Want to improve your English easily and quickly? In this video, I explain the most common mistakes made by English learners. Over 150 of these mistakes are included in my new course, “Correct Your English Errors in 10 Minutes a Day”. It helps you make small changes to achieve BIG results. Common mistakes include: verb tenses, confused words, subject-verb agreement, adjectives, adverbs, word forms, expressions, and more. The secret is to learn a little each day, and to review often. Whether you join my course or build your own learning program, this video will help you upgrade your English. Interested in my easy, daily program to advance your English? Click here: 10.bexenglish.com.
You will get it, my friend. I wish you all the best, Juan.
I’m determined to overcome. So far I’m encouraged.
Thanks, Rebecca I appreciate your help.
Osman Musse
I got better!
juan zambrano reyes
Thank you for a good lesson!
My pleasure! I’m glad the lesson helped you, Borisolka. I wish you the very best with your English.
Hi Rebecca, you are one of the best teachers of Gill online school,
we are very happy to join your classroom, as students,
so wish all the best,
mohamed ibrahim fanah
Got 08. I can’t express in words how much I loved this lesson and enjoyed :) . Thanks millions and trillions for everything . I admire you from core of ma heart . <3
Got 08. Thanks Rebecca. Excellent lesson. <3
Thank you very much Teacher Rebecca.
I got 6/10, quite bad, I am confusing sometime and sometimes, in above sentence I think use “sometimes it’s better, becasue sometimes is adv indicate not constantly. Thank Rebecca
nguyen van long
This is one of the mistakes I cover in my online course, Nguyen. “Sometime” means at an unknown time in the future. “Sometimes” means regularly, at known times. These kind of short, clear explanations followed by immediate practice can help you take your English to a higher level. All the best to you, my friend.
It has been very helpful for me too
Thank you very much….!!
Jakub Alvarez
this lesson is The best ever recorded.
So glad you found the lesson helpful, abayaful. I wish you all the best with your English goals.
I’m coming back to this lesson particularly every time when I pass by the nicest sit on the network for studying English freely.
Furthermore, I’ve found it the most important till now for the common writing errors.
Thank you very much and best Regards
Rebecca is a natural born teacher.
Hi Rebecca ! I just watched your video lesson and I love it. I’ve got 7/10 by the way.
[30] OMG it’s so hard. Thaks Rebecca you are the best.
Stay strong, rodolfomichael! This quiz covered just a few of the common mistakes I explain in my Correct Your English Errors online course. Check it out! You can overcome mistakes like these easily and quickly. I wish you all the best, my friend.
I’ve practiced it very well, it’s really worked.
Thank you very much, teacher.
thanck you
I got 7/ 10 .
Aung Phyo Naing
Could all teachers put more resources in as much it’s easier to collect the lessons, please?
Thanks you.
Gran Maestro
thankyou so much
9/10. Thank you Rebecca. I confused sometime and sometimes. What is the difference between them?
Hi Rebecca. Could you, please, explain when do I use “in to” and “into” as in these examples I read in a book: “I run back in to the lobby” and “The doorman has followed me into the lobby”? I cannot understand the difference between them. Thanks in advance.
Kelly M
Thanks to each of you for watching, learning, and taking the time to leave your comments. It means a lot to all of us here at engvid. I wish you the very best with your English.
I felt that there was a slightly difference between sometimes and sometime, but I wasn’t sure, so the quiz helped me to recall it. Nice to relearn that again.thanks.
Thankyou so much also i want to ask how can i watch tour videos with order ??
Dear Rebeca. Thank you for empowering me. It’s a pleasure to have a teacher like you. Cheers
chamila randeniya
Thank you kindly, Chamila. I wish you peace and all the best in the future.
Hi! i don’t understand question number 2.
Thank you so much Rebecca!!
Thanks Ms. Rebecca. It’s very interesting!
That’s good lesson
Thank you so much!
van_nguyen2206 (vian)
Hi Ma’am,
In the last sentence, can we use –
The weather is much better today.
Thank you.
I need to practice more.
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson was really helpful
Thanks you Rebecca, can help to teach our national English syllabus by videos?
