Do you need to communicate in the business world? Face the facts, you need to learn some common business English idioms if you want to head a team. Improve your communication skills in professional environments by watching this lesson and learning these phrases. When you finish the lesson, take our quiz to make sure you understand the correct usage of each idiom. Then, you can test them out at work by speaking with your colleagues and clients!
Yep! It was a challenging lesson happy04, but at the same time absorbing.
All the best with your English.
Have a marvelous weekend!
Dear Rebecca, just out of curiosity, how long does it take you to develop your quizes?
Incidentally, they all are well-designed and help us to understand lesson contents much better.
The lesson was simply splendid. Have a great weekend Rebecca.
I agree with you Regino, EngVid is such an excellent website
Yes it is… I know i’m goint to learn a lot in this website
it was Difficult yeah :) thanks Rebecca
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
i will add your skype ID wish to talk with you soon. Monstero. Nice to see u.
English is always difficult to Janpanese.
Jarvan Hu
Useful and interesting lesson thanks Mrs. Rebecca !!
I agree with your remarks and I will try to practice in my job.
This kind of lesson help me to increase my english conversation skill.
Thanks Rebeka.
Thank you Rebecca!
Ms. Rebecca, I love your lessons and your teaching style, it`s straightforward and unorthodox.
Thank you so much :)
Thanks Rebbeca
Thanks Rebecca!
Rebbeca has an eye for interesting items, thanks
Oh I got 7 correct out of 10 eventhough it is difficult quiz Thank you Rebecca.
thanks a lot Rebecca, I really like your videos.
Thank you Rebecca its an useful lesson I got 100
Ahmed Alqaisi
nice one.
it was help me so much
I got 7 out 10, thanks ms rebecca. Great lesson
Thank you Rebacca
Thanks a lot
sergey donets
Great Lesson Rebecca. Thank you!
Hi teacher.Thanks to your abbility of explanation any lesson turns out very easy and useful.
Really ENGVID is helpful website.Every day when I learn some English I feel happy because I enhance this language which I wish to master it.THANK YOU
I’M attending your teaching and learning .in addition what can I do to have a good skills of English you need to Direct me what is the better way
i think the better way to have a good skills we should practice more we should communicate in english everyday!!!
thank you it was great
wow.great lesson.
Sadeg Al shameer
Thank you for your lesson Rebecca.
got 10 out of 10 questions. quite challenging! :)
On the front burner.Thanks for work.
Nikita Chizhik
very good exercise to practice my english
Let’s face the facts Barbara, James isn’t capable to heads this turmoil, and will be who ought to foot the bill, besides don’t count with Adam for shouldered the blame, because he is never over her head, so! Tell me who has an eye for manage the situation? who? Jade? Benji? Nah not possible face the facts Barbara, this will never be the same from now on.
Jorge Pedroso
9/10 mistake on the fourth? She ought to should the blame, not heads with the responsibility, that’s a fact.
Jorge Pedroso
Hi everyone…
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for everything and EngVid team as well.
I have a small question that what is the difference between “Me too” and ” So am I” and there is ” So would I” and when to use them?
Tough question for a language learner, but let me give it a try.
*I am an EngVid student and SO are you (you are an EngVid student TOO).
* You are Syrian citizent and SO am I (I am a Syrian citizent TOO = Me TOO).
(By the way, I’m not Syrian; I’m Mexican)
* Tony: I would go to the movies today, but …
Anna: SO would I (I would go to the movies TOO), but I’m tired.
Hope these examples help you out to understand the use of SO and TOO, Majd.
Good luck with your English.
Thanks Regino
Thanks for helping out, Regino. Great explanation. Hope it helped you, Majd. All the best to both of you.
Hi teacher Rebecca I’m weak in language English I want you help me
thanks Regino, it is very helpful
hi every one
Thank you, Rebecca!!! It was very helpful!! I love your lessons!
yeeeaaahhh i got 10 this is too good!! thanks Rebecca
clear and very ususeful! Thanks a lot
6 italiano?
Ciao. Si, sono italiano e studio anche inglese. ho letto che studi italiano. vero?
Si e’ vero. Mi kiamo Kido. sono stato in Italia x studiare Italiano. a me piace tanto di conoscerti xke io sono una xsona vivace, tranquilla ed amichevole. Io vorrei tanto diventare il tuo amiko x verificare il mio italiano. se vuoi, ci possiamo scambiare la gentilezza. Io studio anke inglese e secondo me scrivo meglio Inglese. Fammi sapere la tua mail oppure FB se vorresti fare amicizia kon me. Grz tanto, ciao
clear and very useful! Thanks a lot
kome stai? kome va la tua vita? hai gia letto un libro “IL GABBIANO”. e’ un libretto belissimo… a presto!
Really its an useful lesson ,I learned new thing ..
Thank You Mrs.Rebecca :”)
quite interesting!goo for practices!
Thank you Rebecca! I got 9 out 10.
thank you rebecca your lesson is so great
thank you! good explanation You are the best teacher!
hello everybody
Thank you … It’s an exciting lesson and quiz, I scored 10/10…’s a piece of cake…
Abdullah Hussein
Thank You Rebecca!
Thanks a lot!
carlos 2138
Nice! I loved this lesson! Are really expressions very usuals and practices .
I got 7 of 10. Thanks Teacher!
Thanks so much
Hello Rébécca
In question 4 , I can’t understand in the context the sens of ‘ It takes a strong person to take responsibility like that.’ Does it mean that it is a big responsability for a person even if this person is strong ?
In question 7 , wounld’nt it be used ‘would ‘ before ‘better’ ?
Tanks in advance for your explaination and carry on .
It takes a strong person, in terms of character.
Yes, you are right. In number 7, it should be “I’d better”. Good catch!
All the best to you.
Hi, tsamp. Those are interesting observations, although I suggest using “had better” rather than “would better” :) Best wishes and keep learning.
