With the simple addition of -ment or -ion to a verb, it becomes a noun! Learn how to change a verb into a noun in this grammar lesson. It’s pretty simple, once you understand how it works.
Thank you !
being an English teacher,playwright,poet and write is my ambition . I believe that I can achieve my dream .
my hard working and dedication will help me to achieve what I want
what do you think about my ambition , Ronnie ?
Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello, there i’m angel i need help.
how i can identify subjects and predicates in this sentence?
Fridays and other tests days always seem longer than regular school days. please help i’m learning English but is hard for me, please help me.
Dear Ronnie
Please give me tips how to change noun to adjective and adverb.plz plz plz………..
i,ve got 9 of 10
Thanks Ronnie you are the best have a beer !
CcC Ronnie the President CcC
this is my dream too
i whish you all the best mohamed :)
zineb edd
thanks for your lessons
I want to improve my English with you…:) my skype account is ana.ana2079
Ana Ana
Hello teacher. How useful! Thanks
Thanks Ronnie!
You are very good teacher. I’m loking forward for the next lessons.
Thanks Ronnie, you are always an inspiration for me :D
I got 100 out of 100.
you are so great!
Ronnie you’re an inspiration to all English students. Thanks a lot! ;)
Great teacher with fantastic, funny humor in addition super explanation! Ronnie you rock!
Great video but you’d better make another video about suffix ence,ism, ology
Test your understanding of this English lesson
Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz
from this English lesson
I want to learn the language
Be well in the English language
But beautiful
you have skype
hello dear louansa
i’m from Algeria
we can chat at skype and learn english
Good evening salamalg
I am ready to talk on Skype
add.Skype. Steve.mcqueen48
Lunch wonderful well
I am now back to work.
yeahhh .. You got 8 correct out of 10 … :)
I didn’t even watch the video!!!
thanks a lot .. teacherrr :) :) :)
Thanks a lot MISS RONNIE. That was helpful :)
Thank you
you always inspire me with your sense of humor
U are great !
Teacher you are so genial! I love you
Thank you
Hey! I would like to thank you for all the nice lessons you have posted here. You don’t know me but you have been one of my biggest allies whenever I present something new to my students.
We all like your videos very very much!
I hope one day I can also share some of the teaching stuff I made myself. I am too shy for videos though….
c ya!
thank, I love all the videos that you made it
Elmer Merino
First of of all, I’d like to thank you for being such a marvelous Teacher. Having said that, I would be very grateful if you could, please, how to use ”Negative Inversion” and ”no sooner… than”, if you wouldn’t mind teaching of course!!!
Brest regards from Brazil, Teacher.
Você é linda! *-*
exaggerated gestures. I would like you might correct them.
Thanks Ronnie! :)
thank you
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
all the time you take some lesson that is so useful for those who are interested in learning english, thanks alot mam
hi Ronnie!!! how are you? 9 correct out of 10!!! thanks for this great lesson and explanation )))
I want to learn english from basic.. I think its better to speak with someone who know english as well…
thanks alot
thanks teacher ronie
Thanks a lot! Very useful lesson!
Hi Ronnie Ma’am
This lesson is great ! you are my inspiration,I would like to request you Please put a lesson on ‘let’ and let me know more uses of this….Plzzzzzz
I love your teaching way. Thank you.
I love your teaching way. Thank you.
Thanks Ronnie, your explanations couldn’t be easier to understand :)
Question #9 is so generic, and the correct answer should be “true”: see “Nominalization” in linguistics.
Thank u so much. This lesson was really helpful and I got 10 out of 10.
Hi Ronni.. Can you teach us about something intersting which called Discourse Analysis . about anphora and catphora. and these things . please ..
hey….it really good……i got only 60 marks in this topic…better to improve my self..
Thanks a lot!
Thank you Ronnie
Astonishing lesson,Ronnie;I enjoy all of them!
Hello Ronnie
Thanks a lot, lesson very usefull.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie. You are very expressive teacher. It gives me a lot of positive emotions. Why only me? All my family loves Ronnie’s lessons. Thanks again.
p.s. I will call my mistakes “movemove”. It’s funny.
Using In and Into, On and Onto
An earlier Hint showed that to and toward are
generally used with verbs showing movement
and that to often shows the result of the movement
while toward shows the direction of the movement.
In addition, the earlier Hint noted that to can be used
for toward, but toward cannot be used for to.
The prepositions in and into and on and onto have
somewhat similar “behavior.”
Into and onto are used with verbs showing movement.
They show both the direction and the result of
the movement.
In and on may be used both with verbs that show
movement and with verbs that do not show movement.
With verbs showing movement, in and on may be
used instead of into and onto (though into and onto
are clearer). In this case, they show both direction
and result. With verbs that do not show movement,
in and on show location: in = inside or within
and on = topside or touching the surface of.
Fouad dived into / in the lake.
Fouad says that the water that’s in (not into)
the lake is cold.
Chang-Ho threw his keys onto / on the table.
Chang-Ho left his keys on (not onto) the table.
Nadia put the cake into / in the oven.
Nadia will leave the cake in (not into) the oven
until it has finished baking.
The cat jumped onto / on the sofa.
The cat lay on (not onto) the sofa all afternoon.
I. Into is a preposition. In a sentence, the preposition into will be part of a prepositional phrase consisting of into + its object + any modifiers of its objects. The entire phrase it is a part of will function adverbially to modify the verb or verb phrase that precedes the phrase.
1. When he walked into the room, he found that the meeting had already started.
2. Put the toys into the basket.
3. The pumpkin was turned into a carriage.
II. In the phrase in to, in is an adverb, directly modifying a verb, and to is a preposition with its own object. When the word into is used in a sentence where in to is meant, the resulting statement can be absurd.
1. She turned her paper in to the teacher.
2. She turned her paper into the teacher.
In the second sentence, the paper is transformed–poof!–into the teacher. We’ve all heard the old joke about the magician who was so talented that he could drive down the street and turn into a gas station. Of course, if he just wanted to get gas somewhere, he would turn in to a gas station.
1. Put the cookie back into the jar.
2. I need to turn this book back in to the library.
3. Would you hand this assignment in to the teacher for me?
4. Turn your badge in to the officer at the desk.
5. Cinderella stepped into the carriage.
6. At midnight, the carriage turned back into a pumpkin.
Anytime, hugs from Brazil xoxo
Why can’t I say ‘destroyment’ instead of ‘destruction’?
I really thank you, Teacher Ronnie, that ‘s a blessing to me for learning with each of you, but you I like the way you’re teaching. I have some problems of listening, how can you help me to improve it.
from Haiti
hi Ronnie,
This is first time, i have watched your video and i have found it very conducive. Its just a start because, I have to learn more and want to become teacher like you and like all of them who are helping people to sharpen their speaking skills. Today i learn t about the pronunciation of ‘S’ or ‘SH’ and i will practice for this and will come for next lesson.
