This is a mind-altering lesson that will change the way you look at how adjectives are constructed. Only hard-working English students should dare enter. If you’re ready to play with language and get creative, click the play button and learn some of the most advanced and complex vocabulary there is. This lesson covers more than twenty multi-word adjectives, including fun-loving, good-looking, well-developed, full-time, foul-smelling, blonde-haired, three-legged, two-liter, and plenty more. Enter if you dare, and make sure to test your new knowledge by completing the quiz when you’re done.
Aa…. ? I got ,i got ,i got … Full ! ? Thank you Alex for the joyful lesson! <3
My pleasure as always, Jasmine! Thanks for watching!
I’m glad thousand times watching you and your videos Alex :) It would be more best for me to upload regularly ;) :p
For sure, but I can’t realistically create that much content! :p
Hahaha :)
your lesson is very hard to understand,Anyway Thanks a lot
john lang
You’re welcome. I know it’s not an easy topic. Perhaps you could watch some intermediate lessons and then come back to this one when you feel more comfortable with the language.
Thanks Alex. You’re a movie-loving person.
Paolo S
I am, but I don’t have as much time to enjoy them these days. :)
thank you Mr. Alex
You’re welcome! Thanks for checking out the video.
Lovely class. Thanks Alex
10 out of 10 thank you Alex….!!
Jakub Alvarez
Nice work! Keep it up, Jakub.
hi and thanks for your lessons. its very nice to see you and learn with you. appreciate buddy=)
Thanks Alex. Very interesting topic.
I’ve learned new things. I need to practice more, I got 9 0f 10. Definitely, this one is a highly-recommended lesson.
Thank you Mr. Alex for this lesson.
Ahmad Lebanon
You’re great Buddy; keep doing this; Your classes are amazing. Congratulations.
I got full of score. Thanks Alex. You’re a hard-working person
I got 6 not bad I Wich the batter of the future thanks mr . Alex
Yes! 100 %. Thank you very much, Alex!
Very very exellent teacher!!! :)
“Brown-eyed girl” by Van Morrison. Worth the listening.
Great lesson Sir. Thank you so much!!
Nice new photo, btw ;)
I really enjoyed your lessons, you are well-educated and highly-respected tutor for me.
10/10 for the first attempt. But, some of my answers were based on that the wrong options didn’t sound good to my ears, not because I remembered the rule. :(
Hi Alex! Here I am again. This lesson was very cool! I really appreciated. By the way, I got 10 out of 10. Thanks a lot!
John B
thank you so much for this usful-vidéo.
Ouarda mihoubi
Hi Alex, congratulations for the lesson.
Thanks , Alex ,I understood the lesson but ,when I did the quiz I got 3 right , I mean I don’t know how to use these adj.
100% thank you!
It is a breath-taking lesson. Thank you so much!
I got 10/10, thank Alex, you are a hard-working teacher and heart-warming teacher, anyway the lesson is very difficult to remember, thank again!
nguyen van long
thanks. my rank is 90.
thanks. my rank is 90.
nice video Alex now it is clear but I’d like to know when I have to use -ed and -ing adjectives is there any rule?
young cesar
thank you Alex for such a great lesson
Great lesson Alex! Thank you so much
Great lesson Alex! I love your Star wars-related references!
9 out of 10. Thank you Alex!
i got 7/10
Thanks Alex, I got 100%
very informative lesson. when i started to take lesson from this website. i find it so much helpful. it removes all my queries. sir you are so much cooperative. thanks for sharing these lesson
I am a native English speaker, but I still made an error, #7. LOL. Thank you for the lesson!
Thank you for a well-prepared lesson.
Thanks for a fully understood lesson teacher ?
I’ve got 100, Thanks teacher, it was highly valued knowledge ?
thanks Alex i hit for 5/10, and thank you so much, it was highly effort to did you, and i appreciate as a teacher,
mohamed ibrahim fanah
Hello Alex you were so brilliant with this class now I can use more different adjectives in my every day conversation thanks for that dear funny crazy Alex……. greetings from Surco.
marc anthony
Thank you so much
Ruth Baf
Hi Alex.first thanks for teaching but I dont understand.
Why nice looking house is wrong??
I think both nice looking and nice looked are correct.please guide me.
Thank Alex!! You are a highly experienced teacher..
thanks so much Alex. 9 out of 10
Thanks, it was very helpfull
Thanks for this good test.
