In this lesson, I will teach you some common words we use when talking about babies and children. You will learn words like toddler, temper tantrum, infant, tattle, spank, ground and many more. If you are writing the IELTS or TOEFL, these words may help you get a higher vocabulary mark in the speaking and writing sections.
Happy New Year Emma !! I wish you and all Engvid members lots of luck and happiness in 2013 !!
The English lesson meant a lot to me
I’m joining to this greetings!
thank you very much Emma! :)
thank you Emma!!.. I always learn something new from you :) happy new year!!!!
happy new year to all teachers of Engvid. very useful lesson
Happy new year and thanks for this lessons.
ı am great ı got 10 correct out of 10
thanks Emma. u have raised me to have good english language.
Thanks for making me smile!
thank you so much
Giving thanks to Emma1
A very interesting lesson. It shades of my childhood.
Thanks so much for your honest sharing, Emma.
Awsome lesson, I like it very much, thanks a lot
Happy New Year everybody!!!!!
Thank you Emma
Happy New Year for you too!
The same 2 U!
to you too dear Emma
and thank you so much for all great lessons that you made for us in the past year.
Thanks emma and Very Happy new Year to you and all engvid teachers and team.
Really ,I found the better way to learn english. Two lessons by day are improving my vocabulary and pronunciation. Thanks a lot.
Hi Emma, thanks for your lesson.
I have a question about ‘throwing a temper tantrum’ It’s also right to say ‘throwing a tantrum’?
Hi langelo,
“He threw a tantrum” is also correct!
Hi my name is ravi
Ravi gupta
Thank You
thanks emma u r so nice…….god bless u : )
firoz khan
Happy near year Emma I’m newbie here but I really apprize you and your team on this tedious and tremendous efforts to help those who have flair for English.
this lessons for over the top. i like it
Excelent lesson Emma! I enjoy it a lot!
In this oportunity, I wish you back a Happy New Year and for all, teachers and students!
Hi Emma
happy new year.
If you don’t mind can you explain to the difference between raise and rise , and their uses.
U know,they have got different meanings;but here r the important ones:
Rise/raIz/ (n,v) ,((rise,rose,risen)) :an increase in an amount,a number or a level.
e.g.:What time does the sun rise?
Raise/reIz/ (n,v) ,((raise,raised,raised)) :2 lift or move sth 2 a higher level.
e.g.:He raised a hand in greeting.
P.S. They r confusing verbs n 4 more in4mation,u can either look it up in an advanced dictionary or surf the net.
By the way,hope it does help.
Have a nice 1 !
Emma has already made a lesson between rise n’ raise, just check it out. goog luck.
Efrain Dominguez
Thank you. I’m an English teacher from Denmark and I just will like to say thanks for your help and lovely smile.
Many thanks for the very useful lesson.
hi, Emma. happy new year. I have some nephews and nieces. so, this lesson will be very helpful. I’m going to begin practicing (except for the part of spanking, of course). thanks.
Daniel C Herculano
HAPPY NEW YEAR (புத்தாண்டு வாழ்த்துக்கள் -PUTTHAANDU VAALTHUKKAL – in Tamil) EMMA & all readers!
This is a really great lesson. Really helpful and surprised to see that there are words in English for children behaviors such as Tattle, Tattletale, crawl, etc…as we have in our language also.
Also I have one question – but this is in different topic.
I’ve read Torontostar today and it says “acoub Favila, 7, was killed in a New Year’s Day hit-and-run on Hwy. 401.”
My question is “in a New Year’s Day…” . Why not “On a New Year’s Day…”?
Tamil Eelavan
In my book,it’s correct bcoz “in a new year’s day” means in a special day which is totally different with “the days of the week” such as: Monday,Tuesday n so on so on;that their suitable preposition is “on”.
I just suppose,not sure I am!!
Gooodluck! :)
according to what I found
on = during a particular day
in = during a period of time
so considering to what you write “ was killed in a New Year’s Day“
on personal level, he used ^in^ here for emphasizing ,and as we
know *that in used for emphasizing that something happened .
so in here used for emphasize the killing , and it can` be on .
I`m not quite sure about that but it seems to be proper in this way !!
Could you please make a video on differences between people,human,man,human being, and humankind when, for example, want to say man discovered iron thousands years ago.
hi guys
I am Amal> I am arebain girl> I wanna improve my englisg so can any one help me by chatting please add me on my skype Amo0ol707
hi amo,its me shahin ,how r u going?
a very very happy new year to engvid’s all teachers n god bless u..
Thank you Emma , your lesson is very beneficial.
If anyone is internesting to speak in English on skype, thi is my user nooh.2007
Thanks a lot. I really enjoyed it!
Lucky Nataly
happy new year Emma
happy new year! It’s my first time here and I’m afraid about the mistakes! But I want to try!
Welcome Katia! I am from Minas Gerais too! You will learn a lot here, because it’s the best website of English you can find! It’s just perfect! I watch a lesson every day and I’m improving my English quickly!
Sally S
Please make mistakes! The best way to learn a language is to make mistakes and then learn from them.
Thanks Emma for this very useful lesson.
Some words I knew but some not.
Happy 2 thousand n’ thirteen Emma u r such a great teacher, all I want is a lesson from u weekly lol. thank u.
Efrain Dominguez
thank you very much
Thank-you Emma ! It was interesting and very helpful lesson for me. I am grateful to you and other staff at Engvid. You guys are doing great job to teach us (non native English speakers). Keep the good work up !!!
Hi,Emma.Happy new year. I am surprised by your teaching, especially on the task one Ielts exam.I am struggling to pass the exam and scared to death.How would you help me to pass the exam? wihs to hearing from you.
Vocabulary on the IELTS is very important. It’s good to show you have a broad range of vocabulary. For example, many students use the word “delicious” when talking about food. This word does not show a mastery of English vocabulary. Better words to describe food would be “tasty”, “rich”, “salty”, “oily”, or “nutritious”.
Have you watched my IELTS video on part 1 of the writing section? Learn some of the vocabulary from that video to get a higher mark.
Excellent lesson! I´ve got 9 of 10.! Isend you a kiss from Arg!
hi dear emma it s a very helpful lesson.thanks a lot .
Happy New Year teacher!!
Thanks for this very interesting lesson.
