Do you have an opinion? Want to express yourself? Need to tell someone that they are wrong? Watch this lesson to improve your conversational skills, and to learn the best expressions to argue and debate. In this lesson I teach you how to agree and disagree in formal and informal settings, so that you can tell people what you think — politely and intelligently. Personally, I think that this is a very important English lesson. What do you think?
Expressing opinions is something we always do at home and at the workplace. But I have noticed that even in formal settings we have the tendency to use informal expressions.
Expressing opinions is not just a matter of learning fixed formal/informal expression, you also have to support your arguments for and against the issue in question; and in my book that’s when the problem comes.
Frankly speaking, it was a very useful lesson Benjamin.
By for now.
hi benjamin i m pleasure to meet you.İ saw your wepsite on youtube exquisite its wonderful end very helpfull about learning english easy.İ m student at univercity in Turkey AND i try to learning english with engvid and sort of that sites.Please help me about that.please PUT new video on your exquisite english and could you offer me some thing about speaking english thanks for that lesson bye.
I’m not sure about that.
i think this lesson great i would say that learn by see some pleace england and interview with native english people it will be very useful and educational for me and all about another student.
I like this site. I want to buy all video lessons because I do not have internet connection all the time to see videos. Please let me know. My email ID:
Thank you
I’m very sorry, but our videos are only available on Youtube! The ad revenue helps us pay our teachers :)
engVid Moderator
hi there are some want to speak english.
sam moh
humm I’m not sure, but Benjamin the new British English teacher reminds me someone…Would it be johnny depp?
Osvaldo Fernandes
By the way I’ve got 100 out of 100.
Buddy ur Accent is wicked!
Welcome to the EngVid’s Family.
Osvaldo Fernandes
Agree: Definitely, homeless need our help, you must help them and believe me one day you will see result of your help in your life.
Disagree: Hmmm, actually I’m not sure, most of them use the money which you gave to destruct themselves and drink again and again, that why I don’t agree with you. If they really need money, they can find better job than begging.
A good teacher!
Could you please check question number 7 :)
There’s a glitch, I think It needs support.
THANKS a lot
you have demonistrated a bout very importent pionts!
salem farhmand
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Benjamin
I like it :)
usman lodhi
Excellent teacher! We can see he enjoys teaching.
Agreeing: Definitely,We need to be kind to charity.
Not Agreeing:- I don’t go along with you on that as i will on the roads after doing charity.
Thanks got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks Benjamin I enjoyed it .
Nice lesson professor, many thanks!
Personally, my score was perfect! Yay! Thank you, Benjamin :)
Thank you! I got 90%
Alexander Yeryomin
Thanks !
my score was high , i completely answer correct
thank you
A: Personally I’d say that giving money to the homeless man is a kind of kindness. So,if you have a chance, you should do that. I mean you are not sure whether the issue will happen to you and if it had happened, you would have been glad and thankful for the support that people show to you.
B: I completely don’t go along with that. I reckon that taking care of homeless people is involved to the government responsibility. I mean you pay taxes and the taxes are spent by the government on social policy that includes solving such issues as caring for homeless people.
Alexey Zolotov
thanks Benjamin , but could you please speak easier , for all English students my skybe ( hamy alferjany )
hamy alferjany
Thanks Benjamin,I rekcon that
it is useful.I got 10 out of 10.
Definitely, it’s very useful. Thank you.
i got 10 correct out of 10.
It was an amazing lessons.You’re an incredible teacher.
Thank for the class teacher
Happy Birthday Benji! :)
Very clear lesson. Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to studying with you again on this site.
thanks with your wonderful lessons.they are full help for me
Personally, i think you have a fantastic web site. Thanks a lot
10/10 It’s great , isn’t it? 100% correct, but I dunno if I definitely can I say that I speak, fluently English. Of course I don’t but maybe some day I’ll!
Jorge Pedroso
Hi Benjy,
I like your lessons. They are very helpful because you have found the right balance between the normal speed and the speed for English learners. Go on that way.
I have subscribed to your channel on YouTub.
Thank you so much.
8 out of 10
surjeet singh
I think, it will help me soon.
10/10 …………thanx
In my opinion u r a good teacher, but have a strong British accent. lol
Many thanks teacher :)definitely i agree with you that we need to practice more and more,argue and making long answers to improve our language skills ;)
You are a great teacher. Keep on going. I’m learning a lot with you and ENGVID.