Thanks & Regards,
Sachin Passi
From india
not All verbs in English can be changed into nouns
i appreciate you
I’d like to ask you: Do you pronounce “t” in a word “often” ?
I heard that in some native speakers’ talks but I was taught differently in my school.
Not in some Countries, for instance, in American English you do not pronounce the ‘t’sound.
Look: often is pronounced (ofen)
Thank you Ronnie!!:))
thank you
Thanks Ronnie!!! You are super teacher in the world!!!
Thanks for the important tips, Ronnie!
Thank you.
thanks *-*
Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks so much! I will try my best …
wooooow i understood thanks
Thanks For the Knowledge given to us for the verb and noun
Teacher I love your class, they are awsome!
thank u so much
thank you;) can you prepare something about replacement of common words, but not so sophisticated ?
Thank you for the lesson, Ronnie!
I don’t like the word “establishment” and things connected with it. :)
Merriam Webster Dictionary says pronunciation of the word “employment” is \im-ˈplȯi-mənt\, which means the last syllable sounds “ment”. Google dictionary says the same. Does pronunciation in Toronto much differs from pronunciation in the USA. Chicago, for example?
Yes! American and Canadian English is very different!!
hi dear teacher..
is this sentence right? if not why?
i watched tv,while you were playing…
Yes. Except you need a capital “I”.
Instead of “while” can we use – when you were playing
I was watching TV while you played.
Is this correct?
One word: That was ”GORGEOUS”!!
papiamentu, spanish, dutch, english
hi Ronnie I loved all the lessons that you have provided allow me to, I hope, more hope to explain to me the colors and achromatic staging labels Sincerely thnx
You are very good teacher Roony, with your great sense of humor every things you explain is easier for me to understand, thanks a lot.
Thanks Ronnie I love ur lessons
Hello Ronnie,
I’m from Brazil, and I enjoy their lessons. I have 2 questions, first how can i use the “that”? Here in Brazil we use always the “that” for many sentences, but in English hardly.
The others question is about “verbs forms”, how to use only the verb, to + verb or verb + ing? for example I love to swim or I love swhimming? that’s all.
Sorry for any grammar error.
Um grande abraço! xD
Type “gerunds” into the search bar….the videos will answer your questions!!
I don’t know why, but I can understand everything what you teath and SPEAK… :D
Luiz Grden
Thanks so much RONNIE
Thank you so much ,, my best teacher
I like it 100
Thanks ronnie, I appreciate your courses.
Very very interesting ! thanks a lot Rony
thanks,you are perfect!
Hi Ronnie,
Can you please explain why the word J,P,T silent in the following words..
Jungman, Juanita, Jalapino, Tsunami, Pshycology….
Thanks for your help..
They come from languages that have different pronunciation rules than English! “Jungman” is German, “Juanita” and “jalapeno” are Spanish, “tsunami” is Japanese, and “psychology” is originally from Greek.
In German, the letter “j” is pronounced like an English “y”. The Spanish “j”, Japanese “ts” and Greek “ps” don’t have English equivalents, which is why an English speaker would simply pronounce them “h” or “s”.
engVid Moderator
Hello madam Ronnie first of oll I wanna thank you a lot cus I am so so so intrested when I watch your video and listen to you you make me feel I am like an English speaker and I really take advantage with you; I have a lotta questions My best teacher ; I’ve been learning English for 1 years almost and I really tortured to learn English ; and I’ve never study English at school just myself and with my friend who is a like a teacher he’s studying letrature English I love so so so so so English English is my life So excuse my questions How can I improve my english a lot and how can I prove to People that I can speak English cus right now I can write and speak and understand but not a lot; and if I wanna say to you I really benifet with you Or I take advantage or I take advantages or I take an advantage.. and Finally Madam ronny thanks a lot for your efforts you’re amazing………I can’t how can I thank you ; Just by do3a2 goodbye Madam ronnie.
I mean how can I say I wanna take advantage with you or advantages or …thanks once again. and tell me pleaaaaaase what does my english represent to you ? is it enough ?
Wow! You wrote a lot! Great work! You can say “I really benefit from your lessons”!
Thanks so much for your kind words and good luck!!!!
Thank you :)
Hello Madam Rannie I’ve been waiting for you ; why didn’t you answer me ..? once again thanks a lot for your efforts.
All family members of EngVid.com are very friendly. I congratulate them for their effort for making such kind of website. Thanks all of you.
Hi Ronnie, your lessons are pretty enjoyable. I like listening your lessons. My listening is poor, so videos are very helpful for me to understand what you say. Thanks for all teacher.
hello Ronnie
that video was very helpful :)
I’m always do mistakes, when I change V. to adj. or to adv. , could you do a video to explain that for me, please?
and about adding PREFIXES and SUFFIXES… I love u Ronnie :)
my grade is 9 \ 10
just the last one is false
thanks for this exertion
I think you’re a great teacher because I can remember what you say even after days cause of the way you say or explain things, and those Movements or moves that you do when you teach !!
I think you’re funny too
10/10 :) Thank you and I’m glad to have found this site. A great help for the upcoming exam in September.
hi miss ronnie this is ur new student i am glad to meet you miss i hope you get my text thanks :)
Thank u so much , but i think there must be a roles to how add letter to the sentence ,and thank u.
May i have ur name on facebook?
ronnie macEnglish!
Merci Ronnie, tu es une enseignante merveilleuse. J’adore beaucoup ta façon d’enseignement
thank you Ronnie
ronnie can you convert your name into action ?
Thank you Ronnie!!!I would appreciate if you make a video on this: “It´s a shame Sheila was late for the opening” “I know. HAD SHE COME EARLIER, she would have met the director” It´s a bit confusing :(. I´m asking the other teachers to see if you guys help me with this.
Hi there, I’d love to practice my speaking skills and also learn some Spanish. can we skype? :)my skype username is magiwisnia
thank you, Ronnie
i like the way you teach, you’re so humorous ^^
Hallo body
thanks….. 80%. U teach us clearly. How about name to adjective ?
i can’t watch the videos . what can i do ?
The videos have been blocked by the religious government of your country. You must use a proxy server or browser. You can try a browser called TOR.
Hi Sister Ronnie
thank you again in your information that you shared to me i am so glad to go and get more information about in your site ^^
Thanks Ronnie for making us learn yet another useful lesson. I appreciate the way you make the things so easy to learn with your easy to understand language mixed with some humorous expressions.I request you to make me learn how and when to use the word “apparently”. Also if you find any area of improvement in what I have written, please share your valuable information. God Bless.
I always enjoy learning from your videos!
I am glad I found this website.
Thank you!
Thanks you Ronnie! I really enjoy your classes and I think that the website is fantastic! I think that the best way to improve in a language is going to the country where is speaking. So, I am planning to go to Toronto in July and I would like to have speaking classes. Do you give speaking classes in Toronto? Please write me to miren.errandonea@gmail.com
Thanks you
Good evening salamalg
I am ready to talk on Skype
add.Skype. Steve.mcqueen48
Lunch wonderful well
I am now back to work.
