hot or too
hot? Was the movie very
good or too
good? Learn the difference between the commonly confused words very
and too
. You will never make this mistake again! This English vocabulary lesson is a must if you’re not sure when to use these words. It’s really easy — it isn’t too hard!
Thx Rebecca
Thanks a lot TOO for this video lesson Rebecca.
Rebecca, to tell the truth I have been using these intensifiers for some time now, but without thinking much about the idea of “managable/unmanagable”.
The contrast you made did really help us to understand much better their use and meaning.
Rebecca, during your explanation you constantly used the word “SO”, what’s the relationship between these three words: SO, VERY, and TOO?
Thanks for evething Rebeca.
its like a synonym.i live in Virginia and i hear this Word alot
So and very are used in almost the same way with positive or negative adjectives. For example,
The weather is so beautiful today. (positive)
The weather was so terrible yesterday. (negative)
Our hotel room was very fancy. (positive)
Our hotel room was very dirty.(negative)
Too is used with negative adjectives only. For example,
The exam was too difficult. Many students failed. (negative)
Hope this helps, Regino. All the best to you!
That is what I was about to ask..Thanks for asking Regino
But my question is if TOO is used with negative adjectives only then why people say thay she is too cute or she is too good etc?
When “too” is used with positive adjectives, it’s like a deliberate exaggeration. “Your baby is too cute!” is like “Your baby is the cutest!”
I had problem with too and very , really thank you
that didnt sounded right
IT’s Too Nice L.O.L thank teacher
Great! as usual
thank You
9/10 correct,today i’m more understand the deffirence between very and too.thank Rabecca ..too much,oh sorry very much ^^
I’m glad to hear the lesson helped you. Keep watching and you’ll improve one step at a time. All the best!
Thank you very much, Rebecca.
It’s very useful.
I see…”very” is manageable and “too” is not manageable. Your explanation was very easy to understand. Thank you very much, Rebecca :D
Thank you so much
thank you!
Thank you so much !
Yes, they are really very (not manageable) different actually !!
thank you :) İt’s very interesting and easy explanation
Thank you Rebecca, I got 90%.
Great lesson thank you teacher.
I got 100% :D
Good morning many thanks
very fun!
is too and so similar?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you, Rebecca!
Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much. It is very helpfull
It was a very good lesson for me! Thank you very much ))
Hi,dear Ms.rebicca, many thanks for you.
Thank you, Rebecca! I got it. :)
Great lesson! Thanks a lot, Rebecca!
It’s very easy and useful). Thanks so much.
Thank’s Rebecca !
Which word they’re used more often in spoken english : very or really ? i.g “The history test was very or really hard” ? ; “It’s very or really good book” etc.
“Very” is a proper,formal word. “Really” is much more informal. That’s the main difference. My best wishes to you.
thank you Rebecca i love u!
And I love what you wrote about yourself in the “about me” section. How wonderful to simply describe yourself with the words “I am happy.” I wish you many more reasons to be joyful in your life! All the best!
Nice lesson, thanks Rebecca
The lessons of EngVid are very good. I am getting old, but not too old to learn. Thank you very much.
Learning a language or anything new is actually a great way to exercise our memory. I admire the fact that you want to learn English and I think that desire and habit will keep you healthier in body,mind and spirit. My best wishes to you.
What a good advice!
Thanks, Rebecca for motivating us with an inspiring pep-talk.
Thank you for everything, teacher.
God bless you!
Thanks Rebecca!
very useful lesson!
JESUS loves you!
I’ve gotten 100% on the quiz!
Useful lesson! Thank You!
your lesson very helpful
thank you very much,Rebecca
I also want to know how to use the word”yet”correctly
Thanks for watching and also for your suggestion. All the best to you.
Eureka, thank you!
Thanks this video was very illustrative
I think quiz 2 is quite smiliar
Thanks Rebecca it was very useful. I got 8 correct answers.
Thanks Mrs Rebecca.
Thanks. Good job.
Thank you a lot , it is nice and useful lesson
although I have got only 60%
i revised the learning of the lesson so i got 100%
Many thanks teatcher
7/10. Very good !!!!!
A very useful lesson. By the way, I got 9 correct out of 10.
Hello, the test is qualifying?
someone can tell me as additional photo, thanks
Thanks a lot Rebecca !!!!!
10 good answers out of 10. Thank you so much Rebbeca
i want to improve my el so i want to make firend with everone…pl contact with me,my sky :duongvicmac or face
Thank you Rebecca. 9/10 correct. But I don’t understand question about home. I thought that house is too expensive to life.
