Do you want to have sex with an American? Well, you’re going to have to be able to TALK about sex like an American! Learn some fun and dirty sex slang in this video and start banging native speakers today! English has lots of sex vocabulary and slang. So does every language, but English is what I’m teaching. Today you’ll learn more than 26 of these dirty words in English. You won’t learn this in your grammar book, and you might not even find these definitions in your dictionary, but you’ll hear these words on TV, on the street, and if you’re lucky, in your bedroom. That’s why I’m here, doing this public service…teaching you REAL English for REAL life! IELTS? Fuck IELTS! I want you to have a hard-on for learning English! After the lesson, don’t go jerk off—take the quiz on engVid. Or jerk off first if you want…but take the quiz after you’re done! Uhhh…this video is not for kids.
Heads up (heh heh heh. Head): keep your comments (reasonably) appropriate! If you wouldn’t say it to someone in real life, don’t say it here. I will replace all inappropriate comments with cat GIFs.
engVid Moderator
I love the quizz!!!Ronnie, you talk about the 69 but why didn’t you talk about the 70?
thank you for this useful lesson!
Hi Ronnie ! I’ve got 8/10. It’s not too much but I think that’s enough?! ))
Ha-ha … I’m the Firs one who “have had sex” with Ronnie ??? ))))) P. S. Of course it’s joke.
sorry , you’re the second one ;)
Very big thanks Ronnie! I got 10.
Really? It’s Great !!!
When I came and saw a new lesson I really became happy but when I red the title of video and noticed what it is about I couldn’t watch it, to tell you the truth I’m not willing to watch it anymore, by the way thank you.
This lesson is definitely not for everyone! You may like today’s upcoming lesson more :)
engVid Moderator
Thanks for your response
Hi, I’m interested to know people from around the world and, by the way, improve my English.
News from Irak are always terrible, is your life as terrible as we can hear? I hope not.
bonjour from France
I’ve noticed that you would like to comment on some specific lessons! If you don’t like it, suit yourself. But keep in mind if you wanna learn another language at least you have to know some words and this subject is a must to learn. You can keep your opinion to yourself because all the listener here live in a real world and this definitely is NOT an awkward issue.
BTW, thanks Ronnie for all the practical lessons. Keep it up :)
It’s a very interesting and useful topic, Ronnie. I’ve got 7/10 – not very positively. Thanks
But I will be better, I promise ;)
Can you imagine other teacher from talking about sex in the way she does apart from Ronnie? You really like these lessons Ronnie, we can see it in your face hahaha.
Thanks for the lessons by the way, and nice Spanish accent ;)
Make love not war
I think it would be a better idea to make a video on words with double meanings and how to avoid embarrassment.
That’s a good idea!
engVid Moderator
really these are very rud words, they scared me specially the word ‘glory hole’ i don’t belive that if there is something like this, any way lucky we to find find a teacher give us a culture such these words.
I don’t belive that there are sober men or women using these words.
Anyway, WE, no mother tongue, have to be very careful when speking English because there are so many words with DOUBLE MEANING:)
It is sick! Thank you! You’re awesome. I think it’s always fun and useful to learn slang. Keep it up.
I have not idea of many of the words used here thanks
i´ll rewatch
10/10,Ronnie, you are the best!
Ya really beSt!
Anurag Dwivedi
Thank you Ronnie for this interesting topic
I knew I will score 10 out of 10 as I already heard of these se** terminologies……smile
10/10 thanks ronnie
Wow! I have nothing to say more. Of course, we need to know such kind of words.
I have a question. The previous lesson related to this topic explained us to be careful with the expression “eat out”. I want to know how often is it used in the sexual way. Ronnie is quite right to say these words are taught in many textbooks with the meaning ” to have dinner at a cafe”. Please, how do native speakers understand it? Is it always rude?
“Eat out” (oral sex) is transitive, e. g. “Did he eat you out?” But “eat out” (dining out) is intransitive, e. g. “Do you want to eat out, or get delivery?”
However, native speakers do use the double meaning to make dirty jokes!
engVid Moderator
Well done, Ronnie. Thanks.