Thanks a lot!
thank you very much ! you are so funny
Thank Ronnie!
I Didn’t feel bored when i watch your videos.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie ma’am!!!!!
Ronnie I love your work it help me a lot thank you
you’re amazing ronnie :*
I wish I had teachers like u at school :'(
hi ronnie ,i like your method of teaching.thank you
Thank you. :)
9 out of 10
Thanks Mrs.Ronnie for your good lesson
Speaking of inspiration, you are the one who inspires me :DD
Ronnie thank you very very much, it’s really great lesson
Mariam Grigoryan
thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie, I am very grateful with your lessons, I got 100 points, you are a charming teacher.
Greetings from Mexico city.
Ronnie , thank you so much for the lessons .By the way , you are amazing .
Thanks for lesson.
Hi Ronnie!
This is my first time here, and I would like to thank you for the nice lesson.
Regards from Brasil
May be it sounds like a stupid question but Why we need to change a verb into a noun?
Ruslan Dekhtiarov
Hi, This is the first time with you, and your lesson very cool. Thank u my lovely teacher, and I love uuuuu ,hhhhh. bye
miss hala
Good lesson! Thank you Ronnie!
Thanks again.
hy maam ronny hehehe. i’m a new member of engvid. it’s a great time to watch ur video :D ohyeah, i’ve been add you on facebook, would you mind to accept me? thnk you :)
Vivi Vidia
How we can change the(READ)
How about (read)???
Thanks Dear Teacher I got The Lesson 80%.
Thanks a lot
hi Ronnie thanks for lesson. But there is something wrong about subtitles. Can u prevent wrong subtitles?
Our newer lessons are almost all properly subtitled, but there’s nothing we can do about the older ones, sorry :(
engVid Moderator
Oh could you tell me what your Japanese name?? You lived there for 4 years, right???? :V
Thank you Ronnie this lesson’s very intersting for me
Thanks Ronnie, You are a great teacher.I am a big fan of your vedio. It’s a useful lesson.Thank million time. :D
thank you soo much
thank you about all these useful lesson , thanks ronnie .
hello ronnie i have a doubt regarding use of es, s and ies…i will be glad if you can put up a lecture on this.
another doubt is below-
e.g – a few odd things happened vs a few odd things had happened
what is the difference between above two sentences ?
anirudh chauhan
Dear Teacher Ronnie you’re creative keep going I love your teaching style extremely.and really your lessons are very useful and interesting.^_^
Ammar Salih
Thank you very much ronnie
Snow queen
nice order of words to answer
that’s pretty easy.
thanks a lot for presentation.
Thank you Ronnie, I always love your lessons and your sense of humor.
hello there
I have a little point Miss ronnie, I guess every one now will take a verb and change it into a noun to practice his understanding,so what if I take (sympathize)? sympathiz-ment? wrong!!
so I hope to show us an examples doesn’t take ment and ion
please ^__^
Thanks Mam Ronnie, I got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
great job madame
Thanks for your lesson Ronnie, i’ve got 100%
hi Ronnie thanks for youre lessons .Is possible to add more video (Advance) ?
thanks ronnie many classes I always do find it a very good teacher and I was well test had nine good and one bad, hopefully always remain a good teacher and always we manage to understand you
: D
Thanks a alot, but how can i download the video?
candice accola1
Hi Candice. You can only WATCH. Best regards.
I have one mistake, but I think I understood this lesson. In my opinion all verbs in English can be changed into nouns, but it is wrong. Anyway thank you Ronnie for your lessons, they are very good :)
Hello Ronnie
Thanks a lot, lesson was very useful.
You are Great!
You are a great teacher. I can learn a lot of things in you videos.
I’m so proud of my self !!
I got 9\10 :)
You’re an excellent, engaging teacher. From your accent, it sounds as if you are from Canada. I notice that you pronounce “pronunciation” as “pronounciation”. Is this is a Canadian way of pronouncing “pronunciation”?
Dear Ronnie
thanks for your efforts its not
enough for you,you are very productive ,effective and you have unique way of teaching
but i have a question why All verbs in English can not be changed into nouns. or put (ment,tion) by the way I am new student ,beginner
Thanks a lot of information ronni
Thank you :D
This lesson is very useful
thanks teacher Great Lesson ((:
Hello dear teacher, thank you so much for your teaching. But i would to ask you some questions about this lesson. I am not clear about add ment and ion. How to we know about word that we should add ment or ion after verb?
Ravatey Leng
Thank you Teacher Ronnie,
I’ve got 100 percent.
Bel Linwood
You are such an amazing teacher, Ronnie
Thank you very very much
Ronnie, I really got your lesson. You’re very smart, talant and funny person. :)
i love Ronnie’s teaching way .. she’s almost different from others
that is true my friend that is true
hi ronnie,may i ask you one thing,well i understood all the class but i have doubts cause there is not rules for changing a verb into a nous i mean you said i can pick up any verb and well example:move=movement and destoy=destruction well i got this but why there is a rule about that because you know that every word finish with differents words please anwer me thanks
Hi Ronnie! I consider about the way you pronunciation the word ” employment”. In my opinion it should be “ɪmˈplɔɪm(ə)nt” not ” mint”.
how can i improve my writing and speaking in English. waiting for your nice and leading answer
zahidullah shagiwal
Rhoni,where can i find your step by step grammar explanation videos
zahidullah shagiwal
thanks Ronnie
Thanks mam Ronnie I have learned a lot…
i answered the test without listen the lesson and i got 90 wawwwwwww im very happy
dilshad anwar
its very helpful….
how do I change prey into a noun please????
I got 10 correct out of 10 :)
thanks Ronnie for this lesson :D
Thank’s Ronnie
why we did not change employ to employee(which is also a noun)?
Ayush Parakh
Thanks for the lessons all the teachers are great
but i like teacher Ronnie she is so amazing
i’m so exciting to learn thank i like to thank Mrs Ronnie again keep giving us lessons you are good teacher
It is also commen to a
Sorry,I click the wrong butten.what I meant is that it also commen ti add ER to a verb to change it to a noun likely:run-runner,walk-walker, am I right?
Hello Ronnie! Can you believe that? I’ve got a 100% of the correct answers. You’re really such a great teacher. Learn English hadn’t been easy until I met you. Please reply my comment if you like it and feel free to correct me anytime.
thanks it was amazing
I need your help ..to summarize and translate a file….could you help me
Aww thanks for your helping us darling
Raaliya Yusuf
I tend to get sleepy when I encountered difficulties.
Thank goodness, your style of teaching keeps me awake all the times. Thanks Robbie…
Ronnie sorry for the misspelled name…
Thank you, indeed I used to find some difficulties to made switch between both of them, but now I founded this flexible than before.
