Here’s a grammar lesson for advanced students of English. There are many ways to use infinitives in English. Did you know that an infinitive can be used as a subject, object, subject complement, adjective, or adverb? It’s true. In this grammar lesson, I look at these five common ways to use infinitives. Once you’re done with this lesson, don’t forget to check out my lessons on common verbs followed by infinitives, and active and passive infinitives.
Me encanta la pronunciación del profesor. Es excelente.
Luisa Elena Cecchetti
Thank you so much for this great lesson !
As you said it’s not a real problem not to remember the functions or the roles of these infinitives, but the most important is to know how to use them correctly while speaking or writing !
Thank you Alex.
Thanks Alex! You have been my favorite teacher so far :)
I couldn´t agree more!!! Mr. Makar is also one of my favorite online teachers. He explains grammar with great ease.
I take my hat off to him!
I followed your adviced Alex, and watched this video again; just to make sure I had understood the different functions of infinitives in a sentence.
Of course I redid the quiz, well-desined by the way.
Bye, take care.
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
Yes alex is teacher good
Wow!!! Great lesson!!! Thanks a lot!!!
thank Alex very much!
Do you learn english too. My english is not very well.
Holly Jack
Thanks Alex! I love your lessons! but I not have enough practice! What do you advice me?
Hey Brunno, actually yes, you can say it like that, the gerund replaces the infinitive as a subject in the sentence, hope it was helpful.
I want to learn more to improve my English. Thank you Alex :)
Me too Happy04, we all are in the same boat.
Keep on the good work ! ! !
Very interesting lesson. Thank you Alex.
new insight. Thanks Alex
Nice lesson Alex
One day i’ll talk like a native english :)
Thanks Alex for very useful lesson!!!
kuba aka
Thanks Alex.
Thank you Alex. All your lessons are very interesting.
Yes all lesson mor important
Thanks Alex, I want to learn to speak english :)
To learn English with you is to assist me; Thanks a lot!
I got 100, thanks Alex!!
thanks for the lesson!
Thanks Alex .. it was so clear .. I want to watch more lessons to get my English improved :)
Regards .
Hi alex.. i just want to learn how to use “won’t”?
Hi!How are you? Most of Philippine are good english.Why you study english?
Holly Jack
Thank you, Alex! It seems to be very helpful for me.:)
Konstantyn Yefimov
good lesson, motly the latest words : grammar in non timportant thant speaking
Great! thaks
Thanks Alex,
you are my grammar wizard:)
hi Emma could you help me how to learn rules phonetic
it is always useful to watch a learning video, no matter it is new or old
Thank you for your lesson! It was interesting to get to know how to use some grammatical structures. F.e.”to” at the beginning of the sentence or that it can be right to use some “to” in one sentence.
well…..i took the test, scored 10 out of 10, it was very easy, basic english, but i wonder whether IELTS will be as easy as such……still i appreciate this website and the teachers here who have put up such an effort to teach people english…..hats off to you all
Can I get all the collection of lessons in one package ? Thanks
Ardaneswara Purnama Putra
7/10 :-( “to be or not to be that’s …..” maybe not to be 7/10?????… :-((
Jorge Pedroso
I have one question to you Adam. In the beginning of the lesson you have used the word “often” and you spelled the “T”? I thought the T was mute in the word!
Jorge Pedroso
Bom día Jorge,
Not “spelled”, you actually meant “pronounced”. Check out e.g. .
Both patterns are used. In the UK, “t” is usually silent in this word, but it depends on the origin of the speaker.
Hello Alex, can you explain this for me :
The first step is to feel positive about learning English. I don’t understan why we have to use ” to feel” instead of feeling.
By the way, your lesson is very useful for me. Thank you
Thanks, I got 70% without watching the lesson.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Alex!
First of all I wanted to thank you for the lesson; Second,I did catch the difference between the example “I want to help you” (object) and “He wants to leave” (adjective). Could you help me to understand?
thanks a lot!
thank you so much
majd zakarneh
Thanks Alex!
I got 100! Thanks Alex
Thank you very much. The lesson was very interesting.
this is my fist time in this side, I am learning a lot, thank Alex and everyone.
thank you for the lessons Mr. Alex! I’m sure this video lesson will improve my english comprehension. :)
thank you Mr Alex
At some point of the video, you said “It’s not that important to…” I’d like to know if there are differences among the constructions “it’s not that +verb”, “it’s not so +verb” and it’s not much +verb”.
You help me to learn english so easily!!! Thank you Alex :)
hi katerinapas1
i would like to practice english with you, please add me on skype neeraj.punia1
Thanks. It was very intrasting.
Dear Alex..
Hope you are okay.
Would you mind to lend me a helping hand please?
Is my sentence is okay ??!!!
” This is a profitable book which you can learn a lot through “.
My ? is : Is is possible to leave the word “through” at the end of the sentence without the pronoun “it” at last ? In written English I meant.
Many tnx in advance
It is correct.
Is my sentence okay??!!!
The 2nd excuse…
Is it possible ?
I’ve got it.
Up me !
Lesson was good, but quiz is too easy
I’d like to say thank you cause you always show me about Grammar Pronounciation. It’s great Idea.
Holly Jack
tks for your lesson
Good lesson. It was mi first one
thank you
I like learning English very much .I would like to improve my English . I would like to speak English fluently .I would like to listen ,read and write well.Please,help me . Please , provide me with books , CD and a computer.
Muhammad Moustafa Hassan Ibrahim Fareeka
Hi there, I took out your address and phone number from your comment so weird random people off the Internet don’t start texting you…
engVid Moderator
thank you very much,
with all my best wishes.
anass ali
Thank you so, so much :) To learn English grammar with ur lessons is very helpful to improve our Eng. speaking. :) :) :)
thank you
Hi, I want to know “southwest” & “south-west” is there any difference? Are both of them correct?
