Is playing video games funner or more fun than studying grammar? Not sure when to use ___er or more ____ than when comparing things? In this lesson we will look at syllables as a way to choose the faster car, the more beautiful painting, or the more clever phrase.
you are very brilliant at teaching. Everybody can see that you love what you do. I’m looking forward to watch your next video
So what about ‘careful’, Adam?
“more careful.”
I beleive ‘more carefully’
Careful is a adjective. Carefully is a adverb. The difference is that adjective tells about noun, and adverb tells about verb.
So, if I’m not wrong, It will depends of the idea you are expressing. For instance, you could say that “Women are more CAREFUL than men while they are driving” or you could say that “Women drive more CAREFULLY than men.” . The twice phrases are a little bit different.
“an adjective” “an adverb”
I must admit I was wrong there.
Hi claudio77
How about using this word “modify”?
adjective modifies …..
adverb modifies……
Good job explaining Claudio
YESSS!! Thanks, Adam! I’ve been learning here!
“Carefully” is not an adjective, so, careful => more careful; carefully => more carefully.
Henk Seed
Claudio, affirmative! Thanks for sharing.
and always the best teacher is Adam!
islam ghani
I ,like Adam because I go to his website
islam ghani
very useful lesson thanks Adam!!!!
I had already known this topic, but I made 90 :( By the way the lesson was good, everybody makes mistakes. Thanks for lessons :)
sound simple but a tricky quiz.I am little bit disappointed with my score;9 out of 10 but all happpy being the second who did the quiz.Very useful in written and spoken.Thanks alot Adam
Waligaa wax baro
and as always you are the best teacher adam
I did 10/10 \o/ \o/
Thank you Adam!!!
Happens , Adams.
Thanks a lot, Adam! :)
This lesson seems easier than really it is, when we are in a real speak situation.
Thanks, Adam.
(I got 100.)
Yes, I agree with you!
The adjective far, if I remember correctly, has two forms far, farther or far – further. Am I right? I’m not sure when to use each. I would say fartzher is for distance in place, further for place and time. Please correct me if I am mistaken.
Otherwise, very useful lesson. Thanx
thanx Claudio. I have watched it and I was right. Thanx again
Hi Danip,
Farther is used to speak about distance, yes. Further can also be used the same way, but more often than not it is used to mean ‘more’, for example:
The experiment led to some interesting discoveries, but further research will be needed to reach a solid conclusion.
Hope that helps.
Fun is one syllable,it should be funnier so why we use(more fun).is this an exceptional?
‘funnier’ is the comparative form of ‘funny’. ‘fun’ is an other word but the example is still curious because as I know, that word is a noun, not an adjective, so it can’t be comarative.
Hi Bencebacsi,
Actually, fun can be noun or adjective:
That was a fun party.
This game is fun.
So fun can be a comparative adjective:
Hope this helps.
Thanks Adam, it is more fun watching the video lesson and reading the comments. :-)
Hi Cuong ta,
Remember that fun and funny are two different words. fun-more fun; funny-funnier.
And yes, more fun is an exception because of the mix-up with funnier.
hi teacher adam
can you please make a lesson about
Cleanup vs. clean up
clean up vs clean
thank you in advance
Hi Nino,
This might be a little to specific for a lesson, but how’s this:
cleanup- the process of cleaning after something is done, such as a party– the party was great, but the cleanup will take a long time.
clean up- to clean completely. We have to clean up the house before my parents get home.
clean- you can clean a window (remove dirt, stains, etc) but to clean up means to get rid of the mess and the dirt, etc.
clean your room– with a cloth and some spray.
clean up your room– put clothes in the closet, books on the shelf, toys off the floor, etc.
Does this help?
english is crazy language hhh
thanks dear adam
What is it ok- older or elder for talking about the comparative form of “old” ?
old elder is used when we talk about age(my elder sister, elder people..)
old older is more common and can be used for people and things(old book, i am older than you..
Hi Jccorisoncco,
Older and elder are both OK. Elder is a little old fashioned and can also be used as a noun (The village elders make the decisions). Elder can only be used for people, while older can be used for other things as well.
Hope that helps.
Thanks a lot !!!!! by the way, could you show a lesson about future perfect and future perfect continuous ?
And other lessons about idioms, pleaseeeeeee
Hello Adam, all your lessons are understandable! You as an other teachers explaining the meanings of the words well! If you don’t object I would like to show you some site, BUSUU — please Adam check it out! thank you brother for the excellent job!
Abdel Said
Nice to meet you, Adam. I seldom to use “sad” comparative form. So I mistook. But it is good study for me. Thank you ;)
hello happy,I think
Thank you very much for your lessons, teacher Adam! Each lesson is so useful for me. I hope, I will be able to speak in English better.
i got 9 out of 10~
hahaha i am more fun than this lesson watch before.
Thank you Adam~
Good explanation! Thanks Adam!!
Thank you dear sir Adam for your all fantastic lessons.they are very useful. would you please answer my one question. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
AND WHAT DOES IT MEAN? waiting for for your ans.
Hi Sonu,
‘How do you do?’ is a little too formal and probably shouldn’t be used with family and friends. Also it is only used at a first meeting, for example in a business situation. That being said, it’s a little bit old fashioned. Better simple say ‘Nice to meet you.”
Hope that helps.
Thank you very much. That is very helpful. Could you please have some grammar specially for GMAT? Thank you!
Hi Guo,
Can you be a little more specific? GMAT has a lot of grammar points to study for.
