Love to eat? Share your recipes and give advice to those who are lost in the kitchen. In this lesson we will look at some basic cooking vocabulary that might make food a new experience for you and your friends and family. You’ll learn words like chop, boil, saute, grill, slice, and more.
Thanks Adam ,hope you make the punctuation video very soon
hey teacher Adam,you should try some huangmenji(黄焖鸡)
Ok, Joeliu. What is that?
Adam if you would like to taste some spicy, try out #BARYYANI#(Pakistan) …
or some traditional steam dish- (Uzbek) #Mantyy#
or delicious (Uighur) #laghman#
these are my favorite…
it is too long recipe to write out… sorry
never mind i will give you the real recipe of Pakistani baryyani…
try out and if you like plz let me know..
here is the link,,,
Baryyani is really tasty dish. I’m recomending too.
A Chinese food popular in ShanDong province ,and its primary ingredient is Chicken meat ,and it belongs to chicken meal .
In Kazakhstan popular food is the sausage from the horse meat, absolutely delicious!
Hey Adam … Did you try the Egyptian food ?
Must try it … eat Koshary you will love it … come to Egypt and visit Alexandria there’s a famous resturant presents Koshary there … really it’s Fantastic I ate there yesterday .. it’s called Abou-Naser if you will come tell me that day to go there too I like eating there soooooo much and it’s cheep too not expensive at all !
Fatema 4444
hey fatema ? I’m mohamed from egypt
Hi,Adam I’m a little confused when I try to save some new words. If you were me, what should I do?
Mohamed Brit
hi adam can you make a video on how to learn new words and never forgot
Syed Ibrahim
Hi Hesham,
We’re working on a series of these lessons. The first should be coming in a few weeks.
Hello teacher, you are the best teacher i have ever seen i wish i could be your student for real because i love the way you teach and you transmit the info so easily, i want to learn English and one day i will be able to speak it without breaks and any troubles, i need help and thank you for your support teacher.
Really nice! I’ve been waiting for a long time.
Hi Quang, I HAD been waiting for a long time too, a lesson like this.
I am preparing dishes for a party tomorrow with some English-speaking friends. It’s really timely to learn these. Thank you and I got 100, yeah!
Thank you. You must try russian “pelmeny”!
Hi Adam, We need a lesson in “Hold” phrasal verbs… Like “hold in”, “hold back” and “hold on”… plz it’s gonna be so useful for me and many students (:
Yazeed Alsahafi
Hi Yazeed,
It’s coming soon.
Thank you Adam!
Gabriel R.
i love your accent ♥️
I was looking forward for a lesson about differents ways of cook, thank you Adam!
This is not a lesson that teach you about different ways to cook, it is a lesson that let you know cooking vocabulary XXXXXD
Oh, sorry, he is right. Can I delete that post? :0
Hi Buyeromanya, I was looking forward TO a lesson about different ways of cookING too.
At last we found it, didn’t we?
Hi IronMan,I know you are looking forward to a lesson about different ways of cookING too.Am I right?Bless regards!
Yeah, that’s right! Thanks for your feedback.
Regards Panda.
P.S. By the way, where are you from? Russia?
Oh,No,Russia is beside my Country.My Country’s Map likes
a big cock!I think you can guess where I come from.
Or you can say the map of China looks like a rooster, not cock.
thanks Adam ! I’m chef and I was loking forward for this topic and so nice to hear your old job same with me .I will give several recipe for you :)
So many things need to review later in this lesson.
Hi, Adam. Have you try to cook “Guo Bao Rou”? The English name of it are “Sweet and sour?(Refer to Wiki)” and “Chinese crispy beef?” Anyway, this dish is famous in my hometown~ :) I recommended it.
Sounds delicious :)
Hi Adam! Thanks for the lesson. My favorite dishe is panettone. Do you know how to bake one of this? I like to cook too and my bride want to become a cheff.
So sweet~ :)
Hi Emerson,
You should give me the recipe.
I would like to receive the recipe by e-mail, please, if it is possible.
Adam why did you blush when you said “cock”? Oh Adam, mmm, mmm is that a stove? It looks like a bed. You forgot the buttons to turn it on/off.
hello Karen I wont to talk english with you :)
lol, I’d like to talk to you and know about your IILETS experience, this is my skype: optimistic.one1
No you’re wrong it looks like a stove and an oven not like a bed then he didn’t need to draw buttons because his drawing is very clear
Thanks Karen. Actually, I can;t even count how many times a student has come up to me and told that he or she is a good cock and I should try them sometime. ;)
I got 9 correct out of 10. I cook everyday. Recently, I’ve liked to bake cookies and cakes(like brownies and pancakes) with various ingredients :)
My favorite dishes are Japanese noodles (Yakisoba, Udon, Somen, Ramen etc…). Thank you, Adam :)
So good!I learned more about culinary art from this lesson,thank you ,thank you!
Thanks Sir, I got 80%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi teacher!
Mongolian dumpling is very nice
are you muslim?
Hi ridhwan,
I’m not Muslim, but I like to learn about different cultures. :)
Hello Adam,
I really appreciate your work and want to say you thanks for all your lessons. Today lesson was truly helpful.
About your question – you should try a Naengmyeon. That is one of the best dishes that I tried before.
Thanks Kevit,
What is it?
It is a cold buckwheat noodle soup. Ingredients: beef broth, mustard, rice vinegar and chili, finely chopped cucumber, slices of cooked beef.
mmm… sounds good :) thanks
Thanks Adam.
I recomend sushi or tempura.
MMM…love them both.
Thanks Torohi
寿司すし 天麩羅てんぷら おいしいですね
Thanks a lot Adam :) If you try you’ll never forget hungarian gulash-soup
I love Gulash, Mazanadam. And paprikash :)
Hi! I’m Matilda and live in S.Korea.
My favorite food is Korean Potato Pancakes because it tastes diffent from French Fries and melts in my mouth.
Matilda seems a Portugues name.Are your parents from Portugal or brasil?
Sorry for my curiosity.
Nice to meet you.
I didn’t know that my name is a Portugues name.
My parants are Korean. Actually, it was my catholic baptism name but, now I am a Christian.
– Matilda –
Hi, it’s me again! As far as I can see you are very curious by nature. Good for you Edilson!!!
I’m glad to hear from you again!!!
Thanks Adam,
Try to taste Iraqi dish called “Dolma”!!!!
I love Dolma, Haiderhabeeb. Thanks.
Thanks for your teaching and I recommend you try to cook Kimchi pan cake. It’s a Korean food and quite simple dish. First of all, you need to get Kimchi to cook it. ^^
Daeheon Kang,excuse-me but What is Kimchi?Is it a fish..?
Hi, Edilson! Here’s a vídeo in Portuguese of a Kimchi recipe;
The vídeo is kinda long, so I don’t know if there’s fish in it, but it seems… well I don’t think I’ll ever eat it,I don’t like chard (acelga).
Evaldo Mendes
Kimchi is a Korean traditional fermented dish made of vegetables with seasonings including chilly pepper powder.
Thanks Daeheon. I love kimchi :)
Hello Techer! I would like you to tell me about a future tense problem, if I say future in the past : ” I was going to teach my students”, this sentence ist correct or incorrect.
The Twerp
Hi The, ;)
It is correct. it means you HAD a plan to do this action, but the sentence also suggests that this plan might not happen and you might not do it.
Does that help?
Hi Adam!
Thank you for your new English lesson. I like it.
May I ask, is there a difference between chef and chief?
Yeah, there is a difference between these two words:
SHEF (is a noun) is a professional cook whereas CHIEF can be a noun/adjective. So its meaning depends on the context.
Hope it may help Gellii.
Thank you Ragards :-)
Hi Gellii,
Greetings to the Czech Republic. If I may answer it for you… Yes, there is a difference.
A chef is an experienced cook, a professional. He/She is typically the chief cook in a restaurant. As you can see I have used the word “chief” here – as an adjective.
“Chief” as an adjective means “most important”, “main” or “highest in authority”.
“Chief” as a noun means “leader” or is the head of an organization, such as the police or military.
Hi David!
Thank you for your comprehensive answer :-)
I understand now…
Hi Gellii, I’m glad to know that you at last understood the difference between these two words.
Regards and keep on the good work!
Hi David, this is an excellent reply to the question posed by Gellii.
Sample sentences always help out to clarify meanings because they provide contextual clues.
The website provided is also excellent for future reference.
Hi Gellii,
Regino’s answer is good, though I’ll add that chief is the head of something (like a tribe, a company, etc.) and chef is the head cook in a restaurant. So, realistically, a chef is the chief cook in a professional kitchen.
Another good lesson :) thanks Adam, you are a good teacher :)
Thank Adam
it easy to listen and understand.
My favorite dish are Som-Tum and Tom-Yum-kung,Thai food.
Thanks Ketsy,
I love Thai food too.
It’s very important to learn new words/expressions in context to avoid any misunderstandings.
Context makes the learning of new words easier.
Thaks for this video-lesson Adam.
Thanks Regino. Good work here :)
Ciao Adam,
great lesson, you are always very clear.
I am good at preparing pasta with porcini mushrooms. A delicious Italian dish.
Enjoy your meal.
Even I love eating and cooking, so I absolutely loved this lesson! My favorites are pasta and desserts. Hard to say what I like best!!! Anyway, you absolutely have to try the lasagna and then tart with blackberry jam! Very delicious!!!
Sounds very delicious. Thanks Dorycam. :)
Adam, I’m from Brazil, but you must try German smoked pork ribs. Damn man, is freaking good!
Thanks WP,
I’m on it :)
Great lesson!
You should try “feijoada” here in Brazil! Or maybe in some brazilian restaurants that you have in Orlando, Miami or NY… but a native one will be the better experience!
Thanks Flrizzato,
What is that?
Hi Adam,
That’s a dish cooked by African slaves. It’s become a tradition in the Brazilian culinary. It’s a stew of black beans, pork and spices.
Thanks Adam, and my favorite dish is grilled fish. hmmm delicious and healthy.
Thank you)
Thanks for your teaching.great lesson,
Thanks Adam,
that was something difficult for me, i did the test three time, uffff but i did it.
Denis Hernandez.
Keep trying Denis. It will all come to you.
Very good lesson!!!! tks
Thanks Adam! My favourite dish is “Canederli in Broth”.
Canederli, also known locally as Knödel, are bread dumplings typical of the area of South Tyrol.
Look for the recipe on Internet and…enjoy:)
Hi, Adam, I am from Chimbote, Peru, I recomend you that you prepare aji de gallina, it’s very delicious…
1 1/2 pounds chicken breast
4 cups chicken stock
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3-4 yellow aji peppers
2 gloves garlic, minced
1 large onion, finely chopped
3 tablespoons chopped walnuts
3 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
4 slices white bread
3/4 cup evaporated milk
4 yellow potatoes
2 hard boiled eggs
10 black olives, halved
Cook the yellow potatoes in salted water until tender when pierced with a fork. Let cool, peel, cut into quarters, and set aside.
Place the bread in a small bowl and pour the evaporated milk over it to soak. Set aside.
Place the chicken breasts in a pot with the chicken stock, and bring to a simmer. Cook for 10-15 minutes, until chicken is just barely cooked through.
Set chicken aside to cool. Strain broth and reserve 2 cups.
Remove stems and seeds from the peppers. In a blender, process peppers with the vegetable oil until smooth.
Sauté the garlic and onions with the puréed peppers and oil, until the onions are soft and golden. Remove from heat and let cool.
Shred the cooled chicken into bite-size pieces.
In a blender or food processor, process the evaporated milk and bread mixture with the nuts and parmesean cheese until smooth. Add the cooked onion mixture and process briefly.
Return onion mixture to pan, and add 1 1/2 cups of the reserved chicken stock. Bring to a low simmer, and stir in the chicken. Heat until warmed through, adding more chicken stock if sauce is too thick.
Serve over rice, garnished with the yellow potatoes, slices of hard boiled egg, and black olives.
Elmer Merino
Hi Elmer, as far as I can see only two people understood Adam’s instructions; you were one of them ” . . . please share your recipes …”
Thanks for your recipe Elmer, I’m gonna try it.
That looks great, Elmer. Thanks.
I got 7 correct out go 10.I’m going to see the video again.
I think I like to eat anything from ocident.I don’t like japonese food but I know is the best to our health.Sorry for myself.”I’m brazilian I’ll never give up”
Thanks Adam! I have been looking for this lesson on engvid too. I am badly cooking and at least , I figure out the difference between slice and dice or chop. Where I live, there is a special food called Maniçoba. To be honest I don’t like it and I guess it is difficult prepare that,,
Hi, Henri! You’re Brazilian, right? Sorry, but I don’t know how to ask this in English, so: você é de que parte do Brasil? Parece um prato nordestino, acertei?
Evaldo Mendes
well, I am from Belém, PA. Maniçoba is a very popular food in Belém. There are others, such as, (pato no tucupi),(açai com farinha),(tacacá)and (vatapá). I don´t know if it is from northeast Brazil.
you should try Egyption food ( Egyptian Koshari) that the name of food ( Koshari ) Middle Eastern food Dishes, Arabian regions
I love Middle Eastern food. Thanks Basem.
thank you Adam .please write more big
Janvier Pierre Roody
Hey Adam,
I suggest you to try my favorite dish.
The recipe for that:
1- small pieces of Chicken
2- potato
3- Tomato
4- Onion
5- garlic
6 – sweet paper(colors)
and pan with its lid
Now we start cooking.
First, you need to chop all the veges small pieces.
Second, put the onion in pan and let it steam for a bit, then add to tomatoes.
Third, put the chicken on the pan and add to it some sauce with little bit of black pepper. Let it steam till it gets white.
Fourth, put all the rest the recipe on the pan and put the lid on for 15 minutes or 20 minutes if needed till gets cooked. while its steaming, add to it some salt and stir the ingredients .
If you would like, you can cook white rice for a side. It seems too much to do, but trust me you Adam or anyone else, you will love.
Last note, do not eat your fingers while you eating this dish :D
lol. Thanks Yossef. I’ll try not to eat my fingers.
Dear Adam loves your lesson and your interactions in the class.I’m from India. I recommend you try Dosai with chutney and sambar(South India,Tamil nadu)and Delicious fish curry(karimeen)from Kerala.First one is vegetarian food .Both of this are very popular.
Dear Adam
what is the difference between
I talked to a person /I talked with a person
Hi Pintuk,
First, thanks for the food tips. I love Indian food. :)
second, Talked to usually suggests one way conversation, with one person saying something to another person. Talked with is more a two-way dialogue. If you mix them up, usually it will still be clear what you mean.
Does that help?
Dear Adam
what is the use of out in these contexts
Eg: help you out,ask you out,out there,what is the difference if out is not using here?
ran out VS ran off what is the difference?
Married off vs got married ?
help you out vs. help you — no difference
ask you out — out means on a date
out there — outside (speaking inside), or in the big world (generally)
ran out– finished the supply of something (ran out of gas)
ran off — escaped, or (ran off at the mouth) — talked too much.
Married off –parents marry off their kids
got married– officially wed.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply:)
thank you
thank for this lesson Mrs Adam my favorite meat is “couscous ” i don’t know if u know it )
Hi Sami,
Isn’t couscous a wheat? I guess it’s delicious with meat though. I do like couscous. :)
Thank you Adam for this great training video!
Hello Adam,I love your lesson. Also me cook meat all days. I cook often on oven and with a stove. See you soon.
ody joly
Hi Adam !
Woaow : how difficult it is to explain a recipe. I have to search for a lot of vocabulary. I hope it will be understable. Here is my recipe for duck breast in straberry guava coulis :
For a couple
* 1 duck breast (over 300g)
* enough strawberry guava pulp to cover the pan surface
* a slice of Etorki (soft sheep’s milk cheese)
* ½ tsp vanilla sugar
* 2 tsp of brandy, more specifically cognac
If you don’t have any strawberry guava you can replace with black cherry marmelade. In this case you don’t need to add the vanilla sugar
For strawberry guava pulp, you just have to use a red fruit mill, so no skin, no seeds, and make ice cube with it, so you can use it in cooking during all the year.
If you don’t have Etorki, use cheddar (a soft one)
Score the fat of the duck breast in a criss-cross pattern with a sharp knife
Place the duck breast fat side down in a pan for 8mn – strong heat in the very first moments, until you see fat rendered off, then gentler.
Turn on the other side for 5 mn, to get a pink coloured breast
Reserve the duck breast in a plate and the rendered fat in an another container if you want to use it to fry potatoes for example
Deglaze the pan with the strawberry guava pulp + vanilla sugar + cognac.
Wait for a light reduction (to thicken the coulis).
At this time we harvest the fat skin, but you can keep it if you like
Cut the breast into slices and put a thin piece of cheese in between to slices
Dispose a line of coulis over the breast and in the plate.
Delicious with roasted potatoes ans french green beans.
Enjoy !
