Want to do better on your tests? Improve your grades? If you are a student or have an upcoming exam, this lesson is for YOU. Many students spend hours studying in libraries, but they use bad study techniques and waste a lot of time. In this video, I will give you all my BEST study tips. I’ve found these over the years as both a student and a teacher. Whether you’re prepping for the TOEFL or IELTS, taking university or high school classes, or want to improve your memory, this video will help.
Fresh video!?! Do you want some fresh lemon or fresh coconut? LOL, fresh lemon, fresh coconut and “fresh video”!?!
that was rude dude respect him, he also means that the video is new
hello im me and you are you
Which is The BEST option between all those exams IELTS,TOEFL,TOEIC? I CAN’T make up my mind because there are Cambridge exams such as FC CAE. So I need some help. Thanks Emma
Nice lesson. Thanks.
I got 09/09.☺ Excellent excellent lesson. I highly appreciated your effort , emma. You are amazing!
It relay help me a lot for iles
Many thanks teacher !
Thanks Emma for all your tips!!
In my opinion, and according to my experience as a student at university, repetition is the most effective way to learn something. I know it can be boring, but for me it works.
I will learn your way,
Thank you
Hi there money thanks Emma, I got 8 out of 9 I look forward always to learn from you.am keen to learn more about this material…LIFE GOES ON BYE ?
muhkatr 1
thank teacher Emma
madison trang tran
Thanks Emma this lesson help me a lot…I got 10/10…I’m very happy..and is easy undertandy you..:)
marcos alexandre
Those are really life-saving study tips!
Emanoel Pereira
I love this video
More video = more knowledge! So I guess you love all! xD
Thans Emma good lesson.
Thanks for this very interesting lesson Emma.
What do you think about the SQ4R (Survey Question Read Reread Recite Review) method?
Riccardo S
8/9, I wrong the first question…. I miss the ‘not’!! Forever I’ll watch the minute 27.24 to redeem my sin! ahahah
A good tip is try to explain the subject to yourself in high voice. Its a little strange, but good to find holes in the reasoning, practice to write/speak more eloquently, and concentrate the efforts in the things that you can’t explain to yourself, this prevents to expend too much time with the subjects that you already understood.
Gustavo de Jesus
Thank Emma! The test confirms your theory.
I couldn’t dowload the video.why teacher?
Monywa Rosy
thanks for teaching important lesson.
Hi Emma thank you so much.
if you please could you teach us about how to work in the clothes store ? we need to learn how to speak with the team there and the supervisor or boss or the customers..
Thanks and appreciate..
From my opinion of view in last question of quiz about BEDAS there are one error:instead of EXPONENTS should be EQUATION
Hi Emma. I find Your lesson and tips useful. Specially I have school exams now and I really want to get the best grades. Thanks.
I have also looked for Emma’s lesson about KWL method, and I have realized that it would come soon…
hi y’all
thanks Emma for such a impressive lesson.
is someone out there to tell me where is KWL METHOD video like?
moderator it’s on your hand plz help me.
I have also looked for Emma’s lesson about KWL method,and I have realized that it would come soon…
Thanks teacher Emma, i tried my pest and got 78% also
i know ted that the drawing is very impotent for the memory, and i am going to do start form now.
take car until next lessons.
Abdishakur Abdi
thanks Emma
please i find this sentence in dictionary:
“Our boss asked us to take detailed notes in order that nothing would be forgotten.
I think the correct sentence is “our boss asked us to take detailed notes in order that nothing would not be forgotten”.please your opinion
got 100%
thnks a lot emma!
Nice lesson thank you
Tahnk you so mach
Hadi hasan
Hi Emma. Great study tips. I won’t forget them. Thank you and happy new year!
Júlio César L Sousa
These are good advises I can use before a test. Thank you!
Hi Emma, you must have spent a lot of time to produce this useful video… thanks a lot!
Dear teacher Emma, as i told you before i got 78%
i have a question that i confused, you said if you want to remember a word you must draw to save your memory, for example i can draw an apple and etc, but do’t know how to draw a situation etc, (for example) please give me an example that i can understood well.
Abdishakur Abdi
Great lesson Emma!!! But I have one remark, you take a lot of the phrase “you know”…
Keep going Emma :)
Amazing class Emma! It will help me a lot when studying anything. Thanks a lot!
John B
Hello, teacher Emma.Pleaaaase i realy need your help,because i have an exam of grammar on Sunday,and i need a lesson about articals and capilazation,and if my ponctuations are correct in this comment.
