EngVid users, some of whom are advanced speakers, will find this lesson useful for improving their formal English. If you’re comfortable with adjective clauses, check out this lesson to expand your knowledge.
I haven’t watch everyone yet but I already watch Emma, Rebecca, & Ronnie. I learned a lot from them. My big problem is using prepositions. I’ve watched some of prepositions video but if I could have someone to explain how beneath,beside, besides,toward, towards,off, and more. If that would be posible. Whatever you can teach me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
Hi Alex,
I will be so glad if you add a video expaning the difference between effect and affect.
I went through the lesson and it was really very helpful.
Was very helpful, 9/10 :)
Thank you sir.
100 :D
No way…!
You’ve got a lot of terrific lesson, one of which is this :)
“You’ve got a lot of terrific lessons,…”
Don’t forget to use a plural if you say “a lot.”
Hey Alex, I just wanted to clarify if the rule is always same, do you always have to put the plural form after ‘a lot of’? or is there any exception?
simply awesome
It is not that easy
No, it isn’t, but with continued practice it becomes easier.
sir i am so happy for getting a chance to learn new things by native teacher
Haha. Good one.
It’s an advanced grammar point, and you can hear native speakers using this construction in a variety of settings.
Check out this fact. Tim Burton has made over 20 movies, 8 of which have starred Johnny Depp.
Hi, sir .. I Have a question.
I am the student . I pass the test.
I am the student who passes the test or who pass the test.
which one is the correct one please????????
Barkat Basham
Hey Alex! When I’m talking about places what I can use?
hi sir
thanks for leccons
Hi Alex
I’ve looked up for lesson “Adjective Clauses”, but I didn’t find it.
Please, could you send me the link, or show me where is it?
I’ve been following many online english websites , only one of which is worth learning from. It’s Engvid.com with no doubt !
Right on! Thanks!
Thanks a lot
God bless you all
Very good lesson! Thanks Alex
Dear Alex!!!
WHY some grammar books mention that (that)isn’t correct to be used with non-identifying adjective clauses?
Because it can’t be. :) Never push a “that” adjective clause after a comma.
I visited Times Square last year, which was also the year I got married. (OK)
I visited Times Square last year, that was also the year I got married. (NOT OK)
The only way the second sentence can work is if you make them into two separate sentences like this:
I visited Times Square last year. That was also the year I got married.
I visited Times Square last year; that was also the year I got married.
Thanks Alex
I appreciate you and Ronnie answering our questions.
Thanks Alex.
This lesson is very useful for me.
Dear Alex! Why don’t you use “when” in that sentence.
I’ve been to two new places this year. One of them was Las Vegas
>> I’ve been to two new places this year, one of which was Las Vegas. (correct) >> so why not “where”. Can you give me the answer to find it out? Thank you very much!
“WHEN” is not a “QUANTIFIER”. It’s an adverb of
“WHERE” is not a QUANTIFIER,it’s an adverb of place.
“Been to…( is the correct verb) two new places.
We need a quantifier to have these constructions:
“one of whom,” “one of which”
I hope you get my point.
Anyway,only Professor Alex can explain it better.
Dear Alex! Why don’t you use “when” in that sentence.
I’ve been to two new places this year. One of them was Las Vegas
>> I’ve been to two new places this year, one of which was Las Vegas. (correct) >> so why not “where”. Can you give me the answer to find it out? Thank you very much!
Hey, Alex thanks for this lesson.
I think there’s a mistake on exercise #4: I think you’ve forgotten to use “were” after the word paitings:
(He’s a famous painter. One of his paintings “were” sold for over $50,000.)
Could you check this out for me?
Hmm, I think you may be right, although you would use “was” instead of “were.” However, native speakers also use the verb “sold” without the verb to be.
I advertised my phone on eBay. It sold for $300.
Well,I think it has to be WAS because it’s about
ONE specific painting and the sentence is in the
Passive Voice. I guess that’s it,isn’t it,Alex?
I’d like to know if I am correct.
Good class! I got aq 80%, I have a cold, I am tired, but the class was so entertainin! Thanks Alex
Hi Alex,nice lesson,
How I do to make exchange in Canada?what”s school?so on…
U know,it was in a song 4 children;
“A boy has drunk jugs of juice n his mum was looking at him”;The boy says:
I’ve got juice,
She’s my mum,
Mum mum mum
“””””” She’s got my sum “”””””
Sum sum sum.
Up Me!
it’s a really helpful lesson
I like this lesson so much
You are so funny
aren’t you?
Hello Alex, I have two questions:
One concerns “whom” because Americans use “who” as a subject and object, and if we want to speak American English, in this example you gave “both of whom”, can we use “both of who”, or in this specific case should we use “whom”?
The second question is: if we want to combine the two sentences using a comma, is this wrong when we say: “Cris has two sisters, both of them smoke”, or if we want to say it in that way, do we have to separate the sentences using a period? What about “and” — “Cris has two sisters and both of them smoke”, is this correct?