Kind regards from Ecuador
Jesse María
Hi,thank you for this lesson, it was very good!
happy new year!
thank you so much for the good lesson
nothing to add, just as nice as you are thank so much for the help Emma.
Thank you Emma!
Emma you’re wonderful teacher
Your lesson is really useful for me because I am going to give birth on last of Jan. I know more words to talk about my baby about to be born. Thank you so much Emma and hope you have a wonderful year :).
Emma,Thanks for this video and thanks for all the videos by you and your colleagues.
I’ve this doubt for a long time “I ain’t got no water” – What does it mean? Many say it means “I have got some water”,since double negative has been used.
What’s mean by Double negative?
In English, it’s considered grammatically incorrect to use two negatives in a sentence. Here are some examples of incorrect sentences:
I don’t have no apples.
She doesn’t know nobody.
She ain’t got no water.
A correct sentence cannot have both “not” and “no” in it.
Here are the corrections:
I don’t have any apples.
She doesn’t know anybody.
She doesn’t have any water.
Instead of using “no”, we use “any”.
We can use it in literary meanings or if the person who said it intended to use positive positive negative.
Do not hesitate to correct me Emma, hank my teaher
Haitham Mostafa
thanks a lot!!!
Happy New Year for all our loved teachers. Thank you very much for all the lessons!
very useful lesson! Through it i did knew that you were not very good daughter. :))
Vu Uoc
I can’t… I’m holding myself! 90! Hahahahahahahahaha!
thank you
thanks…. and happpy new year in late!!
Hi Emma thank you for what you do, is much time that i look for someone who teach english online and i can say without doubt you’re the good one that i found, and i wanna ask you if do you give private lesson ?
*when i wrote ” i can say without doubt you’re the good one that i found” i meant you are the best one
Thank you for asking. Unfortunately, I don’t do private lessons.
Best of luck to you!
Very useful! Thanks a lot, Emma. Happy new year! Best wishes for you!
it is good
Thank you very much it’s usefull lesson
Thank you very much, the lessons are really helpful and useful!!!
hi everyone…i watched ths with my niece and felt its a good exercise for her..she enjoyed it..thanks and keep it up..
afshan lone
happy new English new year guys
wow igot 9 out of 10 its great. thanks teacher.i learn more about child, children,childhood i didn’t know before between those but i know now.thank u so much.
Ma’am i m little confused hope you will help me. what is difference between ‘i do read and i read’.
majid awan
got a query mind if i pose ?In china we neither can use engvid nor youtube without a proxy software that is more often blocked up by certain reasons.SO what I wanna know is any possible way of getting these lessons.
if so then please let me know it here
Sorry, I’m afraid using a proxy is the only way. :(
engVid Moderator
thanks a million ,now I’ll keep on attempting to use that proxy software as much as I can so as to get these tremendous lessons.
Bundle of thanks Emma
thank u Emma.Happy New year .
I Love you Emma
Thank you Emma !!!!
well,, Emma the order will be like this :
baby or toddler 1 to 3
infante typically used for chlidern who are betwixt 4 to 8
pre-teen from 9 to 11
teenager from 12 to 18
it that correct !!!!
Hi, i like to tank you for the lessen Emma.
i think it’s nice if u add a Summary to every lessen to navigate into the video, and its so simple : Things children do :
like that we can navigate into the video, or u can add some links into the description how take as to a position in the video for example :
In this lesson, I will teach you some common words we use when talking about babies and children. You will learn words like toddler, temper tantrum, infant, tattle, spank, ground and many more. If you are writing the IELTS or TOEFL, these words may help you get a higher vocabulary mark in the speaking and writing sections.
so when i look for this word i go directly.
i hope u like the idea, if u need a help on this just contact me i really love your team and your works, and i learn English with you so tank you.
Mohammedi Mohamed
I really say thank you to teacher Emma and i necessary need you to help me improving my conversation skill
Keita Kaba
Hello Emma!
Very good lesson!!! And you are so “gracinha” hou we say im Brasil
I enjoyed this website. Happy New Year everyone.
10 from 10 :)))
Thanks Emma !!
Thank you teacher Emma. I need more videos.
Very good lessons
Very good lesson. This is make me more clear and useful. Thank you so much.
hi Emma.. i want 2 ask u about (did u know?) why we say this when telling about somthing strange n new instead of saying (do u know?)as we say in our language…thanks..
Thank u Emma !! this video is very useful !! i hope u will help me to improve my speaking skill
Trinh Nguyễn
if anyone wants to improve in speaking can you join me on facebook,fargeeto som or SKYPE,fargeto. let ENGLISH be our mothertongue
thanks all
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for your lesson and happy new year…
thanks alot emma
I like everyone who is name Emma, Because of you EMMA …. Thank you very much for your lesson…
i couldnt find many IELTS videos of you?! how can i have them? thanks
Thank you Emma.
Thank you! The lesson was very good!
great great great, i love your videos
happy new year to all teaches
First time here and it’s being great. One lesson from Rebecca and one other from Emma. Great stuff, great site and Great Teachers. remain bless!
Hi it’s my first time to saw this webside and I like I wanna steal using this websaid thank you
Dear Emma, this lesson was wonderful! I love it! I hope I can remember all these words because they are very useful. Thank you very much!
Sally S
I have tattle my sister since I’m a little boy
I got nine correct answers!
I gonna be more hard working
thank you so much Emma this lesson is very useful I wish I can remember all the words especially my mistake!!!
Emma this lesson is very important, thak you. and i wish you a very blessed new year….
i love your lessons ;)
Thanks and I got 100 scores !!
Joe Chuo
Thank you Teacher,It is useful
Hi Emma. I’m a native English speaker and writer and I find your lessons a good basic review of the “nuts and bolts” of speaking and writing well. I happened across the Engiv site by accident. Anyway, I was wondering, do you produce your own videos or is this done in a studio environment? Just wondering. Thanks.
Thanks it is very useful to me, Wish you all the best
hany kheir
i really enjoyed in your lessons ,i learned a lot from it
thank u very much .
from Ethiopia
i m so lucky i got very good teacher..i can clearly understand. thanks alot amma mam
rajesh kumar
sorry by mistake i wrote the wrong name..i really i m sorry emma mam…
rajesh kumar
That was good :)
emma I want to describe you the difference between two words which are commonly used in our society that is temper tantrum and toddler .according to france dictionary the word temper tantrum used to show the completeness of work it means you have to use in the made for the temper tantrum word
Thank you so much for your video!
