Saying goodbye is as easy as 1-2-3, once you know how! Learn an easy three-step method for ending any conversation — formal or informal. Never be stuck in a conversation longer than you want. This simple exit strategy works on the phone or in person, in both social and business situations.
I got 8 correct out of 10. Good for me. Thank you, Rebecca. Bye for now :D
It´s not that bad Happy04! You are used to getting high marks, aren´t you?
Have a great weekend!!!
Believe it or not, oftentimes we do not know how to end a conversation especially if it is formal.
Thanks a million Rebecca for these useful tips for ending a conversation. Looking forward to your next Video-lesson.
Have a great day!
Regino always so kind!
great lesson, thank you very much
Your are my favorite teacher Rebacca,thanks I am watching your classes without fail.I expect more from your classes should cover every aspects of english learning.
10/10 :) Thank you very much!
I got 9 correct out of 10, it’s been pleasure seeing this video, Thank you very much Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca, I feel it can be useful for me. I would appreciate if you will focus on this words “Whatever, Whenever..etc” at your further lessons. I havn’t found anything about it in Engvid at all! Moreover you can join me in Skype alex_sem555 :))
Thanks for the suggestion, Alex, and all the best to you.
Hello Miss Rebecca, Will you please join me on Facebook ?
My ID is: vijay.suryawanshi21
Awaiting to hear from you.
HI Rebecca. Alex gave a good topic for your future lesson. Please do…that.
It will be very helpful to us who have English as a second language.
100% :D
10/10 great.
Jorge Pedroso
Thanks got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
I got 100%
thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot for this lesson
Great pleasure for me :))I got 10 out of 10.thank you Rebecca
it’s been great pleasure watching this video Rebecca thank you very much
My pleasure. My best to you.
Thank you so much Rebecca. Such a lesson is very useful in the day life.
Could you make a similar lesson on how to finish a letter/message/comment?
I never know whether I must use:
Best regards
All the best
Best wishes
Kind regards
Fondest regards
and so on…..
Yep!This is a real problem for some of us too. How about the following phrases “Yours truly” and “Sincerely Yours”? What is the idea they really convey? I wonder . . .
It will help you with your difficulty. My best to you.
I got 10 correct out of 10 (Y). I’s been a pleasure watching your lesson. See you next video :D
Thank you very much, Rebecca!
Hi, Rebecca. I wonder what’s the difference between “Let’s do lunch sometime” and “Let’s have lunch sometime”. Thanks for all your hard work here in Engvid, the best site to learn English. You are all amazing teachers.
Excellent questions! I do not know the difference either. Well . . . on second thought I think the expression “Let´s do lunch” is more colloquial.
I agree with you Jose, this is one of the best web sites to learn English.
Yes, Jose, Regino is right. "Let's do lunch" is a slang expression which is used quite commonly in North America especially. If you are in a more formal situation, it is better to say “Let’s have lunch.” I wish you all the best and thanks to Regino for helping out.
Hello,Rebecca. I like this lesson. And I 10 corrects. Thank you so much
I am sorry i made a mistake. “And I got 10 corrects”
Actually, my dear friend, this is the correct way to express what you want to say:
"I got 10 correct."
My best wishes to you, Nursultan.
100% Thank you, Rebecca. See you for a next lesson.
Waaahh 8 out of 10. Thank you, Rebecca.
10/10 ^^
hello Rebecca could you explain(as well as)how to use in sentence please.
i like it interesting
I feel good with test results 10/10. thanks for your help Rebecca. I’m afraid I have another job appointment, bye for now!!
Dennys Espinoza (Vzla)
Yes.. Thank god I got full marks !!
Mohammad Jamali
5/10 , Thanks very much Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca!
End a conversation is always little harder than start. In Chinese proverb there is one sentence says: Please a God is easy but not easy to send.
Thanks for sharing. All the best.
Tank You, Rebeca. Your lessons are very good.
Ivo Crifar
Were very useful tips, thank you for the class teacher.
Thank you very much teacher good luck !
I got 9 correct answers of 10, thanks you very much Rebecca. it is a helpful lesson really.