Native English speakers definitely use “who” in place of “whom” because most don’t know or care about the difference between the two words. However, in the case of adjective clauses with quantifiers, you are more likely to hear “whom.” It just rolls off your tongue better.
You need to separate the two sentences you wrote. You can either use a period of a semi-colon.
Chris has two sisters. Both of them smoke.
Chris has two sisters; both of them smoke.
With and, you used two independent clauses, so you should technically place a comma before “and.”
Chris has two sisters, and both of them smoke.
You’ll see native speakers who omit the comma, though.
Thanks for continuing to come back!
Thank you, sir! Got 10/10.
Hi Alex, it’s my first lesson and it was very useful. I’ve got 9/10. Hello from Spain and thanks.
Welcome to EngVid!
:) The Best.
hi sir,alex
my name iz jahangir baloch and i am from balochiistan.i am preparing for css exam.In css exam the tough part of paper is composition and essey wrighting.plz upload a detail lecture on rules of essey wrighting and composition.
i will be very thankful to you and plzplzplz mention my name in lecture if u can this iz not a order this iz just a request.it helps me to learn quickly.
THANKS a lot for doing briliant job.
thanks for this video. but i want to ask about nouns ,we use trousers with plural verbs but we use news with singular verbs why? i want to learn. both of them have -s at the end . thanks beforehand
Hi Alex,please help me(
Hi, Alex. I got 10 correct out of 10. I’ve thoroughly understood. I am happy. Thank you for your awesome teaching skill.
Good job! I’m glad you found it useful!
Hi, I heard miss Rani’s lecture
Really grat lesson! Thanks a lot Alex
hi Alex, could you tell me the difference between “have a difficult time doing sth” and “have difficulty doing sth”??? And their exact meanings?? thanks a lot :)
Welcome every body
i’m so bad in it .. :( i got 7/10
It’s Okey Bro , Next time you’ll reach 10/10 be sure ! jùst keep trying even if you made a mistake ;) never give up
Hi teacher! I want to ask about the grammar of the following sentence:”The last thing I do is feed the chikens”
Dear Thoa56,
In stead of our teacher I would like to tell you what I know. The sentence “The last thing I do is feed the chickens” is the same to “The last thing I do is to feed the chickens”.
Sometimes an infinitive is used in the emphasized verb phrase after to do in the what-clause. Like this: What I want to do is (to) study English.
thank you Alex! Got perfect score.. :)
Thanks, Alex! That was new although I’m majoring in English! Question, would you use that construction in everyday conversation? Is it kind of “too formal” to use? I just don’t wanna sound like a smart ass, if you know what I mean…One more thing, can you make a lesson on “predominant” vs “dominant”? I googled the whole thing, they’re supposed to be different and used in different contexts, but I just can’t find why, nor can I find the different connotations of either one of them. Thanks a million, Alex! Osama form Jordan
It’s definitely a formal structure, but it’s possible to use it in regular conversation without sounding like a smart ass. Just depends how natural you sound when you say it.
He’s made tons of movies, only one of which was decent.
She’s written 3 books, all of which deal with the exact same questions and themes.
Unfortunately, I can’t help you with the “dominant”/”predominant” question. It’s not something I’ve ever really done any in-depth research on. After a quick google search, I couldn’t find much either.
Thanks, Alex!
That’s still good!
Wow! . I can’t believe myself! I got 10 correct out of 10 when I tested my understanding of this English lesson after I watched that video while I’m afraid to speak English with native speakers. I think there must be any wrong with my strategy to learn English. I also have problems to write. Plus, I have problems in listening. But that site and IELTS tapes help me get my listening better.
Sir Alex, can you suggest how to improve my English as I am in the place not used English speaking?
i made 100 exersices two of which are false
Wow! . I can’t believe myself! I got 10 correct out of 10 when I tested my understanding of this English lesson after watching that video. But I’m afraid to speak English with native speakers. I think there must be anything wrong with my strategy to learn English. I also have problems to write. Plus, I have problems in listening. But that site and IELTS tapes help my listening skill better.
Sir Alex, can you suggest how to improve my English as I am in the place not used spoken English?
Thanks Alex, this lesson helped me a lot.
Now is necessary to keeping use to fix the idea and remember in conversation moments.
have a nice day.
Thanks Sir , This what I was looking for , and really I appreciate your job =)
Thanks for the clear answer, like “The last thing I do is feed the chickens” is to emphasize an action . I already understand. Thanks asylum any more.
Hi Alex, I ve got some mistake in that lesson but I m gonna keep study hardly, I promess.
Thank you.
i have many english sites on my favorite list , the best of which is engvid
can you tell me them please?
Thank you Alex I got 9 out of 10. I like this kind of lessons.
Thank you.You are always great.I am a little confused about the difference between the subordinated clause and the adverb clause and relative clause.Foe example the word “when” is a subordinated conjunction or a relative adverb.please explain it a little bit more.Thank you.
sir if we want to more exercise where we could find many many questions ? please waiting for your answer
thanks with warm regards
Don’t you need to use a comma here,instead of a period?