I learned a lot and it really helped me!
Thank you so much for your video!
I learned a lot and it really helped me!
nice lessone emma
nael amaren
Hi Emma,
I just wanted to wish long life to ENGVID and its whole team. You are the champions.
Teacher please reply me on the video “until or by”
it’s very important
thanks :)
hello I would like to be a friend if you like but I do not have idea about it
harroush 225
Good very good
thank you
bog dog
thanks a lot, your performance is so good
Mr sayed hamdi
Hello Emma,
Can I to say Pre-Adolescent ?
Success :)
thank you so much Mss Emma
Thank you so much i’m so happy to be here
Emma you’re a great teacher!! THANK YOU!!^^
thanks. But i have to watch again because of a lot of new words in this lession)))
thanks Mss Emma
hi my special valued teacher
i really enjoy learning English because of your manner .
may i have your email since i am preparing to study MBA in canada, and i need some information related to the life there.
your talent student
Hi Emma, you’re a very good teacher and I am learning a lot from you.
I appreciate you and all the teachers of EngVid.
God bless you all.
Aclésio Roberto
Thanks Emma .You’re so good teacher and teaching too.God bless you .
HI Emma I have learn from you a lot I would like to make a donation to you but I am not comfortable to give out my credit card number over the internate can you tell me if there are safe way to donate you can send me through my email I am in the US thanks
suhlih wu
Unless you connect your bank account with Paypal (which I think you can do in the US), credit card is the best way. It ought to be safe, but if you’re really worried about it, you don’t have to :)
Thank you for the feeback I will just use credicard to make a donation to Emma
suhlih wu
I just apply your website today.The things children do lesson is very useful for my job because I am working with early year level at school.I will adapt to use them.
From Thailand :)
thanks i learn a lot………..
Thank you for the feedback !!
Mohamed Ahmed
Thank you very much Emma, Today I got A, I´m very happy with this intelligent subject because I learned useful words and expressions.
Dear Teacher,
That is very interesting lesson to know how to learn to say the common baby activities. Thank you for sharing.
thank you very much teacher your teachings were very useful,I loved it.
Thanks Emma, now i can distinguish those meanings correctly.
Thank you Emma, you are a good lecturer..
Hello Emma,
I have decided to improve my english vocabulary by learning more with you. I’m planing to do the IELTS exam. thank you for your help… Marcelin
I really enjoyed watching your video,you made as simply as much ,you’re friendly ,kind teacher.
best regards
thank you very much your lesson very useful
but I always forgot this words and phrases do you have any control or training
Thanks, this is useful lesson and i get some important words that i didn’t know before
wow I have got 10/10.
I’m interesting with your lessons teacher Emma.
I love,I want speak very well.In this lesson I learn mor words.
Thank you
Hi, it is really useful lessons. Thank you so much.
Thanks to Engvid team, really i learn everyday new things .. May God bless you :)
Thank you Emma..It really helps.
thank you very much your lesson very usefulCan you Taidon write the contents of the lesson
In the text of a PDF
So I can review the lesson and how to write the words spoken
Thank you
PLEASE people!My native language is Spanish, help me improve my speaking skills in English! Add me in skype: mara.vzla
Thanks in advance
hi emma how are you can u plz help me i need some expreesions to use in the classroom
thank you so mush for lesson
Lol I understand here more than i understand in classeroom
I have a question but not about lesson
i m from morocco and i want to go study in uk
i dont know what i must do and i wana som tips from you thx alot
Thanks Emma ^_^
I’ve already watched several videos and I’ve found it much more interesting and useful than my lessons at school or university. Thanks!
I so glad I could find this web side, very comfortable learning English, when you learn step by step is easy to learn other language.
Thank you very much Emma, It is such a valuable lesson.I would like to ask you for more IELTS lessons, (The writing task 1 )video is amazing. I like your teaching way, It is very simple :)
u are a very good teacher
Hello, If you would like to practice our English and take the chance to use the words we know and talk alot to get the confidence
I’m welcoming
my Skype id is: ahmed.sabet31
thank you Emma,
it was awesome lesson
Shift work! Okay!
When you’re talking about multiple people scheduled for shifts, you say working in shifts. But when you’re talking about specific shifts, like “first shift” or “night shift”, you use on: “I’m on the night shift.” You can also just leave out “on/in”: “I worked first shift”, “I worked two shifts back-to-back.”
Hope that helps :)
engVid Moderator
Thanks a lot.
Thank you Emmam :)
Emma * My mistake sorry :D
i didnt remember anything when i was a toddler. the primary school reminded
me of my childhood. i used to play boardgames, marbles, jo-jo, baseball.have toys .little cars. have accidents. he is in his teens. you prank to friends .first kiss.
your parents told you when you were a baby ,toddler .
thanks so much
yes 100 from 100 >i did it
yes 100 from 100 >i did it
This lesson helps me a lot study English.
I can learn about expressions about children.
In the near future, I wanna use these expressions.
When I was a child, There was such a nice website like this..
I envy of young children.
You and your lessons are amazing Emma. Thank you =)
Hello and thanks for this usuful lesson,Emma. I wanna use some expressions for a baby of my daughter.
100!!!!!!!!!very good!!!!!!!!!!!
hi Emma i like always your lessons. they are wonderful. thanks. i m improving my engilsh.
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for your lesson
thank you so much for the good lesson
thanx you prof emma , you are so beauty when you use necklace
Thank you so much Emma for your efforts and for the valuable information that you provide to us,
Yours sincerely,
thanx emma
Hi Emma , I’m new at your website and I think it’s fantastic all your videos and the way you teach. By the way I have a doubt: If somebody could help me or make a video teaching the uses of the modal perfects ( could/can have, should have, may have,etc.. ) becuase
Because I am confused … thanks for all.
Ups I think I wrote some mistakes:
All your videos are fantastic ( sounds better )
And… I think the modal percect of ability is only (could) not “can”
Sorry… Bye!
hi emma,
can u tell me the difference between the american, canadian, Australian accent please
if anyone want practice English with me this is my ID in skype: ethan.kadin
Thanks Emma for nice vocabularies! I have a question, would you please help me? What is the difference between “time-out” and “grounded”. As far as I understood, both of them mean sitting somewhere and doing nothing.