Thanks for these useful tips for ending any conversation. Believe it or not, oftentimes we do not know how to end a conversation especially if it is formal.
Thanks a million Rebecca. I’ve got to go,it’s getting late. Looking forward for the next Video-lesson.
By for now.
Looking forward TO the next video-lesson.
Thank you very much. I got 100%
Thank you Rebeca,how can I start my normal (ordinary)conversation ,for example in bus,train,…?
Thank you Rebeca
Very important and helpful, thanks!!!
The Renegade
Your tips on how to end conversations appropriately following a three-steps method were really good, Rebecca. Thank you very much.
Luiz Alberto
Glad the tips helped you, Luiz. When you learn another language, sometimes it’s the “small talk” that’s the hardest to pick up! My best to you.
Very useful.
Short, concise and (specially) useful lesson. Thank you Rebecca (again;).
Thanks. That was very helpful
Clear, easy and understandable lesson, such an insteresting video. Take care teacher, bye for now.
university student
Thank you kindly. All the best, university student!
Thank you, Rebecca!
Thank you very much, Rebecca!
thanks you
Was my first “lesson”, liked a lot ! good method for improve and lear english, thanks.
thanks for you
Thank you very much, I got 10/10 :)
Thanks Rebeca… :) I got 10/10 love this
Hey, I got a 100!
Thanks alot Rebecca!
so good…as always :)
Thanks Rebecca, your lessons are always short and helpful :)
Nam Huynh
thanks you very much. i got 8/10.
Thanks Rebecca for a good lesson.
I got 100%. Thanks teacher..:)
Niloofar Jamal
is there someone interesting in practicing english by Whatsapp¡??
thank you very much. I had a perfect score!!
thank you. until next time.
by for now, thank youuuuuuuu
I’ve got 100%. Thank you EngVid, glade to be one of you.
It is a very useful lesson . Thank you for your tips :)
thank you :)
Chen Ga
thank you
Thanks Rebecca I got 100.
I am going use this way in my next conversations.
best regards
Hi rebeca,would you please explain the expressions in the Pay stubs?
HI mahroo, I believe that means:
“a small part of paper that was used to registration a payment”
Hi anselmo,I mean the paper that end of the every mounth who works ,receives,with information in about days of work,money ….
10/10 100% great ! Thank you very much Rebecca. See you other lesson !
Thank you for your teaching
Oh, Rebecca! This lesson was very good. Maybe I’ll watch others of your lessons next week. See you!
this lesson was very well and I learned a lot from your lesson.
It’s a good lesson and I got 9/10. Thanks you very much good bye,take care.
Have a nice day.
I got 100.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks! :)
It was fun!
happy for 100% of result
Thank you very much
thank Q
yayy!!! :) i got 10/10
taha faruqi
It’s very nice for practice, thank you very much Rebecca.
Thanks, Rebbecca
Thanh Nhu Quynh
I got 100%, Thanks for the video!
Thanks a lot for this lesson
Thank you Rebecca.
I got 90% thanks
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi, Rebecca,thanks a lot for your explanation. Unfortunately, I got 9. I will make additional efforts.
I got 10 thank you teacher
very useful i got 90% thank you for teach.
I got 8 Thanks
Hi Rebecca,
very interesting and helpful lesson.
thanks a lot and take care
Hi Rebecca, thanks I enjoyed with your lesson
thanks mam for giving this opportunity
and sorry i did a 1 mistake
It’s always okay to MAKE a mistake when learning a language, as long as you learn something. All the best to you.
100% thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca :) You teach lessons very well. I understand very well.
Hakuna Matata
i got 10/10 thanks teather soo
I got 100%. Oh look at the time; I’ll see you in the next class, thank you very much Rebecca.
It’s really usefull! Thank you!
how i can open lecture
saqib jan
Great lesson. I’ve learned a lot. Thank you very much :)
Hi Rebecca!
I got your lesson. Hope get yourlesson more. Thank you very much
Very usefull., great method to learn., I got 100%.. Something like this is what I was looking for..
Great and useful lesson.