I like all your lessons, thank you Ronnie
chababi hakim
Teacher Ronnie, which of the two sentence is correct;the woman that works here or the woman who works here?
Exodus movement of the people (Bob Marley song)
chakim hamzah
eko ariawan
Thanks for lesson. It’s very useful
Hi! Thanks :)
Thanks Ronnie , Your lesson was so useful and effective to me i can understand easily …..
i,ve got 9 of 10 -_- this is not fair !
i,ve got 9 of 10 -_- this is not fair !
Thanks Ronnie you are the best have a beer !
Hi Ronnie I’m from Indonesia, thanks for the great lesson, and it would be delighting for us if you add another addition to change a verb to a noun or instead of it because I really really want to know like employ + er and so on
Thanks teacher Ronnie, I learned a lot. God bless!
I didn’t understand, the is no rule for this lesson ?
Thank you!
Andres Felipe Arias Mosquera
you teach very effectively and creatively
thanks a lot
thanksgiving my Madam Rooney
you R amazing
thank you! every day I try to build wall of knowledges with your assistance
Denis Kurnakov
thanks Rooney .we love your lessons
Thanks for the lesson…God bless
Thanks a lot for your lessons. I was living in Lebanon and now I live in Turkey and I need to practice english
Thank you so much! 10/10
Thank you! I enjoy to study your lessons.
Nice one, love it.
Jose Elias
in employ why dont u just say employee
Nice lesson. 8 of 10 .. Sorry , I’ll repeat it! Thanks a lot. Take care
Hi Ronnie:
I have enjoyed your lessons a lot. Even though I have lived in the US for over 14 years, I can still learn a few things from you. Your lessons have been both fun and helpful. Kudos to you and other teachers and videographers at EngVid.
I have a comment about this particular lesson. The spelling of judge+ment is judgment. The “e” in “judge” is removed. You most likely know this, but most have forgotten when you filmed this lesson.
This just shows how well you’ve learned American English! “Judg(e)ment” is one of those words that is spelled differently in different countries. In the US and in the legal field generally, it’s spelled “judgment”. But in Commonwealth countries like Britain and Canada, when not referring to a court decision, the usual spelling is “judgement”. (I’ve been spelling it “judgement” all the time and didn’t know there was a difference…whoops.)
engVid Moderator
I have never seen this word spelled as judgement, so I thought only judgment is correct. Thanks for your explanation.
Soooo easy .
thank you,
I found out that some of the verbs are having the same spelling for example aid, vow, and cut
Thanks a lot.
Hi, Ronnie
I have a querry regarding verb and noun.there is a word-(Debut) it can be used as a verb and noun but how.
Please explain
He made his debut in 1986
He debuted on television in 1986
What is difference which is used as a noun and verb I know the basics but still a problem while making sentence
Hi Arush. We have a lot of words like this in English : work , plant , water ,…….
the place of a verb is different from the place of a noun in setence. I hope it helps. Best regards. Soei
Reply please
You are so cool thank
Thanks a lot! It really helped me.
” All verbs in English can be changed into nouns.
I need some examples for verbs that can’t be changed into nouns
mhmd john
Ronnie, you rock
hi miss ronnie i wanna learn english with you miss so would you like to help me
Malik Saqib
Hi ronnie, there’s also another verb that can change into a noun by adding ment which is iprove changes into improvement. Is that right?
Tarik rahmouni
Thank you teacher
Can anyone help me !
When I choose any teacher to see thir lessons, they don’t come ! Only the white page without even the number of lessons.
Bad boy
You might need to update Chrome. If you are blocking Javascript or using an adblocker, those pages won’t work properly for you.
Hlo my dearest mam………
U r awesome teacher in my life.i wanna learn more and more english with you.as like as you speak.
Thanks so much Ronnie.
Is ment or ion work with every verb or not if not then why .!!!!like help is both verb and noun ?
keshav soni
basically this lesson is hard, but you teach easly, so I can undertand more. thanks… i want to be taecher like you.
i have 3 false and got 60 %
thank you
i got 90%
What is the best way to pass the cbest assessment
you are so amazing! Thank you for the lessons
Thanks for lessons .. Roonie I love you so much
prof sara
Nice! Thankyou Roonie you are the best teacher???
Dea putri
Please tell me anymore, i really need you too more understand about english. Because i really want to be good speaker in other country. Help me more mrs Roonie?????
Dea putri
3 mistakes. Thank you Ronnie! :)
Thank you for the lesson mrs Roonie. But when we can use the addition “ment” and “ion” on verbs specifically ? Is there any rule to decide when we use “ment” or “ion” on verbs ?
Btw, i need friends to practice english. Lets be friend. Add my facebook account “Raffiansyah Putra”. ?
Ronnie You are making me love to learn English ….
just 1 mistake
thank you Ronnie :)
Karim issa
thank you ronnie
rahul borana
Thank you Ronnie
Lucas Cirilo
Thanks for lesson.
younes aboulfadl
I’m very happy
100% in a quiz
Tanks a lot teacher
Ali Gold
thank you for nice lesson
thanks a lot
It was very important
Mouhamad Abo shakra
Amazing lesson thank you
thanks a lot Ronnie your explanation is awesome
Alain Freitas De Almeida
like the video!
thank you Ronnie you make all lessons so simple :)
I am recently watching your videos and they are very use ful. I mean the way you explain the language is very important. Some day
Very use ful. Will you some day explain the words for basic math. At my school never was seen
i hve a question , most propbly a confusion…how to identify word like “move” which we generally say as verb, which can be used as verb and noun in sentence without changing its letters, such as she made a sudden move(noun) towards me,…here the word became noun but we generally say the word move as verb……..very confusing .. again is “looking” a verb and “telling” a adjective..???
Thank you RONNIE.I love your lessons.
hi Ronnie thank you so much
Thaaaanks my best teacher ✋??
I’ve got 8 correct out of ten !!! I’m so Happy????
Maya angella
Thanks alot
Osama anter
Thank you
God bless Teacher.
Austrelho Matedes
you are perfect and funny Ronnie. i love u, thanks a lot
Hi Ronnie, it would be so nice to have a real life English Class with you. You’re so funny! I laugh all the times I’m watching your videos. Thank you very much! You’re amazing!
Thank you teacher.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie. Out of 10 items, I got 7. Hehehe
Thanks Ronnie, you are an amazing teacher!
Thanks for this lesson.You are the best of the best teacher !
Very useful thank you so much for this great website
thank you!
govern is a noun?
al willis
When add “-ment” and when add “ion”?
Hello Ronnie. I like how you teach. I want to learn speak English like you :D :D . I have a problem with verb to ” Get ” . I like you so much .
OSaMa El GeNeRal
so helpful thankx a lot
thank you
thank you ronnie i got 10 hhhhhh
younes AAkil
Hey Miss Ronnie,
Thanks for the awesome verb to noun lesson…very entertaining and informative.
Do the newly created nouns above now come under the heading of a “gerund” or am I confusing myself with the whole “ing” form of a verb (running, sitting, talking etc…) that functions as a noun?