Júlio César L Sousa
Following the learning of new topics like these, my doubt was in “whiskey dick” and “dickhead”, but I think I will finish to understand them. Thanks a lot, teacher Ronnie, a good explanation.
however, thanks Ronnie
M. Arip Gunawan
Hello Ronnie !
I’d like to understand why you spoke about Norman Luboff. What is the link whith the subject ?
Thank you.
Thank you Ronnie! Now I’ll be able to watch porn videos knowing already what’s waiting for me ahahah
Many thanks Ronnie. Sometimes people try to contact me by skype and it’s important to know this kind of words to detect twisted person.
you are dickhead hahahaha
Normally this would be an inappropriate comment…but I’ll allow it :P
engVid Moderator
you are great ronni
shaik anwar
Hi Ronnie, nice vocabulary…now, we must use it!
Oh, I got correct all after I have learned those vocabulary
Sok somnang999
Hi Ronnie! Very nice lesson. Learning a language involves to know every thing about it, including vocabulary and any kind of slang related to sex.
Ronnie, you are the best!
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson, I don’t knew some words… and now I learned a lot..:)
marcos alexandre
thanks Ronnie
These words are useful ?
I have nothing to say, just that, It was an interesting lesson!
Thanks, Ronnie. A very useful information wich we wouldn’t get from textbooks or ob courses, i suppose. And Happy NeYear btw. ???
Thanks Ronnie,
You created the wonderful platform to getting new things.
Sanjay Rajput
Hi Ronnie
could you tell us what a champagne shower is
thank you so much
Sorry, our videos are only available on YouTube. Our teachers make money from YouTube ads, which lets us offer all these lessons for free. We hope you understand.
engVid Moderator
Thanks Ronnie, i’ve got 9/10! unusual and very interesting lesson !!
to EngVid Moderator: thank you for answering my question. I got it! Transitive/intransitive – great tip! It will definetely help me to avoid shameful situation.
You’re welcome! :3
engVid Moderator
I’ve got an American friend and once he asked me about the number of sex-related words I know. With my limited sex vocab, I could tell only some very widespread ones. I hoped that he could extend my sex vocab but to my regret, he said that those were all the words he knew himself. I realise that those words could offend somebody but come on, we do have to know them if we want to make any real progress in English. Thank you very much, Ronnie, for this lesson. It would be just great if you could make any other “taboo” lessons.
Thank you Ronnie.This lesson is advance knowledge for me.I like it.
I love you teacher Ronnie.
I really like the way you teach, talk and explain.
I learn a lot from you.
And I always watch you on YouTube and EngVid as well.
Thank you so much.
God bless you and more power.
Tks Ronnie !
Love your lessons ?
Hi Ronnie.
you’re the best English teacher I’ve ever seen.I learn English very good by Engvid videos specially yours.
please, please, please make a lesson about meanings of “issue” as a noun and verb. How and when we should use it.
Thanks a lot.
This is so cool and excited to learn ..haha i was laughing like hell while doing this quickie test haha your are very good teacher .
i got 100, i’m proud of myself hahaha
thsnks so much mrs ronniefor lesson
I’m not good in English
but I will improve soon
100 so dirty minded lol
Really useful for me thanks allot
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced by a cat gif.
Thank you Ronnie. I got 9/10! very useful for me haha.
Sungwook Kim
9/10 thanks
Lessons that only Ronnie can cover to us! I’m learning so many words and expressions with you and I need to thank you for this. Have a great year!
Isaias Menezes Silva
questions are great learning to understand where we missed the lesson of teachers.
Thanks a lot. Usually such lessons are not taught by teachers. And it was noticable that was not easy for you either. Thank you for that you did it for us.
The best teacher, and I like u’r expressions.haha
Thank you for such a good lesson!
Jun Zhang
Could you tell me how to watch these movies?Should I connect to a VPN?
Hai Ronnie. Thanks i got 10/10. great lesson. i Very much admired your way of taking the class at ease. Fantastic keep going. This is Ronnies dictionery.