Thank you Rebecca!
it’s really useful for those who want to improve in English like me
I got 10 of 10
waaaaaaw I got 8 correct out of the 10 thank you so much
Very good lesson! Thank you.
thank you
Thank you.
I got 10 correct out of 10 yahooooo))) th’x so much Rebecca)
thank you for such a helpful classes rebecca
I got 9/10 I think I tried thanks Dear you are gr8
Emeka samuel
how to end the conversation just in case you are in the car . you want to say goodbye . “drive carefully” “give my regard to your mum” you stand at the bus stop . the bus comes late .what would you say?
Very well!!!!
migue samano reyes
Thanks so much for your lesson, Rebecca. Could you pls show me what this phrase means “by all means”? I saw it in Quiz 6. Thanks again!
Good question! The expression “by all means” is a very polite, cultured way of saying, “yes, of course” or “Yes, of course, you may certainly do that.” as in Question 6. It is much nicer than just saying “yes”. I am sure you will go far with such a good attitude to learning and by paying attention to the details as you clearly are doing. My best wishes to you!
I got 10 out of 10.thanks dear Rebecca.
how can i get my score >.<
Complete the test and your score shows up automatically. All the best!
You will automatically receive your score while you fill up all questions and then click On ( finish ) button.
Hope it works for you
Muhsen Hadi
Hi everyone, I got 7 score but I didn’t focus carefully that is why I missed 3 of them.anyway, due to I am new student here and I will try to get complete score for future.
Muhsen Hadi
Thank you very much.
mohy tahon
Thank you so much! My scor is 10! Very useful lesson.
100! Thank you. I immediately use this study.
Nobu Goto
thank you rebecca this three minutes class are going to be useful for all my life.
I also want to congrats you because you speak very clear and that makes it easy to understand your class, thanks again.
Glad to hear the lessons are helping you. All the best to you.
what a meaning lesson. Thank you very much, i have got 9/10 mark. :)
Hoang Hien
It was a pleasure listen to you, Rebecca. I have to go to another video. Thanks for now!!
Thanks Rebeca , as a new student I am, I found very helpfull this lesson…..
I was 100% good in this quiz, thank you Rebecca.
I got 10 correct :) great lesson thnx a lot
Thanks Rebecca :) God bless you
Hello Rebecca. I’m quite fond of your accent but you ‘re talking so the way, I’ve got 100% correct.It’s been so pleased talking to you now. Let’s get in touch later. goodbye now see you soon.☺☺☺
I got 100% it was very easy lesson,thank you Rebeca.
I got 80% try more !
Kim Eng
great test
Glad to know you are learning successfully from the lessons. That makes a teacher’s heart sing! Thanks and all the best to you.
how way larning eng in this site
Mir hossain
Thanks, so i can listen a little !:D, I’m from Vietnam
100/100 A cool lesson
I got 10 correct. Thank you very much.
You got 9 correct out of 10 it was great lesson thank u rebeca see you on next ^_^
Dear Teacher,
Kin:ly let us know the proper use of “I m afraid”, is it similar to “I m sorry?”
Shuaib Nadwi
Thank you Rebecca, I got 10 correct. :)
Hi Rebecca, You are doing such a great job. Got 10 out of 10 and got more than 100 percent certainty! Now, this is what you gave me!
I am not going to take more of your time, and I hope to visit more of the lessons and may be see you elsewhere.
Take care and God bless you.
Thank you miss Rebecca!!
Thank you so much. Your lectures as well as resources helps me a lot.^^
I got 100/100 in this Quiz.I would like say thanks to Miss Rebecca.
always 9/10
I got 10 of 10. Great for me. juppy!
9 out of 10. Not bad for first time learner.
fama fall
I wish all the best for Rebecca
thank you!
Thanks Rebecca it was a great lesson …. I gotta go to watch another lesson .. see in the next video teacher .. bye for now.
Hi, Rebecca. I had difficulties to close a business conversation, and this lesson will help me a lot. Thanks and keep up the good work!
Elen Alves
It was so interesting and simple, thank you very much !
it was so easy and useful thx teacher very much but i want help??? how can i be good at making correct sentences ??? thx :)
mina nabeeeh
it is very useful thank you and very generous of you.