Cheers from Down Under
thank you:))
First of all, thanks for the lesson. You are amazing. Second, there is a mistake in question 6, because “What is the noun from of the verb protect?” is written instead of “What is the noun form of the verb protect?”.
9/10! Good! I made a mistake with the word govern. Now, I understand this verb.
Jerry Gu
thank a lot, Ronnie,hugs (Kazakhstan o1 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for lesson.
Thank you !
being an English teacher,playwright,poet and write is my ambition . I believe that I can achieve my dream .
my hard working and dedication will help me to achieve what I want
what do you think about my ambition , Ronnie ?
Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello, there i’m angel i need help.
how i can identify subjects and predicates in this sentence?
Fridays and other tests days always seem longer than regular school days. please help i’m learning English but is hard for me, please help me.
Dear Ronnie
Please give me tips how to change noun to adjective and adverb.plz plz plz………..
i,ve got 9 of 10
Thanks Ronnie you are the best have a beer !
CcC Ronnie the President CcC
this is my dream too
i whish you all the best mohamed :)
thanks for your lessons
I want to improve my English with you…:) my skype account is ana.ana2079
Hello teacher. How useful! Thanks
Thanks Ronnie!
You are very good teacher. I’m loking forward for the next lessons.
Thanks Ronnie, you are always an inspiration for me :D
I got 100 out of 100.
you are so great!
Ronnie you’re an inspiration to all English students. Thanks a lot! ;)
Great teacher with fantastic, funny humor in addition super explanation! Ronnie you rock!
Great video but you’d better make another video about suffix ence,ism, ology
Test your understanding of this English lesson
Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz
from this English lesson
I want to learn the language
Be well in the English language
But beautiful
you have skype
hello dear louansa
i’m from Algeria
we can chat at skype and learn english
Good evening salamalg
I am ready to talk on Skype
add.Skype. Steve.mcqueen48
Lunch wonderful well
I am now back to work.
yeahhh .. You got 8 correct out of 10 … :)
I didn’t even watch the video!!!
thanks a lot .. teacherrr :) :) :)
Thanks a lot MISS RONNIE. That was helpful :)
Thank you
you always inspire me with your sense of humor
U are great !
Teacher you are so genial! I love you
Thank you
Hey! I would like to thank you for all the nice lessons you have posted here. You don’t know me but you have been one of my biggest allies whenever I present something new to my students.
We all like your videos very very much!
I hope one day I can also share some of the teaching stuff I made myself. I am too shy for videos though….
c ya!
thank, I love all the videos that you made it
First of of all, I’d like to thank you for being such a marvelous Teacher. Having said that, I would be very grateful if you could, please, how to use ”Negative Inversion” and ”no sooner… than”, if you wouldn’t mind teaching of course!!!
Brest regards from Brazil, Teacher.
Você é linda! *-*
exaggerated gestures. I would like you might correct them.
Thanks Ronnie! :)
thank you
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
all the time you take some lesson that is so useful for those who are interested in learning english, thanks alot mam
hi Ronnie!!! how are you? 9 correct out of 10!!! thanks for this great lesson and explanation )))
I want to learn english from basic.. I think its better to speak with someone who know english as well…
thanks alot
thanks teacher ronie
Thanks a lot! Very useful lesson!
Hi Ronnie Ma’am
This lesson is great ! you are my inspiration,I would like to request you Please put a lesson on ‘let’ and let me know more uses of this….Plzzzzzz
I love your teaching way. Thank you.
I love your teaching way. Thank you.
Thanks Ronnie, your explanations couldn’t be easier to understand :)
Question #9 is so generic, and the correct answer should be “true”: see “Nominalization” in linguistics.
Thank u so much. This lesson was really helpful and I got 10 out of 10.
Hi Ronni.. Can you teach us about something intersting which called Discourse Analysis . about anphora and catphora. and these things . please ..
hey….it really good……i got only 60 marks in this topic…better to improve my self..
Thanks a lot!
Thank you Ronnie
Astonishing lesson,Ronnie;I enjoy all of them!
Hello Ronnie
Thanks a lot, lesson very usefull.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie. You are very expressive teacher. It gives me a lot of positive emotions. Why only me? All my family loves Ronnie’s lessons. Thanks again.
p.s. I will call my mistakes “movemove”. It’s funny.
Using In and Into, On and Onto
An earlier Hint showed that to and toward are
generally used with verbs showing movement
and that to often shows the result of the movement
while toward shows the direction of the movement.
In addition, the earlier Hint noted that to can be used
for toward, but toward cannot be used for to.
The prepositions in and into and on and onto have
somewhat similar “behavior.”
Into and onto are used with verbs showing movement.
They show both the direction and the result of
the movement.
In and on may be used both with verbs that show
movement and with verbs that do not show movement.
With verbs showing movement, in and on may be
used instead of into and onto (though into and onto
are clearer). In this case, they show both direction
and result. With verbs that do not show movement,
in and on show location: in = inside or within
and on = topside or touching the surface of.
Fouad dived into / in the lake.
Fouad says that the water that’s in (not into)
the lake is cold.
Chang-Ho threw his keys onto / on the table.
Chang-Ho left his keys on (not onto) the table.
Nadia put the cake into / in the oven.
Nadia will leave the cake in (not into) the oven
until it has finished baking.
The cat jumped onto / on the sofa.
The cat lay on (not onto) the sofa all afternoon.
I. Into is a preposition. In a sentence, the preposition into will be part of a prepositional phrase consisting of into + its object + any modifiers of its objects. The entire phrase it is a part of will function adverbially to modify the verb or verb phrase that precedes the phrase.
1. When he walked into the room, he found that the meeting had already started.
2. Put the toys into the basket.
3. The pumpkin was turned into a carriage.
II. In the phrase in to, in is an adverb, directly modifying a verb, and to is a preposition with its own object. When the word into is used in a sentence where in to is meant, the resulting statement can be absurd.
1. She turned her paper in to the teacher.
2. She turned her paper into the teacher.
In the second sentence, the paper is transformed–poof!–into the teacher. We’ve all heard the old joke about the magician who was so talented that he could drive down the street and turn into a gas station. Of course, if he just wanted to get gas somewhere, he would turn in to a gas station.
1. Put the cookie back into the jar.
2. I need to turn this book back in to the library.
3. Would you hand this assignment in to the teacher for me?
4. Turn your badge in to the officer at the desk.
5. Cinderella stepped into the carriage.
6. At midnight, the carriage turned back into a pumpkin.
Anytime, hugs from Brazil xoxo
Why can’t I say ‘destroyment’ instead of ‘destruction’?
I really thank you, Teacher Ronnie, that ‘s a blessing to me for learning with each of you, but you I like the way you’re teaching. I have some problems of listening, how can you help me to improve it.
from Haiti
hi Ronnie,
This is first time, i have watched your video and i have found it very conducive. Its just a start because, I have to learn more and want to become teacher like you and like all of them who are helping people to sharpen their speaking skills. Today i learn t about the pronunciation of ‘S’ or ‘SH’ and i will practice for this and will come for next lesson.