To learn this lesson is very helpful
I want you to teach me more
I’m so glad I have finally found resource like that. Here I can study English for free. Thank you.
Hi Fatiima
I think the correct sentence should be:
“This is a valuable book which you would learn a lot from it”
profitable means to get more money for it
I thank you
Can I say ‘Learning a new language is helpful’ i.e. can I use gerund form?
Hi Sluncheva, how’ve you been?
As for your question both ways are possible. That is, to use either an infinitive or gerund as a subject of a sentence.
To lear a new language is useful=
Learning a new language is useful.
As far as I can tell both sentences have exactly the same meaning.
Good luck with your English Sluncheva.
Bye for now.
Thank You this lesson, dear Alex! Nevertheless I have problem with different using between gerund and infinitive after verbs.Please speak about it too! I am very grateful for your service! I very appreciate your services! Thank You! (I am from Hungary)
Hello everybody!!! I m looking for English speaking friends to talk and practise! I m from Kazakhstan. If you are interested write me on skype Janetta1287
Hello! I want to practice English too! My skype is Roman__Z1
thank you Alex!
Thanks a million for this useful video
heydar Ali
Hi, Alex. I ran across an issue trying to watch your video in EngVid.
Subject: To restrict my access to the video is awfull.
Object: The video is said to have a LearnVid content.
Subject complement: I want to understand the infinitives better.
Object complement: You job is to provide access to everybody.
Adjective: I want you to fix this issue.
Adverb: I want to be able to watch videos in EngVid to get a better understanding of English.
Thank so much
Thank you Alex.
Thanks a lot. I’m very grateful. :)
Now, My English is not very wel, but I’m confident to become a master of english in the near future.
Thanks a lot, Alex! It’s a very useful lesson! But I’ve remembered the one another case of infinitive used in tv news’ headlines. E.g. “Rambler to boost development” (noun-infinitive-noun). What is the form? How should we understand it?
I am greatful. Please I need more. I don’t mind to pay for it. Thank you
It’s my disaster.
hi guys my Skype is fred.martinez38 if you want to practice the idiom.
First of all, congratulations and thank you very much for this website and the wonderful videos. They are amazing and very useful! This is really nice!
Also, I have question about this lesson: When we use a verb as a subject of a sentence, I thought the right way was to use the ‘-ing’ form, e.g. ‘smoking is bad for health.’ But in this video, the infinitive with ‘to’ is used instead. Then, should it be ‘to smoke is bad for health?’
Could you help me, pelase?
My erros were # 07 and # 08. It is not so bad. Isn’t it??!!
Thank you Alex!
First of all I really do thank you for your precious lessons!And I would like to ask if there is any possibility to post lessons of ‘impersonal structure’, ‘cleft sentences’ and ‘participle clause’, if there is and you can be able to post them.. It would be really helpful to me and I guess to others too.. =)
Wolf Pride
fahad bozn
Today is my first day of using this web site, I find it very helpful for improving my English.Thank you so much Alex you are great. please correct me if something wrong with my comment.
uncle eddy
Welcome to engVid, uncleeddy! Hope you check out more of our lessons :)
engVid Moderator
is not that difficult
I love myself :)
So do I Mariam!
All the best.
Thanks teacher! You are wonderful. I used engvid because I want to learn good English.
thanks alex, its easier to understand your teaching than any other english teacher i’ve experienced.
Thanks a lot! :)
Hi all al Itatlan
Thanks Alex for your lesson, it’s been very helpful. Now, I have a question, when can you use a -ing form, instead of the infinitive one? I mean, e.g.:
-It’s not easy learning English ( instead of ‘to learn’) or,
– My dream is opening my own business or,
– Doing the right thing is not easy or
– They love traveling.
I’m pretty confused about this Infinitive – Gerund thing.
Thanks in advance! :)
I like your teaching style
Hello Alex.
First of all, great lesson. But I have some doubts.
Is it correct to say, for exemple:
Doing the right thing is not easy.
They love travelling.
When start a phrase with ING?
Thank you.
Got 90. But this is a great teacher. Thank you.
Angela M.
Thank you soo much! Alex :)
Thanks Alex!
Thanks Alex
Thank you alex.:)
Thank you Mr. Alex you made the Infinitives really easy to understand == did you see I used it previously :D
Mohammed Anes.
Thank you so much.
Same target being here of everyone is to improve English skills that’s way thank you for contributions
Thanks a Tot!! have a nice week!! I’m feeling thankfull
I Love this professor !!!!
“merci beaucoup”
its good TO LEARN….
Thank so much
i got 9/10
i like this lesson and love this prof.
Thank you Alex.
Riyadh Nasser
thank you very much Alex))) i made just one mistake
10/10 Thank you, Alex!
hello mr Alex. how can i improve my spellings .any tips, or any lessons that you have in here
Gracias Alex.
You are my favourite teacher to learn english
I still got wrong 2of 10, but not so bad, Isn’t it? Thanks Alex.
thank so much
this website is amazing.
thanks a lot
hatim chafouk
thank you Alex it is a great lesson
Hey. I din’t find this Active And Passive Infinitive Video. Can you please help me with this.!!!
good lesson
Great lesson, Alex. Thank you!
thank you so much! I want to speak better english and this helped me a lot!
Great lesson, Alex. Thank you!
yeahhhh!!! I got 10 out of 10. I want to thank for your interesting classes, professor Alex. You’re awesome!!
thanks Alex, it’s a great lesson
Thank you very much Alex.
I’ve got 10 out of 10. :)
I like how you explains grammar
Thank you Alex
Belal Fadel
You are awesome as usual Mr. Alex
Ali A. Ali
Hy! I am Krisztiàn from Hungary. Can i speak anybody on facebook in english? If you are a teacher and you have free time for me and for that speak in english on the web i will waiting for you. This site is amazingly good. But i have to talk somebody who can speak in english very well and who see my mistakes. Thanks for the reply.
Thanks a lot that’s so great to learn english
thank Alex very much!
