Is it the same to collaborate on something and cooperate with someone? Well, no, it isn’t. Learn the difference and speak more confidently in business situations with this free English vocabulary lesson.
I really thank you so much for the above lesson it’s perfectly terrific .
I’d like to ask you a question please ,that
collaborate is more common used in writing than cooperate.
I look forward to seen your reply.
best wishes.
Thanks for your feedback. Actually, both words are used in writing. You just have to use the right one, depending on the meaning. All the best to you, Ameen.
Hello Rebecca
Please help me, I have to do the test for TOEIC but I don’t know how do I have to prepare for the test?
Supposedly I must to take the test after 1 year.
I want to know which are your recommendations for me.
Thank you.
There are many excellent preparation books for the TOEIC, which is a
a test of basic Business English. I have written a website to help students with the TOEIC, which you can refer to. You could also join a test preparation class as you will need feedback from a live teacher for the Speaking and Writing sections of the exam. If you have one year, you can certainly do well. Start preparing now — don’t wait. Get to know your strengths and weaknesses so you have time to improve. All the best, Xavier.
thank you so much Rebecca to supply us with such a helpful websites, u are just a cooperative teacher :)
Thank you so much, I’m study about business English, this lesson is very helpful for me. It’s so exciting
Hi Maingoc,
You are absolutely right it’s so exhilarating . me neither.
Hi, Ameen, nice too met you. this lesson is really nice.
Dear Maingoc,
With my pleasure to meet you and help each other for learning English ,i mean to collaborate as group of course if you agree .
Your Faithfully,
Hi Ameen, of course im like it. we can help each other to improve. so what do we do? i also have a friend in Engvid, we can organize a group. Can i know your nick?
Hello Maingoc,
My nick name is ‘GOHARI’ thank you for your great suggestion that’ll be good idea for us . we can keep in touch each other via many ways such as, E-mail and Facebook .if you want my personality account i ‘ll be given to you because i trust and honest you that we can improve English Language ,but don’t give it anyone.
I look forward to seen your replying.
loyalty friend ,
Ameen ” GOHARI”
Hi, im very happy when we can make friends, I will add your nick and we can chat each other, I also have nick in facebook. See u later and we can chat on Yahoo.
Hello There,
Viet Nam here, Today, i just found this website, I’d like to make friend here to learn each other and share some experiece in order to improve English skill.
Now, I m working for VDC Online Company in Ho Chi minh city ^^ Y!M : typhu_ptithcm.
I people, I want to learn and speak english, if you organize a group I want to be participe! Mabye we can use skype!
I really want to make friends to organize a group, we can study english each other. My nick is huongtu_y4. nice to met you (everyone) ^_^
why dont we share our skype names?
I have found that most of lessons on the Engvid very useful, I learn form this very much and would like to join this group to improve my English
hi maingoc .. i was about to read the conversation between you and Ameen , and i realy wondered about how u get to meet each other throught this website ??
Hope you will master your business English. Good luck, Ngoc Mai
Thank you so much, I hope you too. We can help to improve our skill together
Hi maingoc ^^
May i join your group ?
I want to improve my english skills,please.
Ted Lee
Thank you Mrs.Rebecca for this helpful lesson.
my problem is that for example I don’t know when I use collaborate, collaborative and collaboration. I mean I always mix it togther I need to use the correct grammer in my speak and writing hope that you give me easy tips with my problem.
again thank you.
Please look at the resources section of our website for a description of the parts of speech in English. You can also learn how to use these words correctly from a good grammar book. All the best to you.
Hello Rebecca, Please to meet you, I need help. Because, I wrote to the other teacher but I did not understand her very well. I can not recognize when do I have to use ” the past simple tense( only with -ed) and the past participle ( have finished and its group), my question is ” what do I have to think in for to use each one of them? , thank you, I hope your answer, ( are there videos about it on this site?) thank you.
I want to say thank you soo much for very useful free video and website..
it’s great doing.. :)
Thanks! I really like your lessons, it help me very much. But I want have your email, I want you help me in writing skill. Hope you’ll repply to me. Thanks
Sorry, not possible!