10/10, I´m very satisfied with the result, learn English isn’t too difficult, with your help thank you, teacher Rebbeca
Awww, thanks Jorge. You are very kind. I am glad to know the lessons help you. All the best!
thanks, Rebbeca. it’s my first time to visit your web, and i will try to visit your web every day…
Easy to learn….
Thanks Rebecca! I liked this lesson.
i got 80 % thanks you
Thank you Rebecca. It is very simple and very useful lesson and after this lesson is too difficult to say something like “I do not understood”.
Wow, what a nice compliment. Thank you very much. Keep up your positive attitude and I am sure you will go far in life. All the best!
Thank you Rebecca for this interesting lesson.
Thank you. ..Its so easy now..
So happy to hear that! Glad you enjoyed the lesson. All the best.
thanks & appreciate
thank you for share ^__^
Thanks) Unfortunately, I got 8 out of 10, it is the worst result I’ve ever had)
That’s still really good!
Thank you! 9/10. Comeeeeeeee on!!!!!
thank you!
Good lesson, thanks very much, Rebecca.
“Very” helpful… not “too” complicated… Thank you!
Cool and correct use of the words. Good job! My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much ,Rebecca.
Thank you very much rebecca … 9/10
Ur too teaching is too good :)
Very helpful lesson!! Thanks Rebecca.
Thank you!
Tks! :)
Tks!It’s good to understand better.
I am so grateful )))E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T !
Thank you Rebecca.Please explain what are verbals? Make some lessons.
Thanks a lot in advance.
thank u very much…
Thank you rebecca
Thank you. I made mistakes but I think I understood the lesson.
good job , thank you a lot
sorry what about very much??
it’s easy peasy explationation to be understant thanks Rebbeca
very easy to understand
thank you ma’am. i got all of them correct.
Congrats! Good for you. All the best!
Excellent lesson, I’ve never thought about this, but it’s absolutely necessary to know.
Thanks! Yes, each little point that you master helps you understand and use the language more correctly and confidently. My best wishes to you.
excellent, go ahead
thanks Rebecca.. 10/10 :D
Good going! All the best.
Very useful lesson .
Hi Rebecca as ever you explain it very clearly for us to understand.
would it be possible by the way to post a lesson about the meaning of the verb run in a different context?
Thank you so much Rebecca
Hi Rebeca!
IN 2009 you replay a comment for someone, and you wrote : (Since “to know” is a stative verb)
I can’t fine means of this world :STATIVE=…
Pease can tell me about it ??
Thank you
Please watch Ronnie’s video on stative verbs:
I am sure it will help you. Stative comes from the word state or condition. In English grammar, it describes a large group of verbs which express states versus physical actions. Watch the lesson and I am sure you will understand. All the best to you.
Hi, Behr. Can I ask you a question – If you live in Netherlands why it’s needed to learn English to you? And if you want to emigrate to another country, what you didn’t like in this one?
Hi, Khanaphi,
first one I hava to say: I think english is first language in the world , and I have to learn it for everythings.
Paruski: vtarooi, ya magoo gavarioo paroski, no ni ocin, yesli ya ycho Engliski eta niznachit ya xacoo oido v drogoi strana,
– maybe we can keep contact to gether for learn english, it’s up to you,
Thank you so much for message. and success to learn english
Hi. Yeah. It’s a very good idea. I wish you the same
Good, but why you didnt wrote by azbuka? In fact i can understand exactly what you mean, but is very strange to read russian in this chars :-)
Good lesson.
Thanks Rebeca.
That lesson was pretty good!
10/10~ thank you Rebecca ^O^
Hey, thank you for the video. Why don’t you guys make a video about “People,Peoples vs Person, Persons”. Thanx a lot in advance.
Thanks for your compliment and your suggestion. All the best!
it is very clair Thank you
Great! I like it. Thanks you so much.
Thanks for the awesome explanation rebbeca :)
could i ask you a question? what’s the difference between uses and usage? thanks in advance :)
thank you mss Rebecca for helping as
well done , thanks
Hi Rebeca.
I hope you are happy.
Can you help me? please.
I got 70%.
I have doubts.
Why is too hot (example of the soup)
Why is too big (example of the shoes)
Why is too old (example you are never too old to learn english)
Your help will be appreciated.
The soup is too hot because you will have a negative result if you have it – you will burn your lips. The shoes are too big, and so you ask for smaller ones.
