“A while” or “awhile”? These words sound almost exactly the same, but one is a noun, and one is an adverb. In this lesson for advanced students, I’ll teach you when to use each. Even native speakers get this wrong, so it might take a while, but if you watch the lesson and do the quiz, you will get it.
you very like snakes. I don’t know but this lesson is very difficult for me. And I got 4/10 :-(
Thank you so much!
OK ! I won’t do these kind of mistakes for a while but I will see the videos on engvid awhile.
Thanks for this short but useful video James.
I got 10 out of 10.
hi olivierdauphin could you please explain to me more, because I haven’t understood very well.
thanks for you
Thanks James! It’s a good one.
9/10 :)
yeah.. 10/10..
It was a difficult lesson for me, but I will try it again :)
Dude you are awesome, you know it.))
Thanks a lot, James !
Got 8 out of 10 , its useful thanks ^
useful …as always :) thank u
it was the first time I got 100
Hello James,
I made two mistakes in the quiz. The use of “in” instead of “for” before “a while” wasn’t well explained in your video, I think. Anyway, good work, man.
Hi, santi41, so do it too, a curious coincidence. Regards.
thank u
thank you teacher for this usefull lession. Wish you healthy and happy!
thank you teacher for this useful lesson. Wish you healthy and happy!
Good lesson
u said that “a while must have “for” inside it so why is this sentence correct “once in a while…”??
Thanks James. very good lesson!!!
100% like always !! thank you very much for teaching us :))
I’ve done the lessons several times, but keep missing one or to….yikes!!!
I like the lesson especially the test right after. Now how do we follow up on our mistakes? I like this learning style. Thumbs up for sure.
I don’t know how to express my Happiness while being with you guys!
A while and awhile have the same meaning. A while is a noun and awhile is an adverb, its simple. For example: I slept for a while or I slept awhile = its the same meaning. Hope this helps U.
a while is to be used for a period of time whereas awhile is to be used for a short period of time as in this exp we chatted for a while, stand here awhile ..! :)..
good comparison, short for awhile and not so short for a while, easy to remember. Thanks…
Good lesson! Now I know the difference. Thank you James!
Thankx… Fantastic 10\10
WoW … I really liked the idea of smacking the article A with while hahaha
Great lesson, it was a piece of cake!
I need to improve my grammar (urgent) (Hell no!)
I tried To answer Those Questions above Bùt I got just 4/10 :p Cùz I didn’t saw That video , so I ‘ll take a look Then I’ll try to repeat ansewring Those questions again ! I can Do it :D ! Yes I can =)
you’re so funny. i like it.
It was very useful. Thank you!
thanks teacher! this lesson is very useful.
The simplest advice is to recognize that the adverb awhile means ‘for a short time’, and then attempt to plug in the phrase “for a short time” in place of the questionable form. If that does not work, use a while: “We’ll be there in for a short time”? No, so it has to be We’ll be there in a while. “For a short time ago”? No, so it has to be A while ago. “We drove for a short time”? Yes, so it can be We drove awhile, and even though “a while” is possible here, the usual tendency is to use the adverb. This can helps U guys!
great lesson!!
I have scored 10 out of 10. Funny enough :)
I really like your lessons, but sometimes I can´t see very well what you wrote in the board. This is the case. Thanks.
Thank you sooo much !!
thank you sir’
it is helpful lesson.
i got 6/10.
i will be good
Thanks a lot james, very informative lesson, now i know somethinhg new about English..thanks again
I haven’t thanked to James awhile. So I will be here for a while to thank him indeed.
h r u and thanks , may you help me in learning gerund
i got 10/10 …Thank u
i scored 10 out of 10.Thanks for the lesson.
hi sir james, can you please give us another examples of a while and awhile… i still cant understend…
hi james and every one I’m telling you the truth I have’nt understood the lesson very well and I still don’t know the different between awhile and a while
i dont’ understand James !! help with another examples
you don’t understand James in general or just THIS lesson?
its non of your business why are you even asking ,dont try to be smart
thank you James I really like your lessons ^_^
you are very funny i like your lessons
Thanks 10/10 not bad,ha.
i want you to make a lesson about the verb when he followed by up..cause any verb had meaning but when it followed by up completely the meaning will be changed or increased..
example (wake)not like(wake up)not like(wake them up)..and get not like get up not like get them up..so i really want you to explain this point..thanks
hussein syd
Hi, James. You explain very clearly. Good job!
