Improve your English pronunciation by making ANIMAL SOUNDS! In this fun lesson, I’ll teach you the names of many animals and about the sounds they make. This beginner lesson is a perfect to watch with your kids! The great thing about practicing animal sounds is that they often have strong vowel sounds which let you practice how native English speakers enunciate. You’ll get to hear my pronunciation and repeat after me. So let’s have some fun with our English!
After this lesson I’m actually speechless (but I’ve learnt how to talk with my dog, Peolo). See you next time, thanks Ronnie.
How’s italy ?
I really enjoyed watching this video.Ronnie, you really made it so interesting to understand.Thanks for it.See you next time.
Very gifted teacher indeed ! You always find something really interesting to share with us and the way you do it is highly professional.
Ohh my darling, this class was very funny.
Thanks for your help Ronnie, my life is more easy after your classes. :=)
Dear ESPANHOL…the correct form to say is : my life is easier after your class. Sorry to correct you, but it is important. Please correct me whe I make mistakes too.
Claudinei Sacchi
THE WORD “when” that’s your mistake CLAUDINEI SACCHI
he say berabab babeerab bereba babbeerab hhh something like that hhhh
I love this lesson!!
It was so funny!))
PS. I am hungry after this video =)
eat some banana, no monkey!
Hi, How are you?
Hahahaha, I laugh after read your comment. Really!
Fikri Abdilla
Hi RonnieI had a good time watching your lesson. I had a cat when I was 10 and she runaway too.
Hello teacher … I liked of your classes and I’m starting here. I wish to develop the conversation. Your classes are good and fun.
Thanks Ronnie. It was nice to meet you.
JR Chavier
When cats are happy they FART … :D
i got 6
You got 6 correct out of 10.
You got 6 correct out of 10.
Thank you Ronnie, for the class.
You got 8 correct out of 10
Thank you roony you are great tutor
Taw Saoud
Thank you very much Ronnie!!
Nice lesson!!And beautiful bracelet ;)
Thanks Ronnie it was really funny, but educational as well.
I have three donkeys. They are intelligent and sweet animals.Please,please don’t eat donkeys
They have such soft ears!
engVid Moderator
so sweet from you telling people not to eat donkeys but a person who really love animals doesn’t eat any of themm like me; i went vegan 4 years ago. but i guess it’s a start.
Gustavo Nice Guy
Very good and funny lesson.
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie. Children and I enjoyed the video. Wish you would superimpose still large images of the animals over the video, instead of using tiny 3D toys.
It’s very funny I just Love your lesson Ronnie Thank You
In french “Cocorico” for the chicken :D
for the rooster :) sorry
OMG!!! That’s a very funny lesson, it made me laugh a lot.Thank you Ronnie and BTW some of the sounds were hilarious.
Thanks for the excellent explanation :-)
Hi, Emma, I can say you’re a great teacher! Did you know that? for the clear explanations and the many examples you provide to make us understand those topics of English.
Great job! Si9cerely, Astroboyyy.
Love it! Funny question when cats are happy they….. Fart LOL
That was an amazing class, Ronnie. Thanks for this.
My favorite animal is dog. Woof! Thank you for your funny lesson :)
Thank you Ronnie, My cows make a sound moo moo little cows make a sound maaa maaa, in the rice field.
what does the fox say?))))
ahh Ronnie it was perfect. I appreciate you
Nice lesson Ronnie!
Thank you…
But it was not funny for me because i am vegan.
Hello Ronnie .
Thanks for this lesson but the so often modifications of field angle of the camera got me a headache . This is what happens when kids grow old . Please ask George Lucas for better spécial effects .
It seems that you love so much animals that you eat them . Eating someone that you love sounds like canibalism . Hope you will never love me . LOL !!!.
It is reported that in some EU countries guys eat cats . I know that for asian countries but not EU’s . Can anyone confirm this information .
Thanks again and carry on to entertain us .
Ronnie – great actor!
