Math Vocabulary! If I add 7 and 3, I get 10, but in English, we have different words for each mathematical operation — and you need to learn them! 7 plus 3 equals 10! Don’t worrry if you aren’t good at math! It’s still an English lesson!
really yu are a nice teacher in this web and i hope to teaching us all lessons
Thanks You So Muchhhh.
I am an english teacher here in thailand , if I can be of any help , let me know
Thanks very helpfully
If you ask me I love math :D and now I love it more!!! thanks teacher
Thank you Ronnie :) great job but 42 devided by 2 equals 21 :)not 22 ;-)
I don’r think so, she is really wrong
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
Ronnie noooooooo 42 divided by 2 is??? 42? kkk
She is the worse math teacher from, but She is the best English teacher from this one! rs…I love you Ronnie!
Michel Silva
Thanks mam Ronnie for such a cool lesson.
well, your lessons are always useful.
2- WHAT DOES ‘Why the wealthy are laughing all
the way to the bank’ MEAN ?
All the way : completely;
Throughout the entire way,all along;
Until the end,until the conclusion.
Glad I could help!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Ronnie :) I like your lessons
42 / 2 = 21 not 22 loool. Fix it
Thax ! :-)
7-1=6, yes i got the answer ,but unfortunately i copied it . I also hate math.So pls inform me about my win(places, money etc). You always give super cool lessons . Thank you Mam.In India teachers are worshiped before the god.
Well, would you mind if i ask you why!
Thank you, Ronnie. You are so funny, but in the math you are really terrible. Jaja!
Thanks Ronnie.but sorry, I adore math.just engineer. but it’s more fun with you………….:D <3
Hey dear Ronnie 42/2 = 21 and not 22 !! anyway , it’s not a big deal, everyone makes mistakes !! have a nice day dear Teacher !
thank u..Ronnie :) u r so funny
Hahaha Ronnie you rock! This lesson was so simply but also so funny!
hi ronie , i appreciate the way u r teaching,very pleasant.
thanks for teaching us
Tanks Ronnie.
Hi! I have a question about this. In math how do we say, mathemathical, the fractional number (I’m not sure if this is the correct words) eg. how do we say 9/2. ?
You’re so funny Ronnie! haha
Amazing teacher.
No i dont love kill.
Hi! Ronnie, Great lessons!!! I wonder if you can tell me the correct names of the most common subjects taught at school.
Great times 9 !
Thank you so much
Cool lesson! I wait for a lesson in geometry!
If the mistakes comes from You, I don’t care, because I do a lot!
wooow… excellent lesson , you are the best teacher of every
continue make a videos
Roonie, thanks! Very funny, I never forget this lesson!
Please don’t move to math teacher way!!! I am joking.
42/2=21, this is correct
and now i just joined engvid!
Appriciated. You did a great job , you are senior as always. Thank you
I am studying this stuff at university. Math is my major. I study it in Russian at university and then in English at home.
Roonie thank you very much for your teaching me Math and i hope to learn many more
Didn’t know this trick with fingers xDD
Thanks a lot!
Thank you Ronnie ^^”
Hi there,
Misssed uuu dear Ronnie.
That was nice.
thank you teacher..I love Math so much :-D
thanks !!
I love all your lessons just great!!!!!
Hi, Ronnie,
you are so funny, I like your lessons. I hope it’s help me improve my english.
Thank you so much.
You are amazing person!!!!!
thank You..Ronnie
Excellent…now i know something new…thanks a lot
They are the same…except we usually say older daughter…not elder. Elder is an old fashioned word.
Hi Ronnie,there was a mistake in your lesson of Basic math vocabulary,42/2=21,not 22,Ur mistaken,please check it out…
Thank you very much Ronnie. you are the best teacher in my life, I love you. watching your lessons are too much fun. I’ve watched all your lessons and I learned a lot. please make more lessons than others.
You should look up both tests on the internet and decide which one is best for you!
thanks for your trick Ronnie, just try find a trick for ‘divide’ too…. :) :)
you wanna teacher like meeeee
i will make you love math
very very easy . Thank you
Thank u very much mdm
Thanks Ronni, i hate math too, but it is simple.
thanks a lot … Ms Ronnie, i like your way to teach :)
Thank you
thanks very match :)
You are a great teacher. Thanks a lot. I love the way you teachs.
Ronne ,,
thanks for your videos :)
We need lesson about how to junction sentences on strong way .. such as while , however, unless, but and although ..
thanks in advance sweet teacher ;)
Thank you Ronnie !!
thanks, Ronnie!
Thank you! Ronnie you are a great teacher! I got 100, different to you I like Math :P
Hi Ronnie? I was wandering to ask you what university you work for? I really want to matriculate there.
Sorry, I do not work at a university. I do offer private or group lessons in Toronto. Here is my facebook, message me there! Ronnie MacEnglish.
Hi Ronnie…as always is a pleasure watching your videos… I have a doubt, can you explain the difference among SAVE and SAFE, is cuz I got a bit confusing. Thnks a lot
Look up save and safe in the dictionary, then tell me what you think the differences are!
