If someone asks you your opinion, don’t say “so-so”, or maybe. Tell the person how you feel. In this lesson, learn how to give your opinion! Don’t be shy!
It was interesting :D *Big smile*, thank you very much, Ronnie!! :D
Hi… Dear Ronnie I Love Your Lessons..your energy make me to listen more number of times…
Thank you for valuable Inoformation
thnx ronnie
thank you ronnie
I love you Ronnie ! I love your lessons !
I subscribe ! :D:D
THanks Ronnie
IF anybody needs to practice English with me
he / she is very welcome
my Skype : waeladam
thank for the lesson Ronnie.
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie. Can you give a positive synonym for “of course”?
Now I know what to say for an opinion.
I sometimes use “so-so,””maybe,”and the other one words. I should be careful haha. So it was interesting topic :D
Thank you for your lesson :D
Great class!! Great teacher!!
I like’s your style … fantastic lesson
Thanks a lot … Ronnie
Well Ronnie, u keep on impressive me as usual.. it’s interesting lesson :D
ThanQ so much.
thank you Ronnie you are a good handsome
If for natives it’s very hard to get a stop-conversation-answer, imagine it for who aren’t native. I can sound that person don’t want to speak with us.
Ronnie, I think this class was a little bit repetitive about the words we should not use to give our opinion about something. I would have liked to have more of the ones that we should use. But, thank you anyway for the class. :0)
i just new her
Ronnie is the best teacher in English
mostafa shokry
Thank you for your good lecture.
What is doozy?
Italo Cavalcanti
thanks for the lesson ROnnie, It was interesting :)
A really interesting lesson, Ronnie! Thanks a lot!
Thanks for Class.
Hello can we practice together
you are Gorgeous. Many thanks
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie!
thank you! it was interesting! (:)) i’ve never thought about how interesting the facial expression could be….but you did it~~ :D
a interesting lesson! :) haha
Jamie C
Thanks alot Ronnie!
Other good ones:
“THAT I don’t know but…”
“It never came to my mind to think about that in this way but…”
“If I were you I’d…”
One bad one:
“It’s complicated”
Thank you!my teacher..
Hello Ronnie,
My opinion about your video: I don’t know, but let me think…I think this lesson could be improve. Like my English!
Honesty, your are marvelous.
An take care with beer, I think too much it’s not good for brain.
Have a good day
Jesús R.
Hi, in my opinion a think which the session es very good, becaus the teacher is very interesting
This lesson was great, i always feel complete when you teach in your videos. Thank you very much Ronnie!
Alberto Silva
Thnak you so much :)
Baraa Abu Sitta
thank very much for the lesson Ronnie , it’s useful.
what a pity, you have not made a test for this video. That would be very useful because I am not sure to have grapsed the sense of what you said . Thank you very much Kind regards Francis
Thank you so much Ronnie,
I often use so-so,maybe and of course and right now your lesson make me change. It is more helpful to me.
thank u very much. it’s so useful
AS always great lesson, thanks you very very much Ronnie. ACtually i used these bad expressions a lot,especially the word of course:)
Ronnie,Thank you very much!I like your lesson.It is interesting and easy to follow.
thank you a lot ronnie, you are a good teacher )) ı love your explaning methods
Thank you, Ronnie, i think the video very interesting because it will enrich my learning.
andreia Arantes
Thank you so much, it was a good lesson :)
thanks for your interesting lesson
Hey Ronnie
How are you today
thank you for your video its really helpful
i have a question its not about this video but please help
i wanna know how can i talk english fast ! I Always get confused what tense i have to use and these grammar stuff
and please can u give me any tip to understand English slang ?
I’ve never thought about that but this class was amazing!!!
Hello, Ms.Ronnie. You class is really interesting. And I just curious that you always came out from the bottom and raise up suddenly on the video. If you could come out from the top I will be wondering. XDDDD
Thank you very much for the lesson, it was very interesting!!!
hi…dear help me….
Thank you..
Mari ...
Thahk YOU RONNIE, you are exellent!!!
Thanks Ronnie, interesting lesson… :=)
It was interesting :)
Thank you for giving good tips to words the challenge of now days
Look Ronnie how many “interesting” comments people left here haha change the record guys! Hey Ronnie it’s like you say directly DO NOT overuse this expression and they do right the opposite!
Sorry…being sarcastic today
thank you so much . It was really interesting. :)
Great lesson,thanks
Eddie Watch
thank you so much.it was really good lesson
hossam alden
thank you it was interesting
This was intersiting i didnt know about those mistake! but now I’m going to fix them!
Ronnie, you’re so a wonderful teacher. Thank you very much for this lesson (and for the others ones as well). I have never heard about the “real” meaning/feeling of the answer:”of course”, it’s tricky.
Thank you for your lesson .It is very interesting.
I like this video because I made a lot of this mistakes in the past so I promise to not doing it again , but you know the main problem for me is to find a person to talk with daily in English , I hope to solve this problem soon :-)
Thank you very much for your lesson.
it was interesting. I like Ronnie lesson (*’▽’)
THanks Ronnie
u are so funny and i enjoy and learn
thank u so mach
Thanks Ronnie I really love you You are wonderfull
thanks ronnie , you make studying english very interesting .i hope talk english fluently
It was interesting
william hornburg
I really want to practice English with friends so if you interested in practicing English add me on Skype : anas.mahmoud3
thank you Ronnie
English lover
Thank you so much for your lesson, I´m a new student.
I want to have a subtitle in english when you teach for easily understood. Because some words/vocabulary I don’t get it.
We have been subtitling our videos for a while now! If you go to the bottom right of the video and click on the “CC” button that comes up, you can see them. You can also enable them by default in your Youtube preferences.
engVid Moderator
oh! I see.
thank you so much :)
hi maam ronnie o you have skype??
Hi everyone. :) I need someone who I can talk to improve my english. Thank you. :) Feel free to add me ..
my skype : nephelle0214
It was interesting. Thanks so much ronnie.
i want to improve english speaking and i hope you will help me greatly.thank you
sadaf altaf
Thanks Rony
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie
Oh Ronnie ! You’re AMAZING <3
You're my favorite teacher ! I really like the way you teach
Actually I'm studying at english education college and after four years I will be a teacher too and I hope I can be "Awesome" just like you .
And this is not an compliment you deserve that ..because every time I watch your lessons I like english more and more ..
Thank you for the great lesson ..
Regards ..
well done Roney…
nelson chieki
Thank you Ronnie
That was great ROONIE ma’m
Many Thanks Ronnie..