Thanks a lot Adam ! 10/10. Danip, you use farther if you talk about distance. Further is a comparative but about level or degree for something. But eventually i think we can use wathever you want !
many thanks Adim
Thanks sir for such a nice lesson.
Could you please give us a lesson about causative verbs and their passive forms please?
hello Adam how are you , so i haven’t coming here for a little days i’m fine . more better and happier when i saw you again my english still gone down but when i come back here it’s a little bit fly out that’s good have luck teacher and all students here bye ……….
Keep at it Samirpro :)
thanks is v.useful for me.but i can’t watch.ur video
Hi! Can you see any other videos on Youtube, or is it just this one that won’t play?
engVid Moderator
Big Thanks Adam for this lesson! Can you explain differ between two words “respond” and “answer”. It seems that is the same meaning.
Hi Eurokolchoznik,
You answer a question, you respond to a request, a command, an invitation, or other actions.
Does this help?
Thank You Adam. Now I understand. Language is like river. You never don’t know where you drift. (It is my idea, my text. Probably don’t grammatical correctly text. But my :) )
I got 100 this time little bit of improvement in my english. I hope I’ll be able to improve my english soon by doing everyday practice .I’m very excited about Adam video,hope to get more engvid videos in near future
so sorry ,mistakenly I’ve written 100 but Got 70
Hello sir, Great and easy lesson.Teachers like engVid teachers are less in the whole world.Thanks for teaching us.Good luck with your teaching
“Sadder” sounds weird. I used “More sad”, though.
I’ll take it– remember, it’s more about being understood than being perfect.
A little bit confuse. Y is a consonant, however we say Happyer. Is the “Y” an exeption?
“Y” sometimes acts like a vowel!
engVid Moderator
Maybe I was a little confusing in this lesson. We say happier (drop the y and replace with i)
Wow very nice I got 100%. Thanks a lot my teacher, mister Adam for you nice explanation of the comparison rules.
could you please tell me what is the diffrence between a statement and a sentence?
thanks in advance.
Hi Mehdi,
Anything can be a sentence as long as it has at least a subject and a verb and can stand as a complete idea. A statement is an expression of something concrete, like an opinion or observation.
Does this help?
i was wander if you could tell me how many kinds of translatons do we have? please name them ,if possible. i have already heared about three kinds of them consist of consecutive-facility and interpreter and simultaneous translation. do we have other kinds of it or not? thanks indeed
this is mehdi from Iran interested on your lessons .i am impatiently waitting for your reply.
Not really my field, Mehdi. Sorry, but you’ll have to do some research on that.
more common is more common than commoner?
Indeed it is :)
Thanks for teaching me….i appriciate this video
Thanks, Adam! I was not sure how to use comparision with 2-syl words till this lesson. 100/100 is my result now.
Henk Seed
Were you shy today?
Well, thanks for the lesson.
I also noticed that…He seems to be shy! :) But still a wonderful teacher.
Thank you :)
I have my moments :)
You are an ANGEL, Adam! Thanks a lot for your great work, dear teacher! All the best to you!!! :)
Hello, Adam!
Thanks a lot for your lessons
Could you make the lesson about direct and indirect questions? It’s a bit confusing for me)
Best regards
Hi Tanush,
I’ll try to get to that as soon as I can.
thanks you Adam :)continue working in that way…. excellent job, I could unterstand perfectly
Adam please explain me the meaning of the word of – event- if you speaking about the Olympic games)! I don’t understand it at all!
Abdel Said
Hi Abdel Said,
Not sure what you mean exactly, but if it’s the word “event” it means the activity. So, at the Olympics, there are many sports,such as skiing, with events such as downhill, cross-country, jumping, and so on. the event is the thing you watch on TV.
Does this help?
What about pleasant ,eventhough it includes 2 syllables you put more with it.can you explaine please??
Hi Medirock,
Two-syllable words that end in y–_______ier.
Two-syllable words that end in other consonants–more_______.
solid–more solid.
Does this help?
Oh, I got 10! Very nice! Thanks Adam…
What happened to the camera? The graphic color has been changed not like before…
Thanks Adam. Nice lesson.
I learned a lot. Thanks
thank you so much
Thanks , very useful lesson Adam
Yippie, 9/10. There are a lot of exceptional word that we should remember.
So clear many thanks
Graet site, thank you!
I liked it a lot my friend so if you continue explaining that clearly i will be your student for very long
Hi Adam. Just a very intelligent question: how the comparatives do work with the stammerers?
:)I’ll have to look that up
As far as I’m concerned this lesson is better than much others in the net… I scored 80% but i will studying to have less mistakes.
Thanks a lot teacher Adam.
Thank you I have one misstake / mistake :)
I don’t know abjectives and adverbs csn you post on youtube to teach us how to do a adjectives and adverbs
Hi T011…,
Adjectives describe nouns.
Adverbs describes verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
Do a search at the top of this page for some lessons we have on this.
adam you are very nice
thank you Adam, it was short and sweet, just a question:
“clever” is a 2-syllable that end with “R” so we should use “more clever”, so why have you put it in exceptions???!!
by the way, you made me laugh too Adam, what was wrong in this video? :D :D
thanks again.
Hi Dado,
That’s a very good point. I don’t know, I guess it’s because so many people (native speakers included) try to say cleverer.
Anyway, these aren’t fixed rules, they just apply most of the time so can be taken as solid guidelines. :)
Glad to make you smile at least. :)
i got 100
Adam, cool vid. xD
I’m listening to a song titled “Cats In The Cradle” and there is one thing that I don’t understand. Here’s some verses:
I’ve long since retired, my son’s moved away.