Thank you, Emma. You are teaching wonderful! I like the way you speak always with a smile. Now I am trying speaking English with a smile as well.
you are the best
I understand everything what are you teaching us. I get forever 100 % with you. THANKS EMMA.
Thank you Emma for this interesting subject!!!
Dear Emma,
Please could you help me in some important expressions which are usually used in IELTS task1?
These expressions are such as proportion, percentage, relatively percentage…etc
I need you to explain them with more different expressions related to them to use a wide range of vocabulary in the exam.
I have exam after two weeks and I still confuse about their meaning.
Thank you so much
Wonderful lesson!! EngVid is my preferred site for learn
i liked this lesson because i didn’t know the different b\w child,toddler. thank you for ur lesson and u r a gd teacher :)
Thanks so much Emma, it was really useful, but I have a question concerning the Canadian and American accent- is there any difference between them in all aspects , despite the fact that both of them are north America….. Blessings!
Thank you Emma . I like your classes very much.
Thank you Emma! :)
Wow couldnot help commenting so late.It is all to do with infants,toddlers and teens.I sometimes throw temper tantrum.This word is shared both,Emma explained.Thanks alot
Waligaa wax baro
yohoo,I got 9 correct
Thanks a lot Emma ! Iis it normal for a teenager to throw a temper tantrum ?!
Thank you very much.
it’s useful to me.
Thank you so much!
I did the quiz again, and have got 10/10.
I feel pleased, thank you so much, Emma!
Very good, thank you, Emma.
thank you very much Emma <3
oh Emma thats impressive again, were you really a tattletale, then your momi shouldn’t have wept after spanking you. :) may be you really werent. cheers.
This is awesome!!!! I love it. Thank you so much!!!
Thank you Emma this class was very useful ;). I love your name :)
Very good lesson
abdallah soukel
Thank you Ema! Your lessons are so useful and understandable.
I’ve just waatched this lesson.In was quite interesting.Thanks a lot. But there are mistakes in sutitles. Many mitakes.:)
Thank you for your intersting lessons. Could you give us a lesson about means of transports please ?.
Thnaks Emma very nice video.
Thanks Mam, I got 70%
Abdul Qayum
Thanks Emma
Haitham Mostafa
My kid took quite a long time to walk from crawl. Is it correct. Anyone help me
I will raise my kid to respect elders.
Thank for your help
Keep it up!
10/10… thanks
Nathan Cavalcanti
Excellent lesson, very useful and full of vocabulary, thank you Emma!
Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17′ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.
I got 90% what does terrible twos mean?
It’s commonly believed that children go through a stage called “the terrible twos” (because it usually happens around 2 years old) where they get really difficult, start saying “no” a lot, throwing tantrums, etc.
engVid Moderator
Thanks Emma for your explanations and that smile.
Jose Contreras
Thanks Emma. You teach us English as difficult as teach the terrible twos. Thanks for the hard work.
water meter check please
you are so nice explaining …..
mili gomita
thank you my teacher Emma i get 100 wawwwwwww
hanan Rashad
I need to learn more.
thank you very much for such a perfect lesson on the childhood. I was confused about infant and baby.
thanks a lot ms.emma
Ahmad Arief
Thanks Emma, you are one of good teachers.
I got 100%..Thanks
Yay 10 from 10 :)
thank you very much Emma.
jeffson gomez
I got 100. Thank you
Thanks Emma!
I have got 100%
Thank u emma
i got 90 thanks miss
Yousef Awad
Thank u Emma :)
I can emagene what a funny lovely child you was .
Thank you again for the lesson.
be happy
Abdullah kateb
thank you the nicest Emma
sanar faraj
I cannot thank you enough Emma.You are really the best English teacher I have ever seen.If only I could meet you and improve my English with you :)
Hello Emma, this topic was very useful for me.. Thank you very much….bye….
This website is the best! no comments.
Thank you so much, Emma.
Interesting lesson Emma.
Thank you a lot.
Your lesson make me sure and to prove my English,thank you Emma.
I am happy to learn this about children. But when i download the lesson, the subtitles do not come. Why? It helps me because i do not get well everything in your pronunciation. Otherwise I admire.
Protais Nsabimana
Thank you so much dear emma. you are a great tutor.
Mohsen Barati
very intresting thanks Emma!
Thank you very much!
Hey Emma!
Can u please quide us how to fluently speak English without thinkin?
Alhamdulillah, I got ten correct out of ten
thanks MS. Emmmmmma <3
Thanks a lot, really I learned so much.
I got 80. Thank you so much.
Good luck!
My parents raised me to be honest.
Spank… interesting word.
Emma’s lessons are really good!!!!!!
oh i love this lesson,very cute,after watching this video i feel homesick a little bit coz i am studying far away from my hometown and i remember how beautiful childhood i had when i was a kid, anyway i’m a bit mile way,thanks you for everything.
All best to you
Hoai Manucians
on march, i got a cute girl, my daughter, i love her so much that i could not make my heart to spank her enven though she is always crying during the night,haha.
tantrum,temper tantrum,spank, tattle,tattletale,i learnt so many new words .it’s very nice, tkank you emma ,you are very nice.
thanks .
I would like to thank you Mis. Emma you are teaching in the best way which could i ever seen
Thank you Emma, i like your lesson.
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. I got 100
Thanks dear Emma.its help a lot .
Md Jubair Hossain
Thank you
Thank you Emma
Thank you so much Emma!
An Vu
Very helpful for me. Thank you, Emma !
i got perfect score, thAnk you Emma.
ann ann
Thanks Emma , you’you’re the best!
Mohamed Ali Moyasser
You got 10 correct out of 10.Thanks
M kartal
The topic is of current interest for all those parents who teach their children English since birth!(There are quite a few in our country!) We need more vocabulary and the most common expressions to communicate with our children on everyday basis! Thanks a lot!!!
Thanks i got 7/10 :(
By the way, Emma, speaking of children, do you have one?
Emma, how about the toddler know hot to say this word: “SHIT” ;-;
Thanks so much Emma
Thank you, Emma!
Thanks very much Emma, I got 10 out of 10
I had perfect score. Thanks a lot Emma.
ann ann
Thank you Emma, Your lessons are lot to me
Asery Omega
Thank you Teacher
Asery Omega
well done that is very useful .
anyone is interesting to practice speaking English by Skype my nickname is sport
Thank you Emma! I got 100%. This will really help me if the subject children appears on my TOFLEL exam in the future.