Oooooooooo u uuuuuuuuuuu rrrrrrrrrrrrr amazing teacher
I Loved this class. I was really interesting
Thank you so much……<3
wow, amazing lesson, Ronnie is a funny teacher…
Thank you Ronnie.
this video was cool just like you
thank you very much
priyansh mishra
I like CanadaDry too!
How was this video? I dont know but let me think, it was class. Thank you!
it was interesting
I have a question
i am a college sudent
they teach us English , and i have a problem
they give us vocabulary to memorize and the part of speech
and they ask us to put the part of speech in a sentence and i have a problem with it
with the adj ,adv ,and n
and if i want to ask you Ask you in Private
of course
it was interesting! with happy face and flower everywhere pouring my head
Oooh Ronnie!! Of course I’d like your lesson!! haha, thank you for all!!!!
hello i am much interested to listen your English class even though I am from Kerala in India. thanks a lot.
thank you ronnie….the lesson was interesting…
thank you ronnie , best my teacher
Ronnie, I very love your lessons. You’re the best ! :) I’m beginner and when I watched your films I’m very very interested in English.. I want to know about EN vocabluary more and more and more…
thank you you make my English language become better
Thank you Ronnie, that was very interisting! I used the wrong words often in my conversations. but not anymore ;)
Thank You vert much
you are the best English’s teacher of the world.
Your video was interesting!
So exciting, Ronnie!
Hi Ronnie, I nerver know when I have to use “there are”, “There is” or “have”. For example, The correct form is “there are no problem” or “have no problem” ?
Thanks for help us.
You are an amazing!
there is no problem.”There is + Object”
I have no problem. “Subject+have+object”
These are how i use them.
January Third
It was interesting. (-_-)
January Third
it was really interesting
sun re ren
I enjoy this lesson ,your way is intersting ,thank you.
Hello Ronnie
It was interesting
thank you for lesson
I like this teacher , Good job !
Thank you so much…!!! very very very interesting lesson Ronnie…!!!
how i can learn offffff
Don’t give up, the beginning is always the hardest
Thank you my best teacher
than lesson was very interesting
Hi Ronie!
I did not know the answer “of course” mean teribble like that until I watch this video.
:(. I did answer like that many times, I just thought It’s another way to say yes.
I really appreciate you for this lesson.
And I hope you could give us more lesson about the conversation skill like this.
When we study English in school we have to study as much vocabulary and grammar as possible,but no one teachs us about the conversation skill. In spite of the fact that we study very hard our English is still so poor in conversation.
I really hope you will have more videos like this. Once again thank you!
Hi Ngoc, pls be friend with me on skype : buitiennhat, then we can practice eng as conversation together.
Hell Ronnie,
Thank you to your valuable expressions in conversation. It will help me a lot as a tool for future.
best regards,
Nice work I am feeling batter who help me to learn English +923342816577 this is good website
Help me
it was interesting :)
Thank Ronnie for lesson. This video very good. If I have a good teacher like you, I really really fell happy.:-*
it was interesting
Ronnie your course is great,thank you
i like it…it was interesting
We can use capital letters in writing: IT WAS INTERESTING!
This lesson was very intersting thank you very much dear Ronnie
thank u ronnie, like u so much .
When I listeaned this lesson, I was shocked.
Because During world-trip I really usually used “so so ” or “maybe” when someones asked my opinion. If only I knew these anweres isn’t good..
Anyway Really Thank you
Much Love Ronnie
It is very useful for everyone who learns English! Thank you for that!
Really Thank you so much Teacher Ronnie it is very useful and frankly all your lessons is very useful and interesting frankly I have learned a lot from you thanks indeed :) .
Ammar Salih
you are very nice and good teacher we love you
Husein alshamsee
I love you, Ronnie. Your lesson is great and I like it so much.
Phuong Thao
what’s meaning
i’ve = i have
WOW Ronnie, that was fantastic, you doing really well
Thank you so much
it was interesting Mrs Ronnie :D
hello Mrs.Ronnie… thanks a lot for your great lessons… they are veryyyy helpfull…
Well, It was interesting!! :)
Mohammed Yasin
These answers should not be used in any language.
Hi,Mrs,Ronnie thanks a lot for your a amazing lessons`they are super helpful.
Of course !!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was interesting.
Dear Ronni , your skills in teaching is very interesting ….
“That pop can could be full of beer and no one will notice that”. is this phrase correct?
1. “Would notice” sounds more natural than “will notice that”, and 2. I’m interested in where you’re smuggling this beer :P
engVid Moderator
It’s not of my interest tell about my illegal secrets to a person who put “I AM THE LAW! I SEE EVERYTHING!” on “about me”.. :D Just kidding
Thanks for answer me!
thank you
Awesome… I like ronni so much
You’re such a great teacher , i really enjoy all your lessons , a huge thanks to you
Anass benfamille
Fantastic! I loved Ronni’s lesson ; )Thanks so much.
So so :) I’m just kidding it was helpful,Thank u so much
Lil Ali
u told me be honest ?
I was scared of you , but the lesson was very useful.
thank u
George H.G
Dear Raanie you are the best teacher to me in my life thank you
Skype : Iem-Prog
It’ was interesting !
Thanks a lot!
thank u teacher .. Any body if he/ she want conversation ..because i want improve my language else . please add me in a Skype my skype is .. crew-2
I Am Me
It was very very interesting :)
Thank you Ronnie!
Hugo Goncalves
IF anybody needs to practice English with me
he / she is very welcome
my sky id : aliyev.natiq587
Hi Ronnie. Thank you for lesson and perfect exlanation. Could you give me some tips for speaking? i am going to take IELTS exam, but i am a bit shy, i find it hard to express my thoughts. is it ok if i give short answers to the examiner? how i can manage giving my opinion better?
arzu aydin
It was interesting! :p honestly !!
great lesson ;)
I want to practice english with someone
if you want my skype : khaleduwk ;)
It’s was interesting Ronnie. Thanks
Rey David
It was really interesting! Thank you again, Ronnie :)
It was interesting :)
hi Ronnie you are amazing teacher thank you it was interesting
Hi Ronnie I found you way for teaching is great I useful.
thank you and it is really interesting
lina houdali
Thanks a lot.
Ronne it was great and interesting thanks
it was very intersting lesson :)
Thank you very much for your lessons. I can understand you only subtitles, as my native language is Russian. Hopefully soon I will understand and your speech, but do not really know yet how to do it
you are so cute. ^^
i support
HI Ronnie, I’m just new here and you know what?you got me!! All of your topics are very interesting! Keep it up.
Gonna watch all of the videos here so that I can able to speak English fluently.
