English seems difficult sometimes. But if you get the right explanations, it’s not that hard after all! In this vocabulary lesson, we’ll look at the verb seem. I’ll teach you what it means, and how to use it properly.
it seems that i am the only one who still need practice about word “seem”. I actually didn’t understand it. please expaplain more Adam!!
Saiful Anwar
Hi Singleastronaut,
Basically, ‘seem’ means that something appears to be a certain way, or feels a certain way, or sounds, etc., but is not necessarily so.
I’m not sure if that helps, but if you give me a more specific question, maybe I can help you understand.
(he seems to be a good teacher) is it right sentence or not?
yeah it is right sentence. when you break this sentence, it means,”he seems that he is a good teacher” i hope you to have understood this form.
Hi Adam thanks for this amazing test, pleas I need some website when can I find more new words to increase my vocabulary!! thank you so much Adam!!
why the 7th is false ??
it should be probably true
Is that correct if I say : ” She seems to be intelligent” and She seems intelligente?
She seems to be nice and She seems nice?
Is there any difference?
It is another great lesson.
Thank you
Hey Adam, It’s been awhile since the last video we miss you, thanks a lot for this great helpful lesson and thanks for your efforts,I didn’t foresee that SEEN would be like that.
I’m only have got 3 right answer ;(( its really hard for me to pick up the lesson easily.. Teacher adam no matter what,I am going to understand it carefully.. Thank you..
Keep trying :)
Hi, to begin with, I love your teaching and I really appreciate your sharing.
My question is:
Can I download the lessons on my blog so that more people may benefit from them? It is not for profit at all, but I simply want to rearrange or re-categorize them for more people to use them more easily and effectively based on their more accurate level. I tried to find some contact info but this seems to be the only way publicly available. FYI, I am a missionary. Thank you.
Sorry, no. Feel free to link to them, though.
engVid Moderator
You can download them. You can find these videos on YouTube. Use SaveFromNet, for example, to download videos from YouTube. I downloaded about 30 lessons and sent them to China. Only I realized it was not necessary to download them. You can link them.
are you kidding?
that’s beside the point, the lessons are intellectual property
In the USA or in European countries if you break copyright laws, you will have problems. Take a look.
I agree John2, these lessons can be intellectual property. I hope the guys from EngVid would not mind!
Seems like this lesson is one of the best from your list, Adam
Seem is a state verb and can’t add ING,how do you come up with seemingly.remember before it become an adverb,it already had Ing.
HI Cuong ta,
There are actually adjectives in English that end with -ing. So, seeming can be used as an adjective (the seeming disparity between classes is widening) though it’s not as common. As a verb it is not used.
Another example is the word ‘want’. It cannot be used as a verb in the -ing form, though wanting is an adjective (although the meaning is different-it means lacking).
Hope that helps.
Hi Cuong ta,
There are adjectives in English that end with -ing. So, seeming can be used as an adjective (the seeming disparity between classes is widening) though it’s not as common. As a verb it is not used.
Another example is the word ‘want’. It cannot be used as a verb in the -ing form, though wanting is an adjective (although the meaning is different-it means lacking).
Hope that helps.
I’m sorry.
Thanks Adam.
This is my request please:
If you teach a lesson about writing a Composition and the rules of punctuation.
On its way Brala :)
Hey Adam, good class !! I would like you do a class about the preposition(on, in, at) in its day uses. Because I have much difficult to understand and even how to use them sometimes. Mainly in expressions !!
Thank you !!
yeah, I’m agree. It could be a very useful lesson
Hi Ancelmoth,
I’ll try to do one soon, but in the meantime, put it into the search box at the top of the page. we have some lessons on prepositions already.
Ok Adam, I will check it.
Thank you !!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you very match
Question 5) in the quiz: I’d suppose that the correct answer is “no”, according to the explanation in the vid. Not only weaker “probably not”.
Hi Helanr,
Remember that if something seems to be a certain way, it could in fact be that way after all. When we use seem(ingly) most likely it’s not that way, but could be.
Hope that helps
Great as always!!!.Please can you explain the difference in pronunciation between wood an good.I am made a mess on this..thanks
Hi Pompero,
With a North American accent (mostly) they sound the same; that is, the ‘ood’ sound is the same.
Kind of hard to explain sounds with written words. Wish I could do more for you.
Hi! Adam.
I’m happy to learn from you.
You seem to be good at teaching english.
however,Number 5 is hard to understand.
Could you more explain it,please?
Hi Ea9436,
If the decision is seemingly bad, it means that it seemed bad at the time. Now it could actually be a good decision, so we think probably not a bad one.
Does that help?
Hello Adam! So in this case “seemingly” includes some shade of probability? I thought that the sentence “It was a seemingly bad decision” is the same as “The decision was good and not bad” because it was bad only seemingly at first and now the author has understanded his mistake. So is it my missunderstanding or this option is aslo possible? + I have checked the comments and didn’t find answer for the matter. Can you clarify it please?
Thanks Adam
What does “at the time” precisely mean in the above quiz?
Paul: It seemed like a bad decision at the time.
Chani: Well, it doesn’t seem so bad now.
Hi Rilomo,
at the time actually means at the time :) in other words at THAT time that we are speaking about.
Does that help?
You mean in the past, right?
I just want to know if it means a certain time in the past.
If we are talking about the past, then yes. But we can use it for any time.
I will go jogging tomorrow morning. I hope it won’t be raining at the time.
Thank you Adam
thanks a lot adam sir…..as usual, it’s also a great lesson given by you ……
i want to know the different between these two “you seem to be a hard worker, 2)it seem, you are a hard worker”. do both mean same?
“You seem to be a hard worker.”
“It seems (that/like) you are a hard worker”.
And yes, both mean the same.
thanks a lot morfik……may you have a nice day dude……
Hi Thusan,
Morfik gave a good answer. :)
dear adam sir……
i’m confused at where to use “to be” , when to use, why to use “to be”. i’m comfortable with using “to be” in SEEM verb but i need to know other uses of “to be” except this case.
eg:1) i have to be there
2) i need to be taught ” to be”
here “to be” is used in passive & statement sentence. like this i can understand but i’m unable to master the ” to be”…….plz sir….i hope that you would help me soon.
Hi Thusan,
It’s important to remember that in clause you can only have one main verb (verb with a tense). So, every time you have a main verb but still need another, you must use the infinitive form (usually with to -). To be is that second or third, etc. ) verb in the sentence.
I have to be there–main verb – have. second verb to be.
Does that help?
hi,,,,,,,,my dear teacher …….
thanks a lot…..of course i got it now if i obviously say i’m motivated further & further by you response each time ……
you should also tell the progressive use of ‘to be’
In the Oxford or Merriam-Webster Dictionaries there is “seeming” as an adjective ( “The seeming simplicity of the instructions”)or as a noun (“her altruism is all seeming”).If I correctly understood it can not be used only as a verb.
Am I right? Thank you, very much!
Hi Arinamg,
You are right, but be careful– you are not using seeming as a verb.
How I used grammer
I am sorry!
Hi Adam, as always you are fantastis and very clear in your explanations, and you seem a good person too.
Kisses from Barcelona
90 :) thanks for new lesson. Could anybody to explain me an answer of 3 question. I don’t understand why it’s an interpretation of the reporter, why not “the president isn’t sure”?
Because the reporter knows nothing about what the president thinks.He just has the president’s speech. End the speech “seems to suggest”.But maybe the reporter misunderstands the text.
“And” the speech…Not “end”.Sorry!
Hi Beraliv,
Arinamg gave a good answer. I’ll just add that we we interpret someone’s message, it is always safest to add ‘seems to say…’ or ‘seems’ to suggest…”. Otherwise we may be making a big mistake by making it sound like a fact.
Thanks a lot :)
i want ask u Mrs Adam that when we should use ” seem” and “sound” i often hear on movies ” it sounds good” it that equal ” it seems good” ?
Hi Sami,
Yup. sound, look, feel, can all be used the same as seem. Seem is the catch-all for these tings. Although I will say that sound, for example, is a little more specific to sounds, look to appearance, etc. seem is more often used with a sense of something (ie. an idea).
Thanks for explanations! I’m caught the main idea!
Very clear lesson, Adam
I like seemingly adv.
Jesús R.
Hi There!
The topic seeeeems helpful the same as Always.
Wish u luck dear Adam,
Hi there:
I have a question regarding “state verbs”: The verb “want” is a state verb or not? I’m asking this because I’ve stumbled upon some texts that said so, but other sources od information utilized the verb “want” with the “ing” termination. I need a clarification for that.