I got90 correct out of 100. Good for me. Thank you, Rebecca
I got 90 correct out of 100. Good for me. Thank you, Rebecca
Thanks. :)
It’s been a pleasure studying with you. I’ll sign on Youtube-channel. Many thanks, Christian
Impressive lesson. Thanks much!
Goyal Pulkit
Great Lesson
I got 100% thanks for the lesson :)
Nahla Mohamed Wahba
I got 100% yay , we just have to put in practice and constantly use these vocabulary , Good Luck Guys , Buena suerte a todos
thank you teacher . its been a pleasure to watch your lessos
Labeeb p p
Oh, look at the time, I am Afraid I have to go, bye for now take care
thank you for great video!)
Thank you for your lesson. It is useful for me.
thanks % 100 I done
yurrec ader
Dear Rebecca,
This has been a pleasure listening to you.
I will see you next hour.
Thank you very much.
Best regards.
Good lesson
mohammed mohamoud
Great lesson, just like all of them :-)
I’ve got 11 out of 10 ))) thx Rebbeca.
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Fantastic the anwser no.3 to the first question!
ahahahaaaah….insulting them
Thank you Rebecca! I got 100.
Take care. bye for now)
Thank you very much, Rebecca) good luck)
Yeeees I got it again
Thank u and I really want to do lunch sometime :)
Zainab Awni
Thank you Teacher Rebecca for teaching me one of very important languge in the world to communicat with different kind people. so long.
means i have study more
on the future i would like do the test again.
I got 9 :)
mohamed Abdul Aziz
Dear Rebecca,
Your lessons are very clear, brief, and useful!
Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you Teacher Rebecca the lesson you thought me right now is daily basic conversation,as my English writing and speaking is poor,I have to study very well.Thanks a lot.
Exellent…, thanks so much….
I got 10/10, I appreciate Rebecca for the lesson you thought.
so useful, thank u, Rebecca!
Thanks so much
philis chibala
Bye for now take care
Miguel Frontado
tnx , New concept for me
Thank you very much. You have really helped me to understand.
Frist of all I would like to say I love your lesson very much.
I’m new here and not good in English skills. Please help me.
I appreciate you lesson very much. Like everyone here i would like to improve my engles. Any advise?
It’s greate for me 10 of 10
dovgyj was amazing.make me easy to learned
I am so thankful this quizes are doing their job I am really pleased
i got 90%
I got 100 %
Paulo Henrique Sa vale
i like the way you teach Rebecca “simple and clear in easiest way” , by the way I got 10 thank you
Thank you for giving an English lessons for me. Bye for now.
I got 10.I”ll try my best everytime.bye for now!
Good lesson!!!
Thanks, ma’am Rebecca.Great lesson. I got 100
wow! i must see this video soon..^^ thank you..
I got 10 of 10. Thank you Rebeca. Bye for now. Take care1
Hello Rebicca,
It’s been a pleasure attending this lecture .Let’s get together soon.Bye for now,take care.
Author Rakesh
i got 8 marks out for 10
9out of 10 i’m enjoying your lessons it was great
sasikala senani
9/10 ..Thank You !!!
Amad Durrani
Good suggestion on the topic.nice lesson.Thanks Rebecca
You got 7 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot
M kartal
I have 9 of 10?.Thank you Rebeca great lesson
Thank you, Rebecca.
Jesan Chuang
I got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you, Rebecca.
Thanks Ms. Rebecca.
it’s been a real pleasure to watch this lesson, so you are a very good teacher. thank you very much.
I’m got 8 correc answers.
Got 10 correct out of 10.
I think be polite is the key to say goodbye
Thank you so much .
I love the way you taught; easy for me to understand your lesson.
God Bless You.
Oh look at the time. I learned enough for today. Tomorrow I will continue watching your excellent classes. Thank you very much.
i got 10 correct out of 10. you taught clearly , Rebecca. Thank you
JD kim
Thanks Rebecca I got 10 out of 10 ?