Cristian Llanos
thank you ! , it’s a helpful lesson .. Also I got 100
Sara KH'azal
Useful quiz I got 100. Special thanks for you guys
Hello Rebbeca, my score was 10 of 10.
Your skill of teaching is the best. We can see how you love what you do. Thank you in name of every students in the World.
Thank you kindly for your generous feedback, and congratulations on your perfect score. You have a gift for expressing yourself from the heart in English, and, I suspect, in Portuguese too! My best wishes to you.
I get 70 from 100. Thanks a lot mam
Very useful lesson.
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
9 -10 thanks Rebecca
fabrizio giorgi
Great class teacher. Very usefull!!! Thanks.
Adriano Celin
So glad you found the idioms useful. My best wishes to you, Adriano.
Thank you Rebecca. It is helpful information. I’ll use it!
Thank you dear Rebecca… it’s very helpful and interesting… I really appreciate the great job you do.
All the best to you
Thank you kindly. I wish you all the best with your English.
You’re welcome dear Rebecca, and thank you again.
Thanks Rebecca,I got 9 correct out of 10
Good for you BudyHi! You’re on the right track.
All the best.
i like the pratice my english with somebody in the my skype please me add guys
very nice 8/10
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you so much!!!!Great quiz.
thank you for this useful lesson
best regards
haider j touma
thank you for this estimated l lesson
best regards
haider j touma
Thank so much Rebecca, I love learning such lesson. the video is in short time but have meaning for me to know new idioms in business. I am rarely use them and my partner also.
So glad you found the lesson useful and that you took the time and trouble to give us some feedback. My best wishes to you.
i got 9/10 …nice learning english ….in this way …..keep doing this type of work …its help us
Thank you 10/10. I was surprised, becouse I heard these 6 idioms first time and I guessed what they mean. In Polish they are similar (eg. to have an eye for something, it is the same in Polish!) or it just sounds logical for me.
Good work! Yes, many idioms exist in different languages. Makes the world feel a little smaller, and all of us, a little more connected. My best wishes to you.
I just love this site!!!!!!!)))))It`s extremely useful and interesting! In other words it`s the best site for english learners that I know of.
Thank you so much i really appreciate the lesson thank you so much MRS Rebecca
mohammed amri
10/10…. thanks Rebecca !
Frederico Cavalini
Thanks Rebecca, very useful business phrases, I will use them in my work daily basis!
Gil Arteaga
Great idea! That’s the best way to master the idioms. All the best.
i got 10 of 10 =D, thanks Rebecca
Mahmoud Ayman
I got 100 . It’s so great and meaning to me! Thanks!
hello mam ,, could u please tell me what is the difference between ” I like the novel and I do like the novel”
Hello and thank u very much for your way of teaching. I’ve learned a lot of things since I visited your site. Now I have a problem , My problem is when I watch movie I understand what they say but when I listen to a news or another program TV , I don’t understand. could u tell what I should do? thank u
It may be that the vocabulary used in the news is unfamiliar to you. On the other hand, the news is repeated often, in different formats, so you have the chance to learn new vocabulary around different themes – politics, weather, war, etc. So after you listen to a broadcast, perhaps you could read about the same story, identify the new vocabulary and make an organized effort to learn it. It will help you to discuss what’s going on in the world and also to understand more easily when the next storm, war or election happens, as the vocabulary will repeat itself. I wish you all the best.
I got 100. Thanks Rebecca
To Devashish:
In fact, there is no big difference between “I like something” and “I do like something”.
“do” is an emphasis here. Like “I actually like something”.
Yes, you are right. Thanks, and all the best.
It was really a helpful class for me..thnk u mam..
jisha j r
Interesting, thank you Rebecca
Glad you found the lesson helpful. My best to you.
hello everyone. personally, I would like to thank you for this lesson, you explained the idioms easily and you made them interesting. regards!!
Fethe Guzman
Hello, thank Rebecca. Excellent lesson!
Clear and professional, as usual. Tks
thank you teacher Rebecca. it is interesting lesson and i am weak of all idiom. But when i saw this clip, it is good technique which i would copied. It is to set the group of word like you do as the part of body to easily remember. Thank you teacher, Rebecca.
Glad you found the lesson helpful presented in that way. I wish you all the best.
thank you rebecca
Hi Rebecca, I have a question about the sentence:
I used to feel very ashamed.
Does the verb feel her state or action?.
Does the verb feel here state or action?.
Here, it seems like “feel” is a state verb. My best to you.
Thanks Rebecca
another question, how can I know if it is a state or an action verb
Dear Rebecca,
I think, we can to use an idiom for the family : The parents must always keep an eye on their young children.
Best regards.
Yes, you are right. Good work and remember that we do not need to say, ” can to”; we should say:
We can use an idiom for the family
All the best to you.
Thank you so much Rebecca!
Thanks to all for your feedback. Idioms can be confusing; yet, they’re used so often it’s important to become familiar with them. First, learn to understand them. Later, when you’re very sure how to use them, you can include them while speaking or writing. I wish you all the best.
you are really very good teacher
i felt that i have improved my english when i listen to your great lessons
thanks again my teacher Rebecca
So glad to know that the engvid website and lessons help you. I always admire those who love to learn and am more than happy to be your partner on this learning journey that we all take together. There is so much we can learn from one another. My best wishes to you.
my teacher
so glad to reply me and thank you so mush when you are my partner on this learning.
i am really happy to hear that form you
i am really love english very very mush
so how can i contact you if i have question or any thing to ask you?
have agood day . my best wishes to you
Great lesson! Great result 10/10! Thank you, Rebecca! Tomorrow I will use all 6 idioms at my work :) I promise. Practise makes perfect ;)
Hi, do you have Skype?
Thank you very much.