I’m from Algeria by the way,and pliiiiz answer me soon as you can.
I’ve seen a video her for Ronnie about this topic ..
Mahmoud Abdelatty
Thanks for all tips
Thank you teacher.
thank you
Really long lesson .. very useful . thanks Emma
Thanks Teacher its interesting to know ..
Hi Emma your all video I have downloaded, that’s makes me so confident and helping me to reduce my error, so many love for you
06/09. Many thanks for these great tips Emma..
You are a special teacher for me. Commendable.
Hello Ema, I am studing your step by step. Thanks a lot.
thank you very much Emma :)
so clear lesson so good teacher
thanks Emma:)
Thank Godness the EngVid exist!
I wish you great start for January , love for February, peace for March, no worries for April, fun for May, joy for June to November, happiness for December!!!!
Have a lucky New Year!
thank you Emma, you are very kind
there is any available IELTS books
hany salem
Dear Teacher, Happy New Year.
9 out of 9. Very useful tips which I’m gonna put in action. Thank you very much for your amazing lessons.
thank you for videos emma
Thank you Emma, excelent lesson.
thanks emma.. very useful :)
Hi Emma, you are a good teacher. Your lessons are very easy to us. Thanks for awesome lessons.
MD. Nabed
Hi Soei,
I’m interesting learn Persian,
while i read ur profile, I guess u can help me.
Hello, I can help you with your Persian language just on this web. I mean can write your questions’ answers. The best
Good Tips ,
Trying to discipline myself..
GOOD tips and nice teaching methodology
wahid ali
Thanks for the lesson ☺
Mohamed Benderrah
Dear Emma,
First of all I would like to thank you for this lesson. I have never done the IELTS exam and do not know how we can write the answers on the paper sheet. Does it need to be in written by pen? What can we take to the exam? Could you please do a video about that?
Thanks for everything. Have a wonderful year.
Regards, Lucas
Thanks Emma
I think that i will go and take that sort of anxious test .
According with you, which are the best option to take an english exam? IELTS or TOFEL
Diego Serrano
I got 5/9. I am angry on myself. You have pleasant accent for me. I understand you very well.
Thank you very much Emma:)
thank you Emma
I got 9/9. Teacher Emma’s lessons are clear and easy to understand. Thank you, Emma.
thank emma very intersting
Hello everyone, looking for someone to practice English speaking.
I am preparing for IELTS. My English level in B2.
Here is my Skype ID: ehtisham.hussain.kokab
Tahnk you so mach
Thank you Emma! Your lessons are great and they I’m sure they will really help prepare better for my test.
I oppreciateing ur hard working to learn us English.
I like ur lessions. Thank u…….
HI .How are you, Emma, Emma I need help
Hi everyone SOMEBODY Help me in IELTS exam
Here is my skype
well, it was my first lesson with you Emma:) It was so fun and interesting… Thank you very much!
Hi Emma thank you, your lessons so help me to imrove my English
Thank you Emma for lessons
Majeed NGO
Hi Emma! I enjoyed your lesson! Thanks a lot!
Thanks a Lot..
I’ve really enjoy this session..!
Hello mam
I need help to improve my English so plz help me
Emma, i loved your video… I needed heard this informations, because I saw that my method of study was totally wrong…
hi emma. if am bad if tense,do i qualify the writing and reading part or not
Hi Emma,
I have learned a lot of lessons from you but I have a question that how and when
do we use ‘ with + verb’ . You taught us how to use ‘with + noun’. I was so nice.
Hi Emma,
I have learned a lot of lessons from you but I have a question that how and when
do we use ‘ with + verb’ . You taught us how to use ‘with + noun’. It was so nice.
Thank you very much Emma!
Emma the best!
thank you so much.
but bunna
Hi, i have a question.
How to describe images. For example if there are 2 images and we are asked to tell the difference between them how are we going to compare in regard to describe the image?
thanks a lot
Emma, thank you for your studying tips – they are great!!!)
Need to get more practice
hi emma ı want to a lot thanks ı join a new:)))
Thank you Emma!
good striges
Thanks Emma
Hi Emma,
Congratulations for this lesson!
Thank you so much for help us.
Eder Paula
Hi Emma, really it good top points helpfully. Thank you very much Emma,
I love this lesson so much. thank you thank yo thankyou:)))
thanks emma your pronunciation is very easy to understand and i get study more.
thank you Emma i like your tricks and will keep watching your video
I’ve got 9:9. Thank you Emma for these useful tips which include doing study plans and taking tests. I’m preparing IELTS test hoping these tips can work on me.
