May I go to the bathroom? May I be excused? Were you absent? Learn basic classroom English from a native speaker! You’ll learn the difference between an exam and a test, as well as the following vocabulary and expressions: grade, mark, test, exam, to be excused, slept in, missed the bus, absent.
First of all i would like to thank you for your taching us by doing this great help. Then i am very interested in speaking english, so i need to help me how to speak english fluencly.once again thank you.
This lesson is vary helpful for me.Thanks a lot.
Good lesson!
What means Had and was I know they are past simple and perfact>
when we use
Those are irregular verbs. If you don’t understand what they are mean, you should fine a lesson about word “to be” and “to have” on this site.
I meant “find a lesson”
Had is the past simple of have.
Was is the past simple of to be.
thank you very match techer m ronnie i’am from algeria realy i like this site web and your lesson is very helpful for mee.
the way haw you teatche is realy cool fantastic realy i love you thinks i hope that i can reminde you one day.
really you are good teacher
Thank you =)
your welcome
I learned a lot and had fun too. Thank you very much!
Ronnie, You said that you don’t say “I overslept” but rather “I slept in”. I have always been tought by different teachers that overslept is ok. Here is a link to a dictionary with the word: I’m confused now:)
I said we don’t SAY overslept….it does not mean it is incorrect- we just don’t use it!
Ronnie, next sentence is wrong or right?
I’m the person who always do the right things?
why it is wrong?
please say the right sentence.
The right sentence would be:
I’m the person who always “DOES” the right things. . .
Wow, you were so extensive, thank youuuu v.m. . .
Maybe:”I’m the person who always DOES the right things?”
That’s right. I was unsure about this, but now I know it. . .
maybe: I`m the person who doing the right things
“Who doing” is wrong, you can say “who was doing” (past) “who is doing” (present) “who will be doing” (future)
Also > “Who did” (past) “Who does” (general) can mean present and future
‘kill yourself’ is an awesome answer! lol
i got 100% in this test
thanks for your lessons it help me a lot….
For the first time, I understood everything!
Thank you:)
Many thanks for your information which help me to practice more and more
You’re a very good teacher! 5/5
Thank’s Ronnie!
hi Ronnie,
this lesson is really useful for us i like it very much,please tell me the difference between a popular and famous and different and difference with examples.thanks God bless you.
I’m not gonna lie to u but u r a wonderful teacher, keep real, hottie. have a good day Ronnie.
I love the way you explain every topic to us! =) thanks
Wow !
What about this one .. May I use the bathroom , please ? thanx doctor
Mr. jano
excuse me what mean may in sentences 4:)
ALi kadhim
Thanks Ronnie!
thaanks to helped me To speak more better english
Your lessons are very useful and funny. I and my sister like them very mush. Thank you.
This lessons is very helpful!
Best teacher ever 5 star for me i hope one day you will teach me English .(i attend K.C.I in Toronto) i am ESL student and i like it the way you teach English thank you.
I teach in Toronto! If you would like private lessons, just email me and we can arrange it!
What a lucky a man!!!!!!!
yeah we live in Canada best country of of the world, the country of multicultural ..
are you from Egypt?
mam what is yours e mail address ?
hi Ronnie..Thanks a lot for the video..I wanna ask you something:
The writer was accused of _______the English language by coining new words.(corrupt)..The answer given by the book is “corrupting” confusion is why the answer is “corrupting” instead of corrupted(verb)? and what tenses of the word “corrupting”?Is it gerund or adjective?
Actually I try this question in a vocabulary exercise book…I really hope that you or somebody could help me please…
We use a gerund after prepositions/phrases.
Here is a list of some!!!!!
We use the Gerund after the following phrases:
accuse of They were accused of breaking into a shop.
agree with I agree with playing darts.
apologize for They apologize for being late.
believe in She doesn’t believe in getting lost in the wood.
blame for The reporter is blamed for writing bad stories.
complain about She complains about bullying.
concentrate on Do you concentrate on reading or writing?
congratulate sb. on I wanted to congratulate you on making such a good speech.
cope with He is not sure how to cope with getting older.
decide against They decided against stealing the car.
depend on Success may depend on becoming more patient.
dream about/of Sue dreams of being a pop star.
feel like They feel like going to bed.
get used to You must get used to working long hours.
insist on The girls insisted on going out with Mark.
look forward to I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
prevent sb. from sth. How can I prevent Kate from working in this shop?
rely on sth. He doesn’t rely on winning in the casino.
succeed in How then can I succeed in learning chemistry?
specialize in The firm specialized in designing websites.
stop sb. from I stopped Andrew from smoking.
talk about/of They often talk about travelling to New Zealand.
think of Frank thinks of playing chess.
warn sb. against We warned them against using this computer.
worry about The patient worries about having the check-up.
Corrupting is somthing that is currently happening or still happening, continuing to happen,
Corrupted means it has already happened, past tense.
Hey there Ronnie! Hope you are doing good! i need you to help me out, i always get confused in the use of “be form” & be,been,being.. for example you should have been there! you must be confused! dont try to be extra smart! i have been waiting for you etc , i never understand the use of be and be forms.. it would be great if you do a lesson on this ,as i need a detailed explanation for that ,and i have consulted many websites and grammar books for this purpose but it was all in vain! You’r my last hope ! It’d be great of you to do that!
I will try and make a video for you…but search engvid to see if there is one already made by a different teacher!
In the meantime….
“Be” is the present tense, Ex. I try to be funny. When we use a adjective (funny) we have to use “to be” verb.
“Been” is the past participle (p.p). We use been with present perfect, have/has + p.p. past perfect had + p .p and passive voice.was/were + p.p
“Being” is the continuous form. ex. Present continuous I am being searched.
hey thanks alot ronnie but i will really appreciate if you make a video because when you’ll teach that ill better understand it that way
Hi Ronnie, I learn a lot from your lessons, Thank you so much.
Kim Nguyen
Is the sentence right?
“I look forward to meeting you.”
because after the word “to” the the present tense of the verb “meet” must come, how the word “meeting” is came”
Yes, the sentence is correct! In English grammar, there are many “exceptions” to rules! Looking forward to + gerund is one of them!
What’s about I’m looking forward to meet you is it correct ?
i got 100%
ronnie! you’re just great and awesome.I love the way you teach. you never let me feel that I’m learning something or taking a class as I feel in my university classes. go on…..!
Thank you so much Ronnie ,I like your style
Hi Ronnie..I’d like to thank you for your topics , All your subjects nice, useful and the way of teaching each topic puzzled me so I have nothing to say just: thank you my best teacher
hi! Ronnie i want ask what is the best way to learn English ? because i want to be a good speaking english? and thinks for your topic:)
If you want to speak English, the best way is to live in an English speaking country!
i hope that all my answer is correct
Good lecture,but I would like to ask you about what difference between those phrases:
Well, I’ll tell you when to take it.
Well, I’II tell you when I take it.
Well, I’ll tell you when to take it = you will give someone instructions to take something at a certain time.
Well, I’II tell you when I take it = you are going to take something and then you will tell a person when you completed the action!
thank u so much Mrs.Ronnie
by the what is difference between these sentences:
1- sorry I’m late. I overslept.
2- we usually sleep in on Sunday morning.
best wishes
WE DON’T SAY I OVERSLEPT>>>>>> Slept in. This means you slept too long and are late.
“We usually sleep in on Sunday morning ” means you sleep to a later time on Sunday then the rest of the week.
”If you have to leave the class, you should: cry ” …kkkkkkkkkkk … funny quiz. xD.. and about this lesson.. haa, very, very useful.. thank you so much, teacher.
Thank you! funny quiz
I’m getting hocked with your lessons, this lessons is very interesting, fun and instructive, you are getting better and better every day.
Thank you and go on.
wow!! teacher your lesson was very nice but i would like to ask u about slept.we can make a setence with “slept ” word ?
I slept in.
Last night I slept for 10 hours.
Slept is the past tense of sleep!
Hello, I like your teaching methods. Everything easy to understand. Thanks
Very nice lesson. Thank you Ronnie.
I’m delighted by following that important lesson showing the polite way to act in class.
I so pleased that I found this website. for me Ronnie is the best teacher so far. I haven’t hear the other ones but I will appreciate if you make a lesson about pronouncing the letter H
can you tell me differences between EXPERT and SPECIALIST
Why do you ask what is the difference between two synonyms? There is no difference, except the word EXPERT can be either a noun and an adverb, and SPECIALIST is only a noun.
I meant adjective, sorry. . .
A specialist is someone who has gone to school (university) and graduated from a particular program….Eg An English teacher specializing in Contemporary Poetry.
An expert however, is a step above and knows EVERYTHING about their specialty! Eg.. I can be a chef, specializing in French food, but I am an expert in pastries!! An expert is above a specialist!
thank u so much Ronnie
Hi How are you? Ronnie. Kyou mo tanoshikatta desu. Domo arigatou. You are my new charming and funny teacher.
Domo! I am glad you had a fun time watching the video!
hello dear ronnie thanks for your intresting lesson
samim tanha
Thank you very much.Good lessons , good understanding.
Thank you so much and you are very funny
Hi, dear Ronnie that lesson is very helpful
Best Wishes
very nice work really learn me alot :)
Hello Ronnie,
Could you please tell me which sentences below are correct?
How long does it take here to Moscow?
How long does it take from here to Moscow?
How long does it take you to the nearest airport?
And to ask how long we still in a vehicle when we are in the middle of the trip is How long does it still take? Is that correct or incorrect? If incorrect, would you please correct it?
Thank you very much indeed.
Best wishes, Ronnie
How long does it take from here to Moscow? is correct! The other 2 are wrong.