I thought a-hundred-kilometer drive and a hundreds-kilometer drive were both correct but just simply different meaning…
Hi Alex! Thanks for your lesson.I’ve done the quiz and got 100%.But I have a doubt what is the different between two-story and two-storeyed?
Thank you sir
Kareem Douaouia
got 9 out of 10
thank you for your good lesson
thanks for the class with adjectives+ past participle or ing ending verb ,it was very helpful.
Thanks for the lecture
A very-weel-explained lesson.
Afonso Heraldo Petta
A very-well-explained lesson.
Afonso Heraldo Petta
Your lesson is life-changing in learning English. I want to know may I use mind-blowing instead of mind-alerting and is it right “one-eared”, “three-nosed” ?
very well its very helpful to improve my vocabulary.
few more adjectives
Trump on Justin Trudeau: He’s two-faced.
Seanghuy Hok
Alex this tex is a few hard today
I got 6/10
This is a sentence whith faced
In Harry Potter and the philisofer’s stone Quirell are twe faced , him face and Voldemort’s face miskate under a turban
Alex you are really a genious. Thank you and engVid.
AKM Mostafa
I was worried about this section. 10/10. Where can I find stage 3 English? Thank you.
Mr. Alex, i got 8 of 10. But i haven’t felt satisfied yet. I need to learn more. Anyway, thank you so much for your videos and all about explanations that you have shared.
Diman sahata
Hello Alex, I like to all of them videos. I don’t ask “Sith Lord:D” By the way, I like your all t-shirts :)
Thank you for that full-inspiring video. My test score is 90%, I forgot about “three-legged” option. Now, I have got a word-making ideas.
Dear Allex,
Firstly I admire you as publishing this lesson very interesting style for us and explaining clearly.
I suppose to you if you can give examples for each adjectives on the board its very good for us to understand the point its used,
Kokila Hemamali Gurukandura
8/10 ^^ in Quiz.
today is 3-th september 2021
Thanks a lot Alex for your effort and support.
Thanks Alex,a lesson as always inspiring for me.
Hi Alex,
Always follow you.
You’re super teacher.
Thank you for the knowledge!
Thx MR.Alex your class is very easy to understand. And your videos were watched by all fo my families, your videos help me solved a lot of hard grammar
Thanks a lot for this lesson dear Alex aka John Ritter from Canada lol lol lol
Thanks a bunch, I’m a full-thrilled learner.
Roberto 3.0 dual core
An astonishing great lesson. Maybe will be my English level is going up, I don’t know what’s going on. It’s fantastic.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for your classes!
Aa…. ? I got ,i got ,i got … Full ! ? Thank you Alex for the joyful lesson! <3
My pleasure as always, Jasmine! Thanks for watching!
I’m glad thousand times watching you and your videos Alex :) It would be more best for me to upload regularly ;) :p
For sure, but I can’t realistically create that much content! :p
Hahaha :)
your lesson is very hard to understand,Anyway Thanks a lot
You’re welcome. I know it’s not an easy topic. Perhaps you could watch some intermediate lessons and then come back to this one when you feel more comfortable with the language.
Thanks Alex. You’re a movie-loving person.
I am, but I don’t have as much time to enjoy them these days. :)
thank you Mr. Alex
You’re welcome! Thanks for checking out the video.
Lovely class. Thanks Alex
10 out of 10 thank you Alex….!!
Nice work! Keep it up, Jakub.
hi and thanks for your lessons. its very nice to see you and learn with you. appreciate buddy=)
Thanks Alex. Very interesting topic.
I’ve learned new things. I need to practice more, I got 9 0f 10. Definitely, this one is a highly-recommended lesson.
Thank you Mr. Alex for this lesson.
You’re great Buddy; keep doing this; Your classes are amazing. Congratulations.
I got full of score. Thanks Alex. You’re a hard-working person
I got 6 not bad I Wich the batter of the future thanks mr . Alex
Yes! 100 %. Thank you very much, Alex!
Very very exellent teacher!!! :)
“Brown-eyed girl” by Van Morrison. Worth the listening.
Great lesson Sir. Thank you so much!!
Nice new photo, btw ;)
I really enjoyed your lessons, you are well-educated and highly-respected tutor for me.
