If you’re preparing for the TOEFL or IELTS, vocabulary is incredibly important. In this lesson, I will give you 10 academic adjectives you may need on your test. Learning vocabulary can improve your score in ALL sections, because it is essential to every aspect of English. These words commonly appear on the tests, and are great to use in your academic writing. The adjectives include aware, crucial, prohibited, visible, flexible, and five others. Learn these words with me, and then practice using them on your quiz. Good luck on your test!
thank u Alex for the lesson.i dont know who is the sponsor of this web but what u guys do is very noble.trying to help other people is good,really generous
Not a problem! Thanks for your support!
Yep!!! I agree with your comment Culprit. This website has made relevant contributions to people are interested in learning the English language.
By the way, I’ve learned a lot from it and with all EngVid users. Apart from all of this, it is a reliable and flexible site.
Just some comments on this lesson Alex:
Most of these adjectives are not really a problem for Spanish speakers since we see them as cognates.
Words that come from latin are easy for us to learn, for example . . .
. . .”Relevant” in English is cognate with “relevante” in Spanish.
As usual, you explain grammar and vocabulary with great easy.
Thanks Alex for this excellent vocabulary lesson.
All the best to you.
mmmm … as usual making mistakes . . .
“As usual, you explain grammar and vocabulary with great EASE”.
mmmm … as usual making mistakes . . .
“As usual, you explain grammar and vocabulary with great EASE”.
yep, it is nice. i am learn more. Thank u
i want your skype or facbook account to chat with you .. to improve our languge
thanks Alex , we need more lessons for IELTS and ToEfl
hamy alferjany
I will certainly keep that in mind. :)
9 out of 10, not that bad for me. :-)
Nice work!
Thx Alex,I think it’s always a good idea to use these adj in a daily conversation, it makes me sound a little bit smart when i am talking to others peoples haha…idk but i like to use them, thx again.
Perfect! I’m glad to hear that.
If you want to exchange information.. feel free..to contact
Thanks, Alex!
Got 10 of 10! Yay! Those words aren’t strange for me, I’m a Brazilian and they are common in our language. TOEFL will be easier than I thought!
Well, TOEFL is not only about vocabulary. :) These words will definitely help you, though.
I know but when I heard that TOEFL academic is about to words that you don’t usually use daily it gave me some chills hahaha. Anyway, it gonna take some years till I apply to it. I’m going to do it to go work in Canada!
)9/10 Immediately after I did the last exercise I knew I had made a mistake. I’ll pay more attention next time.
Nice job! Keep trying!
many thanks alex ….. i secure 8/10 i need give more attention on studies
Akash Singh
I am on my way to watching your video but I was tempted to take the exam. I got the perfect score. The result has drove me more to watch your video. Thank you Sir Alex. This is such a great source. Hope to see more of your tutorial.
I got 7 correct out of 10. I was very confused. But I thought the score was not so bad. I’ll review your lesson. Thank you, Alex :)
Thank Alex, you did a great job. It is crucial for the beginner like us to know about the adjectives.
Thank you sir, nice lesson. You are obvious, your notes is visible, your technique is flexible.
I got 10 correct out of 10
hi alex
thank for share
i wonder if you could provide to us a biological and historical vacb. i mean a short stories or articles like Tales of Mystery and Imagination, Level 5, Penguin Readers that you provided in another video
Thanks Alex.
Great Mr. Alex! Thanks for your support
Hi Alex
I am six-month newcomer to Toronto.my vacabulary extend is good,but I need to learn some more smart adjectives or nouns that i can use them in my daily conversation and writing essay.
I got 10/10
We need more lessons like this one. Thanks
Hi alex. im a student right now and i want to learn more about the english proficiency cause our school they are not teaching that one. Please do help me
Many Thanks Mr.Alex, I got 100%. It was a very nice lesson and your rule is significant to understand this lesson.
i did it 10/10 …
it is significant job ..hahhah
Thanx for your support!!!!
Anu raut
yeaay.. I got 10 of 10.. Thank you Mr. Alex for the lesson. It’s very useful for me. :)
Thanks … Fresher to this website but I found is very reliable to improve English and prepare for IELTS…. And to make my dream come true…
With big hug
I’m supprised very much…I got 10/10 )
I like this way of learning adjectives, very helpful, because we need to use more sophisticated adjectives in our writing exams. Thanks Alex.
Thanks,I got 9 out of 10.
as usual guys im so grateful by learnin news words wiht u. thxxxx
i got 8 out of 10 i need your advice as iwant to improve my english language and be more able to speak English fluently
sara taha
I got 10 out of 10. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
thanks Alex it was a useful lesson
10 of 10 NICE!
