This lesson is not like others. You can compare with more, but can you do it with like or as? This lesson will help you compare things and actions correctly and help you write and speak as a native speaker does.
thank u Adam for this lesson
I hope that all grammar mistaks become acceptable like mixing up the use of “as” and “like” :3
Thank you for the lesson, Adam! I have a question. 7 task(Jackson has been studying as though there were no tomorrow) Why is “as though” here?
because you are comparing an unreal situation .
in this case, you use either ‘as if’ or ‘as though’. =)
Nice lesson,extremely clear and very good examples.But “up to them” and the aureola gesture?
Allan Izaguirre
God bless you..each lesson is better than the previous.
Wish you the best Adam
Interesting and useful to be more confident and careful when using these expressions.
As a Polish learner I’m glad to see you again :-)
Yeah, right. As a English learner from Poland I’m glad to see you again. ;-)
THANK you very much Adam for helpful lesson. I was looking for this lesson for many years. I’ve got 8/10
thank you Adam, this lesson is very interesting and useful like all your previous lessons.
I kindly ask you if you could make a lesson about introduction IT- because i find it very difficult to deal with .
Hi Obay,
Can you give me an example?
You’re helping me a lot with your classes, thank you very much!
Thanks Adam for this very nice show. I wonder if you could comment on “such as”.
Hi Ricardo,
We use ‘such as’ when we are about going to give an example:
I play sports such as hockey, basketball, and soccer.
Hope that helps
Can I say
“I play sports like hockey, basketball, and soccer.”?
Thanks, Adam. I always asked myself about this and I hadn’t known the answer.
I think question 7 should be: Jackson has been studying as IF there were no tomorrow, according to what Adam had explained… I did not understand why the answer is “Jackson has been studying as THOUGH there were no tomorrow”…Is it really correct?
I looked into a dictionary and “as though” is similar with “as if”.
In fact, I think “similar to” is correct(not “similar with”)
Thank you for explanation, arinamg.
Thank you for the explanation, arinamg!That’s very kind of you!
Hi Janilza,
Arinamg is correct. ‘as if’ and ‘ as though’ are the same. as though is a little more formal.
Thank you, dear Adam! I need to say that you are an excellent teacher. One of my favorites!
Thank you so much.
i got 4 correct outta 10 but no problem..that isn’t means i didn’t understand you..i got what you explained..i got the meaning..but maybe i’m a little bit the way can i say (as i do)instead of (as do i)thanks..and gimme an advice..
hussein syd
Hi Hussein,
‘as I do,’ and ‘as do I’ mean the same thing. As do I is very formal and is usually used to agree with someone:
A: I think English is important these days.
B: As do I (I do too)
Hope that helps.
Adam, thanks for this lesson. It’s really very useful. But now I have a question. What is the difference between ‘As do I’ and ‘So do I’?
Liuba Shedova
I think “as do I” is similar to “As do I” like “I do to”. please remember about eliptical sentence :)
Thanks, great class!
great thanks Mr Adam,
really i enjoy learning english here, it’s great website for everyone who want to learn english
Big thanks for all who helping us he on that website
please: could you explain to me why we don’t use “as” in thise sentence ( 6. I’m not the only one to agree with the decision; the manager agrees as well, ______ his staff).
Hi Izzyazima,
Yes, this is a little confusing. You have to be careful here to notice that ‘as well’ means the same as ‘also’. Because of the comma (,) I didn’t mean as well as. I meant that the manager also agrees AND the staff does too. That’s why I need the second verb ‘as does.’
Is that clear?
yeah thanks a lot Mr Adam,
it’s clear now :) your difficult quiz is very support, we must focus for complete understanding.
Thanks Adam, very interesting lesson, excellent explanation
Thanks a lot ,and i hope you will do a lesson on that unreal situation.
hi medirock, you can search subjunctive on and you will find it. He has already recorded a video lesson for you.:)
I got 60/100 :(
It seems no one has mentioned his or her score in the above comments; they might scored as I did.
thanks Adam for this nice lesson.
wanna ask: why did you say: ” … there were no tomorrow” not “there was no tomorrow”, why were not was?
Hi raed15. Because in that situation, the clause is a subjunctive one. You cannot use “was” in subjunctive.
Adam has recorded a video lesson about subjunctive. You can find it on his youtube channel.
Hi Raed,
Quang answered correctly. In the subjunctive you should use ‘were’ not ‘was’. You can see my lesson on that. But also keep in mind that in informal speech, many people use ‘was’ so don’t worry too much about this.
thanks a lot.
I have a doubt. Why you say as if there were no tomorrow, if it is singular?. It would not be as if there was no tomorrow?, thanks.
Hi Jose,
In the subjunctive you should use ‘were’ not ‘was’. You can see my lesson on that. But also keep in mind that in informal speech, many people use ‘was’ so don’t worry too much about this.
Hi Adam, I would like to ask you a simple question.
Is “As do I” more frequent in usage than “So do I” ??
Hi Poslegg,
Actually, no. As do I is pretty formal, so most people don’t use it. So do I is more common.
Good question though.
By the way, Adam, wanted to recommend you two themes, which can be really helpful for people, maybe it’s advanced level but question remains a question, how about:
1.) Mixed conditionals (i.e. Third + Second conditionals)
2.) Punctuation marks, like semicolon, for example I still don’t know when I can use comma and when it’s semicolon.
Thanks in advance Adam, you are cool teacher, keep up the good work.
I got 100. Thanks Adam!
Thank u very much Adam
Great lesson Adam as always!! Thank you
Yeah, superb!
Thank you so much, Adam!
I got a hundred on the quiz.
It was great teacher, I’ve enjoyed your class very much…
Thank you so much. I find that this website is more useful for me.
good evening Adam how are u? i got 90 on the quiz. thanks u for this great lesson. it s very useful. i want to speak english like you )))).
Awesome. Thank you Adam.
Thank you so much, Adam
really useful lesson. Before I didn’t realize the differences between its,
I did a lot of mistakes as most non-native speakers do, in such sentences like described in this lesson, : )
hope I didn’t make a mistakes in my comments)
Thanks a lot, Adam
gillig i review this lesson and i got 8 correct out of 10….thanks
hussein syd
Thank you, I have to watch the video again…it’s very interesting this lesson.
Thank You
Adam do lesson as You do
The last example enlighten everything!
Useful class, Adam!
Yes. I entirely agree with you. and I think all the examples here are enlightening.
thank you for your pretty lesson! ^^
what a interesting lesson today prof ADAM :
I’m a new students and i’m pretty happy to be part of this website. You’re video is pretty useful! Thanks a lot
student# your#
great ! you my favorite teacher on the site ! good luck!
Hi and thanks!One question beyond the topic if you don’t mind.Is there any lesson in your collection about sports terms(hockey,soccer)?And if it exists,please point there.
many thanks, please could explain it again
much appreciated
Hi Khalidse,
:) I think you’ll need to be more specific about what was difficult for you. I’ll be happy to clear things up if I can.
I really thank you Adam,i would like you to teach me how “r” is pronounced.
Hi Luckyboy,
I’ll try to make a lesson about that. Kind of hard to do it in writing. :)
Thanks so much. I want to learn more from you.
Thanks Adam,But it is a little complicated,I will appreciated if you explain us more
Thanks Adam!
It was a very useful lesson.
thanks a lot .
Thanks at all!
Your lesson is awesome!
I’ve never have such a wonderful lesson!
Wow! thank you very much. hihi. I love you, Adam
I got 3 correct out of 10. :(
That was difficult.
papiamentu, spanish, dutch, english
But that not meant that I not understood you.:)
papiamentu, spanish, dutch, english
thanks a lot, i really appreciated this lesson.
thank you Adam
i have learnt new information
10 out of 10 (:
Thank you very much Adam!
The lessons of this site help me every day.
A warm HI from the North of the Earth :)
thanks thanks a lot! could you help me comparing among repaired, renewed, restored and renovated???help me, please!
nguyen thi tham
Hi Oliver,
repair- something is broken or not working well, so you fix it.
restore- for example an old car- you make it like new again.
renew- when your membership at a gym or club ends, you renew it, or start it again for another year.
renovate- make changes to the original. for example if you renovate a room in your house, you make it like new, but different than it was (take down a wall, add features, etc.)
Hope that helps
Many thanks!
Thanks, great class!
Thank you Adam.
Ahmad Al-Haj
thank you adam good lessone
Thanks a lot for the lessons, i really like your way to teach thanks ….