Mustapha fofanah
Thank you Rebecca! We have started studying English on your lesson with my friends from today! (all Korean) <–Is it alright sentence?
Thank you much
hello, can we practice English together?
Six on the first lesson, not to bad!!
I have got 70 in the quiz.
I got 6/10, I’m confusing with lie and lay, because of I often use lied down, and tell lies. And thank you Rebecca! The lesson is really useful.
what a confusion between to lie and to lay!!! omg!
at number 4, shouldn’t it be lay down?
I got 10 out of 10 before watching. Now, it’s time to watch the video to learn something more and practice listening.
Thank you for such a good lesson.
Hello Rebecca!
Could I get “50 errors in grammar” in PDF format?
Muhammad Furqan
Thanks Rebeca, i got 80%, but i will be glad to have more quiz.
at number 4 , why do we use lie instead of lay ? Thank you for the wonderful lesson .
thanks for the video, im having trouble in spelling hope you will make a video over it thank so much i really appreciate
Excellent explanation Rebeca! I’ve confirm that I need spend more time to use correctly
Cesar Alonso
thanks for this video ,i don’t know how to improve my English?and also have meet the any trouble which was noticed when were speaked
Jack .Sun
unfortunatelly I got 7 correct :S Thats very embarrasing for me.. I expected more correct.
well explained!!
Tawfik 95
Very interesting lesson!!
My name’s HAZEM
I’m from Syria
I live in Sudan now
29 years old
I’m a lawyer (international law)
I had a problem with English but now I guess I do not have one with it because I had been learning English for six months
My problem is just speaking
I know many simple words and I see many movies without subtitles I understand everything some times that would be difficult but I understand gnarly everything
I know I have to practice to improve my speaking skill so I want someone who wants the same thing or goal maybe we can talk about this lesson if you want
my Email’s: hazemghannam208@gmail.com
My WhatsApp number +249990105898
I have same issue could we solve together
I think that, in this example . I have a bad headache. I’m going to __________ down for a little while.
lay can work
Minani onesime
Excellent lesson. thank you Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca
Cung Hoang
Thank you again.
I think it’s fixed.
Hey, would you mind to tell me what is the difference between each other and when another? And would we say for instance: “we will help one another”?
THANK YOU it is so helpful i need to practise more
sadick oumar
The presentation is excellent. Presentation skills are more important than content.
Thank you so much really when i watching you I’m feeling I’m so bad in English really i need improve myself more thanks for help?
Moo fawzy
These lessons are much helpful in correcting language.
For my 8th Question, I feel economical is coorect as that context is situation based. But found to be economic is correct. Could you please guide me in correcting.
Got a full 10 ! hope it helps in my IELTS.. :-)
Excellent miss..!
Thanks for all those helpful tips!
Good explanations! Congrats, Rebecca! You are a good teacher!
Thank you teacher. You are the best, easy to understand and I got 9/10.
I got 8/10. Thanks for your good lesson Rebecca and have a nice weekend.
Hi Rebecca, You are the best teacher. I’ve found your lectures too easy to understand and useful. Thank you so much.
I got 10/10. Thank you Rebecca, I am getting better day by day or should I say ” I am getting better every day” ?
Hi Rebecca, thank yo for the lesson. I learned a lot of, but I have a question about the quiz. Why I can not say: Where is the bus station?
thank you for your answer
silka duda
Thank you so much!
Eartha Zeng
I’m new to this wonderful site. I hope to a lot.:-)
Welcome, Zhamak! You can search through all our lessons by teacher and topic using the Lesson Finder here. Please let me know if you have any problems or questions!
engVid Moderator
He said “I was happy”
He said that he was happy.
He said”he was happy”
He said that he was happy.
What is the differenc?
Azad Bik
Lucky me :)
I don’t make this mistakes
I’m sad. I thought I’m giving right answers
Helen Bik
Thanks Rebecca it’s very useful, but I’m confused about use of Economic and Economical???
adnan ali81
i got 6/10
Dear Rebecca, I really enjoyed your tutorial. I got 80/100, thanks. I really love your spoken english and pronunciation, it’s very understandable compare to other IELTS online tutorials I have attended especially British council. In a nutshell, Canadian English is more understandable than America or British.
