Do you make spelling mistakes? Spelling in English CAN be easy. You just have to know the rules. In today’s lesson, I will show you two basic rules about doubling consonants when changing words. You’ll also learn how to say these words correctly. Practice these rules with me on our whiteboard, and then take our quiz to make sure you understand.
Thanks Teacher James, You’re my favorite teacher from Engvid.
Also, thanks to Mr.E … It always makes me laugh.
James’ good sense of humour is an excellent ingredient in his video lessons. He always makes me laugh too.
Yep! I agree with you James; spelling is a real problem for students of English. The reason, English is not a phonetic language.
Interesting tips for overcoming spelling problems.
for us it´s hard make a word who end in vowel sound silent, like these words: wipe, rate and many other this kind
Native Spanish speakers have the same problem.
oh realy
Ayesha ahmad
Understood…no why-ppe. I loved your explanation. Thanks!
Great, i got 100. Thank you so much for your efforts to teach us better in english. I like your style, it’s pretty cool…:-)
My score was perfect!! When I was younger, I had joined “Spelling Bee” contest at an English conversation school.
It brings me back. I loved the contest. It was fun and exciting :) Thank you for your great lesson, James and Mr. E :)
I don’t understand why some people likes to play spelling games. I don’t even treat it as a game.
tanx James great explanation
i’ve never enjoyed your lesson….very very difficult to understand.
Brother, try again
Try again. His lectures are by far the easiest to understand. Moreso, he makes it more interesting with the humor.
James what the correct word ? Rated or ratted.
Thank you Mr. James, thank you for your great lessons, I have learned a lot.
James what is the correct word ? Rated or ratted.
Both are correct. Rated comes from rate, and ratted comes from rat.
Just awesome…
Thanks James……
Very useful and clear lesson. I liked that story about short man :) – I’ll keep this in mind! I got 10/10. I would like more lessons about this topic. Thanks a lot.
Good wishes from Lithuania!
The dictionary says that there is no such word as “whiped”, so the right spelling in the question 4 must be: “whipped cream”.
thank for your lesson. it’s useful for me, what i need :D
What does this Spelling 101 means? Is it like reference to S01E01 and means it an introduction to something / first lecture?
Great as usual.Thanks a lot.I got 10 out of 10.
nice one ……now it will be easy for me to find the difference…..thank u
neethu @22
Hi James, it was the first time i saw your teaching, unfortunately. it was so good for me. thank you and good luck ;)
I only know this rule after you taught me, this rule is very useful, I applied this rule to do the exercises accordingly and got 100% correct, thank you very very much.
Dear James, you never stop to sorprised me. Many thanks your teaching, coaching and support for sharing is a motivation and invitation to keep me learning, wiht 0 excuses!!.see you soon. Kind Regards!
Thanks, James :)
Every day I learn more with you james. Thank You.
Genaro Bezerra
I got 8 out of ten… thank you Mr James..
I hope do better after
Hi James thanks very much for the lesson really enjoyed it. I’m actually quite good at spelling but the bad thing is don’t know the meaning is there any way to memorize the meanings better?
P.S. got 10/10 and note that I’m Korean.
Actually forgot to tell that I used to live in Zambia for 9 years so I’m used to English just that the meanings.
Many Thanks!
10 out of 10!
Hi James. I really like your teaching demonstration. It is helpful for me and others. It would be much better if you kept things on the board visible. I have hoped that you will continue your great job with something new.
Best wishes!
KONG Veasna
I appreciate you,James! I feel good when I`m watching your video!
I enjoyd watching this lesson. Especially about the unemployed brother in the basement, it was funny! Thank you for all your lessons!
I got it! Thanks again….
I got 90 out of 100, you!The TVC might not need to surf on this lesson because you were in the US. You practice the language everyday in life.
9/10 – I hope not to be whipped mercilessly till I get 100% because on the 4th I did it wrong!
Jorge Pedroso
Thank you so much… clear and easy…. We need this kind of lessons so much. These words are simple. we need to learn how to spell complicated words like Psychiatrist!!!