Hi David,
wanting is an adjective. It means lacking (The young boy was wanting in social skills because he had lived in the jungle for most of his life). Not sure if that’s what you meant. Otherwise, you might see wanting as a verb sometimes but it’s bad English, like McDonald’s I’m loving it.
Hope that helps
Hi Adam:
Many thanks for your clarification. I was referring to some sentences that I had read before, in which they were using the “ing” termination wrongly. But I didn’t know that “wanting” meant “lacking”, and many thanks for that new info for me.
Thank you. I was watching James lesson on Youtube and then I came here and I founded the most important information. I good English exam in couple days and this is helping me a lot to prepare for it. It’s sad that I didn’t know this website before :/ Greetings!
thanks for the lesson… Greetings from Costa Rica
Hi Adam,what are you up to?
Dear my brother ADEM
please give me your advice What is the synonym of word “seemingly” that I can use in all the sentences ?
It looks like? xD
Hi Yousif,
There are other expressions, such as Morfik’s suggestion -looks like, or appears to be, sounds like, feels like, etc.
Hope that helps
I liked this video but I don´t understanding the adv.seemingly Adam,give me a hand with this adv.please!
Well, I understood as “aparentemente”. And the verb “understand” is another verb that we cannot use in the “ing” form. We can’t say “understanding”. I hope I helped you. Bye!
Hi Grazisil,
When you want to describe an adjective or action as not necessarily what it appears, or you’re making a guess, you can use seemingly. He seems good at his job or he is seemingly good at his job. The first could be either good or not, but the second has more the idea that he’s not.
Does that help?
thanx alot :)
thanks ADAM
Thank you, Adam ;)
thanks adam…
and all beaUTIFULL PEOPLE FROM OVERALL IN THE WORLD… meeting here to learning english…
i learn a lot from your talking here…
Thank you
hi Adam. thanks. it is very good lesson. before this lesson, it seems and it is are the same concept for me. it seems i will learn speaking in English very good :)
very interesting thanks a lot
it seems to learn English quickly
thanks for all
Hi! Thank you!
I am confused with the stuff like
nice out, warm out and etc with out…
Could you explain it pls?
Hi dboyko,
It simply means outside. Nice out= nice outside. We use it to describe the weather basically.
thank you
thanks a lot for this good lesson. I don’t understand this sentence: “Don’t be fooled by the sunshine. It just seems nice out.”
Someone can explain the meaning. Thank you
“Don’t let the sun’s brightness to trick you. It look like a warm day, but it’s cold.”
This is how I understand the sentence.I hope it helps you.
Hi Mclaude,
Arinamg is right. It looks nice outside, but it’s actually cold and windy (or not nice somehow).
thank you
Buenas tardes Adan! Es mi primera clase y es increible como usted se hace entender de bien. Muchas gracias y felicitaciones!!!
thank you
Hello ….. Can we help each other in learning English ?
Hey guys from EngVid! Can people download these videos? I mean if it’s legal. Will I have problems with law if I download these videos and send them to other people, or use in a class, or even upload them to my blog, etc?
Great. Thank you so much
I don´t know how will get by without you…don´t stop teaching people this wonderful language… congratulations.
Thanks for very useful lesson !!!
It’s very useful
Hi all,
I am a beginner.
I dont still understand what is there difference between “SEEM” and “SEEM TO BE”?
Who can help me?
thanks a lot :)
Hi Heyaheya,
seem + adjective (He seems nice)
seem + to be + noun or action (The storm seems to be getting closer)
Does that help?
Thanks for your reply so much :)
Thank you!!
Hello Adam, I know that Americans don’t see any difference between the past perfect continuous and past continuous, so basically “I was looking for you” and “I had been looking for you” means the same. With that being said, can we do the same with present continuous and present perfect continuous? I also know that we can use present continuous referring to a situation in the future, for example “I’m doing it later today”. So, is that possible to say “I’m looking for you all day”, or do I have to say “I’ve been looking for you all day”? I’m asking because if people don’t see any difference between those two past tenses, and the construction of the two present tenses is alike, logically, the rule should be applied to them too, and if it’s not, why people don’t see any difference between the two past tenses?
Hi Morfik,
A little complicated. Firstly, I think that many native English users don’t use the past perfect (simple or continuous) correctly because they might not really know it very well. There is a difference, but it can easily slide. As for the present continuous, it “feels” like something is happening right now, so we lose the effect of the past that comes with the perfect tense. After all, the present perfect involves the past and present while the past perfect is still only about the past, As for the pres. cont for future, it has specific uses as well (i.e. to talk about scheduled events in the future).
Not sure I actually gave you an answer, but, again, English is a language of rules that were (in many cases) made to be broken.
1. I’ve watched some episodes of “Game of Thrones” and people there often say something using modal + have + pp, for example:
“It would have been so nice for you to have a friend.”
“He would have killed you and cut Bran’s throat.”
“Jaime would have killed him.”
“He wasn’t himself. Otherwise he never would have said it.”
“We could have been 10 miles away from here by now on the way to Asshai.
You would have been safe.”
“I would have killed the man who did that to me. You should have known she was a whore.”
“If he were alive, we could have used him to broker a peace with Winterfell and Riverrun, which would have given us more time to deal with Robert’s brothers.”
The question is can we replace, for example, “you should have known” with “you should know”?
2. What is the difference between these two?
“I’m no lord”
“I’m not a lord”
Is this an old speech or something (the first one)? I saw that people in the movie use “be + no” very often. Generally, I would use “I’m not a lord”, so that’s why I’m asking.
1. When we add the modal it means we’re talking about a past situation that is irrelevant now, and so hypothetical, which is what that form implies.
2. I’m no expert, but …
Actually, this is pretty common and ok.
Adam, I’m not sure if you remember my other question concerning “what” and “how” difference, but I have the English-Spanish book, and now I can write what I wanted to say. :)
So, there is a section “how to ask about someone’s name”, and there is also a description/translation:
“What (lit. how) are you called, what is your name?
Sorry Morfik, I can’t recall the question, but it sounds a little strange to ask How/What are you called. You’re right– technically it’s correct, but just “feels” strange. Maybe in an old Western (movie). ;)
That was wonderful lesson thanks David
That was wonderful lesson thanks Adam
Thank you Adam,
last week i encountered a terrifying question from my student.
he asked :’teacher: what is the difference among : fault, wrong and false.’
i told him ‘you forgot mistake and error’ and then i walked away politely.
So, would you please tell us the difference among these words.
Thank you again
hasn’t it been approved yet?!!!
Hi Mansour,
fault- an imperfection (in a person or thing or logic)- something that doesn’t work right
Wrong- not correct (such as a wrong answer)or not moral (stealing is wrong)
false- not true. (usually about something spoken or written)
mistake and error are synonyms but generally mean an attempt at something that didn’t work correctly.
Does that help?
Thank you Adam. Sure, that helps and thank you for the prompt response you are my teacher.
at the university, there was a whole material equals three accredited hours called ERROR ANALYSIS it shows the difference between errors and mistakes. the difference here is still unknown to me and yet vague please
I looked it up. There are differences in terms of technical usage, the main one being that errors cannot be self-corrected, while mistakes can be. However, I would say that in everyday speech, they are interchangeable and are chosen according to formality of language. In other words, learners of English probably shouldn’t get to caught up in the subtle semantic differences.
Hello Adam. I’m a new student from Cambodia.i got only 3 points on your quiz. but it doesn’t mean that you didn’t explain well. because of myself ,i’ll try to watch your teaching again.
Thank very much.
Heng Lay
Quizzes made by Adam seem very difficult than others
Quizzes’ Adam seem very difficult than others.
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Thank You so much Adam <3
Hi, Adam! The lesson seemed to be easy, but I’ve got 7 out of 10. So the lesson is appeared to be seemingly easy.
How about sounds like. Can you explain for me,please
Dear Adam!Thank you so much for all lessons you’ve made for us!You’re really great teacher.I like the way you explain and make everything easy for us.I’d like to ask you to make a special lesson about phrases like “here we go” or “there we go”…if hey have any difference and how to use them in a proper way. It’ll be really appreciated if you can help me. Thank you a lot in advance.
Adam, explain how to pronounce English words ending in -our.
for example – detour, pour
Адам, объясните как правильно произносятся Английские слова заканчивающиеся на -our.