I called him up just the other day.
“I’d like to see you, if you dont mind.”
He said, “I’d love to, Dad, if I could find the time.
You see my new job’s a hassle and the kids have the flu,
But it’s sure nice talkin’ to you, Dad.
It’s been sure nice talkin’ to you.”
What do “sure” mean in the last two verses?
Hey Morfik, long time no see ;)
It basically means ‘definitely’ or ‘really’. A bit colloquial.
Good song (by the way).
Just my 2 cents:
2-syllable adjectives having the negative form can take both forms of grading, even though they consist of 3 syllables:
healthy – negative: unhealthy
unhealthy, unhealthier, unhealthiest
unhealthy, more unhealthy, the most unhealthy
Check also how the adjective “common” is graded in different dictionaries :) Don’t mix up the pronunciation of “commonest” with “communist”, though :-)
I’d pay a buck for that :)
i liked veru much !! Thanks Adam
Nice Lesson , I find something new
Peter Nabil
Thank you!!!
Thank you :-)
Thank you!
Just very good!
erick wenda
Got 10 wohooooooo, you’re truly an amazing teacher and handsome too lol, thank you so much <3
Ya hoo… I got 100 xD
I got 100 percent,thanks Adam.
Wonderful lesson. Thanks :)
Thank you so much for your teaching
Thank you so much professor :)
thanks Adam!it was v.useful for me.
thanks my teacher on this lecture ,i am gather basic information about the adjectives and compare this adj to gather.
thanks a lot for U.
Great Job Thanks ^^
very useful vid. i got 9
Thank you Adam, simple and clear…
Nice lesson, I got 10 out of 10.
Thanks so much, Adam.
Thank you :)
That’s really amazing. I was thinking that there is no basic grammer to use syllables into the sentences. While i was watching the lesson i have seen a comment that asks about careful… how should we use it? carefuler or more careful ….. Good lesson..Thanx Adam
very simple thank you adam
you are great
hello again.
Reading comments I came across two nouns: sentence and clause(relative clauses). What is the difference between these two words. I know it’s off topic, but I really would like to know. Thanx
Hi Adam,
Have you made any video lecture regarding AWA and reading comprehension which relates with gre?
Hello Adam,
Thanks so much for your lesson, But I got one question. I really didn’t understand about the word”Pleasant”.This word has only 2 syl why did I put “er” wrong in the quiz?
But anyway I got 9 out of 10. thanks so much
thank youuuu a lotttt شكرا =)
thanks a lot Mr
Mr please coud you tell me the different between like & love
can & could
Gehad khaled
I got only 80. That’s interesting. Thank you Mr.Adam:)
Thank you very much.
Ahmed Alqaisi
Thanks a lot! . I am really learning with your lessons.
Great Lesson Thank you Adam :D But I Wanna know a Good Friend to practice with him a little bit :)
Hello I did the test…..I chose pleasenter, I have a question, I can put much more pleasant…I can say much more……thank you…..
Hi, Adam. You are very nice teacher.This is not your first lesson that I look at it and every time I get the pleasure I will recommend to all my friends to learn English through your website.
Thanks very much.
Teacher Adam, great lesson! I had more fun learning the english usage than watching my t.v. shows. :-) I love reading the comments from other students as well as the teachers. Fun – more fun; fun – funnier. Again, great lesson.
I usually watch the lesson video first before the taking the quiz. But today, I took the quiz before watching the lesson. I was surprised when I got a 100% on the quiz. Thank you Adam for teaching us on better understading of the english language/grammar.
typo error — correction I got 100% not a 100%.
I got 9 out 10. First time i saw the word sadder. living and learning.
70% before watching this video and 60% after …
Abdul Qayum
Excellent! I got 100. Thanks a million Adam for one more interesting lesson shared with us. It’s remarkable as every single day I learn something new, or improve my knowledge about what I already knew, just taking classes here on engVid!
Thanks for your effort Mr Adam I would like to ask about sad ,how could it be “sadder” as it was written in the quiz??
oh and what about fair is it fairer or more fair ?
HI thank you adam. you are good teacher
thank u Mr adame that really great :)
I’ve got 10 out of 10!
I solved these questions before I watched the lesson.
Thanks Adam.
I’m interested in Korean culture
Mohamed Sedky
thank you teacher ADAM, can you teach me more about writing please:)
Ilove Adam. I have 100 score . Thank s engvid’s teachsr. I love all of teachers
nice mr. adam !
I got 8\10
I was wondering about question No. 7 why its pleasanter ? explain 4 me plz !!
and about question No. 9 how can I know if is or isn’t emphasize ?! give me an example . thx a lot Adam you r the best . keep on
I got 8\10
I was wondering about question no. 7 why it’s pleasanter not more pleasant ?! explain 4 me plz .!
also question no. 9 how can I know if is or isn’t emphasize ?! .
thx Adam you r the best . keep on
Hi, Adam ! Thank you for your every video. It is very helpful. I like also every quiz. Some are difficult, but in this test I got finally 100 . I am very happy, that my English is better. Thanks a lot.
Hi, Adam! thank you for all the video wich you made
Thank you Adam, it’s really awesome the way you are explaining.
I got 10/10 many thanks Adam
Hi Adam,thanks a lot.
It’s a great and very useful lesson
take care
Thank you Adam.
I love to see your videos Adam, I’m a brasilian english teacher and I can understand your native sound perfectly! I think you’re american or canadian, aren’t you?