Yongshan Lin
Thanks for great efforts and presentations
Very useful tips.
You’re very dynamic and your explanation is easy to understand.
Thanks Emma!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Great! its fun while learning from you……
Pratik Parikh
This is very interesting lesson . I’v got 8/9
thanks for your lesson Emma
Namal weerasekara
Thanks Emma. This is very useful.
thanks a lot
Thank you very much Emma.
Thank you so much.?????
thank you Emma
Asmaa Naciri
Keep it Up Asmaa You can you will
I don’t know I did mistake. I was given the test with confidently.
Thank you
Emma, You are the best !!
thank you Emma for your video, it’s really helpful.
Thomas Quinlan
Dear Emma you the best
i found your lesson so interesting and valuable
thanks you for this great effort you made
thank y ou Emma
Thanks Emma ! You are the best …regards
samour fouad
Thanks, Mrs. Emma
very helpful video
youssef allax
I want to learn word order in English, Emma. Please give me a lessen for it.
Teacher Emma Bundle of Thanks.
Its very helpful.
Thank you Emma!!
I really like this Emma’s video lesson. Thank you for your exertion Emma! <3
Thank you Emma. I really liked it.
Thank you Emma. It’s really a amazing session. Thank you..!!
SaiKrishna Macharla
The quiz was nice,though am a beginner but I do enjoy it
Thank you Emma for this great lesson and useful tips.
Thank u sooo much for giving excellent tips!!!!!!!
Hi Emma, your videos are always very useful. I’ve included some of your tips in my learning process, Thank you…
For other students:
Some time ago, and after proof different formal option to study english, I decided study by myself, but my problem now is that I don’t have nobody with who practice my speaking. If someone wish practice with me my mail is: englishlearner977@gmail.com.
Thanks Emma for all your tips!!
In my opinion, and according to my experience as a student at university, repetition is the most effective way to learn something. I know it can be boring, but for me it works.
Hi Emma! Very useful, i got 6 out of 10 But i did look wich the fails were.
Marco T.
I got 8/9! Thanks for the lesson!
Thanks a lot!
It’s a good tip.
Thanks Emma.
It is great! Thanks Emma.
You are very intelligent and nice. Congratulations
Clodoaldo Osnir
Thank you Emma :)
Any one help me
start from where ?
Hello from Tashkent) What sites would you recommend for having online toefl practice?
Hi Emma
This is my second lesson, I have learned more tips about the study from this video, thank you very much.
Julia Lin
great tips , it is really helps me
Thank you so much for your lesson. It is really helpful. Please share more useful tips regarding study strategies, job searching, network-building, etc. You are absolutely a good fit for lecturing.DJ! :)
Thank you Emma, I love your lesson a lot !!
tx emma.its really helpful and you are the best teacher for me
diyah sayekti
Thank you Emma,it is useful.
thank u so muchhh
hello EMMA I want a methodology for learning English
Hi, great video thanks
thanks for your support emma
A Rifat Habash
thank you , my dear teacher
It is a good class,thank you
I got 9 out of 9. Thanks Emma! (y)
Imran Chand
Thank you, Emmma.
Emma Thank you.
thank you
bakry alazhary
Thank you very much
You got 9 correct out of 9.
M kartal
9/9, Thank you, Emma!
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
9/9 thanks Emma for this tips, its very important and useful
Thanks alot. It is a really good lessob
Ahmed alyass
100% correct! thanks!
how can i find lessons step by step like levels and after the
lessons i want to have some exam
great Video..I just love them.. I have made my mind that I will complete your IELTS-66 Online course….Everyday- 2 video..Just completed. Beginner Level- 2 Videos..
Amitab Das Rupom
Thank you Emma, these tips surely are very helpful indeed.
without watching your video 6 out of 9 is not bad at all.
overall its good experience.
i liked English because of you , you have interesting , simple way of teaching really many thanks to you , God bless you
thank you emma you are great teacher i am happy to watch
How to watch the video?
Emma you are the best,I love your classes
i got 8 out of 9…… thanks mam Emma… I love your videos
i got 8 out of 9.. Emma your videos are very useful for all of us who are interested to apply it seriously in practically.
I like Emma! She give me advice easily. I got 9/9 Thanks!
thanks u emma
Thanks Emma’s teacher
I’ve got 9/9. Thanks a lot, Emma!