Hi, Adam
The quiz seems very difficult. I probably not very clear the question N.6. Could you please explain that?
Very nice lesson.
When someone really seems not care about you means you must break up the relationship. I don’t know why you always to wondering about his love. If i’m wrong correct me.
Thanks, very interesting lesson!
thanks a lot Adam.It was amazing lesson
hi Adam, .first thank a lot for this amazing lesson it’s really helpful :).
my issue is in seemingly, i’m a little bit confuse and on the quiz I did mistake on this part
could you just explain it to me again and what I understood form the lesson is it means contrary when it’s come in the sentence
thanks again again :)
thanx adam
So great lesso … Thanks
You got 3 correct out of 10.
:( ……. oh my god
it awesomeness lessons , it seems helpfully with our expressions when we explain something or someone .. I like it
Very useful, thank you!
I don’t know clearly some words when they are putting together in a sentence.
Ex: don’t be fooled by sunshine. It’s really nice out. “nice out” I don’t know what that mean. Because of my language is different, we say work by work so it’s sometimes make me confused. “nice out” in this situation means “bad, bad weather, cold?”
Ps: word by word, sr I’m make a mistake =)) cause I’m a beginer.
Word by word, it means:
+Nice – beautiful
+Out – sth like going out, or in outside
and put it in together I maybe understand by adding the meaning of both, it’s so silly.
Very difficult!!
But I got 90!!
Thank you!!
A little suggestion, Adam: My American pals quite often use the negative form of ‘seem’ + infinitive when they talk to me (e.g. ‘You don’t seem to be happy about this situation at all’) so, I guess, this aspect should have been added to your explanation … Just my two cents …
Thank you.
Great lesson
Hi Adam ,
Thanks for all yours lessons. I am kind of confused with the usage of the word literally. Could you please do a lesson on that for me ?
thank you so much Adam
It was seemingly confusing at first, but I got
10 correct out of 10! Thanks!
Fantastic work guys. Keep it up. Add more difficult idioms and Vocabulary. Use of latin words or phrase in English too will be helpful. Love you all except Ronnie as her accent is not clear but then she is beautiful I can watch :)
Hi Adam
In quiz N. 5 It was a seemingly bad decision.
Was it a bad decision?
why you choose probably no ?
Great lesson. Thank you Adam. Could you make a lesson explaining how to use the word “Rather”.. I think it would be a very usefull one. God bless you.
Dear Adam,
What about ‘seem like’?
Ex. It seems like you’re ready.
Does it have to same meaning as ‘seem’ ?
“Don’t be fooled by the sunshine” what does it mean, i am not understanding the meaning of this sentence. Will you kindly explain?
Hi Adam csn you please explain 3rd n 5th question
it’s really difficult for me. i don’t understand :((
This lesson was really helpful, Adam.
But The thing I’d really like you to explain is the difference between ”seem and look like ” and the ways we might use them depending on the context…. hope you can reply soon….
Here are my mistakes. I marked by * my choices of answers.
5. It was a seemingly bad decision.
Was it a bad decision?
no *
probably not
In the lesson video you said that seemingly means that object is pretends and really not like that it seemingly :). But right answer is “probably not”. Why?
6. Paul: It seemed like a bad decision at the time.
Chani: Well, it doesn’t seem so bad now.
Was it a bad decision?
probably not
no *
I understood this dialog at this way. It was some decision that they thought, probably, bad, but now they make sure, that it wasn’t bad indeed. May I interpret it so, or there is only one way to understand?
7. Sometimes I argue with my boyfriend because he just doesn’t seem to care very much about our relationship.
The boyfriend doesn’t care about his girlfriend and they should break up.
true *
That was completly my error.
8/10 it make me proud myself,thanks Adam
i got 8/10 :)) thank you Mr Adam
I got 7/10. I will try again.
Thanks so much!! for this leason
Can I say, you are seemingly busy?
Well, I’ve got 10/10 on the quiz. It seems that I understood the whole lesson.
Adam, you’re a amazing teacher, and I hope I can learn more and more with your videos.
What I have to say is: Thank you !
Thank you Mr. Adam.
I enjoy doing this test….Thanks Adam.
Thanks Adam!
Thanx Adam… 6/10…:(
I am little bit confused about question 2.Ok normally the second sentence suggests that the weather is not like actually what it seems but also it can be really cold or too hot out :) so I think both of cases could be true.
yes I support you
Thanks Adam, excellent work.
thank you by the lesson was very goog from colombia
hi adam thank you for you explanation
just tell me how i can organize the information in my mind
YES that help!thanks
thank You:-) I had 9:-)
Thank you teacher Adam! hope you have more videos other basic English!Good luck
The best teacher ever!
lacked captions in the lessons …. I’m still newbie
more class is incredible. (g. translat)
Hi Adam,
thanks for this lesson but it seem to me that i need to do more practice ,I have one question what if we use it appears to me i need more practice or it seem to me i need more practice is it interchangeable or not i would be gland to hear from your end .
Hi Adam,
thank u very much for your effort, you are a good teacher. I like this site and watch more videos every day , i can improve my language without taking any courses , great thanks
Hi Adam ,,,
good lesson and thanks it really help me,,,
but I`m confuse, that the test no 5 I got wrong answer.
so would u please explain what is the different at this two sentence:
1. It seems a bad decision
2. it was seemingly bad decision
cause you said that seemingly it mean “pretend to be …..”
it seems good decision which I’ve taken go through your lessons. it works well.
thank you
Thanks adam !
Thanks for your lesson.
. It was a seemingly bad decision.
Was it a bad decision?
i got this question wrong in the quiz?? can you explain further.
any one ready to interact oraly…..skype id karthik.reddy235
Excellent, as usual. Thanks
Hello Adam! My name Barang from Cambodia. I always enjoy to learn English with you. I have a wonder.I see in one dictionary We can use Seeming as Adj,(its mean Apparent or ostensible)
The seeming truth of their theories. His seeming honesty. Can you please explain me about these using?
The question of number 5 seems to me that the correct answer is no, or maybe I don’t understand very well the lesson.
Seemingly refers the idea of false, untrue or not?
however this is a great lesson, thanks Adam.
Hi friends.I`m new here.but I can`t watch any video here.as YOUTUBE is banned in Pakistan.so what should I do?I need your help.thanks
Humaira Baloch
Hi Adam.. u r doing best teacher that I have ever had… thanks for this lesson.
thanks Mr. Adam, I got 60%.
Abdul Qayum
Hello Adam. first Thanks for this useful lesson.
but I have a question.
Can I say;
She appears to be good at her job’ instead of She seems to be good at her job.
I dont know it is correctly sentence but I remember I’ve heard to use of this kind of sentence. of course I’m not sure.
or for any example. If I am mıstaken please correct me. Can I use it(seem and appear)in the same examples
Thank you Adam!9/10 .
Hi Adam
I got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you!
I have questions though, it would be great if someone solves my problem. The question is below.
what’s different between “She seems to be good at her job” and ” She seems good at her job.”? What’s the meaning of each one?
Here is my thoughts:
1. Does sentence 1 mean “She is probably good at her job” ? Which means she has a good quality for her job and excels at her job?
2. Do we use sentence 2? I saw your reply to Heyaheya, which states “seem+adjective”. In sentence 2, I think “good” can be used as an adjective so it’s okay with sentence 2? while it means she is in a good condition at her job? Or it’s just a problem of the preposition “at”? Such as “in her job”?
Hey great lesson adam i learn a lot! i can say i have been improving my english with all these lessons. Thank!!
Thanks Adam.
Hi, Adam. Thank you for your lesson. But i don’t understand one point. You explain that “seemingly” means “no”. In question 5 right answer is “PROBABLY no”. Why? Can you explain this?
Hi Adam, are the worlds ending with ly are adverbs?
narsimha sharma
Hi Adam you are good teacher.I could not find any lesson teaching us to discribe.How and where these word we use.Pain-sour-hurt.Thanks
Dave Brar
Hell Mr.Adam,thank you very much for your effort. And I would like you,if it’s possible, to make a little lesson about the difference between whom & whose!
Thank you.
Hello Mr.Adam,I’m sorry it’s hello in my last comment!
And Adam I’d like to know the difference between whom & whose please.
Thank you.
Hello Mr.Adam,I Like the way you teach.Thanks a lot.
Perfume M
Thanks Adam, your video is very useful and you’re very clear in your explanation.
Very helpful lesson. Thank you, Adam!