Thank you so much. Your lessons are very useful for me.
It’s very nice to me.
You’re lessons like a sponge.
Kim Hyun Su
really very important lessons… I like very much the way u teach English,it’s very easy to understand. thanks a lot.. and may you live long long time
really very important lessons… I like very much the way u teach English,it’s very easy to understand. thanks a lot.. and may you live long long time
Piyananda thero
Hi Ms Rebecca, thanks for creating the lesson. I look forward to your next lessons. Best regards,
Hi Rebecca, Sorry if you have already answered my question before. If not, then could you please give us a lesson/ or explain to me, the differences between WHOSE and WHOM!
God bless you!
Hi Rebecca, before, I usually use them in the same meaning but now I know about their different. Hope you are cooperate to improve my English anymore.
hi Rebeca,,, would you mind giving me some of method to learn grammar easily ? cause I learn about grammar need a long time to understand,,, and you know,,,I always get bad score in grammar lessons… how can I do the best for grammar. Pleas give suggestion… thanks I’m waiting for you,,, By Kiki
Try studying from a good grammar book called “Basic Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy. Also, borrow general ESL books, which explain grammatical points through reading and listening exercises. In addition, please check out the many grammar lessons we have on our site. Sometimes a particular teacher can help you understand a point which may have confused you all your life! Join a conversational English class so the grammar is taught through natural communication. All these methods will help you, Kiki. My best wishes to you.
Great lesson.
Thanks verry much
Thank you. Engvid is helpful for me
Ngoc Nguyen
i am very interesting in you lessoses.
thank you very much
Hello Rebecca my name’s jenny i want to say thank you very much. i am very interesting in your lessons really improve my English and i hope you’ll help me more information.
Thanks to all for your kind feedback and questions. I wish you the best with your English.
That’s clear, Rebecca, but maybe you don’t know. In U.S. they hate say “collaborate” because it reminds them about “collaborationists”. And also for us Romanians, “cooperate” remind us about the Communist work system
Hello Rebecca,
I just wanted to compliment you on all your teaching skills…you are an awesome teacher.
thank you very are great.
i am not use ‘collaborate’ frequently,but i should know this word and memorise im mind.
i don’t whether my sentence is righr or wrong,
It is very perfect for me to improve English with you, Rebecca.
Thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca,thank u for an interesting lesson.
Hello Rebecca
thank u about this lesson
hi i want to speek english confidently.for this purpus i have been taken some basic english clases on net.but i have no chance for tenses are so well but vacabulary and spelling are week.please help me in such way that i can improove my english in short limit of time. THANKS
faisal abdullah
This is one of the differences that make me crazy
Thanks a lot,
talal bin manosour
Very useful lesson, I finally find out what those words really mean, thanks teacher a million times ;-)
Hi Rebecca with your website you’re opening a big gate to the world and almost everybody wants to step inside, so thanks a lot. best wishes
I would like to express thought, about these lesson programs, so i wanted to thak you so much, you are to so kind.
Thank you just the same.
thanks very much my lovely teacher!!!
Toty from Kazakhstan
Dear. madam
my name is shamim. from Nigeria. but i am bangladeshi i am doing a job in here. i dont know good english.. could you help me.please…how i can learn heglish. reply me please
shamim alam
i am very interesting in you lessoses.
Thank you. Madam
shamim alam
Thank you for making this topic it helps a lot for me.I love your website so much, it easy to understand for us non-native speaker. I Hope you can make more business english topic in the future…I request that you can make more lessons about conversation on how to teach it.thanks more power…
thankyou very much teacher Rebecca learn english engvid online .
wow sweet teachers i think no word seems to be enough to explain how pleasure i am .although i have some vocabulary but all the words escaped i didn’t find any word to express how feel now when watch your teaching videos. thank you so much . but also we need more.
thanks rebecca,you cooperate with me by improving my english.
rebecca could you give me some exemple santense from word “procedure”?
