Business isn’t all business! In reality, business and pleasure mix. Are you prepared? Learn the best phrases to make social conversation with your associates. Equally important, find out which topics to avoid! You’ll also learn how to eliminate awkward silences, and how to make your clients or colleagues comfortable when speaking with them. Many business decisions and deals are made outside the office or meeting room. Whether you’re going for dinner with clients, or you’re on a business trip, watch this lesson to learn how to be confident in social situations!
The lesson has been made perfectly, Jade I’d like to ask you, what’s your date of birth? Sorry for such a question……
Abdel Said
Let´s not beat around the bush
The lesson is great!
I got 100 out of 10 :-)
Your score went through the roof? Good for you Aloj.
Dear Jade,
Communication skills is what really matters when using the foreign language in real life situations, business meetings are not the exception.
For instance, it is important to know how to get into a business conversation, keep the conversation going, and finally end it.
Being quite familiar with business jargon is a must, no doubt about it.
Many thanks for this interesting class Jade.
Have a great week!!!
Insightful commentary, thanks. :)
i got 100 at 2nd time :)
I got 10 correct out of 10 too :)
Thank you Jade.
In order to develop my english understanding,i thing you’re very welcome to ENGvid due to your british accent let’s me say i get 10!
Great explanation, thank you very much!
i enjoyed your class. Thanks.
Now, lets do business, 100% on the quiz that’s enough for you?
Jorge Pedroso
where is Bear?
your fridge have
Fellis Seth
I don’t think Bear is allowed in EngVid videos. I’ll have to check with the management.
The board of directors has decided to allow this.
I got 8 correct out of 10. I have never had meals on business. But good study for me. Thank you, Jade :)
I love your british accent. Thanks!
I do fancy your videos. But the way… I got just only 8. Poor me!!! :-(
Jade, I’d like it so much if you make a video about London lifestyle, and Londoners culture. London city is of a great interest for many people around the world, and as you’re a Londoner, I guess you’re the best to do it :) thank you
Yazeed Alsahafi
This is a great idea for a video.
it was an information ..
It was first of me. I got 5 correct out or 10. In my opinion it is not bad.hehe
Jade, Thank you so much
Hi Jade!
I like the way you teaching. It is fancy and delightful as you entertain us while you teaching. Best teacher, Jade! Meaningful lesson, thanks.
Fellis Seth
Hi, Jade. You are a real professional. I love these tips and idioms in business situations.
Ciao from Italy :-)
Is my first lesson and I got 9!!
Your first lesson at EngVid Sue? You did quite well on your First quiz! Congratulations.
My best to you.
jejeje Yes,thanks Regino!!:D
You can draw very well!
Congratulations!Great job!
Hi Jade
got 100 grade, thanks
Hi Jade,
Thank you !!
I appreciated it!
hEY. Jade, the more I hear your voice(not only accent, which is really much spoken about), the more I like you(originally i mean “love”, but as i’m an introvert=)) i cant let my feelings go soooo far-and not to embarrass you). Thnx for nice vids-it’s always a pleasure for me to see you here.
Glad you appeciate my videos.. Lots more videos about introversion on my JJ Conversation Skills channel.
Hello, Jade, Nice lesson. 8/10
Thanks very much
Thank u Jade I am looking forward to next business trip with pleasure :)
Thanks Jade, I got 10 out of 10. You have a special accent. Great,I can learn and understand more about different accents.
Thanks Jade, I got 10 out of 10. You have a special accent. Great,I can learn and understand more about different accents.
wow 80 not bad
You are so cute,,,
i got 100%! although, there was a moment when i thought that i might score less :)
Hey Jade, I’m so glad you joined EngVid ;). And you have a lovely accent ;).
And I have a question… well… maybe two – that depends – if it’s not a problem. It has nothing to do with business and these things, but I have no one to ask ;(. Well, maybe someone as well could answer, because these sentences are very important for me as learning English. I have to – or must, heh – know the mistakes I make in order not to make them in the future.
So, are these sentences gramatically correct?
1. After a while I had seen another man who was given something from the suspects.
2. I know I should have called the police, but instead I was just hiding there, hoping that someone I know would show up and take me out of that place.
Thanks in advance ;).
*someone else as well
oh my god you are a good teacher thanks a lot
ashraf mostafa
Yep!!! She’s such a great teacher!
thanks Jade
Thank U..
You’re doing a good job..
I’m so grateful.
Thanks Jade! Your accent is not a problem to me anymore… I can understand you perfectly! Your voice is clear and charming!
