In this lesson, you will be introduced to English street slang, an informal kind of vocabulary that is common among young people in the UK. This kind of speech can often be overheard in conversations on the streets of London, on public transit, and in movies. These words and expressions are not appropriate to use in polite conversation, but they are fun to learn and useful to know in order to understand popular culture. In this video, you will learn the meaning of pattymouth, sket, blud, wagan, and many more. Do you know any street slang words that I don’t mention? Watch this video, and comment below!
10/10 I’m feelin as street mthfker, Y’now what I’m sayin, rastafarian blud Jade.
Jorge Pedroso
God blees you..
Thank you so much jade for this great video
Iman Horo
Thank you very much this quiz was sick fam!!!
Thank you very much. Very interesting. Very amazing. I do learn knew words and phrases.
Thanks Jade. This video is very useful. Now I know when I should run away or just say thanks to the opponent :D.
Where is our surrogate teacher?
I miss his bold types, his wisdom, his knowledge of all of this, yadda, yadda, yadda. I mean: etc.)
By the way, I’ve never heard such a stupid lesson. I thought that Jade are a little rascal. And she is. I don’t know why. But she is.
Please, Sensei, enlighten us.
I think is not a good idea you put Jade for teach us because has no technique to teach and your english is so different from others teachers.Think about it!!!
Bare sick, yeah?
Hi, Skype(rasim120492) Abdel Said facebook, will be pleasure to get meet you guys!
Abdel Said
I could not find you :/ please add ninguem00001 :)
Jade You’r sick :D
Edgar Ghifar
Where are Abdel from
Got 10/10 :) Very useful, thank u so much!!
great lesson, thank you so much
I got 10 out of 10
Tks Jade, very nice accent!
If slb wants to practice english speaking, add me on skype: dnakatate
my skype id is hassan.karim31
hassan karim
The video was sick! Haha, I hope more videos like this :)
Andrea Martz
thanks, cool lesson!
carlos 2138
Thanks Jade.
Tks Jade, very good lesson, evrerything was ner to me
Ricky Fiebig
Thank You, Jade
hellow guys can i watch english lessons pleses tell to me …
hassan karim
You will probably have to use a VPN. All our videos are on Youtube, which may be censored where you live.
engVid Moderator
It’s awesome thank you so much
For colleagues who wants to practice his English you can be in touch with me
With What’s app
Please feel free to be in touch anytime
Thank you
10/10 THANKS :D
Very useful. Thanks a lot.
Feel free to teach real spoken English.
See you next time.
It was cool,Jade.
Thanks for picking up the topic.
Purnomo Mu
Thanks Jade! It was really nice of you to try speaking in a way that is not your natural accent. And you did it just for us. Again, thank you! God bless you
ValderĂ Andrade
Hillo everybody
i need to help a bout learning English please who want to help me
thanks all
Mukhtar hakimy
I am in London right now.All people I have talked was not speaking like you have described us.I reckon you are exaggerating.
thanks so much for your guiding
This video was really sick fam… Amazing job… go ahead dear Jade. I got 10/10 thanks and safe 4 now. Greetings from ECUADOR :)
Thank you for your beautiful lesson. It’s funny. Thank!
Hello I am new here and videos is not opening… help
Muhammad Pinjal
Thanks a lot Jade. I really enjoyed your lesson. I got 10/10. You’re sick and peng teacher. God bless you! :)
Hello dear teacher Jade
your lesson is very enjoyable
but please may i have your email address
Mukhtar hakimy
And my email address is Mukhtar hakimy
Thank you dear teacher Jade
Mukhtar hakimy
Hi Jade,
Many thanks for your great help and your excellent work.
Personally, I have studied academic English for years now, but what I have learnt from you is way much useful and practical.
I have watched all your videos in the past few months, and I am always looking forward to watching new ones. You are very nice and beautiful lady, I feel you are my friend, beside being my teacher.
With all my best Wishes :)
Hello, Teacher Jade.
I am Haridan from Thailand.
