See if you can find the errors in these five sentences! This is a fun way to improve your English and discover what you still need to learn. I explain why each sentence is wrong and why, and how to fix it.
Wow I’m the firt to comment! I got 10/10. Thank u Rebecca, you are a very good teacher and you explain very well. You said that you leave a list of 50 comun errors, where can I find it?
you can go to resources in
yes you are a very good teacher thank you so much ç
……and I’m the second to comment ..
Rowa Douglas
I just thank our struggling teacher Rebecca who tries to teach us what we need to learn of English language ,I myself am very thankful of her kind efforts, God bless her.
Mohammad mostaan
Nice 10/10
شكرا لك
< that is mean ( Thank you ) in Arabic :)
You’re very welcome…in English!
My best to you.
I’ve got 9/10 that’s good
Thank you , you are one of the best teaches out there Rebecca
Wow! My first 10/10. With your explanation all is more easy.
Ugo zanchi
Helo Rebecca, Are you fine? I am from Brazil. I enjoy listenning the video. I am lerning english very much. Have nice Friday!!
Excellent examples. do you know? I think this kind of examples help us to clear our confusions about grammar, it is not important only to know how we have to build a sentence, it’s same important to know what shouldn’t do.
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Nice video, Rebecca. I’d like to know if you have another video like this but finding errors in an intermediate level.
Thank you.
Not at the moment, Rodofo, but thanks for the suggestion. I am planning more lessons of this kind, at various levels. My best to you.
We’re trying something new with this lesson: subtitles! Let us know what you think, here or in comments.
Where’s the subtitles?
At the bottom right side of the video, there is a little button that says “CC”; click it to turn on the subtitles.
engVid Moderator
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
101/10 :)
First of all thank you so much for your more contribution to and to be honest you have a sweet language which can catch you easily.
Ilyas hotak
Hi madam Rebecca,
Thank you for the topic you had discuss. Its very useful for my daily conversation with my officemates.
thank you!
Thank you very much.
I find all errors)))
Where is the list about ” a list of 50 comun errors ?
You will find the list in the resources section of our site. My best to you!
You got 10 correct out of 10 …. :D
Thank you very much madam Rebecca ..
Me too I scored 10/10, and the explanations were very clear
Backstreet Boys say ….in the lyric of song
I think they made a mistake in grammar
sorry for my bad english
I lost some worlds
the lyric is : Me and my boys went out….
Yes, it is very common to hear grammatical errors in songs and on movies and television. usually, they are trying to use a certain style or are referring to people whose English is not good. You can enjoy the songs, but don’t learn English from all of them. I choose songs very carefully to use in the classroom. The right songs can teach you a lot of good grammar and expressions. My best wishes to you.
1) Go to
2) Select Resources tab which you can find between Teachers and Search Tabs
3) Press Ctrl+F then type it 50
4) You will get the 50 Common Grammar Mistakes Part 1 and Part 2 as well.
the lesson is very important and i enjoyed it very well and i also benefited from it thanks to the teacher
Thanks. 10/10
thanks Rebecca madam…its very helpful lesson for me and I request you to show more lessons …god bless u
oh! 10/10. thanks
10/10. It was easy.
10 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
A short but very useful lesson. Good job!
Cool :) 100%
I enjoy all tests, because I am able to get a lot of good marks,
Without your help, that would not be possible.
Thank you very much. Learning English for free it’s very pleasant when you love to learn this language and don’t have enough money to pay a teacher
Glad to know you find the lessons useful. I wish you all the best with your English in the future.
Thank you Rebecca. Got 10 out of 10. You are a very good teacher!!!
Igor Brazil
Thank you 10/10
Thank you Rebecca . Such a very useful lesson as usual .I’ve a question please .
What is the difference between (HOPE)&(WISH)?
Are they similar?
Wait your answer thank you again .
Guys,Could you please make a lesson about How come?, it would be real helpful to me. love u guys.
“How come” is an informal way of saying, “Why?”
All the best to you!
Thanks so much Rebecca for such interesting lesson
nashat anwar
100% :-)
ohhhh i got 9 marks … one day we will become a good speaker i think i find right way to learning english thanks to all special teacher.
thenk you Ronnie
You got 9 correct out of 10
I’ve got 10 out of 10 excelent!!!
Rebecco thank you very much.Believe this correct. I enjoyed my guitar last night. Correct me if I am wrong please.You are wonderful
Thank you teacher it is informative video..
I got 10 out of 10… :)
Thank you very very much!!!
I wanted to clear a doubt…
should I say “I had COME yesterday,but you were not there”
“I had CAME yesterday,but you were not there”?
which of these 2 is correct?
I had came on wednesday
I had come on wednesday
please reply
thank you!
In both cases, “I had come” is the right answer.
All the best to you!
Thank you so much!!!
thanks rebecca.
sorry rebecca but i have a question out the lesson.
what the deffrence when i say
*i have some news for you? or
*i have got some news for you?
is it the same meaning??
thanks again.
Yes, it’s the same! All the best to you.
I’m a Sarah.studying English literature and i truly need someone to help me with poet.if there’s anyone who can give me a hand i would be grateful.
Maybe websites on English literature can help you or else you need to find a poetry lover / English speaker / teacher who can help you. Poetry is beautiful; I hope you find someone to help you enjoy it, and appreciate it. All the best to you, Sarah.
Hi my name is Sarah too, and just like you, I’m in the English literature :)
I think we don’t need ‘a’ or ‘an’ to say a name, except we are ‘something’ right? hehe
i have got 9 of 10 , not bad
thank you
Dear Rebecca!
Thanks very much for the lesson!
You seem to speak Russian because these mistakes remind me the Russian language. The sentences 1, 3, 4, and 5 would be correct in Russian!
