Can you find the mistakes in these English sentences? In today’s lesson, you’ll review 8 grammar rules of correct English sentences. You’ll get to practice correcting sentences with me in the video. Once you learn these easy grammar rules, you’ll avoid making common mistakes and improve your marks on English essays and exams like IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC. To test if you really understand these rules, take the quiz. Good luck with your English!
I couldn´t agree more with you AriunBolor; great lesson with illustrative examples.
These easy grammar rules will make it easy for me to go the extra mile.
When it comes to teaching a foreign language experience is what really counts. Thanks for sharing this lesson with us dear Rebecca.
Bye for now.
hi can we be friends to improve our language
Lolo 86
are you from EGYPT?
can we be friend so that we can improve our english language
my FB account is
vikas bansal
10/10. But the question was tricky, tricky and tricky.
Very good, i like understand everything you are talking about.
i like understanding everything you are talking about.
Thanks for the correction, but actually I think Victor is using slang, like this:
Hey man, I like think your shoes are cool!
It’s a stylistic thing! Don’t try to reason it out, because it’s slang and not grammatically correct but used in some informal situations. Thanks to both of you.
before i introduce myself i am from africa.
i want improve my conversation skills in english.
before i study french , french and english are similar
i confuse and my pronunciation is very bad.
give me some advice i can use to improve my language.
I got 8 correct out of 10. Finding mistakes is also good study. Thank you for your great lesson, Rebecca :)
Thank you. It is a very good program.
Thanks a lot Rebecca! :-)
Thanks Rebecca. It’s a good and easy lesson. I got totally 10.:)
Thak you. It’s a good lesson
i got :D
Thanks Rebecca. It is helpful.
I got 9 out of 10 :(. Last question was pretty tricky though. I don’t really get it……. it said: (The first letter of the first word IN MOST English sentences must begin with a capital letter.) I thought it was false cause a capital letter is needed to begin ANY English sentence. :( Wonderful lesson teacher Rebecca. Regards from Bolivia again!
There are some exceptions, like certain names that are spelled without capitals (like iPad). But I agree that this was confusing, so I’ve changed the the question slightly.
Hi. I absolutly agree with EngBadStudent.I also got 9 – correct because of last question answer . And i think this question is not absolutly right . Anyway,Mss.Rebecca,thank you for clear explaination .
Thank you for your valuable time!
Very helpful website thanks
Abdul baten
Thank you for this great lessons, but I have to say that on this Quiz, the answer for this question (10. The first letter of the first word in most English sentences must begin with a capital letter.)is false, because you used the word most to confuse us. It’s not (in most). What do you think?
I agree with you Suraya, however the EngVid comment above notes that there are exceptions that prove the rule:
“ipods are useful high-tech gadgets”, this sentence does not begigns with a capital letter.
Take care! Bye for now
… making mistakes as usual . . .
CORRECTION: “ipods are useful high-tech gadgets”, this sentence does not BEGIN with a capital letter.
Hope it helps Suraya.
I really like this program
I got 10 correct out of 10 :)
I like this program very much!
8/10 – I thought that sun ought to have a capital letter Sun, besides that, I saw that the sentence didn’t began with a capital letter (mistake). And the other “forty” not “fourty” (2nd mistake).
During the lesson Rebbeca when reading the name Maria was sounding as Portuguese I thought Maria in English would sound differently.
Till Friday.
Jorge Pedroso
Very useful
Thank you very mutch
Thank you
Too easy, thanks.
Thank you. It’s my first day for this site, but I love lessons,videos etc. Thank you.
Welcome to engvid! All the best to you.
me too?
chakim hamzah
:) 8 from 10
That’s a very good lesson I like this format. We need more lessons like this.
I like number eight,and I’m sure there are a lot more trickier double subjects that we don’t notice in longer sentences.
10 – Thanks a lot Rebecca! All realy simple mistakes. But it happens! About the (chinese food), in portuguese, the correct is the wrong way in english. It’s a mistake in english based on our correct way of the portuguese grammar.But we need to exercise it.
Marco Marx
thanks a lot cause with the mistakes i can learn more and more.
i got 8 out of 10
Dear EngVid
Thank you so much. You are doing a great job. Thanks to you, I learned to hear English well. My grammar improved too. And my vocabulary expanded. And grammar became better.
I’ve been learning English since 2010. And in 2011 or maybe in 2012 I joined EngVid. My English started improving tremendously. I recommended EngVid to my friends and then to my on-line pals.
I like Emma, she is nice and explains well. Ronnie is funny, and she teaches things which can be used in daily life. James does the same. It was difficult for me to understand him, but later I got used to following him.
Other teachers are good too. As new teachers come here, they bring something interesting. They are from different places (Canada, the UK, the USA), which is also good for understanding different accents.
Rebecca, I like your teaching style. Your explanation is concise, short and at the same time clear. I want to learn to be laconic like you (in all languages I speak).
I was traveling across Europe. Though I could speak only English, I didn’t have problems at all. Most educated people speak English, especially in places like London, Berlin, Amsterdam or Paris. I also read books in English (only original books). That’s how I got to love American, and British literature. I watch Euronews, BBC World News, CNN.
Good luck, EngVid
This gets my vote for well-written comment of the day. Thanks for sharing your story with us!
engVid Moderator
Wow, Yan. Thank you so much for your kind comments and observations. I am sure you will continue to improve because you have a great attitude to learning and to life. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us and for recommending us to your friends. I wish you all the best, Yan.
Educated people speak English in places like London, LOL
thanks !!!!
Thank you, good lesson, I like.
thanks teacher, but my level is basic , so i hope you will give a video with slower voice , thank
Thanks Rebecca,i got it 10/10.
Thank you so much Rebecca. I got 10/10.
Anyone help me teach me speaking english please add me on skype ukrit_2011 thank you
I got 10 out of 10. Thank you, Rebecca.
And I have a question about your comment of this lesson above. In the third sentence, You said “You’ll get to practice correcting sentences with me in the video”, don’t you? I have something on my chest about “in the video”.
In the other lesson following,
I learned difference between “in” or “on”. When we use “in”, we talk about paper device, and when we use “on”, we talk about electric device. I’m a little confused, because you said “in the video”. I’m afraid I think video is a electric device. Is there any other specific reason that you used “in”? Could you please teach me about this? Thank you:-)
There are always exceptions in English. In that lesson, I tried to give you the general rule. In some cases we use different prepositions. For example:
She acted in that movie.
He sings very well in that video.
But we also say:
I watched the news on TV.
Sorry, that’s how it goes! First, you learn the general rules, and then you learn the exceptions to those rules. How wonderful that you understand enough to have discovered the exceptions by yourself. All the best to you.
I really enjoyed watching your lesson.It was so helpful for me.THANKS AGAIN REBECCA.
It becomes easier for us to remember things after making mistake and the same goes with this lesson as first we made mistakes and then we saw how to rectify it :-)
Please keep on giving us such amazing lessons.
That’s right! We learn though our mistakes and eventually we get it right! Thanks for watching and all the best to you, Tejal.
I got 9!
10/10 :)
Thanks Rebecca
I got 6 correct out of 10. I learn English but not very well Thank you Rebecca :)
Could anyone of EngVid teachers make a resource about the most common Compound Adjectives in English?
thnks for teaching me but i dont understand english and i want i speak english
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson, for me it’s very important
Thanks a lot :-)
yes i got 10/10 even my school days also i doesn’t get :P
There you go! You’re so right. Our learning continues well beyond our school days and goes on all our life. That’s what makes life exciting; the fact that we keep growing and improving and creating new opportunities and better lives for ourselves. My best wishes to you!
Interesting lesson.
woo,i should learning more.
Firdha Hidayati
Thanks very much 8/10.
Thank you Rebecca. I got 10/10. The best: I understood everything you spoke.
how about this sentence, my dear teacher?
“My mother Julie works in a bank
Jean Nguyen
"My mother, Julie, works in a bank."
If you wrote it like that, it would work. You need the commas, which show that you are not repeating the subject, but giving more info about the subject.