The most positive teacher of this site! So funny lesson, thanks Ronnie!
Hi Ronnie , could you tell me about your skype class?? thank you!
Sorry, I do not have Skype lessons.
Thanks times thanks Ronnie :)))
Thank you DR:Ronnie I used to hate Math but now i love it your way of thinking is really unique and i really like it
really i love math Ronnie
Thank you for class!!!
I love math!! Anyway it was a very useful lesson
100% I’m good!
Thank you teacher Ronnie. I really love the way you teach English. I’m pleased I got 10 out of 10.
Have a very pleasant day.
thankz Ronnie! magically!
Too easy. Where is integrals or something like that?
Thank you.I love
Thank you mam, it is because of you, i know the differences between add and plus. Thanks a lot, you all are doing great job
very easy.
Thanks Ronnie, very nice math. You like to my friend Giovana.
Hello, Ronnie! You are the best teacher of English in world!!! I realy want to learn English with you by Skype. How much is it?
it’s simple lesson but very important. thank you Ronnie, you are a star. you must be a teacher and artist too
Thanks Ronnie!
I love the way you teach ❤
It´s lesson is very important for me, thaks you Ronnie
oh, Ronnie, thank you very much for such a useful lesson, now I can tell my math teacher something mathematical in English, so she’ll shut up I hope, because I hate math most too.:D It’s a very useful lesson!
hello to you Ronnie.I’m glad to knew you.I’ve seen some your lessen special LOL.etc .that was marvelous.I’ve just started to learn I have to know a lot.I’ve got lots of questions.are you free to answer my quetions? I mean could answer me sometimes?TKS for your teaching.oh i forget to say I’m from Iran
I love your way of teaching! I’ve learned a lot from your lessons
Thank you Ronnie!!!
thanks a lot
very good, i like
thanks teacher, that’s so useful!
Your funny way in teaching english make it interesting thanks alot Ronia :)
you teach bad at math
Hi teacher Ronnie! You’re crazy! I liked you, kkkk.
I love Ur way in teaching <3
thanks alot ronni
very good
I like here so much and the quizzes is very useful after watched the video. :)
Hello, Roonnie! I like math. I think your count is not right like 42 divided by 2 equals 22. the answer should be 21. :-) Thanks for joint to your video. I like it very much
Hi Ronnie, Do not you like math?! I love this! By the way, great lesson.
Thanks Ronnie. I liked your teach.Kiss
Thanks Ronnie. I love mathematics, math….what ever.
Thanks Ronnie :)
Thanks Ronnie you are the best teacher .
I like your lesons, Ronnie :o)
i love bab ronnie ♥♥♥♥♥
I didn’t know that thing with the fingers! lol I’m trying to spell “maths” and “forty-two divided by two” AND I CAN’T. Argh, I hate my spanish accent, it prevent (idk if that is the properly word, maybe “keeps me” or “stopping me” I’m not sure) from pronouncing words like that :/
<3 thanks ronnie
Thank you Ronnie, You are amazing.
Thank you ronnie , you are amazing , this lesson is very helpful for me
Ronnie i thought you liked math hahahah
Is a amazing tip… about the answer of *multiplication :) :) :)
Thank you very much.
I can’t thank you enough; Speechless!
I laughed so hard))))
I love your classes! You are the best english’s teacher I’ve ever seen!
WOW, You Make my day :D
Watching your lesson is not only learning but also big laugh.You’re awesome:))))))
That quiz was too dificult,cause´MATH of corse!
I like your classes. I improve my English everyday. Thanks so much!
I love Math
and also .. i love english
this lesson i really liked and also Ronnie’s other lessons..i’m trying to speak like native speakers but i cannot get speed when i talk,especially i cannot put the proper words together,please give me some advice
Math used to terrify me when I was a child, too. What a relief it is that I don’t have to study math any more! Thanks for teaching how to say some basic math vocabulary, Ronnie!
the fact is math hates me !! even if i love it :P
Ronnie, you’ve got a terrific mistake on divide one, but at multiplication you surprised me. Very nice trick.
Thks for teach me!
Thank you Ronnie
42 divided by 2 is equals 21 :D i’m studying engineering in egypt i addor math :P
i got 10 :D thanks ronnie
You are the best teacher you have ever seen.
the second sentence true or fols if it folse correct it pleas thanQ
Very interesting! Thank you, teacher Ronni!
So now, i was known a new way to calculate fast from you ^_^!
Thanks Ronnie,…
Please teach me about how to teach root, exponent, and logarithm in English,… I beg you :D
Thank you Ronnie for ur lesson
Thanks a lot,Ronnie,I enjoy your lessons!!!
Good Practice! thanks
thnx alot ronnie..I hate math but I luv teacher :) thnx alot for ur ‘bad-ass’ efforts :D
Hi Ronnie,,,,you really are bad in math….Thanks for your classes,,,,Regards…
thank you very much Ronnie,what is the most english words are used
thank Ronnie long live and be healthy take care.
