Culture has a big role to play in the way we speak. It dictates not only which language we use, but also the way we express ourselves with different people. For example, how direct and honest people are generally varies by region. Because of these differences, it is just as important to master culture as it is language. This lesson will help you understand how native speakers think. You will learn how to improve your communication skills depending on whom you are speaking with no matter where you go in the world!
I think this is a very important lesson. I learned a lot of new thing so I am going to understand west better. Thanks from Turkey.
It’s very beautiful lesson! Thank you!
Very good lesson! i liked it! Thanks! 6 out of ten.. i will do better next time! ;)
Thank you very much James!!!
Have you ever thought about making a video about Canadian culture, tradition and habits??It´d be really interesting for all of those who have never been there, like me…
Ashley Pei
Thank you for this great lesson!
I did 10 out of 10. I like this type of discussion.
Hey, what do you think about add me on skype ? we can talk in english
Hi James.Interested lesson from you and helps people who emigrate from East to West (like me) to understand the new mentality.But as I’ve noticed since I have been living in UK ,some “cultural difference “become common;for exemple,many companies from UK are interested of 5 years history of work and if you had a goal ,you have to explain why did you have it…so an so.From this point of view I’m inclined to belive that some rules from East have influenced the West.As like you,I don’t know if it is good or bad !
Actually, nowadays people in China also care about the results seriously. From this point of view, West also have influenced the East.
Many thanx, James. I reckon again that Ukrainian culture is a bridge between East and West)
Natalie Rieznikov
Hi natalie i’ll may name yassou i’m 23 years old i’ll be happy if you accept learning english together
According to this video I’ve done the same conclusions
I have got 100% in the quiz, and it is my result of my efforts in learning. But I can help others) Thank you, James!
thank you. teacher James it’s was a very good lesson and what I wanna say is we are people from middle east we are mixed the culture between west and east
i got 8 but i still don’t understand about this lesson
Surya Andika
Thanks for your great lesson. After having lived in Australia, which I think it is still considered as West, for almost nine years, I can see now more clearly that there is absolute difference between West and East. I like things more in Western way.
Thank you James for interesting lesson about culture. I think the different approach between west and east in the 5th point is the most important and many things depend on it . If the law isn’t same for all ,there isn’t normal development .
Hi James, I like your classes I’ve learned so much with you. Thank you.
Hi Mary if you want we can spreak each other.I think it helps our speech
Vugar Beshirov
Hi James,
I would like to know why I cannot view the video content as usual. This is the message appearing on the screen each time I click to view your clip. “This video contains content from Learnvid. It is restricted from playback on certain sites. Watch on YouTube.”
Thank you James!!! In my opinion you’re a successfull teacher!!! I have had a lot of fun watching your video!!!It has made me think very much!!!
So do i,he knows very well about East,and all the conclusion are real China,i can’t agree more
Thank you a lot ))
Thanks James for this lesson about differences between cultures, it is very important to know, specially if we have contact with people from different countries.
I really enjoyed this video!
Hi, thank for making this great lesson. It is not only interesting but also important to know about culture because we can understand people. It will be very cool if you make a specific lesson about culture. For examplo, what is the difference between Canada and England? South America. Euroupe…thank you, Thiago
thank you very much.
ame shanon
] admire you Because i think you are best enlish teacher between the all teacher in this website.
Thank you
Thanks for this interesting lesson, and i agree with you, so It’s so helpful for different mentalities, so It’s a great lesson ever i hear about.
Thank you very much
Ramadan Nayel
Hello James. Very interesting lesson! I liked it a lot. I got 100. Thanks!
Júlio César L Sousa
it’s amazing lesson. james, you know the culture of the East very well. thanks a lot, i understand all of it :D
Hi James, this lesson is very clever but also very daring, because showing the cultural approach to the fondamental matters of life could easily create some misunderstanding. Best regards.
I got 90. I absolutely agree.
Thanks for every lesson that you have for everyone, you are one of the most important teachers on this web page so please keep like this and if you have any different lesson please not take to long time to show us and practice more with you
Thanks a lot, James for such a bit philosophical lesson. PS your bow tie suits you so well!!!
English addict
!Thx a lot
The difference between the Cowboy and the Samurai mentality! Very well explained!
Hello evernote. I’d like to practice my english. Who wants to practice with me? My Skype id is Willingtonzapata add me. Take care
Very interesting lesson, James. It is important to know (and respect) cultural differences to interact in a constructive way with foreign people. Thank you.
Luiz Alberto
Congratulations James!!
It was a very very good lesson!
Thaks a lot! xD
Rodrigo Silva
Thanks, James! it was a good lesson!
And if you have to meet someone from VietNam at 12 o’clock, meet at 12:30, you’ll be fine :)))
thanks James
Rodrigo Ribeiro
I Haven´t realized on this before, and I learned things that didn´t even know about, It´s really interesting the things that you´ve tought us, thank so much
I live in Honduras and they have the same west culture, which is cool. Thanks Mr. James
Good lesson
fam im Algerian
thank you somuch
Abdishakur Abdi
wow, I’ve seen him first time, he’s really cool western speaker!
Really interesting and informatively!! Thanks and good luck!!
Thank you for video. I am originally from place, where Western and Estern mentality mixed together. I am struggling now again, what mentality Namibians have… They come late, they talk around the bush, they treat people for the position but for latest thing also…
it’s really true sir . I’m Asian
Habib Haraj
Thanks for your lesson, James!