Hi Annie, as far as I can see only two people have understood Adam’s instructions so far ” . . . please share your recipes …”
Thanks for your recipe Annie, I’m gonna try it.
Let me know if you like it ;)
Great job, Annie. I will definitely try this. Thanks :)
I hope you will :)
hello Mr Adam. thank you for this lesson. so, i would like you to try a very rich dish i can say popular dish here in Algeria, Couscous, prepared with semolina, vegitables and cheep meat.
I look forward to hearing the lesson, the adverb eventually, i ve asked.
i am so thankful
Hi Nourine,
Thanks for the tip. I’ll try to do an adverb lesson, but you’ll need to be a bit more specific. There’s a lot to say about adverbs.
Let me know.
Hi could check out this lesson -in this lesson James described ‘eventually’ at the last part.
Yeah Annie, I agree with you; writing a recipe in English is not that easy. But I’m sure you learned lots of new words and how to use them.
Thanks again!!!
I love eating, but I don’t like cooking…:) It’s so boring cooking everyday!
Hi Janilza,
I love cooking but hate cleaning after lol.
The same with me, Adam! lol I hate cleaning the things after cooking!
Here is a recipe I really love to bake a delicious rice with onion and garlic:
– Prepare 500g of rice as the traditional way (put the rice into a pot with boiling water and avoid salt for your good health);
– Take one onion (around 100g) and chop all of that;
– Take 3 pieces of garlic (around 60g) and chop all of that;
– When the traditional rice is ready to serve, turn on another pan with olive oil and put into there all chopped onion and garlic;
– After few minutes when the onion and garlic come to be golden, mix it with the prepared rice by slicing softly until they are completely combined.
It tastes nice with any meat (such as biff, fish or even chicken) and salad.
That’s all, I hope you all enjoy it!
Thanks Alexandre. Looks good.
I meant “beef” instead “biff” :)
ten good answers out of 10.
Hi Adam try couscous, you go to montreal, exactly to Jean-Talent street, you find any algerians restaurants. you can taste it and ask for recipe.
bonne appétit :)
I don’t think that he would teach if he ate this dish (couscous)
Couscous is not good, Adam ask for “Mehajb”
Thanks :)
Hi Adam,
Today it’s snowing and it’s very cold so I decided to cook something easy but fanciful: pizza balls.
Your friends will be enthusiastic as my have been.
This is a very simple recipe.
You are a chef;) so I don’t have to explain how to make pizza dough…
Form little balls of pizza dough and leave them rise. Deep fried them in oil and cook until brown on both sides.
Remove and place on plate lined with paper towel to soak up some of the excess oil. Roll balls in grated parmesan cheese. Serve immediately with Margherita sauce (tomato , garlic and basil).
Buon appetito!
mmm… sounds delicious. I’ll try it. Thanks, Byte
thank you so much adam
You wanna try ‘ ovened sutlac aka rice pudding’ really nice and kinda easy to cook. And u wanna broil ’em. If u roast its gonna be thick and less tasty. Have fun:)
Hi Adam! Very good lesson, thank you. I love cooking, so there are many dishes that I love. Anyway, I prefer seafood among all the products, so, if you’ve never tried “Sauté de Gambas au pastis”, you’ll like it…I hope so :). Okay. It is very fast to cook. You need:
– 4 spoon of Pastis (alcoholic drink flavoured with anise and liquorice).
– 2 pinches of brown sugar in powder)
– 1 kg of Gambas (tiger are better)
– parsley
– 6 shallots
– 1 fresh chili (green)
– 2 spoon of olive oil
– fresh ginger (that you’ll grate)
– salt, pepper.
Note: If you buy frozen gambas, you’ll cook them directly, no need to defrost. You’ll just cook them 2 more minutes before pouring the Pastis. Let’s go:
first step: pour the pastis in a bowl. Add sugar and mix them until the sugar is completely dissolved. Rince the gambas(if fresh ones)without removing scales. Then dry them on a towel.
Second step: Wash and wipe off parsley, then chisel (or dice) them. Dice the shallots. Wash and remove the pips of chili, then slice it thinly.
Third step: Pour the oil in a pan or wok and heat it. When the oil is hot enough, put the sliced shallots, the hot pepper and ginger. Brown them for about 3 minutes on high heat, stirring. If you use frozen gambas, make the 3rd step in 5 minutes and medium heat. If you use fresh gambas, add them fter the 3 minutes after browning shallots and so on. Brown (flip) the gambas 4 minutes, don’t stop stirring.
Last step: pour the sugared pastis and let cook 4 other minutes on medium to low heat, to let falvours blend together. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with parsley, mix 30 seconds. Add salt and/or pepper if necessary, remove from fire then serve immediately. Bon appétit!
I like it with mixed rices (wholegrain rice, brown rice and wild rice / or with Basmati rice /or fresh tagliatelles with basil.) I hope you’ll try it and will enjoy it.
Sounds interesting Medusa. I’ll have to try this. :)
Adam, just relax. :) Cock has many meanings:
– A male bird, especially a domestic fowl.
– Male chicken or other gallinaceous bird.
– Male pigeon.
– A valve or tap for controlling flow in plumbing.
– The hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism.
– The notch of an arrow or crossbow.
– (slang, vulgar) The penis.
– (curling) The circle at the end of the rink.
– The state of being cocked; an upward turn, tilt or angle.
– (UK, New Zealand, pejorative, slang) A stupid person.
– (informal, UK, Tasmania) An informal term of address.
– A boastful tilt of one’s head or hat
– (informal) shuttlecock
– A vane in the shape of a cock; a weathercock.
– (dated, humorous) A chief man; a leader or master.
– The crow of a cock, especially the first crow in the morning; cockcrow.
– The style or gnomon of a sundial.
– The indicator of a balance.
– The bridge piece that affords a bearing for the pivot of a balance in a clock or watch.
You know I was sure Adam was speaking perfect English. But he obviously needs lessons and must be grateful for this one!
The meaning and use of a word is determined by CONTEXT, no doubt about it.
When it comes to cooking, COOK means to prepare food by heating it, for example by boiling, baking or frying it.
… and that was all this lesson about.
lol. Indeed. But when students tell others that they are great cocks, it’s best to warn them.
I live in New-York. The word cock has only one meaning. So try to avoid it.
Also, the word HOW in Russian sounds like English COCK.
It makes many funny situations.
Thank you very much!
Hi Adam
Why not to try Arabic rice with fish?
It’s very delicious
We eat it only for lunch
I love to cook and eat too… and I got 100%. It’s my first time when I decided to comment your lesson. Thank you very much for everything what are you doing for us. Your lessons are very useful and enjoyable. This is my first comment in english… I always afraid of making a stupid mistake so I prefer to be a passive pupil. Best regards!
No fears Setkax :)(good job)
Hi, Adam!
Here’s my recipe, it’s one of my soul foods.
You only need onion, bacon, milk, cheese, salt, pepper, and boiled rice.
1. slice onion, and saute with chopped bacon.
2. after they turned brown, pour milk until onion and bacon sink and little bit. Then simmer and stir.
3. put some salt and pepper and cheese
4. lastly, put boiled rice and simmer.
I hope you like it. try it, Thanks! :)
I definitely will. Thanks Jeyeon
you have to try Boiled potatoes whith cheese,Leeks, small Pieces of tomatoes and tamarind .we call it in Arabic (بطاطس مسلوقة)
Sounds yummy. Thanks.
Nothing is so good as Ukrainian borshch.
Adam, you will not regret if you try it.
I love the borshch. Especially on a cold winter’s day. Thanks Oooooh :)
I want to pass the examination is TOEFL IBT 8.0 but I heard from any friends.I have to have a rich vocabulary.Is that correct?
It is correct Camthu. But you can learn vocabulary. Just takes some hard work.
Hi Adam after reading the comments i would like to share best of my recipe(my friends and family love it) which i learned from my mom.Very easy to prepare,delicious and i’m sure you will love it.
Vegetable fried rice for 2 people
Rice-2 cups soaked for 30 minutes
cinnamon stick-2 medium piece
bay leaf-1
coriander leaves-for garnishing
cashew nuts-5/6
pepper-8-10 no.
onion-1 medium size(chopped fine)
frozen vegetables(packet contain carrot,green peas,corn,beans or whatever you like)-one small cup
Lemon juice-2 tsp or half lemon(small one)
firstly, Boil rice in hot water, add clove,cardamom,bay leaf,pepper,salt(you can taste the water while adding).Add lemon juice to this water so the rice will not stick to each other.Once if it is ready drain the water off then remove the spices from the boiled rice except pepper.
Secondly,put a pan ,heat up, add 2-3 tsp of ghee
fry cashew nuts first-till light brown color ,then add raisins-becomes swollen ,keep aside both ,then (here you can add 2 tbs of oil) fry onion in simmer if it gets slight brown,good aroma will come, then keep it aside ,finally put in the frozen vegetables add slight salt over it otherwise it will not taste good in the rice,you can add a chopped Green chilly here,if you need it.
Take a bowl,add 1 tsp of ghee ,spread it add some hot rice ,make a small layer,add some veg,cashew,raisins,coriander leaves over it-spread it,again add rice then the dry fruits,and vegetables…you can spray the layer with pine apple juice-raw) slightly(optional),serve it with fish,chicken,any non veg .. taste heavenly…i’m sure you will like it:)
I’m sure I will too, Pintuk. Thanks
nice job
Hey Adam, thanks for your lesson, I recommend this recipe Hope you will like it.
mmm… that looks delicious. Thanks Amandeepk. :)
Great lesson, teacher!
u know…I’d appreciate a lot if u could make a video about the difference between pain & hurt…I mean, are they interchangeable?
Thank u so much!
Hi Diana,
Pain is a feeling, while hurt is a physical condition that causes pain. If you fall off your bike, you might hurt yourself and feel pain. But… people say “it hurts” means there is pain. So in this case, the main difference is that pain is a noun, and hurt is a verb.
Does that help?
your pronunciation is wonderfull Adam Thanks :)
Hi Adam. When it comes to eating (is the ing form OK?) and food, I’m your man. You ask to tell you one’s preferred dish. God, what a question! there’re so many of them. Like you I love good food and it happens that my wife is a real “cordon bleu“, so if one day you should come over to France and precisely to Avignon, I’d be more that happy to have you home and share delicious recipes my wife is very fond of cooking. What can I say, one of my favorite dishes is “rôti Edouard Herriot“ which is a filled and coated with “foie gras“ roast of beef served rare (British call it a ‘joint‘, funny isn’it? Never smoke it!). Another dish could also be considered as one of my favorites is the “gratin de queues d’écrevisses“. Please don’t ask me how it is cooked so much it’s difficult but I just know it is a pure marvel that my wife cooks on occasion when it is possible to find French crayfish which become more and more scarce. I’m not surprised you like eating because when people do, they’re nice most of the time, which is your case…and mine :-).
Thanks Patple,
Love your sense of humour :)
Love French food too. Might have to take you up on that offer someday. ;)
Dear Adam.
Thank you for your helpful lessons.
I’m writing this message to ask a question.
I’m confused between Take and Bring.
ex.)I take / bring some food for the party.
I’ll wait for your reply and your next lesson.;-)
Glad Pintuk helped you out. See if you know the difference between come and go; it’s similar to bring and take.
Hi Adam,
I like this lesson and my favorite dish is Tom Yum Kung. ^_^
Have a nice day.
HI Joywin,
I love this soup too :)
Thanks Adam.
Hi Adam,,could you tell me what difference between Maybe,Perhaps,and Probably
Daud Khan
Hi Daod,
Maybe and perhaps are similar, though perhaps is a little more formal. Probably means there is a good chance that X will happen, or Y is true, etc.
So… maybe =50% chance
probably = more than 50%.
Hope that helps
Adam could you make a video about the use of gerund and also all the -ing forms?
Hi Shooter,
I’ll see what I can do. It’s a good topic.
thanks very much
you must visit Egypt and try Egyptian bean
Ahmed Mosad
Hi Ahmed,
is that Foule? I love it.
Hi Adam
yes it is i did not think that you know it
Ahmed Mosad
Hello Adam, how are you man? Please make a special lesson about( considered as-) regarged as-) though to be- to have)-known to be)and also ( the differences between ( to consider, to regard, to imagine,to assume, to suppose, to recognize , to admit??? Please Adam maybe not only I need this help!:-)
Abdel Said
Hi Abdel,
I’ll get on that.
Hi Adam! May I ask? Is there any easy rule
about using “to” before verb. I can say it automatically but sometimes it’s so confusing.
For example:”There was something interesting
(to?)tell (to?)you.” Thank You very much!
Hi Katrin, you TELL someone something or
you TELL something TO someone:
Example: – -Please TELL me the truth (Present)
– -He TOLD the news TO everyone(Past)
But you SAY something TO someone:
– -They never say anything TO him.
Hope these examples may illustrate this point.
Hi Katrin,
Not an easy answer, I’m afraid. To tell is the infinitive verb, while to you, is a preposition and pronoun.
In a sentence that has a main verb, all other verbs will likely be infinitive (no tense/time) and use ‘to’. But that is a dangerous statement, because there ae many situations in which we don’t use the ‘to’. I’ll see if I can figure out how to make a lesson about this and put it up.
That would be great!!! Thank You Adam! I will be waiting!
hope you are doing well madam.
well,i have a question about sentences in english and that would be how you could distinguish even problematic sentences and please tell me a little about run-on,fragment and rambling sentences in english. or do we have any other factor to help us knowing proplematic sentences well.
Hi Mehdi,
There could be a million things that make a sentence problematic. It depends on how you use the grammar, vocab, punctuation, etc.
A run-on sentence is one that doesn’t use proper punctuation and has too many independent clauses. A fragment, is missing a main verb or a subject. A rambling sentence just goes on too long, even if it is grammatically correct.
Hope that helps.
Kyle Millar is a very famous English teacher here in Spain, he´s Canadian and I´m trying to learn as much as I can from him through internet as I do with you. He says that PAELLA is a fantastic dish, the best he´s tasted in Spain, you´d love it. Some of its ingredients are rice, seafood, shellfish, vegetables, chicken, etc. If you were interested in it, I would give you one possible recipe because there are many ways to make it. Sincerely, Ramón.
Thanks Ramon,
I love Paella. Sure, send me the recipe. I’d appreciate it.:)
Hi Adam, thanks for your great lessons. I’ve learned a lot about the cooking. I also like cooking.
Hi, Peter, are you in China ? How you can use this website in China, when I was in China I tried couple times but never worked. Would you like to tell me how did you do that? Thanks
thanks Adams. I don’t like cooking but I have to learn these expressions. bye.
Hi Adam
I waited too much for your new lesson
Don’t you post another video?
Actually your lessons are very understandable
And useful
Thanks Adam
Thanks a lot.
Good guy, thanks for that;)
thanks for that i got 90 ….
thank you teacher .Its really an important vocab
abeer alward
As my usual reaction. What a nice lesson! Thx. By the way . I got 10 over 10.
Thanks a lot Adam !
I got 10
Adam’s lessons are pure pleasure.
Hi Adam how are you? I hope you are good. Adam,I would like to know the difference between above,over- below, under and beneath.
I would be very grateful for your explanation.
I always follow your lessons
the best
Hi everyone. Sorry for the late replies (was too busy eating all the dishes you recommended).
Thanks for all the good comments. :)
hi,Adam,I would like to know the difference between above,over- below, under and beneath.
I would be very grateful for your explanation.
the best
Hi The best,
over has the idea of motion, while above is stationary. Foe example, a cloud hangs above the city, while a plane flies over the city. On windy days, the clouds move over the city.
Below means under, but with a gap. It also means a lower rank.
The notebook is under/beneath the textbook on the desk. The pencil fell and is on the floor below the desk.
Something is beneath me, means I am too good for it. If you are below me in the company, it means I have a higher position.
Does this help?
oh!Yes, it really does. I feel so grateful for your help, Adam. Your explaination was very useful for me, thank you!
the best
hi adam,
i got 90% he he…nice listen to your lesson..
Ari Wiyono
Hi everyone. Dear teacher, i’m study every day but i don’t see the progress!!! :( i write onli new word 30 or more times and i listen the pronunciation on google translate but when was the time for speek whith somebody i forgot everthing wordsthen i learn first. :(
P.S. I’m a cook, Italian kitchen :P
Hi Ana,
You just have to keep practicing, and don’t think too much when you speak; you don’t need to be perfect, just get the message out, and the rest will take care of itself.
Keep trying. It gets easier.
Hi Adam, thank you very much, i’ve a big progres than the first message and i’m very happy, thank you for your help, i whatch your lessons 3-4 time the same lesson. When i learne more words i give you a recepi how do you make a good Potatoes Ravioli or my be when i come in Canada, i love it, it’s my dream live there and open a little pastry shop. :)
this is big tips. i start to spek not exactly perfect but very good when stop to think.
Wow I got 90, awesome, thank you a lot ♥♥♥
Hi Adam, I like your lesson a lot, it’s easy to remember and I have fun with that, thanks all of you, you guys did a wonderful job.