Thank you Mr Adam.
difficult lesson and test
first test l got only 40%
l watched the video again and then l got 60%
l’ll pratice more TT
it seems easy thank you.
Hii Adam I’m Confused IN Quiz 5th Question Why The Answer Is Probably Not Why Not It’s Simply “No”
thnk u adams for ur short lesson
Thank you teacher Adam for your lesson.
Thanks Adam Teacher.But I couldn’t understand the third question. Can you explain it?
hii Adam, aftr watching video went thru the quiz..still m confused with the exact meaning of sentences which contains SEEMS, any help?
He seems to be good at teaching..
I agree with you, he has the style of teaching.
Hi Adam. I do really enjoy your short lesson about seem. I got 60% for the quiz. :) but still confuse with “seems to be”. In the quiz, I found “seems to have”, my question is, can “be” exchanged by another word such as “have”? Is the meaning still the same? Oya, in Indonesia, sometimes some of my friends use “seems like”. I didn’t find “seems like” in your explanation. So, is “seems like” true? (Hopefully you understand what I mean. Sorry, my english is not good).
I’m waiting for your reply. Thanks, Adam! :)
things seems to be better!!!
Thank you for this lesson. I am learning so much with you.
Thanks Adam, Very well explanation with some nice examples.
Hello Adam Sir.Plz make a video on “ACROSS”.
Adam please check this:
5. It was a seemingly bad decision.
Was it a bad decision?
probably not
The answer should be “no” depending your lesson at
Don’t be fooled by the sunshine. It just seems nice out.
This answer seems more apropriate:
The sun is actually not nice and will burn you.
Am I wrong?
Hi there,the lesson is quite understanding,but i’m wondering,i saw somewhere that v. to be is not using with state verbs,how come that seem does? :)
Thanks in advance. :)
thx adam for this lesson but sorry adam i don t understand more for seemingly tell me more about it if you can
sofiane 123@
Thanks Adam…
“Money seemingly brings happiness” seems to me like “looks like money bring happiness”.
For this reason I said “Yes”, “money equal happiness”.
Why is this wrong?
thank you adam. are there any videos about the difference of look and seem
Thank Adam.
Easy the explication.
You make English very easy!thanks a lot Adam.
Thank you Adam.
can you plz give me your fb page name i want to follow you there
Could you tell me please how the verb seem will change in Past tense with negative? Sorry for my English:)
Dear Mr. Adam,
the lesson given by you is very effective even i learnt a lot from your this lesson but can you please elaborate the use of word SEEM please
vikas bansal
anyone interested in learning or practing english language can add me on my facebook id vikasbansal1992@yahoo.in by sending reuest.
becuase together we can achieve more.
vikas bansal
Thank you.
thank you for your effort.
I guess; I understood partly
For Example;
‘You seem sick,you should go to hospital’
god bless you teacher
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Hi Adam !!! ) Your good lesson, but questions … bad. Very complicated questions. So I said, only 5 out of 10 (
thanks U , U are great Adam Sir.
Singh Ji
Thanks Adama I have one question for you. Would you mind answering my question for me ? Is I’ve been wanting to do something gramatically incorrect ? When I listen to somenone who is native speaker they always use that way.I have asked my non-native speaker English teacher he said me that it was incorrect.In my opinion it is correct because you are trying to emphasize your desire to do something until the cows come home although state verb cannot take ing which is like want.That’s just my two cents.I wonder what is your opinion about this subject Adam ?
yes, it’s incorrect, if you want to emphasize it, you only have to add some words like: really.
i really want to……
Because want is a state verb, you can’t use this that way :)
Nguyen Van Hau
it seems very difficult to use this word correctly but after watching this video.it doesn’t seem difficult anymore
Hi, Adam. I really liked your lesson:)
Just I have a couple of questions..
In what situations can we use “he seemed kind” and so on in the past?
And are these two sentences different: “she seems good” and “it seems to me she’s good”?
Thank you in advance!))
In the videos, you have said that ‘he is seemingly nice ‘ means ‘he is not nice (he pretends to be nice)’. But in the 5th quiz question ,why the answer is not ‘NO’?
knowledge seeker
thank you teacher
Maybe my comment is too late to post but I would to Thank Adam for this great lesson, there are always some things new to learn with you. You became one of my favorite teachers, if not the most :).
thanks Adam sir
thanks adam. it’s very helpful
it’s seems i learnt somthing ….. :D i learnt …
awesome lesson! thank you!
Very nice…
very useful. Thank you so much
Hello Adam,
thank you very much for all of your lessons, including this one ^_^
But I’ve got a little question. There is a sentence in the quiz which makes me feel confused, “It was a seemingly bad decision”. Is this sentence correct, or we should say, “It was seemingly a bad decision”?
Thanks you so much Adam, thanks
Marta Lopez
thank you Adam.
Thank you, I seem understand better.
Sorry-Akop Sogbatyan
Thanks Adam!Its Really enjoying and helpfull to learn english here.
Thanks Adam.I love to follow your videos and its help me a lot to improve my English grammar.
thank you adam, love your lesson
Nguyen Van Hau
Thank you so much for the lesson, Adam.
very tricky one! one needs to be looked into carefully!
it seems im the one who loooong way behind all of you guys
Thanks Adam^^
I got 60%,,, yeah. but keep striving to understand better!
it seems to me the usage of this state does cause confusions
Thanks Adam. Very nice lesson :) Adam, you seems to be very good teacher ( But I am sure, you are good teacher ^^ )
Thank you for the lesson!:)
thnkq sir …for giving dis …
korla nagamani
Hi Adam: I need to clarify 1 thing: You used “He seems nice” & “She seems to be good at her job”. Why can’t you use “She seems good”. You said it’s because you’re describing a quality of her, but nice is also a quality, so it showld be “She seems to be nice”. Thanks.
Thanks but I don’t very understand
Hi, Adam,
Could you please teach me how to use “almost/nearly” correctly? I studied the difference from Chinese teachers, however, it seems very complex, I don’t want to just memorize the rule, I want to know “why”….Thanks a lot.
Hi Adam
Does seemingly kind of indicate that something appear to have certain quality but actually it doesn’t.
I know I will get better!
Ashton flare
Hey Adam,
Is ‘SEE’ a state Verb?
Ripudaman Singh Bhadouriya
What is the difference between SEEM and LOOK?
She seems nice. OR She seems to be good at job.
She looks nice. OR She looks to be good at job.
Are they interchangeable?
I like bring more like this. Thanks SIR.
Sarang Thakre
Hi Adam,
Thank you so much for your all useful lectures..
Can I say “He seems like a boss” or “He is seemingly like a boss”.
Hi my names badar khadar
I like your vid
You are the bast teacher
5. It was a seemingly bad decision. Was it a bad decision?
I think the correct answer should be “no”
because “seemingly” means the opposite of what follows.
Hi, I got 9 out of 10. It seems to me that I have learned my lesson.
Hi Adam…please expkaine more about questions 3,5 and 6…
Hi Adam…please explaine more about questions 3,5 and 6…
is it correct . you seems to be chef
do you think he seemingly to be good at her job
can you correct it or is it right sentence
Money seemingly brings happiness. The answer is “Definitly YES” :) :)
Hi . 7/10 not bad
He is seemingly nice = He is being nice?
Can I use (You seem to be an actor )
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Sandy pillay
Hi Adam, thank you so much for the lesson. “Seem” seems like a common used word, but it is hard for me to use it correctly in a sentence. After watching this video, I am more confident in using this word. I am wondering if you could do a lesson on the use of “feels like””Sounds like” or “I am/was like” (these are only what I can think about at the moment). Thank you very much!
7/10! Bad marks! It seems to me I didn’t fully understand this lesson. I need to go over the note and take the quiz again.
Jerry Gu
9/10 semingly tricked me
Hi Adam, Thanks for the demonstration and the amazing quiz. I have a question, I got the answer for the 5th question wrong because I selected ‘no’. Does seemingly means that
1. exactly opposite? or
2. probably opposite?
I would kindly appreciate your response.
Thank you so much for a fantastic lesson. I never added to be to seem even when it was required, which is why this lesson was so beneficial; by the way, I received a perfect score on the quiz. yay me ^_^
I got 3/10 :( really it seems that I need more explanation about it
Where I live the sun burns one afther the sunshine
Great lesson.
Thank you very much, Adam!
Thanks a lot, my score on the quiz 10/10.
Thank you!
