In today’s lesson, I’ll share some insults and other fun sayings that children use. You can use this British slang to irritate or annoy someone in a childish way. If you are in school in an English-speaking country, you may hear these insults. So you’ll learn what they mean, and how to respond to them! I’m not teaching you these expressions so that you can insult people, but so that you can understand more about English culture, and perhaps even imagine what it would be like to to go to school in England. You can also use these expressions to joke around with your friends. When used correctly, they can be quite funny! Do you know any other childish sayings that I didn’t mention in the lesson? Share them with us in a comment!
It’s good to know about insults and childish sayings. They help us to understand a bit more the British culture.
I have heard “See you later, alligator.” Interesting lesson! Thank you, Jade :)
Happy04: From what I’ve heard, that one’s rather American.
Good job.
I got 5 from 10 It is hard for me. Anyone want to help me please add my skype ID ukrit_2011
Thank you
7 from 10 !!!
Celia Me-Ni
i do not gitting how to get quiz!
can anyone help me? please!
yeahh all of them are correct thank you jade by the way you are so serious whyy ?
Hi Jade,
Great lesson!
The Mortal Kombat sound at the end of the video is really cool! :)
I have one question about the quiz:
What does “pukker” mean?
‘Pukker’ is a slang adjective that means great.
Thanks a lot . It is really too amazing your britanic intonation , I hope from you more .
Mohammed Abdul Hassan
Thank you Jade!
Hello Jade,
It was amusing lesson !!!. Do you think you could make a lesson with adult insults or it doesn’t have to be insults it could be London slang or something like that. I enjoyed this lesson and I would appreciate if you kept going :) !!! Maybe some football chants if you know any but I don’t assume you do. :-D
Take care.
Thank you so much Jade.
Thank you very much !
Excellent!!! Thank you for your tricks
Tnx, I´v e really enjoyed it (as all your lessons)
thank you Jade
shakir maoosh
Easy peasy lemon squeezy! (9/10) Thanks Jade, you are pukker and I am a div, will you teach me how to live. Can I hit on some English girl with this rhyming? :)
I got all of them correct! Hurray! I’ve learnt British slang :D
Amazing lesson
I had have to sign me up to comment. On final of video was awesome. “Jade wins. Flawless victory”. hahahahaha
Thiago Ribas
Its a real bad quiz.
Thank you for this lesson, Jade! I love English expressions.
:D was great to learn some childish sayings, thank you Jade. Would you please tell us some more? :D
Thanks dear
Thanks Jade.
9/10 Don’t get your scarf in a twist? Ho my …! Ho dear dear…! what did I to deserve this? I must try harder. As a title, what you think about the title of this lesson “British slang in the mouth of poche people”.
Jorge Pedroso
thanks :)
there is one thing not very good in websites , is that members cannot connect to each other by adding friends to help each other ..
anyhow, thanks .. and if one wants connection my skype is alosaerm :)
ahmed aouf
thank you for your great lesson , I’m actually benefited
esraa Qenawy
great lesson Jade! thank you darling!
As usual Jade, U R great. tnx dear.
Jade wins, Flawless victory ¡ :D
“come butta” an italian slang.. means hoe are you
dilbag italy
British accent is not really clear for me to listen but wow! I got 9/10
How amazing?!
thanks that was cool
Oh my!
What a nice 1 !!
How can I thank you dear Jade !
Mine was 9/10 , more’s the pity !
Thanx teacher
AitS Mostapha
thx jade
Hi Jade´s teacher
that´s cool..
Sergio Candido
there are a lots of childish person in the comments of youtube and this lesson helped me understand the comments there
I liked it very much. I will use it withmy little kids for a game. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Great lesson. Thx awfully.
i don’t understand anythings sr teacher
10 0f 10.
but i think the last question im confused.
Very well !!!
You like me more and more Jade.
Thank you very much.
i got it…
Thx for the lesson
Thank you Jade.