I got 10 correct of 10! Thanks for this interesting lesson.
Oh! All is perfectly correct. But nowadays is changing slowly. Thank you
Amazing lesson! tks
Eliane Souza
The differences between West and East are not so much those between cultures as those between countries with democracy, freedom and rule of law and countries without these things above. I come from China and I myself never identify with so called “Chinese culture.” Where there is human rights, where my home is.
Very good video. I like both sides :)
Thank you,James.
As I am from Turkey which is the middle eastern country you can say that again James! You really depicted cultural differences well between west and east…
Yes, Istanbul is literally where East meets West!
engVid Moderator
Awesome ! I have learnt the differences between the east and west . Know what? I got 10 on 10. Finally thanks to James for this useful lesson .
Ahsan Habib Patwary
Thank you James. I’m from Mongolia. which is in Central Asia. I completely agree with you. but now everything is being changed day by day. We are getting more western..
Thank you,James. Good lesson,That’s help me a lot.
wow!friend all around the world!
This lesson is very useful! Thank you, James. I just noticed how we think groups is important
Thanks James for this study about the differences between the western and eastern cultures!
I will not comment about the latin american culture, as a generalization. It’s “sui generis”. A mixture of other cultures and in-development. Different in different regions.
Fabio Cicerre
Hi James,
I respect you a lot as a very professional teacher of English for a long time.However the contents about “cultural differences..”are a little superficial and useless for me .The world it’s a little more big and different than you think.
But if it’s for fun ,ok!!! Sorry for my personal frankness!
Thank you very much for everything else.
Thank you for a good lesson. My personality is more like western people though I’m from East hh
Very important lesson. Thanks James!
I do love such videos about cultural differences around the world. I’m a translation student and my major requires me to know about such things.
what you said in the introduction is so true and important.
Thanks again.You look so elegant today! :)
Tks, mate! Great lesson.
yeay! i got 9! thank you James!
Hello James,
I really liked this lesson. It’s very useful. Thank you!!!
Thanks James!!!! Good Lesson!!!!
Aline Matos
bVery good lesson about cultural difference. Thank you for this lesson
Bhima Kanjariya
I am agreed with you James! Thank you for the important lesson. Cheers !
Once I was a teacher, but you teach much more better than me. I like your videos. thanks.
Ali Reza Emran
One of the best lessons I’ve ever learned from engvid. The more we use the mix of both, the better we’re gonna be in order to deal properly in different situations. Tanks a lot!!!
it is very nice!!!
I am Georgian and my country always’s been mixed with western an eastern Methaly.
Roni Geo
This is awesome! I am from Turkey and I can understand these videos like my mother language.West and East I guess East side closer to me Thank you James :)
Thank you sir ,
That was a real great lesson.
Appreciate that.
Bad boy
please sir make a video on use of be,being and been please explain it deeply
Great test! I got 10 correct out of 10.
Aditya maurya
Hey there!!! Is here anybody who wants to improve her speaking skills?
Hey Mr.James , I’m from Iraq and you’re definitely true.
Hi guys! I am really interested in improve my writing skill and i think it is a good idea chatting on whatsapp and why no? make new friends that want to do it as well, could be any English skill if you are agree, please add me: 5804268624599 if does not work, try without 58. See you then!
It is an amazing lesson,it learned us how your character should going to be?
Aymen Alswidi
i have 10 correct answers, it’s great!
I like the teacher pedagogy and his manner of teaching
Thank you so much for this lesson
I really appreciate you Mr James for waking my brain from sleeping, thank you God bless you
it is very important lesson! thank
So true! I recognised myself in these facts. Mary, Russia.
I am so blessed watching this video.
Now i know exactly how to deal with western and eastern people.
Got 10/10
Thank you James for this great lessons.
my lecturer also said the same thing on cultural differences between western and eastern. well, thanks for this additional knowledge.
adam manan
Thanks a lot James!
One of the best videos that you made! When you start to study a new language.. you will learn not only about grammar, rules, etc.. but also new cultures, this is awesome!
I think it was a good lesson as it would help me to relate better with my manager and there expectations.
Nice lesson, is the first time watching a video from eng.vid and sure I will share this good job.
This is my first lesson here and I loved it! Great teacher and nice subject :)
Milena Gimon
thank you
Great lesson! Congratulations James!
Very useful, thank you James I learned a lot from your video.
In my point of view it was a great lesson.
Brilliant west and east comparison. I see both tendencies here, in Poland.
Great subject matter !!!
The video record it’s really useful thanks James
Spot on
thankyou..its very helpful to my studies.
10 out of 10!!!! thanks James!
Guardian of Oak
Thanks,James. You explained it clearly about
how different between Western and Eastern. I totally understood it.
10 out of 10, now i can understand better of the culture from another society. Great lesson.
Thank your, James! Your lessons are very interesting and useful, especially about compare different cultures.
10/10 Thank you, James! I like your advanced lessons.
Things are getting clear:) Thank you, James, that was really insightful!
thank you teacher JAMES very good lesson
yes,definitely. Culture plays a vital role in shaping one’s thought and the way one communicates with others.
hi,which city are you living?