That’s great – I told you that you would get used to it. :)
oh my god you are a good teacher thanks a lot
mohammad suhrab mobariz
First class and I loved it. Simple, direct great business tips in English and in my own language. Thank you
Jucene Albolea
Excellent lesson! Thank you very much Jade, I like your accent.
Thanks got 50%.
Abdul Qayum
What an impressive video! Are You married? Do You have kids? … it’s joke and learning =)))
Thanks a lot!!!
100% – Nice lesson. I learned new expressions.
Sally S
are you Irish?
I learned much from your class, thank you~
thanks it was an interesting lesson
yes, that was a good lesson, I liked it )) want more knowledge ))
Thank you so much
Thanks for this lesson :D 9/10
Great tips, thansk…
Great lesson,
Thank you so much
Thank you very much Jade :) I really like it , and I think it’s the perfect solution for me to improve my english.
Really thank you :)
Beltaief Abdessattar
Thank you Jade!!!
Congrats! Very nice lesson!
Thanks Jade..nice lesson..:)
I got 10 out of 10. It time to get down to jade’s lesson. thanks
Thank you dear jade these years for learning English I had no teacher but now I thank God I have a good one
please add julianalima25 on skype thank you very much
July LL
Let’s go down to business. :) 10/10
I’m so happy that I can learn English from engVid,and I feel your topic is really usful for me.Thank u .
used to watch your lesson on youtube, i should have watched your lesson while i was studying in the uk .
hay jade what did you want to say?
what do you think of the last signing or singing?
thank you very much lovely teacher
Ok, 80 % . Thanks Jade.
What would be your advice for a dyslexic person who needs to learn advanced English? Thanks for your video lesson, I appreciate it pretty much Jade.
very, very useful. Thanks Jade & EngVid team
you are great!
Great lesson! as always it’s delightful hear your accent,
you are so beautiful,I love you
hi Jade, thanks for the class. For the question 9, it seems the customer is interesting in the election, if I was Mr. Fuji, I may keep discussing this topic with him, just one idea :)
i had many things from your lectures. i will keep it up!! :)
Hi Jade, nice lesson. I’ll be on business trip in a week, so I’ll try to practice some of your advices.
If you like to know something about Spain, please tell me.
Hi Jade.. It’s great lesson. Give us something about medicine subject. In hospital or clinic. Or body…. Thanks sooo
Great class Jade .
Congratulations and thanks a lot !!!
Are you married ? ( rsrsrs just for relaxing , please)
thank you!
Thank you for this lesson . You are a good teacher.keep smiling ….
Murad Mohammad
thank so much for this helpful lesson
nasteha mohamood
my quiz
You got 9 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Thanks for such useful lesson, Jade!
10/10 Your pronunciation… Best of all at this site.
interesting, thank you
Hi Jade,
Thank you so much~
I appreciated it!
Jade, let’s get down to business. Are you married? Haha
thanks for the great lesson.
10/10 =)
Thank you Jade
Ahmed M Adam
Exellent lesson .I got 10 out of 10.
Thanks for this lesson :) I am going to take advantage of your useful hints in the near future during the meeting.
I have got 80.but there is one mistake
I’m not interested in your wife and kids :D Funny end!
Thank you, Jade for this lesson! It was great! Iespecially liked questions in the quiz :)
It was quite interesting..
I love your speech in this!!…..
Thanks Jade for your preparation effort that will help me so..
I just believe…..
Great lessons
9/10 :)
Very good suggestions!
Thanks Jade!
Isaias Menezes Silva
really its useful lesson so thanx and good bless you miss jade
Hi Jade!! Your lessons are really awesome!! САЛАМ from Kyrgyzstan.
your lesson is usedful to me ,thank you so much teacher!
Mr Tommy
Hi 9/10 great very great teacher
Thanks, helped alot…
Tak Bahadur Thapa
Wonderful video…well, my wife doesn`t like when I watch videos from Jade…I wonder why. :)
lovely lesson Jade
i think communication skills is really important not only in conversation business but also in real conversation.
when you in any conversation, the key thing is you need to be polite and choose words or topics out of the main thing to keep the conversation going smoothly and not weird.
and something more i want to mention is your knowledge is so important too coz imagining if you are a person who know things,it definitely give you the edges for your job.
thanks for everything Jade
All best to you
Hoai Manucians
Thanks Jade.
thanks a lot Jade, I got 9 !!!
‘Let’s not beat around the bush’ is a saying used in Australia quite often.
Thanks teacher. I say hello to you , anywhere you are !
10 correct out of 10.:D Thanks Jade!
Let,s get down to business. Jade is the best.Agree with it ?
Zbigniew Torbus
Thanks jade for bringing this useful lesson
Thanks a lot Jade!
very good lesson,thanks Jade
Thank you, Jade.