Thank you so much and god bless
yeah i support @namtransai
you’re awesome!
Wow Ronnie……!!!! :-)
Anupama Atluri
Nirav DJ
Your videos are always fun and easy to digest ; ) Thank you Ronnie!
Chermali rabie
Thank s D
Thank you, Ronnie! You can drink alcohol everywhere in my country)))) You are invited to Ukraine!:-)
Thanks Ronnie Iam happy for you
Thank you Ronnie!
As usual very enjoyable!
Yasser Sami Amer
thnaks Ronnie Of course I like your information!!
I rrealy like the way you teach us. thank you very much.
Mr. Boss
subscribed and the lesson is not interesting its awesome!
thank you ronnie
I’m understand for you word, ronny :)
you the best teacher , love you
marwa pratiwi
Hi! Ronnie,
I would like to know, Have you prepared any lecture on Tenses if yes, then please give me the Youtube link so that i may know.
Rizwan Arif
So Useful <3
Thank u,it was interesting :) ,not ‘interesting’ :)
it was interesting
love you sir
Boke Boke
it was interesting in good mean of this word.
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was “interesting” :))
tnk u ronnie
Thank You Very Much Ronnie .. That was really Useful
Ibrahim Saad
for language practice
SKYPE : ibrahim.mohamed.saad92
Ibrahim Saad
It was interesting (positive meaning)but not “interesting” lessson.Did you catch it? :)
I really liked this video ..Ronnie is the best teacher here =)
July LL
hello Ronnie tanks for this lesson its really help me just i have a question for you. When I go to the bank and they asking me can I see your ID and I said sure that is correct. I’ll be grateful if you respond me. sincerely RM
I like it, thanks a lot Ronnie.
Ronnie, you’re the best.
Teacher Ronie
I’m learning a lot with your teaching. Very Thanks
Celso Rialli
Thanks Ronie! You are attractive :)
Ho Tri Thuc
I love you Ronnie please merry me!!
it was interesting and very useful foe me Thanks Ronne.
Thanks Ronnie! I see your lessons and I learn very much. Sometimes I forgot to do the quiz, but I will do all the questions now. I have a dream, I wish to know English, I have many dificults because I study in home, alone. Someday I will do the course for it, but your lesson help me ever. Really, thanks.
Its really helpfull and u are so cool
rawa bakh
you have great energy Ronnie ,, thank you
Aya Hamdi
it’s was interesting…tanx a lot Ronnie
When I watched this lesson, I was shocked.
I often use “so-so,””maybe,”and the other one words. because I’m not good at English.
But I should be careful.
Thank you Ronnie. *^^* .
eunjung hong
I was interesting without quotes
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
I think your lesson is wanderful because when you teach you jokinking and I remember easily that you teach I don’t know is correctly that I wrote but if you want you corrige me thanks
thank Ronnie
Ronnie you are the best teacher :-)
Very nice Ronnie, thanks!!
Ronnie, you have a great magic for teach. Thanks a lot, your class was “interesting”.;)
Thanks ronnie for this lesson. It was interesting.
Hi dear Ronnie , your lesson was interesting
Hi Ronnie, thanks , the lesson was very interesting.
This video was interesting :)
EngVid is amazing and Ronnnie is the best!!! :D
it was interestig
your lesson was interesting.
t was interesting. Please keep it up the good work.
It was interesting! :)
it was interesting
marwa marey
It was really interesting *big smile * :)
Hi Ronnie, my name is Mateus. I’m brazilian. I’m 16. I enjoy your classes too much, and at present I need you to help me! I’m working in a school here in my city, and I am very good in English, I know the grammar, I can speak English well, I can read and understand what I’m reading or listening. Then, my boss asked me to teach English at the school and I accepted, and I’m doing well. But now, people are assking me for private classes of English, and they want both grammar and conversation, so I wanna ask you how can I teach coversation? How can I make they learn. Thanks for your time and since now thanks for your help.
Mateus. R
Hi ronnie txs for the lesson!!
it was interesting
thanks ronnie :d
Of course :D
It was Interesting :D thank you Ronnie :P
Ronnie, I am catching up all your lessons and they are really very helpful! Thanks a lot! Would you also teach me the Rhythm of English, I found it’s difficult to learn English intonation!
blair zhao
It ws amazing! Thank you!
You lesson is useful for me to learn english.
what an exciting lesson you give me !
Thank U Ronnie :)
Thank you Ronnie :) This lesson’s awesome and useful :)
Thank you ronnie ilove your way in teaching..
And you are so funny..:D
fady kandil
it was interesting (with a smile) :-)
ann ann
Thanks Ronnie it was really interesting:)
Elie. P
First of all, thanks for this wonderful lesson!! And, Do you have any lesson or practise method for us wherein we can speak and check our pronunciation? Probably if we can send a video reading the sentences designed by your team and you can find out the areas of improvement. Or, if you can suggest some other resource where we can find out such methods. I know it’s too much of expectation but I am an aspiring teacher and I want to master this language like a native speaker.
Hi, Ronnie it was interesting,, you could me teach more examples, please. I need improve my English conversation.
Thank you.
It was interesting Ronny
Mohammed Baftiem
It was interesting.
very funny your art of teaching thank you…so much
levent demir
Thanks Ronnie it was really really interesting:)
Hi Ronnie!!
the lesson was very very interesting, I learnt very fast with your examples…
This lesson have been very interesting and could be useful to practice my speaking english
Thank you Ronnie!
In fact your lessons are very interesting and usefull. I would argue that all your tips will help us to improve our english.
Love you Ronnie, l like all your lessons.
One question, Ronnie. What do you think of this sentence:
“… or who knows, maybe in the future you will end up teaching both portuguese and German”. Is that sentence well written. I mean, I’m not sure about the position of “in the future”. Or I dont know, maybe I shouldn’t even say “in the future” at all. Would you please tell me how to write that sentence correctly?
thank you Mrs you are the best
I didn’t know “of course” is bad.
Thank you…..!!!!!
Hello Roniie!
This lesson was interesting without any quotation marks ;)
You can make simple lesson wonderful!
Thank you!
you are awesome Ronnie. Thank you so much
Omar H. almahdawi
I have just listened first time you Ronnie. And you made a great impression to me. I promise I’ll try to listen to your lessons as possible. Big big thanks to you, dear teacher :)
Ferid Kazimov
Dear Ronnie
thank you very much for your teaching.
how can I have CD from your product.
best regards,
kourosh faraji kouroshfaraji@hotmail.com
kourosh faraji
It was interesting :D. now I know what I can say when my Friend’s dinner isn´t delicious xD thanks for this video
Hi Ronnie,it’s a interested and useful lesson for me.I think I could have a chat well with my foreign friends.Thanks a lot!
thank u Ronnie
your the best teacher to me thanks Ronnie
adham Sk
Hi. It’s nice to meet you here. I’m an English teacher in my country and I’m going to improve my English language, so I’m happy to see your videos and thanks for your help…
Samaneh Mirzaee
Dear teacher Ronnie: You are an excellent funny English teacher.