Hi Adam,I like this lesson .the favorite food for Egyptian people is is Monokhya.
i made a lot of mistakes in this quis. i am sorry
No need to apologize Johan. Just keep practicing :)
Hi Adam, I’m Keiji from Japan. Thanks for your lesson. I love to eat also and cooking sometime. I recommend you one dish names Teriyaki Chicken. Prepare a small cup of say sauce with sugar first, then put a bunch of chicken reg into frying-pan to grill the chicken skin first. Put the say sauce after turn it over. It’s sounds easy to cook and tasty, isn’t it?
Thanks Keiji. I love Japanese food. I miss Yoshinoya a lot ;)
Hi Adam, thanks for you help.
You must try our fantastic brazilian barbecue.
IT’s delicious..
Hi dear Adam
I am new student.
thank for your lesson.
Welcome Mojtaba :)
Adam, when you were about to compare sounds in “cook” and “rock” I prepared myself to hear the words “loose”, “choose” ect. It’s a problem for most Russian students to feel the difference between [u] and [u:]. Thanks for the lesson – a useful one!
Hi Adam
Thanks a lot for your useful lessons.
Have you ever eaten Iranian food?
It is very delicious.
Thank you Adam.
thank you adam
i love to eat like you
so what do you think of egyptian
Thank you Mister Adam! Your explanations are very clear!
In my town, the favorite meal of people is in French “boulettes liégeoises”!
It’s meat balls with brown sauce with onions and fruit’s sirup. You eat that with French fries and a lot of mayonnaise! It’s weird like that but it’s really tasty! Enjoy your meal! :D
Adam, you should come to Spain and eat a PAELLA. You would love it!
my favorite dish is feijoada, a traditional Brazilian dish. It is a stew made of a mixture of meat and black beans, served with rice and vinaigrette. Very tasty… Have you ever eaten it, Adam?
Sally S
Hi adam. you should taste LAHMACUN. Its very famous in Turkey and my hometown :)
Dear Adam! This lesson is really uesful for me!
Well, If you come to Vietnam, i think you should try “Phở”. That’s very popular dish in my country! With beef, noodles,.. Delicious!
Thanks, Adam. One of my favorites is Ginger Duck. That’s an awesome dish for winter to keep your body warm. ;)
Thanks Adam. I’ve watched Master chef and didn’t know what those words for.
Simple Lesson, but very important!!! Congratulation Teacher. I am from Brazil and like a lot their classes.
Hi teacher Adam! I´m brazilian, but I like so much Italian food. Your lesson is very good and your accent is so easy to understand.
Hey Mr adam, you are my favorite teacher in engvid. thx a lot. wanna learn anothers materials.
I am a new student here.I am learning everythings , that before I didn´t know.Thanks.
This video is very useful for me. I love cooking too! I usually find some recipe on the Internet then try to cook it. So now I got lots of new words now. Thank you Adam!
It was an interesting lesson, i have learned so many things which i didn’t know before, you are the best teacher i have ever seen.
Thanks Adam. You could try some Chinese dim-sum.
thix , Adam, i recommed to you to prepare couscous very delicious mmmmmm
Moulay Ahmed
are u tunisian??
aziza frija
i got 90 i am genius
Moulay Ahmed
Hello Adam, one question, BROIL is like “au gratin” in french?
Estel Daniel
I like very much the pies of vegetables with cheese and with a glass white wine
There’s nothing better than chicken with okra, it’s delicious! Great lesson, thanks Adam.
Thais Diniz
I am so grateful for your lessons, dear Adam!
It’s so helpful,and amazing explanations,thank you teacher…
“When I’m listening to your lesson you got me hungry!”it’s right sentence?
Have a good career!
Hi Adam! Just now I’ve watched your video-lesson.
Despite I didn’t know most of the terms I got 100. I have a grounded know-how about cooking so when there is enought time I love to cook and eat. Mind you I’m a very thin man, , talking about food,as you know, it’s fair to say that the most important thing is the quality and not the amount of food we’re able to swallow.
Thank you Adam!Keep on and don’t give up with your lessons, you are truly a good teacher.
Hi Adam,
Try some Filipino food – pansit(noodle), lumpia (egg roll). But I love sushi too!!!! You inspire me to cook :)
Thanks Adam. You are a great teacher I have seen.
I got 90%.. I recomend you to try spaghetti with white sauce.. Known as “Fideos en Salsa Blanca”.. Pura vida..!!!
Sorry, I forgot to say Thank you Adam..
Hi Adam,
thanks a lot for your useful lesson.
Hi Adam, Have you ever tasted “pierogi” or “bigos”? It’s national polish dishes.
hello Mr.Adam
in fact I’m very happy to get your lessons , I have a lot of your lessons in my laptop . you know , Mr.Adam I also love to eat delicious food . my favorite meal is (( couscous )) I suggest you try to eat it specially with neat and vegetables , don’t forget to drink green tea after you finish your food . thank you Mr.Adam for your lessons
great I got 9/10 .
thank you Mr.Adam
Hi Adam,great lesson I got 10/10, you should try (kabab) it’s Arabian kind of sandwich.
Hi Adam. I adore your on- line classes because they are funny and so simple. Your accent is very understandable too, and the topics that you use are very useful for the daily life.
I would like to share with you my fave dish. Let’s say it is not a dish but the way me and my husband like to cook our food. My husband is a Moroccan chef and in Morocco the food is very delicious, and what I like mostly that they use amazing but simple spices that make their food taste unique. It is also very healthy because they use a special pot to cook their food which is made out of clay. Moroccans mostly use ginger, paprika, cumin, salt, black pepper and turmeric to cook their traditional food. But they can also bring more taste to their dishes by adding almond, raisin or prunes. I would really recommend you to try it once if you have not tried it yet.
Thank you again for your awesome lessons!
thank you thank you thank you)))))
Thank you Adam.i love your lesson.
Have you made any Indian foods ? :)
Hello teacher Adam , my name is Sona. I am Armenian. I am a new student here.
You should try Armenian Tolma.
Sona Petrosyan
Hi, i advise to you taste eat meat in Kazakh. It’s great)
Thank you for the lesson.
You have to try the Uzbek plov. Of course, the dish must be cooked on an open fire outside, in a “kazan” (similar to a stewpan) with thick walls. If you ever come to Uzbekistan, you’ll love it.
It’s equal quantities (weight) of rice + meat (mutton) + yellow carrots (you may use usual orange, or red – as we call it) + onions (a little less – about 3/4 or 5/8 of the weight) + 2-3 garlics + spices (zira, barberry, saffron, nohot (a type of peas)). Traditionally cotton oil is used (from half a litre to 0.7 L per 1 kg of rice, sometimes even more), but sunflower oil also suites.
First you fry half-round sliced onion, then add carrots (in the shape of stretched parallelepipeds – I don’t know what word to use), then add meat (it should necessarily have bones; if it’s mutton, you should add some meat with ribs; and also there should be some fat in the meat). When the water from the meat evaporises, add water to cover the meat, boil and then reduce the heat and simmer it until it also evaporises (we do it in Uzbekistan because the meat there is quite firm, but we don’t do it in Russia because the meat here is more quickly cooked). Also put “nohot” (presoaked in water for about 12 hours). Stir from time to time. Then put rice, previously washed, add hot water (also cold water might be added) so that it covers the rice about the height of the length of the distal phalanx of your forefinger (:-)). Let the rice boil, then simmer for a while (for some 5-10 minutes). Then put garlics, spices, stir only rice (it’s more likely to flip it upside down carefully), and put a very tight cover onto the “kazan”. Another 20-25 minutes, and your plov is ready.
I might miss some important moments though )).
If you ever come to Uzbekistan, you’ll love it. I guarantee!
P.S. 1) It was quite difficult to write down a recipe like this, because I still have lack of vocab referring to the topic. 2) I still doubt in using commas though I’ve watched the video on punctuation. 3) I doubt if I use the right prepositions. Could you please tell me how to fix those problems optimally? Thanks.
thanks Adam, have you ever tried the arabic food? specially from tunisia
aziza frija
I love this lesson. Thank you Adam ^__^
I will follow all your video. I hope my English will be better !
thanks adam
ilove this lesson too much
my favourite dish is psta
asmaa yassin 7
thanks for useful lesson adam i estimated you r chef because u r look like a chef
Hello, I’ve got 90% … it’s not bad.
I am going to give you a recipe of how to prepare a very delicious Syrian Dish. – Molokhaih = Jew’s mallow.
First if Molokhaih is dry, you should soak it in water for about half hour, but if it is green you just wash it by water and squeeze it by yous hands till get rid of the water.
Second, saute the leaves with ghee (or margarine) and keep flipping it for about 15 minutes.
Next, in another pot, put meat and saute it too after you add salt and pepper as desired.
Add the sauteed leaves to the meat in the pot and add water till it’s drowned. Then cover the pot and simmer it for about 30 minutes, now add chopped and clean chervil and mashed garlic. Finally let it simmering on fire all together until water disappears.
Put it in a dish and put some natural lemon juice on it. Note: you can make rice beside it in another dish.
Have a nice day
Note: Some Garlic + Some Chervil + some Meat (not soo much)
The major ingredient is Molokhaih.
I was curious about whether I would be able to find molokhaih here (Toronto) — turns out that here, it’s easier to find in Filipino groceries, where it’s called saluyot!
engVid Moderator
Saluyot = Molokhaih … lol … there is so much difference in words.
But some medical information about it I guess it’s good:
1. It contains large amounts of Iron and that so we put some lemon juice upon it to consume and take the maximum benefit of Iron.
2. It could cause Kidney Stones if eat it so much or frequently.
3. It turns the color of stool into black, and that may raise suspicion in person that he is suffering of “Hidden Hemoglobin = bleeding in the upper digestive system including bleeding ulcer” but it’s normal color.
hello all, how are you , i am fine thank you wish that for always .. so Adam how are you , it was perfect topic and actually when you bring that . you remind me by my years ago when i was revange things on the sea edge ( grilling the fresh fish ) it’s delicious when you be doing it and at least when the dish be ready i will be full because i spend all the time to cooking , but my friends has enjoy with that dish and be so hungy when they see every things is done . will order a seat again and send to you the recipe be hungry before you make it . thank you so much and good luck for every one …….
Thank You Alex. It was very useful lesson
Adam, thanks for lesson, it was very interesting)) You must try such dish like okroshka (окрошка). It is my favourite dish, I think you’ll like it. You have to find recipe in Internet)) very delicious ) keep in touch ;)
Thanks Adam. You sound Crystal clear to me. You’re a great teacher. One of the best that I’ve heard.
I recommend you to try dolma and harissa! Bon Appetit!
Thank you Adam. I love eating. I suggest you try Iranian food such as Kabab, Ghormeh Sabzi, Baghali Polo, Lobia Polo, Gheymeh, and so on. They are extremely good. You souldn’t miss trying them.
Thanks. It’s very useful
Thank you.
hi..azerbaijan meals are very tasty..i advice you that you will try :)
Some of your tasty recipe will help us :-)
hhhh I love to eat either but I am in a diet :3
Marwa Ben Abdallah
hello teacher Adam I´m applying for a grant abroad and SAT test is so difficult I need a little of your help :(
Adam, you said that you miss Yoshinoya a lot.
Have you been to Japan? If so when did you visit and how long did you stay in Japan?
thank you teacher very much for your efforts you are a great man
Thanks Adam..
You are my fav teacher.. i wish i had you as teacher during my school life
Hi Adam! I am brasilian and i live in the middle-west. Here is very popular a fruit named “Pequi”. It is a very exotic fruit. The taste is really strong. I love to eat it with rice!
Thank you for your classes.
Daniela Costa
I looked it up and now I am curious about the taste! Does it really taste like strong cheese?
engVid Moderator
Hello teacher, thanks for this lesson, it was very good! I am learning English right now (I speak Spanish) and I would like to know the differences between stir and mix… thanks!
Thank you Adam for the lesson :) , my favorite dish is Couscous I don’t know whether you have heard about it but it’s very delicious and popular here in Algeria. I recommend you to try it ;)
Princess Nouha
thank you so much Adam always you are the best
thak you so much adam do you try ethiopian zignydish
U are the best
Should you visit Vietnam anytime, you must try “Bún chả”. I’m not sure how others like it, but I love it. It is really worth trying :)
Finally, I understand the difference between broil and roast. Thanks!
Hi mr Adam .. thank you very much i have learned alot from you
You Are The Best one :) .. my favourite dish is pizz :D ♥
and you ?! :D
Hello mr Adam.This is a first video i have to learned. I am not a person who speak eng very well.If you not understand about my words. Im so sorry sir. lol
And I love to eat and cook too.i love to eat papaya salad(Thai food) with stick rice and roasted chicken.It’s so delicious ! ><
What you favorite food in Thailand ?
Hi Adam! If you want come to Argentina, maybe you would like to taste the tradicional meal (choripan,) it is like a sausages of cow or pig and you can eat it with bread (called figacita) and chimichurri ( a special sauce to eat them).I hope some day could come to visit us and taste it !!!
That sounds absolutely delicious! There’s a similar Italian dish, “bruschetta”, which is pretty common in North America.
engVid Moderator
I’m very agree with Kate, Manty and lagman are very delicious! Manty are chopped mutton and onion in slices of dough steamed on very-very high heat )
Uigur lagman is closer to noodle, but its dust is thicker and sauce is a combination of fried vegetables and surely meat also includes some herbs or grass(??) How should I say if it comes to recipe?
Hey Adam. You should try the (Mansaf), its the favorite Jordanian dish ;)
Ahmad Maswadeh
i love cooking too and i hope you make a video about taste of food, i’m looking forward it, thank you so much :D
Mr Adam,I love to eat?
You would fail all the exams here
I love eating,I like eating,I want to eat
Im sorry you are the best,but such a mistake……..
Thanks for explanation. Adam, This lesson was very helpful with us. so we appreciate really . i liked the way of teaching because i understood your lessons clearly.
asha a.mohamed
My favorite dish is called here in Brazil: Feijão Tropeiro it’s a mix with flour, beans, bacon, fried bananas, chopped pork meat, sliced cabbage, light crackling! It’s delicious!
I recommended you to try Koskouse , it’s an Algerian dish . Thanks for all your lessons.
Hi Adam ,
first of all thanks for your help ,it’s was helpful lesson ,I am from Iraq and if you like seafood you have to try MAZKOF ,it’s a fish cooking on wood.
it’s a Good taste and most of Foreign visitors to Iraq trying this MAZKOF.
here is a link:
thank you so much!
Adam you should try “tabbouleh” its a traditional syrian food
so dilicious…
Great lesson. For winter I recommend vegetarian carrot-ginger soup. Greetings.
You should try Brazilians food…
Feijoada, moqueca…
I love it
Is this topic still active?
hi Adam , Do you like southern Chinese food ? I am from NANCHANG where is the capital city of JIANGXI province ,the food here is spicy and salty If you are interested I could guide you how to cook food from my hometown.
Adam, u r my favourite teacher in engvid. thank u so much
Thank you Adam
Thank you.
Thanks Adam the lesson was helpful. I recommend you Morocco foods its very delicious like Kskiz.
hi Adam, I suggest ‘Gricia’, a roman dish, it is fantastic
hI Adam,
You can cook a delicius “feijão tropeiro” with a bigger “caipirinha” from Minas Gerais” – Brasil
nice words high performance…thank you
Personally I do enjoy spaghetti con ragu. It is a spaghetti dish with the Bolognese sauce. Sometimes in Russia we call this particular dish – spaghetti bolognese. However, one of my friend from Italy told me that is not correct…
It’s called spaghetti bolognese here too! Never knew that’s not what they call it in Italy…
engVid Moderator
Yeah for me it was a shock as well… Just last winter I visited a little town called Castiglione Del Lago in Umbria. There I tried to order spaghetti bolognese. I was quite surprised when a waiter brought me something like spaghetti with a big sausage. However, maybe he just did not get what I want… It can be quite tricky to communicate in English there because people normally don’t speak. Unfortunatly, I was not able to use any Italian back those days.
Hi teacher Adam. My name is Adi Peterson from Bali, Indonesia. First of all, I want to say thank you for your great video. I think you are one of my best English teacher. I suggest you to try “Nasi Goreng” or fried rice in English. Nasi goreng is Indonesian traditional food. It’s very delicious, sometimes it’s spicy and sometimes not. It depends on people who wants to eat lol. Thank you
Adi Peterson
I like grilled dish, meat of cheap.
have you tried ukrainian ‘borsch’?
thanks teacher adam i got eighty percent
Hello ADAM, this is the first time i’ve got 10 out of 10 when do the quiz in your lesson, thank you very much, thanks to the way you translate i can understand almost the content, you give me a lot of necessary vocabulary, i hope that in the next lesson Could you teach about some actions you have to do when you do the housework?