I think we can’t specify which one is better east or west.We should combine and learn from the difference culture side.So in my country we respect the people who older then us because they have many experience and give a good advice to us.
thank you so much James it was very beneficial especially with the below translation just think in the future makea print papier for the quiz it will a definitely a good idea and may hepl more to revise the explained lessons thank you for your great effort and engvid
Hi there! Again 10 correct of 10. Thank a lot:)
Wow! James, you really have a special skill to choose interesting themes. And I agree with you about those differences. Generally speaking, in the Western World we are more individualist, imediatist and we don’t mind the traditios very much. However, I think we also are more tranquil and calm comparing to the Eastern World, where pepleo seem to be too strict with themselves and then become very stressed. By the way, I didn’t know you were British. That is nice!
Eduardo França
Great lesson
Teacher James, thank you very much for teaching me those important cultural differences in terms of businesses around the world.
Very useful tips!
How about building a relationship with a person from Africa or South America? Are they categorized as the Cowboy Mentality?
not exactly
this is really fun thanks james
Great lesson! Thanks from Russia. Right now more clear difference between West and East culture.
Thank you so much James
i got 100…!!!
I think that a great lesson cause learner speakers from Latam ignore what kind behaviors means something. We imagine that all it´s obviously, and I discover that Southamericans are eastern mentaly must part.
thank James, Such a helpful lesson
Nguyen Van Hau
thanks James,such a interesting lesson.
Very good and true
Thanks, James.Good course.
thanks! mr james very helpful this lessons its alway good to know how to behave in from of some peoples around the world .
nice lesson thanks James
thanks James. I learned a lot of new things from this video. I am Eastern but i love western culture
Nice one :) Thanks
Hello and thanks for nice lessons.
Your lessons is very nice and lovely Mr James. You are very master in teaching english. Your body language is professional and lovely. I see your lessons for body language. Shahrokh from iran
It’s a helpful lesson to me, thanks!
Joyce Wang
I learn enough thank you teacher very much
Vugar Beshirov
Excellent lesson, thank you Mr. James
Thank you so much. I am happy, in Central America we have different overview and culture. It is not like West. We don´t belong the West
Marta Lopez
Nice lesson. The teacher is good at teaching. However, there are too much stereotypes and huge generalization, and it was misleading as well. See, I am a easterner but expressing my opinion directly. Anyways, still like your lessons!
Good subjet, simple examples and great lesson
How I am enjoying your classes. They are very funny and amusing. I have to be greatful and pleased to listen your explanations, it’s the best choice to learn English. Thanks a lot, James.
hi friend! 10/10… and i don’t speak well …. good lesson! thank you!
good thanks
amazing explanation done by you james….this video helped me in better understanding of western culture and ofcourse my culture too.
amazing lesson
happy goyal
GrReat lesson James.
TRUE JAMES. It’s useful to know by all immigrants in west. Thanks. I got 10.
Mary esther
I’m in the middle between East and West. Here in Russia we used to think more like Eastern but we are getting used to be Western more and more nowadays. Thanks for this brilliant comparasion. Both side of it I can feel and use in everyday life ;)
That’s my first comment here, I’ve just resumed my English studying. Hope that at this place I can find a huge ideas how to improve my language skill.
Thank u ..
as always good lesson
i got 10 of 10,thanks you very much,your video is very helpful, i guess if i have a oppotunity working with Western people, i will know how to deal with problems.
Hoai Manucians
i got 10/10
i’ve a good background of culture wow
it is a very useful lesson ,thanks !
Thank you James, it was a great lesson!!!
Jose Lazzo
Hi James! nice lesson, really appreciate it! I’ve been thinking about one thing related to cultural differences recently, and I haven’t find answer. I even talked with one interpreter here in Ukraine about it (Hi from Ukraine by the way).The thing is the way you call strangers. In Russian we have word “дядя” or “тетя” literally mean uncle and aunt, and these words related not only to family ties but also to any strange man and woman (especially used between little child and parent) When child walks in a park with his mom and approaches to stranger and tries talk to him, mom might suggest that this is “дядя” which sounds quit friendly whereas “stranger” seems to sound cold and alienated. The question is are there in English similar words to russian “дядя и тетя” ? Hope my question makes sense)))
Mark Mischenko
Hi James, thank You for this fabulous full of wisdom video, this has explained a loooooooot, I am from the Czech Republic..what is considered as East, by my opinion is not a quiet true, geographicaly we’re right in the central Europe. I can confirm I feel like that, just somewhere between the EAST and WEST thinking. Otherwise I would recomend to see your nice explanation to everyone, cause it may make our world much better more tolerant and friendly place. You are precious teacher thanks for the inspiration)))
Veronika Phillip
Thank you, James! It was a very good lesson!
i love the form by your teaching, so if anybody want practice with me , i’m available :D
Alonso Bravo
I totaly agree about the issue, it´s important to know with who we are talking to, in order to avoid a bad impression.
Josmar Rohrbacher
thank u
rafal redha
Hi…its a good idea speaking a culture …..and you speak very well….thank from iran
Probably the difference between westerners and easterners are not that much, especially when we talk about the young generations. Personally speaking, I will never make “Serving the master” or “Serving for the greater good” a priority, since I believe that you cannot talk about the public welfare or the national development without respecting individual choices. I strongly believe that the gap between west and east is minimizing, don’t you agree or disagree with me? I’m looking for your opinions. By the way, I like your videos, truly. :)
great lesson
Nice lessons. Will share with my boss. Thanks.
What an extremely fascinating topic. While I knew the generalities, I was not aware of the specifics. Knowing just these 8 cultural differences and applying them to the basic characters I want to create will make my story stronger and much more believable. Thank you.