I think that this course is very interesting.
Hello Rebecca..Thank you for your lesson…I would like to know what is Ltd, Inc ? Thanks
hi thank you for your lesson.
hussein iraq
Hi Rebecca I found your web site today and I want to say that is perfect.But I have a question,I can’t find your lesson and just can see your comment,
It’s my pleasure if help me ,my English languages is bad an I want to be better .
hi. it’s really amazing having this site. my friend gave it to me.. and i am glad that i found this. hoping for more videos discussing on how to pronounce word well.. thank so much rebecca..
For example i am a receptionist.There are 4 receptionists here.We cooperate togather.And our boss manages here with other anyone.They collaborate :-)) it is easy
an absolutely wonderful lesson. thank you very much .
Dear Rebecca:
The root of “Collaborate” is labor. Please can you give me anther vocab related with this root that have almost same meaning.
Amir Irhayyim
pakistan here i am excited to listen rebecca lecture
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for all the videos. You are realy a good teacher.
Ididn’t wash it yet but i thnk that i’ll love it thanks fo all
Thanx LOT rebecca:) you are great teacher
I truly appreciate this blog.Really thank you! Really Great.
Autumn Sumlin
thank you.u doing good jop. and I like all
abdulati abuljawad
Hi Rebecca
There is no quiz for the lesson. Quiz is very helpful to understand the lesson. Pls add.
Abdul Qayum
you are very good at what you do,thank you.i wish you did math also.
First of all, thanks for teaching useful lessons. I don’t miss your lessons.I am following all your videos.
I would like to do Information Technology job.If I want to get a job in IT, I need good communication skills. Rebecca, Can you do one favor for me. I would like to talk to you directly everyday atleast half an hour. Can you give me your email address or phone number. so that it is easy to correct my mistakes when i am talking to you. Ig you do this one, it helps me a lot. please try to understand.
Thank you Rebecca.
Best Regards,
thank you very much my name is Sy LEE, 24 year-old, i live in laos, i speak Lao, now i am learning English but no boby practice with me i felt that i will can’t speak well. bye the way i sure i will try more with you and speak more to friends who learn with.
Where do you live in Laos? I visited Laos last year, and it is a really beautiful country. There are a lot of tourists in Laos, so I suggest you try to go to a place where you can talk with them. Maybe you can offer to show them around your area. They will get a guide, and you will be able to practice your English!
Thanks Rebecca! :D
This lesson is very useful for me!
Doesn’t it have a quiz? :(
I love the quiz.
thnk Teacher
parents are collaborating to raise their kids
mom is cooperating her son on his homework
correct ex. ?
mmm.thanks alot
you are a great teacher
best wishes.
thanks for your lesson. Can u please tell the use of in spite n despite.
good website!
Rebecca’s pronunciation is easy to listening, everyone can understand this lesson well.
Thanks a lot Rebecca!
thank you very much, it’s real benifit
I’d like to see a quiz of this theme!At any rate thank you very much for this lesson!!!
Thanks for this class.
A very useful and clear distinction. It’s so easy and pleasant to study English watching your lesson. Thanks and take care!
Hi. Robacca, I want you to tell you that I am a person that like this website very very much . I really adire all teachers here . You guys help me improve my English a lots . I am in Thailand . I have been watching this website since 6 months carry on this good things .
Dear Ms.Rebeca,
I am stil confuse because I found the definition these word in the Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary is the same.
to work together with sb in order to produce or achieve sth
2.COOPERATE work together with sb else in order to achive sth
Trust the teacher’s lesson then. She made a whole lesson about it!
Thank you.
good ^”^
Ted Lee
Thank you so very much for making this clear for me today. I think I’ll never get confused and can conclude from the above that you can’t cooperate without collaborating but you can collaborate without(work together) cooperating ( being helping, supportive ).
Thank you very much!
Thanks Rebecca for this class…I confuse about the pronunciation between Collaboration and cooperation..Ok I need practice….
thank you. Now i see the differences between two words.
nice video , thank you :)
youcef stranger
Thank you! I have 2 new words now to keep in my mind :) Thanks again!