Suresh Pallath
thank you Ronnie….but my husband last name is Wang…..:(
My teacher Ronnie.Iam a student english.l like learn english. Double continu with you.l want improve my language by conversation with you.can you help me please.with my regrads foryou
Sarmad Majeed
thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie thanks for this great video
could you add other videos like this because I heard some expressions like “getting a hummer” or making a “v hole”(sorry to say these) and I dont know what they mean
Amazing as usual.
Mohamed Faroq
You are good teacher Ronnie:)
very informative.
Do you have an app for this website? If there is, I would like to download so that I can play this lessons on my phone.
Lyza Roach
Hi Ronny
I am very impressed with your teaching style
Can I ask you to send a wail with translated sentences and conversations about sex culture
I practice this lesson with my girlfriend who doesn`t understand english. I think that it could be very funny.
Good for me I got 80 ??
thanks a lot
aladin aladin
I was laughing so hard thinking about the double standard people, that was going to complain. Wow!
You are a wonderful teacher!
Thank you!? XOXO
How can I look this video?
Why can’t I see the video I’m in China~~~
Hi, kangnan! All of our videos are on YouTube. You’ll have to use a VPN or mirror to see them.
engVid Moderator
You make learning English fun. You are a great
10 out of 10
100, lol.
Excelent i hope to learn more about slangs of sex, i got 10/10, i’ll use all of it.
Thanks Mrs. Ronnie!
We are arriving to the good places
I loved the quizz Ronnie. I had fun! Thank you :)
Amalia has the biggest rack I’ve ever seen in real life.
well . that was intresting
100 lol
al willis
Hi teacher I’m really like your classes
Abdulmaged AL-NAQEEB
OMG! I was so surprised at first because of the title, BUT! THIS VIDEO IS NEEDED. Someone who’s learning any language should definitely learn this words, I thank you for doing this kind of videos, they are really useful. What if someone is making fun of me with one of these words and besides what if I marry a guy who’s mother tongue is english and I don’t know these words, how will we have a good night??, You know what I mean. I definitely think it’s so useful and important and bad words as well, I’ll look for a video about bad words here:)! Thank you Ms. Ronnie and thank you enVid! I really appreciate this video! It’s phenomenal, marvelous!!
Hi teacher I’m really like your teaching style
Mac Qodrati
Almost 20 years ago, i had a job with british workmates and (as usually happens),they tought me some dirty slang…
For Jerk off or handjob, they told:” wank”;intead of vag-jj they said “cunt”and as well asthe word whore they spoke “tart”…
Non wise Denis
9/10!Good! Funny lesson!
Jerry Gu
whoa this one is really popular lol
thank you Roonie! 10/10
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Heads up (heh heh heh. Head): keep your comments (reasonably) appropriate! If you wouldn’t say it to someone in real life, don’t say it here. I will replace all inappropriate comments with cat GIFs.
I love the quizz!!!Ronnie, you talk about the 69 but why didn’t you talk about the 70?
thank you for this useful lesson!
Hi Ronnie ! I’ve got 8/10. It’s not too much but I think that’s enough?! ))
Ha-ha … I’m the Firs one who “have had sex” with Ronnie ??? ))))) P. S. Of course it’s joke.
sorry , you’re the second one ;)
Very big thanks Ronnie! I got 10.
Really? It’s Great !!!
When I came and saw a new lesson I really became happy but when I red the title of video and noticed what it is about I couldn’t watch it, to tell you the truth I’m not willing to watch it anymore, by the way thank you.
This lesson is definitely not for everyone! You may like today’s upcoming lesson more :)
Thanks for your response
Hi, I’m interested to know people from around the world and, by the way, improve my English.
News from Irak are always terrible, is your life as terrible as we can hear? I hope not.
bonjour from France
I’ve noticed that you would like to comment on some specific lessons! If you don’t like it, suit yourself. But keep in mind if you wanna learn another language at least you have to know some words and this subject is a must to learn. You can keep your opinion to yourself because all the listener here live in a real world and this definitely is NOT an awkward issue.