Thanks a million mam for the tips on ending a conversation.It’s so useful,more informative and very clear.I love your lesson as ever.let’s have lunch sometime,take care, bye for are amazing have explained with a great eloquence.This class was remarkable and excellent.
thank you, my best teacher!
I progress with you…That’s very kind of you.
Thanks,everything clear.
Tatiana Tutane
i learn more from your videos
hemangi Amit Jani
Dear Mrs. Rebecca, thank you with all your videos and English’s Grammar and it is very helpfull for my English skill improvement.
I learn more from these video
Kirandeep kaur sidhu
Many thanks ,Actually these questions sound more polite in my opinion
Learn English for free with 2157 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I got 8 correct out of 10. Good for me. Thank you, Rebecca. Bye for now :D
It´s not that bad Happy04! You are used to getting high marks, aren´t you?
Have a great weekend!!!
Believe it or not, oftentimes we do not know how to end a conversation especially if it is formal.
Thanks a million Rebecca for these useful tips for ending a conversation. Looking forward to your next Video-lesson.
Have a great day!
Regino always so kind!
great lesson, thank you very much
Your are my favorite teacher Rebacca,thanks I am watching your classes without fail.I expect more from your classes should cover every aspects of english learning.
10/10 :) Thank you very much!
I got 9 correct out of 10, it’s been pleasure seeing this video, Thank you very much Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca, I feel it can be useful for me. I would appreciate if you will focus on this words “Whatever, Whenever..etc” at your further lessons. I havn’t found anything about it in Engvid at all! Moreover you can join me in Skype alex_sem555 :))
Thanks for the suggestion, Alex, and all the best to you.
Hello Miss Rebecca, Will you please join me on Facebook ?
My ID is: vijay.suryawanshi21
Awaiting to hear from you.
HI Rebecca. Alex gave a good topic for your future lesson. Please do…that.
It will be very helpful to us who have English as a second language.
100% :D
10/10 great.
Thanks got 90%.
I got 100%
thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot for this lesson
Great pleasure for me :))I got 10 out of 10.thank you Rebecca
it’s been great pleasure watching this video Rebecca thank you very much
My pleasure. My best to you.
Thank you so much Rebecca. Such a lesson is very useful in the day life.
Could you make a similar lesson on how to finish a letter/message/comment?
I never know whether I must use:
Best regards
All the best
Best wishes
Kind regards
Fondest regards
and so on…..
Yep!This is a real problem for some of us too. How about the following phrases “Yours truly” and “Sincerely Yours”? What is the idea they really convey? I wonder . . .
Regards JP from Paris
You could watch this lesson:
It will help you with your difficulty. My best to you.
I got 10 correct out of 10 (Y). I’s been a pleasure watching your lesson. See you next video :D
Thank you very much, Rebecca!
Hi, Rebecca. I wonder what’s the difference between “Let’s do lunch sometime” and “Let’s have lunch sometime”. Thanks for all your hard work here in Engvid, the best site to learn English. You are all amazing teachers.
Excellent questions! I do not know the difference either. Well . . . on second thought I think the expression “Let´s do lunch” is more colloquial.
I agree with you Jose, this is one of the best web sites to learn English.
Yes, Jose, Regino is right.
"Let's do lunch"
is a slang expression which is used quite commonly in North America especially. If you are in a more formal situation, it is better to say “Let’s have lunch.” I wish you all the best and thanks to Regino for helping out.Hello,Rebecca. I like this lesson. And I 10 corrects. Thank you so much
I am sorry i made a mistake. “And I got 10 corrects”
Actually, my dear friend, this is the correct way to express what you want to say:
"I got 10 correct."
My best wishes to you, Nursultan.
100% Thank you, Rebecca. See you for a next lesson.
Waaahh 8 out of 10. Thank you, Rebecca.
10/10 ^^
hello Rebecca could you explain(as well as)how to use in sentence please.
i like it interesting
I feel good with test results 10/10. thanks for your help Rebecca. I’m afraid I have another job appointment, bye for now!!
Yes.. Thank god I got full marks !!
5/10 , Thanks very much Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca!
End a conversation is always little harder than start. In Chinese proverb there is one sentence says: Please a God is easy but not easy to send.