Andreev Sergey
Good lesson!!! Thanks Ronnie, perfect animals sound!!
Thank, Ronnie, for this very funny lesson
Congratulation Ronnie, you imitate very well animals ! What a great teacher and comedian. Kind regards, love XXX Francis
Yeah)) exactly) I wonder, how will it sound by Ronnie)))
What an interesting topic to keep both children and adults entertained! I did have fun, teacher Ronnie. Thanks a lot. Take care ;)
Emanoel Pereira
Sweet lesson, thank you Ma’am!
buhut achaa anita we learn a lot of things
Thank you Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie.
I have a cat whose name is Ringo. Not from Ringo Starr, it means an apple in Japanese. Probably you know it because you had lived in Japan before.
I love the expression you said punk rock chicken! Someday I’d like to get my hair Mohawk like John Frusciante (ex RHCP guitarist) when he was younger. But I’m sure I won’t.
Thank you Ronnie!!!!
thank u ronnie :)
Thank you Ronnie
Hey Roonie. Congrats one more time for this video.
First of all, I really would like to say you are the best and more fun EngVid’s teacher. :)
Please… Could you do a video explaning how we can use MET and/or MEET?
(sorry if I messed up some english gramar rule)
It’s so confusing.
Juliano Soares
Meet is an irregular verb. The base form of this verb is meet, past simple is met, and pp (past participle) i also met. In order to use them effectively, you will have to master verb tenses, and here are some examples of this. I’ll meet you there at 5 o’ clock. I met my old friend from school yesterday. I’m pleased to have met you.
thanks for that video
thanks for this
pls I need, a help in my learning general.
Thank you so much for your lesson I was funny
Ronnie – great actress!
Thank you, Ronnie.
How can you do that? Incredibly crazy! i love it!
tsubasa hanako
I like it soooo much
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Thank you very much for this lesson Ronnie.
But roosters make an egg in a year. Because My mother has roosters and chıckens. She told me last year. Yes, that’s amazng!
Thank you.It`s really a funny lesson.
Aiah Abdalalem
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks a lot by the lesson! by the way i want to speak with people to practice and improve our language skills together. If anyone want , please add me in skype. This’s my Skype ID:
Ronnie always teachs us in a funny way,thank you.
Thank you. My daughter and I love animals
Nice lesson ronnie
Thank u huni ?
Anwar ahmad
Fantastic teacher :)
Fantastic teacher
It’s interesting how do is the animals pronunciation.
Thank you very much
Hi Johaandr
another inspiring lesson from my best teacher.great thanks .
you are so cute.I love you and i learn the lesson
For me, as for an a vegetarian it was not so fun lesson. But thank you Ronnie anyway.
Thank you my teacher happy valenstey :)
Ronnie good Teacher :)
Thank U Ronnie!
the quiz says Ronnie is vegetarian LOL . she ate a horse .
Mohamed Rabiaa
really useful. thank u
thank you ronnie
Thank you
I want to speak with people to practice
Reda selim
Thanks Ronnie for this amazing video
it was soo funny leeson, thank you huny
almarwani marwan
Thx dear i love y
Thank you Ronnie. It was a very fun class! Could you please teach us the difference between the following verbs: to switch,to change and to exchange? I sometimes get confused with these verbs. Thank you so much in advanced.:D
sorry i’m first time studying english
i like her acting on the camera, looks strange, but ossum and funny!!
hi Ronnie,
can I have your Email ID so that could write you my few question or please drop me an email at
Nitin shokeen
Thanks Ronny. Very nice lesson. By the way, I was looking some classes in Engvid about Future perfect and future perfect continous and I didn’t find anything. Could you or another teacher from Engvid add some classes about it
Ainda não entendi! Estou estudando ainda :( No Brasil não aprendemos muito inglês.
Acompanho aqui os videos da Roonie.. Recomendo a Englishtown cara.. É bem flexível. Estou gostando.