Hi, Adam! It was vey interesting to lean about you, that you was a chef! I like to cook too)) I adore to baking some shortcakes, cupcakes and fruit pies! This dishes are got better by me) Mostly I like our national Russian food, which is most popular is “borsch”. Do you hear about this soup? It is soup, boiled on beef broth, with sliced cabbage? carrot and onion and chopped potato. This is very dilicioussoup, espesially with sou-cream and chopped dill (do you know, that Russian put dill in almost each dish?))) I wish you will try it!
Olga Ukolova
Hey Adam do you know how to cook Indian dishes? “Chicken Tikka Masala” is number one dish in the UK. I would recommend you to try that. There are hundreds of dishes particularly “Lamb Bhuna” with plain boil rice, “Biryani” is my favourite dish. I hope you’ll love it. By the way i’m not Indian, i’m Bangladeshi. You might know “Bangladesh” used to be a part of India before 1947. Anyway I’ve been living in the UK for six years now. i’ve finished my Bachelor Degree at University of Sunderland. My Fiancee is British & she loves Indian/Bangladeshi food :) You can try our curry. I belive you’ll like the, cheers: Saab
Favorite dish: Shrimp in pumpkin (:
Thanks for the class!
Hi , Adam
How are you doing?
I m a new student here on this site!!
I am most interested the way you teach English!!!
And I ll keep going with your lesson;-)
I m from Thailand , Now i live in NV. I have been here almost 1 year
But i feel like my english is not improve !!!
Time to refresh!!!
Oh!! I recommend my favorite dish is “Pad thai” noodle
I think you gonna love it!!
You should try Pho in Viet Nam.It is very delicious! Thanks for your Video!
Thomas Johnson
Herring under a Fur Coat
2 large, fatty herring
3-4 potatoes
2 large beets
2 large carrots
1 medium onion
3 egg yolks (for decoration)
1. Wash and boil the potatoes, beets, and carrots with the skins on until tender.
2. Remove the herring’s skin, bones, cut into fillets, and then into small cubes.
3. Choose a large serving plate or bowl and moisten with water.
4. Evenly spread out the herring on the serving plate or in the bowl.
5. Peel and very finely shred the onion. Then, dip it into boiling water. Drain the water and place the onion on top of the fish.
6. Cover this layer with a generous amount of mayonnaise.
7. Finely cube the potatoes and use them to form the next layer.
8. Crisscross the salad with thin strips of mayonnaise.
9. Coarsely grate the carrots and beets into separate piles.
10. Spread the grated carrots over mayonnaise net.
11. For the final layer, place the beets on top and cover in an even, generous amount of mayonnaise.
12. On the top of the salad, crumble boiled egg yolks or decorate the salad with carrot roses, herbs, etc.
13. Cover with a lid or saran wrap and place the salad in the refrigerator for several hours before serving.
Roasted potatoes are prepared in the oven !
are broiled potatoes prepared in the oven too ?!
Esraa Khattab
hi adam
i want to improve my writing skill.plz give me some tips.
I got 10 of 10 thanks Adam for this lesson
Dear Adam.
Thank you for your helpful lessons)
Anastasia T.
Hi, Adam. Thanks for your lesson.
May I have one question about the equipment which is on the top of the stove and sucks the smoke from cooking. What’s it in English?
It will be much appreciated to receive your response.
Have a nice day!
Blue Popcorn
I’m very happy with that I’ve learnt Cook Vocabulary.
Good lesson.
Thanks adam..
I hope you will like BORSCHT. Ukrainian national dish
tanks adam for lessons
kebab :)
Normally I delete one-word comments, but kebabs are great
engVid Moderator
Thank you so much, Adam! One food that I like is pizza but another great food here, in Buenos Aires are the ‘milanesas’ It’s a slice of meat and it has crumbs of bread around it. Delicious with lemon! :D See you later!
As it turns out, the Toronto area has a huge Iranian community, and lots of places that serve kabab koobideh!
engVid Moderator
Italian food and Chinese food !!!
Hi, Adam! I fail words to express my thanks for your videos.
Have you ever tried pea soup with smoked ribs? Add potato, fried grated carrot and onion, throw in some croutons and enjoy :)
Adam,thanks very much for this video!!!
I’ve heard next words in the video: “So some of my students were asking me for kitchen vocab, some culinary cooking vocab.” And I put my mind to the used tense. I know that we use past continuous with indicating the time, don’t we?
Adam Thanks for this useful lesson.I admire your videos especially the ones dealing with vocab that we use in our daily lifes.I recommend you “lahmacun” It is a Turkish food.We eat it with “ayran”. It tastes really delicious. You should try it. Waiting for your new videos about vocab and speaking.
Hi Adam,
It’s me Nurul from Indonesia. I enjoy your lessons very much since your teaching style is communicative and contextual.
For your cuisine adventure, i suggest you to try one of most favourite food from Indonesia. We call it Nasi Goreng which is mean Fried Rice.
Some other South East Asian Countries also have this kind of similar dish, such as Thailand and Malaysia. But, i believe that Indonesian Nasi Goreng has distinguished style.
For the recipe, you can check on this link :
Thank you.
Lur Mahmudah
Hi, Adam! Thank very much for your videos) And I want to recomend you the delicious dish — Ukrainian borscht :) It is a link with the recipe in English
Bon appetit! =)
I love to eat kushari a lot and it’s ethnic Egyptian plate and if u need its ingredients and recipe don’t hesitate to contact me
Thank you Adam! I have 10 correct answers!
Your lessons are very useful for me and, I think, for everyone.
Katerina UA
My favourite food is Biryani. You must try it.It is traditional and very delicious food in Indian sub continent.
Nasim Azim
Hi where is deferent cook and other :) explain us
ozgul elmas
thanks you so much Adam
Thank you Adam for a useful lesson. In my opinion, you should definitely try “Pho” or Vietnamese spring rolls sometime. They taste amazingly delicious.
Hi adam, very very good lesson, I think will be a good idea whether you explain or you show us up some commons ingredients and why do not emulate as you are cooking a dish….greettings for you from venezuela
Thank you Adam, you are great in teaching us. I would recommend trying tortellini chichen mashroom, it is so delicious. I love eating too but thank God I’m not big. :-)
Thank you very much Adam. You should definitely make ‘Ceviche’, the most important peruvian dish. Peruvian cuisine is getting recognition in the world.
Andres Vega
nice video)))
my favourite dish is patsa! enjoy your meal)
i got 8/10 , thanks you adam , you are the best teacher
Hello, dear Adam!Thanks so much for the lesson! I recommend
you cook Jewish dish Forshmak! Best regards!Iliyan!
You’re superb thankyou
Borsh. You should to prepare a borsh)))
Hello Adam you should try Tacos from Mexico :)
Nice lesson Adam.. I got 90. are you sure the answer for number 9 is chop? I answered ‘slice’ :D
Hello Adam, thanks so much for the lesson! for me very easy to understend you, keep it up! I recommend you to try khinkali :) it’s from Georgia. If you are interested, here is the link:
I am very weak on this topic, how to arrange the words, steps, and to explain it ?
Desy Tasyani
Roasted quails in tomatoes very tasty :) when you eat it you feel like a giant))
Hi Adam, first time here…
First of all, many thanks for all your lessons. I really love english and I’m so glad that I’ve found a place like this and a teacher like you -you make everything useful and easy to understand. Thank you so much.
Talking about recipes, you should definitely try the famous tortilla de patatas. It’s an easy and fast recipe, lots of videos on youtube to check out how to cook it. Just one advice: the tortilla should always be cooked with onion –essential.
See you soon!
i have to prepare potatoes gateau..can you help me?
Hi teacher!Thank you for your lessons, there are really helpful!
I’m from Kazakhstan. I want to share with you recipe of one of our national dish. The name of this dish is beshbarmak. Taste of this dish very specific but also very delisious!
How to cook it you can read here: (and also a little bit history ;) )
But my mom cook it a little bit difference: she doesn’t lay onion into a pan, she slices it semirings, pounds them for more juicy, adds papper and salt, circumfuses with brothcovers it and leaves it for 10-12 minutes. When everything’s ready, we spread out the dough on a tray (without broth), pour (a little bot) onion with broth, lay out meat and pour onion again. Also you can add boiled potatoes on the edges of tray. Instead of beef you may use duck’s flesh, because that will be more tastier.
I hope you and your family will taste it! Good luck and Bon Appetit!
Azerbaijanian lamb kebab–yummy
Thank you Adam. The beef noodle was famous in Taiwan, If you have a chance trip to Taiwan, please taste it. Link
Hello, everyone. I agree with Ukrainian students about Classic Ukrainian Borsch, but also I recommend trying Chicken Kiev – it`s awesome!
ps. Kiev cake must be delicious too!
hi ada, thank you so much for this usefull lesson, i advise you to try couscous i am sure you willlike it
sorry i mean recommend
Hi Adam .The problem is I cannot recommend only one food.You should try (more) Hungarian food.I love to eat That’s why I need to do more and more exercise. I put here the link ,these are Hungarian recepies with pictures and explanation.Maybe You Will find them also tasty not just the goulash and paprikash.If You Will make them please let me know Your opinion (which one You liked it ,which not)
By the way If You dont feel You want to cook here is the link for Hungarian “deli” store in Toronto .They sell cooked food as well.( chestnut puree is Yummy ,and they sell Túró Rudi -I growned up on this Yummy )
Have a good day and I hope You Are enjoy to try new meals.
Ten to ten
Have you ever tasted Greek culinary ?
hi, Adam, I am a Kurdish woman i can help you to teach you Kurdish traditional foods wow our foods are very delicious such as Dollma, Doghawa, Kangr, tolka haha there are so many other foods i like to cook too :)
Adam, do you like Russian cuisine?
Hello Adam. I can recommend you Russian dishes:pelmeni and borsch. I think you’ll like it
teacher adam every good teaching I like
Hi Tr. Adam…
Thanks a lot, i have been learning and enjoying your lessons, especially you make some some `subliminal jokes`, i really laughed…
before leaving, if you will be able to go Turkmenistan, you should taste `Turkmen Dograma`, and if to in Oceania dont forget taste `Tom Yum` and `Indonesian Nasi Padang`… ;)
Hi Adam, Thanks for one more lesson. I hope you be wel, see you you have to come to Brasil and to prove food.
Pedro Cardoso
Hi Adam, you definitely should try this Brazilian dessert called BRIGADEIRO is very delicious:
– 1/2 cup cocoa (or Chocolate Ovaltine… this is the most authentic Brazilian recipe)
– 1 TB butter
– 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
– sprinkles, coconut, cocoa powder, chopped nuts, or powdered sugar
1. In a small / medium pan cook the cocoa / Ovaltine, condensed milk and butter over medium heat.
2. Stir continuously for approximately 10 minutes.
3. Remove the pan from the stove and let it cool so that you can touch it without burning yourself.
4. Once the mixture has cooled, create small balls by rolling it in your hands.
5. Roll each ball in sprinkles, coconut, cocoa powder, chopped nuts, or powdered sugar.
I can’t speak for Adam, but this looks amazing and I’m going to try making it!
engVid Moderator
Thank you, Mr. Adam.
SangHoon OH
What about borscht?))
if you love eating, you should try Rendang. It is a dish from my hometown. I’m From Indonesia bytheway….
I like watching your video…
it’s improve my vocab as well…
Thank you Adam….
Some vodka will be a good aperitif of course.
Andrey Alekseev
Thanks a lot! In my opinion, nothing better than the fish cooked by my Mom.
Lily Mione Wang
Adam, don’t listen to anybody.
The best food is black caviar and chilled premium vodka. Even when I think of it, it makes my mouth water!
I adore fried tofu:)
Hey sir, do you like spicy foods then u must try Gujarati dishes Patra, dhokla, thepla, gathiya n many more…..
Pooja rajput
Thank you for your lesson! I recommend you Japanese curry, it’s delicious!
Orange chicken!))
Dmytro Petruk
thanks Adam
Hi Adam!
if you love eating, you should try Сaptaincy potato.
It is very amazing!!!
If you want to know the recipe, tell me.
Thank you for your lesson.
Thanks for the lesson . 10 correct out of 10
Dear Adam,
First of all, I’d like to thank you for the videos.
Secondly, in order to respond your wish to learn new recipes I’d like to send you a youtube channel link. She’s a famous cook in Turkey. The only down side about this channel is that it’s in Turkish. But since you’re a chef, I thought you might have the patience to watch it.
And, this is my favorite Turkish side dish:
I hope you enjoy the videos, and try some of them.
All the best,
Hi Adam! Thank you for this lesson. I eat air and sun energy exclusively.
Thank you!!
Thanks, I got 90. I recommend you to try shahee paneer it is flavor full; I’m sure once you eat it you would love it.
Hi Adam.My name is Asmar.I’m from Azerbaijan.There are a lot of delicious food in our kitchen(what a pity,that most of them is being stolen by armenian)
If I saw you I would recommend you as many recipes as I can.But don’t worry.I wish one day I can meet and talk to you.
One of the best meals in our kitchen which is liked by everybody is dolma.In our country there mainly 4 kinds of it.But I’d recommend to taste “yarpaq dolması”.Remember, that it is easy to prepare meat for it,the most difficult thing is to fold them.Don’t be afraid.The taste will surprise you.
Here I leave the page for you where you can learn to cook dolma.
Asmer Pashayeva
ohh sorry i want to write: most of them are being stolen but have done a mistake
Asmer Pashayeva
Hi Adams I want to share with you one best dish that you must try. that is called sambar. The best and tasty curry that make you like wow. First keep a bown and put some onions and tamotas. Put it on simmer. Continue with regular fry add some Salt, tumeric, mirchi, coriander powder. After 15 mints add some vegetables like carrot, beans, brinjal, raddish. In other bowl take some toor dal and boil for 6 wistles. Add dal to fried vegetables and close the lid put it on simmer. After 3 wistles, turnoff the flame. Tasty curry is infront of you. You can have with hot rice… @ if any Grammar mistakes please let me know.
thanks teacher .i apreciate your work a lot .as always you’re great teacher.thank again.
i’d like a lesson about frying when i was studing at university .i prepared a thesis about popates frying .the language used in speech was i want to learn some expression in english about frying because i need these expressions in my examen through skype in ordre to accés to university abroad
My favorite dish is couscous, Moroccan speciality that is also the favorite dish for frensh people, it’s very very delicious.
Thanks Teacher Adam for this knowledge.???
This is practical lesson for everyday life. Now I can understand the recipe better.
Insoo Yeo
Adam you should taste Çiğköfte, if you can find in Canada. It’s a Turkish food, a kind of meatball but which is not cooked by fire, but with some spices. Or aubergine kebeb: You can even cook it at home if you have girll. you should skewer sliced aubergine and lamb micemeat. A slice of aubergine and a ball of mince, and again aubergine. Grill it on the BBQ, taste of aubergine juice sets in the meatball very slowly during the girlling process. It is ver delicious. You can google it :Patlican Kababi
Erdal 007
Hello Adam , this is my favorite dish
Qorme Sabzi
قورمه سبزی
7/10! I love eating too! In our city, we have one delicious noodle called “Fenghua beef noodle”. First, use bovine bone to make soup for 10 more hours. Second, simmer beef with spice. Finally, Boil the noodle then put into the soup and slice some beef upon the noodle.
Jerry Gu
Everyone loves to eat so many different recipes, they all are good and one must try them as well. One thing that makes every recipes awesome is the bread. Here is a traditional Indian bread called Tandoori Roti made from whole wheat flour and using a charcoal tandoor. You can read the recipe
hahahaha…. veeeery funny that part with cock… hahaha
Daria Popescu
Well, you should try a romanian dish called “sarmale”, (cabbage rolls or stuffed cabbage) with polenta and green chilly.
Bon appetit!
Daria Popescu
hi adam you must try kebabb
I got number 6 wrong because I didn’t read it well.. ?
Hi Adam:
My favorite dishes in the summer are tamales and pozole can be red, green and of course with yours repectives vegetables like radishes, lemon, onion, oregano.The tamales I like to add some green salad; but I would like to tell me wich is the best way to do it. Thanks Adam
I got 100
Hi Adam. Thank you for your class. It’s always a pleasure. We, from our online study group, recommend you to try Hungarian langos, Japanese tonkotsu ramen or tekkadon, or maybe Bulgarian banitsa.
Why don’t you join us in our Sunday Zoom meeting and we will tell you all about it. Please, contact us. Looking forward to it :)))
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks Adam ,hope you make the punctuation video very soon
hey teacher Adam,you should try some huangmenji(黄焖鸡)
Ok, Joeliu. What is that?
Adam if you would like to taste some spicy, try out #BARYYANI#(Pakistan) …
or some traditional steam dish- (Uzbek) #Mantyy#
or delicious (Uighur) #laghman#
these are my favorite…
it is too long recipe to write out… sorry
never mind i will give you the real recipe of Pakistani baryyani…
try out and if you like plz let me know..
here is the link,,,
I would like learn it
Hey Katie, write your faccebook account
Could you send me the recipe by e-mail, please?