And to ask how long we still in a vehicle when we are in the middle of the trip is. = How much longer until we get there? How much further is it? Are we there yet?!
How long doe’s it take to go from here to Moscow (or to get from here to Moscow)
During your road trip you would ask > How much longer will it take? Or Will it take much longer?
Dear Mrs Ronnie,
I’ve been watching english lessons from Engvid since last year. Today I’ve watched the last one, and now can officially say that I’ve learnt lots of things from all of you, especially from you Ronnie. Everything I would say about your site has to do with positive ascertainments. The reason why I decided to write this message to you is that you’ve always, but always responded regularly to our comments, and you are the teacher who the most deserves compliments. None of your lessons was in vain, every lesson, even if it was the shortest one, has provided specific knowledge for us, and on that way helped to improve our language skills. I know there is a long way to go until I become familiar with english, but every improvement is one step forward, and that is something what is important. By this occasion I’d like to encaurage all students who are improving their language skills with Engvid, to say them never give up from laerning. Maybe in some moments we can be frustrated, but it’s always a pleasure when we overcome it. Once again, you Engvid teachers are doing Great, Excellent job for us, and I promise I will never forget where I first started to learn english, and where I made first steps in this Wonderful language.
Yours faithfully
Wow! Your comment was FANTASTIC!!!! YOur English is great Marko! Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement for the other learners! Thanks for your hard work and best of luck in your English !!!!!
ronnie i have found a lot of comments about your lessons so i want to benifit from you as a good teacher .Iwant to be good in english as possible as you can .thank you
Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement for us MArko.
Yours faithfully
Thank you very much Ronnie. I really like your style of teaching. Could you please tell me how to use percent and percentage? In my language there is only one word for this, so I am confused when to use percent or percentage. Thank you very much in advance.
“Percent” should be used with a number. Eg…I got 42% (percent)
If there is no number, use “percentage.” A large percentage of men like beer.
i’m bathroom!! watch out……lolxDDD
my question is that there are a lots of types of phrasel verbs that i got confused i know there but i did not let my slef to keep them cuse there will be more cuse i have readen alot of different books
Yes, there are lot of phrasal verbs, and it is hard to know which ones we use……You should try to watch movies with English subtitles, and read English books/magazines/websites to see which ones we use!
the lessons were useful.
can i say to teacher
mam can i please piss off to toilet
HHAHAHAHA If you said this it would be VERY rude….and only understood in the UK!!!!!
hiiii there ^^ i’m achoura from algeria and i’m english teacher, if you don’t mind would you provide me by a lesson about comparatives and supperlatives adjectives plz ^^ i loved the way you teach and i’ve used with my students , they loved too .
Search on the site for the lesson – it has been done already!!!!!
Hi . I am new student .I like the way you teach us .thank you for everything
How can i change my picture
Ronnie, could you explain me when do we use the words afterward, toward, forward, backward, upward, inward etc., and when afterwords, towards. . . When do we add S, and when we don’t?
hi teacher Ronnie I learn something from you thanks a lot.I hope that someday I can speak English Language correctly….
Ronnie! how are you? i like your lessons so much i listen to one every a few day . i confuse in meaning of “so that” in text please send me explanation of this word with examples of each meaning
So that implies that one action needs another to be completed. Ex.. I will go to the movies so that I can write a movie review. If I don’t go to the movies, I can’t write a review.
Ex.. I will pay $20 so that I can park here. If I don’t pay, I can’t park.
Oh my god ! Ronnie you are realy the best !!!
you make laugh in every time I followe your lessons,but this helps alot to capt the informations, seriously.And the quizz was too fun *laughing out loud* !!!! And i have a question : Do you speak french ? !!! I’m curious !!!
I am glad you like the lessons. No, I cannot speak French. I can read it, but not speak or understand it. In Canada, we are taught French in school – grammar and spelling but we didn’t have the opportunity to use (speak) it. I am from Ontario, no one around me spoke French, so I didn’t care about learning it! If I live in Quebec/New Brunswick or other French speaking places in Canada, I would have been able to speak French!
Okay!! Thanks for your respounse Ronnie ! I’m becoming a fan of you O_o.
*you make laugh* I made that mistake !!
I’m correcting it wow *you make (ME)*
thank you!I learn….<3
your a good teacher!!!
Hi Ronnie,
First of all, I’d like to thank you for your help us. secondly I have a question.
I don’t know that Why sometimes “the” is pronounced “dee” and sometimes is pronounced “zaa”?
If possible please make a video in this case.
Thank you
The reason we say dee and zaa is because when we talk, we mix words together and don’t say all of the sounds, so words change their pronunciation!
Unfortunately I still do not understand.
My question is: how to pronounce “the”?
Like “the Apple” that you say “Dee Apple” or “the House” that you say “Zaa House”
I don’t know when and where I use correct pronounce.
Hi Nima,
The rule is: “Dee” before vowels (the Apple, the Artist, the Engineer) and “Zaa” before consonants (the House, the Dog, the Teacher).
I looked it up in my Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
Good luck!
Hi Cristina, Thank you soooooo much.
Have a great day.
It is very hard to type a phonic (sound) for “The”, Dee and Zaa do not sound correct, you would be better to use google dictionary as it has a small speaker symbol, click on the speaker symbol and a voice will say the correct pronounciation for any words you have typed.
Hello Chris,
I think Nima’s doubt is not about phonetic symbols. The important thing here is that “THE” is pronounced differently depending on what comes after: vowel or consonant.
That is the point!
It’s not exactly right, Dee and Zaa sound nothing like The when spoken, they will only give an idea of a sound to pronounce The you’ll place your tounge between your teeth build up a little pressure in your mouth and quickly pull your tounge back to make the Th sound then extend the sound a little eea “The”
Dee sound you will push your tounge against the back of your upper front teeth then open your mouth a little pulling your tounge back as you say dee?
Zee> teeth tight together making a zzz sound and mouth opening slightly to get the eee “Zee” try each slowly and feel how you make the sounds with your tounge and teeth positions, “The” will always sound like The, The car, the house, The weather, The time, TH?
“The” is pronounced in a variety of ways by foreigners who are not natural english speakers, I suggested listening to it as it removes any doubt about how to pronounce it?
Filipino’s for example do not use L or V Example they prounce Love as Lub, Fifty as bipty etc, so I thought better to hear the word than to guess how prounce Dee or Zee to sound like The? Thanks for your reply
Hello dear Nima. I’m from Iran, too. I’m from Sarakhs, In khorasan Razavi.
I’m very happy to see you.
Well, I’m a smart student in English. and although I’m 13, I teach it. I want to share my information with you.
Bye dear IRANIAN Man…
Hi Zahra, I’m happy to meet you, I’m a beginner in English language.
Good luck!
can u help me with auxiliary verb please !
i am milhim from jordan
i just want thank u too much cuase u r great teacher
i got A+ thank you
ohh my god, ron you are the teacher i ever seen, i love you, please i love your acent and the way you explain, i would like to see teachers like you, a dominican guy!!
Ms Ronnie :could you tell me that which sentence is correct mentioned in the below:
1.May i go to the toilet?
2.May i go to toilet?
Number 1 is correct
very nice I like your lesson thank you Ronnie
Iam new this page but I see i very interesting ,beacuse I helpme in my study english and thanks are people try helpme and may i put my heart in the study english
Hi Ronnie. I’m going to Canada next year to make an exchange in Toronto. I will study at Tamwood English School and I’d like to know that if you teach there! Thanks !
Jonathan Kunzler
No, I do not teach at that school. Where is it in Toronto?
The Tamwood School adress is Tamwood International Camps
Office of Admissions
3rd. Floor 909 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z-2N2
Jonathan Kunzler
I sent that wrong. This is the correct address: Address: 1402-2300 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 1E2, Canada
Jonathan Kunzler
hi Ronnie i am from Turkey.i like your vieos.its very great help to me for the exam.i am confuse about to how to use THE FACT THAT.would you make video about it please. thanksx
hi dear Ronnie teacher!!!iam from Afghanistan- Bamyan,so i sent you my question forever for you, but you didn’t respond me, ithink you dont like me to you your student,yeah?
please please respond me dear,
gulaqa jan
Hi dear Ronnie teacher!!!! so thanks for your respond, so could you guide me which book’s useful to spport reading, the books sould be intresting for reading in everywhere(trip, house, car, air) I’m very proud that iam your disciple, bye dear my best teacher,
gulaqa jan
I would suggest reading travel books.
hey dear best teacher Ronnie!
thanks with your guide, i love to be your student and i fund the side(your side) and im too happy maybe i will learn english with your suggest, so dear teacher, could you please guide me how can get the book(reading travel book)i you know any side for downloding more books, ok dear teacher bye for now.
gulaqa jan
hi dear Ronnie! thanks for your guide so could you please give me any Add for getting the book(reading travel books)?
thanks very much dear teacher,
gulaqa jan
hi dear Ronnie! as I said i am from Afghanistan and Bamyan province, so where are you from? and do you know about Bamyan, would you like to come the Bamyan for tourism? if you want to com i Love to guide you about very histric province in Bamyan, ok Bye for now.
gulaqa jan
dear, mrs ronnie my is sanjana i rally like your english teacher did u have a book for this thank you ,,,,,,,
Sorry, I do not have a book.
Thanks for your interesting classroom tactics.
I loved it and I attempted the quiz as well which excellent. It is helping me a lot.
ronnie please upload a video for metaphors and similes too thanks..!!
really i am interesting to learn English, so how could you help me!!!
please approve this
This is approved!
my question to ronnie please tell about the article ‘a’ and ‘the’.. and like ur pronounciation of the word.. please show difference pronounce between our and hour.. thanks
Our and hour is the exact same pronunciation. We don’t say the “h” in hour.