Thank you Alex! You are amazing teacher!!! Igot 10/10!!!
Pronunciation of these words is not easy. Thanks Alex :) Ciao!
9/10, thanks very much. ALex
Thank you so much. As always your explanation is pretty clear. Therefore I got 100%.
By the way, I’d like to learn more relate to verb RUN in different ways of phrasal verbs. Could it be possible? I really appreciate your job for people to learn English. Thank you so much
Thanks Alex, I have made a significant progress with this lesson!
I really enjoy your lessons. Thanks a lot, Alex.
Good morning .First many thanks indeed. Scand I would like to explain the deal, tackle and solve.
Thank you very much Mr. Alex, very good lesson and I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Thank you Alex, so much. it was so good and i hope will see more videos :) good luck.
i got 10 correct out of 10…….thanks alex.
Well done
Thanks,I got 9 out of 10. :)
mano bilii
It’s very important for me to leanerd best the english language.
This IS nice PAge ..:)
saima khan
Hey Alex How’ve you been?
I’ve been listened twice the video and I got a 8 kkkkkkk gooooodddd job for u
Thank you!!!! You helped me a lot.
Hi, Alex. Amazing list of adjectives. Thanks a lot!
Watching your lessons is crucial to my learning! I have made significant progress in my skills thanks to you. I got 100%
Sally S
Tanx Alex for wonderful lesson please provide more lesson with difficult words like juxtaposition, rabble , quagmire :)
Interesting lesson
Thanks Teacher
THANKS and great it was very useful i am planning to do the TOEFL
Always brilliant
good lesson
Congratulations, very good explanations.
Great lesson Alex, thank you.
I have a doubt about pronunciation. You’ve said: ” a crucial” like you were spelling the article as the letter a. When should we use this pronunciation?
Ricardo PD
Thanks in advance.
Ricardo PD
10/10 I begin to feel very secure about understand English. Anyway, when the subject is speaking, here I ‘m not so reliable.
Jorge Pedroso
thanks alex . you guys doing really a good job . go ahead .
Thx, was easy.
thanks very much
Its amazing because at this time no person have spare time to ask these type of question so is is awesome.
please keep on working on it to make it more useful and effective.
Hi! Do you have videos about Listening and Speaking section? I need to improve them, thanks!
im about to have ilts exam i like your videos the most … could you please do more videos such as this :) ?????
good luck on your final exams!
it’s great alex….I really want to see more than this….thanks so much! I got 10 correct answers
really interesting alex!!! thnaks
Alex ,,, u r a great teacher
anas mustafa
i got 10 / 10 :)
anas mustafa
Beneficial videos :)
Dahlia -.-
well done
quite voice and convincing
I have already known these words, yet your examples are very useful. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much.
samiya ali
Thank you so much Alex.
Ei Shwe Thwe
Thanx mr Alex it was a useful lesson. i got 10 out of 10 :)
Hopefully I’ll keep this words under my belt! :) Thanks a lot!
thank you Alex …
thanx Emma mam
I did not understand the fourth question. I know what means dedication but…
War and Peace
Yay!!.I got 10/10.Perfect!!Thank you for this free site. Hope to gain and learn more knowledge about speaking English well..Love it.More power.:)God bless engvid.com.
Thanks Alan for this class.
I love the way that you explain it.
Thank you so much EngVid for your help..i made 8 of 10, but im very glad to learn something new from your video…Thanks again.. and we all the learners are behind you guys..
Thank,this website is significant helpful. I aware of its success. It is absolutely relevant to the improvement of the TOEFL Test.
I got 10 out of 10. Although I know the meaning of it, but I’m not secure that what I wrote is correctly or not? ><
pang pinky
Thank you Alex, I know myself that I really don’t do well when it comes to adjectives, but this lesson helped me really well!
thank u… i love it!
I got 6 out of 10..feeling bad ..
Thanks, Alan for your obvious explanation. you are really a clever teacher.
Thanks Alex
I got 9 out of 10 you:)
Thank you Alex for your effort :)
8 out of 10 ! good score !
This is a helpful website…I always watch the new videos from all the teachers and I’ve learned a lot since day one … keep doing it!
Sparkling Lesson!
Marcos Natan
thanks alex
thank you Alex . your lesson is useful
Alex,thank you very much for your lessons!I like the way you do it,it’s perfect)i’ve got 10 of 10,thanks a lot!
thank you alex for your lessons i have got a lot to learn from you . iam really pleased with your way of explanation.
tkanks again
Hi Alex
you are amazing teacher! I’ve got 10 of 10. I wish you had individual website for tutorial.