Hi!, I really appreciate you give us some samples of your culture, and it´s cool hear your accent as well,
I have to say some examples are similar here in mexico, why ? I don`t know, Here we say “Did the rats eat your tongue? “(similar) and the 4 eyes slang is used as well.( I used to be a 4 eyes also but I had a surgery as a child)
I`ll see your lessons later! thanks.
i heard one ,two ,three Freddy Krugger come for you . dont go to bed . are you trying to insult me? scum bag . monkey business. nigger . apple polisher. faggot .hommy. dont get me wrong!! english culture on the street like a shanty town . getto . femme fatal . maneater.
Hi Jade or other students!
What’s “peasy”? (in “Easy, peasy, lemons, squeezy”)…
This lesson was a little difficult for me… Maybe because my internet was preeetty bad…
British accent
cool lesson tnx
Hi!, I really appreciate you give us some samples of your culture, and it´s cool hear your accent as well,
I have to say some examples are similar here in mexico, why ? I don`t know, Here we say “Did the rats eat your tongue? “(similar) and the 4 eyes slang is used as well.( I used to be a 4 eyes also but I had a surgery as a child)
I`ll see your lessons later! thanks.
It’s was so fun!!
Funny lesson!
Thank you Jade!
Thanks Jade.
hello jade I started to learn English and I follow on a daily basis for two months at a rate of something less than an hour to the AR or sometimes four hours at the most. But, unfortunately, met with Premier tough little but Hacs improvement in tone somewhat violin in Alhlesin mean I’m as far as I understand most of your videos, but what I hear Video extent talking about quickly by a large margin I can not understand it well and sometimes a sense of frustration As for the conversation as possible, but downright speak where mistakes in pronunciation downright also possible to use the rules to be misplaced. Average time possible tell me at least an hour and sometimes more than acceptable not supposed increases and mastering the language needs or what a great time waiting for your advice for the development of skills and thank you to all those involved in the this wonderful site
m . masry
Hi Jade!
I really like your accent and I enjoy your lesson.I hope these slang words help me when I will be in the UK.
Hi Jade,
Tks a lot for your interesting lessons,but for these words,hope i won’t use.
Eric Chan
80 point.thanks to your lesson i learnt new things but Jade you speak very fast and i have difficulty to understand
i don’t know what to say about u ,, but at least , you are awesome , thank you
I have gotten 9 out of 10. Thanks a lot EngVid Jade
interesting lesson…this lesson so new for me hehe..i got 7/10scores haha thank you Jade
yeay 10/10 ^_^
9 correct out of 10 =D
You are really pretty Jade I love you
Thank you for your lesson. Now I get some childish words.
yasss i got 100
That’s brilliant thn’x jade!! By the way I really love britsh accent
9/10. It was not easy for me to memorise all of them.:(
I got 10 out of 10, pretty coooooool
Cool. I’ve answered 10/10 correctly.
Ooh God, it was great i just forgot one thing, thanks Jade.. .
Good … thanks a lot for tip.
Alonso Freire
Hello Jade
Your lessons are the best, really. Amusing, awfully useful, tots fun. Above all the advanced lessons. I’m looking forward to more advanced ones pls.
Also as a suggestion I’m leaving here a vid I’ve just watched which I think can be motivating for you to teach us a bit more about idioms (British ones) and their origins.
You’re the3 best. And your pronunciation is second to none.
I love your pronunciation
Thanks :)
Mustafa abdeltawab
amazing lesson
Thank you Jade! 10/10 :)
9 from 10!! thx Jade!!
Daniel Nam
Thank you :) it was really useful for me
10 correct out of 10.
it´s was a cool jade thanks
got 40% without watching the lesson.
Abdul Qayum
It is interesting. Good choice of topic. Explanations of sayings. Could you be more specific?
Thanks for dressing up. I appreciate when you care and look pretty for a sake of us.
All the best.
It is interesting. Good choice of topic. Explanations of sayings. Could you be more specific?
Thanks for dressing up.
All the best.
Your are really a true teacher, i mean you are really interesting and easy to listen and comprehend
10/10 and you’re a great teacher, thank you.
carol dias
Ty! You are a cool teacher! :-D
9 out of 10 so pathetic for me… but I’ve really enjoyed the expressions, it reminds me of Nescafe 1X3: erudition ,educable and so funny loved the- easy peasy lemon squeezy and I”m rubber and you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. Thanks a lot.