I love math and I love Ronnie. This means that people can love things absolutly diferents
good but 42/2 = 21 not 22 :)
ı love math and Ronnie is perfect
Its first time i get 100 %
I already liked you Ronnie, but after this lesson I laughed so hard you’ve just become my favorite teacher.
ronnie you are a very successful teacher l have learned from you something more than the material you present, i`m an english teacher and after using your methods in teaching with your great smile with my classes i feel much more success. i really want to thank you and tell you keep it up.
Mahmoud Mohammed
I love math and I have a plus with this lesson
its 21
-6 my sweet teacher ^_^ easy i cant teach you math
Thank you ronnie for an amazing & useful lesson ……….i wanna a teacher like you in my school cause your styling in teaching is perfect and i enjoy to watch your lessons i am grateful you thanx
for me u are the best teacher i have ever seen and i feel that u are awesome character in real life
shaimaa 1
Thanks a lot, that is very important
to easy
love ronnie clases!!!!
love ronnie clases, specially slang ones!!! hugs
Thanks. You are funny.
Thanks Ronnie, you’re good English teacher, but in the math you are terrible! kkkkk 42 divided by 2 equals 22? How is it possible? kkkkkkk you’re funny!
thanks i love your lessons
ahmed akh
Thanks you very much T.Ronnie. You’re funny.
Thnks you so much.I like Your class.^^
Ronnie your class is so funny.
HI Ronni, really you are not good in maths but you are very good teach english. Thank you
Sonu Thakur
Ronnie you are the best!I like your class too.
U R The Best Teacher Ever !
It is my thought dear Ronnie:
May be you are not the best world´s teacher, but you are the best teacher in my world.
thanks so much. I am really bad at math.:D
I love math and hate eng
You are awesome ronnie
l love math
You are best!!!!
Thank you Ronnie ! You’re a really great teacher… Il love your lessons … In this one, you says “bear with”, i didn’t new this expression, so i search on the web, and i figure out that wasn’t about the animal ! Then, i see another expression : “like bears with a sore head”… In this one, is-it about the bear, the animal, or not? In France we say something like “pleasant like a prison’s door”
Yeah, “bear with a sore head” is talking about the animal…bears are apparently bad at bearing with pain (ha).
engVid Moderator
Grait lesson.
Thanks a lot.
all the lessons de Ronie are very good
Thanks Ronnie
I get 10
Thank you very much
Ronnie,you are the best teacher. Thanks a lot. Greeting from Slovakia.
very funny Ronnie!
And, let’s go to the class of Math now! hsuahsuashaush
I don’t understand what you say on the video at the beginning …being a child, being a teenager and being a ???
Thank you and congratulations for you great job!
Thanks Mrs.Ronnie you save my live
Which word is used most commonly in everyday speech?
What is the meaning of “everday” I watched a lesson of Sir Adam in which he explained everyday means ordinary. I answered it as mathematics. I got 80%.
Abdul Qayum
U are funny :) I love ur gestures,i wish i had u like english teacher in ma school.Anyway just keep doin’ this good work with english.
I also hate math. Haha. Thank you, Ronnie :D
Are you kidding me Ronnie you don’t know 42 divide by 2 is equal to 44. Now I know you are the best math teacher in the math world.
ROONIE Dont worry about maths..In india there is a book called vedic maths founded during greek latin period by indians..u can use the shorcuts to improve it…try buying in online shopping ebay ,amazons etc..good luck roonie..
Deepak workaholic
I got 10/10 :]
I love math…
Nice your lesson Ronnie! you will be a role model for the children willing to teach. math was my black sheep too! i hate it my best mark was 9 out of 20. i don’t know your marking system and i wish to learn that!
rooniee you are so funny xD
The trick with fingers I learned it also when I was in Elementary School, it’s very useful.
You are my favorite teacher in this website.
It was so simple.
I just wondered about what was tricky solving a number times to 9.
amazing teacher
6 is the answer
100% and 42 divided by 2 is 21 hahaha :p
Thank you so much.
thanks Ronnie!
Ali Malik
tnx teacher :)
Thanks ronnie but 42:2 eugual21 not22 …by by see you leter at the next lesson
thank you ronnie
Thanks Ronnie!
eunjung hong
9/10, Thanks
brajbhan thakur
The Math is sucks. Thanks Ronnie
You are great, teacher Ronnie.
Hey Ronnie,
You are hilarious, thank God you are an english teacher, cause you got the second answer wrong. Oops 42/2= 22 lol. I am sure you did it to make us laugh. Thx
Ouch i missed one. You got me Ronnie. That was tricky one, i should’ve paid attention to s. maths :)
Thank you Ronnie
this lesson very useful for me
Thank you Ronnie. this lesson very useful
great! I liked the class!! thanks Teacher!! How funny you are! :)
Thank you.
Thank you Ronnie! The times table tric you introduced is so magical!