It”s great to see such an amazing source of learning English for free in the world of capitalism and Mormonism.I am new and appreciate it so much.Many thanks to Alex and his colleagues.
i’m confused with using words: obvious….visible
Thank you Alex, your lesson is verey helpful. Keep going guys, it is one of the best web that i have seen for learning English :)
thanks Alex
Andrew Adel
Thanks Alex
I always enjoy your vocabulary sessions. BTW i got 10 out of 10
Thnx 4 u lessons (I ‘m using informal writing message :))
Thanks Alex
I got 9.alex thank you vary much.
tnx alot for free and excelent teaching site
mona escort
thank u alex
shaik feroz
learn new vocabulary is always helpful for our speaking, thanks for the lesson
:) tnx
these abjectives appeared frequently in most video games i had played but i couldn’t understand their meaning.and now i get it right. many thanks for your lesson sir.
GOT 10/10 that was your pleasure
Husam Alselwi
It’s very helpful to learn new vocabulary)
Thanks.I think I got it already. 10/10.
9 out of 10 not bad :) thank you so much
Thanks you Alex
Elena Flores
thanks alex
wawww 100 % totally. Thanks Alex a lot.
I am a new member.I get this website from my training and i am learning Alex’s lessons.So,thank Alex for your lessons.
10 out of 10 !
I’m so hopefull now! :D
tnx for your HELLP.
Thank you, Alex.
Thanks alex ..It’s my first time to get 100 :D
Your lessons are very easy to understand. But I got 70%. So I need to get rewrite again and again that make me sure of remembered its meaning clearly. Thanks a lot for teacher Alex.
Pen Rasin
Thanks a lot Mr. Alex
60… is it bad?
it is crucial for me learn English and Alex you do the relevant job. thank you for that
It is greatful to practice !
Ramesh Soltee
Its a Wonderful Initiative.. I have done almost 5 quizzes and i have not been able to get all the 10 questions correct. I got all 9 and i think is a sign of improvement in my English..
Thank you that was helpfull
thanks alex
thanks alot
reem shaya
Many thanks!
10 correct out of 10))) yeeeeepppp
Thank you Alex!
I need to learn more vocabularies about TOEFL so this kinda video really helps me a lot.
thanks alot
Thanks teacher Alex so much. 9/10 is not a bad score
Thank you Alex! You are a nice teacher =)
I had 10 in mr first quiz thank you
jorge el temible 69
I am an student I need improve my english speaking. I am going to take TOEFL the next year. I need help >_<
9 out of 10, wow almost :) thx for the class Mr Alex :)
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you much,Alex ^^ It is helpful!
Hi Alex
Thanks for teaching me ilets and toefl. but i have a question. my question is. how can i get more lessons to study ilets and toefl? can i get engvid web, i saw only small topic about ilets and toefl.
i wait you suddenly responding.
secondly thanks my teachers you and your friends engvid
asha a.mohamed
I secured 10..Too much happy..I gave all the answers glibly ;)
thanks a lot
Mona ALzufairi
Thanks alot T/Alex
Mohammed AL-Tayar
got 8
Great lesson alex .. l love learning new vocabulary .. keep us posted with any new :D .. thanks
Thanks you! I’m very happy that I have an opportunity to study English with Engvid teachers. Your job is a crucial part of getting knowledge for many people.
10/10. Thank you so much teacher, very useful lesson.
Khiem An
thank you my teacher Alex for your valuable lecture and I hope you allow me to contact you for more advises and questions
best regards
haider j touma
Thanks Mr. Alex for teaching us some of CRUCİAL words in English
Thank you very much. I think this lesson is very useful for me.
thanks a lot alex
hussein abu al Ola
10/10………..very helpful lesson
Where can I find the list of vocabulary?
I cannot find the source page
Thanks Alex, it is getting better and better
Thank you very much! I’m happy!
hello , would you like to practice English through skype ?
My skype ID is: ahmed.sabet31
u r welc
Got 10 of 10!
Thanks Alex
1st guy From Bahrain here
thanks allot ,Alex , it is really good lectures, to learn English language .
I can only say: “Thanks God to have you as teatcher.” I am going to review the lesson again.
10 out of 10,
Thanks again, Alex. Great lesson.
You “make” me love the English language more and more.
* the causative verb “make” here is too strong,
isn’t it? I’ve studied causative verbs with you. Could you tell if, in this case, it is
too strong?
Thank you.