90% was nice !!! thanks teacher
luiz alberto
If you ask me I think you´re a great and neat teacher and I dunno know that your accent is too Strong. I like it. =)
Thank you, it was helpful.
ღTσмίķσ !☂
Thank you.
Thanks Benjamin.
I got 90% N I’m so love your British accent.
thanks for your lesson.Actually we need to be politly speaking with people.It will be useful and educational for me and for speaking.I will follow your lessons immiadetly.And quiz also helpful for improve English.
Hasan Can
i got 10 on 10 :)
agreeing : definitely! It would really be inhumane to not support them with some money.
disagreeing : i’m not sure about that, mom. i don’t think there would be any problem if we could help help them with some money instead of spending it on chocolates.
correction(second last line) : if we could help them
ı found some mistakes where ı made that good lesson and teacher thanks
galip kahya
got 10/10
Many thanks, I was sure that i’ll get full mark after i listened to your very nice and respectable explanation.
Many thanks, I was sure that i’ll get full mark after i listened to your very nice and respectable explanation.
Very practice and useful tool for several daily situations and places. Now I have a right way to be more polite being agree or disagree. Thanks a lot Benjamin.
Dennys Espinoza (Vzla)
Mr Benjamin!!!!!
thankx benjamin for your lessons .frankly , it’s help me to improve my skils in english .
Thanks Benjamin
sansa and Cersei!! LOL!!
Could you make a video about using “due” in English writing and speaking? I often see this word when read for my job.
9/10 \o/
Everton Andrade
waw thank u banjemin
berah oussama
Thanks a lot. This lesson help me with the english interview!
10/10 :)
Thank you so much benjamin.
keep the good work up.
hi benjamin thank you so much for your interesting lessons.
keep the good work up
Useful lesson, good teacher , thanks very much, Benjaminn
yeahh easy 10/10 ..he is a good teacher, he’s concise.
Thank u Benjamin! I replayed 100 ^^
Congratulation Benjamen. In spite i’m a dunce a duffer, I listen to your fist lesson and I had 10/10. Thank you very muc. You are a good teacher
i got 10/10…=)
Agree: definitely i will give them some money, because i could feel what they feel.
Disagree: i don’t go along with you on that because we are more fortunate than them
10/10. Thanks.
I like your accent so much Benjamin.i really thank you for this lesson :-)
“You’re not wrong.”
Bright Ackuayi
Thanks a lot, Benjamin! You have a nice accent and excellent teaching approach! Have a good day!
Need to get used to British accent.
It’s good to have a British teacher here.
Thank you for the lesson. I find it very useful.
Thankyou so much!! I had some difficults to understand.. u.u always I have conversations with my American boyfriend and your accent is total different.. And I remember that when I was at school I spoke British English… Oh my U_U
Thank you ! This lesson helped me a lot!
9/10…..thanks, my first exercise
I am happy I can joint this site, it is so important for me to improve the way I teach my students
Personally,I think this is very usefull lesson thank you
Yes, I catch a 100 POINT!
THANKS A LOT for one more great vedio.
I liked your vedio and simple quiz as well..
KEEP GIVING US SUCH GREAT LESSONS..NOW i am looking forward for your next vedio:)
nice and perfect lesson for me thanks sir.
You are a very good teacher!!! Thank you.
Thanks a lot. If you ask me, this was a good lesson. I got 9 correct.
Thank you teacher
90%. mayby next time will be better ;)
Great job. Although it was a little difficult to understand, because of British English,but I tried to listen well. Thank you so much.
oooo that very useful!!!thank you teacher
I have secured 8 marks out of 10
Thanks a lot Benjamin. I got it. In fact I got a %100. Excelente explanation.
frankly i am agree with this class it is so helpful
personally i ought to study harder lol
Thank you so much! I love your British accent. I hope to see you again on your lessons. I hope that you will try to explain all the details of British English including slang. In Russia, we learn traditional English since the time of Queen Elizabeth. It’s time to change that and start talking in modern British English.
Alex@Krizan 09041993
Although I did’t understand the whole British accent video but I got all of ideas. Thank you, I got 10/10 :D
thanks Benjamin . it was very useful for me
I’m glad you enjoyed this video folks. I’ve finally worked out how to leave comments here! Thank you for your support and good luck with your studies.
Hahaha you are so funny, thank you very much! I think I will use these adverbs/phrases for the Speaking section in the TOEFL :)
8/10 keep working hard!
Thanks for the great lesson, it really helped me very much in my speaking test.