Hi Ronnie, i love your classes… i wish i could attend your class in person. Maybe a day……
Hi Ronnie, i love your lectures! I am an engineer and I can teach you math :)
oh my gosh she really said she is bad in maths 42/2 is 21….lol
Andy Joseph
10/10 i’m great at math Ronnie thank you a looooooooooooooooooooooooot
Thanks a lot Ronnie but I love math.
,,Math is the king of the sciences”
to count with finger…it was really cool
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
it’s wonderful lesson teacher Ronnie. you’re my best teacher…
go ahead
Mohammed Albrood
Ronnie is so funny. Ronnie rules! Thanks for lesson.
i got 10 out of 10
the math is very easy
10 out of 10! Thank U! )
hi ronnie.You are the most excellent teacher among those I have followed on try always to explain to us understand especially when you make gestures.Gestures make better than words.the subjects you choose are really very important.Ihave only arequest .Could you teach us how to teach lesson read with the its steps,please?Thank you so much
Your comment is waiting to be approved by engVid.
hi ronnie.You are the most excellent teacher among those I have followed on try always to explain more and make us understand especially when you make gestures.Gestures make better than words.the subjects you choose are really very important.Ihave only arequest .Could you teach us how to teach lesson read with the its steps,please?Thank you so much
Hi Ronnie!)))
You’re cool!))) I would be able to teach you a math.
We would be able to buy a beer and to count botlles we’ll drink)))
Your trick with fingers made me laugh)))
I laughed a lot)))
I hope engeneer which build buildings, ships and airplanes don’t use this way of counting)))
I got 10 correct out of 10 ;-))))
Hi Ronnie,
How are you , you are great Math teacher really
Would you mind to make lesson about measuring such as mater and feet and what is the different
Really many thanks for you
Thank you.
nailton rosa cruz
I have a question (12 plus 7 minus 4)divided by 4 times 3 equals
every end is a beginning :D
Hi Ronnie,just wanna tell you once more that i really love the way you teach, you’re very funny and you make everything easier for us students, thank you so much and please make some more videos for us to enjoy, thank you.
Rosa Casiero
Thank you Ronnie, you are the best teacher ever. Your classes are very nice and enjoyable… (May I use enjoyable in this sentence?)
Rossy Serrato
I knew that 7-1=6 and I can’t believe that you hate math!
good lesson ronnie
fady 99
Thanks for your lessons Ronnie. I really love the way you explain stuff.
Thanks, I’m learning :D
Ooops! I’m good at math ^^ hh
thanks ,but i love math
mohamed elghrabawy
hi Ronnie thanks for your lessons . i like the way you teach and explain stuff.
i wish you can be my tutor hhehe.
j.j holland
Thank you so much Ronnie. I love your teaching style.
Hi, Ronnie, whats the difference between “Math” and “Maths”?
Michaelia Wong
Ronnie is more than amazing
mostafa shokry
thanks ronnie exelent video
Thank you.
Thanks Ronnie I love Math (: Lol
Nice lesson and trick- Thank you Ronnie.
Thank you. love your videos
Hey Ronnie. This is a great lesson. Could you do a basic Chemistry or a Physics lesson for us? Many thanks.
Lorcy Gabriel
Thanks! Honnie
Thanks Ronnie, This lesson is amazing!
Ronaldo Tavares
Thank you Ronnie :) I love your lessons :)
Thanks you Ronnie.
Marta Lopez
Thanks Ronnie.
You’re the best Ronnie.
Thanks a lot Ronnie, i am a civil engineer so i think i love math.
thanks, you + engvid + others teacher = ??
Answers: Love, compassionate, non for profit!
i love you guys all!!
Nguyen Van Hau
thank you ronnie
you have very nice teaching way
I understood the lesson well
thanks Ronnie
mohamad abdelwahab
I love u Ronnie!!Thanks a lot!!
I love the way you teach. Thanks so much.
100 % again …. you are super teacher
I like Ronnie style but unfortunately
i love math :D
Mohamed Assem
I like Ronnie’s teaching… she is a really amazing teacher…
thanks ronnie :)
Great….I like Ronnie…
thank you Ronnie!!
I hate math too hahah
thanks Ronnie I enjoyed this lesson
Thanks a lot Ronnie, I love math and I enjoyed this lesson.
I loathe math because it make me cry if i thinking about it
Thanks for this Lesson
I did it I did it! yay yay
Ronnie you are the best !!!!!! I have learned a ton with you :) thanks
Ronnie ma’am super It’s really magic.
Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I know this magic.
Now I gonna teach my elder brothers and my friends. Thanks a million Ronnie ma’am your lessons, way of teaching is Awesome.
thanks Ronnie
but 42/2=21
thanks Ronnie
hello Roni. Thanks a million, i love the way you talk, best of luck habibitie “sweetie”
madeeha elsheikh
Thank you Ronnie. I got 9/10 mark because I think you love math :p
Happy women’s day Ronnie and for all of you !thanks a lot !
Dhouib wafa
Ronnie you are awesome!
thank you
THank you ronnie, i love math
I’m not good with math too.
thanks for you
10/10! Great! I find one thing I can defeat Ronnie! Mathematic!