I am sure I could fill a book with the reasons why I am grateful to you.
I am still confuse.
The two departments collaborate to come out a proposal.
The two departments cooperate to come out a proposal.
Which is correct OR both are incorrect?
Please advise.
Its very nice learning for us
Rebecca, you are a amazing teacher!!! Thank you very.. very …very much!!!
Yea! I got 8 out of 8. I am so thankful to you,Rebecca. I will continue to follow your video.^_^
7/8 :(
Zainab Awni
Dear Rebecca,
Your cooperation on the site engvid really helps me to improve my skills in English.
Best regards.
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks a lot , this lesson helpful me very much but I have one question when you explained word collaborative you said collaboration is noun my question word collaborator what is that are that Noun again
please reply me
Best regards,
Fahmi Firas
I really apreciate your lesson.
thanks for amazing lesson!
i got 88%
Well done Rebecca.
Engvid has cooperated us to learn english.Thank you engvid.
Author Rakesh
Collaborate means support from outside too
Thanks Rebeca.
taught very well.
Thanks Rebecca.
You got 6 correct out of 8.
thank you..
M kartal
I got 8 correct out of 8. Thank you Rebecca.
Jun Shao
Thank you Rebecca,lv u and your lessons
I got all correct
It is easy. I could understand your explanation.
We collaborate,Rebecca always cooperate us to achieve
our goal.100%
Oh yes!!! We are collaborating to achive a quite good business english level?
Thanks Emma!
edi wilson
Thanks Emma! Your class are amazing!!
edi wilson
Thanks, It’s really help me.
You are the best teacher.
The Meaning of collaboration and cooperation are very confusing, i was confused. I think that with a excellent cooperation of this teacher all of us can archive our objectives of learning English. Thank you. Keep save!!
I can’t thank you enough,Rebecca! your video is effective, quality and helpful.
if we have a chat group on line, it’d be better to practice oral English.
Dear Rebecca your teaching as much interesting that I fell to learn as a student who will take part in a competition exam &if not correct my mistakes I can,t stop of exercising what you have taught ,anyway wish you not to be bored of your useful job that is appropriate by you students.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
you are very nice collaboration :D
thanks for your on line lesson.I appreciated .
I really thank you so much for the above lesson it’s perfectly terrific .
I’d like to ask you a question please ,that
collaborate is more common used in writing than cooperate.
I look forward to seen your reply.
best wishes.
Thanks for your feedback. Actually, both words are used in writing. You just have to use the right one, depending on the meaning. All the best to you, Ameen.
Hello Rebecca
Please help me, I have to do the test for TOEIC but I don’t know how do I have to prepare for the test?
Supposedly I must to take the test after 1 year.
I want to know which are your recommendations for me.
Thank you.
There are many excellent preparation books for the TOEIC, which is a
a test of basic Business English. I have written a website to help students with the TOEIC, which you can refer to. You could also join a test preparation class as you will need feedback from a live teacher for the Speaking and Writing sections of the exam. If you have one year, you can certainly do well. Start preparing now — don’t wait. Get to know your strengths and weaknesses so you have time to improve. All the best, Xavier.
thank you so much Rebecca to supply us with such a helpful websites, u are just a cooperative teacher :)
Thank you so much, I’m study about business English, this lesson is very helpful for me. It’s so exciting
Hi Maingoc,
You are absolutely right it’s so exhilarating . me neither.
Hi, Ameen, nice too met you. this lesson is really nice.
Dear Maingoc,
With my pleasure to meet you and help each other for learning English ,i mean to collaborate as group of course if you agree .
Your Faithfully,
Hi Ameen, of course im like it. we can help each other to improve. so what do we do? i also have a friend in Engvid, we can organize a group. Can i know your nick?
