engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.
The Cockney accent originates from which UK city?



Thank you very much


Thank you for showing my mistakes.

Arjayita Ghosh

Thank you Gill


Thank you! It’s so helpful for me to understand the UK movie.


thank you for this lesson. it was really valuable. And i’m looking for someone who would like to practice English with me.
write me on What’s App +77055009366.


    Woud you like to practice with me?


Hello Gill . Thanks for this lesson .
In question 7 do you mean that denno danno dinno and so on are standard way to say ” don’t know” ?
See you


    Hi – no, those spellings (denno danno dinno) don’t exist – I invented them for the purpose of the quiz :-)


thank Gill, that’s a difficult lesson

nguyen van long

Thanks Gill ..you make me now able to love British Accent.

husam simawi

You are a superb teacher,Gill. Your classes are always
interesting. Loved this one. I really dig all kinds
of accents.
Thank you very much.


Thank you for this lessons
But that’s difficult for me.


Thank you Gill. If I had known this 10 years ago my life would be easier in East London.


What a nice class! I can’t wait your next lesson. Thank you for teaching.

Oyunchimeg Shagdarsuren

it was an interesting lesson to me I really enjoyed it and thanks to Gill :)

Omor javed

How do i know about cockney speakers? if i have never been in England


    You can hear them on films and on the internet :-)


Great lesson . Happy with my quiz with 10! ;)

Freddy Navas

Thank you Gill, Your lessons are really interesting.


Thank you, Gill. This lesson was really interesting and helpful. Next time I go to London, it will be easire to catch local accents.


Thank you Gill.


It was a very interesting lesson . thank you


thanks for this difficult lesson .i have not heard before about cockney accent and just today i relaizd why i could not understand most of English people when they talk between them.


Thanks a lot, teacher Gill.


you are great Gill


I’m the one

Amine El bouadli

thanks a lot, teacher Gill

S. Dev Sarker

Thank you a lot

rania assafiri

Dear teacher.
your teaching make me inspiring my learning english.The ords fail me to say thanks you.May god bless you.

Aung Chan Myae

Hi Gill, thanks for the useful lesson. Actually, I ran into Are You Being Served? classic tv series on Youtube “Oh What à Tangled Web” episode. It cracks you up. Still, I’m having a hard time understanding Mr Harman (Arthur English) and his lines exchanges with Ms Brahm/ Ms Brahm’s lines. Could you help with their expressions? Fanks


Fun fact: Brazilian Portuguese speakers often make pronunciation mistakes similar to the first (replacing the “th” sounds with either a “t” or a “d”), third (replacing non-initial “l” sounds with a “w”) and sixth (replacing “ing” sounds with either “in” or “in-g”) items of that list.


Thank you very much Mrs. Gill. It was interesting.


such a wonderful lesson I’d mention something that the “STR” it might be of the “T” is pronuncing like “CH” sound for example street would be schreet… and thnx


Thank you for this lesson
Do we find cookney accent at the listening test in the IELTS ?


Thank ye Gill for this amazing lesson


Thank you very much


thank you so much, Gill. Your lessons are brilliant. Greetings from Barcelona

Codelia Flyte

Thanks Gill! Very interesting review. In Russia we also have a few people with sort of “cockney speech”. Though here it’s considered as rather serious and rare speech defect – replacement of sound “L” by any others, particularly by sound “W”. Defectologists call it paralambdacism.The main reason for this abnormality is the defective anatomical structure of the vocal apparatus, namely a short hyoid frenum.

Vlad 55

thank you very much mrs. gill, i really helped with your video

Fikar rizky

Thank you for this lessons.


Hi Gill. I like your way of teaching. I wish i could be your student because i’d like to improve my english .
With you ,learning seems easy .


Dear Mrs.Gill , now I understand better what “Cockney” means. Thanks!

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