This lesson is very helpful. Thank you very much!
thank you very much!
Thank you!
Thank you very much.
Please help me with number 6.
Hi Masoud,
Yes, this is a little confusing. You have to be careful here to notice that ‘as well’ means the same as ‘also’. Because of the comma (,) I didn’t mean as well as. I meant that the manager also agrees AND the staff does too. That’s why I need the second verb ‘as does.’
Is that clear?
Thank you for your response.I got what you meant,but Is following sentence with no comma correct?
“the manager agrees as well as his staff” correct?
Thank you so much !!!It helps me a lot !!
hi Adam,
thanks for this lesson.
can you give us lesson about difference between three words yet,also and again please?
Hi Kays2mee,
I’ll get on that :)
hi…sir thanks a lot
i had been having a problem with using as & like but now i’m comfortable with them
sir…….if you don’t mind , could you teach me about “as+verb+subject”? plz…………
Hi Thusan,
Do you mean for comparing? ‘as’ has other uses too.
As the sun rose, the bird began to sing.
Means at the same time.
let me know if that helps.
I have a question. Basically the sun rose before the birds started to sing, right? I mean, the sun have to rise, and if it isn’t, the birds won’t sing. :)
For another example:
“As the sun rose, I saw that the whole village had been destroyed.” — There was a fight in the night, and after all the sun rose, and then I was able to see what has left from the village. — And one question about present perfect and past perfect tenses I used. — Did I use them correctly? I think I understand them a little bit more now, but I’m not sure.
And also I have one more question concerning your example — Do the tenses in the first and the second part of the sentence have to match? Or if we use “as” here, the verb has to be in the past form. — that’s why “as the sun rose”.
hi sir……
i’m apologizing for being late to replay & i must tell you the reason why i’m late because i had sick for last week therefore i was unable to see the mail sir…..
In this lesson you mentioned ;
‘A;i like swimming ,B;as do i’
here ‘as+do+i’ is = ‘as+verb+subject’ this’s what i request kindly to explain sir…..
Hi, Adam. First of all, let me tell you you’re pretty good teacher, very understandable when you’re speaking. I have a suggestion to make. Could you make a lesson on the verbs finishing by ‘ing’ after ‘to’ like in the sentence ‘looking forward to seeing you’ or ‘this is my approach to teaching you’. I’m trying to find the answer since ages but no way. I’m French from Avignon (France) and I’d be very grateful if you answered. Thanks.
Hi Patple,
I’ll try to make a lesson on that, but for now, just remember that the ‘to’ in these examples is not the same as the infinitive ‘to’. It’s a preposition that’s used to point to something.
Looking forward to– to what? to seeing you. It’s very specific to certain expressions.
Good idea though. I’ll work on it.
Hi Adam. At the moment I’m in Rochester NY but I keep studying your lessons and the other teachers ones. I am still very happy with them. I hope you’re keeping in mind the lesson on the preposition ‘to’ followed by ‘verbs + ing form’. Thanks a lot.
Adam teaches like a father, simple and easy to understand. Keep doing this great job.
It was very difficult.;
But I’ve got 1o correct out of 10.
Thank you very much!
hi my friend,do lose hope. it’ll come one day. OvO
Thanks & this is very useful site for leaners.
Thanks Adam, I like this lesson very much.
Adam, thanks for your (as usual) great lesson ;) Guys, is there anybody who wants to improve language skills with me?? Of course I meant english :D
Thanks Adam, as angolan English learner Iam improving grammar fast.
thanks a lot
Thank you Adam for helping me understand, that grammar can be fun.
Thank you Adam for helping me understand, that grammar can be fun.
Thank you Adam for helping me understand, that grammar can be fun.
Thanks everyone. Keep up the good work.
By the way, if there are parts of the lesson you’re not sure of, please ask me specific questions so that I can address the issue directly.
Answering the questions n comments so kindly is nice of u dear Adam;
I 4 1,am extremely grateful 2 u.
Bye 2 Hi,
:) Cheerio!
WOW, I got 9 correct out of 10 . I’m so grateful to you Adam for helping . What you’ve done is deeply appreciated for you too . By the way , this is my first time to be here . Thanks again .
Thank you very much for this lesson Adam!
Thank you so much Adam, this lesson was awesome :)
Thank alot Sir
thank you so much .
Thank you very much for this lesson, but I had a problem with the Q5, I put “as does”, but the quiz says it must be “like the” why?
good lesson, good teacher!
thanks Adam. I hope that you will give us more good lessons like this.
very useful, as usual:) thanks
Hi,thank you for this lesson..i have a question,could you give me an example about As…As
bakhtiyar ali
I think Adam is as good teacher as a great person!
I just wanna improve my english lol!
thank you for an explanation;) share your experience
bakhtiyar ali
My dear Adam,( the most convincing teacher )
would you please express the difference between (hope and wish).
and if you don’t mind expressing more advanced English subjects like phonemes, morphems, alophones and almorphes.
Thank you.
Adam, Thank you.
And I would like to know how to use “which” and “what”? For example, what is the difference between “what countries” or “which countries”? Thank you again.
Thank you Adam.
Whenever I click to see what Adam is doing, I learn sth new . To My excellent virtual teacher I say : Keep up the good work :). I hope there will be a lesson (advanced one) about INVERSIONS .
‘I like it’ – ‘So do I’ / I do too / Me too (spoken Am. Eng.) … But: ‘I like it same as you do’ …
very useful, thanks Adam.
Thanks Adam this will help me in final exam. By the way your voice is great ..
Thank you ;)
2. Allen’s speeches sound a lot _______ his father’s.
5. ________ chief nurse, I also believe that the operating room must be as clean as possible.
6. I’m not the only one to agree with the decision; the manager agrees as well, ______ his staff.
Hi adam,
Your episode was so amusing, but when I started in an exam I got 7 out of 10.
I wanted to explain my question :
2. Allen’s speeches sound a lot _______ his father’s.
My answer is : as ,because father’s is a shortcut to the word ” father is ”
thank you so much , Adam
Your lesson is excellent. I do not understand why in the question 9, it is incorrect to use “as” if “a little girl who has lost her doll” has a clause.
Interesting lesson! It’s very nice of you Adam.
Thanks alot. Could you help me to distinguish day and date, please?. I’m little bit confused.I hope to receive answer from you soon.
thx again. U r the best
Thank you very much! Could you tell me what ” home run” means?
Thanks Adam.
thank you a lot god bless you =)
Hi ,Adam I’ve got a question , can you please tell me why do you say though at the end of your sentences ? Because I thought ”though” means the same like as ”if” :)
Thank you!!!
Can I also use “So do I” instead of “As do I”? If yes, what’s the difference between them?
i got 9 out of 10 thanks
I got 9 out of 10 thanks to you…Many thanks Adam.
Thank you .
would you explain about number 4,5 and 6 ??
thank u, sir. your lecture is of great help!
Thank you, teacher Adam
hey Adam
what is a the correct meaning for metaphor
what is the correct meaning for metaphor
Hi Adam, I just failed on your test :(
hi Adam! thanks you for your teachings!
could you tell me if this sentence is correct..
If I had been born in UK, I would have spoken English as a native language…
I hope your answer :)
hi Adam, thanks for the lesson.
could you help me to explain about Conditional sentences type I, II and III. Please teach me how to understand it simply, thanks before.
Thks for that lesson.
Well, I’ve a doubt. As you said, we usually use AS + a clause and LIKE + noun.
As far as I know, if you’re talking about professions, you can not say: I’m working like an engineer. You must say: I’m working as an engineer. That’s a comparison, isn’t it? And it is AS + noun.
I guess that’s an exception. Are there more of it?
Nice lesson Adam! I was wondering if you can explain a little bit more about the follow structure:
-as adjective/noun/adverb as-
Thank you so much! Greetings from El Salvador.
Thank you, Adam. It is very usefull lesson like like your previous… ;)
hi i’m rick I’ve been using this website to improve my grammar composition.
Thank You
Hi Adam!
Why in the №4 is there no article “a”?
We always use an article “a/an” with the profession: a doctor, a teacher, a chief nurse, no?
Thanks in advance.
thanks adam
laith raad
Hello Adam, I am Walker, I did not answered the 4 and 5 questions correctly. The 4th: I chose the “like”, because I didn´t find a clause….For the 5th in the same way: as does a chief nurse….or, like the chief nurse
Could you help me?