Thanks for this opportunity to learn English. It’s very easy to follow.
sir plz conduct a lesson on slang word “ASS”
like – ass kicker & ass kisser etc .
10/10 thank you so much
Very usefull rules! Thx!
Excellent lecture, Explaining it so clearly and not making the listeners bored. Enjoyed the lecture
Thank you.
Thank you for the lesson c:
Thank you,
you are very clear.
Thanks James, I got 100% :)
Ho Tri Thuc
james you are so inelegant ,thank you i understood the lesson very well
mohamed abd-elrhman
Yesterday I answered the quiz after listen the lesson. But little after I thought this is a very important matter and you know what?! Today I repeated the lesson and the truth is in fact this is a very very important lesson, till today, nobody gave me an explanation like that, when the subject is double the consonant letter. For me since the beginning of the EngVid this was the most important lesson, I ever had. THANK YOU EngVid.
Jorge Pedroso
thank you, this is easy method to teaching beginners
Thanks for the explanation, I was a little confused but now I got it, You are very clear.
Ramon Chazulle
That was awesomesauce!!.. Wow.. I am utterly impressed! I always ask myself how to pronoun or write down any word. Now you made yourself so clearly
ivonne villegas
awesomesauce that’s a new word to me too, but I learn that just now which is more than the awesome meaning word. i think you don’t need this tutorials because you already in the US and you speak the language in your life there, have a good day.
100 out of 100)))) yeahhhhhhhhh
What happened between the two cats..? Ummmmm…:)
Thank you.
Can you prepare similar lessons about a punctuation? Frequently, I have doubts about double letters (SS, LL, FF) in many English words. I just have a tendency to forgetting if words have e.g. double s or not. I hope that you know a solution of this problem.
Sometimes, that are differences between British, and American versions of English (double or single l in words), but it is not always easy to remember all the rules.
thank you first test for me i wos 80/100
charaf benamar
hey. thank you man:)
i like this lesson 100 out of 100 i got it thank you man :)
Bensalem Farah
Thank you for the lesson it was verry good and clear I got 100/100
I got 80%. I want more quiz just like this.
I got 100%. Thanks for everything!
Great teacher !
Thank you dear.
Great E-magic Thanks
Thank you, James, you are the best!
james you are great , i love your style
thanks james
you’re the best in my openion ..
ahmad abogabal
10/10 thank you james
I stumbled across this on youtube from another teacher. Glad to found this!
Thanks for the vid!! You’re a grate teacher! :D
you can speak slowly ,please
hello James thank you for the best lesson!!! you perfect:)
Hi. What about a cup of tea? My Skype name is magicsasha.
hello there
h r u ?
if ur go in english its will be great if we practcing with each other
thank you
thanks a lot.very useful lesson.I am waiting impatiently for your next instructive lessons
Hasan Can
Thank you Mr James! You’re very funny.
thank you Mr. James! i got a perfect score again…so interesting!
zuni @123
thank you
zuni @123
Thank you Mr. James! :)
Jacinth Kinley
hello, it wont let me take the quiz ?
how may I fix it.
hey guys Im going to make a whatsaapp group to improve our english, and know each other, If you want to joing us please add me 55 16 99620 0919, thank you
Marx Rodrigues
hi james
1) What is PLS or pictological system?
2) I have heard that we have some formula to create irregular verbs in English I want know how a verb changes to be an irregular one.
Thanks in advance.
thank you so much
I like the way you teach, James! You are funny and you make English easy.
Thank you
Hello, Professor James please, I want to lesson reported speech
mohmmad nori
Thanks a lot, it was interesting and funny explanation.But I have a problem with quizzes,if I click on quiz square,the page suddenly closed.thanks in advance.
moath saad
Anybody else having this problem? What browser are you using, moath?
Internet Explorer
moath saad
use chrome for better experience :)
got better clarification..
Tanks James for the explanation
James, you are the best.
I’m not so much in listening, but i can listen an understand each your word.
Teacher James, thank you for this useful lesson!
Nice guy,I like his lessons,and it`s really helped.Thank you!