Juliano Soares
Great work…!
Excellent explanation! Thank you!
Thanks Ronnie!
This was a very funny and instructive lesson.
Oh… It is expected that I was speaking woof, woof, woof
Fabio Cicerre
you a wonderful
Hi! Madam that was amazing, but i request you to make me clear different ways of using his, has, had, have cause my exam is quit near. And i am completely confuse with these words. I will be very glad Thank you.
Have is an irregular verb. Have-had-had. Present Simple – I have a very expensive car. She has blue eyes. Past Simple – They had many animals in their house. She had a good job. Past Participle – I have had many problems with it recently. She has had that car since she was a kid. Sometimes the contraction is used – He’s had a pet for two years. “He’s” can also mean “he is”. Be careful not to confuse them, and you’ll know which one is correct to use by considering the context (the words around it, verb tenses and such stuff).
“His” is possessive adjective, or possessive pronoun. It denotes belonging and possession. His girlfriend. His jacket. A ball of his etc.. Hope this help a little.
Hope this “helps” a little, that was my idea. Too many errata made by myself, and there’s no way I can simply correct my comment, EngVid, react to this, enable that option!
Thanks Ronnie. :)
it was a wonderful lesson especially the presentation
Thanks you Ronnie!
Good lesson, it was really very fun .
You are very nice teacher . I’m watching your Videos constantly
I really like the way you teach,easily and
Thank you so much for this free tutorial. God bless you Ronnie and more power. Muah
Thank you.I’ve got 10/10.I’m happy.
very very nice
WOWWWWW, I love her sounds, I’ve got ten points. Awesome!
Thank you so much really this as great job isn’t easy work totally ,,we appreciated that ,,,
Thank you so much really this a great job isn’t easy work totally ,,we appreciated that ,,,
thanks for good video
You are cool. super. Thank you.
did not sleep in class….good job Ronnie
thank you very mach it is not easy work . i appreciate you all. actullay i got 7 out of 10 . i hope i increase my scores .
Farid Habibi
Thank yuo so much, you are very nice teacher.
Thank you, this lesson is fun!God bless you teacher!!!
larissa de paula de souza inacio
thank you so much
So funny
I’ m happy with you !!!!:) :)
this lesson is funny,but i think the animal sounds is different form ours.
7/10 good work :)
Thanks :)
This teacher is really funny! Haha
thak you Ronnie,amazing teacher!
A goat makes baaa, not a sheep!
Ronnie, do any of you teachers have a facebook account? I already liked all your pages, and I’d like to add you as friend too if you don’t mind.
:D excellent!!
She is very good teacher !!! congratulation !
Thank you ronnie
Ronnie you are a great teacher and I want you to teach
something about backshift please…
Thank you, teacher. I can’t make the frog sound. xD Nice lesson!
Ronnie you are a great teacher,
i love the way you teaches
hi, im a master student from Iran.
at first i want to say thank you for teaching.
and then i wanna say i have a big problem with these words:
1) so as to
2) in case
3) in that
4) as though = as if
5) so far as
6) in order that
7) thereby
8) therein
9) thereof
10) therefore
11) thereafter
12) wherein
13) henceforth=henceforward
14) barnone
15) bar=except
16) as for
17) as per
18) as to
19) much as
20) many as / as much
21) …
what are these words and what do you calls these words in English?
These are really confusing for me. Help me. Thank you.
They are used to join sentences together, white bus conjunctions.
Nice Lesson! It was nice to meet you.
Thank you soooooomuch.
thanks for good video
many thanks. It’s so funny. :D
Linh Nam
thank you Ronnie for this beautiful video .. love the way you teaches , it’s so funny
I like dog(woof woof)
thank you
I’m very proud of you mrs. ronnie keep doing good, contact me on lilkosher roi soleil on facebook please
Lil kosher
amazing lesson
I’ve got 10 in the quiz!:)
Ronnie you are the best teacher around this world
thanks you funnycrazy ronnie
Thanks for this funny lesson !