I have a very big problem in pronouncing the word “don’t” especially if it is followed by “know”.
Will you please make a lesson for that ??
Clara Amir
thank you Benjamine :)
hello Benjamin,a very useful lesson.
samuel santos
9/10. The only one was “I reckon…” I thought it is to be “I reckon to”.. By the way, your lesson is fun
Hi,Benjamin,I got 100. Thank you for your lesson. Good luck.
Hi,Benjamin,I got 100. Thank you for your lesson. Good luck.
Thank you so much, Benjamin :)
Nam Huynh
Very good lesson, but i fail the number 8 :/
Thanks a lot plus,I really like your accent
I got perfect score :)
sir this video cant be play,it shows the msg that sever refused the connection so plz fix the problem.
innocent khan
Our videos are all on Youtube, which I think is still blocked in Pakistan? Try using the Tor browser (and here is how to enable YouTube).
engVid Moderator
10 :)
I got 10\10 . frankly, I think that it’s useful lesson. thanks ben !
Frankly, I couldn’t agree more that this lesson is certainly useful. Thanks!
ı agree with you ,thıs lesson is amazing.
your teaching was very difficult you know!!!! I mean It’s a little difficult to understand you! please speak a little slowly.thanks
no no sorry my browser settings was … My last cm was mistake sorry
AGREE: Definitely, There’s nothing wrong with helping other people especially when you are capable to help.
DISAGREE: Hmmm. I’m not sure about that. They are not our responsibility.
Feel free to correct me if my grammar was wrong. Thankyou Benjamin. :)
agree: Definitely, I think homeless should be supported by us for they have nothing. Imagine if you were one of them, how would you feel if you find no one to support you?
disagree: Well, I don’t go along with you on that.I believe that it would be a good excuse for many people to stop working and big instead ’cause it’s easier..
Definitely, This class is such a great way to learn!!
I’m not sure about that my writing is right
Thanks Ben!! I think you looks like Mark Anthony (Singer)
interesting teacher , funny body language!
If you ask me about your style. i’d say that i love it :)))
especially your hair, it’s so cool. <3
Great class and Benjamin likes GOT, doesn’t like? :D
I am a new here and but I have loved in :)
It was a good lesson, thank you for that. Even if, I don’t really know how could I use reckon because I didn’t heard this word before…
perfect! thanks
thank you and greeting from AZERBAIJAN ;)
bakhtiyar ali
I like your way of teaching. Thank You :)
Thank you for this lesson.
The quiz is so contemporary. Sansa and Cersei he :)
Nur Banu
Thanks Ben for lesson. I don’t know English, but it was very interesting to me to hear you, beautiful voice, live articulation. And for some reason it all. what you are talking about.
It’s bad. 7 of 10
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks Benjamin !. A good lesson.
good teacher.. I love to learn with you.. thanks
Dani Baquette
This guy was amazing, I like your way to english Keep going Benjamin!
Rizky Imanta
THanks for this lesson, Is a bit diffucult for me talking in english… so this lesson are very useful for me.
Raffaella Lenarduzzi
I just got 7 correct, so sad. But im really thank you, Ben! You’re good teacher.
Definitely, your lessons is very useful to us. I’m not that good in English that’s why I put a comment to let someone to correct me.
thank´s very much….i really apreciate your lessons….:)
Thank you very much for every lessons on Engvid website Teacher Benjamin. And, I also subscribed to your Exquisite English…I can see the culture in England on Exquisite. It’s amazing.
Definitely, we should give them some money and we will understand them if we put ourselves in their shoes.
Remona Lizard
You’re great…. Thanks a lot for this awsome video
it’s nice lesson
I couldn’t have said it better my self, your lesson proves being needful and useful.
Thank you Benjamin.
I am totally behind you.
I’ve got 10 correct out of 10.
100 You got 10 correct out of 10.
I think this lesson great.. it’s very useful.Thanks
Yes, very good lesson.
Jonilson Silva
sir, I like your teaching style… :)
I got 8/10 this is first time listen to him.actually his accent very magnificent. I have intreasting in it. Thank you .
Thank you, Benjamin.
Mia Yang
Definitely it was a great and fruitful lesson, we’ve got to know how to use a such expressions.
Friend’s opinion, Oh it’s good lesson , but there’re a lot of other expressions more formal and applicable than these.
igot 9/10 thanks
Definitely, that’s a good point, we should help them! Our small help can make their life little better.