Yasser Amry
Really usfull to remenber, what i’ve forgotten.
thanks sir
The best score. Thanks!
I got a perfect score on this lesson. Thanks for sharing your knowledge Sir Alex!
¡¡¡The end I get ten¡¡¡
ceccy smart
Did you get 10 at the end of the lesson? Bravo!
“I like/love learning English, dancing, and listening to music. I am a student of English. I would like to learn more/many languages.”
All the best with your English Ceccy Smart.
Thank Alex
ceccy smart
Thaks Alex
9/10 Thanks,Alex!
I feel so glad ´cause this video offer a grammar things that help to understand the meaning of daily expressions,thanks!
I don’t understand question 10. Why didn’t use “improving” instead of “improve”. I’m not good at English. I’m looking forword to your reply ALex. Thanks for good lesson:))
Thanks Alex. I think I love English. When you teach me.
Hey Guys Namaste! can we start a group to discuss all the things related to english language. Like facebook or google hangout…Please let me know if you are interested. I will create it for us. Even though we can learn the culture of different countries also as we all are from different geography.
R Kumar
Hi R Kumar:
I am In! Count me in! I don’t wand your money!You are Whom I wand!
Let’s work together.
By the way,’Namaste’ means …..(peace–平安–pin arn?).
How do you pronounce it?
’Namaste’ is a greeting word in Hindi Language. Namaste = Hello. We say it with folded hand like
There is science behind it.We do not touch while greeting by this way, so it will prevent us from diseases those can spread with contact.
R Kumar
Not to be allowed to leave my email address .
Hi R Kumar :
Thank you for your reply letting me understanding your greeting culture.
hi R kumar:
my Youtube video (englisheleven)–about English sentence structure for not native English speaker .Welcome to correct it and translate it into Hindi Language .
thanks a lot
youngho lee
Thank you so much!!
Adriano Celin
Thanks for your lesson.. grate!!
Soraya Moreno
thanks a lot
Md Rayhan Kabir
Thanks Alex.I got 100% without watching the video :)
Thanks Alex :)
Thank you Alex for your teaching me.
for the first example:
To do the right thing is not easy, can we use a Gerund instead of infinitive:
Doing the right thing is not easy?
and where can we use both of them?
Hi, yes we can. As the subject of a sentence we can use both gerund and infinitive. Mo problem,To learn ( Learning) English is important. Best regards
Thank you so much
Noe Jung Ho
Hi Alex. I have really enjoyed this lesson. I am still struggling with this language. If someone wants to speak to me to improve my English I will be appreciative. This my email address ☺️
nice lesson
Hi Kasia777:
My Youtube video (englisheleven)–about English sentence structure for not native English speaker .Welcome to correct it and translate it into PolishLanguage .
very very nice !!!!
Great class
Thanks Alex! I love you.
The most great part of this video is I can practice what I learned.
To do exercise is a good way to improve your grammars.
Nikki Jwx
Thank your sir, got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks a lot. Something new for me and helpful.
I didn’t answer last question
Help you improving
Is ‘help’ always used with gerund?
Is there anybody
Hi Manolya:
It was my understanding that ‘help’ is not always used with gerund.
‘help’ can be used as causative .
For more details I refer you to Adam’s English Grammar–Causative lesson.
hope this helps! See you!
Thank you Teacher Alex for your good explanation.
when I evaluate myself I think I am going to explain myself with those who speak english very well.what do think?
Thank you for the lesson!
Valery teacher
Thank you a lot ! I’m a new user BUT so far you’r my fav teacher . As to me,you explain the topics in a very clear and interesting way so It can be understood easily.
Nat Pal
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Thanks guy! :-)
100! Thank you very much!
Anton Sergeyevich
amazing lesson
Thanks Alex! I got the 90! It’s helpful to me.
Wow, I think I did this test quikly
Oleg Tomson
Can I write “Her job is assisting you'”? Or does it have to be written as “Her job is to assist you.”?
I don’t think it could be adj,it’s more like an object complement in sentence 4
Hi Mieless:
Let me understanding.
Sentence 4 may be a reduced sentence from ‘We decided that we will not attend’.
‘that we will not attend'(noun clause–dependent clause) acts as an object to decided.
By taking out ‘that we will’ and turning ‘attend'(base verb) into ‘to attend'(infinitive),we simplify a noun clause into an infinitive.
Hope this helps!
Why?and How?.See you next time!
Thank you very much for your valuable explanation. It can be useful for us !
Hello, Alex! It is geat to see your lessons! It is very useful. But I have a question about infinitive using as adjective. As I know, adjrctive is a modifier and it modifies a noun. It asks the question “what?” For example: “I have got a red coat”. What coat? Red one. In your example – “I told you to wait.” What noun does the infinitive modify? “You”? May be I am not so familiar with english, but I have not found in any grammar books this kind of explanation about using infinitive as an adjective. Moreover, there is more obvious example of using infinitive as an adjective – ” I have a lot of wark to do”. What wark? To do!
I am sorry! Of course, I made the mistake – not “wark” but “work”.
I got 90% correct, I want to learn more to improve my english.
Thank you very much!!
Yuliia Yuliia
6 right questions… I have to improve it quickly!
Bruno Soares
you are a great teacher..easy explication and easy of understand….gracias
thak you sir! now i know their differences.
rex artym
i got a perfect score.10\10
rex artym
Great lesson and very educational. Thank Alex!
I got 8/10 Thank Alex!
Irina Bondareva
I got 90. I lost one only because of being careless !Thank you.
what do I say if i got 70 out 100
thank’s a lot!
Hey Alex, Thank’s for your lessons
But I have a doubt.
“The purpose of this activity is to help you improve” This is correct? :s
Why not: “The purpose of this activity is to help you improving” or “The purpose of this activity is to help you to improve”
I hope you to answer me soon :)
Lucho Molina
hi. nice to meet you.
actually i am wondering the correct answer for the 10th question.
