engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



Hello, Adam! Thanks a lot!


    Flankly speaking Adam, I need to go over your other videos on Clauses to have a complete picture of this important grammar topic.

    The lesson provided useful clues that helped to pinpoint the different clauses on the quiz.

    Thanks, see you soon!


      I hope I help you a little bit.:)
      frankly-adv; used to show that you are saying what are you think about something.; honestly and directly.




        hey Maria, i was just reading the comments below the lesson and i found out useful yours. Thanks. I´d like to know if you want to practice with me, i am about to get a job correlated with english (bilingual agente), but i must enhance speaking.




Good day Adam

thank you for the lesson which i have found it so difficult for me but i am still waiting the next lessons of the dependent clauses to understand more
you are great teacher.


The quiz was difficult but good study for me. Thank you for your great lesson, Adam :)


This content is especially important for writing.


    Yes Alex!

    Important and difficult subject.

    Fabio Cicerre

Thanks a lot, Adam!Good stuff!


Thank you for this lesson.As Alex said,It is so good to use them in writing section.

bakhtiyar ali

Thanks Adam.


Do you smoke a lot Adam ? :))


    I’m working on quitting Merve ;)


      Hi Adam. I watched your video then I took this quiz. I got 89. Thank you. And I hope you have quit smoking by now(is it grammatical?) I don’t like to upset you. I lost my father because of this.


    merve nasilsin,, I’m in istanbul . i study turkshish language but i need to practice speaking will u help me that….


    How do you know that adam is a smoker?

    md mohon farazi

Thanks a lot Adam
It was so helpful ….. I saw it once and did the quiz and it was 8 out of 9 what do you think???


    I would like to improve my English, would you like to help me?
    thank you :)


    Good job Reemabousaid :)


Cool stuff!

I’ve been looking for a lesson like this in different sources and for a long time. Please Adam, continue, and go deep into clauses. Tell how different clause are built in next videos. I am looking forward to seeing next videos.


    More are coming Yankhonskly :)


Thanks Adam!

Tough subject, but it helps us to force our minds to understand and compose better English sentences, that is goal of these extraordinary videos, I think.

Fabio Cicerre

    the goal… :-)

    Fabio Cicerre

Omg this is so difficult! But I will try my best. Thank you for the lesson!


What a difficult test today!!!Wooow!!I´ll watch the video again later, and then, I should retake the test.
Thank you Adam, you explain very good and clearly all the grammar rules. Why don´t you consider to explain a lesson about inversion, that it´s also very difficult??


      Thank you very much Adam!!
      Hope to see you again soon ;)


    Hi Knopfler I found it difficult too .
    You know in my plans i’d love to learn Spanish too as ilove Spain and the languages it self .
    would you mind learning me and also to practice English as well ?


Great lesson,Adam,great lesson.Thanks again.


Thanks Adam,I hope Great lesson and many difficult test today.thanks Adam I’ll watch the video or my book again later

Muad Abdiaziz

This lesson was for me just easy understanding since I knew how to use them in sentences and speaking to someone that stuff.. So this lesson I got some new sentences that helped me a lot
Adam you are sort of making and understanding that what you teach here to people can easily grasp is that much power you’ve got not only you Rebecca and Emma Ronnie and yes James and yes Alex too just great at teaching.. .
It was just so fun to listen for me Anyway thanks much Adam.. .


Adam! Thank you very much! This lesson was perfect for me!


…Learning grammar may help us more confident in reading, writing and also in speaking.
Oh, my god! This quiz was so difficult for me.
Thank you so much for this great, important and difficult lesson, Adam.


thanks Adam.


8/9 in the quiz, but it was tough for me.
Thanks, Adam.


why i am can not go through to new que


    Hi Fubsco,

    I’m not sure what you’re asking; you can’t do the full quiz?


      He’s asking :”why can’t he do a new quiz ,another one”.


plz respond


Thanks, Adam. From the quiz I got 7/9. my mistake is in determining the kind of the clause. I get a difficulty in differentiate the noun clause and adj clause.

fatma widya

    It just takes practice Fatma. Keep trying, and it will come to you :)


Dear Adam,
Thanks for your lessons.
I have a question and a suggestion.
About question 7, if there is no comma is still a clause as long as it has a verb and a subject, am I right? I always though we needed a comma to identify clauses. And the suggestion is that maybe in your later tutorials you could talk about appositives as well :)
Thanks again, nice tattoo.


    Thanks Aurora,

    Actually, commas have a very particular function in clauses. When I get into the individual clauses you will see what I mean.


Hi Adam
I have one request here.Could you explain the word “after” come like “What are they after” “What are you after” How many do you after” etc.thanks


    Hi Engsaaiqbal,

    What are you after means what are you trying to get or to achieve.

    How many do you after is actually not a correct sentence though.

    Hope this helps.


      Hi adam I’m still little bet confusing about clauses can you provide me with links of more videos


Thanks! I still need to practice use clauses in my writing and speaking.Thanks again!


Adam I like your lessons. They are very understandable. Thank you!!!


    Thank you Katerina :)


Hello MR.Adam
I have one question that I wish you answer me .
Today I had an English exam and I started my paragraph with a hook . I wrote ” when was the last time you some


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Hello MR.Adam
I have one question that I wish you answer me .
Today I had an English exam and I started my paragraph with a hook . Can you look at my sentence please ” when was the last time you someone makes or make an ancient crafts ” . My question is which one is correct (make or makes ) ? Because I lost one mark on this:(


    Hi Noofsa,

    When was the last time you someone makes or make an ancient crafts When was the last time you or someone you know MADE an ancient craft?

    the last time = the past (made)

    Hope this helps.


It is difficult, but I have to try and find out my mistake then I will learn from that.
Thank you, Adam


Very helpful! cannot be sure about the difference between noun clause as object and noun clause as subject


    Hi Amazonove,

    Look at what it is doing in the sentence– is it doing the verb (subject), or is it receiving/the target of the verb (object)?

