning a lot but i need to see it again and practice it.
Greetings from México
Thank you for your teaching,Alex.
I’ll keep learning English with your lesson.
You are a good teacher : )
thank Alex so much. your accent is clearly. i really like your lessons.i want to talk with everyone in skype is tunguyenprnt.i am glad to make friend everyone.
Thank you so much!
I got 80% with this quiz
Thank you Alex
I am happy i find this site and your lessons, it’s great, thank you very very much and good luck!)
Thank a lot Alex. You are a professional of English
Great lesson Alex.
So I can improve learning, How can I get additional material.
Thank you
I got 9 from 10. Learning english with alex is perfect.
Awesome lesson , thank you so much ;)
Great explanation … thanks a lot
8/10 Good lesson!
Thanks Alex and I have a question about the last question in the quiz:
10. I’m sick and tired of arguing with you!
1-object complement
2-object of a possessive
3-object of a preposition ( I think this is the correct answer?)
Good explanation. Thanks
Thanks for everything!
Really tough, but despite that I got 8
tks Alex
I know , I am not good in Grammer, 60 %. Sorry.
Don’t worry. Alex is no longer a teacher. He’s a money maker diva.
I’m sure you’re so good in grammar as all of us.
This lesson does’t have any sense at all.
I think he’s showing off for money or for egotistical reasons.
It’s life.
Great lesson, Alex, I really enjoy your teaching!
(did I get that right?)
Good evening Alex,
I have some problem regarding the use of the gerunds, the infinitives and the preposition FOR + ING. I can’t really understand when I have to use one, and when is better to use the other (overall when I’m translating). Can you perhaps help me?
I will have an important test for my graduation next month.
Thank you a lot.
First of all, I would like to thank you for the great explanation. It was nice. But, I want to ask you about the forth point. “I saw Jim riding his bike.”
I am a lil bit confused about this sentence. Is it gerund or present participle? Because the word “riding” comes after verbs of perception.
Thank you in advance
it is present participle for sure .
Thanks Mr Alex…
very helpful and nice lesson…
And yet again, 10 out of 10. :) It was a great lesson. Thank you Alex for doing this. :) (Object of a preposition?)
Thank you Alex for all the great lessons, but i wonder about something you said during this lesson : “… Don’t confuse a gerunds for a continuous verb..” Is it correct to use (FOR)in this sentence? Thanks again and have a great day ahead.
Thank you!
Thank you, Alex. I got 6 of 10!!! I’m very proud; I’m improving, thanks.
Hi Adam! First of all I´d like to say you a great teacher! Could you kindly in explain why the correct asnwer is object of a possessive?
1. I was surprised by Mark’s getting hired.
Thanks in advance
Hi Adam! First of all I´d like to say you are a great teacher! Could you kindly in explain why the correct asnwer is object of a possessive?
1. I was surprised by Mark’s getting hired.
Thanks in advance
Hello sir, i try to learn english. please take care of me.
8 points of 10… I think it is a good score. Thank you Alex!
Thanks, Alex. Yours classes are great!!!
it’s difficult , but it’s really helpful
u guise are realy doing a great job…..could anyone out there help me to know, formation of passive voice of infinitive and gerund…please guise help me
Mike, if you can, I’d like you to clarify about this sentence “I was surprised by Mark’s getting hired” which is part of the quiz.
Why gerund is possessive complement here if we don’t have any possessive pronouns in the sentence, or do we?
One of the worst scores in my practice( I thought that I can freely do advanced tests, but that one showed me that I am wrong. The identify of grammer names is too difficult for me now :c
I have a huge doubt Alex! When do we have to use gerund or infinitive at the beginning of a sentence?
I got 9 of 10 :) good lesson and very useful!
Thank you Alex! It was an interesting class. Here, is “interesting” an object or an object complement?
Thanks Alex. I’ll apply the 6 ways you teach gerund to my pupils
Thanks Alex, very helpful your explanations.
Hi Alex,really you are very nice teacher,and your way of explanation is very helpful.
9/10 on the first attempt. Good for me. Thank you, sir Alex!
Dear sir Alex! Why the first question on the quiz has answer “Subject compliment”? And why not “object of the preposition”?
Thanks,Alex. I got 90 but I really don’t understand why 1 is object of a possessive.
Could you please explain this to me? And if possible, could you give me another example?
Thanks in advance. You’re a great teacher.
thanks ;)
Thanks,a great lesson! I’ve got 10 out of 10. I wonder whether it is possible to put gerund after the personal pronoun instead of a possessive one, e.g. “you bossing her” instead of “your bossing her”, especially in sentences with linking verbs.