Alex Gritsenko
thank you Mr.James , it’s very useful rule ,
thanks a lot
Make me understand eng more and more, Thanks.
SiRi Pui
Thanks for lessone!
Thanks James, I got 10/10
Thank you James!, this was wery useful lesson, but what about word “all”, “small”? I understud that second L makes A to a long vowel sound! Did I understud corectly?
thank you Mr. James. Now i understand with this part. Oh btw, i got 100 in the quiz! Haha :D
Thank you for throwing light on the English crazy spelling (I don´t agree Spanish spelling is that hard than English, like an student said !!)
a few mistakes but I will try better next time, thanks teacher:)
James, thanks a lot. Your English class was interesting. I liked.
Thank you Mr. James … You are fun and useful various means
murwan ahmed
Thanks you Mr. James I got 10/10….:)
Great class!
Lilian Marques
Thanks for this class.
Spelling is quite difficult for me.
Thank you, Mr. James !!
Spelling is my nightmare.
Now I understand this better!
This is the best ” Instructor ” I’ve ever seen to improve my Language! ;] Thank you Mr. James.
Hi there . IMO you are a good teacher but i sometimes will be confused what exactly U say because U speak very fast . speak slower if possible.THX
Thank you Mr James,Your the best teacher i have ever known, you make learning so easy , simple explanations with your pretty smile….your 10/10 .
Sir I like your teaching, you always deliver good lessons
Genius Jose
thanks a lot
really i understood it
great!!!!!!!!!! :)
close alge
good work , i got 10,, but i’v another rule about the ‘ing’ form says when the verbe ends by voyal+ consonant we double the the consonant then we add ing ,and when the verb ends by “e” we must omit only this “e” and we add the ing it true in any case??
close alg
I got 100! )) Thank you, Mr. James! I didn’t know this simple helpful rule before))
Well done sir
Not Yet
Thanks sir
Abu Sattam
I got 9 from 10
Abu Sattam
biggest help!
100 I got it.
yeah! i did it. Mr. James you did me well. I got ten marks. Hmuaaaa muaa muaa.
its great man its the best
now i am the best in the class thanks to you mr james
good class 1scored 9 out of 10
thanks james
good class 1scored 9 out of 10
thanks james
one wrong answer bcz the hottest weather lol
thanks for the secret
Lol the fact is: Brazilians CANNOT spell and understand these things completely! But your explanation was great and from now on I’ll try to say it the right way!!!
Rosane Vieira
Thanks teacher:)
Your explanation was useful .
I understand now how can and when i do that.
Thank you teacher.
You are awesome .
Thank you :) Engvid i got 9 out of 10 . and i appreciate to all of teachers here .
martin abiquibil
I loved this lesson, thanks teacher.
i get 9 out of 10. thank you teacher that was a helpful lesson
Awesome james. Thank you so much.
Jobair rafi
thank you Mr.james!. got 100, yippie!. you’re so fun in teaching.
Hi! I would be interested in a lesson about the school system, for example the differences between college and high-school or university because I’ve looked it up in many dictionaries and they give different meanings. Thanks.
I did 100%
I DID IT! :)
Thanks teacher.. You are very funny!
Thank you,teacher James for your lessons.Your videos are the best videos,which i’ve ever seen!Besides,your lessons are very funny and sooo helpful for making English better!!!
Very funny, very helpful to me. Thanks a lot.
:D Hey Mr. James you make English seem funny!
=D I really like your videos.
10/10 on my quiz.
Just reviewing for my English exam!
Jennyfer Polanco F
I think he is so funny teacher that make me enjoy learning English.
Sereyvath leang
thanks that actually helped alot
Thanks Mr.E and Mr.James, you are awesome!
i got 5 out of 10 hahahaha i can try next time XD
but i learn many thing :) from u James :)
Thank You :) James :)
Really great work, thank for the lesson
it’s become my favorite to learning English.
Awesome teaching !! thank teacher James
Sereyvath leang
Thank you James!
Thanks bro
mohammd saifulddin
i know i can do this exercise. Thanks James
thanks James,I have got 100.