I love the way you make it so simple…
thanks James
wowwww i got 80% thankssssss
It’s easy, Thank James!
Hey Black man; you are doing more acting than teaching. You should change your teaching style. We don’t need your style we want proper English lesson.
I have approved your comment so that other people can laugh at you.
I have some advice for you. If you don’t like the teacher’s videos, don’t watch them.
the teacher is amazing I like him the most , keep up James we like your way :)
I got 80 too.I miss in question 8 and 9.
Why should people laugh at me? I maintained here a reality matter. Don’t take it negative be positive. If I am wrong please forgive me once. Thank you.
Look Mr. Bajra, rather than criticism and lecturing on positivity, tell us about your achievements!!! This man you had criticised has introduced 118 lessons until now FOR FREE.
Can you simply answer, what have you done for humanity?!? Be brave to answer please.
I got 6/10 is that good??
+ thx for the lesson. u r awseme!!
Total confusion..
Thanks James! I got 8/10. I just misunderstanding a little bit. Now I’m okay.
10 out of 10! Thank you, James!!!
please can I ask a question :
please, which is correct to say “Amr is a friend to Alex” or when i say ” Amr is a friend of Alex”
thank you :)
70 percent not bad Thanks James
Very clear and easy to understand. Your ability for becoming something dificult in easy is incredible. Thanks a lot for your passion.
7/10 Not easy for my :( I need more class about awhile and a while.
thank you it was new information
so, if I’ve really understood, “A While” it’s used to time periods that we can count, and “Awhile” it’s for time periods that we can’t count, right?
Hi James.
I got 5/10. I watched the video for the second time but I didn’t get to do the quiz again. What happened?
I didn’ get it this one, I’m very confuse with a while and awhile James.
7/10 This lesson was quite difficult for me to understand((
Anyway, James thanks a lot you’re the great teacher))
it is so easy just focus on them :) thank you james..
James distinct explained the difference between “a while”(noun) and “awhile”(abj).
Very thanks.
Dear James, how are you, I am really happy to join ur classes through Internet, I was ur student at Hansa in Toronto ^_^, any way my question is why we say this will take a while not awhile ?? another thing is we waited awhile why not for a while, please explain, I am confused, thanks
i got 6 it was pretty difficult
James thanks a lot you’re the great teacher))
i like u jame! thanks
I have never thought I don’t understand such things before. It would better I have not watched that, but, Man, u really a great teacher – respect
I got 10!! Your video is awesome! I love them!!
thank you
Hello James, For your lesson. I can use “in” or “for” before a while. Is it right? Thanks for your useful lesson.
I cannot understand this lesson as appears in my ranking. I got 30%.
Abdul Qayum
i know right
Very important lesson
Best lesson yet!!!!
it was the first time I got 60 :(
very useful
it was difficult for me.
Thank you James! I’ve been hoping for a video like this quite awhile.
Because of the existing of “a” article, I’m just wondering whether “a while” can be countable or not.
By the way, thanks James for the vid.
sorry James but i didn’t really understand :o
but i still think you are still the best teacher in engvid
not clear.
Thanks loads!
Sorry it was not good at all sorry again your english not well enough
woah..10/10 :)
Thanx James..useful lesson..:):)
Hi James. Not exactly bad;( with my score. But by the way a million thanks for this. Happy day to all teachers and members of this engvid. More power!
9/10. But that was very helpful.
why Q7..is awhile?
we want a while = we want a time ….
“want” is following with a”Noun”
awhile is adverb!..means describes an action..where’s an action in “we want”?