Thank you,Adam. But what about-easy?
i got 10/10 i am so happy u really helped me <3 pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase i need ur help can u make a video that u explain for us the différent tenses pleeeease
I got 100..thank you Adam.. :)
Neng Fitria Khairannisa
I have 80 !!! Wiiii!!! thanks Adam ! Saludos desde argentina !!!
Thanks adam .. easy and nice lesson
Adam you are very good teacher
ghufran najm
Hi Adam. I know that CLEVER is considered a short adjective as it has two syllable so we should say CLEVERER not MORE CLEVER.
What’s your remark?
Thanks a lot.
Ismael Ibraheem
You’re right! “Cleverer” just sounds weird because of the double “-er”‘s.
engVid Moderator
why we say “more pleasant” ? it has 2 syllable.
Adam, perfect lesson,as usual.
I wonder if I would be a bore if I asked you for
a lesson on separating syllables.
I always have problems with that particular
Huge hug.
By the way, once I was having tea, a very British
5:00 o’clock tea in a Tea House in London.
And there were two ladies having tea and they were sitting at a table quite close to mine,and
I overheard one of them saying: ” Well, I think
he’s THE HANDSOMEST man in the world.”
Wow,can we say use that superlative form?
I’m like a sponge and when I hear things like
that I go: ” wow, what’s she saying? She seems
to have a good education. How come she’s saying
that?” Of course, it happened years ago, but so
far no-one has explained that to me.
Can I say that?
Thank you
Thank you ,it was nice lesson . I understand everything . I get in the quiz 9 because the question about sadder and more Sade I write more Sad because I fell it was the correct one .
maria alwadi
I feel it’s little bit confusing maria
Mohamed Sedky
thank you teacher adam
Hi, Adam. I’m from Brazil, and I’ve been teaching English for ESL for some time now. I’ve already seen a lot of explanations on comparatives, but not the way and explain them. That was the best explanation on this subject I’ve seen until now. You’re clear, and pleasant as well.
…and I’ve been teaching ESL for some time now.
Thank you
What about ‘major’? is it the same case of ‘clever? should it be ‘majorer’ and it’s said ‘more major’, though?
Hi Adam,
I really really thank you for your efforts to help others to learn more. God bless you.
But I think there were 2 or more mistakes in this lessen.
1.”GENTLE” has two syllables, so it becomes “more gentle”, ending “e”, or any other letters except “y”.
2.”CLEVER” has also two syllables, and it’s not ending “y” , so it always becomes “more clever” not “cleverer”.
3.”QUIET” has two syllables and it’s not ending “y”, so technically it must become “more quiet” but mostly native speakers say “quieter”.
Right ?
Hello Adam. Congratulations for your lessons; they are really great. I have a question: What about the word “comfortable”? Should I say “more comfortable”? Thank you.
Far becames ‘far far’.. Like in Star Wars.. Far far away.. :-)
I was knocked down by prettier and sadder.
Yeah! Got a perfect score again… now i know how to use those words…. thanks for this lesson adam… have a nice day…
thank you Adam.
Is it “truer” or “more true than”..?
need the explanation of answer no. 6
A useful lesson
Mohamed Sedky
how about common? can it be both ‘more common’ and commoner? T.T
How useful ! Thanks .
Thanks, Adam. I like your lessons
Hi Adam.Thanks for the explanation.I have a problem with the word ‘handsome’.It ends in a vowel like gentle and simple and has two syllables,but we say ‘more handsome’ rather than ‘handsomer’,and you said we should use ‘er’ as in ‘simpler’ and ‘gentler’.How come?
Sadra P
What about ‘polite’ ? It has the same conditions as ‘gentle’ and ‘simple’,but they say ‘more polite’.Why ??
Sadra P
And one more thing.I have heard some people say that the superlative form of for- example ‘big’ is ‘THE biggest’ and some say ‘biggest’.My question is that do we say the superlative form with ‘the’ or without it.Thanks in advance
Sadra P
I got 9. I am happier than before and I need more to learn English.
10/10 thanks Adam :)
thanks Adam. You are a great teacher
Clever – cleverer.
Stupid – more stupid.
It drives me crazy!!!
i got a 100 …. yaaaaay i’m soo happy ,, Thank you for the lesson and the quiz too it’s so much helpfull than i thought….
hi. sometimes we use “far”, “much” or “a lot” before the comparative adj. what’s the difference between these words? Is one of them stronger than other?!
Finally got 10/10 :)
Thank you Adam. Finally I got a perfect score from this lesson. I wish I could have more lesson to learn from you.
Why do we use the comparative adj in this sentence?
Japan is cleaner than other countries.
Japan is being compared to many countries so why is this sentence correct? Thank you!
Pretty Vs Heavy? Please?
Thank you very much Mr. Adam.
Waha .. I got 100
Hi Adam, I would be curious to hear your comments about the following:
1. If the comparison reference is, for example: “than she is” – can we shorten it down to “than she” or “than her”?
2. When you are about to compare two things/people/subjects/entities, and you are making a question lead, as in: “Which is best: A or B?” – do you use ‘best’ or ‘better’ in such case? In my native language ‘better’ would be used for comparing 2, but ‘best’ for 3 or more. This sounded weird at first and I even got into an argument with a teacher, but then I started to observe that indeed in some other languages ‘best’ is also used to compare 2 subjects. Which is correct in English?
Why can’t I access video lessons?