It was fun, thanks Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnine.
Yang Yu
thank you very much Ronnie
thank you very much Ronnie !
Thank you for nice lesson.
Hey! Commentators! How do animals speak by yours lenguages ?
By Russian:
dog – gov-gov
duck – krya-krya
horse – ee-go-go
pig – hryu-hryu
cock – cku-cka-re-cku-u-u
frog – kwa-kwa
Welder Misha
thank you ronnie
Ronnie you are great teacher ! Thank you and best wishes !
Thank you. Nice lesson.
Thank you Ronnie
thanks (:
I love all your videos :)
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks anyway but please help me
so funnuy ronnie
abdelaziz kamal
Thank you. I got 10 in the quiz, by the way you can make sounds of animals for successful. Thumbs up! I want to buy cat from pet shop :)
For what ?, Ronnie never respond the questions and doubts !.
Mrs Ronnie, I really appreciate your talent as a teacher. Frankly you have a gift of teaching. Hoping God always keep you blessed.
I have no favorite animal, if I am pressed to choose one, it would perhaps Dog.
Arjun P
I would probably eat the mouse too… :D Because I love meat!!!! And love your lessons.
Thank you Ronnie, you are de best .
I loved this class
Dominick Galdino
Thanks ronni for this lesson it was very funny and at the same time i could learn animals sounds , thanks for teaching, blessings
Ronnie you are perfect tutor, i love this class.
you r excellent
Mohd firoz
Hi ronnie i enjoyed your classes your are a highly talented teacher . we are expecting more class like this from you .
thanks for good video
it’s interesting lesson . Thanks Ronnie.
thanks a lot for this lesson
thanks it is so funny
Thanks Ronnie… its funny video. Have e good day. U are excellent :)
Ozzy Oz
Ronnie you are amazing teacher
Egyptian Pharaoh
Great!!! Amazing lesson. I doesn’t stop laughing….
thank Ronnie. I really enjoyed the lesson. I actually doing anything you said and answer every time you ask like I have a real interaction with you
i really do thank you so much for your efforts Ronnie my greetings to you !
Mohamed Marzaq
Thank you so much
Marta Lopez
Can not open any video from your web sight
Any solution ? Please let me know. Thanks and regards.
dilip chheda
I like this. It’s soo funny
thanks alot ^^
thank you so much Ronnie, this lesson was really funny !!!
I love all animals but my favorite animal is dog. Thank teacher
You remind me the song ‘Roar’ when teach the sound of lions. It was sung by Katty Pery.
Really enjoyed this video, thanks a lot teacher Ronnie (:
Fikri Abdilla
Thank you Ronnie. It is very funny.
>Hi Ronnie, i will share this class with my litlle students, they tell me you are very funny, they love to see you and me too.
paulo ramirez
Thank you a lot teacher Ronnie. It was very funny lesson :)
This video is very good! Thank you,
Funny lesson!! I love it!! Thank you!!
Well Olliver
You’re amazing !!
why my question 7 is false ?
Ronnie how can i know if u are vegetarian ?? ?? ?
Yasmain Janat
sorry for misunderstood i didn’t saw the video but now i see it and i know why u are not vegetarian.
thank u about this video and sorry for my grammar mistake …..
So funny video thank you teacher Ronnie , I got 90
Abdulaziz alaql
Hi please help me I need learn or improve my pronouction
How to start and where to start I mean the order of videos are confusing me
As a beginner how to start study English
First grammar next pronounction and vocabulary. Is this correct???
Coming to pronounction
How to start and where to start I mean the order of videos are confusing me
Can you make all letter pronounction in one video
Should I start pronounction with letters ???? ( I’m a beginner)
Please please please help me for year English is making me sick & pain to live in this world
I must learn English please help me
Thank so much
Tanks, Ronnie very funny lesson!
Francisco Carlos
I love your class… thank you!
