Did I ever tell you about...
, Let me tell you about...
, That reminds me of...
, and You’ll never guess what happened!
I will teach you key words and some grammar (i.e. simple past tense, past continuous tense) that we often use when we tell a story. Finally, learn a great phrase to use if no one laughs at a funny story: You had to be there.
this so useful for me
Good lesson
Excellent class, Thanks Emma!
Thank you Emma!
Thank you vert much, Emma!
Thanks Emma. I loved this lessson. 10/10
I want to listen to a detailed story about the bear :)
Thanks Emma, it was an interesting video!!
greetings from bolivia
Thank you for sharing, Emma! And then what happened?
Thank you this was an amazing lesson.
This is so helpful for me. Thank so much Emma .I got 6 out of 10
Thank you
It’t great!
Great lesson. 9/10.
Thanks you
What a good 👍 lesson 👏 👌
Thakse so much.
It’s always entertaining! Thank you
I got 10 correct out of 10: D.
9/10 Thank you so much
First, This lesson is ferpect.
Then, your teach is good.
Next, engvid is excelent.
Later, I want good at English.
Finally, Theank you for your lesson.
Thank you so much
Thank you
thank you
I was eating lunch when i saw my friends.
i got 90/10 and I’m very interested English language
It was helpful thank you so much Madam!
Thank You Emma
Thank you teacher 👏
I am from Mexico,since I arrived to United States that happened 40 years ago.I have been trying to learn English.I do not find the the way to learn.
nice thank you
Thank you, teacher
Thank you,, very useful than always
you are a good teacher :)
Its too much funny. I guess you had to be there.
thanh you very much.