THnx for u james,,i like ur way which u ues in teaching ..☺
Your lesson is very useful for us. Thanks a lot!
Lets’ say ok 80 %. Thanks James.
I did very well but i made 2 mistakes
in ( In a while ) Ahhhhhhhhh soo sad i got 8/10
anyway thanks a lot
i failed! i only gotonly 60 percent.
Cool and useful lesson. After first 2 questions in quiz I thought that I didn’t understand anything, but I got 10 out of 10. Great! Thanks James!
I’ve looked for this a while!
Perfect presentation!!! by James .. .
Hello…Thank you Mr.James… I do understand the lesson but I do not know how to use it in questions .. I got 5/10.. would you help me?
Thanks, James.
I’ve been looking for your lesson on punctuation
but I never seem to find it. Have you deleted it?
I’m still confuse…..
Omg!! This lesson it was the hardest one to me. It took a while to get how to do quiz.
Reza Bokneh
Thank you sir.
great !James ,but and i got 7out of 10
michael xie
Oop! my fault! “in a while”! for a while, they are noun phrase! I understood James, however, I looked at several sites about this contrast. Everyone talks in the same way, with different expressions, but I found someone who explains clearly. If anyone needs it, they can find it on “Grammarist.com”(Awhile vs. a while). Have a good weekend.
Thanks to baset who explains a little more the difference in the quantity of time, short time with “awhile” and not so short with “a while”, then it’s possible to have a clue when you hear this expression, therefore the difference between a noun and an adverb, I have doubted in the first question but now I can understand it better than before. It’s the first time that I find these expressions after a lot of time studying English, and so I have also found santi41, a curious coincidence, the world isn’t enough big to lose in it. Thanks a lot, teacher James, a short but important question to learn, very good performance as always.
I spent awhile until i finished the quiz i got 90%
I got 7, but honestly I didn’t quite get the lesson ?
Arshida m
You got 8 correct out of 10.
M kartal
Thanks James! You made me think!
Thanks for this lesson,It’s really helpful. Now I know the difference between ” a while and awhile ” and their usage.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi James. Thanks 9/10
Great lesson,James.
simple lesson but very effective. thanx James
you very like snakes. I don’t know but this lesson is very difficult for me. And I got 4/10 :-(
Thank you so much!
OK ! I won’t do these kind of mistakes for a while but I will see the videos on engvid awhile.
Thanks for this short but useful video James.
I got 10 out of 10.
hi olivierdauphin could you please explain to me more, because I haven’t understood very well.
thanks for you
Thanks James! It’s a good one.
9/10 :)
yeah.. 10/10..
It was a difficult lesson for me, but I will try it again :)
Dude you are awesome, you know it.))
Thanks a lot, James !
Got 8 out of 10 , its useful thanks ^
useful …as always :) thank u
it was the first time I got 100
Hello James,
I made two mistakes in the quiz. The use of “in” instead of “for” before “a while” wasn’t well explained in your video, I think. Anyway, good work, man.
Hi, santi41, so do it too, a curious coincidence. Regards.
thank u
thank you teacher for this usefull lession. Wish you healthy and happy!
thank you teacher for this useful lesson. Wish you healthy and happy!
Good lesson
u said that “a while must have “for” inside it so why is this sentence correct “once in a while…”??
Thanks James. very good lesson!!!
100% like always !! thank you very much for teaching us :))
I’ve done the lessons several times, but keep missing one or to….yikes!!!
I like the lesson especially the test right after. Now how do we follow up on our mistakes? I like this learning style. Thumbs up for sure.
I don’t know how to express my Happiness while being with you guys!
A while and awhile have the same meaning. A while is a noun and awhile is an adverb, its simple. For example: I slept for a while or I slept awhile = its the same meaning. Hope this helps U.
a while is to be used for a period of time whereas awhile is to be used for a short period of time as in this exp we chatted for a while, stand here awhile ..! :)..
good comparison, short for awhile and not so short for a while, easy to remember. Thanks…
Good lesson! Now I know the difference. Thank you James!