Thanks & Regards,
Sachin Passi
From india
not All verbs in English can be changed into nouns
i appreciate you
I’d like to ask you: Do you pronounce “t” in a word “often” ?
I heard that in some native speakers’ talks but I was taught differently in my school.
Not in some Countries, for instance, in American English you do not pronounce the ‘t’sound.
Look: often is pronounced (ofen)
Thank you Ronnie!!:))
thank you
Thanks Ronnie!!! You are super teacher in the world!!!
Thanks for the important tips, Ronnie!
Thank you.
thanks *-*
Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks so much! I will try my best …
wooooow i understood thanks
Thanks For the Knowledge given to us for the verb and noun
Teacher I love your class, they are awsome!
thank u so much
thank you;) can you prepare something about replacement of common words, but not so sophisticated ?
Thank you for the lesson, Ronnie!
I don’t like the word “establishment” and things connected with it. :)
Merriam Webster Dictionary says pronunciation of the word “employment” is \im-ˈplȯi-mənt\, which means the last syllable sounds “ment”. Google dictionary says the same. Does pronunciation in Toronto much differs from pronunciation in the USA. Chicago, for example?
Yes! American and Canadian English is very different!!
hi dear teacher..
is this sentence right? if not why?
i watched tv,while you were playing…
Yes. Except you need a capital “I”.
Instead of “while” can we use – when you were playing
I was watching TV while you played.
Is this correct?
One word: That was ”GORGEOUS”!!
hi Ronnie I loved all the lessons that you have provided allow me to, I hope, more hope to explain to me the colors and achromatic staging labels Sincerely thnx
You are very good teacher Roony, with your great sense of humor every things you explain is easier for me to understand, thanks a lot.
Thanks Ronnie I love ur lessons
Hello Ronnie,
I’m from Brazil, and I enjoy their lessons. I have 2 questions, first how can i use the “that”? Here in Brazil we use always the “that” for many sentences, but in English hardly.
The others question is about “verbs forms”, how to use only the verb, to + verb or verb + ing? for example I love to swim or I love swhimming? that’s all.
Sorry for any grammar error.
Um grande abraço! xD
Type “gerunds” into the search bar….the videos will answer your questions!!
I don’t know why, but I can understand everything what you teath and SPEAK… :D
Thanks so much RONNIE
Thank you so much ,, my best teacher
I like it 100
Thanks ronnie, I appreciate your courses.
Very very interesting ! thanks a lot Rony
thanks,you are perfect!
Hi Ronnie,
Can you please explain why the word J,P,T silent in the following words..
Jungman, Juanita, Jalapino, Tsunami, Pshycology….
Thanks for your help..
They come from languages that have different pronunciation rules than English! “Jungman” is German, “Juanita” and “jalapeno” are Spanish, “tsunami” is Japanese, and “psychology” is originally from Greek.
In German, the letter “j” is pronounced like an English “y”. The Spanish “j”, Japanese “ts” and Greek “ps” don’t have English equivalents, which is why an English speaker would simply pronounce them “h” or “s”.
Hello madam Ronnie first of oll I wanna thank you a lot cus I am so so so intrested when I watch your video and listen to you you make me feel I am like an English speaker and I really take advantage with you; I have a lotta questions My best teacher ; I’ve been learning English for 1 years almost and I really tortured to learn English ; and I’ve never study English at school just myself and with my friend who is a like a teacher he’s studying letrature English I love so so so so so English English is my life So excuse my questions How can I improve my english a lot and how can I prove to People that I can speak English cus right now I can write and speak and understand but not a lot; and if I wanna say to you I really benifet with you Or I take advantage or I take advantages or I take an advantage.. and Finally Madam ronny thanks a lot for your efforts you’re amazing………I can’t how can I thank you ; Just by do3a2 goodbye Madam ronnie.
I mean how can I say I wanna take advantage with you or advantages or …thanks once again. and tell me pleaaaaaase what does my english represent to you ? is it enough ?
Wow! You wrote a lot! Great work! You can say “I really benefit from your lessons”!
Thanks so much for your kind words and good luck!!!!
Thank you :)
Hello Madam Rannie I’ve been waiting for you ; why didn’t you answer me ..? once again thanks a lot for your efforts.
All family members of EngVid.com are very friendly. I congratulate them for their effort for making such kind of website. Thanks all of you.
Hi Ronnie, your lessons are pretty enjoyable. I like listening your lessons. My listening is poor, so videos are very helpful for me to understand what you say. Thanks for all teacher.
hello Ronnie
that video was very helpful :)
I’m always do mistakes, when I change V. to adj. or to adv. , could you do a video to explain that for me, please?
and about adding PREFIXES and SUFFIXES… I love u Ronnie :)
my grade is 9 \ 10
just the last one is false
thanks for this exertion
I think you’re a great teacher because I can remember what you say even after days cause of the way you say or explain things, and those Movements or moves that you do when you teach !!
I think you’re funny too
10/10 :) Thank you and I’m glad to have found this site. A great help for the upcoming exam in September.
hi miss ronnie this is ur new student i am glad to meet you miss i hope you get my text thanks :)
Thank u so much , but i think there must be a roles to how add letter to the sentence ,and thank u.
May i have ur name on facebook?
ronnie macEnglish!
Merci Ronnie, tu es une enseignante merveilleuse. J’adore beaucoup ta façon d’enseignement
thank you Ronnie
ronnie can you convert your name into action ?
Thank you Ronnie!!!I would appreciate if you make a video on this: “It´s a shame Sheila was late for the opening” “I know. HAD SHE COME EARLIER, she would have met the director” It´s a bit confusing :(. I´m asking the other teachers to see if you guys help me with this.
Hi there, I’d love to practice my speaking skills and also learn some Spanish. can we skype? :)my skype username is magiwisnia
thank you, Ronnie
i like the way you teach, you’re so humorous ^^
Hallo body
thanks….. 80%. U teach us clearly. How about name to adjective ?
i can’t watch the videos . what can i do ?
The videos have been blocked by the religious government of your country. You must use a proxy server or browser. You can try a browser called TOR.
Hi Sister Ronnie
thank you again in your information that you shared to me i am so glad to go and get more information about in your site ^^
Thanks Ronnie for making us learn yet another useful lesson. I appreciate the way you make the things so easy to learn with your easy to understand language mixed with some humorous expressions.I request you to make me learn how and when to use the word “apparently”. Also if you find any area of improvement in what I have written, please share your valuable information. God Bless.
I always enjoy learning from your videos!
I am glad I found this website.
Thank you!