Thank you Rebecca, very helpful, 10/10 :)
Sasha J.
thank you very much Mrs Rebecca . I
score 100% on the quiz.
virat kholi
Thanks a lot Rebecca and good job, today i get some amazing business idioms.
how are you?
Great teacher, she is so good, I love the manner that she teaches.
Thank you kindly and happy to know that the lessons help you. My best wishes to you.
Thanks Rebecca, now I have to put my head on using these idioms. But I feel a little weird!
Thanks teacher this such a great lesson your lessons let me feel crazy about myself ,thez help me alot in my studies, all the best for you Rebecca !!!
Hamza zaynoun
Very glad to know the lessons help you. All the best to you.
Interesting lesson, thank you so much.
As usual you are the best teacher ever
Thank you,Rebecca. This is my first time to get 10/10. I’m so happy.
hi my teacher
thank you so mush to help many people around the world to improve english.
Hi Rebecca,
When I was listening to your class, I noticed you used “for” to say: “which is too difficult for you”. I learnt that after adjectives, we use “to”, and not “for”. I guess I got it wrongly. Could you clarify that topic to me? (or should I say “for me”?)
Thanks for you lovely class!
Thanks for your feedback. Actually, after adjectives we use all kinds of prepositions including to, for, at, by, with, of, about, in….so the best way is to learn the right preposition when you learn the adjective. Sometimes we use more than one preposition after a particular adjective, and it has a slightly different meaning. Besides, English has so many exceptions. I am glad you are as interested as you are and that you listen closely to the lessons. That’s a wonderfully effective way to improve your English as well. All the best to you.
thank U Rebecca for giving us these quiz
I have small request from U if U can give me a short paragraph with hypothetical instance .
Or if any one here know how to make one
I will be grateful ^_^
Hi teachers how are you
10/10. Thank you so much
hi Rebbeca ;Thank you for being an excellent teacher! We know teachers like you are not easy to find,We appreciate your time, your patience, your ability to make a dry subject interesting, and your smile :) Have a great time god bless u
Blessings to you as well and thank you for your very kind words. Did you know your English is very good? Clearly, you have learned a lot on your own through your determined efforts. I wish you all the best.
Hello Rebeca, I am from Brazil. I like your lessons and I have a doubt. When should I use “center” and when should I use “centre”.
Could you explain?
thank you,
“Center” is the American spelling and “centre” is the British spelling. Which style of spelling you use depends on many factors such as what is expected, who you are communicating with and so on. Another important point is to choose one style and stay consistent with that style throughout a particular piece of writing. All the best to you, Ricardo.
Rebeca, so nice puzzle at the en! :) I like your vids very much
so far so good!
My skills are improving by leaps and bounds with your great lessons….
Wow, great use of idiomatic language! Keep up the good work. I wish you all the best. You are clearly a determined person in learning English and in life.
I enjoyed taking the quiz. Thanks. Abha
hi Rebecca;Congratulations, lovely woman. Today you deserve our most beautiful flowers and poetry!
Happy Women’s day to you!Here’s my best wishes to you on International Women’s Day!
Thank you kindly, on behalf of all women. I do believe men should also be respected and honored when they make positive contributions to our lives. All the best to you.
Rebecca you are a good teacher and THX!
what a lesson! Thank you very much.
Hi Rebecca,thank you for the lessons I really enjoy the quizzes.
Footing the bill was new for me. I probably heard it before but was not aware of it
very useful lesson
hoda berzan
bit difficult thankyou Rebecca
my Quiz rebecca:
You got 9 correct out of 10.
wrong number: 7
chakim hamzah
Thank u Ms. Rebecca i have 9 points out of 10
It’s first time to leave a comment. It’ very comprehensible contents! I never forget!!
Kazuya Kinoshita
Thank you, Rebecca.
thanks Rebecca that was nice.
I am doing well.Thank you very much,teacher.
Wayne Song
very briefly, but thanks)
I made 10 out of 10,thanks a million Mrs Rebecca,without your lesson,i was in over my head when talking with my global customers in English.So i had to face the facts about drop in sales because of my bad oral English.But now,things getting much better.So i am really grateful for your dedicated contribution to teaching English freely.I would like to invite you to come visit China and exchange ideas about your teaching experience with learners here in China ,if possible,that would be great.
Anyway,thank you very much for what you have done.Best wishes to you!!!
Eric Chan
10/10 Thanks, Rebecca!
Thanks, Rebecca! When we learn the idioms of a language we also learn the culture and the behaviour of that people. That is a nice lesson. You speak very clearly, and it helps me in my listening skill, whinch for me is the hardest part.
Eduardo França
Many thanks! I got 9.
Albert Wang
Thanks a lot! Very helpful!
Great lesson. Let’s Face this fact. She has an eye for that.
is it ok to say an eye on/ for ?
I’m in over my head in improving my english. Finally I realize that I need to face the facts that there is still a long way for me to go on this english learning road.I need to strength my will in shouldering the blame for all the not quit right expression along the road.
Rebecca, You have an eye on english teaching. And my eyes have been opened to this native english world. Thank you! And I think You must be heading an education team in engVid.
Best wishes to you!
L love this website. it is really useful web for those people who wants to learn English.
SO nice to teach people and respond to their comments ,thank you Rebeeca and all the team
it’s really interesting and useful for me and thanks a lot rebacca teacher
vinu n p
Thanks u! u such a very good teacher, u speak so easy to understand, even my bad listening ! tks again, hope u do more !!!
Very good video, i learned a lot! Thanks rebecca
Useful for understanding native speaker!
Great, i starting study english. thanks teacher
like your phrasal series, keep up ~~
cindy ye
a bit tough for me ..this course .seems my understanding ability is not as advanced as well
cindy ye
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you for the lesson , is very important i appreciate your works
Achraf Dakdak
Thank You
Hi Rebecca,
idioms and phrasal verbs are the most difficult things while trying to improve our English. thank you very much, nice work grouping them by the parts of our bodies.