Thank you so much i got 8 of 10.
I am confused, when I used gerund.
All of them are confused. This lesson doesn’t make any sense at all.
Gerund have nothing to do with this lesson.
Our friend(?) Alex has becoming in a diva. He’s no longer interested in teaching us. I think he intends to showing off. Why? Who knows?
Thank you very much for your lessions! I’ve never understand what gerunds are but now I know everything! My English level has just become a little better ;)
Oh, I made a mistake!!! LESSON!
This lesson was awesome! I learned a lot! Thank you. I love the way you explain.
Now I need to practice them!
Thank you
Thanks Alex! I learned a lot! :)
I got 10
Can I write; I’m excited to doing my homework.
can I????
that was really tough I got 8
hello alex you´re the most awesome theacher in the world i know i have problems with my english and especially in this part but now i know this gonna serve a lot
I love this lesson Alex. Now I undestand why sometimes “running” is not a verb.
Dear Alex, in your lesson 10 common verbs using gerund is an example We miss playing with them. Does it mean to play or to have sex? Your associate Ronie says that using TO PLAY WITH SMBD is not correct. It means to have sex with smbd, it’s better to use TO HANG OUT WITH SMBD. And you further give this example. Oxford Dictionary doesn;t give the definition of the verb TO PLAY WITH as TO HAVE SEX. I am really confused in using this.So If I say MY daughter played with the them , it means She had sex .Right?
Thank you so much. It is really useful. I am interested in updating my English. Thanks again.
why i have to use ; i am looking forward to seeing you instead of i am looking forward to see you. may i have your explanation. please….
Thankyou Alex!
Very good lesson thank you. I just want to know what is the function of the gerund in the sentence: “I’m going to change to working part-time”
I would like to know if there is a different rule to explain a verb+ing after the preposition TO.
I would really appreciate your help!!
thank you for your lesson, it was helpful.
I got 9/10. Helpful, thank Sir!
Excellent lesson!!! I have some doubts in this one: “I was surprised by Mark’s getting hired”.Why is it a objet of a possessive?Could you explain that case , please?
very interesting, thank you!!
Thanks for this lesson. I was really confused with that. And other difficulty that I have is: When do I have to add -ed and for what words?
I learn a lot, thanks
thank you so much, this video was very useful for me, this is my concurrent topic on my syntax classes.
Thank you very much. got 10 / 10
Thanks a lot Alex, this is my first time that i could understand about using gerund.have a nice day. lydia
I tought that I was good at grammar, after doing this quiz I realized what wrong I was …
you are a very good teatcher…gerund is for me very difficult…thank a lot…
Thanks Alex, I got 90.
after seeing the video 3 times, finally i get all correct!!
Thank you so much Alex
Thanks a lot for this lesson.
10 out of 10.Thank you a lot ! You have a really good skills of teaching english.
quite helpful. Thank you.
Thank you Alex for this useful lesson.I have question about sentence 4 and sentence n 6
Sentence 4: the phrase “his bike” is it an object of the gerund or what it is?
Sentence 6: I do not understand that ” bossing” is object of possessive pronoun ” your”. According my modest knowledge I think that ” your bossing” is a noun phrase.” Bossing ” is a noun head and “your” is an adjective.would you please explain me because I need your explanation.I am studying grammar at university this year.. Thanks in advance
thank u alex
Thank u Alex you are helpful
Hi alex great lesson, but i wonder if you can help me about a pair of clauses,
1) i’m gutted about dad going away;
2) you’re upset me rejecting you;
3 ) their parents were worried about adrian’s going to school in a difeerent city.
1) what types of gerund are ? what is the rule?;
2 in the first clause: i’m gutted now because my dad went away in a early time, it refers to action in the past ,does’nt it? the same in two?
while in 3rd the past of indipendet clause is the same of the dipendent clause, isn’t it?
thank you early.
Alex, you are the best teacher! Thank you for your lessons.
Alex thank you for all what did you do for me I just have a question if I played with my friend a football match and my mom wants to ask me about the match what must she say is it was your match playing good or was your match play good
That lesson makes not sense at all. It is Alex showing off.
How many native speakers would pass the quiz ?
I will tell you. A librarian who lives with a cat and a bunch of pseudo teachers, but no one of them is a WASP.
Thank you very much, I got 100 %.
Thank you Alex. It’s my first step in understanding how to use gerunds when we speak.
Hi Alex! I liked this lesson very much! 8 out of 10 there is. I coudln’t understand object or subject of complement, but I hope I will master it just for myself.