Great and amazing lesson.Thanks a lot teacher Ronnie.
Zainuddin Abdul Hadi
thnk u Miss
Good evening Teacher
I would like to practice english speaking with you online Would you like to help me and show me how can I do it.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you, Ronnie. Now I know what kind of animals do you like to eat.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you Ronnie for the excellent video)
so funnuy video :) congrats :)
After this lesson I’m actually speechless (but I’ve learnt how to talk with my dog, Peolo). See you next time, thanks Ronnie.
How’s italy ?
I really enjoyed watching this video.Ronnie, you really made it so interesting to understand.Thanks for it.See you next time.
Very gifted teacher indeed ! You always find something really interesting to share with us and the way you do it is highly professional.
Ohh my darling, this class was very funny.
Thanks for your help Ronnie, my life is more easy after your classes. :=)
Dear ESPANHOL…the correct form to say is : my life is easier after your class. Sorry to correct you, but it is important. Please correct me whe I make mistakes too.
THE WORD “when” that’s your mistake CLAUDINEI SACCHI
if i’m wrong correct me please, thank you
what does the fox say ?
Very funny your comment, you made my day. :v
he say berabab babeerab bereba babbeerab hhh something like that hhhh
I love this lesson!!
It was so funny!))
PS. I am hungry after this video =)
eat some banana, no monkey!
Hi, How are you?
Hahahaha, I laugh after read your comment. Really!
Hi RonnieI had a good time watching your lesson. I had a cat when I was 10 and she runaway too.
Hello teacher … I liked of your classes and I’m starting here. I wish to develop the conversation. Your classes are good and fun.
Thanks Ronnie. It was nice to meet you.
When cats are happy they FART … :D
i got 6
You got 6 correct out of 10.
You got 6 correct out of 10.
Thank you Ronnie, for the class.
You got 8 correct out of 10
Thank you roony you are great tutor
Thank you very much Ronnie!!
Nice lesson!!And beautiful bracelet ;)
Thanks Ronnie it was really funny, but educational as well.
I have three donkeys. They are intelligent and sweet animals.Please,please don’t eat donkeys
They have such soft ears!
so sweet from you telling people not to eat donkeys but a person who really love animals doesn’t eat any of themm like me; i went vegan 4 years ago. but i guess it’s a start.
Very good and funny lesson.
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie. Children and I enjoyed the video. Wish you would superimpose still large images of the animals over the video, instead of using tiny 3D toys.
It’s very funny I just Love your lesson Ronnie Thank You
In french “Cocorico” for the chicken :D
for the rooster :) sorry
OMG!!! That’s a very funny lesson, it made me laugh a lot.Thank you Ronnie and BTW some of the sounds were hilarious.
Thanks for the excellent explanation :-)
Hi, Emma, I can say you’re a great teacher! Did you know that? for the clear explanations and the many examples you provide to make us understand those topics of English.
Great job! Si9cerely, Astroboyyy.
Love it! Funny question when cats are happy they….. Fart LOL
That was an amazing class, Ronnie. Thanks for this.
My favorite animal is dog. Woof! Thank you for your funny lesson :)
Thank you Ronnie, My cows make a sound moo moo little cows make a sound maaa maaa, in the rice field.
what does the fox say?))))
ahh Ronnie it was perfect. I appreciate you
Nice lesson Ronnie!
Thank you…
But it was not funny for me because i am vegan.
Hello Ronnie .
Thanks for this lesson but the so often modifications of field angle of the camera got me a headache . This is what happens when kids grow old . Please ask George Lucas for better spécial effects .
It seems that you love so much animals that you eat them . Eating someone that you love sounds like canibalism . Hope you will never love me . LOL !!!.
It is reported that in some EU countries guys eat cats . I know that for asian countries but not EU’s . Can anyone confirm this information .
Thanks again and carry on to entertain us .
Ronnie – great actor!
Good lesson!!! Thanks Ronnie, perfect animals sound!!
