Do you prefer American English or British English? In this lesson, I’ll teach you some of the most common differences between American and British spelling. Learn these differences so that you can write words correctly in the United States and in the United Kingdom. Both styles of spelling are correct. However, it is important to know which style to use, especially if you do business or go to school in an English-speaking country. You can check spelling differences in a dictionary, but this lesson will teach you some of the basic differences in spelling. In New York City you can buy a liter of soda, but in Liverpool you would get a litre. Spell like an American in England and they’ll think you weird. Spell like the English in America and they’ll think you are very old-fashioned. Can you guess what style of spelling I prefer?
I am suffering here with the Australian accent -_-
Waseem F
I know what you mean Waseem, it takes some getting used to. But in the end you will make it; just give it time.
Mr.Nakar made an excellent observation about spelling in the English speaking community in Canada (see comment below). This proves that being consistent is what really counts.
… well Benjamin… I speak American and in spite of spelling and pronunciation differences,communication is still possible, isn’t it?
Bye for now.
I prefer British accent 2 the american one
Thanks Benjamin, you seems like you don’t like American accent, do you?
For me, It was a little bit bore Benjamin..
Thanks for this sort of lesson.. .
I think American copy the British words why there is only one difference when British uses doubling “LL” American is getting used single “L” the same When British uses single “L” then American is getting used “LL” that’s the difference nothing else…
British is best in English Language all the times..
excellent clarification,THANKS a million
There is some confusion b/w the usage of L and LL in both languages. Plz solve my problem.
Thanks Benjamin for this Video :)
For me American accent is better. But when you know two ways of speaking is double good. Because the whole world learns English, and make in it their new changes.
And why use LL instead L. Simply clever.
So…? You didn”t tell us? What english you prefer? American or British?
you can understand it from his accent. British.
Great lesson! Thank you very much! Greetings from Brazil.
Júlio César L Sousa
For me, your style of spelling is British English; undoubtedly, you prefer your British English accent. By the way, I would say that I love to hear your British English accent.
Thanks for this quite useful lesson, Benjamin. :)
Thank you, For me i prefer British ! more funny
Thank you, Benjamin I just know how to spelling different between American and British spelling in the past I spell by my make sense or my guess but now I have known already.
Hi there!!! This lesson it was very interesting, now I know some of them are completely different, thanks Benjamin and see you until next lesson =D
Cristian Gutiérrez
Hello Benjamin , Hello everyone.
Easy but essential lesson . I wonder what english spelling is used in Canada and which english speaking countries use american english rather than British English . I think the old British possessions speak British English which could answer my question about Canada . So, which non-american country speaks American ?
Thank you Benjamin, see you next time.
Thank you, Benjamin!
It was interesting.
I understand better British spelling)
Thank youuuu very much Benjamin!!
Thank you, Benjamin.
Thank you, Benjamin!
Very nice lesson, Sir. H
Briklend Handersson
Very good lesson
Samar Taha
To add a little more to this, Canada officially uses the British spelling system, but many Canadians will write the American versions of words, as they were never officially taught these differences.
Sweet vest, Benjamin.
You made a good point Alex; spelling differences are seldom taught in the language classroom. Teachers oftentimes use both spellings -American & English- indistinctly.
Good to see you round!
Great lesson,Benjamim,as usual.
How nice to see you here, Alex. I feel happy to
see you, professors, interacting. Very nice,really.
thanks benjaman
Thanks Benjamin, I am waiting for the next videos.
Maun Govillian
It was really interesting , and your lecture about both countries brilliant .
Noreen 07
Thanks Mr.Benjamin,
it was very interesting lessons,
love it
8/10 thank you
i didn t konw the differences before
As they say, American language is nothing else but spoilt British.
Thank you very much, Benjamin!
Kira Geller
Thanks benjamin, it was great lesson, see you until your next lesson, Greetings from Mexico.
Great lesson,I got 9 out of 10.Thank you teacher Benjamin:)
Hi Benjamin!
I like your lessons. Also I like your British English accent! I love British English so much!
If you have the opportunity please clearfy pronounciations between them. I know it, but I would like to talk like British native speakers.
Thank you so much, dear teacher!
Thanks for this video, i want to learn more about british and American
thank you Benjamin
i got 100. it is really interesting
awesome! thank you Benjamin.
best teacher eveeeeer!!!
Thanks a lot Mr.Benjamin!
Love you British accent Benjamin!! loved this lesson got 10/10 in Quiz..Thanks alot
It’s really help me so much this kinda of courses. Thanks alot :)
I questioned myself… and I just realize that we used to learn British English in elementary school, and American English in high school. It would be nice if teachers explained it to us.