9/10! I have an 8 years old child. When he was an infant, he started learning to crawl, and always hit the terrible twos. Now he is a second-year pupil, I disciplined him when did wrong things.
Jerry Gu
Thank you Ms. Emma.
I watched this video twice on April 20, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Emma, it was fun and entertaining lesson I have got 9/10 and the reason why I mixes up raised and rose ??? many thanks A.Dirie
thank a lot,Emma, hugs (Kazakhstan 11 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Happy New Year Emma !! I wish you and all Engvid members lots of luck and happiness in 2013 !!
The English lesson meant a lot to me
I’m joining to this greetings!
thank you very much Emma! :)
thank you Emma!!.. I always learn something new from you :) happy new year!!!!
happy new year to all teachers of Engvid. very useful lesson
Happy new year and thanks for this lessons.
ı am great ı got 10 correct out of 10
thanks Emma. u have raised me to have good english language.
Thanks for making me smile!
thank you so much
Giving thanks to Emma1
A very interesting lesson. It shades of my childhood.
Thanks so much for your honest sharing, Emma.
Awsome lesson, I like it very much, thanks a lot
Happy New Year everybody!!!!!
Thank you Emma
Happy New Year for you too!
The same 2 U!
to you too dear Emma
and thank you so much for all great lessons that you made for us in the past year.
Thanks emma and Very Happy new Year to you and all engvid teachers and team.
Really ,I found the better way to learn english. Two lessons by day are improving my vocabulary and pronunciation. Thanks a lot.
Hi Emma, thanks for your lesson.
I have a question about ‘throwing a temper tantrum’ It’s also right to say ‘throwing a tantrum’?
Hi langelo,
“He threw a tantrum” is also correct!
Hi my name is ravi
Thank You
thanks emma u r so nice…….god bless u : )
Happy near year Emma I’m newbie here but I really apprize you and your team on this tedious and tremendous efforts to help those who have flair for English.
this lessons for over the top. i like it
Excelent lesson Emma! I enjoy it a lot!
In this oportunity, I wish you back a Happy New Year and for all, teachers and students!
Hi Emma
happy new year.
If you don’t mind can you explain to the difference between raise and rise , and their uses.
use search :)
U know,they have got different meanings;but here r the important ones:
Rise/raIz/ (n,v) ,((rise,rose,risen)) :an increase in an amount,a number or a level.
e.g.:What time does the sun rise?
Raise/reIz/ (n,v) ,((raise,raised,raised)) :2 lift or move sth 2 a higher level.
e.g.:He raised a hand in greeting.
P.S. They r confusing verbs n 4 more in4mation,u can either look it up in an advanced dictionary or surf the net.
By the way,hope it does help.
Have a nice 1 !
Emma has already made a lesson between rise n’ raise, just check it out. goog luck.
Thank you. I’m an English teacher from Denmark and I just will like to say thanks for your help and lovely smile.
Many thanks for the very useful lesson.
hi, Emma. happy new year. I have some nephews and nieces. so, this lesson will be very helpful. I’m going to begin practicing (except for the part of spanking, of course). thanks.
HAPPY NEW YEAR (புத்தாண்டு வாழ்த்துக்கள் -PUTTHAANDU VAALTHUKKAL – in Tamil) EMMA & all readers!
This is a really great lesson. Really helpful and surprised to see that there are words in English for children behaviors such as Tattle, Tattletale, crawl, etc…as we have in our language also.
Also I have one question – but this is in different topic.
I’ve read Torontostar today and it says “acoub Favila, 7, was killed in a New Year’s Day hit-and-run on Hwy. 401.”
My question is “in a New Year’s Day…” . Why not “On a New Year’s Day…”?
In my book,it’s correct bcoz “in a new year’s day” means in a special day which is totally different with “the days of the week” such as: Monday,Tuesday n so on so on;that their suitable preposition is “on”.
I just suppose,not sure I am!!
Gooodluck! :)
according to what I found
on = during a particular day
in = during a period of time
so considering to what you write “ was killed in a New Year’s Day“
on personal level, he used ^in^ here for emphasizing ,and as we
know *that in used for emphasizing that something happened .
so in here used for emphasize the killing , and it can` be on .
I`m not quite sure about that but it seems to be proper in this way !!
Could you please make a video on differences between people,human,man,human being, and humankind when, for example, want to say man discovered iron thousands years ago.
hi guys
I am Amal> I am arebain girl> I wanna improve my englisg so can any one help me by chatting please add me on my skype Amo0ol707
hi amo,its me shahin ,how r u going?
a very very happy new year to engvid’s all teachers n god bless u..
Thank you Emma , your lesson is very beneficial.
If anyone is internesting to speak in English on skype, thi is my user nooh.2007
Thanks a lot. I really enjoyed it!
happy new year Emma
happy new year! It’s my first time here and I’m afraid about the mistakes! But I want to try!
Welcome Katia! I am from Minas Gerais too! You will learn a lot here, because it’s the best website of English you can find! It’s just perfect! I watch a lesson every day and I’m improving my English quickly!
Please make mistakes! The best way to learn a language is to make mistakes and then learn from them.
Thanks Emma for this very useful lesson.
Some words I knew but some not.
Happy 2 thousand n’ thirteen Emma u r such a great teacher, all I want is a lesson from u weekly lol. thank u.
thank you very much
Thank-you Emma ! It was interesting and very helpful lesson for me. I am grateful to you and other staff at Engvid. You guys are doing great job to teach us (non native English speakers). Keep the good work up !!!
Hi,Emma.Happy new year. I am surprised by your teaching, especially on the task one Ielts exam.I am struggling to pass the exam and scared to death.How would you help me to pass the exam? wihs to hearing from you.
Check out for some good tips. Do as many practice tests as you can!
Vocabulary on the IELTS is very important. It’s good to show you have a broad range of vocabulary. For example, many students use the word “delicious” when talking about food. This word does not show a mastery of English vocabulary. Better words to describe food would be “tasty”, “rich”, “salty”, “oily”, or “nutritious”.
Have you watched my IELTS video on part 1 of the writing section? Learn some of the vocabulary from that video to get a higher mark.
