for someone or empathy
? Did the medicine have an affect
on you, or an effect
? Did the world leader infer
that he was going to attack or imply
it? Don’t worry, even many native English speakers get these wrong! In this class, I’ll explain three of the most commonly misused word pairs in English and show you simple tricks to remember the correct meanings and usage. Stop making these mistakes, sound more confident, and have fun with the language. Perfect for intermediate and advanced English learners who want to polish up their vocabulary! Watch now and never misuse these words again.
Sir you explained them well, keep it up
It is such an interesting and rich-vocabulary lesson from Mr. James.
Great lesson. Well, explained. Thank you so much James.
I’ve got 10/10. English is almost Greek + French + Latin. I’ m wondering what language is the most far from English? The first two pairs of the words you taught us today almost coincide with Russian equivalent words.
Latin, Greek and French have definitely affected the Russian language.
Dear James, thanks for your professional teaching. I think modern English is based on the languages of the Anglo Saxons and the French. Latin was lingua franca in Europe in the Middle Ages. Well-educated people spoke and understood Latin and Greek.
I got 8\10 but next time better,nice teaching James.
Hamburger – Calendar – Empathy – Croissant
German – Latin – Greek – French
Many thansk for this!!!!
Very nice your way of teaching, I imply you are a good person, though i infer that you are a wonderful teacher, Thanks a lot.
Greetings from Bolivia 🇧🇴