I wish I could speak many languages, including Russian,but at the moment, ya panimayou tolka nimnoga parooski!
All the best to both of us, and our language pursuits!
I got 100%
I get 100%. Thank you Rebecca!
nice I get 100% thank you
Thanks a lot! 100%
thanksssss alot
thank you very much for the loesson
Thanks rebbeca!
I got 10/10 and I understand this lesson very well.
Thank you teacher.
The teacher is excellent and the lesson is clear
magdy elsherbiny
thanks rabbeca!
I got this lesson 10/10 and I understand this lesson very well.
first of all, thanks you for your videos, i learn english very quicly with engvid, but I still have some difficult in speaking and comunication. is there any advice for me to improve my language skills ? and thanks you very much .
The only way to improve your speaking skills is by speaking! Look for a private teacher, conversation class or English-speaking friend, online or in your city and speak as much as possible, with feedback on your errors. All the best to you.
i would like to request the teachers to give me an example,if possible, of an account about the sports which will be going on tomorrow. it can either be african cap of nation or others,it can also be all.its very important to me and even the students can try. i will appreciate your feedback.
The best idea would be to go to the sports section of a newspaper or website and you can pick up a lot of relevant vocabulary and information about sports issues. All the best to you.
Thanks Rebecca
many thanks madam
hi Rebecca!
I have a question. Im 29 old. I have no any education and Im beginner. So is it possible for me to become as russion-english translator without studying at university? what chances? what I must do to reach my target?
Translators require a very good command of both languages. Usually, you should translate into your native language. You have to check on the requirements for entering the translation field in your country. All the best to you.
10 out of 10 Thank you !
Thanks Rebecca
thank you Rebecca . I got 10 . :)
:)))) thank you
hello dear ines
i hope to study english together if you don’t mind , thankyou
I got it. Thanks a lot, Rebecca. Congratulations! You and the others teachers are very great.
Maria Isabel
thanks Rebecca l got all correct.
You are great teacher.thanks a lot.
Thanks Rebecca, your explanation was very good.
Mark Spinish
thanks a lot it was a great lessen I’ve got 10/10.
am happy!!! I got 100% you are a great teacher
9/10…hehehe, not bad for beginner like me.
Thanks Rebecca it’s realy interesting for me.
nice video… really
waw um verry happy thnx you rebicca 10/10 شكرا لك in arabic and merci
Thank You Rebecca
Thank u rebbeca u made me understand
I got 10/10. That´s so cool.
antonio cesar
10/10 that’s very import.
it would be very nice to have the possibility to save the learnt lessons
thanks every one :*
Thank you very much. you are wonderful!
It is first time I have 10/10, thank a lot Rebeca, your explaining very clear
thanks i got 4
i like it
have scored 100
thank you very much. but i can’t download your lesson. pls, help me
hello my teacher i like your lesson
Thanks , they good job for help the people
I wish you happy ,
Thanks Rebecca..Good job than all teachers.
thank you very much
wow! 10/10
thanks teacher its my 1st day iwill give u good response
thank you
I got 10 of 10
great thank you
10/10, Thank You
Thanks, for your lesson.
Thanks, good lesson…
Omar Suca
thank you very much for commentary. you explain very beautiful.
Thanks to all for your feedback and glad you enjoyed this slightly different lesson. My best to all of you.
Thanks so much
hi my teacher teachers vere vere good
she teaches very well
Common mistakes are very important to know.Thank you.
Hello Rebecca,good lesson and nice explanation.
Rebecca you are my favorite teacher!
hi i want someone to spesk with me for improve my english language? ia there anyone?
Thank you may teacher, I’m very very hapy you lessons, it’s my farts commentes of you lessons.
I live in soth sudan
its so useful to me,,,
Thanks for you lesson! Bye for now ;)
Thanks Rebeca!! Is my first time here…you teacher very well!
Robson Souza
Welcome to engvid! My best to you.
thnx ,,
Thaaaaank you my teacher Rebecca .I’ve got 10/10
I love English .I want to learn much.Teacher Rebecca please correct me If I wrot error .
10/10 ^^ thank you Rec :)
10 from 10 ! very useful, thank you
10/10! Thanks Rebecca. I like the way you talk!
Thank you very much it is a good lesson with very usefull (for me) tips ;)
That mean the title of movie “Me, Myself & Irene” is wrong ? :)
Rebbeca… ur lessons are real helpful and I wanna thank u for that. a couple of days ago I asked for a ”how come lesson” u replied saying that how come is an informal way to say why ¡¡¡ but
I don’t know how or when I can use it.
90 :D
)))); Thank you my teacher
Thank you, Rebecca! Your lessons are always useful!
Thanks for a good lesson on finding the errors in grammar. I got 10/10:)
tank you Rebecca , I like your teaching method, I quite appreciate your hard work in this regard I had looking from a long time in internet websites some learning materiel, I find some but they not were for my interesting, when I find these videos they are become very successfully for me I learned exactly, but now I have some problem it writing if you guide me how to start how to combine the words to each other in letter, also i had watched your writing video that was very good but I want to learn some more.
Hi Rebecca! Thank you for your lesson. Everything was fine with the quiz until I got no. 8. The option “my mother is 85 years” is definitely incorrect. But the option “my mother is 85 years old” seems also wrong. The later sounds better, though. Shouldn’t it be “my mother is 85 year old”? (or 85-year-old). Many thanks for your feedback.
Wow ! I have got 10 correct out of 10 . so, i have studied the lesson very carefully. :)
thanks a lot
i enjoyed the lesson and I got a good information :)
Easily understood…thank you..!
“I look forward to meeting you” here why “to meeting” and not “to meet”please explain.
I got 100%…Thank you!!!You are a great teacher!!!
Marisa Quinn
This lessons is fantástic , I love that!