Excellent lesson! I´ve got 9 of 10.! Isend you a kiss from Arg!
hi dear emma it s a very helpful lesson.thanks a lot .
Happy New Year teacher!!
Thanks for this very interesting lesson.
Kind regards from Ecuador
Hi,thank you for this lesson, it was very good!
happy new year!
thank you so much for the good lesson
nothing to add, just as nice as you are thank so much for the help Emma.
Thank you Emma!
Emma you’re wonderful teacher
Your lesson is really useful for me because I am going to give birth on last of Jan. I know more words to talk about my baby about to be born. Thank you so much Emma and hope you have a wonderful year :).
Emma,Thanks for this video and thanks for all the videos by you and your colleagues.
I’ve this doubt for a long time “I ain’t got no water” – What does it mean? Many say it means “I have got some water”,since double negative has been used.
What’s mean by Double negative?
In English, it’s considered grammatically incorrect to use two negatives in a sentence. Here are some examples of incorrect sentences:
I don’t have no apples.
She doesn’t know nobody.
She ain’t got no water.
A correct sentence cannot have both “not” and “no” in it.
Here are the corrections:
I don’t have any apples.
She doesn’t know anybody.
She doesn’t have any water.
Instead of using “no”, we use “any”.
We can use it in literary meanings or if the person who said it intended to use positive positive negative.
Do not hesitate to correct me Emma, hank my teaher
thanks a lot!!!
Happy New Year for all our loved teachers. Thank you very much for all the lessons!
very useful lesson! Through it i did knew that you were not very good daughter. :))
I can’t… I’m holding myself! 90! Hahahahahahahahaha!
thank you
thanks…. and happpy new year in late!!
Hi Emma thank you for what you do, is much time that i look for someone who teach english online and i can say without doubt you’re the good one that i found, and i wanna ask you if do you give private lesson ?
*when i wrote ” i can say without doubt you’re the good one that i found” i meant you are the best one
Thank you for asking. Unfortunately, I don’t do private lessons.
Best of luck to you!
Very useful! Thanks a lot, Emma. Happy new year! Best wishes for you!
it is good
Thank you very much it’s usefull lesson
Thank you very much, the lessons are really helpful and useful!!!
hi everyone…i watched ths with my niece and felt its a good exercise for her..she enjoyed it..thanks and keep it up..
happy new English new year guys
wow igot 9 out of 10 its great. thanks teacher.i learn more about child, children,childhood i didn’t know before between those but i know now.thank u so much.
Ma’am i m little confused hope you will help me. what is difference between ‘i do read and i read’.
got a query mind if i pose ?In china we neither can use engvid nor youtube without a proxy software that is more often blocked up by certain reasons.SO what I wanna know is any possible way of getting these lessons.
if so then please let me know it here
Sorry, I’m afraid using a proxy is the only way. :(
thanks a million ,now I’ll keep on attempting to use that proxy software as much as I can so as to get these tremendous lessons.
Bundle of thanks Emma
thank u Emma.Happy New year .
I Love you Emma
Thank you Emma !!!!
well,, Emma the order will be like this :
baby or toddler 1 to 3
infante typically used for chlidern who are betwixt 4 to 8
pre-teen from 9 to 11
teenager from 12 to 18
it that correct !!!!
Hi, i like to tank you for the lessen Emma.
i think it’s nice if u add a Summary to every lessen to navigate into the video, and its so simple : Things children do :
like that we can navigate into the video, or u can add some links into the description how take as to a position in the video for example :
In this lesson, I will teach you some common words we use when talking about babies and children. You will learn words like toddler, temper tantrum, infant, tattle, spank, ground and many more. If you are writing the IELTS or TOEFL, these words may help you get a higher vocabulary mark in the speaking and writing sections.
this is your introduction right? the word infant make it a link into :
so when i look for this word i go directly.
i hope u like the idea, if u need a help on this just contact me i really love your team and your works, and i learn English with you so tank you.
I really say thank you to teacher Emma and i necessary need you to help me improving my conversation skill
Hello Emma!
Very good lesson!!! And you are so “gracinha” hou we say im Brasil
I enjoyed this website. Happy New Year everyone.
10 from 10 :)))
Thanks Emma !!
Thank you teacher Emma. I need more videos.
Very good lessons
Very good lesson. This is make me more clear and useful. Thank you so much.
hi Emma.. i want 2 ask u about (did u know?) why we say this when telling about somthing strange n new instead of saying (do u know?)as we say in our language…thanks..
Thank u Emma !! this video is very useful !! i hope u will help me to improve my speaking skill
if anyone wants to improve in speaking can you join me on facebook,fargeeto som or SKYPE,fargeto. let ENGLISH be our mothertongue
thanks all
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for your lesson and happy new year…
thanks alot emma
I like everyone who is name Emma, Because of you EMMA …. Thank you very much for your lesson…
i couldnt find many IELTS videos of you?! how can i have them? thanks
Thank you Emma.
Thank you! The lesson was very good!
great great great, i love your videos
happy new year to all teaches
First time here and it’s being great. One lesson from Rebecca and one other from Emma. Great stuff, great site and Great Teachers. remain bless!
Hi it’s my first time to saw this webside and I like I wanna steal using this websaid thank you
Dear Emma, this lesson was wonderful! I love it! I hope I can remember all these words because they are very useful. Thank you very much!
I have tattle my sister since I’m a little boy
I got nine correct answers!
I gonna be more hard working
thank you so much Emma this lesson is very useful I wish I can remember all the words especially my mistake!!!
Emma this lesson is very important, thak you. and i wish you a very blessed new year….
i love your lessons ;)
Thanks and I got 100 scores !!
Thank you Teacher,It is useful
Hi Emma. I’m a native English speaker and writer and I find your lessons a good basic review of the “nuts and bolts” of speaking and writing well. I happened across the Engiv site by accident. Anyway, I was wondering, do you produce your own videos or is this done in a studio environment? Just wondering. Thanks.
Thanks it is very useful to me, Wish you all the best
i really enjoyed in your lessons ,i learned a lot from it
thank u very much .
from Ethiopia
i m so lucky i got very good teacher..i can clearly understand. thanks alot amma mam
sorry by mistake i wrote the wrong name..i really i m sorry emma mam…
That was good :)
emma I want to describe you the difference between two words which are commonly used in our society that is temper tantrum and toddler .according to france dictionary the word temper tantrum used to show the completeness of work it means you have to use in the made for the temper tantrum word
Thank you so much for your video!