Thanks for your lecture. And this is the first time i got 100 points in Quiz. Your lecture was expressed the true difference between East and West. I’m Vietnamese, so i agreed to your opinion, this is particularly in case, article 8 is about the Times. I’m following your way. You are awesome
Thank you teacher.
Thank you so much teacher great lesson
Osman 121
Thank you
thank you! it’s very useful,
and the Nobel goes to … JAMES !!!!!!!!!
thank you so much.
but bunna
Haha, how come after I watched this lesson I felt violated some how. But what James said was pretty much true. I am from China. We have a lot of famous people from our history. Usually they were poets or authors and left some really nice works or ideas. But we do not really know what they were like. We just have been told that they are good people. In that clock case, I feel ashamed, I do not even know why we like being late for 5 or 10 minutes. What I think is we just get used to it and we do not mind being late. That is it.
Thank you very much for lesson. It is very interesting and really fun. 10/10 is my result. I am happy. Have a nice day guys.
Ivan Gubanov
Very interesting lesson! Thanks James!
Great lesson, 10/10 for me :D
It’s important to understand the listener, not only to send the message you want, but to receive the proper answer. Well done!
Thank you for your excellent lessons with a sense of humor! :)))
Olga 555
I’m living in Ivory Coast, in Africa. Most of the eastern characteristics are perfectly appropriate to traditional African culture. I must say, in addition, that the South also exists, not only East or West!
thank you so much! love you
Tkanks a lot:) I think in west robots will be more important than people :)
Thank you for the beautiful lesson James. You are the good teacher.
Thank you James!Great Lesson…
Mari Borges
Thanks :)
Thanks so much James, a very interesting lesson.
This video made me think also about the “Hero” in the West movies and East movies: the differences You identified fit perfectly!
Good lesson ?
Hey James, thank you so much for this great class.
I totally agree with you about Japanese commitment about the time, I’m from Brazil, and I work at a Japanese Company, and Japaneses are very rigorous about their shedulle.
Great lesson – 10/10. Thank you !
this new for me, good job! thank you so much for your lesson
jupriaman Naibaho
It is an eyeopener. Thanks a lot
Very good. Thanks!
Really Good .. Thank you
James,you are the best teacher I have ever seen,and this lesson is the best one I have ever learned,thank you very much.
I am Chinese,Eastern and Western cultures are really different,I totally agree with what you have said.
Thank you
Al Maskri
I got 10, thanks to you James.
Great lesson, thanks Mr/ James.
It was a gorgeous lesson , I am agree with you, but they’re small difference in East or west not at all as you mentioned
Thank you again James! See you!
Sergio Ricardo do Nascimento
Thank you James! Very interesting!
Sergio Ricardo do Nascimento
Great efforts Mr James. Thanks
James, you wrote:
“If you are have a conversation with a western friend and you disagree with them, which is your best approach?” For me the correct sentence would be “If you ……..and you disagree with HIM (instead of THEM).
Similarly, in the next quiz you used “If you are on date with your new Western girlfriend and you want to impress them, which would they care about more?” again, for me, the correct would be “If … impress HER, wich would SHE care about more?
Could you help me to undestand your grammar stand point?
Edmilson Medeiros
Great! thanks
yup i get 100 score coz i am eastern and learned west culture well. thank you sir.
Doni Bungaa
really interesting!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot.
M kartal
very good
Thank you very much Mr. James!
The way you explaining is superb :) Thank you, James!
A great lesson.
Thanks James.
Thank you, James. I am a Chinese.
Jesan Chuang
Aww! So proud of myself. Scored a 100%.
Thank you so much Mr.James !!
You got 10 correct out of 10.:D
I thought I couldn’t watch the full video because it’s quite long but it turned out really interesting and very educational. Glad that I’ve watched it.
Thank you!
Video is amazing i learnt alot.
Thanks alot. but nowaday, estern in business has already changed style. The time, legal, individual.. that prior show you who you are.
Got 100. Great lesson and great teacher Mr James. As a western person,you know exactly the eastern culture. Good for you. Thank you for all your amazing lessons.
Could you give us lesson about the right way to read an English novel?
I took qiuz and got 100%
You are completely wrong.
my first time 10 out of 10
Great, I am West soldier… Lol.
You know Laos!!!! Great
Unfortunately, I noticed recently that you are more respected in West if you have more money :/
I agree with you …… it like your family in East is important
Hello everybody, and a big thanks to Mr James for this helpful lesson about difference culture between Western and Eastern people. I agree with you Mr James about all point that you cited in general, but if we analyse the situation deeply we will find that cultures are mixed now, because as you know the world became a smaller town, for example the people from America or Canada live in foreign country like China or japan and the opposite too. personally, i’m from Algeria and our culture is almost close to East country, now i’ll make one eye to one point, if for example i make a date with a friend to meet at 9:30, certainly he will come at 9:40 and the same for me, i know that it’s not good and we have to change it because time is expensive, but this is the truth , this is our culture. Salam.
thanks for this lesson. is very important know to this behavior about different culture..
Paulo Bet
Many thanks. I am from the east and all of those are correct. I can not refuse that one. Thank you to understand the different cultures to adapt for my future work!
thanks for this lesson
Thanks, James.
Thanks James, it’s very nice and useful
Umesh kr Singh
Hey James!
very helpful and interesting lesson
I would like u to upload more vids of business English plz :)
Thanks a lot James!
