to make
, to eat
, and to be
are all infinitives. In this video, you will learn how to use infinitives when answering questions about why someone does something. For example, if someone asks, “Why are you going to the store?” you might reply, “To buy food.” Notice that we use the infinitive to buy
to answer the question “why”. Watch the video to learn this very simple but effective formula to give a reason for something. I will also teach you about the expression “in order to”, which is also a very effective way to give a reason for something. I will show you how and when to use it, so you will always know how to answer basic questions in English.
olay i say tank you so much
Thank you Emma for the helpful lesson.
Thank you Emma
Really great lesson
İ learn english in order to live in usa
Thank you Emma for to help us
Thank you so much Emma for helping me to learn English
I learn English to travel, to know different people, to read and to understand the english’news.
Take care of you Emma.
I study English in order to improve my English.
I study English to travel and to meet new people.
See you take care.
Hello Emma thank you for the lesson.
I learn English to talk to other people and start using it in work.
Heve a nice day:)
we use infinitive in order to make a reason
we use in order to than to to make a formal sentence
It is helpful to me, thanks.
I learn English to travel and to have a better future
I study English to interact with people.
Hi Emma! I study English to get a better job position, also to meet a new friends and to get a new opportunities.
Hi Emma! Am stadyin English inorder to chatting with people from different places
Hi, I’m sorry . May I correct you?
I am studying English in order to Chat to people from different places.
Use to + verb (chat) after “in order to”
I would suggest you to watch the lesson again.
Hi Emma, in this class I got a 100%. Thanks a lot to teach us about this subject. Was very useful about how use ” in order” to be more formal. I study English to get new opportunities. Theses opportunities are in a job, to make friends,to meet people and mainly to be able to understand end be understood.
i learn english to make me easier talk to other person and i learn english to search some friends in the other country
Why do I study English? Because it gives me the possibility to understand more many details about the different topics that I can find around the world nowadays. Thanks a lot teacher Emma, it is a pleasure to learn English with you.
i stady english to travel and to meet peopel
Wow … thanks for the lesson
I study English in order to improve my communication with passengers. I´m a flight attendant. Thanks for you class today!
To know about various things happening around the world, am learning english.
Thank you Emma…
I’m so happy for this lesson thank you Emma
my homwork:
I study english to get a good job,
I study english to make a new friends,
I study english to found more business
Thanks. Great Lesson.
Thank you Emma, I understood very well!!
I’m learning English because I want to have a better future
I study english to be fluently in another language.
I study English to meet more people
I’m here in order to study english .<3
I study English to master it
I study English to travel around the world, also to enter into a college.
I learn English in order to get a better job and travel all the world in my life. Thanks Emma!
Why you Learn English.
I learn English to do CSS, Competitive Exams. I Learn English to travel all around the world.I learn english in order to communicate with me boss as he is a foreigner. I learn english in order not to stuck in my Presentation.
Thanks a lot, Emma!
Thanks a lot, Emma for the helpful lesson. I Learned it. I believe that learn English is essential, today. and just only is not a selection. learn and speak a language is an entrance to a new world.
Hi, I learn English to travel around the wirld and get more friends.
I learn english to be a good reputation engineer in the firm.
I learn English to be better in my job field and in my life.
Thanks, Emma.
About your question, I study English in order to talk with the American people in my office.
Thank you very much Emma for sharing your knowledge!
I’m studying English to improve my skill language.
Thank you very much for this lesson Emma!
I learn English in order to pass the English exam.
I learn English in order to speak with people this beautiful language.
I study English in order to travel to other countries.
i happy to learn infinitive,giving the reason to say somone does something
I learn English in order to get a better job. Thank you Emma.
I study English in order to travel the world
I study English in order to move up in my profession.
I learn English to read English books
Thank U Emma. I felt an intermediate level, but with this “in order to” … more formal … o my Gosh!!! … I’m really a beginner.
thanks Emma. I learned a lot with you.
thank you!
I hope continuation to learn. Thanks. Emma
I learn English, in order to study a master’s degree abroad and to travel around the globe.
I study English to talk .
Great session Emma. Take care.
i study English to travel to USA
thanks for help and will continuas
I learn English to learn python
I studied english in order to improve my second languaje
I study english in order to learn more
I study English in order to be good at language.