Thank your very much for all these lessons
Thank your very much for all these lessons
i would like to request you to post one lesson about the phrasal verbs with preposition ‘with’.
iam having great deal of confusion about that.
looking forward to getting your response sir
with warm regards
Thanks again teacher Alex. It’s such a nice lesson.
Alex Sir, I have got 70/100. It was not easy for me to do this quiz but I got 70/100.So,it’s not bad.
10 out of 10! :D
Hi Alex,
Could you please help me how to combine two sentences to make one by using adjective clause.
The man was sick.
He looked very pale.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you Alex!! I have one mind which is broken.
thanks so much…it’ll help me in my exam!!
believe me you r amazing
Thanks a lot, it helps me so much!
I am enjoying this course because I have learnt a lot … thank teachers.
Thank you so much =D
Good work
Its a little bit difficult.
I got 9 correct out of 10. Ya~y! Not perfect but I was glad because the quiz was difficult for me.
I was confused. Let me practice here.
I have two Dr. Seuss’s picture books, both of whose books became movies. (Is my sentence correct?)
Thank you, Alex :)
Hi Mr. Alex…
I downloaded your video teaching. It is very interesting.
I get a lot of things from you.
Can I ask . what does this sentence mean?
“Male and female loons tend to act cooperatively.”
what does the word “loon” mean?
can you put in the similar word.
Thank you a lot.
agus muda
A loon is a kind of water bird that’s very similar to a duck! (They are on the one-dollar coin in Canada.)
engVid Moderator
6/10 Whom or whose “That is the question”!
I got 9/10, but I don’t know how!
Your teaching style is amazing. God bless you, Alex. Thanks.
Mohsen Lotfi
Thank you!It’s was so interesting and cognitively.
Abisso Rain
Thanks Sir, I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
the sentences 5 and 7, in which i had mistakes, i got 8/10
ıt is just that easy . SCORE 100
Hi Alex! Many thanks for this great lesson this topic has always been confusing to me but I still have a little question…what if the possession is expressed by an object like for instance “American theaters have just released the comedy … (whose?) success was predicted long before its shooting” ? Sorry for such a stupid and maybe grammatically incorrect example but I just need to know what noun should be used in this case. Thank you!
Thanks Alex, I got 9/10
Alex, whose lessons are fantastic, is very popular at Engvid. :)
if one got 10 out of 10,what level of english has he?
Hey Alex, is it correct to say “I have two sisters, one of whom is 13 and the other one 9”? Because I wrote that in an exam and my English teacher said it was wrong but I think that’s not true.
Jenny E.
Hi, Alex.
I really like your teaching.
You make get more ideas of teaching English grammar to Cambodia students. I am a student of English Literature and also teach English in primary level.
If you don`t mind me, Can you give me more lessons on Adjective clauses with prepositions, and nouns. One more thing, about Adjective Phrases.
I am going to present about these points next week at my Uni. I really need help from you.
Thanks you in advanced!
Thank you Alex, you are so understandable
Alex. You are an incredible teacher! In order to keep my English memory in line and alert this summer, I will be watching your lessons along with others. I need to ready myself for college this fall semester. Thank you so much!
Sarena Dougherty
I have five books, all of which are written by paulo coelho.
Hi Alex,
Please help me explain more clearly this point:
Mark has got a lot of problems. Two of them are depression and alcoholism.
–> Mark has got a lot of problems, two of whose problems are depression and alcoholism.
Why don’t I use to like that? Knewing that “has got” that mean POSSESSIVE
Hi Alex,
Please help me explain more clearly this point:
Mark has got a lot of problems. Two of them are depression and alcoholism.
–> Mark has got a lot of problems, two of whose problems are depression and alcoholism.
Why don’t I use to like that? Knewing that “has got” also mean POSSESSIVE
Great lesson Alex,it really was useful.
Julio Anez
very useful lesson. Thanks
Sallon yu
ok so so 70 %. Thanks Alex.
I got 100!
It’s clear to use adjective clauses with quantifiers thanks to you.
Heather K.
I love the way you to teach us.It´s just so clear.
marian witzke
I know many pages on the www which are teaching english, one of which engvid.com
100% thank you a lot )))
Ann Anastasiadi
Thanks alex … there are many sites on net to learn english , one of which is engvid.com . I really appreciate the efforts which are done by good teachers whom are doing a great job also their performance in videos is wonderful and this is a little of whose :)
Alex’s an English teacher, all of whose videos are amazing. :)
Hi! I’d like you teach about Quantifiers, differences between ‘few’ ‘a few’ ‘little’ ‘a little’ and all about ‘Quantifiers’, Please. Thanks :)
Marle Torres
I’m so happy, i did it very well, ALEX YOU ARE A GREAT TEACHER!
it was a usefull lesson . thank you tearcher
said belahcen
I got 10,great ,youe lessons all are very clear and easy to understand. keep it up. I expect more lessons from you to keep us better in speaking English.
I’ve got 9/10
I’m Happy, It was a helpful lesson
Great teacher.thank you alex.
Abdullah kateb
I got 9 correct out of 10. I was confusing about adjective clause before,but I think I could be better. thank you for making everything clear.