Mauro theodoro
thank you very much
hello mam rebecca , I’m not good in english even though im college right now . Our language is not english but im really want to learn english . I must to learn english pleaase .If you have an email address so that can i send some messages please i want you as a teacher . Could you please ?
I have got 10/10 that’s good
Dennys moraes
thank you very much dear Rebecca
Thanks rebacca I got nine from ten
Farhad Glasgow
10/10 very useful thanx alot
10/10 Very important advices.
Thanks a lot
Hello Rebbeca, could you please explain us the diference between the next words:
Right Away,
Right now
Straight Away
Also I’ll like that you explain us the context to use each one.
i got 10/10 thanks alot
hi everyone i am new, please render me the welcome…
yeah! 10/10 ;)
I’ve got 100
wow…nice lesson for me
Good lesson and good teacher.
thanks a lot
hi, iam new here, but i fell with you I will go forward.
thanks a lot
thank so much,it was very useful for me,how can fine more much error sentences foe practice,please guide me .
It is a very good practise!
Thanks for your useful lessons and I have a suggestion , that we have abilities to print the quiz after we passed it
thank you…i would like to chat any one to improve my conversation skill
i m there to chat with u.
skypeid :manaf almas
I have got 10/10
I got 10 /10
thank you very much.
How do you rate a question?
ohh! Okey. not a problem , because it’s all right… good luck Rebecca
10/10 thank u.
It’s very true that a good teacher must have clear conception of what she/ he is going to teach. You really makes things easier to understand and use. Thank you, teacher Rebecca, for your great job. Your sample sentences pointed to the errors about expression of age , verb need to-v or gerund , word position in sentence , order of words etc.
Suddenly , I had a weird thought: we pretended not to know about the age the boy was trying to express.
1 . I have 15 year.
There are 3 ways to the above-mentioned sentence :
a. I have 15 year left.
b. I am 15 .
C. I am 15 years old.
Teacher Rubecca , could we have lesson talking about the way of abstract noun shifting into countable noun ?
I have 15 years left before I retire.
The sentence above could be used in this way, but not to describe age.
My best wishes to you.
9/10 not bad
thank you, Rebeca!
I like the lesson very much.thanks
thank u very much….got 100
100% :)
100 % THANKS
thanks Rebecca . You’re the best here :**
i have 10/10. thanks Rebeca very much…
thanks rebecca, why we don’t learn diagramming to make our grammar more systematically and more correctly
They used to do that when I was younger, and it did help, but education systems lost interest in detailed grammar study and that is why even native speakers today make mistakes. Not because of not diagramming, but because of rarely studying grammar. My best to you.
very good
thank you teacher ;thank you website administration.
Hi dear Rebecca, I enjoy very much your english lessons. Thank you.
I got 100 % again
i got 90% .. !
i don’t know why we should say ” my doghter is five ” and we should not say ” my doghter is five years ” ! :(
but thank you very much.. because all my problems with grammer .:)
You can say: My daughter is five.
or My daughter is five years old.
You cannot say: My daughter is five years.
This is how it is in English! My best to you.
Thank you for your lesson, now I got the point
i got 80%…mmmmm
i got 100%.awesome.
thank u teacher
Thanks Ms.Rebecca. Your way of teaching is very catchy and easy to follow.
Thanks Rebecca
First lesson in engvid – 7/10
Thanks Rebecca
Rebecca madam teach english very well.thanks madam.
It´s easy. I like your explanation very much. thank you
Thanks to all for your feedback. My warmest wishes to you.
10 correct out of 10.
Hi Sister Rebecca
i am so thankful that i got some information about in error words so now i know to simply the error words
please, what is the difference among these words: error, mistake, fault, wrong and false…
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson, you are great person.
Thank you ,u’re a great teacher
Thank you.
Hi Rebecca. I like your lessons. They are very useful and practical. The way of teaching is excellent! Thank you.
i have got 80%.i think ,this is the best educational website.
Not bad, I got 9 out of 10 in the quiz. I must really thank to the teacher. I promise I will good at English. I will come into this website everyday and learn all videos.
Thanks Rebecca, you are amazing….
Hi, Rebecca i want to ask you about something. We all use a word ‘for example’ is that another form of it?? Thank you :)
Rebecca you are the biggest teacher, your teachings are free as the best of the life.
ohhhh i only got 90,, but thanks your teach is very well,,,thanks Rebecca,,,^_^
Thank you for very useful information.
Ahmed Aladawy
I git 100 the quiz was very easy thank you
Thank you mam!I got 100%.
Hi Rebecca,
Recently i saw this website for learning English. I saw a video at that time i understood that, now i can learn English.
The main reason is that i can understand but i can’t talk and write properly.
This is worst in my part.
With full effort i am saying that,Can u Please suggest me ..?( Here u can understand how my English was)……And can you give ANSWERS For this(((100 Common Job Interview Question)))
Hi Rebecca,
Recently i saw this website for learning English. I saw a video at that time i understood that, now i can learn English.
The main reason is that i can understand but i can’t talk and write properly.
This is worst in my part.
With full effort i am saying that,Can u Please suggest me ..?( Here u can understand how my English was)……And can you give ANSWERS For this(((100 Common Job Interview Question)))
WoW! I have scored 100 in this Quiz.
Thanks Rebecca. God is there because u are there to teach us.Thank God…!
yey! 10/10. Thanks Rebecca…
oh. i got 100. thanks Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca.
Mahfouz Youssef
I got 10 answers correct! Thank you Rebecca.
شكرا جزيلا
it was very fantastic
you are my best teacher on
Dear Rebeca!I realy enjoy your English teaching method.Thank you.
Thank you I got 9-10
black prince
10/10… excelent lesson!!!
Thank you!!!