James you are so humorous explaining the concepts! That’s very very good for me to learn, because I can associate the theory with your funny explanation. Good job and thank you very much!
yes you right very useful
mariwan ibrahim
thank you MR james
thanks Sir
Thanks got 80%.
Abdul Qayum
Awesome lesson,thank you so much.
Musa Aliyu
thank you for your information
Thank you for your quality lesson. It’s very helpful for my study!
Hello James, thank you for this very useful lesson! Best, John
it really gives me a kind of rule.
very useful
You explain very cool. Thanks a lot
good job
mohamed hamza
I need more about that¡¡..Thanks James¡¡
lovely. this is lesson made easy.
thanks James.
thanks mr. James , i get 7 mark , its bad but i know my wrong and i will try to focus
I got 10/10
Thank you Mr. James
Good explanation. I loved it. The quiz? 10/10.
nice lesson. thank you
thank you so much,
before going to work. i allways learn a lesson on this website. that helped me a lot in my life and my work.
P/S: i have just learnt english, so my sentence maybe wrong. hopping you guys will correct it for me.
thank you.
thank you very use ful
mariwan ibrahim
Hey, James, hi. I’d like to say that I’m making(not makking?) headway on my English. Thank you for your sense of humor because you are very funny while recording videos and I’d like journey to record more videos on grammar. Well done
Oups!! I wrote journey , actually it’s you
Thanks james ??
Thank you ❤
i got 80%
Thanks it was fun. Got 100
Sir James it was an interesting class…
Mr.E really worked out his ‘MAGIC’~~…
thank you soooo much!
Very helpful lesson. Thank you :)
Thank you Mr. James
Thank you for a good lesson Mr. James :)
Actually you are unexpected you are not good beause you are the best
mohammed alaa eldeen mohammed
Excellent lesson,teacher.Many thanks.
a serious teacher with a hint of fun … you’re lessons are helping me a lot
i need 2 time to got 100 ahahha looks ease but aint
Doni Bungaa
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank yu so much.
M kartal
I got 10 out of 10.
thanks you sir for lesson.
It was like playing THE GAME.
Dixit Ramani
OMG ! i got 100%.Thank you so much, Mr. James.Now i know how to use them clearly.You are fantastic!
Have a nice day !
I had 10 out of 10
What a good lesson
Thank you James❤
Hamza alsharu
Very good lesson !! Thanks a lot!
Thank you. I like how you teach.
Thank you Jame. Very good lesson!!!
Aung Thwin Oo
I got 5/10 ?
Sofi y Anto
I got 90. I forgot for “whip” as a short vowel
I got 6 out of 10, fantastic job; trying is better than not trying!
Jal yiey Jal
James you are excellent with spelling rules! thank you!
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Excellent Class! Helped me so much!
Thanks Teacher James, You’re my favorite teacher from Engvid.
Also, thanks to Mr.E … It always makes me laugh.
James’ good sense of humour is an excellent ingredient in his video lessons. He always makes me laugh too.
Yep! I agree with you James; spelling is a real problem for students of English. The reason, English is not a phonetic language.
Interesting tips for overcoming spelling problems.
for us it´s hard make a word who end in vowel sound silent, like these words: wipe, rate and many other this kind
Native Spanish speakers have the same problem.
oh realy
Understood…no why-ppe. I loved your explanation. Thanks!
Great, i got 100. Thank you so much for your efforts to teach us better in english. I like your style, it’s pretty cool…:-)
My score was perfect!! When I was younger, I had joined “Spelling Bee” contest at an English conversation school.
It brings me back. I loved the contest. It was fun and exciting :) Thank you for your great lesson, James and Mr. E :)
I don’t understand why some people likes to play spelling games. I don’t even treat it as a game.
tanx James great explanation
i’ve never enjoyed your lesson….very very difficult to understand.
Brother, try again
Try again. His lectures are by far the easiest to understand. Moreso, he makes it more interesting with the humor.
James what the correct word ? Rated or ratted.
Thank you Mr. James, thank you for your great lessons, I have learned a lot.
James what is the correct word ? Rated or ratted.
