on the air
, on the warpath
, or on the fence
? Learn the meaning of 8 common English idioms used in personal, academic, and business situations. Don’t feel lost in everyday English conversations! After watching my lesson, leave a comment using one of the idioms, or make up a story with a few of the idioms. I know you can do it!
Hi Rebecca. Thank you for this wonderful lesson. I scored 10/10 in this test. Thank you once again!
I got 8/10, the lesson is useful in conversation every day, thank Rebecca
can we speak together on the phone to get better in the english?
I got 9/10 I really love it ?
just 9/10 so sad
why? 9/10 it is good
Ten outta ten dude?
Hello Rebecca, very useful lesson. Thanks.
“On the fritz” is very strange expression, but it remember easily. What does “fritz” mean?
It isn’t clear! All we know is that the expression first started being used in the United States around 1900. “Fritz” is a common German name. But it also might be an onomatopoeia (like “snip” or “purr”), because electrical sparks or malfunctions can make a buzzing “tz” sound.
I learnt that word in class!!
Thanks Rebecca
Great session
hi lina good job . i am moroccan we can contact us on instagram for communicating to improv our inglish
Thanks for this vedio miss Rebecca it’s helpfull?
Hi everyone how are you?? I want know more about this word…
Great to learn
Rebecca, you are awesome
very nice session.
I only got 7 !huhu
Thx Rebecca
Thank you so much for the wonderful lesson.
I enjoy watching your lessons dear teacher
I enjoy it too. Thanks so much. you are on the level with it a!
I love her classes
Got 8/10
Hi Rebecca thanks a lot for this explanation, it is so wonderful that you on the air on Youtube.
You are on the level with us when you said if we watching this video again and again we wiil on the ball about using this idioms ;-)
I got 4 score out of 10 huhu i make sure i studied well my lesson thanksss
Hi Rebecca, I just joined your tutorial classes. Love them very much. Though I consider myself good in the English Language, however, i need to be more advance and be more confident to speak with expats in my school. Thanks for you to help me.
Thank you so much Rebecca.
Great lesson Rebecca!!!Thanks a lot!!
that is nice …thanks for it
Thanks Rebecca it was nice
Hi bro how do i go about it
I’m having issue on where to start from it’s a little bit confusing can you help please ?
Thanks a lot, I feel I’m on the ball.
thank you Ms. Rebecca. you are really on the ball
Bob went to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he realised that the faucet was on the fritz, he was on the fence to use the women’s restroom next door for afraid of being caught. He entered on the sly for this reason. However, a group of women noticed him. They were on the warpath. He was attacked and kicked by them without expressing himself on the level. He opened his eyes at the hospital. Unfortunately, this trauma caused an internal haemorrhage in his brain. He became famous because his story was on the air. While he was on the mend, he thought how to give a speech on the ball for his supporters when he was discharged.
Thanks Rebecca!
Very nice story about the lesson :)
and thank you Rebecca for the lesson
Thank you very much Rebecca,?
thanks for you rebika i got 10/10 on that test
Hi REbecca, excellent lesson, thank you. I´m helping my relatives. I made an error; I put: “The interviewer was on the sly (i.o. on the level) about why they could not hire me. It seems you must have a PhD to get that position”. For me it sounded the interviewer was not clear since the sentence says “it seems” … which gives an idea it was not very clear instead :-)
Thank you , Rebecca
I can’t stand on the ball hand holding a English book?
oh i forget a n
Thanks a bunch madam for eveything
Thanks, for the lesson on the 8 easy English expression, I enjoyed it
hey teacher i start by your lesson as my first one
and i got 10/10
i loved the way how you’re explaining the meaning of the words
everything was clear and easy to understand
thank you
I haved solved these sentences but I was on the fence. I hope I will be on the mend. I scored 7/10 :)
Thank you Rebecca. You are an excellent teacher.
I got 9 points.
Thanks for the lesson on the easy english expression i like it
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson
I got 5/10! I’m a new, thanks for you Rebecca
thanks for the lesson
I got 8 on ten thanks for the privilege.
thank u vert much teacher
I enjoyed listening to the first teaching that was done on apology.
This is the best place to be.
I have 9/10, thank you so much, Madame.
10/10 thank you very much, Rebecca
You are the best teacher.Thankfully for your lesson
Thanks Teacher!!!!!!
I failed totally
That’s okay! Try watching the video again later and see how much you remember.