Thanks a lot
I’ll avoid a lot of mistakes because it
I have got half of the marks only.need to do
study hard
I got 60\100 I didn’t expect that :(
Islam Mounier
how can i watch this video?
there is this error in all pages:
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
All of our videos are on YouTube, which may be blocked in your area. I think that might be your problem.
engVid Moderator
I just started,
You answered some of questions I had
Thank you
how can I get 7.5 in the general ielts exam
Mam , you are very great . I have never seen as like you mam . please share more videos for poor people.
6/10. What a bad result it is. 1 5 6 8 are errors.
No 5 maybe bcuz their pronunciations are similar.
No 6 they have similar meaning for me
No 8
parnid nps
Thanks anyway my teacher
parnid nps
I’m in IT field. If there are multiple users in a database and if we need to state the text for the hyperlink which can be used to download data of users,
can we say ” Download User Data”?
Or is it “Download Users Data”??
It would be “Download User Data”. In this case, “user” is an attributive noun or noun adjunct – it is a noun acting like an adjective of “data”.
engVid Moderator
Thank you so much!
Can we call a Registration form in a software app as a “Create Page”? I guess it’s wrong. Please explain.
Why not just call it “registration form” or “registration page”?
If you’re asking about what the submit button at the end of the form should be, usually it’s something like “Create profile”, “create account”, “sign up”, “register”, etc.
engVid Moderator
Thank you so much!
Thanks excelent lesson
a great lesson thanks
Thank you very much; It’s a very good lesson as usual
Dear Mam,
My previous comments deleted.
well, i made three mistake in this lesson, i hOpe to be prepare for the IELST next year
Kelvyn medrano
are there any online websites that i can practice speaking with a professional teacher ?
thank you
Thanks Rebecca, it’s really helpful.
Ayman Ghanem
Thank you Rebecca,it is so usefull
Hemn geology
Thank you Rebecca. I love these lessons and the Quiz!
Daniel Juan
I think the answer key for number 4 is wrong.
i got 6 out of ten oh my goodness
Hello Rebecca, I am having difficulty in pronouncing Twelve ( Reason when i try to pronounce words which has v word it sound like w and the word twelve has both v and w. Could you please help ?
What is the difference between sometime and sometimes, knowing that both of them are adverbs? Thanks in advance.
I need more practice… Thanks for the lesson.
Dear Rebecca, thank you very much!
It´s a little hard but we´re improving our english, you´re a very good teacher!
I have some questions for you:
1. What´s the difference between marriage and wedding? (I looked for meanings online and both appears like the same or synonim)
2.If you can explain shortly: lie v/s lay, I´ve choosen this alternative
-I have a bad headache. I’m going to lie down for a little while-
I think I was wrong because the sentence are made in present and lay is the past of that verb?..
3. Last one: I was wrong when I choosed: Excuse me, do you know where is the bus station ? v/s do you know where the bus station is..
Why “is” is located at the end of the question and not in the beginning?
Best whishes Rebecca!I hope you can help me
I loved engvid ;)
coorrections, number 2. sorry I choosed the word lay” (wrong answer ;))
I got 9 out of 10 ,I am so excited. thanks for the lesson it was great.
thank you mam for the great lesson I really understood my mistakes
hello mam I am just 10.5 years old that is why I am not calling your name thank you for the great lesson I got 8 out of 10 I also improved my English a lot I am a new student
thank you for this lesson.I got 6/10.
gnawa haidandi
I’m so glad to be here. You’re a great teacher. Thank you!
Hi Mam Good morning
This venu,
i don’t have speaking English.
please help me
Thank you
Ooh! very nice lesson. I’ve learned and took a quiz and scored 90/100.Thank you guys you’re really inspiring me.
it was a helpful lesson, thank you.
Words like I and English must be capitalized. Fix it in your profile.
Good luck!
Very nice lecture. I like it. thank you so much.
Thank you for your lesson. It was really helpful. But can you please explain the difference between “appeal” and “attract”?
ma’am could you explain about last question please?