Search the website for “articles a and the”, there is already a video on that topic for you!
that’s very good point.
I’m A native UK English speaker from Northern Ireland, I am married to a Filipina.
I realise so many people are trying to learn English for many different reasons.
I cannot promise to help often but now and again I will check in here and hopefully be able to assist some of you also.
Great work Ronnie, I found your site by accident but I’m glad I did, keep up the good work, what you’re doing may help much more than you think.
dear mam your facial expression is perfect :) and sure also teaching method
The teacher is funy and smart.Thanks for this lesson.
Excuse me dear dear teacher.
I’m very happy of finding this web_site.
But I’m so sorry because it’s filter….So, I can’t download anything. Dear teacher….would you do me a big favor? please send some of them to my e-mail. (your truly, Zahra* Iran.)
Dear Ronnie I watched your teaching about have and has ,made me confused and you said.
you said we should use, like she didnt have I think most peaple are using like this she didn;t has not have becouse its singulare thank you
I have no chance but to appreciate your teaching style and methodologies while teaching the lesson.
Hi Ronnie,Your teaching skill is very good, so easy to understand and funny! it is very important that the lesson is not boring.
I would like to ask you if you explain to me the differance between get and take. I see we use very open these words. expecially when we make a decisino to bring or have. thank you. Take care.
Insook Lee
Hey Ronnie, test is a shorter exam, and exam is a larger test, hahaha so philosophical :)
thanks 4 ur lesson…..tell me plzzz which one is correct in the following?
1)that lady needs tuition for his son.
2)that lady needs tuition for her son.
That lady needs tuition for her son is the correct sentence. Pay attention on the following rules:
So you have subject, adjective and personal pronoun. Hence, lady needs tuition for her son! Here is another example which you are going to do. He met _____ wife in the store yesterday! What is the correct answer?
thank you teacher you are good freind
it is a really good lesson. i enjoyed it Ms Ronnie. also, i highly appreciate your teaching style. love to hear your lessons.
Dear teacher Ronnie.I am verry interested in studing English since many years I give my every possible try to study the meaning of vast vocabulery but it has not come true so far please let me know which way should I follow to inprove my knowledge of words I like learning English very much ….thank you …GOD bless….you ever…!
Becuse i like you & your Lissons , & [on my opeinun ] i think you are the best Teacher on eng Vid.
So i’ll share youe URL on our school Page @ FaceBook , :D
i pleased so much for your answers when i ask you and i thank you from my heart . i confuse in the cases of using verb with its tense and when i use verb plus ing . for examples, preparing a PowerPoint presentation. prepare a PowerPoint presentation. what is the difference? the set that consists of 3 elements. the set consisting of 3 elements. please help me! send me the rules of that situation .
thank you so much miss this class is very well for me so thanks again
WooooooW its my pleasure to pass the quiz
Hi,Ma’am i want to judge my skills in English…
I wanna know am i eligible for IELTS or not kindly consider me ur best opinion to go ahead…:(
And i advise you should make more quiz for practice more..<3
You would have to take the test to see your level – I have no idea! Sorry!
I am studentso i want to learn your language so haw i can learn?
it was useful ,,,,, thanks for your great effort
Sooooooooo Nice ……. Thanks very much
Very effective and fundamental. Helps a non English speaking person to get initiated into the nuances of the English Language.
Honestly, i can speak very basic of English like this…but when it comes to communicating in English, it turns to the awkward situation…i can get easily nervous and fumble…at the end of the day, i cannot improve my English…so my question is,how to get rid of it?(correct me if my there’s a wrong usage of English here)
*(correct me if there’s a wrong usage of English here)
hi i am mew , i want learn english i want help me thnkyou
thanks teacher Ronnie , i understand you well :)
I wanna ask something..I have heard these words like Fiddling and moaning from native speakers..but i dont know their meaning..N even i cant find it in ordinary dictioanries,If you know the meaning of fiddlind and moaning,,then plz tell me dear
Teacher ronnie thanks for give us usefull knowledge about english.
I am from Pakistan in a samall village what’s your other topics please inform us thanks
Hi Ronnie, thank you for your lesson, I really like your classes. I would like know more about verbs in past, like write and pronunciation. I wish you help me with that. Sorry for my grammar is not perfect.
Know = no
Knew = new!!!! The “K” is silent in both words!!
you are amazing, and i love your face express :D
Hello beautiful Ronnie,
thanks a lot
it was a great lesson I really need this lesson
Thanks again.
Hello, my dear
I thank you
I hope to communicate with you and take advantage of your experiences
Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much Ronnie. I like your lessons very much.
Good Lesson i get it.
Muhammad Atif Qamar
hey Ronnie honestly i am admiring your way of teaching but i am preparing myself for taking IELTS exam . as u know there r no illustrative courses like here.i dont know from where to begin. may be this issue is away from your interest but actully i need your help badly.thanks Ronnie
I got 4 out of 4… Thank you Ronnie.
shaik javeed
Hi Roninie. Do you think I can become fluent in english studying in my native country. Do you think that is possible? bye
well i was thinking that it would be tough but actually it was not, it was too easier though i was thinking
Hi Mam
I got 4 out of 4. Thank you.Can I speak english ?
thank you
It is vrey good
Hi Mrs Ronnie, You’re more than wonderful’ve a very practical & attractive way of teaching.Really you gave me a hope to overcome the difficulties in learning english .In fact i need your support i feel my self weak in understanding the lang…May be bec. i don’t read any thing daily just workin woking..i rally need to improve my second language so may you help me? Thanks a million
Ronni i like your all lessons and i understand very quickly. please also explain would have, will have and would. i am very confused about this models. please show in ytube.
Hi are amazing Teacher :) :)
thankyou very mach that’s very kind of you .
I am new student in language English and I have vocabulary every less
good lesson…you are a great teacher
Ronnie please help me: find the mistake & can u explain
“I prefer telling jokes to be told ones which I don’t understand.”
4 Out of 4 yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;)
Thanx Ronnie Love your lesson’s ;$
Think you Ronnie I think is not bad 4/4 this is my 2th English lagoj just do is my bast.
There are very funny options in the quiz.. :D
Thanks for ENGVID’s teachers. My aim is to be good at speaking english.And I hope I am going to be succeed with your help within 4 or 5 months. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
yusuf duzgun
thank you somuch ronnie you are great teacher i can understand ur all lesson
Ronnie i want to learn best english but i have no environment because i am living in pakistan ….and here we speak urdu….plz ronnie help me
Thank you so much
Good lesson!
wow , first full mark quiz to me :)
different feeling :D
Thank you very much .
Iam sory ,first I think that you are english .you are from toronto , abutiful city in Canada .
I read all member comment , know that . then i search for toranto it is beautiful , you are profficinal .
Great pictures!
to Ronnie :
your teach style is so cute.Today my turkey friend tell me the website because I plan to working holiday to UK. I feel so nervous><.I think is so awesome!!! thanks so much and I will keep my learning :D GO GO GO!!
Bernice Tien
I read all most every comment of everybody. Some body have differrent comment and just somebody focus about the topic. Because they are so confuse, they do not know this grammar and they want to learn another one
hi ronnie
i want to ask you somthing
1-what does (be) going to express the past the present or the futur
2-wich time does the present continuous refer to in the following sentence
we are staying in Bejaia for about a week.
Be going to +base verb expresses future. I am going to go home.
Sub + verb+ing ( I’m going home/She is eating an apple) is present continuous.
We are staying in Behaia for a week. Is present continuous.
The Present Continuous Tense is also used to talk about activities happening in the near future, especially for planned future events.
I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday.
Polly is coming for dinner tomorrow.
Are you doing anything tonight?
We aren’t going on holiday next week.
thank you so much you are the best.
Thank you so much Ronnie you are the best :)
Hi Ronnie Mam,
The way you teach us is superb, We love you a lot.
My question is, if someone ask me what’s up or what are you doing, what do I reply to him or which one is correct and why:
1. I am doing work
2. I am working
Awaiting your response.
Both are correct but I would most likely say I’m working!
Thank you Mam.
thanks for lesson I learned many thing I didn’t know them
Good day’
Hi hello Mrs;Ronni i Really You are Teaching well ,also I Like Your Class I Want to watch all lessens for Your teaching ,also i Need to learn How To Start Letter pat and How do End The Letter ,Shell You Help me?,
Thank you,
With Regard,
Hi Ronnie, Please, I didn’t understand that site. Could explain?
i am really impressed by the care that you given to all students, because you always answer all questions and you are an excellent teacher i think. i just to descovered this site, and i will never leave it. its a ideal recource for lear english.
My best teacher!!!! Thank you!!!!
Thank you :D !!
hello hi
It is very interest! Thanks. Russia
very interesting i love it
i like it)))))
Thanks a lot. IT’S very good for me.
thank u teacher….it is really a bad-ass lesson …
thanks Ronnie
i have a problem: i know english pretty well but when i speak to the people they dont care about what i am saying. In addition, i live in the US
I wish all the English teachers in the world to be like you, I’d love to spend all my life learning :)
U r amazing teacher with a great personality
it’s very helpful to study us .many tnx.
You are a great teacher.
This is great!!!!! You have a greatb sense of humor !!!!
I can’t stop watching your videos haha………….lol
hi Ronnie i dont know how i tell you my big thanks really reat what you make . i learn from you so many things but when ill be in canada i try to write you also
Hello I cheated on the exams . I had some answers in a piece of paper I was failed the examen when the teacher found me
Copying the exam from a sheet of paper. Am I being clear?
The high school had psychiatric room ,secretary room.
Ronnie you are awesome!!!