I´d like to buy not only one beer for you, I will buy several beers, but I am very far from you. Colombia Southamerica.
God bless to you and to your family.
jaime rivera
It was interesting! Thank you Ronnie!
It was so-so… may be, I liked it… if I understood correctly, of course… sure, it’s difficult for me ))))))))))))) Thank you Ronnie!
But… where is a quiz???
It was interesting! Your classes always are interesting ROnnie.I’m so happy, because I’m able to understand what you are speaking. yes yes yes
The class was really interesting and I liked a lot however it could be better with a quiz. Do you agree?
Rossy Serrato
Thanks Ronnie, I laugh a lot with your class !!
I was wondering if can you make a class about Modals Verbs PLEASEEEE!!
Thank !! (:
good tips and nice topic Ronnie
ann ann
Ronnie you are excellent professor, Thanks to you and all staff of Engvid.com.
“SO-SO” was a common mark from my teacher at shool:)
it was interesting lesson and i also enjoy it alot….. thanks Ronnie :)
I think. It was a great class with you Ronnie. Go ahead
dear Ronnie
thank you for your lessons. i’ve got a lot from them .i’m from taiwan.please don’t mind my poor english. i just would like to ask you ,is there any quiz for this lesson? i need the quiz to test myself.
I’ve learnt how to expand my conversation. Thank you, a lovely teacher, Ronnie.
thanks, it is interesting
el khamlichi
Teacher! you are amazing, I’m really enjoying a lot your lessons. You have a diferent tecnichal to teach it.
Carlos lopes SP
Very useful and interesting lesson ! Thank you ! But I can’t find “quiz” button . Help me, please
Dina Alaeva
This lesson doesn’t have a quiz!
engVid Moderator
Thank Ronny ,for the class,
Thanks Ronnie, your classes are always very intresting, now I will use this method to give my opinion
Thanks Ronnie, it’s very helpful ☺
Very useful lesson. Thanks a lot
Thank Ronnie!
Nath Machado
Thanks Ronnie, you have a special way to teaching
Thank you so very much for your great lessons, I love all your videos.
Oh, this is real an interesting lesson and I was laughing from begin to the end! But, also to my surprised that why don’t we have a quiz like other lessons?
Thanks Ronnie.
I love Ronnie!I really like your lesson.
Hi Ronnie,
I just find these fantastic English lessons. I would like to speak English fluently. In my opinion I can learn tons of English conversations from you?
It is good to know ,”of course” is not a good reply to someone’s asking. Thanks for sharing this useful lesson with us☺
well Ronnie i always fd u so interesting. Never thought before that i could find such an amazing teacher.
Thank you Ronnie…..I have seen most of your video sessions and all are delivered in an interesting way… I watch with a smile through out each of the videos…Indeed, you are one of the best.
It is really interesting lesson and I think you
are the best
I love your lessons Ronnie!!! You’e the best!!!! Congrats, from Brazil!
Cida Amora
it’s interesting lesson Ronnie
in my opinion,it’s a important skill in conversation i mean in daily life and working life as well.To be polite when having talking with people is not easy i think coz you need to choose words careffully then you don’t upset people.Oh its hard for me anyway.But i can deal with it in any situation.
Thanks Ronnie
Hoai Manucians
hi, ronny i got your point very vell. i love to take your lession.
raj kumari
Very good class. Thank you!
Your lesson about how to give an opinion was really good.
Fabricio Braga
I really like your classes, Ronnie! You are great!
Juliana Vasconcelos
really it was interesting
Ronnie .. you are always do the same thing .. you are very intelligent teacher .
Thank you so much
i really enjoy it,tnk u <3
I don’t find the test. Can someone give me a Link?
it’s interesting,and I really like it.
Well, where is the quizz as usual ?? ?
Thank you so mach Dear Ronnie, love you !
<3 <3 <3
Bahar Khostai
Very good tips, Ronnie! Mainly about “of course”.
Loved your video. I will use this with my kids tomorrow. They have driven me nuts with “So So” and “May be”s…..Thanks a lot!
thank you for this lesson,i’m really grateful
thank you for great lesson. it is very good lesson because all people must to conversation to other people.So we must to know about how to use these word.
thank you for the lesson , it was interesting :D
I think that it was really interesting and funny because you teach me and besdes i enjoy your classes
It was interesting and always funny. Thank you Ronnie.
it was very interesting without any exaggeration :D
i hope write a sentence without mistakes :O
I really like it. Personally I reckon that was extremely helpful.
Mohamed Houman
Thanks Ronnie the lesson was very interesting <3
For me, it seems like normal this opinion expressions, because I’ve been seeing them all the time. Now I’m confused.
I really like your lessons. In the past I just wnanted to learn American English from United states but, I really like Canadian accent as well. Congratulations, you are a great teacher!!!!
it is very helpful to me to make my conversation better.
Very interesting. I made same mistakes as so so or maybe… thanks Ronnie ? I’ll do my best from now on. Besides I like how you make your lessons enjoyable..
I liked that a lot. She’s a good teacher and is always helping me.
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie.
My opinion about that lesson is; You is great teacher and that teach me the have thought more in English.
Sorry my grammar, I am beginning now the writing.
Emerson Alves dos Santos
thaks a lot ronnie
Ronnie its first time to get on eng vid …bu I really really luv u so much
Nada gaber012
Thank you, it was great but where is the ‘quiz’ section? It is my favourite expect the class of course :)
hi me too quiz are my favourite part so I can got a valuation. I’d like to visit Budapest
al willis
It is interesting.
Ronnie, please come to Serbia and share a beer with me on the street. Cops will not arrest us ;)
that was a strike because i am sometimes like that hahaha. Thanks Ronnie for the wake up….
My opinion about this English lesson is positive, :)
I think We should think before to speak, in any language, the person who is going to give an opinion should think that other people are not going to receive the message as We thought. sometimes it’s better if we just listening to the message correctly and then We make an answer fixed to the question without harming other people.
I was really interesting to know how shorts phrases in English are interpreted as bad education.
Thank you Ronnie! I’m your fan :)
It was very interesting and I like her good sense of humor!
Thank you Ronnie
So so? No more!