Thank you ? very much
It is hard to get the right answers
Mirta calles
Thank You for your sincere lecture,Rebecca Sir.
Always have a good day!!.
JD kim
It helps me a lot.. thank you so much..
I got 8 out of 10. I identify where I am more confused in using the English language. It is more of the tenses.
I was unable to watch the video. Then,i just examined myself and got 9 out of 10.
Thanks Rebecca!
i registered today and found it useful enough.
Shruti Parikh
That is great Rebecca. You just awake my mind with the reviewing strategy.
I have been studying English for a quite long time. However, when it comes to speaking accurately and precisely, I find it is hard to make it without grammatical mistakes. I totally agree with what you have said, ‘there are two ways to be improved, one is learning the right things, another is to correcting to the wrong ones.’ Now, I realize that what I need is to do the corrections.
Thank you for your lessons.
Thank you Rebecaa this is my first english class I’m a little lost..I’m was looking for the quiz of a specific class… Do you make these mistakes in English
Thank you Rebecca, this is so easy. I can do all the lessons you’ve got in English! ?
al willis
Very Helpful.
krishna satya
Thank you so much.
Alamer Alsaidy
super lesson
I got 7 of 10. I think that i need more practice. Thank you Rebecca.
Diman sahata
Dear teacher, could you explain the difference of usage sometimes, sometime and some time?
Hi, I’m Birsu. I didn’t understand the 3. question. I choose to lay but the correct answer is a lie.
Thanks, Rebecca! This is my first time to comment on your video. I always learn something new when I watch your videos. This one is just like the summary of what I’ve been learning. I’ve gotten all the 10 quizzes correctly. Thank you so much. Be blessed!
Thanks Rebecca ! I got 6/10 my English needs to develop but I think i’m on the good way I like your explaining way
Thanks! Rebecca. Good explanation.
I got 8 out of 10.
Shis Adem
I got 10 out of 10. Thanks for your teaching methods Rebecca.
Naing Lane
7/10. :(
its nice. got 8 out of 10. want more questions like this
After doing 2 times I got 100
Thank you, Rebecca. I follow your course “Correct Your English Errors”. It helps me a lot. I got 9/10, but I need more learning and exercise.
Thank you very much ??
Thank you!Rebecca.
Thank you so much
You are the best English teacher I have ever seen before.
Thank you. I learned a lot!
thank you so much, it’s very helpful
P.S: i want to practice my English with people around.my Skype: live:.cid.836febdebce64807
You are a wonderful teacher. I like so much your classes. :)
I watched this video twice on September 07, 2021,
and took the quiz after watching it. I got 5/10
I realized how weak my reading and writing abilities were. I made up my mind to read more and more.
Thank you Rebecca so much.
Oh no! I got 40/ I have to read and study more! Too bad!!!
does “researches” exist in English?
Ameur Mosbah
Thank you Rebecca, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 29Sept2021)
i need to review this lesson frequently
it’s very usefull for me
I wish you could be my teacher.
Jiya walia
Thanks to my teacher for this useful lesson.
Htay Hlaing
I got 9 my only mistake was confusing between sometime & some time
i need some study and practice ,thank yo madam
I must practice more!
Thanks Rebecca, it’s such an useful hacks!
Thank you so much for the lesson! it was really fascinating.
But i’m a little confused about question number 4 at the quiz. Why the correct answer is “lie”, not “lay” as i have chosen? I thought that “lie” – means not true, isn’t it?
I did it
I need to study more
salimun bin saidi
Thanks a lot!
Thanks, amazing!
Thanks so much
How could I get more quiz like that please could you help me with it I really would like keep practicing cause I have exam soon
tt best which i have ever learnt
thank you. I got it.
Igot8 thank you Ma’am Rebecca.♥️
Hi, my name is Zarghon from Afghanistan i watch your videos i have learned many thinks.
I got 8/10.
Thank you! =)
Is there a one on one program to learn English with you? You’re the best teacher I’ve ever seen!
iam learning to improve my english
Emmanuel silweya
You catch me, I was 100% sure about my answers but I got only 60 points, thanks for the helpful lesson.