All the best!
thank you so much my dear teacher! wish the best for you!
Jean Nguyen
nice lesson
Ufff was dificult for my level:0
Thank you very much for good lesson ^^
Kim Party
Thank you very much Rebecca, I got 9/10.
i got 09 of 10 thanks so lot
hello eveyone
oh no i do wrong
Dear Rebecca. I like your sentence”My brother lives in Thailand.It’s my country.
Happy for you! All the best!
Hi Rebecca!!
Thanks again for the tips! I got 10/10 =)
Douglas Belinato
Thank you Rebecca Your Great Teacher.
ramil bobis
It’s excellent, thanks teacher Rebecca very much
It was really cool to know how silly mistakes we make in english
i want to learn more about english like this
thank u rebbeca
thasneem banu
Thank you Ms Rebecca
teodorico romero jr
thank you teacher .. i got 9/10
nice online tuition
i got 10/10 thanks a lot
thank you for this lesson
Very useful lesson, I enjoyed so much! Thanks a lot, Rebecca!
thank you very much ms.rebecca for teaching us . the lesson was interesting and your teach was easy for me .
i got 9 correct out of 10
Thank you very mush.I will try to learn.
jittra chaiwong
Thank you I got 8/10, my mistakes at question no 3 and 9
khaled shrief
Thank Rebecca ! i learn a lot from you !
tinh nguyen
Thank you.
10/10; It’s my profession, teaching English. I think everything is OK in your lessons, specially your accent for foreigners. Thank you very much
arzu yashar
Thank you kindly for taking the time to write. It’s always nice to be in touch with another teacher. I wish you and your students all the best!
I didn’t recognize point is end of the sentence.
Now you know! Glad you watched the lesson. All the best!
Thank you , a very good lesson.
Celina Santos
Thanks Rebecca. I did all ten correctly
thanks a lot!
Thank you so much is my new way to learn english
I got 9:)
I got 9 out of 10. :)
Number 3 is too confusing. hehe
Thanks Rebecca
10/10 you were good as rebecca halls :D
Nice little lesson.. thnx engvid.I was confused with subject verb agreement thing.This helps me to solve that.But not the whole thing.Can you guys tell me something about word order?
i got 9/10.
i got 7 for 10 good lesson rebbeca
thank you
I really like your lesson.Easy to learn and easy to remember.Thank you so much!
Good lesson 8/10 :) yhank you teacher.
thanks teacher… i´ve got 100%
Hi, Rebecca.
Thanks first.
I’ve got a question. ‘lie on the table’ is it correct?
Sorry, one more question
“How is soil formed?” or “How does soil form?”
Which one is correct?
It should be passive voice or active voice?
You are awesome, teacher!
Yes i am agreement with the previous comments made by students,the course has been very helpful thank you.
This website and the awesome teachers are so helpful to study English (Did I get mistakes again? I guess so..)
Thank you, Rebecca )
Hi, Rebecca.
I like very much engVid.
Here I can learn and also improve my english with a quiz. This is very useful for me.
Thanks a lot.
Raffaella Lenarduzzi
I’ve got 100% all answers correct! :D
Raffaella Lenarduzzi
Hi, Raffaella.
Let me get you noticed that the correct translation of your sentence should be: I like engvid very much. This is a very important rule in English. I hope this can help. I wish you all the best.
Is this a complete sentence in English?
She smiled.
i don’t understand why the sentence its true?
where are (is) after she?
NouR Al-faisal
May I answer you?
Smiled is the past form of the verb smiley.So she did something like smiley but not now, yesterday for example.
I hope you understand.
Sorry if I bothered you.
Have a nice day!
In that sentence, the verb is "smiled" which is the past tense of the verb "to smile".
You do not need to use the verb "to be" in every sentence. Maybe only in this sentence:
"She is smiling."
All the best to you!
Thank you Rebecca. You’re amazing!
Thank you, Rebecca.
I agree with you about these are very common mistakes which commonly seen in ESL like us.
Thank you again for a very useful lesson.
i want learn English can you help me…
I got 9 out of 10. Thank you so much for teaching me grammar Rebecca.
thanks rebbeca,
it is very useful lesson :))
aya reda
Dear Rebecca, thanks for this lesson and quiz.
I have got 9 out of 10.
The sentence “She (is) smiled” – is wrong?
Thanks, Rebecca. I’ve got 100% !!!!!
Thanks, Rebecca.
Well, thank you. I believe Teacher’s Day is celebrated in a big way in India. A teacher always wants the best for her students, so my best wishes to you too.
Thanks rebecca you a very intekkigent teacher.
Iam from somalia and said keep on we need more lectures.I got 9 out of 10.
Happy Teachers Day Rebecca Mam…..:)
I like this listen.
thanks to all:)
Thank you kindly.
Many thanks great lesson
Thanks Madam… good teaching
Thank you Mrs. Rebecca. I got 10 from 10. Very useful lesson.
Good lesson which makes me more careful in English writing.
Pich Heng
Thank you very much, Mrs.Rebecca for good lesson
it was a useful lesson
At school he studied German language only. First looked lesson in English, and understand what was said in this lesson. Thank you!
Thank you for good lessen
Buzin Nikolay
I enjoyed doing the quiz and the tips were really good.
thanks once again
Thank you for sharing these grammar mistakes with us, Rebecca. I as an english teacher, must thank you for this amazing lesson! You know how to explain the situation for all the students who come here. Congratulations! :)
Thanks, Louis. Please also refer to the resources I have written, which you can feel free to print out for use with your students. There are two resources on Common English Mistakes which you might find particularly useful.All the best to you and your students, Louis.
Thank you so much, Rebecca! Your resources are very useful! :)
hi. can you please tell me which is the right one to use. “Does she has __ ? or “does she have __?” . Kindly explain to me also the rules in order for me to understand it better.
ann ann
In a sentence you should use “have” with I/You/We/They and “has” with He/She/It.
Our friendly teacher, Louis, is right! Thanks again, Louis.
That was great lesson.
Thank you so much Rebecca.
Tks for sharing your knowledge :). I have enjoyed your virtual class
Thanks Mrs. Rebecca, its really clear and very helpful, but i need to learn more, my English still very poor. Once again, thank you so much.
We have over 700 other free lessons for you! Thanks for your feedback and all the best to you.
i hope u will teach us more class like that
This is a good practice for those who are interested to learn English. Thank you Rebecca.
Jaecee Sponge
Thank you Rebeca very much. I really like how you teach. You are one of my favorite teachers in the engVoid.I would like to thank all the members of the engVoid team.
Thank you so much!
I took 10/10 and this made me feel happy :D
Thanks Mrs. Rebecca. Waiting the next class.
hai mam thank u vey much i have one doubt i will going to wirte a competitive exams so i need to improve my english what i can do for this
Thank you Rebecca
hamza 33
10/10! Thanks :))
Thank you miss Rebecca It’s another Perfect lesson ,but could I ask you a different a question ,I’m not native speaker in English and I want to take a certificate in it,so do you advise me to take TOEFL course or IELTS course and which the best for people who’speaking English like a second language .
with my thanks
Mohammed ammouri
Please check out my video, which answers your question:
I think No. 10 is false.
“The first letter of the first word in English sentences begins with a capital letter.”
A letter can not begin with a letter. Ohnly a word can begin with a letter.
Do you agree?
Yes, you are right. Technically, that sentence should say that it begins with “a capital”, not “a capital letter”. However, that may have confused students who may not recognize the word “capital” by itself so there was some liberty taken in that explanation. Do you forgive us? Thanks for caring and all the best to you.
i get you
I got a perfect score yippee!!!!! Thanks Rebecca
I start from here !
10/10 thanks a lot :)
Thank you.
Thank you to much
Hi Ms.Rebecca.
Thank you for great lessen.
Thank you Rebecca. This was very nice lesson.
Best Regards
Thank you Rebecca. This was very nice lesson.
It’s so easy I have got 9 out 10 I made mistake in question belong to spelling I don’t surprise because I’m so bad at spelling I wish to improve my spelling who could help me and give me the right way and I will be so grateful
Your strategy of teaching mesmerizing me, i much appreciate this.