7 out 10,thanks to the lesson !
Thank you !!!
I got 10/10! Thanks for the lesson!!
Alex, I’m going to take TOEFL/ITP next 10 and I’d like to know if you may inform me how I can get material to study for the test.
I’m waiting your answer and thanks again ;D
I like you Alex :) It’s a pleasure for me to watch your videos.
Ekaterina St
i am a new member and i find this lessons is very crucial thank you Alex
10 out of 10!Thank you so much.
thanks to the red panda
Thank you
Thank you,you are the best
I have got 10/10 ! super
Thank you so much Alex for these very informative TOEFL lessons.I was wondering if you could provide more TOEFL lesson for us Alex ?
Thank you.
I learned lots of new vocabulary in the class
Thank you Alex, you helped me increasing my vocabulary
Sarah Handayani
Got 10 out 10, am Somali, this would be easier for me to undergo IELTs test,
Hamza Abbas
Thanks Alex! very clear :)
Thank you.your way of teaching is great.generous jobs=so good persons.Thanks a lot.
Thanks, Alex. I got a score of 10/10!
King Henry V
Thank you!
tahnks my friend, your lesson are useful!
carlos 2138
10/10 thanks Alex!!!
My best regards to you!!!
The lecture is really helpful.Thanks Mr.Alex!
Lam Thi Hang
i got 10 out of 10. thank you Alex.
Thanks Alex
Thank you a lot, Alex!the lesson & check out are really useful. I got 10 out of 10, u made my day=)
thanks Sir. Alex very much
Lam Thi Hang
10 out of 10 ,some of them are not new to me BUT I had a good opportunity to refresh them in my mind and lear something new ,thank you Alex for another great lesson!
Nat Pal
100% correct answer thank you
10 out 0f 10 thanx :)
It is obvious you are a very good English teacher. Thanks for the lesson Alex.
Muhammad Ihsan
Thank you very much, Alex teacher. I got 10 out of 10.
Amazing job alex thank you so much.It help me to improve step by step.
Amazing job Alex thank you so much but if you can speak less.
Thanks Alex. You have a good teaching as a teacher.
10/10 yehey. Thanks Alex :)
Got 7/10!
If someone want to practice your russian I’ll help u with pleasure. And help me anyone with eng. Alex you’re the best
GREAT JOB! Thank you.
Thanks for everything Alex ..
Excellent ! thank you very much.
Hi, you’re the best alex.
Thanks teacher I have got 9 correct
Hi Alex it’s a pleasure to attend a class with, I know I will improve, Thanx
thank a lot, alex.. you are so cool and calm.. but your pronoubsiation is very clear ti understand ! good job
hepi cahyadi
100% thank you Alex
thank you so much. it was useful for me.
Thanks…I learned some new adjective words..I answered all..
thanks alot
You got 8 correct out of 10.
I am aware of that there are more than 2000 common academic words in English. It is so good if you make lessons with reliable examples relevant to them. My peers and I can learn these words flexibly and make a significant and visible stride in the near future. I hope that my comment will come to you and I will receive your feedback soon
i got 10 of 10! Thank you Alex:)
thank you alex
Thank you so much my teacher, mr.Alex!
10/10 yeah king Leo Messi atop. haha. Tnx Alex
10/10 :-)
Thanks Alex.
Thanks Alex. Now ,these adjectives are more visible for me.
10. Thank you very much my teacher . خدا قوت
Thanks Alex. I like the mild manner in which you are getting your point across. It’s like music to my ears haha) Good job as usual)
Elena Stephania
thanks. These words are so beneficial
100% :D
Thanks Alex, see you in your next teaching
Thank you very much,Alex!
Thank you, Alex!
thank you, Alex!
10 out of 10! Cool lesson!! Thank you, man!!!
kuba aka
Thank u Alex so much! I really appreciate this possibility to watch your lessons!:)
100% uuuuhuuuuu
Thank you Alex; I’m getting ready to the IELTS test and where I live there are no English teachers with enough level to help me in order to succeed in that task but it is obvious to me that with your help (and the other teachers, of course), I’ll do it!
Heli J
Thank you Alex for everything you did
many thanks Alex
Thanks for this lesson!
Jonathas Wilhem
great lesson, thank you!
great lesson, thank you!
got 100 … Thank you Alex.. as usual, your explanations are easy to understand, I’m not a nattive but your pronunciation is pretty clear to be listened?
Thanks Alex for a flexible teaching approach.
Thanks Alex . You are an awesome teacher !
These vocabularies Are very easy. İt should be harder
9 out of 10
Thanks Alex.