Jesan Chuang
thank you so much, Jade.
Thanks Jade!
Dear Jade,
that was great.
Amazing video! thank’s for the lesson!…
Thanks Jade for the video and for your accent. If I meet a British , I won’t have too much problem anymore to hear to them.
Emmanuel MANDEBI
Thanks a lot Jade. What a fascinating lesson.
thanks a lot!
Love this class, can wait to use it in a trip!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
The lesson has been made perfectly, Jade I’d like to ask you, what’s your date of birth? Sorry for such a question……
Let´s not beat around the bush
The lesson is great!
I got 100 out of 10 :-)
Your score went through the roof? Good for you Aloj.
Dear Jade,
Communication skills is what really matters when using the foreign language in real life situations, business meetings are not the exception.
For instance, it is important to know how to get into a business conversation, keep the conversation going, and finally end it.
Being quite familiar with business jargon is a must, no doubt about it.
Many thanks for this interesting class Jade.
Have a great week!!!
Insightful commentary, thanks. :)
i got 100 at 2nd time :)
I got 10 correct out of 10 too :)
Thank you Jade.
In order to develop my english understanding,i thing you’re very welcome to ENGvid due to your british accent let’s me say i get 10!
Great explanation, thank you very much!
i enjoyed your class. Thanks.
Now, lets do business, 100% on the quiz that’s enough for you?
where is Bear?
your fridge have
I don’t think Bear is allowed in EngVid videos. I’ll have to check with the management.
The board of directors has decided to allow this.
I got 8 correct out of 10. I have never had meals on business. But good study for me. Thank you, Jade :)
I love your british accent. Thanks!
I do fancy your videos. But the way… I got just only 8. Poor me!!! :-(
Jade, I’d like it so much if you make a video about London lifestyle, and Londoners culture. London city is of a great interest for many people around the world, and as you’re a Londoner, I guess you’re the best to do it :) thank you
This is a great idea for a video.
it was an information ..
It was first of me. I got 5 correct out or 10. In my opinion it is not bad.hehe
Jade, Thank you so much
Hi Jade!
I like the way you teaching. It is fancy and delightful as you entertain us while you teaching. Best teacher, Jade! Meaningful lesson, thanks.
Hi, Jade. You are a real professional. I love these tips and idioms in business situations.
Ciao from Italy :-)
Is my first lesson and I got 9!!
Your first lesson at EngVid Sue? You did quite well on your First quiz! Congratulations.
My best to you.
jejeje Yes,thanks Regino!!:D
You can draw very well!
Congratulations!Great job!
Hi Jade
got 100 grade, thanks
Hi Jade,
Thank you !!
I appreciated it!
hEY. Jade, the more I hear your voice(not only accent, which is really much spoken about), the more I like you(originally i mean “love”, but as i’m an introvert=)) i cant let my feelings go soooo far-and not to embarrass you). Thnx for nice vids-it’s always a pleasure for me to see you here.
Glad you appeciate my videos.. Lots more videos about introversion on my JJ Conversation Skills channel.
Hello, Jade, Nice lesson. 8/10
Thanks very much
Thank u Jade I am looking forward to next business trip with pleasure :)
Thanks Jade, I got 10 out of 10. You have a special accent. Great,I can learn and understand more about different accents.
Thanks Jade, I got 10 out of 10. You have a special accent. Great,I can learn and understand more about different accents.
wow 80 not bad
You are so cute,,,
i got 100%! although, there was a moment when i thought that i might score less :)
Hey Jade, I’m so glad you joined EngVid ;). And you have a lovely accent ;).
And I have a question… well… maybe two – that depends – if it’s not a problem. It has nothing to do with business and these things, but I have no one to ask ;(. Well, maybe someone as well could answer, because these sentences are very important for me as learning English. I have to – or must, heh – know the mistakes I make in order not to make them in the future.
So, are these sentences gramatically correct?
1. After a while I had seen another man who was given something from the suspects.
2. I know I should have called the police, but instead I was just hiding there, hoping that someone I know would show up and take me out of that place.
Thanks in advance ;).
*someone else as well
oh my god you are a good teacher thanks a lot
Yep!!! She’s such a great teacher!
thanks Jade
Thank U..
You’re doing a good job..
I’m so grateful.
Thanks Jade! Your accent is not a problem to me anymore… I can understand you perfectly! Your voice is clear and charming!
That’s great – I told you that you would get used to it. :)
oh my god you are a good teacher thanks a lot
First class and I loved it. Simple, direct great business tips in English and in my own language. Thank you
Excellent lesson! Thank you very much Jade, I like your accent.