The lesson was very educative but to go over it could help me understand more better
10 out of 10, i am a genius :)
great lesson, Rebecca! thank you.
Worth watching. Thank you Rebecca!
I got 10/10 tk u so much! <3
Dao Huong
It is my first video, good beginning :) :)
Hi Rebecca! i hope you’re find well :) ! this is the second video that i watch from you and i really like it. i Think you’re a great teacher, and i get the message.
However, i got a question.
it’s about the third example:
Our HR manager has an eye for “selecting” good people.
– Why should add “ing” letters at the end of the verb instead to put it on infinitive ?
JavieR C.
I’ve got 10 out of 10!!
A very usefull lesson! I’ve got 10/10 on the test, it’s important to known the bussiness slang.
I’ve got 10. thank u so much ^^
Thanks Rebecca! I like your class especially this one!
Its a good lesson but its difficult for me.. may you give me any advice for how to improve my speaking English ?
zeena salam
Thanks Rebecca
Hi everybody,
Very interesting and helpful.
Many thanks to you teacher Emma.. Your lesson help me a lot.. :)
ronald bermil
I should say, helps me a lot.. :)
ronald bermil
mowlid osman
Hello Rebecca! Thank you for your incomparable lessons. I really like it. I want to share with you an idiom with “body part” “She propably has a leg up on the other applicants for the job because she has more experience”
focus on meaning
That is good strategy,
Thanks Rebecca
100% nice topic)
I got 8 correct out of 10 . I feel satisfied. it is difficult quiz Thank you Rebecca.
thank you Rebecca.
Rebecca has an eye for selecting the right topic.Am I correct?
Thank you Rebecca, this is challenge quiz and nice.
I like your way on teaching
sitti kardina
Hi Rebecca
I really like your way of teaching, in that way we are able to absorb the difficult ones in an easy manner. By solving the Quiz, we came to know promptly about our level with respect to the lesson.
I shall be grateful to you, if you may correct my comment too.
Thanks & God bless you
I got 9 out of 10.
Diallo Boubacar
Thank you! It was new and interesting.
Gosh, how difficult idioms… But as the saying goes: “No pain, no gain”. Once I created my own phrase: “Step by step, day by day will be ok” I hope so… I’v been always kidding myself that I have time to retirement. Maybe until then I’ll make it. Regardless of that many thanks
Awesome…really useful.
Rebeca, I really appreciate this lesson. It was really useful and I have 100 on the Quiz :)
Thank you!
thanks Rebeca, I have understood all your expressions about idioms and I hope I will get some others soon.thanks
it was very use full lesson and got the test 10/10.
I find this quizzes quite amusing they are a very good exercise to remove the dust and rust from my English I got to be ready for the big exam
engVid is awesome website :))
Brilliant, it was very useful, thanks a lot
I need to face the fact that if I don’t study Engerish harder, I won’t get a good grade. Who shouldered the blame if I fell the exam. It’s me I’m the one who blame for it. Thank you Rebecca.
Great Teacher, always. :)
I got 9 correct answers out of 10, but check out shows that 10/10 is alright. How is that? Where I made a mistake?
Hello Engvid,
I know nothing before this lecture.I got 10:10.I am facing the facts about Business english.Mrs Rebecca heads the team at engvid.Here at engvid there is no need of footing the bill because its absolutely free and interesting courses.Engvid has an eye to select word and appropriate examples.I would like to shoulder the blame of making incorrect sentences due to lack of proper english. I would like to improve little by little.I am never in over my head.
Author Rakesh
Thank you Rebecca for the great work.. would you please help me to replace the following idiom “foot the bill” in the following sentence ” the invoice will be charged on the company”
Much appreciated.
This lesson is very helpful to increase English skill both listening and grammar. Appreciate Rebecca
Sangsug Oh
Thank you Rebecca.
I got 10 correct out of 10! Thank you vey much for spending your valuable time teaching me. This lesson is very helpful to improve my English skills.
Thank you teacher Rebecca! Very useful lesson! I have the Bulats test next week and I want to use them. knowing idioms do make the difference!
Sal Marciano
wow, now it’s to hard for me but I did it I managed to do 9/10 thanks for you Rebacca
Are you canadian? This is strange because your natural language is english and i thought that should be easy for you
this class was very useful! i enjoyed it a lot!
Gilson Oliveira
Thank you Rebecca
Hi everyone I want for you make group in whatsapp or facebook for practice language English
Rebecca, you are the best English teacher, ever!
Armagan oguz
Thank you Rebecca. Excellent material to practice!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
M kartal
Thank you for your interesting lesson.
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you Rebecca.
Jun Shao
Thank you so much dear Rebecca. but I’m not sure about spelling of ‘dept’, you mean depth didn’t you?
Thank you Rebecca, a great explanation.
10 by 10
10/10. thanks
Thanks Rebecca!
Hello i would like to figure out a fast way to me increase my vocabulary and improving my listening.
Thanks fou your help!
thanks.. I’m learning a lot..
Thank you, Rebecca.
Jesan Chuang
It funny to learn english with you Rebecca, Thanks.
Hi Rebecca, I am truly appreciate your lessons. I have learned new things every time I watch your videos. Thank you very much. It helps a lot.
Thank you very MUCH, Rebecca. Your style of teaching is wonderful.
MrAhmed Abdelaal
Hi Rebecca!
Thank you for such a great lesson.
I have a question about the quiz, question #4.
It said that “It takes a strong person to take responsibility…”
The part in the sentence “It takes a strong” person is a collocation? I couldn’t find the exact use of or the meaning of it.
If you elaborate on the use of that concept, I really appreciate it.