I got 6/10. but I will keep trying. thank you for your lesson.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks ! So amazing !!!
it seems that i am the only one who still need practice about word “seem”. I actually didn’t understand it. please expaplain more Adam!!
Hi Singleastronaut,
Basically, ‘seem’ means that something appears to be a certain way, or feels a certain way, or sounds, etc., but is not necessarily so.
I’m not sure if that helps, but if you give me a more specific question, maybe I can help you understand.
(he seems to be a good teacher) is it right sentence or not?
yeah it is right sentence. when you break this sentence, it means,”he seems that he is a good teacher” i hope you to have understood this form.
Hi Adam thanks for this amazing test, pleas I need some website when can I find more new words to increase my vocabulary!! thank you so much Adam!!
why the 7th is false ??
it should be probably true
Is that correct if I say : ” She seems to be intelligent” and She seems intelligente?
She seems to be nice and She seems nice?
Is there any difference?
It is another great lesson.
Thank you
Hey Adam, It’s been awhile since the last video we miss you, thanks a lot for this great helpful lesson and thanks for your efforts,I didn’t foresee that SEEN would be like that.
I’m only have got 3 right answer ;(( its really hard for me to pick up the lesson easily.. Teacher adam no matter what,I am going to understand it carefully.. Thank you..
Keep trying :)
Hi, to begin with, I love your teaching and I really appreciate your sharing.
My question is:
Can I download the lessons on my blog so that more people may benefit from them? It is not for profit at all, but I simply want to rearrange or re-categorize them for more people to use them more easily and effectively based on their more accurate level. I tried to find some contact info but this seems to be the only way publicly available. FYI, I am a missionary. Thank you.
Sorry, no. Feel free to link to them, though.
You can download them. You can find these videos on YouTube. Use SaveFromNet, for example, to download videos from YouTube. I downloaded about 30 lessons and sent them to China. Only I realized it was not necessary to download them. You can link them.
are you kidding?
that’s beside the point, the lessons are intellectual property
In the USA or in European countries if you break copyright laws, you will have problems. Take a look.
In Belarus, and, I think, in Russia no one cares if you download anything.
For example, MatLab costs money, but I downloaded it for free! In the USA I would be charged, but I am fine in Belarus.
Guys, if you want to download EngVid videos, take a look
These sites are in Russian. Press “Скачать torrent” button. You may need “Bit torrent client”. You can download it here
I agree John2, these lessons can be intellectual property. I hope the guys from EngVid would not mind!
Seems like this lesson is one of the best from your list, Adam
Seem is a state verb and can’t add ING,how do you come up with seemingly.remember before it become an adverb,it already had Ing.
HI Cuong ta,
There are actually adjectives in English that end with -ing. So, seeming can be used as an adjective (the seeming disparity between classes is widening) though it’s not as common. As a verb it is not used.
Another example is the word ‘want’. It cannot be used as a verb in the -ing form, though wanting is an adjective (although the meaning is different-it means lacking).
Hope that helps.
Hi Cuong ta,
There are adjectives in English that end with -ing. So, seeming can be used as an adjective (the seeming disparity between classes is widening) though it’s not as common. As a verb it is not used.
Another example is the word ‘want’. It cannot be used as a verb in the -ing form, though wanting is an adjective (although the meaning is different-it means lacking).
Hope that helps.
I’m sorry.
Thanks Adam.
This is my request please:
If you teach a lesson about writing a Composition and the rules of punctuation.
On its way Brala :)
Hey Adam, good class !! I would like you do a class about the preposition(on, in, at) in its day uses. Because I have much difficult to understand and even how to use them sometimes. Mainly in expressions !!
Thank you !!
yeah, I’m agree. It could be a very useful lesson
Hi Ancelmoth,
I’ll try to do one soon, but in the meantime, put it into the search box at the top of the page. we have some lessons on prepositions already.
Ok Adam, I will check it.
Thank you !!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you very match
Question 5) in the quiz: I’d suppose that the correct answer is “no”, according to the explanation in the vid. Not only weaker “probably not”.
Hi Helanr,
Remember that if something seems to be a certain way, it could in fact be that way after all. When we use seem(ingly) most likely it’s not that way, but could be.
Hope that helps
Great as always!!!.Please can you explain the difference in pronunciation between wood an good.I am made a mess on this..thanks
Hi Pompero,
With a North American accent (mostly) they sound the same; that is, the ‘ood’ sound is the same.
Kind of hard to explain sounds with written words. Wish I could do more for you.
Hi! Adam.
I’m happy to learn from you.
You seem to be good at teaching english.
however,Number 5 is hard to understand.
Could you more explain it,please?
Hi Ea9436,
If the decision is seemingly bad, it means that it seemed bad at the time. Now it could actually be a good decision, so we think probably not a bad one.
Does that help?
Hello Adam! So in this case “seemingly” includes some shade of probability? I thought that the sentence “It was a seemingly bad decision” is the same as “The decision was good and not bad” because it was bad only seemingly at first and now the author has understanded his mistake. So is it my missunderstanding or this option is aslo possible? + I have checked the comments and didn’t find answer for the matter. Can you clarify it please?
Thanks Adam
What does “at the time” precisely mean in the above quiz?
Paul: It seemed like a bad decision at the time.
Chani: Well, it doesn’t seem so bad now.
Hi Rilomo,
at the time actually means at the time :) in other words at THAT time that we are speaking about.
Does that help?
You mean in the past, right?
I just want to know if it means a certain time in the past.
If we are talking about the past, then yes. But we can use it for any time.
I will go jogging tomorrow morning. I hope it won’t be raining at the time.
Thank you Adam
thanks a lot adam sir…..as usual, it’s also a great lesson given by you ……
i want to know the different between these two “you seem to be a hard worker, 2)it seem, you are a hard worker”. do both mean same?
“You seem to be a hard worker.”
“It seems (that/like) you are a hard worker”.
And yes, both mean the same.
thanks a lot morfik……may you have a nice day dude……
Hi Thusan,
Morfik gave a good answer. :)
dear adam sir……
i’m confused at where to use “to be” , when to use, why to use “to be”. i’m comfortable with using “to be” in SEEM verb but i need to know other uses of “to be” except this case.
eg:1) i have to be there
2) i need to be taught ” to be”
here “to be” is used in passive & statement sentence. like this i can understand but i’m unable to master the ” to be”…….plz sir….i hope that you would help me soon.
Hi Thusan,
It’s important to remember that in clause you can only have one main verb (verb with a tense). So, every time you have a main verb but still need another, you must use the infinitive form (usually with to -). To be is that second or third, etc. ) verb in the sentence.
I have to be there–main verb – have. second verb to be.
Does that help?
hi,,,,,,,,my dear teacher …….
thanks a lot…..of course i got it now if i obviously say i’m motivated further & further by you response each time ……
you should also tell the progressive use of ‘to be’
In the Oxford or Merriam-Webster Dictionaries there is “seeming” as an adjective ( “The seeming simplicity of the instructions”)or as a noun (“her altruism is all seeming”).If I correctly understood it can not be used only as a verb.
Am I right? Thank you, very much!
Hi Arinamg,
You are right, but be careful– you are not using seeming as a verb.
How I used grammer
I am sorry!
Hi Adam, as always you are fantastis and very clear in your explanations, and you seem a good person too.
Kisses from Barcelona
90 :) thanks for new lesson. Could anybody to explain me an answer of 3 question. I don’t understand why it’s an interpretation of the reporter, why not “the president isn’t sure”?
Because the reporter knows nothing about what the president thinks.He just has the president’s speech. End the speech “seems to suggest”.But maybe the reporter misunderstands the text.
“And” the speech…Not “end”.Sorry!
Hi Beraliv,
Arinamg gave a good answer. I’ll just add that we we interpret someone’s message, it is always safest to add ‘seems to say…’ or ‘seems’ to suggest…”. Otherwise we may be making a big mistake by making it sound like a fact.
Thanks a lot :)
i want ask u Mrs Adam that when we should use ” seem” and “sound” i often hear on movies ” it sounds good” it that equal ” it seems good” ?
Hi Sami,
Yup. sound, look, feel, can all be used the same as seem. Seem is the catch-all for these tings. Although I will say that sound, for example, is a little more specific to sounds, look to appearance, etc. seem is more often used with a sense of something (ie. an idea).
Thanks for explanations! I’m caught the main idea!
Very clear lesson, Adam
I like seemingly adv.
Hi There!
The topic seeeeems helpful the same as Always.