It was very useful
Hi Ronnie, thank you for your lesson and your tips!
Hi Guys is there anyone here want to change audios on English in WhatsApp or other social media, please contact me
Thank u
Thank you Ronnie :)
It was really interesting, i like the way Ronnie teach us.
it was really interesting thanks so much
Slm, Your lesson was very interesting.
Thank you.
Thank you so much. This lesson was interesting.
Your classes are never so so… they’re great as you. Thanks teacher
U re a great teacher Ronnie ❤️
Thank you Ronnie for these lessons
Wonderful lesson! I am a conversation killer! The conversation is stopped by me much more times. This lesson can help me to learn more skills for conversation.
Jerry Gu
Great lesson so that we can get an opinion and the right words to use in conversation.
Victor Artur
It was interesting
Thanks, now I am more clear how to give an opinion in English.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
It was interesting :D *Big smile*, thank you very much, Ronnie!! :D
Hi… Dear Ronnie I Love Your Lessons..your energy make me to listen more number of times…
Thank you for valuable Inoformation
thnx ronnie
thank you ronnie
I love you Ronnie ! I love your lessons !
I subscribe ! :D:D
THanks Ronnie
IF anybody needs to practice English with me
he / she is very welcome
my Skype : waeladam
thank for the lesson Ronnie.
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie. Can you give a positive synonym for “of course”?
Now I know what to say for an opinion.
I sometimes use “so-so,””maybe,”and the other one words. I should be careful haha. So it was interesting topic :D
Thank you for your lesson :D
Great class!! Great teacher!!
I like’s your style … fantastic lesson
Thanks a lot … Ronnie
Well Ronnie, u keep on impressive me as usual.. it’s interesting lesson :D
ThanQ so much.
thank you Ronnie you are a good handsome
If for natives it’s very hard to get a stop-conversation-answer, imagine it for who aren’t native. I can sound that person don’t want to speak with us.
Ronnie, I think this class was a little bit repetitive about the words we should not use to give our opinion about something. I would have liked to have more of the ones that we should use. But, thank you anyway for the class. :0)
i just new her
Ronnie is the best teacher in English
Thank you for your good lecture.
What is doozy?
thanks for the lesson ROnnie, It was interesting :)
A really interesting lesson, Ronnie! Thanks a lot!
Thanks for Class.
Hello can we practice together
you are Gorgeous. Many thanks
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie!
thank you! it was interesting! (:)) i’ve never thought about how interesting the facial expression could be….but you did it~~ :D
a interesting lesson! :) haha
Thanks alot Ronnie!
Other good ones:
“THAT I don’t know but…”
“It never came to my mind to think about that in this way but…”
“If I were you I’d…”
One bad one:
“It’s complicated”
Thank you!my teacher..
Hello Ronnie,
My opinion about your video: I don’t know, but let me think…I think this lesson could be improve. Like my English!
Honesty, your are marvelous.
An take care with beer, I think too much it’s not good for brain.
Have a good day
Hi, in my opinion a think which the session es very good, becaus the teacher is very interesting
This lesson was great, i always feel complete when you teach in your videos. Thank you very much Ronnie!
Thnak you so much :)
thank very much for the lesson Ronnie , it’s useful.
what a pity, you have not made a test for this video. That would be very useful because I am not sure to have grapsed the sense of what you said . Thank you very much Kind regards Francis
Thank you so much Ronnie,
I often use so-so,maybe and of course and right now your lesson make me change. It is more helpful to me.
thank u very much. it’s so useful
AS always great lesson, thanks you very very much Ronnie. ACtually i used these bad expressions a lot,especially the word of course:)
Ronnie,Thank you very much!I like your lesson.It is interesting and easy to follow.
thank you a lot ronnie, you are a good teacher )) ı love your explaning methods
Thank you, Ronnie, i think the video very interesting because it will enrich my learning.
Thank you so much, it was a good lesson :)
thanks for your interesting lesson
Hey Ronnie
How are you today
thank you for your video its really helpful
i have a question its not about this video but please help
i wanna know how can i talk english fast ! I Always get confused what tense i have to use and these grammar stuff
and please can u give me any tip to understand English slang ?
I’ve never thought about that but this class was amazing!!!
Hello, Ms.Ronnie. You class is really interesting. And I just curious that you always came out from the bottom and raise up suddenly on the video. If you could come out from the top I will be wondering. XDDDD
Thank you very much for the lesson, it was very interesting!!!
hi…dear help me….
Thank you..
Thahk YOU RONNIE, you are exellent!!!
Thanks Ronnie, interesting lesson… :=)
It was interesting :)
Thank you for giving good tips to words the challenge of now days
Look Ronnie how many “interesting” comments people left here haha change the record guys! Hey Ronnie it’s like you say directly DO NOT overuse this expression and they do right the opposite!
Sorry…being sarcastic today
thank you so much . It was really interesting. :)
Great lesson,thanks
thank you so much.it was really good lesson
thank you it was interesting
This was intersiting i didnt know about those mistake! but now I’m going to fix them!
Ronnie, you’re so a wonderful teacher. Thank you very much for this lesson (and for the others ones as well). I have never heard about the “real” meaning/feeling of the answer:”of course”, it’s tricky.
Thank you for your lesson .It is very interesting.
I like this video because I made a lot of this mistakes in the past so I promise to not doing it again , but you know the main problem for me is to find a person to talk with daily in English , I hope to solve this problem soon :-)
Thank you very much for your lesson.
it was interesting. I like Ronnie lesson (*’▽’)
THanks Ronnie
u are so funny and i enjoy and learn
thank u so mach
Thanks Ronnie I really love you You are wonderfull
thanks ronnie , you make studying english very interesting .i hope talk english fluently
It was interesting
I really want to practice English with friends so if you interested in practicing English add me on Skype : anas.mahmoud3
thank you Ronnie
Thank you so much for your lesson, I´m a new student.
I want to have a subtitle in english when you teach for easily understood. Because some words/vocabulary I don’t get it.
We have been subtitling our videos for a while now! If you go to the bottom right of the video and click on the “CC” button that comes up, you can see them. You can also enable them by default in your Youtube preferences.
oh! I see.
thank you so much :)
hi maam ronnie o you have skype??
Hi everyone. :) I need someone who I can talk to improve my english. Thank you. :) Feel free to add me ..
my skype : nephelle0214
It was interesting. Thanks so much ronnie.
i want to improve english speaking and i hope you will help me greatly.thank you
Thanks Rony
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie
Oh Ronnie ! You’re AMAZING <3
You're my favorite teacher ! I really like the way you teach
Actually I'm studying at english education college and after four years I will be a teacher too and I hope I can be "Awesome" just like you .