This test was not easy for me,but everything was clear. THANK YOU VERY MUCH,Rebecca :D!!!
sonic X
And I scored 100%
sonic X
It was understandable enough. Thank you Rebecca!
Thanks to everyone for your feedback and all the best with your English. Keep watching, and learning; each little change you make will end up making a big improvement in your English.
Rebecca, I like the manner you use to help us. Thank you for your help.
Hi l am pakistani i also attain your english class
Nazia shaheen
Thank you so much. Your video is really helpful.I scored 100% in practice session. Once again thankyou for making me good in English.I hope you correct this comment, if I made any.
Thank you miss Rebecca I got it .
Mohammed ammouri
Thank you for the beatiful lesson
I got 80 correct
hope the best for you
thanks for the lesson
siti noor dashima
Dashina, could you help me in my practice. I need to grow my skill. But, the best way to get my goal is practicing. Here my Skype:bigogre712kb. Thank you for attend me
hi teacher Its was good, thank you for your lesson
Jose Felix
thanks for your video!
Anne Nguyen
Thanks so much for this video :)
Very useful exercice! Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca.
Raffaella Lenarduzzi
i like it this lessons
thanks so much
Thanks for such a wonderful lesson..but I have few more doubts.Will you please tell how to spot error in the question given below..
1.These are the ideas and ideals which have shaped our economic thought in the past.
I’d like to know, if there’re an opportunuity to speak or converse with someone to improve my skill. Even if, I’ve some lack.
Thank you! 10/10
Thank you rebecca…………
Thank you rebecca…..
I didn’t think english teachers pay much attention about those details. Good to know. Thx Rebecca for teaching us all those tricks.
Thank you so very much Ma’am Rebecca great teacher and thank you engVID.. I learned a lot in this website.. God Bless..
Cherry Ann
Thank you Rebecca.You are welcome in morocco
It’s so great. I love it
Linh Hoang Kim
Thank you Rebecca <3
Nice lesson , thanks alot Rebecca .
I dont understand the mistake in We received your letter :(… Somebody understand???
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks Rebecca
I got 9/10 the first sentence ,i was confused about if management or Management .
Great job; go ahead
10/10 Thank you very much.
I love the way you teach Rebecca, thanks so much!
9/10. Thank you, and I need to brush up my spelling)))
Dear Rebecca,
I would like to join your English lessons, however it is very difficult for me to enter the you tube. Can you help me? I’m renny from Indonesia.
Thank you.
Thanks for the video Rebecca.
I got 8/10 ;)
nice programe
Is a very important class.
thanks. i got 9/10 score.
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca! I got 10 out of 10!:)
Great program.
it’s a very good explanation.
Hi Rebecca, I watch a lot of music on YouTube. Then I wondered if there was anything educational, so I typed learn English. I listened to you and literally was so elated that I found you. I hope to see more videos on conjunctions and commas and usage of moreover. Also, if you have reference books for English that we can practice as well as read that would be a fun exercise for English lovers. All the best to you. God bless you immensely for your teaching gift. Thanks so very much.
Georgiana Kauilani Isabel
Thank you kindly for your feedback and glad to know you find the lessons helpful. Please remember that on engvid, you can search for lessons by level as well; that may help you, since your level seems quite advanced. I wish you all the best with your English.
Thanks,a lot Rebecca. You help me in understanding English, I’ll continue joining with Engvid and I’ll recommend my friends to join too.
10 out of 10
Hey ! I hadn’t have anyproblem
I didnt have any problem ?
Are the 2 sentence correct ?!
Thank you Rebecca for this lessons it’s very nice.
I got 8 /10 score
I got 8/10 thank you for lesson .
Woo i got 90 thank you so much .. it was an interesting..
My English teacher is so lazy she comes to the class n tells do your work if u have.. all students say yes we have so my English is really going down.. Thanks to god who showed me your path ….
The Internet has helped millions of people take ownership of their future through self-education. That is what we offer here through our site as well. I am very glad to know you have decided to take control of your own learning. I wish you all the best with your English.
I’ve got 100.Many thanks it was really interesting
I got 9 out of 10.
Didn’t notice that, fourty—-forty…
I’ve got ten out of ten. :D Thanks for your great explanations, Rebecca!
oh Thank you..9 out of 10
Hello Ms. Rebecca,
May you be so kind to give a class in present, past and past participle.
Oh! Please feel free to correct my spelling. Thanks!
I got 8 of out 10. Thank you very much.
great video Rebeca by the way I couldn’t understand a slang term that you typed before.. It is “Hey man, I like think your shoes are cool!” may you expalin me pls :) or whoeever if was possible… Thanks
Sometimes, when using slang, people insert the word “like” all over! In this case, it doesn’t have any special meaning.
All the best.
Thanks without watching video I could get 80.
thank you rebicca i got 10 out of 10 it is very interesting and useful i need u explain countable and uncountable nouns
Thank you Rebecca. I got 10/10. The best: I understood everything you spoke.
Thanks teacher. I got 10 out of 10. :)
Thank you, got 90% without watching the lesson.
Abdul Qayum
Thank you Ms Rebecca
I got 100% after watching the lesson.
Kindly explain me about basic difference of This and It where are used these and how.
Abdul Qayum
Hi teacher i’m hassan from Morocco i’m sending you this message to aske you about how to study english for begeenar?
You are an excellent teacher.Thank you.
I’ve learned a lot with you.
*And, your voice goes with your smile.
i got 9 out of 10 thank you very much
Mohammed avez
100% thank you rebecca :)
ahmed elkhayat
I got 100%. Thank you Rebecca, this lesson is very good and very important.
Alexey Lember
It`s really awesome to understand common error in English grammar . I strongly encourage you to make more lecture for us. Thank you very much @Rebecca
I got 100 out of 100. It`s a great pleasure for me.
Rebecca you are a good teacher . your understanding system is very interesting .
Just 5min of learning help me to correct my mistakes. I find it so usefull and helpful. Tkx for giving this opportunity
Hey Rebecca,
i want to ask number 9. why it should be she smiled, not she smiles ?
Hi Yultianti
She smiled (in the past)
She smiles (in present)
Therefore both are correct sentences
Thank you rebecca. My English is not good but want to speak English. Now i hope ill learn because you are my teacher and im very happy.
jas jasmine
Thx alot rebecca.
jas jasmine
Dear Ms. Rebecca,
Thank you so much.
I am so happy with you Rebecca, because you put me in the right way to get pure english.
Many thanks for you with love
Thanks rebecca.
jas jasmine
That was great, thanks :).
80/100 :)
thank you.
It seems you don’t have much time to take a look our comments. I guess time has come; you made your mind for retiring.
truly usefull….thank you:)
Renuka Prasanna K
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Lucas kang
Thanks alot. It really helped me for my exams i got the main points. :* :)
Ich kann aufgrund Ihrer deutlichen Aussprache die Lektionen ohne die Verwendung von Untertiteln von allen Lehrern und Lehrerinnen am besten verstehen.
Fantastic lesson!!. Thanks a lot
Thank you Rebbeca! It helps me a lot!
Thanks Rebecca
I think that the last question is not ok: it is not the first letter who begins with a capital letter, it is the first word… or: The first letter … should be capitalised, as you said in the lesson :)
Dear Rebecca
I am very glade to have this opportunity to watch this video.but, I have few questions.
Sentence 3
01.If we want to make this sentence completed, how should we do ? “The manager of my department”
02.What grammar structure is it ?
Subject + Verb + Object or Object + Complement ?
A.Subject = “The manager of my department”
B.Verb = “”
C.Object = “”
Sentence 7
01.Can sentence 7 combination with sentence 3 “The manager of my department delivered the package yesterday”?
02.Grammar structure should be below?
Subject = The manager of my department
Verb = delivered
Object = the package
Complement = yesterday
Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you memm for the english test
Thank you Rebecca for the tips you gave us .
Thanks Rebecca Fantastic lesson Thanks a lot
Good lesson. And clear explanation.