Nikki Jwx
there are a lot of intelligent students, but I’m not one of whome. please colud you tell me if this sentence is correct?
well thank
please I want to learn English, I want to talk it correctly without hesitating or fairing; for everyone want to learn I’m ready to talk with in facebook my name on it is well thank
well thank
Great teacher.thank you alex.
Thanks a lot….
obviously it’s a good lesson which i have been looking for a long time ago. i’m trying to do my best into practicing this adjective clauses and quantifiers more and more in order to get it much easier than to use it in my daily conversation xxx
ahjij abdelhafid
Excellent…very useful lesson!!!
It was exellent. thank a lot.
many thanks for this lesson
hi, I saw many video class, it help me a lot, so just to let you know and still practicing your classes….thank so much for your help blessings!!!
Congratulations Alex this is a wonderful material, from which i am learning and improving my English grammar.
Thank you for this lesson:)
thank you very much for your lesson.
Why do you put “to” before two at the clause “I’ve been to two new places this year”?
Hi Alex, I am new here! First of all congrats for your videos. You are doing an amazing work here!
I do not know if here is right place to leave my doubt, my sincere apologies if I am wrong:
I am an IT pro and sometimes I am facing troubles when I need to use or understand the differences between the words “setup”, “configuration” and “install” could you help me out!? In Portuguese is quite easy, but in English…
Thanks in advance!
Starley Ribeiro Fonseca
i got 8 from 10
and How to share my score to facebook?
I’ve responded all the enquiries correctly.
Alex, thank You very much. :-)
Dear Professor Alex, this has been the best
lesson on Relative Clauses ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Professor Alex, this has been the best
lesson on Relative Clauses ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I may be repeating myself once I have watched this lesson before, but I think it’s relevant
and worthwhile to say it again.
Got 9 out of 10. I feel like I’m making a great progress using Engvid.com for Learning English. And about this lesson; This is one of which I like the most and what I had been expecting for. Thanks Alex. :)
Thanks alot alex
perfect sharing thanks man.
thanks Alex for your great lesson
Thanks. It’s a clear lesson to understand.
I like the way that you teach.
Alex,all of whose lessons are clear and helpful to English learners,is a great teacher. :D
Leona Huang
Bien expliqué,…..mais difficile à utiliser.
Merci Alex.
i really enjoy the lesson so nice thank you.
Hi, Alex!
I’m Dedy. I have watched several engvid’s videos in Youtube, most of which were yours. Thank’s man!
thanks a lot..
Thank you so much
May I ask you to explain fragment sentence as well?
thanks for using whom, which, whose as relative clauses
Thank you Alex,
Alex is a good English teacher, all of whose lesson videos are very useful. ^.^
Very good, love it !
I couldn’t even imagine, i got 100% for this toughest test, i have ever took on this particular lesson, thank you alex for the wonderful video lesson,
hi alex! 10 out 10. this is of the tough lessons. you made it on of the easiest thanks to your clean explanation……….a thumbs up!
absolutely incredible
I have three flags, one of which is Indonesia’s flag
hello teacher i have got 8/10,THANKS greats from Romania!!
Bonica Alexandra
Thanks, again. Alex, I really appreciate, all this effort.
your first sentence in this lesson a little confuses me because you are talking about both sisters from two.
I think if you would write down: Chris has three ( or more) sisters, both of them smoke”, then it is logically.
maybe am I not correct?
Hi gena35,
his sentence is correct. You are wrong.
Both refer to two people or things.
Sentence “Chris has three(or more)sisters, both of them smoke” doesn’t has sence.
You should do some research of meaning of word “both”
I wish you all the best ;)
Thanks Alex!
excelent, thanks a lot. 100
Diego Varela
Thanks Alex.I really enjoyed your lesson and the Quiz
Susana B
8/10 Very interesting lesson. Thank you, Alex!
I’ve two sons, one of whom lives in New York.
I also have two brothers, one of whom lives in Capital of Seoul Korea.
Thank you, Alex.
Hi Tammyjang1,
you wrote great sentences.
I wish you all the best ;)
I got 6.
Eisenhower Fernando Gonzales Leon
Hi there,
I’ve recently completed the quiz. I got 9 out of 10.
I made a mistake in seventh question.
I would like to mention I took a quiz before watching the video.
I hope to find the answer to question seven there.
Then I would never be confused about that.
Best wishes to all of English learners;)
I can’t find words to describe how happy I am to have met Engvid in my life. I study English at a local institute of English. But definitively these videos compliment my learning. Thank you Alex for solving this dude that seemed anybody cares of.Sorry for my bad writting.I’m still a student.
Thank you
yay 10/10 thank you!!!! I learned a lot!
100 yes!
I watched this video twice on June 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you!
Thank you sir for teaching us. Adjective cluse is very larg topic we hope you will teach us more about it.
Chocolate 123@
Great work?
Such a great explanation. Thank you so much!
Thank you very much for your clear explanation. I got 10 out 10. :)
thank you for the simple nice explanation and for the questions .