    First, it helps to know what subjects and objects are and do in a sentence. ;)


Hi Adam! Please tell me which is right:
1 Why do you wear this shirt today(now)?
2 Why are you wearing this shirt today(now)?
Thank you.


    Hi Katrin,

    #2 is correct. You are wearing it now (continuous)

    But… why do you wear that shirt every day?


      Thank you Adam.


Hi Adam,
I need to ask class students to sit in a single row with an arm distance facing black board for exam purpose.What is the verbal expression


    Hi Imshakeelatk,

    I need students to stand in single files, at arm’s length from each other and facing the blackboard.

    To tell the truth, though, the way you wrote it would also work ;)


      Hi Adam, I am grateful.


it´s dificult but no impossible specially identifying if it´s or not an adverb clause noun clause, adjetive clause, in resume everything jajjaa. but it was well explained


Very importante lesson …teacher!!


All of your lessons are so great and qualified. Thanks a lot.


ufffff…. i’m not getting noun clause…..

jalal Farid

    Not to worry Jalal. I’ll make lessons on each type of clause soon :)


      will be waiting for them…..

      jalal Farid

Adam which of them IS or ARE I must use in the next sentences(from grammatical point of view):
1 There (IS/ARE) a divan, a desk and armchair in the room.
2 There (IS/ARE) a divan and a desk in the room).
3 There (IS/ARE) two desks and a divan in the room).

Thank you.

Is it grammatically correct to say: “there ARE NO clocks in the room” or I only could say: “there IS NO clock in the room”.


    All three sentences technically need ARE, though many native speakers will use is when the first noun that follows is singular.

    there are no clocks and there is no clock are both correct.


      Thank you Adam and I have used ARE all the time. But I saw this strange rule(about using IS) somewhere one month ago in the textbook for russian kids(THE WORSE IS they give them bad degrees for using ARE in that case!). And those kids are too little(8-9 years old).


        Yes, I’ve seen that too, but at school they need to do what the teachers want- when they go out into the real world they’ll have to adjust. :)


          Dear Adam I need your happy because I have problem with spelling I the moment I’m studying English still I can write and I don’t know what to do can you please explain how I can improve.
          many thanks


Oh, sorry. Is it normal to say: “The room’s left corner isn’t equal. (or crooked?),(or not even?)


    Hi everyone, I’d like to find a companion to practice my english via skype, reply my comment, if you’re interested:)

    Vlad Moiseev

    The corner is the corner, but if you want to say something about the walls, they are crooked or not even (both are ok). Uneven suggests more about the alignment, while crooked is more about each walls lines. (if that makes sense) ;)


      Thank you for the answer Adam! I understand clearly your explanation. But now I don’t understand about corners!(so I can’t say the room’s corners and I should say the wall’s lines are crooked). It’s getting more difficult when I must say something about everyday life.(because no one in audiobooks and movies talks on such topics). Too bad!


        I should have mentioned before, but you can use the word ‘uneven’ and then it’s up to the listener to imagine that on his/her own. Uneven just means not straight, or not balanced, or…


          So it is correct “The wall is uneven.”


Thank you Adam! It was very hard test for me ….


Hi Adam, it was a really good one.


Thank you Adam , It is good lesson but it difficult for me.


Thank u


Got 7 out of 9

Sambhu Biswakarma

Thanks, Adam.
But I’ve a question:
‘waterlogged’ and ‘flooded’ what is the difference?


    Sorry, one more question.
    ‘north’, ‘northern’ and ‘northerly’
    What is the difference?
    If 3 of them are as adjective, what is the difference?


    Hi Sophie,

    A thing can be waterlogged (like a tree, or a wall, etc.), but a place or a space can be flooded (lie a valley, or the basement).

    north is a direction you take (according to a compass). (go north five blocks, then turn east on Main Street). I t can also be a specific place (with a capital letter) (I live in the North)

    Northern is a place on map (I live in the northern United States). It can also distinguish between places ( i live in the northern part of the country and my sister lives in the South; the cuisine of northern China)

    northerly is the direction something moves in
    (He traveled in a northerly direction) or the origin of something (northerly winds–they are moving from the north)

    Hope this helps.


hi there Adam, I do love you (as a teacher…) but in the last structured sentence I think it make no sense (talking about the meaning and the relationship between the informations given). I didn’t get the connection between the first clause, wich usually give the meaning or the “sense” to the whole story, and the last one. I mean: what’s the relation between “When my mother told me….” AND “I knew she was really happy..” ? And it sounds strange to me the past tens KNEW. I don’t know if I have been clear but I hope so. For the rest you are awesome! And I take advantage to these comments to practice with writing. Bye Giuseppe Italy


    sorry….it makes no sense


I disagree with answer no. 4. Could it be more than one Daniella in that company, why not? In fact,the writer specified her nickname.


    Hi Mescal,

    If there were ore than one Daniella, then I’d first have to identify which one I’m talking about before I say anything else. Daniella from accounting, whom most people … (from accounting would be the identifier)

    As for the sentence in the first comment, I’m not really sure what you’re not getting. When my mother told me about Lucy, I knew (understood) that she was happy. I knew (past) because she told me (past).

    If you can clarify the question, I’ll look at ti again.

    Hope this helps a bit anyway.


Excellent lesson, Adam. The way you teach us become any hard lesson like that in a light and enjoyable lesson.


thanks, it was very insightful


I don’t believe (that) I score 8. Writing is my weaker skill. Thanks Adan.


Thanks for great explanations of such a difficult topic. Looking forward for more lessons on it.


    Yep! I agree with you; he explains difficult topics with great ease. That’s what a good teacher always do, isn’t it?

    Looking forward TO watching more lessons on “Dependent Clauses” too.



      right, thanks!

      P.S. That’s what a good teacher always DOES.


Thank you for the great class, Adam.
I am a little bit confused about the independent clause. I think ‘I knew’ can’t express a complete thought. Should ‘she was really happy’ be a noun dependent clause instead of independent clause?