Hello Maingoc,
My nick name is ‘GOHARI’ thank you for your great suggestion that’ll be good idea for us . we can keep in touch each other via many ways such as, E-mail and Facebook .if you want my personality account i ‘ll be given to you because i trust and honest you that we can improve English Language ,but don’t give it anyone.
I look forward to seen your replying.
loyalty friend ,
Ameen ” GOHARI”
Hi, im very happy when we can make friends, I will add your nick and we can chat each other, I also have nick in facebook. See u later and we can chat on Yahoo.
Hello There,
Viet Nam here, Today, i just found this website, I’d like to make friend here to learn each other and share some experiece in order to improve English skill.
Now, I m working for VDC Online Company in Ho Chi minh city ^^ Y!M : typhu_ptithcm.
I people, I want to learn and speak english, if you organize a group I want to be participe! Mabye we can use skype!
I really want to make friends to organize a group, we can study english each other. My nick is huongtu_y4. nice to met you (everyone) ^_^
why dont we share our skype names?
I have found that most of lessons on the Engvid very useful, I learn form this very much and would like to join this group to improve my English
hi maingoc .. i was about to read the conversation between you and Ameen , and i realy wondered about how u get to meet each other throught this website ??
Hope you will master your business English. Good luck, Ngoc Mai
Thank you so much, I hope you too. We can help to improve our skill together
Hi maingoc ^^
May i join your group ?
I want to improve my english skills,please.
Thank you Mrs.Rebecca for this helpful lesson.
my problem is that for example I don’t know when I use collaborate, collaborative and collaboration. I mean I always mix it togther I need to use the correct grammer in my speak and writing hope that you give me easy tips with my problem.
again thank you.
Please look at the resources section of our website for a description of the parts of speech in English. You can also learn how to use these words correctly from a good grammar book. All the best to you.
Hello Rebecca, Please to meet you, I need help. Because, I wrote to the other teacher but I did not understand her very well. I can not recognize when do I have to use ” the past simple tense( only with -ed) and the past participle ( have finished and its group), my question is ” what do I have to think in for to use each one of them? , thank you, I hope your answer, ( are there videos about it on this site?) thank you.
I want to say thank you soo much for very useful free video and website..
it’s great doing.. :)
Thanks! I really like your lessons, it help me very much. But I want have your email, I want you help me in writing skill. Hope you’ll repply to me. Thanks
Sorry, not possible!
Thank you so much. Your lessons are very useful for me.
It’s very nice to me.
You’re lessons like a sponge.
really very important lessons… I like very much the way u teach English,it’s very easy to understand. thanks a lot.. and may you live long long time
really very important lessons… I like very much the way u teach English,it’s very easy to understand. thanks a lot.. and may you live long long time
Hi Ms Rebecca, thanks for creating the lesson. I look forward to your next lessons. Best regards,
Hi Rebecca, Sorry if you have already answered my question before. If not, then could you please give us a lesson/ or explain to me, the differences between WHOSE and WHOM!
God bless you!
Hi Rebecca, before, I usually use them in the same meaning but now I know about their different. Hope you are cooperate to improve my English anymore.
hi Rebeca,,, would you mind giving me some of method to learn grammar easily ? cause I learn about grammar need a long time to understand,,, and you know,,,I always get bad score in grammar lessons… how can I do the best for grammar. Pleas give suggestion… thanks I’m waiting for you,,, By Kiki
Try studying from a good grammar book called “Basic Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy. Also, borrow general ESL books, which explain grammatical points through reading and listening exercises. In addition, please check out the many grammar lessons we have on our site. Sometimes a particular teacher can help you understand a point which may have confused you all your life! Join a conversational English class so the grammar is taught through natural communication. All these methods will help you, Kiki. My best wishes to you.
Great lesson.
Thanks verry much
Thank you. Engvid is helpful for me
i am very interesting in you lessoses.
thank you very much
Hello Rebecca my name’s jenny i want to say thank you very much. i am very interesting in your lessons really improve my English and i hope you’ll help me more information.
Thanks to all for your kind feedback and questions. I wish you the best with your English.