I would like to bother you about my worrying. Why can’t I listen English clearly ? Even if I can translate while I am reading the subtitle. But when I don’t read the subtitle I am confused and can’t understand what they are speaking. In one topic or lesson (if I read the subtitle) I know almost all of words, there are just 1 or 2 words that I don’t know.
This is my big problem when I talk with a native speaker or other.
How can I improve ? I have been trying to listen such as BBC radio, engvid lesson, Introvert by Jade ect. But my listening skill is still not good. Are there tricks or techniques for that, Could you please please recommend for me ?
lots of us already faced this problem because of the incorrect teaching methods in the non_english speaking countries. i think you have to help yourself buddy by learning with your ears before your eyes.
Mahmoud Mohammed
Funny accent lol
thank you that’s really cool.
Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I can see you are trying to do your best. Helped a lot !! Good day, Jade : )
Danny Han
I got 8/10. But in 5 minutes I forgot everything)))
Hi Jade! thank you for your lesson! When you are visiting London this is what you will hear. People talk on streets this way. You can learn all the proper grammar but when you are there with real people; conversation is full of slangs. This is the reason why pronunciation and conversation is very important.
Hi Jade. My name’s John Michael. I’m from the US but currently living here in Egypt. I’m an English instructor. I teach English on Skype. I’m also the GM of the International Center For Languages (ICL). Would you work as an English instructor?
If you’re interested in working as an English instructor on Skype, please contact me soon.
Skype: english.fun11
WhatsApp : 002 01023967478
Hi guys/ gás plz I want tô join in Skype groups
Thank you, that’s really cool!
Thank you Jade, I really like your British accent ! I really want to be like your accent, I love your video.
Hi Jade, I would like you to share a document with the most common or useful phrasal verbs. It has been kind of difficult for me to find a nice one. Thank you for everything! You are a nice team!
Manuel Castaneira
Hi Jade, I’m Iranian and as you probably know, We have no access to PayPal or something to donate and showing how grateful we are for these amazing videos but I usually in situations like this, I leave a comment. That’s The Only thing i can do.
Thank you for all videos you and other fantastic teachers made until now. Have a nice day! :)
It’s the thought that counts! Thank you for your kind words.
engVid Moderator
thx :D
Hahaha I got 9 bitches! Hahaha XD
Really great lesson
Amazing it’s the first time i know that british language as many words different to USA
Marwa HD
Thank you, Jade. Keep doing, you are the freat teacher. my husbond is from London. And use so many times the words from your video. When i heard them at first, i wanted to correct him)))))
thank you Jade, It’s interesting and funny
Amal Dosa
Mahmoud Mohammed
7 correct out of 10
thanks for the sick questions and the peng teacher :)
thank u so mush Jade
it was a very good lesson
you are a peng girl :)
i do love this lession, i got 9/10 :D
guys, please few free to add my skype: for sharing and practicing in english speaking
7/10 that not bad:)
husni mahbuub
Hi jade, i like your voice and accent. Keep maki ng great videos.
I enjoyed it a lot.Thank you.I like your accent,BTW.
Thank you dear Jade, just excellent
I goT 100. Thank you!
I got 100% love it
thank you
90 as a score :)
Thx Jade.
Hi,Jade. I’m obliged 2 u. While watching your video I thought I was in London. The content u’ve chosen to deliver is sick.
Kedar Mani Aryal
Gpd, I love your british accent :p
Brilliant i got 8 out of 10
I like your accent????
Sick work, Jade.
got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks Dear/jade and hope you can make more videos about that stuff because, i have been two times in london before and,i’ve got shocked from understanding this ‘multicultural London English specially when i get into pubs or parties :)and one more thing i wish to learn is how to be effective with British ladies :)
nice video,nice slangs.
Hi Jade! 9 points out of 10. I liked your pronunciation, but your natural English is proper! I love your natural accent!