    Hi Kamiya,

    I’m not really sure I get the question, but just in case:

    I knew (that) she was happy (that) I met…

    I knew is the independent clause with a noun clause object and a complement that clause in the noun clause.

    Hmmm… confusing, but that’s what it is.

    Does this help at all?


      Hi Adam, Is the complement that clause an adverbial here as it’s the reason for her happiness?


Mr Adam,
I’ve come across this sentence somewhere on the web:
I would like to have been there, but it wasn’t possible.
Is this sentence correct?
present + present perfect + past simple
If yes, what sense is it? Explain.


    Hi Fahdbensalman,

    I think it should be: I would have liked to have been there… or I would have liked to be there… (the second one is preferable because it’s shorter and gets the point across)
    I would like is used to talk abut a future desire, so doesn’t work with the past.


Mrs. Rebecca,
I’ve learned the third conditional that:
If he had asked me, I would have helped him.
But I’ve come across this sentence somewhere on the web:
I would have helped, but he didn’t ask.
Is this sentence correct without “had” in the dependent clause?


Mr Adam,
I’ve learned the third conditional that:
If he had asked me, I would have helped him.
But I’ve come across this sentence somewhere on the web:
I would have helped, but he didn’t ask.
Is this sentence correct without “had” in the dependent clause?


    Yes, it’s ok.

    If he had asked me, I would have helped him, but he didn’t ask. (your second example is the same but shorter and reversed.)

    The simple tense if for the fact of the situation.


Adamsın.. This means “You are the man” in Turkish :)


    Thank you Salo :)


would you make a video for civil engineering

mostafa gooda

    Hi Mostafa,

    I would if I knew anything about it, but unfortunately, I have no background in this field.


i will take the lesson again…thank so much.


Thanks man.I heard first time about this clauses.I looking forward to next lesson.


Well my stuff wasn’t really brillant today…

I was unable to brush up all those grammar concepts at the same time.
I definitively need to sleep a little on it.

Thanks Adam you have pointed fields I should work with.

Nico ESL for ever

    After some revisions and one day later …
    Now I feel more accustomed with “dependant clause”.Sure it remains a little unsteady, luckily your next lessons will help to strenghten that.

    About the ninth question, and to check if I well understand. I’d tend to separate clauses like that :
    5. (that) it would be inappropriate to show to elementary students
    6. who might be negatively affected by the content
    Nobody has noticed it. Perhaps I’ve missed something ?

    Thanks again Adam, until the next time.

    Nico ESL for ever

      Hi Nico,

      You’re talking about the answer explanation… yes, you’re right. the 6 is misplaced; it should come before the last who as you wrote. Good eye ;)


is there any problem with server …it does not show vid


    Hi Zabee,

    Sometimes it might be not working well there. You might need to reroute. Is it ok now?


Thank you, Adam. You are my favourite English teacher. The best explanations I’ve ever heard. Needless to say, relevant comments on vocabulary during grammar lessons are worthwhile. I’m looking forward to your next tutorial.


Thank you for your lecture of grammar always ~~~♡♡♡


Hello friend,
What is the difference between monument and memorial?
Are they both interchangeable in a sentence?


    Hi Fahdensalman,

    A monument is a physical construction used as a memorial. A memorial doesn’t have to be physical. It can be a story, or sign or a memorial service.

    Also, a monument can be a display of grandeur while a memorial is only to remember something/someone.


Greetings! Mr Adam.

we urgently need more conjuctons lectures,I watched whole lectures about conjuctions but there are still some of them that I need to know properly,as an example “whereas,whereby,simultaneously,nevertheless,such as ,such that” those can be emerged sometimes in IELTS
thank you in advance


    HI Ayaskuz,

    I’ll get on these :)


Wow, Thank you so much!!! I love how you teach grammar and everything. You are the best and I’m learning a lot from you. You are literally the best teacher I have ever had!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!


Hi Mr Adam,
It is hard for me to …
It is difficult for me to …
Is there any difference between them?
Are they both interchangeable in a sentence?


    For the most part, yes, they are interchangeable. Some “purists” would say that hard is not good form, but most people use both.


I left two questions yesterday and I was informed that my comments are on the moderation. How long they will be on the checking?
Thank you.


    Not sure Lorina. You can try again. I see this note ;)


It’s a very helpful lesson. thank you .


ty adam.
This boring subject is tolarable with you


it is one of the best videos on this website
you are amazing Adam
PS: i love you :)


i can’t figure out why i can’t understand the noun clause


    It just takes practice Ghufran :)

    The key s to see it in use and recognizing it’s a noun clause. then you will know how to use it too.


hello Adam, firstly many thanks for your lesson and your videos. I have a question about number 8 in the test, why is complement? because I thought is the reason so adv clause, kate is relieved because janice is okay, is very confused for me, Thanks!!!!


    Hi BelenAnabelen,

    If the sentence had ‘because’ then it would be an adverb clause. But here, the sentence is complete (Kate was very relieved) that Janice was OK doesn’t say what made Kate relieved, but why she is relieved. It’s not a cause and result sentence. What is she relieved about? that Janice…

    Does this help?


Hello Adam,
I could not find a lesson on sequence of tenses on your amazing site.
Would you make one, please?
Also I have a question for you; in my native language collocations of words of common origin (I synthesized a couple just for better understanding, these are not translations of any kind: ‘to dream a dream’, ‘to speak a speech’) are considered grammatically incorrect and used mostly in humorous context. How do such collocations sound to a native speaker and is there a place for such expressions in academic English?


    Hi Badfiles,

    You can use these collocations as stylistic elements, as long as it’s understood that that is what they are. For example, an essay about Martin Luther King would almost necessitate that he dreamed a dream because that’s a famous part of his landmark speech. (by the way, we don’t speak a speech, we deliver it).

    Also, I’m not sure what you mean by sequence of tenses. Do you mean when we mix tenses in a sentence?