S Chit Chit Win
Very helpful Alex, thanks for all I really enjoy these lessons.
Thanks for everything Alex!
Cung Hoang
Sir,how to download E-book for reading part of ielts.pls
thank you for the great lesson learnt a lot
Your explanations are always magnificent
Great lesson, i got 10 points
Thank u Alex!!!Great explanation about adjectives. By the way, what about prepositions? Keep it in mind.
Maria Del Toro
Thanks for your guidance. Nw I have a better understanding of adjectives
Angie Poh
Thank you! 8 out of 10
And I’ve got 7 out of 10. Thank you very much for the explanation of the material. It’s really useful for me )))
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank u Alex for the lesson.i dont know who is the sponsor of this web but what u guys do is very noble.trying to help other people is good,really generous
Not a problem! Thanks for your support!
Yep!!! I agree with your comment Culprit. This website has made relevant contributions to people are interested in learning the English language.
By the way, I’ve learned a lot from it and with all EngVid users. Apart from all of this, it is a reliable and flexible site.
Just some comments on this lesson Alex:
Most of these adjectives are not really a problem for Spanish speakers since we see them as cognates.
Words that come from latin are easy for us to learn, for example . . .
. . .”Relevant” in English is cognate with “relevante” in Spanish.
As usual, you explain grammar and vocabulary with great easy.
Thanks Alex for this excellent vocabulary lesson.
All the best to you.
mmmm … as usual making mistakes . . .
“As usual, you explain grammar and vocabulary with great EASE”.
mmmm … as usual making mistakes . . .
“As usual, you explain grammar and vocabulary with great EASE”.
yep, it is nice. i am learn more. Thank u
i want your skype or facbook account to chat with you .. to improve our languge
Maybe i can help you.. Asamoah_2010@yahoo.com for Skype
Thanks, Alex for teaching me !!
thanks Alex , we need more lessons for IELTS and ToEfl
I will certainly keep that in mind. :)
9 out of 10, not that bad for me. :-)
Nice work!
Thx Alex,I think it’s always a good idea to use these adj in a daily conversation, it makes me sound a little bit smart when i am talking to others peoples haha…idk but i like to use them, thx again.
Perfect! I’m glad to hear that.
If you want to exchange information.. feel free..to contact
Thanks, Alex!
Got 10 of 10! Yay! Those words aren’t strange for me, I’m a Brazilian and they are common in our language. TOEFL will be easier than I thought!
Well, TOEFL is not only about vocabulary. :) These words will definitely help you, though.
I know but when I heard that TOEFL academic is about to words that you don’t usually use daily it gave me some chills hahaha. Anyway, it gonna take some years till I apply to it. I’m going to do it to go work in Canada!
)9/10 Immediately after I did the last exercise I knew I had made a mistake. I’ll pay more attention next time.
Nice job! Keep trying!
many thanks alex ….. i secure 8/10 i need give more attention on studies
I am on my way to watching your video but I was tempted to take the exam. I got the perfect score. The result has drove me more to watch your video. Thank you Sir Alex. This is such a great source. Hope to see more of your tutorial.
I got 7 correct out of 10. I was very confused. But I thought the score was not so bad. I’ll review your lesson. Thank you, Alex :)
Thank Alex, you did a great job. It is crucial for the beginner like us to know about the adjectives.
Thank you sir, nice lesson. You are obvious, your notes is visible, your technique is flexible.
I got 10 correct out of 10
hi alex
thank for share
i wonder if you could provide to us a biological and historical vacb. i mean a short stories or articles like Tales of Mystery and Imagination, Level 5, Penguin Readers that you provided in another video
Thanks Alex.
Great Mr. Alex! Thanks for your support
Hi Alex
I am six-month newcomer to Toronto.my vacabulary extend is good,but I need to learn some more smart adjectives or nouns that i can use them in my daily conversation and writing essay.
I got 10/10
We need more lessons like this one. Thanks
Hi alex. im a student right now and i want to learn more about the english proficiency cause our school they are not teaching that one. Please do help me
Many Thanks Mr.Alex, I got 100%. It was a very nice lesson and your rule is significant to understand this lesson.
i did it 10/10 …
it is significant job ..hahhah
Thanx for your support!!!!
yeaay.. I got 10 of 10.. Thank you Mr. Alex for the lesson. It’s very useful for me. :)
Thanks … Fresher to this website but I found is very reliable to improve English and prepare for IELTS…. And to make my dream come true…
With big hug
I’m supprised very much…I got 10/10 )
I like this way of learning adjectives, very helpful, because we need to use more sophisticated adjectives in our writing exams. Thanks Alex.