Thank you in advance
Abdul Qayum
Thank you for this lesson, Adam. I hadn’t understood the difference between “We, as teachers, (…)” and “We, like teachers,…” yet. Your explanation makes it very clear.
Thank you so much teacher Adam. you covered most of my doubts; But there is one more thing I wish I could know. would it be ok if I said : ‘as I said before or like I said before’. I might be obvious for you, but in my case I have heard both of them so many times that, consequently, it is not clear. By the way, did I you ” consequently” right?
It not ok
like shit
Hi Adam. Thanks for the lesson. I often do mistakes while using “like” and “as.” Is that correct to say “She wanted to help others as her mom did”? I would say “like her mom did, but after your lesson I feel that I should say “as.” Is that because we cannot use did with like? Thanks in advance.
I have enjoyed this video as I have enjoyed others :)
Good lesson Adam!
the first commentair : very useful lesson thank you very much
It’s a bit confusing but I think if I practice I will use them correctly.
I got 8/10 in the quiz :)
Thank you so much for the lesson, but I have a question:First way is easy, the second one is easier, the third- easiest. Is there a degree of comparison like- The fourth way is more easier(but not easiest)? In Russian we have something like this.
Dear Adam, thank you for this helpful lesson .
Could you tell me if there are other words used for comparisons .
Hi Adam, will you help for question no 6 and 9.Plz justify the answers
narsimha sharma
Hello friends!
here is my skype id “muhammad.naveed343” we can make conversation in English to make it up.
Thanks Adam for your precious lessons
I didn’t understand the number 9 part of the quiz where the correct answer is ”he cries ‘like’ a little girl who has lost her doll”. I chose ‘as’ because ”the little girl…” is a clause…isn´t it? Anyway, it sounded more correct to me with ”like”.
6/10 Oh my god
I loved it, thanks !
Great! i got 9 correct out of 10.I’m very happy,because before it was difficult for me.But now i understood it :) Thanks a lot !
Thanks for the lesson!
This is the first video I’ve seen at the website and I’m going to visit it again and again.
i only got 7 correct.i didnt watch the video tho.i guess i neeed to wach it.thank u Alex
Great class! I would like to do the quiz again.
I knew that I’ve done a mistake at the last question! bouh!
thank’s a lot for these lessons! I like it so much!!!
it’s good lesson.Thank you Adam.
thanks,Mr.Adam u r really kind man and i hope u to be Muslim to win your hereafter :)
Thank so much, Adam
Hi Adam can u help me in the following sentence
He walks ——- He is slightly lame
1. As though
2. Provided that
i found in my book as though was the answer
but as you say i read that as though and as if represent subjunctive mood and the clause after it should be in past ex — He orders me as though he were my boss ..
so what do u say what should be the answer provided that or as though
I loved how to teach of you , you’re so cool, Thanks for teaching me ADAM .I get better English language.
Thank you.
I get 9/10.:)
I still don’t understand this question:
________ chief nurse, I also believe that the operating room must be as clean as possible.
As does
Why choose “As does”?
ngoc quyen
Only 50 %. Thanks Adam. Need more concentration.
thanks a lot
we want
I speak
I do speak
he speaks
he does speak
we can understand above sentences..
we want explanation about following sentences
I do do
he does do
I did do
sachin and prakash do do
( sachin and prakash are proper nouns )
please explain for us
I’ve always been confused about ‘like’ and ‘as’.
It helped me a lot! Thanks for great lesson, Adam :)
I got 100 but i was confused about quiz #6.
“I’m not the only one to agree with the decision; the manager agrees as well, ( ) his staff.”
At this sentence, the answer was “as does” but why can’t i also use ‘like’ here?
Heather K.
I think its because the sentence emphasize the action that ‘his staff’ does agree too, not only to compare. It was explained implicitly at
I understood the lesson but I would like to know how to pronounce the word: (AS), and how to use it in sentences, It’s very hard for me to pronounce that word, so I always use the word (LIKE)to comparate, when I have a conversation in English!
How to use it the word (AS) but how to use the pronunciation in sentences.
THanks for this great lesson, thank you Adam,
i have a question here,
Why did you use ” As do i ” ? This does not match with what you explained in the lesson, that comes after As a ” S. ” then ” V. ”
thanks :3
thanks adam! this is well explained lesson
Hi,Adam. Thanks a mill.
I learned that in negative sentences we should
use “so”: He isn’t so brilliant as his brother.”
Then it changed to “as…as” no matter what the sentence is negative or not.
So, I’ve got accustomed to using “not so…as”.
Is it wrong?
Adam, “as if” is the same as “as though”,isn’t it?
As you didn’t mention this when you were explaining the subject, I got this one wrong in the quiz.
I like I can learn a lot english with adam thanks for the lesson
Thanks for this lesson.
It’s very interesting and helpful!!!
It’s kind of easy to understand how use these comparisons, but quite difficult to use them correctly
Adam, thanks a lot for this lesson. When you explain this, it looks easy, but on a practice, I do some mistakes.
I make* some mistakes)
Adam, you are great teacher! Thanks! )
Adam, you are great teacher! Thanks! )
Than you Adam.
Thanx a lot Adam for the lesson. This subject very interested to me. But, May you explain more to me about the answer of question number 4,5 and 6. I still have been being confuse about it. Thanx :)
Hello, thank you a lot for your video.
I have a question.
We could say :
do you know anyone who works as a DJ ?
Do you know anyone who works like a Dj
Thank your for your answer
My suggestion is `do you know anyone who works as a DJ ?’ cos’ as a dj ‘means someone who is a DJ. you may refer to the last example Adam provided in video. He has elucidated the distinction between as and like
Thank you so much for this lesson.
But I still have a doubt, can you please help me with this sentence?
“Do not follow our natural diet IS AS (/is how?) supply a diesel fuel car with gasoline”
Thank you!
Adam, let me know if this sentence is incorrect:
“I work as a teacher”.
Hi Sir Adam,
I have a question and this made me confused about the topic. I have heard a song and the lyrics says
“love me like you do” is this correct?
Thanks a lot . I got 8 correct out of 10 :)
thanks !! :-)
Great! Thanks a lot!
Thank you a lot Adam!
You said about “as do I” or “as does she”
Is it the same that “so do I” or “so does I”
For example:
“I like French potatoes a lot.
SO DO I!!!”
I could say: AS DO I! ?
Thanks a lot and I’m sorry about any mistake! :)
Correct “So does he” besides “So do I”.
Obrigado Adam! Enfim consegui entender a diferença entre “as” e “like”.
Pretendo falar Inglês COMO você!
I intend to speak English LIKE you!
I’ve got 10, thanx to you, Adam!
Anna Babich
Thank You, Adam! It’s very useful lesson. And very understandable, as usual. But I can’t understand the sentence “Allen’s speeches sound a lot like his father’s” in the test. “a lot like” is something concerning to the degrees of comparison? Or it connected with the verb (sound a lot)?
Thanks for another enlightening lesson, Teacher Adam:)
Just a quick question. When can I use “As are you?”
Hi! Adam.
I can’t understand point 5 and 6 of test. ((
To what rule it belongs?
Not a 100 percent but I learnt anyway. Thanks so much Adam. Let’s continue
thanks a lot Mr Adam,
I always enjoy your lessons :)
but i have a question about this sentences:
{the stately government house in Annapolis serve (as / like) the residence of the governor of Maryland}
why we use as in this sentence
In this sentence “as” is used to be a preposition. The meaning is the same with ” in the position of”. Check the Adam’s video at 7:50.
great lesson MR Adam I understood the whole lesson but I confused in the quiz , I will check this lesson again until I take the full mark.
There is a Justin Timberlake song which is “Like I love you”. Its name is incorrect but acceptable after all song’s name should have been “As I love you”. :)
Thanks! I’ve got 10/10
hi mr.adam ! ^^ really nice to learn wth u. would u mind to explain me about “would and would rather” in ur next teaching topic? really wait for it. thanks a lot ;)
thank you. This lesson is a little difficult for me, but I like it.
Very good explanation, thanks Adam! You are an excellent teacher, I like your lessons.
thanks a million
you’re so kind
I’m confused in no.7 question. Are the meaning of “as if” and “as though” these two phrases the same ?
Besides, hope Adam could make another video about how to use “if”. Because I’m also confused that when should we use past tense or future tense or simple tense comes after “if”, I really wonder to know how to use it. Thank you.
I usually make mistakes about the use of “as” and “like”. This lesson was great for me.