And this is not an compliment you deserve that ..because every time I watch your lessons I like english more and more ..
Thank you for the great lesson ..
Regards ..
well done Roney…
Thank you Ronnie
That was great ROONIE ma’m
Many Thanks Ronnie..
Oooooooooo u uuuuuuuuuuu rrrrrrrrrrrrr amazing teacher
I Loved this class. I was really interesting
Thank you so much……<3
wow, amazing lesson, Ronnie is a funny teacher…
Thank you Ronnie.
this video was cool just like you
thank you very much
I like CanadaDry too!
How was this video? I dont know but let me think, it was class. Thank you!
it was interesting
I have a question
i am a college sudent
they teach us English , and i have a problem
they give us vocabulary to memorize and the part of speech
and they ask us to put the part of speech in a sentence and i have a problem with it
with the adj ,adv ,and n
and if i want to ask you Ask you in Private
of course
it was interesting! with happy face and flower everywhere pouring my head
Oooh Ronnie!! Of course I’d like your lesson!! haha, thank you for all!!!!
hello i am much interested to listen your English class even though I am from Kerala in India. thanks a lot.
thank you ronnie….the lesson was interesting…
thank you ronnie , best my teacher
Ronnie, I very love your lessons. You’re the best ! :) I’m beginner and when I watched your films I’m very very interested in English.. I want to know about EN vocabluary more and more and more…
thank you you make my English language become better
Thank you Ronnie, that was very interisting! I used the wrong words often in my conversations. but not anymore ;)
Thank You vert much
you are the best English’s teacher of the world.
Your video was interesting!
So exciting, Ronnie!
Hi Ronnie, I nerver know when I have to use “there are”, “There is” or “have”. For example, The correct form is “there are no problem” or “have no problem” ?
Thanks for help us.
You are an amazing!
there is no problem.”There is + Object”
I have no problem. “Subject+have+object”
These are how i use them.
It was interesting. (-_-)
it was really interesting
I enjoy this lesson ,your way is intersting ,thank you.
Hello Ronnie
It was interesting
thank you for lesson
I like this teacher , Good job !
Thank you so much…!!! very very very interesting lesson Ronnie…!!!
how i can learn offffff
Don’t give up, the beginning is always the hardest
Thank you my best teacher
than lesson was very interesting
Hi Ronie!
I did not know the answer “of course” mean teribble like that until I watch this video.
:(. I did answer like that many times, I just thought It’s another way to say yes.
I really appreciate you for this lesson.
And I hope you could give us more lesson about the conversation skill like this.
When we study English in school we have to study as much vocabulary and grammar as possible,but no one teachs us about the conversation skill. In spite of the fact that we study very hard our English is still so poor in conversation.
I really hope you will have more videos like this. Once again thank you!
Hi Ngoc, pls be friend with me on skype : buitiennhat, then we can practice eng as conversation together.
Hell Ronnie,
Thank you to your valuable expressions in conversation. It will help me a lot as a tool for future.
best regards,
Nice work I am feeling batter who help me to learn English +923342816577 this is good website
Help me
it was interesting :)
Thank Ronnie for lesson. This video very good. If I have a good teacher like you, I really really fell happy.:-*
it was interesting
Ronnie your course is great,thank you
i like it…it was interesting
We can use capital letters in writing: IT WAS INTERESTING!
This lesson was very intersting thank you very much dear Ronnie
thank u ronnie, like u so much .
When I listeaned this lesson, I was shocked.
Because During world-trip I really usually used “so so ” or “maybe” when someones asked my opinion. If only I knew these anweres isn’t good..
Anyway Really Thank you
Much Love Ronnie
It is very useful for everyone who learns English! Thank you for that!
Really Thank you so much Teacher Ronnie it is very useful and frankly all your lessons is very useful and interesting frankly I have learned a lot from you thanks indeed :) .
you are very nice and good teacher we love you
I love you, Ronnie. Your lesson is great and I like it so much.
what’s meaning
i’ve = i have
WOW Ronnie, that was fantastic, you doing really well
Thank you so much
it was interesting Mrs Ronnie :D
hello Mrs.Ronnie… thanks a lot for your great lessons… they are veryyyy helpfull…
Well, It was interesting!! :)
These answers should not be used in any language.
Hi,Mrs,Ronnie thanks a lot for your a amazing lessons`they are super helpful.
Of course !!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was interesting.
Dear Ronni , your skills in teaching is very interesting ….
“That pop can could be full of beer and no one will notice that”. is this phrase correct?
1. “Would notice” sounds more natural than “will notice that”, and 2. I’m interested in where you’re smuggling this beer :P
It’s not of my interest tell about my illegal secrets to a person who put “I AM THE LAW! I SEE EVERYTHING!” on “about me”.. :D Just kidding
Thanks for answer me!
thank you
Awesome… I like ronni so much
You’re such a great teacher , i really enjoy all your lessons , a huge thanks to you
Fantastic! I loved Ronni’s lesson ; )Thanks so much.
So so :) I’m just kidding it was helpful,Thank u so much
u told me be honest ?
I was scared of you , but the lesson was very useful.
thank u
Dear Raanie you are the best teacher to me in my life thank you
Skype : Iem-Prog
It’ was interesting !
Thanks a lot!
thank u teacher .. Any body if he/ she want conversation ..because i want improve my language else . please add me in a Skype my skype is .. crew-2
It was very very interesting :)
Thank you Ronnie!
IF anybody needs to practice English with me
he / she is very welcome
my sky id : aliyev.natiq587
Hi Ronnie. Thank you for lesson and perfect exlanation. Could you give me some tips for speaking? i am going to take IELTS exam, but i am a bit shy, i find it hard to express my thoughts. is it ok if i give short answers to the examiner? how i can manage giving my opinion better?
It was interesting! :p honestly !!
great lesson ;)
I want to practice english with someone
if you want my skype : khaleduwk ;)
It’s was interesting Ronnie. Thanks
It was really interesting! Thank you again, Ronnie :)
It was interesting :)
hi Ronnie you are amazing teacher thank you it was interesting
Hi Ronnie I found you way for teaching is great I useful.
thank you and it is really interesting
Thanks a lot.
Ronne it was great and interesting thanks
it was very intersting lesson :)
Thank you very much for your lessons. I can understand you only subtitles, as my native language is Russian. Hopefully soon I will understand and your speech, but do not really know yet how to do it
you are so cute. ^^
i support
HI Ronnie, I’m just new here and you know what?you got me!! All of your topics are very interesting! Keep it up.