Both are correct. Rated comes from rate, and ratted comes from rat.
Just awesome…
Thanks James……
Very useful and clear lesson. I liked that story about short man :) – I’ll keep this in mind! I got 10/10. I would like more lessons about this topic. Thanks a lot.
Good wishes from Lithuania!
The dictionary says that there is no such word as “whiped”, so the right spelling in the question 4 must be: “whipped cream”.
thank for your lesson. it’s useful for me, what i need :D
What does this Spelling 101 means? Is it like reference to S01E01 and means it an introduction to something / first lecture?
Great as usual.Thanks a lot.I got 10 out of 10.
nice one ……now it will be easy for me to find the difference…..thank u
Hi James, it was the first time i saw your teaching, unfortunately. it was so good for me. thank you and good luck ;)
I only know this rule after you taught me, this rule is very useful, I applied this rule to do the exercises accordingly and got 100% correct, thank you very very much.
Dear James, you never stop to sorprised me. Many thanks your teaching, coaching and support for sharing is a motivation and invitation to keep me learning, wiht 0 excuses!!.see you soon. Kind Regards!
Thanks, James :)
Every day I learn more with you james. Thank You.
I got 8 out of ten… thank you Mr James..
I hope do better after
Hi James thanks very much for the lesson really enjoyed it. I’m actually quite good at spelling but the bad thing is don’t know the meaning is there any way to memorize the meanings better?
P.S. got 10/10 and note that I’m Korean.
Actually forgot to tell that I used to live in Zambia for 9 years so I’m used to English just that the meanings.
Many Thanks!
10 out of 10!
Hi James. I really like your teaching demonstration. It is helpful for me and others. It would be much better if you kept things on the board visible. I have hoped that you will continue your great job with something new.
Best wishes!
I appreciate you,James! I feel good when I`m watching your video!
I enjoyd watching this lesson. Especially about the unemployed brother in the basement, it was funny! Thank you for all your lessons!
I got it! Thanks again….
I got 90 out of 100, you!The TVC might not need to surf on this lesson because you were in the US. You practice the language everyday in life.
9/10 – I hope not to be whipped mercilessly till I get 100% because on the 4th I did it wrong!
Thank you so much… clear and easy…. We need this kind of lessons so much. These words are simple. we need to learn how to spell complicated words like Psychiatrist!!!
Thanks for this opportunity to learn English. It’s very easy to follow.
sir plz conduct a lesson on slang word “ASS”
like – ass kicker & ass kisser etc .
10/10 thank you so much
Very usefull rules! Thx!
Excellent lecture, Explaining it so clearly and not making the listeners bored. Enjoyed the lecture
Thank you.
Thank you for the lesson c:
Thank you,
you are very clear.
Thanks James, I got 100% :)
james you are so inelegant ,thank you i understood the lesson very well
Yesterday I answered the quiz after listen the lesson. But little after I thought this is a very important matter and you know what?! Today I repeated the lesson and the truth is in fact this is a very very important lesson, till today, nobody gave me an explanation like that, when the subject is double the consonant letter. For me since the beginning of the EngVid this was the most important lesson, I ever had. THANK YOU EngVid.
thank you, this is easy method to teaching beginners
Thanks for the explanation, I was a little confused but now I got it, You are very clear.
That was awesomesauce!!.. Wow.. I am utterly impressed! I always ask myself how to pronoun or write down any word. Now you made yourself so clearly
awesomesauce that’s a new word to me too, but I learn that just now which is more than the awesome meaning word. i think you don’t need this tutorials because you already in the US and you speak the language in your life there, have a good day.
100 out of 100)))) yeahhhhhhhhh
What happened between the two cats..? Ummmmm…:)
Thank you.
Can you prepare similar lessons about a punctuation? Frequently, I have doubts about double letters (SS, LL, FF) in many English words. I just have a tendency to forgetting if words have e.g. double s or not. I hope that you know a solution of this problem.