I got 90 percent.
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you and your team so much for all lessons, and I’ve enjoyed my first time quiz I got 6/10.
Thank you Rebecca!
Paloma Cavour
Dear Teacher your is the number one teacher in all over the world, i proud of you,
Afghan zaland
Hello Rebbeca,
Thank you so much. I learned from your videos. I need help. I want to continue my studies. For that, I need to pass the entry test of the University. Would you help me more.
Rozina Malik
I got 70/100 in this quiz.
Thank you.
Rozina Malik
got 100/100
Hikmat WAli
hello rebbeca,i’m a new follower to your videos,i want to say that it’s very interesting and i’d like to thank you for your way of teaching it’s so clear and very important.
maroun abou khazaa
Thank you for the way you care for us and I wish to repeat this quiz
Thank you so much
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I have to study more.
You will get it, my friend. I wish you all the best, Juan.
I’m determined to overcome. So far I’m encouraged.
Thanks, Rebecca I appreciate your help.
I got better!
Thank you for a good lesson!
My pleasure! I’m glad the lesson helped you, Borisolka. I wish you the very best with your English.
Hi Rebecca, you are one of the best teachers of Gill online school,
we are very happy to join your classroom, as students,
so wish all the best,
Got 08. I can’t express in words how much I loved this lesson and enjoyed :) . Thanks millions and trillions for everything . I admire you from core of ma heart . <3
Got 08. Thanks Rebecca. Excellent lesson. <3
Thank you very much Teacher Rebecca.
I got 6/10, quite bad, I am confusing sometime and sometimes, in above sentence I think use “sometimes it’s better, becasue sometimes is adv indicate not constantly. Thank Rebecca
This is one of the mistakes I cover in my online course, Nguyen. “Sometime” means at an unknown time in the future. “Sometimes” means regularly, at known times. These kind of short, clear explanations followed by immediate practice can help you take your English to a higher level. All the best to you, my friend.
It has been very helpful for me too
Thank you very much….!!
this lesson is The best ever recorded.
So glad you found the lesson helpful, abayaful. I wish you all the best with your English goals.
I’m coming back to this lesson particularly every time when I pass by the nicest sit on the network for studying English freely.
Furthermore, I’ve found it the most important till now for the common writing errors.
Thank you very much and best Regards
Rebecca is a natural born teacher.
Hi Rebecca ! I just watched your video lesson and I love it. I’ve got 7/10 by the way.
[30] OMG it’s so hard. Thaks Rebecca you are the best.
Stay strong, rodolfomichael! This quiz covered just a few of the common mistakes I explain in my Correct Your English Errors online course. Check it out! You can overcome mistakes like these easily and quickly. I wish you all the best, my friend.
I’ve practiced it very well, it’s really worked.
Thank you very much, teacher.
thanck you
I got 7/ 10 .
Could all teachers put more resources in as much it’s easier to collect the lessons, please?
Thanks you.
thankyou so much
9/10. Thank you Rebecca. I confused sometime and sometimes. What is the difference between them?
Hi Rebecca. Could you, please, explain when do I use “in to” and “into” as in these examples I read in a book: “I run back in to the lobby” and “The doorman has followed me into the lobby”? I cannot understand the difference between them. Thanks in advance.
Thanks to each of you for watching, learning, and taking the time to leave your comments. It means a lot to all of us here at engvid. I wish you the very best with your English.
I felt that there was a slightly difference between sometimes and sometime, but I wasn’t sure, so the quiz helped me to recall it. Nice to relearn that again.thanks.
Thankyou so much also i want to ask how can i watch tour videos with order ??
Dear Rebeca. Thank you for empowering me. It’s a pleasure to have a teacher like you. Cheers
Thank you kindly, Chamila. I wish you peace and all the best in the future.
Hi! i don’t understand question number 2.
Thank you so much Rebecca!!
Thanks Ms. Rebecca. It’s very interesting!
That’s good lesson
Thank you so much!
Hi Ma’am,
In the last sentence, can we use –
The weather is much better today.
Thank you.
I need to practice more.
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson was really helpful
Thanks you Rebecca, can help to teach our national English syllabus by videos?