Bernice Tien
Thank’s a lot. I love your lessons much. Info about “slept in” was new for me. Great thank!
thank you very much Roonie, Iam new and i hope to improve my english that’s why i need some help…. your way of teaching is very amazing
Thank you Ronnie, I like your teaching style.
Hi mam
how are you?
i want to ask something
anybody will asking from me what’s up and then how to me gave the reply?
What’s up = What are you doing.
You can say “Nothing” or I am + what you are doing at that moment. Ex.. I am eating dinner.
Ronnie, could you make a video about future in the past? please
You are so crazy teacher but it’s really helpful to learn English
Sorry if it’s not correct writing but I am start learn english not long ago
I like you ! I mean you’re funny !
I love your classes!!! Thanks!
Thanks Rebecca!
Ur mode of education is comprehensible
Abdul Qayum
I scored 4 out of 4. Thanks Ronnie!!!
Hello Ronnie
Thanks from Spain. Thanks a lot for your extraordinary performance.
You are not only a teacher, you are the perfect mixture between a teacher and a comedian.
Your classes are funny, entertaining and very useful.
Please, don’t change.
thank you very much
your teaching style is very nice, i want to meet you. my english is very poor but i im motivate to your lecture to improve my english thank you ronnine(i am from nepal)
thank you ronnie ..
thank you ronnie
Hello,Ronnie i’ve watched almost your all lessons and they are very useful but i want to request here please make a lesson on “bi monthly” and “by month”.
Naveed Ijaz
hello Ronnie
i am from Iran and i am learning English by top notch except your god site .i want to learn English very good and i am not strength at speaking!guide me pleas! best regard
If you don’t understand something in class, you should:
Kill yourself.
That’s great! I like it.
Thanks for this video !!!
hi thank you so much because I get 4out4 that is nice lesson ronnie
Oh my god I just have 8 years old and I understood everything english is very cool but never easy :) !! roniie is the best teacher
hi miss ronnie thanks alot i got 4 out of 4 in quiz i like it so much and i don’t know english too much i comunicate in english but not very well could u please help me i want to ask u that from where shuold i start i am really confused it is about 5years that i want to get english and speak very well but i can’t i m really worried :( i want your advice for me miss ronnie i love you sooo much tc
First of all if you have studied for 5 years, you CAN speak English! To help you, you should try to talk to other students from EngVid on skype!
thank you miss ronnie
lol it was funny test. Thanks a lot.
In my country it’s a bit rude to say “may I please go to the washroom?”(if you are adult)as such the child can say. We, adults say:”May I go out?”
I have a problem in speaking in English…I am looking for someone who can speak with me in English.can help me plz……………
Hey Ronnie!:))
how are things? …I’m new on EngVid and when i came here i watched most of the teachers’ videos but for me, I really like your interesting and spectacular way of teaching because you teach real daily English not the one in textbooks…:) and I hope you could be my live teacher oneday!! ;)
Have a good day XD
thanks so much you are the best
Open O sesame !
Hi Ronnie
Is that correct to say May I go to the bothroom please?
is it the same with May Iplease go to the bathroom?
Both are correct! It doesn’t matter where you put please….just as long as you say it!!!
Please may I go to the bathroom.
May I please go…
May I go please!!!!
Hi Ronnie
i want to thank youfor your videos and i want to ask you if reading is useful for studying english and what books you suggest ,novels news papers or what i prefer novels but i dont know modern novilists could you help me which writer i should read for… sorry for wrong word
Newspapers are too hard and boring!
I suggest magazines on what ever subject you like!!!
I hate reading books so I do not know any authors to tell you about except for one guy named HENRY ROLLINS!!!!! He is a great writer!
hi , Ronnie
can you please give some classroom expressions that English teacher use inside class
thanks for help
hi, Ronnie
Imagine there’s no mistake.It’s isn’t hard to do.Have a nice day-Hi Ronnie.
Ronnie you are the best teacher in the world, i love your explanation, thanks a lot. Could you teach me how to spell words by telephone,please.
I will try to make a lesson for you!
Ronnie , thank you for the good lesson for me ^^
Ronnie, you are a wonderful teacher!!! I like all your lessons very much.
In Russian schools when we ask our teacher teacher answer to us … ))))IIt`s true…
When we ask our teacher `Can I please go to the washroom`? Teacher answer to us ~ Take a bottle~
hi!Mrs Ronnie,I’m new student first of all i love your attitude the way u teach and I just wanna say thank u,can i ask you? how to make or do a sentence with no mistakes,Ex… man,animals,things.I hope u please respond me and thank u in advance
i love your lesson it helped me alot
fabulous thanx
it is nice for me.
Miss Ronie can you explain the antonyms and synonyms? Then simili and methaphor. Thank you
Ronnie: Can you help me? I need a lot of vocabulary to use in class, I´m working as a teacher. For example how can I say to my children hacer margen en el cuaderno. o traza bien la letra! please help me! Thank you!
Hello Ronnie!
I have a question about classroom expression.
Can I say “Can I please go to the potty?” in a classroom?
How does that sound?
hi my best kind teacher
may i get you email address ??
sorry i forgot to ask you about the studying in Canada
my close friend lives in British Colombia province ,and he has been asking me to visit him and studying there
i really wish to study master of business administration or project management
my question is which university you recommended
and can i work during my studying ???
You are doing an excellent job. I hope you’ll continue your lessons with more classroom language lessons as it is very helpful to all of us.Good luck
Hi,miss Ronie
I want to speak english fluently but i cant b’cos in our state most of the people talked in our language. But now l’ll be a school teacher. Even though we dont speak in english commonly,we all know that it is compulsory and every parents want their children to speak in english. So my problem is how to speak in english.
Miss Ronnie
Your teaching style is very interested and this video is very helpful for me. Please tell me the difference between listen and hear.
Thank you for advice
hi i have a question ; what is the defrence betwen of and off?
Thanks helpfull teacher
thank you <3
Hey Ronnie.
I`m here to work on my speaking skill.
I really enjoy the way you teach.
hi ronnie frist iwant tell you something you the best teacher mett him in my life and want ask you questions i have alot of english word and i can understand other people spoke english but icant responed beacuse iam afrid get mistakes please ineed your respond how ican improve my english
Good lesson,Thanks a lot!
Ronnie ! My little son love you. So I am English language teacher in Arab schools really I learnt many things from you. thy a lot my best teacher.
thank you a lot
Hi Ronnie
this is sami from india
can you teach me how to identify the synonyms in sentence equivalence question in GRE exam
Hi teacher
Can you help me differentiate HISTORIC from HISTORICAL and UNDERGO from EXPERIENCE?
Hola Ronnie, te envío un saludo con afecto desde la Ciudad de México. Quiero decirte que estoy muy agradecido con ustedes por permitirme asistir a mi primera clase con EngVid.
Espero a la brevedad alcanzar mis metas en el estudio de este interesante idioma.
I appreciate your effort .
Thank you teacher,,, this is very nice lesson
Thanks, Teacher.
Thank you ronnie you’re amazing i like your lasson ….can you do a video about how to speak like a native speake ?
Hi Ronnie.I am from Azerbaijan.I love your lessons.You are the best teacher.I want to study in the USA.I want to learn English perfectly.Is it difficult?
Hi Ronnie, thanks for lesson.
I am from japan.
I like study english!
Hi Ronnie.C
Hi Ronnie!
Can we use expression “May I go out?” instead of “Can I please go to the washroom”? Is it acceptable? Is it more formal?
Thanks in advance:)
Hi Ronnie
please say to me is it correct or not when somebody call teacher in the class”teacher”? isnt a bit offensive?
thank you very much
Hi Ronnie,
I found your teaching approach very interesting. Your body language is also superb, well-done. Please, I need your advice on this issue:
1. I applied for a program in UK before I left my country for USA for a 4 month training program. As at the time of leaving my country, I presumed that the proof of English language had been waved for me. Surprisingly, the school is asking me to provide an evidence of good score in IELTS latest by second week in August.Please, what is your advice. I need to score high, at least 8
2. Naturally, I speak too fast and I often get embarrassed when others could not understand me. Please, how can I get over this?
3. Can you recommend a good teacher for me in Buffalo,NY.
100% :D
Hi Ronnie..
I am 8 years old :)I really love you and like your lessons
shahd shosho
It was a fantastic lesson, tks Ronnie :)
you’re sooo funny <3
thank u ronnie im lessening to u ,,,im from iraq
woo hooo i got 100% mark
Thank you
You are a great teacher ,
Can you teach me in school :p ?
Hebh ahmed
I learned too much, thanks.
Hi Ronnie
I wanna know the difference between the past perfect and the past perfect continuous. And thank you for your lessons.
Abdullah Amer
thanks u ronnie
ilove ur class video
Great lesson Ronnie! Thank you very much.
techr rnei I love u
Arshad mohammed
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi ma’am, thank you for your lesson, you’re a great teacher. ^_^
Yanna Cuesta
good lesson ronnie.
fady 99
Thank you.Your lesson is perfect.
thanks ronnie.very good.100/100 ok..I am from Iran.
Thanks for the lesson! I laughed on the multi choice answers xD
You are very good teacher!!! Thank you.
Hi ronnie, I know that we don’t say overslept, but I watched a british movie and I heard people say it a lot; Is it correct for native speakers?
Tarik rahmouni
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
Thank you,Ronnie!
I like you teaching in your way.
Sonny Hsu
please Miss Ronnie tell me importent of english
Saqib Mehmood
Hi ronnie..i like your speech and leason your a great teacher.
angel zala jan
thanks Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you.
Can I please improve my classroom vocabulary? Hahahah!
Acaua Galmarine
You got 4 correct out of 4.