Be safe, a peng girl! ;)
I got 9 correct out of 10 great :)
Hajer dz
Hi , if you want practice your English with my “welcom”
Shes a peng girl :DD
The lesson was sick I liked that from you Jade thanks for you
I got 9 correct out of 10. Be safe, a peng girl :).
Mathew Martin
Very helpful, as always. Thank you very much.
Superb, it was a sick lesson fam. You are a peng woman… :D
Damn Jade you’re a peng girl no doubt,I love your accent very much.
Good , thanks so much
When I first watched your videos I was pretty sick for your accent, but then I started to understand it and liked a lot. Thanks for the tips!!
Arnaldo Junior
Wow thankyou Jade!
tumbs up for yo accent Jade, means i liked it yaa :D
yoo. wasap girl (teacher)!thank u for west end lesson. When I come o West End i will say right thing.
thank you very much. Slangs are very interesting and I like to know about them more .
A have not a practice an English please help me speak with mee
A very good class for those who need to know slang to understand the commoner. Like to have more. Thank you.
Thanks a lot
Thanks for all these London slangs, really most o them are hard to get at first… but I going to try my best with them.
Jade would you be so kind and explain to me the word UNLIKELY. Gracias
I’m keen on your lessons
Thank you a lot! That was really interesting and useful!
i am always watching your lessens.
your accent is beautiful as much as you look.
Ali Alkolaib
Thank you very much for your help.
intersting! Thank you!
thanks jade!! I Will try to practice and memorize slams of london really helpful!!
thanks jade!! I Will try to practice and memorize slang of london really helpful!!
Thank you
hossam kamal
Thank you Jade
thanks darlin’
Bab Edjdid
10/10 it reminded me of the time I had spent in London Stratford and Leytonstone area…good times.thank you Jade!!!
Hi jade..I noticed some slang like pussyhole is commonly use in English countries in English countries..I learn it now what it mean.your pronunciation is good..Thanks and best regards..Happy New year from UAE
Thanks Jade.
Hi, Jade!When I was in Liverpool and had a bus tour of Beatles attractions, th guide used to pronounce the word “bus” with the vowel (u)-(bus). It was so weird. Is it a kind of local dialect?
My teacher Jade cool lesson.
British street slangs are new to me. Thank teacher Jade for the interesting and helpful lesson.
Insoo Yeo
That’s so cool to learn real London slang.
isnt wagan an insult in irish in one of ur vids. and it means ugly woman
Learn English for free with 2155 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you!!!
Interesting and cool! Thank you, Jade :)
10/10 I’m feelin as street mthfker, Y’now what I’m sayin, rastafarian blud Jade.
God blees you..
Thank you so much jade for this great video
Thank you very much this quiz was sick fam!!!
Thank you very much. Very interesting. Very amazing. I do learn knew words and phrases.
Thanks Jade. This video is very useful. Now I know when I should run away or just say thanks to the opponent :D.
Where is our surrogate teacher?
I miss his bold types, his wisdom, his knowledge of all of this, yadda, yadda, yadda. I mean: etc.)
By the way, I’ve never heard such a stupid lesson. I thought that Jade are a little rascal. And she is. I don’t know why. But she is.
Please, Sensei, enlighten us.
I think is not a good idea you put Jade for teach us because has no technique to teach and your english is so different from others teachers.Think about it!!!
Bare sick, yeah?
Hi, Skype(rasim120492) Abdel Said facebook, will be pleasure to get meet you guys!
I could not find you :/ please add ninguem00001 :)
Jade You’r sick :D
Where are Abdel from
Got 10/10 :) Very useful, thank u so much!!
great lesson, thank you so much
I got 10 out of 10
Tks Jade, very nice accent!
If slb wants to practice english speaking, add me on skype: dnakatate
my skype id is hassan.karim31
The video was sick! Haha, I hope more videos like this :)
thanks, cool lesson!
Thanks Jade.
Tks Jade, very good lesson, evrerything was ner to me
Thank You, Jade
hellow guys can i watch english lessons pleses tell to me …
You will probably have to use a VPN. All our videos are on Youtube, which may be censored where you live.