I’m very appreciated for your videos, Adam!

Ironically, before I had known you on engVid.com where I had found your useful courses about English grammar, I could hardly understand dependence clauses, which were very strange and abstract to me, even if I was a hard-working student who had made a lot of effort on learning English for more than a decade.


What’s more, have you made the video about HOW TO CONSTRUCT DEPENDENT CLAUSES, as you’ve mentioned in the beginning of this video which is called “Advanced English Grammar: Dependent Clauses”?


    They’re on their way Sinonerdius :)


This lesson is most difficult one I’ve seen on Engvid, thanks alot tho.


Hello again,
Why did you call the ‘preparatory it’ ‘prepatory’?
Would you make a lesson on preparatory subject, please?


    Will do ;)

    Prepatory… I make this mistake often. Good eye, though. When it’s spoken, the ‘ra’ sort of melts into the rest of it.


Sorry, I’ll study again.


Thanks a lot for the explanation but it was very difficult for me, i need to study more and repeat this video again :(

yanita antoko

Hi Adam, congratulations for your classes and explanations….I really love them.
One comment, in the outcome of the last question, the 6. Clause should start with the pronoun “who” instead of elementary students, shouldn’t it?. I mean the adjective clause begins with “who might be negstively…etc”, right?
Thanks a lot.


    Hi Silvias,

    Yes, you’re right. I think it was a typo in the transcription. The elementary students are part of the previous clause.

    Good eye :)


sorry, i don’t undertand this sentence
i knew she was really happy , i met the right person
i think that why she was happy,because i met the right person. so this is a relationship, that may be a adverb clause. i know that we have “when” at the beginning of the sentence, so can i do like this”i new she was happy because i met the right person”
i’m quite complicated, hope you explain for me, many thanks adam


    Hi Thanhhp,

    Yes, I can write it with because which would make it an adverb clause, but I can also write it as …happy that I met… as a complement noun clause that acts like an adverb.

    But remember: if I wrote I knew she was happy. –this would be complete independent clause. The complement only completes the meaning of happy.

    Does this help?


Hello,Adam.I still dont know how to use
“that” clause and how to recognize what is “that” clause.


    Hi Liulizhengyi,

    I will make more videos about each type of clause separately :)


Thanks a lot man , Appreciate it .

Karim Astitou

hello,Adam.thanks alot

lili eftekhari

3 times but not really understand. Tomorrow is the next time. Thanks Adam!


it was very difficult for me to learn about this topic . I am going to this video again because it is very important to know about this topic . thanks Adam a lot you are one of the greatest English teachers that I’ve ever seen in my life .


Hi Adam! I’m really thankful for all your interesting lessons, and I think you’re the right one to answer my question: what are the differences among ‘everywhere’, ‘anywhere’ and ‘wherever’?? I’ll wait for your reply! thank you so much!


    Hi Blueapplee,

    Everywhere means in all places (definite). Anywhere means in all places (indefinite). In other words everywhere leaves no room for doubt (Air is everywhere, in all places all the time). Anywhere means it can be at any place at any time, but not in every place every time (like air). Wherever is like anywhere, except that it is used as a conjunction in a sentence (I will meet you wherever you want vs. I’ll meet you anywhere (that) you want.

    Does this help?


      yes!!! this helped me a lot! thank you so much Adam!!=D


Hi Adam,
I do not reapeat that you are a great teacher. I would like to learn about the verb ‘LET’ if coud you do this I would be apppreciate. Thanks


    I’ll get on it Tanerkamali :)


Thanks Adam .
I was interesting while listening you .


Thank you, Adam


Thanks alot!It is a functional grammar!

Yvonne Wong

Hi, Adam. Always thanks.
Anyway, I’m wondering if Quiz number 2’s answer is wrong.
‘that not everyone will agree with your opinion’ is the object of verb ‘keep’?

July Phak

thanks teacher


Very hard but necessary! Thanks a lot!


thank you Adam i get 7 from 9 *-*


Hello Adam,
Firstly thank You very much for this lesson. It is very useful ?
Secondly, have you already made any lesson on monotransitive, ditransitive, copular etc. verbs and syntax?
I am a student of English philology and I need to immerse myself into descriptive grammar ?


thank you. I got 7. thoughtful but amazing !


i like the video but am still not understanding it. i will continue to watch the video so i can get a better understanding.


Thanks a lot. very interesting. 8/9.


feel so bad, TT, need to replay it again

Ian Feng

Hi,Adam!could you plz make a video about”in which, on which,for which,etc ” ? I always confuse with them,Thx!

Zheng Lei

    Hi, Zheng
    they are all produced from ‘which’
    Let me try:)
    Beijing, in which I live,(= which I live in) is capital of China

    The Summer Place, on which I am standing,is a little bit far from the downtown of Beijing city. (maybe not correct for saying that, but example is an example…)

    My sister, for which you bought a new doll, is cold today.
    :)are they correct or not?


I have a grammar exam on thursday. Noun phrase , verbe phrase , adverbial phrase and clauses :) thanks a lot sir (y)


Thanks, Adam for the lesson. I’m looking forward for your new videos about clauses. It was very useful.


Such a wonderful video! :)
Such a challenging quiz!
Thank you, Adam!


sure in 3 lecture ive just got 8 true from 28 question, so really terribly bad -_- but thank you


Hey Adam! In this sentence “She said she was sorry” I think “she was sorry” is more to be adv complement not an object isn’t it? please explain.

Ahmed Meguid

Thank you adam

Ahmed kurdy

I need another webesite to learn IELTS. Please help me.

Ahmed kurdy

It is much like the portuguese grammar.

Nicolas Haubold

Thanks a lot, very useful lesson


This lesson is quite hard for me, but if i will practice more about this lesson maybe i’ll get it. Thanks a lot adam for sharing this lesson.


5 out 9…still have long way to go…..

Irma Lukman

It was great, thank you Adam!