Adam, thanks for your explanation once more.
I failed this quiz :((
10 out of 10
I like your lessons. The explanations are clear. I’m looking forward to watch your another advanced video….
Irma Lukman
Man i only got 5 out of 10. This lesson is quite confusing for me. I will study more about this lesson. Thanks for sharing this lesson adam.
Thanks :) I understand it but I hope to use it properly while talking :)
Wonderful lesson, Adam
Thanks Adam, it helped me a lot.
Amauris .A
Good morning Adam, thanks for the lesson!
Hi Adam, if I say: “as a painter. ” (making a comparison), why is not used the word “like” instead “as” if the next word is not a clause and if a noun? or maybe I am wrong.
And again because “As” in this sentence: ” From this perspective, institucions are understood not only as specific organisations, such as museums, but as social fields, like the art world, that encompass a range of structures”?
And the same, in the following sentence: ” As the primary institucional frame art, museums play a central role in defining what art is and means” Why is not used Like?
Could you explain me this, please?
Thank a lot, Adam <3
I find this lesson very useful for me.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Adam! I like your lessons very much!
I have a question to this lesson…
Tell me please, is these sentences correct?
“They have more money than we have”?
They have as much money as we have?
Thanks a lot :)
Hi,Adam. I have questuion.
You saw example how this “Well,Lisa came as did Tom and Jerry”. But in next you used “He speaks as Kenndy used to”. There are clause switched. After v+s or s+v or it is no difference? I will want to simple answer. Thanks
Very interesting. So that if i say ” i would like to improve my english as i never did before”. Is it correct?
Thankyou for your lesson.
But why is ‘Jackson has been sutddying as there’s no tomorrow’ incorrect and ‘as though there were no tomorrow’ correct?
Eva Haverkort1617
Hi Adam,
thanks for this useful video
I met two example about this subject and I cant understand why `as` use these sentence?
First example: As part of the completion of the project, we required t supply our client with CAD drawings.
Second example: Going forward please complete your project as below:
Many thanks :)
Thank you very much for your lesson Adam. Can you help me with this sentence, please? “I haven’t got used to all the customs yet – like it’s rude to blow your nose in public.” I think it’s wrong, am I right?
Marin Ivanchev
Hi adam!
In some past lesson, you said that when I want to agree with someone I just can say “So do I”. That has the same meaning of “As do I”? Thank you very much, I find your lessons very helpful.
Hi Adam.
Many thanks for the lesson.
Is it possible to say “As his father used to, he speaks very well.” instead of ” He speaks very well as his father used to”…?!
I have got to study more
Paul Harim
I got 90.
Shu Hua Chen
very interesting ! thanks.
Hi Adam.
In this lesson you said ´´like” is followed by a noun, but what happen with this example: she dances just like her.?
Julio Mulato
Always very worth!
Alan Cabezas
Adam is a great teacher as a Emma is. Is this centence correct ? :)
A lot of bosses think LIKE these and think AS that boss (thinks)?
Andy Dixi
Thank you, Adam!
You are the best! 90!
Hallo, Adam!
It’s a very interesting lesson.
We had 9 correct answers!
Thank you!
Andrew and Julia
haidy shrif
thanks Adam for this interesting lesson
Hey Adam, thanks for the lesson, very very helpfull sorry for bother you, I have one question.
What’s the difference between “Like this” and “Like that”?
Thanks again.
7 correct out of 10.hehehe…you will learn here as much as you can when you are always watching all of the lessons here..
darwin maglines
What a pity ! I lost 10% as i do usually
Thank you,Adam!
A bit difficult, but 80%
Hi, Adam. thanks for the important lesson. I confuse them every time like more people.I think I can use correct one when I should use them. May be, I will not use as native speakers do, but I will try use correct one like more students.Thanks:)
Thank You very much, Your lesson is the best as usual! But I have one question. Another teacher gave us the example “He is as strong as a bear”, but can we say “He is strong like a bear”? If yes, will it be the same meaning?
vlada marsakova
hai adam can you explain number 6 for me . thankyou :)
eka putri febriani
Thank you, I got 8 out of 10. Your tricks in grammar are very useful. You should have been an examiner in ETS.
Mr Adam, please explain to me sentence number six.
Thank you so much for the way you explained this!!!
these words are alywas we used in daily conve but we never know the deifrent both coz both have similiar meaning and common word we always listen is Like to compareing somtging or to rever something and as sometime we use it as somethng to describe that ” ur position ” such as ” as ur boss i asked u to finissh ur job before u going home ”
now we knew the difrent and we knew how the grammatically does.
thank u adam.
I’m very thankful for this lesson, most of the lessons have helped me a lot to improve my English. All thanks to you, I sincerely appreciate the effort you put into your work to make us understand and learn this language in a much more simpler way. And I have a doubt regarding on which to use or which one is the correct while replying.
a) As do I (or)
B) So do I ?
thank very much for the good lesson.
Thanks Adam for everything!
this is good
Doni Bungaa
Hey, Adam! Thank you for the lesson. Could you explain when it is correct to use “compare with” and when “compare to”?
“She treats me like a dog.” I do not understand. Who looks like a dog – she or I?
Alex Semenov 1972
Thanks for everything, I really enjoy your videos, you explain clearly the information and I can understand. Thanks a lot.
Martha susan
Thank you for very nice lesson. It was revelation for me.
Anastasiya Yarygina
Hello Adam
i think number 6 is confusing. The blank is followed by a noun but you have to use “as does” instead of “like”
6/10, Shameful result as i didn’t expect to.
But i am assure that i almost understand the points of this lesson.
Ye Yint Aung
Hello Adam,
I have a question. What’s the difference between these two sentences?
Jackson has been studying as there’s no tomorrow.
Jackson has been studying as though there were no tomorrow.
9 out of 10 ?
Ellen P
hi Alan I did an exercise for cambridge exam and there was a phrase that I did not understand : I am speaking to you… a frien. I thought that ‘like’ in the space was the right answer because is usually followed by nouns. Why ‘AS’in this example is the correct answer? Is it why it show a position? thanks in advance
It’s me Shahrose from India. I like the way you teach I got 90 out of 100. I follow you very much and I am unable to understand Ex,(6) if you can describe why do we use “does” in this sentence.
Shahrose Shaikh
when do we use, so do i??
Hi Adam,
thanks for your useful lesson. I just want to make clear again, so the sentence ” She speaks like her father” and the sentence “she speaks as her father does” has the same meaning, right? So “like” and “as” have the same meaning, and the only difference is that “like” followed by a Noun/pronoun and “as” followed by a clause??
Thank you so much!
Hello Adam, I got the difference between “as” and “like” thanks to your very good lesson.
My question is about the sentence of sixth question in the quiz:
“I’m not the only one to agree with the decision; the manager agrees as well, ______ his staff.” .
Can use “who” instead of “to” before the verb “agree”? What would be the difference between them and is there any video about it in engVid ?
Interesting, also German native speakers use as and how relatively often wrong.
Attila the hun
Interesting, also german native speakers use as and like relatively often wrong.
Attila the hun
When I m watching your lesso everything is easy and clear but I get lots of mistakes doing exercise :-(
It is bad.
isn it?
Thank you so much.
Hello Adam, I love the way you explained the grammar. do you have the online class? if the online class is available please show me the way enroll.
ND nguyenduy
Thank you so much’s helped me a lot.good lesson.
Thanks, Adam. I got 9 correct out of 10.
Can you plz explain number 6? why is the answer “as” not “like”. In my opinion, “his staff” is a noun.
BROTHER,watch the video from 5.25 sec. the question is from that rule.
mohammad mushfiqure rahman emon
thank you, great video
9/10! I confuse with the No.6 question also. These tips are useful and make me speak like a native speaker. Thanks, Adam! I wish I can speak English like you and write an essay as a native English.
Jerry Gu
BROTHER,watch the video from 5.25 sec. the question is from that rule.
mohammad mushfiqure rahman emon
Hello Adam! It will be good to add questions’ numbers in quiz.
Mozamil Kakar
So in this case, which one would be the correct sentence?
“Nobody does it as you do”
“Nobody does it like you do”
Although I think the first sentence is grammatically, the second one I hear all the time in some music and it might be ungrammatical.
Fellipe Arnizaut
adam , try to make a video on comparson of qualities AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.
mohammad mushfiqure rahman emon
I got 8. Thanks a billion!! I have an idea going to the tutor, but now my mind changed. I can achieve my goal with your help!!!