Baryyani is really tasty dish. I’m recomending too.
A Chinese food popular in ShanDong province ,and its primary ingredient is Chicken meat ,and it belongs to chicken meal .
In Kazakhstan popular food is the sausage from the horse meat, absolutely delicious!
Hey Adam … Did you try the Egyptian food ?
Must try it … eat Koshary you will love it … come to Egypt and visit Alexandria there’s a famous resturant presents Koshary there … really it’s Fantastic I ate there yesterday .. it’s called Abou-Naser if you will come tell me that day to go there too I like eating there soooooo much and it’s cheep too not expensive at all !
hey fatema ? I’m mohamed from egypt
Hi,Adam I’m a little confused when I try to save some new words. If you were me, what should I do?
hi adam can you make a video on how to learn new words and never forgot
Hi Hesham,
We’re working on a series of these lessons. The first should be coming in a few weeks.
Hello teacher, you are the best teacher i have ever seen i wish i could be your student for real because i love the way you teach and you transmit the info so easily, i want to learn English and one day i will be able to speak it without breaks and any troubles, i need help and thank you for your support teacher.
Really nice! I’ve been waiting for a long time.
Hi Quang, I HAD been waiting for a long time too, a lesson like this.
I am preparing dishes for a party tomorrow with some English-speaking friends. It’s really timely to learn these. Thank you and I got 100, yeah!
Thank you. You must try russian “pelmeny”!
Hi Adam, We need a lesson in “Hold” phrasal verbs… Like “hold in”, “hold back” and “hold on”… plz it’s gonna be so useful for me and many students (:
Hi Yazeed,
It’s coming soon.
Thank you Adam!
i love your accent ♥️
I was looking forward for a lesson about differents ways of cook, thank you Adam!
This is not a lesson that teach you about different ways to cook, it is a lesson that let you know cooking vocabulary XXXXXD
Oh, sorry, he is right. Can I delete that post? :0
Hi Buyeromanya, I was looking forward TO a lesson about different ways of cookING too.
At last we found it, didn’t we?
Hi IronMan,I know you are looking forward to a lesson about different ways of cookING too.Am I right?Bless regards!
Yeah, that’s right! Thanks for your feedback.
Regards Panda.
P.S. By the way, where are you from? Russia?
Oh,No,Russia is beside my Country.My Country’s Map likes
a big cock!I think you can guess where I come from.
Or you can say the map of China looks like a rooster, not cock.
thanks Adam ! I’m chef and I was loking forward for this topic and so nice to hear your old job same with me .I will give several recipe for you :)
So many things need to review later in this lesson.
Hi, Adam. Have you try to cook “Guo Bao Rou”? The English name of it are “Sweet and sour?(Refer to Wiki)” and “Chinese crispy beef?” Anyway, this dish is famous in my hometown~ :) I recommended it.
Sounds delicious :)
Hi Adam! Thanks for the lesson. My favorite dishe is panettone. Do you know how to bake one of this? I like to cook too and my bride want to become a cheff.
So sweet~ :)
Hi Emerson,
You should give me the recipe.
I would like to receive the recipe by e-mail, please, if it is possible.
Adam why did you blush when you said “cock”? Oh Adam, mmm, mmm is that a stove? It looks like a bed. You forgot the buttons to turn it on/off.
hello Karen I wont to talk english with you :)
lol, I’d like to talk to you and know about your IILETS experience, this is my skype: optimistic.one1
No you’re wrong it looks like a stove and an oven not like a bed then he didn’t need to draw buttons because his drawing is very clear
Thanks Karen. Actually, I can;t even count how many times a student has come up to me and told that he or she is a good cock and I should try them sometime. ;)
I got 9 correct out of 10. I cook everyday. Recently, I’ve liked to bake cookies and cakes(like brownies and pancakes) with various ingredients :)
My favorite dishes are Japanese noodles (Yakisoba, Udon, Somen, Ramen etc…). Thank you, Adam :)
So good!I learned more about culinary art from this lesson,thank you ,thank you!
Thanks Sir, I got 80%.
Hi teacher!
Mongolian dumpling is very nice
are you muslim?
Hi ridhwan,
I’m not Muslim, but I like to learn about different cultures. :)
Hello Adam,
I really appreciate your work and want to say you thanks for all your lessons. Today lesson was truly helpful.
About your question – you should try a Naengmyeon. That is one of the best dishes that I tried before.
Thanks Kevit,
What is it?
It is a cold buckwheat noodle soup. Ingredients: beef broth, mustard, rice vinegar and chili, finely chopped cucumber, slices of cooked beef.
mmm… sounds good :) thanks
Thanks Adam.
I recomend sushi or tempura.
MMM…love them both.
Thanks Torohi
寿司すし 天麩羅てんぷら おいしいですね
Thanks a lot Adam :) If you try you’ll never forget hungarian gulash-soup
I love Gulash, Mazanadam. And paprikash :)
Hi! I’m Matilda and live in S.Korea.
My favorite food is Korean Potato Pancakes because it tastes diffent from French Fries and melts in my mouth.
Matilda seems a Portugues name.Are your parents from Portugal or brasil?
Sorry for my curiosity.
Nice to meet you.
I didn’t know that my name is a Portugues name.
My parants are Korean. Actually, it was my catholic baptism name but, now I am a Christian.
– Matilda –
Hi, it’s me again! As far as I can see you are very curious by nature. Good for you Edilson!!!
I’m glad to hear from you again!!!
Thanks Adam,
Try to taste Iraqi dish called “Dolma”!!!!
I love Dolma, Haiderhabeeb. Thanks.
Thanks for your teaching and I recommend you try to cook Kimchi pan cake. It’s a Korean food and quite simple dish. First of all, you need to get Kimchi to cook it. ^^
Daeheon Kang,excuse-me but What is Kimchi?Is it a fish..?
Hi, Edilson! Here’s a vídeo in Portuguese of a Kimchi recipe;
The vídeo is kinda long, so I don’t know if there’s fish in it, but it seems… well I don’t think I’ll ever eat it,I don’t like chard (acelga).
Kimchi is a Korean traditional fermented dish made of vegetables with seasonings including chilly pepper powder.
Thanks Daeheon. I love kimchi :)
Hello Techer! I would like you to tell me about a future tense problem, if I say future in the past : ” I was going to teach my students”, this sentence ist correct or incorrect.
Hi The, ;)
It is correct. it means you HAD a plan to do this action, but the sentence also suggests that this plan might not happen and you might not do it.
Does that help?
Hi Adam!
Thank you for your new English lesson. I like it.
May I ask, is there a difference between chef and chief?
Yeah, there is a difference between these two words:
SHEF (is a noun) is a professional cook whereas CHIEF can be a noun/adjective. So its meaning depends on the context.
Hope it may help Gellii.
Thank you Ragards :-)
Hi Gellii,
Greetings to the Czech Republic. If I may answer it for you… Yes, there is a difference.
A chef is an experienced cook, a professional. He/She is typically the chief cook in a restaurant. As you can see I have used the word “chief” here – as an adjective.
“Chief” as an adjective means “most important”, “main” or “highest in authority”.
“Chief” as a noun means “leader” or is the head of an organization, such as the police or military.
You may look up the meaning or the pronunciation of these words e.g. at .
Cheers, David
Hi David!
Thank you for your comprehensive answer :-)
I understand now…
Hi Gellii, I’m glad to know that you at last understood the difference between these two words.
Regards and keep on the good work!
Hi David, this is an excellent reply to the question posed by Gellii.
Sample sentences always help out to clarify meanings because they provide contextual clues.
The website provided is also excellent for future reference.
Hi Gellii,
Regino’s answer is good, though I’ll add that chief is the head of something (like a tribe, a company, etc.) and chef is the head cook in a restaurant. So, realistically, a chef is the chief cook in a professional kitchen.
Another good lesson :) thanks Adam, you are a good teacher :)
Thank Adam
it easy to listen and understand.
My favorite dish are Som-Tum and Tom-Yum-kung,Thai food.
Thanks Ketsy,
I love Thai food too.
It’s very important to learn new words/expressions in context to avoid any misunderstandings.
Context makes the learning of new words easier.
Thaks for this video-lesson Adam.
Thanks Regino. Good work here :)
Ciao Adam,
great lesson, you are always very clear.
I am good at preparing pasta with porcini mushrooms. A delicious Italian dish.
Enjoy your meal.
Even I love eating and cooking, so I absolutely loved this lesson! My favorites are pasta and desserts. Hard to say what I like best!!! Anyway, you absolutely have to try the lasagna and then tart with blackberry jam! Very delicious!!!
Sounds very delicious. Thanks Dorycam. :)
Adam, I’m from Brazil, but you must try German smoked pork ribs. Damn man, is freaking good!
Thanks WP,
I’m on it :)
Great lesson!
You should try “feijoada” here in Brazil! Or maybe in some brazilian restaurants that you have in Orlando, Miami or NY… but a native one will be the better experience!
Thanks Flrizzato,
What is that?
Hi Adam,
That’s a dish cooked by African slaves. It’s become a tradition in the Brazilian culinary. It’s a stew of black beans, pork and spices.
Thanks Adam, and my favorite dish is grilled fish. hmmm delicious and healthy.
Thank you)
Thanks for your teaching.great lesson,
Thanks Adam,
I appreciate it Adam. What about some Abgoosht?
mmm… sounds delicious. Will try it.
Thanks Optimistic one.
that was something difficult for me, i did the test three time, uffff but i did it.
Keep trying Denis. It will all come to you.
Very good lesson!!!! tks
Thanks Adam! My favourite dish is “Canederli in Broth”.
Canederli, also known locally as Knödel, are bread dumplings typical of the area of South Tyrol.
Look for the recipe on Internet and…enjoy:)
Hi, Adam, I am from Chimbote, Peru, I recomend you that you prepare aji de gallina, it’s very delicious…
1 1/2 pounds chicken breast
4 cups chicken stock
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3-4 yellow aji peppers
2 gloves garlic, minced
1 large onion, finely chopped
3 tablespoons chopped walnuts
3 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
4 slices white bread
3/4 cup evaporated milk
4 yellow potatoes
2 hard boiled eggs
10 black olives, halved
Cook the yellow potatoes in salted water until tender when pierced with a fork. Let cool, peel, cut into quarters, and set aside.
Place the bread in a small bowl and pour the evaporated milk over it to soak. Set aside.
Place the chicken breasts in a pot with the chicken stock, and bring to a simmer. Cook for 10-15 minutes, until chicken is just barely cooked through.
Set chicken aside to cool. Strain broth and reserve 2 cups.
Remove stems and seeds from the peppers. In a blender, process peppers with the vegetable oil until smooth.
Sauté the garlic and onions with the puréed peppers and oil, until the onions are soft and golden. Remove from heat and let cool.
Shred the cooled chicken into bite-size pieces.
In a blender or food processor, process the evaporated milk and bread mixture with the nuts and parmesean cheese until smooth. Add the cooked onion mixture and process briefly.
Return onion mixture to pan, and add 1 1/2 cups of the reserved chicken stock. Bring to a low simmer, and stir in the chicken. Heat until warmed through, adding more chicken stock if sauce is too thick.
Serve over rice, garnished with the yellow potatoes, slices of hard boiled egg, and black olives.
Hi Elmer, as far as I can see only two people understood Adam’s instructions; you were one of them ” . . . please share your recipes …”
Thanks for your recipe Elmer, I’m gonna try it.
That looks great, Elmer. Thanks.
I got 7 correct out go 10.I’m going to see the video again.
I think I like to eat anything from ocident.I don’t like japonese food but I know is the best to our health.Sorry for myself.”I’m brazilian I’ll never give up”
Thanks Adam! I have been looking for this lesson on engvid too. I am badly cooking and at least , I figure out the difference between slice and dice or chop. Where I live, there is a special food called Maniçoba. To be honest I don’t like it and I guess it is difficult prepare that,,
Hi, Henri! You’re Brazilian, right? Sorry, but I don’t know how to ask this in English, so: você é de que parte do Brasil? Parece um prato nordestino, acertei?
well, I am from Belém, PA. Maniçoba is a very popular food in Belém. There are others, such as, (pato no tucupi),(açai com farinha),(tacacá)and (vatapá). I don´t know if it is from northeast Brazil.
you should try Egyption food ( Egyptian Koshari) that the name of food ( Koshari ) Middle Eastern food Dishes, Arabian regions
I love Middle Eastern food. Thanks Basem.
thank you Adam .please write more big
Hey Adam,
I suggest you to try my favorite dish.
The recipe for that:
1- small pieces of Chicken
2- potato
3- Tomato
4- Onion
5- garlic
6 – sweet paper(colors)
and pan with its lid
Now we start cooking.
First, you need to chop all the veges small pieces.
Second, put the onion in pan and let it steam for a bit, then add to tomatoes.
Third, put the chicken on the pan and add to it some sauce with little bit of black pepper. Let it steam till it gets white.
Fourth, put all the rest the recipe on the pan and put the lid on for 15 minutes or 20 minutes if needed till gets cooked. while its steaming, add to it some salt and stir the ingredients .
If you would like, you can cook white rice for a side. It seems too much to do, but trust me you Adam or anyone else, you will love.
Last note, do not eat your fingers while you eating this dish :D
lol. Thanks Yossef. I’ll try not to eat my fingers.
Dear Adam loves your lesson and your interactions in the class.I’m from India. I recommend you try Dosai with chutney and sambar(South India,Tamil nadu)and Delicious fish curry(karimeen)from Kerala.First one is vegetarian food .Both of this are very popular.
Dear Adam
what is the difference between
I talked to a person /I talked with a person
Hi Pintuk,
First, thanks for the food tips. I love Indian food. :)
second, Talked to usually suggests one way conversation, with one person saying something to another person. Talked with is more a two-way dialogue. If you mix them up, usually it will still be clear what you mean.
Does that help?
Dear Adam
what is the use of out in these contexts
Eg: help you out,ask you out,out there,what is the difference if out is not using here?
ran out VS ran off what is the difference?
Married off vs got married ?
help you out vs. help you — no difference
ask you out — out means on a date
out there — outside (speaking inside), or in the big world (generally)
ran out– finished the supply of something (ran out of gas)
ran off — escaped, or (ran off at the mouth) — talked too much.
Married off –parents marry off their kids
got married– officially wed.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply:)
thank you
thank for this lesson Mrs Adam my favorite meat is “couscous ” i don’t know if u know it )
Hi Sami,
Isn’t couscous a wheat? I guess it’s delicious with meat though. I do like couscous. :)
Thank you Adam for this great training video!
Hello Adam,I love your lesson. Also me cook meat all days. I cook often on oven and with a stove. See you soon.
Hi Adam !
Woaow : how difficult it is to explain a recipe. I have to search for a lot of vocabulary. I hope it will be understable. Here is my recipe for duck breast in straberry guava coulis :
For a couple
* 1 duck breast (over 300g)
* enough strawberry guava pulp to cover the pan surface
* a slice of Etorki (soft sheep’s milk cheese)
* ½ tsp vanilla sugar
* 2 tsp of brandy, more specifically cognac
If you don’t have any strawberry guava you can replace with black cherry marmelade. In this case you don’t need to add the vanilla sugar
For strawberry guava pulp, you just have to use a red fruit mill, so no skin, no seeds, and make ice cube with it, so you can use it in cooking during all the year.
If you don’t have Etorki, use cheddar (a soft one)
Score the fat of the duck breast in a criss-cross pattern with a sharp knife
Place the duck breast fat side down in a pan for 8mn – strong heat in the very first moments, until you see fat rendered off, then gentler.
Turn on the other side for 5 mn, to get a pink coloured breast
Reserve the duck breast in a plate and the rendered fat in an another container if you want to use it to fry potatoes for example
Deglaze the pan with the strawberry guava pulp + vanilla sugar + cognac.
Wait for a light reduction (to thicken the coulis).
At this time we harvest the fat skin, but you can keep it if you like
Cut the breast into slices and put a thin piece of cheese in between to slices
Dispose a line of coulis over the breast and in the plate.
Delicious with roasted potatoes ans french green beans.
Enjoy !
Hi Annie, as far as I can see only two people have understood Adam’s instructions so far ” . . . please share your recipes …”
Thanks for your recipe Annie, I’m gonna try it.
Let me know if you like it ;)
Great job, Annie. I will definitely try this. Thanks :)
I hope you will :)
hello Mr Adam. thank you for this lesson. so, i would like you to try a very rich dish i can say popular dish here in Algeria, Couscous, prepared with semolina, vegitables and cheep meat.
I look forward to hearing the lesson, the adverb eventually, i ve asked.
i am so thankful
Hi Nourine,
Thanks for the tip. I’ll try to do an adverb lesson, but you’ll need to be a bit more specific. There’s a lot to say about adverbs.
Let me know.
Hi could check out this lesson -in this lesson James described ‘eventually’ at the last part.
Yeah Annie, I agree with you; writing a recipe in English is not that easy. But I’m sure you learned lots of new words and how to use them.