Jerry Gu
9/10! I can defeat Ronnie too! Mathematic!
Jerry Gu
I got full score! ? :D
Thanks a lot,Ms.Ronnie
Happy New Year!
Greetings from Kazakhstan 28 Dec2o21
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thanks a lot Ronnie …. I hate math too
really yu are a nice teacher in this web and i hope to teaching us all lessons
Thanks You So Muchhhh.
I am an english teacher here in thailand , if I can be of any help , let me know
Thanks very helpfully
If you ask me I love math :D and now I love it more!!! thanks teacher
Thank you Ronnie :) great job but 42 devided by 2 equals 21 :)not 22 ;-)
I don’r think so, she is really wrong
Ronnie noooooooo 42 divided by 2 is??? 42? kkk
She is the worse math teacher from, but She is the best English teacher from this one! rs…I love you Ronnie!
Thanks mam Ronnie for such a cool lesson.
well, your lessons are always useful.
2- WHAT DOES ‘Why the wealthy are laughing all
the way to the bank’ MEAN ?
All the way : completely;
Throughout the entire way,all along;
Until the end,until the conclusion.
Glad I could help!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Ronnie :) I like your lessons
42 / 2 = 21 not 22 loool. Fix it
Thax ! :-)
7-1=6, yes i got the answer ,but unfortunately i copied it . I also hate math.So pls inform me about my win(places, money etc). You always give super cool lessons . Thank you Mam.In India teachers are worshiped before the god.
Well, would you mind if i ask you why!
Thank you, Ronnie. You are so funny, but in the math you are really terrible. Jaja!
Thanks Ronnie.but sorry, I adore math.just engineer. but it’s more fun with you………….:D <3
Hey dear Ronnie 42/2 = 21 and not 22 !! anyway , it’s not a big deal, everyone makes mistakes !! have a nice day dear Teacher !
thank u..Ronnie :) u r so funny
Hahaha Ronnie you rock! This lesson was so simply but also so funny!
hi ronie , i appreciate the way u r teaching,very pleasant.
thanks for teaching us
Tanks Ronnie.
Hi! I have a question about this. In math how do we say, mathemathical, the fractional number (I’m not sure if this is the correct words) eg. how do we say 9/2. ?
You’re so funny Ronnie! haha
Amazing teacher.
No i dont love kill.
Hi! Ronnie, Great lessons!!! I wonder if you can tell me the correct names of the most common subjects taught at school.
Great times 9 !
Thank you so much
Cool lesson! I wait for a lesson in geometry!
If the mistakes comes from You, I don’t care, because I do a lot!
wooow… excellent lesson , you are the best teacher of every
continue make a videos
Roonie, thanks! Very funny, I never forget this lesson!
Please don’t move to math teacher way!!! I am joking.
42/2=21, this is correct
and now i just joined engvid!
Appriciated. You did a great job , you are senior as always. Thank you
Hi Ronnie!
Aha, amazing! This is the way to learn English.
Take a look!
I am studying this stuff at university. Math is my major. I study it in Russian at university and then in English at home.
Roonie thank you very much for your teaching me Math and i hope to learn many more
Didn’t know this trick with fingers xDD
Thanks a lot!
Thank you Ronnie ^^”
Hi there,
Misssed uuu dear Ronnie.
That was nice.
thank you teacher..I love Math so much :-D
thanks !!
I love all your lessons just great!!!!!
Hi, Ronnie,
you are so funny, I like your lessons. I hope it’s help me improve my english.
Thank you so much.
You are amazing person!!!!!
thank You..Ronnie
Excellent…now i know something new…thanks a lot
They are the same…except we usually say older daughter…not elder. Elder is an old fashioned word.
Hi Ronnie,there was a mistake in your lesson of Basic math vocabulary,42/2=21,not 22,Ur mistaken,please check it out…
Thank you very much Ronnie. you are the best teacher in my life, I love you. watching your lessons are too much fun. I’ve watched all your lessons and I learned a lot. please make more lessons than others.
You should look up both tests on the internet and decide which one is best for you!
thanks for your trick Ronnie, just try find a trick for ‘divide’ too…. :) :)
you wanna teacher like meeeee
i will make you love math
very very easy . Thank you
Thank u very much mdm
Thanks Ronni, i hate math too, but it is simple.
thanks a lot … Ms Ronnie, i like your way to teach :)
Thank you
thanks very match :)
You are a great teacher. Thanks a lot. I love the way you teachs.
Ronne ,,
thanks for your videos :)
We need lesson about how to junction sentences on strong way .. such as while , however, unless, but and although ..
thanks in advance sweet teacher ;)
Thank you Ronnie !!
thanks, Ronnie!
Thank you! Ronnie you are a great teacher! I got 100, different to you I like Math :P
Hi Ronnie? I was wandering to ask you what university you work for? I really want to matriculate there.
Sorry, I do not work at a university. I do offer private or group lessons in Toronto. Here is my facebook, message me there! Ronnie MacEnglish.