10/10 for the first attempt. But, some of my answers were based on that the wrong options didn’t sound good to my ears, not because I remembered the rule. :(
Hi Alex! Here I am again. This lesson was very cool! I really appreciated. By the way, I got 10 out of 10. Thanks a lot!
thank you so much for this usful-vidéo.
Hi Alex, congratulations for the lesson.
Thanks , Alex ,I understood the lesson but ,when I did the quiz I got 3 right , I mean I don’t know how to use these adj.
100% thank you!
It is a breath-taking lesson. Thank you so much!
I got 10/10, thank Alex, you are a hard-working teacher and heart-warming teacher, anyway the lesson is very difficult to remember, thank again!
thanks. my rank is 90.
thanks. my rank is 90.
nice video Alex now it is clear but I’d like to know when I have to use -ed and -ing adjectives is there any rule?
thank you Alex for such a great lesson
Great lesson Alex! Thank you so much
Great lesson Alex! I love your Star wars-related references!
9 out of 10. Thank you Alex!
i got 7/10
Thanks Alex, I got 100%
very informative lesson. when i started to take lesson from this website. i find it so much helpful. it removes all my queries. sir you are so much cooperative. thanks for sharing these lesson
I am a native English speaker, but I still made an error, #7. LOL. Thank you for the lesson!
Thank you for a well-prepared lesson.
Thanks for a fully understood lesson teacher ?
I’ve got 100, Thanks teacher, it was highly valued knowledge ?
thanks Alex i hit for 5/10, and thank you so much, it was highly effort to did you, and i appreciate as a teacher,
Hello Alex you were so brilliant with this class now I can use more different adjectives in my every day conversation thanks for that dear funny crazy Alex……. greetings from Surco.
Thank you so much
Hi Alex.first thanks for teaching but I dont understand.
Why nice looking house is wrong??
I think both nice looking and nice looked are correct.please guide me.
Thank Alex!! You are a highly experienced teacher..
thanks so much Alex. 9 out of 10
Thanks, it was very helpfull
Thanks for this good test.
I thought a-hundred-kilometer drive and a hundreds-kilometer drive were both correct but just simply different meaning…
Hi Alex! Thanks for your lesson.I’ve done the quiz and got 100%.But I have a doubt what is the different between two-story and two-storeyed?
Thank you sir
got 9 out of 10
thank you for your good lesson
thanks for the class with adjectives+ past participle or ing ending verb ,it was very helpful.
Thanks for the lecture
A very-weel-explained lesson.
A very-well-explained lesson.
Your lesson is life-changing in learning English. I want to know may I use mind-blowing instead of mind-alerting and is it right “one-eared”, “three-nosed” ?
very well its very helpful to improve my vocabulary.
few more adjectives
Trump on Justin Trudeau: He’s two-faced.
Alex this tex is a few hard today
I got 6/10
This is a sentence whith faced
In Harry Potter and the philisofer’s stone Quirell are twe faced , him face and Voldemort’s face miskate under a turban
Alex you are really a genious. Thank you and engVid.
I was worried about this section. 10/10. Where can I find stage 3 English? Thank you.
Mr. Alex, i got 8 of 10. But i haven’t felt satisfied yet. I need to learn more. Anyway, thank you so much for your videos and all about explanations that you have shared.
Hello Alex, I like to all of them videos. I don’t ask “Sith Lord:D” By the way, I like your all t-shirts :)
Thank you for that full-inspiring video. My test score is 90%, I forgot about “three-legged” option. Now, I have got a word-making ideas.
Dear Allex,
Firstly I admire you as publishing this lesson very interesting style for us and explaining clearly.
I suppose to you if you can give examples for each adjectives on the board its very good for us to understand the point its used,
8/10 ^^ in Quiz.
today is 3-th september 2021
Thanks a lot Alex for your effort and support.
Thanks Alex,a lesson as always inspiring for me.
Hi Alex,
Always follow you.
You’re super teacher.
Thank you for the knowledge!
Thx MR.Alex your class is very easy to understand. And your videos were watched by all fo my families, your videos help me solved a lot of hard grammar
Thanks a lot for this lesson dear Alex aka John Ritter from Canada lol lol lol
Thanks a bunch, I’m a full-thrilled learner.
An astonishing great lesson. Maybe will be my English level is going up, I don’t know what’s going on. It’s fantastic.