I learned a lot and it really helped me!
Thank you so much for your video!
I learned a lot and it really helped me!
nice lessone emma
Hi Emma,
I just wanted to wish long life to ENGVID and its whole team. You are the champions.
Teacher please reply me on the video “until or by”
it’s very important
thanks :)
hello I would like to be a friend if you like but I do not have idea about it
Good very good
thank you
thanks a lot, your performance is so good
Hello Emma,
Can I to say Pre-Adolescent ?
Success :)
thank you so much Mss Emma
Thank you so much i’m so happy to be here
Emma you’re a great teacher!! THANK YOU!!^^
thanks. But i have to watch again because of a lot of new words in this lession)))
thanks Mss Emma
hi my special valued teacher
i really enjoy learning English because of your manner .
may i have your email since i am preparing to study MBA in canada, and i need some information related to the life there.
your talent student
Hi Emma, you’re a very good teacher and I am learning a lot from you.
I appreciate you and all the teachers of EngVid.
God bless you all.
Thanks Emma .You’re so good teacher and teaching too.God bless you .
HI Emma I have learn from you a lot I would like to make a donation to you but I am not comfortable to give out my credit card number over the internate can you tell me if there are safe way to donate you can send me through my email I am in the US thanks
Unless you connect your bank account with Paypal (which I think you can do in the US), credit card is the best way. It ought to be safe, but if you’re really worried about it, you don’t have to :)
(Here’s where to donate)
Thank you for the feeback I will just use credicard to make a donation to Emma
I just apply your website today.The things children do lesson is very useful for my job because I am working with early year level at school.I will adapt to use them.
From Thailand :)
thanks i learn a lot………..
Thank you for the feedback !!
Thank you very much Emma, Today I got A, I´m very happy with this intelligent subject because I learned useful words and expressions.
Dear Teacher,
That is very interesting lesson to know how to learn to say the common baby activities. Thank you for sharing.
thank you very much teacher your teachings were very useful,I loved it.
Thanks Emma, now i can distinguish those meanings correctly.
Thank you Emma, you are a good lecturer..
Hello Emma,
I have decided to improve my english vocabulary by learning more with you. I’m planing to do the IELTS exam. thank you for your help… Marcelin
I really enjoyed watching your video,you made as simply as much ,you’re friendly ,kind teacher.
best regards
thank you very much your lesson very useful
but I always forgot this words and phrases do you have any control or training
Thanks, this is useful lesson and i get some important words that i didn’t know before
wow I have got 10/10.
I’m interesting with your lessons teacher Emma.
I love,I want speak very well.In this lesson I learn mor words.
Thank you
Hi, it is really useful lessons. Thank you so much.
Thanks to Engvid team, really i learn everyday new things .. May God bless you :)
Thank you Emma..It really helps.
thank you very much your lesson very usefulCan you Taidon write the contents of the lesson
In the text of a PDF
So I can review the lesson and how to write the words spoken
Thank you
PLEASE people!My native language is Spanish, help me improve my speaking skills in English! Add me in skype: mara.vzla
Thanks in advance
hi emma how are you can u plz help me i need some expreesions to use in the classroom
thank you so mush for lesson
Lol I understand here more than i understand in classeroom
I have a question but not about lesson
i m from morocco and i want to go study in uk
i dont know what i must do and i wana som tips from you thx alot
Thanks Emma ^_^
I’ve already watched several videos and I’ve found it much more interesting and useful than my lessons at school or university. Thanks!
I so glad I could find this web side, very comfortable learning English, when you learn step by step is easy to learn other language.
Thank you very much Emma, It is such a valuable lesson.I would like to ask you for more IELTS lessons, (The writing task 1 )video is amazing. I like your teaching way, It is very simple :)
u are a very good teacher
Hello, If you would like to practice our English and take the chance to use the words we know and talk alot to get the confidence
I’m welcoming
my Skype id is: ahmed.sabet31
thank you Emma,
it was awesome lesson
Shift work! Okay!
When you’re talking about multiple people scheduled for shifts, you say working in shifts. But when you’re talking about specific shifts, like “first shift” or “night shift”, you use on: “I’m on the night shift.” You can also just leave out “on/in”: “I worked first shift”, “I worked two shifts back-to-back.”
Hope that helps :)
Thanks a lot.
Thank you Emmam :)
Emma * My mistake sorry :D
i didnt remember anything when i was a toddler. the primary school reminded
me of my childhood. i used to play boardgames, marbles, jo-jo, baseball.have toys .little cars. have accidents. he is in his teens. you prank to friends .first kiss.
your parents told you when you were a baby ,toddler .
thanks so much
yes 100 from 100 >i did it
yes 100 from 100 >i did it
This lesson helps me a lot study English.
I can learn about expressions about children.
In the near future, I wanna use these expressions.
When I was a child, There was such a nice website like this..
I envy of young children.
You and your lessons are amazing Emma. Thank you =)
Hello and thanks for this usuful lesson,Emma. I wanna use some expressions for a baby of my daughter.
100!!!!!!!!!very good!!!!!!!!!!!
hi Emma i like always your lessons. they are wonderful. thanks. i m improving my engilsh.
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for your lesson
thank you so much for the good lesson
thanx you prof emma , you are so beauty when you use necklace
Thank you so much Emma for your efforts and for the valuable information that you provide to us,
Yours sincerely,
thanx emma
Hi Emma , I’m new at your website and I think it’s fantastic all your videos and the way you teach. By the way I have a doubt: If somebody could help me or make a video teaching the uses of the modal perfects ( could/can have, should have, may have,etc.. ) becuase
Because I am confused … thanks for all.
Ups I think I wrote some mistakes:
All your videos are fantastic ( sounds better )
And… I think the modal percect of ability is only (could) not “can”
Sorry… Bye!
hi emma,
can u tell me the difference between the american, canadian, Australian accent please
if anyone want practice English with me this is my ID in skype: ethan.kadin
Thanks Emma for nice vocabularies! I have a question, would you please help me? What is the difference between “time-out” and “grounded”. As far as I understood, both of them mean sitting somewhere and doing nothing.