Thank u Emma! I study english to improve my future living in other country
I spoke quietly in order no to wake my daugther
WHY study English?
i study english to read books in order to improve my experience
I study english in ORDER to succeed my IELTS exam.
Thanks for your help.
thank Emma
this video is very perfect
Thank you, god blass
I study English in order to improve my English grammar.
Thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma in order to help us to improve our English
I study English, in order not to be rejected in interviews.
Thank you so much,Emma.I understand everything as I see your video from the first time.
Thann you
Thann you
I study english in order to get new languges and because i love it
Thank you so much,teacher Emma.I understand everything as I see your video from the first time
To study in a university
I’m really pleased.waouh !!!
Good test,pleased of achieving it. Can’t wait for the next one
I study english to communicate people,to improuve my level in english and to be an effective element in my Work.
Thanks, Emma for sharing this grammar topic with us. It was very nice reviewing it.
Thank you very much
I study English, in order to read English books.
I study English to read english books
I study Englih to watch movies in enlgish
I study English to travel to other countries and speak with more confidence.
I study English to get a better job
I study English to learn. In my work I use english
thank you!!!!
Really i’m learning new things!!!!!
Thank you so much Emma!!
I study English to improve my skills and use them to development!!
Thanks for this class I enjoyed and learn a lot.
My homework.
“I want to learn English in order to understand people form other country in my new job.”
Thank you! ;)
Thank you so much Emma , It’s useful lesson
I am studying English to improve my English and in order to be better
I got 10/10 . Thank you for this amazing lesson.
I study English to improve my skills in communication, also in order to know about other culture and enjoying my self.
I learn English to travel.
Thank you Ms. Emma,
i learn ENGLISH in order to get a better job
I learn English TO IMPROVE my abilities in it
I learn English TO BE able using it undepended and free
I learn English TO CHALANGE myself
I learn English TO BECOME more attractive in the society
I learn English TO KEEP my brain working in generally
Hi Emma , thank you so much for this video. it was so great. I really needed a English teacher as good as you.
I study English in order to emigrate, also in order to communicate with other people.
Thank you so much! It’s very helpful for me to improve my English.
I study English to improve my communication skills.
I study English to stay an educated person.
Thanks for your explanation teacher, I study english to leard english very well.
I know that I can!
I study English to be more competitive in the sciences: English is now modern ‘Latin.’
“To study English, it is necessary to watch English movies.”
Emma, thank you very much for your clear explanation. However, I have a question.
My grammar bot tells me that in the above quotation sentence, I have a dangling modifier. Is it true that this style is not grammatically correct, or anyway, is it possible to write like it in an essay? Should I be trusted to Internet bots?)
I am HSE Advisor ,I study English in order to improve my English grammar.
Thank you Emma.
I learn english in order to understand another language.
I learn english in order not to understand only french.
I learn english to understand another language.
I study English to improve my English conversation skills.
I learn English to become business in the world.
.to become communication skills
To become public speaker
i learn english to improve my bussines
1. learning English to give get a good job.
thanks Emmma great job.
I study English in order not to sound less intelligent than other people and ,besides that, the English language is extremely important these days.
I got 10 point!
I study English to meet a lot of people and talk with them in English.
I learn English in order to earn more money.
Thank you Emma
Thank you for wonderful lesson!!!
I learn English to find a job
i learn English to find good job
thank you??
Thank you emma
I learn english in order for me to communicate well.
I study English in order to meet the wonderful teacher Emma!
i study ebgilsh to work future
I study English to improve my writing and speaking skills. Thank You
I study English in order to learn another language, to maintain my brain active and to travel when I will can.
I want to learn English well. Thank you Emma.
I study English to get more oportunities for my life and I study English to learn more about English
I syudy english to speak with other people.
I’m studying English to pass the EILTS exam.
I study English in order to communicate with my kids.
Thank you so much for your help.
I study english to improve my english because I’m looking for new experience and high salary
I’ve been studying English IOT understand awesome teachers on
I’m studying english in order to exchange .
Thank you teacher
I study english to improve my writing and speaking skills.Thank you.