That’s clear, Rebecca, but maybe you don’t know. In U.S. they hate say “collaborate” because it reminds them about “collaborationists”. And also for us Romanians, “cooperate” remind us about the Communist work system
Jenny and tfali: please check out my lesson on the difference the words bored or boring. It will help you. Thanks.
Hello Rebecca,
I just wanted to compliment you on all your teaching skills…you are an awesome teacher.
thank you very are great.
i am not use ‘collaborate’ frequently,but i should know this word and memorise im mind.
i don’t whether my sentence is righr or wrong,
It is very perfect for me to improve English with you, Rebecca.
Thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca,thank u for an interesting lesson.
Hello Rebecca
thank u about this lesson
hi i want to speek english confidently.for this purpus i have been taken some basic english clases on net.but i have no chance for tenses are so well but vacabulary and spelling are week.please help me in such way that i can improove my english in short limit of time. THANKS
This is one of the differences that make me crazy
Thanks a lot,
Very useful lesson, I finally find out what those words really mean, thanks teacher a million times ;-)
Hi Rebecca with your website you’re opening a big gate to the world and almost everybody wants to step inside, so thanks a lot. best wishes
I would like to express thought, about these lesson programs, so i wanted to thak you so much, you are to so kind.
Thank you just the same.
thanks very much my lovely teacher!!!
Dear. madam
my name is shamim. from Nigeria. but i am bangladeshi i am doing a job in here. i dont know good english.. could you help me.please…how i can learn heglish. reply me please
i am very interesting in you lessoses.
Thank you. Madam
Thank you for making this topic it helps a lot for me.I love your website so much, it easy to understand for us non-native speaker. I Hope you can make more business english topic in the future…I request that you can make more lessons about conversation on how to teach it.thanks more power…
thankyou very much teacher Rebecca learn english engvid online .
wow sweet teachers i think no word seems to be enough to explain how pleasure i am .although i have some vocabulary but all the words escaped i didn’t find any word to express how feel now when watch your teaching videos. thank you so much . but also we need more.
thanks rebecca,you cooperate with me by improving my english.
rebecca could you give me some exemple santense from word “procedure”?
I think that this course is very interesting.
Hello Rebecca..Thank you for your lesson…I would like to know what is Ltd, Inc ? Thanks
hi thank you for your lesson.
Hi Rebecca I found your web site today and I want to say that is perfect.But I have a question,I can’t find your lesson and just can see your comment,
It’s my pleasure if help me ,my English languages is bad an I want to be better .
hi. it’s really amazing having this site. my friend gave it to me.. and i am glad that i found this. hoping for more videos discussing on how to pronounce word well.. thank so much rebecca..
For example i am a receptionist.There are 4 receptionists here.We cooperate togather.And our boss manages here with other anyone.They collaborate :-)) it is easy
an absolutely wonderful lesson. thank you very much .
Dear Rebecca:
The root of “Collaborate” is labor. Please can you give me anther vocab related with this root that have almost same meaning.
pakistan here i am excited to listen rebecca lecture
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for all the videos. You are realy a good teacher.
Ididn’t wash it yet but i thnk that i’ll love it thanks fo all
Thanx LOT rebecca:) you are great teacher
I truly appreciate this blog.Really thank you! Really Great.
thank you.u doing good jop. and I like all
Hi Rebecca
There is no quiz for the lesson. Quiz is very helpful to understand the lesson. Pls add.
you are very good at what you do,thank you.i wish you did math also.
First of all, thanks for teaching useful lessons. I don’t miss your lessons.I am following all your videos.
I would like to do Information Technology job.If I want to get a job in IT, I need good communication skills. Rebecca, Can you do one favor for me. I would like to talk to you directly everyday atleast half an hour. Can you give me your email address or phone number. so that it is easy to correct my mistakes when i am talking to you. Ig you do this one, it helps me a lot. please try to understand.
Thank you Rebecca.
Best Regards,
thank you very much my name is Sy LEE, 24 year-old, i live in laos, i speak Lao, now i am learning English but no boby practice with me i felt that i will can’t speak well. bye the way i sure i will try more with you and speak more to friends who learn with.