Hi Ronnie…as always is a pleasure watching your videos… I have a doubt, can you explain the difference among SAVE and SAFE, is cuz I got a bit confusing. Thnks a lot
Look up save and safe in the dictionary, then tell me what you think the differences are!
The most positive teacher of this site! So funny lesson, thanks Ronnie!
Hi Ronnie , could you tell me about your skype class?? thank you!
Sorry, I do not have Skype lessons.
Thanks times thanks Ronnie :)))
Thank you DR:Ronnie I used to hate Math but now i love it your way of thinking is really unique and i really like it
really i love math Ronnie
Thank you for class!!!
I love math!! Anyway it was a very useful lesson
100% I’m good!
Thank you teacher Ronnie. I really love the way you teach English. I’m pleased I got 10 out of 10.
Have a very pleasant day.
thankz Ronnie! magically!
Too easy. Where is integrals or something like that?
Thank you.I love
Thank you mam, it is because of you, i know the differences between add and plus. Thanks a lot, you all are doing great job
very easy.
Thanks Ronnie, very nice math. You like to my friend Giovana.
Hello, Ronnie! You are the best teacher of English in world!!! I realy want to learn English with you by Skype. How much is it?
it’s simple lesson but very important. thank you Ronnie, you are a star. you must be a teacher and artist too
Thanks Ronnie!
I love the way you teach ❤
It´s lesson is very important for me, thaks you Ronnie
oh, Ronnie, thank you very much for such a useful lesson, now I can tell my math teacher something mathematical in English, so she’ll shut up I hope, because I hate math most too.:D It’s a very useful lesson!
hello to you Ronnie.I’m glad to knew you.I’ve seen some your lessen special LOL.etc .that was marvelous.I’ve just started to learn I have to know a lot.I’ve got lots of questions.are you free to answer my quetions? I mean could answer me sometimes?TKS for your teaching.oh i forget to say I’m from Iran
I love your way of teaching! I’ve learned a lot from your lessons
Thank you Ronnie!!!
thanks a lot
very good, i like
thanks teacher, that’s so useful!
Your funny way in teaching english make it interesting thanks alot Ronia :)
you teach bad at math
Hi teacher Ronnie! You’re crazy! I liked you, kkkk.
I love Ur way in teaching <3
thanks alot ronni
very good
I like here so much and the quizzes is very useful after watched the video. :)
Hello, Roonnie! I like math. I think your count is not right like 42 divided by 2 equals 22. the answer should be 21. :-) Thanks for joint to your video. I like it very much
Hi Ronnie, Do not you like math?! I love this! By the way, great lesson.
Thanks Ronnie. I liked your teach.Kiss
Thanks Ronnie. I love mathematics, math….what ever.
Thanks Ronnie :)
Thanks Ronnie you are the best teacher .
I like your lesons, Ronnie :o)
i love bab ronnie ♥♥♥♥♥
I didn’t know that thing with the fingers! lol I’m trying to spell “maths” and “forty-two divided by two” AND I CAN’T. Argh, I hate my spanish accent, it prevent (idk if that is the properly word, maybe “keeps me” or “stopping me” I’m not sure) from pronouncing words like that :/
<3 thanks ronnie
Thank you Ronnie, You are amazing.
Thank you ronnie , you are amazing , this lesson is very helpful for me
Ronnie i thought you liked math hahahah
Is a amazing tip… about the answer of *multiplication :) :) :)
Thank you very much.
I can’t thank you enough; Speechless!
I laughed so hard))))
I love your classes! You are the best english’s teacher I’ve ever seen!
WOW, You Make my day :D
Watching your lesson is not only learning but also big laugh.You’re awesome:))))))
That quiz was too dificult,cause´MATH of corse!
I like your classes. I improve my English everyday. Thanks so much!
I love Math
and also .. i love english
this lesson i really liked and also Ronnie’s other lessons..i’m trying to speak like native speakers but i cannot get speed when i talk,especially i cannot put the proper words together,please give me some advice
Math used to terrify me when I was a child, too. What a relief it is that I don’t have to study math any more! Thanks for teaching how to say some basic math vocabulary, Ronnie!
the fact is math hates me !! even if i love it :P
Ronnie, you’ve got a terrific mistake on divide one, but at multiplication you surprised me. Very nice trick.
Thks for teach me!
Thank you Ronnie
42 divided by 2 is equals 21 :D i’m studying engineering in egypt i addor math :P
i got 10 :D thanks ronnie
You are the best teacher you have ever seen.
the second sentence true or fols if it folse correct it pleas thanQ
Very interesting! Thank you, teacher Ronni!
So now, i was known a new way to calculate fast from you ^_^!
Thanks Ronnie,…
Please teach me about how to teach root, exponent, and logarithm in English,… I beg you :D
Thank you Ronnie for ur lesson
Thanks a lot,Ronnie,I enjoy your lessons!!!