Thank you, Emma. You are teaching wonderful! I like the way you speak always with a smile. Now I am trying speaking English with a smile as well.
you are the best
I understand everything what are you teaching us. I get forever 100 % with you. THANKS EMMA.
Thank you Emma for this interesting subject!!!
Dear Emma,
Please could you help me in some important expressions which are usually used in IELTS task1?
These expressions are such as proportion, percentage, relatively percentage…etc
I need you to explain them with more different expressions related to them to use a wide range of vocabulary in the exam.
I have exam after two weeks and I still confuse about their meaning.
Thank you so much
Wonderful lesson!! EngVid is my preferred site for learn
i liked this lesson because i didn’t know the different b\w child,toddler. thank you for ur lesson and u r a gd teacher :)
Thanks so much Emma, it was really useful, but I have a question concerning the Canadian and American accent- is there any difference between them in all aspects , despite the fact that both of them are north America….. Blessings!
Thank you Emma . I like your classes very much.
Thank you Emma! :)
Wow couldnot help commenting so late.It is all to do with infants,toddlers and teens.I sometimes throw temper tantrum.This word is shared both,Emma explained.Thanks alot
yohoo,I got 9 correct
Thanks a lot Emma ! Iis it normal for a teenager to throw a temper tantrum ?!
Thank you very much.
it’s useful to me.
Thank you so much!
I did the quiz again, and have got 10/10.
I feel pleased, thank you so much, Emma!
Very good, thank you, Emma.
thank you very much Emma <3
oh Emma thats impressive again, were you really a tattletale, then your momi shouldn’t have wept after spanking you. :) may be you really werent. cheers.
This is awesome!!!! I love it. Thank you so much!!!
Thank you Emma this class was very useful ;). I love your name :)
Very good lesson
Thank you Ema! Your lessons are so useful and understandable.
I’ve just waatched this lesson.In was quite interesting.Thanks a lot. But there are mistakes in sutitles. Many mitakes.:)
Thank you for your intersting lessons. Could you give us a lesson about means of transports please ?.
Thnaks Emma very nice video.
Thanks Mam, I got 70%
Thanks Emma
My kid took quite a long time to walk from crawl. Is it correct. Anyone help me
I will raise my kid to respect elders.
Thank for your help
Keep it up!
10/10… thanks
Excellent lesson, very useful and full of vocabulary, thank you Emma!
Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17′ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.
I got 90% what does terrible twos mean?
It’s commonly believed that children go through a stage called “the terrible twos” (because it usually happens around 2 years old) where they get really difficult, start saying “no” a lot, throwing tantrums, etc.
Thanks Emma for your explanations and that smile.
Thanks Emma. You teach us English as difficult as teach the terrible twos. Thanks for the hard work.
you are so nice explaining …..
thank you my teacher Emma i get 100 wawwwwwww
I need to learn more.
thank you very much for such a perfect lesson on the childhood. I was confused about infant and baby.
thanks a lot ms.emma
Thanks Emma, you are one of good teachers.
I got 100%..Thanks
Yay 10 from 10 :)
thank you very much Emma.
I got 100. Thank you
Thanks Emma!
I have got 100%
Thank u emma
i got 90 thanks miss
Thank u Emma :)
I can emagene what a funny lovely child you was .
Thank you again for the lesson.
be happy
thank you the nicest Emma
I cannot thank you enough Emma.You are really the best English teacher I have ever seen.If only I could meet you and improve my English with you :)
Hello Emma, this topic was very useful for me.. Thank you very much….bye….
This website is the best! no comments.
Thank you so much, Emma.
Interesting lesson Emma.
Thank you a lot.
Your lesson make me sure and to prove my English,thank you Emma.
I am happy to learn this about children. But when i download the lesson, the subtitles do not come. Why? It helps me because i do not get well everything in your pronunciation. Otherwise I admire.
Thank you so much dear emma. you are a great tutor.
very intresting thanks Emma!
Thank you very much!
Hey Emma!
Can u please quide us how to fluently speak English without thinkin?
Alhamdulillah, I got ten correct out of ten
thanks MS. Emmmmmma <3
Thanks a lot, really I learned so much.
I got 80. Thank you so much.
Good luck!
My parents raised me to be honest.
Spank… interesting word.
Emma’s lessons are really good!!!!!!
oh i love this lesson,very cute,after watching this video i feel homesick a little bit coz i am studying far away from my hometown and i remember how beautiful childhood i had when i was a kid, anyway i’m a bit mile way,thanks you for everything.
All best to you
on march, i got a cute girl, my daughter, i love her so much that i could not make my heart to spank her enven though she is always crying during the night,haha.
tantrum,temper tantrum,spank, tattle,tattletale,i learnt so many new words .it’s very nice, tkank you emma ,you are very nice.
thanks .
I would like to thank you Mis. Emma you are teaching in the best way which could i ever seen
Thank you Emma, i like your lesson.
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. I got 100
Thanks dear Emma.its help a lot .
Thank you
Thank you Emma
Thank you so much Emma!
Very helpful for me. Thank you, Emma !
i got perfect score, thAnk you Emma.
Thanks Emma , you’you’re the best!
You got 10 correct out of 10.Thanks
The topic is of current interest for all those parents who teach their children English since birth!(There are quite a few in our country!) We need more vocabulary and the most common expressions to communicate with our children on everyday basis! Thanks a lot!!!
Thanks i got 7/10 :(
By the way, Emma, speaking of children, do you have one?
Emma, how about the toddler know hot to say this word: “SHIT” ;-;
Thanks so much Emma
Thank you, Emma!
Thanks very much Emma, I got 10 out of 10
I had perfect score. Thanks a lot Emma.
Thank you Emma, Your lessons are lot to me
Thank you Teacher
well done that is very useful .
anyone is interesting to practice speaking English by Skype my nickname is sport
Thank you Emma! I got 100%. This will really help me if the subject children appears on my TOFLEL exam in the future.
9/10! I have an 8 years old child. When he was an infant, he started learning to crawl, and always hit the terrible twos. Now he is a second-year pupil, I disciplined him when did wrong things.
Thank you Ms. Emma.
I watched this video twice on April 20, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Emma, it was fun and entertaining lesson I have got 9/10 and the reason why I mixes up raised and rose ??? many thanks A.Dirie
thank a lot,Emma, hugs (Kazakhstan 11 Dec2o21:)
I Got 100. Thank you Emma
Great Support!