Wish u luck dear Adam,
Hi there:
I have a question regarding “state verbs”: The verb “want” is a state verb or not? I’m asking this because I’ve stumbled upon some texts that said so, but other sources od information utilized the verb “want” with the “ing” termination. I need a clarification for that.
Hi David,
wanting is an adjective. It means lacking (The young boy was wanting in social skills because he had lived in the jungle for most of his life). Not sure if that’s what you meant. Otherwise, you might see wanting as a verb sometimes but it’s bad English, like McDonald’s I’m loving it.
Hope that helps
Hi Adam:
Many thanks for your clarification. I was referring to some sentences that I had read before, in which they were using the “ing” termination wrongly. But I didn’t know that “wanting” meant “lacking”, and many thanks for that new info for me.
Thank you. I was watching James lesson on Youtube and then I came here and I founded the most important information. I good English exam in couple days and this is helping me a lot to prepare for it. It’s sad that I didn’t know this website before :/ Greetings!
thanks for the lesson… Greetings from Costa Rica
Hi Adam,what are you up to?
Dear my brother ADEM
please give me your advice What is the synonym of word “seemingly” that I can use in all the sentences ?
It looks like? xD
Hi Yousif,
There are other expressions, such as Morfik’s suggestion -looks like, or appears to be, sounds like, feels like, etc.
Hope that helps
I liked this video but I don´t understanding the adv.seemingly Adam,give me a hand with this adv.please!
Well, I understood as “aparentemente”. And the verb “understand” is another verb that we cannot use in the “ing” form. We can’t say “understanding”. I hope I helped you. Bye!
Hi Grazisil,
When you want to describe an adjective or action as not necessarily what it appears, or you’re making a guess, you can use seemingly. He seems good at his job or he is seemingly good at his job. The first could be either good or not, but the second has more the idea that he’s not.
Does that help?
thanx alot :)
thanks ADAM
Thank you, Adam ;)
thanks adam…
and all beaUTIFULL PEOPLE FROM OVERALL IN THE WORLD… meeting here to learning english…
i learn a lot from your talking here…
Thank you
hi Adam. thanks. it is very good lesson. before this lesson, it seems and it is are the same concept for me. it seems i will learn speaking in English very good :)
very interesting thanks a lot
it seems to learn English quickly
thanks for all
Hi! Thank you!
I am confused with the stuff like
nice out, warm out and etc with out…
Could you explain it pls?
Hi dboyko,
It simply means outside. Nice out= nice outside. We use it to describe the weather basically.
thank you
thanks a lot for this good lesson. I don’t understand this sentence: “Don’t be fooled by the sunshine. It just seems nice out.”
Someone can explain the meaning. Thank you
“Don’t let the sun’s brightness to trick you. It look like a warm day, but it’s cold.”
This is how I understand the sentence.I hope it helps you.
Hi Mclaude,
Arinamg is right. It looks nice outside, but it’s actually cold and windy (or not nice somehow).
thank you
Buenas tardes Adan! Es mi primera clase y es increible como usted se hace entender de bien. Muchas gracias y felicitaciones!!!
thank you
Hello ….. Can we help each other in learning English ?
Thank you Adam! 8/10 in quiz :)
Hey guys from EngVid! Can people download these videos? I mean if it’s legal. Will I have problems with law if I download these videos and send them to other people, or use in a class, or even upload them to my blog, etc?
Great. Thank you so much
I don´t know how will get by without you…don´t stop teaching people this wonderful language… congratulations.
Thanks for very useful lesson !!!
It’s very useful
Hi all,
I am a beginner.
I dont still understand what is there difference between “SEEM” and “SEEM TO BE”?
Who can help me?
thanks a lot :)
Hi Heyaheya,
seem + adjective (He seems nice)
seem + to be + noun or action (The storm seems to be getting closer)
Does that help?
Thanks for your reply so much :)
Thank you!!
Hello Adam, I know that Americans don’t see any difference between the past perfect continuous and past continuous, so basically “I was looking for you” and “I had been looking for you” means the same. With that being said, can we do the same with present continuous and present perfect continuous? I also know that we can use present continuous referring to a situation in the future, for example “I’m doing it later today”. So, is that possible to say “I’m looking for you all day”, or do I have to say “I’ve been looking for you all day”? I’m asking because if people don’t see any difference between those two past tenses, and the construction of the two present tenses is alike, logically, the rule should be applied to them too, and if it’s not, why people don’t see any difference between the two past tenses?
Hi Morfik,
A little complicated. Firstly, I think that many native English users don’t use the past perfect (simple or continuous) correctly because they might not really know it very well. There is a difference, but it can easily slide. As for the present continuous, it “feels” like something is happening right now, so we lose the effect of the past that comes with the perfect tense. After all, the present perfect involves the past and present while the past perfect is still only about the past, As for the pres. cont for future, it has specific uses as well (i.e. to talk about scheduled events in the future).
Not sure I actually gave you an answer, but, again, English is a language of rules that were (in many cases) made to be broken.
1. I’ve watched some episodes of “Game of Thrones” and people there often say something using modal + have + pp, for example:
“It would have been so nice for you to have a friend.”
“He would have killed you and cut Bran’s throat.”
“Jaime would have killed him.”
“He wasn’t himself. Otherwise he never would have said it.”
“We could have been 10 miles away from here by now on the way to Asshai.
You would have been safe.”
“I would have killed the man who did that to me. You should have known she was a whore.”
“If he were alive, we could have used him to broker a peace with Winterfell and Riverrun, which would have given us more time to deal with Robert’s brothers.”
The question is can we replace, for example, “you should have known” with “you should know”?
2. What is the difference between these two?
“I’m no lord”
“I’m not a lord”
Is this an old speech or something (the first one)? I saw that people in the movie use “be + no” very often. Generally, I would use “I’m not a lord”, so that’s why I’m asking.
1. When we add the modal it means we’re talking about a past situation that is irrelevant now, and so hypothetical, which is what that form implies.
2. I’m no expert, but …
Actually, this is pretty common and ok.
Adam, I’m not sure if you remember my other question concerning “what” and “how” difference, but I have the English-Spanish book, and now I can write what I wanted to say. :)
So, there is a section “how to ask about someone’s name”, and there is also a description/translation:
“What (lit. how) are you called, what is your name?
Sorry Morfik, I can’t recall the question, but it sounds a little strange to ask How/What are you called. You’re right– technically it’s correct, but just “feels” strange. Maybe in an old Western (movie). ;)
That was wonderful lesson thanks David
That was wonderful lesson thanks Adam
Thank you Adam,
last week i encountered a terrifying question from my student.
he asked :’teacher: what is the difference among : fault, wrong and false.’
i told him ‘you forgot mistake and error’ and then i walked away politely.
So, would you please tell us the difference among these words.
Thank you again
hasn’t it been approved yet?!!!
Hi Mansour,
fault- an imperfection (in a person or thing or logic)- something that doesn’t work right
Wrong- not correct (such as a wrong answer)or not moral (stealing is wrong)
false- not true. (usually about something spoken or written)
mistake and error are synonyms but generally mean an attempt at something that didn’t work correctly.
Does that help?
Thank you Adam. Sure, that helps and thank you for the prompt response you are my teacher.
at the university, there was a whole material equals three accredited hours called ERROR ANALYSIS it shows the difference between errors and mistakes. the difference here is still unknown to me and yet vague please
I looked it up. There are differences in terms of technical usage, the main one being that errors cannot be self-corrected, while mistakes can be. However, I would say that in everyday speech, they are interchangeable and are chosen according to formality of language. In other words, learners of English probably shouldn’t get to caught up in the subtle semantic differences.
Hello Adam. I’m a new student from Cambodia.i got only 3 points on your quiz. but it doesn’t mean that you didn’t explain well. because of myself ,i’ll try to watch your teaching again.
Thank very much.
Heng Lay
Quizzes made by Adam seem very difficult than others
Quizzes’ Adam seem very difficult than others.
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Thank You so much Adam <3
Hi, Adam! The lesson seemed to be easy, but I’ve got 7 out of 10. So the lesson is appeared to be seemingly easy.
How about sounds like. Can you explain for me,please
Dear Adam!Thank you so much for all lessons you’ve made for us!You’re really great teacher.I like the way you explain and make everything easy for us.I’d like to ask you to make a special lesson about phrases like “here we go” or “there we go”…if hey have any difference and how to use them in a proper way. It’ll be really appreciated if you can help me. Thank you a lot in advance.