Thanks Rebecca!
Perfect score.
A lesson interesting.
thank you very much Rebecca :),but i wanted to ask you to share more mistakes and edition please :)
Omnia T.ElShater
Thank you Rebecca very much.I watch your lessons every day and mostly I get 10 out of 10 in the quizzes.
Mohammad Maisam
Ma’am Rebecca I need your help with my IELTS. please help e-mail ID
Mohammad Maisam
i’ve got 10 correct out of 10 in the quizz
thank you very much
Rebecca, you are an amazing teacher too! Hello from Russia :)
Thank you very much for your lessons.
Wowww! I got 10 score, I can remember you talk about what, but i still not good at English because I have a problem for listening.
Thank very much, Teacher. ^^
Tad Athasen
Hi Rebecca, I love the way you explain grammar subjects because you focus on this aspects that frequently are neglected by people when writing English. (even by native speakers…) I’ve been watching all the videos on the Beginners section and I will continue until the last Advanced videos in order to take a test for Advance students. I live in Italy and I recently took the First Certificate. I hope I’ll be able to take another exam by the end of the year. Thanks a lot for your lessons.
I think that this type of lessons, in which you have to find the mistakes, are great!
I’d like to know if is it correct to say “… ON the Beginners section or IN the Beginners section or AT the Beginners section” ?
Thank you very much.
Crystal Lei
Dear rebecca,
your classes are very helpful.i am new to this site, but still i find ur classes very interesting…
thanks a lot…
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Got only 70%.
10/10 thanks alot
This video is magnificent!
Your explanation was very easy for me to understand.
hello teacher i have
10/10 Thanks Rebeca:)
Is a good video, I learned a lot
Rebecca, is it a huge mistake if in a sentence
with “none” I use the verb in the plural?
For instance:
None of us is happy. (agreeing with none)
None of us are happy. (agreeing with us)
Could you, please, explain it to me?
Dear Rebecca!
I have a question.
In Sting’s song “Shape of my heart” he sings:
He doesn’t play for the money he wins,
He DON’T play for respect.
I wonder, why DON’T?
Sergei Ter-Tumasov
Even though this is technically bad grammar, it’s a feature of informal English and some English dialects. He may have used it because it fits the rhyme scheme better!
engVid Moderator
Thank you!
Sergei Ter-Tumasov
Thank you so much
Dear Rebecca,
The reading of the sentences requests a good concentration.
Thus there will be fewer errors. Thank you for this course.
Best regard.
9/10 Thanks teacher
Does this complete sentence Thanks teacher.
i get confuse here plz reply
This is my first Perfect score.thank you very much for this wonderful lesson.
Professional teacher with the perfect methods.
Thank u very much teacher, Robecca.
Thank u very much, Rebecca it’s very useful !
Hai Rebecca…..
thank u soooo much for learning English online, it is very help full for me
Great lesson Rebecca thank you too much our amazing teacher .
Noor Tarish
my quiz rebecca:
You got 9 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
thanks dear rebbeca
This lesson is awesome, I really enjoy taking class with you. I came from Puerto Rico on July 2014 and my English was awful but now I can say that my vocabulary and conversational skill has improved too much! Thanks everyone in and specially to you Rebecca!
God crush you with blessings!
Awesome! Thanks Rebecca for this very useful lesson
Ali Bensoukehal
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuu sooooooooo much mam
jithendra kota
Thank you. :-)
Mam thank you for this good engvid lesson. I would like see more of your engvid lessons and learn more. God bless!
Thank you
I love this site ; it is so helpful. Thanks
thank you !
Dear Rebecca
Thank you very much.
100 percent . thanks Rabecca
ahmed elkhayat
Thanks Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca, my score was 9, is a very useful lesson.
Yahoo!!!!! I get 10 out of 10.
Anik Saha Anu
Thank you Rebecca! I get 10 out of 10.
Thank you Rebecca
shivam kumar
I can’t wait to watch all the videos. Thank you Teacher Rebecca.
I’ve got 10 correct out of 10!
Thank you Rebecca :).
Mounir Al-Otaibi
Thank you, Rebecca. 10/10
Can someone tell me where can I find vedioes
Thank you.
Excellentlesson :-)
good lesson thanks teacher
Thank you Rebecca, your classes are very clear and interesting. I learn a lot from the videos and quitz
Jose Tobias
thanks, Rebecca.
Ho, Thanks, Rebecca. ^_^
Tricky rules
Thank you Rebecca.9/10 ;_;
Dear Rebecca, you are a fantastic teacher!!! English with with you – splendid time. I got 10 of 10
Dear teacher Rebecca,
Best lesson so far in this level.
thanks a lot
thanks you rebecca!
Many thanks Rebecca,so interesting.
I’ve got 9/10 thanks.
It was fory of fourty.
I love you & your methodology very mutch.
Thanks a lot, Dear Teacher.
I’m very sorry, my Dear teacher if I use an unpolite expression. That due to the cultural differences.
Thanks a lot for this lesson and others.
Thank you very much indeed for sharing with us useful ideas.I scored all questions.I make great progress in english for this tutorial.
Thank you very much
I know that I hve need your attention
Syed sattar 12
Hello everyone. It’s my first time here, I’m learning english and I just know few words. Thanks a lot.
fernando augusto
Thanks Rebbeca!
This is a hard lesson for my english level :P, I need to watch the video again but now with subtitles before to answer the quiz.
9 of 10 :(
Great lesson! Thank you so much!
Thank you it is very important
Thank you, Rebecca! This lesson is perfect.
Rebecca thank you so much. You are amazing.
Marta Lopez
Thanks Madam?
Zahid gul
Hi rabeca. …why in this sentence, you used: was + ed: “dinner was served 40 minutes after school.”? Thanks.
thank you very much Madam Rebecca, i just recognized 2 of 8 errors on your lesson. love that!! thank agian!!
can you find my mistake? :)
Nguyen Van Hau
thanks a lot for useful lesson .
I am saying thanks you from Tajikistan
i think the quiz was error. when i click on the first option, my answer out with the second option. i can got 100, but i just got 80 :(
Thanks Rebecca.
I have developed my English better since I discovered this side.
I’m grateful to you.
Thank u
Hi, Rebecca. Why did you use “was served” instead “had served” in the third sentence? Is it even correct “was served”?
i got 90%
Dear Rebbecca Thanks for this helpful lessons. I got 90 % . I m very grateful to you Teacher
I got 10 of out 10
thank you Rebecca
latif ghamdi
Thank you Rebecca teacher for teaching us online ?
I got 10/10 at first try.
Thank you dear Rebecca.
thanks 100
Thank you so much Rebecca! You’re a great teacher!
Sokolov igor
Great, I go 10.
Thanks for this course, Rebecca.
I got 10/10!! Great lesson! Thanks Rebecca!
great my teacher rebeca
kiaku garcia
Thank you very much. Rebecca!!!!
I scored 10 out of 10. Thank you teacher.
Thanks !
Gilles Lesauvage
Rebecca, you are a great teacher
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you
M kartal
thanks Rebecca
Hello my dear master Rebecca
Thank you so much for all your great efforts for increasing public knowledge
Would you please send me email my dear master? I need some advices, my email address is
I will be so glad if i find your message there. My dear master Rebecca it’s important. I am waiting for you impatiently
Sincerly yours
10 correct out of 10
thank you for the lesson rebbeca
silvan martha dipta
Dear rebecca
Thanks for your teaching ,
I wrote below one sentences it’s correct ? It’s wrong means make me a correct word please.
Please be informed that below work has been completed
Mam please made a lecture on sentence arrangements. In our Exam one of question is about arrange the following word in correct order please made a video lecture on sentence arrangements
Things are getting better. Lov you Rebecca. Once again 10 out of 10
Very well 9/10!
Thanks a lot ma’am Rebecca I really love your style for teaching and your explanation are very clear…
Thank u ms rebecca i got 7/10 ?
Thank you so much
San Niang
Ms Rebecca is my best teacher! Thank you for helping the poor.