Hi. Nice to meet you! After help we use infinitive or bare infinitive form of a verb, so the first item is correct. Best regards
You are simply the best as Tina Turner used to sing
I got 9/10
Thanks Alex
Got a perfect score… thanks alex you’ve explained this lesson very well… hav3 a nice day…
i got 9 correct out of 10.
i really understood 5 ways to use infinitives
because of your kindiy and definite explanation.
what i always say, thank you mr.alex.
Thanks, Alex!
9/10. I made a mistake in the last question because I forget that “help” is followed by bare infinitive. Thanks for this useful lesson, Alex :)
I like listening to your lessons. You always make them seem so easy.
Andre Miranda
I thought the quiz was easier (easy), but I messed up number one and ten.
I have to pay more attention.
Thanks for the opportunity to use my brain in this way.
Fatima Angelo
thank you so much. May God bless your work.
“In teaching others we teach ourselves”
~Hazrat Ali (PBUH)
Abdullah Quidwai
Thanks!! I got it !!
Hello Alex, I am immense benefited from engvid study material.i have one doubt in question no 10 improve should be preceded by to
I got 9 correct out of 10.
:) Thanks, Alex!
Thanks, Alex!
Mirtha Suarez Grandez
thanks for the lesson, it’s very usefull,,,
Arinas Sabila
why I can’t say “The purpose of this activity is to help you to improve”.
is great, adorei sua explicação objetiva e clara, thank you.
Alexandre Bezerra
Hi Alex! Why do not we use second infinitive before improve in the correct sentence of the last quiz ‘The purpose of this activity is to help you improve’?
Akbar Safi
Sir Alex, first of all I would like to thank you for all the lessons you’ve been teaching us over the Internet. Secondly, I have got a question in regards to this lesson. In these two sentences the first one is from the Quiz and is surely correct. How about the second one, isn’t it correct too?
-The purpose of this activity is to help you improve.
-The purpose of this activity is to help you to improve.
failed to wrap my head around the difference between a gerund and an infinitive or a noun ; (
– to help others is a noble goal
– helping other is a noble goal
– to love is to sacrifice
– love is sacrifice
Hi, Alex!
Just decided to have the test and, consequently, I have only one mistake as a result. And guess where? “we decided not to [do something]”. Is it supposed to be a correct answer? I’ve always known that it is wrong to put “no” before “to”. But excluding the wrong anwers, I’ve come to another anwer which looked more correct (If i’m not mistaken, it was “We decided not [doing smth]”)
Hm…. It seems that the thing I remembered was “do not put [no] after [to] and before infinitive ^^.
thanks 100
Excellent teaching. But I find difficulty in reaching the lesson I stopped at. So I suggest numbering the lessons, or giving a shade to the lesson that one already studied. Or giving the students the option putting a tick or a ☆ on the lessons they finished.
This is an often-requested feature! We’re looking into it :)
engVid Moderator
Thanks a lot
Hi, please also write the number of the questions, It’s very important. Thank you
Thanks Alex for your lessons. I had three mistakes because I don´t read the sentences very well.
Thanks, Mr. Alex, you did it so good!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Alex. Thank you. Your lesson helped me very much!
100 correct
mario faro
Hi Alex, thank you for your lesson.
I have a question to ask. Would that be correct if I said “My dream is opening a café” instead of “My dream is to open a café”? Do the both sentences have the same meaning?
thanks a lot..
Thanks a lot Alex!
Thanks for your teaching.
I have a question
What is the difference between using ‘Gerund as subject complement’ and ‘Infinitive as subject complement’?
10/10 Very good lesson! Thanks!
Thank you Alex! It is a simple but important subject for me.
However, I have one question, how do we to distinguish between to infinitives as a subject or as an object and gerund as a subject or an object? Thank in advance for your response.
Thanks again Mr. Alex!
I want to learn to speak English with everyone, Thank you Mr.Alex
100!!! It is great! It is because of you. It is a pleasure for me to listen your lessons.
Thank you so much.
Galina Ivanovna
this video really helped me!
thanks teacher.
Hi! Thanks for your teaching.
I have a question: Why do not we use second infinitive before improve in the correct sentence of the last quiz (10) “The purpose of this activity is to help you improve” or to improve?
Thank a lot Mr Alex for your teaching
I got 100 percent of band exam
And I saw your pag-man method video
I believe it’s very inspiration
Hallo. Could you please make a video of “bare infinitives”. It is a pretty interesting question.
With the best wishes, Jack.
Thanks a lot for your job here.
I come here to learn INFINITIVE
I am from China
thanks a lot
George Stephen
Nice class, I enjoyed to learn this theme.
Thank you very much
Carlos Eduardo Vasconez
Alex, I thank you a lot. your work and lesson is great! Grazie!<3
Thank you Alex, wonderful lesson as always
Hi Adam,
Could you mind checking the grammatically mistakes these sentences, I will be very thankful to you, for that.
Combine the following sentences in a single sentence by using an infinitive.
1. I have engaged a private tutor. He will teach me English.
I have engaged a private tutor, to teach me English.
2. He is very weak. He cannot walk.
He is very weak, to walk.
3. I looked out of the window of my carriage. I wanted to see the green pastures.
I looked out of the of my carriage, to see the green pastures.
4. The proposal is quite unreasonable. It cannot be accepted.
The proposal is quite unreasonable to accept.
5. He want to gain the first position. He works hard for it.
He want to gain the first position, to work hard
Arshad 1122
Thank you again.
You are right, as long as I can understand and construct sentences it’s alright. Although I can construct well but sometimes I make mistake, and don’t even understand where I am going wrong. Maybe because it’s not my mother tongue. When someone say wrongly constructed sentences in my language. It seems funny, how did they even come up such sentences. But then again I am doing same with other’s language. So I decided to learn honestly.
It’s my first time watching your class. It’s very clear and fast :)
Thank you.