I got 100/100.
Hasan Soledad
Thanks. I’m Japanese. I agree with you some point. So I feel sometimes difficult to live in Japan. I think results matter and I speak up too much!
thanks for this lesson im trying to learn english …
Thank you James, it was a great lesson.
See you tomorrow.
I was interested in this theme and the Professor gave me a lot of interesting things. It was super good lection!
Alex Litchman
Oh Thank you …… this lesson help me to understand a lot ….l’ve 9/10 unfortunately ..l will be better next time
Thanks a lot James it was really fantastic to know about different ways of beliefs.
thank you for your lesson so much . Now i can understand better between the west cultural and the Eatst cultrual
got a 10/10!
Great class! I love to learn about cultural diversity!
sir both have good and bad but we have to choose good one
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I think this is a very important lesson. I learned a lot of new thing so I am going to understand west better. Thanks from Turkey.
It’s very beautiful lesson! Thank you!
Very good lesson! i liked it! Thanks! 6 out of ten.. i will do better next time! ;)
Thank you very much James!!!
Have you ever thought about making a video about Canadian culture, tradition and habits??It´d be really interesting for all of those who have never been there, like me…
Thank you for this great lesson!
I did 10 out of 10. I like this type of discussion.
Hey, what do you think about add me on skype ? we can talk in english
Hi James.Interested lesson from you and helps people who emigrate from East to West (like me) to understand the new mentality.But as I’ve noticed since I have been living in UK ,some “cultural difference “become common;for exemple,many companies from UK are interested of 5 years history of work and if you had a goal ,you have to explain why did you have it…so an so.From this point of view I’m inclined to belive that some rules from East have influenced the West.As like you,I don’t know if it is good or bad !
Actually, nowadays people in China also care about the results seriously. From this point of view, West also have influenced the East.
Many thanx, James. I reckon again that Ukrainian culture is a bridge between East and West)
Hi natalie i’ll may name yassou i’m 23 years old i’ll be happy if you accept learning english together
According to this video I’ve done the same conclusions
I have got 100% in the quiz, and it is my result of my efforts in learning. But I can help others) Thank you, James!
thank you. teacher James it’s was a very good lesson and what I wanna say is we are people from middle east we are mixed the culture between west and east
i got 8 but i still don’t understand about this lesson
Thanks for your great lesson. After having lived in Australia, which I think it is still considered as West, for almost nine years, I can see now more clearly that there is absolute difference between West and East. I like things more in Western way.
Thank you James for interesting lesson about culture. I think the different approach between west and east in the 5th point is the most important and many things depend on it . If the law isn’t same for all ,there isn’t normal development .
Hi James, I like your classes I’ve learned so much with you. Thank you.
Hi Mary if you want we can spreak each other.I think it helps our speech
Hi James,
I would like to know why I cannot view the video content as usual. This is the message appearing on the screen each time I click to view your clip. “This video contains content from Learnvid. It is restricted from playback on certain sites. Watch on YouTube.”
Thank you James!!! In my opinion you’re a successfull teacher!!! I have had a lot of fun watching your video!!!It has made me think very much!!!
So do i,he knows very well about East,and all the conclusion are real China,i can’t agree more
Thank you a lot ))
Thanks James for this lesson about differences between cultures, it is very important to know, specially if we have contact with people from different countries.
I really enjoyed this video!
Hi, thank for making this great lesson. It is not only interesting but also important to know about culture because we can understand people. It will be very cool if you make a specific lesson about culture. For examplo, what is the difference between Canada and England? South America. Euroupe…thank you, Thiago
thank you very much.
] admire you Because i think you are best enlish teacher between the all teacher in this website.
Thank you
Thanks for this interesting lesson, and i agree with you, so It’s so helpful for different mentalities, so It’s a great lesson ever i hear about.
Thank you very much
Hello James. Very interesting lesson! I liked it a lot. I got 100. Thanks!
it’s amazing lesson. james, you know the culture of the East very well. thanks a lot, i understand all of it :D
Hi James, this lesson is very clever but also very daring, because showing the cultural approach to the fondamental matters of life could easily create some misunderstanding. Best regards.
I got 90. I absolutely agree.
Thanks for every lesson that you have for everyone, you are one of the most important teachers on this web page so please keep like this and if you have any different lesson please not take to long time to show us and practice more with you
Thanks a lot, James for such a bit philosophical lesson. PS your bow tie suits you so well!!!
!Thx a lot
The difference between the Cowboy and the Samurai mentality! Very well explained!
Hello evernote. I’d like to practice my english. Who wants to practice with me? My Skype id is Willingtonzapata add me. Take care
Very interesting lesson, James. It is important to know (and respect) cultural differences to interact in a constructive way with foreign people. Thank you.
Congratulations James!!
It was a very very good lesson!
Thaks a lot! xD
Thanks, James! it was a good lesson!
And if you have to meet someone from VietNam at 12 o’clock, meet at 12:30, you’ll be fine :)))
thanks James
I Haven´t realized on this before, and I learned things that didn´t even know about, It´s really interesting the things that you´ve tought us, thank so much
I live in Honduras and they have the same west culture, which is cool. Thanks Mr. James
Good lesson
fam im Algerian
thank you somuch
wow, I’ve seen him first time, he’s really cool western speaker!
Really interesting and informatively!! Thanks and good luck!!