Amelia li
Our videos are on YouTube, which may be blocked where you live. Some of our videos are also available on Bilibili.
engVid Moderator
Hi there, would you explain to me when do we use easier, and when more easy? As I know the correct one is easier, but recently I’ve read <>
thanks, adam
A million thanks for your outstanding lesson!It’s so useful,very clear and more informative.I love your lesson as always.This lesson is more clear than other lesson.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
you are very brilliant at teaching. Everybody can see that you love what you do. I’m looking forward to watch your next video
So what about ‘careful’, Adam?
“more careful.”
I beleive ‘more carefully’
Careful is a adjective. Carefully is a adverb. The difference is that adjective tells about noun, and adverb tells about verb.
So, if I’m not wrong, It will depends of the idea you are expressing. For instance, you could say that “Women are more CAREFUL than men while they are driving” or you could say that “Women drive more CAREFULLY than men.” . The twice phrases are a little bit different.
“an adjective” “an adverb”
I must admit I was wrong there.
Hi claudio77
How about using this word “modify”?
adjective modifies …..
adverb modifies……
Good job explaining Claudio
YESSS!! Thanks, Adam! I’ve been learning here!
“Carefully” is not an adjective, so, careful => more careful; carefully => more carefully.
Claudio, affirmative! Thanks for sharing.
and always the best teacher is Adam!
I ,like Adam because I go to his website
very useful lesson thanks Adam!!!!
I had already known this topic, but I made 90 :( By the way the lesson was good, everybody makes mistakes. Thanks for lessons :)
sound simple but a tricky quiz.I am little bit disappointed with my score;9 out of 10 but all happpy being the second who did the quiz.Very useful in written and spoken.Thanks alot Adam
and as always you are the best teacher adam
I did 10/10 \o/ \o/
Thank you Adam!!!
Happens , Adams.
Thanks a lot, Adam! :)
This lesson seems easier than really it is, when we are in a real speak situation.
Thanks, Adam.
(I got 100.)
Yes, I agree with you!
The adjective far, if I remember correctly, has two forms far, farther or far – further. Am I right? I’m not sure when to use each. I would say fartzher is for distance in place, further for place and time. Please correct me if I am mistaken.
Otherwise, very useful lesson. Thanx
Worth watching.
thank you claudio. It is useful for me too.
thanx Claudio. I have watched it and I was right. Thanx again
Hi Danip,
Farther is used to speak about distance, yes. Further can also be used the same way, but more often than not it is used to mean ‘more’, for example:
The experiment led to some interesting discoveries, but further research will be needed to reach a solid conclusion.
Hope that helps.
Fun is one syllable,it should be funnier so why we use(more fun).is this an exceptional?
‘funnier’ is the comparative form of ‘funny’. ‘fun’ is an other word but the example is still curious because as I know, that word is a noun, not an adjective, so it can’t be comarative.
Hi Bencebacsi,
Actually, fun can be noun or adjective:
That was a fun party.
This game is fun.
So fun can be a comparative adjective:
Hope this helps.
Thanks Adam, it is more fun watching the video lesson and reading the comments. :-)
Hi Cuong ta,
Remember that fun and funny are two different words. fun-more fun; funny-funnier.
And yes, more fun is an exception because of the mix-up with funnier.
hi teacher adam
can you please make a lesson about
Cleanup vs. clean up
clean up vs clean
thank you in advance
Hi Nino,
This might be a little to specific for a lesson, but how’s this:
cleanup- the process of cleaning after something is done, such as a party– the party was great, but the cleanup will take a long time.
clean up- to clean completely. We have to clean up the house before my parents get home.
clean- you can clean a window (remove dirt, stains, etc) but to clean up means to get rid of the mess and the dirt, etc.
clean your room– with a cloth and some spray.
clean up your room– put clothes in the closet, books on the shelf, toys off the floor, etc.
Does this help?
english is crazy language hhh
thanks dear adam
What is it ok- older or elder for talking about the comparative form of “old” ?
old elder is used when we talk about age(my elder sister, elder people..)
old older is more common and can be used for people and things(old book, i am older than you..
Hi Jccorisoncco,
Older and elder are both OK. Elder is a little old fashioned and can also be used as a noun (The village elders make the decisions). Elder can only be used for people, while older can be used for other things as well.
Hope that helps.
Thanks a lot !!!!! by the way, could you show a lesson about future perfect and future perfect continuous ?
And other lessons about idioms, pleaseeeeeee
Hello Adam, all your lessons are understandable! You as an other teachers explaining the meanings of the words well! If you don’t object I would like to show you some site, BUSUU — please Adam check it out! thank you brother for the excellent job!
Nice to meet you, Adam. I seldom to use “sad” comparative form. So I mistook. But it is good study for me. Thank you ;)
hello happy,I think
Thank you very much for your lessons, teacher Adam! Each lesson is so useful for me. I hope, I will be able to speak in English better.
i got 9 out of 10~
hahaha i am more fun than this lesson watch before.
Thank you Adam~
Good explanation! Thanks Adam!!
Thank you dear sir Adam for your all fantastic lessons.they are very useful. would you please answer my one question. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
AND WHAT DOES IT MEAN? waiting for for your ans.
Hi Sonu,
‘How do you do?’ is a little too formal and probably shouldn’t be used with family and friends. Also it is only used at a first meeting, for example in a business situation. That being said, it’s a little bit old fashioned. Better simple say ‘Nice to meet you.”
Hope that helps.
Thank you very much. That is very helpful. Could you please have some grammar specially for GMAT? Thank you!
Hi Guo,
Can you be a little more specific? GMAT has a lot of grammar points to study for.