Gonna watch all of the videos here so that I can able to speak English fluently.
Thank you so much and god bless
yeah i support @namtransai
you’re awesome!
Wow Ronnie……!!!! :-)
Your videos are always fun and easy to digest ; ) Thank you Ronnie!
Thank s D
Thank you, Ronnie! You can drink alcohol everywhere in my country)))) You are invited to Ukraine!:-)
Thanks Ronnie Iam happy for you
Thank you Ronnie!
As usual very enjoyable!
thnaks Ronnie Of course I like your information!!
I rrealy like the way you teach us. thank you very much.
subscribed and the lesson is not interesting its awesome!
thank you ronnie
I’m understand for you word, ronny :)
you the best teacher , love you
Hi! Ronnie,
I would like to know, Have you prepared any lecture on Tenses if yes, then please give me the Youtube link so that i may know.
So Useful <3
Thank u,it was interesting :) ,not ‘interesting’ :)
it was interesting
love you sir
it was interesting in good mean of this word.
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was “interesting” :))
tnk u ronnie
Thank You Very Much Ronnie .. That was really Useful
for language practice
SKYPE : ibrahim.mohamed.saad92
It was interesting (positive meaning)but not “interesting” lessson.Did you catch it? :)
I really liked this video ..Ronnie is the best teacher here =)
hello Ronnie tanks for this lesson its really help me just i have a question for you. When I go to the bank and they asking me can I see your ID and I said sure that is correct. I’ll be grateful if you respond me. sincerely RM
I like it, thanks a lot Ronnie.
Ronnie, you’re the best.
Teacher Ronie
I’m learning a lot with your teaching. Very Thanks
Thanks Ronie! You are attractive :)
I love you Ronnie please merry me!!
it was interesting and very useful foe me Thanks Ronne.
Thanks Ronnie! I see your lessons and I learn very much. Sometimes I forgot to do the quiz, but I will do all the questions now. I have a dream, I wish to know English, I have many dificults because I study in home, alone. Someday I will do the course for it, but your lesson help me ever. Really, thanks.
Its really helpfull and u are so cool
you have great energy Ronnie ,, thank you
it’s was interesting…tanx a lot Ronnie
When I watched this lesson, I was shocked.
I often use “so-so,””maybe,”and the other one words. because I’m not good at English.
But I should be careful.
Thank you Ronnie. *^^* .
I was interesting without quotes
I think your lesson is wanderful because when you teach you jokinking and I remember easily that you teach I don’t know is correctly that I wrote but if you want you corrige me thanks
thank Ronnie
Ronnie you are the best teacher :-)
Very nice Ronnie, thanks!!
Ronnie, you have a great magic for teach. Thanks a lot, your class was “interesting”.;)
Thanks ronnie for this lesson. It was interesting.
Hi dear Ronnie , your lesson was interesting
Hi Ronnie, thanks , the lesson was very interesting.
This video was interesting :)
EngVid is amazing and Ronnnie is the best!!! :D
it was interestig
your lesson was interesting.
t was interesting. Please keep it up the good work.
It was interesting! :)
it was interesting
It was really interesting *big smile * :)
Hi Ronnie, my name is Mateus. I’m brazilian. I’m 16. I enjoy your classes too much, and at present I need you to help me! I’m working in a school here in my city, and I am very good in English, I know the grammar, I can speak English well, I can read and understand what I’m reading or listening. Then, my boss asked me to teach English at the school and I accepted, and I’m doing well. But now, people are assking me for private classes of English, and they want both grammar and conversation, so I wanna ask you how can I teach coversation? How can I make they learn. Thanks for your time and since now thanks for your help.
Hi ronnie txs for the lesson!!
it was interesting
thanks ronnie :d
Of course :D
It was Interesting :D thank you Ronnie :P
Ronnie, I am catching up all your lessons and they are really very helpful! Thanks a lot! Would you also teach me the Rhythm of English, I found it’s difficult to learn English intonation!
It ws amazing! Thank you!
You lesson is useful for me to learn english.
what an exciting lesson you give me !
Thank U Ronnie :)
Thank you Ronnie :) This lesson’s awesome and useful :)
Thank you ronnie ilove your way in teaching..
And you are so funny..:D
it was interesting (with a smile) :-)
Thanks Ronnie it was really interesting:)
First of all, thanks for this wonderful lesson!! And, Do you have any lesson or practise method for us wherein we can speak and check our pronunciation? Probably if we can send a video reading the sentences designed by your team and you can find out the areas of improvement. Or, if you can suggest some other resource where we can find out such methods. I know it’s too much of expectation but I am an aspiring teacher and I want to master this language like a native speaker.
Hi, Ronnie it was interesting,, you could me teach more examples, please. I need improve my English conversation.
Thank you.
It was interesting Ronny
It was interesting.
very funny your art of teaching thank you…so much
Thanks Ronnie it was really really interesting:)
Hi Ronnie!!
the lesson was very very interesting, I learnt very fast with your examples…
This lesson have been very interesting and could be useful to practice my speaking english
Thank you Ronnie!
In fact your lessons are very interesting and usefull. I would argue that all your tips will help us to improve our english.
Love you Ronnie, l like all your lessons.
One question, Ronnie. What do you think of this sentence:
“… or who knows, maybe in the future you will end up teaching both portuguese and German”. Is that sentence well written. I mean, I’m not sure about the position of “in the future”. Or I dont know, maybe I shouldn’t even say “in the future” at all. Would you please tell me how to write that sentence correctly?
thank you Mrs you are the best
I didn’t know “of course” is bad.
Thank you…..!!!!!
Hello Roniie!
This lesson was interesting without any quotation marks ;)
You can make simple lesson wonderful!
Thank you!
you are awesome Ronnie. Thank you so much
I have just listened first time you Ronnie. And you made a great impression to me. I promise I’ll try to listen to your lessons as possible. Big big thanks to you, dear teacher :)
Dear Ronnie
thank you very much for your teaching.
how can I have CD from your product.
best regards,
kourosh faraji
It was interesting :D. now I know what I can say when my Friend’s dinner isn´t delicious xD thanks for this video
Hi Ronnie,it’s a interested and useful lesson for me.I think I could have a chat well with my foreign friends.Thanks a lot!
thank u Ronnie
your the best teacher to me thanks Ronnie
Hi. It’s nice to meet you here. I’m an English teacher in my country and I’m going to improve my English language, so I’m happy to see your videos and thanks for your help…
Dear teacher Ronnie: You are an excellent funny English teacher.
I´d like to buy not only one beer for you, I will buy several beers, but I am very far from you. Colombia Southamerica.