In such examples, you could say something is very hot or very big but the point is that when something is too hot or too big, you change your course of action accordingly.Watching the lesson again may help you understand better. My best to you.
Rebecca can you tell me where is the use that word
I Can understand clearly.
Hi, Rebeca, thanks for your lesson. I make sure how to use the words now, and I got 100.
Hi, Rebeca, thanks for your lesson. I make sure how to use the words now, and I got 100.
I just watched your videos on youtube and I love them, your lessons are too good I love your speaking and teaching style..I wish I can take your classes live. Stay blessed :)
Thank you for your kind feedback. I’m glad to know the lessons have helped you. That makes me very happy too. My best wishes to you.
Awesome lesson
Really thanks
Thank you very much
Thank you so much,Rebecca! Really help me a lot,,, God bless and more power!
may u tell me the difference between ( neat ) and ( tidy )
Both words have the same basic meaning. All the best. Sometimes we use both together just for emphasis, as in:
Her room is so neat and tidy.
All the best to you.
Rebecca, maybe you are very tired reading and answering all these comment. :)
I just want to tell that your teaching is so clear and helpful. I love your videos.
Thank you so much!
Thank you kindly. You express yourself very well in English. I wish you all the best.
Thank you Rebecca. Your lessons are very interesting.
I scored 10. Thanks a lot, it’s a perfect lesson to learn English.
Thank you very much!!!
Very well designed quiz..
Thank you, Rebecca! There is very useful lesson.
Also I have a question. In sentence “When I have chance to play football I always do (it)” I can’t understand why there is no need to use “it”. What is the rule? Thank you! Can you make lesson for it! Thank you!
I’ve got 10 to 10, thank you very much Rebbeca.
I had thought this lesson would be very easy… but I made many mistakes at the quiz… I’ll watch once more tomorrow and do the quiz again…
Are there more lessons at EngVid about these differents words? I’d like to try others lessons…
I did the quiz again and I was better… =) But I still wanna more lessons about it, please…
Thank you :)
Thank you very much for eloquently sharing your knowledge.It’s really too helpful…Thank u very much again..
Thanks Rebecca….Today’s lecture was an eye opener for me .. Got 8 out of 9
Nice use of the expression “eye-opener”! Thanks and all the best.
thanks so much , u are the best teacher :)
Quiz no.2 was too confusing,I couldn’t get it well.
Thank you very much! I am new in engvid but It is making a big diference in my studies! Great teachers
thank you
Thank you very much.
I’m not good student. 50 % that’s not good the same when i was in the school
I think you are a good student because I always see the glass as half full and am sure you are only going to get better every day if you keep on learning.
The only time we don’t improve is when we give up! All the best to you, my friend.
thank you mam……
I’m an English teacher.
I think that your lessons are very helpful.
Right now, one of my students is writing this comment.
I got 11 years old and I got 10/10.
Thank you very much, good luck with your lessons.
It is always a pleasure to hear from a fellow teacher. Thank you very much for your kind comments and for sharing the lessons with your students. My best wishes to you and your students and please let me know if your students have any special questions. Take care!
Dear Teacher,
I am very eager to learn English grammar. But this lessons are too easy to learn English grammar by our Ms. Rebecca, Teacher.
We have hundreds of lessons at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Please check the section that’s right for you to find the best video lessons for you. My best to you.
You are the best teaching something. You let us learn english easily. Thank you for learning. Thank you so much
hi rebecca! I learned a lot today. It helped me since I’m working on a call center and talking to americans. but im confused with question no.8? I hope you dont mind explaining it to me. my answer was ‘too high’ and it was wrong
It is very good then I find this lessons. Before I did too much mistakes. :-)
Actually, you want to say that before you found this lesson, you made too many mistakes. We can count mistakes, so we need to use “many” and not “much”. Please see my resource on countable and uncountable nouns:
It will help you. All the best.
hi ma dear teacher rabecca.,, this lesson helped me alot… i never expect the word “very” & “too” hv this much difference.i watched your videos two times first i listen after i note it down in my engvid note book.very easy to follow your teaching than other teachers.madam ilike you toooooooooooo much.
Glad to know you now understand the major difference between these two commonly confused words. All the best with your English!
Thank you very much!
Hi dear teacher Rebecca,
I need to know why I don’t have subtitles at the bottom of page when I download your videos on youtube !!
I appreciate you if you let me know what I should do in order to have subtitles!
Warm Regards
thank you it was very helpful lesson
thanks for your help,, didn’t understand those words..but now i understand
Well, what’s different between “SO” and “TOO” or “VERY”?