Dear Rebecca, thank you very much for the lesson. I really enjoyed it very much. EngVid makes English easy to learn.
I completely understand your lesson, but here’s what I don’t understand: what the difference between ‘you and I’ ‘you and me’ and ‘me and you’?
Thank you :)
Thanks Mam, I got 100%. Your hairstyle is bangs
Abdul Qayum
brother qayum focus on learning english.accept my apology.
shaikh abdul rashid
thank you my teacher Rebecca I really enjoyed this lesson and I have got 100% in it
Thank you Rebecca!
I got 9-10.
Dear Teacher,
Error No. 5 instead of ‘I’ we can use ‘myself’?
Thank you for you so excellent explanation
Thank you for you so excellent explanation
Thank u
bishal rana
hello bishal sir
thank you so much i got 100%
thank you so much I got 10
jojo rt
Thank you very much Rebecca.
I really enjoy your teaching style, and I learn a lot from you. I have a question, please. In writing, what tense should I use when I have to compare two events in the past and the present?
I didn’t know,thank you!
i really like this topic.
” The best way to improve your English is practice it. so anyone who would like to talk on the phone. @ facebook.
Hi,I’m Yerzhan
I would like to improve
I sent you requirement on skype
Hi! If you want, you can add me on Skype, my Skype is ninguem00001 :))
Dear Rebecca ma’m,
Thank you very much…. You’re indeed a very good teacher. I like the way you teach…. You are wonderful.., awesome…..
Good day!
It was really usefull thanks a lot and advance in teaching
Thanks ))) 100 %
Ann Anastasiadi
Really enjoyed your video Rebecca.
I have a request if you could please compe up with a new video on finding errors such as prepositional ,adverb,parallellism and modifiers errors in a sentence.Thank you.
thanks Rebecca ! I got 10/10
Thanks Rebecca!
Perfect anf easy lesson!
sorry… Perfect “and” easy …
Thank you very much.
Thank you Rebecca. Got 10 out of 10. Really enjoyed your video Rebecca.
Anwar Aruba
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks for this elementary reminder.
Best regards.
Thank you.
Can I say “i like a lot of ice cream”?
Rebecca! I always enjoy your explaining. It’s very intelligible and clear. Thank you very much. I love your lessons!
Thank you!!!!!!
Rebecca I really like to thank you about the way you explain the lessons
Hi, Rebbeca! I’m just wondering… is it correct to say, in the second example, (I want somethindg to drink)?. Because there’s some people who says (I want something to eat in the fridge), or is it wrong? Thanks God I found your excellents grammar classes and to YOU. THANK YOU!
ann ann
I’ve got 100/100.
I ve 90% no bad
Excellent lesson. Thank you very much
Thank you very much!
Alvydas Straksys
Thanks you very much
Marta Lopez
Hi, friends! I am from Russia. I have learnt English for 1 year. Thank you for duscussion!
Thank you Rebecca.
You explain very well.
why 5. Our daughter _________________.
is five || is correct!! !!
is five years
Joseph Graham
thanks rebecca
10/10.Thanks mam
Thank you Rebecca you are a marvellous teacher!!!
hi rebecco mam
u r explaining very well.
thanku for engvid…………………………………..
Khed Laxmiputra Anandappa
Rebeca, hello.I really enjoy every your lecture. But But have some doubt about For example, you told, that it will be correct to say “my mother and I”. Why can’t we say My mother and me? Or, My mother and myself? When I read another resourses, I saw that these variants are also acceptable Sorry for a question
For me it’s not clear enough when I can use the expression “I enjoyed myself”, and when “I enjoyed (the movie)”. Thank you! :)
Thanks a lot!! I got 10/10!!
i got 100%..?
kiaku garcia
kamboi kom
Rebecca!Your good!
Dear teacher, I’m from Kerala, India. First of all let me say ‘Namasthe ‘ in my own native language. (when two people meet they salute each other by saying this word with holding their palms together like the bud of a lotus flower). It shows utmost respect. I know, I’m not so good in using English language . But I like learning this language. I am so grateful to you for having a good and great teacher like you. I joined engVid last week. After watching and practicing your lessons I feel proud of myself . I could say it’s only because of you dear teacher. Because you were born to be a great teacher. I think, to some extent,now I can use this language without much mistakes. You inspired me a lot. Thank you teacher.
the prettiest girl
Hi Rebecca, I just wanted to know something about this sentence” Eliza is a 24 year old.” I want to know if there is something wrong in this sentence or is it just simply correct?
ann ann
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you so much….
M kartal
thanks to you
Reza J
I’m happy: 10/10. Thanks, Rebecca.
You are the best!!!
Very good 09/10
Thank you Rebecca . Your are the great teacher to teach English.
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks rebbeca.your way teaching macth for me.this sentence right or wrong?
Densi gau
Happy New Year ma’am, Thank you this lesson.
Agnes Cadampog
Nice to see you
M firoz ahmad
Thank you so much Rebecca.
I love your voice.
i got 9/10 thank Rebecca
Perfect again!Thank you so much for some tips and tricks on how to determine some errors in writing a sentence. I have learned a lot from you. Keep it up, Mam!
Mam Rebecca, I always heard this kind of sentence. Could you explain to me what is this TENSE? Thank you.
I’m going to be working …..
I’m going to be talking …..
A very thankful mam for your excellent lesson!It’s so useful,more informative,and very clear.I much more attentive to watch your lessons.I really appreciate you mam.I love the way you teach.
Thanks Rebecca from my daughter and I for a great lesson!
I watched this video twice on September 03, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
Nice 10/10
No I clicked the wrong answer by mistake. I had chosen 85 years old. I’m surprised it came out as 85 years.