Well, I don’t agree on this, I think If you are poor at the age of 35, you deserve it!
Just the examples :)
certainly it,s useful lesson frankly i liked it thank you so much mr
nasteha mohamood
Interesting lesson. By the way, I love Game of Thrones!
Thats a great lesson.thank you benjamim.
Eduardo Gorlomi
I got 10/10 thanks a lot !
Very nice, thank you Mr.Benjamin ..I got 100 :)
Thanks !! I got 100
Thank you ! I got 10/10
Sara KH'azal
I would like to learn to speak English through communicating with someone via Skype I perfected the writing and reading I want to be a conversation with anyone speaking in English
I agree. lol
wow i have another great 10 out of 10
Wow It was great.Thank you.
Dilini Maheshika
Teacher Benjamin thank you very much for your good explanation.for now I didn’t understand very well and my Quiz is very poor,I hope when I repeat it again I will be good student and make good grade. so long.
10/10 :) thankyou … !!!
Humayun baaghi
10\10 :)
I agree with you that we all LOVE YOU
afnan mag
get 100… Thank you :D
80/100! It’s important to know we have many ways to agree and disagree with someone, in formal and informal meetings. Thanks Benjamin!
Isaias Menezes Silva
There is no way that you are a good teacher
Asim Rafid
Thank you Benjamin for a great lesson.
Thank you .Good lesson/ I have 9/10
Thanks a lot!
Kim Lee
Hi Benjamin!
I like the topic you used. I think people should give money beggars. They are people too. We always say that we pay taxes government, and goverment should help, but they don’t always help them.
Also no one become poor helping them.
Thank you, dear teacher!
I reckon that Benjamin is cute. XD
I got 9/10…thanks!
Thank you Benjamin. i like your lessons and the way you speak. i would like to speak with british accent…but its hard for me. Maybe you can give me some tips? Thank you!
Thank you very much
It is a great lesson. And the script in Game of Thrones is in the quiz.
Hi, Benjamin!
Good lesson! Thanks!
Here my answers examples:
– Personaly, everybody should help homeless people because it is our social responsability to help other people ir we want a better World.
– I don’t agree about that because if we give money to homeless people we aren’t help them really, they’re still living in a difficult situation.
– I think so too. Giving money to them it isn’t the right option.
I don’t know if my answers are right
Regar from the Canary Islands :) :)
You’re definitely a excellent teacher! I learn every day more and more with you! I thank you so much for your help. Have a nice weekend.
I’m only to get 8/10 :(
Richard Chiang
Ok, I’d say that some of them need help, I mean, not all of them wanna be in this situation. So, the goverment or some institution should work on that and find out way to help.
Thanks for this good lesson Bemjamin
TTTTTanks 10/10
Benjamin i reckon i would learn it all definitely you are great teacher.
Thank U!!
Thank you for your incredible lesson. Could you check your site “Exquisite English” as it doesn’t work correctly.
good lesson Benjamin,let talk more about we should or shouldn’t giving money to the homeless man,just personally,i think if they beg you giving them money you should give them a little the first time but we all know that’s not a best way to tackle the problem forever.and this is a society issue so responsibilitys also belong to government and they need to do find some solution to get through it
Hoai Manucians
Regino,if you don’t mind me asking,are you a english teacher, i ask that coz i see your impessive comments on all lesson i watched, just curious,anyway
Hoai Manucians
Splendid lesson, Ben! Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot Ben, it`s a very useful lesson
I always watch your videos with high interest. Thanks.
Hello, Benjamin. Could you explain one more time difference between words “definitely” and “surely” and why do you use it as “agreeing and disagreeing point”? As for me it’s the same meaning of this words. Thank you.
thanks thanks thanks
Thank you Benjamin!
Here’s my homework!
Definitely, I’d like to give some money for homeless people.
That’s a good point but sometimes they just spend money for drinking alcohol.
Definitely, I’ll give something to homeless such as money or food. Because we live together and we should help each other.
I’m not sure about that. I had some experiences about giving homeless money. One day I gave them money, and the other day came to me again. It’s just like to educate them not to work as human should do
wiwik junus ismail
I got 10/10. Your lessons are extremely useful to me,
Benjamin. And your accent is an extra lesson on
Thanks a lot.
10/10 Good lesson, Benjamin!
10/10!!! Thank you.