Thank you Benjamin.
… well Senida… in spite of spelling differences,communication is still possible, isn’t it?
Changing the subject a little bit Senida, do you really speak that many languages?
In my case I’m trying to pick up some French,… and to tell the truth I’m having a really hard time;any advice on this?
All my best for this New Year!
Communication is possible, but teachers would give you less points on test if you don’t do test – their way.
And I don’t speak many languages… my language is Bosnian – Croatian – Serbian (3 countries – almost same language), and I speak English and German. And that’s all.
Best wishes for New Year to you too… :)
Thanks for replying to my comment Senida.
Please do not lose touch!
See you round.
Excellent class, thank u sir… Kindly could you please explain the differences among the usages of FEAR, AFRAID, SCARED, AFRAID& FRIGHTENED ? I am confused of these. Thank u…
I would prefer to speak in British accent rather than speaking in American accent, & the reason is that,
they do not pronounce most part of the words and this case is positive in British accent.
safiullah Rahmani
like it) wanna speak like sritish people )
Hello Benjamin,
I’m wondering if British use the shortened forms like ‘wanna, ‘gonna’, etc or they can be only heard in AmE.
Thanks a lot in advance
I want to say about this teacher .. The best teacher in the world.
Your classes are excellent! Congrats!
I’d really appreciate if you made a video showing the differences between the traditional British accent and the cockney accent. That would be awesome!
Thank you for your videos.
Thanks for the video.
Could you please tell me which spelling is being used in Canada?
Hallo, ich lerne Englisch
Hi! Just so you know, we prefer people to comment in English so that everyone can practice reading and writing. Thank you for watching!
engVid Moderator
engvid…i kindly request you to do a lesson on PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES…including ”in favour of” …it would be a relief for all the students if you do this…Please Please Please teacher’s and sir’s….i cant understand when to use in favour of’ and it’s uses…your attention in this regard is highly appreciated….
Amanda De Silva
Your accent is the best ?
Thanks a lot Sir… I got 90 point, I like this lesson much
very helpful. thanks a lot.
I like the quiz. Give me more information
hi there so can i use both british and american spelling when writing in IELTS?
Of course the British one is better to use!
Rayan Dejavu
Benjamin, your accent makes your voice sexy.
It was a very interesting lesson
Thank you so much!
You are fantastic Benjamin. I really enjoyed your videos and soon I’m going to be enrolling (pronounced with double L) in your channel.
Hughs from Mexico :).
(*I hope my grammar will be correct :/)
I,ve got 10 out of 10, thankyou!!!!!
Well I was consistent…
Thank you BENJAMIN. 10/10 I liked the way you gave lessons
it is really hard to learn English … I’m getting confused :/
thank you very much. i really love your accent tho. i’ll go with the british one
I prefer the british accent, it’s more clear to hear.
Adilson Veber Moreira
I love this lesson and i want to learn more about it. if you have the spelling lesson, please share for me. Thanks so much :)
I love this lesson. thank you,
can’t get better than that… awesomely presented…
piash khan
Thank you benjamin
Mohsen Tatoo
10 out of 10 :)
Perfect! British accent has always been my favorite.
Don’t forget the difference between grey (British) and gray (American)!
I got 10 out of 10… It looks like I’m a skillful student :)
Abm Bashir
lovely teacher , and entertaining teaching method.thank you mr.Benjamin
thank you, sir!
learned so much from this lesson.
I got 9 out of 10 , thank you mr.Benjamin
How nice ! thank you very much . I think mostly the E comes at the End of British spelling .
Thanks, Ben. I love your videos because there are engaging.
Thank you!!! It was great!
You asked 10 of 10. Sorry, but I did only 9 of 10
Here I am watching this video for the 50th time.
Love your British sense of humour, Benjamin.
“…you need two sheep to make a woollen sweater.”
Got 10/10,by the way.
…and it’s never repetitive to say:love your accent.An extra class. Thank you very much.
I got 10/10, I understand the differences but it’s really hard for me to understand British English (I have been learning American English but I PREFER British)
I got 80…need to learn the video again…thanks Benjamin
Both of them fit me. Either someone says ” it matters not, or someone else says” it doesn’t matter” I’am able to understand.
Thanks Benjamin
Benjamin, I have got a lot of fun in this class.
cool? can’t get my British accents though ? pls give us some tips in the Future to be able speaking in British accent Benjamin.
Thanks Benjamin!
I got10 out to10
I love both accent. Good teacher ?
In my personal opinion there is only 1 correct spelling for English words. Just because many people do something wrong doesn’t make it right. American English is a dialect, just like any other. It makes me upset when they say the British are spelling things wrong. I’m like hello it’s called English as is the language of England.