Thanks a lot Adam ! 10/10. Danip, you use farther if you talk about distance. Further is a comparative but about level or degree for something. But eventually i think we can use wathever you want !
many thanks Adim
Thanks sir for such a nice lesson.
Could you please give us a lesson about causative verbs and their passive forms please?
Hi Rohit,
Here’s Alex’s lesson on that:
But I’ll try to make one as well soon.
Great lesson! Thanks Adam!!!
Thanks I am learning for your suports
hello Adam how are you , so i haven’t coming here for a little days i’m fine . more better and happier when i saw you again my english still gone down but when i come back here it’s a little bit fly out that’s good have luck teacher and all students here bye ……….
Keep at it Samirpro :)
thanks is v.useful for me.but i can’t watch.ur video
Hi! Can you see any other videos on Youtube, or is it just this one that won’t play?
Big Thanks Adam for this lesson! Can you explain differ between two words “respond” and “answer”. It seems that is the same meaning.
Hi Eurokolchoznik,
You answer a question, you respond to a request, a command, an invitation, or other actions.
Does this help?
Thank You Adam. Now I understand. Language is like river. You never don’t know where you drift. (It is my idea, my text. Probably don’t grammatical correctly text. But my :) )
I got 100 this time little bit of improvement in my english. I hope I’ll be able to improve my english soon by doing everyday practice .I’m very excited about Adam video,hope to get more engvid videos in near future
so sorry ,mistakenly I’ve written 100 but Got 70
Hello sir, Great and easy lesson.Teachers like engVid teachers are less in the whole world.Thanks for teaching us.Good luck with your teaching
“Sadder” sounds weird. I used “More sad”, though.
I’ll take it– remember, it’s more about being understood than being perfect.
A little bit confuse. Y is a consonant, however we say Happyer. Is the “Y” an exeption?
“Y” sometimes acts like a vowel!
Maybe I was a little confusing in this lesson. We say happier (drop the y and replace with i)
Wow very nice I got 100%. Thanks a lot my teacher, mister Adam for you nice explanation of the comparison rules.
could you please tell me what is the diffrence between a statement and a sentence?
thanks in advance.
Hi Mehdi,
Anything can be a sentence as long as it has at least a subject and a verb and can stand as a complete idea. A statement is an expression of something concrete, like an opinion or observation.
Does this help?
i was wander if you could tell me how many kinds of translatons do we have? please name them ,if possible. i have already heared about three kinds of them consist of consecutive-facility and interpreter and simultaneous translation. do we have other kinds of it or not? thanks indeed
this is mehdi from Iran interested on your lessons .i am impatiently waitting for your reply.
Not really my field, Mehdi. Sorry, but you’ll have to do some research on that.
more common is more common than commoner?
Indeed it is :)
Thanks for teaching me….i appriciate this video
Thanks, Adam! I was not sure how to use comparision with 2-syl words till this lesson. 100/100 is my result now.
Were you shy today?
Well, thanks for the lesson.
I also noticed that…He seems to be shy! :) But still a wonderful teacher.
Thank you :)
I have my moments :)
You are an ANGEL, Adam! Thanks a lot for your great work, dear teacher! All the best to you!!! :)
Hello, Adam!
Thanks a lot for your lessons
Could you make the lesson about direct and indirect questions? It’s a bit confusing for me)
Best regards
Hi Tanush,
I’ll try to get to that as soon as I can.
thanks you Adam :)continue working in that way…. excellent job, I could unterstand perfectly
Adam please explain me the meaning of the word of – event- if you speaking about the Olympic games)! I don’t understand it at all!
Hi Abdel Said,
Not sure what you mean exactly, but if it’s the word “event” it means the activity. So, at the Olympics, there are many sports,such as skiing, with events such as downhill, cross-country, jumping, and so on. the event is the thing you watch on TV.
Does this help?
What about pleasant ,eventhough it includes 2 syllables you put more with it.can you explaine please??
Hi Medirock,
Two-syllable words that end in y–_______ier.
Two-syllable words that end in other consonants–more_______.
solid–more solid.
Does this help?
Oh, I got 10! Very nice! Thanks Adam…
What happened to the camera? The graphic color has been changed not like before…
Thanks Adam. Nice lesson.
I learned a lot. Thanks
thank you so much
Thanks , very useful lesson Adam
Yippie, 9/10. There are a lot of exceptional word that we should remember.
So clear many thanks
Graet site, thank you!
I liked it a lot my friend so if you continue explaining that clearly i will be your student for very long
Hi Adam. Just a very intelligent question: how the comparatives do work with the stammerers?
:)I’ll have to look that up
As far as I’m concerned this lesson is better than much others in the net… I scored 80% but i will studying to have less mistakes.
Thanks a lot teacher Adam.
Thank you I have one misstake / mistake :)
I don’t know abjectives and adverbs csn you post on youtube to teach us how to do a adjectives and adverbs
Hi T011…,
Adjectives describe nouns.
Adverbs describes verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
Do a search at the top of this page for some lessons we have on this.
adam you are very nice
thank you Adam, it was short and sweet, just a question:
“clever” is a 2-syllable that end with “R” so we should use “more clever”, so why have you put it in exceptions???!!
by the way, you made me laugh too Adam, what was wrong in this video? :D :D
thanks again.
Hi Dado,
That’s a very good point. I don’t know, I guess it’s because so many people (native speakers included) try to say cleverer.
