security breach
, cyber heist
, or identity theft
? Learn the modern vocabulary of crime with this essential English News lesson. Find out how cyber criminals affected 70 million customers, what problems they caused, and how to protect yourself. Understanding this English vocabulary and these dangers can help keep you safer in today’s world.
Thanks Rebecca.
English is changing constantly especially with advent of high tech gadgets, not to mention the Internet.
It is good to be familiar with all this vocabulary to understand current news related to cyber crimes.
Just one question Rebecca, does the term cybernaut exist?
What does it refer to?
Thanks a lot for this vocabulary lesson.
Correction: . . . with THE advent of . . .
Hi Dear friends i am new in this Group so i am kindly requested every one please help me in learning English I want to improve my English.
thanks from all you
I got 7 correct out of 9. Recently I have thought we should remain vigilant for fraud (especially my daughter). ‘Vigilant’ and ‘heist’ were my new words. Thank you, Rebecca :)
You were close to get the higher mark Happy04, but keep in mind that making mistakes help us learn more.
You see? I made a mistake:
“. . . you were close to get the highEST mark…”
I’ve learned from it!
There has to be ‘Like’ link for your comments, Regino.
Thank you, Regino. I will keep in mind :)
Thank you Rebecca! You gave us an information about cyber crime. We have to pay attention when we use the internet. I realized again that importance.
Cool video! Thanks!
Thanks Rebecca,
I have received nice score from the first test.
thanks for this beautiful comment
Nice lesson i have learned many vocabulary … thanks Rebecca and do more lesson like this about different topics to improve our english ..we really appreciate that :)
In internet there are many kind of “frauds”. I think the worse are the ones that involve the sphere of emotions.
Thanks Rebecca, very useful words!
thank you very much Rebecca.
very good lesson
many thanks rebecca
very good lessonI think the worse are the ones that involve the sphere of emotions.
many thanks rebecca
Thanks, Rebecca your clases are great.
Do you know a web site where I can speak english and improve my pronunciation. Regards
Very well discussed, and I got it all!
good morning
Thanks Rebecca for Lesson.
from where i can get video lecture.
thnks Rebicca!!
Thanks Rebecca.:P
Hi Rebecca.thanks for ur great effort to teach us EN.
May i ask you or your colleagues a favor?
could you have a lesson about differences between these words?? iβm really confused
Riot-Rally-Outcry and Revolt
Thnak you in advance
Thanks for the idea. I will pass it on. All the best to you.
It’s the first time I’m writing you, because it’s a little time i’m studyng English online on my own without any help from nobody person. I’m listening and looking all the lesson of this site, but understanding all the tachers form me it’s difficult, anyway you’re the best teacher I’m able to understand better. Therefore I thank you for all my improvements I got in this period of time. Thanks Rebecca for your utility words. regards
Each engid lesson will help you in a different way and step by step you will certainly improve. You have a very good attitude towards learning and I’m sure that will help you reach your goal. My best wishes to you.
what ENGVID Rebecca?
Wonderful lesson, I always learn English by reading a newspapers online and listening to BBC radio. Thank you very much Rebecca for your helpful lessons.
Reading and listening to the news is an excellent way to improve your English. Good for you. I am sure you will pick up lots of useful, advanced vocabulary that way. My best wishes to you.
Thank you Rebecca! I live in California and last year in November when lots of credit card numbers were stolen from Target store, I was one of those people who used their credit card during those dates in one of these stores in California but thank God I luckily wasn’t affected. :) When I heard about this at the news, I was scared. :( I went to my bank and reported and they changed my credit card number right away.
Thank you teacher,it’s very intrestingi got new vocabularies,and new cotexts.
It is a good job for me. I got 9 correct out of 9 The first time I have got 100 % Thank you Rebecca. I would like to practiec speak english more. please anyone add me :Skype is ukrit_2011 Thanks for all
Congratulations! Keep watching and you will definitely improve. All the best.
Quite nice lesson.
Thank you.