Thank, Ronnie, for this very funny lesson
Congratulation Ronnie, you imitate very well animals ! What a great teacher and comedian. Kind regards, love XXX Francis
What the fox says?))
I know this one!
Yeah)) exactly) I wonder, how will it sound by Ronnie)))
What an interesting topic to keep both children and adults entertained! I did have fun, teacher Ronnie. Thanks a lot. Take care ;)
Sweet lesson, thank you Ma’am!
buhut achaa anita we learn a lot of things
Thank you Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie.
I have a cat whose name is Ringo. Not from Ringo Starr, it means an apple in Japanese. Probably you know it because you had lived in Japan before.
I love the expression you said punk rock chicken! Someday I’d like to get my hair Mohawk like John Frusciante (ex RHCP guitarist) when he was younger. But I’m sure I won’t.
Thank you Ronnie!!!!
thank u ronnie :)
Thank you Ronnie
Hey Roonie. Congrats one more time for this video.
First of all, I really would like to say you are the best and more fun EngVid’s teacher. :)
Please… Could you do a video explaning how we can use MET and/or MEET?
(sorry if I messed up some english gramar rule)
It’s so confusing.
Meet is an irregular verb. The base form of this verb is meet, past simple is met, and pp (past participle) i also met. In order to use them effectively, you will have to master verb tenses, and here are some examples of this. I’ll meet you there at 5 o’ clock. I met my old friend from school yesterday. I’m pleased to have met you.
thanks for that video
thanks for this
pls I need, a help in my learning general.
Thank you so much for your lesson I was funny
Ronnie – great actress!
Thank you, Ronnie.
How can you do that? Incredibly crazy! i love it!
I like it soooo much
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Thank you very much for this lesson Ronnie.
But roosters make an egg in a year. Because My mother has roosters and chıckens. She told me last year. Yes, that’s amazng!
Thank you.It`s really a funny lesson.
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks a lot by the lesson! by the way i want to speak with people to practice and improve our language skills together. If anyone want , please add me in skype. This’s my Skype ID:
Ronnie always teachs us in a funny way,thank you.
Thank you. My daughter and I love animals
Nice lesson ronnie
Thank u huni ?
Fantastic teacher :)
Fantastic teacher
It’s interesting how do is the animals pronunciation.
Thank you very much
Hi Johaandr
another inspiring lesson from my best teacher.great thanks .
you are so cute.I love you and i learn the lesson
For me, as for an a vegetarian it was not so fun lesson. But thank you Ronnie anyway.
Thank you my teacher happy valenstey :)
Ronnie good Teacher :)
Thank U Ronnie!
the quiz says Ronnie is vegetarian LOL . she ate a horse .
really useful. thank u
thank you ronnie
Thank you
I want to speak with people to practice
Thanks Ronnie for this amazing video
it was soo funny leeson, thank you huny
Thx dear i love y
Thank you Ronnie. It was a very fun class! Could you please teach us the difference between the following verbs: to switch,to change and to exchange? I sometimes get confused with these verbs. Thank you so much in advanced.:D
sorry i’m first time studying english
i like her acting on the camera, looks strange, but ossum and funny!!
hi Ronnie,
can I have your Email ID so that could write you my few question or please drop me an email at
Thanks Ronny. Very nice lesson. By the way, I was looking some classes in Engvid about Future perfect and future perfect continous and I didn’t find anything. Could you or another teacher from Engvid add some classes about it
Ainda não entendi! Estou estudando ainda :( No Brasil não aprendemos muito inglês.
Acompanho aqui os videos da Roonie.. Recomendo a Englishtown cara.. É bem flexível. Estou gostando.
Great work…!
Excellent explanation! Thank you!
Thanks Ronnie!
This was a very funny and instructive lesson.
Oh… It is expected that I was speaking woof, woof, woof
you a wonderful
Hi! Madam that was amazing, but i request you to make me clear different ways of using his, has, had, have cause my exam is quit near. And i am completely confuse with these words. I will be very glad Thank you.