M kartal
thank you
4/4 Thanks Ronnie :)
4/4! Great! Teacher Ronnie! Thanks!
Jerry Gu
Thanks teacher Ronnie :)
well done,Ronnie ,hugs (Kazakhstan 28 Nov2021:)
Dear Ronnie,
I want to thank you for your great teaching. Mojgan
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
First of all i would like to thank you for your taching us by doing this great help. Then i am very interested in speaking english, so i need to help me how to speak english fluencly.once again thank you.
This lesson is vary helpful for me.Thanks a lot.
Good lesson!
What means Had and was I know they are past simple and perfact>
when we use
Those are irregular verbs. If you don’t understand what they are mean, you should fine a lesson about word “to be” and “to have” on this site.
I meant “find a lesson”
Had is the past simple of have.
Was is the past simple of to be.
thank you very match techer m ronnie i’am from algeria realy i like this site web and your lesson is very helpful for mee.
the way haw you teatche is realy cool fantastic realy i love you thinks i hope that i can reminde you one day.
really you are good teacher
Thank you =)
your welcome
I learned a lot and had fun too. Thank you very much!
Ronnie, You said that you don’t say “I overslept” but rather “I slept in”. I have always been tought by different teachers that overslept is ok. Here is a link to a dictionary with the word: I’m confused now:)
I said we don’t SAY overslept….it does not mean it is incorrect- we just don’t use it!
Ronnie, next sentence is wrong or right?
I’m the person who always do the right things?
why it is wrong?
please say the right sentence.
The right sentence would be:
I’m the person who always “DOES” the right things. . .
Wow, you were so extensive, thank youuuu v.m. . .
Maybe:”I’m the person who always DOES the right things?”
That’s right. I was unsure about this, but now I know it. . .
maybe: I`m the person who doing the right things
“Who doing” is wrong, you can say “who was doing” (past) “who is doing” (present) “who will be doing” (future)
Also > “Who did” (past) “Who does” (general) can mean present and future
‘kill yourself’ is an awesome answer! lol
i got 100% in this test
thanks for your lessons it help me a lot….
For the first time, I understood everything!
Thank you:)
Many thanks for your information which help me to practice more and more
You’re a very good teacher! 5/5
Thank’s Ronnie!
hi Ronnie,
this lesson is really useful for us i like it very much,please tell me the difference between a popular and famous and different and difference with examples.thanks God bless you.
I’m not gonna lie to u but u r a wonderful teacher, keep real, hottie. have a good day Ronnie.
I love the way you explain every topic to us! =) thanks
Wow !
What about this one .. May I use the bathroom , please ? thanx doctor
excuse me what mean may in sentences 4:)
Thanks Ronnie!
thaanks to helped me To speak more better english
Your lessons are very useful and funny. I and my sister like them very mush. Thank you.
This lessons is very helpful!
Best teacher ever 5 star for me i hope one day you will teach me English .(i attend K.C.I in Toronto) i am ESL student and i like it the way you teach English thank you.
I teach in Toronto! If you would like private lessons, just email me and we can arrange it!
What a lucky a man!!!!!!!
yeah we live in Canada best country of of the world, the country of multicultural ..
are you from Egypt?
mam what is yours e mail address ?
hi Ronnie..Thanks a lot for the video..I wanna ask you something:
The writer was accused of _______the English language by coining new words.(corrupt)..The answer given by the book is “corrupting” confusion is why the answer is “corrupting” instead of corrupted(verb)? and what tenses of the word “corrupting”?Is it gerund or adjective?
Actually I try this question in a vocabulary exercise book…I really hope that you or somebody could help me please…
We use a gerund after prepositions/phrases.
Here is a list of some!!!!!
We use the Gerund after the following phrases:
accuse of They were accused of breaking into a shop.
agree with I agree with playing darts.
apologize for They apologize for being late.
believe in She doesn’t believe in getting lost in the wood.
blame for The reporter is blamed for writing bad stories.
complain about She complains about bullying.
concentrate on Do you concentrate on reading or writing?
congratulate sb. on I wanted to congratulate you on making such a good speech.
cope with He is not sure how to cope with getting older.
decide against They decided against stealing the car.
depend on Success may depend on becoming more patient.
dream about/of Sue dreams of being a pop star.
feel like They feel like going to bed.
get used to You must get used to working long hours.
insist on The girls insisted on going out with Mark.
look forward to I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
prevent sb. from sth. How can I prevent Kate from working in this shop?
rely on sth. He doesn’t rely on winning in the casino.
succeed in How then can I succeed in learning chemistry?
specialize in The firm specialized in designing websites.
stop sb. from I stopped Andrew from smoking.
talk about/of They often talk about travelling to New Zealand.
think of Frank thinks of playing chess.
warn sb. against We warned them against using this computer.
worry about The patient worries about having the check-up.
Corrupting is somthing that is currently happening or still happening, continuing to happen,
Corrupted means it has already happened, past tense.
Hey there Ronnie! Hope you are doing good! i need you to help me out, i always get confused in the use of “be form” & be,been,being.. for example you should have been there! you must be confused! dont try to be extra smart! i have been waiting for you etc , i never understand the use of be and be forms.. it would be great if you do a lesson on this ,as i need a detailed explanation for that ,and i have consulted many websites and grammar books for this purpose but it was all in vain! You’r my last hope ! It’d be great of you to do that!
I will try and make a video for you…but search engvid to see if there is one already made by a different teacher!
In the meantime….
“Be” is the present tense, Ex. I try to be funny. When we use a adjective (funny) we have to use “to be” verb.
“Been” is the past participle (p.p). We use been with present perfect, have/has + p.p. past perfect had + p .p and passive voice.was/were + p.p
“Being” is the continuous form. ex. Present continuous I am being searched.
hey thanks alot ronnie but i will really appreciate if you make a video because when you’ll teach that ill better understand it that way
Hi Ronnie, I learn a lot from your lessons, Thank you so much.
Is the sentence right?
“I look forward to meeting you.”
because after the word “to” the the present tense of the verb “meet” must come, how the word “meeting” is came”
Yes, the sentence is correct! In English grammar, there are many “exceptions” to rules! Looking forward to + gerund is one of them!
What’s about I’m looking forward to meet you is it correct ?
i got 100%
ronnie! you’re just great and awesome.I love the way you teach. you never let me feel that I’m learning something or taking a class as I feel in my university classes. go on…..!
Thank you so much Ronnie ,I like your style
Hi Ronnie..I’d like to thank you for your topics , All your subjects nice, useful and the way of teaching each topic puzzled me so I have nothing to say just: thank you my best teacher
hi! Ronnie i want ask what is the best way to learn English ? because i want to be a good speaking english? and thinks for your topic:)
If you want to speak English, the best way is to live in an English speaking country!
i hope that all my answer is correct
Good lecture,but I would like to ask you about what difference between those phrases:
Well, I’ll tell you when to take it.
Well, I’II tell you when I take it.
Well, I’ll tell you when to take it = you will give someone instructions to take something at a certain time.
Well, I’II tell you when I take it = you are going to take something and then you will tell a person when you completed the action!
thank u so much Mrs.Ronnie
by the what is difference between these sentences:
1- sorry I’m late. I overslept.
2- we usually sleep in on Sunday morning.
best wishes
WE DON’T SAY I OVERSLEPT>>>>>> Slept in. This means you slept too long and are late.
“We usually sleep in on Sunday morning ” means you sleep to a later time on Sunday then the rest of the week.
”If you have to leave the class, you should: cry ” …kkkkkkkkkkk … funny quiz. xD.. and about this lesson.. haa, very, very useful.. thank you so much, teacher.
Thank you! funny quiz
I’m getting hocked with your lessons, this lessons is very interesting, fun and instructive, you are getting better and better every day.
Thank you and go on.
wow!! teacher your lesson was very nice but i would like to ask u about slept.we can make a setence with “slept ” word ?
I slept in.
Last night I slept for 10 hours.
Slept is the past tense of sleep!
Hello, I like your teaching methods. Everything easy to understand. Thanks
Very nice lesson. Thank you Ronnie.
I’m delighted by following that important lesson showing the polite way to act in class.
I so pleased that I found this website. for me Ronnie is the best teacher so far. I haven’t hear the other ones but I will appreciate if you make a lesson about pronouncing the letter H
can you tell me differences between EXPERT and SPECIALIST
Why do you ask what is the difference between two synonyms? There is no difference, except the word EXPERT can be either a noun and an adverb, and SPECIALIST is only a noun.
I meant adjective, sorry. . .
A specialist is someone who has gone to school (university) and graduated from a particular program….Eg An English teacher specializing in Contemporary Poetry.
An expert however, is a step above and knows EVERYTHING about their specialty! Eg.. I can be a chef, specializing in French food, but I am an expert in pastries!! An expert is above a specialist!
thank u so much Ronnie
Hi How are you? Ronnie. Kyou mo tanoshikatta desu. Domo arigatou. You are my new charming and funny teacher.
Domo! I am glad you had a fun time watching the video!
hello dear ronnie thanks for your intresting lesson
Thank you very much.Good lessons , good understanding.
Thank you so much and you are very funny
Hi, dear Ronnie that lesson is very helpful
Best Wishes
very nice work really learn me alot :)
Hello Ronnie,
Could you please tell me which sentences below are correct?
How long does it take here to Moscow?
How long does it take from here to Moscow?
How long does it take you to the nearest airport?
And to ask how long we still in a vehicle when we are in the middle of the trip is How long does it still take? Is that correct or incorrect? If incorrect, would you please correct it?
Thank you very much indeed.
Best wishes, Ronnie
How long does it take from here to Moscow? is correct! The other 2 are wrong.