Bah Abdurahim
Omg! Im getting better! You are way better than my actual class instructor! All the best Rebecca!
Thank you
I watched this video twice on July 22, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.
ohh my baby,Rebacca
Yasar aydin
Wonderful explatiination. Seyi from Nigeria.
Thank you ma.
Thank you for this wonderful online teaching.
Seyi from Nigeria.
I watched this video one more time on September 02, 2021.
I got 9/10 & learned that haste makes waist!
Thanks a lot.
Good way to learn a language. It forces you to think carefully. This approach is commendable. Thanks.
Thank you
I got 10/10. Thank you so much! :)
Who is it?
The manager of my department.
What’s wrong?
Aleksei Sidorin
Thank you very much for another useful lesson!
Thank you!
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! You are amazing. (Azores Islands, 27Aug2024);
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for the online teaching.
I couldn´t agree more with you AriunBolor; great lesson with illustrative examples.
These easy grammar rules will make it easy for me to go the extra mile.
When it comes to teaching a foreign language experience is what really counts. Thanks for sharing this lesson with us dear Rebecca.
Bye for now.
hi can we be friends to improve our language
are you from EGYPT?
can we be friend so that we can improve our english language
my FB account is
10/10. But the question was tricky, tricky and tricky.
Very good, i like understand everything you are talking about.
i like understanding everything you are talking about.
Thanks for the correction, but actually I think Victor is using slang, like this:
Hey man, I like think your shoes are cool!
It’s a stylistic thing! Don’t try to reason it out, because it’s slang and not grammatically correct but used in some informal situations. Thanks to both of you.
before i introduce myself i am from africa.
i want improve my conversation skills in english.
before i study french , french and english are similar
i confuse and my pronunciation is very bad.
give me some advice i can use to improve my language.
I got 8 correct out of 10. Finding mistakes is also good study. Thank you for your great lesson, Rebecca :)
Thank you. It is a very good program.
Thanks a lot Rebecca! :-)
Thanks Rebecca. It’s a good and easy lesson. I got totally 10.:)
Thak you. It’s a good lesson
i got :D
Thanks Rebecca. It is helpful.
I got 9 out of 10 :(. Last question was pretty tricky though. I don’t really get it……. it said: (The first letter of the first word IN MOST English sentences must begin with a capital letter.) I thought it was false cause a capital letter is needed to begin ANY English sentence. :( Wonderful lesson teacher Rebecca. Regards from Bolivia again!
There are some exceptions, like certain names that are spelled without capitals (like iPad). But I agree that this was confusing, so I’ve changed the the question slightly.
Hi. I absolutly agree with EngBadStudent.I also got 9 – correct because of last question answer . And i think this question is not absolutly right . Anyway,Mss.Rebecca,thank you for clear explaination .
Thank you for your valuable time!
Very helpful website thanks
Thank you for this great lessons, but I have to say that on this Quiz, the answer for this question (10. The first letter of the first word in most English sentences must begin with a capital letter.)is false, because you used the word most to confuse us. It’s not (in most). What do you think?
I agree with you Suraya, however the EngVid comment above notes that there are exceptions that prove the rule:
“ipods are useful high-tech gadgets”, this sentence does not begigns with a capital letter.
Take care! Bye for now
… making mistakes as usual . . .
CORRECTION: “ipods are useful high-tech gadgets”, this sentence does not BEGIN with a capital letter.
Hope it helps Suraya.
I really like this program
I got 10 correct out of 10 :)
I like this program very much!
8/10 – I thought that sun ought to have a capital letter Sun, besides that, I saw that the sentence didn’t began with a capital letter (mistake). And the other “forty” not “fourty” (2nd mistake).
During the lesson Rebbeca when reading the name Maria was sounding as Portuguese I thought Maria in English would sound differently.
Till Friday.
Very useful
Thank you very mutch
Thank you
Too easy, thanks.
Thank you. It’s my first day for this site, but I love lessons,videos etc. Thank you.
Welcome to engvid! All the best to you.
me too?
:) 8 from 10
That’s a very good lesson I like this format. We need more lessons like this.
I like number eight,and I’m sure there are a lot more trickier double subjects that we don’t notice in longer sentences.
Thanks you Rebecca
Thank you! It’s really useful info.
I Got just seven points.
thanks for your help
I have exam tomorrow,thanks for this lesson
Hope you did well on your exam! All the best!
Thank you very much for your lesson.
I got 9 points
Cool I got all 10 correct.
It was a very good lessons.
Thanks a lot Rebecca .
thank you very much .. it helps alot
Dinner caught me
Thanks a lot! I hit 10/10
i would like to practice with you
10 – Thanks a lot Rebecca! All realy simple mistakes. But it happens! About the (chinese food), in portuguese, the correct is the wrong way in english. It’s a mistake in english based on our correct way of the portuguese grammar.But we need to exercise it.
thanks a lot cause with the mistakes i can learn more and more.
i got 8 out of 10
Dear EngVid
Thank you so much. You are doing a great job. Thanks to you, I learned to hear English well. My grammar improved too. And my vocabulary expanded. And grammar became better.
I’ve been learning English since 2010. And in 2011 or maybe in 2012 I joined EngVid. My English started improving tremendously. I recommended EngVid to my friends and then to my on-line pals.
I like Emma, she is nice and explains well. Ronnie is funny, and she teaches things which can be used in daily life. James does the same. It was difficult for me to understand him, but later I got used to following him.
Other teachers are good too. As new teachers come here, they bring something interesting. They are from different places (Canada, the UK, the USA), which is also good for understanding different accents.
Rebecca, I like your teaching style. Your explanation is concise, short and at the same time clear. I want to learn to be laconic like you (in all languages I speak).
I was traveling across Europe. Though I could speak only English, I didn’t have problems at all. Most educated people speak English, especially in places like London, Berlin, Amsterdam or Paris. I also read books in English (only original books). That’s how I got to love American, and British literature. I watch Euronews, BBC World News, CNN.
Good luck, EngVid
This gets my vote for well-written comment of the day. Thanks for sharing your story with us!
Wow, Yan. Thank you so much for your kind comments and observations. I am sure you will continue to improve because you have a great attitude to learning and to life. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us and for recommending us to your friends. I wish you all the best, Yan.
Educated people speak English in places like London, LOL
thanks !!!!
Thank you, good lesson, I like.
thanks teacher, but my level is basic , so i hope you will give a video with slower voice , thank
Thanks Rebecca,i got it 10/10.
Thank you so much Rebecca. I got 10/10.
Anyone help me teach me speaking english please add me on skype ukrit_2011 thank you
I got 10 out of 10. Thank you, Rebecca.
And I have a question about your comment of this lesson above. In the third sentence, You said “You’ll get to practice correcting sentences with me in the video”, don’t you? I have something on my chest about “in the video”.
In the other lesson following,
I learned difference between “in” or “on”. When we use “in”, we talk about paper device, and when we use “on”, we talk about electric device. I’m a little confused, because you said “in the video”. I’m afraid I think video is a electric device. Is there any other specific reason that you used “in”? Could you please teach me about this? Thank you:-)
There are always exceptions in English. In that lesson, I tried to give you the general rule. In some cases we use different prepositions. For example:
She acted in that movie.
He sings very well in that video.
But we also say:
I watched the news on TV.
Sorry, that’s how it goes! First, you learn the general rules, and then you learn the exceptions to those rules. How wonderful that you understand enough to have discovered the exceptions by yourself. All the best to you.
I really enjoyed watching your lesson.It was so helpful for me.THANKS AGAIN REBECCA.
It becomes easier for us to remember things after making mistake and the same goes with this lesson as first we made mistakes and then we saw how to rectify it :-)
Please keep on giving us such amazing lessons.
That’s right! We learn though our mistakes and eventually we get it right! Thanks for watching and all the best to you, Tejal.
I got 9!