The purpose of this activity is to help you improve.
Isn’t it necessary to have “to” or “ing” in front of the verb “improve” in this sentence?
I watched this video twice on June 12, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Hello, I always thank you, Alex
also, I have a question about the infinitives
to help others you need to learn how to help people
I’m asking about how to help phrase is it infinitive or not
mohamed salah asran
– I told you to leave.
“to leave” is the direct object (answers “to what?”)
“you” is the indirect object (answers “to whom?”)
why in the video you say that “you” is the direct object?
and why you consider “to leave” an adjective since does not specify or describe in any way that noun “you”?
forget it, I understand now Lol.
in reality the answer of “what” is “you to leave”
I don’t want just to leave, I want YOU to leave.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Me encanta la pronunciación del profesor. Es excelente.
Thank you so much for this great lesson !
As you said it’s not a real problem not to remember the functions or the roles of these infinitives, but the most important is to know how to use them correctly while speaking or writing !
Thank you Alex.
Thanks Alex! You have been my favorite teacher so far :)
I couldn´t agree more!!! Mr. Makar is also one of my favorite online teachers. He explains grammar with great ease.
I take my hat off to him!
I followed your adviced Alex, and watched this video again; just to make sure I had understood the different functions of infinitives in a sentence.
Of course I redid the quiz, well-desined by the way.
Bye, take care.
For all people here Ladies and Gentlemen I hope there is anybody wants to practice her/his English with me voice chat :)
my Skype is khalid_3adel
Yes alex is teacher good
Wow!!! Great lesson!!! Thanks a lot!!!
thank Alex very much!
Do you learn english too. My english is not very well.
Thanks Alex! I love your lessons! but I not have enough practice! What do you advice me?
Hey Brunno, actually yes, you can say it like that, the gerund replaces the infinitive as a subject in the sentence, hope it was helpful.
I want to learn more to improve my English. Thank you Alex :)
Me too Happy04, we all are in the same boat.
Keep on the good work ! ! !
Very interesting lesson. Thank you Alex.
new insight. Thanks Alex
Nice lesson Alex
One day i’ll talk like a native english :)
Thanks Alex for very useful lesson!!!
Thanks Alex.
Thank you Alex. All your lessons are very interesting.
Yes all lesson mor important
Thanks Alex, I want to learn to speak english :)
To learn English with you is to assist me; Thanks a lot!
I got 100, thanks Alex!!
thanks for the lesson!
Thanks Alex .. it was so clear .. I want to watch more lessons to get my English improved :)
Regards .
Hi alex.. i just want to learn how to use “won’t”?
Hi!How are you? Most of Philippine are good english.Why you study english?
Thank you, Alex! It seems to be very helpful for me.:)
good lesson, motly the latest words : grammar in non timportant thant speaking
Great! thaks
Thanks Alex,
you are my grammar wizard:)
hi Emma could you help me how to learn rules phonetic
it is always useful to watch a learning video, no matter it is new or old
Thank you for your lesson! It was interesting to get to know how to use some grammatical structures. F.e.”to” at the beginning of the sentence or that it can be right to use some “to” in one sentence.
well…..i took the test, scored 10 out of 10, it was very easy, basic english, but i wonder whether IELTS will be as easy as such……still i appreciate this website and the teachers here who have put up such an effort to teach people english…..hats off to you all
Can I get all the collection of lessons in one package ? Thanks
7/10 :-( “to be or not to be that’s …..” maybe not to be 7/10?????… :-((
I have one question to you Adam. In the beginning of the lesson you have used the word “often” and you spelled the “T”? I thought the T was mute in the word!
Bom día Jorge,
Not “spelled”, you actually meant “pronounced”. Check out e.g. .
Both patterns are used. In the UK, “t” is usually silent in this word, but it depends on the origin of the speaker.
Hello Alex, can you explain this for me :
The first step is to feel positive about learning English. I don’t understan why we have to use ” to feel” instead of feeling.
By the way, your lesson is very useful for me. Thank you
Thanks, I got 70% without watching the lesson.
Hi Alex!
First of all I wanted to thank you for the lesson; Second,I did catch the difference between the example “I want to help you” (object) and “He wants to leave” (adjective). Could you help me to understand?
thanks a lot!
thank you so much
Thanks Alex!
I got 100! Thanks Alex
Thank you very much. The lesson was very interesting.
this is my fist time in this side, I am learning a lot, thank Alex and everyone.
thank you for the lessons Mr. Alex! I’m sure this video lesson will improve my english comprehension. :)
thank you Mr Alex
At some point of the video, you said “It’s not that important to…” I’d like to know if there are differences among the constructions “it’s not that +verb”, “it’s not so +verb” and it’s not much +verb”.
You help me to learn english so easily!!! Thank you Alex :)
hi katerinapas1
i would like to practice english with you, please add me on skype neeraj.punia1
Thanks. It was very intrasting.
Dear Alex..
Hope you are okay.
Would you mind to lend me a helping hand please?
Is my sentence is okay ??!!!
” This is a profitable book which you can learn a lot through “.
My ? is : Is is possible to leave the word “through” at the end of the sentence without the pronoun “it” at last ? In written English I meant.
Many tnx in advance
It is correct.
Is my sentence okay??!!!
The 2nd excuse…
Is it possible ?
I’ve got it.
Up me !
Lesson was good, but quiz is too easy
I’d like to say thank you cause you always show me about Grammar Pronounciation. It’s great Idea.
tks for your lesson
Good lesson. It was mi first one
thank you
I like learning English very much .I would like to improve my English . I would like to speak English fluently .I would like to listen ,read and write well.Please,help me . Please , provide me with books , CD and a computer.
Hi there, I took out your address and phone number from your comment so weird random people off the Internet don’t start texting you…
thank you very much,
with all my best wishes.