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank u for this useful lesson i had get full marks
Thanks Alex .
Regards from Poland
Great lesson. I got 9/10. Thank Alex Sir..
yes, i got 100
I haven’t watch everyone yet but I already watch Emma, Rebecca, & Ronnie. I learned a lot from them. My big problem is using prepositions. I’ve watched some of prepositions video but if I could have someone to explain how beneath,beside, besides,toward, towards,off, and more. If that would be posible. Whatever you can teach me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
Hi Alex,
I will be so glad if you add a video expaning the difference between effect and affect.
Hi vishnu,
Rebecca has made a video on this topic: https://www.engvid.com/confused-words-effect-affect/
Many thanks Alex.
I went through the lesson and it was really very helpful.
Was very helpful, 9/10 :)
Thank you sir.
100 :D
No way…!
You’ve got a lot of terrific lesson, one of which is this :)
“You’ve got a lot of terrific lessons,…”
Don’t forget to use a plural if you say “a lot.”
Hey Alex, I just wanted to clarify if the rule is always same, do you always have to put the plural form after ‘a lot of’? or is there any exception?
simply awesome
It is not that easy
No, it isn’t, but with continued practice it becomes easier.
sir i am so happy for getting a chance to learn new things by native teacher
Haha. Good one.
It’s an advanced grammar point, and you can hear native speakers using this construction in a variety of settings.
Check out this fact. Tim Burton has made over 20 movies, 8 of which have starred Johnny Depp.
Hi, sir .. I Have a question.
I am the student . I pass the test.
I am the student who passes the test or who pass the test.
which one is the correct one please????????
Hey Alex! When I’m talking about places what I can use?
hi sir
thanks for leccons
Hi Alex
I’ve looked up for lesson “Adjective Clauses”, but I didn’t find it.
Please, could you send me the link, or show me where is it?
They are also called relative clauses, which is why you may have had a difficult time finding it. Here is the lesson: https://www.engvid.com/writing-relative-clauses-overview/
I’ve been following many online english websites , only one of which is worth learning from. It’s Engvid.com with no doubt !
Right on! Thanks!
Thanks a lot
God bless you all
Very good lesson! Thanks Alex
Dear Alex!!!
WHY some grammar books mention that (that)isn’t correct to be used with non-identifying adjective clauses?
Because it can’t be. :) Never push a “that” adjective clause after a comma.
I visited Times Square last year, which was also the year I got married. (OK)
I visited Times Square last year, that was also the year I got married. (NOT OK)
The only way the second sentence can work is if you make them into two separate sentences like this:
I visited Times Square last year. That was also the year I got married.
I visited Times Square last year; that was also the year I got married.
Thanks Alex
I appreciate you and Ronnie answering our questions.
Thanks Alex.
This lesson is very useful for me.
Dear Alex! Why don’t you use “when” in that sentence.
I’ve been to two new places this year. One of them was Las Vegas
>> I’ve been to two new places this year, one of which was Las Vegas. (correct) >> so why not “where”. Can you give me the answer to find it out? Thank you very much!
“WHEN” is not a “QUANTIFIER”. It’s an adverb of
“WHERE” is not a QUANTIFIER,it’s an adverb of place.
“Been to…( is the correct verb) two new places.
We need a quantifier to have these constructions:
“one of whom,” “one of which”
I hope you get my point.
Anyway,only Professor Alex can explain it better.
Dear Alex! Why don’t you use “when” in that sentence.
I’ve been to two new places this year. One of them was Las Vegas
>> I’ve been to two new places this year, one of which was Las Vegas. (correct) >> so why not “where”. Can you give me the answer to find it out? Thank you very much!
Hey, Alex thanks for this lesson.
I think there’s a mistake on exercise #4: I think you’ve forgotten to use “were” after the word paitings:
(He’s a famous painter. One of his paintings “were” sold for over $50,000.)
Could you check this out for me?
Hmm, I think you may be right, although you would use “was” instead of “were.” However, native speakers also use the verb “sold” without the verb to be.
I advertised my phone on eBay. It sold for $300.
Well,I think it has to be WAS because it’s about
ONE specific painting and the sentence is in the
Passive Voice. I guess that’s it,isn’t it,Alex?
I’d like to know if I am correct.
Good class! I got aq 80%, I have a cold, I am tired, but the class was so entertainin! Thanks Alex
Hi Alex,nice lesson,
How I do to make exchange in Canada?what”s school?so on…
Thank you Alex, you are a great teacher.
thank a lot Alex
Hi all,
Who knows what does the below sentence mean plz?!
“My mum has got my sum”.
TX in advance !
I’ve never heard this before. Sorry!
Rah Rah …
I’ve got it!
U know,it was in a song 4 children;
“A boy has drunk jugs of juice n his mum was looking at him”;The boy says:
I’ve got juice,
She’s my mum,
Mum mum mum
“””””” She’s got my sum “”””””
Sum sum sum.
Up Me!
it’s a really helpful lesson
I like this lesson so much
You are so funny
aren’t you?