BTW, thanks Ronnie for all the practical lessons. Keep it up :)
It’s a very interesting and useful topic, Ronnie. I’ve got 7/10 – not very positively. Thanks
But I will be better, I promise ;)
Can you imagine other teacher from talking about sex in the way she does apart from Ronnie? You really like these lessons Ronnie, we can see it in your face hahaha.
Thanks for the lessons by the way, and nice Spanish accent ;)
Make love not war
I think it would be a better idea to make a video on words with double meanings and how to avoid embarrassment.
That’s a good idea!
really these are very rud words, they scared me specially the word ‘glory hole’ i don’t belive that if there is something like this, any way lucky we to find find a teacher give us a culture such these words.
I don’t belive that there are sober men or women using these words.
Anyway, WE, no mother tongue, have to be very careful when speking English because there are so many words with DOUBLE MEANING:)
It is sick! Thank you! You’re awesome. I think it’s always fun and useful to learn slang. Keep it up.
I have not idea of many of the words used here thanks
i´ll rewatch
10/10,Ronnie, you are the best!
Ya really beSt!
Thank you Ronnie for this interesting topic
I knew I will score 10 out of 10 as I already heard of these se** terminologies……smile
10/10 thanks ronnie
Wow! I have nothing to say more. Of course, we need to know such kind of words.
I have a question. The previous lesson related to this topic explained us to be careful with the expression “eat out”. I want to know how often is it used in the sexual way. Ronnie is quite right to say these words are taught in many textbooks with the meaning ” to have dinner at a cafe”. Please, how do native speakers understand it? Is it always rude?
“Eat out” (oral sex) is transitive, e. g. “Did he eat you out?” But “eat out” (dining out) is intransitive, e. g. “Do you want to eat out, or get delivery?”
However, native speakers do use the double meaning to make dirty jokes!
Well done, Ronnie. Thanks.
Following the learning of new topics like these, my doubt was in “whiskey dick” and “dickhead”, but I think I will finish to understand them. Thanks a lot, teacher Ronnie, a good explanation.
however, thanks Ronnie
Hello Ronnie !
I’d like to understand why you spoke about Norman Luboff. What is the link whith the subject ?
Thank you.
Thank you Ronnie! Now I’ll be able to watch porn videos knowing already what’s waiting for me ahahah
Many thanks Ronnie. Sometimes people try to contact me by skype and it’s important to know this kind of words to detect twisted person.
you are dickhead hahahaha
Normally this would be an inappropriate comment…but I’ll allow it :P
you are great ronni
Hi Ronnie, nice vocabulary…now, we must use it!
Oh, I got correct all after I have learned those vocabulary
Hi Ronnie! Very nice lesson. Learning a language involves to know every thing about it, including vocabulary and any kind of slang related to sex.
Ronnie, you are the best!
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson, I don’t knew some words… and now I learned a lot..:)
thanks Ronnie
These words are useful ?
I have nothing to say, just that, It was an interesting lesson!
Thanks, Ronnie. A very useful information wich we wouldn’t get from textbooks or ob courses, i suppose. And Happy NeYear btw. ???
Thanks Ronnie,
You created the wonderful platform to getting new things.
Hi Ronnie
could you tell us what a champagne shower is
thank you so much
Sorry, our videos are only available on YouTube. Our teachers make money from YouTube ads, which lets us offer all these lessons for free. We hope you understand.
Thanks Ronnie, i’ve got 9/10! unusual and very interesting lesson !!
to EngVid Moderator: thank you for answering my question. I got it! Transitive/intransitive – great tip! It will definetely help me to avoid shameful situation.
You’re welcome! :3
I’ve got an American friend and once he asked me about the number of sex-related words I know. With my limited sex vocab, I could tell only some very widespread ones. I hoped that he could extend my sex vocab but to my regret, he said that those were all the words he knew himself. I realise that those words could offend somebody but come on, we do have to know them if we want to make any real progress in English. Thank you very much, Ronnie, for this lesson. It would be just great if you could make any other “taboo” lessons.
Thank you Ronnie.This lesson is advance knowledge for me.I like it.