Good Practice! thanks
thnx alot ronnie..I hate math but I luv teacher :) thnx alot for ur ‘bad-ass’ efforts :D
Hi Ronnie,,,,you really are bad in math….Thanks for your classes,,,,Regards…
thank you very much Ronnie,what is the most english words are used
thank Ronnie long live and be healthy take care.
I love math and I love Ronnie. This means that people can love things absolutly diferents
good but 42/2 = 21 not 22 :)
ı love math and Ronnie is perfect
Its first time i get 100 %
I already liked you Ronnie, but after this lesson I laughed so hard you’ve just become my favorite teacher.
ronnie you are a very successful teacher l have learned from you something more than the material you present, i`m an english teacher and after using your methods in teaching with your great smile with my classes i feel much more success. i really want to thank you and tell you keep it up.
I love math and I have a plus with this lesson
its 21
-6 my sweet teacher ^_^ easy i cant teach you math
Thank you ronnie for an amazing & useful lesson ……….i wanna a teacher like you in my school cause your styling in teaching is perfect and i enjoy to watch your lessons i am grateful you thanx
for me u are the best teacher i have ever seen and i feel that u are awesome character in real life
Thanks a lot, that is very important
to easy
love ronnie clases!!!!
love ronnie clases, specially slang ones!!! hugs
Thanks. You are funny.
Thanks Ronnie, you’re good English teacher, but in the math you are terrible! kkkkk 42 divided by 2 equals 22? How is it possible? kkkkkkk you’re funny!
thanks i love your lessons
Thanks you very much T.Ronnie. You’re funny.
Thnks you so much.I like Your class.^^
Ronnie your class is so funny.
HI Ronni, really you are not good in maths but you are very good teach english. Thank you
Ronnie you are the best!I like your class too.
U R The Best Teacher Ever !
It is my thought dear Ronnie:
May be you are not the best world´s teacher, but you are the best teacher in my world.
thanks so much. I am really bad at math.:D
I love math and hate eng
You are awesome ronnie
l love math
You are best!!!!
Thank you Ronnie ! You’re a really great teacher… Il love your lessons … In this one, you says “bear with”, i didn’t new this expression, so i search on the web, and i figure out that wasn’t about the animal ! Then, i see another expression : “like bears with a sore head”… In this one, is-it about the bear, the animal, or not? In France we say something like “pleasant like a prison’s door”
Yeah, “bear with a sore head” is talking about the animal…bears are apparently bad at bearing with pain (ha).
Grait lesson.
Thanks a lot.
all the lessons de Ronie are very good
Thanks Ronnie
I get 10
Thank you very much
Ronnie,you are the best teacher. Thanks a lot. Greeting from Slovakia.
very funny Ronnie!
And, let’s go to the class of Math now! hsuahsuashaush
I don’t understand what you say on the video at the beginning …being a child, being a teenager and being a ???
Thank you and congratulations for you great job!
Thanks Mrs.Ronnie you save my live
Which word is used most commonly in everyday speech?
What is the meaning of “everday” I watched a lesson of Sir Adam in which he explained everyday means ordinary. I answered it as mathematics. I got 80%.
U are funny :) I love ur gestures,i wish i had u like english teacher in ma school.Anyway just keep doin’ this good work with english.
I also hate math. Haha. Thank you, Ronnie :D
Are you kidding me Ronnie you don’t know 42 divide by 2 is equal to 44. Now I know you are the best math teacher in the math world.
ROONIE Dont worry about maths..In india there is a book called vedic maths founded during greek latin period by indians..u can use the shorcuts to improve it…try buying in online shopping ebay ,amazons etc..good luck roonie..
I got 10/10 :]
I love math…
Nice your lesson Ronnie! you will be a role model for the children willing to teach. math was my black sheep too! i hate it my best mark was 9 out of 20. i don’t know your marking system and i wish to learn that!
rooniee you are so funny xD
The trick with fingers I learned it also when I was in Elementary School, it’s very useful.
You are my favorite teacher in this website.
It was so simple.
I just wondered about what was tricky solving a number times to 9.
amazing teacher
6 is the answer
100% and 42 divided by 2 is 21 hahaha :p
Thank you so much.
thanks Ronnie!
tnx teacher :)
Thanks ronnie but 42:2 eugual21 not22 …by by see you leter at the next lesson
thank you ronnie
Thanks Ronnie!
9/10, Thanks
The Math is sucks. Thanks Ronnie
You are great, teacher Ronnie.
Hey Ronnie,
You are hilarious, thank God you are an english teacher, cause you got the second answer wrong. Oops 42/2= 22 lol. I am sure you did it to make us laugh. Thx
Ouch i missed one. You got me Ronnie. That was tricky one, i should’ve paid attention to s. maths :)
Thank you Ronnie
this lesson very useful for me
Thank you Ronnie. this lesson very useful
great! I liked the class!! thanks Teacher!! How funny you are! :)
Thank you.
Thank you Ronnie! The times table tric you introduced is so magical!