Hello Alex, I have two questions:
One concerns “whom” because Americans use “who” as a subject and object, and if we want to speak American English, in this example you gave “both of whom”, can we use “both of who”, or in this specific case should we use “whom”?
The second question is: if we want to combine the two sentences using a comma, is this wrong when we say: “Cris has two sisters, both of them smoke”, or if we want to say it in that way, do we have to separate the sentences using a period? What about “and” — “Cris has two sisters and both of them smoke”, is this correct?
Native English speakers definitely use “who” in place of “whom” because most don’t know or care about the difference between the two words. However, in the case of adjective clauses with quantifiers, you are more likely to hear “whom.” It just rolls off your tongue better.
You need to separate the two sentences you wrote. You can either use a period of a semi-colon.
Chris has two sisters. Both of them smoke.
Chris has two sisters; both of them smoke.
With and, you used two independent clauses, so you should technically place a comma before “and.”
Chris has two sisters, and both of them smoke.
You’ll see native speakers who omit the comma, though.
Thanks for continuing to come back!
Thank you, sir! Got 10/10.
Hi Alex, it’s my first lesson and it was very useful. I’ve got 9/10. Hello from Spain and thanks.
Welcome to EngVid!
:) The Best.
hi sir,alex
my name iz jahangir baloch and i am from balochiistan.i am preparing for css exam.In css exam the tough part of paper is composition and essey wrighting.plz upload a detail lecture on rules of essey wrighting and composition.
i will be very thankful to you and plzplzplz mention my name in lecture if u can this iz not a order this iz just a request.it helps me to learn quickly.
THANKS a lot for doing briliant job.
thanks for this video. but i want to ask about nouns ,we use trousers with plural verbs but we use news with singular verbs why? i want to learn. both of them have -s at the end . thanks beforehand
Hi Alex,please help me(
Hi, Alex. I got 10 correct out of 10. I’ve thoroughly understood. I am happy. Thank you for your awesome teaching skill.
Good job! I’m glad you found it useful!
Hi, I heard miss Rani’s lecture
Really grat lesson! Thanks a lot Alex
hi Alex, could you tell me the difference between “have a difficult time doing sth” and “have difficulty doing sth”??? And their exact meanings?? thanks a lot :)
Welcome every body
i’m so bad in it .. :( i got 7/10
It’s Okey Bro , Next time you’ll reach 10/10 be sure ! jùst keep trying even if you made a mistake ;) never give up
Hi teacher! I want to ask about the grammar of the following sentence:”The last thing I do is feed the chikens”
Dear Thoa56,
In stead of our teacher I would like to tell you what I know. The sentence “The last thing I do is feed the chickens” is the same to “The last thing I do is to feed the chickens”.
Sometimes an infinitive is used in the emphasized verb phrase after to do in the what-clause. Like this: What I want to do is (to) study English.
thank you Alex! Got perfect score.. :)
Thanks, Alex! That was new although I’m majoring in English! Question, would you use that construction in everyday conversation? Is it kind of “too formal” to use? I just don’t wanna sound like a smart ass, if you know what I mean…One more thing, can you make a lesson on “predominant” vs “dominant”? I googled the whole thing, they’re supposed to be different and used in different contexts, but I just can’t find why, nor can I find the different connotations of either one of them. Thanks a million, Alex! Osama form Jordan
It’s definitely a formal structure, but it’s possible to use it in regular conversation without sounding like a smart ass. Just depends how natural you sound when you say it.
He’s made tons of movies, only one of which was decent.
She’s written 3 books, all of which deal with the exact same questions and themes.
Unfortunately, I can’t help you with the “dominant”/”predominant” question. It’s not something I’ve ever really done any in-depth research on. After a quick google search, I couldn’t find much either.
Thanks, Alex!
That’s still good!
Wow! . I can’t believe myself! I got 10 correct out of 10 when I tested my understanding of this English lesson after I watched that video while I’m afraid to speak English with native speakers. I think there must be any wrong with my strategy to learn English. I also have problems to write. Plus, I have problems in listening. But that site and IELTS tapes help me get my listening better.
Sir Alex, can you suggest how to improve my English as I am in the place not used English speaking?
i made 100 exersices two of which are false
Wow! . I can’t believe myself! I got 10 correct out of 10 when I tested my understanding of this English lesson after watching that video. But I’m afraid to speak English with native speakers. I think there must be anything wrong with my strategy to learn English. I also have problems to write. Plus, I have problems in listening. But that site and IELTS tapes help my listening skill better.
Sir Alex, can you suggest how to improve my English as I am in the place not used spoken English?
Thanks Alex, this lesson helped me a lot.
Now is necessary to keeping use to fix the idea and remember in conversation moments.
have a nice day.
Thanks Sir , This what I was looking for , and really I appreciate your job =)
Thanks for the clear answer, like “The last thing I do is feed the chickens” is to emphasize an action . I already understand. Thanks asylum any more.
Hi Alex, I ve got some mistake in that lesson but I m gonna keep study hardly, I promess.
Thank you.
i have many english sites on my favorite list , the best of which is engvid
can you tell me them please?