Sometimes, that are differences between British, and American versions of English (double or single l in words), but it is not always easy to remember all the rules.
thank you first test for me i wos 80/100
hey. thank you man:)
i like this lesson 100 out of 100 i got it thank you man :)
Thank you for the lesson it was verry good and clear I got 100/100
I got 80%. I want more quiz just like this.
I got 100%. Thanks for everything!
Great teacher !
Thank you dear.
Great E-magic Thanks
Thank you, James, you are the best!
james you are great , i love your style
thanks james
you’re the best in my openion ..
10/10 thank you james
I stumbled across this on youtube from another teacher. Glad to found this!
Thanks for the vid!! You’re a grate teacher! :D
you can speak slowly ,please
hello James thank you for the best lesson!!! you perfect:)
Hi. What about a cup of tea? My Skype name is magicsasha.
hello there
h r u ?
if ur go in english its will be great if we practcing with each other
thank you
thanks a lot.very useful lesson.I am waiting impatiently for your next instructive lessons
Thank you Mr James! You’re very funny.
thank you Mr. James! i got a perfect score again…so interesting!
thank you
Thank you Mr. James! :)
hello, it wont let me take the quiz ?
how may I fix it.
hey guys Im going to make a whatsaapp group to improve our english, and know each other, If you want to joing us please add me 55 16 99620 0919, thank you
hi james
1) What is PLS or pictological system?
2) I have heard that we have some formula to create irregular verbs in English I want know how a verb changes to be an irregular one.
Thanks in advance.
thank you so much
I like the way you teach, James! You are funny and you make English easy.
Thank you
Hello, Professor James please, I want to lesson reported speech
Thanks a lot, it was interesting and funny explanation.But I have a problem with quizzes,if I click on quiz square,the page suddenly closed.thanks in advance.
Anybody else having this problem? What browser are you using, moath?
Internet Explorer
use chrome for better experience :)
got better clarification..
Tanks James for the explanation
James, you are the best.
I’m not so much in listening, but i can listen an understand each your word.
Teacher James, thank you for this useful lesson!
Nice guy,I like his lessons,and it`s really helped.Thank you!
thank you Mr.James , it’s very useful rule ,
thanks a lot
Make me understand eng more and more, Thanks.
Thanks for lessone!
Thanks James, I got 10/10
Thank you James!, this was wery useful lesson, but what about word “all”, “small”? I understud that second L makes A to a long vowel sound! Did I understud corectly?
thank you Mr. James. Now i understand with this part. Oh btw, i got 100 in the quiz! Haha :D
Thank you for throwing light on the English crazy spelling (I don´t agree Spanish spelling is that hard than English, like an student said !!)
a few mistakes but I will try better next time, thanks teacher:)
James, thanks a lot. Your English class was interesting. I liked.
Thank you Mr. James … You are fun and useful various means
Thanks you Mr. James I got 10/10….:)
Great class!
Thanks for this class.
Spelling is quite difficult for me.
Thank you, Mr. James !!
Spelling is my nightmare.
Now I understand this better!
This is the best ” Instructor ” I’ve ever seen to improve my Language! ;] Thank you Mr. James.
Hi there . IMO you are a good teacher but i sometimes will be confused what exactly U say because U speak very fast . speak slower if possible.THX
Thank you Mr James,Your the best teacher i have ever known, you make learning so easy , simple explanations with your pretty smile….your 10/10 .
Sir I like your teaching, you always deliver good lessons
thanks a lot
really i understood it
great!!!!!!!!!! :)
good work , i got 10,, but i’v another rule about the ‘ing’ form says when the verbe ends by voyal+ consonant we double the the consonant then we add ing ,and when the verb ends by “e” we must omit only this “e” and we add the ing it true in any case??
I got 100! )) Thank you, Mr. James! I didn’t know this simple helpful rule before))
Well done sir
Thanks sir
I got 9 from 10
biggest help!
100 I got it.
yeah! i did it. Mr. James you did me well. I got ten marks. Hmuaaaa muaa muaa.
its great man its the best
now i am the best in the class thanks to you mr james
good class 1scored 9 out of 10
thanks james
good class 1scored 9 out of 10
thanks james
one wrong answer bcz the hottest weather lol
thanks for the secret
Lol the fact is: Brazilians CANNOT spell and understand these things completely! But your explanation was great and from now on I’ll try to say it the right way!!!