Thank you so, so much :) To learn English grammar with ur lessons is very helpful to improve our Eng. speaking. :) :) :)
thank you
Hi, I want to know “southwest” & “south-west” is there any difference? Are both of them correct?
To learn this lesson is very helpful
I want you to teach me more
I’m so glad I have finally found resource like that. Here I can study English for free. Thank you.
Hi Fatiima
I think the correct sentence should be:
“This is a valuable book which you would learn a lot from it”
profitable means to get more money for it
I thank you
Can I say ‘Learning a new language is helpful’ i.e. can I use gerund form?
Hi Sluncheva, how’ve you been?
As for your question both ways are possible. That is, to use either an infinitive or gerund as a subject of a sentence.
To lear a new language is useful=
Learning a new language is useful.
As far as I can tell both sentences have exactly the same meaning.
Good luck with your English Sluncheva.
Bye for now.
Thank You this lesson, dear Alex! Nevertheless I have problem with different using between gerund and infinitive after verbs.Please speak about it too! I am very grateful for your service! I very appreciate your services! Thank You! (I am from Hungary)
Hello everybody!!! I m looking for English speaking friends to talk and practise! I m from Kazakhstan. If you are interested write me on skype Janetta1287
Hello! I want to practice English too! My skype is Roman__Z1
thank you Alex!
Thanks a million for this useful video
Hi, Alex. I ran across an issue trying to watch your video in EngVid.
Subject: To restrict my access to the video is awfull.
Object: The video is said to have a LearnVid content.
Subject complement: I want to understand the infinitives better.
Object complement: You job is to provide access to everybody.
Adjective: I want you to fix this issue.
Adverb: I want to be able to watch videos in EngVid to get a better understanding of English.
Thank so much
Thank you Alex.
Thanks a lot. I’m very grateful. :)
Now, My English is not very wel, but I’m confident to become a master of english in the near future.
Thanks a lot, Alex! It’s a very useful lesson! But I’ve remembered the one another case of infinitive used in tv news’ headlines. E.g. “Rambler to boost development” (noun-infinitive-noun). What is the form? How should we understand it?
I am greatful. Please I need more. I don’t mind to pay for it. Thank you
It’s my disaster.
hi guys my Skype is fred.martinez38 if you want to practice the idiom.
First of all, congratulations and thank you very much for this website and the wonderful videos. They are amazing and very useful! This is really nice!
Also, I have question about this lesson: When we use a verb as a subject of a sentence, I thought the right way was to use the ‘-ing’ form, e.g. ‘smoking is bad for health.’ But in this video, the infinitive with ‘to’ is used instead. Then, should it be ‘to smoke is bad for health?’
Could you help me, pelase?
My erros were # 07 and # 08. It is not so bad. Isn’t it??!!
Thank you Alex!
First of all I really do thank you for your precious lessons!And I would like to ask if there is any possibility to post lessons of ‘impersonal structure’, ‘cleft sentences’ and ‘participle clause’, if there is and you can be able to post them.. It would be really helpful to me and I guess to others too.. =)
Today is my first day of using this web site, I find it very helpful for improving my English.Thank you so much Alex you are great. please correct me if something wrong with my comment.
Welcome to engVid, uncleeddy! Hope you check out more of our lessons :)
is not that difficult
I love myself :)
So do I Mariam!
All the best.
Thanks teacher! You are wonderful. I used engvid because I want to learn good English.
thanks alex, its easier to understand your teaching than any other english teacher i’ve experienced.
Thanks a lot! :)
Hi all al Itatlan
Thanks Alex for your lesson, it’s been very helpful. Now, I have a question, when can you use a -ing form, instead of the infinitive one? I mean, e.g.:
-It’s not easy learning English ( instead of ‘to learn’) or,
– My dream is opening my own business or,
– Doing the right thing is not easy or
– They love traveling.
I’m pretty confused about this Infinitive – Gerund thing.
Thanks in advance! :)
I like your teaching style
Hello Alex.
First of all, great lesson. But I have some doubts.
Is it correct to say, for exemple:
Doing the right thing is not easy.
They love travelling.
When start a phrase with ING?
Thank you.
Got 90. But this is a great teacher. Thank you.
Thank you soo much! Alex :)
Thanks Alex!
Thanks Alex
Thank you alex.:)
Thank you Mr. Alex you made the Infinitives really easy to understand == did you see I used it previously :D
Thank you so much.
Same target being here of everyone is to improve English skills that’s way thank you for contributions
Thanks a Tot!! have a nice week!! I’m feeling thankfull
I Love this professor !!!!
“merci beaucoup”
its good TO LEARN….
Thank so much
i got 9/10
i like this lesson and love this prof.
Thank you Alex.
thank you very much Alex))) i made just one mistake
10/10 Thank you, Alex!
hello mr Alex. how can i improve my spellings .any tips, or any lessons that you have in here
Gracias Alex.
You are my favourite teacher to learn english
I still got wrong 2of 10, but not so bad, Isn’t it? Thanks Alex.
thank so much
this website is amazing.
thanks a lot
thank you Alex it is a great lesson
Hey. I din’t find this Active And Passive Infinitive Video. Can you please help me with this.!!!
good lesson
Great lesson, Alex. Thank you!
thank you so much! I want to speak better english and this helped me a lot!
Great lesson, Alex. Thank you!
yeahhhh!!! I got 10 out of 10. I want to thank for your interesting classes, professor Alex. You’re awesome!!
thanks Alex, it’s a great lesson
Thank you very much Alex.
I’ve got 10 out of 10. :)
I like how you explains grammar
Thank you Alex
You are awesome as usual Mr. Alex
Hy! I am Krisztiàn from Hungary. Can i speak anybody on facebook in english? If you are a teacher and you have free time for me and for that speak in english on the web i will waiting for you. This site is amazingly good. But i have to talk somebody who can speak in english very well and who see my mistakes. Thanks for the reply.
Thanks a lot that’s so great to learn english
thank Alex very much!