Thanks,I got 9 out of 10.
as usual guys im so grateful by learnin news words wiht u. thxxxx
i got 8 out of 10 i need your advice as iwant to improve my english language and be more able to speak English fluently
I got 10 out of 10. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
thanks Alex it was a useful lesson
10 of 10 NICE!
Thank you Alex! You are amazing teacher!!! Igot 10/10!!!
Pronunciation of these words is not easy. Thanks Alex :) Ciao!
9/10, thanks very much. ALex
Thank you so much. As always your explanation is pretty clear. Therefore I got 100%.
By the way, I’d like to learn more relate to verb RUN in different ways of phrasal verbs. Could it be possible? I really appreciate your job for people to learn English. Thank you so much
Thanks Alex, I have made a significant progress with this lesson!
I really enjoy your lessons. Thanks a lot, Alex.
Good morning .First many thanks indeed. Scand I would like to explain the deal, tackle and solve.
Thank you very much Mr. Alex, very good lesson and I got 100%.
Thank you Alex, so much. it was so good and i hope will see more videos :) good luck.
i got 10 correct out of 10…….thanks alex.
Well done
Thanks,I got 9 out of 10. :)
It’s very important for me to leanerd best the english language.
This IS nice PAge ..:)
Hey Alex How’ve you been?
I’ve been listened twice the video and I got a 8 kkkkkkk gooooodddd job for u
Thank you!!!! You helped me a lot.
Hi, Alex. Amazing list of adjectives. Thanks a lot!
Watching your lessons is crucial to my learning! I have made significant progress in my skills thanks to you. I got 100%
Tanx Alex for wonderful lesson please provide more lesson with difficult words like juxtaposition, rabble , quagmire :)
Interesting lesson
Thanks Teacher
THANKS and great it was very useful i am planning to do the TOEFL
Always brilliant
good lesson
Congratulations, very good explanations.
Great lesson Alex, thank you.
I have a doubt about pronunciation. You’ve said: ” a crucial” like you were spelling the article as the letter a. When should we use this pronunciation?
Thanks in advance.
10/10 I begin to feel very secure about understand English. Anyway, when the subject is speaking, here I ‘m not so reliable.
thanks alex . you guys doing really a good job . go ahead .
Thx, was easy.
thanks very much
Its amazing because at this time no person have spare time to ask these type of question so is is awesome.
please keep on working on it to make it more useful and effective.
Hi! Do you have videos about Listening and Speaking section? I need to improve them, thanks!
im about to have ilts exam i like your videos the most … could you please do more videos such as this :) ?????
good luck on your final exams!
it’s great alex….I really want to see more than this….thanks so much! I got 10 correct answers
really interesting alex!!! thnaks
Alex ,,, u r a great teacher
i got 10 / 10 :)
Beneficial videos :)
well done
quite voice and convincing
I have already known these words, yet your examples are very useful. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much Alex.
Thanx mr Alex it was a useful lesson. i got 10 out of 10 :)
Hopefully I’ll keep this words under my belt! :) Thanks a lot!
thank you Alex …
thanx Emma mam
I did not understand the fourth question. I know what means dedication but…
Yay!!.I got 10/10.Perfect!!Thank you for this free site. Hope to gain and learn more knowledge about speaking English well..Love it.More power.:)God bless engvid.com.
Thanks Alan for this class.
I love the way that you explain it.
Thank you so much EngVid for your help..i made 8 of 10, but im very glad to learn something new from your video…Thanks again.. and we all the learners are behind you guys..
Thank,this website is significant helpful. I aware of its success. It is absolutely relevant to the improvement of the TOEFL Test.
I got 10 out of 10. Although I know the meaning of it, but I’m not secure that what I wrote is correctly or not? ><
Thank you Alex, I know myself that I really don’t do well when it comes to adjectives, but this lesson helped me really well!
thank u… i love it!
I got 6 out of 10..feeling bad ..
Thanks, Alan for your obvious explanation. you are really a clever teacher.
Thanks Alex
I got 9 out of 10 you:)
Thank you Alex for your effort :)
8 out of 10 ! good score !
This is a helpful website…I always watch the new videos from all the teachers and I’ve learned a lot since day one … keep doing it!
Sparkling Lesson!
thanks alex
thank you Alex . your lesson is useful
Alex,thank you very much for your lessons!I like the way you do it,it’s perfect)i’ve got 10 of 10,thanks a lot!
thank you alex for your lessons i have got a lot to learn from you . iam really pleased with your way of explanation.
tkanks again
Hi Alex
you are amazing teacher! I’ve got 10 of 10. I wish you had individual website for tutorial.