I am doing this in order to have a good start
Thanks a lot, it is helpful to improve English.
i study english to learn programming
I got a hundred
Thank you.
Tank you so match miss EMMA.
Thank you so match miss EMMA.
I learn English in order to improve my English level
I study English to be able to travel to Canada and meet you.
I study English to pass the exam.
thank you very much
I study english to improve second lenguage
Thank you. Great lesson. Greatest teacher
I want to learn English to become a blogger
Thank You :)
i learning english to get best job
Thank you So much Emma I learn English in order to commucate with people and it is very useful to my job.
thanks alot
I study English to get a job in the USA
Many thanks Emma
I learn English to understand Foreigner.
thank you Emma
Great class. You are such a great teacher. I study English in order to get a better job
I study English to pass exam GRE and TOEFL
Thanks a lot Emma!. I study English in order to communicate with others.
Thnk u Emma…I got 10 out of 10
I study English to make my bright future
I study English to live abroad.
I learn English in order to improve my English skills.
I study English to meet people from any country.
My favorite teacher. I learn a lot from her. Thanks.
Hi…Emma, you have been my favorite teacher since I started watching you videos. Thank you so much.
i learn english to can talk with pupel ,thanx very much emma
I study English to have a better future
I learn English to travel and to get a better job.
Thank you madam Emma now i can catch up some of English words
I study English, with my boyfriend, in order to go to Canada.
I watch these video to learn English. I learn English to access or read good content that are available in English. I read good content in order to know the truths. I want to know the truths in order to become happier.
Thank you teacher for this amazing lesson.
I got 10/10.
I study english in order to become a teacher of english in the future.
Hi, Sensei.
” I stopped to smoking to greet my friends ” which is correct?
Action 1: smoking
Action 2: stop smoking
Action 3: greeing
Thank you Emma for to help us
I’m re-learning English to improve my writing in order to communication more effectively with other people.
I am studying English to be proficient.
hi Emma.I study english to meet people in other countries, to get a handsome boyfriend, to have a good conversations in other places. etc thanks for all
I study English to get a better job.
Thank you
I study English to find a job better than my current job.
I study English to communicate with people which are different culture.
I study English in order to travel. i love travel to different country, taste new foods, drink drinks specific to those cultures together with these learn about their culture,tradition and life style.
to improve my work
I study ENGLISH to improve myself.I study ENGLISH to find a good job.
I study english in order to make foreign girlfriend.
I study English to conquer you all.
I, for one, welcome our new overlord.
I study English to know other language.
Thanks so much¡
Thanks Emma. Nice class . Below i have provided my comment.
I am studying Intermediate English to reduce my English grammatical mistakes while either speaking or writing in English.
Please correct me if you see any mistake in the above sentence.
Thank you.
I know I need to learn more.
i study English to communicate to other people and so i can use it in my future job.
Keep going.
You are not good. You are great.
My wife and I love you.
I study English to make an experience for myself, cos I’m gonna go to america, I thought the awesome city I’ll go.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate this lesson.
in order to improve my English. Thank You so mach Emma!!!!!!!
I study English in order to improve my development in my work
Waw! Another 100. Thanks Miss Emma.
I was able to reconfirm.
Thanks, Emma!
I am learning English to settle in Canada.
Thanks Miss Emma. please provide class to use “FOR”
you,re great teacher EMMA
thankyouu so much emma
i study english in order to learn more english :)
I study English in order to improve my communication in my working environment.
I study english in order to wach movies
I´m learn English because y want to read the newspaper, I want to see the movies at the cinema, in the future I want to go to the Univeristy
I learn English in order to improve my life on every level. Thank you very much for your help.
I study Engvid to read English books.
Thanks indeed.
Really Nice. Thanks!!
I study English in order to be better as a person and to have a better life. :D
Thank you very much. I like the way you teach English.
I enjoy every class.
I study English to improve myself
I study english to speak very fluently and to get a good job.
Thank you for teaching us.
I study english to meet new people.
Teacher Emma, I watched your videos in order to learn English. Thank you for this wonderful lesson. I learned a lot.
I learn English to order ı need it
hi Emma, I study English to talk people in social links, and worldwide guys, thanks,
Thank you for your lecture.
I feel very passionate about your lecture.
I subscribed in your channel in order to learn english.