Really usfull to remenber, what i’ve forgotten.
thanks sir
The best score. Thanks!
I got a perfect score on this lesson. Thanks for sharing your knowledge Sir Alex!
¡¡¡The end I get ten¡¡¡
Did you get 10 at the end of the lesson? Bravo!
“I like/love learning English, dancing, and listening to music. I am a student of English. I would like to learn more/many languages.”
All the best with your English Ceccy Smart.
Thank Alex
Thaks Alex
9/10 Thanks,Alex!
I feel so glad ´cause this video offer a grammar things that help to understand the meaning of daily expressions,thanks!
I don’t understand question 10. Why didn’t use “improving” instead of “improve”. I’m not good at English. I’m looking forword to your reply ALex. Thanks for good lesson:))
Thanks Alex. I think I love English. When you teach me.
Hey Guys Namaste! can we start a group to discuss all the things related to english language. Like facebook or google hangout…Please let me know if you are interested. I will create it for us. Even though we can learn the culture of different countries also as we all are from different geography.
Hi R Kumar:
I am In! Count me in! I don’t wand your money!You are Whom I wand!
Let’s work together.
By the way,’Namaste’ means …..(peace–平安–pin arn?).
How do you pronounce it?
’Namaste’ is a greeting word in Hindi Language. Namaste = Hello. We say it with folded hand like .
There is science behind it.We do not touch while greeting by this way, so it will prevent us from diseases those can spread with contact.
Not to be allowed to leave my email address .
Hi R Kumar :
Thank you for your reply letting me understanding your greeting culture.
hi R kumar:
my Youtube video (englisheleven)–about English sentence structure for not native English speaker .Welcome to correct it and translate it into Hindi Language .
thanks a lot
Thank you so much!!
Thanks for your lesson.. grate!!
thanks a lot
Thanks Alex.I got 100% without watching the video :)
Thanks Alex :)
Thank you Alex for your teaching me.
for the first example:
To do the right thing is not easy, can we use a Gerund instead of infinitive:
Doing the right thing is not easy?
and where can we use both of them?
Hi, yes we can. As the subject of a sentence we can use both gerund and infinitive. Mo problem,To learn ( Learning) English is important. Best regards
Thank you so much
Hi Alex. I have really enjoyed this lesson. I am still struggling with this language. If someone wants to speak to me to improve my English I will be appreciative. This my email address ☺️
nice lesson
Hi Kasia777:
My Youtube video (englisheleven)–about English sentence structure for not native English speaker .Welcome to correct it and translate it into PolishLanguage .
very very nice !!!!
Great class
Thanks Alex! I love you.
The most great part of this video is I can practice what I learned.
To do exercise is a good way to improve your grammars.
Thank your sir, got 90%.
Thanks a lot. Something new for me and helpful.
I didn’t answer last question
Help you improving
Is ‘help’ always used with gerund?
Is there anybody
Hi Manolya:
It was my understanding that ‘help’ is not always used with gerund.
‘help’ can be used as causative .
For more details I refer you to Adam’s English Grammar–Causative lesson.
hope this helps! See you!
Thank you Teacher Alex for your good explanation.
when I evaluate myself I think I am going to explain myself with those who speak english very well.what do think?
Thank you for the lesson!
Thank you a lot ! I’m a new user BUT so far you’r my fav teacher . As to me,you explain the topics in a very clear and interesting way so It can be understood easily.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Thanks guy! :-)
100! Thank you very much!
amazing lesson
Thanks Alex! I got the 90! It’s helpful to me.
Wow, I think I did this test quikly
Can I write “Her job is assisting you'”? Or does it have to be written as “Her job is to assist you.”?
I don’t think it could be adj,it’s more like an object complement in sentence 4
Hi Mieless:
Let me understanding.
Sentence 4 may be a reduced sentence from ‘We decided that we will not attend’.
‘that we will not attend'(noun clause–dependent clause) acts as an object to decided.
By taking out ‘that we will’ and turning ‘attend'(base verb) into ‘to attend'(infinitive),we simplify a noun clause into an infinitive.
Hope this helps!
Why?and How?.See you next time!
Thank you very much for your valuable explanation. It can be useful for us !
Hello, Alex! It is geat to see your lessons! It is very useful. But I have a question about infinitive using as adjective. As I know, adjrctive is a modifier and it modifies a noun. It asks the question “what?” For example: “I have got a red coat”. What coat? Red one. In your example – “I told you to wait.” What noun does the infinitive modify? “You”? May be I am not so familiar with english, but I have not found in any grammar books this kind of explanation about using infinitive as an adjective. Moreover, there is more obvious example of using infinitive as an adjective – ” I have a lot of wark to do”. What wark? To do!
I am sorry! Of course, I made the mistake – not “wark” but “work”.
I got 90% correct, I want to learn more to improve my english.
Thank you very much!!
6 right questions… I have to improve it quickly!
you are a great teacher..easy explication and easy of understand….gracias
thak you sir! now i know their differences.
i got a perfect score.10\10
Great lesson and very educational. Thank Alex!
I got 8/10 Thank Alex!
I got 90. I lost one only because of being careless !Thank you.
what do I say if i got 70 out 100
thank’s a lot!
Hey Alex, Thank’s for your lessons
But I have a doubt.
“The purpose of this activity is to help you improve” This is correct? :s
Why not: “The purpose of this activity is to help you improving” or “The purpose of this activity is to help you to improve”
I hope you to answer me soon :)
hi. nice to meet you.
actually i am wondering the correct answer for the 10th question.
Hi. Nice to meet you! After help we use infinitive or bare infinitive form of a verb, so the first item is correct. Best regards
You are simply the best as Tina Turner used to sing
I got 9/10
Thanks Alex
Got a perfect score… thanks alex you’ve explained this lesson very well… hav3 a nice day…
i got 9 correct out of 10.
i really understood 5 ways to use infinitives
because of your kindiy and definite explanation.
what i always say, thank you mr.alex.