Thank you Alex I got 9 out of 10. I like this kind of lessons.
Thank you.You are always great.I am a little confused about the difference between the subordinated clause and the adverb clause and relative clause.Foe example the word “when” is a subordinated conjunction or a relative adverb.please explain it a little bit more.Thank you.
sir if we want to more exercise where we could find many many questions ? please waiting for your answer
thanks with warm regards
Don’t you need to use a comma here,instead of a period?
Thank your very much for all these lessons
Thank your very much for all these lessons
i would like to request you to post one lesson about the phrasal verbs with preposition ‘with’.
iam having great deal of confusion about that.
looking forward to getting your response sir
with warm regards
Thanks again teacher Alex. It’s such a nice lesson.
Alex Sir, I have got 70/100. It was not easy for me to do this quiz but I got 70/100.So,it’s not bad.
10 out of 10! :D
Hi Alex,
Could you please help me how to combine two sentences to make one by using adjective clause.
The man was sick.
He looked very pale.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you Alex!! I have one mind which is broken.
thanks so much…it’ll help me in my exam!!
believe me you r amazing
Thanks a lot, it helps me so much!
I am enjoying this course because I have learnt a lot … thank teachers.
Thank you so much =D
Good work
Its a little bit difficult.
I got 9 correct out of 10. Ya~y! Not perfect but I was glad because the quiz was difficult for me.
I was confused. Let me practice here.
I have two Dr. Seuss’s picture books, both of whose books became movies. (Is my sentence correct?)
Thank you, Alex :)
Hi Mr. Alex…
I downloaded your video teaching. It is very interesting.
I get a lot of things from you.
Can I ask . what does this sentence mean?
“Male and female loons tend to act cooperatively.”
what does the word “loon” mean?
can you put in the similar word.
Thank you a lot.
A loon is a kind of water bird that’s very similar to a duck! (They are on the one-dollar coin in Canada.)
6/10 Whom or whose “That is the question”!
I got 9/10, but I don’t know how!
Your teaching style is amazing. God bless you, Alex. Thanks.
Thank you!It’s was so interesting and cognitively.
Thanks Sir, I got 100%.
the sentences 5 and 7, in which i had mistakes, i got 8/10
ıt is just that easy . SCORE 100
Hi Alex! Many thanks for this great lesson this topic has always been confusing to me but I still have a little question…what if the possession is expressed by an object like for instance “American theaters have just released the comedy … (whose?) success was predicted long before its shooting” ? Sorry for such a stupid and maybe grammatically incorrect example but I just need to know what noun should be used in this case. Thank you!
Thanks Alex, I got 9/10
Alex, whose lessons are fantastic, is very popular at Engvid. :)
if one got 10 out of 10,what level of english has he?
Hey Alex, is it correct to say “I have two sisters, one of whom is 13 and the other one 9”? Because I wrote that in an exam and my English teacher said it was wrong but I think that’s not true.
Hi, Alex.
I really like your teaching.
You make get more ideas of teaching English grammar to Cambodia students. I am a student of English Literature and also teach English in primary level.
If you don`t mind me, Can you give me more lessons on Adjective clauses with prepositions, and nouns. One more thing, about Adjective Phrases.
I am going to present about these points next week at my Uni. I really need help from you.
Thanks you in advanced!
Thank you Alex, you are so understandable
Alex. You are an incredible teacher! In order to keep my English memory in line and alert this summer, I will be watching your lessons along with others. I need to ready myself for college this fall semester. Thank you so much!
I have five books, all of which are written by paulo coelho.
Hi Alex,
Please help me explain more clearly this point:
Mark has got a lot of problems. Two of them are depression and alcoholism.
–> Mark has got a lot of problems, two of whose problems are depression and alcoholism.
Why don’t I use to like that? Knewing that “has got” that mean POSSESSIVE
Hi Alex,
Please help me explain more clearly this point:
Mark has got a lot of problems. Two of them are depression and alcoholism.
–> Mark has got a lot of problems, two of whose problems are depression and alcoholism.
Why don’t I use to like that? Knewing that “has got” also mean POSSESSIVE
Great lesson Alex,it really was useful.
very useful lesson. Thanks
ok so so 70 %. Thanks Alex.
I got 100!
It’s clear to use adjective clauses with quantifiers thanks to you.
I love the way you to teach us.It´s just so clear.
I know many pages on the www which are teaching english, one of which engvid.com
100% thank you a lot )))
Thanks alex … there are many sites on net to learn english , one of which is engvid.com . I really appreciate the efforts which are done by good teachers whom are doing a great job also their performance in videos is wonderful and this is a little of whose :)
Alex’s an English teacher, all of whose videos are amazing. :)
Hi! I’d like you teach about Quantifiers, differences between ‘few’ ‘a few’ ‘little’ ‘a little’ and all about ‘Quantifiers’, Please. Thanks :)
I’m so happy, i did it very well, ALEX YOU ARE A GREAT TEACHER!
it was a usefull lesson . thank you tearcher
I got 10,great ,youe lessons all are very clear and easy to understand. keep it up. I expect more lessons from you to keep us better in speaking English.