Thank you Rebecca! We have started studying English on your lesson with my friends from today! (all Korean) <–Is it alright sentence?
Thank you much
hello, can we practice English together?
Six on the first lesson, not to bad!!
I have got 70 in the quiz.
I got 6/10, I’m confusing with lie and lay, because of I often use lied down, and tell lies. And thank you Rebecca! The lesson is really useful.
what a confusion between to lie and to lay!!! omg!
at number 4, shouldn’t it be lay down?
I got 10 out of 10 before watching. Now, it’s time to watch the video to learn something more and practice listening.
Thank you for such a good lesson.
Hello Rebecca!
Could I get “50 errors in grammar” in PDF format?
Thanks Rebeca, i got 80%, but i will be glad to have more quiz.
at number 4 , why do we use lie instead of lay ? Thank you for the wonderful lesson .
thanks for the video, im having trouble in spelling hope you will make a video over it thank so much i really appreciate
Excellent explanation Rebeca! I’ve confirm that I need spend more time to use correctly
thanks for this video ,i don’t know how to improve my English?and also have meet the any trouble which was noticed when were speaked
unfortunatelly I got 7 correct :S Thats very embarrasing for me.. I expected more correct.
well explained!!
Very interesting lesson!!
My name’s HAZEM
I’m from Syria
I live in Sudan now
29 years old
I’m a lawyer (international law)
I had a problem with English but now I guess I do not have one with it because I had been learning English for six months
My problem is just speaking
I know many simple words and I see many movies without subtitles I understand everything some times that would be difficult but I understand gnarly everything
I know I have to practice to improve my speaking skill so I want someone who wants the same thing or goal maybe we can talk about this lesson if you want
my Email’s: hazemghannam208@gmail.com
My WhatsApp number +249990105898
I have same issue could we solve together
I think that, in this example . I have a bad headache. I’m going to __________ down for a little while.
lay can work
Excellent lesson. thank you Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you again.
I think it’s fixed.
Hey, would you mind to tell me what is the difference between each other and when another? And would we say for instance: “we will help one another”?
THANK YOU it is so helpful i need to practise more
The presentation is excellent. Presentation skills are more important than content.
Thank you so much really when i watching you I’m feeling I’m so bad in English really i need improve myself more thanks for help?
These lessons are much helpful in correcting language.
For my 8th Question, I feel economical is coorect as that context is situation based. But found to be economic is correct. Could you please guide me in correcting.
Got a full 10 ! hope it helps in my IELTS.. :-)
Excellent miss..!
Thanks for all those helpful tips!
Good explanations! Congrats, Rebecca! You are a good teacher!
Thank you teacher. You are the best, easy to understand and I got 9/10.
I got 8/10. Thanks for your good lesson Rebecca and have a nice weekend.
Hi Rebecca, You are the best teacher. I’ve found your lectures too easy to understand and useful. Thank you so much.
I got 10/10. Thank you Rebecca, I am getting better day by day or should I say ” I am getting better every day” ?
Hi Rebecca, thank yo for the lesson. I learned a lot of, but I have a question about the quiz. Why I can not say: Where is the bus station?
thank you for your answer
Thank you so much!
I’m new to this wonderful site. I hope to a lot.:-)
Welcome, Zhamak! You can search through all our lessons by teacher and topic using the Lesson Finder here. Please let me know if you have any problems or questions!
He said “I was happy”
He said that he was happy.
He said”he was happy”
He said that he was happy.
What is the differenc?
Lucky me :)
I don’t make this mistakes
I’m sad. I thought I’m giving right answers
Thanks Rebecca it’s very useful, but I’m confused about use of Economic and Economical???
i got 6/10
Dear Rebecca, I really enjoyed your tutorial. I got 80/100, thanks. I really love your spoken english and pronunciation, it’s very understandable compare to other IELTS online tutorials I have attended especially British council. In a nutshell, Canadian English is more understandable than America or British.
Thanks a lot
I’ll avoid a lot of mistakes because it
I have got half of the marks only.need to do
study hard
I got 60\100 I didn’t expect that :(
how can i watch this video?
there is this error in all pages:
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
All of our videos are on YouTube, which may be blocked in your area. I think that might be your problem.