I need to face the facts about learning English by myself is really difficult. Rebecca is very good teacher. She shouldered the blame for doing hard job to prepare these amazing classes. The English classes are extremely expensive in English countries. My family cannot footing the bill of English courses. But I have an eye for finding this web and an excellent teacher Rebecca. I am taking advantage for these courses. I don’t have a lot of time to learn because I am in over my head at my work. But Rebecca I don’t know how to thank you.
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Hasan Soledad
I watched this video twice on January 02, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
what to say Rebecca? i spend my nights to study english watching your lessons. Great teacher :-)
Difficult but interesting. thanks madam.
fine class! thank you Rebeca
Hi Rebecca.
You are such a great teacher. I scored 100. Thank you
Thanks a lot Rebecca. You are amazing! (Azores islands, 08Feb2024).
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Difficult but interesting. Thank you, Rebecca :)
Yep! It was a challenging lesson happy04, but at the same time absorbing.
All the best with your English.
Have a marvelous weekend!
Dear Rebecca, just out of curiosity, how long does it take you to develop your quizes?
Incidentally, they all are well-designed and help us to understand lesson contents much better.
The lesson was simply splendid. Have a great weekend Rebecca.
I agree with you Regino, EngVid is such an excellent website
Yes it is… I know i’m goint to learn a lot in this website
it was Difficult yeah :) thanks Rebecca
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
i will add your skype ID wish to talk with you soon. Monstero. Nice to see u.
English is always difficult to Janpanese.
Useful and interesting lesson thanks Mrs. Rebecca !!
I agree with your remarks and I will try to practice in my job.
This kind of lesson help me to increase my english conversation skill.
Thanks Rebeka.
Thank you Rebecca!
Ms. Rebecca, I love your lessons and your teaching style, it`s straightforward and unorthodox.
Thank you so much :)
Thanks Rebbeca
Thanks Rebecca!
Rebbeca has an eye for interesting items, thanks
Oh I got 7 correct out of 10 eventhough it is difficult quiz Thank you Rebecca.
thanks a lot Rebecca, I really like your videos.
Thank you Rebecca its an useful lesson I got 100
nice one.
it was help me so much
I got 7 out 10, thanks ms rebecca. Great lesson
Thank you Rebacca
Thanks a lot
Great Lesson Rebecca. Thank you!
Hi teacher.Thanks to your abbility of explanation any lesson turns out very easy and useful.
Really ENGVID is helpful website.Every day when I learn some English I feel happy because I enhance this language which I wish to master it.THANK YOU
I’M attending your teaching and learning .in addition what can I do to have a good skills of English you need to Direct me what is the better way
i think the better way to have a good skills we should practice more we should communicate in english everyday!!!
thank you it was great
wow.great lesson.
Thank you for your lesson Rebecca.
got 10 out of 10 questions. quite challenging! :)
On the front burner.Thanks for work.
very good exercise to practice my english
Let’s face the facts Barbara, James isn’t capable to heads this turmoil, and will be who ought to foot the bill, besides don’t count with Adam for shouldered the blame, because he is never over her head, so! Tell me who has an eye for manage the situation? who? Jade? Benji? Nah not possible face the facts Barbara, this will never be the same from now on.
9/10 mistake on the fourth? She ought to should the blame, not heads with the responsibility, that’s a fact.
Hi everyone…
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for everything and EngVid team as well.
I have a small question that what is the difference between “Me too” and ” So am I” and there is ” So would I” and when to use them?
Tough question for a language learner, but let me give it a try.
*I am an EngVid student and SO are you (you are an EngVid student TOO).
* You are Syrian citizent and SO am I (I am a Syrian citizent TOO = Me TOO).
(By the way, I’m not Syrian; I’m Mexican)
* Tony: I would go to the movies today, but …
Anna: SO would I (I would go to the movies TOO), but I’m tired.
Hope these examples help you out to understand the use of SO and TOO, Majd.
Good luck with your English.
Thanks Regino
Thanks for helping out, Regino. Great explanation. Hope it helped you, Majd. All the best to both of you.
Hi teacher Rebecca I’m weak in language English I want you help me
thanks Regino, it is very helpful
hi every one
Thank you, Rebecca!!! It was very helpful!! I love your lessons!
yeeeaaahhh i got 10 this is too good!! thanks Rebecca
clear and very ususeful! Thanks a lot
6 italiano?
Ciao. Si, sono italiano e studio anche inglese. ho letto che studi italiano. vero?
Si e’ vero. Mi kiamo Kido. sono stato in Italia x studiare Italiano. a me piace tanto di conoscerti xke io sono una xsona vivace, tranquilla ed amichevole. Io vorrei tanto diventare il tuo amiko x verificare il mio italiano. se vuoi, ci possiamo scambiare la gentilezza. Io studio anke inglese e secondo me scrivo meglio Inglese. Fammi sapere la tua mail oppure FB se vorresti fare amicizia kon me. Grz tanto, ciao
clear and very useful! Thanks a lot
kome stai? kome va la tua vita? hai gia letto un libro “IL GABBIANO”. e’ un libretto belissimo… a presto!
Really its an useful lesson ,I learned new thing ..
Thank You Mrs.Rebecca :”)
quite interesting!goo for practices!
Thank you Rebecca! I got 9 out 10.
thank you rebecca your lesson is so great
thank you! good explanation You are the best teacher!
hello everybody
Thank you … It’s an exciting lesson and quiz, I scored 10/10…’s a piece of cake…
Thank You Rebecca!
Thanks a lot!
Nice! I loved this lesson! Are really expressions very usuals and practices .
I got 7 of 10. Thanks Teacher!
Thanks so much
Hello Rébécca
In question 4 , I can’t understand in the context the sens of ‘ It takes a strong person to take responsibility like that.’ Does it mean that it is a big responsability for a person even if this person is strong ?
In question 7 , wounld’nt it be used ‘would ‘ before ‘better’ ?
Tanks in advance for your explaination and carry on .
It takes a strong person, in terms of character.