Anyway, these aren’t fixed rules, they just apply most of the time so can be taken as solid guidelines. :)
Glad to make you smile at least. :)
i got 100
Adam, cool vid. xD
I’m listening to a song titled “Cats In The Cradle” and there is one thing that I don’t understand. Here’s some verses:
I’ve long since retired, my son’s moved away.
I called him up just the other day.
“I’d like to see you, if you dont mind.”
He said, “I’d love to, Dad, if I could find the time.
You see my new job’s a hassle and the kids have the flu,
But it’s sure nice talkin’ to you, Dad.
It’s been sure nice talkin’ to you.”
What do “sure” mean in the last two verses?
Hey Morfik, long time no see ;)
It basically means ‘definitely’ or ‘really’. A bit colloquial.
Good song (by the way).
Just my 2 cents:
2-syllable adjectives having the negative form can take both forms of grading, even though they consist of 3 syllables:
healthy – negative: unhealthy
unhealthy, unhealthier, unhealthiest
unhealthy, more unhealthy, the most unhealthy
Check also how the adjective “common” is graded in different dictionaries :) Don’t mix up the pronunciation of “commonest” with “communist”, though :-)
I’d pay a buck for that :)
i liked veru much !! Thanks Adam
Nice Lesson , I find something new
Thank you!!!
Thank you :-)
Thank you!
Just very good!
Got 10 wohooooooo, you’re truly an amazing teacher and handsome too lol, thank you so much <3
Ya hoo… I got 100 xD
I got 100 percent,thanks Adam.
Wonderful lesson. Thanks :)
Thank you so much for your teaching
Thank you so much professor :)
thanks Adam!it was v.useful for me.
thanks my teacher on this lecture ,i am gather basic information about the adjectives and compare this adj to gather.
thanks a lot for U.
Great Job Thanks ^^
very useful vid. i got 9
Thank you Adam, simple and clear…
Nice lesson, I got 10 out of 10.
Thanks so much, Adam.
Thank you :)
That’s really amazing. I was thinking that there is no basic grammer to use syllables into the sentences. While i was watching the lesson i have seen a comment that asks about careful… how should we use it? carefuler or more careful ….. Good lesson..Thanx Adam
very simple thank you adam
you are great
hello again.
Reading comments I came across two nouns: sentence and clause(relative clauses). What is the difference between these two words. I know it’s off topic, but I really would like to know. Thanx
Hi Adam,
Have you made any video lecture regarding AWA and reading comprehension which relates with gre?
Hello Adam,
Thanks so much for your lesson, But I got one question. I really didn’t understand about the word”Pleasant”.This word has only 2 syl why did I put “er” wrong in the quiz?
But anyway I got 9 out of 10. thanks so much
thank youuuu a lotttt شكرا =)
thanks a lot Mr
Mr please coud you tell me the different between like & love
can & could
I got only 80. That’s interesting. Thank you Mr.Adam:)
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot! . I am really learning with your lessons.
Great Lesson Thank you Adam :D But I Wanna know a Good Friend to practice with him a little bit :)
Hello I did the test…..I chose pleasenter, I have a question, I can put much more pleasant…I can say much more……thank you…..
Hi, Adam. You are very nice teacher.This is not your first lesson that I look at it and every time I get the pleasure I will recommend to all my friends to learn English through your website.
Thanks very much.
Teacher Adam, great lesson! I had more fun learning the english usage than watching my t.v. shows. :-) I love reading the comments from other students as well as the teachers. Fun – more fun; fun – funnier. Again, great lesson.
I usually watch the lesson video first before the taking the quiz. But today, I took the quiz before watching the lesson. I was surprised when I got a 100% on the quiz. Thank you Adam for teaching us on better understading of the english language/grammar.
typo error — correction I got 100% not a 100%.
I got 9 out 10. First time i saw the word sadder. living and learning.
70% before watching this video and 60% after …
Excellent! I got 100. Thanks a million Adam for one more interesting lesson shared with us. It’s remarkable as every single day I learn something new, or improve my knowledge about what I already knew, just taking classes here on engVid!
Thanks for your effort Mr Adam I would like to ask about sad ,how could it be “sadder” as it was written in the quiz??
oh and what about fair is it fairer or more fair ?
HI thank you adam. you are good teacher
thank u Mr adame that really great :)
I’ve got 10 out of 10!
I solved these questions before I watched the lesson.
Thanks Adam.
I’m interested in Korean culture
thank you teacher ADAM, can you teach me more about writing please:)
Ilove Adam. I have 100 score . Thank s engvid’s teachsr. I love all of teachers
nice mr. adam !
I got 8\10
I was wondering about question No. 7 why its pleasanter ? explain 4 me plz !!
and about question No. 9 how can I know if is or isn’t emphasize ?! give me an example . thx a lot Adam you r the best . keep on
I got 8\10
I was wondering about question no. 7 why it’s pleasanter not more pleasant ?! explain 4 me plz .!
also question no. 9 how can I know if is or isn’t emphasize ?! .
thx Adam you r the best . keep on
Hi, Adam ! Thank you for your every video. It is very helpful. I like also every quiz. Some are difficult, but in this test I got finally 100 . I am very happy, that my English is better. Thanks a lot.
Hi, Adam! thank you for all the video wich you made
Thank you Adam, it’s really awesome the way you are explaining.
I got 10/10 many thanks Adam
Hi Adam,thanks a lot.
It’s a great and very useful lesson
take care
Thank you Adam.
I love to see your videos Adam, I’m a brasilian english teacher and I can understand your native sound perfectly! I think you’re american or canadian, aren’t you?