Thanks for sharing. All the best.
Tank You, Rebeca. Your lessons are very good.
Were very useful tips, thank you for the class teacher.
Thank you very much teacher good luck !
I got 9 correct answers of 10, thanks you very much Rebecca. it is a helpful lesson really.
Thanks for these useful tips for ending any conversation. Believe it or not, oftentimes we do not know how to end a conversation especially if it is formal.
Thanks a million Rebecca. I’ve got to go,it’s getting late. Looking forward for the next Video-lesson.
By for now.
Looking forward TO the next video-lesson.
Thank you very much. I got 100%
Thank you Rebeca,how can I start my normal (ordinary)conversation ,for example in bus,train,…?
Thank you Rebeca
Very important and helpful, thanks!!!
Your tips on how to end conversations appropriately following a three-steps method were really good, Rebecca. Thank you very much.
Glad the tips helped you, Luiz. When you learn another language, sometimes it’s the “small talk” that’s the hardest to pick up! My best to you.
Very useful.
Short, concise and (specially) useful lesson. Thank you Rebecca (again;).
Thanks. That was very helpful
Clear, easy and understandable lesson, such an insteresting video. Take care teacher, bye for now.
Thank you kindly. All the best, university student!
Thank you, Rebecca!
Thank you very much, Rebecca!
thanks you
Was my first “lesson”, liked a lot ! good method for improve and lear english, thanks.
thanks for you
Thank you very much, I got 10/10 :)
Thanks Rebeca… :) I got 10/10 love this
Hey, I got a 100!
Thanks alot Rebecca!
so good…as always :)
Thanks Rebecca, your lessons are always short and helpful :)
thanks you very much. i got 8/10.
Thanks Rebecca for a good lesson.
I got 100%. Thanks teacher..:)
is there someone interesting in practicing english by Whatsapp¡??
thank you very much. I had a perfect score!!
thank you. until next time.
by for now, thank youuuuuuuu
I’ve got 100%. Thank you EngVid, glade to be one of you.
It is a very useful lesson . Thank you for your tips :)
thank you :)
thank you
Thanks Rebecca I got 100.
I am going use this way in my next conversations.
best regards
Hi rebeca,would you please explain the expressions in the Pay stubs?
HI mahroo, I believe that means:
“a small part of paper that was used to registration a payment”
Hi anselmo,I mean the paper that end of the every mounth who works ,receives,with information in about days of work,money ….
10/10 100% great ! Thank you very much Rebecca. See you other lesson !
Thank you for your teaching
Oh, Rebecca! This lesson was very good. Maybe I’ll watch others of your lessons next week. See you!
this lesson was very well and I learned a lot from your lesson.
It’s a good lesson and I got 9/10. Thanks you very much good bye,take care.
Have a nice day.
I got 100.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks! :)
It was fun!
happy for 100% of result
Thank you very much
thank Q
yayy!!! :) i got 10/10
It’s very nice for practice, thank you very much Rebecca.
Thanks, Rebbecca
I got 100%, Thanks for the video!
Thanks a lot for this lesson
Thank you Rebecca.
I got 90% thanks
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi, Rebecca,thanks a lot for your explanation. Unfortunately, I got 9. I will make additional efforts.
I got 10 thank you teacher
very useful i got 90% thank you for teach.
I got 8 Thanks
Hi Rebecca,
very interesting and helpful lesson.
thanks a lot and take care
Hi Rebecca, thanks I enjoyed with your lesson
thanks mam for giving this opportunity
and sorry i did a 1 mistake
It’s always okay to MAKE a mistake when learning a language, as long as you learn something. All the best to you.
100% thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca :) You teach lessons very well. I understand very well.
i got 10/10 thanks teather soo
I got 100%. Oh look at the time; I’ll see you in the next class, thank you very much Rebecca.
It’s really usefull! Thank you!
how i can open lecture
Great lesson. I’ve learned a lot. Thank you very much :)
Hi Rebecca!
I got your lesson. Hope get yourlesson more. Thank you very much
Very usefull., great method to learn., I got 100%.. Something like this is what I was looking for..