It’s awesome thank you so much
For colleagues who wants to practice his English you can be in touch with me
With What’s app
Please feel free to be in touch anytime
Thank you
10/10 THANKS :D
Very useful. Thanks a lot.
Feel free to teach real spoken English.
See you next time.
It was cool,Jade.
Thanks for picking up the topic.
Thanks Jade! It was really nice of you to try speaking in a way that is not your natural accent. And you did it just for us. Again, thank you! God bless you
Hillo everybody
i need to help a bout learning English please who want to help me
thanks all
I am in London right now.All people I have talked was not speaking like you have described us.I reckon you are exaggerating.
thanks so much for your guiding
This video was really sick fam… Amazing job… go ahead dear Jade. I got 10/10 thanks and safe 4 now. Greetings from ECUADOR :)
Thank you for your beautiful lesson. It’s funny. Thank!
Hello I am new here and videos is not opening… help
Thanks a lot Jade. I really enjoyed your lesson. I got 10/10. You’re sick and peng teacher. God bless you! :)
Hello dear teacher Jade
your lesson is very enjoyable
but please may i have your email address
And my email address is Mukhtar hakimy
Thank you dear teacher Jade
Hi Jade,
Many thanks for your great help and your excellent work.
Personally, I have studied academic English for years now, but what I have learnt from you is way much useful and practical.
I have watched all your videos in the past few months, and I am always looking forward to watching new ones. You are very nice and beautiful lady, I feel you are my friend, beside being my teacher.
With all my best Wishes :)
Hello, Teacher Jade.
I am Haridan from Thailand.
I would like to bother you about my worrying. Why can’t I listen English clearly ? Even if I can translate while I am reading the subtitle. But when I don’t read the subtitle I am confused and can’t understand what they are speaking. In one topic or lesson (if I read the subtitle) I know almost all of words, there are just 1 or 2 words that I don’t know.
This is my big problem when I talk with a native speaker or other.
How can I improve ? I have been trying to listen such as BBC radio, engvid lesson, Introvert by Jade ect. But my listening skill is still not good. Are there tricks or techniques for that, Could you please please recommend for me ?
lots of us already faced this problem because of the incorrect teaching methods in the non_english speaking countries. i think you have to help yourself buddy by learning with your ears before your eyes.
Funny accent lol
thank you that’s really cool.
Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I can see you are trying to do your best. Helped a lot !! Good day, Jade : )
I got 8/10. But in 5 minutes I forgot everything)))
Hi Jade! thank you for your lesson! When you are visiting London this is what you will hear. People talk on streets this way. You can learn all the proper grammar but when you are there with real people; conversation is full of slangs. This is the reason why pronunciation and conversation is very important.
Hi Jade. My name’s John Michael. I’m from the US but currently living here in Egypt. I’m an English instructor. I teach English on Skype. I’m also the GM of the International Center For Languages (ICL). Would you work as an English instructor?
If you’re interested in working as an English instructor on Skype, please contact me soon.
Skype: english.fun11
WhatsApp : 002 01023967478
Hi guys/ gás plz I want tô join in Skype groups
Thank you, that’s really cool!
Thank you Jade, I really like your British accent ! I really want to be like your accent, I love your video.
Hi Jade, I would like you to share a document with the most common or useful phrasal verbs. It has been kind of difficult for me to find a nice one. Thank you for everything! You are a nice team!
Hi Jade, I’m Iranian and as you probably know, We have no access to PayPal or something to donate and showing how grateful we are for these amazing videos but I usually in situations like this, I leave a comment. That’s The Only thing i can do.