I’ve got 9/10
I’m Happy, It was a helpful lesson
Great teacher.thank you alex.
I got 9 correct out of 10. I was confusing about adjective clause before,but I think I could be better. thank you for making everything clear.
there are a lot of intelligent students, but I’m not one of whome. please colud you tell me if this sentence is correct?
please I want to learn English, I want to talk it correctly without hesitating or fairing; for everyone want to learn I’m ready to talk with in facebook my name on it is well thank
Great teacher.thank you alex.
Thanks a lot….
obviously it’s a good lesson which i have been looking for a long time ago. i’m trying to do my best into practicing this adjective clauses and quantifiers more and more in order to get it much easier than to use it in my daily conversation xxx
Excellent…very useful lesson!!!
It was exellent. thank a lot.
many thanks for this lesson
hi, I saw many video class, it help me a lot, so just to let you know and still practicing your classes….thank so much for your help blessings!!!
Congratulations Alex this is a wonderful material, from which i am learning and improving my English grammar.
Thank you for this lesson:)
thank you very much for your lesson.
Why do you put “to” before two at the clause “I’ve been to two new places this year”?
Hi Alex, I am new here! First of all congrats for your videos. You are doing an amazing work here!
I do not know if here is right place to leave my doubt, my sincere apologies if I am wrong:
I am an IT pro and sometimes I am facing troubles when I need to use or understand the differences between the words “setup”, “configuration” and “install” could you help me out!? In Portuguese is quite easy, but in English…
Thanks in advance!
i got 8 from 10
and How to share my score to facebook?
I’ve responded all the enquiries correctly.
Alex, thank You very much. :-)
Dear Professor Alex, this has been the best
lesson on Relative Clauses ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Professor Alex, this has been the best
lesson on Relative Clauses ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I may be repeating myself once I have watched this lesson before, but I think it’s relevant
and worthwhile to say it again.
Got 9 out of 10. I feel like I’m making a great progress using Engvid.com for Learning English. And about this lesson; This is one of which I like the most and what I had been expecting for. Thanks Alex. :)
Thanks alot alex
perfect sharing thanks man.
thanks Alex for your great lesson
Thanks. It’s a clear lesson to understand.
I like the way that you teach.
Alex,all of whose lessons are clear and helpful to English learners,is a great teacher. :D
Bien expliqué,…..mais difficile à utiliser.
Merci Alex.
i really enjoy the lesson so nice thank you.
Hi, Alex!
I’m Dedy. I have watched several engvid’s videos in Youtube, most of which were yours. Thank’s man!
thanks a lot..
Thank you so much
May I ask you to explain fragment sentence as well?
thanks for using whom, which, whose as relative clauses
Thank you Alex,
Alex is a good English teacher, all of whose lesson videos are very useful. ^.^
Very good, love it !
I couldn’t even imagine, i got 100% for this toughest test, i have ever took on this particular lesson, thank you alex for the wonderful video lesson,
hi alex! 10 out 10. this is of the tough lessons. you made it on of the easiest thanks to your clean explanation……….a thumbs up!
absolutely incredible
I have three flags, one of which is Indonesia’s flag
hello teacher i have got 8/10,THANKS greats from Romania!!
Thanks, again. Alex, I really appreciate, all this effort.
your first sentence in this lesson a little confuses me because you are talking about both sisters from two.
I think if you would write down: Chris has three ( or more) sisters, both of them smoke”, then it is logically.
maybe am I not correct?
Hi gena35,
his sentence is correct. You are wrong.
Both refer to two people or things.
Sentence “Chris has three(or more)sisters, both of them smoke” doesn’t has sence.
You should do some research of meaning of word “both”
I wish you all the best ;)
Thanks Alex!
excelent, thanks a lot. 100
Thanks Alex.I really enjoyed your lesson and the Quiz
8/10 Very interesting lesson. Thank you, Alex!
I’ve two sons, one of whom lives in New York.
I also have two brothers, one of whom lives in Capital of Seoul Korea.
Thank you, Alex.
Hi Tammyjang1,
you wrote great sentences.
I wish you all the best ;)
I got 6.
Hi there,
I’ve recently completed the quiz. I got 9 out of 10.
I made a mistake in seventh question.
I would like to mention I took a quiz before watching the video.
I hope to find the answer to question seven there.
Then I would never be confused about that.
Best wishes to all of English learners;)
I can’t find words to describe how happy I am to have met Engvid in my life. I study English at a local institute of English. But definitively these videos compliment my learning. Thank you Alex for solving this dude that seemed anybody cares of.Sorry for my bad writting.I’m still a student.
Thank you
yay 10/10 thank you!!!! I learned a lot!
100 yes!
I watched this video twice on June 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you!
Thank you sir for teaching us. Adjective cluse is very larg topic we hope you will teach us more about it.
Great work?
Such a great explanation. Thank you so much!
Thank you very much for your clear explanation. I got 10 out 10. :)
thank you for the simple nice explanation and for the questions .