And to ask how long we still in a vehicle when we are in the middle of the trip is. = How much longer until we get there? How much further is it? Are we there yet?!
How long doe’s it take to go from here to Moscow (or to get from here to Moscow)
During your road trip you would ask > How much longer will it take? Or Will it take much longer?
Dear Mrs Ronnie,
I’ve been watching english lessons from Engvid since last year. Today I’ve watched the last one, and now can officially say that I’ve learnt lots of things from all of you, especially from you Ronnie. Everything I would say about your site has to do with positive ascertainments. The reason why I decided to write this message to you is that you’ve always, but always responded regularly to our comments, and you are the teacher who the most deserves compliments. None of your lessons was in vain, every lesson, even if it was the shortest one, has provided specific knowledge for us, and on that way helped to improve our language skills. I know there is a long way to go until I become familiar with english, but every improvement is one step forward, and that is something what is important. By this occasion I’d like to encaurage all students who are improving their language skills with Engvid, to say them never give up from laerning. Maybe in some moments we can be frustrated, but it’s always a pleasure when we overcome it. Once again, you Engvid teachers are doing Great, Excellent job for us, and I promise I will never forget where I first started to learn english, and where I made first steps in this Wonderful language.
Yours faithfully
Wow! Your comment was FANTASTIC!!!! YOur English is great Marko! Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement for the other learners! Thanks for your hard work and best of luck in your English !!!!!
ronnie i have found a lot of comments about your lessons so i want to benifit from you as a good teacher .Iwant to be good in english as possible as you can .thank you
Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement for us MArko.
Yours faithfully
Thank you very much Ronnie. I really like your style of teaching. Could you please tell me how to use percent and percentage? In my language there is only one word for this, so I am confused when to use percent or percentage. Thank you very much in advance.
“Percent” should be used with a number. Eg…I got 42% (percent)
If there is no number, use “percentage.” A large percentage of men like beer.
i’m bathroom!! watch out……lolxDDD
my question is that there are a lots of types of phrasel verbs that i got confused i know there but i did not let my slef to keep them cuse there will be more cuse i have readen alot of different books
Yes, there are lot of phrasal verbs, and it is hard to know which ones we use……You should try to watch movies with English subtitles, and read English books/magazines/websites to see which ones we use!
the lessons were useful.
can i say to teacher
mam can i please piss off to toilet
HHAHAHAHA If you said this it would be VERY rude….and only understood in the UK!!!!!
hiiii there ^^ i’m achoura from algeria and i’m english teacher, if you don’t mind would you provide me by a lesson about comparatives and supperlatives adjectives plz ^^ i loved the way you teach and i’ve used with my students , they loved too .
Search on the site for the lesson – it has been done already!!!!!
Hi . I am new student .I like the way you teach us .thank you for everything
How can i change my picture
Ronnie, could you explain me when do we use the words afterward, toward, forward, backward, upward, inward etc., and when afterwords, towards. . . When do we add S, and when we don’t?
hi teacher Ronnie I learn something from you thanks a lot.I hope that someday I can speak English Language correctly….
Ronnie! how are you? i like your lessons so much i listen to one every a few day . i confuse in meaning of “so that” in text please send me explanation of this word with examples of each meaning
So that implies that one action needs another to be completed. Ex.. I will go to the movies so that I can write a movie review. If I don’t go to the movies, I can’t write a review.
Ex.. I will pay $20 so that I can park here. If I don’t pay, I can’t park.
Oh my god ! Ronnie you are realy the best !!!
you make laugh in every time I followe your lessons,but this helps alot to capt the informations, seriously.And the quizz was too fun *laughing out loud* !!!! And i have a question : Do you speak french ? !!! I’m curious !!!
I am glad you like the lessons. No, I cannot speak French. I can read it, but not speak or understand it. In Canada, we are taught French in school – grammar and spelling but we didn’t have the opportunity to use (speak) it. I am from Ontario, no one around me spoke French, so I didn’t care about learning it! If I live in Quebec/New Brunswick or other French speaking places in Canada, I would have been able to speak French!
Okay!! Thanks for your respounse Ronnie ! I’m becoming a fan of you O_o.
*you make laugh* I made that mistake !!
I’m correcting it wow *you make (ME)*
thank you!I learn….<3
your a good teacher!!!
Hi Ronnie,
First of all, I’d like to thank you for your help us. secondly I have a question.
I don’t know that Why sometimes “the” is pronounced “dee” and sometimes is pronounced “zaa”?
If possible please make a video in this case.
Thank you
The reason we say dee and zaa is because when we talk, we mix words together and don’t say all of the sounds, so words change their pronunciation!
Unfortunately I still do not understand.
My question is: how to pronounce “the”?
Like “the Apple” that you say “Dee Apple” or “the House” that you say “Zaa House”
I don’t know when and where I use correct pronounce.
Hi Nima,
The rule is: “Dee” before vowels (the Apple, the Artist, the Engineer) and “Zaa” before consonants (the House, the Dog, the Teacher).
I looked it up in my Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
Good luck!
Hi Cristina, Thank you soooooo much.
Have a great day.
It is very hard to type a phonic (sound) for “The”, Dee and Zaa do not sound correct, you would be better to use google dictionary as it has a small speaker symbol, click on the speaker symbol and a voice will say the correct pronounciation for any words you have typed.
Hello Chris,
I think Nima’s doubt is not about phonetic symbols. The important thing here is that “THE” is pronounced differently depending on what comes after: vowel or consonant.
That is the point!
Have a nice weekend!!!
Hello Cristina, You’re exactly right.
Thanks again.
Hello Nima,
I’m glad that I could help!!!
Have a nice day!
It’s not exactly right, Dee and Zaa sound nothing like The when spoken, they will only give an idea of a sound to pronounce The you’ll place your tounge between your teeth build up a little pressure in your mouth and quickly pull your tounge back to make the Th sound then extend the sound a little eea “The”
Dee sound you will push your tounge against the back of your upper front teeth then open your mouth a little pulling your tounge back as you say dee?
Zee> teeth tight together making a zzz sound and mouth opening slightly to get the eee “Zee” try each slowly and feel how you make the sounds with your tounge and teeth positions, “The” will always sound like The, The car, the house, The weather, The time, TH?
“The” is pronounced in a variety of ways by foreigners who are not natural english speakers, I suggested listening to it as it removes any doubt about how to pronounce it?
Filipino’s for example do not use L or V Example they prounce Love as Lub, Fifty as bipty etc, so I thought better to hear the word than to guess how prounce Dee or Zee to sound like The? Thanks for your reply
Hello dear Nima. I’m from Iran, too. I’m from Sarakhs, In khorasan Razavi.
I’m very happy to see you.
Well, I’m a smart student in English. and although I’m 13, I teach it. I want to share my information with you.
Bye dear IRANIAN Man…
Hi Zahra, I’m happy to meet you, I’m a beginner in English language.
Good luck!
can u help me with auxiliary verb please !
i am milhim from jordan
i just want thank u too much cuase u r great teacher
i got A+ thank you
ohh my god, ron you are the teacher i ever seen, i love you, please i love your acent and the way you explain, i would like to see teachers like you, a dominican guy!!
Ms Ronnie :could you tell me that which sentence is correct mentioned in the below:
1.May i go to the toilet?
2.May i go to toilet?
Number 1 is correct
very nice I like your lesson thank you Ronnie
Iam new this page but I see i very interesting ,beacuse I helpme in my study english and thanks are people try helpme and may i put my heart in the study english
Hi Ronnie. I’m going to Canada next year to make an exchange in Toronto. I will study at Tamwood English School and I’d like to know that if you teach there! Thanks !
No, I do not teach at that school. Where is it in Toronto?
The Tamwood School adress is Tamwood International Camps
Office of Admissions
3rd. Floor 909 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z-2N2
I sent that wrong. This is the correct address: Address: 1402-2300 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 1E2, Canada
hi Ronnie i am from Turkey.i like your vieos.its very great help to me for the exam.i am confuse about to how to use THE FACT THAT.would you make video about it please. thanksx
hi dear Ronnie teacher!!!iam from Afghanistan- Bamyan,so i sent you my question forever for you, but you didn’t respond me, ithink you dont like me to you your student,yeah?
please please respond me dear,
Hi dear Ronnie teacher!!!! so thanks for your respond, so could you guide me which book’s useful to spport reading, the books sould be intresting for reading in everywhere(trip, house, car, air) I’m very proud that iam your disciple, bye dear my best teacher,
I would suggest reading travel books.
hey dear best teacher Ronnie!
thanks with your guide, i love to be your student and i fund the side(your side) and im too happy maybe i will learn english with your suggest, so dear teacher, could you please guide me how can get the book(reading travel book)i you know any side for downloding more books, ok dear teacher bye for now.
hi dear Ronnie! thanks for your guide so could you please give me any Add for getting the book(reading travel books)?
thanks very much dear teacher,
hi dear Ronnie! as I said i am from Afghanistan and Bamyan province, so where are you from? and do you know about Bamyan, would you like to come the Bamyan for tourism? if you want to com i Love to guide you about very histric province in Bamyan, ok Bye for now.
dear, mrs ronnie my is sanjana i rally like your english teacher did u have a book for this thank you ,,,,,,,
Sorry, I do not have a book.
Thanks for your interesting classroom tactics.
I loved it and I attempted the quiz as well which excellent. It is helping me a lot.
ronnie please upload a video for metaphors and similes too thanks..!!
really i am interesting to learn English, so how could you help me!!!
please approve this
This is approved!
my question to ronnie please tell about the article ‘a’ and ‘the’.. and like ur pronounciation of the word.. please show difference pronounce between our and hour.. thanks
Our and hour is the exact same pronunciation. We don’t say the “h” in hour.