Yes, you are right. In number 7, it should be “I’d better”. Good catch!
All the best to you.
Hi, tsamp. Those are interesting observations, although I suggest using “had better” rather than “would better” :) Best wishes and keep learning.
thank you ! , it’s a helpful lesson .. Also I got 100
Useful quiz I got 100. Special thanks for you guys
Hello Rebbeca, my score was 10 of 10.
Your skill of teaching is the best. We can see how you love what you do. Thank you in name of every students in the World.
Thank you kindly for your generous feedback, and congratulations on your perfect score. You have a gift for expressing yourself from the heart in English, and, I suspect, in Portuguese too! My best wishes to you.
I get 70 from 100. Thanks a lot mam
Very useful lesson.
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
9 -10 thanks Rebecca
Great class teacher. Very usefull!!! Thanks.
So glad you found the idioms useful. My best wishes to you, Adriano.
Thank you Rebecca. It is helpful information. I’ll use it!
Thank you dear Rebecca… it’s very helpful and interesting… I really appreciate the great job you do.
All the best to you
Thank you kindly. I wish you all the best with your English.
You’re welcome dear Rebecca, and thank you again.
Thanks Rebecca,I got 9 correct out of 10
Good for you BudyHi! You’re on the right track.
All the best.
i like the pratice my english with somebody in the my skype please me add guys
very nice 8/10
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you so much!!!!Great quiz.
thank you for this useful lesson
best regards
thank you for this estimated l lesson
best regards
Thank so much Rebecca, I love learning such lesson. the video is in short time but have meaning for me to know new idioms in business. I am rarely use them and my partner also.
So glad you found the lesson useful and that you took the time and trouble to give us some feedback. My best wishes to you.
i got 9/10 …nice learning english ….in this way …..keep doing this type of work …its help us
Thanks :-) 9/10
9/10 Thanks
Great quizz , thanks a Lot!
Thank you 10/10. I was surprised, becouse I heard these 6 idioms first time and I guessed what they mean. In Polish they are similar (eg. to have an eye for something, it is the same in Polish!) or it just sounds logical for me.
Good work! Yes, many idioms exist in different languages. Makes the world feel a little smaller, and all of us, a little more connected. My best wishes to you.
I just love this site!!!!!!!)))))It`s extremely useful and interesting! In other words it`s the best site for english learners that I know of.
Thank you so much i really appreciate the lesson thank you so much MRS Rebecca
10/10…. thanks Rebecca !
Thanks Rebecca, very useful business phrases, I will use them in my work daily basis!
Great idea! That’s the best way to master the idioms. All the best.
i got 10 of 10 =D, thanks Rebecca
I got 100 . It’s so great and meaning to me! Thanks!
hello mam ,, could u please tell me what is the difference between ” I like the novel and I do like the novel”
Hello and thank u very much for your way of teaching. I’ve learned a lot of things since I visited your site. Now I have a problem , My problem is when I watch movie I understand what they say but when I listen to a news or another program TV , I don’t understand. could u tell what I should do? thank u
It may be that the vocabulary used in the news is unfamiliar to you. On the other hand, the news is repeated often, in different formats, so you have the chance to learn new vocabulary around different themes – politics, weather, war, etc. So after you listen to a broadcast, perhaps you could read about the same story, identify the new vocabulary and make an organized effort to learn it. It will help you to discuss what’s going on in the world and also to understand more easily when the next storm, war or election happens, as the vocabulary will repeat itself. I wish you all the best.
I got 100. Thanks Rebecca
To Devashish:
In fact, there is no big difference between “I like something” and “I do like something”.
“do” is an emphasis here. Like “I actually like something”.
Yes, you are right. Thanks, and all the best.
It was really a helpful class for me..thnk u mam..
Interesting, thank you Rebecca
Glad you found the lesson helpful. My best to you.
hello everyone. personally, I would like to thank you for this lesson, you explained the idioms easily and you made them interesting. regards!!
Hello, thank Rebecca. Excellent lesson!
Clear and professional, as usual. Tks
thank you teacher Rebecca. it is interesting lesson and i am weak of all idiom. But when i saw this clip, it is good technique which i would copied. It is to set the group of word like you do as the part of body to easily remember. Thank you teacher, Rebecca.
Glad you found the lesson helpful presented in that way. I wish you all the best.
thank you rebecca
Hi Rebecca, I have a question about the sentence:
I used to feel very ashamed.
Does the verb feel her state or action?.
Does the verb feel here state or action?.
Here, it seems like “feel” is a state verb. My best to you.
Thanks Rebecca
another question, how can I know if it is a state or an action verb
Dear Rebecca,
I think, we can to use an idiom for the family : The parents must always keep an eye on their young children.
Best regards.
Yes, you are right. Good work and remember that we do not need to say, ” can to”; we should say:
We can use an idiom for the family
All the best to you.
Thank you so much Rebecca!
Thanks to all for your feedback. Idioms can be confusing; yet, they’re used so often it’s important to become familiar with them. First, learn to understand them. Later, when you’re very sure how to use them, you can include them while speaking or writing. I wish you all the best.
you are really very good teacher
i felt that i have improved my english when i listen to your great lessons
thanks again my teacher Rebecca
So glad to know that the engvid website and lessons help you. I always admire those who love to learn and am more than happy to be your partner on this learning journey that we all take together. There is so much we can learn from one another. My best wishes to you.
my teacher
so glad to reply me and thank you so mush when you are my partner on this learning.
i am really happy to hear that form you
i am really love english very very mush
so how can i contact you if i have question or any thing to ask you?
have agood day . my best wishes to you
Great lesson! Great result 10/10! Thank you, Rebecca! Tomorrow I will use all 6 idioms at my work :) I promise. Practise makes perfect ;)
Hi, do you have Skype?
Thank you very much.