About giving money to homeless people:
I strongly disagree with that for two reasons:
first, You are encouraging people to live lousily;
Second, some people, at least as far as I am concerned, take this money to buy ilicit drugs
I completely agree with that because nobody is begging be cause they want to. Its because they need to.
Benjamin thank you so much! You are great teacher!
Yana Kryvobok
frankly, this lesson was, very fanny and useful, thanks Benjamin
Definitely I will gave them money, because they might be hungry.
Yes, but how do you if he’s going to buy food not liquor.
Thank you,teacher Benjamin.
Your videos really help me to improve my English study.
Ramone Oo
I want to be fluent in English
hatim algzoli
Thank you Mr. Benjamin.
Thanks !
new samy mohamed
Definitely we have to help other peoples everything we could
I’m not agree with this, they must earn their own money
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Expressing opinions is something we always do at home and at the workplace. But I have noticed that even in formal settings we have the tendency to use informal expressions.
Expressing opinions is not just a matter of learning fixed formal/informal expression, you also have to support your arguments for and against the issue in question; and in my book that’s when the problem comes.
Frankly speaking, it was a very useful lesson Benjamin.
By for now.
hi benjamin i m pleasure to meet you.İ saw your wepsite on youtube exquisite its wonderful end very helpfull about learning english easy.İ m student at univercity in Turkey AND i try to learning english with engvid and sort of that sites.Please help me about that.please PUT new video on your exquisite english and could you offer me some thing about speaking english thanks for that lesson bye.
I’m not sure about that.
i think this lesson great i would say that learn by see some pleace england and interview with native english people it will be very useful and educational for me and all about another student.
I like this site. I want to buy all video lessons because I do not have internet connection all the time to see videos. Please let me know. My email ID:
Thank you
I’m very sorry, but our videos are only available on Youtube! The ad revenue helps us pay our teachers :)
hi there are some want to speak english.
humm I’m not sure, but Benjamin the new British English teacher reminds me someone…Would it be johnny depp?
By the way I’ve got 100 out of 100.
Buddy ur Accent is wicked!
Welcome to the EngVid’s Family.
Agree: Definitely, homeless need our help, you must help them and believe me one day you will see result of your help in your life.
Disagree: Hmmm, actually I’m not sure, most of them use the money which you gave to destruct themselves and drink again and again, that why I don’t agree with you. If they really need money, they can find better job than begging.
A good teacher!
Could you please check question number 7 :)
There’s a glitch, I think It needs support.
THANKS a lot
you have demonistrated a bout very importent pionts!
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Benjamin
I like it :)
Excellent teacher! We can see he enjoys teaching.
Agreeing: Definitely,We need to be kind to charity.
Not Agreeing:- I don’t go along with you on that as i will on the roads after doing charity.
Thanks got 90%.
Thanks Benjamin I enjoyed it .
Nice lesson professor, many thanks!
Personally, my score was perfect! Yay! Thank you, Benjamin :)
Thank you! I got 90%
Thanks !
my score was high , i completely answer correct
thank you
A: Personally I’d say that giving money to the homeless man is a kind of kindness. So,if you have a chance, you should do that. I mean you are not sure whether the issue will happen to you and if it had happened, you would have been glad and thankful for the support that people show to you.
B: I completely don’t go along with that. I reckon that taking care of homeless people is involved to the government responsibility. I mean you pay taxes and the taxes are spent by the government on social policy that includes solving such issues as caring for homeless people.
thanks Benjamin , but could you please speak easier , for all English students my skybe ( hamy alferjany )
Thanks Benjamin,I rekcon that
it is useful.I got 10 out of 10.
Definitely, it’s very useful. Thank you.
i got 10 correct out of 10.
It was an amazing lessons.You’re an incredible teacher.
Thank for the class teacher
Happy Birthday Benji! :)
Very clear lesson. Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to studying with you again on this site.
thanks with your wonderful lessons.they are full help for me
Personally, i think you have a fantastic web site. Thanks a lot
10/10 It’s great , isn’t it? 100% correct, but I dunno if I definitely can I say that I speak, fluently English. Of course I don’t but maybe some day I’ll!
Hi Benjy,
I like your lessons. They are very helpful because you have found the right balance between the normal speed and the speed for English learners. Go on that way.
I have subscribed to your channel on YouTub.
Thank you so much.
8 out of 10
I think, it will help me soon.
10/10 …………thanx
In my opinion u r a good teacher, but have a strong British accent. lol
Many thanks teacher :)definitely i agree with you that we need to practice more and more,argue and making long answers to improve our language skills ;)
You are a great teacher. Keep on going. I’m learning a lot with you and ENGVID.