Anyway thank you Rebecca for explaining clearly
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Khaled Rashad
thank a lot,Rebecca,hugs (Kazakhstan o2 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Wow I’m the firt to comment! I got 10/10. Thank u Rebecca, you are a very good teacher and you explain very well. You said that you leave a list of 50 comun errors, where can I find it?
you can go to resources in
yes you are a very good teacher thank you so much ç
……and I’m the second to comment ..
I just thank our struggling teacher Rebecca who tries to teach us what we need to learn of English language ,I myself am very thankful of her kind efforts, God bless her.
Nice 10/10
شكرا لك
< that is mean ( Thank you ) in Arabic :)
You’re very welcome…in English!
My best to you.
I’ve got 9/10 that’s good
Thank you , you are one of the best teaches out there Rebecca
Wow! My first 10/10. With your explanation all is more easy.
Helo Rebecca, Are you fine? I am from Brazil. I enjoy listenning the video. I am lerning english very much. Have nice Friday!!
Excellent examples. do you know? I think this kind of examples help us to clear our confusions about grammar, it is not important only to know how we have to build a sentence, it’s same important to know what shouldn’t do.
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Nice video, Rebecca. I’d like to know if you have another video like this but finding errors in an intermediate level.
Thank you.
Not at the moment, Rodofo, but thanks for the suggestion. I am planning more lessons of this kind, at various levels. My best to you.
We’re trying something new with this lesson: subtitles! Let us know what you think, here or in comments.
Where’s the subtitles?
At the bottom right side of the video, there is a little button that says “CC”; click it to turn on the subtitles.
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
101/10 :)
First of all thank you so much for your more contribution to and to be honest you have a sweet language which can catch you easily.
Hi madam Rebecca,
Thank you for the topic you had discuss. Its very useful for my daily conversation with my officemates.
thank you!
Thank you very much.
I find all errors)))
Where is the list about ” a list of 50 comun errors ?
You will find the list in the resources section of our site. My best to you!
You got 10 correct out of 10 …. :D
Thank you very much madam Rebecca ..
Me too I scored 10/10, and the explanations were very clear
Backstreet Boys say ….in the lyric of song
I think they made a mistake in grammar
sorry for my bad english
I lost some worlds
the lyric is : Me and my boys went out….
Yes, it is very common to hear grammatical errors in songs and on movies and television. usually, they are trying to use a certain style or are referring to people whose English is not good. You can enjoy the songs, but don’t learn English from all of them. I choose songs very carefully to use in the classroom. The right songs can teach you a lot of good grammar and expressions. My best wishes to you.
thank you very much :>
Good video! Were is the list with common errors&
Hello Alexander,
1) Go to
2) Select Resources tab which you can find between Teachers and Search Tabs
3) Press Ctrl+F then type it 50
4) You will get the 50 Common Grammar Mistakes Part 1 and Part 2 as well.
Please click the below link
Thank you Karthikeyan for help us.
thank you dear Rebecca, it was so useful and please show our mistakes more ;)
Clear and short!
Great job.
it’s a piece of cake.all u need to do is just practicing a lot.practicing makes perfect. :)
symply; thank you!
I like your lessons very much!!!!!!!!!
9. Hurry up! She _______________ to the bathroom.
I failed felt ‘to’ is too repetitive
Wow ! I got 10/10. Thank you Rebecca. I like your lessons. God bless you
thank you Rebecca
wow…i got 10/10.,thank u
It is basic grammar, but it is very good to learn. Thank you Rebecca
NiCe Job.
thanx 10/10 please help with interview questions pls!
Here is a resource I have written on 100 Common Interview Questions, which may help you
All the best!
the lesson is very important and i enjoyed it very well and i also benefited from it thanks to the teacher
Thanks. 10/10
thanks Rebecca madam…its very helpful lesson for me and I request you to show more lessons …god bless u
oh! 10/10. thanks
10/10. It was easy.
10 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
A short but very useful lesson. Good job!
Cool :) 100%
I enjoy all tests, because I am able to get a lot of good marks,
Without your help, that would not be possible.
Thank you very much. Learning English for free it’s very pleasant when you love to learn this language and don’t have enough money to pay a teacher
Glad to know you find the lessons useful. I wish you all the best with your English in the future.
Thank you Rebecca. Got 10 out of 10. You are a very good teacher!!!
Thank you 10/10
Thank you Rebecca . Such a very useful lesson as usual .I’ve a question please .
What is the difference between (HOPE)&(WISH)?
Are they similar?
Wait your answer thank you again .
Guys,Could you please make a lesson about How come?, it would be real helpful to me. love u guys.
“How come” is an informal way of saying, “Why?”
All the best to you!
Thanks so much Rebecca for such interesting lesson
100% :-)
ohhhh i got 9 marks … one day we will become a good speaker i think i find right way to learning english thanks to all special teacher.
thenk you Ronnie
You got 9 correct out of 10
I’ve got 10 out of 10 excelent!!!
Rebecco thank you very much.Believe this correct. I enjoyed my guitar last night. Correct me if I am wrong please.You are wonderful
Thank you teacher it is informative video..
I got 10 out of 10… :)
Thank you very very much!!!
I wanted to clear a doubt…
should I say “I had COME yesterday,but you were not there”
“I had CAME yesterday,but you were not there”?
which of these 2 is correct?
I had came on wednesday
I had come on wednesday
please reply
thank you!
In both cases, “I had come” is the right answer.
All the best to you!
Thank you so much!!!
thanks rebecca.
sorry rebecca but i have a question out the lesson.
what the deffrence when i say
*i have some news for you? or
*i have got some news for you?
is it the same meaning??
thanks again.
Yes, it’s the same! All the best to you.
I’m a Sarah.studying English literature and i truly need someone to help me with poet.if there’s anyone who can give me a hand i would be grateful.