Thank you Rebecca, very helpful, 10/10 :)
thank you very much Mrs Rebecca . I
score 100% on the quiz.
Thanks a lot Rebecca and good job, today i get some amazing business idioms.
how are you?
Great teacher, she is so good, I love the manner that she teaches.
Thank you kindly and happy to know that the lessons help you. My best wishes to you.
Thanks Rebecca, now I have to put my head on using these idioms. But I feel a little weird!
Thanks teacher this such a great lesson your lessons let me feel crazy about myself ,thez help me alot in my studies, all the best for you Rebecca !!!
Very glad to know the lessons help you. All the best to you.
Interesting lesson, thank you so much.
As usual you are the best teacher ever
Thank you,Rebecca. This is my first time to get 10/10. I’m so happy.
hi my teacher
thank you so mush to help many people around the world to improve english.
Hi Rebecca,
When I was listening to your class, I noticed you used “for” to say: “which is too difficult for you”. I learnt that after adjectives, we use “to”, and not “for”. I guess I got it wrongly. Could you clarify that topic to me? (or should I say “for me”?)
Thanks for you lovely class!
Thanks for your feedback. Actually, after adjectives we use all kinds of prepositions including to, for, at, by, with, of, about, in….so the best way is to learn the right preposition when you learn the adjective. Sometimes we use more than one preposition after a particular adjective, and it has a slightly different meaning. Besides, English has so many exceptions. I am glad you are as interested as you are and that you listen closely to the lessons. That’s a wonderfully effective way to improve your English as well. All the best to you.
thank U Rebecca for giving us these quiz
I have small request from U if U can give me a short paragraph with hypothetical instance .
Or if any one here know how to make one
I will be grateful ^_^
Hi teachers how are you
10/10. Thank you so much
hi Rebbeca ;Thank you for being an excellent teacher! We know teachers like you are not easy to find,We appreciate your time, your patience, your ability to make a dry subject interesting, and your smile :) Have a great time god bless u
Blessings to you as well and thank you for your very kind words. Did you know your English is very good? Clearly, you have learned a lot on your own through your determined efforts. I wish you all the best.
Hello Rebeca, I am from Brazil. I like your lessons and I have a doubt. When should I use “center” and when should I use “centre”.
Could you explain?
thank you,
“Center” is the American spelling and “centre” is the British spelling. Which style of spelling you use depends on many factors such as what is expected, who you are communicating with and so on. Another important point is to choose one style and stay consistent with that style throughout a particular piece of writing. All the best to you, Ricardo.
Rebeca, so nice puzzle at the en! :) I like your vids very much
so far so good!
My skills are improving by leaps and bounds with your great lessons….
Wow, great use of idiomatic language! Keep up the good work. I wish you all the best. You are clearly a determined person in learning English and in life.
I enjoyed taking the quiz. Thanks. Abha
hi Rebecca;Congratulations, lovely woman. Today you deserve our most beautiful flowers and poetry!
Happy Women’s day to you!Here’s my best wishes to you on International Women’s Day!
Thank you kindly, on behalf of all women. I do believe men should also be respected and honored when they make positive contributions to our lives. All the best to you.
Rebecca you are a good teacher and THX!
what a lesson! Thank you very much.
Hi Rebecca,thank you for the lessons I really enjoy the quizzes.
Footing the bill was new for me. I probably heard it before but was not aware of it
very useful lesson
bit difficult thankyou Rebecca
my Quiz rebecca:
You got 9 correct out of 10.
wrong number: 7
Thank u Ms. Rebecca i have 9 points out of 10
It’s first time to leave a comment. It’ very comprehensible contents! I never forget!!
Thank you, Rebecca.
thanks Rebecca that was nice.
I am doing well.Thank you very much,teacher.
very briefly, but thanks)
I made 10 out of 10,thanks a million Mrs Rebecca,without your lesson,i was in over my head when talking with my global customers in English.So i had to face the facts about drop in sales because of my bad oral English.But now,things getting much better.So i am really grateful for your dedicated contribution to teaching English freely.I would like to invite you to come visit China and exchange ideas about your teaching experience with learners here in China ,if possible,that would be great.
Anyway,thank you very much for what you have done.Best wishes to you!!!
10/10 Thanks, Rebecca!
Thanks, Rebecca! When we learn the idioms of a language we also learn the culture and the behaviour of that people. That is a nice lesson. You speak very clearly, and it helps me in my listening skill, whinch for me is the hardest part.
Many thanks! I got 9.
Thanks a lot! Very helpful!
Great lesson. Let’s Face this fact. She has an eye for that.
is it ok to say an eye on/ for ?
I’m in over my head in improving my english. Finally I realize that I need to face the facts that there is still a long way for me to go on this english learning road.I need to strength my will in shouldering the blame for all the not quit right expression along the road.
Rebecca, You have an eye on english teaching. And my eyes have been opened to this native english world. Thank you! And I think You must be heading an education team in engVid.
Best wishes to you!
L love this website. it is really useful web for those people who wants to learn English.
SO nice to teach people and respond to their comments ,thank you Rebeeca and all the team
it’s really interesting and useful for me and thanks a lot rebacca teacher
Thanks u! u such a very good teacher, u speak so easy to understand, even my bad listening ! tks again, hope u do more !!!
Very good video, i learned a lot! Thanks rebecca
Useful for understanding native speaker!
Great, i starting study english. thanks teacher
like your phrasal series, keep up ~~
a bit tough for me ..this course .seems my understanding ability is not as advanced as well
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you for the lesson , is very important i appreciate your works
Thank You
Hi Rebecca,
idioms and phrasal verbs are the most difficult things while trying to improve our English. thank you very much, nice work grouping them by the parts of our bodies.
The lesson was very educative but to go over it could help me understand more better
10 out of 10, i am a genius :)
great lesson, Rebecca! thank you.
Worth watching. Thank you Rebecca!