Thank you for video. I am originally from place, where Western and Estern mentality mixed together. I am struggling now again, what mentality Namibians have… They come late, they talk around the bush, they treat people for the position but for latest thing also…
it’s really true sir . I’m Asian
Thanks for your lesson, James!
I got 10 correct of 10! Thanks for this interesting lesson.
Oh! All is perfectly correct. But nowadays is changing slowly. Thank you
Amazing lesson! tks
The differences between West and East are not so much those between cultures as those between countries with democracy, freedom and rule of law and countries without these things above. I come from China and I myself never identify with so called “Chinese culture.” Where there is human rights, where my home is.
Very good video. I like both sides :)
Thank you,James.
As I am from Turkey which is the middle eastern country you can say that again James! You really depicted cultural differences well between west and east…
Yes, Istanbul is literally where East meets West!
Awesome ! I have learnt the differences between the east and west . Know what? I got 10 on 10. Finally thanks to James for this useful lesson .
Thank you James. I’m from Mongolia. which is in Central Asia. I completely agree with you. but now everything is being changed day by day. We are getting more western..
Thank you,James. Good lesson,That’s help me a lot.
wow!friend all around the world!
This lesson is very useful! Thank you, James. I just noticed how we think groups is important
Thanks James for this study about the differences between the western and eastern cultures!
I will not comment about the latin american culture, as a generalization. It’s “sui generis”. A mixture of other cultures and in-development. Different in different regions.
Hi James,
I respect you a lot as a very professional teacher of English for a long time.However the contents about “cultural differences..”are a little superficial and useless for me .The world it’s a little more big and different than you think.
But if it’s for fun ,ok!!! Sorry for my personal frankness!
Thank you very much for everything else.
Thank you for a good lesson. My personality is more like western people though I’m from East hh
Very important lesson. Thanks James!
I do love such videos about cultural differences around the world. I’m a translation student and my major requires me to know about such things.
what you said in the introduction is so true and important.
Thanks again.You look so elegant today! :)
Tks, mate! Great lesson.
yeay! i got 9! thank you James!
Hello James,
I really liked this lesson. It’s very useful. Thank you!!!
Thanks James!!!! Good Lesson!!!!
bVery good lesson about cultural difference. Thank you for this lesson
I am agreed with you James! Thank you for the important lesson. Cheers !
Once I was a teacher, but you teach much more better than me. I like your videos. thanks.
One of the best lessons I’ve ever learned from engvid. The more we use the mix of both, the better we’re gonna be in order to deal properly in different situations. Tanks a lot!!!
it is very nice!!!
I am Georgian and my country always’s been mixed with western an eastern Methaly.
This is awesome! I am from Turkey and I can understand these videos like my mother language.West and East I guess East side closer to me Thank you James :)
Thank you sir ,
That was a real great lesson.
Appreciate that.
please sir make a video on use of be,being and been please explain it deeply
Great test! I got 10 correct out of 10.
Hey there!!! Is here anybody who wants to improve her speaking skills?
Hey Mr.James , I’m from Iraq and you’re definitely true.
Hi guys! I am really interested in improve my writing skill and i think it is a good idea chatting on whatsapp and why no? make new friends that want to do it as well, could be any English skill if you are agree, please add me: 5804268624599 if does not work, try without 58. See you then!
It is an amazing lesson,it learned us how your character should going to be?
i have 10 correct answers, it’s great!
I like the teacher pedagogy and his manner of teaching
Thank you so much for this lesson
I really appreciate you Mr James for waking my brain from sleeping, thank you God bless you
it is very important lesson! thank
So true! I recognised myself in these facts. Mary, Russia.
I am so blessed watching this video.
Now i know exactly how to deal with western and eastern people.
Got 10/10
Thank you James for this great lessons.
my lecturer also said the same thing on cultural differences between western and eastern. well, thanks for this additional knowledge.
Thanks a lot James!
One of the best videos that you made! When you start to study a new language.. you will learn not only about grammar, rules, etc.. but also new cultures, this is awesome!
I think it was a good lesson as it would help me to relate better with my manager and there expectations.
Nice lesson, is the first time watching a video from eng.vid and sure I will share this good job.
This is my first lesson here and I loved it! Great teacher and nice subject :)
thank you
Great lesson! Congratulations James!
Very useful, thank you James I learned a lot from your video.
In my point of view it was a great lesson.
Brilliant west and east comparison. I see both tendencies here, in Poland.
Great subject matter !!!
The video record it’s really useful thanks James
Spot on
thankyou..its very helpful to my studies.
10 out of 10!!!! thanks James!
Thanks,James. You explained it clearly about
how different between Western and Eastern. I totally understood it.
10 out of 10, now i can understand better of the culture from another society. Great lesson.
Thank your, James! Your lessons are very interesting and useful, especially about compare different cultures.
10/10 Thank you, James! I like your advanced lessons.
Things are getting clear:) Thank you, James, that was really insightful!
thank you teacher JAMES very good lesson
yes,definitely. Culture plays a vital role in shaping one’s thought and the way one communicates with others.
hi,which city are you living?