Thanks you Ronnie! I really enjoy your classes and I think that the website is fantastic! I think that the best way to improve in a language is going to the country where is speaking. So, I am planning to go to Toronto in July and I would like to have speaking classes. Do you give speaking classes in Toronto? Please write me to miren.errandonea@gmail.com
Thanks you
Good evening salamalg
I am ready to talk on Skype
add.Skype. Steve.mcqueen48
Lunch wonderful well
I am now back to work.
Thanks a lot!
thank you very much ! you are so funny
Thank Ronnie!
I Didn’t feel bored when i watch your videos.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie ma’am!!!!!
Ronnie I love your work it help me a lot thank you
you’re amazing ronnie :*
I wish I had teachers like u at school :'(
hi ronnie ,i like your method of teaching.thank you
Thank you. :)
9 out of 10
Thanks Mrs.Ronnie for your good lesson
Speaking of inspiration, you are the one who inspires me :DD
Ronnie thank you very very much, it’s really great lesson
thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie, I am very grateful with your lessons, I got 100 points, you are a charming teacher.
Greetings from Mexico city.
Ronnie , thank you so much for the lessons .By the way , you are amazing .
Thanks for lesson.
Hi Ronnie!
This is my first time here, and I would like to thank you for the nice lesson.
Regards from Brasil
May be it sounds like a stupid question but Why we need to change a verb into a noun?
Hi, This is the first time with you, and your lesson very cool. Thank u my lovely teacher, and I love uuuuu ,hhhhh. bye
Good lesson! Thank you Ronnie!
Thanks again.
hy maam ronny hehehe. i’m a new member of engvid. it’s a great time to watch ur video :D ohyeah, i’ve been add you on facebook, would you mind to accept me? thnk you :)
How we can change the(READ)
How about (read)???
Thanks Dear Teacher I got The Lesson 80%.
Thanks a lot
hi Ronnie thanks for lesson. But there is something wrong about subtitles. Can u prevent wrong subtitles?
Our newer lessons are almost all properly subtitled, but there’s nothing we can do about the older ones, sorry :(
Oh could you tell me what your Japanese name?? You lived there for 4 years, right???? :V
Thank you Ronnie this lesson’s very intersting for me
Thanks Ronnie, You are a great teacher.I am a big fan of your vedio. It’s a useful lesson.Thank million time. :D
thank you soo much
thank you about all these useful lesson , thanks ronnie .
hello ronnie i have a doubt regarding use of es, s and ies…i will be glad if you can put up a lecture on this.
another doubt is below-
e.g – a few odd things happened vs a few odd things had happened
what is the difference between above two sentences ?
Dear Teacher Ronnie you’re creative keep going I love your teaching style extremely.and really your lessons are very useful and interesting.^_^
Thank you very much ronnie
nice order of words to answer
that’s pretty easy.
thanks a lot for presentation.
Thank you Ronnie, I always love your lessons and your sense of humor.
hello there
I have a little point Miss ronnie, I guess every one now will take a verb and change it into a noun to practice his understanding,so what if I take (sympathize)? sympathiz-ment? wrong!!
so I hope to show us an examples doesn’t take ment and ion
please ^__^
Thanks Mam Ronnie, I got 90%.
great job madame
Thanks for your lesson Ronnie, i’ve got 100%
hi Ronnie thanks for youre lessons .Is possible to add more video (Advance) ?
thanks ronnie many classes I always do find it a very good teacher and I was well test had nine good and one bad, hopefully always remain a good teacher and always we manage to understand you
: D
Thanks a alot, but how can i download the video?
Hi Candice. You can only WATCH. Best regards.
I have one mistake, but I think I understood this lesson. In my opinion all verbs in English can be changed into nouns, but it is wrong. Anyway thank you Ronnie for your lessons, they are very good :)
Hello Ronnie
Thanks a lot, lesson was very useful.
You are Great!
You are a great teacher. I can learn a lot of things in you videos.
I’m so proud of my self !!
I got 9\10 :)
You’re an excellent, engaging teacher. From your accent, it sounds as if you are from Canada. I notice that you pronounce “pronunciation” as “pronounciation”. Is this is a Canadian way of pronouncing “pronunciation”?
Dear Ronnie
thanks for your efforts its not
enough for you,you are very productive ,effective and you have unique way of teaching
but i have a question why All verbs in English can not be changed into nouns. or put (ment,tion) by the way I am new student ,beginner
Thanks a lot of information ronni
Thank you :D
This lesson is very useful
thanks teacher Great Lesson ((:
Hello dear teacher, thank you so much for your teaching. But i would to ask you some questions about this lesson. I am not clear about add ment and ion. How to we know about word that we should add ment or ion after verb?
Thank you Teacher Ronnie,
I’ve got 100 percent.
You are such an amazing teacher, Ronnie
Thank you very very much
Ronnie, I really got your lesson. You’re very smart, talant and funny person. :)
i love Ronnie’s teaching way .. she’s almost different from others
that is true my friend that is true
hi ronnie,may i ask you one thing,well i understood all the class but i have doubts cause there is not rules for changing a verb into a nous i mean you said i can pick up any verb and well example:move=movement and destoy=destruction well i got this but why there is a rule about that because you know that every word finish with differents words please anwer me thanks
Hi Ronnie! I consider about the way you pronunciation the word ” employment”. In my opinion it should be “ɪmˈplɔɪm(ə)nt” not ” mint”.
1000 times YES! /ɪmˈplɔɪ.mənt/ http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/employment
You’ve saved my life!
actually she saved our lives hhhh
Thanks Ronnie, very good explanatIONs…
A very informative lecture. Thanks Roonie
how can i improve my writing and speaking in English. waiting for your nice and leading answer
Rhoni,where can i find your step by step grammar explanation videos
thanks Ronnie
Thanks mam Ronnie I have learned a lot…
i answered the test without listen the lesson and i got 90 wawwwwwww im very happy
its very helpful….
how do I change prey into a noun please????
I got 10 correct out of 10 :)
thanks Ronnie for this lesson :D
Thank’s Ronnie
why we did not change employ to employee(which is also a noun)?
Thanks for the lessons all the teachers are great
but i like teacher Ronnie she is so amazing
i’m so exciting to learn thank i like to thank Mrs Ronnie again keep giving us lessons you are good teacher
It is also commen to a
Sorry,I click the wrong butten.what I meant is that it also commen ti add ER to a verb to change it to a noun likely:run-runner,walk-walker, am I right?
Hello Ronnie! Can you believe that? I’ve got a 100% of the correct answers. You’re really such a great teacher. Learn English hadn’t been easy until I met you. Please reply my comment if you like it and feel free to correct me anytime.
thanks it was amazing
I need your help ..to summarize and translate a file….could you help me
Aww thanks for your helping us darling
I tend to get sleepy when I encountered difficulties.
Thank goodness, your style of teaching keeps me awake all the times. Thanks Robbie…
Ronnie sorry for the misspelled name…
Thank you, indeed I used to find some difficulties to made switch between both of them, but now I founded this flexible than before.