I don’t understand n.5 and n.6
Thank you, I found it very useful.
Angelina Nava
Hello Adam I got lesson well. I have a question. Can I use such as like that, such as+noun
like+noun+clause is it correct
Excellent teacher! I’m very thankful. Please I don’t understand why we should use like in the question number 9. We have a subject + verb (lost) so, we must use as??
Hello Adam
thank you for all the eforts you do to make such a usefull video. I hope you also make some videos, and explain how to anlysis fiktion and non-fiktion article.
Thank you for your lessons. However, I still don’t quite understand how to use “as”. ><
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank u Adam for this lesson
I hope that all grammar mistaks become acceptable like mixing up the use of “as” and “like” :3
Thank you for the lesson, Adam! I have a question. 7 task(Jackson has been studying as though there were no tomorrow) Why is “as though” here?
because you are comparing an unreal situation .
in this case, you use either ‘as if’ or ‘as though’. =)
Nice lesson,extremely clear and very good examples.But “up to them” and the aureola gesture?
God bless you..each lesson is better than the previous.
Wish you the best Adam
Interesting and useful to be more confident and careful when using these expressions.
As a Polish learner I’m glad to see you again :-)
Yeah, right. As a English learner from Poland I’m glad to see you again. ;-)
THANK you very much Adam for helpful lesson. I was looking for this lesson for many years. I’ve got 8/10
thank you Adam, this lesson is very interesting and useful like all your previous lessons.
I kindly ask you if you could make a lesson about introduction IT- because i find it very difficult to deal with .
Hi Obay,
Can you give me an example?
You’re helping me a lot with your classes, thank you very much!
Thanks Adam for this very nice show. I wonder if you could comment on “such as”.
Hi Ricardo,
We use ‘such as’ when we are about going to give an example:
I play sports such as hockey, basketball, and soccer.
Hope that helps
Can I say
“I play sports like hockey, basketball, and soccer.”?
Thanks, Adam. I always asked myself about this and I hadn’t known the answer.
I think question 7 should be: Jackson has been studying as IF there were no tomorrow, according to what Adam had explained… I did not understand why the answer is “Jackson has been studying as THOUGH there were no tomorrow”…Is it really correct?
I looked into a dictionary and “as though” is similar with “as if”.
In fact, I think “similar to” is correct(not “similar with”)
Thank you for explanation, arinamg.
Thank you for the explanation, arinamg!That’s very kind of you!
Hi Janilza,
Arinamg is correct. ‘as if’ and ‘ as though’ are the same. as though is a little more formal.
Thank you, dear Adam! I need to say that you are an excellent teacher. One of my favorites!
Thank you so much.
i got 4 correct outta 10 but no problem..that isn’t means i didn’t understand you..i got what you explained..i got the meaning..but maybe i’m a little bit the way can i say (as i do)instead of (as do i)thanks..and gimme an advice..
Hi Hussein,
‘as I do,’ and ‘as do I’ mean the same thing. As do I is very formal and is usually used to agree with someone:
A: I think English is important these days.
B: As do I (I do too)
Hope that helps.
Adam, thanks for this lesson. It’s really very useful. But now I have a question. What is the difference between ‘As do I’ and ‘So do I’?
I think “as do I” is similar to “As do I” like “I do to”. please remember about eliptical sentence :)
Thanks, great class!
great thanks Mr Adam,
really i enjoy learning english here, it’s great website for everyone who want to learn english
Big thanks for all who helping us he on that website
please: could you explain to me why we don’t use “as” in thise sentence ( 6. I’m not the only one to agree with the decision; the manager agrees as well, ______ his staff).
Hi Izzyazima,
Yes, this is a little confusing. You have to be careful here to notice that ‘as well’ means the same as ‘also’. Because of the comma (,) I didn’t mean as well as. I meant that the manager also agrees AND the staff does too. That’s why I need the second verb ‘as does.’
Is that clear?
yeah thanks a lot Mr Adam,
it’s clear now :) your difficult quiz is very support, we must focus for complete understanding.
Thanks Adam, very interesting lesson, excellent explanation
Thanks a lot ,and i hope you will do a lesson on that unreal situation.
hi medirock, you can search subjunctive on and you will find it. He has already recorded a video lesson for you.:)
I got 60/100 :(
It seems no one has mentioned his or her score in the above comments; they might scored as I did.
thanks Adam for this nice lesson.
wanna ask: why did you say: ” … there were no tomorrow” not “there was no tomorrow”, why were not was?
Hi raed15. Because in that situation, the clause is a subjunctive one. You cannot use “was” in subjunctive.
Adam has recorded a video lesson about subjunctive. You can find it on his youtube channel.
Hi Raed,
Quang answered correctly. In the subjunctive you should use ‘were’ not ‘was’. You can see my lesson on that. But also keep in mind that in informal speech, many people use ‘was’ so don’t worry too much about this.
thanks a lot.
I have a doubt. Why you say as if there were no tomorrow, if it is singular?. It would not be as if there was no tomorrow?, thanks.
Hi Jose,
In the subjunctive you should use ‘were’ not ‘was’. You can see my lesson on that. But also keep in mind that in informal speech, many people use ‘was’ so don’t worry too much about this.
Hi Adam, I would like to ask you a simple question.
Is “As do I” more frequent in usage than “So do I” ??
Hi Poslegg,
Actually, no. As do I is pretty formal, so most people don’t use it. So do I is more common.
Good question though.
By the way, Adam, wanted to recommend you two themes, which can be really helpful for people, maybe it’s advanced level but question remains a question, how about:
1.) Mixed conditionals (i.e. Third + Second conditionals)
2.) Punctuation marks, like semicolon, for example I still don’t know when I can use comma and when it’s semicolon.
Thanks in advance Adam, you are cool teacher, keep up the good work.
I got 100. Thanks Adam!
Thank u very much Adam
Great lesson Adam as always!! Thank you
Yeah, superb!
Thank you so much, Adam!
I got a hundred on the quiz.
It was great teacher, I’ve enjoyed your class very much…
Thank you so much. I find that this website is more useful for me.
good evening Adam how are u? i got 90 on the quiz. thanks u for this great lesson. it s very useful. i want to speak english like you )))).
Awesome. Thank you Adam.
Thank you so much, Adam
really useful lesson. Before I didn’t realize the differences between its,
I did a lot of mistakes as most non-native speakers do, in such sentences like described in this lesson, : )
hope I didn’t make a mistakes in my comments)
Thanks a lot, Adam i review this lesson and i got 8 correct out of 10….thanks
Thank you, I have to watch the video again…it’s very interesting this lesson.
Thank You
Adam do lesson as You do
The last example enlighten everything!
Useful class, Adam!
Yes. I entirely agree with you. and I think all the examples here are enlightening.
thank you for your pretty lesson! ^^
what a interesting lesson today prof ADAM :
I’m a new students and i’m pretty happy to be part of this website. You’re video is pretty useful! Thanks a lot
student# your#
great ! you my favorite teacher on the site ! good luck!
Hi and thanks!One question beyond the topic if you don’t mind.Is there any lesson in your collection about sports terms(hockey,soccer)?And if it exists,please point there.
We have a few lessons!
many thanks, please could explain it again
much appreciated
Hi Khalidse,
:) I think you’ll need to be more specific about what was difficult for you. I’ll be happy to clear things up if I can.
I really thank you Adam,i would like you to teach me how “r” is pronounced.
Hi Luckyboy,
I’ll try to make a lesson about that. Kind of hard to do it in writing. :)
Thanks so much. I want to learn more from you.
Thanks Adam,But it is a little complicated,I will appreciated if you explain us more
Thanks Adam!
It was a very useful lesson.
thanks a lot .
Thanks at all!
Your lesson is awesome!
I’ve never have such a wonderful lesson!
Wow! thank you very much. hihi. I love you, Adam
I got 3 correct out of 10. :(
That was difficult.
But that not meant that I not understood you.:)
thanks a lot, i really appreciated this lesson.
thank you Adam
i have learnt new information
10 out of 10 (:
Thank you very much Adam!
The lessons of this site help me every day.
A warm HI from the North of the Earth :)
thanks thanks a lot! could you help me comparing among repaired, renewed, restored and renovated???help me, please!
Hi Oliver,
repair- something is broken or not working well, so you fix it.
restore- for example an old car- you make it like new again.
renew- when your membership at a gym or club ends, you renew it, or start it again for another year.
renovate- make changes to the original. for example if you renovate a room in your house, you make it like new, but different than it was (take down a wall, add features, etc.)