Thanks again!!!
I love eating, but I don’t like cooking…:) It’s so boring cooking everyday!
Hi Janilza,
I love cooking but hate cleaning after lol.
The same with me, Adam! lol I hate cleaning the things after cooking!
Here is a recipe I really love to bake a delicious rice with onion and garlic:
– Prepare 500g of rice as the traditional way (put the rice into a pot with boiling water and avoid salt for your good health);
– Take one onion (around 100g) and chop all of that;
– Take 3 pieces of garlic (around 60g) and chop all of that;
– When the traditional rice is ready to serve, turn on another pan with olive oil and put into there all chopped onion and garlic;
– After few minutes when the onion and garlic come to be golden, mix it with the prepared rice by slicing softly until they are completely combined.
It tastes nice with any meat (such as biff, fish or even chicken) and salad.
That’s all, I hope you all enjoy it!
Thanks Alexandre. Looks good.
I meant “beef” instead “biff” :)
ten good answers out of 10.
Hi Adam try couscous, you go to montreal, exactly to Jean-Talent street, you find any algerians restaurants. you can taste it and ask for recipe.
bonne appétit :)
I don’t think that he would teach if he ate this dish (couscous)
Couscous is not good, Adam ask for “Mehajb”
Thanks :)
Hi Adam,
Today it’s snowing and it’s very cold so I decided to cook something easy but fanciful: pizza balls.
Your friends will be enthusiastic as my have been.
This is a very simple recipe.
You are a chef;) so I don’t have to explain how to make pizza dough…
Form little balls of pizza dough and leave them rise. Deep fried them in oil and cook until brown on both sides.
Remove and place on plate lined with paper towel to soak up some of the excess oil. Roll balls in grated parmesan cheese. Serve immediately with Margherita sauce (tomato , garlic and basil).
Buon appetito!
mmm… sounds delicious. I’ll try it. Thanks, Byte
thank you so much adam
You wanna try ‘ ovened sutlac aka rice pudding’ really nice and kinda easy to cook. And u wanna broil ’em. If u roast its gonna be thick and less tasty. Have fun:)
Hi Adam! Very good lesson, thank you. I love cooking, so there are many dishes that I love. Anyway, I prefer seafood among all the products, so, if you’ve never tried “Sauté de Gambas au pastis”, you’ll like it…I hope so :). Okay. It is very fast to cook. You need:
– 4 spoon of Pastis (alcoholic drink flavoured with anise and liquorice).
– 2 pinches of brown sugar in powder)
– 1 kg of Gambas (tiger are better)
– parsley
– 6 shallots
– 1 fresh chili (green)
– 2 spoon of olive oil
– fresh ginger (that you’ll grate)
– salt, pepper.
Note: If you buy frozen gambas, you’ll cook them directly, no need to defrost. You’ll just cook them 2 more minutes before pouring the Pastis. Let’s go:
first step: pour the pastis in a bowl. Add sugar and mix them until the sugar is completely dissolved. Rince the gambas(if fresh ones)without removing scales. Then dry them on a towel.
Second step: Wash and wipe off parsley, then chisel (or dice) them. Dice the shallots. Wash and remove the pips of chili, then slice it thinly.
Third step: Pour the oil in a pan or wok and heat it. When the oil is hot enough, put the sliced shallots, the hot pepper and ginger. Brown them for about 3 minutes on high heat, stirring. If you use frozen gambas, make the 3rd step in 5 minutes and medium heat. If you use fresh gambas, add them fter the 3 minutes after browning shallots and so on. Brown (flip) the gambas 4 minutes, don’t stop stirring.
Last step: pour the sugared pastis and let cook 4 other minutes on medium to low heat, to let falvours blend together. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with parsley, mix 30 seconds. Add salt and/or pepper if necessary, remove from fire then serve immediately. Bon appétit!
I like it with mixed rices (wholegrain rice, brown rice and wild rice / or with Basmati rice /or fresh tagliatelles with basil.) I hope you’ll try it and will enjoy it.
Sounds interesting Medusa. I’ll have to try this. :)
Adam, just relax. :) Cock has many meanings:
– A male bird, especially a domestic fowl.
– Male chicken or other gallinaceous bird.
– Male pigeon.
– A valve or tap for controlling flow in plumbing.
– The hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism.
– The notch of an arrow or crossbow.
– (slang, vulgar) The penis.
– (curling) The circle at the end of the rink.
– The state of being cocked; an upward turn, tilt or angle.
– (UK, New Zealand, pejorative, slang) A stupid person.
– (informal, UK, Tasmania) An informal term of address.
– A boastful tilt of one’s head or hat
– (informal) shuttlecock
– A vane in the shape of a cock; a weathercock.
– (dated, humorous) A chief man; a leader or master.
– The crow of a cock, especially the first crow in the morning; cockcrow.
– The style or gnomon of a sundial.
– The indicator of a balance.
– The bridge piece that affords a bearing for the pivot of a balance in a clock or watch.
You know I was sure Adam was speaking perfect English. But he obviously needs lessons and must be grateful for this one!
The meaning and use of a word is determined by CONTEXT, no doubt about it.
When it comes to cooking, COOK means to prepare food by heating it, for example by boiling, baking or frying it.
… and that was all this lesson about.
lol. Indeed. But when students tell others that they are great cocks, it’s best to warn them.
I live in New-York. The word cock has only one meaning. So try to avoid it.
Also, the word HOW in Russian sounds like English COCK.
It makes many funny situations.
Thank you very much!
Hi Adam
Why not to try Arabic rice with fish?
It’s very delicious
We eat it only for lunch
Adam, you must try Lithuanian CEPELINAI:
Looks good. Thanks Jonas
Nice lesson, bro.
I think you like it.
Thanks Iloveooz,
I’ll have to try that.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
I love to cook and eat too… and I got 100%. It’s my first time when I decided to comment your lesson. Thank you very much for everything what are you doing for us. Your lessons are very useful and enjoyable. This is my first comment in english… I always afraid of making a stupid mistake so I prefer to be a passive pupil. Best regards!
No fears Setkax :)(good job)
Hi, Adam!
Here’s my recipe, it’s one of my soul foods.
You only need onion, bacon, milk, cheese, salt, pepper, and boiled rice.
1. slice onion, and saute with chopped bacon.
2. after they turned brown, pour milk until onion and bacon sink and little bit. Then simmer and stir.
3. put some salt and pepper and cheese
4. lastly, put boiled rice and simmer.
I hope you like it. try it, Thanks! :)
I definitely will. Thanks Jeyeon
you have to try Boiled potatoes whith cheese,Leeks, small Pieces of tomatoes and tamarind .we call it in Arabic (بطاطس مسلوقة)
Sounds yummy. Thanks.
Nothing is so good as Ukrainian borshch.
Adam, you will not regret if you try it.
I love the borshch. Especially on a cold winter’s day. Thanks Oooooh :)
I want to pass the examination is TOEFL IBT 8.0 but I heard from any friends.I have to have a rich vocabulary.Is that correct?
It is correct Camthu. But you can learn vocabulary. Just takes some hard work.
Hi Adam after reading the comments i would like to share best of my recipe(my friends and family love it) which i learned from my mom.Very easy to prepare,delicious and i’m sure you will love it.
Vegetable fried rice for 2 people
Rice-2 cups soaked for 30 minutes
cinnamon stick-2 medium piece
bay leaf-1
coriander leaves-for garnishing
cashew nuts-5/6
pepper-8-10 no.
onion-1 medium size(chopped fine)
frozen vegetables(packet contain carrot,green peas,corn,beans or whatever you like)-one small cup
Lemon juice-2 tsp or half lemon(small one)
firstly, Boil rice in hot water, add clove,cardamom,bay leaf,pepper,salt(you can taste the water while adding).Add lemon juice to this water so the rice will not stick to each other.Once if it is ready drain the water off then remove the spices from the boiled rice except pepper.
Secondly,put a pan ,heat up, add 2-3 tsp of ghee
fry cashew nuts first-till light brown color ,then add raisins-becomes swollen ,keep aside both ,then (here you can add 2 tbs of oil) fry onion in simmer if it gets slight brown,good aroma will come, then keep it aside ,finally put in the frozen vegetables add slight salt over it otherwise it will not taste good in the rice,you can add a chopped Green chilly here,if you need it.
Take a bowl,add 1 tsp of ghee ,spread it add some hot rice ,make a small layer,add some veg,cashew,raisins,coriander leaves over it-spread it,again add rice then the dry fruits,and vegetables…you can spray the layer with pine apple juice-raw) slightly(optional),serve it with fish,chicken,any non veg .. taste heavenly…i’m sure you will like it:)
I’m sure I will too, Pintuk. Thanks
nice job
Hey Adam, thanks for your lesson, I recommend this recipe Hope you will like it.
mmm… that looks delicious. Thanks Amandeepk. :)
Great lesson, teacher!
u know…I’d appreciate a lot if u could make a video about the difference between pain & hurt…I mean, are they interchangeable?
Thank u so much!
Hi Diana,
Pain is a feeling, while hurt is a physical condition that causes pain. If you fall off your bike, you might hurt yourself and feel pain. But… people say “it hurts” means there is pain. So in this case, the main difference is that pain is a noun, and hurt is a verb.
Does that help?
your pronunciation is wonderfull Adam Thanks :)
Hi Adam. When it comes to eating (is the ing form OK?) and food, I’m your man. You ask to tell you one’s preferred dish. God, what a question! there’re so many of them. Like you I love good food and it happens that my wife is a real “cordon bleu“, so if one day you should come over to France and precisely to Avignon, I’d be more that happy to have you home and share delicious recipes my wife is very fond of cooking. What can I say, one of my favorite dishes is “rôti Edouard Herriot“ which is a filled and coated with “foie gras“ roast of beef served rare (British call it a ‘joint‘, funny isn’it? Never smoke it!). Another dish could also be considered as one of my favorites is the “gratin de queues d’écrevisses“. Please don’t ask me how it is cooked so much it’s difficult but I just know it is a pure marvel that my wife cooks on occasion when it is possible to find French crayfish which become more and more scarce. I’m not surprised you like eating because when people do, they’re nice most of the time, which is your case…and mine :-).
Thanks Patple,
Love your sense of humour :)
Love French food too. Might have to take you up on that offer someday. ;)
Dear Adam.
Thank you for your helpful lessons.
I’m writing this message to ask a question.
I’m confused between Take and Bring.
ex.)I take / bring some food for the party.
I’ll wait for your reply and your next lesson.;-)
You can check out the difference here..
Thanks for this URL!
Have a good day!
Hi Matilda,
Glad Pintuk helped you out. See if you know the difference between come and go; it’s similar to bring and take.
Hi Adam,
I like this lesson and my favorite dish is Tom Yum Kung. ^_^
Have a nice day.
HI Joywin,
I love this soup too :)
Thanks Adam.
Hi Adam,,could you tell me what difference between Maybe,Perhaps,and Probably
Hi Daod,
Maybe and perhaps are similar, though perhaps is a little more formal. Probably means there is a good chance that X will happen, or Y is true, etc.
So… maybe =50% chance
probably = more than 50%.
Hope that helps
Adam could you make a video about the use of gerund and also all the -ing forms?
Hi Shooter,
I’ll see what I can do. It’s a good topic.
thanks very much
you must visit Egypt and try Egyptian bean
Hi Ahmed,
is that Foule? I love it.
Hi Adam
yes it is i did not think that you know it
Hello Adam, how are you man? Please make a special lesson about( considered as-) regarged as-) though to be- to have)-known to be)and also ( the differences between ( to consider, to regard, to imagine,to assume, to suppose, to recognize , to admit??? Please Adam maybe not only I need this help!:-)
Hi Abdel,
I’ll get on that.
Hi Adam! May I ask? Is there any easy rule
about using “to” before verb. I can say it automatically but sometimes it’s so confusing.
For example:”There was something interesting
(to?)tell (to?)you.” Thank You very much!
Hi Katrin, you TELL someone something or
you TELL something TO someone:
Example: – -Please TELL me the truth (Present)
– -He TOLD the news TO everyone(Past)
But you SAY something TO someone:
– -They never say anything TO him.
Hope these examples may illustrate this point.
Hi Katrin,
Not an easy answer, I’m afraid. To tell is the infinitive verb, while to you, is a preposition and pronoun.
In a sentence that has a main verb, all other verbs will likely be infinitive (no tense/time) and use ‘to’. But that is a dangerous statement, because there ae many situations in which we don’t use the ‘to’. I’ll see if I can figure out how to make a lesson about this and put it up.
That would be great!!! Thank You Adam! I will be waiting!
hope you are doing well madam.
well,i have a question about sentences in english and that would be how you could distinguish even problematic sentences and please tell me a little about run-on,fragment and rambling sentences in english. or do we have any other factor to help us knowing proplematic sentences well.
Hi Mehdi,
There could be a million things that make a sentence problematic. It depends on how you use the grammar, vocab, punctuation, etc.
A run-on sentence is one that doesn’t use proper punctuation and has too many independent clauses. A fragment, is missing a main verb or a subject. A rambling sentence just goes on too long, even if it is grammatically correct.
Hope that helps.
Kyle Millar is a very famous English teacher here in Spain, he´s Canadian and I´m trying to learn as much as I can from him through internet as I do with you. He says that PAELLA is a fantastic dish, the best he´s tasted in Spain, you´d love it. Some of its ingredients are rice, seafood, shellfish, vegetables, chicken, etc. If you were interested in it, I would give you one possible recipe because there are many ways to make it. Sincerely, Ramón.
Thanks Ramon,
I love Paella. Sure, send me the recipe. I’d appreciate it.:)
Hi Adam, thanks for your great lessons. I’ve learned a lot about the cooking. I also like cooking.
Hi, Peter, are you in China ? How you can use this website in China, when I was in China I tried couple times but never worked. Would you like to tell me how did you do that? Thanks
thanks Adams. I don’t like cooking but I have to learn these expressions. bye.
Hi Adam
I waited too much for your new lesson
Don’t you post another video?
Actually your lessons are very understandable
And useful
Thanks Adam
Thanks a lot.
Good guy, thanks for that;)
thanks for that i got 90 ….
thank you teacher .Its really an important vocab
As my usual reaction. What a nice lesson! Thx. By the way . I got 10 over 10.
Thanks a lot Adam !
I got 10
Adam’s lessons are pure pleasure.
Hi Adam how are you? I hope you are good. Adam,I would like to know the difference between above,over- below, under and beneath.
I would be very grateful for your explanation.
I always follow your lessons
Hi everyone. Sorry for the late replies (was too busy eating all the dishes you recommended).
Thanks for all the good comments. :)
hi,Adam,I would like to know the difference between above,over- below, under and beneath.
I would be very grateful for your explanation.
Hi The best,
over has the idea of motion, while above is stationary. Foe example, a cloud hangs above the city, while a plane flies over the city. On windy days, the clouds move over the city.
Below means under, but with a gap. It also means a lower rank.
The notebook is under/beneath the textbook on the desk. The pencil fell and is on the floor below the desk.
Something is beneath me, means I am too good for it. If you are below me in the company, it means I have a higher position.
Does this help?
oh!Yes, it really does. I feel so grateful for your help, Adam. Your explaination was very useful for me, thank you!
hi adam,
i got 90% he he…nice listen to your lesson..
Hi everyone. Dear teacher, i’m study every day but i don’t see the progress!!! :( i write onli new word 30 or more times and i listen the pronunciation on google translate but when was the time for speek whith somebody i forgot everthing wordsthen i learn first. :(
P.S. I’m a cook, Italian kitchen :P
Hi Ana,
You just have to keep practicing, and don’t think too much when you speak; you don’t need to be perfect, just get the message out, and the rest will take care of itself.
Keep trying. It gets easier.
Hi Adam, thank you very much, i’ve a big progres than the first message and i’m very happy, thank you for your help, i whatch your lessons 3-4 time the same lesson. When i learne more words i give you a recepi how do you make a good Potatoes Ravioli or my be when i come in Canada, i love it, it’s my dream live there and open a little pastry shop. :)
this is big tips. i start to spek not exactly perfect but very good when stop to think.
Wow I got 90, awesome, thank you a lot ♥♥♥
Hi Adam, I like your lesson a lot, it’s easy to remember and I have fun with that, thanks all of you, you guys did a wonderful job.
Hi Adam,I like this lesson .the favorite food for Egyptian people is is Monokhya.
i made a lot of mistakes in this quis. i am sorry
No need to apologize Johan. Just keep practicing :)
Hi Adam, I’m Keiji from Japan. Thanks for your lesson. I love to eat also and cooking sometime. I recommend you one dish names Teriyaki Chicken. Prepare a small cup of say sauce with sugar first, then put a bunch of chicken reg into frying-pan to grill the chicken skin first. Put the say sauce after turn it over. It’s sounds easy to cook and tasty, isn’t it?
Thanks Keiji. I love Japanese food. I miss Yoshinoya a lot ;)
Hi Adam, thanks for you help.