Maybe websites on English literature can help you or else you need to find a poetry lover / English speaker / teacher who can help you. Poetry is beautiful; I hope you find someone to help you enjoy it, and appreciate it. All the best to you, Sarah.
Hi my name is Sarah too, and just like you, I’m in the English literature :)
I think we don’t need ‘a’ or ‘an’ to say a name, except we are ‘something’ right? hehe
i have got 9 of 10 , not bad
thank you
Dear Rebecca!
Thanks very much for the lesson!
You seem to speak Russian because these mistakes remind me the Russian language. The sentences 1, 3, 4, and 5 would be correct in Russian!
I wish I could speak many languages, including Russian,but at the moment, ya panimayou tolka nimnoga parooski!
All the best to both of us, and our language pursuits!
I got 100%
I get 100%. Thank you Rebecca!
nice I get 100% thank you
Thanks a lot! 100%
thanksssss alot
thank you very much for the loesson
Thanks rebbeca!
I got 10/10 and I understand this lesson very well.
Thank you teacher.
The teacher is excellent and the lesson is clear
thanks rabbeca!
I got this lesson 10/10 and I understand this lesson very well.
first of all, thanks you for your videos, i learn english very quicly with engvid, but I still have some difficult in speaking and comunication. is there any advice for me to improve my language skills ? and thanks you very much .
The only way to improve your speaking skills is by speaking! Look for a private teacher, conversation class or English-speaking friend, online or in your city and speak as much as possible, with feedback on your errors. All the best to you.
i would like to request the teachers to give me an example,if possible, of an account about the sports which will be going on tomorrow. it can either be african cap of nation or others,it can also be all.its very important to me and even the students can try. i will appreciate your feedback.
The best idea would be to go to the sports section of a newspaper or website and you can pick up a lot of relevant vocabulary and information about sports issues. All the best to you.
Thanks Rebecca
many thanks madam
hi Rebecca!
I have a question. Im 29 old. I have no any education and Im beginner. So is it possible for me to become as russion-english translator without studying at university? what chances? what I must do to reach my target?
Translators require a very good command of both languages. Usually, you should translate into your native language. You have to check on the requirements for entering the translation field in your country. All the best to you.
10 out of 10 Thank you !
Thanks Rebecca
thank you Rebecca . I got 10 . :)
:)))) thank you
hello dear ines
i hope to study english together if you don’t mind , thankyou
I got it. Thanks a lot, Rebecca. Congratulations! You and the others teachers are very great.
thanks Rebecca l got all correct.
You are great teacher.thanks a lot.
Thanks Rebecca, your explanation was very good.
thanks a lot it was a great lessen I’ve got 10/10.
am happy!!! I got 100% you are a great teacher
9/10…hehehe, not bad for beginner like me.
Thanks Rebecca it’s realy interesting for me.
nice video… really
waw um verry happy thnx you rebicca 10/10 شكرا لك in arabic and merci
Thank You Rebecca
Thank u rebbeca u made me understand
I got 10/10. That´s so cool.
10/10 that’s very import.
it would be very nice to have the possibility to save the learnt lessons
thanks every one :*
Thank you very much. you are wonderful!
It is first time I have 10/10, thank a lot Rebeca, your explaining very clear
thanks i got 4
i like it
have scored 100
thank you very much. but i can’t download your lesson. pls, help me
hello my teacher i like your lesson
Thanks , they good job for help the people
I wish you happy ,
Thanks Rebecca..Good job than all teachers.
thank you very much
wow! 10/10
thanks teacher its my 1st day iwill give u good response
thank you
I got 10 of 10
great thank you
10/10, Thank You
Thanks, for your lesson.
Thanks, good lesson…
thank you very much for commentary. you explain very beautiful.
Thanks to all for your feedback and glad you enjoyed this slightly different lesson. My best to all of you.
Thanks so much
hi my teacher teachers vere vere good
she teaches very well
Common mistakes are very important to know.Thank you.
Hello Rebecca,good lesson and nice explanation.
Rebecca you are my favorite teacher!
hi i want someone to spesk with me for improve my english language? ia there anyone?
Thank you may teacher, I’m very very hapy you lessons, it’s my farts commentes of you lessons.
I live in soth sudan
its so useful to me,,,
Thanks for you lesson! Bye for now ;)
Thanks Rebeca!! Is my first time here…you teacher very well!
Welcome to engvid! My best to you.
thnx ,,
Thaaaaank you my teacher Rebecca .I’ve got 10/10
I love English .I want to learn much.Teacher Rebecca please correct me If I wrot error .
10/10 ^^ thank you Rec :)
10 from 10 ! very useful, thank you
10/10! Thanks Rebecca. I like the way you talk!
Thank you very much it is a good lesson with very usefull (for me) tips ;)
That mean the title of movie “Me, Myself & Irene” is wrong ? :)
Rebbeca… ur lessons are real helpful and I wanna thank u for that. a couple of days ago I asked for a ”how come lesson” u replied saying that how come is an informal way to say why ¡¡¡ but
I don’t know how or when I can use it.
90 :D
)))); Thank you my teacher
Thank you, Rebecca! Your lessons are always useful!
Thanks for a good lesson on finding the errors in grammar. I got 10/10:)
tank you Rebecca , I like your teaching method, I quite appreciate your hard work in this regard I had looking from a long time in internet websites some learning materiel, I find some but they not were for my interesting, when I find these videos they are become very successfully for me I learned exactly, but now I have some problem it writing if you guide me how to start how to combine the words to each other in letter, also i had watched your writing video that was very good but I want to learn some more.
Hi Rebecca! Thank you for your lesson. Everything was fine with the quiz until I got no. 8. The option “my mother is 85 years” is definitely incorrect. But the option “my mother is 85 years old” seems also wrong. The later sounds better, though. Shouldn’t it be “my mother is 85 year old”? (or 85-year-old). Many thanks for your feedback.