Where do you live in Laos? I visited Laos last year, and it is a really beautiful country. There are a lot of tourists in Laos, so I suggest you try to go to a place where you can talk with them. Maybe you can offer to show them around your area. They will get a guide, and you will be able to practice your English!
Thanks Rebecca! :D
This lesson is very useful for me!
Doesn’t it have a quiz? :(
I love the quiz.
thnk Teacher
parents are collaborating to raise their kids
mom is cooperating her son on his homework
correct ex. ?
mmm.thanks alot
you are a great teacher
best wishes.
thanks for your lesson. Can u please tell the use of in spite n despite.
good website!
Rebecca’s pronunciation is easy to listening, everyone can understand this lesson well.
Thanks a lot Rebecca!
thank you very much, it’s real benifit
I’d like to see a quiz of this theme!At any rate thank you very much for this lesson!!!
Thanks for this class.
A very useful and clear distinction. It’s so easy and pleasant to study English watching your lesson. Thanks and take care!
Hi. Robacca, I want you to tell you that I am a person that like this website very very much . I really adire all teachers here . You guys help me improve my English a lots . I am in Thailand . I have been watching this website since 6 months carry on this good things .
Dear Ms.Rebeca,
I am stil confuse because I found the definition these word in the Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary is the same.
to work together with sb in order to produce or achieve sth
2.COOPERATE work together with sb else in order to achive sth
Trust the teacher’s lesson then. She made a whole lesson about it!
Thank you.
good ^”^
Thank you so very much for making this clear for me today. I think I’ll never get confused and can conclude from the above that you can’t cooperate without collaborating but you can collaborate without(work together) cooperating ( being helping, supportive ).
Thank you very much!
Thanks Rebecca for this class…I confuse about the pronunciation between Collaboration and cooperation..Ok I need practice….
thank you. Now i see the differences between two words.
nice video , thank you :)
Thank you! I have 2 new words now to keep in my mind :) Thanks again!
I am sure I could fill a book with the reasons why I am grateful to you.
I am still confuse.
The two departments collaborate to come out a proposal.
The two departments cooperate to come out a proposal.
Which is correct OR both are incorrect?
Please advise.
Its very nice learning for us
Rebecca, you are a amazing teacher!!! Thank you very.. very …very much!!!
Yea! I got 8 out of 8. I am so thankful to you,Rebecca. I will continue to follow your video.^_^
7/8 :(
Dear Rebecca,
Your cooperation on the site engvid really helps me to improve my skills in English.
Best regards.
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks a lot , this lesson helpful me very much but I have one question when you explained word collaborative you said collaboration is noun my question word collaborator what is that are that Noun again
please reply me
Best regards,
I really apreciate your lesson.
thanks for amazing lesson!
i got 88%
Well done Rebecca.
Engvid has cooperated us to learn english.Thank you engvid.
Collaborate means support from outside too
Thanks Rebeca.
taught very well.
Thanks Rebecca.
You got 6 correct out of 8.
thank you..
I got 8 correct out of 8. Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca,lv u and your lessons
I got all correct
It is easy. I could understand your explanation.
We collaborate,Rebecca always cooperate us to achieve
our goal.100%
Oh yes!!! We are collaborating to achive a quite good business english level?
Thanks Emma!
Thanks Emma! Your class are amazing!!
Thanks, It’s really help me.
You are the best teacher.
The Meaning of collaboration and cooperation are very confusing, i was confused. I think that with a excellent cooperation of this teacher all of us can archive our objectives of learning English. Thank you. Keep save!!
I can’t thank you enough,Rebecca! your video is effective, quality and helpful.
if we have a chat group on line, it’d be better to practice oral English.
Dear Rebecca your teaching as much interesting that I fell to learn as a student who will take part in a competition exam &if not correct my mistakes I can,t stop of exercising what you have taught ,anyway wish you not to be bored of your useful job that is appropriate by you students.