It”s great to see such an amazing source of learning English for free in the world of capitalism and Mormonism.I am new and appreciate it so much.Many thanks to Alex and his colleagues.
i’m confused with using words: obvious….visible
Thank you Alex, your lesson is verey helpful. Keep going guys, it is one of the best web that i have seen for learning English :)
thanks Alex
Thanks Alex
I always enjoy your vocabulary sessions. BTW i got 10 out of 10
Thnx 4 u lessons (I ‘m using informal writing message :))
Thanks Alex
I got 9.alex thank you vary much.
tnx alot for free and excelent teaching site
thank u alex
learn new vocabulary is always helpful for our speaking, thanks for the lesson
:) tnx
these abjectives appeared frequently in most video games i had played but i couldn’t understand their meaning.and now i get it right. many thanks for your lesson sir.
GOT 10/10 that was your pleasure
It’s very helpful to learn new vocabulary)
Thanks.I think I got it already. 10/10.
9 out of 10 not bad :) thank you so much
Thanks you Alex
thanks alex
wawww 100 % totally. Thanks Alex a lot.
I am a new member.I get this website from my training and i am learning Alex’s lessons.So,thank Alex for your lessons.
10 out of 10 !
I’m so hopefull now! :D
tnx for your HELLP.
Thank you, Alex.
Thanks alex ..It’s my first time to get 100 :D
Your lessons are very easy to understand. But I got 70%. So I need to get rewrite again and again that make me sure of remembered its meaning clearly. Thanks a lot for teacher Alex.
Thanks a lot Mr. Alex
60… is it bad?
it is crucial for me learn English and Alex you do the relevant job. thank you for that
It is greatful to practice !
Its a Wonderful Initiative.. I have done almost 5 quizzes and i have not been able to get all the 10 questions correct. I got all 9 and i think is a sign of improvement in my English..
Thank you that was helpfull
thanks alex
thanks alot
Many thanks!
10 correct out of 10))) yeeeeepppp
Thank you Alex!
I need to learn more vocabularies about TOEFL so this kinda video really helps me a lot.
thanks alot
Thanks teacher Alex so much. 9/10 is not a bad score
Thank you Alex! You are a nice teacher =)
I had 10 in mr first quiz thank you
I am an student I need improve my english speaking. I am going to take TOEFL the next year. I need help >_<
9 out of 10, wow almost :) thx for the class Mr Alex :)
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you much,Alex ^^ It is helpful!
Hi Alex
Thanks for teaching me ilets and toefl. but i have a question. my question is. how can i get more lessons to study ilets and toefl? can i get engvid web, i saw only small topic about ilets and toefl.
i wait you suddenly responding.
secondly thanks my teachers you and your friends engvid
I secured 10..Too much happy..I gave all the answers glibly ;)
thanks a lot
Thanks alot T/Alex
got 8
Great lesson alex .. l love learning new vocabulary .. keep us posted with any new :D .. thanks
Thanks you! I’m very happy that I have an opportunity to study English with Engvid teachers. Your job is a crucial part of getting knowledge for many people.
10/10. Thank you so much teacher, very useful lesson.
thank you my teacher Alex for your valuable lecture and I hope you allow me to contact you for more advises and questions
best regards
Thanks Mr. Alex for teaching us some of CRUCİAL words in English
Thank you very much. I think this lesson is very useful for me.
thanks a lot alex
10/10………..very helpful lesson
Where can I find the list of vocabulary?
I cannot find the source page
Thanks Alex, it is getting better and better
Thank you very much! I’m happy!
hello , would you like to practice English through skype ?
My skype ID is: ahmed.sabet31
u r welc
Got 10 of 10!
Thanks Alex
1st guy From Bahrain here
thanks allot ,Alex , it is really good lectures, to learn English language .
I can only say: “Thanks God to have you as teatcher.” I am going to review the lesson again.
10 out of 10,
Thanks again, Alex. Great lesson.
You “make” me love the English language more and more.
* the causative verb “make” here is too strong,
isn’t it? I’ve studied causative verbs with you. Could you tell if, in this case, it is
too strong?
Thank you.
7 out 10,thanks to the lesson !
Thank you !!!
I got 10/10! Thanks for the lesson!!
Alex, I’m going to take TOEFL/ITP next 10 and I’d like to know if you may inform me how I can get material to study for the test.