I got 10/10 tk u so much! <3
It is my first video, good beginning :) :)
Hi Rebecca! i hope you’re find well :) ! this is the second video that i watch from you and i really like it. i Think you’re a great teacher, and i get the message.
However, i got a question.
it’s about the third example:
Our HR manager has an eye for “selecting” good people.
– Why should add “ing” letters at the end of the verb instead to put it on infinitive ?
I’ve got 10 out of 10!!
A very usefull lesson! I’ve got 10/10 on the test, it’s important to known the bussiness slang.
I’ve got 10. thank u so much ^^
Thanks Rebecca! I like your class especially this one!
Its a good lesson but its difficult for me.. may you give me any advice for how to improve my speaking English ?
Thanks Rebecca
Hi everybody,
Very interesting and helpful.
Many thanks to you teacher Emma.. Your lesson help me a lot.. :)
I should say, helps me a lot.. :)
Hello Rebecca! Thank you for your incomparable lessons. I really like it. I want to share with you an idiom with “body part” “She propably has a leg up on the other applicants for the job because she has more experience”
focus on meaning
That is good strategy,
Thanks Rebecca
100% nice topic)
I got 8 correct out of 10 . I feel satisfied. it is difficult quiz Thank you Rebecca.
thank you Rebecca.
Rebecca has an eye for selecting the right topic.Am I correct?
Thank you Rebecca, this is challenge quiz and nice.
I like your way on teaching
Hi Rebecca
I really like your way of teaching, in that way we are able to absorb the difficult ones in an easy manner. By solving the Quiz, we came to know promptly about our level with respect to the lesson.
I shall be grateful to you, if you may correct my comment too.
Thanks & God bless you
I got 9 out of 10.
Thank you! It was new and interesting.
Gosh, how difficult idioms… But as the saying goes: “No pain, no gain”. Once I created my own phrase: “Step by step, day by day will be ok” I hope so… I’v been always kidding myself that I have time to retirement. Maybe until then I’ll make it. Regardless of that many thanks
Awesome…really useful.
Rebeca, I really appreciate this lesson. It was really useful and I have 100 on the Quiz :)
Thank you!
thanks Rebeca, I have understood all your expressions about idioms and I hope I will get some others soon.thanks
it was very use full lesson and got the test 10/10.
I find this quizzes quite amusing they are a very good exercise to remove the dust and rust from my English I got to be ready for the big exam
engVid is awesome website :))
Brilliant, it was very useful, thanks a lot
I need to face the fact that if I don’t study Engerish harder, I won’t get a good grade. Who shouldered the blame if I fell the exam. It’s me I’m the one who blame for it. Thank you Rebecca.
Great Teacher, always. :)
I got 9 correct answers out of 10, but check out shows that 10/10 is alright. How is that? Where I made a mistake?
Hello Engvid,
I know nothing before this lecture.I got 10:10.I am facing the facts about Business english.Mrs Rebecca heads the team at engvid.Here at engvid there is no need of footing the bill because its absolutely free and interesting courses.Engvid has an eye to select word and appropriate examples.I would like to shoulder the blame of making incorrect sentences due to lack of proper english. I would like to improve little by little.I am never in over my head.
Thank you Rebecca for the great work.. would you please help me to replace the following idiom “foot the bill” in the following sentence ” the invoice will be charged on the company”
Much appreciated.
This lesson is very helpful to increase English skill both listening and grammar. Appreciate Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca.
I got 10 correct out of 10! Thank you vey much for spending your valuable time teaching me. This lesson is very helpful to improve my English skills.
Thank you teacher Rebecca! Very useful lesson! I have the Bulats test next week and I want to use them. knowing idioms do make the difference!
wow, now it’s to hard for me but I did it I managed to do 9/10 thanks for you Rebacca
Are you canadian? This is strange because your natural language is english and i thought that should be easy for you
this class was very useful! i enjoyed it a lot!
Thank you Rebecca
Hi everyone I want for you make group in whatsapp or facebook for practice language English
Rebecca, you are the best English teacher, ever!
Thank you Rebecca. Excellent material to practice!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you for your interesting lesson.
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you so much dear Rebecca. but I’m not sure about spelling of ‘dept’, you mean depth didn’t you?
Thank you Rebecca, a great explanation.
10 by 10
10/10. thanks
Thanks Rebecca!
Hello i would like to figure out a fast way to me increase my vocabulary and improving my listening.
Thanks fou your help!
thanks.. I’m learning a lot..
Thank you, Rebecca.
It funny to learn english with you Rebecca, Thanks.
Hi Rebecca, I am truly appreciate your lessons. I have learned new things every time I watch your videos. Thank you very much. It helps a lot.
Thank you very MUCH, Rebecca. Your style of teaching is wonderful.
Hi Rebecca!
Thank you for such a great lesson.
I have a question about the quiz, question #4.
It said that “It takes a strong person to take responsibility…”
The part in the sentence “It takes a strong” person is a collocation? I couldn’t find the exact use of or the meaning of it.
If you elaborate on the use of that concept, I really appreciate it.
I need to face the facts about learning English by myself is really difficult. Rebecca is very good teacher. She shouldered the blame for doing hard job to prepare these amazing classes. The English classes are extremely expensive in English countries. My family cannot footing the bill of English courses. But I have an eye for finding this web and an excellent teacher Rebecca. I am taking advantage for these courses. I don’t have a lot of time to learn because I am in over my head at my work. But Rebecca I don’t know how to thank you.
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
I watched this video twice on January 02, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
what to say Rebecca? i spend my nights to study english watching your lessons. Great teacher :-)
Difficult but interesting. thanks madam.
fine class! thank you Rebeca
Hi Rebecca.
You are such a great teacher. I scored 100. Thank you
Thanks a lot Rebecca. You are amazing! (Azores islands, 08Feb2024).
Great class, thanks Rebecca!