Good class, but I think that you shoud be more speking the word in US for to fix more the pronunciation.
Antonio Robson
I am an ESL teacher (American) and I just want to say this video is so brilliant beyond brilliance. You had me rolling on the ground for an hour. “I am going to McDonalds to get fat.”
Your American impersonation just made my day so much better. Thank you for this!
This is very important lesson, greeting from Nigeria.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I am suffering here with the Australian accent -_-
I know what you mean Waseem, it takes some getting used to. But in the end you will make it; just give it time.
Mr.Nakar made an excellent observation about spelling in the English speaking community in Canada (see comment below). This proves that being consistent is what really counts.
… well Benjamin… I speak American and in spite of spelling and pronunciation differences,communication is still possible, isn’t it?
Bye for now.
I prefer British accent 2 the american one
Thanks Benjamin, you seems like you don’t like American accent, do you?
For me, It was a little bit bore Benjamin..
Thanks for this sort of lesson.. .
I think American copy the British words why there is only one difference when British uses doubling “LL” American is getting used single “L” the same When British uses single “L” then American is getting used “LL” that’s the difference nothing else…
British is best in English Language all the times..
excellent clarification,THANKS a million
There is some confusion b/w the usage of L and LL in both languages. Plz solve my problem.
Thanks Benjamin for this Video :)
For me American accent is better. But when you know two ways of speaking is double good. Because the whole world learns English, and make in it their new changes.
And why use LL instead L. Simply clever.
So…? You didn”t tell us? What english you prefer? American or British?
you can understand it from his accent. British.
Great lesson! Thank you very much! Greetings from Brazil.
For me, your style of spelling is British English; undoubtedly, you prefer your British English accent. By the way, I would say that I love to hear your British English accent.
Thanks for this quite useful lesson, Benjamin. :)
Thank you, For me i prefer British ! more funny
Thank you, Benjamin I just know how to spelling different between American and British spelling in the past I spell by my make sense or my guess but now I have known already.
Hi there!!! This lesson it was very interesting, now I know some of them are completely different, thanks Benjamin and see you until next lesson =D
Hello Benjamin , Hello everyone.
Easy but essential lesson . I wonder what english spelling is used in Canada and which english speaking countries use american english rather than British English . I think the old British possessions speak British English which could answer my question about Canada . So, which non-american country speaks American ?
Thank you Benjamin, see you next time.
Thank you, Benjamin!
It was interesting.
I understand better British spelling)
Thank youuuu very much Benjamin!!
Thank you, Benjamin.
Thank you, Benjamin!
Very nice lesson, Sir. H
Very good lesson
To add a little more to this, Canada officially uses the British spelling system, but many Canadians will write the American versions of words, as they were never officially taught these differences.
Sweet vest, Benjamin.
You made a good point Alex; spelling differences are seldom taught in the language classroom. Teachers oftentimes use both spellings -American & English- indistinctly.
Good to see you round!
Great lesson,Benjamim,as usual.
How nice to see you here, Alex. I feel happy to
see you, professors, interacting. Very nice,really.
thanks benjaman
Thanks Benjamin, I am waiting for the next videos.
It was really interesting , and your lecture about both countries brilliant .
Thanks Mr.Benjamin,
it was very interesting lessons,
love it
8/10 thank you
i didn t konw the differences before
As they say, American language is nothing else but spoilt British.
Thank you very much, Benjamin!
Thanks benjamin, it was great lesson, see you until your next lesson, Greetings from Mexico.
Great lesson,I got 9 out of 10.Thank you teacher Benjamin:)
Hi Benjamin!
I like your lessons. Also I like your British English accent! I love British English so much!
If you have the opportunity please clearfy pronounciations between them. I know it, but I would like to talk like British native speakers.
Thank you so much, dear teacher!
Thanks for this video, i want to learn more about british and American
thank you Benjamin
i got 100. it is really interesting
awesome! thank you Benjamin.
best teacher eveeeeer!!!
Thanks a lot Mr.Benjamin!
Love you British accent Benjamin!! loved this lesson got 10/10 in Quiz..Thanks alot
It’s really help me so much this kinda of courses. Thanks alot :)
I questioned myself… and I just realize that we used to learn British English in elementary school, and American English in high school. It would be nice if teachers explained it to us.
Thank you Benjamin.
… well Senida… in spite of spelling differences,communication is still possible, isn’t it?
Changing the subject a little bit Senida, do you really speak that many languages?
In my case I’m trying to pick up some French,… and to tell the truth I’m having a really hard time;any advice on this?
All my best for this New Year!