10/10 :)
Thanks Rebecca
I got 6 correct out of 10. I learn English but not very well Thank you Rebecca :)
Could anyone of EngVid teachers make a resource about the most common Compound Adjectives in English?
thnks for teaching me but i dont understand english and i want i speak english
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson, for me it’s very important
Thanks a lot :-)
yes i got 10/10 even my school days also i doesn’t get :P
There you go! You’re so right. Our learning continues well beyond our school days and goes on all our life. That’s what makes life exciting; the fact that we keep growing and improving and creating new opportunities and better lives for ourselves. My best wishes to you!
Interesting lesson.
woo,i should learning more.
Thanks very much 8/10.
Thank you Rebecca. I got 10/10. The best: I understood everything you spoke.
how about this sentence, my dear teacher?
“My mother Julie works in a bank
"My mother, Julie, works in a bank."
If you wrote it like that, it would work. You need the commas, which show that you are not repeating the subject, but giving more info about the subject.
All the best!
thank you so much my dear teacher! wish the best for you!
nice lesson
Ufff was dificult for my level:0
Thank you very much for good lesson ^^
Thank you very much Rebecca, I got 9/10.
i got 09 of 10 thanks so lot
hello eveyone
oh no i do wrong
Dear Rebecca. I like your sentence”My brother lives in Thailand.It’s my country.
Happy for you! All the best!
Hi Rebecca!!
Thanks again for the tips! I got 10/10 =)
Thank you Rebecca Your Great Teacher.
It’s excellent, thanks teacher Rebecca very much
It was really cool to know how silly mistakes we make in english
i want to learn more about english like this
thank u rebbeca
Thank you Ms Rebecca
thank you teacher .. i got 9/10
nice online tuition
i got 10/10 thanks a lot
thank you for this lesson
Very useful lesson, I enjoyed so much! Thanks a lot, Rebecca!
thank you very much ms.rebecca for teaching us . the lesson was interesting and your teach was easy for me .
i got 9 correct out of 10
Thank you very mush.I will try to learn.
Thank you I got 8/10, my mistakes at question no 3 and 9
Thank Rebecca ! i learn a lot from you !
Thank you.
10/10; It’s my profession, teaching English. I think everything is OK in your lessons, specially your accent for foreigners. Thank you very much
Thank you kindly for taking the time to write. It’s always nice to be in touch with another teacher. I wish you and your students all the best!
I didn’t recognize point is end of the sentence.
Now you know! Glad you watched the lesson. All the best!
Thank you , a very good lesson.
Thanks Rebecca. I did all ten correctly
thanks a lot!
Thank you so much is my new way to learn english
I got 9:)
I got 9 out of 10. :)
Number 3 is too confusing. hehe
Thanks Rebecca
10/10 you were good as rebecca halls :D
Nice little lesson.. thnx engvid.I was confused with subject verb agreement thing.This helps me to solve that.But not the whole thing.Can you guys tell me something about word order?
i got 9/10.
i got 7 for 10 good lesson rebbeca
thank you
I really like your lesson.Easy to learn and easy to remember.Thank you so much!
Good lesson 8/10 :) yhank you teacher.
thanks teacher… i´ve got 100%
Hi, Rebecca.
Thanks first.
I’ve got a question. ‘lie on the table’ is it correct?
Sorry, one more question
“How is soil formed?” or “How does soil form?”
Which one is correct?
It should be passive voice or active voice?
You are awesome, teacher!
Yes i am agreement with the previous comments made by students,the course has been very helpful thank you.
This website and the awesome teachers are so helpful to study English (Did I get mistakes again? I guess so..)
Thank you, Rebecca )
Hi, Rebecca.
I like very much engVid.
Here I can learn and also improve my english with a quiz. This is very useful for me.
Thanks a lot.
I’ve got 100% all answers correct! :D
Hi, Raffaella.
Let me get you noticed that the correct translation of your sentence should be: I like engvid very much. This is a very important rule in English. I hope this can help. I wish you all the best.
Is this a complete sentence in English?
She smiled.
i don’t understand why the sentence its true?
where are (is) after she?
May I answer you?
Smiled is the past form of the verb smiley.So she did something like smiley but not now, yesterday for example.
I hope you understand.
Sorry if I bothered you.
Have a nice day!
In that sentence, the verb is
which is the past tense of the verb"to smile"
.You do not need to use the verb
"to be"
in every sentence. Maybe only in this sentence:"She is smiling."
All the best to you!
Thank you Rebecca. You’re amazing!
Thank you, Rebecca.
I agree with you about these are very common mistakes which commonly seen in ESL like us.
Thank you again for a very useful lesson.
i want learn English can you help me…
I got 9 out of 10. Thank you so much for teaching me grammar Rebecca.
thanks rebbeca,
it is very useful lesson :))
Dear Rebecca, thanks for this lesson and quiz.
I have got 9 out of 10.
The sentence “She (is) smiled” – is wrong?
Thanks, Rebecca. I’ve got 100% !!!!!
Thanks, Rebecca.
Well, thank you. I believe Teacher’s Day is celebrated in a big way in India. A teacher always wants the best for her students, so my best wishes to you too.
Thanks rebecca you a very intekkigent teacher.
Iam from somalia and said keep on we need more lectures.I got 9 out of 10.
Happy Teachers Day Rebecca Mam…..:)
I like this listen.
thanks to all:)
Thank you kindly.
Many thanks great lesson
Thanks Madam… good teaching
Thank you Mrs. Rebecca. I got 10 from 10. Very useful lesson.
Good lesson which makes me more careful in English writing.
Thank you very much, Mrs.Rebecca for good lesson
it was a useful lesson
At school he studied German language only. First looked lesson in English, and understand what was said in this lesson. Thank you!
Thank you for good lessen
I enjoyed doing the quiz and the tips were really good.
thanks once again
Thank you for sharing these grammar mistakes with us, Rebecca. I as an english teacher, must thank you for this amazing lesson! You know how to explain the situation for all the students who come here. Congratulations! :)
Thanks, Louis. Please also refer to the resources I have written, which you can feel free to print out for use with your students. There are two resources on Common English Mistakes which you might find particularly useful.All the best to you and your students, Louis.
Thank you so much, Rebecca! Your resources are very useful! :)
hi. can you please tell me which is the right one to use. “Does she has __ ? or “does she have __?” . Kindly explain to me also the rules in order for me to understand it better.
In a sentence you should use “have” with I/You/We/They and “has” with He/She/It.
Our friendly teacher, Louis, is right! Thanks again, Louis.
That was great lesson.
Thank you so much Rebecca.
Tks for sharing your knowledge :). I have enjoyed your virtual class
Thanks Mrs. Rebecca, its really clear and very helpful, but i need to learn more, my English still very poor. Once again, thank you so much.
We have over 700 other free lessons for you! Thanks for your feedback and all the best to you.
i hope u will teach us more class like that
This is a good practice for those who are interested to learn English. Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you Rebeca very much. I really like how you teach. You are one of my favorite teachers in the engVoid.I would like to thank all the members of the engVoid team.
Thank you so much!
I took 10/10 and this made me feel happy :D
Thanks Mrs. Rebecca. Waiting the next class.
hai mam thank u vey much i have one doubt i will going to wirte a competitive exams so i need to improve my english what i can do for this
Thank you Rebecca
10/10! Thanks :))
Thank you miss Rebecca It’s another Perfect lesson ,but could I ask you a different a question ,I’m not native speaker in English and I want to take a certificate in it,so do you advise me to take TOEFL course or IELTS course and which the best for people who’speaking English like a second language .
with my thanks
Please check out my video, which answers your question:
All the best to you!
I think No. 10 is false.
“The first letter of the first word in English sentences begins with a capital letter.”
A letter can not begin with a letter. Ohnly a word can begin with a letter.
Do you agree?
Yes, you are right. Technically, that sentence should say that it begins with “a capital”, not “a capital letter”. However, that may have confused students who may not recognize the word “capital” by itself so there was some liberty taken in that explanation. Do you forgive us? Thanks for caring and all the best to you.
i get you
I got a perfect score yippee!!!!! Thanks Rebecca
I start from here !
10/10 thanks a lot :)
Thank you.
Thank you to much
Hi Ms.Rebecca.