Thank you again! I like your way of teaching!
thx a was a great lesson from a great teacher.
Thanks Alex. I got 60% This is my worst score. (( I’m going to repeat it.
Hi. Thanks Sir.It was useful.
hello sir, i m iftikhar a new student of yours. i saw gerung video which i was confused to identify when and where it is used, but after seeing video now i m beable to understand.
Hi Mr. Alex. I got 9. Would you please tell me why in quesion number 1 both Mark’s & getting are boid but Object of possessive is the answer?
Are Bold. sorry .
it was awesome,i got the picture :)i tried digesting your knowledge when i understood all of them,Later i completed the quiz and i got 100 point :))
Ty for this lesson
thank you mr.Alex.I understand about possessive,complement,preposition gerunds but I guess my problem is with subject and object,I confuse them ;(
This lesson is really useful. Thanks a lot! But I have a question about sentence number four: I saw Jim riding his bike. Isn’t “riding” here a present participle?
you’re great teacher.I always enjoy your lessen.thanks alex
Dear Alex,
Could you explain me, please, whether I am right to define these gerunds as:
1). I sometimes watch reading my students. – Object complement
2). I sometimes watch my students reading. – Object of a possessive
* 1). I sometimes watch reading *OF* my students.
Hi there! Its my first time leaving a comment.
I’m from Brazil.
Sorry if I commite mistakes.
I’d really apreciate this matter.
I didn’t realize I could do this quiz!
Thanks a lot Alex.
Thanks to you, I’m getting better and better in every day. Thanks a lot.
Every English sentence has a subject and a verb. One subject need just one verb. So if you want to follow a verb with another action, you must use a gerund or infinitive.
Take look at ‘I want go home. My brother enjoys read books.’ Are these sentences correct or incorrect? Incorrect, In each sentence one subject has two verbs. The second verb must be changed in another way. Previous example sentences have to be changed like this. I want to go home, My brother enjoys reading books. That’s why gerund and infinitive are in English.
Ebuchie Gerundii. Huyata ebanaya.
Great lesson, Alex!
Thankyou very much sir..
An amazing class and such a challenge test. Approved. I’ve felt like I was in a school class (from native speakers)
My score was 80 at my first time
it is very good lesson
thank you Alex
Thank you Alex. You are teaching us great and clear
Your explanation is very clearly, thanks a lot.
Great job as usual! Thank you.
Functioning as adjectives, participles modify nouns or pronouns. Yet, I’m not sure when to use present or past participles in a sentence. For example:
The burnt log fell off the fire. OR
The burning log fell off the fire.
Great lesson, Alex. Thank you.
Thank you very much
Thank you,Alex!
Thank you Alex. It’s a nice video. Gerunds really simplified for me
Thanks a lot
I can understand this grammar now
Hi Alex. It was a very interesting lesson. I’ve always considered myself like good at spanish grammar; however English grammar is a little bit different. I did five, it makes me being more causiosly in next quizzes. By the way you are one of the teachers I have seeing which responded our questions. Thanks a hundred for doing it. Congrats for that. I appreciate it. I hope you correct my syntax
More cautious I meant.
Dear Alex, thx so much for your lesson! It is really very useful and easy-to-understand!
I really like this lesson, thanks a lot. But I still have a question. Gerund is a noun so I can replace it in the sentence using “it” or “that”:
Running is good for your heart = It is good for your heart
He hates waking up early = He hates that
and so on…
But in the sentence: “I saw Jim riding his bike”, sounds incorrect “I saw Jim it”. For me it would be “I saw Jim doing it”. So how “riding” is this sentence is the gerund and not the verb continuous?
it is present participle .
Thanks a lot .
Thanks Alex,I like your teaching.
U did very well, thanks alex
As an assimilated person I realized how important learning language is I am really sick and tired of speaking Turkish :) thanks a lot
Very useful lesson. Thank you, Alex! My score is 100.
great job.
Alex, I have a question about gerunds. It is the only way to write the sentences correctly or can I choose between gerunds and verbs in infinity form?
What I most wish is loving you
What I most wish is to love you
Are both of the sentences correct?
In the specific case of the preposition TO, can I put an ING word after the verb or it is a mistake?
I want to go to swimming in the pool
Thanks for your reply.
Its a good question: In first both are used as a subject complement and both looks good.
Second question we they is rule we can keep to before gerund if required. So the sentence is correct.
I loved the lesson
Hi, Alex
Thank you for your worthwhile video.