I think we can’t specify which one is better east or west.We should combine and learn from the difference culture side.So in my country we respect the people who older then us because they have many experience and give a good advice to us.
thank you so much James it was very beneficial especially with the below translation just think in the future makea print papier for the quiz it will a definitely a good idea and may hepl more to revise the explained lessons thank you for your great effort and engvid
Hi there! Again 10 correct of 10. Thank a lot:)
Wow! James, you really have a special skill to choose interesting themes. And I agree with you about those differences. Generally speaking, in the Western World we are more individualist, imediatist and we don’t mind the traditios very much. However, I think we also are more tranquil and calm comparing to the Eastern World, where pepleo seem to be too strict with themselves and then become very stressed. By the way, I didn’t know you were British. That is nice!
Great lesson
Teacher James, thank you very much for teaching me those important cultural differences in terms of businesses around the world.
Very useful tips!
How about building a relationship with a person from Africa or South America? Are they categorized as the Cowboy Mentality?
not exactly
this is really fun thanks james
Great lesson! Thanks from Russia. Right now more clear difference between West and East culture.
Thank you so much James
i got 100…!!!
I think that a great lesson cause learner speakers from Latam ignore what kind behaviors means something. We imagine that all it´s obviously, and I discover that Southamericans are eastern mentaly must part.
thank James, Such a helpful lesson
thanks James,such a interesting lesson.
Very good and true
Thanks, James.Good course.
thanks! mr james very helpful this lessons its alway good to know how to behave in from of some peoples around the world .
nice lesson thanks James
thanks James. I learned a lot of new things from this video. I am Eastern but i love western culture
Nice one :) Thanks
Hello and thanks for nice lessons.
Your lessons is very nice and lovely Mr James. You are very master in teaching english. Your body language is professional and lovely. I see your lessons for body language. Shahrokh from iran
It’s a helpful lesson to me, thanks!
I learn enough thank you teacher very much
Excellent lesson, thank you Mr. James
Thank you so much. I am happy, in Central America we have different overview and culture. It is not like West. We don´t belong the West
Nice lesson. The teacher is good at teaching. However, there are too much stereotypes and huge generalization, and it was misleading as well. See, I am a easterner but expressing my opinion directly. Anyways, still like your lessons!
Good subjet, simple examples and great lesson
How I am enjoying your classes. They are very funny and amusing. I have to be greatful and pleased to listen your explanations, it’s the best choice to learn English. Thanks a lot, James.
hi friend! 10/10… and i don’t speak well …. good lesson! thank you!
good thanks
amazing explanation done by you james….this video helped me in better understanding of western culture and ofcourse my culture too.
amazing lesson
GrReat lesson James.
TRUE JAMES. It’s useful to know by all immigrants in west. Thanks. I got 10.
I’m in the middle between East and West. Here in Russia we used to think more like Eastern but we are getting used to be Western more and more nowadays. Thanks for this brilliant comparasion. Both side of it I can feel and use in everyday life ;)
That’s my first comment here, I’ve just resumed my English studying. Hope that at this place I can find a huge ideas how to improve my language skill.
Thank u ..
as always good lesson
i got 10 of 10,thanks you very much,your video is very helpful, i guess if i have a oppotunity working with Western people, i will know how to deal with problems.
i got 10/10
i’ve a good background of culture wow
it is a very useful lesson ,thanks !
Thank you James, it was a great lesson!!!
Hi James! nice lesson, really appreciate it! I’ve been thinking about one thing related to cultural differences recently, and I haven’t find answer. I even talked with one interpreter here in Ukraine about it (Hi from Ukraine by the way).The thing is the way you call strangers. In Russian we have word “дядя” or “тетя” literally mean uncle and aunt, and these words related not only to family ties but also to any strange man and woman (especially used between little child and parent) When child walks in a park with his mom and approaches to stranger and tries talk to him, mom might suggest that this is “дядя” which sounds quit friendly whereas “stranger” seems to sound cold and alienated. The question is are there in English similar words to russian “дядя и тетя” ? Hope my question makes sense)))
Hi James, thank You for this fabulous full of wisdom video, this has explained a loooooooot, I am from the Czech Republic..what is considered as East, by my opinion is not a quiet true, geographicaly we’re right in the central Europe. I can confirm I feel like that, just somewhere between the EAST and WEST thinking. Otherwise I would recomend to see your nice explanation to everyone, cause it may make our world much better more tolerant and friendly place. You are precious teacher thanks for the inspiration)))
Thank you, James! It was a very good lesson!
i love the form by your teaching, so if anybody want practice with me , i’m available :D
I totaly agree about the issue, it´s important to know with who we are talking to, in order to avoid a bad impression.
thank u
Hi…its a good idea speaking a culture …..and you speak very well….thank from iran
Probably the difference between westerners and easterners are not that much, especially when we talk about the young generations. Personally speaking, I will never make “Serving the master” or “Serving for the greater good” a priority, since I believe that you cannot talk about the public welfare or the national development without respecting individual choices. I strongly believe that the gap between west and east is minimizing, don’t you agree or disagree with me? I’m looking for your opinions. By the way, I like your videos, truly. :)
great lesson
Nice lessons. Will share with my boss. Thanks.
What an extremely fascinating topic. While I knew the generalities, I was not aware of the specifics. Knowing just these 8 cultural differences and applying them to the basic characters I want to create will make my story stronger and much more believable. Thank you.
Thanks for your lecture. And this is the first time i got 100 points in Quiz. Your lecture was expressed the true difference between East and West. I’m Vietnamese, so i agreed to your opinion, this is particularly in case, article 8 is about the Times. I’m following your way. You are awesome
Thank you teacher.
Thank you so much teacher great lesson
Thank you
thank you! it’s very useful,
and the Nobel goes to … JAMES !!!!!!!!!
thank you so much.
