engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



Thank you for the nice lesson.

My epal in England writes me metric measure. I wonder which she uses in her everyday life. And also, in Downunder, over 30 years ago, the measurement was converted to metric one, although NZ & Australia are countries of British Commonwealth:). The US sticks to “older” measurement, such as you explained, gallons for example. I just don’t know why.


    It’s a good idea to get familiar with both systems of measurement -the metric and the English/British systems- when travelling abroad/overseas.

    It is for me a bit more complicated to use the English system especially when it comes to doing conversions from one system into another.

    A challenging lesson, but interesting.



Thanks for your lesson ! It’s so useful to me and I got 9 corect out of 10 :).
I hope I can see many interesting your lesson more.


Hi Gill !
Great. A very useful lesson. I really needed lanmarks driving on the roads in Britain where I’m used to go every year (I love to visit England). Surprised with distances on signboards, they always seem to be shorter than they are in my mind (I’m French). however, according to speed limits I have a magical method by programming my car counter (lol).
Oh ! Would you mind telling Adam, Valen and Emma to answer the questions I asked on some lessons (Adam for “wish”, Valen for “money” and Emma for “Lasst year, in the last year).I think those are former lessons and now they don’t look at the comments anymore, whereas the present lesson you taught is the last one I think. So, that’s why I hope you are going to respond to me.
Take care.


Thank you so much, Ms. Gill. I got 10 correct answers out of 10. Since I was a school-boy, I had to learn the British Units by heart many times. So I’m very familiar with them.

12 inches = 1 foot
3 feet = 1 yard
22 yards = 1 chain
10 chains = 1 furlong
8 furlongs = 1 mile

1 acre = 4,840 square yards
1 acre = 43,560 square feet

16 ounces = 1 pound
14 pounds = 1 stone
2 stones = 1 quarter
4 quarters = 1 hundredweight
20 hundredweights = 1 ton

Volume or Capacity
2 pints = 1 quart
4 quarts = 1 gallon
2 gallons = 1 peck
4 pecks = 1 bushel
8 bushels = 1 quarter
36 bushels = 1 chaldron

12 pennies = 1 shilling
20 shillings = 1 pound


    And acres vs square metres? The most important


Thank for this interesting and clear lesson about the différences of the two systems.But it seems to me that the English are very conservative !


Thanks Gill.You really made this confusing stuff easy to understand.This will help me a lot when I fly to UK.To sum up,It has been very interesting lesson for me as always.See you soon with a new lesson.


Thank you for lesson, Gill! It was so useful and interesting!


Thanks Gill, this topic is so weird and complicated!


Thanks Milady Gill, this tutorial is very clear and usefull (furthermore I like very much your prosody).

Riccardo S

thanks Gill very interesting and useful topic


Thank you teacher Gill! It is very helpful, but soooo complicated. I do not think I will be able to ever memorize all that stuff.

Elen Sheff

Thank you very much Gill!!
What an interesting (and difficult) lesson today!!


Hi Gill.Thanks very much!!so I got 10 out of 10.really was very useful lesson and interesting lesson and (This lesson is not difficult).I hope Extremely it’s very easy with me.

Muad Abdiaziz

Hello Gill, thank you very much ! this lesson is very interesting.


Very useful lesson. Thank you Gill!

John B

Thanks Gill! This lesson is very useful.


It is useful information, thanks!


We got the lesson number 936! Right? What is the Engvid Team preparing to the lesson number 1000??!! It is going to be a grat achievement!Congrats!!!




Hello Gill my name is Edgar, I live in Honduras, my wish is learn english, thanks for help my.


Hi Gill, thanks a lot. It was very useful.


Thanks, Gill.I so really needed this lesson.


Very useful but also very hard to take in. I need see the same lesson many times to understand.


Thank you so much Mrs.Gill!
I like British accent so much even if it’s difficult than American, and at the same time I have to learn this accent, because we studied British English in our schools but I still bad in speaking.God bless you, God speed you and have a great one!

Bushra hg

Gill, you are awesome! Wonderful british accento! Tons of hugs.


Interesting lesson. Good to learn something about the imperial measurement. I learnt the metric measurement and I’m sometimes very confused when I come across the imperial measurement. But now I know better. Thanks a lot!


It’s difficult for us who live in countries where the metric system is used try to use the british pattern of measurement in everyday life. Nevertheless, the lesson was great and useful! Thank you Gill!

Valderí Andrade

    “… to try to use…”

    Valderí Andrade

very useful lesson. thanks a lot.

Mikael Guan

What an incredible mess with all these measurements !
And if you attempt to make some conversions, you understand why man had to invent mathematics…

My calculator and I say you :
“Short tons of long tons of tonnes of thanks.”

Nico ESL for ever

Thank you very much, Gill!


Thanks Gill! It’s very useful.



Nadir shah

Thanks,Gill.This lesson is help me to learn more about the British culture.

Ariel Yen

Hello dear teacher. Hello every body , I am a new member . Thank you teacher.


Good Evening Gill, I’m a new member too, just like soei.
I enjoy your lesson because I finally understand the units of the different measurements. I knew that in UK and also in US and in Canada there are feet and inches and yards, pounds and ounces and things so, but I had not ever understood their specific use before. Thank you!

Carla Letizia

thanks a lot for the lesson you provided.


Thank you!1


Thank you so much! I’ve always had a huge difficult in understanding those measurement standards and that is due to it’s singular mix that we can’t easily find anywhere else but in the UK. This is the first of your videos I watched and surely won’t be the last.


very useful as normal many many thaks


What I have to say, you are great Gill


Hello ! That was usefull lesson , give us more staff like this ?


hello . how are you.. all


    can you hear me :D


great teacher,Thanks.


Thank you immensely!


thank you so mach


Thanks for your lesson. it is so difficult for me the stone, pounds the English sister is hard I much prefer the European sister in metres. xx


Thanks for the lesson Gill


Hi Gill! Thank you for explain us.
This lesson is so dificult for me.


Sad very sad 6 of ten not good at all


    maybe I will come your country by exchange students program.can we introduce

    M kartal



hii this is rajasekhar
how can i improve my communication


thank you

M kartal

Nice information


I have learned with thanks for the lesson.

filipe sebastiao

7/10 Again thank you for your time.


9/10. Thank you. This lesson is also very helpful!

Insoo Yeo

I more understand Measure 10/10. Thank for lesson


My teachers, nearly 50 years ago, told me, “now the British are changing for metrical system”. Today 50 years later we are at the same point. What’s happened all these years, no progress at all.

Pedrop Guijarrog

This is much difficult to me, but I think i can understand it along your patiently explain.Thank you very much.


mines date 31/10/21 from Kazakhstan
Jill,thank you so much and stay safe:)


Thanks Gill.


my favourite teacher ,

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