90% was nice !!! thanks teacher
If you ask me I think you´re a great and neat teacher and I dunno know that your accent is too Strong. I like it. =)
Thank you, it was helpful.
Thank you.
Thanks Benjamin.
I got 90% N I’m so love your British accent.
thanks for your lesson.Actually we need to be politly speaking with people.It will be useful and educational for me and for speaking.I will follow your lessons immiadetly.And quiz also helpful for improve English.
i got 10 on 10 :)
agreeing : definitely! It would really be inhumane to not support them with some money.
disagreeing : i’m not sure about that, mom. i don’t think there would be any problem if we could help help them with some money instead of spending it on chocolates.
correction(second last line) : if we could help them
ı found some mistakes where ı made that good lesson and teacher thanks
got 10/10
Many thanks, I was sure that i’ll get full mark after i listened to your very nice and respectable explanation.
Many thanks, I was sure that i’ll get full mark after i listened to your very nice and respectable explanation.
Very practice and useful tool for several daily situations and places. Now I have a right way to be more polite being agree or disagree. Thanks a lot Benjamin.
Mr Benjamin!!!!!
thankx benjamin for your lessons .frankly , it’s help me to improve my skils in english .
Thanks Benjamin
sansa and Cersei!! LOL!!
Could you make a video about using “due” in English writing and speaking? I often see this word when read for my job.
9/10 \o/
waw thank u banjemin
Thanks a lot. This lesson help me with the english interview!
10/10 :)
Thank you so much benjamin.
keep the good work up.
hi benjamin thank you so much for your interesting lessons.
keep the good work up
Useful lesson, good teacher , thanks very much, Benjaminn
yeahh easy 10/10 ..he is a good teacher, he’s concise.
Thank u Benjamin! I replayed 100 ^^
Congratulation Benjamen. In spite i’m a dunce a duffer, I listen to your fist lesson and I had 10/10. Thank you very muc. You are a good teacher
i got 10/10…=)
Agree: definitely i will give them some money, because i could feel what they feel.
Disagree: i don’t go along with you on that because we are more fortunate than them
10/10. Thanks.
I like your accent so much Benjamin.i really thank you for this lesson :-)
“You’re not wrong.”
Thanks a lot, Benjamin! You have a nice accent and excellent teaching approach! Have a good day!
Need to get used to British accent.
It’s good to have a British teacher here.
Thank you for the lesson. I find it very useful.
Thankyou so much!! I had some difficults to understand.. u.u always I have conversations with my American boyfriend and your accent is total different.. And I remember that when I was at school I spoke British English… Oh my U_U
Thank you ! This lesson helped me a lot!
9/10…..thanks, my first exercise
I am happy I can joint this site, it is so important for me to improve the way I teach my students
Personally,I think this is very usefull lesson thank you
Yes, I catch a 100 POINT!
THANKS A LOT for one more great vedio.
I liked your vedio and simple quiz as well..
KEEP GIVING US SUCH GREAT LESSONS..NOW i am looking forward for your next vedio:)
nice and perfect lesson for me thanks sir.
You are a very good teacher!!! Thank you.
Thanks a lot. If you ask me, this was a good lesson. I got 9 correct.
Thank you teacher
90%. mayby next time will be better ;)
Great job. Although it was a little difficult to understand, because of British English,but I tried to listen well. Thank you so much.
oooo that very useful!!!thank you teacher
I have secured 8 marks out of 10
Thanks a lot Benjamin. I got it. In fact I got a %100. Excelente explanation.
frankly i am agree with this class it is so helpful
personally i ought to study harder lol
Thank you so much! I love your British accent. I hope to see you again on your lessons. I hope that you will try to explain all the details of British English including slang. In Russia, we learn traditional English since the time of Queen Elizabeth. It’s time to change that and start talking in modern British English.
Although I did’t understand the whole British accent video but I got all of ideas. Thank you, I got 10/10 :D
thanks Benjamin . it was very useful for me
I’m glad you enjoyed this video folks. I’ve finally worked out how to leave comments here! Thank you for your support and good luck with your studies.
Hahaha you are so funny, thank you very much! I think I will use these adverbs/phrases for the Speaking section in the TOEFL :)
8/10 keep working hard!
Thanks for the great lesson, it really helped me very much in my speaking test.
I have a very big problem in pronouncing the word “don’t” especially if it is followed by “know”.