Thanks got 50%.
What an impressive video! Are You married? Do You have kids? … it’s joke and learning =)))
Thanks a lot!!!
100% – Nice lesson. I learned new expressions.
are you Irish?
I learned much from your class, thank you~
thanks it was an interesting lesson
yes, that was a good lesson, I liked it )) want more knowledge ))
Thank you so much
Thanks for this lesson :D 9/10
Great tips, thansk…
Great lesson,
Thank you so much
Thank you very much Jade :) I really like it , and I think it’s the perfect solution for me to improve my english.
Really thank you :)
Thank you Jade!!!
Congrats! Very nice lesson!
Thanks Jade..nice lesson..:)
I got 10 out of 10. It time to get down to jade’s lesson. thanks
Thank you dear jade these years for learning English I had no teacher but now I thank God I have a good one
please add julianalima25 on skype thank you very much
Let’s go down to business. :) 10/10
I’m so happy that I can learn English from engVid,and I feel your topic is really usful for me.Thank u .
used to watch your lesson on youtube, i should have watched your lesson while i was studying in the uk .
hay jade what did you want to say?
what do you think of the last signing or singing?
thank you very much lovely teacher
Ok, 80 % . Thanks Jade.
What would be your advice for a dyslexic person who needs to learn advanced English? Thanks for your video lesson, I appreciate it pretty much Jade.
very, very useful. Thanks Jade & EngVid team
you are great!
Great lesson! as always it’s delightful hear your accent,
you are so beautiful,I love you
hi Jade, thanks for the class. For the question 9, it seems the customer is interesting in the election, if I was Mr. Fuji, I may keep discussing this topic with him, just one idea :)
i had many things from your lectures. i will keep it up!! :)
Hi Jade, nice lesson. I’ll be on business trip in a week, so I’ll try to practice some of your advices.
If you like to know something about Spain, please tell me.
Hi Jade.. It’s great lesson. Give us something about medicine subject. In hospital or clinic. Or body…. Thanks sooo
Great class Jade .
Congratulations and thanks a lot !!!
Are you married ? ( rsrsrs just for relaxing , please)
thank you!
Thank you for this lesson . You are a good teacher.keep smiling ….
thank so much for this helpful lesson
my quiz
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Thanks for such useful lesson, Jade!
10/10 Your pronunciation… Best of all at this site.
interesting, thank you
Hi Jade,
Thank you so much~
I appreciated it!
Jade, let’s get down to business. Are you married? Haha
thanks for the great lesson.
10/10 =)
Thank you Jade
Exellent lesson .I got 10 out of 10.
Thanks for this lesson :) I am going to take advantage of your useful hints in the near future during the meeting.
I have got 80.but there is one mistake
I’m not interested in your wife and kids :D Funny end!
Thank you, Jade for this lesson! It was great! Iespecially liked questions in the quiz :)
It was quite interesting..
I love your speech in this!!…..
Thanks Jade for your preparation effort that will help me so..
I just believe…..
Great lessons
9/10 :)
Very good suggestions!
Thanks Jade!
really its useful lesson so thanx and good bless you miss jade
Hi Jade!! Your lessons are really awesome!! САЛАМ from Kyrgyzstan.
your lesson is usedful to me ,thank you so much teacher!
Hi 9/10 great very great teacher
Thanks, helped alot…
Wonderful video…well, my wife doesn`t like when I watch videos from Jade…I wonder why. :)
lovely lesson Jade
i think communication skills is really important not only in conversation business but also in real conversation.
when you in any conversation, the key thing is you need to be polite and choose words or topics out of the main thing to keep the conversation going smoothly and not weird.
and something more i want to mention is your knowledge is so important too coz imagining if you are a person who know things,it definitely give you the edges for your job.
thanks for everything Jade
All best to you
Thanks Jade.
thanks a lot Jade, I got 9 !!!
‘Let’s not beat around the bush’ is a saying used in Australia quite often.
Thanks teacher. I say hello to you , anywhere you are !
10 correct out of 10.:D Thanks Jade!
Let,s get down to business. Jade is the best.Agree with it ?
Thanks jade for bringing this useful lesson
Thanks a lot Jade!
very good lesson,thanks Jade
Thank you, Jade.
thank you so much, Jade.
Thanks Jade!
Dear Jade,
that was great.
Amazing video! thank’s for the lesson!…
Thanks Jade for the video and for your accent. If I meet a British , I won’t have too much problem anymore to hear to them.
Thanks a lot Jade. What a fascinating lesson.
thanks a lot!
Love this class, can wait to use it in a trip!