Thank you Rebecca. I always learn something new. I got 8 out of 9.
thank you teacher i got 7/9 it’s not bad i think
useful lesson 6/9 thanks
thank you miss rebecca………. got 9 out of nine……… thanks again….
Good for building up vocabulary.
9/9 In this case, the hackers target, was the target himself. Hohoho Christmas time.
Haha. Good one. All the best to you, Jorge.
i love lesson
if we can learn for skype then more
Thanks a lot.
thanks rebeca
really useful! many thanks
you’re something else rebecca
It is very easy quiz
Thank you so much, Rebecca.
thanks rebecca
Thank you very much , personally I like your lesson and you are great teacher.
Although I got 9correct out of 9,,I didn’t understand many words or it’s just very difficult to me and I didn’t get the explaining!!! I have not enjoyed with the lesson :/
Thanks Rebecca, I got all right . I really appreciate this lesson.
Thanks so much this lesson . This very helpful , for me . ^^
I like it. Keep it up
Interesting! Very well explained.
Thank you.
Thanks for the lesson!
Thanks to all of you for your feedback. It really helps us to hear from you. I admire your desire to improve and being here and watching these lessons proves that you are serious about improving. I really wish you all the best.
Thanks, my nice pedagog, I got 89% without watching the lesson.
Oh! Thank you so much. It’s really helpful for me. :)
EXCELENT ! Thanks Thanks Thanks.
100% Excelent!!!!
thank you so much Rebecca.
Thank you, Rebecca.
Awsome video Rabecca
i got 8 correct out of new words were heist, breach,vigilant and fraud. Thanks Rebbeca
I got 8 correct out of 9. thanks a lot. You are a brilliant teacher
it is useful vocabulary ,thanks Rebecca…
Dear Rebecca,
You remind us that, by studying the news everyday,
we can reach our target : to improve our English.
Best regards.
thank you so much Rebecca.
Like this one. Thahk you again.
yes; I do it; 10 correct out of 10. Thanks teacher.
It is very useful lesson.
Thanks Rebecca.
your lesson is very clerarly. thank you rebecca
Thank you Rebeca…you are awesome!
Thank you so much, teacher! I liked how you took the information from the paragraph, :) See you later!
9/9. thank u
Hello everybody!
does anyone want to improve speaking english skills by skype? lets help each other :) (my skype: master_serg555)
Excellent ! How attractive ! These vocabularies are wonderful. Thanks a lot. Please go on this way !
Thank you ,i really like the way you teach and it helps me a lot
thanx my dear teacher … but would u please make more lessons on this topic i.e the language that’s spoken or written in the news ..
thank you so much Rebeca . it’s very useful of private tuition we can not forget you’re own efforts . I’m pleasure withe and feeling provided myself to the ward of success .
Hello, Rebecca! Thank you for your lesson! Could you explain the difference between report and alert?
Thank you!
I really appreciate your help
watch the lesson 3 times then i got to know the mean,thanks Rebecca
What cyber means
It means having to do with the Internet or computers. Some other examples: cyberbullying means bullying done over the Internet; cyberpunk is a genre of science fiction.
9 out of 9 Very good lesson long ago I was looking for a lesson like this, since I used to watch CNN News and many times I didn’t understand the terms, I would like to watch much more videos like these, thanks anyhow Rebecca. You’re awesome.
Somebody to practice speaking my skype:(+57 3217502267)
I got 100%!
yes 9 out of 9
great video
You got 9 correct out of 9.
thanks a lot…
thank you very much Rebecca
Yes,thanks Rebecca.
Thank you 9of 9?
the cyber crimes are popular today, these crimes may have a political or military aims or just to steal info. and money like in payment card heist.
information is very important in now days because all companies need it to deliver their advertisements to there target customers.
if there is a mistake in the above sentence please correct it to me
Thank you v.much!
good style of giving information.
but if you’d added some picters, or even some sort of moving pictures (flash for example) iy would be a revolution.
thanks again!
Cyber security is required to get protected from cyber attacks. Stay safe
Thanks a lot, Rebecca.You are amazing! (Azores Islands, 23Jun2024);