Thank you for great lessen.
Thank you Rebecca. This was very nice lesson.
Best Regards
Thank you Rebecca. This was very nice lesson.
It’s so easy I have got 9 out 10 I made mistake in question belong to spelling I don’t surprise because I’m so bad at spelling I wish to improve my spelling who could help me and give me the right way and I will be so grateful
Your strategy of teaching mesmerizing me, i much appreciate this.
This test was not easy for me,but everything was clear. THANK YOU VERY MUCH,Rebecca :D!!!
And I scored 100%
It was understandable enough. Thank you Rebecca!
Thanks to everyone for your feedback and all the best with your English. Keep watching, and learning; each little change you make will end up making a big improvement in your English.
Rebecca, I like the manner you use to help us. Thank you for your help.
Hi l am pakistani i also attain your english class
Thank you so much. Your video is really helpful.I scored 100% in practice session. Once again thankyou for making me good in English.I hope you correct this comment, if I made any.
Thank you miss Rebecca I got it .
Thank you for the beatiful lesson
I got 80 correct
hope the best for you
thanks for the lesson
Dashina, could you help me in my practice. I need to grow my skill. But, the best way to get my goal is practicing. Here my Skype:bigogre712kb. Thank you for attend me
hi teacher Its was good, thank you for your lesson
thanks for your video!
Thanks so much for this video :)
Very useful exercice! Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca.
i like it this lessons
thanks so much
Thanks for such a wonderful lesson..but I have few more doubts.Will you please tell how to spot error in the question given below..
1.These are the ideas and ideals which have shaped our economic thought in the past.
I’d like to know, if there’re an opportunuity to speak or converse with someone to improve my skill. Even if, I’ve some lack.
Thank you! 10/10
Thank you rebecca…………
Thank you rebecca…..
I didn’t think english teachers pay much attention about those details. Good to know. Thx Rebecca for teaching us all those tricks.
Thank you so very much Ma’am Rebecca great teacher and thank you engVID.. I learned a lot in this website.. God Bless..
Thank you Rebecca.You are welcome in morocco
It’s so great. I love it
Thank you Rebecca <3
Nice lesson , thanks alot Rebecca .
I dont understand the mistake in We received your letter :(… Somebody understand???
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks Rebecca
I got 9/10 the first sentence ,i was confused about if management or Management .
Great job; go ahead
10/10 Thank you very much.
I love the way you teach Rebecca, thanks so much!
9/10. Thank you, and I need to brush up my spelling)))
Dear Rebecca,
I would like to join your English lessons, however it is very difficult for me to enter the you tube. Can you help me? I’m renny from Indonesia.
Thank you.
Thanks for the video Rebecca.
I got 8/10 ;)
nice programe
Is a very important class.
thanks. i got 9/10 score.
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca! I got 10 out of 10!:)
Great program.
it’s a very good explanation.
Hi Rebecca, I watch a lot of music on YouTube. Then I wondered if there was anything educational, so I typed learn English. I listened to you and literally was so elated that I found you. I hope to see more videos on conjunctions and commas and usage of moreover. Also, if you have reference books for English that we can practice as well as read that would be a fun exercise for English lovers. All the best to you. God bless you immensely for your teaching gift. Thanks so very much.
Thank you kindly for your feedback and glad to know you find the lessons helpful. Please remember that on engvid, you can search for lessons by level as well; that may help you, since your level seems quite advanced. I wish you all the best with your English.
Thanks,a lot Rebecca. You help me in understanding English, I’ll continue joining with Engvid and I’ll recommend my friends to join too.
10 out of 10
Hey ! I hadn’t have anyproblem
I didnt have any problem ?
Are the 2 sentence correct ?!
Thank you Rebecca for this lessons it’s very nice.
I got 8 /10 score
I got 8/10 thank you for lesson .
Woo i got 90 thank you so much .. it was an interesting..
My English teacher is so lazy she comes to the class n tells do your work if u have.. all students say yes we have so my English is really going down.. Thanks to god who showed me your path ….
The Internet has helped millions of people take ownership of their future through self-education. That is what we offer here through our site as well. I am very glad to know you have decided to take control of your own learning. I wish you all the best with your English.
I’ve got 100.Many thanks it was really interesting
I got 9 out of 10.
Didn’t notice that, fourty—-forty…
I’ve got ten out of ten. :D Thanks for your great explanations, Rebecca!
oh Thank you..9 out of 10
Hello Ms. Rebecca,
May you be so kind to give a class in present, past and past participle.
Oh! Please feel free to correct my spelling. Thanks!
I got 8 of out 10. Thank you very much.
great video Rebeca by the way I couldn’t understand a slang term that you typed before.. It is “Hey man, I like think your shoes are cool!” may you expalin me pls :) or whoeever if was possible… Thanks
Sometimes, when using slang, people insert the word “like” all over! In this case, it doesn’t have any special meaning.
All the best.
Thanks without watching video I could get 80.
thank you rebicca i got 10 out of 10 it is very interesting and useful i need u explain countable and uncountable nouns
THANKS mam.I got 9 out of 10
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Useful 9 of 10!) i looking for a pen-friends
Thank you Rebecca. I got 10/10. The best: I understood everything you spoke.
Thanks teacher. I got 10 out of 10. :)
Thank you, got 90% without watching the lesson.
Thank you Ms Rebecca
I got 100% after watching the lesson.
Kindly explain me about basic difference of This and It where are used these and how.
Hi teacher i’m hassan from Morocco i’m sending you this message to aske you about how to study english for begeenar?
You are an excellent teacher.Thank you.
I’ve learned a lot with you.
*And, your voice goes with your smile.
i got 9 out of 10 thank you very much
100% thank you rebecca :)
I got 100%. Thank you Rebecca, this lesson is very good and very important.
It`s really awesome to understand common error in English grammar . I strongly encourage you to make more lecture for us. Thank you very much @Rebecca
I got 100 out of 100. It`s a great pleasure for me.
Rebecca you are a good teacher . your understanding system is very interesting .
Just 5min of learning help me to correct my mistakes. I find it so usefull and helpful. Tkx for giving this opportunity
Hey Rebecca,
i want to ask number 9. why it should be she smiled, not she smiles ?
Hi Yultianti
She smiled (in the past)
She smiles (in present)
Therefore both are correct sentences
Thank you rebecca. My English is not good but want to speak English. Now i hope ill learn because you are my teacher and im very happy.
Thx alot rebecca.
Dear Ms. Rebecca,
Thank you so much.
I am so happy with you Rebecca, because you put me in the right way to get pure english.
Many thanks for you with love
Thanks rebecca.
That was great, thanks :).
80/100 :)
thank you.
It seems you don’t have much time to take a look our comments. I guess time has come; you made your mind for retiring.
truly usefull….thank you:)
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks alot. It really helped me for my exams i got the main points. :* :)
Ich kann aufgrund Ihrer deutlichen Aussprache die Lektionen ohne die Verwendung von Untertiteln von allen Lehrern und Lehrerinnen am besten verstehen.
Fantastic lesson!!. Thanks a lot
Thank you Rebbeca! It helps me a lot!
Thanks Rebecca
I think that the last question is not ok: it is not the first letter who begins with a capital letter, it is the first word… or: The first letter … should be capitalised, as you said in the lesson :)
Dear Rebecca
I am very glade to have this opportunity to watch this video.but, I have few questions.
Sentence 3
01.If we want to make this sentence completed, how should we do ? “The manager of my department”
02.What grammar structure is it ?
Subject + Verb + Object or Object + Complement ?
A.Subject = “The manager of my department”
B.Verb = “”
C.Object = “”
Sentence 7
01.Can sentence 7 combination with sentence 3 “The manager of my department delivered the package yesterday”?
02.Grammar structure should be below?
Subject = The manager of my department
Verb = delivered
Object = the package
Complement = yesterday
Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you memm for the english test
Thank you Rebecca for the tips you gave us .
Thanks Rebecca Fantastic lesson Thanks a lot
Good lesson. And clear explanation.
Thanks Rebecca!
Perfect score.