I like all your lessons, thank you Ronnie
Teacher Ronnie, which of the two sentence is correct;the woman that works here or the woman who works here?
Exodus movement of the people (Bob Marley song)
Thanks for lesson. It’s very useful
Hi! Thanks :)
Thanks Ronnie , Your lesson was so useful and effective to me i can understand easily …..
i,ve got 9 of 10 -_- this is not fair !
i,ve got 9 of 10 -_- this is not fair !
Thanks Ronnie you are the best have a beer !
Hi Ronnie I’m from Indonesia, thanks for the great lesson, and it would be delighting for us if you add another addition to change a verb to a noun or instead of it because I really really want to know like employ + er and so on
Thanks teacher Ronnie, I learned a lot. God bless!
I didn’t understand, the is no rule for this lesson ?
Thank you!
you teach very effectively and creatively
thanks a lot
thanksgiving my Madam Rooney
you R amazing
thank you! every day I try to build wall of knowledges with your assistance
thanks Rooney .we love your lessons
Thanks for the lesson…God bless
Thanks a lot for your lessons. I was living in Lebanon and now I live in Turkey and I need to practice english
Thank you so much! 10/10
Thank you! I enjoy to study your lessons.
Nice one, love it.
in employ why dont u just say employee
Nice lesson. 8 of 10 .. Sorry , I’ll repeat it! Thanks a lot. Take care
Hi Ronnie:
I have enjoyed your lessons a lot. Even though I have lived in the US for over 14 years, I can still learn a few things from you. Your lessons have been both fun and helpful. Kudos to you and other teachers and videographers at EngVid.
I have a comment about this particular lesson. The spelling of judge+ment is judgment. The “e” in “judge” is removed. You most likely know this, but most have forgotten when you filmed this lesson.
This just shows how well you’ve learned American English! “Judg(e)ment” is one of those words that is spelled differently in different countries. In the US and in the legal field generally, it’s spelled “judgment”. But in Commonwealth countries like Britain and Canada, when not referring to a court decision, the usual spelling is “judgement”. (I’ve been spelling it “judgement” all the time and didn’t know there was a difference…whoops.)
I have never seen this word spelled as judgement, so I thought only judgment is correct. Thanks for your explanation.
Soooo easy .
thank you,
I found out that some of the verbs are having the same spelling for example aid, vow, and cut
Thanks a lot.
Hi, Ronnie
I have a querry regarding verb and noun.there is a word-(Debut) it can be used as a verb and noun but how.
Please explain
He made his debut in 1986
He debuted on television in 1986
What is difference which is used as a noun and verb I know the basics but still a problem while making sentence
Hi Arush. We have a lot of words like this in English : work , plant , water ,…….
the place of a verb is different from the place of a noun in setence. I hope it helps. Best regards. Soei
Reply please
You are so cool thank
Thanks a lot! It really helped me.
” All verbs in English can be changed into nouns.
I need some examples for verbs that can’t be changed into nouns
Ronnie, you rock
hi miss ronnie i wanna learn english with you miss so would you like to help me
Hi ronnie, there’s also another verb that can change into a noun by adding ment which is iprove changes into improvement. Is that right?
Thank you teacher
Can anyone help me !
When I choose any teacher to see thir lessons, they don’t come ! Only the white page without even the number of lessons.
You might need to update Chrome. If you are blocking Javascript or using an adblocker, those pages won’t work properly for you.
Hlo my dearest mam………
U r awesome teacher in my life.i wanna learn more and more english with you.as like as you speak.
Thanks so much Ronnie.
Is ment or ion work with every verb or not if not then why .!!!!like help is both verb and noun ?
basically this lesson is hard, but you teach easly, so I can undertand more. thanks… i want to be taecher like you.
i have 3 false and got 60 %
thank you
i got 90%
What is the best way to pass the cbest assessment
you are so amazing! Thank you for the lessons
Thanks for lessons .. Roonie I love you so much
Nice! Thankyou Roonie you are the best teacher???
Please tell me anymore, i really need you too more understand about english. Because i really want to be good speaker in other country. Help me more mrs Roonie?????
3 mistakes. Thank you Ronnie! :)
Thank you for the lesson mrs Roonie. But when we can use the addition “ment” and “ion” on verbs specifically ? Is there any rule to decide when we use “ment” or “ion” on verbs ?
Btw, i need friends to practice english. Lets be friend. Add my facebook account “Raffiansyah Putra”. ?
Ronnie You are making me love to learn English ….
just 1 mistake
thank you Ronnie :)
thank you ronnie
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks for lesson.
I’m very happy
100% in a quiz
Tanks a lot teacher
thank you for nice lesson
thanks a lot
It was very important
Amazing lesson thank you
thanks a lot Ronnie your explanation is awesome
like the video!
thank you Ronnie you make all lessons so simple :)
I am recently watching your videos and they are very use ful. I mean the way you explain the language is very important. Some day
Very use ful. Will you some day explain the words for basic math. At my school never was seen
i hve a question , most propbly a confusion…how to identify word like “move” which we generally say as verb, which can be used as verb and noun in sentence without changing its letters, such as she made a sudden move(noun) towards me,…here the word became noun but we generally say the word move as verb……..very confusing .. again is “looking” a verb and “telling” a adjective..???
Thank you RONNIE.I love your lessons.
hi Ronnie thank you so much
Thaaaanks my best teacher ✋??
I’ve got 8 correct out of ten !!! I’m so Happy????
Thanks alot
Thank you
God bless Teacher.
you are perfect and funny Ronnie. i love u, thanks a lot
Hi Ronnie, it would be so nice to have a real life English Class with you. You’re so funny! I laugh all the times I’m watching your videos. Thank you very much! You’re amazing!
Thank you teacher.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie. Out of 10 items, I got 7. Hehehe
Thanks Ronnie, you are an amazing teacher!
Thanks for this lesson.You are the best of the best teacher !
Very useful thank you so much for this great website
thank you!
govern is a noun?
When add “-ment” and when add “ion”?
Hello Ronnie. I like how you teach. I want to learn speak English like you :D :D . I have a problem with verb to ” Get ” . I like you so much .
so helpful thankx a lot
thank you
thank you ronnie i got 10 hhhhhh
Hey Miss Ronnie,
Thanks for the awesome verb to noun lesson…very entertaining and informative.
Do the newly created nouns above now come under the heading of a “gerund” or am I confusing myself with the whole “ing” form of a verb (running, sitting, talking etc…) that functions as a noun?
Cheers from Down Under
thank you:))
First of all, thanks for the lesson. You are amazing. Second, there is a mistake in question 6, because “What is the noun from of the verb protect?” is written instead of “What is the noun form of the verb protect?”.
9/10! Good! I made a mistake with the word govern. Now, I understand this verb.
thank a lot, Ronnie,hugs (Kazakhstan o1 Dec2o21:)
Hello teacher. How useful! Thanks
good job :)
Thank you
very useful lesson