Wow ! I have got 10 correct out of 10 . so, i have studied the lesson very carefully. :)
thanks a lot
i enjoyed the lesson and I got a good information :)
Easily understood…thank you..!
“I look forward to meeting you” here why “to meeting” and not “to meet”please explain.
I got 100%…Thank you!!!You are a great teacher!!!
This lessons is fantástic , I love that!
thank you very much
hello mam rebecca , I’m not good in english even though im college right now . Our language is not english but im really want to learn english . I must to learn english pleaase .If you have an email address so that can i send some messages please i want you as a teacher . Could you please ?
I have got 10/10 that’s good
thank you very much dear Rebecca
Thanks rebacca I got nine from ten
10/10 very useful thanx alot
10/10 Very important advices.
Thanks a lot
Hello Rebbeca, could you please explain us the diference between the next words:
Right Away,
Right now
Straight Away
Also I’ll like that you explain us the context to use each one.
i got 10/10 thanks alot
hi everyone i am new, please render me the welcome…
yeah! 10/10 ;)
I’ve got 100
wow…nice lesson for me
Good lesson and good teacher.
thanks a lot
hi, iam new here, but i fell with you I will go forward.
thanks a lot
thank so much,it was very useful for me,how can fine more much error sentences foe practice,please guide me .
It is a very good practise!
Thanks for your useful lessons and I have a suggestion , that we have abilities to print the quiz after we passed it
thank you…i would like to chat any one to improve my conversation skill
i m there to chat with u.
skypeid :manaf almas
I have got 10/10
I got 10 /10
thank you very much.
How do you rate a question?
ohh! Okey. not a problem , because it’s all right… good luck Rebecca
10/10 thank u.
It’s very true that a good teacher must have clear conception of what she/ he is going to teach. You really makes things easier to understand and use. Thank you, teacher Rebecca, for your great job. Your sample sentences pointed to the errors about expression of age , verb need to-v or gerund , word position in sentence , order of words etc.
Suddenly , I had a weird thought: we pretended not to know about the age the boy was trying to express.
1 . I have 15 year.
There are 3 ways to the above-mentioned sentence :
a. I have 15 year left.
b. I am 15 .
C. I am 15 years old.
Teacher Rubecca , could we have lesson talking about the way of abstract noun shifting into countable noun ?
I have 15 years left before I retire.
The sentence above could be used in this way, but not to describe age.
My best wishes to you.
9/10 not bad
thank you, Rebeca!
I like the lesson very much.thanks
thank u very much….got 100
100% :)
100 % THANKS
thanks Rebecca . You’re the best here :**
i have 10/10. thanks Rebeca very much…
thanks rebecca, why we don’t learn diagramming to make our grammar more systematically and more correctly
They used to do that when I was younger, and it did help, but education systems lost interest in detailed grammar study and that is why even native speakers today make mistakes. Not because of not diagramming, but because of rarely studying grammar. My best to you.
very good
thank you teacher ;thank you website administration.
Hi dear Rebecca, I enjoy very much your english lessons. Thank you.
I got 100 % again
i got 90% .. !
i don’t know why we should say ” my doghter is five ” and we should not say ” my doghter is five years ” ! :(
but thank you very much.. because all my problems with grammer .:)
You can say:
My daughter is five.
My daughter is five years old.
You cannot say:
My daughter is five years.
This is how it is in English! My best to you.
Thank you for your lesson, now I got the point
i got 80%…mmmmm
i got 100%.awesome.
thank u teacher
Thanks Ms.Rebecca. Your way of teaching is very catchy and easy to follow.
Thanks Rebecca
First lesson in engvid – 7/10
Thanks Rebecca
Rebecca madam teach english very well.thanks madam.
It´s easy. I like your explanation very much. thank you
Thanks to all for your feedback. My warmest wishes to you.
10 correct out of 10.
Hi Sister Rebecca
i am so thankful that i got some information about in error words so now i know to simply the error words
please, what is the difference among these words: error, mistake, fault, wrong and false…
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson, you are great person.
Thank you ,u’re a great teacher
Thank you.
Hi Rebecca. I like your lessons. They are very useful and practical. The way of teaching is excellent! Thank you.
i have got 80%.i think ,this is the best educational website.
Not bad, I got 9 out of 10 in the quiz. I must really thank to the teacher. I promise I will good at English. I will come into this website everyday and learn all videos.
Thanks Rebecca, you are amazing….
Hi, Rebecca i want to ask you about something. We all use a word ‘for example’ is that another form of it?? Thank you :)
Rebecca you are the biggest teacher, your teachings are free as the best of the life.
ohhhh i only got 90,, but thanks your teach is very well,,,thanks Rebecca,,,^_^
Thank you for very useful information.
I git 100 the quiz was very easy thank you
Thank you mam!I got 100%.
Hi Rebecca,
Recently i saw this website for learning English. I saw a video at that time i understood that, now i can learn English.
The main reason is that i can understand but i can’t talk and write properly.
This is worst in my part.
With full effort i am saying that,Can u Please suggest me ..?( Here u can understand how my English was)……And can you give ANSWERS For this(((100 Common Job Interview Question)))
Hi Rebecca,
Recently i saw this website for learning English. I saw a video at that time i understood that, now i can learn English.
The main reason is that i can understand but i can’t talk and write properly.
This is worst in my part.
With full effort i am saying that,Can u Please suggest me ..?( Here u can understand how my English was)……And can you give ANSWERS For this(((100 Common Job Interview Question)))
WoW! I have scored 100 in this Quiz.
Thanks Rebecca. God is there because u are there to teach us.Thank God…!
yey! 10/10. Thanks Rebecca…
oh. i got 100. thanks Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca.