10/10 ;) and not a try hard! About loser insult, I’ve met a 6 years old girl that used to say it about her classmates with a L sign on her forehead!
Do not say all what you know , and know all what you say! It is really useful lesson.Thanks
I get new from there so thank you
Ma Put
Oh that’s the coolest things I’ve learnt from this video.
Thanks, it was so good.
Excellent lesson. Thank you.
Great video miss… Brit accent is really cool… specially yours (Y) See ya later alligator :)
Hi! I didn’t understand that one: ‘Don’t get your knickers in a twist’ What does it mean? Whan can I use it?
Thanks Jade..! got 9 out of 10 tho.
Yeay! I got 10/10
thank u
Rana Sabbar
It’s an enjoyable lesson.
Many thanks but it’s a bit complicatec !1
thank you
Hi jade and thank for this great lesson.
It was the coolest and funniest lesson on engvid that i’ve ever seen.
Mohsen Barati
Watching other lessons to improve my compreenshion about sayings, slangs and more.
Thanks Jade!
Isaias Menezes Silva
I just fallen in love with that accent.. hardly to understand but i love it
I love your accent!! nice lesson
Melisa Bart
Very useful and interesting lesson . You look adorable every time .
I just love British accent and thank you it really helped :D.
9/10. cool.
Lots of new expressions and vocabulary. That’s very
important . I loved the lesson and actually I watched
it twice.
Thanks, Jade.
Thank you
hossam kamal
Take a chill pill!!-just loved that one.Give youurself a pat at the back Jade – you are doing such a gret job – really appreciate that.xo
I got correct 9 of 10
Sort of complicated for me
Very nice. Thanks
Thank for this lesson, Jade! It’s really amazing to get authentic British childish vocabulary!??? im interested in such kind of lessons because I talk English to my toddler and its vital to speak real English not ‘artificial’? could you please give more vocabulary concerning raising children, for example, how to descipline them, to scold a bit, to praise .. What to say in different everyday situations, when they feel bad, hurt, offended .. How to comfort, what to ask after kindergarten or school etc. thank you so much for what you do!!
I’ll thank you for the nice lesson, it was not easy for me because of your accent. I watched the video several times to understand the new words.
Holmes 88
Thanks Jade
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Thanks Jade.
thanks a lot,Jade,hugs (Kazakhstan 13 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
It was cool.
It’s good to know about insults and childish sayings. They help us to understand a bit more the British culture.
I have heard “See you later, alligator.” Interesting lesson! Thank you, Jade :)
Happy04: From what I’ve heard, that one’s rather American.
Good job.
I got 5 from 10 It is hard for me. Anyone want to help me please add my skype ID ukrit_2011
Thank you
7 from 10 !!!
i do not gitting how to get quiz!
can anyone help me? please!
yeahh all of them are correct thank you jade by the way you are so serious whyy ?
Hi Jade,
Great lesson!
The Mortal Kombat sound at the end of the video is really cool! :)
I have one question about the quiz:
What does “pukker” mean?
‘Pukker’ is a slang adjective that means great.
Thanks a lot . It is really too amazing your britanic intonation , I hope from you more .
Thank you Jade!
Hello Jade,
It was amusing lesson !!!. Do you think you could make a lesson with adult insults or it doesn’t have to be insults it could be London slang or something like that. I enjoyed this lesson and I would appreciate if you kept going :) !!! Maybe some football chants if you know any but I don’t assume you do. :-D
Take care.
Thank you so much Jade.
Thank you very much !
Excellent!!! Thank you for your tricks
Tnx, I´v e really enjoyed it (as all your lessons)
thank you Jade
Easy peasy lemon squeezy! (9/10) Thanks Jade, you are pukker and I am a div, will you teach me how to live. Can I hit on some English girl with this rhyming? :)
I got all of them correct! Hurray! I’ve learnt British slang :D
Amazing lesson
I had have to sign me up to comment. On final of video was awesome. “Jade wins. Flawless victory”. hahahahaha
Its a real bad quiz.