I’m waiting your answer and thanks again ;D
I like you Alex :) It’s a pleasure for me to watch your videos.
i am a new member and i find this lessons is very crucial thank you Alex
10 out of 10!Thank you so much.
thanks to the red panda
Thank you
Thank you,you are the best
I have got 10/10 ! super
Thank you so much Alex for these very informative TOEFL lessons.I was wondering if you could provide more TOEFL lesson for us Alex ?
Thank you.
I learned lots of new vocabulary in the class
Thank you Alex, you helped me increasing my vocabulary
Got 10 out 10, am Somali, this would be easier for me to undergo IELTs test,
Thanks Alex! very clear :)
Thank you.your way of teaching is great.generous jobs=so good persons.Thanks a lot.
Thanks, Alex. I got a score of 10/10!
Thank you!
tahnks my friend, your lesson are useful!
10/10 thanks Alex!!!
My best regards to you!!!
The lecture is really helpful.Thanks Mr.Alex!
i got 10 out of 10. thank you Alex.
Thanks Alex
Thank you a lot, Alex!the lesson & check out are really useful. I got 10 out of 10, u made my day=)
thanks Sir. Alex very much
10 out of 10 ,some of them are not new to me BUT I had a good opportunity to refresh them in my mind and lear something new ,thank you Alex for another great lesson!
100% correct answer thank you
10 out 0f 10 thanx :)
It is obvious you are a very good English teacher. Thanks for the lesson Alex.
Thank you very much, Alex teacher. I got 10 out of 10.
Amazing job alex thank you so much.It help me to improve step by step.
Amazing job Alex thank you so much but if you can speak less.
Thanks Alex. You have a good teaching as a teacher.
10/10 yehey. Thanks Alex :)
Got 7/10!
If someone want to practice your russian I’ll help u with pleasure. And help me anyone with eng. Alex you’re the best
GREAT JOB! Thank you.
Thanks for everything Alex ..
Excellent ! thank you very much.
Hi, you’re the best alex.
Thanks teacher I have got 9 correct
Hi Alex it’s a pleasure to attend a class with, I know I will improve, Thanx
thank a lot, alex.. you are so cool and calm.. but your pronoubsiation is very clear ti understand ! good job
100% thank you Alex
thank you so much. it was useful for me.
Thanks…I learned some new adjective words..I answered all..
thanks alot
You got 8 correct out of 10.
I am aware of that there are more than 2000 common academic words in English. It is so good if you make lessons with reliable examples relevant to them. My peers and I can learn these words flexibly and make a significant and visible stride in the near future. I hope that my comment will come to you and I will receive your feedback soon
i got 10 of 10! Thank you Alex:)
thank you alex
Thank you so much my teacher, mr.Alex!
10/10 yeah king Leo Messi atop. haha. Tnx Alex
10/10 :-)
Thanks Alex.
Thanks Alex. Now ,these adjectives are more visible for me.
10. Thank you very much my teacher . خدا قوت
Thanks Alex. I like the mild manner in which you are getting your point across. It’s like music to my ears haha) Good job as usual)
thanks. These words are so beneficial
100% :D
Thanks Alex, see you in your next teaching
Thank you very much,Alex!
Thank you, Alex!
thank you, Alex!
10 out of 10! Cool lesson!! Thank you, man!!!
Thank u Alex so much! I really appreciate this possibility to watch your lessons!:)
100% uuuuhuuuuu
Thank you Alex; I’m getting ready to the IELTS test and where I live there are no English teachers with enough level to help me in order to succeed in that task but it is obvious to me that with your help (and the other teachers, of course), I’ll do it!
Thank you Alex for everything you did
many thanks Alex
Thanks for this lesson!
great lesson, thank you!
great lesson, thank you!
got 100 … Thank you Alex.. as usual, your explanations are easy to understand, I’m not a nattive but your pronunciation is pretty clear to be listened?
Thanks Alex for a flexible teaching approach.
Thanks Alex . You are an awesome teacher !
These vocabularies Are very easy. İt should be harder
9 out of 10
Thanks Alex.
Very helpful Alex, thanks for all I really enjoy these lessons.
Thanks for everything Alex!
Sir,how to download E-book for reading part of ielts.pls
thank you for the great lesson learnt a lot
Your explanations are always magnificent
Great lesson, i got 10 points
Thank u Alex!!!Great explanation about adjectives. By the way, what about prepositions? Keep it in mind.
Thanks for your guidance. Nw I have a better understanding of adjectives
Thank you! 8 out of 10
And I’ve got 7 out of 10. Thank you very much for the explanation of the material. It’s really useful for me )))
I love this, thanks Alex