Thanks for the generous work


    Hi there
    could you guide me how can i learn my son English?
    He is 6 month.his mom and I are Kurdish but We are going to learn him English ?

    Mohsen Sheikhmordi

Hi! Sir Adam
i haven’t gotten any clause. Please tell me what I should to do?

M Ikram

Hi Adam, can I say ” I brought myself a motorcycle in my birthday that made my wife crazy ” ??

Shirley Blue

Sorry I mean I write because of spelling problem I needed your help
many thanks


    Sorry I mean I can’t write


Hello, Adam. Thanks a lot for this lessons. Having done the quiz I revealed that I didn’t clear understood difference between “that” clause and noun clouse. Twice I answered second insted of first. Could you tell more about it.


You are the best one.
I have learned a lot with your lessons.

Thank you.


Thank you very much. This is really interesting stuff which made me think during the quiz.


thanks dear teacher it is crucial lesson and useful


thank you Adam. I appreciate your video :) you teach me a lot everyday


Hi Adam
i often heard u used a specific more than special.but in my habbit,i often use special. so i wanna figure out if it is the common way the american used?


Dear Adam, thank you a lot for helpful lesson!
Could you clarify one moment? In the last example, which is the most complex sentence, isn’t there an extra dependent clause?
I mean the clause “,who was only 18 when she had me,”.
Couldn’t the part “when she had me” be an adverb-clause also?
Thank you in advance!

Andrey Kh.

Hi, Adam. Thanks a lot for your lessons.
But I can not understand question 2 in the quiz.
‘It is very important to keep in mind that not everyone will agree with your opinion.’
Why the right answer is ‘noun clause as subject’?
I supposed that subject is ‘It’, not clause.

Could you explain please?


Hi Adam>> ..THANKS A LOT >>> I Hope that you make …a video on Relative Clauses … And THANKS


Finally I realized the concept after read watched this video lesson three times.
Thank you very much, it was very helpful


Great, thanks.


Hi, Sir. I have a question.
See these sentences:
I am the student. I pass the test.
I am the student who passes the test.
I am the student who pass the test.
which complex is the correct one, please.
I will be thankful if you explain.

Barkat Basham

    Hi, Barkam.
    Grammatically, sentences 1 and 2 are correct, but if you need a correct complex sentence with a relative clause, you need sentence 2. It has an independent clause: “I am the student” (I = subject, am = verb) and a dependent relative clause: “who passes the test” (who = subject and at the same time, a link between the clauses, passes = verb). The second clause describes what type of student you are.
    Though, to sound more natural, it is better to say: “I am the student who passed the test” (if you mean that you HAVE passed the test) The sentence “I am the student who passes the test” means rather “I always pass tests, it is characteristic of me”.
    I hope this explanation is enough :)

    Liquid diamonds

      Great explication!




Thanks a lot Adam !! You are the best teacher I have ever seen :)

Burak Alptug

Nailed it!
9/9 and I can add an opinion.
The ‘complement’ that-clause feels very much like an adverbial clause of reason: I was glad (why? because of what?) that you came.
What do you think?

Liquid diamonds

Hello, adam.
I teach english for competitive exams. I would like to share some of my doubts with you.

1. The guest whom we were talking about have come are my cousins.

This question has been asked atleast 10 times in govt. Exams. The ans is replace whom with who. But it is not the answer that is bothering me. Here three clauses are used but only one conjunction is used why??? As fr as my opinion is concerned i think here one relative pronoun was not because it was understood and acting as the object of verb talking. Please tell me what you think abou this.


Hi Adam,you are a great teacher. I really want to understamd this quiz better. I need help and I can get it if someone tells me if I am correct.
At the first question:
When Jessica feels sad- adverbial clause of time;
‘she likes to listen to sad songs -independent clause’;
‘which somehow helps her feel better’-adjective clause.
At the 7 question:
1.Although most dogs are generally very friendly animals- adverbial clause of contrast
2. it is important to remember-independent clause;
3. that they can be very dangerous-noun clause;
4. if they feel-adverbial clause of condition
5. that they are being attacked.-noun clause;
Plus, it is a huge problem for me that I find the noun clause used as a direct object clause and the ‘that’ clause very similar, because both of which have the proprietary that ‘that’ is a conjunction that can often be taken out. This is a major problem in my process of learning English I am looking forward for a answer, please. I can not see any distinction.I even watched the Alex’s lesson about the ‘that’ clause and yet doesn’t help me.


    Hi StudentMaria:
    If I am ‘someone’,I might share my experience.
    Keep trying to focus on Adam’s video about sentence structure.
    You are correct in your analysis about the first and the seventh question.Let me try to follow your problem:
    About structure: As you propose,the noun clause and the ‘that’ clause have the proprietary *that* (conjunction).
    But *that*has no any mean in them (dependent clause–the noun clause and the ‘that’ clause ). *that* just can be a symbol(sign) introducting dependent clause–the noun clause and the ‘that’ clause.
    About function: Both have the same shape ,but have different function according to the position they will be.
    The noun clause(dependent clause) can act as subject in the independent clause then it should be in the position of subject (before verb).
    The noun clause(dependent clause) can act as object in the independent clause then it should be in the position of object (after transitive verb).
    The noun clause(dependent clause) can act as complement in the independent clause then it should be in the position of complement (because of be verb).
    The ‘that’ clause(dependent clause) doesn’t care about the verb.
    The ‘that’ clause(dependent clause)follow(be attach to) the idea (in independent or other dependent clause) it want to modify or to complete .
    Hope this helps!



an answer*
didn’t help me*


Could someone tell me what are the right questions for each dependent clause?


Although most dogs are generally very friendly animals 1/, it is important to remember 2/ that they can be very dangerous 3/ if they feel 4/ that they are being attacked.5/

1-adverbial clause-concession
2-independent clause
3-noun clause-direct object clause
4-adverbial clause-condition
5-noun clause-direct object clause

Is it correct?