Thanks Rebecca ?
You are amazing
I’m planning to take EILTS exam but I’m still on the fence when?
Thanks Rebecca.
9/10 thanks
10/10 thank you!
I’m on the ball!
Ive got 10/10, nice quiz!!!
I got 10/10 ?
Thanks for this lesson, really useful as a slang alternative, i got 9/10!
Hi Prof.Rebecca Thank you for the wonderful lesson.God bless
I like your explaination.I feel on the wall.
It was very interesting and simple, thanx!¡
Great lesson Rebecca, thanks so muh, I got 10/10 by the way
The Lesson is on the level. I feel on the ball after watching it.
I got 9/10 thanks Rebecca.I’m on the ball and thank you for this lesson.
wawwwww nice you helped us very well thank you
Hi Rebecca , i really like your English class
I got 10/10
I got 8/10.
Although I understand this lesson very clearly, but I can’t get full marks.
90/100 :)
i got 9/10 thanks rebecca
Thank you Rebbeca, you are a great teacher.
Thanks, Teacher Rebecca..
Just I’ve got 9/10.
thank you, it is very useful!
Great Lesson, I scored 10/10
7/10, Thank you!
It was a nice lesson. Sure it will be useful to me some time.
i got 9/10 I’ll watch every lesson for idioms thank you so much for this free lesson
useful as can be
Thank you for your teach lesson 8 words English expressions with “on the.
Thank you it was great,
I learned so much
Hi Rebbeca, I love your class.
Let me say you: I was a Professor for 10 years on the Gregorio Urbano Gilbert and now I am looking for a work and they are saying I have to go to contest because I have a lot of time out the system. That’s why I am on the warpath.
I got 10 out of 10
Really thanks Teacher for this useful lesson ?
Good opportunity
thank you
Thanks Mis Rebecca. Any one is there to talk for practice?
10/10 Hurrrah!
10 out of 10, I’m on the ball today! Thanks my favorite teacher)
i got 9 out of 10 so its on the ball .
thanks for the lesson teacher. I’ll try practice whit this examples:
– is not your favorite singer on the air? or maybe it is a old tv show.
– She often feel bad in her work but she is on the mend day to day.
– When i have free time I like work with not working machines. In this moment my computer is on the fritz.
– She was never doing things on the sly.
– I’m really on the fence about this new job because I don’t want take a bad descision.
– when he plays music I like hear his because he do it on the ball
I got 80/100 thank you teacher I promise u to be on the ball
thank you
¡Thanks a lot for this lesson! I could understand every expression.
Thank you.
Thank you alot.
thank you. I got 9 correct out for 10.
I just got 7/10. It was very sad. Sorry Rebecca, I will listen your lesson again.
Thank you.
thank you a lot Rebecca, hugs (Kazakhstan 12oct2021)
from 4 till 9 out of 10
it was difficult for me to understand
i got 8.
i am almost on the ball.
I´ve never listened abou this, but Iliked Thanks Rebecca
I watched this video twice on October 20, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you so much Rebecca. I feel like I’m almost on the ball. :)
Thanks for the lesson
I got 70/10
thanks a lot, Rebecca, hugs (Kazakhstan 26 Nov2021:)
my English is on the mend due to your Engvid lessons
Hello Rebecca, you’re always on the ball. Thanks for your special way of teaching English. You’re very articulate and accurate.
I got 8/10
Thanks Rebecca.
My headset is on the fritz but i’m on the fence of buying a new one.
thanks Rebeca!!
I got 4/10 i know it’s very less result buy i promise to improve my English for the next lesson thanks Rebecca
100/100,thank you Cutie Becca !
Thanks Rebecca.
Thank you so much
Great lesson! These idioms were new to me.
Thanks for your help to improve my English!
I got 10/10
Thank you for this lesson miss Rebecca!
Rebecca, thanks a lot!!
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thank you so much, Rebecca! You’re on the ball! 😊
thank you very much for the effort
Thanck you teacher Rebbeca, I´m learning very well.
Thank you teacher Rebecca you are resourceful and efficient teacher..
Aren’t you going to meet James tomorrow?
No, I’m still on the fence.
I got 9/10. Thanks .
Thanks Rebecca. I’m on the ball. Because I got your lesson. so I’m on the level whether I should learn English.
Thanks !!! Take care again !!!!
You are really on thy ball becouse your lessons keep the high level and are attractive. Thanks Rebecca