Hi Ronnie, i love your classes… i wish i could attend your class in person. Maybe a day……
Hi Ronnie, i love your lectures! I am an engineer and I can teach you math :)
oh my gosh she really said she is bad in maths 42/2 is 21….lol
10/10 i’m great at math Ronnie thank you a looooooooooooooooooooooooot
Thanks a lot Ronnie but I love math.
,,Math is the king of the sciences”
to count with finger…it was really cool
it’s wonderful lesson teacher Ronnie. you’re my best teacher…
go ahead
Ronnie is so funny. Ronnie rules! Thanks for lesson.
i got 10 out of 10
the math is very easy
10 out of 10! Thank U! )
hi ronnie.You are the most excellent teacher among those I have followed on try always to explain to us understand especially when you make gestures.Gestures make better than words.the subjects you choose are really very important.Ihave only arequest .Could you teach us how to teach lesson read with the its steps,please?Thank you so much
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hi ronnie.You are the most excellent teacher among those I have followed on try always to explain more and make us understand especially when you make gestures.Gestures make better than words.the subjects you choose are really very important.Ihave only arequest .Could you teach us how to teach lesson read with the its steps,please?Thank you so much
Hi Ronnie!)))
You’re cool!))) I would be able to teach you a math.
We would be able to buy a beer and to count botlles we’ll drink)))
Your trick with fingers made me laugh)))
I laughed a lot)))
I hope engeneer which build buildings, ships and airplanes don’t use this way of counting)))
I got 10 correct out of 10 ;-))))
Hi Ronnie,
How are you , you are great Math teacher really
Would you mind to make lesson about measuring such as mater and feet and what is the different
Really many thanks for you
Thank you.
I have a question (12 plus 7 minus 4)divided by 4 times 3 equals
every end is a beginning :D
Hi Ronnie,just wanna tell you once more that i really love the way you teach, you’re very funny and you make everything easier for us students, thank you so much and please make some more videos for us to enjoy, thank you.
Thank you Ronnie, you are the best teacher ever. Your classes are very nice and enjoyable… (May I use enjoyable in this sentence?)
I knew that 7-1=6 and I can’t believe that you hate math!
good lesson ronnie
Thanks for your lessons Ronnie. I really love the way you explain stuff.
Thanks, I’m learning :D
Ooops! I’m good at math ^^ hh
thanks ,but i love math
hi Ronnie thanks for your lessons . i like the way you teach and explain stuff.
i wish you can be my tutor hhehe.
Thank you so much Ronnie. I love your teaching style.
Hi, Ronnie, whats the difference between “Math” and “Maths”?
Ronnie is more than amazing
thanks ronnie exelent video
Thank you.
Thanks Ronnie I love Math (: Lol
Nice lesson and trick- Thank you Ronnie.
Thank you. love your videos
Hey Ronnie. This is a great lesson. Could you do a basic Chemistry or a Physics lesson for us? Many thanks.
Thanks! Honnie
Thanks Ronnie, This lesson is amazing!
Thank you Ronnie :) I love your lessons :)
Thanks you Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie.
You’re the best Ronnie.
Thanks a lot Ronnie, i am a civil engineer so i think i love math.
thanks, you + engvid + others teacher = ??
Answers: Love, compassionate, non for profit!
i love you guys all!!
thank you ronnie
you have very nice teaching way
I understood the lesson well
thanks Ronnie
I love u Ronnie!!Thanks a lot!!
I love the way you teach. Thanks so much.
100 % again …. you are super teacher
I like Ronnie style but unfortunately
i love math :D
I like Ronnie’s teaching… she is a really amazing teacher…
thanks ronnie :)
Great….I like Ronnie…
thank you Ronnie!!
I hate math too hahah
thanks Ronnie I enjoyed this lesson
Thanks a lot Ronnie, I love math and I enjoyed this lesson.
I loathe math because it make me cry if i thinking about it
Thanks for this Lesson
I did it I did it! yay yay
Ronnie you are the best !!!!!! I have learned a ton with you :) thanks
Ronnie ma’am super It’s really magic.
Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I know this magic.
Now I gonna teach my elder brothers and my friends. Thanks a million Ronnie ma’am your lessons, way of teaching is Awesome.
thanks Ronnie
but 42/2=21
thanks Ronnie
hello Roni. Thanks a million, i love the way you talk, best of luck habibitie “sweetie”
Thank you Ronnie. I got 9/10 mark because I think you love math :p
Happy women’s day Ronnie and for all of you !thanks a lot !
Ronnie you are awesome!
thank you
THank you ronnie, i love math
I’m not good with math too.
thanks for you
10/10! Great! I find one thing I can defeat Ronnie! Mathematic!
9/10! I can defeat Ronnie too! Mathematic!
I got full score! ? :D
Thanks a lot,Ms.Ronnie
Happy New Year!
Greetings from Kazakhstan 28 Dec2o21
hey Ronnie,
42 divided by 2 equals 21
lol not 22
i love how you teach , i am laughter.
its amazing lovee youuu so much Ronnie , i understand more your english lesson than what i had learned in 7 years of english at school