A lesson interesting.
thank you very much Rebecca :),but i wanted to ask you to share more mistakes and edition please :)
Thank you Rebecca very much.I watch your lessons every day and mostly I get 10 out of 10 in the quizzes.
Ma’am Rebecca I need your help with my IELTS. please help e-mail ID
i’ve got 10 correct out of 10 in the quizz
thank you very much
Rebecca, you are an amazing teacher too! Hello from Russia :)
Thank you very much for your lessons.
Wowww! I got 10 score, I can remember you talk about what, but i still not good at English because I have a problem for listening.
Thank very much, Teacher. ^^
Hi Rebecca, I love the way you explain grammar subjects because you focus on this aspects that frequently are neglected by people when writing English. (even by native speakers…) I’ve been watching all the videos on the Beginners section and I will continue until the last Advanced videos in order to take a test for Advance students. I live in Italy and I recently took the First Certificate. I hope I’ll be able to take another exam by the end of the year. Thanks a lot for your lessons.
I think that this type of lessons, in which you have to find the mistakes, are great!
I’d like to know if is it correct to say “… ON the Beginners section or IN the Beginners section or AT the Beginners section” ?
Thank you very much.
Dear rebecca,
your classes are very helpful.i am new to this site, but still i find ur classes very interesting…
thanks a lot…
Thank you!
Got only 70%.
10/10 thanks alot
This video is magnificent!
Your explanation was very easy for me to understand.
hello teacher i have
10/10 Thanks Rebeca:)
Is a good video, I learned a lot
Rebecca, is it a huge mistake if in a sentence
with “none” I use the verb in the plural?
For instance:
None of us is happy. (agreeing with none)
None of us are happy. (agreeing with us)
Could you, please, explain it to me?
Dear Rebecca!
I have a question.
In Sting’s song “Shape of my heart” he sings:
He doesn’t play for the money he wins,
He DON’T play for respect.
I wonder, why DON’T?
Even though this is technically bad grammar, it’s a feature of informal English and some English dialects. He may have used it because it fits the rhyme scheme better!
Thank you!
Thank you so much
Dear Rebecca,
The reading of the sentences requests a good concentration.
Thus there will be fewer errors. Thank you for this course.
Best regard.
9/10 Thanks teacher
Does this complete sentence Thanks teacher.
i get confuse here plz reply
This is my first Perfect score.thank you very much for this wonderful lesson.
Professional teacher with the perfect methods.
Thank u very much teacher, Robecca.
Thank u very much, Rebecca it’s very useful !
Hai Rebecca…..
thank u soooo much for learning English online, it is very help full for me
Great lesson Rebecca thank you too much our amazing teacher .
my quiz rebecca:
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thanks dear rebbeca
This lesson is awesome, I really enjoy taking class with you. I came from Puerto Rico on July 2014 and my English was awful but now I can say that my vocabulary and conversational skill has improved too much! Thanks everyone in and specially to you Rebecca!
God crush you with blessings!
Awesome! Thanks Rebecca for this very useful lesson
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuu sooooooooo much mam
Thank you. :-)
Mam thank you for this good engvid lesson. I would like see more of your engvid lessons and learn more. God bless!
Thank you
I love this site ; it is so helpful. Thanks
thank you !
Dear Rebecca
Thank you very much.
100 percent . thanks Rabecca
Thanks Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca, my score was 9, is a very useful lesson.
Yahoo!!!!! I get 10 out of 10.
Thank you Rebecca! I get 10 out of 10.
Thank you Rebecca
I can’t wait to watch all the videos. Thank you Teacher Rebecca.
I’ve got 10 correct out of 10!
Thank you Rebecca :).
Thank you, Rebecca. 10/10
Can someone tell me where can I find vedioes
Thank you.
Excellentlesson :-)
good lesson thanks teacher
Thank you Rebecca, your classes are very clear and interesting. I learn a lot from the videos and quitz
thanks, Rebecca.
Ho, Thanks, Rebecca. ^_^
Tricky rules
Thank you Rebecca.9/10 ;_;
Dear Rebecca, you are a fantastic teacher!!! English with with you – splendid time. I got 10 of 10
Dear teacher Rebecca,
Best lesson so far in this level.
thanks a lot
thanks you rebecca!
Many thanks Rebecca,so interesting.
I’ve got 9/10 thanks.
It was fory of fourty.
I love you & your methodology very mutch.
Thanks a lot, Dear Teacher.
I’m very sorry, my Dear teacher if I use an unpolite expression. That due to the cultural differences.
Thanks a lot for this lesson and others.
Thank you very much indeed for sharing with us useful ideas.I scored all questions.I make great progress in english for this tutorial.
Thank you very much
I know that I hve need your attention
Hello everyone. It’s my first time here, I’m learning english and I just know few words. Thanks a lot.
Thanks Rebbeca!
This is a hard lesson for my english level :P, I need to watch the video again but now with subtitles before to answer the quiz.
9 of 10 :(
Great lesson! Thank you so much!
Thank you it is very important
Thank you, Rebecca! This lesson is perfect.
Rebecca thank you so much. You are amazing.
Thanks Madam?
Hi rabeca. …why in this sentence, you used: was + ed: “dinner was served 40 minutes after school.”? Thanks.
thank you very much Madam Rebecca, i just recognized 2 of 8 errors on your lesson. love that!! thank agian!!
can you find my mistake? :)
thanks a lot for useful lesson .
I am saying thanks you from Tajikistan
i think the quiz was error. when i click on the first option, my answer out with the second option. i can got 100, but i just got 80 :(
Thanks Rebecca.
I have developed my English better since I discovered this side.
I’m grateful to you.
Thank u
Hi, Rebecca. Why did you use “was served” instead “had served” in the third sentence? Is it even correct “was served”?
i got 90%
Dear Rebbecca Thanks for this helpful lessons. I got 90 % . I m very grateful to you Teacher
I got 10 of out 10
thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca teacher for teaching us online ?
I got 10/10 at first try.
Thank you dear Rebecca.
thanks 100
Thank you so much Rebecca! You’re a great teacher!
Great, I go 10.
Thanks for this course, Rebecca.
I got 10/10!! Great lesson! Thanks Rebecca!
great my teacher rebeca
Thank you very much. Rebecca!!!!
I scored 10 out of 10. Thank you teacher.
Thanks !
Rebecca, you are a great teacher
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you
thanks Rebecca
Hello my dear master Rebecca
Thank you so much for all your great efforts for increasing public knowledge
Would you please send me email my dear master? I need some advices, my email address is
I will be so glad if i find your message there. My dear master Rebecca it’s important. I am waiting for you impatiently
Sincerly yours
10 correct out of 10
thank you for the lesson rebbeca
Dear rebecca
Thanks for your teaching ,
I wrote below one sentences it’s correct ? It’s wrong means make me a correct word please.
Please be informed that below work has been completed
Mam please made a lecture on sentence arrangements. In our Exam one of question is about arrange the following word in correct order please made a video lecture on sentence arrangements
Things are getting better. Lov you Rebecca. Once again 10 out of 10
Very well 9/10!
Thanks a lot ma’am Rebecca I really love your style for teaching and your explanation are very clear…
Thank u ms rebecca i got 7/10 ?
Thank you so much
Ms Rebecca is my best teacher! Thank you for helping the poor.
Omg! Im getting better! You are way better than my actual class instructor! All the best Rebecca!
Thank you
I watched this video twice on July 22, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten out of 10.
ohh my baby,Rebacca
Wonderful explatiination. Seyi from Nigeria.
Thank you ma.
Thank you for this wonderful online teaching.
Seyi from Nigeria.
I watched this video one more time on September 02, 2021.
I got 9/10 & learned that haste makes waist!
Thanks a lot.
Good way to learn a language. It forces you to think carefully. This approach is commendable. Thanks.
Thank you
I got 10/10. Thank you so much! :)
Who is it?
The manager of my department.
What’s wrong?
Thank you very much for another useful lesson!
Thank you!
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! You are amazing. (Azores Islands, 27Aug2024);