Have is an irregular verb. Have-had-had. Present Simple – I have a very expensive car. She has blue eyes. Past Simple – They had many animals in their house. She had a good job. Past Participle – I have had many problems with it recently. She has had that car since she was a kid. Sometimes the contraction is used – He’s had a pet for two years. “He’s” can also mean “he is”. Be careful not to confuse them, and you’ll know which one is correct to use by considering the context (the words around it, verb tenses and such stuff).
“His” is possessive adjective, or possessive pronoun. It denotes belonging and possession. His girlfriend. His jacket. A ball of his etc.. Hope this help a little.
Hope this “helps” a little, that was my idea. Too many errata made by myself, and there’s no way I can simply correct my comment, EngVid, react to this, enable that option!
Thanks Ronnie. :)
it was a wonderful lesson especially the presentation
Thanks you Ronnie!
Good lesson, it was really very fun .
You are very nice teacher . I’m watching your Videos constantly
I really like the way you teach,easily and
Thank you so much for this free tutorial. God bless you Ronnie and more power. Muah
Thank you.I’ve got 10/10.I’m happy.
very very nice
WOWWWWW, I love her sounds, I’ve got ten points. Awesome!
Thank you so much really this as great job isn’t easy work totally ,,we appreciated that ,,,
Thank you so much really this a great job isn’t easy work totally ,,we appreciated that ,,,
thanks for good video
You are cool. super. Thank you.
did not sleep in class….good job Ronnie
thank you very mach it is not easy work . i appreciate you all. actullay i got 7 out of 10 . i hope i increase my scores .
Thank yuo so much, you are very nice teacher.
Thank you, this lesson is fun!God bless you teacher!!!
thank you so much
So funny
I’ m happy with you !!!!:) :)
this lesson is funny,but i think the animal sounds is different form ours.
7/10 good work :)
Thanks :)
This teacher is really funny! Haha
thak you Ronnie,amazing teacher!
A goat makes baaa, not a sheep!
Ronnie, do any of you teachers have a facebook account? I already liked all your pages, and I’d like to add you as friend too if you don’t mind.
:D excellent!!
She is very good teacher !!! congratulation !
Thank you ronnie
Ronnie you are a great teacher and I want you to teach
something about backshift please…
Thank you, teacher. I can’t make the frog sound. xD Nice lesson!
Ronnie you are a great teacher,
i love the way you teaches
hi, im a master student from Iran.
at first i want to say thank you for teaching.
and then i wanna say i have a big problem with these words:
1) so as to
2) in case
3) in that
4) as though = as if
5) so far as
6) in order that
7) thereby
8) therein
9) thereof
10) therefore
11) thereafter
12) wherein
13) henceforth=henceforward
14) barnone
15) bar=except
16) as for
17) as per
18) as to
19) much as
20) many as / as much
21) …
what are these words and what do you calls these words in English?
These are really confusing for me. Help me. Thank you.
They are used to join sentences together, white bus conjunctions.
Nice Lesson! It was nice to meet you.
Thank you soooooomuch.
thanks for good video
many thanks. It’s so funny. :D
thank you Ronnie for this beautiful video .. love the way you teaches , it’s so funny
I like dog(woof woof)
thank you
I’m very proud of you mrs. ronnie keep doing good, contact me on lilkosher roi soleil on facebook please
amazing lesson
I’ve got 10 in the quiz!:)
Ronnie you are the best teacher around this world
thanks you funnycrazy ronnie
Thanks for this funny lesson !
It was fun, thanks Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnine.
thank you very much Ronnie
thank you very much Ronnie !
Thank you for nice lesson.
Hey! Commentators! How do animals speak by yours lenguages ?
By Russian:
dog – gov-gov
duck – krya-krya
horse – ee-go-go
pig – hryu-hryu
cock – cku-cka-re-cku-u-u
frog – kwa-kwa
thank you ronnie
Ronnie you are great teacher ! Thank you and best wishes !