Thank you Emma. I will do my own version in Spanish and I will share it.
Thanks Emma. I am getting better and I strongly recommend students preparing for ielts exam to watch and practice all that was said in your video.
thanks Emma! i understand you very well
Thanks, I got 9/9. Your way of teaching is brilliant.
thank you very much Emma, I got 8/9. LOL
Thanks teacher!!!
thanks very much ms emma but i don’t know the program is in order or i can choose what i need for the study i love your teaching thanks very much
Thank you so much Emma.
thanks Emma
Hello Emma
Murtadha Q.Idan
thanks Emma
Thanks Emma it’s really helpful
Is realliy a very nice lesson. Truly important in any academic study
I got 50/9. My answer so bad?
After i try again, i got 100..yeayy..
Very interesting. Thanks Miss Emma.
I got 9/9. Thnku so much teacher
Thank you very mutch. This was great and useful lesson.
thank you
Nabil Mahmoud
I got 7 points of 9
With Which question is What is an important tip to prepare for and do well on a test.
Actually I don’t arrive early before the text start, now I realize what problem I do HAHA
hi emma you r a best teacher
yunus unal
Nice lesson. Thanks
I need IELTs or TOEFL for searching masters and jobs abroad
thank you very much my sweet teacher
yaman alsharif
Who can answer my question is the genius, the question is: “How many stars on the sky? (give me the number =), good luck with my question)” lol!!!
You are great emma. Thank you
Hi Emma. It is very useful for me. Thanks a lot
thank you so much for this lesson
I don’t agree with the drinking alcohol tip
Thanks emma.
Thanks emma, I like your lesson
Thank you
i like your teaching style ,thank you
i am extremely grateful for your tips.
Samir kandel
Hi teacher Emma! I’m so glad I found a teacher like you. I got 100% but not to some topics. i really like your teaching. Cheers Ms.
Thanks Emma
Mohammed Talib
Thank you for this useful lesson emma
otmane abdane
thanks emma for your tips
Hello Emma….. Thanks for your grate lectures….. One think I would like to ask you that….. I already gave ielts and got 6 band but the university I want to get admitted they ask for 6.5 bands and mailed me a conditional offer. And i am planning to take ielts this month at 15th of Dec. And I am studying at home only by watching your videos so can you please guide me for each module specially for reading section.
Hi emma ? i got 8/9 score ? thank you
Thank you
Shaaakir 114
Hi, Good Night thanks a lot, i Hope your tips help me and a will watch more videos..
Hi Emma, Your videos’s are really helpful to me and trying to develop myself a lot. And I am eagerly waiting to watch your new video lessons.
bye and take care,
Thanks a lot Mrs. Emma!
You are the best ?
hossein M.T
Hi Emma, i watching yours videos and they are helpping me a lot of. Thank you
Excellent Emma
Ajay Kumar Singh
Can’t I fix your brain into mine!
think you ms.emma,?????
Ljc caballero
got 100/100
al willis
Thank you Emma for the great tips. I will use them to my study. I will apply for PhD in 2020.
Thanks a lot
Thanks Emma.
This is a very good lesson.
Thanks, Emma you are the best ever. I really liked all your tips to present a successful exam.
you are amazing teacher i love your vedios
Hi emmma, i am a biginer but i understood enam
Thanks Emma, for the best and very clear lesson.I got 8/9 and i missed the question number 5. :)
Asery Omega
Thank you Emm. It was very useful.
Saeedullah Shirzoi
Thanks for your website ❤️❤️
mahmoud khaled 89
Thanks,Ema! I got 9/9 correct answers!
Thanks for your tips. You teach very good.
tnxxxx miss emma
Thank you Teacher Emma.
Emma, I achieve 8 correct out of 9 in your quiz, thanks for everythings! :)
me too
I got 8 in your quiz, thanks.
Very usefull. Thanks Emma.
thank you Emma for your efforts
Wow Emma youa are fantastic thansk for these lession!
Emma you are my happiness
When I watch ur videos all the time i smile
Leila soleimani
8/9. Good tips for us learning English.
Jerry Gu
I did the test and I got 10/10 or 100!!
Such a helpful lesson! I feel lucky to find engVid.
Insoo Yeo
Hi I want to get IELTS.But I don’t know how I should start. I also need some vocabulary.
i only watched 10 mins and got 100%(9 out of 9)
It was a excellent lesson, with important tips. Thanks so much Emma!
Henrique Alves
Nice lesson Emma, thanks!