Hope that helps
Many thanks!
Thanks, great class!
Thank you Adam.
thank you adam good lessone
Thanks a lot for the lessons, i really like your way to teach thanks ….
This lesson is very helpful. Thank you very much!
thank you very much!
Thank you!
Thank you very much.
Please help me with number 6.
Hi Masoud,
Yes, this is a little confusing. You have to be careful here to notice that ‘as well’ means the same as ‘also’. Because of the comma (,) I didn’t mean as well as. I meant that the manager also agrees AND the staff does too. That’s why I need the second verb ‘as does.’
Is that clear?
Thank you for your response.I got what you meant,but Is following sentence with no comma correct?
“the manager agrees as well as his staff” correct?
Thank you so much !!!It helps me a lot !!
hi Adam,
thanks for this lesson.
can you give us lesson about difference between three words yet,also and again please?
Hi Kays2mee,
I’ll get on that :)
hi…sir thanks a lot
i had been having a problem with using as & like but now i’m comfortable with them
sir…….if you don’t mind , could you teach me about “as+verb+subject”? plz…………
Hi Thusan,
Do you mean for comparing? ‘as’ has other uses too.
As the sun rose, the bird began to sing.
Means at the same time.
let me know if that helps.
I have a question. Basically the sun rose before the birds started to sing, right? I mean, the sun have to rise, and if it isn’t, the birds won’t sing. :)
For another example:
“As the sun rose, I saw that the whole village had been destroyed.” — There was a fight in the night, and after all the sun rose, and then I was able to see what has left from the village. — And one question about present perfect and past perfect tenses I used. — Did I use them correctly? I think I understand them a little bit more now, but I’m not sure.
And also I have one more question concerning your example — Do the tenses in the first and the second part of the sentence have to match? Or if we use “as” here, the verb has to be in the past form. — that’s why “as the sun rose”.
hi sir……
i’m apologizing for being late to replay & i must tell you the reason why i’m late because i had sick for last week therefore i was unable to see the mail sir…..
In this lesson you mentioned ;
‘A;i like swimming ,B;as do i’
here ‘as+do+i’ is = ‘as+verb+subject’ this’s what i request kindly to explain sir…..
Hi, Adam. First of all, let me tell you you’re pretty good teacher, very understandable when you’re speaking. I have a suggestion to make. Could you make a lesson on the verbs finishing by ‘ing’ after ‘to’ like in the sentence ‘looking forward to seeing you’ or ‘this is my approach to teaching you’. I’m trying to find the answer since ages but no way. I’m French from Avignon (France) and I’d be very grateful if you answered. Thanks.
Hi Patple,
I’ll try to make a lesson on that, but for now, just remember that the ‘to’ in these examples is not the same as the infinitive ‘to’. It’s a preposition that’s used to point to something.
Looking forward to– to what? to seeing you. It’s very specific to certain expressions.
Good idea though. I’ll work on it.
Hi Adam. At the moment I’m in Rochester NY but I keep studying your lessons and the other teachers ones. I am still very happy with them. I hope you’re keeping in mind the lesson on the preposition ‘to’ followed by ‘verbs + ing form’. Thanks a lot.
Adam teaches like a father, simple and easy to understand. Keep doing this great job.
It was very difficult.;
But I’ve got 1o correct out of 10.
Thank you very much!
hi my friend,do lose hope. it’ll come one day. OvO
Thanks & this is very useful site for leaners.
Thanks Adam, I like this lesson very much.
Adam, thanks for your (as usual) great lesson ;) Guys, is there anybody who wants to improve language skills with me?? Of course I meant english :D
Thanks Adam, as angolan English learner Iam improving grammar fast.
thanks a lot
Thank you Adam for helping me understand, that grammar can be fun.
Thank you Adam for helping me understand, that grammar can be fun.
Thank you Adam for helping me understand, that grammar can be fun.
Thanks everyone. Keep up the good work.
By the way, if there are parts of the lesson you’re not sure of, please ask me specific questions so that I can address the issue directly.
Answering the questions n comments so kindly is nice of u dear Adam;
I 4 1,am extremely grateful 2 u.
Bye 2 Hi,
:) Cheerio!
WOW, I got 9 correct out of 10 . I’m so grateful to you Adam for helping . What you’ve done is deeply appreciated for you too . By the way , this is my first time to be here . Thanks again .
Thank you very much for this lesson Adam!
Thank you so much Adam, this lesson was awesome :)
Thank alot Sir
thank you so much .
Thank you very much for this lesson, but I had a problem with the Q5, I put “as does”, but the quiz says it must be “like the” why?
good lesson, good teacher!
thanks Adam. I hope that you will give us more good lessons like this.
very useful, as usual:) thanks
Hi,thank you for this lesson..i have a question,could you give me an example about As…As
I think Adam is as good teacher as a great person!
I just wanna improve my english lol!
thank you for an explanation;) share your experience
My dear Adam,( the most convincing teacher )
would you please express the difference between (hope and wish).
and if you don’t mind expressing more advanced English subjects like phonemes, morphems, alophones and almorphes.
Thank you.
Adam, Thank you.
And I would like to know how to use “which” and “what”? For example, what is the difference between “what countries” or “which countries”? Thank you again.
Thank you Adam.
Whenever I click to see what Adam is doing, I learn sth new . To My excellent virtual teacher I say : Keep up the good work :). I hope there will be a lesson (advanced one) about INVERSIONS .
‘I like it’ – ‘So do I’ / I do too / Me too (spoken Am. Eng.) … But: ‘I like it same as you do’ …
very useful, thanks Adam.
Thanks Adam this will help me in final exam. By the way your voice is great ..
Thank you ;)
2. Allen’s speeches sound a lot _______ his father’s.
5. ________ chief nurse, I also believe that the operating room must be as clean as possible.
6. I’m not the only one to agree with the decision; the manager agrees as well, ______ his staff.
Hi adam,
Your episode was so amusing, but when I started in an exam I got 7 out of 10.
I wanted to explain my question :
2. Allen’s speeches sound a lot _______ his father’s.
My answer is : as ,because father’s is a shortcut to the word ” father is ”
thank you so much , Adam
Your lesson is excellent. I do not understand why in the question 9, it is incorrect to use “as” if “a little girl who has lost her doll” has a clause.
Interesting lesson! It’s very nice of you Adam.
Thanks alot. Could you help me to distinguish day and date, please?. I’m little bit confused.I hope to receive answer from you soon.
thx again. U r the best
Thank you very much! Could you tell me what ” home run” means?
Thanks Adam.
thank you a lot god bless you =)
Hi ,Adam I’ve got a question , can you please tell me why do you say though at the end of your sentences ? Because I thought ”though” means the same like as ”if” :)
Thank you!!!
Can I also use “So do I” instead of “As do I”? If yes, what’s the difference between them?
i got 9 out of 10 thanks
I got 9 out of 10 thanks to you…Many thanks Adam.
Thank you .
would you explain about number 4,5 and 6 ??
thank u, sir. your lecture is of great help!
Thank you, teacher Adam
hey Adam
what is a the correct meaning for metaphor
what is the correct meaning for metaphor
Hi Adam, I just failed on your test :(
hi Adam! thanks you for your teachings!
could you tell me if this sentence is correct..
If I had been born in UK, I would have spoken English as a native language…
I hope your answer :)
hi Adam, thanks for the lesson.
could you help me to explain about Conditional sentences type I, II and III. Please teach me how to understand it simply, thanks before.
Thks for that lesson.
Well, I’ve a doubt. As you said, we usually use AS + a clause and LIKE + noun.
As far as I know, if you’re talking about professions, you can not say: I’m working like an engineer. You must say: I’m working as an engineer. That’s a comparison, isn’t it? And it is AS + noun.
I guess that’s an exception. Are there more of it?
Nice lesson Adam! I was wondering if you can explain a little bit more about the follow structure:
-as adjective/noun/adverb as-
Thank you so much! Greetings from El Salvador.
Thank you, Adam. It is very usefull lesson like like your previous… ;)
hi i’m rick I’ve been using this website to improve my grammar composition.
Thank You
Hi Adam!
Why in the №4 is there no article “a”?
We always use an article “a/an” with the profession: a doctor, a teacher, a chief nurse, no?