Great and useful lesson.
Thank you Rebecca!
it’s really useful for those who want to improve in English like me
I got 10 of 10
waaaaaaw I got 8 correct out of the 10 thank you so much
Very good lesson! Thank you.
thank you
Thank you.
I got 10 correct out of 10 yahooooo))) th’x so much Rebecca)
thank you for such a helpful classes rebecca
I got 9/10 I think I tried thanks Dear you are gr8
how to end the conversation just in case you are in the car . you want to say goodbye . “drive carefully” “give my regard to your mum” you stand at the bus stop . the bus comes late .what would you say?
Very well!!!!
Thanks so much for your lesson, Rebecca. Could you pls show me what this phrase means “by all means”? I saw it in Quiz 6. Thanks again!
Good question! The expression “by all means” is a very polite, cultured way of saying, “yes, of course” or “Yes, of course, you may certainly do that.” as in Question 6. It is much nicer than just saying “yes”. I am sure you will go far with such a good attitude to learning and by paying attention to the details as you clearly are doing. My best wishes to you!
I got 10 out of 10.thanks dear Rebecca.
how can i get my score >.<
Complete the test and your score shows up automatically. All the best!
You will automatically receive your score while you fill up all questions and then click On ( finish ) button.
Hope it works for you
Hi everyone, I got 7 score but I didn’t focus carefully that is why I missed 3 of them.anyway, due to I am new student here and I will try to get complete score for future.
Thank you very much.
Thank you so much! My scor is 10! Very useful lesson.
100! Thank you. I immediately use this study.
thank you rebecca this three minutes class are going to be useful for all my life.
I also want to congrats you because you speak very clear and that makes it easy to understand your class, thanks again.
Glad to hear the lessons are helping you. All the best to you.
what a meaning lesson. Thank you very much, i have got 9/10 mark. :)
It was a pleasure listen to you, Rebecca. I have to go to another video. Thanks for now!!
Thanks Rebeca , as a new student I am, I found very helpfull this lesson…..
I was 100% good in this quiz, thank you Rebecca.
I got 10 correct :) great lesson thnx a lot
Thanks Rebecca :) God bless you
Hello Rebecca. I’m quite fond of your accent but you ‘re talking so the way, I’ve got 100% correct.It’s been so pleased talking to you now. Let’s get in touch later. goodbye now see you soon.☺☺☺
I got 100% it was very easy lesson,thank you Rebeca.
I got 80% try more !
great test
Glad to know you are learning successfully from the lessons. That makes a teacher’s heart sing! Thanks and all the best to you.
how way larning eng in this site
Thanks, so i can listen a little !:D, I’m from Vietnam
100/100 A cool lesson
I got 10 correct. Thank you very much.
You got 9 correct out of 10 it was great lesson thank u rebeca see you on next ^_^
Dear Teacher,
Kin:ly let us know the proper use of “I m afraid”, is it similar to “I m sorry?”
Thank you Rebecca, I got 10 correct. :)
Hi Rebecca, You are doing such a great job. Got 10 out of 10 and got more than 100 percent certainty! Now, this is what you gave me!
I am not going to take more of your time, and I hope to visit more of the lessons and may be see you elsewhere.
Take care and God bless you.
Thank you miss Rebecca!!
Thank you so much. Your lectures as well as resources helps me a lot.^^
I got 100/100 in this Quiz.I would like say thanks to Miss Rebecca.
always 9/10
I got 10 of 10. Great for me. juppy!
9 out of 10. Not bad for first time learner.
I wish all the best for Rebecca
thank you!
Thanks Rebecca it was a great lesson …. I gotta go to watch another lesson .. see in the next video teacher .. bye for now.
Hi, Rebecca. I had difficulties to close a business conversation, and this lesson will help me a lot. Thanks and keep up the good work!
It was so interesting and simple, thank you very much !
it was so easy and useful thx teacher very much but i want help??? how can i be good at making correct sentences ??? thx :)
it is very useful thank you and very generous of you.