Emma, thank you for sharing the tips for success!
Hasan Soledad
Tks a lot!!
sorry , i don’t remenber
Hi Dear Emma.
This Time it was great…
Abdul Wasi Ezatian
Very useful tips Emma! I think you have mastered teaching methodology.
Too many useful techniques and I’m not practicing any of them yet. I love your accent and calm when you’re explaining.
thank you so much
Ahmed ha
Thank you teacher Emma. I have 8 out of 9.
Thank you
you are the best teacher.
Thank you teacher Emma. You’re the best!!!
Thank you, it have make a drastic change to my life so far. Am ecstatic to be here.
Ayiwulu Emmanuel
very nive thank you EMMA
Hi Emma ,
This is very important tips for everyone needs to prepare for test
Learn English for free with 2152 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi emma
M so excited to watch ur fresh videos
Fresh video!?! Do you want some fresh lemon or fresh coconut? LOL, fresh lemon, fresh coconut and “fresh video”!?!
that was rude dude respect him, he also means that the video is new
Which is The BEST option between all those exams IELTS,TOEFL,TOEIC? I CAN’T make up my mind because there are Cambridge exams such as FC CAE. So I need some help. Thanks Emma
Nice lesson. Thanks.
I got 09/09.☺ Excellent excellent lesson. I highly appreciated your effort , emma. You are amazing!
It relay help me a lot for iles
Many thanks teacher !
Thanks Emma for all your tips!!
In my opinion, and according to my experience as a student at university, repetition is the most effective way to learn something. I know it can be boring, but for me it works.
I will learn your way,
Thank you
Hi there money thanks Emma, I got 8 out of 9 I look forward always to learn from you.am keen to learn more about this material…LIFE GOES ON BYE ?
thank teacher Emma
Thanks Emma this lesson help me a lot…I got 10/10…I’m very happy..and is easy undertandy you..:)
Those are really life-saving study tips!
I love this video
More video = more knowledge! So I guess you love all! xD
Thans Emma good lesson.
Thanks for this very interesting lesson Emma.
What do you think about the SQ4R (Survey Question Read Reread Recite Review) method?
8/9, I wrong the first question…. I miss the ‘not’!! Forever I’ll watch the minute 27.24 to redeem my sin! ahahah
A good tip is try to explain the subject to yourself in high voice. Its a little strange, but good to find holes in the reasoning, practice to write/speak more eloquently, and concentrate the efforts in the things that you can’t explain to yourself, this prevents to expend too much time with the subjects that you already understood.
Thank Emma! The test confirms your theory.
I couldn’t dowload the video.why teacher?
thanks for teaching important lesson.
Hi Emma thank you so much.
if you please could you teach us about how to work in the clothes store ? we need to learn how to speak with the team there and the supervisor or boss or the customers..
Thanks and appreciate..
From my opinion of view in last question of quiz about BEDAS there are one error:instead of EXPONENTS should be EQUATION
Hi Emma. I find Your lesson and tips useful. Specially I have school exams now and I really want to get the best grades. Thanks.
I have also looked for Emma’s lesson about KWL method, and I have realized that it would come soon…
hi y’all
thanks Emma for such a impressive lesson.
is someone out there to tell me where is KWL METHOD video like?
moderator it’s on your hand plz help me.
I have also looked for Emma’s lesson about KWL method,and I have realized that it would come soon…
Thanks teacher Emma, i tried my pest and got 78% also
i know ted that the drawing is very impotent for the memory, and i am going to do start form now.
take car until next lessons.
thanks Emma
please i find this sentence in dictionary:
“Our boss asked us to take detailed notes in order that nothing would be forgotten.
I think the correct sentence is “our boss asked us to take detailed notes in order that nothing would not be forgotten”.please your opinion
got 100%
thnks a lot emma!
Nice lesson thank you
Tahnk you so mach
Hi Emma. Great study tips. I won’t forget them. Thank you and happy new year!
These are good advises I can use before a test. Thank you!
Hi Emma, you must have spent a lot of time to produce this useful video… thanks a lot!
Dear teacher Emma, as i told you before i got 78%
i have a question that i confused, you said if you want to remember a word you must draw to save your memory, for example i can draw an apple and etc, but do’t know how to draw a situation etc, (for example) please give me an example that i can understood well.
Great lesson Emma!!! But I have one remark, you take a lot of the phrase “you know”…
Keep going Emma :)
Amazing class Emma! It will help me a lot when studying anything. Thanks a lot!