Thankx… Fantastic 10\10
WoW … I really liked the idea of smacking the article A with while hahaha
Great lesson, it was a piece of cake!
I need to improve my grammar (urgent) (Hell no!)
I tried To answer Those Questions above Bùt I got just 4/10 :p Cùz I didn’t saw That video , so I ‘ll take a look Then I’ll try to repeat ansewring Those questions again ! I can Do it :D ! Yes I can =)
you’re so funny. i like it.
It was very useful. Thank you!
thanks teacher! this lesson is very useful.
The simplest advice is to recognize that the adverb awhile means ‘for a short time’, and then attempt to plug in the phrase “for a short time” in place of the questionable form. If that does not work, use a while: “We’ll be there in for a short time”? No, so it has to be We’ll be there in a while. “For a short time ago”? No, so it has to be A while ago. “We drove for a short time”? Yes, so it can be We drove awhile, and even though “a while” is possible here, the usual tendency is to use the adverb. This can helps U guys!
great lesson!!
I have scored 10 out of 10. Funny enough :)
I really like your lessons, but sometimes I can´t see very well what you wrote in the board. This is the case. Thanks.
Thank you sooo much !!
thank you sir’
it is helpful lesson.
i got 6/10.
i will be good
Thanks a lot james, very informative lesson, now i know somethinhg new about English..thanks again
I haven’t thanked to James awhile. So I will be here for a while to thank him indeed.
h r u and thanks , may you help me in learning gerund
i got 10/10 …Thank u
i scored 10 out of 10.Thanks for the lesson.
hi sir james, can you please give us another examples of a while and awhile… i still cant understend…
hi james and every one I’m telling you the truth I have’nt understood the lesson very well and I still don’t know the different between awhile and a while
i dont’ understand James !! help with another examples
you don’t understand James in general or just THIS lesson?
its non of your business why are you even asking ,dont try to be smart
thank you James I really like your lessons ^_^
you are very funny i like your lessons
Thanks 10/10 not bad,ha.
i want you to make a lesson about the verb when he followed by up..cause any verb had meaning but when it followed by up completely the meaning will be changed or increased..
example (wake)not like(wake up)not like(wake them up)..and get not like get up not like get them up..so i really want you to explain this point..thanks
Hi, James. You explain very clearly. Good job!
I love the way you make it so simple…
thanks James
wowwww i got 80% thankssssss
It’s easy, Thank James!
Hey Black man; you are doing more acting than teaching. You should change your teaching style. We don’t need your style we want proper English lesson.
I have approved your comment so that other people can laugh at you.
I have some advice for you. If you don’t like the teacher’s videos, don’t watch them.
the teacher is amazing I like him the most , keep up James we like your way :)
I got 80 too.I miss in question 8 and 9.
Why should people laugh at me? I maintained here a reality matter. Don’t take it negative be positive. If I am wrong please forgive me once. Thank you.
Look Mr. Bajra, rather than criticism and lecturing on positivity, tell us about your achievements!!! This man you had criticised has introduced 118 lessons until now FOR FREE.
Can you simply answer, what have you done for humanity?!? Be brave to answer please.
I got 6/10 is that good??
+ thx for the lesson. u r awseme!!
Total confusion..
Thanks James! I got 8/10. I just misunderstanding a little bit. Now I’m okay.
10 out of 10! Thank you, James!!!
please can I ask a question :
please, which is correct to say “Amr is a friend to Alex” or when i say ” Amr is a friend of Alex”
thank you :)
70 percent not bad Thanks James
Very clear and easy to understand. Your ability for becoming something dificult in easy is incredible. Thanks a lot for your passion.
7/10 Not easy for my :( I need more class about awhile and a while.
thank you it was new information
so, if I’ve really understood, “A While” it’s used to time periods that we can count, and “Awhile” it’s for time periods that we can’t count, right?
Hi James.