Will you please make a lesson for that ??
thank you Benjamine :)
hello Benjamin,a very useful lesson.
9/10. The only one was “I reckon…” I thought it is to be “I reckon to”.. By the way, your lesson is fun
Hi,Benjamin,I got 100. Thank you for your lesson. Good luck.
Hi,Benjamin,I got 100. Thank you for your lesson. Good luck.
Thank you so much, Benjamin :)
Very good lesson, but i fail the number 8 :/
Thanks a lot plus,I really like your accent
I got perfect score :)
sir this video cant be play,it shows the msg that sever refused the connection so plz fix the problem.
Our videos are all on Youtube, which I think is still blocked in Pakistan? Try using the Tor browser (and here is how to enable YouTube).
10 :)
I got 10\10 . frankly, I think that it’s useful lesson. thanks ben !
Frankly, I couldn’t agree more that this lesson is certainly useful. Thanks!
ı agree with you ,thıs lesson is amazing.
your teaching was very difficult you know!!!! I mean It’s a little difficult to understand you! please speak a little slowly.thanks
no no sorry my browser settings was … My last cm was mistake sorry
AGREE: Definitely, There’s nothing wrong with helping other people especially when you are capable to help.
DISAGREE: Hmmm. I’m not sure about that. They are not our responsibility.
Feel free to correct me if my grammar was wrong. Thankyou Benjamin. :)
agree: Definitely, I think homeless should be supported by us for they have nothing. Imagine if you were one of them, how would you feel if you find no one to support you?
disagree: Well, I don’t go along with you on that.I believe that it would be a good excuse for many people to stop working and big instead ’cause it’s easier..
Definitely, This class is such a great way to learn!!
I’m not sure about that my writing is right
Thanks Ben!! I think you looks like Mark Anthony (Singer)
interesting teacher , funny body language!
If you ask me about your style. i’d say that i love it :)))
especially your hair, it’s so cool. <3
Great class and Benjamin likes GOT, doesn’t like? :D
I am a new here and but I have loved in :)
It was a good lesson, thank you for that. Even if, I don’t really know how could I use reckon because I didn’t heard this word before…
perfect! thanks
thank you and greeting from AZERBAIJAN ;)
I like your way of teaching. Thank You :)
Thank you for this lesson.
The quiz is so contemporary. Sansa and Cersei he :)
Thanks Ben for lesson. I don’t know English, but it was very interesting to me to hear you, beautiful voice, live articulation. And for some reason it all. what you are talking about.
It’s bad. 7 of 10
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks Benjamin !. A good lesson.
good teacher.. I love to learn with you.. thanks
This guy was amazing, I like your way to english Keep going Benjamin!
THanks for this lesson, Is a bit diffucult for me talking in english… so this lesson are very useful for me.
I just got 7 correct, so sad. But im really thank you, Ben! You’re good teacher.
Definitely, your lessons is very useful to us. I’m not that good in English that’s why I put a comment to let someone to correct me.
thank´s very much….i really apreciate your lessons….:)
Thank you very much for every lessons on Engvid website Teacher Benjamin. And, I also subscribed to your Exquisite English…I can see the culture in England on Exquisite. It’s amazing.
Definitely, we should give them some money and we will understand them if we put ourselves in their shoes.
You’re great…. Thanks a lot for this awsome video
it’s nice lesson
I couldn’t have said it better my self, your lesson proves being needful and useful.
Thank you Benjamin.
I am totally behind you.
I’ve got 10 correct out of 10.
100 You got 10 correct out of 10.
I think this lesson great.. it’s very useful.Thanks
Yes, very good lesson.
sir, I like your teaching style… :)
I got 8/10 this is first time listen to him.actually his accent very magnificent. I have intreasting in it. Thank you .
Thank you, Benjamin.
Definitely it was a great and fruitful lesson, we’ve got to know how to use a such expressions.
Friend’s opinion, Oh it’s good lesson , but there’re a lot of other expressions more formal and applicable than these.
igot 9/10 thanks
Definitely, that’s a good point, we should help them! Our small help can make their life little better.
Well, I don’t agree on this, I think If you are poor at the age of 35, you deserve it!
Just the examples :)
certainly it,s useful lesson frankly i liked it thank you so much mr
Interesting lesson. By the way, I love Game of Thrones!
Thats a great lesson.thank you benjamim.
I got 10/10 thanks a lot !