Hello, teacher Emma.Pleaaaase i realy need your help,because i have an exam of grammar on Sunday,and i need a lesson about articals and capilazation,and if my ponctuations are correct in this comment.
I’m from Algeria by the way,and pliiiiz answer me soon as you can.
I’ve seen a video her for Ronnie about this topic ..
Thanks for all tips
Thank you teacher.
thank you
Really long lesson .. very useful . thanks Emma
Thanks Teacher its interesting to know ..
Hi Emma your all video I have downloaded, that’s makes me so confident and helping me to reduce my error, so many love for you
06/09. Many thanks for these great tips Emma..
You are a special teacher for me. Commendable.
Hello Ema, I am studing your step by step. Thanks a lot.
thank you very much Emma :)
so clear lesson so good teacher
thanks Emma:)
Thank Godness the EngVid exist!
I wish you great start for January , love for February, peace for March, no worries for April, fun for May, joy for June to November, happiness for December!!!!
Have a lucky New Year!
thank you Emma, you are very kind
there is any available IELTS books
Dear Teacher, Happy New Year.
9 out of 9. Very useful tips which I’m gonna put in action. Thank you very much for your amazing lessons.
thank you for videos emma
Thank you Emma, excelent lesson.
thanks emma.. very useful :)
Hi Emma, you are a good teacher. Your lessons are very easy to us. Thanks for awesome lessons.
Hi Soei,
I’m interesting learn Persian,
while i read ur profile, I guess u can help me.
Hello, I can help you with your Persian language just on this web. I mean can write your questions’ answers. The best
Good Tips ,
Trying to discipline myself..
GOOD tips and nice teaching methodology
Thanks for the lesson ☺
Dear Emma,
First of all I would like to thank you for this lesson. I have never done the IELTS exam and do not know how we can write the answers on the paper sheet. Does it need to be in written by pen? What can we take to the exam? Could you please do a video about that?
Thanks for everything. Have a wonderful year.
Regards, Lucas
Thanks Emma
I think that i will go and take that sort of anxious test .
According with you, which are the best option to take an english exam? IELTS or TOFEL
I got 5/9. I am angry on myself. You have pleasant accent for me. I understand you very well.
Thank you very much Emma:)
thank you Emma
I got 9/9. Teacher Emma’s lessons are clear and easy to understand. Thank you, Emma.
thank emma very intersting
Hello everyone, looking for someone to practice English speaking.
I am preparing for IELTS. My English level in B2.
Here is my Skype ID: ehtisham.hussain.kokab
Tahnk you so mach
Thank you Emma! Your lessons are great and they I’m sure they will really help prepare better for my test.
I oppreciateing ur hard working to learn us English.
I like ur lessions. Thank u…….
HI .How are you, Emma, Emma I need help
Hi everyone SOMEBODY Help me in IELTS exam
Here is my skype
Hi, am new pls i need help
well, it was my first lesson with you Emma:) It was so fun and interesting… Thank you very much!
Hi Emma thank you, your lessons so help me to imrove my English
Thank you Emma for lessons
Hi Emma! I enjoyed your lesson! Thanks a lot!
Thanks a Lot..
I’ve really enjoy this session..!
Hello mam
I need help to improve my English so plz help me
Emma, i loved your video… I needed heard this informations, because I saw that my method of study was totally wrong…
hi emma. if am bad if tense,do i qualify the writing and reading part or not
Hi Emma,
I have learned a lot of lessons from you but I have a question that how and when
do we use ‘ with + verb’ . You taught us how to use ‘with + noun’. I was so nice.
Hi Emma,
I have learned a lot of lessons from you but I have a question that how and when
do we use ‘ with + verb’ . You taught us how to use ‘with + noun’. It was so nice.
Thank you very much Emma!
Emma the best!
thank you so much.
Hi, i have a question.
How to describe images. For example if there are 2 images and we are asked to tell the difference between them how are we going to compare in regard to describe the image?
thanks a lot
Emma, thank you for your studying tips – they are great!!!)
Need to get more practice
hi emma ı want to a lot thanks ı join a new:)))
Thank you Emma!
good striges
Thanks Emma
Hi Emma,
Congratulations for this lesson!
Thank you so much for help us.
Hi Emma, really it good top points helpfully. Thank you very much Emma,
I love this lesson so much. thank you thank yo thankyou:)))
thanks emma your pronunciation is very easy to understand and i get study more.
thank you Emma i like your tricks and will keep watching your video
I’ve got 9:9. Thank you Emma for these useful tips which include doing study plans and taking tests. I’m preparing IELTS test hoping these tips can work on me.