I got 5/10. I watched the video for the second time but I didn’t get to do the quiz again. What happened?
I didn’ get it this one, I’m very confuse with a while and awhile James.
7/10 This lesson was quite difficult for me to understand((
Anyway, James thanks a lot you’re the great teacher))
it is so easy just focus on them :) thank you james..
James distinct explained the difference between “a while”(noun) and “awhile”(abj).
Very thanks.
Dear James, how are you, I am really happy to join ur classes through Internet, I was ur student at Hansa in Toronto ^_^, any way my question is why we say this will take a while not awhile ?? another thing is we waited awhile why not for a while, please explain, I am confused, thanks
i got 6 it was pretty difficult
James thanks a lot you’re the great teacher))
i like u jame! thanks
I have never thought I don’t understand such things before. It would better I have not watched that, but, Man, u really a great teacher – respect
I got 10!! Your video is awesome! I love them!!
thank you
Hello James, For your lesson. I can use “in” or “for” before a while. Is it right? Thanks for your useful lesson.
I cannot understand this lesson as appears in my ranking. I got 30%.
i know right
Very important lesson
Best lesson yet!!!!
it was the first time I got 60 :(
very useful
it was difficult for me.
Thank you James! I’ve been hoping for a video like this quite awhile.
Because of the existing of “a” article, I’m just wondering whether “a while” can be countable or not.
By the way, thanks James for the vid.
sorry James but i didn’t really understand :o
but i still think you are still the best teacher in engvid
not clear.
Thanks loads!
Sorry it was not good at all sorry again your english not well enough
woah..10/10 :)
Thanx James..useful lesson..:):)
Hi James. Not exactly bad;( with my score. But by the way a million thanks for this. Happy day to all teachers and members of this engvid. More power!
9/10. But that was very helpful.
why Q7..is awhile?
we want a while = we want a time ….
“want” is following with a”Noun”
awhile is adverb!..means describes an action..where’s an action in “we want”?
THnx for u james,,i like ur way which u ues in teaching ..☺
Your lesson is very useful for us. Thanks a lot!
Lets’ say ok 80 %. Thanks James.
I did very well but i made 2 mistakes
in ( In a while ) Ahhhhhhhhh soo sad i got 8/10
anyway thanks a lot
i failed! i only gotonly 60 percent.
Cool and useful lesson. After first 2 questions in quiz I thought that I didn’t understand anything, but I got 10 out of 10. Great! Thanks James!
I’ve looked for this a while!
Perfect presentation!!! by James .. .
Hello…Thank you Mr.James… I do understand the lesson but I do not know how to use it in questions .. I got 5/10.. would you help me?
Thanks, James.
I’ve been looking for your lesson on punctuation
but I never seem to find it. Have you deleted it?
I’m still confuse…..
Omg!! This lesson it was the hardest one to me. It took a while to get how to do quiz.
Thank you sir.
great !James ,but and i got 7out of 10
Oop! my fault! “in a while”! for a while, they are noun phrase! I understood James, however, I looked at several sites about this contrast. Everyone talks in the same way, with different expressions, but I found someone who explains clearly. If anyone needs it, they can find it on “Grammarist.com”(Awhile vs. a while). Have a good weekend.
Thanks to baset who explains a little more the difference in the quantity of time, short time with “awhile” and not so short with “a while”, then it’s possible to have a clue when you hear this expression, therefore the difference between a noun and an adverb, I have doubted in the first question but now I can understand it better than before. It’s the first time that I find these expressions after a lot of time studying English, and so I have also found santi41, a curious coincidence, the world isn’t enough big to lose in it. Thanks a lot, teacher James, a short but important question to learn, very good performance as always.
I spent awhile until i finished the quiz i got 90%
I got 7, but honestly I didn’t quite get the lesson ?
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Thanks James! You made me think!
Thanks for this lesson,It’s really helpful. Now I know the difference between ” a while and awhile ” and their usage.
I got 4-10 correct
Thanks for this lesson.
Thank you sir, 10/10