I go to my job to get money
thank you Emma
I study English in order to be polyglot
I want to learn English to get a better job in order to have a successful future for my family.
I study English in order to improve my reading, writing and speaking skill.
I learn English in order to communicate with people while I’m on a vacation abroad.
I learn English in order to communicate with people
Thank you Emma
I study English in order to communicate using the English language confidently.
Dear Emma,
Thank you for this lesson.
I study English in order to find a better job.
I study English to find a better school.
thank you emma
I study English to have to better job. I study English to meet different people. Thanks for this lesson Emma.
I study English to make sure my future.
Thank you I a lot
I study english to increase my professional aspect
I study english to travel the world.
I study English to speak fluently
Why I’m learning English? First I live in USA. I must learn English in order to be able to communicate better. Second I have two American native grandchildren that speak only English. They are my major challenge.
Dear Emma,
Thank you for the lesson.
I study English in order to communicate effectively.
I study English in order to obtain a doctoral degree.
I study English in order to make new friends.
I study english to speak with any person when I arrive to a country where speak english and I feel more confident.
Excellent content. Thank you Emma.
I study English in order to learn proper grammar.
10/10! Fantastic! I find Emma’s video to learn English. I learn English in order to improve my English. That can make me know more and doing well in the stock market.
I study English in order to work in an international company
I study English to get more opportunities at work
I study English in order to work and live in another country. Thanks Emma!
I study English in order to travel and meet people around the world.
Tanks a lot Emma.
Best regards.
I study english in order to improve this idiom that I like so much and because my job too. I’m a musician, trumpet player. Thanks, Emma.
I learn english to take to PMP certification.
I study english in order to travel the word.
thank in advance,
I study English in order to travel
I want to study english because I want to be a flight attendant also because I want to learn more about different cultures. Thank you so much teacher, I love your classes
I study English in order to help me in my job.
I study Engilish in order to move in other country
Emma. You are a very clear teacher.
this is one reason I’ll have my english improved.
thank you
Dear Mam! I learn English to going abroad country and its my dream.
I study English to better my speech. I study English to flow in communication. I study English to improve my speaking capacity.
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks Emma
I study english to develop my language.
I study English in order to improve my communication with people from another contries. I´m a passionate for hiking and Mountain escalde.
Thanks for you class today!.
I study English to speak Fluently. I Study English in order to improve my expressions.
informal➡️I study english to improve myself
formal➡️ Istudy english in order to get a better job
Negative➡️ I study english in order not to be late
I study English to travel the world
I got 10/10, than you Emma.
I study English to develop my language abilities and to have more job opportunities
I watch your videos to b better in English .
thank you so much.
thank you so much
Dear Ms Emma, thank you so much.
I study English in order to speak with my clients in over the world. I really like to watching your video. It’s so helpful.
Hi Emma! I am going to do the homework in order to show that I’ve learned the lesson.
I study English to improve it and because I like to study foreign languages a lot.
I also study English to travel.
I am so happy that I have found EnGvid. You teachers are great! Thanks a lot.
I study English to improve my English
I study english to be an effective communicator
Hi EMMA. Thank you for helping me understand this lesson. It really helped. I am a grade 6 student and I got a lot of mistakes in grammar in my end term exams and your videos are really helping me. You and Rebecca are my favourite teachers.
I study English in order not to watch movies with subtitles :)
I study English in order to improve my English, to speak with a lot people , and in order to study
i study english to work also to study (:
I got 100%. thanks Emma. I watch your videos to make my English better.
I study English to travel to exotic countries; see tropical plant cultivation and follow foreign cuisine on TV
I study Enlish to find a good job in the Future.
Emma, thank you
Thanks you a lot, Ms. Emma
i study english to get to know the world
Been watched with a score of 10 correct out of 10.
I sturdy English in order to communicate better with my peers.
wow i like this study
i learn english to read books in english
Hello Emma. Thank you.
I also enjoyed this lesson.
I am studying English because I want to make friends with foreigners like you.
I’m confused by the difference between similar words in English.
For example ‘big’ and ‘large’ , ‘good’ and ‘nice’ , ‘lonely’ and ‘alone’, etc.