Adam, explain how to pronounce English words ending in -our.
for example – detour, pour
Адам, объясните как правильно произносятся Английские слова заканчивающиеся на -our.
Hi, Adam
The quiz seems very difficult. I probably not very clear the question N.6. Could you please explain that?
Very nice lesson.
When someone really seems not care about you means you must break up the relationship. I don’t know why you always to wondering about his love. If i’m wrong correct me.
Thanks, very interesting lesson!
thanks a lot Adam.It was amazing lesson
hi Adam, .first thank a lot for this amazing lesson it’s really helpful :).
my issue is in seemingly, i’m a little bit confuse and on the quiz I did mistake on this part
could you just explain it to me again and what I understood form the lesson is it means contrary when it’s come in the sentence
thanks again again :)
thanx adam
So great lesso … Thanks
You got 3 correct out of 10.
:( ……. oh my god
it awesomeness lessons , it seems helpfully with our expressions when we explain something or someone .. I like it
Very useful, thank you!
I don’t know clearly some words when they are putting together in a sentence.
Ex: don’t be fooled by sunshine. It’s really nice out. “nice out” I don’t know what that mean. Because of my language is different, we say work by work so it’s sometimes make me confused. “nice out” in this situation means “bad, bad weather, cold?”
Ps: word by word, sr I’m make a mistake =)) cause I’m a beginer.
Word by word, it means:
+Nice – beautiful
+Out – sth like going out, or in outside
and put it in together I maybe understand by adding the meaning of both, it’s so silly.
Very difficult!!
But I got 90!!
Thank you!!
A little suggestion, Adam: My American pals quite often use the negative form of ‘seem’ + infinitive when they talk to me (e.g. ‘You don’t seem to be happy about this situation at all’) so, I guess, this aspect should have been added to your explanation … Just my two cents …
Thank you.
Great lesson
Hi Adam ,
Thanks for all yours lessons. I am kind of confused with the usage of the word literally. Could you please do a lesson on that for me ?
thank you so much Adam
It was seemingly confusing at first, but I got
10 correct out of 10! Thanks!
Fantastic work guys. Keep it up. Add more difficult idioms and Vocabulary. Use of latin words or phrase in English too will be helpful. Love you all except Ronnie as her accent is not clear but then she is beautiful I can watch :)
Hi Adam
In quiz N. 5 It was a seemingly bad decision.
Was it a bad decision?
why you choose probably no ?
Great lesson. Thank you Adam. Could you make a lesson explaining how to use the word “Rather”.. I think it would be a very usefull one. God bless you.
Dear Adam,
What about ‘seem like’?
Ex. It seems like you’re ready.
Does it have to same meaning as ‘seem’ ?
“Don’t be fooled by the sunshine” what does it mean, i am not understanding the meaning of this sentence. Will you kindly explain?
Hi Adam csn you please explain 3rd n 5th question
it’s really difficult for me. i don’t understand :((
This lesson was really helpful, Adam.
But The thing I’d really like you to explain is the difference between ”seem and look like ” and the ways we might use them depending on the context…. hope you can reply soon….
Here are my mistakes. I marked by * my choices of answers.
5. It was a seemingly bad decision.
Was it a bad decision?
no *
probably not
In the lesson video you said that seemingly means that object is pretends and really not like that it seemingly :). But right answer is “probably not”. Why?
6. Paul: It seemed like a bad decision at the time.
Chani: Well, it doesn’t seem so bad now.
Was it a bad decision?
probably not
no *
I understood this dialog at this way. It was some decision that they thought, probably, bad, but now they make sure, that it wasn’t bad indeed. May I interpret it so, or there is only one way to understand?
7. Sometimes I argue with my boyfriend because he just doesn’t seem to care very much about our relationship.
The boyfriend doesn’t care about his girlfriend and they should break up.
true *
That was completly my error.
8/10 it make me proud myself,thanks Adam
i got 8/10 :)) thank you Mr Adam
I got 7/10. I will try again.
Thanks so much!! for this leason
Can I say, you are seemingly busy?
Well, I’ve got 10/10 on the quiz. It seems that I understood the whole lesson.
Adam, you’re a amazing teacher, and I hope I can learn more and more with your videos.
What I have to say is: Thank you !
Thank you Mr. Adam.
I enjoy doing this test….Thanks Adam.
Thanks Adam!
Thanx Adam… 6/10…:(
I am little bit confused about question 2.Ok normally the second sentence suggests that the weather is not like actually what it seems but also it can be really cold or too hot out :) so I think both of cases could be true.
yes I support you
Thanks Adam, excellent work.
thank you by the lesson was very goog from colombia
hi adam thank you for you explanation
just tell me how i can organize the information in my mind
YES that help!thanks
thank You:-) I had 9:-)
Thank you teacher Adam! hope you have more videos other basic English!Good luck
The best teacher ever!
lacked captions in the lessons …. I’m still newbie
more class is incredible. (g. translat)
Hi Adam,
thanks for this lesson but it seem to me that i need to do more practice ,I have one question what if we use it appears to me i need more practice or it seem to me i need more practice is it interchangeable or not i would be gland to hear from your end .
Hi Adam,
thank u very much for your effort, you are a good teacher. I like this site and watch more videos every day , i can improve my language without taking any courses , great thanks
Hi Adam ,,,
good lesson and thanks it really help me,,,
but I`m confuse, that the test no 5 I got wrong answer.
so would u please explain what is the different at this two sentence:
1. It seems a bad decision
2. it was seemingly bad decision
cause you said that seemingly it mean “pretend to be …..”
it seems good decision which I’ve taken go through your lessons. it works well.
thank you
Thanks adam !
Thanks for your lesson.
. It was a seemingly bad decision.
Was it a bad decision?
i got this question wrong in the quiz?? can you explain further.
any one ready to interact oraly…..skype id karthik.reddy235
Excellent, as usual. Thanks
Hello Adam! My name Barang from Cambodia. I always enjoy to learn English with you. I have a wonder.I see in one dictionary We can use Seeming as Adj,(its mean Apparent or ostensible)
The seeming truth of their theories. His seeming honesty. Can you please explain me about these using?
The question of number 5 seems to me that the correct answer is no, or maybe I don’t understand very well the lesson.
Seemingly refers the idea of false, untrue or not?
however this is a great lesson, thanks Adam.
Hi friends.I`m new here.but I can`t watch any video here.as YOUTUBE is banned in Pakistan.so what should I do?I need your help.thanks
Hi Adam.. u r doing best teacher that I have ever had… thanks for this lesson.
thanks Mr. Adam, I got 60%.
Hello Adam. first Thanks for this useful lesson.
but I have a question.
Can I say;
She appears to be good at her job’ instead of She seems to be good at her job.
I dont know it is correctly sentence but I remember I’ve heard to use of this kind of sentence. of course I’m not sure.
or for any example. If I am mıstaken please correct me. Can I use it(seem and appear)in the same examples
Thank you Adam!9/10 .
Hi Adam
I got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you!
I have questions though, it would be great if someone solves my problem. The question is below.
what’s different between “She seems to be good at her job” and ” She seems good at her job.”? What’s the meaning of each one?
Here is my thoughts:
1. Does sentence 1 mean “She is probably good at her job” ? Which means she has a good quality for her job and excels at her job?
2. Do we use sentence 2? I saw your reply to Heyaheya, which states “seem+adjective”. In sentence 2, I think “good” can be used as an adjective so it’s okay with sentence 2? while it means she is in a good condition at her job? Or it’s just a problem of the preposition “at”? Such as “in her job”?
Hey great lesson adam i learn a lot! i can say i have been improving my english with all these lessons. Thank!!
Thanks Adam.
Hi, Adam. Thank you for your lesson. But i don’t understand one point. You explain that “seemingly” means “no”. In question 5 right answer is “PROBABLY no”. Why? Can you explain this?
Hi Adam, are the worlds ending with ly are adverbs?
Hi Adam you are good teacher.I could not find any lesson teaching us to discribe.How and where these word we use.Pain-sour-hurt.Thanks
Hell Mr.Adam,thank you very much for your effort. And I would like you,if it’s possible, to make a little lesson about the difference between whom & whose!
Thank you.
Hello Mr.Adam,I’m sorry it’s hello in my last comment!
And Adam I’d like to know the difference between whom & whose please.
Thank you.
Hello Mr.Adam,I Like the way you teach.Thanks a lot.