Help please!!!
I’d waited for you until the concert started, but then I had to go inside to meet my friends.

there are 3 clauses?


Many thanks.


Bravooooooooooooooooo @dam


So helpful! Thank You Adam, You explain all these things in such a simple way. You’re doing a great job here!


teacher Adam, i dont understand this: i watch a video about adverb clause of other teacher but when i do the quiz it a sentence is confused me:
the band was really tired. they still finished the concert.
A. because the band was really tired, they finished the concert.
B. even though the band was really tired, they finished the concert.
i chose A, but correct answer is B
is it right?


Hi Adam. Thanks for your lession.
Could you make an video about how to reduce the relative clauses?

Diep Bui

Hi Adam thank you for your lesson. I have learnt a lot.


Thank you Adam for your lessons,they are really very helpful.
I think noun clauses and their functions are a little bit mor complicated than the other dependent clauses.
I’m frustrated:got only 5/9


I got 7. Adam i really appreciated your effort.


I wonder to know if these sentence is correct:
“I have whispered into Kate’s ear a secret quietly at home today.”
Is there any mistake that I don’t see?
Thank you very much for response


Thanks Adam. But I got 44 :(. I have to learn it back.


hello may i ask u some questions about my son`s learning English?

Mohsen Sheikhmordi

8 out of 9 woohoo :D


Everything is clear, good theoretical base for practice. Thanks a lot!

nia nishi

Very good lesson. I’m improving my writing while I’m doing your lessons on “clauses”


Hello Adam. Thanks a lot for useful lessons. But I have some questıons about that clause. How can I differ that clause from noun clause? And in last example sentence you wrote “I knew she was really happy I met the rıght person”, in this sentence why “she was really happy” can not be a noun clause. What I knew?
Thanks a lot


    Hello Joshgun,
    a quick way to tell a “that” complement from a noun clause is, replacing the

    complement/clause with a “what” and see if it’s still a grammatically correct

    sentence. For example:
    * I knew (that) she was really happy.
    → I knew what? ( ✓ )
    * She was really happy (that) I met the right person.
    → She was really happy what? ( x )
    That’s how I differentiate them.

    Based on what Adam said from 00:02:07-00:07:36, a noun clause can only be a subject,

    object(including obj of prep, obj of verb) or a subject complement.(I reclassify the

    5 situations into 3 for memorizing)
    In this case, “I met the right person” doesn’t fit in any of the three situations

    listed above.
    If you are confused about the complement, this video from Adam will help you a lot:


      Sorry for my crappy line breaks…..I shouldn’t turn on that “automatic line changing”function in notepad…


Thank you Mr Adam For This important Lessons .


    hey Kamilia we are in the same city we can learn and prepare together if you want to


9 out of 9. Thanks Adam, you are really a good, special teacher. Thanks again.

Tomas Rimarcik

Aha, So ‘that “clause can have that or we can omit it? I wondered? I got 7 out of 9

Layal Mahfoud

hi! this is really difficult for me I so sad because I dind’t understant very well. but I will keep trying.


It is really help and I am so glad to watch the video and thank you so much for the great video, you are the best teacher


It seems a difficult lessen for me , I have to watch over and over , thank you for helping

Aahwaq 1414

Hi Adam,

I can’t find your Adverb Clauses video.

Could you please help?

Many thanks.


adam you are a good teacher, and next week i will do my exam. after i watch your videos i hope i can answer my exam next week . thank you very much adamm

aries dwi prasetiyo

Hi, Adam!

First congratulations for all your lessons. So, I am studying about this topic with you, and I would like to know if the analysis on the sentence below is correct:

It is a noun clause, subject complement, right?

– Patients who want to see the doctor should sit in the waiting area.

Thanks in advance

Luciana Ruis

Hi Adam,

Now, I realized the sentence that I am analyzing, actually is an Adjective Clause right? ha ha ha
– Patients who want to see the doctor should sit in the waiting area.

Thanks again!

Luciana Ruis


Could you explain more about this sentence? The penultimate clause ended with the preposition “to”, right? But then, the last clause comes with “who” in the middle. So, the last sentence is an adjective clause or an object to the preposition “to”? Sorry if I am not being clear.

As the movie was about 2. what happens to children 3. who are exposed to violence 4. the school Board decided 5. (that) it would be inappropriate to show to 6. elementary students who might be negatively affected by the content

Luciana Ruis

I secured 4 out of 9 ,DC is quite tough.?


I wanted to comment on the word “prepatory,” but I see that someone has already pointed it out.


A question from the end of the video:

“…I knew she was really happy I met the right person.”

Should we not say, “…I had met the right person.”?



I think “(that) I met the right person” is a noun clause, which acts as the adjective complement. (considering the video of the noun clause).


Hi, Adam! Many thanks for all of what you have done so far. Since I found your videos on YouTube, I stated to watch them regularly.
I am improving my English on a day-by-day basis but I still have a problem in understanding what tense should be used in dependent clauses. I am talking about the natural sequence of tenses (not back shifting).
For instance, “I will do something, when he does something”. The verb “do” in the adverb clause is used in the present simple, but it tells about the future. Why cannot we use “when he will do smth”? (I know there are basic rules).
Is there any guidance how to understand the natural sequence of tenses in English? Or maybe, it is a high time a new video on the subject matter was prepared. (I’m joking). Your response is much appreciated.


please my teacher! can you tell me how to understand all of these lessons ? otherwise what is order should i follow it to watch your lessons in order to get whole idea? please i need to understand these lessons because i am PHD studen , i need to improve my ability to write also to read well.


Hi Adam, thank you very much for this usefull lesson. But I have to ask you about the question number six, which is:”The professor couldn’t figure out (understand) whose phone kept ringing during his lecture. For me “whose phone” don’t make sense in this sentence, “who is the owns of the phone”. I really don’t have got the sense of this. Is it by any chance a mistake and the correct word is “what”? In this way I understand the sentence. Thank you very much.


    to be more clear, when I use “whose” is it not necessary to use the verb “to be” or like “to own” with?