I love you teacher Ronnie.
I really like the way you teach, talk and explain.
I learn a lot from you.
And I always watch you on YouTube and EngVid as well.
Thank you so much.
God bless you and more power.
Tks Ronnie !
Love your lessons ?
Hi Ronnie.
you’re the best English teacher I’ve ever seen.I learn English very good by Engvid videos specially yours.
please, please, please make a lesson about meanings of “issue” as a noun and verb. How and when we should use it.
Thanks a lot.
This is so cool and excited to learn ..haha i was laughing like hell while doing this quickie test haha your are very good teacher .
i got 100, i’m proud of myself hahaha
thsnks so much mrs ronniefor lesson
I’m not good in English
but I will improve soon
100 so dirty minded lol
Really useful for me thanks allot
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced by a cat gif.
100% I’m proud of myself
Hi Sabine, I’m also getting 10 out of 10.
Thanks ronnie i got 9/10 this is good
Thank you Ronnie. I got 9/10! very useful for me haha.
9/10 thanks
Lessons that only Ronnie can cover to us! I’m learning so many words and expressions with you and I need to thank you for this. Have a great year!
questions are great learning to understand where we missed the lesson of teachers.
Thanks a lot. Usually such lessons are not taught by teachers. And it was noticable that was not easy for you either. Thank you for that you did it for us.
The best teacher, and I like u’r expressions.haha
Thank you for such a good lesson!
Could you tell me how to watch these movies?Should I connect to a VPN?
Hai Ronnie. Thanks i got 10/10. great lesson. i Very much admired your way of taking the class at ease. Fantastic keep going. This is Ronnies dictionery.
thank you Ronnie….but my husband last name is Wang…..:(
My teacher Ronnie.Iam a student english.l like learn english. Double continu with you.l want improve my language by conversation with you.can you help me please.with my regrads foryou
thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie thanks for this great video
could you add other videos like this because I heard some expressions like “getting a hummer” or making a “v hole”(sorry to say these) and I dont know what they mean
Amazing as usual.
You are good teacher Ronnie:)
very informative.
Do you have an app for this website? If there is, I would like to download so that I can play this lessons on my phone.
Hi Ronny
I am very impressed with your teaching style
Can I ask you to send a wail with translated sentences and conversations about sex culture
I practice this lesson with my girlfriend who doesn`t understand english. I think that it could be very funny.
Good for me I got 80 ??
thanks a lot
I was laughing so hard thinking about the double standard people, that was going to complain. Wow!
You are a wonderful teacher!
Thank you!? XOXO
How can I look this video?
Why can’t I see the video I’m in China~~~
Hi, kangnan! All of our videos are on YouTube. You’ll have to use a VPN or mirror to see them.
You make learning English fun. You are a great
10 out of 10
100, lol.
Excelent i hope to learn more about slangs of sex, i got 10/10, i’ll use all of it.
Thanks Mrs. Ronnie!
We are arriving to the good places
I loved the quizz Ronnie. I had fun! Thank you :)
Amalia has the biggest rack I’ve ever seen in real life.
well . that was intresting
100 lol
Hi teacher I’m really like your classes
OMG! I was so surprised at first because of the title, BUT! THIS VIDEO IS NEEDED. Someone who’s learning any language should definitely learn this words, I thank you for doing this kind of videos, they are really useful. What if someone is making fun of me with one of these words and besides what if I marry a guy who’s mother tongue is english and I don’t know these words, how will we have a good night??, You know what I mean. I definitely think it’s so useful and important and bad words as well, I’ll look for a video about bad words here:)! Thank you Ms. Ronnie and thank you enVid! I really appreciate this video! It’s phenomenal, marvelous!!
Hi teacher I’m really like your teaching style
Almost 20 years ago, i had a job with british workmates and (as usually happens),they tought me some dirty slang…
For Jerk off or handjob, they told:” wank”;intead of vag-jj they said “cunt”and as well asthe word whore they spoke “tart”…
9/10!Good! Funny lesson!
whoa this one is really popular lol
thank you Roonie! 10/10