Thank you for all videos you and other fantastic teachers made until now. Have a nice day! :)
It’s the thought that counts! Thank you for your kind words.
thx :D
Hahaha I got 9 bitches! Hahaha XD
Really great lesson
Amazing it’s the first time i know that british language as many words different to USA
Thank you, Jade. Keep doing, you are the freat teacher. my husbond is from London. And use so many times the words from your video. When i heard them at first, i wanted to correct him)))))
thank you Jade, It’s interesting and funny
7 correct out of 10
thanks for the sick questions and the peng teacher :)
thank u so mush Jade
it was a very good lesson
you are a peng girl :)
i do love this lession, i got 9/10 :D
guys, please few free to add my skype: for sharing and practicing in english speaking
7/10 that not bad:)
Hi jade, i like your voice and accent. Keep maki ng great videos.
I enjoyed it a lot.Thank you.I like your accent,BTW.
Thank you dear Jade, just excellent
I goT 100. Thank you!
I got 100% love it
thank you
90 as a score :)
Thx Jade.
Hi,Jade. I’m obliged 2 u. While watching your video I thought I was in London. The content u’ve chosen to deliver is sick.
Gpd, I love your british accent :p
Brilliant i got 8 out of 10
I like your accent????
Sick work, Jade.
got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks Dear/jade and hope you can make more videos about that stuff because, i have been two times in london before and,i’ve got shocked from understanding this ‘multicultural London English specially when i get into pubs or parties :)and one more thing i wish to learn is how to be effective with British ladies :)
nice video,nice slangs.
Hi Jade! 9 points out of 10. I liked your pronunciation, but your natural English is proper! I love your natural accent!
Be safe, a peng girl! ;)
I got 9 correct out of 10 great :)
Hi , if you want practice your English with my “welcom”
Shes a peng girl :DD
The lesson was sick I liked that from you Jade thanks for you
I got 9 correct out of 10. Be safe, a peng girl :).
Very helpful, as always. Thank you very much.
Superb, it was a sick lesson fam. You are a peng woman… :D
Damn Jade you’re a peng girl no doubt,I love your accent very much.
Good , thanks so much
When I first watched your videos I was pretty sick for your accent, but then I started to understand it and liked a lot. Thanks for the tips!!
Wow thankyou Jade!
tumbs up for yo accent Jade, means i liked it yaa :D
It was very interesting lesson~ Thanks a lot
Sick lesson peng girl ;)
peng teacher, also it was sick .. Am I right?
really lovely
How can I watch the video?
Good. I got 100
Thank you so much, Jade
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks alot
thanks for the info
U’r awesome ))))))
yoo. wasap girl (teacher)!thank u for west end lesson. When I come o West End i will say right thing.
thank you very much. Slangs are very interesting and I like to know about them more .
A have not a practice an English please help me speak with mee
A very good class for those who need to know slang to understand the commoner. Like to have more. Thank you.
Thanks a lot
Thanks for all these London slangs, really most o them are hard to get at first… but I going to try my best with them.
Jade would you be so kind and explain to me the word UNLIKELY. Gracias
I’m keen on your lessons
Thank you a lot! That was really interesting and useful!
i am always watching your lessens.
your accent is beautiful as much as you look.
Thank you very much for your help.
intersting! Thank you!
thanks jade!! I Will try to practice and memorize slams of london really helpful!!
thanks jade!! I Will try to practice and memorize slang of london really helpful!!
Thank you
Thank you Jade
thanks darlin’
10/10 it reminded me of the time I had spent in London Stratford and Leytonstone area…good times.thank you Jade!!!
Hi jade..I noticed some slang like pussyhole is commonly use in English countries in English countries..I learn it now what it mean.your pronunciation is good..Thanks and best regards..Happy New year from UAE
Thanks Jade.
Hi, Jade!When I was in Liverpool and had a bus tour of Beatles attractions, th guide used to pronounce the word “bus” with the vowel (u)-(bus). It was so weird. Is it a kind of local dialect?
My teacher Jade cool lesson.
British street slangs are new to me. Thank teacher Jade for the interesting and helpful lesson.
That’s so cool to learn real London slang.
isnt wagan an insult in irish in one of ur vids. and it means ugly woman
You look bloody peng mate
Man is ready to flex pon street; truss me!