Thank you,Adam. But what about-easy?
i got 10/10 i am so happy u really helped me <3 pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase i need ur help can u make a video that u explain for us the différent tenses pleeeease
I got 100..thank you Adam.. :)
I have 80 !!! Wiiii!!! thanks Adam ! Saludos desde argentina !!!
Thanks adam .. easy and nice lesson
Adam you are very good teacher
Hi Adam. I know that CLEVER is considered a short adjective as it has two syllable so we should say CLEVERER not MORE CLEVER.
What’s your remark?
Thanks a lot.
You’re right! “Cleverer” just sounds weird because of the double “-er”‘s.
why we say “more pleasant” ? it has 2 syllable.
Adam, perfect lesson,as usual.
I wonder if I would be a bore if I asked you for
a lesson on separating syllables.
I always have problems with that particular
Huge hug.
By the way, once I was having tea, a very British
5:00 o’clock tea in a Tea House in London.
And there were two ladies having tea and they were sitting at a table quite close to mine,and
I overheard one of them saying: ” Well, I think
he’s THE HANDSOMEST man in the world.”
Wow,can we say use that superlative form?
I’m like a sponge and when I hear things like
that I go: ” wow, what’s she saying? She seems
to have a good education. How come she’s saying
that?” Of course, it happened years ago, but so
far no-one has explained that to me.
Can I say that?
Thank you
Thank you ,it was nice lesson . I understand everything . I get in the quiz 9 because the question about sadder and more Sade I write more Sad because I fell it was the correct one .
I feel it’s little bit confusing maria
thank you teacher adam
Hi, Adam. I’m from Brazil, and I’ve been teaching English for ESL for some time now. I’ve already seen a lot of explanations on comparatives, but not the way and explain them. That was the best explanation on this subject I’ve seen until now. You’re clear, and pleasant as well.
…and I’ve been teaching ESL for some time now.
Thank you
What about ‘major’? is it the same case of ‘clever? should it be ‘majorer’ and it’s said ‘more major’, though?
Hi Adam,
I really really thank you for your efforts to help others to learn more. God bless you.
But I think there were 2 or more mistakes in this lessen.
1.”GENTLE” has two syllables, so it becomes “more gentle”, ending “e”, or any other letters except “y”.
2.”CLEVER” has also two syllables, and it’s not ending “y” , so it always becomes “more clever” not “cleverer”.
3.”QUIET” has two syllables and it’s not ending “y”, so technically it must become “more quiet” but mostly native speakers say “quieter”.
Right ?
Hello Adam. Congratulations for your lessons; they are really great. I have a question: What about the word “comfortable”? Should I say “more comfortable”? Thank you.
Far becames ‘far far’.. Like in Star Wars.. Far far away.. :-)
I was knocked down by prettier and sadder.
Yeah! Got a perfect score again… now i know how to use those words…. thanks for this lesson adam… have a nice day…
thank you Adam.
Is it “truer” or “more true than”..?
need the explanation of answer no. 6
A useful lesson
how about common? can it be both ‘more common’ and commoner? T.T
How useful ! Thanks .
Thanks, Adam. I like your lessons
Hi Adam.Thanks for the explanation.I have a problem with the word ‘handsome’.It ends in a vowel like gentle and simple and has two syllables,but we say ‘more handsome’ rather than ‘handsomer’,and you said we should use ‘er’ as in ‘simpler’ and ‘gentler’.How come?
What about ‘polite’ ? It has the same conditions as ‘gentle’ and ‘simple’,but they say ‘more polite’.Why ??
And one more thing.I have heard some people say that the superlative form of for- example ‘big’ is ‘THE biggest’ and some say ‘biggest’.My question is that do we say the superlative form with ‘the’ or without it.Thanks in advance
I got 9. I am happier than before and I need more to learn English.
10/10 thanks Adam :)
thanks Adam. You are a great teacher
Clever – cleverer.
Stupid – more stupid.
It drives me crazy!!!
i got a 100 …. yaaaaay i’m soo happy ,, Thank you for the lesson and the quiz too it’s so much helpfull than i thought….
hi. sometimes we use “far”, “much” or “a lot” before the comparative adj. what’s the difference between these words? Is one of them stronger than other?!
Finally got 10/10 :)
Thank you Adam. Finally I got a perfect score from this lesson. I wish I could have more lesson to learn from you.
Why do we use the comparative adj in this sentence?
Japan is cleaner than other countries.
Japan is being compared to many countries so why is this sentence correct? Thank you!
Pretty Vs Heavy? Please?
Thank you very much Mr. Adam.
Waha .. I got 100
Hi Adam, I would be curious to hear your comments about the following:
1. If the comparison reference is, for example: “than she is” – can we shorten it down to “than she” or “than her”?
2. When you are about to compare two things/people/subjects/entities, and you are making a question lead, as in: “Which is best: A or B?” – do you use ‘best’ or ‘better’ in such case? In my native language ‘better’ would be used for comparing 2, but ‘best’ for 3 or more. This sounded weird at first and I even got into an argument with a teacher, but then I started to observe that indeed in some other languages ‘best’ is also used to compare 2 subjects. Which is correct in English?
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Hi there, would you explain to me when do we use easier, and when more easy? As I know the correct one is easier, but recently I’ve read <>
thanks, adam
A million thanks for your outstanding lesson!It’s so useful,very clear and more informative.I love your lesson as always.This lesson is more clear than other lesson.
I’ve got 10/10. Thanks a lot.
thank a lot,Adam (Kazakhstan 28 Nov2021:)