Thank you very much.
thanks for the tips
Dear Rebecca,
Great thank, you reveal us this very subtle nuance of meaning between ”very and too”.
Best regards.
It is a very good lecture.
Thank you for the valuable help.
Greetings from Italy
))))))) I also had the same mistake with soup, maybe because nowadays we don’t eat much soup:)
I believe that Rebecca lessons are essential in Learning English, why? because she’s giving you the basics of English, the Essence, Elixir, soul of the things.
Thanks Rebecca. and God bless you.
The funniest thing for me, is that I am having problem with the easy- common things in English, not with the hard ones… I know tons of vocabularies, all I need to let them out. practicing, and May God forgive my brother Michael in Las Vegas, Because if i was there, my English would be much better…
Ahh…. so it’s like that. I get it right now.
I like this site very much! I hope it will help me to improve my English!
Thanks teacher !
Thanks a lot Teacher Rebecca !
Thanks awfully! I’m afraid I had a lot of mistakes before I saw the lesson. now I know that there is a principled difference between these words.
Thank you,Rebeca! It was very good class!
rebcca i wanna improve my proununciaciation plz help
This is an excellent lesson.Thanks a lot.
Thanks, Rebecca. The lesson is very useful.And the example you made is not too complicated to understand.
Thanks for your teaching me.
it is very good to understand.
Teacher Rebecca you a life changer.The lecture was very sweet,i would like to take more.Thank you.
once I heard , that to be more natural in English, don’t use very. how true is that?
any related videos on this topics: if you are a thirsty, you can have some juice
if the phone rings, can you answer it please?
Thank you so much Rebeca :)
thank you
thank u Rebecca ! 10/10 :D
Thank you,!!!
Thank you☺️
thanks rebecca..can i request for a video on ‘really vs very’..thank you
Great lesson Rebecca. You are an excellent teacher . And i got 8 ☺
Thanks Rebecca, I got confuse :( I will make it next time :)
A lot of students here that’s very good
Thank you, Rebecca! It’s easy and pleasantly to learn English with you!
Very clear explanation :)
Thanks, Rebecca!
Thank you Revecca.
This very good lesson. I had understood all.
If the answer is “too high”, shouldn’t the modal be “MUST” instead being SHOULD?? Thank you!
8. Real estate prices are ____________. You should put your house up for sale now.
very high
too high
Rebecca can you tell me where is the use that word
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you..
Thank you for interesting quiz!!! )) I passed on 80 score.
Hi Rebecca!
Very clear and helpful lessen! Thank you!
I should be grateful if you can answer the following question.
You have used “confusing words” and “confused words”.
For example: “So I hope this lesson helped you to understand the difference between these two very commonly confused words.”
I thought that if somebody is “confused” it means somebody confused by something.
And something “confusing” means something confusing confused somebody.
What’s the difference between “confusing words” and “confused words”?
I was sure that “confused words” is incorrect.
10/10 Thanks, Rebecca!
This is my 1st comment and thank you ver much REbeca teacher :) quiz: 9/10
thank you
thank u
I got 9 out of 10. 5 question is my mistake. Thank you!
Hey Rebeca. You are an amazing teacher. Your lessons are really helpful. I scored 9/10. Got question no. 5 wrong. I didn’t understand the error.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Thanks for the lesson. I need to study a little more.
Thank you Rebecca……It’s very helpful for me.
Thank’s Rebecca. I did it again, past 10\10. You are The best. You keep The boys right direction and you do It easy way.
9/10, thanks a lot!
Thank you I need more practice b/c my result 60%. Teache how can I approved it?.
Thank you Rebbeca, I really enjoy your lessons.
very thank techer
Thanks Rebecca !
Is there a lesson about , when and how to use states and stated . I have used these words at work when documenting but unsure which is best to use? Thanks heaps
Thank you for the lesson.
Thank you Rebecca, hugs. (Kazakhstan,06 october2021);
i’m taking my everyday steps towards improving my english
Dear teacher Rebecca if any of your students after listening to your lessons claim that he or she couldn’t understand your explaining,I can say that he or she hasn’t pay attention carefully to your explanation,in other word he was in class physically not mentally!
Thanks very My Teacher Rebecca
With All My Respect For U
I got 9/10.
Thank you! =)
I hot 9/10
Could you explain to me why this question is the correct answer and too?
You’re never ____________ old to improve your English!
Dear Rebecca, the differences between very and too are now understood! Thank you.
Thanks a lot Rebecca, you are amazing!(Azores Islands, 06Feb2025);