Thanks teacher:)
Your explanation was useful .
I understand now how can and when i do that.
Thank you teacher.
You are awesome .
Thank you :) Engvid i got 9 out of 10 . and i appreciate to all of teachers here .
I loved this lesson, thanks teacher.
i get 9 out of 10. thank you teacher that was a helpful lesson
Awesome james. Thank you so much.
thank you Mr.james!. got 100, yippie!. you’re so fun in teaching.
Hi! I would be interested in a lesson about the school system, for example the differences between college and high-school or university because I’ve looked it up in many dictionaries and they give different meanings. Thanks.
I did 100%
I DID IT! :)
Thanks teacher.. You are very funny!
Thank you,teacher James for your lessons.Your videos are the best videos,which i’ve ever seen!Besides,your lessons are very funny and sooo helpful for making English better!!!
Very funny, very helpful to me. Thanks a lot.
:D Hey Mr. James you make English seem funny!
=D I really like your videos.
10/10 on my quiz.
Just reviewing for my English exam!
I think he is so funny teacher that make me enjoy learning English.
thanks that actually helped alot
Thanks Mr.E and Mr.James, you are awesome!
i got 5 out of 10 hahahaha i can try next time XD
but i learn many thing :) from u James :)
Thank You :) James :)
Really great work, thank for the lesson
it’s become my favorite to learning English.
Awesome teaching !! thank teacher James
Thank you James!
Thanks bro
i know i can do this exercise. Thanks James
thanks James,I have got 100.
James you are so humorous explaining the concepts! That’s very very good for me to learn, because I can associate the theory with your funny explanation. Good job and thank you very much!
yes you right very useful
thank you MR james
thanks Sir
Thanks got 80%.
Awesome lesson,thank you so much.
thank you for your information
Thank you for your quality lesson. It’s very helpful for my study!
Hello James, thank you for this very useful lesson! Best, John
it really gives me a kind of rule.
very useful
You explain very cool. Thanks a lot
good job
I need more about that¡¡..Thanks James¡¡
lovely. this is lesson made easy.
thanks James.
thanks mr. James , i get 7 mark , its bad but i know my wrong and i will try to focus
I got 10/10
Thank you Mr. James
Good explanation. I loved it. The quiz? 10/10.
nice lesson. thank you
thank you so much,
before going to work. i allways learn a lesson on this website. that helped me a lot in my life and my work.
P/S: i have just learnt english, so my sentence maybe wrong. hopping you guys will correct it for me.
thank you.
thank you very use ful
Hey, James, hi. I’d like to say that I’m making(not makking?) headway on my English. Thank you for your sense of humor because you are very funny while recording videos and I’d like journey to record more videos on grammar. Well done
Oups!! I wrote journey , actually it’s you
Thanks james ??
Thank you ❤
i got 80%
Thanks it was fun. Got 100
Sir James it was an interesting class…
Mr.E really worked out his ‘MAGIC’~~…
thank you soooo much!
Very helpful lesson. Thank you :)
Thank you Mr. James
Thank you for a good lesson Mr. James :)
Actually you are unexpected you are not good beause you are the best
Excellent lesson,teacher.Many thanks.
a serious teacher with a hint of fun … you’re lessons are helping me a lot
i need 2 time to got 100 ahahha looks ease but aint
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank yu so much.
I got 10 out of 10.
thanks you sir for lesson.
It was like playing THE GAME.
OMG ! i got 100%.Thank you so much, Mr. James.Now i know how to use them clearly.You are fantastic!
Have a nice day !
I had 10 out of 10
What a good lesson
Thank you James❤
Very good lesson !! Thanks a lot!
Thank you. I like how you teach.
Thank you Jame. Very good lesson!!!
I got 5/10 ?
I got 90. I forgot for “whip” as a short vowel
I got 6 out of 10, fantastic job; trying is better than not trying!
James you are excellent with spelling rules! thank you!
very good James!