      Maybe, whose phone= the phone of whom? Really, it’s not clear to me how to use and what is “whose”. Is it an adjective or a pronoun or what?


        whose phone, whose means possessive. none of whom or who business, both for people as subject or object


sorry I meant doesn’t makes sense


    Finally, doesn’t make sense. Sorry


Great lesson! thank you! so difficult but I will practice and watch the video again and again.


Thank you, Adam. I got 7. You seemed to be unhappy during this video.


Thank you Adam


Thanks Adam. I learned a lot


It is still hard for me to identify the difference between That Clauses v.s. Noun Clauses. Why can’t you identify as That clauses on question 2?


hey everyone can someone provide me with courses for syntactic bracketing, please.


Hi Adam: at 13:20, can it be reduced to ” , making my wife angry” ? I’m not sure.


a great teacher *-*


Thanks a lot


A very important topic and very well explained by
an excellent teacher. I watched the video twice.
Thank you very much.


Thank you so much.It is amazing to follow your lessons.


Hi Adam
I am enjoying your all lessons,pls advice me how to improve speaking skill


Sir, I didn’t understand the explanation of question number 4. Why it is an non-identifying clause ? Isn’t it saying something about Daniella ?


in the sentence: “seashells for eyes seaweed [ in his anus and nostrils]” what is the function of the phrase in brackets? It is a adverb or adjective phrase, or neither of this?

Leticia de Paula

can you help me?

Leticia de Paula

Hello Adam,

I am really impressed with how you have taught the lesson.

I scored 8 out of 9.

You have enabled me to break a complex sentence into understandable chunks.

Thank you.


Thank you very much, it’s very improtant for me on writing.


Hello Adam and Thanks a lot. You are the best.
I have a question. Is the sentence correct : “although practicing every day, he didn’t win”? cause it seems a little bit awkward.


Thanks a lot Mr. Adam for a very useful and interesting lesson.


Thanks Adam. This lesson was inspiring. I’m currently trying to write the first draft of my novel. The language is fiction can make someone’s head spin. There’s this sentence structure known as ‘absolute phrase’, useful for descriptions. Could you do a lesson on that?


Thus lesson is very tricky, any tips or recommendation to fully under stand the independent clauses !??


    And dependent clauses as well?


Thank you, Adam, for a wonderful lesson :) I want to practise more, could you load more questions?


Thanks Adam .this is exactly what i was looking for

Mohammed Al-Aqel

Mr. Adam There is another dependent clause there which you didnot state.
…, I knew she was really happy…
“I knew” what?-> “that she was really happy”.
This is a noun clause i think. Or i am wrong… :)


Hello Adam- I just wanna tell you that you´re an awesome teacher. Your lecture is easy to understand.

I just have one important question
The main clause and the dependent clause, do they need both to be on the same tense? Is there any rule for it?
Once I have extra money, i´ll surely donate :). Thanks more power to Engvid.


Thanks for your lesson, but it’s still difficult for me to difference clause.

Andra Amelia

I listened to your class carely, but I did not do well in the quiz.


Hi Adam, I have watched many of your videos on youtube, and I am really thankful for your valuable favor. I have a question, if I use ” On one hand…” at the beginning of a paragraph, can I start my second paragraph with ” contrary to what has been mentioned previously….”? Or I need to only use ” On one hand ….+ On the other hand?”.


Adam Thanks


Hi Adam,
Thanks for the immensely useful lesson. I went through many and understood lot which I was not aware before. Still I have one doubt when it comes to Complex sentence.How we use passive voice tense in complex sentence. Would you please be able to advise.


Hi Adam! Thank a lot


Thank you Adam! Good explanation and very good quiz!
I hope to improve my 7 out of 9 result.

Carlos Guerreiro

Hi Adam, I have some questions.

When my mother,who was only 18 when she had me, told me (that) I should wait untill I got older to marry Lucy. I knew (that) she was really happy (that)I met the right person.

1st)Is this relevant to put that in front of “told me”?
2nd)without “that” or with “that”in front of told me, may i consider “I should wait” as the complement or the “object” of “told me”?
3rd)is this grammatically correct to put “that” in front of “I knew” such as “I knew that”, and simultaneously to put in front of “happy word” or before “I met phrase”?


Hi Adam, I have some questions.

When my mother,who was only 18 when she had me, told me (that) I should wait untill I got older to marry Lucy. I knew (that) she was really happy (that)I met the right person.

1st)Is this relevant to put that in front of “told me”?
2nd)without “that” or with “that”in front of told me, may i consider “I should wait” as the complement or the “object” of “told me”?
3rd)is this grammatically correct to put “that” in front of “I knew” such as “I knew that”, and simultaneously to put in front of “happy word” or before “I met phrase”?


Thanks for clarifying I got 100


Thanks, Adam! Really nice class!


how can i know it is noun clause , adjective ,or another clause
and also i need some pieces of advice how can i speak fluently


Thank you?you are the best ?


Hello, I really want to understand all, please answer, why did you take <> all together? Why here can not be 2 dependant clauses? What is the problem with like?

Nelli 1010@

Hello Sir, which one is good to use in essay or better writting expressions; phrases vs Clauses


Great teaching method


Wow, difficult one. I need more practice to clear it, still very confusing and mixed up. Thank you for the lesson. I will keep watching to grasp.


Hi Adam! I have doubts about questions 3 and 8. In these questions I think the dependent clauses can be considered as noun clauses of the type “adjective complement” given that the clauses completes the meaning of the preceeding adjectives. What do you think?


Hi Adam, tanks you very much. Your lessons aré excelente. And your evaluation of my test too. I didn’t know how answer this quiz, but I went trough to the end, because your answer at this comment are very helpfull. I’ll do it again until improve my skill.


Hi, Adam ! Thank you very much. It was always difficult for me to understand clauses from books & other sources now i am pretty clear by watching your videos. I will keep watching.