Communication is possible, but teachers would give you less points on test if you don’t do test – their way.
And I don’t speak many languages… my language is Bosnian – Croatian – Serbian (3 countries – almost same language), and I speak English and German. And that’s all.
Best wishes for New Year to you too… :)
Thanks for replying to my comment Senida.
Please do not lose touch!
See you round.
Excellent class, thank u sir… Kindly could you please explain the differences among the usages of FEAR, AFRAID, SCARED, AFRAID& FRIGHTENED ? I am confused of these. Thank u…
I would prefer to speak in British accent rather than speaking in American accent, & the reason is that,
they do not pronounce most part of the words and this case is positive in British accent.
like it) wanna speak like sritish people )
Hello Benjamin,
I’m wondering if British use the shortened forms like ‘wanna, ‘gonna’, etc or they can be only heard in AmE.
Thanks a lot in advance
I want to say about this teacher .. The best teacher in the world.
Your classes are excellent! Congrats!
I’d really appreciate if you made a video showing the differences between the traditional British accent and the cockney accent. That would be awesome!
Thank you for your videos.
Thanks for the video.
Could you please tell me which spelling is being used in Canada?
Hallo, ich lerne Englisch
Hi! Just so you know, we prefer people to comment in English so that everyone can practice reading and writing. Thank you for watching!
engvid…i kindly request you to do a lesson on PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES…including ”in favour of” …it would be a relief for all the students if you do this…Please Please Please teacher’s and sir’s….i cant understand when to use in favour of’ and it’s uses…your attention in this regard is highly appreciated….
Your accent is the best ?
Thanks a lot Sir… I got 90 point, I like this lesson much
very helpful. thanks a lot.
I like the quiz. Give me more information
hi there so can i use both british and american spelling when writing in IELTS?
Of course the British one is better to use!
Benjamin, your accent makes your voice sexy.
It was a very interesting lesson
Thank you so much!
You are fantastic Benjamin. I really enjoyed your videos and soon I’m going to be enrolling (pronounced with double L) in your channel.
Hughs from Mexico :).
(*I hope my grammar will be correct :/)
I,ve got 10 out of 10, thankyou!!!!!
Well I was consistent…
Thank you BENJAMIN. 10/10 I liked the way you gave lessons
it is really hard to learn English … I’m getting confused :/
Thank you, Benjamin! You’re totally awesome! 10/10
It was a very important lesson. Thanks!
thank you very much. i really love your accent tho. i’ll go with the british one
I prefer the british accent, it’s more clear to hear.
I love this lesson and i want to learn more about it. if you have the spelling lesson, please share for me. Thanks so much :)
I love this lesson. thank you,
can’t get better than that… awesomely presented…
Thank you benjamin
10 out of 10 :)
Perfect! British accent has always been my favorite.
Don’t forget the difference between grey (British) and gray (American)!
I got 10 out of 10… It looks like I’m a skillful student :)
lovely teacher , and entertaining teaching method.thank you mr.Benjamin
thank you, sir!
learned so much from this lesson.
I got 9 out of 10 , thank you mr.Benjamin
How nice ! thank you very much . I think mostly the E comes at the End of British spelling .
Thanks, Ben. I love your videos because there are engaging.
Thank you!!! It was great!
You asked 10 of 10. Sorry, but I did only 9 of 10
Here I am watching this video for the 50th time.
Love your British sense of humour, Benjamin.
“…you need two sheep to make a woollen sweater.”
Got 10/10,by the way.
…and it’s never repetitive to say:love your accent.An extra class. Thank you very much.
I got 10/10, I understand the differences but it’s really hard for me to understand British English (I have been learning American English but I PREFER British)
I got 80…need to learn the video again…thanks Benjamin
Both of them fit me. Either someone says ” it matters not, or someone else says” it doesn’t matter” I’am able to understand.
Thanks Benjamin
Benjamin, I have got a lot of fun in this class.
cool? can’t get my British accents though ? pls give us some tips in the Future to be able speaking in British accent Benjamin.
Thanks Benjamin!
I got10 out to10
I love both accent. Good teacher ?
In my personal opinion there is only 1 correct spelling for English words. Just because many people do something wrong doesn’t make it right. American English is a dialect, just like any other. It makes me upset when they say the British are spelling things wrong. I’m like hello it’s called English as is the language of England.
Good class, but I think that you shoud be more speking the word in US for to fix more the pronunciation.
I am an ESL teacher (American) and I just want to say this video is so brilliant beyond brilliance. You had me rolling on the ground for an hour. “I am going to McDonalds to get fat.”
Your American impersonation just made my day so much better. Thank you for this!
This is very important lesson, greeting from Nigeria.