Thank you for this lesson, Jade! I love English expressions.
:D was great to learn some childish sayings, thank you Jade. Would you please tell us some more? :D
Thanks dear
Thanks Jade.
9/10 Don’t get your scarf in a twist? Ho my …! Ho dear dear…! what did I to deserve this? I must try harder. As a title, what you think about the title of this lesson “British slang in the mouth of poche people”.
thanks :)
there is one thing not very good in websites , is that members cannot connect to each other by adding friends to help each other ..
anyhow, thanks .. and if one wants connection my skype is alosaerm :)
thank you for your great lesson , I’m actually benefited
great lesson Jade! thank you darling!
As usual Jade, U R great. tnx dear.
Jade wins, Flawless victory ¡ :D
“come butta” an italian slang.. means hoe are you
British accent is not really clear for me to listen but wow! I got 9/10
How amazing?!
thanks that was cool
Oh my!
What a nice 1 !!
How can I thank you dear Jade !
Mine was 9/10 , more’s the pity !
Thanx teacher
thx jade
Hi Jade´s teacher
that´s cool..
there are a lots of childish person in the comments of youtube and this lesson helped me understand the comments there
I liked it very much. I will use it withmy little kids for a game. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Great lesson. Thx awfully.
i don’t understand anythings sr teacher
10 0f 10.
but i think the last question im confused.
Very well !!!
You like me more and more Jade.
Thank you very much.
i got it…
Thx for the lesson
Thank you Jade.
Hi!, I really appreciate you give us some samples of your culture, and it´s cool hear your accent as well,
I have to say some examples are similar here in mexico, why ? I don`t know, Here we say “Did the rats eat your tongue? “(similar) and the 4 eyes slang is used as well.( I used to be a 4 eyes also but I had a surgery as a child)
I`ll see your lessons later! thanks.
i heard one ,two ,three Freddy Krugger come for you . dont go to bed . are you trying to insult me? scum bag . monkey business. nigger . apple polisher. faggot .hommy. dont get me wrong!! english culture on the street like a shanty town . getto . femme fatal . maneater.
Hi Jade or other students!
What’s “peasy”? (in “Easy, peasy, lemons, squeezy”)…
This lesson was a little difficult for me… Maybe because my internet was preeetty bad…
British accent
cool lesson tnx
Hi!, I really appreciate you give us some samples of your culture, and it´s cool hear your accent as well,
I have to say some examples are similar here in mexico, why ? I don`t know, Here we say “Did the rats eat your tongue? “(similar) and the 4 eyes slang is used as well.( I used to be a 4 eyes also but I had a surgery as a child)
I`ll see your lessons later! thanks.
It’s was so fun!!
Funny lesson!
Thank you Jade!
Thanks Jade.
hello jade I started to learn English and I follow on a daily basis for two months at a rate of something less than an hour to the AR or sometimes four hours at the most. But, unfortunately, met with Premier tough little but Hacs improvement in tone somewhat violin in Alhlesin mean I’m as far as I understand most of your videos, but what I hear Video extent talking about quickly by a large margin I can not understand it well and sometimes a sense of frustration As for the conversation as possible, but downright speak where mistakes in pronunciation downright also possible to use the rules to be misplaced. Average time possible tell me at least an hour and sometimes more than acceptable not supposed increases and mastering the language needs or what a great time waiting for your advice for the development of skills and thank you to all those involved in the this wonderful site
Hi Jade!
I really like your accent and I enjoy your lesson.I hope these slang words help me when I will be in the UK.
Hi Jade,
Tks a lot for your interesting lessons,but for these words,hope i won’t use.
