engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



Thank you, Emma! Have a blessed weekend! (Francisco Cesar- Brazil).


Dear Emma, I think this lesson is an advanced one because of the verb in the clause which is always in the base form. Such as “leave” not “leaves”.
Thank you for your teaching!


I suggest your class to my friend.
Thank you for your lesson.

Lee jin woo

    I Agree with you. Greetings from Bolivia 🇧🇴


There is a mistake in the question number eight in the quize. The Correct version will be: “I recommend that he leave (not leaves) early”. Such sentences in the Subjunctive Mood.

Goryanchik Maxim

    I agree 👍


Thanks for the lesson, teacher Emma. I learned a lot more than I know from this. Thanks for the quiz too!

Bhone Hein Htet@Bryan

Answer 8 should be leave, not leaves


    Not exactly…. Please, take a look: 😉

    I >>> leave
    You >>> leave
    He >>> leaves
    She >>> leaves
    It >>> Leaves
    We >>> Leave
    They >>> Leave

    *It follows the same rule as the verb “to be” or “to have”, just to give a few examples.


Thank you Emma


Hello….I’d like to brush my speaking up. Is there anyone else who can practice with me on a regular basis? Thanks in advance. Rasho:
My WhatsApp number: 01812788727.


I thought that Q.8’s answer should be “leave”.
Maybe this is intending?


    Take a look above at the reply I left for @erivamontan19


See number 8 question
He recommend he leaves early
Why they add s we should use base form
Please more clarification


Thank you for this great lesson. I noticed that in question number 8, you did not make the verb in its base form.


Hello, is the sentence below OK or not OK ? (There is “me” after the verb “suggest”.) I think, it’s completely OK. What is your opinion ?

I don’t know why they suggested me for the job.


    Hello, last night I searched for SUGGEST AND RECOMMEND GRAMMAR on YouTube, trying to get the correct understanding, watched every video they posted and drew my own conclusions: your sentence is correct because you’re not receiving the suggestion, you’re the ‘noun’, someone gave information about you, maybe because you deserved that job. They’re not suggesting something to you.The sentence number eight then is not wrong but kind of informal and spoken English. The subjunctive instead is a more sophisticated structure, a formal option I’ll probably use it at exams in written English..

    I recommend watching a lot of videos


check the question 8 again ,please


Hi, I answered all nine questions but the scores is just from eight questions and why?

Mohd Amin Nasir

Thank you Emma for the lesson!


Thank you so much Emma for your excellent lesson.
Before this lesson, I thought that suggest or recommend were always followed by a gerund form. You make it very clear.
For adrijana, I suppose that you want to say : I don’t know why they PROPOSED me for the job.
All the best for Engvid’s fan


    Hi Padovano,

    yes, this is what I wanted to say.

    That said, is my sentence (I don’t know why they suggested me for the job.) right or wrong ?


Hi adrijana,
Thank you for responding to my comment.
I guess there is another way to say it : I don’t know why they suggested the job to me. Of course according to Emma’s lesson, we put «  to me « at the end or after the object, which is in this case the job. I think in English we should respect the order of words in a sentence : subject + verb + object + extra words.
I hope for you a great day


    Hi Padovano,

    thank for your answer.

    I fully agree that in an English sentence, there are rigid rules about word positions in a sentence.

    In my sentence, the word “me” is the direct object of the verb “suggest”. Therefore, it should be completely OK.

    Nice weekend.


Thank you,


Hi adrijana,
I made a quick research on the internet about this subject and I found that it can be said.
like ”I suggested Tom for this project” Tom or him or me.
Which means that your sentence is fully correct.
Great to talk to you
Best wishes


Hi Padovano, thank you. Then, the combination SUGGEST+ME is a fully possible word combination and shouldn’t be taught as a common mistake.


Hello adrijana,
Great to hear from you again,
I guess that what Emma wanted to mention as a common mistake many people make it in speaking is : They suggest me a new method.
Here in this example me is not the object of the verb, me is the receiver of the advice, and it should be put after the object which is a new method.
Take care, great to share ideas with you adrijana.
Great weekend


Thank you Emma ^^


Hello Emma

Thanks for this class, I have learnt a lot from suggest or recommend, I have made a lot of times this mistake


Thanks Emma,it was a good presentation

kalai redouane

Thank you very much.

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