Haha, how come after I watched this lesson I felt violated some how. But what James said was pretty much true. I am from China. We have a lot of famous people from our history. Usually they were poets or authors and left some really nice works or ideas. But we do not really know what they were like. We just have been told that they are good people. In that clock case, I feel ashamed, I do not even know why we like being late for 5 or 10 minutes. What I think is we just get used to it and we do not mind being late. That is it.
Thank you very much for lesson. It is very interesting and really fun. 10/10 is my result. I am happy. Have a nice day guys.
Very interesting lesson! Thanks James!
Great lesson, 10/10 for me :D
It’s important to understand the listener, not only to send the message you want, but to receive the proper answer. Well done!
Thank you for your excellent lessons with a sense of humor! :)))
I’m living in Ivory Coast, in Africa. Most of the eastern characteristics are perfectly appropriate to traditional African culture. I must say, in addition, that the South also exists, not only East or West!
thank you so much! love you
Tkanks a lot:) I think in west robots will be more important than people :)
Thank you for the beautiful lesson James. You are the good teacher.
Thank you James!Great Lesson…
Thanks :)
Thanks so much James, a very interesting lesson.
This video made me think also about the “Hero” in the West movies and East movies: the differences You identified fit perfectly!
Good lesson ?
Hey James, thank you so much for this great class.
I totally agree with you about Japanese commitment about the time, I’m from Brazil, and I work at a Japanese Company, and Japaneses are very rigorous about their shedulle.
Great lesson – 10/10. Thank you !
this new for me, good job! thank you so much for your lesson
It is an eyeopener. Thanks a lot
Very good. Thanks!
Really Good .. Thank you
James,you are the best teacher I have ever seen,and this lesson is the best one I have ever learned,thank you very much.
I am Chinese,Eastern and Western cultures are really different,I totally agree with what you have said.
Thank you
I got 10, thanks to you James.
Great lesson, thanks Mr/ James.
It was a gorgeous lesson , I am agree with you, but they’re small difference in East or west not at all as you mentioned
Thank you again James! See you!
Thank you James! Very interesting!
Great efforts Mr James. Thanks
James, you wrote:
“If you are have a conversation with a western friend and you disagree with them, which is your best approach?” For me the correct sentence would be “If you ……..and you disagree with HIM (instead of THEM).
Similarly, in the next quiz you used “If you are on date with your new Western girlfriend and you want to impress them, which would they care about more?” again, for me, the correct would be “If … impress HER, wich would SHE care about more?
Could you help me to undestand your grammar stand point?
Great! thanks
yup i get 100 score coz i am eastern and learned west culture well. thank you sir.
really interesting!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot.
very good
Thank you very much Mr. James!
The way you explaining is superb :) Thank you, James!
A great lesson.
Thanks James.
Thank you, James. I am a Chinese.
Aww! So proud of myself. Scored a 100%.
Thank you so much Mr.James !!
You got 10 correct out of 10.:D
I thought I couldn’t watch the full video because it’s quite long but it turned out really interesting and very educational. Glad that I’ve watched it.
Thank you!
Video is amazing i learnt alot.
Thanks alot. but nowaday, estern in business has already changed style. The time, legal, individual.. that prior show you who you are.
Got 100. Great lesson and great teacher Mr James. As a western person,you know exactly the eastern culture. Good for you. Thank you for all your amazing lessons.
Could you give us lesson about the right way to read an English novel?
I took qiuz and got 100%
You are completely wrong.
my first time 10 out of 10
Great, I am West soldier… Lol.
You know Laos!!!! Great
Unfortunately, I noticed recently that you are more respected in West if you have more money :/
I agree with you …… it like your family in East is important
Hello everybody, and a big thanks to Mr James for this helpful lesson about difference culture between Western and Eastern people. I agree with you Mr James about all point that you cited in general, but if we analyse the situation deeply we will find that cultures are mixed now, because as you know the world became a smaller town, for example the people from America or Canada live in foreign country like China or japan and the opposite too. personally, i’m from Algeria and our culture is almost close to East country, now i’ll make one eye to one point, if for example i make a date with a friend to meet at 9:30, certainly he will come at 9:40 and the same for me, i know that it’s not good and we have to change it because time is expensive, but this is the truth , this is our culture. Salam.
thanks for this lesson. is very important know to this behavior about different culture..
Many thanks. I am from the east and all of those are correct. I can not refuse that one. Thank you to understand the different cultures to adapt for my future work!
thanks for this lesson
Thanks, James.
Thanks James, it’s very nice and useful
Hey James!
very helpful and interesting lesson
I would like u to upload more vids of business English plz :)
Thanks a lot James!
I got 100/100.
Thanks. I’m Japanese. I agree with you some point. So I feel sometimes difficult to live in Japan. I think results matter and I speak up too much!
thanks for this lesson im trying to learn english …
Thank you James, it was a great lesson.
See you tomorrow.
I was interested in this theme and the Professor gave me a lot of interesting things. It was super good lection!
Oh Thank you …… this lesson help me to understand a lot ….l’ve 9/10 unfortunately ..l will be better next time
Thanks a lot James it was really fantastic to know about different ways of beliefs.
thank you for your lesson so much . Now i can understand better between the west cultural and the Eatst cultrual
got a 10/10!
Great class! I love to learn about cultural diversity!
sir both have good and bad but we have to choose good one