I just started,
You answered some of questions I had
Thank you
how can I get 7.5 in the general ielts exam
Mam , you are very great . I have never seen as like you mam . please share more videos for poor people.
6/10. What a bad result it is. 1 5 6 8 are errors.
No 5 maybe bcuz their pronunciations are similar.
No 6 they have similar meaning for me
No 8
Thanks anyway my teacher
I’m in IT field. If there are multiple users in a database and if we need to state the text for the hyperlink which can be used to download data of users,
can we say ” Download User Data”?
Or is it “Download Users Data”??
It would be “Download User Data”. In this case, “user” is an attributive noun or noun adjunct – it is a noun acting like an adjective of “data”.
Thank you so much!
Can we call a Registration form in a software app as a “Create Page”? I guess it’s wrong. Please explain.
Why not just call it “registration form” or “registration page”?
If you’re asking about what the submit button at the end of the form should be, usually it’s something like “Create profile”, “create account”, “sign up”, “register”, etc.
Thank you so much!
Thanks excelent lesson
a great lesson thanks
Thank you very much; It’s a very good lesson as usual
Dear Mam,
My previous comments deleted.
well, i made three mistake in this lesson, i hOpe to be prepare for the IELST next year
are there any online websites that i can practice speaking with a professional teacher ?
thank you
Thanks Rebecca, it’s really helpful.
Thank you Rebecca,it is so usefull
Thank you Rebecca. I love these lessons and the Quiz!
I think the answer key for number 4 is wrong.
i got 6 out of ten oh my goodness
Hello Rebecca, I am having difficulty in pronouncing Twelve ( Reason when i try to pronounce words which has v word it sound like w and the word twelve has both v and w. Could you please help ?
What is the difference between sometime and sometimes, knowing that both of them are adverbs? Thanks in advance.
I need more practice… Thanks for the lesson.
Dear Rebecca, thank you very much!
It´s a little hard but we´re improving our english, you´re a very good teacher!
I have some questions for you:
1. What´s the difference between marriage and wedding? (I looked for meanings online and both appears like the same or synonim)
2.If you can explain shortly: lie v/s lay, I´ve choosen this alternative
-I have a bad headache. I’m going to lie down for a little while-
I think I was wrong because the sentence are made in present and lay is the past of that verb?..
3. Last one: I was wrong when I choosed: Excuse me, do you know where is the bus station ? v/s do you know where the bus station is..
Why “is” is located at the end of the question and not in the beginning?
Best whishes Rebecca!I hope you can help me
I loved engvid ;)
coorrections, number 2. sorry I choosed the word lay” (wrong answer ;))
I got 9 out of 10 ,I am so excited. thanks for the lesson it was great.
thank you mam for the great lesson I really understood my mistakes
hello mam I am just 10.5 years old that is why I am not calling your name thank you for the great lesson I got 8 out of 10 I also improved my English a lot I am a new student
thank you for this lesson.I got 6/10.
I’m so glad to be here. You’re a great teacher. Thank you!
Hi Mam Good morning
This venu,
i don’t have speaking English.
please help me
Thank you
Ooh! very nice lesson. I’ve learned and took a quiz and scored 90/100.Thank you guys you’re really inspiring me.
it was a helpful lesson, thank you.
Words like I and English must be capitalized. Fix it in your profile.
Good luck!
Very nice lecture. I like it. thank you so much.
Thank you for your lesson. It was really helpful. But can you please explain the difference between “appeal” and “attract”?
ma’am could you explain about last question please?
Thank you ? very much
It is hard to get the right answers
Thank You for your sincere lecture,Rebecca Sir.
Always have a good day!!.
It helps me a lot.. thank you so much..
I got 8 out of 10. I identify where I am more confused in using the English language. It is more of the tenses.
I was unable to watch the video. Then,i just examined myself and got 9 out of 10.
Thanks Rebecca!
i registered today and found it useful enough.
That is great Rebecca. You just awake my mind with the reviewing strategy.