80 point.thanks to your lesson i learnt new things but Jade you speak very fast and i have difficulty to understand
i don’t know what to say about u ,, but at least , you are awesome , thank you
I have gotten 9 out of 10. Thanks a lot EngVid Jade
interesting lesson…this lesson so new for me hehe..i got 7/10scores haha thank you Jade
yeay 10/10 ^_^
9 correct out of 10 =D
You are really pretty Jade I love you
Thank you for your lesson. Now I get some childish words.
yasss i got 100
That’s brilliant thn’x jade!! By the way I really love britsh accent
9/10. It was not easy for me to memorise all of them.:(
I got 10 out of 10, pretty coooooool
Cool. I’ve answered 10/10 correctly.
Ooh God, it was great i just forgot one thing, thanks Jade.. .
Good … thanks a lot for tip.
Hello Jade
Your lessons are the best, really. Amusing, awfully useful, tots fun. Above all the advanced lessons. I’m looking forward to more advanced ones pls.
Also as a suggestion I’m leaving here a vid I’ve just watched which I think can be motivating for you to teach us a bit more about idioms (British ones) and their origins.
Hope you’ll enjoy it too
Thx a lot. Cheers.
You’re the3 best. And your pronunciation is second to none.
I love your pronunciation
Thanks :)
amazing lesson
Thank you Jade! 10/10 :)
9 from 10!! thx Jade!!
Thank you :) it was really useful for me
10 correct out of 10.
it´s was a cool jade thanks
got 40% without watching the lesson.
It is interesting. Good choice of topic. Explanations of sayings. Could you be more specific?
Thanks for dressing up. I appreciate when you care and look pretty for a sake of us.
All the best.
It is interesting. Good choice of topic. Explanations of sayings. Could you be more specific?
Thanks for dressing up.
All the best.
Your are really a true teacher, i mean you are really interesting and easy to listen and comprehend
10/10 and you’re a great teacher, thank you.
Ty! You are a cool teacher! :-D
9 out of 10 so pathetic for me… but I’ve really enjoyed the expressions, it reminds me of Nescafe 1X3: erudition ,educable and so funny loved the- easy peasy lemon squeezy and I”m rubber and you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. Thanks a lot.
10/10 ;) and not a try hard! About loser insult, I’ve met a 6 years old girl that used to say it about her classmates with a L sign on her forehead!
Do not say all what you know , and know all what you say! It is really useful lesson.Thanks
I get new from there so thank you
Oh that’s the coolest things I’ve learnt from this video.
Thanks, it was so good.
Excellent lesson. Thank you.
Great video miss… Brit accent is really cool… specially yours (Y) See ya later alligator :)
Hi! I didn’t understand that one: ‘Don’t get your knickers in a twist’ What does it mean? Whan can I use it?
Thanks Jade..! got 9 out of 10 tho.
Yeay! I got 10/10
thank u
It’s an enjoyable lesson.
Many thanks but it’s a bit complicatec !1
thank you
Hi jade and thank for this great lesson.
It was the coolest and funniest lesson on engvid that i’ve ever seen.
Watching other lessons to improve my compreenshion about sayings, slangs and more.
Thanks Jade!
I just fallen in love with that accent.. hardly to understand but i love it
I love your accent!! nice lesson
Very useful and interesting lesson . You look adorable every time .
I just love British accent and thank you it really helped :D.
9/10. cool.
Lots of new expressions and vocabulary. That’s very
important . I loved the lesson and actually I watched
it twice.
Thanks, Jade.
Thank you
Take a chill pill!!-just loved that one.Give youurself a pat at the back Jade – you are doing such a gret job – really appreciate that.xo
I got correct 9 of 10
Sort of complicated for me
Very nice. Thanks
Thank for this lesson, Jade! It’s really amazing to get authentic British childish vocabulary!??? im interested in such kind of lessons because I talk English to my toddler and its vital to speak real English not ‘artificial’? could you please give more vocabulary concerning raising children, for example, how to descipline them, to scold a bit, to praise .. What to say in different everyday situations, when they feel bad, hurt, offended .. How to comfort, what to ask after kindergarten or school etc. thank you so much for what you do!!
I’ll thank you for the nice lesson, it was not easy for me because of your accent. I watched the video several times to understand the new words.
Thanks Jade
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Thanks Jade.
thanks a lot,Jade,hugs (Kazakhstan 13 Dec2o21:)