Thanks, Alex!
9/10. I made a mistake in the last question because I forget that “help” is followed by bare infinitive. Thanks for this useful lesson, Alex :)
I like listening to your lessons. You always make them seem so easy.
I thought the quiz was easier (easy), but I messed up number one and ten.
I have to pay more attention.
Thanks for the opportunity to use my brain in this way.
thank you so much. May God bless your work.
“In teaching others we teach ourselves”
~Hazrat Ali (PBUH)
Thanks!! I got it !!
Hello Alex, I am immense benefited from engvid study material.i have one doubt in question no 10 improve should be preceded by to
I got 9 correct out of 10.
:) Thanks, Alex!
Thanks, Alex!
thanks for the lesson, it’s very usefull,,,
why I can’t say “The purpose of this activity is to help you to improve”.
is great, adorei sua explicação objetiva e clara, thank you.
Hi Alex! Why do not we use second infinitive before improve in the correct sentence of the last quiz ‘The purpose of this activity is to help you improve’?
Sir Alex, first of all I would like to thank you for all the lessons you’ve been teaching us over the Internet. Secondly, I have got a question in regards to this lesson. In these two sentences the first one is from the Quiz and is surely correct. How about the second one, isn’t it correct too?
-The purpose of this activity is to help you improve.
-The purpose of this activity is to help you to improve.
failed to wrap my head around the difference between a gerund and an infinitive or a noun ; (
– to help others is a noble goal
– helping other is a noble goal
– to love is to sacrifice
– love is sacrifice
Hi, Alex!
Just decided to have the test and, consequently, I have only one mistake as a result. And guess where? “we decided not to [do something]”. Is it supposed to be a correct answer? I’ve always known that it is wrong to put “no” before “to”. But excluding the wrong anwers, I’ve come to another anwer which looked more correct (If i’m not mistaken, it was “We decided not [doing smth]”)
Hm…. It seems that the thing I remembered was “do not put [no] after [to] and before infinitive ^^.
thanks 100
Excellent teaching. But I find difficulty in reaching the lesson I stopped at. So I suggest numbering the lessons, or giving a shade to the lesson that one already studied. Or giving the students the option putting a tick or a ☆ on the lessons they finished.
This is an often-requested feature! We’re looking into it :)
Thanks a lot
Hi, please also write the number of the questions, It’s very important. Thank you
Thanks Alex for your lessons. I had three mistakes because I don´t read the sentences very well.
Thanks, Mr. Alex, you did it so good!
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Alex. Thank you. Your lesson helped me very much!
100 correct
Hi Alex, thank you for your lesson.
I have a question to ask. Would that be correct if I said “My dream is opening a café” instead of “My dream is to open a café”? Do the both sentences have the same meaning?
thanks a lot..
Thanks a lot Alex!
Thanks for your teaching.
I have a question
What is the difference between using ‘Gerund as subject complement’ and ‘Infinitive as subject complement’?
10/10 Very good lesson! Thanks!
Thank you Alex! It is a simple but important subject for me.
However, I have one question, how do we to distinguish between to infinitives as a subject or as an object and gerund as a subject or an object? Thank in advance for your response.
Thanks again Mr. Alex!
I want to learn to speak English with everyone, Thank you Mr.Alex
100!!! It is great! It is because of you. It is a pleasure for me to listen your lessons.
Thank you so much.
this video really helped me!
thanks teacher.
Hi! Thanks for your teaching.
I have a question: Why do not we use second infinitive before improve in the correct sentence of the last quiz (10) “The purpose of this activity is to help you improve” or to improve?
Thank a lot Mr Alex for your teaching
I got 100 percent of band exam
And I saw your pag-man method video
I believe it’s very inspiration
Hallo. Could you please make a video of “bare infinitives”. It is a pretty interesting question.
With the best wishes, Jack.
Thanks a lot for your job here.
I come here to learn INFINITIVE
I am from China
thanks a lot
Nice class, I enjoyed to learn this theme.
Thank you very much
Alex, I thank you a lot. your work and lesson is great! Grazie!<3
Thank you Alex, wonderful lesson as always
Hi Adam,
Could you mind checking the grammatically mistakes these sentences, I will be very thankful to you, for that.
Combine the following sentences in a single sentence by using an infinitive.
1. I have engaged a private tutor. He will teach me English.
I have engaged a private tutor, to teach me English.
2. He is very weak. He cannot walk.
He is very weak, to walk.
3. I looked out of the window of my carriage. I wanted to see the green pastures.
I looked out of the of my carriage, to see the green pastures.
4. The proposal is quite unreasonable. It cannot be accepted.
The proposal is quite unreasonable to accept.
5. He want to gain the first position. He works hard for it.
He want to gain the first position, to work hard
Thank you again.
You are right, as long as I can understand and construct sentences it’s alright. Although I can construct well but sometimes I make mistake, and don’t even understand where I am going wrong. Maybe because it’s not my mother tongue. When someone say wrongly constructed sentences in my language. It seems funny, how did they even come up such sentences. But then again I am doing same with other’s language. So I decided to learn honestly.
It’s my first time watching your class. It’s very clear and fast :)
Thank you.
The purpose of this activity is to help you improve.
Isn’t it necessary to have “to” or “ing” in front of the verb “improve” in this sentence?
I watched this video twice on June 12, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Hello, I always thank you, Alex
also, I have a question about the infinitives
to help others you need to learn how to help people
I’m asking about how to help phrase is it infinitive or not
– I told you to leave.
“to leave” is the direct object (answers “to what?”)
“you” is the indirect object (answers “to whom?”)
why in the video you say that “you” is the direct object?
and why you consider “to leave” an adjective since does not specify or describe in any way that noun “you”?
forget it, I understand now Lol.
in reality the answer of “what” is “you to leave”
I don’t want just to leave, I want YOU to leave.
I get it, thanks