Thanks Adam, your video is very useful and you’re very clear in your explanation.
Very helpful lesson. Thank you, Adam!
Thank you Mr Adam.
difficult lesson and test
first test l got only 40%
l watched the video again and then l got 60%
l’ll pratice more TT
it seems easy thank you.
Hii Adam I’m Confused IN Quiz 5th Question Why The Answer Is Probably Not Why Not It’s Simply “No”
thnk u adams for ur short lesson
Thank you teacher Adam for your lesson.
Thanks Adam Teacher.But I couldn’t understand the third question. Can you explain it?
hii Adam, aftr watching video went thru the quiz..still m confused with the exact meaning of sentences which contains SEEMS, any help?
He seems to be good at teaching..
I agree with you, he has the style of teaching.
Hi Adam. I do really enjoy your short lesson about seem. I got 60% for the quiz. :) but still confuse with “seems to be”. In the quiz, I found “seems to have”, my question is, can “be” exchanged by another word such as “have”? Is the meaning still the same? Oya, in Indonesia, sometimes some of my friends use “seems like”. I didn’t find “seems like” in your explanation. So, is “seems like” true? (Hopefully you understand what I mean. Sorry, my english is not good).
I’m waiting for your reply. Thanks, Adam! :)
things seems to be better!!!
Thank you for this lesson. I am learning so much with you.
Thanks Adam, Very well explanation with some nice examples.
Hello Adam Sir.Plz make a video on “ACROSS”.
Adam please check this:
5. It was a seemingly bad decision.
Was it a bad decision?
probably not
The answer should be “no” depending your lesson at
Am i right?
Hi Adam,
In hot countries like Brazil, to this question:
Don’t be fooled by the sunshine. It just seems nice out.
This answer seems more apropriate:
The sun is actually not nice and will burn you.
Am I wrong?
Hi there,the lesson is quite understanding,but i’m wondering,i saw somewhere that v. to be is not using with state verbs,how come that seem does? :)
Thanks in advance. :)
thx adam for this lesson but sorry adam i don t understand more for seemingly tell me more about it if you can
Thanks Adam…
“Money seemingly brings happiness” seems to me like “looks like money bring happiness”.
For this reason I said “Yes”, “money equal happiness”.
Why is this wrong?
thank you adam. are there any videos about the difference of look and seem
Thank Adam.
Easy the explication.
You make English very easy!thanks a lot Adam.
Thank you Adam.
can you plz give me your fb page name i want to follow you there
Could you tell me please how the verb seem will change in Past tense with negative? Sorry for my English:)
Dear Mr. Adam,
the lesson given by you is very effective even i learnt a lot from your this lesson but can you please elaborate the use of word SEEM please
anyone interested in learning or practing english language can add me on my facebook id vikasbansal1992@yahoo.in by sending reuest.
becuase together we can achieve more.
Thank you.
thank you for your effort.
I guess; I understood partly
For Example;
‘You seem sick,you should go to hospital’
god bless you teacher
Thank you!
Hi Adam !!! ) Your good lesson, but questions … bad. Very complicated questions. So I said, only 5 out of 10 (
thanks U , U are great Adam Sir.
Thanks Adama I have one question for you. Would you mind answering my question for me ? Is I’ve been wanting to do something gramatically incorrect ? When I listen to somenone who is native speaker they always use that way.I have asked my non-native speaker English teacher he said me that it was incorrect.In my opinion it is correct because you are trying to emphasize your desire to do something until the cows come home although state verb cannot take ing which is like want.That’s just my two cents.I wonder what is your opinion about this subject Adam ?
yes, it’s incorrect, if you want to emphasize it, you only have to add some words like: really.
i really want to……
Because want is a state verb, you can’t use this that way :)
it seems very difficult to use this word correctly but after watching this video.it doesn’t seem difficult anymore
Hi, Adam. I really liked your lesson:)
Just I have a couple of questions..
In what situations can we use “he seemed kind” and so on in the past?
And are these two sentences different: “she seems good” and “it seems to me she’s good”?
Thank you in advance!))
In the videos, you have said that ‘he is seemingly nice ‘ means ‘he is not nice (he pretends to be nice)’. But in the 5th quiz question ,why the answer is not ‘NO’?
thank you teacher
Maybe my comment is too late to post but I would to Thank Adam for this great lesson, there are always some things new to learn with you. You became one of my favorite teachers, if not the most :).
thanks Adam sir
thanks adam. it’s very helpful
it’s seems i learnt somthing ….. :D i learnt …
awesome lesson! thank you!
Very nice…
very useful. Thank you so much
Hello Adam,
thank you very much for all of your lessons, including this one ^_^
But I’ve got a little question. There is a sentence in the quiz which makes me feel confused, “It was a seemingly bad decision”. Is this sentence correct, or we should say, “It was seemingly a bad decision”?
Thanks you so much Adam, thanks
thank you Adam.
Thank you, I seem understand better.
Sorry-Akop Sogbatyan
Thanks Adam!Its Really enjoying and helpfull to learn english here.
Thanks Adam.I love to follow your videos and its help me a lot to improve my English grammar.
thank you adam, love your lesson
Thank you so much for the lesson, Adam.
very tricky one! one needs to be looked into carefully!
it seems im the one who loooong way behind all of you guys
Thanks Adam^^
I got 60%,,, yeah. but keep striving to understand better!
it seems to me the usage of this state does cause confusions
Thanks Adam. Very nice lesson :) Adam, you seems to be very good teacher ( But I am sure, you are good teacher ^^ )
Thank you for the lesson!:)
thnkq sir …for giving dis …
Hi Adam: I need to clarify 1 thing: You used “He seems nice” & “She seems to be good at her job”. Why can’t you use “She seems good”. You said it’s because you’re describing a quality of her, but nice is also a quality, so it showld be “She seems to be nice”. Thanks.
Thanks but I don’t very understand
Hi, Adam,
Could you please teach me how to use “almost/nearly” correctly? I studied the difference from Chinese teachers, however, it seems very complex, I don’t want to just memorize the rule, I want to know “why”….Thanks a lot.
Hi Adam
Does seemingly kind of indicate that something appear to have certain quality but actually it doesn’t.
I know I will get better!
Hey Adam,
Is ‘SEE’ a state Verb?
What is the difference between SEEM and LOOK?
She seems nice. OR She seems to be good at job.
She looks nice. OR She looks to be good at job.
Are they interchangeable?
I like bring more like this. Thanks SIR.
Hi Adam,
Thank you so much for your all useful lectures..
Can I say “He seems like a boss” or “He is seemingly like a boss”.
Hi my names badar khadar
I like your vid
You are the bast teacher
5. It was a seemingly bad decision. Was it a bad decision?
I think the correct answer should be “no”
because “seemingly” means the opposite of what follows.
Hi, I got 9 out of 10. It seems to me that I have learned my lesson.
Hi Adam…please expkaine more about questions 3,5 and 6…
Hi Adam…please explaine more about questions 3,5 and 6…
is it correct . you seems to be chef
do you think he seemingly to be good at her job
can you correct it or is it right sentence
Money seemingly brings happiness. The answer is “Definitly YES” :) :)
Hi . 7/10 not bad
He is seemingly nice = He is being nice?
Can I use (You seem to be an actor )
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Hi Adam, thank you so much for the lesson. “Seem” seems like a common used word, but it is hard for me to use it correctly in a sentence. After watching this video, I am more confident in using this word. I am wondering if you could do a lesson on the use of “feels like””Sounds like” or “I am/was like” (these are only what I can think about at the moment). Thank you very much!
7/10! Bad marks! It seems to me I didn’t fully understand this lesson. I need to go over the note and take the quiz again.
9/10 semingly tricked me
Hi Adam, Thanks for the demonstration and the amazing quiz. I have a question, I got the answer for the 5th question wrong because I selected ‘no’. Does seemingly means that
1. exactly opposite? or
2. probably opposite?
I would kindly appreciate your response.
Thank you so much for a fantastic lesson. I never added to be to seem even when it was required, which is why this lesson was so beneficial; by the way, I received a perfect score on the quiz. yay me ^_^
I got 3/10 :( really it seems that I need more explanation about it
Where I live the sun burns one afther the sunshine
Great lesson.
Thank you very much, Adam!
Thanks a lot, my score on the quiz 10/10.
Thank you!
I got 6/10. but I will keep trying. thank you for your lesson.
You’re an excellent teacher,Adam.
Thank you
You are an amazing teacher,Adam.
Thank you