(In his early thirties)¹, (Keating)², (who had brown hair and brown eyes)³, (was of medium height)⁴ – (an average-looking man)*.
1 What clause is this?
2 This is the main clause (subject)
3 This is a relative sentence)
4 This is the main clause (predicate, prepositional object)
* This is a apposition

My question is, what clause is 1?
Is it an adverbial clause???

engVids student

8 out of 9.
not bad :)
tnx Adam .


Hi Adam, thank you very much for your lessons. I have performed the quiz and I have a doubt about the last question, number 9. The right answer is 6 clauses. Wouldn’t it more appropriate to say 7, as listed below?

As the movie was about (I don’t know ho to classify this)

what happens to children noun clause object of preposition

who are exposed to violence adjective clause identifying

the school board decided independent clause

it would be inappropriate noun clause object

to show to elementary students noun clause subject (of it would be inappropriate)

who might be negatively affected by the content adjective clause identifying


Hi Adam,
Would you please explain Q6 in detail? I don’t understand.

6. What type of dependent clause is in the following sentence?
The professor couldn’t figure out (understand) whose phone kept ringing during his lecture.
adjective clause
adverb clause
noun clause
that clause (complement)
“whose phone kept ringing during his lecture” – object of figure out

mavis ho

Dear Adame,
I appreciate for your great lessons.
Please keep the way.


Thanks, Adam.
4 out of 9.
I got to watch this video one more time.


How do you distinguish between a noun clause and adverb clause when both are using the same subordinate conjunctions or relative pronouns? Example: where or when


Thank you!

Barnett Barnett

Need a Deep lecture about “That Clause” please! :(


Sentence — > The team that you used to play for has done well this year, even though they didn’t win all their game.

IC : – The team has done well this year
DC1 : Adjective Clause : that you used to play for
DC2 : even though they didn’t win all their game

I can’t understand clause type and role of DC2. Is it a noun clause acting as subject complement for subject = Team ?


i got 4 of 9, i think i should watch it again :D
anyway, thanks adam.


I just have a question why do consider that as a separate clause, However it often comes as a Noun clause or as an adjective clause..

Ashraf qassab

Hi Adam , It is his dubious distinction to have prooved what nobody would think of denying . i have problem with identifying the parts of sentence.


Hello Adam I am studying syntax for the training teaching collage and I have a doubt,
Being exposed to products which one cannot afford produces frustration and dissatisfaction. Being exposed to is PM- products Head- which one cannot afford-POST MODIFIER (ADJ PH)
and Being- gerund
and What is all together BEING EXPOSED TO?
The Subject is (gerundial phrase)


Only 3 correct
I am sad
I hope My English will improve


Absolutely confusing but I’m learning.


If Admin of ENGVİD.COM put ‘Submit Comment’ botton to above the comments,Admin will be my lovely bruh like Adam :D


Hi Adam. All dependent clauses must be connected to an independent clause, right? How about this example: “Adam is not what you would call friendly”. The dependent clause is “what you would call friendly” right? If that is the dependent clause, it is connecting to “Adam is not”, which isn’t an independent clause. Am I right?


Thank you

Hashim Hassan

Hi Adam. Why on the last question, not 7 is 6?

1. As the movie was about 2. what happens to children 3. who are exposed to violence 4. the school Board decided 5. (that) it would be inappropriate to show to 6. elementary students (7)who might be negatively affected by the content


hello sir Adam .i need more examples because i could hardly identfy :clause names and clause function in given examples .m sad


What a great teacher!


well done, Mr.Alex
Christmas greetings and best wishes
from Kazakhstan 22 Dec2o21:)


Thanks alot. You are the best .

Samira Soufiane@123@

3 out of 10… i should watch the video again…

sule irem

Adam, can i use ‘because’ in a Noun clause? If so, how?


Hello Adam, Nice to meet you. I have one question. In you example sentence during adverb clause. although I practiced everyday. (everyday is present simple tense main word but practiced is past tense. Also it not passive tense). Which tense is that clause ?


Thank you Teacher Adam. I got 8/9

Amira Abdulaziz

thank you a lot for your great videos, they are so helpful.
I’m French-educated and knew nothing about English, but now I’m getting better after watching you. I get 56 on this quiz but it’s ok because I’ve understood everything.


Thank you Adam. I got 6 out of 9, which made me happy. Once again, thanks a lot.


Hi! Pls identify linguistic structures and their function in this sentence: Developing a diverse staff is one of the biggest challenges facing business organizations today. Thanks


In a time clause, can we never use future time? Is it grammatically wrong?


What type of sentence structure is this:

I believe that he is in Denver now and he said that he is looking for a new apartment to rent.

Is this a complex sentence or a compound sentence? I am a little confused with “that” clause. I initially thought that if you have a “that” clause that it is a dependent clause. Is there such a thing as a complex clause joined by a coordinating conjunction? Can you explain please?


Hello. I am confused about something and would really appreciate your help.
As we know, the difference between compound and complex sentences is that one is made up of independent clauses while the other includes dependent and independent clauses.
So, if we discuss the following examples:
1. Sally was tired but she decided to work anyway. – a compound sentence with two independent clauses: Sally was tired. / She decided to work.
2. Although Sally was tired, she decided to work . – a complex sentence. Although Sally was tired, – dependent / she decided to work. – independent

My question is, in N2, if we take out “although” (just like we leave out “but” to say that “she decided to work anyway” is an independent clause), don’t we also get two independent clauses? So why is N1 considered compound and N2 complex? Is it only because “but” is called a coordinate conjunction and “although” is a subordinate one?
Thanks in advance.


Hi, Adam. I’m going to tell you thanks a lot!!! Your lesson are just amazing. I am preparing to IELTS with your free-lessons. By the way you are good teacher and good man! Thanks a lot!!!


I have a question
what’s the difference between a noun clause that’s an objective of a verb (not main) and that clause ??


Thanks Adam, you teach us clearly



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