Thanks in advance.
thanks adam
Hello Adam, I am Walker, I did not answered the 4 and 5 questions correctly. The 4th: I chose the “like”, because I didn´t find a clause….For the 5th in the same way: as does a chief nurse….or, like the chief nurse
Could you help me?
Thank you in advance
Thank you for this lesson, Adam. I hadn’t understood the difference between “We, as teachers, (…)” and “We, like teachers,…” yet. Your explanation makes it very clear.
Thank you so much teacher Adam. you covered most of my doubts; But there is one more thing I wish I could know. would it be ok if I said : ‘as I said before or like I said before’. I might be obvious for you, but in my case I have heard both of them so many times that, consequently, it is not clear. By the way, did I you ” consequently” right?
It not ok
Hi Adam. Thanks for the lesson. I often do mistakes while using “like” and “as.” Is that correct to say “She wanted to help others as her mom did”? I would say “like her mom did, but after your lesson I feel that I should say “as.” Is that because we cannot use did with like? Thanks in advance.
I have enjoyed this video as I have enjoyed others :)
Good lesson Adam!
the first commentair : very useful lesson thank you very much
It’s a bit confusing but I think if I practice I will use them correctly.
I got 8/10 in the quiz :)
Thank you so much for the lesson, but I have a question:First way is easy, the second one is easier, the third- easiest. Is there a degree of comparison like- The fourth way is more easier(but not easiest)? In Russian we have something like this.
Dear Adam, thank you for this helpful lesson .
Could you tell me if there are other words used for comparisons .
Hi Adam, will you help for question no 6 and 9.Plz justify the answers
Hello friends!
here is my skype id “muhammad.naveed343” we can make conversation in English to make it up.
Thanks Adam for your precious lessons
I didn’t understand the number 9 part of the quiz where the correct answer is ”he cries ‘like’ a little girl who has lost her doll”. I chose ‘as’ because ”the little girl…” is a clause…isn´t it? Anyway, it sounded more correct to me with ”like”.
6/10 Oh my god
I loved it, thanks !
Great! i got 9 correct out of 10.I’m very happy,because before it was difficult for me.But now i understood it :) Thanks a lot !
Thanks for the lesson!
This is the first video I’ve seen at the website and I’m going to visit it again and again.
i only got 7 correct.i didnt watch the video tho.i guess i neeed to wach it.thank u Alex
Great class! I would like to do the quiz again.
I knew that I’ve done a mistake at the last question! bouh!
thank’s a lot for these lessons! I like it so much!!!
it’s good lesson.Thank you Adam.
thanks,Mr.Adam u r really kind man and i hope u to be Muslim to win your hereafter :)
Thank so much, Adam
Hi Adam can u help me in the following sentence
He walks ——- He is slightly lame
1. As though
2. Provided that
i found in my book as though was the answer
but as you say i read that as though and as if represent subjunctive mood and the clause after it should be in past ex — He orders me as though he were my boss ..
so what do u say what should be the answer provided that or as though
I loved how to teach of you , you’re so cool, Thanks for teaching me ADAM .I get better English language.
Thank you.
I get 9/10.:)
I still don’t understand this question:
________ chief nurse, I also believe that the operating room must be as clean as possible.
As does
Why choose “As does”?
Only 50 %. Thanks Adam. Need more concentration.
thanks a lot
we want
I speak
I do speak
he speaks
he does speak
we can understand above sentences..
we want explanation about following sentences
I do do
he does do
I did do
sachin and prakash do do
( sachin and prakash are proper nouns )
please explain for us
I’ve always been confused about ‘like’ and ‘as’.
It helped me a lot! Thanks for great lesson, Adam :)
I got 100 but i was confused about quiz #6.
“I’m not the only one to agree with the decision; the manager agrees as well, ( ) his staff.”
At this sentence, the answer was “as does” but why can’t i also use ‘like’ here?
I think its because the sentence emphasize the action that ‘his staff’ does agree too, not only to compare. It was explained implicitly at
I understood the lesson but I would like to know how to pronounce the word: (AS), and how to use it in sentences, It’s very hard for me to pronounce that word, so I always use the word (LIKE)to comparate, when I have a conversation in English!
How to use it the word (AS) but how to use the pronunciation in sentences.
THanks for this great lesson, thank you Adam,
i have a question here,
Why did you use ” As do i ” ? This does not match with what you explained in the lesson, that comes after As a ” S. ” then ” V. ”
thanks :3
thanks adam! this is well explained lesson
Hi,Adam. Thanks a mill.
I learned that in negative sentences we should
use “so”: He isn’t so brilliant as his brother.”
Then it changed to “as…as” no matter what the sentence is negative or not.
So, I’ve got accustomed to using “not so…as”.
Is it wrong?
Adam, “as if” is the same as “as though”,isn’t it?
As you didn’t mention this when you were explaining the subject, I got this one wrong in the quiz.
I like I can learn a lot english with adam thanks for the lesson
Thanks for this lesson.
It’s very interesting and helpful!!!
It’s kind of easy to understand how use these comparisons, but quite difficult to use them correctly
Adam, thanks a lot for this lesson. When you explain this, it looks easy, but on a practice, I do some mistakes.
I make* some mistakes)
Adam, you are great teacher! Thanks! )
Adam, you are great teacher! Thanks! )
Than you Adam.
Thanx a lot Adam for the lesson. This subject very interested to me. But, May you explain more to me about the answer of question number 4,5 and 6. I still have been being confuse about it. Thanx :)
Hello, thank you a lot for your video.
I have a question.
We could say :
do you know anyone who works as a DJ ?
Do you know anyone who works like a Dj
Thank your for your answer
My suggestion is `do you know anyone who works as a DJ ?’ cos’ as a dj ‘means someone who is a DJ. you may refer to the last example Adam provided in video. He has elucidated the distinction between as and like
Thank you so much for this lesson.
But I still have a doubt, can you please help me with this sentence?
“Do not follow our natural diet IS AS (/is how?) supply a diesel fuel car with gasoline”
Thank you!
Adam, let me know if this sentence is incorrect:
“I work as a teacher”.
Hi Sir Adam,
I have a question and this made me confused about the topic. I have heard a song and the lyrics says
“love me like you do” is this correct?
Thanks a lot . I got 8 correct out of 10 :)
thanks !! :-)
Great! Thanks a lot!
Thank you a lot Adam!
You said about “as do I” or “as does she”
Is it the same that “so do I” or “so does I”
For example:
“I like French potatoes a lot.
SO DO I!!!”
I could say: AS DO I! ?
Thanks a lot and I’m sorry about any mistake! :)
Correct “So does he” besides “So do I”.
Obrigado Adam! Enfim consegui entender a diferença entre “as” e “like”.
Pretendo falar Inglês COMO você!
I intend to speak English LIKE you!
I’ve got 10, thanx to you, Adam!
Thank You, Adam! It’s very useful lesson. And very understandable, as usual. But I can’t understand the sentence “Allen’s speeches sound a lot like his father’s” in the test. “a lot like” is something concerning to the degrees of comparison? Or it connected with the verb (sound a lot)?
Thanks for another enlightening lesson, Teacher Adam:)
Just a quick question. When can I use “As are you?”
Hi! Adam.
I can’t understand point 5 and 6 of test. ((
To what rule it belongs?
Not a 100 percent but I learnt anyway. Thanks so much Adam. Let’s continue
thanks a lot Mr Adam,
I always enjoy your lessons :)
but i have a question about this sentences:
{the stately government house in Annapolis serve (as / like) the residence of the governor of Maryland}
why we use as in this sentence
In this sentence “as” is used to be a preposition. The meaning is the same with ” in the position of”. Check the Adam’s video at 7:50.
great lesson MR Adam I understood the whole lesson but I confused in the quiz , I will check this lesson again until I take the full mark.
There is a Justin Timberlake song which is “Like I love you”. Its name is incorrect but acceptable after all song’s name should have been “As I love you”. :)
Thanks! I’ve got 10/10
hi mr.adam ! ^^ really nice to learn wth u. would u mind to explain me about “would and would rather” in ur next teaching topic? really wait for it. thanks a lot ;)
thank you. This lesson is a little difficult for me, but I like it.
Very good explanation, thanks Adam! You are an excellent teacher, I like your lessons.
thanks a million
you’re so kind
I’m confused in no.7 question. Are the meaning of “as if” and “as though” these two phrases the same ?
Besides, hope Adam could make another video about how to use “if”. Because I’m also confused that when should we use past tense or future tense or simple tense comes after “if”, I really wonder to know how to use it. Thank you.