I got90 correct out of 100. Good for me. Thank you, Rebecca
I got 90 correct out of 100. Good for me. Thank you, Rebecca
Thanks. :)
It’s been a pleasure studying with you. I’ll sign on Youtube-channel. Many thanks, Christian
Impressive lesson. Thanks much!
Great Lesson
I got 100% thanks for the lesson :)
I got 100% yay , we just have to put in practice and constantly use these vocabulary , Good Luck Guys , Buena suerte a todos
thank you teacher . its been a pleasure to watch your lessos
Oh, look at the time, I am Afraid I have to go, bye for now take care
thank you for great video!)
Thank you for your lesson. It is useful for me.
thanks % 100 I done
Dear Rebecca,
This has been a pleasure listening to you.
I will see you next hour.
Thank you very much.
Best regards.
Good lesson
Great lesson, just like all of them :-)
I’ve got 11 out of 10 ))) thx Rebbeca.
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Fantastic the anwser no.3 to the first question!
ahahahaaaah….insulting them
Thank you Rebecca! I got 100.
Take care. bye for now)
Thank you very much, Rebecca) good luck)
Yeeees I got it again
Thank u and I really want to do lunch sometime :)
Thank you Teacher Rebecca for teaching me one of very important languge in the world to communicat with different kind people. so long.
means i have study more
on the future i would like do the test again.
I got 9 :)
Dear Rebecca,
Your lessons are very clear, brief, and useful!
Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you Teacher Rebecca the lesson you thought me right now is daily basic conversation,as my English writing and speaking is poor,I have to study very well.Thanks a lot.
Exellent…, thanks so much….
I got 10/10, I appreciate Rebecca for the lesson you thought.
so useful, thank u, Rebecca!
Thanks so much
Bye for now take care
tnx , New concept for me
Thank you very much. You have really helped me to understand.
Frist of all I would like to say I love your lesson very much.
I’m new here and not good in English skills. Please help me.
I appreciate you lesson very much. Like everyone here i would like to improve my engles. Any advise?
It’s greate for me 10 of 10 was amazing.make me easy to learned
I am so thankful this quizes are doing their job I am really pleased
i got 90%
I got 100 %
i like the way you teach Rebecca “simple and clear in easiest way” , by the way I got 10 thank you
Thank you for giving an English lessons for me. Bye for now.
I got 10.I”ll try my best everytime.bye for now!
Good lesson!!!
Thanks, ma’am Rebecca.Great lesson. I got 100
wow! i must see this video soon..^^ thank you..
I got 10 of 10. Thank you Rebeca. Bye for now. Take care1
Hello Rebicca,
It’s been a pleasure attending this lecture .Let’s get together soon.Bye for now,take care.
i got 8 marks out for 10
9out of 10 i’m enjoying your lessons it was great
9/10 ..Thank You !!!
Good suggestion on the topic.nice lesson.Thanks Rebecca
You got 7 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot
I have 9 of 10?.Thank you Rebeca great lesson
Thank you, Rebecca.
I got 9 correct out of 10. Thank you, Rebecca.
Thanks Ms. Rebecca.
it’s been a real pleasure to watch this lesson, so you are a very good teacher. thank you very much.
I’m got 8 correc answers.
Got 10 correct out of 10.
I think be polite is the key to say goodbye
Thank you so much .
I love the way you taught; easy for me to understand your lesson.
God Bless You.
Oh look at the time. I learned enough for today. Tomorrow I will continue watching your excellent classes. Thank you very much.
i got 10 correct out of 10. you taught clearly , Rebecca. Thank you
Thanks Rebecca I got 10 out of 10 ?
Thanks a million mam for the tips on ending a conversation.It’s so useful,more informative and very clear.I love your lesson as ever.let’s have lunch sometime,take care, bye for are amazing have explained with a great eloquence.This class was remarkable and excellent.
thank you, my best teacher!
I progress with you…That’s very kind of you.
Thanks,everything clear.
i learn more from your videos
Dear Mrs. Rebecca, thank you with all your videos and English’s Grammar and it is very helpfull for my English skill improvement.
I learn more from these video
Many thanks ,Actually these questions sound more polite in my opinion
I got 8/10.
Thank you! =)