Very nice, thank you Mr.Benjamin ..I got 100 :)
Thanks !! I got 100
Thank you ! I got 10/10
I would like to learn to speak English through communicating with someone via Skype I perfected the writing and reading I want to be a conversation with anyone speaking in English
I agree. lol
wow i have another great 10 out of 10
Wow It was great.Thank you.
Teacher Benjamin thank you very much for your good explanation.for now I didn’t understand very well and my Quiz is very poor,I hope when I repeat it again I will be good student and make good grade. so long.
10/10 :) thankyou … !!!
10\10 :)
I agree with you that we all LOVE YOU
get 100… Thank you :D
80/100! It’s important to know we have many ways to agree and disagree with someone, in formal and informal meetings. Thanks Benjamin!
There is no way that you are a good teacher
Thank you Benjamin for a great lesson.
Thank you .Good lesson/ I have 9/10
Thanks a lot!
Hi Benjamin!
I like the topic you used. I think people should give money beggars. They are people too. We always say that we pay taxes government, and goverment should help, but they don’t always help them.
Also no one become poor helping them.
Thank you, dear teacher!
I reckon that Benjamin is cute. XD
I got 9/10…thanks!
Thank you Benjamin. i like your lessons and the way you speak. i would like to speak with british accent…but its hard for me. Maybe you can give me some tips? Thank you!
Thank you very much
It is a great lesson. And the script in Game of Thrones is in the quiz.
Hi, Benjamin!
Good lesson! Thanks!
Here my answers examples:
– Personaly, everybody should help homeless people because it is our social responsability to help other people ir we want a better World.
– I don’t agree about that because if we give money to homeless people we aren’t help them really, they’re still living in a difficult situation.
– I think so too. Giving money to them it isn’t the right option.
I don’t know if my answers are right
Regar from the Canary Islands :) :)
You’re definitely a excellent teacher! I learn every day more and more with you! I thank you so much for your help. Have a nice weekend.
I’m only to get 8/10 :(
Ok, I’d say that some of them need help, I mean, not all of them wanna be in this situation. So, the goverment or some institution should work on that and find out way to help.
Thanks for this good lesson Bemjamin
TTTTTanks 10/10
Benjamin i reckon i would learn it all definitely you are great teacher.
Thank U!!
Thank you for your incredible lesson. Could you check your site “Exquisite English” as it doesn’t work correctly.
good lesson Benjamin,let talk more about we should or shouldn’t giving money to the homeless man,just personally,i think if they beg you giving them money you should give them a little the first time but we all know that’s not a best way to tackle the problem forever.and this is a society issue so responsibilitys also belong to government and they need to do find some solution to get through it
Regino,if you don’t mind me asking,are you a english teacher, i ask that coz i see your impessive comments on all lesson i watched, just curious,anyway
Splendid lesson, Ben! Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot Ben, it`s a very useful lesson
I always watch your videos with high interest. Thanks.
Hello, Benjamin. Could you explain one more time difference between words “definitely” and “surely” and why do you use it as “agreeing and disagreeing point”? As for me it’s the same meaning of this words. Thank you.
thanks thanks thanks
Thank you Benjamin!
Here’s my homework!
Definitely, I’d like to give some money for homeless people.
That’s a good point but sometimes they just spend money for drinking alcohol.
Definitely, I’ll give something to homeless such as money or food. Because we live together and we should help each other.
I’m not sure about that. I had some experiences about giving homeless money. One day I gave them money, and the other day came to me again. It’s just like to educate them not to work as human should do
I got 10/10. Your lessons are extremely useful to me,
Benjamin. And your accent is an extra lesson on
Thanks a lot.
10/10 Good lesson, Benjamin!
10/10!!! Thank you.
About giving money to homeless people:
I strongly disagree with that for two reasons:
first, You are encouraging people to live lousily;
Second, some people, at least as far as I am concerned, take this money to buy ilicit drugs
I completely agree with that because nobody is begging be cause they want to. Its because they need to.
Benjamin thank you so much! You are great teacher!
frankly, this lesson was, very fanny and useful, thanks Benjamin
Definitely I will gave them money, because they might be hungry.
Yes, but how do you if he’s going to buy food not liquor.
Thank you,teacher Benjamin.
Your videos really help me to improve my English study.
I want to be fluent in English
Thank you Mr. Benjamin.
Thanks !
Definitely we have to help other peoples everything we could
I’m not agree with this, they must earn their own money
thank you
Benjamin, thank you very much!