I have been studying English for a quite long time. However, when it comes to speaking accurately and precisely, I find it is hard to make it without grammatical mistakes. I totally agree with what you have said, ‘there are two ways to be improved, one is learning the right things, another is to correcting to the wrong ones.’ Now, I realize that what I need is to do the corrections.
Thank you for your lessons.
Thank you Rebecaa this is my first english class I’m a little lost..I’m was looking for the quiz of a specific class… Do you make these mistakes in English
Thank you Rebecca, this is so easy. I can do all the lessons you’ve got in English! ?
Very Helpful.
Thank you so much.
super lesson
I got 7 of 10. I think that i need more practice. Thank you Rebecca.
Dear teacher, could you explain the difference of usage sometimes, sometime and some time?
Hi, I’m Birsu. I didn’t understand the 3. question. I choose to lay but the correct answer is a lie.
Thanks, Rebecca! This is my first time to comment on your video. I always learn something new when I watch your videos. This one is just like the summary of what I’ve been learning. I’ve gotten all the 10 quizzes correctly. Thank you so much. Be blessed!
Thanks Rebecca ! I got 6/10 my English needs to develop but I think i’m on the good way I like your explaining way
Thanks! Rebecca. Good explanation.
I got 8 out of 10.
I got 10 out of 10. Thanks for your teaching methods Rebecca.
7/10. :(
its nice. got 8 out of 10. want more questions like this
After doing 2 times I got 100
Thank you, Rebecca. I follow your course “Correct Your English Errors”. It helps me a lot. I got 9/10, but I need more learning and exercise.
Thank you very much ??
Thank you!Rebecca.
Thank you so much
You are the best English teacher I have ever seen before.
Thank you. I learned a lot!
thank you so much, it’s very helpful
P.S: i want to practice my English with people around.my Skype: live:.cid.836febdebce64807
You are a wonderful teacher. I like so much your classes. :)
I watched this video twice on September 07, 2021,
and took the quiz after watching it. I got 5/10
I realized how weak my reading and writing abilities were. I made up my mind to read more and more.
Thank you Rebecca so much.
Oh no! I got 40/ I have to read and study more! Too bad!!!
does “researches” exist in English?
Thank you Rebecca, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 29Sept2021)
i need to review this lesson frequently
it’s very usefull for me
I wish you could be my teacher.
Thanks to my teacher for this useful lesson.
I got 9 my only mistake was confusing between sometime & some time
i need some study and practice ,thank yo madam
I must practice more!
Thanks Rebecca, it’s such an useful hacks!
Thank you so much for the lesson! it was really fascinating.
But i’m a little confused about question number 4 at the quiz. Why the correct answer is “lie”, not “lay” as i have chosen? I thought that “lie” – means not true, isn’t it?
I did it
I need to study more
Thanks a lot!
Thanks, amazing!
Thanks so much
How could I get more quiz like that please could you help me with it I really would like keep practicing cause I have exam soon
tt best which i have ever learnt
thank you. I got it.
Igot8 thank you Ma’am Rebecca.♥️
Hi, my name is Zarghon from Afghanistan i watch your videos i have learned many thinks.
I got 8/10.
Thank you! =)
Is there a one on one program to learn English with you? You’re the best teacher I’ve ever seen!
iam learning to improve my english
You catch me, I was 100% sure about my answers but I got only 60 points, thanks for the helpful lesson.
I got 90 percent.
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you and your team so much for all lessons, and I’ve enjoyed my first time quiz I got 6/10.
Thank you Rebecca!
Dear Teacher your is the number one teacher in all over the world, i proud of you,
Hello Rebbeca,
Thank you so much. I learned from your videos. I need help. I want to continue my studies. For that, I need to pass the entry test of the University. Would you help me more.
I got 70/100 in this quiz.
Thank you.
got 100/100
hello rebbeca,i’m a new follower to your videos,i want to say that it’s very interesting and i’d like to thank you for your way of teaching it’s so clear and very important.
Thank you for the way you care for us and I wish to repeat this quiz
Thank you so much
Thank you and I am very happy to follow the http://www.engvid.com
Great lesson, keep going.
Not so bad 6 out of 10