God bless to you and to your family.
It was interesting! Thank you Ronnie!
It was so-so… may be, I liked it… if I understood correctly, of course… sure, it’s difficult for me ))))))))))))) Thank you Ronnie!
But… where is a quiz???
It was interesting! Your classes always are interesting ROnnie.I’m so happy, because I’m able to understand what you are speaking. yes yes yes
The class was really interesting and I liked a lot however it could be better with a quiz. Do you agree?
Thanks Ronnie, I laugh a lot with your class !!
I was wondering if can you make a class about Modals Verbs PLEASEEEE!!
Thank !! (:
good tips and nice topic Ronnie
Ronnie you are excellent professor, Thanks to you and all staff of Engvid.com.
“SO-SO” was a common mark from my teacher at shool:)
it was interesting lesson and i also enjoy it alot….. thanks Ronnie :)
I think. It was a great class with you Ronnie. Go ahead
dear Ronnie
thank you for your lessons. i’ve got a lot from them .i’m from taiwan.please don’t mind my poor english. i just would like to ask you ,is there any quiz for this lesson? i need the quiz to test myself.
I’ve learnt how to expand my conversation. Thank you, a lovely teacher, Ronnie.
thanks, it is interesting
Teacher! you are amazing, I’m really enjoying a lot your lessons. You have a diferent tecnichal to teach it.
Very useful and interesting lesson ! Thank you ! But I can’t find “quiz” button . Help me, please
This lesson doesn’t have a quiz!
Thank Ronny ,for the class,
Thanks Ronnie, your classes are always very intresting, now I will use this method to give my opinion
Thanks Ronnie, it’s very helpful ☺
Very useful lesson. Thanks a lot
Thank Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie, you have a special way to teaching
Thank you so very much for your great lessons, I love all your videos.
Oh, this is real an interesting lesson and I was laughing from begin to the end! But, also to my surprised that why don’t we have a quiz like other lessons?
Thanks Ronnie.
I love Ronnie!I really like your lesson.
Hi Ronnie,
I just find these fantastic English lessons. I would like to speak English fluently. In my opinion I can learn tons of English conversations from you?
It is good to know ,”of course” is not a good reply to someone’s asking. Thanks for sharing this useful lesson with us☺
well Ronnie i always fd u so interesting. Never thought before that i could find such an amazing teacher.
Thank you Ronnie…..I have seen most of your video sessions and all are delivered in an interesting way… I watch with a smile through out each of the videos…Indeed, you are one of the best.
It is really interesting lesson and I think you
are the best
I love your lessons Ronnie!!! You’e the best!!!! Congrats, from Brazil!
it’s interesting lesson Ronnie
in my opinion,it’s a important skill in conversation i mean in daily life and working life as well.To be polite when having talking with people is not easy i think coz you need to choose words careffully then you don’t upset people.Oh its hard for me anyway.But i can deal with it in any situation.
Thanks Ronnie
hi, ronny i got your point very vell. i love to take your lession.
Very good class. Thank you!
Your lesson about how to give an opinion was really good.
I really like your classes, Ronnie! You are great!
really it was interesting
Ronnie .. you are always do the same thing .. you are very intelligent teacher .
Thank you so much
i really enjoy it,tnk u <3
I don’t find the test. Can someone give me a Link?
it’s interesting,and I really like it.
Well, where is the quizz as usual ?? ?
Thank you so mach Dear Ronnie, love you !
<3 <3 <3
Very good tips, Ronnie! Mainly about “of course”.
Loved your video. I will use this with my kids tomorrow. They have driven me nuts with “So So” and “May be”s…..Thanks a lot!
thank you for this lesson,i’m really grateful
thank you for great lesson. it is very good lesson because all people must to conversation to other people.So we must to know about how to use these word.
thank you for the lesson , it was interesting :D
I think that it was really interesting and funny because you teach me and besdes i enjoy your classes
It was interesting and always funny. Thank you Ronnie.
it was very interesting without any exaggeration :D
i hope write a sentence without mistakes :O
I really like it. Personally I reckon that was extremely helpful.
Thanks Ronnie the lesson was very interesting <3
For me, it seems like normal this opinion expressions, because I’ve been seeing them all the time. Now I’m confused.
I really like your lessons. In the past I just wnanted to learn American English from United states but, I really like Canadian accent as well. Congratulations, you are a great teacher!!!!
it is very helpful to me to make my conversation better.
Very interesting. I made same mistakes as so so or maybe… thanks Ronnie ? I’ll do my best from now on. Besides I like how you make your lessons enjoyable..
I liked that a lot. She’s a good teacher and is always helping me.
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie.
My opinion about that lesson is; You is great teacher and that teach me the have thought more in English.
Sorry my grammar, I am beginning now the writing.
thaks a lot ronnie
Ronnie its first time to get on eng vid …bu I really really luv u so much
Thank you, it was great but where is the ‘quiz’ section? It is my favourite expect the class of course :)
hi me too quiz are my favourite part so I can got a valuation. I’d like to visit Budapest
It is interesting.
Ronnie, please come to Serbia and share a beer with me on the street. Cops will not arrest us ;)
that was a strike because i am sometimes like that hahaha. Thanks Ronnie for the wake up….
My opinion about this English lesson is positive, :)
I think We should think before to speak, in any language, the person who is going to give an opinion should think that other people are not going to receive the message as We thought. sometimes it’s better if we just listening to the message correctly and then We make an answer fixed to the question without harming other people.
I was really interesting to know how shorts phrases in English are interpreted as bad education.
Thank you Ronnie! I’m your fan :)
It was very interesting and I like her good sense of humor!
Thank you Ronnie
So so? No more!
It was very useful
Hi Ronnie, thank you for your lesson and your tips!
Hi Guys is there anyone here want to change audios on English in WhatsApp or other social media, please contact me
Thank u
Thank you Ronnie :)
It was really interesting, i like the way Ronnie teach us.
it was really interesting thanks so much
Slm, Your lesson was very interesting.
Thank you.
Thank you so much. This lesson was interesting.
Your classes are never so so… they’re great as you. Thanks teacher
U re a great teacher Ronnie ❤️
Thank you Ronnie for these lessons
Wonderful lesson! I am a conversation killer! The conversation is stopped by me much more times. This lesson can help me to learn more skills for conversation.
Great lesson so that we can get an opinion and the right words to use in conversation.
It was interesting
Thanks, now I am more clear how to give an opinion in English.
weer the qitheing
Ronnie in my opnion your classes are fantastic.
Where is the quiz?
It was interesting
Thank you! This lesson is very helpful to me.
It was interesting