Search the website for “articles a and the”, there is already a video on that topic for you!
that’s very good point.
I’m A native UK English speaker from Northern Ireland, I am married to a Filipina.
I realise so many people are trying to learn English for many different reasons.
I cannot promise to help often but now and again I will check in here and hopefully be able to assist some of you also.
Great work Ronnie, I found your site by accident but I’m glad I did, keep up the good work, what you’re doing may help much more than you think.
dear mam your facial expression is perfect :) and sure also teaching method
The teacher is funy and smart.Thanks for this lesson.
Excuse me dear dear teacher.
I’m very happy of finding this web_site.
But I’m so sorry because it’s filter….So, I can’t download anything. Dear teacher….would you do me a big favor? please send some of them to my e-mail. (your truly, Zahra* Iran.)
Dear Ronnie I watched your teaching about have and has ,made me confused and you said.
you said we should use, like she didnt have I think most peaple are using like this she didn;t has not have becouse its singulare thank you
I have no chance but to appreciate your teaching style and methodologies while teaching the lesson.
Hi Ronnie,Your teaching skill is very good, so easy to understand and funny! it is very important that the lesson is not boring.
I would like to ask you if you explain to me the differance between get and take. I see we use very open these words. expecially when we make a decisino to bring or have. thank you. Take care.
Hey Ronnie, test is a shorter exam, and exam is a larger test, hahaha so philosophical :)
thanks 4 ur lesson…..tell me plzzz which one is correct in the following?
1)that lady needs tuition for his son.
2)that lady needs tuition for her son.
That lady needs tuition for her son is the correct sentence. Pay attention on the following rules:
So you have subject, adjective and personal pronoun. Hence, lady needs tuition for her son! Here is another example which you are going to do. He met _____ wife in the store yesterday! What is the correct answer?
thank you teacher you are good freind
it is a really good lesson. i enjoyed it Ms Ronnie. also, i highly appreciate your teaching style. love to hear your lessons.
Dear teacher Ronnie.I am verry interested in studing English since many years I give my every possible try to study the meaning of vast vocabulery but it has not come true so far please let me know which way should I follow to inprove my knowledge of words I like learning English very much ….thank you …GOD bless….you ever…!
Becuse i like you & your Lissons , & [on my opeinun ] i think you are the best Teacher on eng Vid.
So i’ll share youe URL on our school Page @ FaceBook , :D
i pleased so much for your answers when i ask you and i thank you from my heart . i confuse in the cases of using verb with its tense and when i use verb plus ing . for examples, preparing a PowerPoint presentation. prepare a PowerPoint presentation. what is the difference? the set that consists of 3 elements. the set consisting of 3 elements. please help me! send me the rules of that situation .
thank you so much miss this class is very well for me so thanks again
WooooooW its my pleasure to pass the quiz
Hi,Ma’am i want to judge my skills in English…
I wanna know am i eligible for IELTS or not kindly consider me ur best opinion to go ahead…:(
And i advise you should make more quiz for practice more..<3
You would have to take the test to see your level – I have no idea! Sorry!
I am studentso i want to learn your language so haw i can learn?
it was useful ,,,,, thanks for your great effort
Sooooooooo Nice ……. Thanks very much
Very effective and fundamental. Helps a non English speaking person to get initiated into the nuances of the English Language.
Honestly, i can speak very basic of English like this…but when it comes to communicating in English, it turns to the awkward situation…i can get easily nervous and fumble…at the end of the day, i cannot improve my English…so my question is,how to get rid of it?(correct me if my there’s a wrong usage of English here)
*(correct me if there’s a wrong usage of English here)
hi i am mew , i want learn english i want help me thnkyou
thanks teacher Ronnie , i understand you well :)
I wanna ask something..I have heard these words like Fiddling and moaning from native speakers..but i dont know their meaning..N even i cant find it in ordinary dictioanries,If you know the meaning of fiddlind and moaning,,then plz tell me dear
Nice Question simran and me also from pakistan
Fiddling has many meanings!
In slang it means to
Teacher ronnie thanks for give us usefull knowledge about english.
I am from Pakistan in a samall village what’s your other topics please inform us thanks
Hi Ronnie, thank you for your lesson, I really like your classes. I would like know more about verbs in past, like write and pronunciation. I wish you help me with that. Sorry for my grammar is not perfect.
Know = no
Knew = new!!!! The “K” is silent in both words!!
you are amazing, and i love your face express :D
Hello beautiful Ronnie,
thanks a lot
it was a great lesson I really need this lesson
Thanks again.
Hello, my dear
I thank you
I hope to communicate with you and take advantage of your experiences
Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much Ronnie. I like your lessons very much.
Good Lesson i get it.
hey Ronnie honestly i am admiring your way of teaching but i am preparing myself for taking IELTS exam . as u know there r no illustrative courses like here.i dont know from where to begin. may be this issue is away from your interest but actully i need your help badly.thanks Ronnie
I got 4 out of 4… Thank you Ronnie.
Hi Roninie. Do you think I can become fluent in english studying in my native country. Do you think that is possible? bye
well i was thinking that it would be tough but actually it was not, it was too easier though i was thinking
Hi Mam
I got 4 out of 4. Thank you.Can I speak english ?
thank you
It is vrey good
Hi Mrs Ronnie, You’re more than wonderful’ve a very practical & attractive way of teaching.Really you gave me a hope to overcome the difficulties in learning english .In fact i need your support i feel my self weak in understanding the lang…May be bec. i don’t read any thing daily just workin woking..i rally need to improve my second language so may you help me? Thanks a million
Ronni i like your all lessons and i understand very quickly. please also explain would have, will have and would. i am very confused about this models. please show in ytube.
Hi are amazing Teacher :) :)
thankyou very mach that’s very kind of you .
I am new student in language English and I have vocabulary every less
good lesson…you are a great teacher
Ronnie please help me: find the mistake & can u explain
“I prefer telling jokes to be told ones which I don’t understand.”
4 Out of 4 yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;)
Thanx Ronnie Love your lesson’s ;$
Think you Ronnie I think is not bad 4/4 this is my 2th English lagoj just do is my bast.
There are very funny options in the quiz.. :D
Thanks for ENGVID’s teachers. My aim is to be good at speaking english.And I hope I am going to be succeed with your help within 4 or 5 months. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
thank you somuch ronnie you are great teacher i can understand ur all lesson
Ronnie i want to learn best english but i have no environment because i am living in pakistan ….and here we speak urdu….plz ronnie help me
Thank you so much
Good lesson!
wow , first full mark quiz to me :)
different feeling :D
Thank you very much .
Iam sory ,first I think that you are english .you are from toronto , abutiful city in Canada .
I read all member comment , know that . then i search for toranto it is beautiful , you are profficinal .
Great pictures!
to Ronnie :
your teach style is so cute.Today my turkey friend tell me the website because I plan to working holiday to UK. I feel so nervous><.I think is so awesome!!! thanks so much and I will keep my learning :D GO GO GO!!
I read all most every comment of everybody. Some body have differrent comment and just somebody focus about the topic. Because they are so confuse, they do not know this grammar and they want to learn another one
hi ronnie
i want to ask you somthing
1-what does (be) going to express the past the present or the futur
2-wich time does the present continuous refer to in the following sentence
we are staying in Bejaia for about a week.
Be going to +base verb expresses future. I am going to go home.
Sub + verb+ing ( I’m going home/She is eating an apple) is present continuous.
We are staying in Behaia for a week. Is present continuous.
The Present Continuous Tense is also used to talk about activities happening in the near future, especially for planned future events.
I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday.
Polly is coming for dinner tomorrow.
Are you doing anything tonight?
We aren’t going on holiday next week.
thank you so much you are the best.
Thank you so much Ronnie you are the best :)
Hi Ronnie Mam,
The way you teach us is superb, We love you a lot.
My question is, if someone ask me what’s up or what are you doing, what do I reply to him or which one is correct and why:
1. I am doing work
2. I am working
Awaiting your response.
Both are correct but I would most likely say I’m working!
Thank you Mam.
thanks for lesson I learned many thing I didn’t know them
Good day’
Hi hello Mrs;Ronni i Really You are Teaching well ,also I Like Your Class I Want to watch all lessens for Your teaching ,also i Need to learn How To Start Letter pat and How do End The Letter ,Shell You Help me?,
Thank you,
With Regard,
Sudhakar.j › … › Writing › Letters
Hi Ronnie, Please, I didn’t understand that site. Could explain?
i am really impressed by the care that you given to all students, because you always answer all questions and you are an excellent teacher i think. i just to descovered this site, and i will never leave it. its a ideal recource for lear english.
My best teacher!!!! Thank you!!!!
Thank you :D !!
hello hi
It is very interest! Thanks. Russia
very interesting i love it
i like it)))))
Thanks a lot. IT’S very good for me.
thank u teacher….it is really a bad-ass lesson …
thanks Ronnie
i have a problem: i know english pretty well but when i speak to the people they dont care about what i am saying. In addition, i live in the US
I wish all the English teachers in the world to be like you, I’d love to spend all my life learning :)
U r amazing teacher with a great personality
it’s very helpful to study us .many tnx.
You are a great teacher.
This is great!!!!! You have a greatb sense of humor !!!!
I can’t stop watching your videos haha………….lol
hi Ronnie i dont know how i tell you my big thanks really reat what you make . i learn from you so many things but when ill be in canada i try to write you also
Hello I cheated on the exams . I had some answers in a piece of paper I was failed the examen when the teacher found me
Copying the exam from a sheet of paper. Am I being clear?
The high school had psychiatric room ,secretary room.
Ronnie you are awesome!!!