You must try our fantastic brazilian barbecue.
IT’s delicious..
Hi dear Adam
I am new student.
thank for your lesson.
Welcome Mojtaba :)
Adam, when you were about to compare sounds in “cook” and “rock” I prepared myself to hear the words “loose”, “choose” ect. It’s a problem for most Russian students to feel the difference between [u] and [u:]. Thanks for the lesson – a useful one!
Hi Adam
Thanks a lot for your useful lessons.
Have you ever eaten Iranian food?
It is very delicious.
Thank you Adam.
thank you adam
i love to eat like you
so what do you think of egyptian
Hello! Thank you for the great lesson! It was very useful to me. By the way, you should try a Moussaka(Мусака). Here is the recipe – I hope you like it.
Thank you Mister Adam! Your explanations are very clear!
In my town, the favorite meal of people is in French “boulettes liégeoises”!
It’s meat balls with brown sauce with onions and fruit’s sirup. You eat that with French fries and a lot of mayonnaise! It’s weird like that but it’s really tasty! Enjoy your meal! :D
Adam, you should come to Spain and eat a PAELLA. You would love it!
my favorite dish is feijoada, a traditional Brazilian dish. It is a stew made of a mixture of meat and black beans, served with rice and vinaigrette. Very tasty… Have you ever eaten it, Adam?
Hi adam. you should taste LAHMACUN. Its very famous in Turkey and my hometown :)
Dear Adam! This lesson is really uesful for me!
Well, If you come to Vietnam, i think you should try “Phở”. That’s very popular dish in my country! With beef, noodles,.. Delicious!
Thanks, Adam. One of my favorites is Ginger Duck. That’s an awesome dish for winter to keep your body warm. ;)
Thanks Adam. I’ve watched Master chef and didn’t know what those words for.
Simple Lesson, but very important!!! Congratulation Teacher. I am from Brazil and like a lot their classes.
Hi teacher Adam! I´m brazilian, but I like so much Italian food. Your lesson is very good and your accent is so easy to understand.
Hey Mr adam, you are my favorite teacher in engvid. thx a lot. wanna learn anothers materials.
I am a new student here.I am learning everythings , that before I didn´t know.Thanks.
This video is very useful for me. I love cooking too! I usually find some recipe on the Internet then try to cook it. So now I got lots of new words now. Thank you Adam!
It was an interesting lesson, i have learned so many things which i didn’t know before, you are the best teacher i have ever seen.
Thanks Adam. You could try some Chinese dim-sum.
thix , Adam, i recommed to you to prepare couscous very delicious mmmmmm
are u tunisian??
i got 90 i am genius
Hello Adam, one question, BROIL is like “au gratin” in french?
I like very much the pies of vegetables with cheese and with a glass white wine
There’s nothing better than chicken with okra, it’s delicious! Great lesson, thanks Adam.
I am so grateful for your lessons, dear Adam!
It’s so helpful,and amazing explanations,thank you teacher…
“When I’m listening to your lesson you got me hungry!”it’s right sentence?
Have a good career!
Hi Adam! Just now I’ve watched your video-lesson.
Despite I didn’t know most of the terms I got 100. I have a grounded know-how about cooking so when there is enought time I love to cook and eat. Mind you I’m a very thin man, , talking about food,as you know, it’s fair to say that the most important thing is the quality and not the amount of food we’re able to swallow.
Thank you Adam!Keep on and don’t give up with your lessons, you are truly a good teacher.
Hi Adam,
Try some Filipino food – pansit(noodle), lumpia (egg roll). But I love sushi too!!!! You inspire me to cook :)
Thanks Adam. You are a great teacher I have seen.
I got 90%.. I recomend you to try spaghetti with white sauce.. Known as “Fideos en Salsa Blanca”.. Pura vida..!!!
Sorry, I forgot to say Thank you Adam..
Hi Adam,
thanks a lot for your useful lesson.
Hi Adam, Have you ever tasted “pierogi” or “bigos”? It’s national polish dishes.
hello Mr.Adam
in fact I’m very happy to get your lessons , I have a lot of your lessons in my laptop . you know , Mr.Adam I also love to eat delicious food . my favorite meal is (( couscous )) I suggest you try to eat it specially with neat and vegetables , don’t forget to drink green tea after you finish your food . thank you Mr.Adam for your lessons
great I got 9/10 .
thank you Mr.Adam
Hi Adam,great lesson I got 10/10, you should try (kabab) it’s Arabian kind of sandwich.
Hi Adam. I adore your on- line classes because they are funny and so simple. Your accent is very understandable too, and the topics that you use are very useful for the daily life.
I would like to share with you my fave dish. Let’s say it is not a dish but the way me and my husband like to cook our food. My husband is a Moroccan chef and in Morocco the food is very delicious, and what I like mostly that they use amazing but simple spices that make their food taste unique. It is also very healthy because they use a special pot to cook their food which is made out of clay. Moroccans mostly use ginger, paprika, cumin, salt, black pepper and turmeric to cook their traditional food. But they can also bring more taste to their dishes by adding almond, raisin or prunes. I would really recommend you to try it once if you have not tried it yet.
Thank you again for your awesome lessons!
thank you thank you thank you)))))
Thank you Adam.i love your lesson.
Have you made any Indian foods ? :)
Hello teacher Adam , my name is Sona. I am Armenian. I am a new student here.
You should try Armenian Tolma.
Hi, i advise to you taste eat meat in Kazakh. It’s great)
Thank you for the lesson.
You have to try the Uzbek plov. Of course, the dish must be cooked on an open fire outside, in a “kazan” (similar to a stewpan) with thick walls. If you ever come to Uzbekistan, you’ll love it.
It’s equal quantities (weight) of rice + meat (mutton) + yellow carrots (you may use usual orange, or red – as we call it) + onions (a little less – about 3/4 or 5/8 of the weight) + 2-3 garlics + spices (zira, barberry, saffron, nohot (a type of peas)). Traditionally cotton oil is used (from half a litre to 0.7 L per 1 kg of rice, sometimes even more), but sunflower oil also suites.
First you fry half-round sliced onion, then add carrots (in the shape of stretched parallelepipeds – I don’t know what word to use), then add meat (it should necessarily have bones; if it’s mutton, you should add some meat with ribs; and also there should be some fat in the meat). When the water from the meat evaporises, add water to cover the meat, boil and then reduce the heat and simmer it until it also evaporises (we do it in Uzbekistan because the meat there is quite firm, but we don’t do it in Russia because the meat here is more quickly cooked). Also put “nohot” (presoaked in water for about 12 hours). Stir from time to time. Then put rice, previously washed, add hot water (also cold water might be added) so that it covers the rice about the height of the length of the distal phalanx of your forefinger (:-)). Let the rice boil, then simmer for a while (for some 5-10 minutes). Then put garlics, spices, stir only rice (it’s more likely to flip it upside down carefully), and put a very tight cover onto the “kazan”. Another 20-25 minutes, and your plov is ready.
I might miss some important moments though )).
If you ever come to Uzbekistan, you’ll love it. I guarantee!
P.S. 1) It was quite difficult to write down a recipe like this, because I still have lack of vocab referring to the topic. 2) I still doubt in using commas though I’ve watched the video on punctuation. 3) I doubt if I use the right prepositions. Could you please tell me how to fix those problems optimally? Thanks.
thanks Adam, have you ever tried the arabic food? specially from tunisia
I love this lesson. Thank you Adam ^__^
I will follow all your video. I hope my English will be better !
thanks adam
ilove this lesson too much
my favourite dish is psta
thanks for useful lesson adam i estimated you r chef because u r look like a chef
Hello, I’ve got 90% … it’s not bad.
I am going to give you a recipe of how to prepare a very delicious Syrian Dish. – Molokhaih = Jew’s mallow.
1. clean Molokhaih leaves.
2. minced meat. (Beef meat)
3. Ghee.
4. Chervil.
5. Garlic
6. Salt & Pepper.
First if Molokhaih is dry, you should soak it in water for about half hour, but if it is green you just wash it by water and squeeze it by yous hands till get rid of the water.
Second, saute the leaves with ghee (or margarine) and keep flipping it for about 15 minutes.
Next, in another pot, put meat and saute it too after you add salt and pepper as desired.
Add the sauteed leaves to the meat in the pot and add water till it’s drowned. Then cover the pot and simmer it for about 30 minutes, now add chopped and clean chervil and mashed garlic. Finally let it simmering on fire all together until water disappears.
Put it in a dish and put some natural lemon juice on it. Note: you can make rice beside it in another dish.
Have a nice day
Note: Some Garlic + Some Chervil + some Meat (not soo much)
The major ingredient is Molokhaih.
I was curious about whether I would be able to find molokhaih here (Toronto) — turns out that here, it’s easier to find in Filipino groceries, where it’s called saluyot!
Saluyot = Molokhaih … lol … there is so much difference in words.
But some medical information about it I guess it’s good:
1. It contains large amounts of Iron and that so we put some lemon juice upon it to consume and take the maximum benefit of Iron.
2. It could cause Kidney Stones if eat it so much or frequently.
3. It turns the color of stool into black, and that may raise suspicion in person that he is suffering of “Hidden Hemoglobin = bleeding in the upper digestive system including bleeding ulcer” but it’s normal color.
hello all, how are you , i am fine thank you wish that for always .. so Adam how are you , it was perfect topic and actually when you bring that . you remind me by my years ago when i was revange things on the sea edge ( grilling the fresh fish ) it’s delicious when you be doing it and at least when the dish be ready i will be full because i spend all the time to cooking , but my friends has enjoy with that dish and be so hungy when they see every things is done . will order a seat again and send to you the recipe be hungry before you make it . thank you so much and good luck for every one …….
Thank You Alex. It was very useful lesson
Adam, thanks for lesson, it was very interesting)) You must try such dish like okroshka (окрошка). It is my favourite dish, I think you’ll like it. You have to find recipe in Internet)) very delicious ) keep in touch ;)
Thanks Adam. You sound Crystal clear to me. You’re a great teacher. One of the best that I’ve heard.
I recommend you to try dolma and harissa! Bon Appetit!
Thank you Adam. I love eating. I suggest you try Iranian food such as Kabab, Ghormeh Sabzi, Baghali Polo, Lobia Polo, Gheymeh, and so on. They are extremely good. You souldn’t miss trying them.
Thanks. It’s very useful
Thank you.
hi..azerbaijan meals are very tasty..i advice you that you will try :)
Some of your tasty recipe will help us :-)
hhhh I love to eat either but I am in a diet :3
hello teacher Adam I´m applying for a grant abroad and SAT test is so difficult I need a little of your help :(
Adam, you said that you miss Yoshinoya a lot.
Have you been to Japan? If so when did you visit and how long did you stay in Japan?
thank you teacher very much for your efforts you are a great man
Thanks Adam..
You are my fav teacher.. i wish i had you as teacher during my school life
Hi Adam! I am brasilian and i live in the middle-west. Here is very popular a fruit named “Pequi”. It is a very exotic fruit. The taste is really strong. I love to eat it with rice!
Thank you for your classes.
I looked it up and now I am curious about the taste! Does it really taste like strong cheese?
Hello teacher, thanks for this lesson, it was very good! I am learning English right now (I speak Spanish) and I would like to know the differences between stir and mix… thanks!
Thank you Adam for the lesson :) , my favorite dish is Couscous I don’t know whether you have heard about it but it’s very delicious and popular here in Algeria. I recommend you to try it ;)
thank you so much Adam always you are the best
thak you so much adam do you try ethiopian zignydish
U are the best
Should you visit Vietnam anytime, you must try “Bún chả”. I’m not sure how others like it, but I love it. It is really worth trying :)
Finally, I understand the difference between broil and roast. Thanks!
Hi mr Adam .. thank you very much i have learned alot from you
You Are The Best one :) .. my favourite dish is pizz :D ♥
and you ?! :D
Hello mr Adam.This is a first video i have to learned. I am not a person who speak eng very well.If you not understand about my words. Im so sorry sir. lol
And I love to eat and cook too.i love to eat papaya salad(Thai food) with stick rice and roasted chicken.It’s so delicious ! ><
What you favorite food in Thailand ?
Hi Adam! If you want come to Argentina, maybe you would like to taste the tradicional meal (choripan,) it is like a sausages of cow or pig and you can eat it with bread (called figacita) and chimichurri ( a special sauce to eat them).I hope some day could come to visit us and taste it !!!
Hi Adam!
Thank you so much for your lovely classes.
My favorite dish it’s a typical and simple dish called “Pa amb tomàquet=Bread with tomato”. You have cut the bread in long pieces then cut the tomato in two parts and dip the tomato on the bread. Finaly a little bit olive oil and salt and that’s all! It’s delicious!
That sounds absolutely delicious! There’s a similar Italian dish, “bruschetta”, which is pretty common in North America.
I’m very agree with Kate, Manty and lagman are very delicious! Manty are chopped mutton and onion in slices of dough steamed on very-very high heat )
Uigur lagman is closer to noodle, but its dust is thicker and sauce is a combination of fried vegetables and surely meat also includes some herbs or grass(??) How should I say if it comes to recipe?
Hey Adam. You should try the (Mansaf), its the favorite Jordanian dish ;)
i love cooking too and i hope you make a video about taste of food, i’m looking forward it, thank you so much :D
Mr Adam,I love to eat?
You would fail all the exams here
I love eating,I like eating,I want to eat
Im sorry you are the best,but such a mistake……..
Thanks for explanation. Adam, This lesson was very helpful with us. so we appreciate really . i liked the way of teaching because i understood your lessons clearly.
My favorite dish is called here in Brazil: Feijão Tropeiro it’s a mix with flour, beans, bacon, fried bananas, chopped pork meat, sliced cabbage, light crackling! It’s delicious!
I recommended you to try Koskouse , it’s an Algerian dish . Thanks for all your lessons.
Hi dear teacher,they are so delicious Iranian food,you should try them…
Hi Adam ,
first of all thanks for your help ,it’s was helpful lesson ,I am from Iraq and if you like seafood you have to try MAZKOF ,it’s a fish cooking on wood.
it’s a Good taste and most of Foreign visitors to Iraq trying this MAZKOF.
here is a link:
thank you so much!
Adam you should try “tabbouleh” its a traditional syrian food
so dilicious…
Great lesson. For winter I recommend vegetarian carrot-ginger soup. Greetings.
You should try Brazilians food…
Feijoada, moqueca…
I love it
Is this topic still active?
hi Adam , Do you like southern Chinese food ? I am from NANCHANG where is the capital city of JIANGXI province ,the food here is spicy and salty If you are interested I could guide you how to cook food from my hometown.
Adam, u r my favourite teacher in engvid. thank u so much
Thank you Adam
Thank you.
Thanks Adam the lesson was helpful. I recommend you Morocco foods its very delicious like Kskiz.
hi Adam, I suggest ‘Gricia’, a roman dish, it is fantastic
hI Adam,
You can cook a delicius “feijão tropeiro” with a bigger “caipirinha” from Minas Gerais” – Brasil
nice words high performance…thank you
Personally I do enjoy spaghetti con ragu. It is a spaghetti dish with the Bolognese sauce. Sometimes in Russia we call this particular dish – spaghetti bolognese. However, one of my friend from Italy told me that is not correct…
It’s called spaghetti bolognese here too! Never knew that’s not what they call it in Italy…
Yeah for me it was a shock as well… Just last winter I visited a little town called Castiglione Del Lago in Umbria. There I tried to order spaghetti bolognese. I was quite surprised when a waiter brought me something like spaghetti with a big sausage. However, maybe he just did not get what I want… It can be quite tricky to communicate in English there because people normally don’t speak. Unfortunatly, I was not able to use any Italian back those days.
Hi teacher Adam. My name is Adi Peterson from Bali, Indonesia. First of all, I want to say thank you for your great video. I think you are one of my best English teacher. I suggest you to try “Nasi Goreng” or fried rice in English. Nasi goreng is Indonesian traditional food. It’s very delicious, sometimes it’s spicy and sometimes not. It depends on people who wants to eat lol. Thank you
I like grilled dish, meat of cheap.
have you tried ukrainian ‘borsch’?
thanks teacher adam i got eighty percent
Hello ADAM, this is the first time i’ve got 10 out of 10 when do the quiz in your lesson, thank you very much, thanks to the way you translate i can understand almost the content, you give me a lot of necessary vocabulary, i hope that in the next lesson Could you teach about some actions you have to do when you do the housework?
Hi, Adam! It was vey interesting to lean about you, that you was a chef! I like to cook too)) I adore to baking some shortcakes, cupcakes and fruit pies! This dishes are got better by me) Mostly I like our national Russian food, which is most popular is “borsch”. Do you hear about this soup? It is soup, boiled on beef broth, with sliced cabbage? carrot and onion and chopped potato. This is very dilicioussoup, espesially with sou-cream and chopped dill (do you know, that Russian put dill in almost each dish?))) I wish you will try it!