Please teach us in a lesson next time
I am studing English in order to be able to communicate well with English speaker natives.
Thank u so much Emma… Very useful lessons!
i study english to improve my communication, and because i want to traveling in the world.
I watched this video in order to learn”Infinitives”.
I learn English in order to do my PhD
I studied English to be fluency, to watched series and movies, to talked people of the other country and to make my dreams come true.
i study english in order to learn more.
I study English to improve my listening skill.
i study English to watch movies without reading the subtitles.
I study English to get a more rewarding job.
I study English to read articles in this language.
I study English to improve my pronunciation.
I study English to speak to a native speaker.
I really enjoy your classes very much because they are very clear and didactic.
Thank you so much Emma.
I study English in order to make my business easy, and to have good job, travel in the world to meet new friends
I learn English in order to continue my education abroad and work in internet to be independent
10/10. Emma thank you.
you are the best teacher.
Thank you so much Emma.
Thank you Emma for ur kindness
I study English in order to get better job.
Thank you Emma, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 07 october2021);
Excellent explanation
Thank you Emma, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 07 october2021)
Excellent explanation
i study english in order to kill time
I am watching all your videos in order to learn english equal like you . Before when i started to watching your english Videos i could not understand eng. Music but now after your lessons i could understand to much sentences on the songs. So thanks you
Thank you
I watch your videos in order to improve my English.
tank You Very Much ,good Lesson and présentation.
I watch your videos in order to improve my English.
I learn English in order to speak fluently
I learn English in order not to make mistake in speaking and writing.
pleas check
Hello Emma
I really like your video about infinitives it helps me alot in order to understand them.
I got 10/10
Thank you Emma, I study English in order to apply for a job.
I study English in order to speak to people when I will trevel abroad.
Thank you, I watch this video in not order to miss to improve my English to a good job in the future.
I learn English to get a job
I learn English to give my IELTS exam.
I learn English in order to communicate freely with people all over the world
To be better in languages.
I study English to read books and watch peoples.
Thanks Emma :)
and to watch movies
I study english to read theologicalbooks and communicate with people from other cultures.
Oh my god ! I got perfect score!
Thank you very much ma’am Emma
Why I study English?
I study English to communicate with other people. I study English to learn better . I study English in order not to be naive .
70/100 I study English to be better in language
hello Teacher Emma.I try to learn by myself in order to watch my favorite english films and an other reason is that… i follow you in order to understand a bit more about english.thanks a lot for your advices. keep goin’like this.
I learning english to learn about other cultures and meet new country´s and peoples
I study English in order to improve myself as well and also to meet friendly people and to get a better job fot the future
thanks emma
Thank you teacher Emma.I study English to develop talking, listening,reading and writing in English with foreigners.
I am studying English in order to learn to read Geology articles.
I study english to read english novels; I study english in order to get good job
I study English to listen the BBC news.
Thank you teacher Emma for this lesson!
You explained it in a very understandable way!
I study English in order to understand all people around the world.
I study English in order not to use services of translators. :)
It’s been more than 3 years since I started learning form Emma Engvid Channel and I felt tremendous improvement in English. Although speaking is not much improved but reading and writing; they both improved. And all thanks goes to mam. I truly respect Emma mam for providing and such wonderful lessons and also Engvid.
Love from India.
Thanks for your lesson, Emma. Why study English? In Japan, many students learn English for six to ten years. But, including me, many of us haven’t been able to master English.
I’m learnig Engish in order to fulfill an old dream of mine and besides, as a Russian writer has said, the more languages you know, the more human yoy become.
I study english to learn a new language.
Thanks Emma, I’m learning a lot whit you!
Thank you Emma.
I study English to travel out of country
why you want left your country ?
I study English to speak with people.
Hello Emma,I hope you are well.
for the answer of your question is:
I study English in order to have best future, to read books, to watch English movie, to learn another culture…and to enjoy my short life.
One of the reasons I am studying English is to understand the resources available to me in my job.
Thank you!
I learn english to find another job and maybe in order to travel abroad.
I learn English to change my life and job career
I study English in order to achieve my personal goals.
Thank you, Emma. I study English to adapt to life in a Native English country, and to get a job.
I study English to make understunding easy with others who speak it
I study English to improve my skills