Thanks for great efforts and presentations
Very useful tips.
You’re very dynamic and your explanation is easy to understand.
Thanks Emma!
Great! its fun while learning from you……
This is very interesting lesson . I’v got 8/9
thanks for your lesson Emma
Thanks Emma. This is very useful.
thanks a lot
Thank you very much Emma.
Thank you so much.?????
thank you Emma
Keep it Up Asmaa You can you will
I don’t know I did mistake. I was given the test with confidently.
Thank you
Emma, You are the best !!
thank you Emma for your video, it’s really helpful.
Dear Emma you the best
i found your lesson so interesting and valuable
thanks you for this great effort you made
thank y ou Emma
Thanks Emma ! You are the best …regards
Thanks, Mrs. Emma
very helpful video
I want to learn word order in English, Emma. Please give me a lessen for it.
Teacher Emma Bundle of Thanks.
Its very helpful.
Thank you Emma!!
I really like this Emma’s video lesson. Thank you for your exertion Emma! <3
Thank you Emma. I really liked it.
Thank you Emma. It’s really a amazing session. Thank you..!!
The quiz was nice,though am a beginner but I do enjoy it
Thank you Emma for this great lesson and useful tips.
Thank u sooo much for giving excellent tips!!!!!!!
Hi Emma, your videos are always very useful. I’ve included some of your tips in my learning process, Thank you…
For other students:
Some time ago, and after proof different formal option to study english, I decided study by myself, but my problem now is that I don’t have nobody with who practice my speaking. If someone wish practice with me my mail is: englishlearner977@gmail.com.
Thanks Emma for all your tips!!
In my opinion, and according to my experience as a student at university, repetition is the most effective way to learn something. I know it can be boring, but for me it works.
Hi Emma! Very useful, i got 6 out of 10 But i did look wich the fails were.
I got 8/9! Thanks for the lesson!
Thanks a lot!
It’s a good tip.
Thanks Emma.
It is great! Thanks Emma.
You are very intelligent and nice. Congratulations
Thank you Emma :)
Any one help me
start from where ?
Hello from Tashkent) What sites would you recommend for having online toefl practice?
Hi Emma
This is my second lesson, I have learned more tips about the study from this video, thank you very much.
great tips , it is really helps me
Thank you so much for your lesson. It is really helpful. Please share more useful tips regarding study strategies, job searching, network-building, etc. You are absolutely a good fit for lecturing.DJ! :)
Thank you Emma, I love your lesson a lot !!
tx emma.its really helpful and you are the best teacher for me
Thank you Emma,it is useful.
thank u so muchhh
hello EMMA I want a methodology for learning English
Hi, great video thanks
thanks for your support emma
thank you , my dear teacher
It is a good class,thank you
I got 9 out of 9. Thanks Emma! (y)
Thank you, Emmma.
Emma Thank you.
thank you
Thank you very much
You got 9 correct out of 9.
9/9, Thank you, Emma!
Thank you Emma :)
9/9 thanks Emma for this tips, its very important and useful
Thanks alot. It is a really good lessob
100% correct! thanks!
how can i find lessons step by step like levels and after the
lessons i want to have some exam
You can browse by levels on the front page!
great Video..I just love them.. I have made my mind that I will complete your IELTS-66 Online course….Everyday- 2 video..Just completed. Beginner Level- 2 Videos..
Thank you Emma, these tips surely are very helpful indeed.
without watching your video 6 out of 9 is not bad at all.
overall its good experience.
i liked English because of you , you have interesting , simple way of teaching really many thanks to you , God bless you
thank you emma you are great teacher i am happy to watch
How to watch the video?
Emma you are the best,I love your classes
i got 8 out of 9…… thanks mam Emma… I love your videos
i got 8 out of 9.. Emma your videos are very useful for all of us who are interested to apply it seriously in practically.
I like Emma! She give me advice easily. I got 9/9 Thanks!
thanks u emma
Thanks Emma’s teacher
I’ve got 9/9. Thanks a lot, Emma!
Thank you Emma. I will do my own version in Spanish and I will share it.