Thank you. Nice lesson.
Thank you Ronnie
thanks (:
I love all your videos :)
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks anyway but please help me
so funnuy ronnie
Thank you. I got 10 in the quiz, by the way you can make sounds of animals for successful. Thumbs up! I want to buy cat from pet shop :)
For what ?, Ronnie never respond the questions and doubts !.
Mrs Ronnie, I really appreciate your talent as a teacher. Frankly you have a gift of teaching. Hoping God always keep you blessed.
I have no favorite animal, if I am pressed to choose one, it would perhaps Dog.
I would probably eat the mouse too… :D Because I love meat!!!! And love your lessons.
Thank you Ronnie, you are de best .
I loved this class
Thanks ronni for this lesson it was very funny and at the same time i could learn animals sounds , thanks for teaching, blessings
Ronnie you are perfect tutor, i love this class.
you r excellent
Hi ronnie i enjoyed your classes your are a highly talented teacher . we are expecting more class like this from you .
thanks for good video
it’s interesting lesson . Thanks Ronnie.
thanks a lot for this lesson
thanks it is so funny
Thanks Ronnie… its funny video. Have e good day. U are excellent :)
Ronnie you are amazing teacher
Great!!! Amazing lesson. I doesn’t stop laughing….
thank Ronnie. I really enjoyed the lesson. I actually doing anything you said and answer every time you ask like I have a real interaction with you
i really do thank you so much for your efforts Ronnie my greetings to you !
Thank you so much
Can not open any video from your web sight
Any solution ? Please let me know. Thanks and regards.
I like this. It’s soo funny
thanks alot ^^
thank you so much Ronnie, this lesson was really funny !!!
I love all animals but my favorite animal is dog. Thank teacher
You remind me the song ‘Roar’ when teach the sound of lions. It was sung by Katty Pery.
Really enjoyed this video, thanks a lot teacher Ronnie (:
Thank you Ronnie. It is very funny.
>Hi Ronnie, i will share this class with my litlle students, they tell me you are very funny, they love to see you and me too.
Thank you a lot teacher Ronnie. It was very funny lesson :)
This video is very good! Thank you,
Funny lesson!! I love it!! Thank you!!
You’re amazing !!
why my question 7 is false ?
Ronnie how can i know if u are vegetarian ?? ?? ?
sorry for misunderstood i didn’t saw the video but now i see it and i know why u are not vegetarian.
thank u about this video and sorry for my grammar mistake …..
You are so funny.
Idon’t have a cat.
I had see the owl in Singapore.
Funny class, Ronnie!
ribbit sound awsome!
I didn’t know them ! Thanks a lot .
what does the fox make
Thank you,Ronnie.
Make fart noises next time.
What does a kangaroo make…
excellent 10/10 ronnie
So funny video thank you teacher Ronnie , I got 90
Hi please help me I need learn or improve my pronouction
How to start and where to start I mean the order of videos are confusing me
As a beginner how to start study English
First grammar next pronounction and vocabulary. Is this correct???
Coming to pronounction
How to start and where to start I mean the order of videos are confusing me
Can you make all letter pronounction in one video
Should I start pronounction with letters ???? ( I’m a beginner)
Please please please help me for year English is making me sick & pain to live in this world
I must learn English please help me
Thank so much
Tanks, Ronnie very funny lesson!
I love your class… thank you!
Great and amazing lesson.Thanks a lot teacher Ronnie.
thnk u Miss
Good evening Teacher
I would like to practice english speaking with you online Would you like to help me and show me how can I do it.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you, Ronnie. Now I know what kind of animals do you like to eat.
This lesson is amazing. Thank you.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
I like really animals.
thank you Ronni it’s a useful lesson
thank you lesson :))
thank you Ronni it’s a useful lesson
thank you Ronnie.
8/10! Good!Roonie has a fantastic sound make!