Hey Adam do you know how to cook Indian dishes? “Chicken Tikka Masala” is number one dish in the UK. I would recommend you to try that. There are hundreds of dishes particularly “Lamb Bhuna” with plain boil rice, “Biryani” is my favourite dish. I hope you’ll love it. By the way i’m not Indian, i’m Bangladeshi. You might know “Bangladesh” used to be a part of India before 1947. Anyway I’ve been living in the UK for six years now. i’ve finished my Bachelor Degree at University of Sunderland. My Fiancee is British & she loves Indian/Bangladeshi food :) You can try our curry. I belive you’ll like the, cheers: Saab
Favorite dish: Shrimp in pumpkin (:
Thanks for the class!
Hi , Adam
How are you doing?
I m a new student here on this site!!
I am most interested the way you teach English!!!
And I ll keep going with your lesson;-)
I m from Thailand , Now i live in NV. I have been here almost 1 year
But i feel like my english is not improve !!!
Time to refresh!!!
Oh!! I recommend my favorite dish is “Pad thai” noodle
I think you gonna love it!!
You should try Pho in Viet Nam.It is very delicious! Thanks for your Video!
Herring under a Fur Coat
2 large, fatty herring
3-4 potatoes
2 large beets
2 large carrots
1 medium onion
3 egg yolks (for decoration)
1. Wash and boil the potatoes, beets, and carrots with the skins on until tender.
2. Remove the herring’s skin, bones, cut into fillets, and then into small cubes.
3. Choose a large serving plate or bowl and moisten with water.
4. Evenly spread out the herring on the serving plate or in the bowl.
5. Peel and very finely shred the onion. Then, dip it into boiling water. Drain the water and place the onion on top of the fish.
6. Cover this layer with a generous amount of mayonnaise.
7. Finely cube the potatoes and use them to form the next layer.
8. Crisscross the salad with thin strips of mayonnaise.
9. Coarsely grate the carrots and beets into separate piles.
10. Spread the grated carrots over mayonnaise net.
11. For the final layer, place the beets on top and cover in an even, generous amount of mayonnaise.
12. On the top of the salad, crumble boiled egg yolks or decorate the salad with carrot roses, herbs, etc.
13. Cover with a lid or saran wrap and place the salad in the refrigerator for several hours before serving.
Roasted potatoes are prepared in the oven !
are broiled potatoes prepared in the oven too ?!
hi adam
i want to improve my writing skill.plz give me some tips.
I got 10 of 10 thanks Adam for this lesson
Dear Adam.
Thank you for your helpful lessons)
Hi, Adam. Thanks for your lesson.
May I have one question about the equipment which is on the top of the stove and sucks the smoke from cooking. What’s it in English?
It will be much appreciated to receive your response.
Have a nice day!
I’m very happy with that I’ve learnt Cook Vocabulary.
Good lesson.
Thanks adam..
I hope you will like BORSCHT. Ukrainian national dish
tanks adam for lessons
kebab :)
Normally I delete one-word comments, but kebabs are great
Thank you so much, Adam! One food that I like is pizza but another great food here, in Buenos Aires are the ‘milanesas’ It’s a slice of meat and it has crumbs of bread around it. Delicious with lemon! :D See you later!
Hi Adam.Thank you so much.You should try Kabab koobideh.Its an Iranian food.
As it turns out, the Toronto area has a huge Iranian community, and lots of places that serve kabab koobideh!
Italian food and Chinese food !!!
Hi, Adam! I fail words to express my thanks for your videos.
Have you ever tried pea soup with smoked ribs? Add potato, fried grated carrot and onion, throw in some croutons and enjoy :)
Adam,thanks very much for this video!!!
I’ve heard next words in the video: “So some of my students were asking me for kitchen vocab, some culinary cooking vocab.” And I put my mind to the used tense. I know that we use past continuous with indicating the time, don’t we?
Adam Thanks for this useful lesson.I admire your videos especially the ones dealing with vocab that we use in our daily lifes.I recommend you “lahmacun” It is a Turkish food.We eat it with “ayran”. It tastes really delicious. You should try it. Waiting for your new videos about vocab and speaking.
Hello Adam. You should try Georgian Xachapuri.
On this link is recipe
This sounds absolutely delicious!
Thanks Adam for a lession. I present for you Ukrainian Borscht.
It has an amazing tase. I promise – you`ll lick your fingers.
Hi Adam, I love a dish that called – banitsa. It’s the Bulgarian dish. It’s very very tasty.
I hope you like it.
100. So I will modestly say I’m chef. BRAVO ADAM
When could I pick up a diploma?
Thank you for the lesson and I became a hungry:)My favorite dish is Carbonara with bacon and cream sauce
Hi Adam, my favourite dish is “pasta al pesto” (I’m from Liguria, Italy…)
if you are not a good chef you are the best teacher ever.
I love this topic like you :). Thank you so much
Hi, thanks for lesson it was really useful, do you have also lesson about baking – sweets?
You must try POTICA is Slovenian desert we eat it for Christmas and Easter :)
Hi Adam,
It’s me Nurul from Indonesia. I enjoy your lessons very much since your teaching style is communicative and contextual.
For your cuisine adventure, i suggest you to try one of most favourite food from Indonesia. We call it Nasi Goreng which is mean Fried Rice.
Some other South East Asian Countries also have this kind of similar dish, such as Thailand and Malaysia. But, i believe that Indonesian Nasi Goreng has distinguished style.
For the recipe, you can check on this link :
Thank you.
Hi, Adam! Thank very much for your videos) And I want to recomend you the delicious dish — Ukrainian borscht :) It is a link with the recipe in English
Bon appetit! =)
I love to eat kushari a lot and it’s ethnic Egyptian plate and if u need its ingredients and recipe don’t hesitate to contact me
Thanks a lot teacher Adam! You should try this delicious Japanese recipe, Katsudon,
Pork and onion!… Divine!
Hi, Adam! I recomend you to cook “shurpe”. It’s a national dish in Chuvashia. The main ingredient is ovine meat bypass.
Adam, my favorite dish is “feijoada”. I don’t know how to explain in English but here it goes a link about the recipe:
Thank you Adam! I have 10 correct answers!
Your lessons are very useful for me and, I think, for everyone.
My favourite food is Biryani. You must try it.It is traditional and very delicious food in Indian sub continent.
Hi where is deferent cook and other :) explain us
thanks you so much Adam
Thank you Adam for a useful lesson. In my opinion, you should definitely try “Pho” or Vietnamese spring rolls sometime. They taste amazingly delicious.
Hi adam, very very good lesson, I think will be a good idea whether you explain or you show us up some commons ingredients and why do not emulate as you are cooking a dish….greettings for you from venezuela
Thank you Adam, you are great in teaching us. I would recommend trying tortellini chichen mashroom, it is so delicious. I love eating too but thank God I’m not big. :-)
Thank you very much Adam. You should definitely make ‘Ceviche’, the most important peruvian dish. Peruvian cuisine is getting recognition in the world.
nice video)))
my favourite dish is patsa! enjoy your meal)
i got 8/10 , thanks you adam , you are the best teacher
Hello, dear Adam!Thanks so much for the lesson! I recommend
you cook Jewish dish Forshmak! Best regards!Iliyan!
You’re superb thankyou
Borsh. You should to prepare a borsh)))
Hello Adam you should try Tacos from Mexico :)
Nice lesson Adam.. I got 90. are you sure the answer for number 9 is chop? I answered ‘slice’ :D
ah..for the should try ayam betutu from Indonesia.. it’s very nice..warm greetings from Bali :)
Hello Adam, thanks so much for the lesson! for me very easy to understend you, keep it up! I recommend you to try khinkali :) it’s from Georgia. If you are interested, here is the link:
I am very weak on this topic, how to arrange the words, steps, and to explain it ?
Roasted quails in tomatoes very tasty :) when you eat it you feel like a giant))
Hi Adam, first time here…
First of all, many thanks for all your lessons. I really love english and I’m so glad that I’ve found a place like this and a teacher like you -you make everything useful and easy to understand. Thank you so much.
Talking about recipes, you should definitely try the famous tortilla de patatas. It’s an easy and fast recipe, lots of videos on youtube to check out how to cook it. Just one advice: the tortilla should always be cooked with onion –essential.
See you soon!
i have to prepare potatoes gateau..can you help me?
Hi teacher!Thank you for your lessons, there are really helpful!
I’m from Kazakhstan. I want to share with you recipe of one of our national dish. The name of this dish is beshbarmak. Taste of this dish very specific but also very delisious!
How to cook it you can read here: (and also a little bit history ;) )
But my mom cook it a little bit difference: she doesn’t lay onion into a pan, she slices it semirings, pounds them for more juicy, adds papper and salt, circumfuses with brothcovers it and leaves it for 10-12 minutes. When everything’s ready, we spread out the dough on a tray (without broth), pour (a little bot) onion with broth, lay out meat and pour onion again. Also you can add boiled potatoes on the edges of tray. Instead of beef you may use duck’s flesh, because that will be more tastier.
I hope you and your family will taste it! Good luck and Bon Appetit!
Azerbaijanian lamb kebab–yummy
Thank you Adam. The beef noodle was famous in Taiwan, If you have a chance trip to Taiwan, please taste it.
Hello, everyone. I agree with Ukrainian students about Classic Ukrainian Borsch, but also I recommend trying Chicken Kiev – it`s awesome!
ps. Kiev cake must be delicious too!
hi ada, thank you so much for this usefull lesson, i advise you to try couscous i am sure you willlike it
sorry i mean recommend
Hi Adam .The problem is I cannot recommend only one food.You should try (more) Hungarian food.I love to eat That’s why I need to do more and more exercise. I put here the link ,these are Hungarian recepies with pictures and explanation.Maybe You Will find them also tasty not just the goulash and paprikash.If You Will make them please let me know Your opinion (which one You liked it ,which not)
By the way If You dont feel You want to cook here is the link for Hungarian “deli” store in Toronto .They sell cooked food as well.( chestnut puree is Yummy ,and they sell Túró Rudi -I growned up on this Yummy )
Have a good day and I hope You Are enjoy to try new meals.
Ten to ten
Have you ever tasted Greek culinary ?
hi, Adam, I am a Kurdish woman i can help you to teach you Kurdish traditional foods wow our foods are very delicious such as Dollma, Doghawa, Kangr, tolka haha there are so many other foods i like to cook too :)
Adam, do you like Russian cuisine?
Hello Adam. I can recommend you Russian dishes:pelmeni and borsch. I think you’ll like it
teacher adam every good teaching I like
Hi Tr. Adam…
Thanks a lot, i have been learning and enjoying your lessons, especially you make some some `subliminal jokes`, i really laughed…
before leaving, if you will be able to go Turkmenistan, you should taste `Turkmen Dograma`, and if to in Oceania dont forget taste `Tom Yum` and `Indonesian Nasi Padang`… ;)
Hi Adam, Thanks for one more lesson. I hope you be wel, see you you have to come to Brasil and to prove food.
Hi Adam, you definitely should try this Brazilian dessert called BRIGADEIRO is very delicious:
– 1/2 cup cocoa (or Chocolate Ovaltine… this is the most authentic Brazilian recipe)
– 1 TB butter
– 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
– sprinkles, coconut, cocoa powder, chopped nuts, or powdered sugar
1. In a small / medium pan cook the cocoa / Ovaltine, condensed milk and butter over medium heat.
2. Stir continuously for approximately 10 minutes.
3. Remove the pan from the stove and let it cool so that you can touch it without burning yourself.
4. Once the mixture has cooled, create small balls by rolling it in your hands.
5. Roll each ball in sprinkles, coconut, cocoa powder, chopped nuts, or powdered sugar.
I can’t speak for Adam, but this looks amazing and I’m going to try making it!
Thank you, Mr. Adam.
What about borscht?))
if you love eating, you should try Rendang. It is a dish from my hometown. I’m From Indonesia bytheway….
I like watching your video…
it’s improve my vocab as well…
Thank you Adam….
Some vodka will be a good aperitif of course.
Thanks a lot! In my opinion, nothing better than the fish cooked by my Mom.
Adam, don’t listen to anybody.
The best food is black caviar and chilled premium vodka. Even when I think of it, it makes my mouth water!
I adore fried tofu:)
Hey sir, do you like spicy foods then u must try Gujarati dishes Patra, dhokla, thepla, gathiya n many more…..
Thank you for your lesson! I recommend you Japanese curry, it’s delicious!
Orange chicken!))
thanks Adam
Hi Adam!
if you love eating, you should try Сaptaincy potato.
It is very amazing!!!
If you want to know the recipe, tell me.
Thank you for your lesson.
Thanks for the lesson . 10 correct out of 10
Dear Adam,
First of all, I’d like to thank you for the videos.
Secondly, in order to respond your wish to learn new recipes I’d like to send you a youtube channel link. She’s a famous cook in Turkey. The only down side about this channel is that it’s in Turkish. But since you’re a chef, I thought you might have the patience to watch it.
And, this is my favorite Turkish side dish:
I hope you enjoy the videos, and try some of them.
All the best,
Hi Adam! Thank you for this lesson. I eat air and sun energy exclusively.
Thank you!!
Thanks, I got 90. I recommend you to try shahee paneer it is flavor full; I’m sure once you eat it you would love it.
and follow this link
I’m sure you’ll be keen on it
Hi Adam.My name is Asmar.I’m from Azerbaijan.There are a lot of delicious food in our kitchen(what a pity,that most of them is being stolen by armenian)
If I saw you I would recommend you as many recipes as I can.But don’t worry.I wish one day I can meet and talk to you.
One of the best meals in our kitchen which is liked by everybody is dolma.In our country there mainly 4 kinds of it.But I’d recommend to taste “yarpaq dolması”.Remember, that it is easy to prepare meat for it,the most difficult thing is to fold them.Don’t be afraid.The taste will surprise you.
Here I leave the page for you where you can learn to cook dolma.
ohh sorry i want to write: most of them are being stolen but have done a mistake
Hi Adams I want to share with you one best dish that you must try. that is called sambar. The best and tasty curry that make you like wow. First keep a bown and put some onions and tamotas. Put it on simmer. Continue with regular fry add some Salt, tumeric, mirchi, coriander powder. After 15 mints add some vegetables like carrot, beans, brinjal, raddish. In other bowl take some toor dal and boil for 6 wistles. Add dal to fried vegetables and close the lid put it on simmer. After 3 wistles, turnoff the flame. Tasty curry is infront of you. You can have with hot rice… @ if any Grammar mistakes please let me know.
thanks teacher .i apreciate your work a lot .as always you’re great teacher.thank again.
i’d like a lesson about frying when i was studing at university .i prepared a thesis about popates frying .the language used in speech was i want to learn some expression in english about frying because i need these expressions in my examen through skype in ordre to accés to university abroad
My favorite dish is couscous, Moroccan speciality that is also the favorite dish for frensh people, it’s very very delicious.
Thanks Teacher Adam for this knowledge.???
This is practical lesson for everyday life. Now I can understand the recipe better.
Adam you should taste Çiğköfte, if you can find in Canada. It’s a Turkish food, a kind of meatball but which is not cooked by fire, but with some spices. Or aubergine kebeb: You can even cook it at home if you have girll. you should skewer sliced aubergine and lamb micemeat. A slice of aubergine and a ball of mince, and again aubergine. Grill it on the BBQ, taste of aubergine juice sets in the meatball very slowly during the girlling process. It is ver delicious. You can google it :Patlican Kababi
Hello Adam , this is my favorite dish
Qorme Sabzi
قورمه سبزی
7/10! I love eating too! In our city, we have one delicious noodle called “Fenghua beef noodle”. First, use bovine bone to make soup for 10 more hours. Second, simmer beef with spice. Finally, Boil the noodle then put into the soup and slice some beef upon the noodle.
Everyone loves to eat so many different recipes, they all are good and one must try them as well. One thing that makes every recipes awesome is the bread. Here is a traditional Indian bread called Tandoori Roti made from whole wheat flour and using a charcoal tandoor. You can read the recipe
hahahaha…. veeeery funny that part with cock… hahaha
Well, you should try a romanian dish called “sarmale”, (cabbage rolls or stuffed cabbage) with polenta and green chilly.
Bon appetit!
hi adam you must try kebabb
I got number 6 wrong because I didn’t read it well.. ?
Hi Adam:
My favorite dishes in the summer are tamales and pozole can be red, green and of course with yours repectives vegetables like radishes, lemon, onion, oregano.The tamales I like to add some green salad; but I would like to tell me wich is the best way to do it. Thanks Adam
I got 100
Hi Adam. Thank you for your class. It’s always a pleasure. We, from our online study group, recommend you to try Hungarian langos, Japanese tonkotsu ramen or tekkadon, or maybe Bulgarian banitsa.
Why don’t you join us in our Sunday Zoom meeting and we will tell you all about it. Please, contact us. Looking forward to it :)))
hi mr.adam you can also try *Doga* it is a soup
8/10 thx