Thanks Emma. I am getting better and I strongly recommend students preparing for ielts exam to watch and practice all that was said in your video.
thanks Emma! i understand you very well
Thanks, I got 9/9. Your way of teaching is brilliant.
thank you very much Emma, I got 8/9. LOL
Thanks teacher!!!
thanks very much ms emma but i don’t know the program is in order or i can choose what i need for the study i love your teaching thanks very much
Thank you so much Emma.
thanks Emma
Hello Emma
thanks Emma
Thanks Emma it’s really helpful
Is realliy a very nice lesson. Truly important in any academic study
I got 50/9. My answer so bad?
After i try again, i got 100..yeayy..
Very interesting. Thanks Miss Emma.
I got 9/9. Thnku so much teacher
Thank you very mutch. This was great and useful lesson.
thank you
I got 7 points of 9
With Which question is What is an important tip to prepare for and do well on a test.
Actually I don’t arrive early before the text start, now I realize what problem I do HAHA
hi emma you r a best teacher
Nice lesson. Thanks
I need IELTs or TOEFL for searching masters and jobs abroad
thank you very much my sweet teacher
Who can answer my question is the genius, the question is: “How many stars on the sky? (give me the number =), good luck with my question)” lol!!!
You are great emma. Thank you
Hi Emma. It is very useful for me. Thanks a lot
thank you so much for this lesson
I don’t agree with the drinking alcohol tip
Thanks emma.
Thanks emma, I like your lesson
Thank you
i like your teaching style ,thank you
i am extremely grateful for your tips.
Hi teacher Emma! I’m so glad I found a teacher like you. I got 100% but not to some topics. i really like your teaching. Cheers Ms.
Thanks Emma
Thank you for this useful lesson emma
thanks emma for your tips
Hello Emma….. Thanks for your grate lectures….. One think I would like to ask you that….. I already gave ielts and got 6 band but the university I want to get admitted they ask for 6.5 bands and mailed me a conditional offer. And i am planning to take ielts this month at 15th of Dec. And I am studying at home only by watching your videos so can you please guide me for each module specially for reading section.
Hi emma ? i got 8/9 score ? thank you
Thank you
Hi, Good Night thanks a lot, i Hope your tips help me and a will watch more videos..
Hi Emma, Your videos’s are really helpful to me and trying to develop myself a lot. And I am eagerly waiting to watch your new video lessons.
bye and take care,
Thanks a lot Mrs. Emma!
You are the best ?
Hi Emma, i watching yours videos and they are helpping me a lot of. Thank you
Excellent Emma
Can’t I fix your brain into mine!
think you ms.emma,?????
got 100/100
Thank you Emma for the great tips. I will use them to my study. I will apply for PhD in 2020.
Thanks a lot
Thanks Emma.
This is a very good lesson.
Thanks, Emma you are the best ever. I really liked all your tips to present a successful exam.
you are amazing teacher i love your vedios
Hi emmma, i am a biginer but i understood enam
Thanks Emma, for the best and very clear lesson.I got 8/9 and i missed the question number 5. :)
Thank you Emm. It was very useful.
Thanks for your website ❤️❤️
Thanks,Ema! I got 9/9 correct answers!
Thanks for your tips. You teach very good.
tnxxxx miss emma
Thank you Teacher Emma.
Emma, I achieve 8 correct out of 9 in your quiz, thanks for everythings! :)
me too
I got 8 in your quiz, thanks.
Very usefull. Thanks Emma.
thank you Emma for your efforts
Wow Emma youa are fantastic thansk for these lession!
Emma you are my happiness
When I watch ur videos all the time i smile
8/9. Good tips for us learning English.
I did the test and I got 10/10 or 100!!
Such a helpful lesson! I feel lucky to find engVid.
Hi I want to get IELTS.But I don’t know how I should start. I also need some vocabulary.
i only watched 10 mins and got 100%(9 out of 9)
It was a excellent lesson, with important tips. Thanks so much Emma!
Nice lesson Emma, thanks!
Emma, thank you for sharing the tips for success!
Tks a lot!!
sorry , i don’t remenber
Hi Dear Emma.
This Time it was great…
Very useful tips Emma! I think you have mastered teaching methodology.
Too many useful techniques and I’m not practicing any of them yet. I love your accent and calm when you’re explaining.
thank you so much
Thank you teacher Emma. I have 8 out of 9.
Thank you
you are the best teacher.
Thank you teacher Emma. You’re the best!!!
Thank you, it have make a drastic change to my life so far. Am ecstatic to be here.
very nive thank you EMMA
Hi Emma ,
This is very important tips for everyone needs to prepare for test
Thanks Emma.
good work thanks at all
thank you emma
Thank Emma, i Got 100
Thanks!!! Cool!!!