I usually make mistakes about the use of “as” and “like”. This lesson was great for me.
Adam, thanks for your explanation once more.
I failed this quiz :((
10 out of 10
I like your lessons. The explanations are clear. I’m looking forward to watch your another advanced video….
Man i only got 5 out of 10. This lesson is quite confusing for me. I will study more about this lesson. Thanks for sharing this lesson adam.
Thanks :) I understand it but I hope to use it properly while talking :)
Wonderful lesson, Adam
Thanks Adam, it helped me a lot.
Good morning Adam, thanks for the lesson!
Hi Adam, if I say: “as a painter. ” (making a comparison), why is not used the word “like” instead “as” if the next word is not a clause and if a noun? or maybe I am wrong.
And again because “As” in this sentence: ” From this perspective, institucions are understood not only as specific organisations, such as museums, but as social fields, like the art world, that encompass a range of structures”?
And the same, in the following sentence: ” As the primary institucional frame art, museums play a central role in defining what art is and means” Why is not used Like?
Could you explain me this, please?
Thank a lot, Adam <3
I find this lesson very useful for me.
Thanks a lot.
Hi Adam! I like your lessons very much!
I have a question to this lesson…
Tell me please, is these sentences correct?
“They have more money than we have”?
They have as much money as we have?
Thanks a lot :)
Hi,Adam. I have questuion.
You saw example how this “Well,Lisa came as did Tom and Jerry”. But in next you used “He speaks as Kenndy used to”. There are clause switched. After v+s or s+v or it is no difference? I will want to simple answer. Thanks
Very interesting. So that if i say ” i would like to improve my english as i never did before”. Is it correct?
Thankyou for your lesson.
But why is ‘Jackson has been sutddying as there’s no tomorrow’ incorrect and ‘as though there were no tomorrow’ correct?
Hi Adam,
thanks for this useful video
I met two example about this subject and I cant understand why `as` use these sentence?
First example: As part of the completion of the project, we required t supply our client with CAD drawings.
Second example: Going forward please complete your project as below:
Many thanks :)
Thank you very much for your lesson Adam. Can you help me with this sentence, please? “I haven’t got used to all the customs yet – like it’s rude to blow your nose in public.” I think it’s wrong, am I right?
Hi adam!
In some past lesson, you said that when I want to agree with someone I just can say “So do I”. That has the same meaning of “As do I”? Thank you very much, I find your lessons very helpful.
Hi Adam.
Many thanks for the lesson.
Is it possible to say “As his father used to, he speaks very well.” instead of ” He speaks very well as his father used to”…?!
I have got to study more
I got 90.
very interesting ! thanks.
Hi Adam.
In this lesson you said ´´like” is followed by a noun, but what happen with this example: she dances just like her.?
Always very worth!
Adam is a great teacher as a Emma is. Is this centence correct ? :)
A lot of bosses think LIKE these and think AS that boss (thinks)?
Thank you, Adam!
You are the best! 90!
Hallo, Adam!
It’s a very interesting lesson.
We had 9 correct answers!
Thank you!
thanks Adam for this interesting lesson
Hey Adam, thanks for the lesson, very very helpfull sorry for bother you, I have one question.
What’s the difference between “Like this” and “Like that”?
Thanks again.
7 correct out of 10.hehehe…you will learn here as much as you can when you are always watching all of the lessons here..
What a pity ! I lost 10% as i do usually
Thank you,Adam!
A bit difficult, but 80%
Hi, Adam. thanks for the important lesson. I confuse them every time like more people.I think I can use correct one when I should use them. May be, I will not use as native speakers do, but I will try use correct one like more students.Thanks:)
Thank You very much, Your lesson is the best as usual! But I have one question. Another teacher gave us the example “He is as strong as a bear”, but can we say “He is strong like a bear”? If yes, will it be the same meaning?
hai adam can you explain number 6 for me . thankyou :)
Thank you, I got 8 out of 10. Your tricks in grammar are very useful. You should have been an examiner in ETS.
Mr Adam, please explain to me sentence number six.
Thank you so much for the way you explained this!!!
these words are alywas we used in daily conve but we never know the deifrent both coz both have similiar meaning and common word we always listen is Like to compareing somtging or to rever something and as sometime we use it as somethng to describe that ” ur position ” such as ” as ur boss i asked u to finissh ur job before u going home ”
now we knew the difrent and we knew how the grammatically does.
thank u adam.
I’m very thankful for this lesson, most of the lessons have helped me a lot to improve my English. All thanks to you, I sincerely appreciate the effort you put into your work to make us understand and learn this language in a much more simpler way. And I have a doubt regarding on which to use or which one is the correct while replying.
a) As do I (or)
B) So do I ?
thank very much for the good lesson.
Thanks Adam for everything!
this is good
Hey, Adam! Thank you for the lesson. Could you explain when it is correct to use “compare with” and when “compare to”?
“She treats me like a dog.” I do not understand. Who looks like a dog – she or I?
Thanks for everything, I really enjoy your videos, you explain clearly the information and I can understand. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for very nice lesson. It was revelation for me.
Hello Adam
i think number 6 is confusing. The blank is followed by a noun but you have to use “as does” instead of “like”
6/10, Shameful result as i didn’t expect to.
But i am assure that i almost understand the points of this lesson.
Hello Adam,
I have a question. What’s the difference between these two sentences?
Jackson has been studying as there’s no tomorrow.
Jackson has been studying as though there were no tomorrow.
9 out of 10 ?
hi Alan I did an exercise for cambridge exam and there was a phrase that I did not understand : I am speaking to you… a frien. I thought that ‘like’ in the space was the right answer because is usually followed by nouns. Why ‘AS’in this example is the correct answer? Is it why it show a position? thanks in advance
It’s me Shahrose from India. I like the way you teach I got 90 out of 100. I follow you very much and I am unable to understand Ex,(6) if you can describe why do we use “does” in this sentence.
when do we use, so do i??
Hi Adam,
thanks for your useful lesson. I just want to make clear again, so the sentence ” She speaks like her father” and the sentence “she speaks as her father does” has the same meaning, right? So “like” and “as” have the same meaning, and the only difference is that “like” followed by a Noun/pronoun and “as” followed by a clause??
Thank you so much!
Hello Adam, I got the difference between “as” and “like” thanks to your very good lesson.
My question is about the sentence of sixth question in the quiz:
“I’m not the only one to agree with the decision; the manager agrees as well, ______ his staff.” .
Can use “who” instead of “to” before the verb “agree”? What would be the difference between them and is there any video about it in engVid ?
Interesting, also German native speakers use as and how relatively often wrong.
Interesting, also german native speakers use as and like relatively often wrong.
When I m watching your lesso everything is easy and clear but I get lots of mistakes doing exercise :-(
It is bad.
isn it?
Thank you so much.
Hello Adam, I love the way you explained the grammar. do you have the online class? if the online class is available please show me the way enroll.
Thank you so much’s helped me a lot.good lesson.
Thanks, Adam. I got 9 correct out of 10.
Can you plz explain number 6? why is the answer “as” not “like”. In my opinion, “his staff” is a noun.
BROTHER,watch the video from 5.25 sec. the question is from that rule.
thank you, great video
9/10! I confuse with the No.6 question also. These tips are useful and make me speak like a native speaker. Thanks, Adam! I wish I can speak English like you and write an essay as a native English.
BROTHER,watch the video from 5.25 sec. the question is from that rule.
Hello Adam! It will be good to add questions’ numbers in quiz.
So in this case, which one would be the correct sentence?
“Nobody does it as you do”
“Nobody does it like you do”
Although I think the first sentence is grammatically, the second one I hear all the time in some music and it might be ungrammatical.
adam , try to make a video on comparson of qualities AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.
I got 8. Thanks a billion!! I have an idea going to the tutor, but now my mind changed. I can achieve my goal with your help!!!
I don’t understand n.5 and n.6
Thank you, I found it very useful.
Hello Adam I got lesson well. I have a question. Can I use such as like that, such as+noun
like+noun+clause is it correct
Excellent teacher! I’m very thankful. Please I don’t understand why we should use like in the question number 9. We have a subject + verb (lost) so, we must use as??
Hello Adam
thank you for all the eforts you do to make such a usefull video. I hope you also make some videos, and explain how to anlysis fiktion and non-fiktion article.
Thank you for your lessons. However, I still don’t quite understand how to use “as”. ><