I got 10 answers correct! Thank you Rebecca.
شكرا جزيلا
it was very fantastic
you are my best teacher on
Dear Rebeca!I realy enjoy your English teaching method.Thank you.
Thank you I got 9-10
10/10… excelent lesson!!!
Thank you!!!
Dear Rebecca, thank you very much for the lesson. I really enjoyed it very much. EngVid makes English easy to learn.
I completely understand your lesson, but here’s what I don’t understand: what the difference between ‘you and I’ ‘you and me’ and ‘me and you’?
Thank you :)
Thanks Mam, I got 100%. Your hairstyle is bangs
brother qayum focus on learning english.accept my apology.
thank you my teacher Rebecca I really enjoyed this lesson and I have got 100% in it
Thank you Rebecca!
I got 9-10.
Dear Teacher,
Error No. 5 instead of ‘I’ we can use ‘myself’?
Thank you for you so excellent explanation
Thank you for you so excellent explanation
Thank u
hello bishal sir
thank you so much i got 100%
thank you so much I got 10
Thank you very much Rebecca.
I really enjoy your teaching style, and I learn a lot from you. I have a question, please. In writing, what tense should I use when I have to compare two events in the past and the present?
I didn’t know,thank you!
i really like this topic.
” The best way to improve your English is practice it. so anyone who would like to talk on the phone. @ facebook.
Hi,I’m Yerzhan
I would like to improve
I sent you requirement on skype
Hi! If you want, you can add me on Skype, my Skype is ninguem00001 :))
Dear Rebecca ma’m,
Thank you very much…. You’re indeed a very good teacher. I like the way you teach…. You are wonderful.., awesome…..
Good day!
It was really usefull thanks a lot and advance in teaching
Thanks ))) 100 %
Really enjoyed your video Rebecca.
I have a request if you could please compe up with a new video on finding errors such as prepositional ,adverb,parallellism and modifiers errors in a sentence.Thank you.
thanks Rebecca ! I got 10/10
Thanks Rebecca!
Perfect anf easy lesson!
sorry… Perfect “and” easy …
Thank you very much.
Thank you Rebecca. Got 10 out of 10. Really enjoyed your video Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks for this elementary reminder.
Best regards.
Thank you.
Can I say “i like a lot of ice cream”?
Rebecca! I always enjoy your explaining. It’s very intelligible and clear. Thank you very much. I love your lessons!
Thank you!!!!!!
Rebecca I really like to thank you about the way you explain the lessons
Hi, Rebbeca! I’m just wondering… is it correct to say, in the second example, (I want somethindg to drink)?. Because there’s some people who says (I want something to eat in the fridge), or is it wrong? Thanks God I found your excellents grammar classes and to YOU. THANK YOU!
I’ve got 100/100.
I ve 90% no bad
Excellent lesson. Thank you very much
Thank you very much!
Thanks you very much
Hi, friends! I am from Russia. I have learnt English for 1 year. Thank you for duscussion!
Thank you Rebecca.
You explain very well.
why 5. Our daughter _________________.
is five || is correct!! !!
is five years
thanks rebecca
10/10.Thanks mam
Thank you Rebecca you are a marvellous teacher!!!
hi rebecco mam
u r explaining very well.
thanku for engvid…………………………………..
Rebeca, hello.I really enjoy every your lecture. But But have some doubt about For example, you told, that it will be correct to say “my mother and I”. Why can’t we say My mother and me? Or, My mother and myself? When I read another resourses, I saw that these variants are also acceptable Sorry for a question
For me it’s not clear enough when I can use the expression “I enjoyed myself”, and when “I enjoyed (the movie)”. Thank you! :)
Thanks a lot!! I got 10/10!!
i got 100%..?
Rebecca!Your good!
Dear teacher, I’m from Kerala, India. First of all let me say ‘Namasthe ‘ in my own native language. (when two people meet they salute each other by saying this word with holding their palms together like the bud of a lotus flower). It shows utmost respect. I know, I’m not so good in using English language . But I like learning this language. I am so grateful to you for having a good and great teacher like you. I joined engVid last week. After watching and practicing your lessons I feel proud of myself . I could say it’s only because of you dear teacher. Because you were born to be a great teacher. I think, to some extent,now I can use this language without much mistakes. You inspired me a lot. Thank you teacher.
Hi Rebecca, I just wanted to know something about this sentence” Eliza is a 24 year old.” I want to know if there is something wrong in this sentence or is it just simply correct?
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you so much….
thanks to you
I’m happy: 10/10. Thanks, Rebecca.
You are the best!!!
Very good 09/10
Thank you Rebecca . Your are the great teacher to teach English.
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks rebbeca.your way teaching macth for me.this sentence right or wrong?
Happy New Year ma’am, Thank you this lesson.
Nice to see you
Thank you so much Rebecca.
I love your voice.
i got 9/10 thank Rebecca
Perfect again!Thank you so much for some tips and tricks on how to determine some errors in writing a sentence. I have learned a lot from you. Keep it up, Mam!
Mam Rebecca, I always heard this kind of sentence. Could you explain to me what is this TENSE? Thank you.
I’m going to be working …..
I’m going to be talking …..
A very thankful mam for your excellent lesson!It’s so useful,more informative,and very clear.I much more attentive to watch your lessons.I really appreciate you mam.I love the way you teach.
Thanks Rebecca from my daughter and I for a great lesson!
I watched this video twice on September 03, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
Nice 10/10
No I clicked the wrong answer by mistake. I had chosen 85 years old. I’m surprised it came out as 85 years.
Anyway thank you Rebecca for explaining clearly
Thank you very much Rebecca.
thank a lot,Rebecca,hugs (Kazakhstan o2 Dec2o21:)
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
It’s really helpful
Thank you!