Thank’s a lot. I love your lessons much. Info about “slept in” was new for me. Great thank!
thank you very much Roonie, Iam new and i hope to improve my english that’s why i need some help…. your way of teaching is very amazing
Thank you Ronnie, I like your teaching style.
Hi mam
how are you?
i want to ask something
anybody will asking from me what’s up and then how to me gave the reply?
What’s up = What are you doing.
You can say “Nothing” or I am + what you are doing at that moment. Ex.. I am eating dinner.
Ronnie, could you make a video about future in the past? please
You are so crazy teacher but it’s really helpful to learn English
Sorry if it’s not correct writing but I am start learn english not long ago
I like you ! I mean you’re funny !
I love your classes!!! Thanks!
Thanks Rebecca!
Ur mode of education is comprehensible
I scored 4 out of 4. Thanks Ronnie!!!
Hello Ronnie
Thanks from Spain. Thanks a lot for your extraordinary performance.
You are not only a teacher, you are the perfect mixture between a teacher and a comedian.
Your classes are funny, entertaining and very useful.
Please, don’t change.
thank you very much
your teaching style is very nice, i want to meet you. my english is very poor but i im motivate to your lecture to improve my english thank you ronnine(i am from nepal)
thank you ronnie ..
thank you ronnie
Hello,Ronnie i’ve watched almost your all lessons and they are very useful but i want to request here please make a lesson on “bi monthly” and “by month”.
hello Ronnie
i am from Iran and i am learning English by top notch except your god site .i want to learn English very good and i am not strength at speaking!guide me pleas! best regard
If you don’t understand something in class, you should:
Kill yourself.
That’s great! I like it.
Thanks for this video !!!
hi thank you so much because I get 4out4 that is nice lesson ronnie
Oh my god I just have 8 years old and I understood everything english is very cool but never easy :) !! roniie is the best teacher
hi miss ronnie thanks alot i got 4 out of 4 in quiz i like it so much and i don’t know english too much i comunicate in english but not very well could u please help me i want to ask u that from where shuold i start i am really confused it is about 5years that i want to get english and speak very well but i can’t i m really worried :( i want your advice for me miss ronnie i love you sooo much tc
First of all if you have studied for 5 years, you CAN speak English! To help you, you should try to talk to other students from EngVid on skype!
thank you miss ronnie
lol it was funny test. Thanks a lot.
In my country it’s a bit rude to say “may I please go to the washroom?”(if you are adult)as such the child can say. We, adults say:”May I go out?”
I have a problem in speaking in English…I am looking for someone who can speak with me in English.can help me plz……………
Hey Ronnie!:))
how are things? …I’m new on EngVid and when i came here i watched most of the teachers’ videos but for me, I really like your interesting and spectacular way of teaching because you teach real daily English not the one in textbooks…:) and I hope you could be my live teacher oneday!! ;)
Have a good day XD
thanks so much you are the best
Open O sesame !
Hi Ronnie
Is that correct to say May I go to the bothroom please?
is it the same with May Iplease go to the bathroom?
Both are correct! It doesn’t matter where you put please….just as long as you say it!!!
Please may I go to the bathroom.
May I please go…
May I go please!!!!
Hi Ronnie
i want to thank youfor your videos and i want to ask you if reading is useful for studying english and what books you suggest ,novels news papers or what i prefer novels but i dont know modern novilists could you help me which writer i should read for… sorry for wrong word
Newspapers are too hard and boring!
I suggest magazines on what ever subject you like!!!
I hate reading books so I do not know any authors to tell you about except for one guy named HENRY ROLLINS!!!!! He is a great writer!
hi , Ronnie
can you please give some classroom expressions that English teacher use inside class
thanks for help
hi, Ronnie
Imagine there’s no mistake.It’s isn’t hard to do.Have a nice day-Hi Ronnie.
Ronnie you are the best teacher in the world, i love your explanation, thanks a lot. Could you teach me how to spell words by telephone,please.
I will try to make a lesson for you!
Ronnie , thank you for the good lesson for me ^^
Ronnie, you are a wonderful teacher!!! I like all your lessons very much.
In Russian schools when we ask our teacher teacher answer to us … ))))IIt`s true…
When we ask our teacher `Can I please go to the washroom`? Teacher answer to us ~ Take a bottle~
hi!Mrs Ronnie,I’m new student first of all i love your attitude the way u teach and I just wanna say thank u,can i ask you? how to make or do a sentence with no mistakes,Ex… man,animals,things.I hope u please respond me and thank u in advance
i love your lesson it helped me alot
fabulous thanx
it is nice for me.
Miss Ronie can you explain the antonyms and synonyms? Then simili and methaphor. Thank you
Ronnie: Can you help me? I need a lot of vocabulary to use in class, I´m working as a teacher. For example how can I say to my children hacer margen en el cuaderno. o traza bien la letra! please help me! Thank you!
Hello Ronnie!
I have a question about classroom expression.
Can I say “Can I please go to the potty?” in a classroom?
How does that sound?
hi my best kind teacher
may i get you email address ??
sorry i forgot to ask you about the studying in Canada
my close friend lives in British Colombia province ,and he has been asking me to visit him and studying there
i really wish to study master of business administration or project management
my question is which university you recommended
and can i work during my studying ???
You are doing an excellent job. I hope you’ll continue your lessons with more classroom language lessons as it is very helpful to all of us.Good luck
Hi,miss Ronie
I want to speak english fluently but i cant b’cos in our state most of the people talked in our language. But now l’ll be a school teacher. Even though we dont speak in english commonly,we all know that it is compulsory and every parents want their children to speak in english. So my problem is how to speak in english.
Miss Ronnie
Your teaching style is very interested and this video is very helpful for me. Please tell me the difference between listen and hear.
Thank you for advice
hi i have a question ; what is the defrence betwen of and off?
Thanks helpfull teacher
thank you <3
Hey Ronnie.
I`m here to work on my speaking skill.
I really enjoy the way you teach.
hi ronnie frist iwant tell you something you the best teacher mett him in my life and want ask you questions i have alot of english word and i can understand other people spoke english but icant responed beacuse iam afrid get mistakes please ineed your respond how ican improve my english
Good lesson,Thanks a lot!
Ronnie ! My little son love you. So I am English language teacher in Arab schools really I learnt many things from you. thy a lot my best teacher.
thank you a lot
Hi Ronnie
this is sami from india
can you teach me how to identify the synonyms in sentence equivalence question in GRE exam
Hi teacher
Can you help me differentiate HISTORIC from HISTORICAL and UNDERGO from EXPERIENCE?
Hola Ronnie, te envío un saludo con afecto desde la Ciudad de México. Quiero decirte que estoy muy agradecido con ustedes por permitirme asistir a mi primera clase con EngVid.
Espero a la brevedad alcanzar mis metas en el estudio de este interesante idioma.
I appreciate your effort .
Thank you teacher,,, this is very nice lesson
Thanks, Teacher.
Thank you ronnie you’re amazing i like your lasson ….can you do a video about how to speak like a native speake ?
Hi Ronnie.I am from Azerbaijan.I love your lessons.You are the best teacher.I want to study in the USA.I want to learn English perfectly.Is it difficult?
Hi Ronnie, thanks for lesson.
I am from japan.
I like study english!
Hi Ronnie.C
Hi Ronnie!
Can we use expression “May I go out?” instead of “Can I please go to the washroom”? Is it acceptable? Is it more formal?
Thanks in advance:)
Hi Ronnie
please say to me is it correct or not when somebody call teacher in the class”teacher”? isnt a bit offensive?
thank you very much
Hi Ronnie,
I found your teaching approach very interesting. Your body language is also superb, well-done. Please, I need your advice on this issue:
1. I applied for a program in UK before I left my country for USA for a 4 month training program. As at the time of leaving my country, I presumed that the proof of English language had been waved for me. Surprisingly, the school is asking me to provide an evidence of good score in IELTS latest by second week in August.Please, what is your advice. I need to score high, at least 8
2. Naturally, I speak too fast and I often get embarrassed when others could not understand me. Please, how can I get over this?
3. Can you recommend a good teacher for me in Buffalo,NY.
100% :D
Hi Ronnie..
I am 8 years old :)I really love you and like your lessons
It was a fantastic lesson, tks Ronnie :)
you’re sooo funny <3
thank u ronnie im lessening to u ,,,im from iraq
woo hooo i got 100% mark
Thank you
You are a great teacher ,
Can you teach me in school :p ?
I learned too much, thanks.
Hi Ronnie
I wanna know the difference between the past perfect and the past perfect continuous. And thank you for your lessons.
thanks u ronnie
ilove ur class video
Great lesson Ronnie! Thank you very much.
techr rnei I love u
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi ma’am, thank you for your lesson, you’re a great teacher. ^_^
good lesson ronnie.
Thank you.Your lesson is perfect.
thanks ronnie.very good.100/100 ok..I am from Iran.
Thanks for the lesson! I laughed on the multi choice answers xD
You are very good teacher!!! Thank you.
Hi ronnie, I know that we don’t say overslept, but I watched a british movie and I heard people say it a lot; Is it correct for native speakers?
Thanks you so much.
Thank you,Ronnie!
I like you teaching in your way.
please Miss Ronnie tell me importent of english
Hi ronnie..i like your speech and leason your a great teacher.
thanks Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you.
Can I please improve my classroom vocabulary? Hahahah!
You got 4 correct out of 4.
thank you
4/4 Thanks Ronnie :)
4/4! Great! Teacher Ronnie! Thanks!
Thanks teacher Ronnie :)
well done,Ronnie ,hugs (Kazakhstan 28 Nov2021:)
Dear Ronnie,
I want to thank you for your great teaching. Mojgan