There is a question about
“I’m interested in …”
Why we don’t use “continuous verb” here?
like “I’m interesting in … “
thanks Alex. my score is 60
this is 2nd quiz. although that, the result did not change.
Good morning Alex I wanna know if the meaning change when I use an infinitive or gerund at the beginning of a sentence for instance Running is good for your health. And To run is good for your health.
Thank you for your helping.
Nota 7, foi bom
I got 7 out of 10
Not so bad!
Thanks sir but I have a problem in recognizing correctly…
Alex, what language were you speaking?
Yuppie!!! I got ten out of ten, I very much liked it.
I meant 100 out of 100
This is great. I am a native English speaker and I am learning more than I was ever taught at school.
I’m still confused about this…
Thanks Alex for making gerunds a bit more palatable. :) However, I often find picking a gerund phrase from a participial phrase quite troubling. Could you pls help with a lesson on that? Thanks
I don’t get it.
Why do you say “I saw Jim riding his bike” and at the same time you say: “She doesn’t like YOUR bossing her around”, instead of “She doesn’t like YOU bossing her around”?
For me, in both cases you’re using verbs (riding and bossing), so why are they different?
Alex, I have learnt a lot with your class. However, I don’t see clearly the answer to question 4: “What I’d really suggest is looking for a new job”. According to you the correct answer is SUBJECT COMPLEMENT. Really, I see that looking for a job is the object of suggest. I’d appreciate it if you clarify it to me. Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Alex,Thanks for the lesson. Can we use gerund as an adverb?
Hi Aloex, in the sentence: Waking up late every day isn’t going to help you. Waking up is subject and going is a subject complement right?
Thanks Alex for a good lesson!
Thank you, Alex. It’s very good for me
very good lesson for me, Thanks so much Alex.
Yup! 10 correct out of 10! So thankful of you Alex?
Thank you, Alex!
It was a really rewarding lesson Alex. Now many things are clearest for me!
Thank you Mr. Alex!
whaooo it is a great lesson thank you Mr. Alex.
i would like to know you
I’m sick and tired of not improving my English leavel!
Waking up early is a good for my health.
I need to work on my writing. Please help!!
I hate you talking to somebody all the time!
I’m interested in cooking in my kichen.
How are my sentences,Alex? :)
Hi Alex. Thank you very much for your inspirational lessons. Could you please explain me the difference between active adjective participles and gerund as a object complement? It looks the same for me, especially in this example: I saw Jim riding his bike. Sometimes for example I try to use a gerund, using its perfect form, but it appears that I should not. That means I don’t understand the gerund and following a verb with another verb does not always suppose using a gerund or am I wrong?
“I hate repeating myself.” – “repeating” is an object.
“What I hate most is repeating myself.” – “repeating” is a subject complement.
What the f##k?
Great teacher
Hi Alex, it’s a pleasure to watch your lessons but let me ask you, well currently I’m reviewing Gerunds in my Institute but we saw other ways to use them I wish you could explain to them if it’s possible for you to talk about passive Gerunds.
Hi Alex, I got 7 points.
Sometimes I confuse the grammatic.
Alex, Can we use with phasal verbs together? Has any differeces about it?
Thanks a lot.
Very important lesson Alex! You are a Great Teacher.
Not bad! I’ve got 7 out of 10 in your quiz. Thanks Sir!
Hello Alex
This video has been very good for me because I always had had problem with the GERUNDS. I got 9 of 10 on the Quiz! Thanks!!
Thanks for the lesson Mr. Alex
I scored 70/?
I have been struggling to understand the grammatical construction of an English sentence for almost 2 weeks.
I am looking for an English teacher who can help me.
Do you have any idea?
thanks, i achieved a great score.
i just have one doubt — that “waking up” you put, it’s gerund because of going with verb hate? [following the rules of verb to, ing] or you are putting ing for being an activity? it’s a dumb quest., but I want to make sure, thx. If smb can answer it, please do it, thx.
Really nice! thank you!
I watched this video twice on June 12, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you for your interesting lesson. It’s very easy to understand your lesson, but I still have problems with the fourth use in your video.
I’ve heard many grammar books or websites claimed this grammar point as “present participle” but not gerunds in your videos. In particular, it said we use “present participle” (or gerund in your video) when we encounter an ongoing action. Would you like to give me a more clear explanation about this? Thank you very much.
Perfect lesson, thanks a lot Alex
great job
Thank you,
My understanding is very poor.
I got only 20
“I saw him riding his bike” .
The “riding” is not a gerund but a present participle .
Alex, thak you so much!
Thank you Teacher
Thank you, very well explained